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Ravi Khattree
Oakland University


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Goswami TulsiDas’
Shri Ram Charit Manas
(In English Verse)

Binda Prasad Khattri

(Edited by Ravi Khattree)
page [ii]
Shri Ram Charit Manas
Goswami Tulsidas

Translated into English Verse


Binda Prasad Khattri

Transcribed and Edited by Ravi Khattree


July 27, 2020

The Ramayana of Tulsidas

Translated In English Verse


Binda Prasad Khattri

Devi Ashram,
New Market, Banda, Uttar Pradesh, 210001 India

©2020, Ravi Khattree

The picture on the cover page is the iconized representation of Shri Rama, Sita, Lakshman and Hanuman as
installed at the Bharatiya Temple, Troy, Michigan, USA. The Shiva-Linga on backcover is also an image of that
installed at the same location. The Temple’s generosity to allow the use of these images is gratefully

page [ii]

This humble work is humbly laid

At the lotus feet of devotees,
Whose hearts, like black bees, hover ever
For nectar of Lord’s glories.
Binda Prasad Khattri

page [iii]
I had the desire for over ten years,
To present to the non-Hindi knowing,
The message of the Ramayana of Tulsidas
With devotion overflowing.

I acknowledge with deep gratitude the debt

I owe to Shitab Chand Seth,
Himself a Lord’s devotee, he encouraged me
To take up the pen, with full faith.

I am thankful to those holy sages too,

10 Who listened to the work in progress,
And encouraged me, with their kind comments,
But for which, the result one could guess.

I am grateful to those who care to peruse

This version of Tulsidas’ book,
For blessings, comments and suggestions
To them I, most heartily, look.
Binda Prasad Khattri.

page [iv]
Apology from the Author
It has been my sincere effort all through
To put in English, thoughts of Tulsidas,
-Without comments whatsoever from me –
As expressed in Ram Charit Manas.

I am conscious of limitations laid down

By rules of metre and poesy,
The loftiness of Tulsidas’ thoughts
And English language, foreign to me.

All shortcomings, therefore, that one comes across

10 In this translation, I own.
If one chances to find beauties of thoughts,
They are entirely Tulsidas’ own.

I have made bold to keep epic’s metre

Be it Chhand, Chaupai, Doha, Sortha,
So that it could be sung in community music
As is The Ramayana all over India.

A patient, unbiased, thoughtful reading

Of this work from end to end,
Is bound to bring joy, peace, devotion,
20 For the Lord, reader’s heart does tend.

One need not necessarily be a Hindu

Or believer in incarnating God.
There is much in the book to enable the reader
To be better worshipper of his Lord.

If one wants to know, what the Vedas lay down,

What Shastras, Puranas have shown.
Or what the Upnishads and the Gita give,
One has to read Ramayana alone.

The rhyme of the shlokas is ‘a b c d’

30 For the couplets it is ‘a a b b’.
Dohas have ‘a b c d’, Sorthas ‘a b a c’
Chhand has ‘a a b c c b’.

The numbers used for Dohas and Sorthas

Follow text of Gita Press Edition,
As that is held, to be authentic version
Of Tulsidas’ The Ramayan(a).

I welcome the readers to the sacred lake now

Of love and devotion for the Lord,
And wish them happiness of the body and soul
In the way with which they are at accord.

page [v]
Editor’s Preface

Binda Prasad Khattri (1898-1985) was my paternal grandfather. An educator, philosopher and
administrator that he was, he decided, in the later part of his life, to undertake the project of
translating Goswami Tulsidas’ work in English with a purpose of making the spirituality and
devotion therein available to non-Hindi audiences. The period of late 1950s and 1960s was a period
when India after a period of colonialism, domination and exploitation was in search of and in the
process of defining her new identity. India among its people, needed a common purpose to exist as a
united country, needed a common theme and most importantly, her subjects needed to recognize its
common spiritual heritage. Hindi, despite being the lingua franca of the northern part of the
country, was, as a literary language, relatively young with much of the literature attributed to it
written in various colloquial dialects such as Brijbhasha, Awadhi, Rajasthani or Bundelkhandi and
not in standard Hindi. This further made Hindi-based spiritual (or otherwise) literature largely
inaccessible to non-Hindi speakers. Clearly, the common language to address this audience and to
introduce the north Indian spirituality to them was English. Thus, he considered the idea of
initiating the translation of the Awadhi literature of Tulsidas. This was a Herculean task and the
natural choice was to start the project with Tulsidas’ most popular and largest of the works,
namely, The Ram Charit Manas. My own impression after reading his translation is that he must
have thoroughly enjoyed writing this translation as English poetry since it must have required a
great amount of energy, determination, resolve and mental exercise lasting over more than a decade
of time – things a typical senior citizen finds diminishing in his or her twilight years, that too when
he was continuously shifting from Jhansi to Lalitpur, to Lucknow, to Saharanpur for his successive
post-retirement jobs. As the youngest out of seven children of Binda Prasad Khattri’s eldest son, I
was then too young to understand or appreciate his dedication to this purpose. However, my this
conviction is based on the immense enjoyment I myself have derived while editing this work to bring
it into a publishable form.
We are more than fifty years late in publishing this work. Why couldn’t this work be published
earlier? Keeping in perspective the circumstances of those times will perhaps help one understand
it. As a retired government servant as Inspector of Schools, from British times, Binda Prasad
Khattri had little resources of his own. Thus, self-publishing was not an option. The new country
itself was going through many financial crises and high levels of unemployment and thus potential
publishers of those times saw little financial incentive in such an intellectual work. In fact, the
money was so tight for him that to minimize the cost, he hand-wrote much of this work in the
smallest possible font on the unused side of cheap waste papers and even there, while leaving
embarrassingly little space for left, right, top or bottom margins on the sheets. I can only admire
his patience and resolve under these difficult circumstances even though, his this attempt to
economize, has now left many manuscripts in severely damaged form as the time has taken its toll
on them. It is only this appreciation of this large body of work and his dedication to it against all
odds which prompted me to edit his Ram Charit Manas in an effort to bring this work into light.
With Hinduism now well recognized in West and English now well accepted and widely read in
India, I would like to think that this delay of more than half a century may, in fact, be a blessing in
Throughout this work and during the process of editing, I have tried to retain the British usage of
spellings, as was the case in the original text. I have occasionally made replacement of originally
used words, corrected errors and have taken, in rare instances, liberty to include the missing lines
using my own choice of words. I sincerely hope that I have not deviated from the spirit of the
original writing. Occasionally I have made notations to ensure that the words appropriately rhyme
or are appropriately pronounced. For example the word “Rama" when pronounced without a long
“aaa · · ·  sound at the end, is transcribed as “Ram(a)". I must acknowledge the help of my
sister-in-law Gayatri for providing me a copy of original manuscript and my cousin Dilip for

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providing another copy of the same. Having two copies helped me compare the text/corrections
whenever there was some ambiguity or confusion. This version of manuscript is prepared by using
the Latex software.
Binda Prasad Khattri had dedicated this work to the devotees. True to his spirit, with a sense of
humbleness induced by the dedication of Tulsidas and of Binda Prasad Khattri and also of
humble-pride for being part of this undertaking, I present this work to all those, who like to know
or know about, Lord Rama.

Ravi Khattree July 4, 2020

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA

page [vii]
Table of Content

Bal Kand. Canto I: Pages 1-258

Mangala-Charana-Prayer for Peace The opening Slokas

Prayers to Guru, Brahmins, Holy, Unholy – all as projection of Rama Doha 1-8
Tulsidas’ humility and glories of the devotional poems 8-13
Prayers to Valmiki, Vedas, Brahma, Shiva Ayodhya and its people 13-18
The glories of the name of Lord 18-27
Glories of Rama 27-33
Date of composition, Metaphorical description of the poem-The Ramayan 33-43
Glories of Prayag, Conversation between Yagyavalkya and Bharadwaj 43-46
Sati’s delusion, Remorse, Disownment by Shiva, Self-immolation, Rebirth as Parvati,
Great penance 46-75
Rama requests Shiva to marry Parvati, Tests by Sapt-Rishis and Parvati’s
grand success 75-81
Kamdev reduced to ashes, Boon to Rati, Gods’ request to Shiva 81-90
Marriage of Shiva-Shankar with Parvati, Their conversation 90-120
Reasons for incarnations of God 120-124
Delusion of Narad, Vishwa-Mohini’s Swayambar, Narad’s curse 124-139
Penances of Manu and Shatrupa, History of Bhanu Pratap, Birth of Ravana, Boons
obtained 139-183
Prayers of earth and gods to Vishnu for rescue, Promise made 183-187
Dashrath’s fire ceremony for sons, Vishnu incarnates as Rama, His boyhood 187-205
Vishwamittra’s request for services of Rama and Lakshman, Dashrath hands over
the two brothers to Vishwamittra 205-209
The deliverance of Ahilya 209-211
Vishwamittra, Rama and Lakshman visit Janakpur, Sightseeing 211-225
Rama and Lakshman visit Royal garden, First view of Sita, Sita obtains boons 225-239
The party visits Swayambar ceremony of Sita 239-246
Sita enters the arena, bards announce Janak’s vows, Failure of kings to break
Shankar’s Bow, Janak’s speech, Lakshman resents 246-253
The bow of Shankar broken in twain 253-261
Sita puts marriage garland round Rama’s neck 261-265
Parashuram’s arrival, His fury and subsequent departure 265-285
Messengers sent to Dashrath, Marriage party starts, Reception at Janakpuri 285-321
Marriage of Rama with Sita, The party leaves for Ayodhya 321-339
Arrival at Ayodhya, Glories of Rama, Blessings of listening to His glories 339-361

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Ayodhya Kand. Canto II: Pages 259-472

Mangala-Charana-Prayer for Peace The opening Slokas

Preparations for Rama’s coronation, Gods’ anxiety, Sarasvati turns the mind of
Manthara, Conversation between her and Kaikai Doha 1-22
Kaikai in chamber of wrath, Talks with Dashrath, Rama called 22-36
Conversation between Rama and Kaikai, Between Rama’s and Dashrath, Peoples’
sorrow 36-56
Conversation between Rama and Sita, Rama and Lakshman, Lakshman and Sumittra 56-75
Rama, Lakshman, Sita see Dashrath for permission to leave for forests 75-79
The three leave Ayodhya, People follow wailing, The three move away 79-85
Rama at Shringverpur, Services of Nishad, Sumantra returns home 85-99
The love of Nishad, Crossing of Ganges 99-104
The party at Prayag, Meeting with Bharadwaj, Love of people for Rama 104-109
The interlude of the ascetic 109-111
Rama at Yamuna, Love for forest dwellers for Rama 111-123
Rama meets Valmiki 123-132
The party stays at Chittrakut Hill, Service of people there 132-141
Sumantra reaches Ayodhya, Gloom prevails, He reports to Dashrath 141-158
Dashrath dies of shock at the news, Call sent to Bharat and Shattrughan, Their
arrival, Their laments 158-170
Bharat and Shattrughan talk to Kaushilya, Funeral rites of Dashrath done,
Conversation between Bharat and Vashishtha, Bharat’s departure for Chittrakut to
meet Rama and persuade Him to return 170-188
Doubts in the mind of Nishad, His talk with Bharat 188-202
Bharadwaj receives Bharat and his party, They leave for Chittrakut 202-225
The dream of Sita, The Kols report, Lakshman’s anger, Rama praises Bharat,
Bharat meets Rama, Rama’s bereavement, The forest-people greet Bharat,
Discourse by Vishwamittra 225-258
King Janaka arrives, Mutual meets, Glories of Bharat, Janaka and Vishwamittra
talk, Indra’s worries, Conversation between Rama and Bharat 258-307
Water of sacred centres placed in Bharatkoop, Bharat on sightseeing 307-312
Rama and Bharat meet, Sandals given by Rama, Bharat back at Ayodhya 312-320
Bharat places sandals on the throne, Takes to ascetic life, Blessings of listening to
Bharat’s glories and Rama’s glories 320-471

The Aranya Kand. Canto III: Pages 473-520

Mangala-Charana-Prayer for Peace (Slokas) The opening Slokas

The wickedness of Jayanta punished Doha 1-2
Rama sees Attri, Sita meets Anusuiya, Sermon on faithfulness of wife 2-5

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Rama marches on, Fate of Viradh, Meeting with Sarbhang, Rama’s vows 5-9
Devotion of Sutikshan, Rama meets Agust, Entry into Dandak, Rama meets Jatayu 9-13
Rama stays at Panchvati, Conversation with Lakshman 13-16
Clash with Shurpnakha, Her report to Khar and Dushan, Their death 16-20
Shurpnakha reports to Ravana, Sita enters into fire leaving her look-alike substitute
behind 20-23
Ravana meets Marich, Death of Marich in the form of golden deer 23-29
Sita seized and carried away by Ravana, Jatayu faces Ravana, Rama bemoans loss of
Sita, Meets Jatayu 29-32
Rama’s grace to Shabri, Nine types of devotion described 32-36
Rama moves to Pampa Lake, Spring season described, Narad meets Rama 36-40
Rama and Narad talk, Blessings of Rama’s name, Virtues of good society 40-46

The Kishkindha Kand, Canto IV: Pages 521-548

Mangala-Charana-Prayer for Peace The opening Slokas and Sortha

Rama meets Hanuman, Friendship with Sugriva Doha 1-4
Sugriva describes his woes, Rama promises to kill Bali, Death of Bali 4-10
Tara’s grief, Coronation of Sugriva as King and Angad as Crown-prince 10-12
Rainy season described 12-17
Rama’s displeasure at Sugriva, The wrath of Lakshman, Monkeys sent all round to
find Sita 17-23
Monkeys meet a female devotee, Arrive at sea shore, Meet Sampati 23-28
Jamvant reminds Hanuman of his powers, Encourages him to cross the sea, Glories of
reciting Rama’s name 28-30

The Sundar Kand. Canto V: Pages 549-593

Mangala-Charana-Prayer for Peace The opening Slokas

Hanuman’s departure, Encounters with Sursa, Reflection catching demon and Lankini Doha
The town described, Hanuman meets Vibhishan 3-8
Hanuman pained to see Sita in Ashok Garden, Visit of Ravana, Putting pressure on Sita 8-10
Conversation between Sita and Trijata 10-12
Hanuman meets Sita 12-17
Ashok Garden ruined, Akchhai Kumar killed, Meghnad arrests Hanuman 17-20
Conversation between Ravana and Hanuman 20-24
Lanka ablaze 24-26
Hanuman again sees Sita, Seeks permission to return, Receives jeweled crest 26-27

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Hanuman recrosses the sea, Meets his party, Entry into Madhuban, Meeting with
Sugriva and reporting to Rama, Rama and Hanuman talk 27-34
Rama proposes the march, Army moves to the sea shore 34-35
Mandodari advises Ravana, Vibhishan advises Ravana and is insulted 35-41
Vibhishan meets Rama, Seeks refuge, Obtains Rama’s protection, Spies of Ravana
caught and sent back with a letter from Lakshman 41-57
Rama’s displeasure at sea, Prayers from the Sea and his suggestion about building a
bridge, Glories of reciting Rama’s name 57-60

The Lanka Kand. Canto VI: Pages 595-703

Mangala-Charana-Prayer for Peace The opening Slokas

Construction of Bridge, Shiva installed as Deity at Rameshwaram Doha 1-3
Rama and His forces camp at Subail, Restlessness of Ravana 3-5
Mandodari and Prahast advise Ravana 5-10
Rama and the moon rise at Subail 10-12
Rama’s arrow hits Ravana’s crown, Mandodari pleads for peace 12-16
Angad visits Ravana as Rama’s emissary, Exchange between Angad and Ravana 16-38
War ensues, Malyavant advises Ravana, Lakshman faces Meghnad, Lakshman, hit by a
missile, falls in swoon 38-55
Hanuman brings the physician Sushen, goes to bring the medicine, Affairs of Kalanemi,
Bharat’s arrow hits Hanuman 55-58
Rama bemoans, Hanuman arrives with medicine, Lakshman heals, Ravana wakes up
Kumbhkaran who advises Ravana, The fight 58-77
Meghnad faces Rama, Rama in noose of snakes 71-74
Fire-worship by Meghnad is upset, Meghnad meets his death 74-77
Ravana prepares for battle, Victory chariot defined by Rama 77-82
Hot battle ensues, Lakshman faces Ravana, Ravana is swoon, Ravana’s Fire-worship
is upset, Rama and Ravana fight 82-93
Ravana targets Vibhishan who is saved by Rama 93-95
Battle between Hanuman and Ravana, Ravana falls in swoon 95-98
Conversation between Sita and Trijata 98-99
Battle between Rama and Ravana, Death of Ravana, Rama Victorious 99-103
Mandodari mourns, Funeral ceremony of Ravana, Coronation of Vibhishan 103-106
Hanuman visits Sita, Informs Her of Rama’s victory, Sita’s arrival and Her fire-test 106-109
Prayers from gods, Indra rains nectar of life 109-115
Vibhishan’s request and offerings, Rama’s concerns about Bharat, Seeks permission
to leave for Ayodhya 115-116
Vibhishan offers gifts of clothes and ornaments to monkeys, Rama enjoys the sight 116-118
Rama, Lakshman, Sita and party leave for Ayodhya, Glories of Rama’s deeds 118-121

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The Uttar Kand. Canto VII: Pages 705-819

Mangala-Charana-Prayer for Peace The opening Slokas

Bharat in pain of separation, Arrival of Hanuman Doha 1-2
Reception for Rama and his party, Bharat meets Rama, Joy prevails 2-10
Rama’s Coronation, Vedas and Shankar pray 10-14
Send off to Nishad and monkeys 14-20
Rama’s rule described 20-31
Birth of sons, Beauty of Ayodhya, Sanak and others meet Rama 31-35
Bharat’s inquiries through Hanuman about virtues of saints answered 35-42
Rama’s sermon to His people 42-47
Rama and Vashishtha confer, Rama and brothers visit a mango grove 47-50
Arrival of Narad, Praises of Rama sung 50-51
Conversation between Shiva and Parvati, Delusion of Adjutant who sees Kag Bhusundi,
Hears the story of Rama, Adjutant told of insult done to Guru by Kag Bhusundi 51-63
The Rudrakshtak, Guru pleads to Shiva for mercy on the pupil, The curse mitigated,
The history of Kag Bhusundi 63-110
Kag Bhusundi visits Lomas Rishi, Cursed and later freed 110-114
Knowledge and devotion compared, The lamp of knowledge and the great glories of
devotion described 114-120
Seven inquiries of adjutant answered by Kag Bhusundi 120-125
Glories of remembering Rama, Glories of the Ramayana, Tulsidas’ humility and
prayers, Concluding Sloka 125-130

page [xii]

Bal Kand
Part I
Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Bal Kand

I pray to Saraswati, goddess of learning,
To Ganesh, who brings about welfare and joy,
Who are creator of letters, meanings, sentiments,
And of various metres that the poet employ. [1]
I pray to Sri Parvati and Shankar -
Embodiment of faith and belief - the twin,
Without whose aid, even perfect ones,
Don’t see God though He is present within. [2]
I pray to Shankar, teacher incarnate,
10 Who is perfect knowledge and immortal.
On account of being associated with whom
The crescent gets honour, universal. [3]
I pray to Valmiki, head of all poets
And to Hanuman, lord of monkeys all,
Who roam in the sacred forest of praise
Of Rama, having all real knowledge at call. [4]
I bow to Thee, Sita- Sri Rama’s spouse,
Who creates, maintains, as well as destroys,
Who removes all pains and all sorrows,
20 The bestower of all pleasures and joys. [5]
I pray to God, who is christened Rama,
Under whose sway is Brahma with gods and evils,
And under whose charm, unreal universe,
Looks real, as snake, in a rope, dwells. [6]
And whose feet serve as the only boat,
For those eager to cross the ocean- this word,
Who is cause of all causes and above all cause
I pray to that Hari called Rama, the Lord. [7]

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Binda Prasad Khattri

Tulsidas now proceeds on to relate

30 In sweet vernacular the story,
With a view to obtain the inner solace-
Story of Shri Rama’s glory. [8]
In addition to what is in the Ramayans,
And what the Vedas and Shastras say,
Informations from many other sources too,
A part in this vernacular poem would play. [9]

Troop Leader, with elephant’s face,
House of virtues and wisdom’s store,
Mere remembering whom brings grace,
40 Be merciful to me, I implore thee. [1]
The dumb get power of speech,
By virtue of Your mere merciful look,
The cripple difficult peaks reach.
Do mercy, O destroyer of Kali’s sins. [2]
Whose colour is lotus blue,
And eyes, full red like lotus seem.
Ever resting on milk sea true,
Please do make Tulsidas’s heart Your home. [3]
Fair as jasmine or moon,
50 O Uma’s spouse, O House of grace,
Who is kind to the humble soon
Be pleased, Shankar, who had effaced Kama. [4]
I pray to teacher’s lotus feet,
Ocean of mercy, God in human form,
Whose words make ignorance retreat,
As do the rays of the sun with deep gloom.[5]

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Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Bal Kand

I pray to the dust of the lotus feet,

Of teacher, which is juicy fragrant, kind and sweet,
Fine powdered, life restoring drug, cures ills.
60 All world’s ailments, it so soon kills. [1]
This dust, pure, beautifies Shankar’s form,
Of all happiness, welfare, it is home.
It makes mirror of devotee’s heart shine.
Applied on forehead attracts virtues fine. [2]

Nails of teacher’s toes shine like lustrous gem.

One gets deep insight, at remembering them.
Their light drives from mind dark ignorance.
He is lucky whose heart gets that brilliance. [3]
Light entering, purified, eyes of heart open-
70 Pains and evils go, worldly darkness broken.
Purified sight beholds gems of Rama’s sports,
Lying seen, unseen, in mines of different sorts. [4]

Just as the practisant, adept and wise,
By applying collirium fine.
So easily behold under the mountains,
Forests and earth, many a mine. [1]
Dust of teachers feet elixir collirium is,
Unfailing remedy of one’s eye maladies.
applying the collirium, clearing discerning eyes,
80 I describe Rama’s deeds, that free from world’s ties. [1]

First I pray to Brahmins, who are gods on earth

Who remove doubts that from ignorance take birth.
next, with love, I offer sweet salutations,
To body of saints, mine of virtuous actions. [2]
Like cotton, dry, white, full of goodness sure,
Averse of world’s claims, flawless, helpful sure.
To cover and shield others, undergoes all pains
Thereby universal appreciation gains. [3]

Saints give peace and joy to high and lowly,

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Binda Prasad Khattri

90 Are roving Prayag - Chief of places holy.

Here flows love for Rama, as the Ganges holy,
And spiritualism is the current of Saraswati. [4]
The story of do’s and don’ts in the saints above,
Is Sun’s daughter Jamuna, Kali’s sins to remove.
Triveni is stories of Lord, Vishnu and Shiva.
Mere hearing which does joy and welfare give. [5]

Here firm faith forms the Akchhai tree,

Virtuous deeds make its girdle holy.
One finds the Prayag, available everywhere,
100 Serving which with love washes distresses ever. [6]
This head of holy centres, unique indescribable,
Gives immediate fruits, influence palpable. [7]

Listening and joyfully understanding the effects,
Bathers in this Prayag, ’t is certain,
Obtain four fruits in their very life time,
Virtue, wealth, wishes and salvation. [2]
Fruits of bathing in Prayag of saints can be seen.
Crows transformed into cuckoo, herons, swans have been.
Hearing it, let not there any surprise come,
110 Graces from good company are open outcome. [1]

Valmiki, Narad, Agustya who was born in pitcher,

Have personally related their history bitter.
All creatures on earth, in water or air,
All living and dead, which the world does bear, [2]
Whoever, wherever, whenever, got force,
Wisdom, salvation, fame or goodness, of course,
Know it, from good society alone it came.
World as well as Vedas no other source claim. [3]

True knowledge can’t be had without good company,

120 That can be found only with God’s mercy.
Root of all happiness is good company alone,
It is fruit, other ways are mere flowers that shone. [4]

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Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Bal Kand

Even evil souls took to righteous path.

Iron turns into gold, when philosopher’s stone hath.
But if circumstances place good amidst the evil,
Like jewel in the snake, remain unsullied still. [5]
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Saraswati, Poets, hesitate.
Graces of saint’s company they are unable to relate.
How could I then venture the same to relate?
130 Could a vegetable seller gem’s worth evaluate? [6]

I bow to the saints who are fair to all.
Unattached with no friends or foes,
As flowers held in cup of hands scents both,
Even though the hands had plucked those. [3A]
I pray to saints, who are ever simple hearted,
Benevolent, as I know them to be.
Be pleased to hear the payers of a child,
Grant love of feet of Rama to me. [3B]
I now bow in all sincerity to the wicked,
140 Who, for nothing, from right go to left instead.
Whose gain is in harming others close by
Joy at others’ ruin, at their prosperity, die. [1]

They’re Rahu for moon of praise of Vishnu, Shiva,

For tirade on others, Sahasrabahu’s might give.
They notice others’ weaknesses with a thousand eyes.
For the butter of others’ welfare, they act as flies, [2]
Who scorch like hot sun, have anger of Yama,
With vices, rich as Kuber have become.
As a comet, their rise brings ruin so near.
150 It’s good, if they sleep as Kumbhakaran for half year, [3]
They bring their own ruin, to ruin others,
As hails, damaging the crop, itself suffers.
I bow to the wicked, who are Shesh in the field,
To describe others’ flaws, do a thousand tongues wield. [4]

I salute to them, they are to Prithuraj so akin,

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Binda Prasad Khattri

With ten thousand ears to others’ failings listen.

I take them to be like Lord Indra and pray,
As to them too wine gives joy, makes gay. [5]
Like Indra they love bolts of words cruel, bold,
160 With a thousand eyes evils in others behold. [6]

It is usual with the wicked to burn at the praise,
be it neutral’s or friend’s or foe’s.
Knowing this, with hands joined in great respect
I lovingly, beseech those. [4]
From my side, request has been sincerely laid,
But the wicked will not miss their chance, I’m afraid.
However, lovingly, one may tend the crows
They would not turn non-meat-eaters, so nature goes. [1]

Now I pray to both, wicked and saints too,

170 Both give pain but there is difference between two.
Saints take like when they are at the point to part,
Wicked give pain as soon as the meet does start. [2]
Both come in the world, like lotus and leech,
Yet differ widely in nature, each from each.
Like nectar and wine, wicked and the noble,
Both are born from world ocean unfathomable. [3]

The good and the bad, in accordance with deeds,

get credit, discredit. It is deed that leads.
The nectar, the moon, the Ganges, the saint.
180 Hemlock, fire, sin’s river, butcher with taint, [4]
Their merits and demerits are known to all,
But one prefers what one’s nature would call. [5]
The good alone will always opt for good,
The low will always opt for low.
The nectar gets praise for the immortality,
The hemlock, for killing does so. [5]

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Sins and evils of the wicked and saints’ good,
Both are endless tales, reach end none could.
Hence some good and bad features have been told,
190 Without knowledge how could one leave this, that hold? [1]
The good and evil both did Brahma’s create,
The qualities, the Vedas distinction relate.
The Vedas, history and Puranas lay down -
The creation is mixture of sound, unsound. [2]
Day and night, sin and piety, joy and sorrow,
The saint and the rogue, high caste and low,
The demon and the gods, the great and small,
Nectar and poison, happy life and death’s call, [3]
Maya and Brahma, the soul and the Supreme Soul,
200 Riches and poverty, pauper and kingly role,
Kashi and Magadh, Karmanasha and Ganges,
Marwar, Malwa, Brahmins,butchers - all these. [4]

Attachment, disattachment, heaven and hell,

Vedas, Shastras, by their virtues distinction tell. [5]
The creator has created all the universe,
Living and dead, mixing good and bad.
Saints opt for the good as swans do milk,
And the evil as water discard. [6]
When with such discernment, good fortune favours,
210 Then alone could one opt virtue, shun the evil course.
Under influence of time, nature and past deeds,
Even the good go astray, illusion to evil leads. [1]
As God’s devotees set that error all right,
Efface evil and favour with goodness bright,
So the wicked too by good company turn so.
But their permanent evil nature does not quite go. [2]

Even cheats receive respect when good form they take;

By virtue of that form, world worship would make.
But truth does ultimately come out, they are known,

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220 As fates of Kalanemi, Rahu, Ravan, have shown, [3]

Whereas saints are, in spite of poor form, honoured.
There are cases of Jamvant, Hanuman on record.
Evil company does harm, good company gain brings.
The Vedas and the world, say. All know these things. [4]
In company of wind, dust goes sky high,
With water, the same become mud by and by.
Parrots, starlings of the houses of saint and rogue
Repeat Rama’s name or bad names in vogue. [5]
Smoke, in bad company is as soot condemned,
230 With the good, as ink to write Puranas they commend.
The same smoke in company of fire, water, air,
Turns into cloud, becomes, to the world, life giver. [6]
The house, the drug, the water, air and clothes,
The wise and the thoughtful know,
Become good or bad as the combination they find
With good things or with things low. [7A]
Light and darkness in the two halves of the month
Are alike, but two names we assign.
One is hallowed bright half with increasing moon,
240 The other condemned dark - moon on decline [7B]
All dead matter in the world and living things
I take to have come from Ram(a).
I bow down to their lotus feet, therefore,
With hands joined, palm with palm. [7C]
I bow to gods, evils, men, snakes and birds,
To spirits, manes, gandharvas, all.
I bow to to Kinners and demons as well
Pray, let grace from all to me fall. [7D]
The lives in air, water and on lands,
250 Are of four classes, eighty four lac brands.

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Seeing world permeated by Sita and Rama

I bow to all, hands joined, palm to palm. [1]

Take me as Your servant, O mines of mercy

Combine to pity me without hesitancy.
I count not on my wisdom and ability.
Hence I beseech all, do show to me mercy. [2]
I seek to describe Rama’s deeds venerable.
I am weak and the stories are unfathomable.
Ignorant of poesy, I find no way to sing.
260 My mind is pauper, wishes are as of king. [3]

With low capabilities, wish is high or say,

I seek nectar when I cannot find even whey.
The good will forgive me for the boldness above
Will hear child’s talk with affection and love. [4]
When a child talks and mispronounces a word,
The parents find joy, listen with full concord.
But the wicked and the crooked evil thinkers scorn,
With fault finding they always themselves adorn. [5]
Who does not enjoy his own composition? Why,
270 Be it interesting or be it quite dry.
But others’ composition who feel happy in mind.
Are not many, few such, on earth, one could find. [6]
There are many like rivers, and ponds on the earth,
Who in their own fullness, brothers, find great mirth,
Souls noble and great, are few like unto sea,
That seeing moon’s fullness rises up in glee. [7]
With good luck wanting and aspiration so high,
A belief in my heart I entertain.
The noble would derive joy, listening to it,
280 And the evil will laugh with disdain. [8]
But the ignoble’s derision too will do me good,
The crow, ever cuckoo’s voice run down would.
As herons at swan, toads at sparrow talk laugh,
At my pure thoughts, evil souls muss huff. [1]

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Those who love not poesy, nor love Rama’s feet,

Shall find my poem for their fun, a great treat.
Poem being in vernacular, my powers full of taint,
It deserves to be laughed at; there’s no room for complaint. [2]
With no wit, no love for Vishnu’s and Shiva’s feet
290 My poem as insipid, tasteless, they would treat.
Lovers of Vishnu, Shiva and those with wits keen,
Will find Rama’s story, by no means mean. [3]

Considering it adorned with love of Rama’s feet,

The good shall hear it, praise it in words sweet.
I claim to be no poet, no man of great parts,
I am devoid of great learning, devoid of arts, [4]
There are numerous subdivisions of letters and sense,
Of figures of speech, poesy and of sequence,
There are types after types of sentiments and thus
300 Of poems, merits demerits are numerous. [5]
I know not even one of poesy’s rules right
I say truly, I put it in black and while. [6]
My poem is devoid of all virtues
One virtue, all know, it bears,
Those who possess clear understanding and wit
Will remember it and give ears. [9]
It contains Rama’s name, bountiful and supreme,
So pure and of Vedas, Puranas the cream.
’House of happiness and cure of sorrows all,
310 Which Shiva and Parvati repeat and ever call. [1]
Very wonderful poems great poets compose.
If Rama’s name is not there, never fine it goes.
A moon like woman with all jewels adorned
Does not look beautiful if, of clothes she is shorn. [2]

And poem with no merits, of an ordinary poet.

If it contains Rama’s name, knowing this secret,
The wise respectfully read and talk over,
As saints, like big black bee, nectar prefer. [3]

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Though my poem contains not one excellence

320 There shines in it, glory of Rama’s brilliance.
That strong point alone encourages me much.
Who is not benefited by good company such? [4]
Even smoke, its bitterness with ease forgoes,
When it is associated with scented aloes.
My poem is poor, yet deals with one fine thing,
In it is Rama’s story, which does all happiness bring. [4]
Sri Raghunath’s tale, does without fail
Wash Kali’s pains and brings gain.
This poem’s course, is zig zag of course,
330 Like purifying Ganges in the plain. [1]
With Rama’s glories and with His stories
’t will well start captivating hearts.
Ash of cremation ground, when with Shankar found
By remembrance purifies all parts. [2]
My poem as joined with Shri Rama’s grace
Is bound to be liked by all.
Who will think of the common wood when it does,
With Malayagir sandalwood fall. [10A]
Even if cow be black its milk is ever white,
340 And healthful, the wise accept.
Poem be vernacular as it sings Rama’s praise
Shall be read and listened by adept. [10B]
The jewel, the ruby and the pearl have grace,
Don’t fit snake, hill, elephant as their place.
Their grace is enhanced when beautifully laid,
In a king’s crown or with a beautiful maid. [1]

The wise say, poem of a poet likewise

Is honoured at places other than of its rise.

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At the mere remembrance of the poet devout

350 Saraswati comes forth, running all way out.[2]

Unless she is bathed in lake of Rama’s deed

From exhaustion of journey she’ll not be freed.
Knowing this in their hearts, the learned poets
Sing God’s praise that Kali’s sins aside sets.[3]
If they use their talent to praise world’s men,
Saraswati beats Her head, is sorrowful then.
The wise take human heart to be the sea
Wisdom as oyster fish, Swati planet Saraswati. [4]

If then, the rains of lofty thoughts come,

360 Beautiful poems, as precious pearls become.[5]

These pearls are then threaded most exquisitely,
In the twine of glory of Ram(a)-
Noble souls wear it, having a pure heart,
Enhance their beauty’s charm. [11]
Those who are in Kali’s fearful age born,
Whose deeds are crow like, outwardly look swan.
Who take to evil paths, discard Vedas sound,
Who are deceit-incarnate wherein Kali’s sins abound [1]
Who rob others, posing as Rama’s devotee,
370 Who are slaves to passion, anger, in gold get glee,
Who practice irregularities in garb of religion,
Of such people of the world, I lead the legion. [1]
If I begin describing all my shortcomings,
It will be long story with no signs of endings.
It is therefore that I’ve referred to them in brief.
Wise will find out easily what I allude to, in chief. [2]

After all these submissions and beseechings clear,

I hope, none will blame me for performance poor.
And if one still finds an occasion to criticise,
380 He excels me in folly and is, by no way, wise [3]
I am no poet nor I claim intelligence great.

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I sing Rama’s praises as my lights indicate.

How very boundless are Shri Raghubir’s deeds fine!
And sunk in the world’s mire is wisdom, mine! [4]
For the force of the wind that could uproot Sumer,
What weight carries cotton so as to encounter?
When I see boundlessness of Rama’s powers,
I hesitate to begin, to give description theirs. [5]
Saraswati and Shesh and Shankar and Brahma
390 The Vedas, Shastras and Puran,
Have always described His glories, saying,
"Not this much, not this much alone". [12]
Though all know the boundlessness of Rama’s praise
Yet none has withheld from describing that phase.
The Vedas have told us the reason for that -
They say the effects of remembering Him are great, [1]
God, who is one, free from desires, form, name,
Was never born, is all Truth Force and Calm
Who is ultimate goal and permeates Universe,
400 Takes form and performs all sports diverse. [2]

And all this only to serve devoted lovers

He is all mercy, very kind to surrenderers.
He has very great regard and love for devotee.
Once pleased, He does never then turn angry. [3]
He brings back what is lost, for the humble He is kind.
Easy to approach, all mighty, Raghubir one will find.
Knowing blessings of remembering Him, sages of yore
To purify speech sung His glories galore. [4]
On that strength alone, with my head on His feet,
410 I will narrate the story of Rama’s great feat.
Sages have sung already Lord’s praises fine,
I will find it easy to walk on their line. [5]
However wide the rivers to cross may be,
If the king makes bridge of any form,
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An insignificant ant also walking on it,

Can journey across and without harm. [13]
Mustering all possible courage this way,
I’ll commence Shri Rama’s story to say.
To Nyasa and other prominent poets old,
420 The story of Rama’s powers who have told, [1]

I bow down at their feet and beg straight

To bless me with success in the mission great.
I bow to the poets of Kali too
Who have sung Rama’s glories through and through. [2]
To the born poets of great perfections,
Who told in vernacular Rama’s actions.
To the poets who are and the poets to be,
I bow in all respect and sincerity. [3]
I pray, they be pleased and sanction the boon
430 My poem may be liked by saints and soon.
In a composition which the wise don’t find chaste,
All labour, put in by poets, goes a waste. [4]
That deed, that poem, that wealth, is beautiful,
Which is like holy Ganges, to all useful.
Rama’s deeds are great my poem so poor,
Is a factor that to my mind brings great fear. [5]
By Your blessings that fear also shall go.
Even gunny sewn with silk does look beautiful so.[6]
The wise appreciate that poem alone,
440 Which is easy and virtue contains,
At hearing which, even the foes forget
Enmity and praise the strains. [14A]
But that is not possible without wisdom,
And it is wisdom that I lack.
Be kind so that I may sing Lord’s praises.
To the request I again come back. [14B]

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O great poets and O all learned ones,

Swans of the lake of Rama’s praises,
Pray, heed to this little child’s noble wishes,
450 Send to me Your mercy rays. [14C]
I bow down to the lotus feet
Of the sage who wrote out Ramayan,
Which remains flawless and sweet,
In spite of Khar and Dushan evils. [14D]
I bow to the Vedas four,
To cross sea of the world, they are as boats.
To sing Lord Rama’s pure lore,
They never hesitated in dream even. [14E]
I bow to the dust of the feet
460 Of Brahma, the creator of all universe,
Where saints, moon, Kamdhenu meet,
The wicked, the hemlock and wise too. [14F]
I bow to gods, Brahmins, pandits, planets,
With folded hands I pray,
Be mercifully pleased and so sanction
My beautiful wishes, I say. [14G]
I then bow to Ganges and Saraswati,
Both are pure and have enchanting decree.
One washes sins, bathing and drinking, the other
470 Dispels ignorance by thoughtful discussions mere. [1]
I bow to Shri Shankar and Parvati
Merciful, bountiful, teacher, parents to me.
Of Sita’s spouse, servant, friend, and master,
Of Tulsi, in every way benefactor. [2]
That Shiva Parvati, seeing Kali’s great force

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Composed Shaber Mantra for the world, Of course.

Jumbled letters, meaningless, difficult to repeat,
Yet so effective, proves Shankar’s feat. [3]
That Shankar will cast kind look on me,
480 Make poem source of Joy and prosperity.
Respectfully remembering them, with their blessings
With a hopeful heart, I’ll say Rama’s doings. [4]

My poem, with Shankar’s grace will be so fine,

As night is, when the moon and stars shine.
All those who will read it with love, faith fair,
As discussed it with understanding and care. [5]
Are bound to become lovers of Rama’s feet,
Washing off Kali’s sins, they will happiness meet. [6]
Even in dream if I am really fortunate,
490 To enjoy Shiva and Parvati’s grace,
The, let what I have said of the poem’s bliss
Turn out true in every case. [15]
I bow to the sacred Ayodhya town
And to Suryu that washes Kali’s sins down.
I bow to the men ans women of that place,
At whom Rama looks with affection and grace, [1]
He nullified sins of Siya’s nicknamer,
Made him clean and took him to his own shelter.
I bow to the east as Kaushlya Queen,
500 Whose glories know, all the world over, have been. [2]
Wherefrom rose Rama as a beautiful moon
World’s source of joy, frosting evil lotus soon.
I bow to Dasharatha along with his consorts.
They are to me embodiment of happiness, comforts. [3]
I bow before them all, with heart, word, deed.
Take pity on me, your son’s servant indeed.
By creating them, Brahma’s honoured Himself,
Being Rama’s parents they have all power and pelf. [4]

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I bow to Ayodhya’s King,

510 Who loved Rama’s feet so fervently.
His dear body, soon did fling-
As strew, at the good Lord’s separation. [16]
I bow to Janak and all his family
Who had immense love for Rama’s feet really.
He could conceal it in Yoga and worldly form.
But the same was out at the sight of Ram(a). [1]
Of brothers, I bow to Bharat’s feet first,
Whose way of life beggars description just.
His heart is never away from Shri Rama’s feet,
520 As the black buzzing bee finds in lotus retreat. [2]

I bow to the lotus feet of Lakshman,

They are good for devotees a happy sojourn.
Whose glories act as a very high staff,
To keep Rama’s flag of renown, aloft. [3]
In whose form came Shesha of a thousand heads,
Holds earth, and its fears far away he sheds.
Be merciful on me always, O Lakshman.
You are ocean of mercy, O Sumittra’s son. [4]
To the feet of Shattrughana, my salutations go,
530 You are brave, yet modest, and Bharat follow. [5]

I bow to Pawan’s son Hanuman wise,
Fire for jungle of demonic foes.
In the abode of his heart remains always
Rama, decked with bow and arrows. [17]
I bow to kings - Sugriv, Jamvant, Vibhishan,
To Angad and monkeys of the Union.
I bow down to their holy feet, lo!
They found Rama, even in forms so low. [1]

Birds or animals, be they gods or be they men.

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540 Be they of the demonic order even,

I bow to them if they are worshipers of the Lord,
And adore Rama with no thought of any award. [2]
Sukdeo, Sanak and others, Narad, devotees,
And all who have knowledge, sages and rishis.
I bow to them all, with my head on the ground,
Show mercy to me as your servant bound. [3]

O Janki, Janak’s daughter, mother of the world,

Who is spouse very dear, of the merciful Lord,
I worship Her both lotus feet and wish
550 I may get clear mind through Her great bliss. [4]
Once more with thought, word, deed I entreat
Lord Almighty Rama’s both lotus feet,
Of the lotus-eyed, decked with bow and arrows
Peace giver, remover of devotee’s woes. [5]
They are two in mere names and not indeed,
As word and sense, water and wave.
I bow to the feet of Sita and Rama.
Who, for the meek, have great love. [18]
I now bow to name, very name of Ram(a)
560 Root of fire, sun and moon in energy-form
That name Rama is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv(a)
It is very essence that the four Vedas give, [1]
It is formless and free from Sata, Raj, Tama trends
It is unparalleled and all virtues befriends.
It is great mantra, ever repeated by Shiv(a),
Who to those dying in Kashi does salvation give. [2]
Ganesh, leader of the band of devotees knows,
Its worth, hence is worshiped first in gods’ rows.
The first poet Valmiki recognized its merits,
570 Repeated in reverse, yet got all the credits. [3]
Learning from Shiva that this one name is worth
A thousand other names of gods on this earth,
Parvati, always in the company of Her lord,

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recites and repeats name Rama - the word. [4]

When Shiva saw in Uma real love for the name,
To become His better half He accepted the dame.
Shiva knows very well effectiveness of name.
By virtue of the name, poison nectar became. [5]
Love for Rama is like rainfall, Tulsi.
580 True lovers are like paddy crop.
The two letters of that name- Ra and Ma
Are July and August - a prop. [19]
The two syllables, Ra and Ma are so sweet and attract
They are eyes to alphabets, to the world, life in fact.
So easy to remember, bring about all joy,
Be good in this world, good in the next deploy. [1]
They are sweet to remember, to utter and to hear,
To Tulsi, like Rama and Lakshman, they are dear.
They may be different phonetically to utter,
590 Are Soul. Supreme Soul, inseparable in nature. [2]

Like Nara and Narain, most brotherly behave

Protector of the world, devotees particularly save.
For maid devotion’s ears are like ring.
Like sun and moon happiness to all world bring.[3]
Like nectar of salvation, satisfaction accord.
Like Kashyap and Shesh, supporters of the world.
That name, like big black buzzing bee’s part,
Is confirmed within lotus of lover’s heart. [4]

For the tongue are the two letters of Ra and Ma,

600 As for Yashoda are Balram and Krishna.[5]

‘Ra’ goes up as crown on all consonants
‘Ma’ like jewel, set in crown.
Both of this occur in the name of Rama
So Tulsi, they got all renown. [20]

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The name and the named appear equal to view.
They have relationship of Lord and servant, it’s true -
Both are attributes to God - name and form.
Indescribable, beginningless, by pure intellect known. [1]
Who shall invite discredit, grading form and name?
610 Knowing their nature, the wise determine the same.
Form is found really to be subject to name.
Form cannot be grasped without help of the same. [2]
If the name is unknown, form cannot be known.
Even if it is right on the palm of one’s own.
While remembering name without seeing the form,
Form shall come in one’s heart with love and charm, [3]
Indescribable is story of form and name,
Both bring joy, to describe is a difficult game.
Between form and formlessness, name is mediator.
620 Name explains both as an able interpreter. [4]
If you want light, Tulsi, inside and out,
Place bright jewel of the name
On the threshold of tongue at the door of mouth
Thereby you will achieve your aim. [21]
Yogis get awakening, by repeating the name,
Leave world of Brahma, being detached from same.
They enjoy wonderful pleasure of Union
With Brahma or call Him Supreme Soul one, [1]
Which is indescribable and fully flawless,
630 Bears no name and is absolutely formless.
Those, who wish to know the mysteries of God.
Do so by repeating the name of Lord. [2]

Those, who are after worldly pleasure, power,

They too repeat name, with a heart sincere.
Thereby they also achieve all their aim,
Get all world’s power, success and fame. [3]
Those who are afflicted with Sufferings acute,

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They too repeat name and get freedom as fruit.

Of four categories are lovers of Ram(a).
640 All are virtuous, sinless and generous in norm. [4]
To all, name is support, strong and good.
Love with knowledge is most dear to Lord.
In all the four ages and Vedas four,
Virtue of name has been described galore. [5]

But in Kaliyug, there is no other way but name,

Which is known as certain to achieve one’s aim. [6]
All those, who have overcome their all desires,
And in Rama’s love are immersed,
They also, in the lake of the love for Name
650 Like fish have their hearts submerged. [22]
Brahma possesses two phases - form and formless,
Indescribable, deep beginningless and matchless.
Name, in my humble view, both of them exceeds,
Controls both and by its virtues leads. [1]
These wise and noble can read my mind.
I say with faith and to devotion inclined,
Brahma formless is like fire within a wood
With form, it is fire as on surface stood. [2]
Both are hard to conceive made easy by name.
660 I would rank name much above and higher than Ram(a).
Brahma is omnipresent and indestructible,
It is truth, life, peace and is inexhaustible. [3]
Such pure indestructible God is present within,
Still we find world writhing in acute pain.
By repeating the name with understanding and faith,
same Brahma comes out as from the jewel its worth. [4]
Thus to formless Brahma is superior by far,
Boundless influence of name.
I say in accordance with best lights,
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670 Name is far superior to Ram(a). [23]

Rama took forms, His devotees to assuage,
Bore all troubles and brought comfort to the sage.
Name does by simple repetition transform
The devotees into house of comfort and calm. [1]
Rama freed Gautam’s wife Ahilya alone,
Crores and crores of wicked souls by name have shone.
For Vishwamittra’s sake Rama killed Taraka,
Who was daughter of Suket, the famous yaksha. [2]
Another yaksha called Subahu by name,
680 Rama killed alongwith the army of the same.
But name washes off devotee’s fears all,
All their pains end, all their pains fall. [3]
Just as at the very rising of the sun,
Night comes to an end and darkness is gone.
Rama personally broke only the bow Shankar’s
Name by its virtue, world’s sins conquers. [4]
Rama beautified forests of Dandak alone,
Rama beautifies countless hearts of men.
Rama destroyed some bands of demons alone,
690 Name has, all sins of Kaliyug, undone. [5]

To Saveri, Jatayu and devotees alone,
Rama brought about salvation.
Name salvaged sinners out of numbers,
Four Vedas show name’s function. [24]
Rama gave protection to Vibhishan, Sugriv(a),
All world knows it, all people believe
Numberless seekers got protection from name,
All world, all Vedas name’s influence proclaim. [1]
Rama procured help from bears and monkeys,
700 To bridge the sea cause him a lot of worries.
Name, by mere utterance world’s seas dries.

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Now, Sirs, judge for yourself, who carries the prize. [2]
Rama killed Ravana and his all in war,
Went back to Ayodhya with Sita by air.
Rama became king and Avadh became His seat.
Gods and saints beautifully sing that feat. [3]
But the devotees by remembering name with love
Over army of ignorance, victory have.
They roam freely, lost in love and happiness
710 By virtue of name they don’t dream of distress. [4]

Thus name is superior to Brahma and Rama
Gives boon even to boon givers,
From out of a hundred crore Ramayans
Shiva extracted Ra, Ma, letters. [25]
By virtue of name Shiva is immortal,
Gives happiness, though wears form formidable,
Shukdeva, Sanak and others, rishi and yogi
By virtue of name found supreme glee. [1]
Narad came to know great merits of the name
720 World loves God, God loves Shiva, but both love Him.
Prahlad uttered name, hence got its blessing.
It is therefore that Prahlad leads lovers’ string. [2]

Dhruva repeated name, with some wounded intent,

By its virtue, got place matchless and permanent.
Hanuman, Son of Pawan, repeated the name,
By grace of it, he has at his command Ram(a). [3]
Low Ajamil, elephant, prostitute Pingl(a),
Got salvation by virtue of name single.
How can I name’s all virtues circumscribe?
730 Even Rama cannot His name’s greatness describe. [4]

In Kaliyug, name of Rama is Kalpa tree -
The very home of joy and glee.
By remembering which, Tulsidas has become
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from mere hemp, basil holy. [26]

In four ages and throughout worlds three,
By repeating the name, people became free.
The Vedas, Puranas, and saints so say
Love for Rama does always all fruits give away. [1]

The Kaliyug is root of sins and dirty wish.

740 It is ocean of sins, people’s hearts are fish.
Name forms Kalpa tree in the terrible age,
Remembering it, does death of sins presage, [2]
In Kaliyug, name grants all people’s request,
Like parents in this world, well wisher in the next.
There is no action, devotion or understanding,
In Kali, name alone forms strong footing. [3]

To kill crafty Kalinem, of the Kali-age,

Name alone is Hanuman, the strong and sage. [4]
If Kali-age is Hrinakashyap demon,
750 Rama’s name is Narsingh to kill.
Those who repeat name are like Prahlad.
Name guards against God’s foe - people evil. [27]
With or without will or in sheer idleness,
Repetition of name brings all happiness.
Remembering that name with bent head and face.
I am going to commence description of His grace. [1]
He will guard my interest in all possible ways.
Whose mercy from being merciful never stays.
Great Lord like Rama, low servant like me,
760 In keeping with His nature, me protects He. [2]

About good masters, world and Vedas do say,

Hearing request, attention to heart they pay.
The rich and the poor, rural and urban,
The Pandit, the fool, famous or ill known, [3]
Good poets and bad, men and women,

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Praise their king as their lights have shown.

But the sage, wise considerate king - God’s part, -
Hears them in accordance with merits in their art. [4]
In language, in love, in melody and flow
770 By kind words honours on all does bestow.
If that is the course of the worldly kings,
Lorn Rama is omniscient, King of Kaushal beings. [5]

Rama gets pleased at pure love only.

But where is an idiot equal into me? [6]
I am certain, King Rama will surely keep up,
This poor humble servant’s intent.
He made stones ships, and to bears monkeys,
This honour is ministership, sent. [28A]
They all take me to be Rama’s servant.
780 I too answer to that time.
Great master like Rama, servant low as Tulsi,
Yet Rama tolerates this shame. [28B]
It is impatience and fault on my part,
At which, even hell will startling start.
I fear from imaginary fears of mine.
Rama did not, even in dream, so incline. [1]
On the other hand, Rama heard, saw and found.
My devotion and mind, He gave praise sound.
However poor one’s expressions may be,
790 It is from loving heart, He, heart does see. [2]

If the heart of devotee is to devotion inclined

In his expression Rama satisfaction shall find.
The Lord never cares to remember errors,
Hundred times sees good of the heart of lovers. [3]
For the sin at which He killed Bali as hunter,
That very fault did King Sugriv incur.
Again, very same act did Vibhishan commit,
Rama, even in dream, did not take notice of it. [4]

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At meeting of Bharat, they were highly prized.

800 At full court, they were by Rama eulogised. [5]

Lord below and monkeys were up on the tree,
Even such ones Rama made His own.
Tulsi, it is not possible to find anyone,
So very considerate Ram(a). [29A]
O Rama, Your goodness has ever been good,
To everybody without difference.
If that be true, then His goodness shall come
to Tulsi too, in great abundance. [29B]
Thus narrating my merits and demerits,
810 I bend my head low, to all,
And begin to describe Shri Rama’s great grace,
At which Kali’s sins all fall. [29C]
The story that Yagavalkya Rishi did related,
To Rishi Bharadwaj, who was saint so great.
I’ll describe in full the same conversation.
Listen, good souls, and enjoy sweet satisfaction. [1]
The first to describe Rama’s tale was Shiv(a),
Later, He mercifully to Uma did give.
Shiva passed on to Kagbhusundi also the case,
820 Finding him Rama’s devotee, deserving of grace. [2]

From Kagbhusundi later, sage Yagyavalakya imbibed,

Which to Bharadwaj, he subsequently described.
These two - good listener good describer -
Had mental equity, each equal lover. [3]
Knew by perfect knowledge, past, present, future,
Plainly as if a plum on their palm were.
Others too, with knowledge and devotion to God,
Say, listen and understand the sports of the Lord. [4]

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I heard the story from my reverend teacher,

830 At Baaraah Kshettra - a holy place.
I couldn’t grasp full significance thereof,
Being too young to follow that case. [30A]
Both describer and listener of Rama’s tale,
Have knowledge, significance being deep.
How could i imbibe, mysteries of the case
being prey to Kali’s sin and in sleep? [30B]
But as the teacher said again and again,
I grasped a bit as my mind could retain.
The same will be told in vernacular now,
840 So that I may obtain satisfaction somehow. [1]
According to my mind, power understanding,
I will relate as prompted by God’s blessing.
I wrote the story which will serve as a boat,
To cross river of the world, keeping afloat. [2]
It will remove from my heart and my mind,
All doubts, misgivings, ignorance and its kind.
It will give peace to Pandits, recreation to men,
It will destroy all sins of Kaliyug, then, [3]
To devour the reptiles of Kaliyug’s sin,
850 This story will be acting as does a peahen.
To produce the fire of discernment too,
This story will serve as the friction woods do. [4]

The story of Rama is like Kamdhenu,

All His wishes, one can by this obtain.
To the noble, Rama’s story does serve,
As life restoring drug goes for human nerve. [5]
This story, as a river of nectar, flows,
On the earth and by it, one’s all fear goes.
To devour the frogs of misgivings all,
860 The story as rattle snake’s fangs, does fall. [6]

The story of Rama washes off the hell,

As the demon’s forces were annihilated well.
For the welfare of the good and gods’ family,

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The story is helpful as Goddess Parvati [7]

For the milk ocean of saintly attitudes,
To Lakshmi, the story bears similitude,
To sustain the weight of universe entire,
This story is very much like earth, sire. [8]
To blacken the face of angels of death,
870 The story of Rama like Yamuna acteth.
To bring salvation to the living entity,
Rama’s story acts as Varanasi. [9]
It is dear to Rama as sacred basil leaf,
Like Hulsi, benefactor of Tulsi, in chief.
Is dear to Shiva like Maikal’s daughter Narbada,
Store of power, peace, prosperity, etcetera. [10]
It’s mother Aditi for gods of virtues saintly,
Very limit of love, devotion to Rama, really. [11]
Tulsidas calls Rama’s story Mandakini,
880 Pious hearts are Chittrakut all.
Sincere devotion has been called forest.
Where Rama and Sita take stroll. [31]
The story of Rama is a beautiful gem,
Decoration for the lady of saintly wisdom.
The praises of Rama give happiness to world,
Bring salvation, righteousness, heaven and gold. [1]

It is teacher of knowledge, detachment and Yoga,

It is gods’ physician for great ills of the world,
It is parents to love for Sita and Rama,
890 It is seed for discipline, piety programme. [2]
Rama’s virtues remove all sorrows and pains.
They protect both worlds and bring great gains.
They are worthy ministers of true knowledge king.
Ocean of greed, like Kumbhaj, in control bring. [3]

For the elephants of anger and of passion

In the forests of saints’ hearts, they are lion.
They are welcome visitors, dear to Shiva’s heart,

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Are rains on the poverty’s forest fire’s part. [4]

They are charm, antidote for licentiousness snake.
900 Off, evil hard writings of fate they take.
For the darkness of ignorance they are sun’s rays,
Paddy fields of devotees to high heights they raise. [5]
Like holy Kalpa Tree fulfill desires all,
Give happiness like Shiva god, easy to call.
As stars beautifully poet’s mind’s blue sky,
Are wealth for devotees, Rama’s virtues high, [6]
Are enjoyment of fruits of good deeds done,
Are like saints to serve asking for returns none,
For the lake of devotees’ loving hearts are swans.
910 Like waves of Ganges wash off sins at a glance. [7]

To burn forest of evil and bad ways,
Ill logic, Kaliyug’s tricky course,
Virtues of Rama act as great blazing fire
behaves with fuel wood’s force. [32A]
like rays of full moon of October, pleasing
To all, is the story of Ram(a).
For lily and partridge of devotee’s heart
It possesses a particular charm. [32B]
How Parvati placed Her query before Shiva,
920 What answers to Her did Shankar give,
I’d describe the how and when of it all,
In a beautiful poem, describe that role. [1]
Those who had never chanced to hear the tale,
Should not be surprised, knowing this without fail,
That when the wise come to know the story queer,
They are not struck with wonder, as to them it is clear. [2]

That there is no date, no end for the tale.

They know and realise this truth without fail.
Rama took form at numerous times and ways,
930 There are hundred crore Ramayans as history says. [3]

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In accordance with different Kalpa’s occurring,

Lord’s stories, poets have ever been singing.
Keeping this in mind, let all misgivings go.
With great love and faith, listen to story so. [4]
Rama is endless, his virtues endless,
Endless are stories fine.
Those, who are blessed with pure and pious
Towards doubts they never incline. [33]
Thus casting all misgivings off instead,
940 Putting dust of teacher’s lotus feet on head,
I bow once again, joining hands together,
Lest during description difficulties occur, [1]

Respectfully now bowing in respect to all,

I begin Rama’s sacred story to recall.
It is Samvat year of sixteen thirty one,
With head on God’s feet, I commence description. [2]
On Tuesday, the ninth of the month of Chait,
This story saw light at Ayodhya great.
On the day when Rama comes, the Vedas say,
950 All holy places come to Ayodhya to stay. [3]

Demons, Nagas, birds, gods, men and women,

Meet all at Ayodhya to worship Rama then.
The wise celebrate Rama’s great birthday,
Sing His praises with hearts happy and gay. [4]
That day huge numbers of pious people
Take bath in the Saryu River.
They repeat Rama’s name, keeping in their heart
That beautiful bluish figure. [34]
To view Saryu, touch it, drink it, bathe in,

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960 The Vedas say, that washes away all sin.

It is sacred river with fame so great,
Which even pious Saraswati cannot relate. [1]
That grand Ayodhya gives heaven, Rama’s abode.
It is sacred and with all fame is bestowed.
To four categories of living beings.
Death in Ayodhya means, not any more comings, [2]

Knowing Ayodhya attractive in so many ways,

It can bestow all powers, all happiness raise.
The story of Shri Rama I here begin,
970 Hearing which drives away passion, pride and sin. [3]
It bears the name - Rama Charit Manas,
Mere listening to which brings ears all bliss.
Heart’s elephant, scorched in passion’s fire
Gets comfort as it enters the pious river. [4]

Very dear to saints Ram Charit Manas is.

Lord Shiva gave it birth and filled it with bliss.
It removes all the three categories of ills,
All pains, all poverty so soon it kills. [5]
All evil effects of Kali Age soon die.
980 All sins at the approach of Manas fly.
Lord Shankar made it and kept it in His heart.
At right time He did to Parvati impart. [6]

Seeing it in His heart Shiva felt joyous,

And so christened it Rama Charit Manas.
That fine soothing story I start.
O great men, listen with mind and heart. [7]
I turn to Uma and Shankar at heart,
And describe what Manas is,
990 How it came to be and how was broadcast,
I’ll now be describing all this. [35]
By blessings of Shankar with good sense in heart,
Of this, Manas, Tulsi will play author’s part.
He will, of course, perfect it to the best of his skill,
Good souls, listen with faith, improve it where you will. [1]

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Right mind is the earth, Low level is the heart,

Vedas, Puranas, are sea, saints play clouds’ part.
These clouds bring rain of Rama’s praises,
Which happiness and prosperity raises. [2]
1000 Description of the deeds of God with form,
Is the purity of water, cleaning dirt as norm,
Devotion and love which we find overall,
Are the freshness and coolness of that rainfall. [3]

Rain of praises helps paddy crop of deed,

To the lovers of Rama is very life indeed.
When the rain reached earth or say right mind,
It collected and through ears channel did find. [4]
It reached deep hearts, settled and became clear,
Became beautiful, refreshing, cool, full of pleasure. [5]
1010 Four dialogues referred to above with care,
Wherein parts great personages take,
Form four ghats, (Fascinating to all hearts)
Of this most excellent lake. [36]
Seven cantos form its steps seven,
Give pleasure to mind, viewed with attention
Formless and uniform Rama’s description
As great depth of the lake does function. [1]

Glories of Rama and Sita form water

Which is sweet and tasteful as nectar.
1020 The numerous similes that occur there
Are beautiful waves of that water. [2]
Fine couplets are thick lotus, without blemish,
Figures of speech - pearl bearing oyster fish.
Chhand, Sortha and fine Doha metres.
Are like multicoloured lotus flowers. [3]

Unique meanings, high thoughts, and language fine,

Are another and pollen with perfumes therein.
Deeds noble, described are black buzzing bees.
Thoughts, knowledge, disattachment are swans in these. [4]

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1030 The rhythm, the rhymes and various melodies,

Are fishes of different varieties.
Religion, wealth, wishes, salvation - fruits four,
Is true knowledge, given on thought mature. [5]
Yoga and penance, nine types of poetic sentiments,
Name repetition, worldly unattachments,
May be deemed to correspond to aquatic life,
In relation to this tale, with Lord’s praises rife. [6]

Praises of great rishis of the saintly ring,

Praises of Rama do all as water fowls sing.
1040 Assemblies of saints are mango groves around.
Deep faith does as spring season abound. [7]
Different types of devotion, kindness, mercy,
Control of senses form the leafy canopy.
Control of mind, discipline and such norm,
True knowledge of flowers and fruits conform, [8]
Of these fruits of true knowledge, the juice
Is love for the Lord that they all produce.
Many other stories that in Manas occur
Are parrots, cuckoos, birds of many a colour. [9]

1050 One’s bristling up is garden and forest,
Ultimate bliss - birds’ cries,
Pious heart is the gardner who waters,
With his beautiful watering eyes. [37]
Those who say, these praises with heart and mind,
Are this lake’s watchmen wise and kind.
Those who listen to these praises always,
Are master of the lake, so full of praise. [1]
The evil ones and the licentious ones
Never reach the lake, they are crows and herons.
1060 As in Manas, there are not to be found
Loose talks, nor moss, shells, frogs, all round. [2]
Poor crows, herons, and the loose charactered,
To approach lake, they could have never ventured.

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To reach this lake is so tough an affair

It is never possible without God’s favour. [3]

Bad company represents difficulties of the way,

Their words - lions, tigers, snakes one could say.
Household affairs and bindings diverse
Are high mountains very difficult to traverse. [4]
1070 Ignorance, arrogance, sense of pride and pique
Act as barriers like forests thick.
All bad logic and all wrong reasoning
Are rivers, which keep one from reaching. [5]
Those who lack expenses of journey - the faith,
And no good company employ,
For such souls Manas is unreachable,
Who Rama’s grace don’t enjoy. [38]
If one crosses obstacles and is bold,
He falls asleep under the rigor of cold.
1080 Shivering in the cold of follies begin,
Thus fails the wretch to take plunge therein. [1]
In the lake he is unable to bathe or drink,
With a sense of pride, comes back from brink.
And if one inquires of Manas from him,
To conceal his faults he starts criticism. [2]

All great impediments that man decries,

On whom Rama casts His merciful eyes.
He respectfully enters and bathes in the lake.
He turns three fearful maladies fake. [3]
1090 Those persons who have love for Rama’s feet,
Would never like, from this lake to retreat.
All those, who are keen to bathe in this lake,
Have got, the company of the good, to take. [4]

Viewing such Manas with my mental eyes,

And taking a dip, pure thoughts arise.
Great happiness and joy came into the heart.
An overflow of love and of zeal does start. [5]

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And beautiful river of love does raise.

Wherein is full clear water of Rama’s praise.
1100 This river of poem is named Saryu,
It is source of happiness and pleasure too. [6]
The view of Vedas, and the worldly view,
From its two beautiful banks all through.
Sacred Saryu, the Manas lake’s offspring,
Flows on, all Kali’s sins uprooting. [7]
Three classes of listeners are, of each bank,
Hamlets, villages and town.
The assembly of saints is unique Avadh.
From where all joys have grown. [39]
1110 Saryu - the great and beautiful poem,
Met Ganges of the devotion of Ram(a).
His and Brother Lakshman’s glories of war,
Like river Soan joined it, just a little far. [1]
Between the two, Ganges of devotion of Ram(a),
With knowledge, unattachment, creates a charm.
Thus the three move to Rama’s devotional ocean,
Driving all three maladies in their function. [2]

Firstly Manas is the source of this Saryu,

Then it meets Ganges- Shri Rama’s love too.
1120 So it purifies hearts and minds with ease,
Of all who listen to Rama’s glories. [3]
Other numerous stories that in between came,
Are forests and gardens near banks of the same.
Marriage of Shankar, Uma and their party,
Are aquatic animals of variety. [4]
The birth of Rama and all celebrations
Are whirlpools, waves with great attractions. [5]
The four brothers’ numerous children’s pranks,
Like multicolored lotus are.

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1130 Virtuous acts of King, queens and family,

With water fowls, bees are at par. [40]
Fine description of Sita’s Swayambar
Is the great grandeur of this great river,
Many thoughtful questions are boats in it,
Their well merited answers are boatmen fit. [1]
Discussions after listening to the certain discourse,
Are passengers traveling by the river course.
Wrath of Parashuram is river’s fearful flow.
Rama’s replies as the controlling ghat’s go [2]
1140 Celebrations of marriage of Rama and brothers
Are the useful floods, doing good to others.
The joys and bristlings, that discussions bring,
Are the pious persons happily bathing. [3]
Decorations celebrations for the coronation
Are, of auspicious days huge congregation.
Queen Kaikai’s misdeeds are slippery moss,
Which brought about serious distress and loss. [4]
Bharat’s role, subsiding all disturbances,
Is recital of name at the bank.
1150 Accounts of Kali’s sins and men sinful,
Are crows and herons and mud rank. [41]
Glory of this Saryu is in all seasons Supreme,
Is in very season grand, pious to the brim,
Shiva Parvati’s marriage is season winter,
Rama’s birth celebrations are autumn clear, [1]
Descriptions of marriage celebrations of Ram(a)
Are like unto pleasant healthy spring’s charm.
Rama’s exile to forests is summer burning.
Difficulties of ways - winds scorching. [2]

1160 Bloody battles with demons are like rainy days.

This to paddy - gods’ families - so highly pays.

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Happiness, gentility, greatness of Rama’s reign

Is winter, bestower of pleasures and gain. [3]

The virtues of Sita, head of all Satis,

Are purity of water with unique qualities.
Bharat’s nature is coolness of the water,
Which is constant, indescribable in nature. [4]
Mutual meeting and talking and viewing
Of all the brothers four,
1170 Their mutual love and sincere brotherhood
Are water’s freshness, sweet odour. [42]
My humility, modesty, and meekness
Are of the water purity and lightness.
It is queer water, cures by mere listening,
Quenches mind’s desires, heart purifying. [1]
This water, love for Rama does engrain,
Takes away Kali’s sins and concomitant pain.
It does away with cycle of birth and death,
To satisfaction, satisfaction bestoweth. [2]

1180 It washes off sins and all sufferings

Of poverty and other allied things.
This water antidotes desires, anger.
All ignorance and pride end by this water. [3]
It develops understanding and discernment,
From the worldly ties all disattachment.
By taking and bathing with faith and respect,
Any sins or remorse one should not expect [4]
Who never cleansed hearts with this water pure,
Were badly deceived by Kaliyug, sure.
1190 They will run after desires, like a mirage for a deer,
Thinking water to be in sun’ rays clear. [5]

To the best of my lights having washed my heart
With this water of virtuous form. —
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And remembering Shankar and Parvati’s feet,

I commence the story of Ram(a). [43A]
Remembering Shri Rama’s lotus feet now
And having His blessings received,
I describe the meeting of two great rishis,
As best as I have conceived. [43B]
1200 Bharadwaj Rishi had abode in Prayag,
Did penance, controlling mind senses by Yog(a),
He had great love for Shri Rama’s feet.
He was very kind and was very discreet. [1]
When sun comes in the Zodiac of Capricorn
All rishis to Prayag, their steps turn.
Gods demons, kinners and also all men,
Respectfully in the Triveni, bathe then. [2]
They worship Beni Madhav’s lotus feet,
Embrace Akshaibat, joy to their surfeit.
1210 Bharadwaj’s abode was exceedingly pure
Most charming, to great rishis attraction sure. [3]

All rishis who came to Prayag for dip

Used to assemble at his place, in the trip.
They gladly bathed in the Triveni at morn,
Later on, Lord’s praises were their concern. [4]
Exposition of Supreme Soul, religious theories,
Forms of truth, they all discussed.
To knowledge, unattachment, devotion to Lord,
Their attention they all focused. [44]
1220 For the full month of Magh, bathing carry on,
And then to respective abodes return.
Every year this celebration is observed.
Bathing on Makar-Day, Rishis turn homeward. [1]

Once all rishis bathed for the whole Magh Month

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And were on their way back home after bath.

Bharadwaj detained Yagyavalkya, holding his feet,
As he possessed knowledge and was discreet. [2]
With sincere respect he washed his feet,
At the most auspicious place gave him seat.
1230 He worshiped Yagvalakya, and him highly praised,
Respectful and humble his voice he thus raised, [3]

“O Lord, I have misgivings in mind mine,

While secrets of Vedas are in hands thine.
I feel ashamed giving it an expression straight,
But if I withhold it, shall be loser great. [4]
My lord, saints hold this view firmly
And Vedas, Puranas reveal,
That true understanding won’t enter the heart
If one should from teacher conceal. [45]
1240 With that my conviction, I open my doubt,
Oblige your servant, cast this doubt out,
The boundless effects of the name of Ram(a)
Sang Vedas, Upanishads and the Puran. [1]
Shankar, perfect in knowledge, and immortal,
Ever repeats the name, that Lord merciful.
To all lives of the four categories,
Dying in Kashi He grants heaven with ease. [2]
And that, with the virtue of that very name,
Shiva ever recommends repeating name same.
1250 Who is that Rama? I beg you, kindly to tell
My merciful lord, explain it well, [3]

There had been a Rama, son of Avadh King,

With His glories all universe does ring.
He bore great pains, separated from wife,
Anger roused, He killed Ravana in strife. [4]
Is that Rama same or some other one

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Whose name Shankar does repeat?

You know all, lord, you are omniscient,
tell me, my good lord discreet. [46]
1260 Tell me the story in details please
So that my great misgivings would cease."
Yagyavalkya smiled and made the reply
“You know well Raghupati’s glories high. [1]
By thought, word, deed, Rama’s devotee, you
Asked me as a simpleton would do.
Now listen to me with heart, and soul,
I am going to relate Rama’s glories whole. [2]
If ignorance were Mahishasur evil
Rama’s stories are Kalika, it to kill.
1270 Rama’s glories are like the rays of moon,
Which saints’ hearts as partridge take soon. [3]
A similar doubt Parvati once expressed,
At which Lord Shankar, Her fully addressed. [4]
That great dialogue between Uma and Shiva
I will tell as best as I know.
When it came about and why came about,
Listen, all your worries would go." [47]
In a Treta, Shiva with Sati universe’s mother,
Went to Rishi Kumbhaj, who gave them honour.
1280 Rishi Kumbhaj Shri Rama’s story described,
Which Shankar heard and in His heart imbibed. [1]
Of faith in the Lord, that Rishi inquired,
That Shankar said as one deserving desired.
For some days, conversing on Rama’s glories,
Shankar stayed there with pleasure and ease. [2]

Then, Shiva taking leave of Kumbhaj Rishi,

Left for His abode with His spouse Sati.
In those days, God had taken a form,

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In Raghu’s family, incarnated as Ram(a). [3]

1290 With a view of reduce sin’s load of earth,
In the form of Rama, He had taken birth.
He had left kingdom and had become a saint.
Would not let His father’s words have taint. [4]
Shiva was thinking within Himself of a plan,
As to how He should meet Shri Ram(a),
Who had descended in unknown manner,
His meeting would secret proclaim. [48A]
Of the problem in Shankar’s heart,
Sati did not have any knowledge at all.
1300 Eyes, eager to view, in their part,
But, great hesitation, His mind entertained. [48B]
Ravan had a boon, man should kill him through.
God wanted Brahma’s words to remain true.
If I don’t meet Rama, I shall have then to rue.
Shiva thought and thought but His plans all fell through, [1]
Mahadeva was therefore in a great fix in fact,
When Ravan the ten headed did Marich contact.
He took the low Marich along with him then,
Who took up the form of a deer golden. [2]

1310 Thus through a fraud, Ravan took Sita away.

He was ignorant of Rama’s great powers and sway.
Killing deer, Rama with Lakshman reached His abode.
Not finding Sita, water from His eyes flowed. [3]
Acting like a man, Rama, smitten by pain,
Was, with His brother, searching for Her in vain.
He, who is ever above union, partition,
Was here seen afflicted with separation. [4]
The deeds of Shri Rama have been great mystery,

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They alone know who knowledge possess.

Those who lack that knowledge, through sheer
1320 ignorance
Interpret it in different process. [49]
Shiva chanced to meet Rama at this occasion,
Feeling great joy within, great exhilaration,
He took a full view of ocean of beauty.
But, as occasion demanded, maintained secrecy. [1]

Shiva, passion’s foe, just uttered words profound,

Victory to truth, life, peace, -Satchit Anand.
Victory to Him who is purifier of the world.
Saying so Shiva on His way moved forward. [2]
1330 He was going along with His spouse Sati,
Bristling again and again, in great ecstasy,
When Sati noticed this state of Shankar,
A great misgiving did in Her mind occur. [3]

By all is praised Lord of Universe - Shankar,

Gods, rishis, men bend their heads in honour.
That Shankar bowed down, to the son of a king.
Called Him “Satcharit Anand" such a high thing. [4]
At the sight of that beauty, Shiva was lost in joy,
Over His surging love, could not control employ. [5]
1340 Omnipresent, flawless and unborn unseen,
Desireless, changeless and Brahm(a),
Whom even the Vedas could not know well,
Can He take a human form? [50]
Lord Vishnu who sometimes form does take,
For gods’ and saints’ interest’s sake,
Is omnipresent and has knowledge all,
Like Shiva, Who made demon Tripura fall. [1]
How can He, as an ignorant seek His mate
Lakshmi’s Lord Vishnu who does demon hate?

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1350 But words of Shankar also cannot be false

Him Omniscient whole universe calls. [2]

Such serious misgivings, entered in Her mind

No answer assuaged, be it of any kind,
Sati did not disclose Her heart’s remorse.
But Shankar Omniscient could see it, of course. [3]
He said, “Listen Sati, You have woman’s nature,
Never let such misgivings Your mind enter.
He whose glories did the rishis expound,
Devotion for whom, I too did profound. "[4]

1360 He’s that Rama Raghubir, my own chief Lord,

Whom serve saints and sages with full concord. [5]
On Him, saint yogis and perfect rishis,
All with pious hearts meditate.
Whose glories great, Shastras Purans relate.
Vedas “Not this, not this alone" dictate. [1]
Lord Omnipresent and Omnipotent
All independent and great,
That very same Rama, Raghu’s family gem
Did for devotees’ sake incarnate. [2]
1370 Though Shiva explained again and again,
No effect was made on Sati’s mind.
Seeing Maya’s great pull and strain
He smiled and continued to say, [51]
“If Your heart still does doubts entertain,
Why not go, test Him and satisfaction gain?
Till You finish Your job and come back to me,
I’d be sitting in the shade of this banyan tree. [1]
Exercise good discretion and adopt that course,
Which casts off completely all doubts of Yours."

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1380 Thus sanction obtained, Sati went on Her way,

And thought how to proceed and what part to play. [2]

While Shankar was thinking in His own mind,

Sati, daughter of Daksha will not happiness find.
When my own teachings could not doubts dispel,
Luck is perhaps against. It’s not going to end well. [3]
That must happen what Lord Rama has ordained.
What can be by pushing arguments obtained?
So saying, Shiva began repeating Ram(a) Ram(a).
Sati went to the house of Happiness, therefrom. [4]
1390 She thought over and over again on the case,
And assumed Sitaji’s form,
She seated Herself ahead on that way,
Which was followed by King of men -Ram(a). [52]
Lakshman surprised at Sati’s impersonation,
Experienced, within himself, great confusion.
He was too grave to give utterance to his surprise.
He knew Rama’s nature. He knew He was wise. [1]
Gods’ Lord, with omnipresence, omniscience,
Saw through Sati’s deceitful performance.
1400 Rama is the same great Lord omniscient,
To remove ignorance, thoughts of Him are sufficient. [2]

Sati planned to play trick even on such a Lord.

How frail is feminine nature made by God!
Rama appreciated His own Maya’s force,
And with a sweet smile began sweet discourse. [3]
With hands joined, He paid His respects to Her,
Named Himself along with name of His father.
He inquired further where Lord Shiva had gone.
And how She was there, in the forest alone. [4]
1410 Hearing kind, mysterious words of Rama,
Sati felt within remorse acute.

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With fear in Her heart, Sati left for Shiva,

With a very heavy heart to boot. [53]
I rejected Shri Shankar’s advice warm,
My own ignorance , I labeled on Ram(a).
How shall I explain action on my part?
A fire, fearful, now raged in Her heart. [1]

Rama, at once realised that Sati was in pain.

He made His powers a little more plain.
1420 She witnessed a miracle while She was on Her way.
Saw Sita, Rama, Lakshman going their way. [2]
When She looked back, she saw Rama was there.
The same beautiful form, with Sita and brother.
Whichever way She turned, She would see Rama present.
Saw perfect ones, saints, serving Him as servant. [3]
She saw so many Shivas, Brahmas and Vishnus,
One excelling the other in glories, virtues.
Under numerous forms, She saw, gods were serving,
Worshiping Rama’s feet and His glories singing. [4]
1430 She saw many Satis, Brahminis, Lakshmis,
Numberless and with no second.
In accordance with forms taken up by gods,
These powers also, them donned. [54]
She saw Raghunaths here and there, diverse,
And saw gods, together with their powers,
Of various worlds, She saw the living creatures.
They all had different forms and features. [1]

Gods worshiped Rama, each in His own form,

They were all different, Rama alone was uniform.
1440 She saw many Ramas and many Sitas,
But all looked the same, no difference there was. [2]
Same Rama, same Sita and same Lakshman,
Finding so, Sati felt afraid within,

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Her heart trembled, consciousness was gone.

She closed Her eyes and on the way, sat down, [3]

She opened Her eyes later on and Lo!

There was nothing unusual before Her now.
She bent Her head again and again to Rama’s feet,
And left for the place where Shiva had taken seat. [4]
1450 When She had approached very close to Shankar,
Her welfare Shankar inquired.
And asked how She had conducted the test,
Asked Her to be truth inspired. [55]
Sati had known Shri Rama’s powers so great,
For fear She concealed it and preferred to relate,
“O Lord, I did not give any test to them.
Like You, There I bent down to Ram(a). [1]
Your words about Him were perfectly true.
I am convinced in my heart through and through. "
1460 Then Shankar saw all, in His meditation,
And came to know all that Sati had done. [2]
Next He bowed His head to Rama’s Maya so great,
Which made Sati tell Him a falsehood straight.
Knowing that God’s will shall always prevail,
Shiva began thinking the course He should trail. [3]

It was sinful, according to Shankar’s norm,

That Sati had assumed Sitaji’s form.
“If I continued to love Sati as my wife,
It will go straight against devotion, with injustice rife." [4]
1470 “Satiji was so chaste, very difficult to part,
Yet to love Her would be great sin."
Shiva did not give out any expression though
Yet there was a great pain within. [56]

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Shiva bowed down His head at the feet of Rama.

As He thought of His Lord, it occurred to Him.
“Never more in this body, I shall meet Sati."
Thus decided Shankar with all solemnity. [1]
Having made up His mind, resolute Shankar
Turned His footsteps home and did “Rama" utter.
1480 As He sat down, a voice sweet came from sky,
“Victory to Shankar! You raised devotion high. [2]

Who else could take such a lofty vow?

Rama’s devotee, strong powerful art thou."
“Kind Lord, what vow did You take, say fourth,
My master, You’re kind and house of truth." [3]
Though Sati repeatedly did inquire,
From Shiva - Tripura’s foe - came no answer. [4]
Sati thought within Herself that the secret was out,
As Shankar possessed knowledge all.
1490 “I played a trick on Him and see how low,
In ignorance, a female would fall. [57A]
See the blessings of true love within,
Water too sells in market with milk, at par.
As faithlessness acid comes in,
Milk parts way, and it taste is gone. [57B]
She thinks of Her deed, feels sorrow within,
Of Her pain, a description impossible has been.
“Shiva is ocean of mercy, vast and deep.
My fault, therefore, He to Himself does keep." [1]
1500 From Shankar’s attitude, Sati could infer,
That She had been left. It was painful to Her.
The fault being Hers, She could make no protest.
But Her heart burnt as does the kiln greatest. [2]
Finding Sati so much afflicted with pain,
Shiva related history to soothe Her in vain.

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Thus talking history all along the road,

Shiva reached Kailash, which was His abode. [3]

Remembering His vow, here He sat down,

In lotus posture, under the tree banyan.
1510 Here Shiva according to His natural course,
Was lost in meditation, endless of course. [4]
Sati passes Her time on that Kailash,
With acute pain in Her heart.
none shares the secret of Her inner grief,
Days, long as great ages, part [58]
Sati daily experienced a new grief over.
“How shall I great ocean of sorrow cover?
I did an insult to great Shri Ram(a),
And disbelieved Shankar’s advice warm. [1]
1520 Fortune has given me my action’s fruit
Fair and just as action did suit.
O Fortune! Does it behoove thee now
To keep me alive after Shankar’s vow?" [2]
To describe the grief, no words would find.
The wise Sati brought Rama in Her mind.
“Lord, if You are called so very merciful,
If Vedas say that You relieve miserable, [3]

I pray to Thee with joined hands for the boon.

Let this form of mine end, and that soon.
1530 If I have any love for the feet of Shiv(a),
If my thought, word, deed, this word I give." [4]
“O omniscient! Do listen to my prayers,
And do find some way sure,
That this body reaches an early end.
So bring unbearable grief’s cure." [59]

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Thus pined the daughter of Daksha in pain,

Great and unbearable was mental strain.
Eighty Seven Thousand years thus rolled on.
Immortal Shiva then broke meditation. [1]
1540 Pronouncing name of Rama, silence He broke.
Sati came to know that Lord of the world woke.
She went and bent Her head at His feet.
Shankar offered Her, in His front, a seat. [2]

Sweet stories about Shri Rama, He said.

It was then Daksha was Prajapati made.
Brahma found him fit, after scrutinies,
Daksha was therefore made head of Prajapatis. [3]
Thus honoured and with great powers elate,
Daksha developed pride and arrogance great.
1550 Never was one born, in this world wide,
Who on getting powers, did not develop pride. [4]
Daksha called many rishis and they held,
A great rite sacrificial.
All those who could in that ceremony share,
Got invitations cordial. [60]
All kinners, nagas, gandharvas, saints,
With all their families set out in planes.
Except Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar,
All gods were going in a great number. [1]
1560 Sati viewed the planes of many a colour,
Flying across, in rows, in the sky clear.
Gods’ families were singing sweet music.
Which could even meditating rishis prick. [2]
At Sati’s inquiry, Shiva explained.
At the news of the ceremony, Sati exclaimed.
Her thoughts were, that Shankar permitting,
She might stay there awhile, some change getting. [3]
She had acute pain, forsaken by Lord,
As the fault was Her’s, She would not say a word.

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1570 At last, gently, She put forth suggestion,

In a language of love, fear, hesitation. [4]
“There are special functions at father’s place.
If You’re graciously pleased to permit,
With a view to witness them, my merciful Lord,
I too may pay a visit." [61]
“Well said, that was indeed my intent,
But it is sad no invitation he sent.
Daksha has called all his daughters no doubt.
For ill-will to me, You be left out." [1]
1580 “At Brahma’s meet, from me hurt he felt,
For which even today, he does me insult.
If You go there uninvited, Sati,
Love will end and so will the etiquette be. [2]
No doubt, one could go uninvited too,
To friend, master, parents and guru,
Even then, if someone enmity entertains,
To go there will bring humiliations, pains." [3]
Shiva tried to convince Her by ways varied,
As destiny would have it, no argument paid.
1590 Lord said, “If You go there uninvited,
As far as I see the outcome would be bad." [4]
In spite of all efforts that Shankar could make,
Daksha’s daughter won’t stay.
He therefore sent Her with some servants chief,
To be with Her, on Her way. [62]
When Sati arrived at the house of Her father,
For fear of Daksha, nobody welcomed Her.
It was mother alone, who gave some affection.
The sisters met with smile of derision. [1]

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1600 Daksha did not inquire of even welfare,

He only burnt with rage, seeing Sati there.
When Sati paid a visit to site of affair,
She didn’t see Shankar’s share there anywhere. [2]
She then realised truth of Shankar’s words,
At insult to Her Lord, Sati burnt inwards.
The previous pain had not been painful so much.
The present affliction exceeded far as such. [3]

True, in the world can be found pains several,

None excels the insults before one’s equal.
1610 This thought did Her anger to great heights raise.
Her mother tried to pacify in all possible ways. [4]
The insult to Shankar was unbearable,
She could not be thus pacified.
She forcefully and deliberately addressed,
Entire household and cried. [63]
“O Saints, O people present, ears give,
Who talked ill or heard ill about Shiv(a),
Sooner than later, fruits of it you will reap.
My father, Daksha, also, shall have to weep. [1]
1620 Against Vishnu or Shankar or saints - these three,
Wherever evil words spoken be.
Rule is to cut the tongue, if that possible you see,
Otherwise shut the ears and from there flee. [2]
Shankar, killer of Tripura, world’s master,
He is father of all, great benefactor.
My unwise father does Him condemn.
This body of mine is from his semen. [3]
I’ll therefore shed away this body soon,
Keeping in heart, Shankar who wears the moon."
1630 So saying, She burnt Herself in Yogic fire,
Whole house was hence, struck with great horror. [4]
The servants of Shankar upset everything,
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When they heard of Sati’s death.

Seeing disturbance covering the whole area,
Saint Bhrigu pacified the wrath. [64]
When the news of Sati’s death reached Shankar,
He sent Virbhadra in great anger.
Who completely routed the celebration,
And gods too found great frustration. [1]
1640 And as for Daksha, he had in his lot,
What Shankar’s adversaries always got.
As this history has been well known to all,
I did it only in brief recall. [2]

When Sati was in Her last moments to depart,

She prayed to Shankar from the core of Her heart,
By and large, for the feet of Shiva, love,
In life after life, that She may have. [3]
She was born, thereafter, in Himanchal’s place,
In the form of Parvati, full of grace.
1650 Ever since Uma in Himanchal’s house came,
All came to be there - power, wealth and name. [4]

Here, there, everywhere, rishis made sojourn.

And Himanchal provided all help in return. [5]
Trees of numerous kinds on the loyal hills,
Came up in numbers very great.
They bore leaves, flowers, and fruits always,
Came up mines which jewels did inflate. [65]
Pure water runs down in each river,
Birds, animals, black bees roam, happy everywhere.
1660 All animals gave up their natural enmity,
On the hills all enjoyed love and amity. [1]
By arrival of Girija, hills looked beautified,
As man appears when love of Rama deitified.
Every day there were held great celebrations,

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At which Brahma and others sang felicitations. [2]

When Narad came to know of Girija’s birth,
Came gladly to Himanchal’s place on earth.
King of Mountains extended warm welcome.
Washed his feet, seated him at a place handsome. [3]
1670 Himanchal with his mate, at his feet put head,
Washed feet, with that water made his house sacred.
Himanchal, great praised to his fortune paid,
Calling his new daughter, at Narad’s feet laid. [4]
“You know times three, possess all knowledge.
You have access to every place.
tell us good bad points about the child,
After you thought out with grace." [66]
Saint Narad smile, spoke mysteries,
All virtues the daughter possesses, he sees.
1680 “By nature pretty, wise considerate She,
Her names Uma, Ambika, Bhawani would be. "[1]

“This girl", he said, “Possesses greatness clear,

To Her husband She would ever be so dear.
She will retain Her wifehood ever and ever,
By Her, Her parents would be getting honour. [2]
She is going to be worshiped by all world.
By adoring Her, all wishes could be had.
By remembering Her name, in the whole universe.
Wives will achieve perfect faithfulness. [3]

1690 Himanchal, your daughter has every virtue,

Now, also listen to Her demerits few.
One, devoid of virtues, honours and parents.
By nature recluse, carefree of intents, [4]
Yogi, desireless, wearing his hair long,
Undressed, with features low,
Such a one She will find as Her husband.
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The lines on Her palm do show." [67]

They heard and took Narad’s words to be true,
Uma felt happy within, Her parents rue.
1700 This secret was unknown to Narad too,
Situation was one, interpretations two. [1]
All eyes were full, all had bristlings,
Girija, Maina, Himanchal, other maidens,
While Girija took Narad’s words to be true,
She held those to Her bosom through and through. [2]

Strong love for Shankar’s feet surged in Her heart,

Though She knew how difficult it was, on Her part.
But reading the situation, Her love She concealed,
To the lap of Her friend Uma stuck sealed. [3]
1710 The parents too knew, Narad could not be false.
They, with wise friends, judged pros and cons.
Mustering courage, King said to Narad, anon,
“O Lord, Advise us, what is to be done." [4]
Narad, addressing Himanchal, in answer said,
“Whatever is written in the lot,
Gods, demons, men, nagas or the rishis,
Could not possibly that blot." [68]
“Even then Mountain King, I have one way to suggest.
Purpose can be well served if by God blest.
1720 The bridegroom as I have just laid out,
Shall be Hers, in that there lies no doubt. [1]
All those qualities which I had just defined,
In Shankar, those very same do I find.
If Uma could win Shiva to be Her consort,
All demerits into merits shall convert. [2]
If Vishnu has Shashnag as His bed,
The wise never called it bad instead.
Sun and fire suck juice of all kinds,
Even then, charge against them no one finds. [4]

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1730 None says that the Ganges impure goes,

Water, fair and foul, all in it flows.
From faults, the strong are always free
As Sun, as fire, and as Ganges, see "[5]
“If driven by pride, fools judge of gods,
By deeds done as they see,
They suffer in the hell for one full Kalpa,
Can soul ever Supreme Soul be?" [69]
“Wine made of water of the Ganges,
Knowing it so, that wine saints will never seize.
1740 Put in the Ganges, the same wine becomes whole,
That is difference between soul, Supreme Soul. [1]

Shankar is by Himself powerful all.

This marriage would be good universal.
Though it is difficult to adore Shankar,
At penances, He is pleased much sooner. [2]
If your daughter takes to the course of penance,
Shankar can change will of very Providence.
Bridegrooms there are there, in any number,
For Her, is Shankar alone and no other. [3]

1750 Great giver of boons, of the meek saviour,

Ocean of mercy, pleasing to heart of lover.
With lacs of Yoga and name repetition,
It’s impossible to succeed without His sanction."[4]
Having said this, Narad thought of his Lord God,
and to Uma, he gave blessing.
He said, “All is going to turn out well,
Himanchal, leave off worrying." [70]
Then Narad went away to Brahma’s domain,
Now follow the progress of the story main,
1760 In privacy, Maina her thoughts displayed,

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“I could not follow what Narad had said. [1]

If the groom, his status and family agree,
Then alone hold marriage of our Parvati.
Else, doesn’t matter if She remains a maid,
She is as dear to me as very life is said. [2]
If the match not befitting to the maid.
They’ll say mountain is by nature so dead.
O, Lord, Hold marriage after due thought.
Lest to our hearts a sore be got. " [3]
1770 So saying, at his feet She laid her head.
Then lord of mountains lovingly said,
May be that the moon does bring forth fire,
But Narad can never never prove a liar." [4]
“Dear love, shake off all worries from heart.
Let us have full faith in God.
He is bound to see that all goes well,
Who brought Parvati into world. [71]
If you have any love for the daughter dear,
Go and give Her now that teaching clear,
1780 Which would lead Her to penance and win Shankar,
There is no other way to avoid canker, [1]
Words of Narad are mystery, helpful,
Lord Shankar is with all virtues full.
So thinking, leave all your misgivings,
Shankar is free from all shortcomings. "[2]
She felt so happy at the words of Her lord.
She got up and went where Girija stood.
At the site of her daughter, the eyes got wet.
She held Girija within her lap and sat. [3]
1790 She embraced Girija again and again.
Her voice was choked, she could not restrain.
Mother of whole universe, with knowledge all,
Allowed sweet words from Her lips to fall. [4]
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“Hark, mother, I just saw a dream in sleep,

I would like to relate it to you.
A handsome fair complexioned Brahmin I saw,
He advised me, it is true." [72]
“O daughter of Himanchal, do take to penance.
On great Narad’s true advice advance.
1800 Your parents also on the same believe,
Penance gives joy, does from pains relieve. [1]
By virtue of penance, Brahma makes world.
Maintains it by penance, Vishnu the Lord.
By virtue of penance, Shiva brings it to close.
Shesh, this heavy earth on his does pose. [2]

The entire universe on penance does rest.

Go Girija, with faith take to penance best."
Hearing it, the mother was so much surprised.
She called Himanchal and him, of it, apprised. [3]
1810 Uma did consolation to parents advance.
With a joyful heart, She left for penance.
The affectionate parents, family all about,
Were struck with pain, not a word came out. [4]
Vedshri Rishi visited the parents just then.
And gave them great peace of mind.
All felt pacified on hearing from him,
Uma’s glories of many a kind. [73]
In Her bosom, Uma seated Her Lord’s feet,
Reached deep forest - Her penance’s seat.
1820 She was so delicate, not suited to take penance,
Forsook comfort, took to Lord’s remembrance. [1]
Love for Lord’s feet grew day by day,
Never thought of body, heart in penance lay.
For the thousand years. She took fruits and roots,
And another hundred, spent on ordinary shoots. [2]

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For sometime, She lived on water and air.

Some days She spent in starvation bare.
For three thousand years, She took leaves dry.
Falling from wood apple tree, nothing else would try.[3]
1830 Some time later, She left even taking the same.
Since then Aparna became Uma’s name.
When Uma’s form emaciated was seen,
From sky was heard a voice, grave, keen - [4]
“O daughter of King of all Mountains,
Your purpose has now been achieved.
Leave penances so unbearably hard,
Shankar will now be received." [74]
“Parvati, None ever took penance such,
There have been ascetics, perfect, with knowledge much,
1840 The word of Brahma, believe and be sure.
Take them to be true, sacred and pure. [1]
When Your father comes to take You with him,
Forsake penance and do go back home.
When Saptarishis come and they see You,
Then deem these words of mine to be true." [2]

Parvati bristled up and Her spirits were high,

To hear the voice of Brahma direct from sky.
Yagvalakya said - This has been Uma’s story.
Now I shall relate Shankar’s sweet history. [3]
1850 Ever since Sati went and Herself immolated,
Shiva had become in life disinterested.
He spent His time repeating Rama’s name.
Here and there, heard praises of Sri Ram(a). [4]
All peace, house of all happiness, Shankar,
Void of passion, ignorance, pride,
With Rama in His heart roamed giver of peace,
All over, on this earth wide. [75]

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At one place, rishis will knowledge seek,
At another, He will on Rama’s praises speak.
1860 Though Shiva is all knowledge and has no desire,
Even then separation from devotee is dire. [1]
In this way, a pretty long period passed.
Every day, love for Rama’s feet now limits crossed.
Viewing Shankar’s disciplines and His love great,
And faith in His heart in so firm a state, [2]
Most merciful, grateful Rama took form,
So fine, considerate, grand and with charm,
Of Shankar, He expressed praises great.
Who else could such a vow demonstrate. [3]
1870 In so many forms He Shankar advised.
The birth of Parvati too He described.
Of Girija’s sacred performance,
Lord merciful mentioned every little instance. [4]
“Now Shankar, do pay heed to my request,
If You have love for me at heart.
Go and marry Himanchal’s daughter,
This boon to me do impart." [76]
Shiva answered, “Though it may not be right,
But to thwart Your words, I have no might.
1880 My most sacred pious duty is this,
That I act faithfully as You wish [1]
The order of parents, teachers and Lord,
Should be carried out without hitch, with full accord.
You are in every way benefactor great,
Your order I will carry out straight." [2]
The Lord was pleased at Shankar’s word,
With love, knowledge and duty at concord,
Lord said “Your vow has been now fulfilled,
Shankar, I pray, now act as I have willed." [3]

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1890 Having spoken all this, Rama disappeared.

That form in His heart, Shankar remembered.
To Shiva, just then Saptrishis did come.
Shiva said to them after a warm welcome. [4]
Do, please, pay a visit to Parvati’s place,
And there do test Her love.
Persuade Himanchal to go, bring Her home,
And all Her worries remove." [77]
The rishis saw Gauri’s condition, Lo!
Embodiment of penance, She looked so.
1900 They said, “O Girija, do listen unto us,
For what do You suffer these penances? [1]

Whom worship You and what is Your aim?

To us frankly do express the same. "
“I hesitate so much to open to open my mind,
With derision, you will, my silliness, rescind.
My decision is firm, no teaching would avail,
I wish to raise wall on water, to fail.
I have taken the words of Narad to be true,
I wish to fly and that without pinions too. [3]

1910 O Rishis, please look at my silly programme.

I seek Lord Shankar to become my groom." [4]
The Rishis gave hearty laugh and said,
“After all, You are born of a hill,
Acting on the advice of Saint Narad,
Who could stay at home still? [78]
He gave some teaching to Daksha’s sons,
They left home, never looked at it askance.
The family of Chittraketu, he ruined,
The same fate did Hirankashyapa find. [1]

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1920 Whoever heard him, be a woman or man,

He left home, joined the ascetic plan.
With heart so black, he looks like saint.
Like himself, he wishes all world to paint. [2]
Trusted his words and You seek a recluse,
Virtueless, shameless, with all features loose,
Wears snakes, garland of human heads round neck,
With no family, no home, no dress to bedeck! [3]

What good do You expect from spouse such?

Girija, You are prey to a thug so much.
1930 At people’s request, Shankar married Sati.
Later on forsook Her, brought about death, He. [4]
He now sleeps soundly, of cares full free,
By begging, He sees His way.
With such a one who is by nature recluse,
Could ever a woman stay? [79]
It is time, You change over, I presume,
I have in my mind an excellent groom.
Handsome, pure, considerate, pleasing,
Of whom even Vedas praises sing, [1]
1940 Flawless, in possession of all virtues,
Lord of Lakshmi, dweller of heaven, choose.
Such a groom for You we promise to procure."
At this She smiled, made answer sure, [2]
“You rightly remarked I come from hill,
My vow would not change, well me one may kill,
Gold also comes out from the rocky range,
Being put in fire, it does not show any change. [3]

I would not consider Narad’s words trash,

It is no matter whether I live or crash.
1950 If one does his teacher’s words suspect,
He shouldn’t dream of power and respect. [4]
If Mahadeva is house of all possible ills,
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And Vishnu of virtues all,

If one has Her heart tied up with one,
She shall always him only call. [80]1
O Rishis, if you had been first to meet,
It was possible I could your advice greet.
But now, my life is tied up with Shiv(a),
Who could thoughts to merits and demerit give. [1]
1960 If you’ve determined to arrange a pair,
Bachelors and maids are not so rare.
For me, even for crores of lives, it is laid,
I’ll marry Shankar or remain a maid, [2]

Narad’s words I am never going to lose,

Even if very Shankar to advise does choose."
The mother of Universe to the Rishis said,
“I submit, at your feet placing my head, [3]
It is getting inconveniently late, I entreat,
It is time that to Your abode You retreat."
1970 The rishis burst forth when they saw love Hers,
“Victory, Victory to the Mother of Universe." [4]
You are His power Maya and Shankar is God,
To the world, You are the parents."
The rishis said this, bent head, took leave,
Horripilated, hair up on ends. [81]
They went and sent Himanchal therefrom,
Who begged and brought back his daughter home.
Then Saptarishis came to meet Shankar,
And described Uma’s great love for Him there. [1]

1980 Hearing which Lord Shankar was lost in joy.

Saptarishis returned home, somewhat coy.
1 The actual verse by the poet here was in masculine gender which considering the context, I have changed to

feminine. Specifically, the original verse is,

If one has her heart tied up with one,
He shall always her only call.
In original work of Tulsidas, this is gender neutral.

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All knowledgeful Shankar soon recovered,

Began to repeat Rama’s name revered. [2]

There was born a demon named Tarak then,

For might of his arms, was widely known.
He won all world and each Lokpal,
Gods lost their property, comforts, all. [3]
He was immortal and would never grow old.
Gods lost battles, he could not be controlled.
1990 They all went to Brahma and implored.
Brahma found gods so sad and deplored. [4]
Then Brahma explained to all those gods,
That Tarak could only be killed,
When son born of the semen of Shiva
Would meet the demon on the field. [82]
“Listen to me, O gods, and remedy find,
We may meet with success, if God is kind.
Sati, dying at Daksha’s rites with grace.
Has taken rebirth at Himanchal’s place [1]
2000 She has done great penances to get Shankar
Who left all and did in meditation enter
The odds are great, that none can deny,
Yet, I suggest a way, listen and let us try. [2]

Let us persuade Passion to go to Shankar

And cause disturbance in His meditation there.
We all should go and beg of Shankar,
Beseech Him to marry Himanchal’s daughter. [3]
That is a possible way for the good of the gods."
Gods approved of plan - cure for their odds.
2010 Gods prayed to Kama - the Passion-god
With five arrows and fish flag he appeared. [4]
Gods placed their pitiable plight before Kama
He heard them and thought in mind.

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He said to gods if he was to face Shankar,

He would not his own welfare find. [83]
“Yet, I shall do that service to gods anon,
Vedas call service to be true religion.
Whoever gives life for the good of others,
All honour of him does a saint confer." [1]
2020 To Kama left, bending down his head to gods,
With his dart of flowers and helpful odds.
While going, Kama did have it in his mind,
That in facing Shankar, death he shall find. [2]

He then set in motion his great influence,

And brought the whole Universe within his fence.
When Kama was exercising his full force,
All Vedic disciplines were gone, of course. [3]
Rules of celibacy and self control,
Discipline, religion and also learning all.
2030 Good conduct, yoga and unattachment,
Were cast to four winds of bewilderment. [4]
Right judgment flew, with its all retinue,
Its great warriors, were in flight.
Sacred literature, took in caves shelter,
Had all disappeared in fright. [1]
All was confusion, nobody had known,
Who would save the world at last.
who had two heads now, Kama with arrow bow
Was gaining the hold, full blast. [2]
2040 All living and dead found in this world,
masculine, feminine by name,
They had forgotten all rules of conduct,
All under the Kama’s sway came. [84]
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Over all hearts ruled the Passion King,

Branches bent down, creepers seeing.
Rivers in floods ran out to meet the sea.
Ponds, great and small, united with glee. [1]
When that was the case with the inanimate,
Who could tell the minds of those, animate?
2050 All animals, birds of water, air and earth,
Forgetting season were in love’s great girth. [2]

So blind in passion, all were restless,

Of night and day partridges thoughtless.
Gods, men, Kinners and snakes and demons,
Ghosts, spirits, specters and apparitions, [3]
I need not say much of their condition,
As they have always been slaves to passion.
The perfect, rishis, unattached, yogis,
Under Passion’s swift sway were found all these [4]
2060 Ascetics and Yogis, became passionate these
What then shall be said of the low?
Who visualised world one with Great Lord,
Now saw it in feminine glow. [1]
The world all around, woman as men found,
Man everybody a woman deemed.
Such Passion’s great sweep, for some hours did keep,
All world in its influence, it seemed. [2]
None could remain at heart calm,
Over every heart was seen Kama’s Government.
2070 They alone, who were helped by Ram(a)
Could escape the tumultuous turmoil. [85]
For a couple of hours lasted Passion’s feat,
Till Kama reached near to Shankar’s seat.
Seeing him, for a while, did Kama hesitate,

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The world returned to its normal state. [1]

All living creatures were in sound states,
As drunkards do when drink’s influence abates.
At the sight of Shankar, Kama felt so afraid.
Unconquerable, boundless, of all gods the head. [2]
2080 Kama felt much ashamed at his failure to act,
Got ready to meet death and decided on his tact.
He soon brought about the season of spring
Set up rows of beautiful trees, flowering. [3]
Forest, orchard, tank and also a pond,
The whole view presented scenery sweet grand.
It seemed as if love grew, all here and there,
At which even the dead did Passion rear. [4]
The beauty that spread, brought passion in the dead,
It could not be adequately told.
2090 Cool, scented, mild breeze, passion’s fire to increase,
As Passion’s great friend, behold. [1]
The lotus in the pond opened up to respond,
Big black bees buzzed on them.
Swans, parrots, cuckoos, each everywhere coos,
Danced many a heavenly maiden. [2]
In spite of Efforts and forces all,
Kama and his army felt sore.
They failed to stir Shiva from meditation,
Kama fanned up his fury galore. [86]
2100 He saw a branch of a great mango tree,
Red with fury, on it took his seat he.
Kama put all his bow fire arrows flowering,
And pulled to his ear the bow’s string. [1]
He shot the five arrows, for Shiva’s heart bound.
Thus disturbed Shankar, waking He saw around.

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He saw Kama hiding, with mango leaves frilled,

Shiva got flared up and three worlds felt thrilled. [2]

As Shankar His third eye opened at last,

Kama fell burnt to ashes at its first cast.
2110 A great noise arose from the world below.
Gods were afraid while evils had mirth aglow. [3]
The lewd were sorry that Kama was no more.
Saints, yogis were happy at the end of the sore. [4]
All yogis were glad and Rati was sad,
When she heard of her husband’s end.
Crying loud in wail, with very great travail,
She approached Shankar for amend. [1]
She joining her palms, begged as if for alms,
Praying to Shankar, on ground prone.
2120 The Great Shankar Ji, Ocean of great mercy,
Seeing her, had great mercy shown. [2]
“O Rati, from now your lord will be known,
As Anang or say without form,
He will live in every creature, yet remain unseen,
You will meet him, as you I inform. [87]
When Krishna takes birth as Yadav King,
To relieve earth of huge load of sin,
Your lord will be born as Krishna’s son.
Count on my words, they can’t be undone." [1]
2130 Rati heard Shankar and home returned.
Listen how the other story turned.
Of the history of Kama, when gods did know,
They all and Brahma to the heaven did go. [2]

The gods, Brahma and Vishnu together,

Journeyed to the place of Lord Shankar.
Each of them praised Him, turn by turn,

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Shiva was so pleased at this good turn. [3]

He, ocean of mercy, then thus inquired,
“What brought you gods, what has transpired?"
2140 Brahma said, “You are Lord Omniscient,
On name of devotion, we seek consent, [4]
O Shankar, in heart of gods lies
A sincere strong desire.
They wish to witness with their eyes,
Your great marriage, O sire. [88]
Be graciously pleased, subjugator of Kam(a),
That we might witness the ceremony of charm.
You burnt down Kama, yet gave Rati boon.
O, Ocean of mercy, it was really well done. [1]
2150 It is usual with masters, Lord Shankar,
They at first punish and then bestow favour.
Parvati has offered penances great,
Be pleased to agree to accept Her straight." [2]

Shiva heard Brahma, thought of the words of Ram(a),

So gave His approval to the planned programme.
At that, glad gods beat drums so hard,
Rained flowers, said, “Victory, Victory to the Lord." [3]
An opportunity offered, Saptarishis came.
Them, Shankar dispatched to Himanchal’s home.
2160 They went first straight to Parvati’s place,
And in a feigned accent related the case. [4]
“You did not pay heed to our advice,
To Narad’s advice You turned.
But Your vow has misfired now,
As Shankar, Kama has burned." [89]

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Uma heard Saptarishis, smiled and said,

“Well done, Well done, O Saptarishis learned.
You think Kama only now has come to harm,
And so far, Shankar had been under its charm. [1]
2170 From my view, Shiva has been a Yogi ever,
Ever born, free from desire of pleasure.
If I have been taking Him ever as such,
And served with love, thought, word, deed, much, [2]

The Lord, store-house of mercy and grace,

Will save my vow, no danger it will face.
And as for Shiva’s burning down of Kam(a),
There too, Rishis, you’re in delusion and charm. [3]
O, Rishis, it is in the very nature of fire,
Frost can’t approach it without consequence dire.
2180 If it does, it is bound to disappear there,
That is exactly so, with Kama and Shankar." [4]
Immensely pleased were Rishis when they saw,
Parvati’s great faith and love.
They bent their heads to Her in respect.
And then to Himanchal move. [90]
Whole history was told to Himanchal great,
He was pained to know poor Kama’s fate.
They then mentioned to him the Shankar’s boon,
At which Himanchal got pleased, so soon. [1]
2190 He thought within himself of Shankar’s might,
And did all rishis respectfully invite,
They decided upon most auspicious day.
Then auspicious hour, moment chose they. [2]
He gave Saptarishis the fixed up schedule,
And holding their feet, King begged as a rule.
They handed over that note to Brahma great.
Its perusal made them with devotion elate. [3]
Brahma announced time which He had read,
To know gods and saints all were glad.

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2200 Sky rained flowers and music was played.

Pitchers auspicious also were everywhere displayed. [4]
All gods began making decorations,
Of carriages and of conveyance.
Auspicious signs all pointed out welcome,
Heavenly maidens sing and dance. [91]
Attendant of Shankar decorated Him,
Did hair, put crown of snakes so grim.
Ear rings, bracelets, all formed of snakes,
Ash covers His body, lion’s skin dress makes. [1]
2210 On His head were moon and Ganges sacred,
Had three eyes, snakes formed sacred thread.
Hemlock in the neck, wreathe of human heads,
All merciful, good, fear outwardly sheds. [2]
He held trident, hour-glass drum in His hand.
A bull carried Him, there played the band.
Gods’ wives smiled at viewing Shankar.
Said, “ Bride for a groom like this was rare." [3]
Vishnu, Brahma and the godly group,
On their vehicles, all joined the troop.
2220 The party of gods, most excellent though,
Did not match with groom’s outward show. [4]
Lord Vishnu in jovial mood did call,
All Digpals and ordered.
“Let us all group ourselves patrolwise,
Each with his own team preferred." [92]
“The groom does not match with our gods’ block,
Let us not make ourselves a laughing stock."
At these words of Vishnu the gods smiled,
And with their respective troops separately filed. [1]

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2230 Shankar was enjoying this plan within,

Said, “ Lord’s jokes persist on here even."
Knowing hint thrown out by beloved Vishnu,
Through messenger Bhringi summoned his troops too. [2]
All members turned up when they heard the call.
In respect, at His lotus feet did fall.
Shiva smiled at their patterns and norms,
With strange carriages, strange form. [3]

Some were without mouths, some had mouths many.

Some had numerous limbs, some didn’t have any.
2240 Some had not one, some had many eyes.
Somme looked robust, some were so thin in size. [4]
This was so fat, so thin looked that,
Some pure, some very impure.
Decked fearfully grand, held heads in hand,
Plastered with fresh blood sure. [1]
Like donkey and dog, like jackal and hog.
Odd faces they all did take.
There were spirits, ghosts and fiends in hosts,
Who could their description make? [2]
2250 They sang and danced at will,
A jolly lot of spirits - they were,
They seemed lacking in skill,
They shrieked and spoke queer languages. [93]
Like unto the groom was party then.
All along the way was frolic and fun.
And here Himanchal set up tents
Indescribable in looks and in contents. [1]
Invited all mountains great and small,
That exist on earth who could all recall.
2260 All forests and oceans, rivers and ponds,

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He invited all in fraternal bonds. [2]

In fine forms which they chose to take,
All, with families, so fine in make,
Did groups to Himanchal’s place deploy,
With all fondness sang songs of joy. [3]
He had accommodation already arranged,
All were lodged in houses well ranged.
Whole township looked with gaiety replete.
Even Creator’s craft could not compete. [4]
2270 Great Brahma’s skill looked very little,
On seeing that township’s grace.
Forests and gardens, wells, rivers and tanks,
Their description needs space. [1]
Happy buntings new, flag banners flew
Every house they did decorate.
Men and women fine, in wisdom shine,
Their look Rishi’s heart could bait. [2]
How could anyone venture to describe,
Where Jagdamba took birth?
2280 Might and success, riches and happiness,
Ever and ever grew on that earth. [94]
When the marriage party came near the town,
There was new stir, new beauty shown.
Well dressed in many a fine vehicle,
They went up to offer reception full, [1]
Were immensely pleased at seeing gods train,
And sighting Vishnu got pleasure main.
But when Lord Shankar’s followers they saw,
Elephants, horses, bullocks, were shy with awe. [2]
2290 The wise alone, mustering courage, were calm.
The youth took to heels at the sight of alarm.

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Their parents inquired when house they reached.

They were all trembling and with fear shrieked. [3]

“What shall we say? It is not possible to define,

Is it marriage party or lord Yama’s line?
Bridegroom is eccentric, he rides on a bull,
With ornaments of snakes, heads and ash full. [4]
Ash all over spreads, with snakes human heads,
Wears long hair, naked, fearful,
2300 In company with ghosts and spirits in hosts,
Is followed by demon awful. [1]
He who does survive, after that view revive,
May be deemed to be lucky indeed.
He’ll Uma’s marriage see, not certainly we."
The children nervously decreed. [2]
While father and mother smiled, as they knew,
It was party of Lord Shankar.
They pacified the children so very much upset,
saying there was no room for fear. [95]
2310 They received the party and ushered it,
All were provided with accommodation fit.
To move lighted camphor circularly, Maina, Queen,
Was ready, women with music busy have been. [1]
She held in her hand beautiful plate of gold.
And went to accost Shankar as rites told.
When that fearful form came in their view,
All women trembled and with fear flew. [2]

They entered hastily into their room,

To the place of stay went heck of a groom.
2320 In Maina’ heart, there came great fear.
She called her daughter Parvati near. [3]
She seated her daughter lovingly by her.

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Her lotus eyes were brimming with water.

“The Creator, who gave You beauty so great,
How could He foolishly such groom designate? [4]
How could He have had, a groom so mad,
When You, He gave so nice a form?
A fruit which could be on the Kalpa Tree,
Has to acacia been borne. [1]
2330 I shall jump from hill dire, rush into a big fire,
Or with You will jump in the sea.
My family may end, bad name, it may lend,
If I live, this marriage won’t be." [2]
Seeing Queen of Himanchal in miserable plight,
All other women too were grieved.
She thought of her great love for her Uma,
Very extreme pain she received. [96]
“What harm did we ever to Narad Rishi send,
For which he has brought about my home’s end?
2340 And he gave to Uma such improper advice,
That for a mad bridegroom, She made sacrifice [1]
True, he has no tenderness or mercy -
A recluse, with no home, family, property.
He ruins families, never fears or refrains.
What can a barren woman know of labour pains?" [2]
When Parvati noticed Her mother’s agony,
In wisdom, in affectionate note, spoke She,
“Mother, shake off the grief, keeping in your mind.
What is lotted one cannot ever blotted find. [3]
2350 If I’ve in my fortune a mad husband,
Then Why assign blame at any other end?
You cannot after all waive my bad luck.
Then why earn a bad name by your pluck? [4]

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O my mother sad, why get a name bad?
Cease repining, occasions demand.
Be it happiness or grief, what is my lot chief,
Wherever I go, it will be on hand." [1]
Hearing Uma’s words sweet, with meekness replete,
All women began thinking.
2360 Fault with Brahma find, to blame Him inclined,
Shed tears from eyes brimming. [2]
At that occasion great King Himanchal,
Arrived inside the home.
He brought Narad and Saptrishis
Also there along with him. [97]
Then Narad pacified the feelings of all,
Past history of Uma to all did recall.
“Maina, listen to me, I tell you by God,
Your daughter Parvati, is mother of the world. [1]
2370 She is unborn, beginningless, endless power.
She has ever been better half of Shankar.
She created the world, maintains, ceases.
She takes form whatsoever She pleases. [2]
At Daksha’s house, She was first born,
In a beautiful form was as Sati known.
Even there, Shankar had been Her Lord own.
That story all over the world is known. [3]
Once going with Shankar, amidst forests,
She saw Rama, sun for Raghu’ family lotus,
2380 She erred and Shankar’s advice ignored,
And assumed Sita’s appearance outward. [4]
She took Sita’s form, which did Shankar harm,
He did that relation terminate.
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Grieve by separation, at Her father’s function

Did herself in yogic fire immolate. [1]
She has again come to earth, in your home taking birth,
Took to terrible penance for Shiva.
You should know this, from me and carefree be,
Uma always enjoyed Shiva’s love." [2]
2390 When Maina and others heard Narad say,
All their affliction was gone.
In no time did this news spread all over,
Every person had tidings known. [98]
Then Rishis and Himanchal, so joyous and gay,
At Uma’s feet, they their heads did lay.
All women and men, child, youth and old,
All citizens in the town had joys untold. [1]
Music of happiness did all over start.
All put up gold pitchers decorated with art.
2400 Marriage party was given a befitting feast.
As laid down in science of cookery in the east. [2]
How could that entertainment be described? [2]
When in the house, goddess Uma Herself lived?
Respectful invitation to the party was sent.
To Vishnu, Brahma, gods also it went. [3]
In rows after rows, guests sat for dinner.
For servicing, most experts ones were there.
When the party was doing justice to the food,
Ladies sang music, most touching and good. [4]
2410 Fair ladies did greet in voices sweet,
In words that went to the heart,
Which gods to relish, took time to finish,
Their language did joy impart. [1]

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Joy reached new heights, at the feasting rites,

Crores of mouths could not have uttered,
When hands had been washed, betel leaves were passed,
And each to his bedroom ushered. [2]
Later on, rishis reported to King Himanchal
How programme of events did stand.
2420 Calls were therefore extended to all gods,
As the marriage hour was at hand. [99]
Gods were all respectfully invited,
All were, at their proper places seated.
An altar was made as Vedas lay,
Most auspicious songs did women say. [1]

There was a dais, brilliant and aloft,

Who should venture describe Brahma’s own craft?
There sat Shiva, paying to all Brahmins salaam,
Bringing to His heart His deity Ram(a). [2]
2430 Then Uma was sent for by the rishis,
She appeared escorted by great ladies,
All hearts were charmed when She was seen.
To depict Her grace, where has a poet been? [3]

All gods, within themselves, to Her bowed down,

Having Uma, world’s mother and Shiva’s half known,
Uma seemed to be ultimate limits of grace.
Crores of tongues cannot describe Her face. [4]
couldn’t venture to score, tongues more than crore,
Great beauty of the mother of world.
2440 Vedas and Shesh Ji, even great Saraswati,
Would hesitate to utter one word. [1]
Of all graces seed, did Parvati proceed,
To the centre of dais near Shiv(a).
For great modesty, could not His feet see.
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Heart, like black bee did there live. [2]

As directed by saints, Shiva Parvati
Did worship of Ganapati Ganesh.
Let no question come in minds of some,
Gods have ever been beginningless. [100]
2450 All marriage rites that the Vedas informed,
Great rishis saw all of them performed -
Himvant held Uma’s hand and some grass,
To Shankar did thus Parvati Ji pass. [1]
When Shankar received Parvati’s hand,
So happy did become all godly band.
The rishis did with Vedic verses all greet,
Gods too “Victory to Shankar" did repeat. [2]
There were all types of musical strain.
Sky did many coloured flowers rain.
2460 Thus marriage of Uma-Shankar was complete.
All universe had then been with joy replete, [3]
Maids, servants, horses, elephants, chariots,
Cows cloth and jewels, diamonds of all sorts,
Cart load of grain and vessels of gold,
— dowry, which in words could not be told. [4]
Giving dowry, stands King with joined hands,
And thus did to Shankar say,
“What could I give, to great Lord Shiva."
Hands at Shankar’s feet did lay. [1]
2470 Great merciful Shiva, did to father-in-law give,
All possible satisfaction.
With her heart so full, Maina all tearful,
Held Shiva’s feet with devotion. [2]

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“O Lord, Uma has ever been life to me,

Please make Her Your maid servant.
Forgive me for my shortcomings, please,
Most graciously this boon grant." [101]
Shankar consoled His mother-in-law much,
She bowed to His feet, went home as such.
2480 She then had her Parvati near to her brought,
Her, Maina hugged to her bosom and taught. [1]
“Do worship the feet of Shankar ever,
Other than husband, no good ever prefer."
While she said these words, her eyes wetted,
Embraced Uma to her bosom and said, [2]

“Why did the creator create a woman?

In dependence, there lies happiness none."
For reasons of love, her grief was sore,
Noticing the situation, she patiently bore. [3]
2490 Embraced Her again, touched Her feet again,
There was love very deep which none could explain.
Uma embraced each and every woman there,
She turned again and clung to Her mother. [4]
Again mother meeting, Uma was stepping
All did, to Her, blessings give,
Turned over and over, to have look of mother,
Her comrades then took Her to Shiv(a). [1]
Wish of every seeker, satisfied Shankar,
Then with Uma, He left for home.
2500 Gods happiness gained, flowers from heaven rained,
Went by air, beating their drum. [2]
King Himanchal and all his retinue,
To bid them farewell, moved out.
By ways various, Shiva consoled them,
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And begged them to turn about. [102]

King Himanchal came at once to his home.
Called mountains, rivers to a warm welcome.
Paid them respects and made offerings,
Acknowledged their favor, made farewell biddings. [1]
2510 When Lord Shankar towards Kailash turned,
Gods also to respective realms returned.
With Uma and Shankar as mother, father
I don’t depict their life of pleasure. [2]
They enjoyed life from all points of view,
Stayed at Kailash with their retinue.
Every day, for them, saw new form of pleasure.
Quite a long time passed in this way there. [3]
Swami Kartik was born, six faced son,
Who brought about evil Tarak’s end anon.
2520 Vedas, Shastras and Purans tell,
Swami Kartik’s story all world knows well. [4]
Six faced son’s great performance,
His valour the world knows well,
To this reason chief, I have been so brief,
And did not in great details tell. [1]
Those who sing, recite, this marriage rite,
Of great Uma and Shankar,
They will ever obtain, great joy and gain,
In the form of marriage and pleasure. [2]
2530 The glories of Shankar as vast as sea.
Even Vedas could not see their end.
How uncultured unintelligent Tulsi could,
Ability to depict them pretend? [103]

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Hearing Shiva’s story, pleasant, interesting,

Bharadwaj experienced great rejoicing.
His desire to hear more, was developing,
His eyes were wet and body bristling. [1]
By abundance of love his voice got choked.
Yagyavalkya’s pleasure was greatly evoked.
2540 He said, “Bharadwaj, your life is blest.
In Shankar, you have life’s joy greatest. [2]

Those who don’t possess love for Shankar’s feet,

Cannot even in dream possibly Rama greet.
Sincere, transparent love for Shankar,
Is a sure sign of Shri Rama’s lover. [3]
For Rama, who could ever take vow so great?
To leave innocent Sati, did not hesitate.
By His vow He established, for Rama, devotion,
Who is dear to Rama like Shankar then? [4]
2550 By mentioning first the story of Shiva,
I could very well read your heart.
You are Rama’s true and sincere devotee,
Free from all impious part. [104]
Your virtues, nature has now been known,
Listen, I will relate Rama’s great renown.
On meeting you, Rishi, the joy of mine
Is so great that I cannot define. [1]
Great Rishi, Rama’s glories are so boundless,
Sheshas hundred crores too cannot express.
2560 Yet, I’ll relate as I heard of glories grand,
Of Rama, Lord of Speech, bow in hand. [2]

Saraswati, goddess of learning, is like a puppet.

Rama Omniscient, does string manipulate.
Whoever, as devotee, enjoys favour,
In his heart does Saraswati dance ever. [3]
I bow down to that Lord Rama beautiful,
And try to describe glories wonderful."

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At Kailash, of mountains most charming,

Shiva and Parvati were both living. [4]
2570 The perfect, ascetics, yogis and gods,
Groups of kinner and rishis,
All sacred, and pious ones lived there,
Serving Shankar, root of peace. [105]
Those opposed to Shiva, Vishnu to religion disciplined,
Any access to that Kailash cannot find.
Thereat does a big banyan tree stand.
It is evergreen, in all seasons looks grand. [1]
There is cool, shade, breeze cool, fragrant, blowing,
It is Shankar’s resting place, Vedas praise sing.
2580 It so happened that once when Shankar came,
Great pleasure He felt on viewing the same. [2]
By His own hands, lions skin He spread,
And by the way, sat Shiva - merciful head,
His body fair like lotus, conch shell, moon,
Had long hair, wore bark-saint’s gown. [3]
His feet pink, full grown lotus resembled,
Nails, darkness of devotees’ hearts dispelled.
Snakes and ash, Shankar’s ornaments made.
Before His face, full moon of October did fade. [4]
2590 He wore crown of long hair and Ganges on head,
Eyes large, like lotus radiant.
His throat blue, was store of beauty,
His forehead, beautified crescent. [106]
Shiva, enemy of Kama, sitting there so bloomed,
As if peace itself had a form assumed.
Parvati found it an occasion of worth,
So went near Shankar, that mother of earth. [1]

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Treating Her as His wife gave respect high.

He offered Her seat at His left and nigh.
2600 She sat beside Shankar and was so glad.
The history of previous birth She remembered. [2]
She found Shankar’s love greater still,
So spoke gently with a broad smile.
She is going to open some discourse,
Which will be benefiting to whole Universe. [3]

“My Lord and that of entire world,

You beheaded Tripura evil with Your sword.
Your glorious deeds and virtues fine,
Do all over entire Universe shine. [4]
2610 All living and dead - nag, man and god,
Do worship to thy lotus feet, lord. [5]
You are all powerful and omniscient Shiva.
Center of arts, virtues, noble.
of yoga and knowledge, and understanding,
Your name is Kalpa Tree to the humble. [107]
O source of happiness, my wish please grant.
Take me, my Lord, as Your humble servant.
Do then remove, O Lord, my ignorance,
By describing fully Rama’s performance. [1]

2620 He, who has his house under Kalpa tree,

Shall he have to suffer pangs of penury?
Think of this, O great wearer of the moon,
Wash off my wrong understanding soon. [2]
Rishis who know the Supreme, spiritualism know,
Call Rama beginningless, Supreme Soul, so.
Shesh, Saraswati, Vedas. Purans, always,
Do all with one voice sing Rama’s praise.

You also, O enemy of Kama, do say,

’Rama Rama’, with respect all night and day.
2630 My Lord, is King of Avadh that Ram(a)
Or some else unseen, unborn, without form? [4]

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If He be the King, how is He, Supreme Brahma,
In wife’s separation so mad?
I saw a lot of Him, heard of Him too,
I am in confusion sad. [108]
And if Supreme Soul is someone else,
Omnipresent, almighty, and formless,
Then, pray, the details of Him express,
And cast off my this great distress. [1]
2640 Be not angry, taking me to be a fool.
To remove my ignorance, pray, use every tool,
In the forest, I saw Rama’s great powers,
For the great fear, to You, I did not express. [2]
Even then, to this evil heart, light didn’t come.
Most horrible consequences of it, I had borne.
Even now some darkness lingers on,
I pray to you, show me the light anon. [3]
It is true, You took all pains to explain,
Thinking that any displeasures don’t entertain,
2650 That ignorance of old is not in me now.
I desire to hear Rama’s glories and bow. [4]

Do, therefore describe glories of Rama grand

O. Lord of gods, who is with Shesha adorned. [5]
I pray at Your feet with my head on earth,
And earnest prayer commence —
Describe to me glorious deeds of Rama.
— Of Vedas the real essence. [109]
Even though as a woman, I have no claim,
By thought, word, deed, Your servant I am,
2660 Great secrets too, saints conceal never,
In case they find a deserving seeker. [1]

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O Lord of gods, I respectfully state,

Graciously describe Rama’s story great.
First tell me the reasons for which, My Lord,
Human form was taken by formless God. [2]
Then Lord, describe the birth of Ram(a),
Of His sweet childhood then inform.
Later relate how He married Sita,
For what fault did He leave His Ayodhya? [3]

2670 Numerous deeds which He, in forests did,

Killed Ravana, the mighty, the splendid.
Tell me what He did when He was on throne
Let, Lord, on all points light be thrown. [4]
O, House of mercy, then further tell me,
Rama’s that great wondrous deed —
How Rama, along with all His subjects,
Did to His abode proceed. [110]
Lord, describe that truth very fully to me,
To whose realisation learned and rishi
2680 Are lost in sweet pleasures of it.
Describe that truth, knowledge, secret. [1]

Then give the detailed full statement,

Of devotion, knowledge, science, unattachment,
And many other mysteries of Rama, say,
That are pious full of knowledge, I pray. [2]
Even of what I have made no mention,
Lord, let that too, not escape description.
Vedas call You teacher of the worlds three,
How could an imperfect have knowledge like Thee?" [3]

2690 Uma’s questions, made in pure good faith,

With no malice, were admitted forthwith.
All deeds of Rama flashed in Shiva’s heart —
Eyes got wet, bristling all over did start. [4]
In the heart of Shankar, came Shri Rama’s face.
He experienced great joy, great grace. [5]

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Lord, for a brief time in meditation deep,
Again later came to Himself.
And with joyous heart commenced to say,
The story of Rama’s goodself. [111]
2700 “Without knowing whom, false does true seem,
As has a snake in an unknown rope been.
And on knowing whom, all world goes so,
As on waking, notion of dream does go. [1]
I bow to that Rama of young childhood,
By repeating whose name, powers at hand stood,
House of happiness, all sorrow vanisher,
Be kind, Dashrath’s court-yard’s player." [2]
Bowing down to Rama, Tripura’s great foe,
Shiva, happily in nectar like voice said so,
2710 “Well done, well done, O Himanchal’s daughter,
Like you there has been no other benefactor. [3]
The story of Rama which, You does please.
Is, for all worlds, purifier as Ganges.
Full love for Shri Rama’s feet You have had.
For the good of the world this query You made. [4]
By the grace of Shri Rama, O Parvati,
There is not in You, even in dream.
Sorrow, ignorance, doubt or any misgiving,
As far as I can possibly deem. [112]
2720 Even then You have raised the doubts of old,
As discussion would do good to all the world.
Those who have not stories of Rama heard,
Their ears like hole of snakes appeared. [1]

Eyes, which to view saints and sages fail,

Are mere forms seen in a peacock’s tail.
Heads that didn’t bend before God, teacher,

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Are mere pumpkins, and those too, bitter. [2]

Those, who in their hearts have faith not bred,
Though outwardly living, are just as dead -
2730 That tongue which does not sing Rama’s praise,
Is no tongue, like toad it does mere croaking raise. [3]
That breast is stone, like bolt gifted,
Which does not at Rama’s praise feel lifted.
Girija, listen to Rama’s story, I say.
Does good to gods and to wicked in special way. [4]
The story of Rama is Kamdhenu Cow,
By service, fulfills all desire.
And groups of saints are like gods’ domains.
Who would, to hear, not aspire? [113]
2740 Rama’s glories are like good loud clapping,
At which birds of doubts fly off flapping.
Rama’s story is axe to cut down Kali Tree.
Listen to it, with all respect,Parvati - [1]

Vedas call limitless Rama’s name indeed,

Merits of His virtue, His birth, and His deed.
As is Lord Rama Himself boundless,
So are His stories, virtues, limitless. [2]
Yet, as I have noticed Your intense wish,
I’ll relate as I know and as I relish.
2750 Uma, as Your question is innocent and pure,
I like it, as to saints, it is agreeable sure. [3]
Just one point alone, I did not enjoy,
Though through sheer ignorance, You did deploy.
You said, ‘Was Rama quite a different entity,
Of whom Vedas sing, on whom meditate rishi?’ [4]
The cheat, who oppose God’s feet, knows not,
What is true and what is untrue.
Those, who are under ghost of ignorance’s charm,
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Say so, who are fallen all through. [114]

2760 The ignorant, the fool, blind and luckless,
Who have heart mirror soiled with sensuousness,
Licentious, cunning, having great wicked taints,
Who have never dreamt of society of saints, [1]

Those who cannot distinguish between loss and gain,

They alone utter what Vedas disdain.
With heart-mirrors soiled and eyes so blind,
How could these unlucky ones view Rama kind? [2]
Not knowing God with form or formless,
Utter what comes to them, perfectly thoughtless.
2770 Under influence of Maya, they have birth, rebirth,
For them, no language is too bad in worth. [3]

Those who are delirious, under spirits, or drunk,

Cannot control their tongue, in folly sunk.
Those intoxicated under ignorance wine,
To hear such, one should in no case, incline. [4]
With this belief in one’s heart
One should cast off doubts and take Ram(a).
Listen Uma to what I impart,
To dispel darkness, my words will act as sun. [115]

2780 With form or formless - are not different they,
Rishis, Vedas, Puranas and the wise say.
The formless, attributeless and invisible,
Due to love of devotee takes from visible [1]
The same formless does assume a form,
As water and hail - differ mere in name.
Whose name is sun for ignorance darkness,
Can there be of dark ignorance any trace? [2]

Rama - Truth, Force, Peace - is light as Sun,

The night of ignorance can there be none.

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2790 He is knowledge and Lord by His nature,

There is no morn of knowledge, as night wasn’t there. [3]

Joy, sorrow, knowledge, ignorance, egoism, pride

Are attributes to Jiva - in soul they reside.
Rama is Supreme Soul and Omnipresent.
He is Supreme Joy and is ever constant. [4]
In all, yet aloof from all, world knows.
He is oldest of all and above all goes. [5]
He is known to be Vishnu, is prefect light.
He is Omnipresent and God."
2800 So saying Shankar bowed down His head,
“That gem of Raghu family is my Lord." [116]
“The ignorant does not his own fault see,
And assigns the same to Shri Rama, he.
As one, seeing sky by clouds overrun,
Says, “Clouds have covered the shining Sun." [1]
“He who brings his finger too close to the eye.
Sees two moons simultaneously in the sky.
Uma, holding such erroneous notions about Ram(a),
Is to think dust, darkness, smoke, sky harm. [2]
2810 On the senses depend objects of pleasure
The senses on their separate gods bank over.
Those gods in their turn count on soul’s force.
Thus, one derives force from the other as source. [3]
But the ultimate, the Supreme Force for all,
Is Rama, King of Avadh, Whom we call.
World gets lighted, Rama light issues.
Lord of Maya, house of knowledge and virtues. [4]
As one sees silver in the oyster
And water in the rays of Sun,
2820 Even though that is untrue for all times,
None could avoid wrong notion. [117]
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Entire Universe on God does hinge.
False though it is, yet does sore pain bring.
As in a dream if some cuts down one’s head,
The pain lasts till he is up on his bed. [1]
By whose grace this great delusion does end,
Girija, He is Rama - the merciful friend.
Whose beginning and end none could ever find,
Vedas, as they conceived, have defined. [2]

2830 He walks, without legs, without ears hears,

Can work without hands in all spheres.
Has no mouth or tongue, still He tastes,
Has no voice yet great oratory He makes. [3]
Formless, He can touch, without eyes, see,
Without nose can smell all odours, He.
Thus His deeds are wonderful and strange,
His glories no one can define or arrange. [4]
Whose great glories Vedas and wise sing,
Whom rishis meditate upon,
2840 That is devotee’s helper, King of Avadh,
Rama, Dashrath’s beloved son. [118]
By virtue of whose name, I give heaven,
To those who die in Kashi region.
That Lord of Mine, Lord of Universe,
Is Rama who each and every heart covers. [1]
Whose name, if one utters for no reason,
Sins of many lives do very soon burn.
Those who remember Him with veneration,
As cow hooves’ dips, cross world ocean. [2]

2850 That very Lord is Rama, Parvati -

To have any doubt, would not befitting be.
No sooner do doubts enter one’s heart
Than knowledge, understanding and glories, depart." [3]
On hearing Shankar’s convincing discourse,

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All misunderstanding was gone, of course.

Strong love developed for Rama’s feet.
The notion of impossibility did fleet. [4]
Uma bent, oft, on Shankar’s lotus feet,
Joining both of Her lotus palms.
2860 She spoke in most excellent accents,
Soaked in deep devotional balms. [119]
“Having heard Your speech, cooling as moon,
Intense heat of my ignorance went soon.
You merciful removed all doubts of mine.
To my mind came Rama’s picture fine. [1]
Through Your grace, Lord, is gone all sorrow.
Blessings of Your feet gave me peace now.
Accepting me now as Your humble servant,
Even though a woman, by nature ignorant. [2]

2870 Do graciously describe all that I had asked.

If I do enjoy Your mercy, my Lord.
Rama immortal, knowledge embodiment,
From all part, yet in every heart present. [3]
Why did He, O Lord, take a form human?
I pray, very thoroughly to me explain."
On hearing Uma’s most fervent plea,
Finding deep love for Rama’s story, [4]
Shankar, Kama’s foe, all knowledge-self
Was so much pleased in His heart.
2880 He praised Uma in various ways then,
Did His merciful speech start. [120A]
“Uma listen to the sacred tale,
That great Rama Charit Manas here.
Said Bhushand in great detail,

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And Adjutant, the King of birds listened. [120B]

How that great conversation came,
Will he later describe in the due course.
Now listen to the birth of Rama,
Most beautiful, and great washer of all sins. 120C]
2890 Virtues, deeds, name and form,
Of the Lord are great and numberless.
As I know them, You I’ll inform.
Uma, listen to it respectfully. [120D]
Vedas and Shastras have told of His deeds,
Sacred, pure and in details indeed.
The reasons leading to incarnations,
The numberless, none can say, ‘These ones’. [1]
In my view, Rama cannot be argued,
If mind, wisdom and speech are used.
2900 Yet, as saints, Vedas, Shastras lay,
They, according to their understanding say. [2]

And as far as, it has been clear to me,

I ’ll relate, O beautiful Parvati.
Whenever there is fall of morality,
Demons, evils and proud get ascendancy. [3]
And work up havocs, that cannot be told,
Put gods, cows, Brahmins in distress’s hold,
Then does the Lord assume, the form human,
And ends all pains of noble men. [4]
2910 He destroys evils and holds up gods,
Establishing supremacy of Ved(a),
Spreads on the earth His great virtues,
Cause of Rama’s birth, it is said. [121]
Singing praise, lovers cross world-ocean,

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It is for them that Lord takes form-human.

There have been many reasons in Rama’s case,
One excels the other in beauty and grace. [1]
I will describe here one and two births,
Listen, O Wise Uma, with attention and mirth.
2920 Jaya and Vijaya, dear door-keepers of Lord,
Have been there once, as knows whole world. [2]

Due to curse of Brahmins, both of these brothers,

Were born as demons with wicked natures.
One was called Hiranya-Kashyap by name,
The other was Hirnayaksha of fame. [3]
Both were well known for great power,
Even pride of Indra they could both powder.
Victorious in battles, most famous, brave,
In the form of Varah, Lord sent them to grave. [4]

2930 The other, Lord killed in Narsingh’s form,

And held aloft devotee, Prahlad’s name. [5]
These two were again born as two demons,
So very brave and valiant.
They were known as Kumbh-Karan and Ravan(a)
Who won victories so brilliant. [122]
They got no salvation though killed by the Lord,
As Brahmins cursed for three lives period.
Hence for the good of these demons once again,
The lover of devotees took human frame. [1]
2940 Then Kashyap and Aditi His parents, of fame,
Who were Dashrath and Kaushilya by name.
In one Kalpa the Lord had personified,
And by sacred deeds, world purified. [2]

In another Kalpa, Jalandhar defeated gods,

Seeing gods so, Shankar Himself faced odds.
Him, Shankar, a very furious fight gave,
But failed to send demon down to his grave. [3]
That great demon had a very faithful wife,

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For her, Shankar failed to kill him in strife [4].

2950 Lord played a trick, marred her faithfulness,
And thereby gods He nursed.
When she came to know of the trick on her played,
She was furious, Lord she cursed. [123]
Lord willingly bowed down, accepted her curse,
He is store of miracles and merciful, of course.
Jalandhar was born as Ravan - the valiant,
Rama killed him in battle and heaven did grant. [1]
This accounts for an occasion when Rama took birth,
And in human form, He came down to earth.
2960 For every incarnation, there is a history.
Bharadwaj, poets have narrated story. [2]

“Once Saint Narad also did the Lord curse.

And Lord assumed form for that reason, of course."
Hearing this, Girija, was so much surprised.
She knew Narad devotee as learned eulogised. [3]
“What reason led Narad to curse Lord instead?
What was the fault Lord Vishnu had committed?
Please tell me that history, O Enemy of Pur(a).
How could ignorance in Rishi’s heart occur?" [4]
2970 Lord Shankar heartily laughed at this and said,
“Neither is one a fool not wise.
The way Rama turns one’s mind to go,
He merely acts likewise -" [124A]
“O Bharadwaj, attention, advance,
I am going to tell Rama’s great history."
Tulsi, shake off pride, arrogance,
Take Rama’s name to end life’s cycle. [124B]

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There was a good cave in the Himalayas.

In its vicinity flowed beautiful Ganges.
2980 There was an abode there, sacred, fine,
Seeing it Narad’s heart, to it did incline. [1]
Viewing hills and rivers and forests there,
To Vishnu’s feet, did his heart adhere.
At remembering Vishnu, curse ceased action.
With heart pure, came up deep meditation. [2]

Seeing Narad’s state, Indra developed fear.

He called Kama, him did greatly revere.
“With all your retinue, go for my sake."
So Kama did readily cudgels take. [3]
2990 Indra had entertained very great fear,
That Narad had planned dethroning him clear.
Those, slaves to passion and under greed’s raid,
Like evil crows, of every one afraid. [4]
As a foolish dog does run away with a bone,
On viewing a lion behind,
Lest he should snatch away dry bone from him,
So foolish was Indra’s mind. [125]
When Kama approached the abode anon,
By his powers brought forth spring season.
3000 Trees of different kinds at once flowered,
Cuckoos cooed and big black bees hovered. [1]

Refreshing, cool scented breeze did blow.

Which could readily excite passion to grow.
Rambha and other young heavenly maidens
Expert in art of exciting passions, [2]
They began singing in melodious tunes,
Balls in hand frolicked and held communes.
Seeing all his aids Kama felt happiness,
And he commenced his crafty crookedness. [3]

3010 But of this no effect on Narad was made,

2 Narad was previously cursed to not be able to stay long at any one place

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So Kama, in his own conscience, felt afraid.

Who could dare encroach upon his borderline?
When Lakshmi’s Lord Himself is guardian fine? [4]
Kamdeva and his party were so much afraid,
Acknowledging defeat at heart,
They went to Muni, caught hold of his feet,
With sweet submission on their part. [126]
There were no ill will against him in Narad’s heart,
With sweet words, he did pacification impart.
3020 Kama bowed down his head and leave he sought,
And along with his retinue to his home got. [1]
Kama went to Indra’s court and there did relate,
Good nature of Narad, his own evil fate.
They all heard and with surprise endowed,
They praised Narad and before Vishnu bowed. [2]

Then Narad went directly to see Shankar,

With a pride that he was Kama’s subjugator.
Described his adventures with Kama to Shiv(a).
Taking him very dear, Shiva did advice give. [3]
3030 “I repeatedly request you, Narad Rishi,
In the way, the adventures you have told me,
Do not relate them before Vishnu, I pray,
If a reference comes up, then too keep it away." [4]
Though Shambhu’s advice was very well meant,
it did not please Narad at all.
“Listen O Bharadwaj, to the fun that followed.
Lord’s will is certainly above all." [127]
Whatever Rama wills, must ever come by.
There is none, who could Rama’s will ever defy.
3040 Narad did not like the advice, no doubt,
And for realm of Brahma’s, he soon set out. [1]

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Once, holding his beautiful guitar in his hand.

Great musician Narad Lord’s praises sang.
And went where the ocean of milk did spread,
Where lived Lord Vishnu, all Vedas’ head. [2]
Lord Vishnu stood up, received him well,
Sat down and seated Narad Ji as well.
The Lord of universe smiled and said,
That the Rishi visited Him after a long period. [3]

3050 Narad, his adventures with Kama, described,

Even though Shankar had strictly proscribed.
Rama’s Maya has powers and might untold,
Who is there in the world who has not been conquered? [4]
With demeanour rough, but in words so sweet,
To Narad said Shri Bhagwan.
“Ignorance and passion, pride and arrogance,
At mere remembering you, are gone. [128]
“Rishi, they alone are under sway of ignorance,
Who have no knowledge and understanding sense.
3060 You are strong, full master of celibacy,
How could poor Kama venture to molest thee?"
Then Narad, with a touch of pride, answered,
“It is all due to Your kindness, my Lord."
Vishnu, ocean of mercy, thought and found out,
Seed of a great tree of pride was to spout. [2]
“I will uproot the same and that too, now,
To protect the devotee has been my vow.
’t will be service to Rishi and for me a fun,
To achieve that purpose, I’ll draw up a plan." [3]

3070 Then Narad bowed to Him and took His leave,

In his heart, great pride did he conceive.
His Maya, Lakshmi’s Lord, set in motion.
Now listen to its wonderful execution. [4]
Lord’s Maya raised a township in Narad’s way,
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About eight hundred miles in girth.

In beauty, excellence, it beat down heaven,
Full of great happiness and mirth. [129]
Handsome men and women inhabited the town,
As if Kama and Rati themselves had come down.
3080 In the town lived its King Shilnishi by name,
Had great forces, horses, elephants and fame. [1]
With a hundred Indras matched his great grandeur,
He was house of strength, justice, form, splendour.
He had a daughter Vishwa-Mohini named,
Seeing her face Lakshmi too would feel charmed. [2]

She was Maya herself wherein virtues dwell,

Her beauty could not be described in full.
He was holding his daughter’s great Swayambar.
Princes, out of numbers had assembled there. [3]
3090 Sportsmanlike Narad too reached there,
And from the citizens, he did inquire.
Knowing all about Swayambar, he came to the king.
The King worshiped him and arranged seating. [4]
The King then sent for his dear daughter,
And before the Rishi, did present.
“Let us know all her merits and demerits too,
After considering that be portent." [130]
Narad missed unattachment, he saw her so fine.
He continued gazing at her for some time.
3100 Noticing her great future, Rishi was lost in weal.
Such a joy overtook him, but he did not reveal. [1]
Who married her would be immortal, he thought.
Nobody could defeat him, if a battled were fought.
The entire universe would do worship profuse.
To the person who Vishwa-Mohini would choose. [2]
Narad thought of these virtues, kept them in heart.

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Outwardly, to parents somethings did impart.

Told them that their daughter would be ever living, fain,
He took leave, but within himself he was in pain. [3]
3110 He thought he would go and decide upon the course,
Which would lead Vishwa-Mohini to choose him, of course.
He thought penance and chanting name wouldn’t do,
“O Lord, how to get her" was his thought through and through. [4]
It is exquisite beauty that is needed most,
At the present juncture, nothing else,
Seeing which the bride should become enchanted,
And marriage garland round him place. [131]
I would ask from Vishnu His beauty great,
But going would mean delay, so he did hesitate.
3120 I have no benefactor greater than He.
He alone can at this occasion helpful be." [1]
He prayed to Lord Vishnu in many a way.
The merciful decided Himself to display.
Seeing Lord Vishnu come, Rishi’s eyes were fain,
He thought that his aim he was going to gain. [2]
In all humility, he related his case,
And begged for His help, His mercy, His grace.
“I pray Lord, Your very fair You give.
I see no other way Vishwa-Mohini to receive. [3]
3130 Whichever way is helpful, I pray, take that course,
You are merciful Lord, I am servant of Yours."
Vishnu laughed within Himself at His Maya’s force,
And addressing Narad, made this brief discourse, [4]
“Whichever way, Narad, leads to your real good,
That very way, Rishi, I will opt.
Rishi, listen to me just as I say unto you,
My words, as very true adopt. [132]

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Narad, if a patient seeks something dire,

The physician does not allow him the desire.
3140 Likewise, I’ve determined to do good to you."
Vishnu said this and soon disappeared from view. [1]
The Rishi, under Maya’s overpowering influence,
Of clear words, he could not catch sense.
The Rishi made haste and went with glee,
To the place where Swayambar was planned to be. [2]

Princes occupied their respective places,

With their troops, decorated with fine graces.
Rishi was glad, thinking he had beauty fine.
That she, to choose him, must perforce incline. [3]
3150 For Rishi’s good, Lord, very great mercy took,
Gave him a feature, most offensive to look.
This mystery, none was able to understand.
All took him to be ascetic, their heads did bend. [4]
Two servants of Shiva who this secret knew,
Were present in Swayamvar court.
They had taken the forms of two Brahmins,
And enjoyed the fun, in sport. [133]
In the line in which sat great Narad Rishi,
With a sense of pride at his great beauty,
3160 There sat the two servants also of Shiv(a),
In the garb of Brahmins. so them none could perceive. [1]
They cracked jokes and Narad Rishi could hear,
“What an exquisite beauty does Narad Ji bear,
The maid must get attracted at his view,
It is bound to wed, taking his as Vishnu." [2]

Rishi was in delusion, being in other’s sway,

Shiva’s men laugh and taunting words they say.
Though Narad heard jokes, them he could not read,
As his mind, great ignorance did feed. [3]
3170 None else could decypher the great mystery.
King’s daughter alone could that face see.

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It was monkey’s face and a fearful body,

At the very first view, maid became angry. [4]
The maid accompanied by maidens came,
She moved as a swan on land.
She viewed each prince as by him she passed,
With marriage garland in her hand. [134]
To the side, where sat puffed up Rishi,
Even by an error, the maiden did not see.
3180 To catch her eyes, Narad repeatedly tried.
Seeing his condition, Shiva’s servants smiled. [1]
In the form of a prince, Vishnu then paced,
round His neck,maid gladly the garland placed.
Vishnu, dweller of heaven, took away the maid,
While troop of princes was so sadly dismayed. [2]
Due to illusion, Rishi’s wisdom had gone.
He was restless as if he had dropped great gem.
Shiva’s servants remarked with a smile keen,
“Why not go, let face, in a mirror, be seen?" [3]
3190 Saying so, they both ran as if in a race.
Rishi looked into water and noticed his face.
Seeing face in reflection, his anger was wild.
He cursed them straight as they had beguiled. [4]
“Go and find yourselves turned into demons,
You so cunning sinners both.
You laughed at me, now reap its fruits,
Henceforth to the act be loath." [135]
Rishi saw again and noticed his real figure,
But none-the-less was fury of his anger.
3200 His lips quivered, with anger heart was full.
In hasty steps to Vishnu did travel. [1]

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He thought, “I would either curse Him or beat,

In the whole world, He gave me this bad treat. "
The foe of demons, Rishi Narad way laid,
With Him were Lakshmi and the very same maid. [2]
Lord of gods, in sweet voice did express,
“Where are you bound for, Rishi so restless?"
On hearing these words, his anger flared.
Being under an illusion, he no more cared. [3]

3210 “You cannot tolerate any other’s happiness.

You have extreme jealousy, extreme cunningness.
While churning the sea, You made Shankar crack,
Through gods, You made Him drink hemlock black. [4]
You gave wine to demons and poison to Shiva,
Yourself grabbed gem and Lakshmi.
You, cunning, ever serving Your own purpose,
Ever behaved deceitfully. [136]
You are all in all, there is none over You.
You do whatever You are pleased to do.
3220 You make good bad, and make bad fine,
Towards neither enmity not love incline. [1]
You have deceived all, formed bad habit,
Turned happy, fearless, don’t care a bit.
Good or bad deeds do not affect You.
Nobody yet gave You a lesson too. [2]
You have this time meddled with one strong.
You will suffer punishment for the act done wrong.
The form You assumed to deceive me,
My curse is that You be in that body, [3]

3230 You gave me the features of a monkey,

To You very monkeys will helpful be.
You brought to me so great a frustration.
You also will suffer wife’s separation." [4]
Submitted to the curse with a heart happy,
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Lord Vishnu much praised Rishi.

The merciful Lord then did withdrew,
Force of His Maya with glee. [137]
When force of His Maya the Lord did withdraw,
Rishi neither Lakshmi nor the maiden saw.
3240 Then Narad, afraid, fell in prostration.
“O, surrenderer’s protector, give me protection.[1]
Let my curse turn false, merciful Lord."
Vishnu said, “It was all, with my accord."
Rishi said, “I used for You many a bad word,
How will that sin of mine be washed, Lord?" [2]

“Go and repeat one hundred names of Shiv(a).

To your heart, peace that will immediately give.
As dear to me as Shankar there is none,
Never, never let that truth be forgotten. [3]
3250 On whomsoever Shankar has not been kind.
Love for me, that fellow can in no case find.
With this faith at heart, roam freely all through,
Henceforth Maya will not approach you." [4]

On assuaging feelings of Rishi Narad,
Merciful Lord Vishnu disappeared.
With all heart singing praised of Rama,
Narad also left heaven-ward. [138]
The servants of Shiva saw Narad return,
He looked very happy, with no illusion.
3260 So very much afraid, to Narad they came.
Held his feet and said in a pitiful frame. [1]
“We are not Brahmins. we are Lord Shiva’s servants.
We got punished for showing irreverence.
We pray to you, let the curse its end find."
Then spoke Narad, merciful and kind, [2]
“In time to come you both will be born demons,

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You will have great power, great might, influence,

When you will conquer world with your might,
Lord will assume human form to set things right, [3]
3270 From Lord’s hands will come your destruction.
Cycle of births will end, you will have salvation."
Both went back, bending heads to the Rishi,
On the passage of time, demons they came be. [4]
In one Kalpa that served to become a cause,
For the great Lord taking His birth,
To bring happiness to gods and the good men,
To reduce heavy load on earth. [139]
Thus Lord’s births and deeds are numerous,
All pleasant, all wonderful, all beauteous.
3280 In every occasion, when the great Lord takes birth
And performs deeds many full of great mirth. [1] 3
The rishis describe the sports and sing,
In beautiful songs and poems string.
Describe contexts, most wonderfully grand.
The wise don’t wonder as they understand. [2]

God is boundless, His stories endless,

The saints discuss the same in ways countless.
Rama’s deeds and stories are exquisite fine,
In course of Kalpas one could not define. [3]
3290 “O Parvati. the reference I have told,
Great ascetics have come in Lord’s Maya’s hold.
Lord sports and His surrenderers He protects,
By service gets pleased, all sufferings rejects. [4]
There is no saint, man or god,
Whom Lord’s mighty Maya could not enchant.
Keep in mind Maya’s Lord,
Only for this great consideration. [140]
3 In original manuscript, “In every occasion" was phrased as “In every birth". I have changed it to avoid the repeat
of the same word “birth" in the same line. -Editor

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Uma, another cause of Lord’s birth listen.
I am going to give detailed description.
3300 For which that unborn and formless one,
Came as Rama, King of Kaushal’s son. [1]
The Lord, You saw in the forest before,
In company of brother, human form bore,
At seeing whose deeds, O Parvati,
You fell in charm when You lived as Sati, [2]
The traces of which are found present still,
Listen to His deeds, all illusion it will kill.
The deeds He did in that incarnation,
I’ll tell as they are in my conception." [3]
3310 “O Bharadwaj, when Parvati heard this,
She smiled and felt somewhat amiss."
Thereon, Lord Shankar began description,
Of the account of that incarnation. [4]
“I am going to tell you, Bharadwaj, all,
Give me ears, with attention,
Rama’s story washed down Kaliyug’s sins,
Brings happiness and satisfaction." [141]
Swayambhu Manu and Satrupa his wife,
From whom human dynasty became rife.
3320 They both had morals excellent and fine.
Their tradition even now Vedas define. [1]
They had a son - Uttanpaad was his name,
Whose son was Dhruva, a devotee of fame.
One, Priyavrata was Uttanpaad’s brother,
Whose praises Vedas and Purans declare. [2]
Devabhuti has been Manu’s daughter dear,
Who was married to Kardam Rishi later.
Bhagwan Kapil in her own womb she bore,
He was merciful, kind with power galore. [3]

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3330 This Kapil gave Sankhya philosophy to the world.

Knew truth, expert in every sense of the word.
Swayambhu Manu reigned for a pretty long time,
In accordance with gods’ laws, noble, sublime. [4]
From attachment, he could not depart,
As he was living in home surroundings.
He was bitterly sore at heart —
All life he had passed without Lord’s love. [142]
He deliberately passed on throne to his son,
And with his wife, was soon to forests gone.
3340 The great pilgrimage centre Naimisharany(a),
So sacred and giver of all wishes known. [1]

There lived groups of saints and rishis,

To visit that holy place both did please.
They both journeying looked much to conform,
With knowledge and devotion in human form. [2]
They stayed on the bank of Gomti there,
And gladly took bath in the river clear.
Great ascetics, saints, men of learning,
Met them, them rajrishi considering. [3]

3350 There were sacred spots in the vicinity.

They were taken around by saints and rishi.
Wore tree bark dresses, so thin they had grown,
In the groups of holy, heard many sermon, [4]
Twelve lettered mantra they did often repeat,
With sincere faith at heart.
The love for the feet of Vasudeva,
Growing firm in their heart did start. [143]
They lived on leaves, on fruits and roots.
Truly, it is God’s thought that them suits,
3360 Later on, they did great penance for Lord,

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Lived on, water and left all other food. [1]

In their heart, one great desire lies,
That they may see Lord with their own eyes, —
Endless, everlasting and beginningless,
To whom all religious men seek access, [2]
Of whom Vedas say, “Not this alone, not this."
Who is unattached, flawless and is all bliss,
From whose mere part, springs up straight,
Shambhu and Vishnu and Brahma, great. [3]
3370 Such a Lord too is in devotee’s control,
And for his sake, takes the human role.
“If this statement of the Vedas is true,
Our great desire will be fulfilled too." [4]
Six thousand years were thus spent,
Living on pure water alone,
The next seven thousand years they passed,
On air, water also they shorn. [144]
For ten thousand years even that was denied,
Both of them stood on one foot and tried.
3380 All this Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar viewed.
So Manu they repeatedly interviewed. [1]
They prompted them that a boon be sought.
But move them from their penance they could not.
Their bodies, to mere skeleton reduced,
Not an iota of sorrow was in hearts produced. [2]
The omniscient found them His own,
As they, every other source, did disown.
Then a nectar like voice came from the sky,
“Ask, Ask" was voice’s merciful cry. [3]
3390 When the voice, which could make dead alive, reached,
Their hearts, through ear channel being breached,
Their bodies again did robust grow,
As if they had come from home just now. [4]
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When they heard sweet voice, nectar to ears,

They bristled, did freshness have,
Manu bowed his head in answer and said,
With a heart brimming forth with love, [145]
“O Kalpa Tree, Kamdhenu for lovers
The trinity worships dust of feet Yours.
3400 By service won ever-giver of happiness,
O Lord of all, for the humble one source. [1]
Benefactor of the destitute, if You do please,
Favour us with this boon, our joy to increase.
Him, whoever lives in the Shankar’s heart,
To find whom rishis employ all art, [2]

Him, swan of the mental lake of Bhushundi,

Whom, with or without form, Vedas see.
Him, may we see to our very heart’s fill
O, Waiver of pains of all humble." [3]
3410 The speech of the couple was exceedingly sweet,
Full of humility, with prayer replete.
Most merciful Lord, lover of devotee,
Omnipotent, all pervading, appeared with glee. [4]
Lacs of Kamadeva feel shy to look,
At the great beauty of great Lord —
Blue as blue lotus, blue as an emerald,
Blue as rain bearing cloud. [146]
Face like full moon, chin and cheeks so fine,
Throat tapering, like a conch did shine.
3420 Lips coral, nose and teeth set as in frame,
Smile could put moon’s rays to shame. [1]
His eyes were reddish as fresh lotus,
Glance enchanted hearts that it, did focus.
Curved eye brows were like Kama’s bow.
Sandal paste did on the forehead glow. [2]

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Fish like ear rings, on head diadem,

Hair curly, as big black bees that hum,
On the chest was sear and long garland,
Studded necklace, jewelled ornaments grand. [3]
3430 Shoulders lion like, wore sacred thread,
Ornaments on arms, with gems studded.
Fine limbs tapering as trunk of an elephant,
Bow arrows in hand, quiver to groin sent. [4]
The yellow garb put to shame lightening bright,
On abdomen were lines three.
The navel was more beautiful, graceful,
Than Jamuna’s whirlpool could be. [147]
Their lotus feet beggared description,
Saints’ hearts like bees found station —
3440 On His left could be seen mother of all world —
Sita, His force, who in beauty excelled, [1]
From whom spring up numberless Lakshmis,
Numberless Brahminis, numberless Parvatis.
By whose mere look, world comes to be,
It is that Sita, Power of Almighty. [2]

On viewing the Lord, ocean of beauty,

With unwinking eyes they continued to see.
Great matchless beauty they gaze with zeal.
Manu and Satrupa surfeit don’t feel, [3]
3450 In ecstasy, themselves they quite forgot,
Held His feet, and as a stick fell flat.
Lord, with His own hands stroked their head.
That ocean of mercy picked them up instead. [4]
The merciful Lord then spoke out,
“Take me exceedingly pleased.
Ask for the boon, you may be having at heart,
Dee, my charity increased." [148]

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On hearing the Lord, joined their palms twin,
Very humbly said, mustering great calm, within,
3460 “O Lord, on seeing Your lotus feet,
All our wishes we have found complete. [1]
Yet, there is one wish very close to our heart,
It is easy yet difficult, how shall we impart?
To fulfill, it is very easy for You.
Due to weakness we find it difficult too. [2]
Just as a pauper getting the Kalpa Tree,
Hesitates to ask for great property.
He does not know well Kalpa tree’s great powers,
Likewise, Lord, hesitation come to us [3]
3470 That You know well, O Lord, Omniscient,
We pray that the boon You be pleased to grant."
“Shake off hesitation and frankly ask,
I can grant all, it is no difficult task." [4]
“O great benefactor, merciful Lord,
We’ll lay bare hearts to You.
We want to have a son just as You are,
We’ll be frank, through and through." [149]
Seeing their love and hearing sweet word,
“Let that be so" poke merciful Lord.
3480 “Where shall I be seeking one like me??
O King, I would myself your son be."
Then seeing Satrupa with both hands joined,
said, “Lady, ask what you have in your mind."
“O Lord. the boon wise King has asked,
Is also to my great liking unasked. [2]
Yet, I’ll be bold and I do trust,
The boldness of devotees You like most.
You make Brahma, are Lord of Universe.
You are most Supreme, know contents of hearts.[3]

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3490 Knowing that I entertain misgiving,

O Lord, the happiness which Your men find. [4]
That happiness, that state and that faith,
That love which devotees conceive,
That understanding, that way of life,
O Lord to us do give." [150]
On hearing her sweet mysterious word,
The great merciful Lord so answered,
“Whatever within your heart does live,
Have no more doubt, that to you I give. [1]
3500 O mother, supernatural knowledge of yours,
Shall never fade, through my grace, of course."
Manu bowed to Lord’s feet again and said,
“At Your feet, I have one more desire to be laid. [2]
My love for You should be paternal,
I won’t mind, if me a dunce they call.
As gem to snake and water for fish lies,
Let my life depend on You likewise."[3]
Seeking boon, they both held feet of the Lord.
“Let that be so." Merciful Lord answered.
3510 “Now act on my instructions, go then,
And stay in the capital of Indra’s domain. [4]
In the enjoyment of heavenly pleasures,
Let there some time be gone.
You will then take birth as King of Avadh,
There I shall become your son. [151]
Voluntarily decked in human form,
In your family there I shall be born.
With all my parts, in human body.
I’ll do deeds to gladden the devotee. [1]

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3520 The lucky will respectfully hear of them,

Shedding pride, attachment, will attain heaven.
This Maya - My power - She created world,
Shall also be born with me." said Lord. [2]
“I shall satisfy your great desire,
Take it to be true, whole and entire."
Saying so repeatedly, the merciful Lord,
Was out of sight, had disappeared. [3]

The couple kept merciful Lord at heart,

Stayed at the hermitage for a time short.
3530 Finding time rife, mortal frame disdained,
For some time in Indra’s domain remained. [4]
Yagyavalkya said, “This sacred history,
Shiva to Parvati describe.
Now listen to me, Bharadwaj Rishi,
To what other births are ascribed. [152]
Listen to the history, ancient and great,
Which Lord Shankar did to Parvati relate.
There was in old times a Kaikeya State.
Its ruler was named Satyaketu, the Great. [1]
3540 Highly religious and a very just ruler,
Full of grandeur, greatness, politeness, power.
He was gifted with two sons, brave and strong,
Centre of graces, great as warriors known. [2]
The elder son was the heir to the throne.
Pratapbhanu was his denomination.
The second son who was called Arimardan,
Had immense strength, in battles unbeaten. [3]
There was excellent affinity between the two,
No trace of ill will, no malignity too.
3550 The King passed throne to the elder son.
For austerities was to forests gone. [4]
When the throne was passed to Pratapbhanu,
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Great general jubilation was made.

He served his people as Vedas lay,
Sins, all over, completely decayed." [153]
His minister, Dharmaruchi was so faithful,
In wisdom was Shukracharya’s equal.
With a brother, strong and a minister wise,
He too was great, and also brave likewise. [1]
3560 His forces included in all their wings,
Brave fighters, quite fearless in rings.
Inspecting his armed forces, he was glad,
War drums were beaten, open challenge laid. [2]

He organized troops for the world conquest,

And marched at an hour, which was thought best.
Many battles, of course, were fought here and there,
He subdued all kings by his great power. [3]
He brought under his rule each and every continent,
Set kings free, with homage, tribute, content.
3570 Of all the globe at that occasion,
Pratapbhanu was supreme King and one. [4]
Having conquered all regions of the world
Back to his capital he returned.
All pleasures of wealth, religion, power,
He enjoyed as he had earned. [154]
Well looked after by Pratapbhabu King,
Earth, like Kamadhenu, all desired would bring.
There was no trace of pain, all were happy,
Men and women had religious quality. [1]
3580 The minister Dharmaruchi, devotee of God,
Gave wise counsel for the good of his lord.
The King ever served without selfish design —
Teacher, gods, saints, manes and Brahmins. [2]
The King carried out the dictates of Ved(a),

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And derived pleasure in duties laid.

Everyday, he gave away alms in charity,
Would hear Vedas, Shastras, Puranas, daily. [3]
Many wells, tanks, wells with flight of stairs were,
Beautiful flower- gardens, and orchards fair,
3590 To Brahmins, lodge, and for gods temple.
Were built at pilgrimage centres ample. [4]
All sacrificial rites that are mentioned,
In Vedas, Shastras and Puran(as),
The King duly performed each one of them,
A thousand times, again and again. [155]
The King had no desire for any reward,
He was wise and prudent and learned.
Whatever he did, by thought, word or deed,
Dedicated to the Lord, for return no greed. [1]
3600 Once, King on horseback, set out a hunting,
All his paraphernalia, too, he did bring.
He went into dense forests of the Vindhyas,
And shot many beautiful deer, whereas, [2]
On his return journey he noticed a boar,
It looked as if Rahu in his jaws moon bore.
The moon being too big for the mouth to contain,
Due to anger, from spitting it, he would refrain. [3]
This has been the account of the teeth of the boar.
Its body was large, with fat galore.
3610 It would growl at the slightest sign of harm,
And would look around, ears raised in great alarm. [4]
Seeing that boar great, which looked as if it were,
The top of the Nilgiri Hill.
King spurred the horse and whipping, he said,
“You can’t escape becoming my kill." [156]

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The boar saw the horse approaching him fast,

It began to flee away as fast as a blast.
The King at once shot arrow from his bow.
As it came near, boar bent down very low. [1]
3620 The King sent shafts with the utmost care,
But the boar dexterously avoided them clear.
Boar appeared, disappeared, kept on fleeing.
Driven by passion, King also was pursuing. [2]

The boar went far into forest thicker,

Where an elephant or horse could never enter.
The King was alone, difficulties were great,
Still, he would not give up at any rate. [3]
When the boar found King so firm and stern,
He entered and hid in a deep cavern.
3630 Seeing entry impossible, the King was back.
Sadly, in thick forest, he lost his track. [4]
The King as well as horse were tired much,
Restless due to hunger and thirst.
In quest of some streamlet or pond -
Not finding it, fainted at first. [157]
While roaming in forest, King reached a hermitage,
Where lived a king, garbed as a saint of age.
His dominion Bhanupratap had conquered,
Who leaving his army, from the battle had fled. [1]
3640 Took stars of Bhanupratap auspicious for him,
And finding his own days dark and grim,
For shame, he did not to his kingdom go.
Nor, for pride, to the conqueror bow low. [2]

Suppressing his feelings as a destitute, lived,

In a forest in the garb, to be saint conceived.
The King made an approach to the crafty saint,
Who recognized Bhanupratap at an instant. [3]
The King, so fatigued, him could not recognise.
From his outward appearance did a Saint surmise.

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3650 Dismounting from horse, he bowed to his feet,

Didn’t give out his name, being very discreet. [4]
On finding the King so very thirsty,
He pointed out to him a lake.
The King with his horse, with great pleasure,
bathed and did its water take. [158]
With the fatigues gone, the King was whole.
The ascetic and he made hermitage their goal.
Finding sun setting, he seated the King,
And very sweetly set ball rolling. [1]
3660 “Who are you? Why ignoring your age,
Do you roam in forest?" inquired the sage.
“By indications, you look an emperor,
Seeing you mercy was in me astir." [2]
“There is one Pratapbhanu, emperor of all land,
I happen to be minister of the monarch grand.
While hunting in the forest, I lost my way,
I deem it good luck to have met you today. [3]

It was well nigh impossible to have ever met you.

I am sure, some good luck will come to me true."
3670 The cunning ascetic said, “’t is going to be dark,
Your home is two hundred eighty miles hark. [4]
It is dark night and forest is dense,
No track, wiseman, indeed.
Consider and spend your night here now,
At morn, for your home, proceed." [159A]
Tulsi, as does one’s destiny will,
Likewise does come the succour.
It either takes one to the circumstances,
Or makes circumstances occur. [159B]

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3680 King said, “very well" and bowed to his feet,

Tied horse to a tree and took his seat.
The King praised Saint in many a way,
And his own luck also, by the way. [1]
In a respectful, pleasing speech, he said,
“Taking you as my father, I am not afraid.
Consider me, Rishi, as your servant or son,
Tell me your name and full designation." [2]

King could not identify the enemy, but enemy did.

King had pure heart, while malice enemy hid.
3690 An enemy, then Kshattriya, above all a defeated king,
By hook or by crook, he would serve his thing. [3] 4
He remembered his past, felt within,
Fire burnt within him as in potter’s kiln.
At King’s simple words, he was, at heart, glad,
Thought of old enmity did make him sad. [4]
With a heart full of malice and tongue honeyed,
The Saint did make a reply,
“My name is now a mere mendicant,
Poor, homeless here I lie." [160]
3700 The King said, “O store of wisdom, like you,
Who have cast off egoism through and through,
Always keep their identity concealed,
They are perfectly safe when in poor show revealed. [1]
It is therefore that saints and Vedas hold,
Lowliest are dearest to the almighty Lord.
Seeing , like you a beggar, poor, helpless one,
Even Brahma and Shiva will have confusion. [2]
I bow at your feet whatever you may be.
I pray to you, lord, to be merciful on me."
3710 When the feigning ascetic saw King’s good faith,
4 In the original verse, both parties are referred to as “King". I have presented the narration with Pratapbhanu

as the main character of interest in the present context and therefore described him as the King while other party as
“Enemy". This is also appropriate since other party was at the time, no more a king. Accordingly, I have also used
the phrase “Defeated king" in place of “King" at one place.-Editor

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And noticed that King in him confidence hath, [3]

He brought the King under his control complete,
And then spoke showing great affectionate treat.
O King, I’ld tell you the truth now hear,
“Long ages have passed since I am here. [4]
So far neither could anyone meet me,
Nor I revealed identity.
The worldly honour acts as fire,
The woods of austerity." [161A]
3720 Tulsi, seeing beautiful a face,
The fools are misled but not the wise.
See peacock, full of grace,
Sweet tongued, yet eat most poisonous snake. [161B]

“It is therefore that I keep away from the world,
Unconcerned whatever, except with the Lord.
And Lord knows all, does not need be told,
Where is the gain, if to please world, I unfold? [1]
You are pure and possess most excellent sense,
High virtues, you have been dear to me hence,
3730 I further find that you at the same time have
Full trust in me and have fullest love, [2]
My dear, even now if anything I conceal,
I shall be chargeable of sin great deal."
As the Saint showed more and more detachment,
The King developed more and more attachment. [3]

“O brother, listen, my name has been Ektanu".

On hearing it, King said bowing down,
“I pray tell me name’s full significance,
Take me as your servant, with all obedience." [4]

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3740 "When the earth, for the first time came to be,
I too came to be right then.
That is why I am designated Ektanu,
I never took body again.[162]
Don’t entertain doubts in your heart so,
For penance, there is nothing impossible know,
By virtue of penance, Brahma creates world,
By penance, Vishnu is supporting Lord. [1]
By penance, does Shiva brings world to a close.
There is nothing that too difficult for penance goes."
3750 By this, King developed great faith in rishi.
The Saint began talking of ancient history. [2]
Talked of duties, ancient learning and religion,
Discussed desirelessness and wise discretion.
Of creation, maintenance, destruction of world,
Most wonderful stories also he uttered. [3]

Hearing them the King was in his influence,

He disclosed his own identity hence.
“I do know that" the cunning ascetic said.
“You concealed your name, that made me glad. [4]
3760 Listen to me, O King, it is perfectly right,
That kings don’t give out their name.
My regards for you were so much increased,
When I noticed the wisdom same. [163]
Your name is Pratapbhahu, I am sure,
And King Satyaketu was father your.
Through blessings of teacher, I could know all,
Yet, I don’t give out, lest curse should fall. [1]

Seeing you and noticing your simple nature,

In love, in faith and in virtue higher,
3770 Affection for you surged up within me,
So being asked, told you my history. [2]

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Now that I am so very pleased with you,

You may ask for a boon you choose to do."
The King caught hold of ascetic’s feet,
So pleased he was, then he did entreat, [3]
“Lord merciful, at mere kind glance of yours,
I have in my hand desires - all fours.
Yet, as I now find my lord so pleased,
Why shall I not have my peace increased? [4]
3780 Make my body free from age, illness and death,
In battle ever unconquered,
For a hundred Kalpas unchallenged rule.
Unchallenged, unquestioned and undeferred." [164]
The Saint replied, “So it shall be,
Yey, there exists one great difficulty.
Even angel of Death shall bow to you,
Brahmins alone will be exception too. [1]
By virtue of penance, they are ever mighty.
There is none who could face their wrath really.
3790 O King, Brahmins alone if you subjugate,
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh would obey you straight. [2]

No power can will of the Brahmins denounce.

With raised arms, I can publicly announce.
Unless Brahmins come to curse you, O King,
Your downfall can be caused by no other thing." [3]
At these words, King felt great happiness,
And said, “I am sure, I am now endless.
Through your blessings, O, ocean of mercy,
I’ll have all round happiness and all glee." [4]
3800 “Let that be so." answered the feigning ascetic,
And further on, he did add —
“If you mention meeting me, losing your way,
Don’t blame me if you become sad. [165]

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It is therefore that, King, I have forgotten thee,
Its mention will bring down great misery.
If this story ever sixth ear does reach,
That will mean your death, your truly I teach. [1] Disclosure of this or the

Brahmin’s curse,
Listen Bhanupratap, will mean ruin of yours.
Nothing else in the world will bring your end,
3810 Even if Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar you offend." [2]
King held his feet and said, “Very true, sir,
Who could challenge wrath of a Brahmin, teacher.
If Brahmins get angry, teacher can protect,
But teacher offended, him none could protect. [3]
If I don’t act upto your behest, rishi,
Let me then be doomed, what matters it to me?
To me, there is one fear alone abominable
The curse of Brahmins is so very terrible. [4]
How to bring Brahmins under my control?
3820 Tell me that, doing mercy.
Except in you, lord, my benefactor.
Nobody else do I see." [166]
“Though in the world there have been means several,
They are so difficult, and may not be successful.
One way there is, so very easy simple,
But there also lies a great hurdle. [1]
That means is in my power and grace,
But I cannot come down, King, to your place.
Ever since I was born and right upto now,
3830 I have never been to any man’s house, I vow. [2]

If still I don’t go, great loss is there,

What an awkward situation faces us here!"
Hearing this the King, very meekly said,
This principle, my lord, the Vedas have laid. — [3]

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Elders ever take pity in the juniors.

The mountain at its head, petty grass bears.
Unfathomable ocean bears foam at its crest.
Earth ever carries on it particles of dust. [4]
Saying so the King grasped feet of that saint,
3840 And entreated him for mercy.
For my sake, do bear the great inconvenience,
O saint, please merciful be." [167]
Finding the King under him, in and out,
The cunning ascetic, shrewdly spoke out,
“I say to you, O King, truth simple and pure,
There is nothing impossible for me, be sure. [1]
I’ll certainly be acting for your sake,
By thought, word, deed, you my devotee I take.
Yoga, mantra, penance and device bear fruit,
3850 Only when carried out with the secrecy they suit. [2]
Without anyone knowing if I cook food,
And you serve it like an attendant good,
All those whoever partake of the meal,
To obey you in every way, bound shall feel. [3]

And those too, who would be dining at theirs.

Will be under your influence in affairs.
So King, go act, upon this plan.
Fix up such feasts over an year’s span. [4]
Invite one lacs and new Brahmans
3860 Every day with kith and kin.
For the whole period so fixed by you,
I’ll cook food in your kitchen. [168]
By this device with least inconvenience,
All Brahmins will come under your influence.
They will do sacrificial rites and offering,

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Thereby gods under you will be coming. [1]

I may tell you further for identification,
I’ll not be coming in my present fashion.
I shall elope the priest of your family,
3870 By exercising fraud on him easily. [2]
By virtue of penance, transform him of course,
And keep in this hermitage for one year course.
And, King, I’ll be adopting his features,
Thereby serve you and your purpose. [3]
It’s late hour of night, go and sleep.
We meet on the third day, in mind, keep.
By power of penance, your horse and you,
Will be transferred in sleep to your place right through. [4]
I’ll come in the form, I have just mentioned.
3880 Please do identify me then,
When seeking private audience, I tell
What is already in your ken." [169]
Complying with the order, the King went to lie,
The cunning saint also took his seat close by.
Due to fatigue, the King went into deep sleep.
Saint was awake, as within him fraud he did keep. [1]
Kalketu, the demon, then arrived there.
He, as a boar, had the King defrauded here.
He was fast friend of the feigning cheat,
3890 And an expert in art of trickery, deceit. [2]
He had ten brothers and a hundred sons,
Formidable in war, god tormenting ones.
The King had earlier defeated them and killed,
Finding saints and gods with horror filled. [3]
That fiend had the past grouse in his mind,
He met the saint, jointly a plan could find.
They planned to wipe off completely their foe,
As destiny would have it, King could not know. [4]
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Never consider a great enemy to be small,

3900 Even if he be left alone.
To the Sun and the moon, even now gives pain
Demon Rahu with his head mown. [170]
The ascetic King was happy to meet,
His old friend, whom he did much greet.
Told all the developments to his old friend,
The demon spoke, much pleased at the trend. [1]
“O, King, you have acted on my advice.
I’ll see to the rest to get rid of vice.
Now you should have no worries on this score,
3910 Luck has removed illness without treatment, sure. [2]
Routing enemy, root and branch anon,
I’ll see you on the fourth day," said the demon.
Giving all assurance to the ascetic king,
Went away the demon - full of anger, cunning. [3]

In a second, the demon transported thence,

Bhanupratap and horse to his residence.
Put the King near the queen in her chamber,
And tied well the horse in stable there. [4]
The demon then kidnapped the royal priest,
3920 And put him in a mountain cave.
By virtue of his illusionory force,
The priest was left to rave. [171]
He assumed the outward form of the priest,
Then lay in his matchless bed, as in tryst.
The King woke up long before the dawn.
He was surprised to find himself at his home. [1]
He thought within himself of Rishi’s power,
Rose without disturbing the queen however.
He went on his horse to the forest side.
3930 None in the city had the King spied. [2]

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After about six hours, he went back home.

The whole town celebrated the King’s return.
When the King saw the priest of his family,
He, then remembering past events, looked attentively. [3]
For him, three days were long like an age,
His wisdom was spoiled by dweller of hermitage.
At the appointed hour, priest sought audience,
Told him as arranged of the circumstance. [4]
The King was pleased to see the teacher,
3940 He could not distinguish in the least.
Extended invitations to a lac Brahmins,
And their families for the feast. [172]
The priest prepared four types of food,
With six relishes, Vedas call good.
he was fraudulent in preparing the meal,
All their varieties, who could deal? [1]
He cooked mutton of this and that kind,
Therein Brahmins’s flesh also evil combined.
As the King started serving the meal,
3950 A voice was heard from sky to reveal, [2]

“O Brahmins, rise and to your home, Go!

Do not take meal, there is danger, know.
In food Brahmins’ flesh has been mixed."
Brahmins got up, faith in the voice fixed. [3]
King was restless by delusion, weak.
As destiny would have it, he could not speak. [4]
The Brahmins, fired with anger, cursed,
They did not stop to inquire,
“You, King! Be transformed into demon,
3960 With your family entire." [173]

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“O, wicked Kshattriya! You had so planned.

Invited the Brahmins to have them condemned.
God alone preserved our piety intact.
You and your family will be suffering impact. [1]
In a year, you will die with your offsprings,
None will remain to give you water offerings."
Hearing great curse, King was in distress,
From the sky did the voice further express. [2] “O Brahmins, you cursed

without giving thought.

The King has not any mischief wrought."
3970 At the voice from sky Brahmins were amazed,
King went to the kitchen, he gazed and gazed.
He saw no grub and no Brahmin cook, [3]
With a sad heart, King himself betook.
he related the whole case to the Brahmins.
Fell on the ground in pain and chagrins. 5 [4]
“O King, the destiny cannot be changed,
Even though you are not at fault.
Whatever be the means that be employed,
Curse of Brahmins cannot halt." [174]
3980 So saying the Brahmins left for home,
The news did also to people come.
They, pained to know it, Creator traduced,
In the making of swan who raven produced. [1]

The demon put back the priest at home

Told the feigning saint all that had come.
He wrote to rulers all here and there,
Forming forces, they took up belligerent affair. [2]
Besieged the town and beat war drums.
Battles and crashes were their outcomes.
3990 Pratapbhanu and all his brave men,
And his brother were in battle slain. [3]
5 In the original text, poet has used the singular forms for the words ’Brahmin’ and ’Chagrin’. In the context of

one lac of Brahmins present, I have changed these words to their respective plural forms.

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None was alive in Satyaketu’s Line,

Who, ever, could curse of Brahmins confine?
All kings recovered their lost domain,
Resettled the towns, on victory fain. [4]
“Bharadwaj, when destiny turns against one,
Mole Hill becomes Sumer Mountain.
To him, his father is angel of death,
A string into snake does turn." [175]
4000 After lapse of some time, the very King was born
With his entire family, O Muni, as demon.
He had ten heads and arms twenty,
And was called Ravana the brave, mighty. [1]
The King’s brother, Arimardan by name,
Kumbhakaran, the mighty demon became.
And his minister, Dharmaruchi, was born,
As younger step-brother of Ravan(a). [2]
He was Vibhishan, the world famous, he —
Possessing real knowledge, Vishnu’s devotee.
4010 Other sons and servants of the King,
All became demons, masters in the ring. [3]

Their types differed, could take any form,

So evil, fearful, without real wisdom.
Void of mercy, murderous and sinful,
Causing pain to the world indescribable. [4]
Even though from the stock of Pulastya Muni,
Pure, sacred of matchless fame,
On account of the great curse of Brahmins,
Centre of all sins became. [176]
4020 All three practiced penance great,
So difficult as none could ever relate.
Seeing their performances Brahma went soon

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And asked each of them to ask for a boon. [1]

Ten headed Ravana caught hold of His feet,
And said, “O Lord of the world, I greet,
Let me not meet death from anyone,
Except two - the monkeys and the man." [2]
Brahma said, “you have done penance much,
I, Creator of World, give you word such.
4030 He then went, on Kumbhakaran, to call,
Seeing him, Brahma did in wonder fall. [3]
He thought if this demon would daily eat,
The entire creation, he is sure to delete.
With the help of Saraswati, He turned his mind,
He asked he should six months’ sound sleep find. [4]
Brahma then calling on Vibhishan said,
“Son, you too some boon may choose."
He asked Him pure love for the lotus feet
Of God, in Him to infuse. [177]
4040 Brahma went back, giving each one a boon.
They all with a happy heart came back home.
Daughter of Maya demon Mandodari by name.
Of exquisite beauty, of womanhood a gem. [1]
Maya gave her to Ravana, in marriage gifting,
As he knew, Ravana would one day become king.
Ravana was glad to get a partner true.
He then brought about brothers’ marriages too. [2]

In the midst of the sea, on Trikuta Hill,

There was Brahma’s fort, with space ample.
4050 Maya demon had beautified again the same.
There were great palaces studded with gem. [3]
Beautiful as Bhogwatipuri of Nagas,
Or like Amravatipuri, of Indra’s.
More beautiful than these was there the fort,
Which was known as Lanka in world’s report. [4]
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There was a ditch of deep sea all round,

Which surrounded this fort.
The city wall, all studded with gold,
Its workmanship none could report. [178A]
4060 As God wills, in every Kalpa occurring,
Whosoever rules over demons,
That brave glorious and powerful king,
With his forces here remains. [178B]
In past,brave demons used to live there,
But gods put them to end, in warfare.
Now by Lord Indra’s sanction there,
Lives one crore demigods - guards of Kuber. [1]

From some quarters Ravana received the report,

He arranged his army and besieged the fort.
4070 Seeing so great, brave and valiant a force,
The demigods - Yakshas, fled away per force. [2]
Then the ten headed made a round and viewed -
All worries were gone, he was so much soothed,
Finding the place beautiful, safe at any rate.
Ravana made it his capital of state. [3]

He distributed houses as were found fit.

All demons found every comfort in it.
Once Ravana made surprise attack on Kuber,
Defeating him in battle, brought his aeroplane here. [4]
4080 Once just for some fun, he reached Kailash,
And lifted it up all right.
As if it was to measure his bodily strength.
He cam back with spirits light. [179]
Comfort, glory, property, helpers, progenies.
Victory, wisdom, power, greatness, armies,
Daily in new ways did progress proceed,

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As with every profit increases the greed. [1]

Had a brother so mighty Kumbhkaran,
Whose equal in power was never before born.
4090 Drinking, slept half year in intoxication,
When he woke, everywhere came destruction. [2]
If he were to take his meal daily,
Whole universe would become emptied really.
He was warrior, indescribably courageous,
And like him were, variant ones numerous. [3]
Meghnada was Ravan’s son elder,
Who, of warriors ever had been the leader.
To face him in combat there was none.
For fear, there was stampede daily in heaven. [4]
4100 In addition, there were Bajradant, Durmukh,
Dhumraketu, Atikaya, Akampan.
Like these, there were many other warriors,
Who could conquer whole world alone. [180]
They could take any form, for fraud a great team.
Never mercy or morals occurred in dream.
Once Ravana sitting in his assembly,
Saw members of his countless family. [1]
There were servant, relations, sons and grandsons,
Who could count different classes of demons?
4110 He, by nature proud, when his troops spied,
Spoke in a language, full of anger, pride. [2]
“Hark Ye, demon warriors, attend to me,
These gods are our greatest enemy.
They do not ever meet us, eye to eye.
Seeing our great might, away do they fly. [3]
Their extinction lies in one way alone,
I am going to tell you, listen with attention.
Brahmin-feeding, sacrifice, fire-ceremonies, curb,
Offerings for manes - these all, you should disturb. [4]
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4120 Thus weakened and powerless, gods will come,

To me then for my mercy.
Then, whether to kill them or to set them free,
I’ll do as proper I see." [181]
Ravan thereon sent for Meghnad(a),
Sermoned, fanned furious fire against god.
He said, “All gods who are warriors,
And are proud of fighting powers, [1]
Conquer them, arrest them, bind them so."
Son, to his father’s orders bowed low.
4130 He issued instructions to all about.
Putting mace on his shoulder, Ravana too set out. [2]
As he stepped out, the earth did quake,
Gods’ wives aborted, so loud he spoke.
As gods heard of the approach of Ravan(a)
They hid in caves of Sumer Mountain. [3]
All regions of quarter gods, so elegant,
Were found by Ravana left quite vacant.
He roared and roared with great vehemence,
Bad names for gods found loud utterance. [4]

4140 In war-mania, he roamed all over,

But his match he could not anywhere discover.
Sun, moon, air, water, Kuber and fire,
Death, Lord of death, and every other officer, [5]
Celestial dancing class and Nagas,
The man, the gods, and perfect ones.
He stood in the way of all of them,
Willfully and without any provocation. [56

In the whole of Brahma’s world, every living one,

Ravana brought under him, man or woman.
4150 All meekly obeyed him by fear driven.
Every day before Ravana, they bowed down. [7]
By dint of his power universe he won,
None was left independent.
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As Supreme and unchallenged lord,

Ruled Ravana brave and valiant. 182A]
Gods, Yakshas, men and Naga virgins,
Heavenly dancers, musicians,
By force of arms, Ravana won them all,
And married many good maidens. [182B]
4160 Whatever instructions Meghnad received,
It looked Indrajit had already achieved.
And, of others, to whom orders were given,
Know of their performance, how they had striven. [1]
The hordes of demons fearful to look at,
Tormentors of gods and sinners at that.
These evil fiends cause wide disturbance.
Take forms at will, witcheries enhance. [2]
By whatever means, religion be crushed,
To acts against Vedas, they ever rushed.
4170 Wherever they’ld find cows, Brahmins, entire,
That village, town, state they’ll set on fire. [3]
Good deeds were dying out for their fear.
None had regard for gods, Brahmins, teacher.
No love for God, no sacrificial rites,
None offers penance, none knowledge invites. [4]
The hearing of sacred Vedic Themes,
Was not to be conceived even in dreams. [5]
Recitation of name, penance of yogic frame,
In sacrificial rites gods’ part,
4180 If Ravana could know, he would personally go,
And every thing to dust impart. [1]
Most heinous dealings and dirty feelings,
Filled universe, religion was not heard.
All pains, he will pile, from land would exile,
If one Veda, Purana, uttered. [2]
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It is very difficult to describe,
The immoralities done by the demons.
To violence when they subscribe,
What limits to sins could there be laid? [183]
4190 The wicked, the thieves and the gamblers
Seeking other’s wealth, women, were in great numbers.
None would think of gods, of fathers, mothers,
Saints they would employ for service matters. [1]
“O, Girija, all those who such nature possess,
Them all in category of demons assess."
When earth saw sin in ascendancy great,
Great fear and restlessness were her fate. [2]
“Great mountains, rivers, oceans don’t weigh,
So heavy on me as tormentor does, aye."
4200 The earth noticed great irreligiousness done,
For fear of Ravana could not utter word one. [3]
Considering all points, she went, as a cow,
Where saints and gods were hiding now.
She wept and narrated to them her sore.
They heard, showed helplessness for cure. [4]
All munis and gods, all heavenly bards
Went to domain of Creator,
Earth in cow’s form, with sorrow and alarm,
Followed the assembly there. [1]
4210 When Brahma was told, did inability unfold,
Said, He was helpless in fact.
“Only immortal sire, whose servant you are,
Can you and us all protect." [2]
“Earth, with patience please do not part."
Said Brahma, remembering the feet of God.
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“He knows His devotees’ heart.

He must remove your great calamities." [184]
All gods were sitting, and discussed they,
Where to find Lord so as to pray.
4220 Some mentioned journey to Vaikunth - Heaven,
Some said, Lord lived on milky ocean. [1]

Each, in accordance with his own faith,

Finds Him where he seeks, so truth sayeth.
“Girija, I too was present therein,
Finding it opportune I did mention, [2]
“Lord is Omnipresent, the same everywhere,
For love, He assumes form and does appear.
Regions, time, directions, quarters round,
Where is it that Lord is not to be found? [3]
4230 He is Omnipresent yet separate, away,
By love, He appears as does fire, say."
They all liked my idea so much,
Brahma praised Me calling Me Saint such. [4]
Brahma heard and bristled up with joy,
His eyes did water have.
Joining palms together, began to praise,
Brahma, careful and grave. [185]
“Hail, Lord of gods, comforting Lord,
Protector of humble, lowly.
4240 Of cows, Brahmins, well wisher immense,
Demons’ foe, Lord of Lakshmi. [1]
Gods’, Earth’s guardian, deeds wonderful done,
None could Your secrets discern.
Kind by nature, merciful master,
Pray, do look at our concern. [2]
Hail! Indestructible, You in every heart dwell,
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Omnipresent, peace in perfection.

Unknowable by senses, beyond Maya’s fences,
Virtuous, giver of salvation. [3]
4250 In whose quest hermits, void of ignorance ascetics,
From ignorance and attachment free,
Day and night meditate, great virtues relate,
Truth, life, peace! Success to Thee. [4]
Who great world made three attributes laid,
Unhelped, no aid You hath.
You set sins at naught, pray give us a thought.
We know not worship of faith. [5]
Birth’s cycle You end, hearts of munis’ tend.
All distress You bring to a close.
4260 With thought, word, deed, shedding sense of pride,
Your shelter, O Lord, we chose. [6]
Whom Goddess Saraswati, Shesha and Shruti,
And rishis - none has ever known,
Who is lover of the meek, as Vedas speak,
That Lord, let mercy be shown. [7]
To churn world ocean, is Mandar Mountain,
Of beauty, virtue, happiness, store.
Munis, the hermit sect, siddha- saints perfect.
In awe bow down before." [8]
4270 On knowing the pains of gods and earth,
Hearing the affectionate appeal,
A grave voice came right from sky.
Their sorrows and griefs to repeal. [186]
“O Gods, saints, munis shake off all fear.
I’ll take human form, for your sake, dear.

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With all attributes, I’ll come as a man,

In the sacred and most holy Solar clan, [1]

Kashyapa and Aditi had done great penance,

In the past, did I, to them promise advance.
4280 They in the forms of Kaushilya, Dasharath(a),
Have come as King of Ayodhya on earth. [2]
I’ll incarnate in that family fine,
As four brothers in Raghu’s line.
I’ll establish words of Narad as true,
I’ll come accompanied by my power too. [3]

I’ll remove all load from the head of the earth,

O gods, be all fearless, henceforth."
Hearing happy tidings from the sky,
With happy hearts, back home did they fly. [4]
4290 Brahma also to His dominion came,
Giving gods the instruction —
To take forms of monkeys and thus,
Let service to Lord be done. [187]
Gods also returned, each to his own home,
Like Earth, they had all happy become.
Whatever instructions Brahma had given,
So joyfully they complied with them. [1]

They assumed on earth forms of monkeys,

With power grandeur, ever on the increase.
4300 They had hills, trees and nails as arms,
And awaited arrival of Lord, in swarms. [2]
They spread all over forests and hills,
And lived in groups as per their wills.
“All this beautiful history, I’ve told,
Now listen to what I did not unfold." [3]
In Avadh ruled Dasharatha, gem of Raghu’s line,
His name does in great Vedas shine.
Chief in religion and in moralities,
Store of virtues, knowing realities, [4]

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4310 How queens Kaushilya and all others,
Were with pious virtues full,
They had very sincere love for the Lord,
Loved God and were humble. [188]
Once King felt regret within his heart,
That no son he had by then got.
King went immediately to his teacher’s house,
He bowed to his feet, prayed, laid his grouse. [1]
He mentioned to Guru his joys, sorrows,
Vashishtha consoled him about his woes.
4320 “Keep patience, you will be having sons four,
World famous and balm for devotee’s sore." [2]

Vashishtha sent message to Rishi Shringi,

Held fire sacrifice to obtain progeny.
Muni with whole heart oblations made,
Fire god appeared, food plate he had. [3]
“O Dasharatha, whatever Vashishtha has in heart,
Success to you therein I impart.
Go and distribute this preparation,
In the way, you see its justification." [4]
4330 The Fire god disappeared thereafter,
Telling all what he had to explain.
The King was lost in perfect pleasure,
His joys, heart could not contain. [189]
The King then called his wives near,
Kaushilya and others were very soon there.
He gave to Kaushilya half of that boon,
And divided the rest in two halves soon. [1]
One part he gave to Kaikai queen.
The other was again cut up in twain.
4340 King handed over these to Kaikai, Kaushilya,

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They happily gave them to queen Sumittra. [2]

Thus was conception in each laid in,
They had great joy and happiness within.
From the day, the Lord within the womb came,
All over did peace and prosperity reign. [3]
All queens lived in the palaces happily,
Mines of beauty, modesty and glory.
Thus some time passed in happiness clear,
And time came when the Lord was to appear. [4]
4350 When hour and planets and stars and day,
Were all found auspicious,
All had joy, living and non-living,
Lord’s birth brought all happiness. [190]
When ninth of bright half of Chait came,
Came lucky moment Abhijit by name.
In mid-day, neither hot nor very cold,
Sacred hour, soothing to young and old. [1]

Cool, fragrant, breeze was blowing then,

Gods were happy and so saintly men,
4360 All trees blossomed, hills shone with gem,
All rivers flowed, with sweet nectar in them. [2]
When Brahma knew of auspicious occasion,
With Him came gods on their chariots then,
With numberless gods was covered the sky,
Celestial bards sang praises high. [3]

Handfuls of flowers were being showered,

In sky the joyful drums thundered.
Gods, nagas, munis, all prayed and prayed,
Their respective offers of presents made. [4]
4370 Groups of gods offered holy prayers,
And to their homes returned.
The support of all Universe appeared,
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Giver of peace to the whole world. [191]

Came kind Lord holy, merciful to the lowly,
Kaushilya’s great benefactor,
The mother was happy, seeing wonderful beauty,
Of munis’ hearts enchanter.
For eyes, joy proud, like rain bearing cloud,
In four arms His own arms held.
4380 Decked with garland, with eyes so grand,
Beauty’s ocean, who Khar Demon felled. [1]
“How shall I pray thee, boundless Almighty,"
Said the mother with folded hands.
“Vedas, Purans say, you’re from knowledge away,
No Maya or quality attends.
Whom Vedas, sages call, joy’s ocean, merciful,
Store house of good qualities,
He, just me to please, lover of devotees,
Took a form, O Lord, Lakshmi’s [2]
4390 The Vedas declare that in Your every hair,
Are numberless universes, Maya made,
In my womb, He did live, who’ld this joke believe?
Even sage would this dissuade."
When real knowledge filled, the Lord smiled,
He wished to hold divine play.
Told mother at last, great histories past,
In her heart, motherly love to lay. [3]
Mother’s outlook was changed, She therefore exclaimed,
“My Lord, shed away this form.
4400 Act now like a child, that is joy undefiled,
And a pleasure of matchless norm."
When the gods’ Lord heard, mother’s this kind word,
As a newborn, to cry He began.

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They who sing this play, at God’s place stay,

Never in world’s well, fall again. [4]
For the cause of Brahmins, cows, gods and saints,
That Lord took human form.
He is beyond Maya, beyond modes and sense,
His form does to His will confirm, [192]
4410 By cry of the child, the other queens knew,
In all haste to queen Kaushilya they flew,
The maids in joys ran hither and thither,
All public was lost in deep pleasure. [1]
When King Dashrath came to know of son’s birth,
He was glad, as if lost in divine mirth.
Drowned in deep joy, body bristled, wet eyes,
He collected himself, and tried to rise. [2]

“All good comes at remembering whose name,

In my house has appeared that Lord same."
4420 Within his heart, he felt so ecstatic,
Asked band party to play happy music. [3]
A message of call to Vashishtha was sent,
Who, with other Brahmins to the King’s house went.
They reached and saw the child paramount,
A store of beauty, who could virtues count? [4]
King made offerings in the Nandiways,
Did family rites perform,
Gave gold and cows and clothes and gems,
To Brahmins, as was the norm. [193]
4430 With flags and banners, festoons, gate ways,
Whole town was full, in indescribable ways,
From skies came rain of fragrant flowers,
On all, the Supreme Bliss showers. [1]

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In groups and bands hurried all ladies,

Decorated with their natural beauties.
With gold pitchers, trays of auspicious things,
Each group enters royal gates and sings. [2]
Moved lighted camphor in circular trend,
Made offerings, at the feet of the babe did bend.
4440 Bards, charioteers, ministrels, musicians,
Sang praises of the Lord of great Raghuvans - [3]

King charitably gave presents to all,

They too, in joy, gave away their all.
Due to musks, sandal paste and saffron,
There was mud in the lanes of whole town. [4]
There ware happy congratulations, music and songs,
As the source of all grace came.
The group celebrated, men and women
With minds in jovial frame. [194]
4450 Both queens Sumittra and Kaikai,
Gave birth to sons of great beauty.
On joy and happiness of the moment,
Even Saraswati and Shesh could not comment. [1]
All Ayodhya did at that time appear,
As if, Night had come to see Lord, there.
But finding the son of family solar,
Hesitating, did as evening linger. [2]

By excess of incense and burnt perfume,

The smoke did, form of darkness, assume.
4460 There was so much of red powder in air,
It looked like redness of sunset there, [3]
The sweet recitation of Vedic hymns,
In palace, was like the birds chatterings.
Engrossed in the fun, sun its course forgot.
A month passed and there sun moved not. [4]
The day was as long as one full month,
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None noticed the mystery there.

The sun and his chariot stood gazing,
How could night therefore occur [195]
4470 This secret none could at that time note,
The Sun, singing Lord’s praise, moved on his route.
Witnessing celebrations, gods, munis, serpent,
Praising their good luck to their abodes went. [1]

“O, Girija, one more secret I’ld tell,

As in Your bosom, does Rama’s great love swell.
I, in company of Bhushundi, the crow,
Took forms of men, so none could know. [2]
Lost in love and joy, of self forgetful,
We roamed in the streets happy and mirthful.
4480 This sacred happening only he could know,
On whom Rama does His mercy bestow. [3]

At that occasion, whosoever, howsoever came,

The King gave him whatever he’ld claim.
Elephants, chariots, horses, and gold,
Cows, bejewelled, clothes, King gave untold. [4]
King satisfied all, hence all to the King,
Most sincere blessings gave.
That Tulsidas’ Lords, the four brothers,
Long and happy life may have. [196]
4490 In this way some days and nights passed.
None noticed how this long period crossed.
When time for christening ceremony came.
Call went to Vashishtha Muni of great fame. [1]

Worshiping the teacher, the King did say,

“Give them names, which you have thought, I pray."
“Their names are many, matchless and great,
Yet, I’ll say as my lights indicate. [2]
The oldest who is ocean of rest and peace,

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A drop from which gives whole universe ease.

4500 Who is centre of bliss, His name is Ram(a).
Which gives entire universe great calm. [3]
The second son, who sustains Universe.
Will bear the name of Bharat, thus.
Whose mere remembrance drives out enemies,
His name is Shattrughan, Veda decrees." [4]
And centre of all virtues, Rama’s love,
On whom, the earth does rest,
Guru Vashishtha named him as Lakshman,
Which he thought for him the best. [197]
4510 The teacher considered, did names impart,
Saying, “Your four sons are Vedas’ heart,
Saints’ wealth, devotees’ all, Shiva’s soul
Is divinity pleased to play child’s role." [1]
Lakshman took to Rama’s feet right from start,
Knowing to be patron benefactor at heart.
Bharat and Shattrughan from the same instant.
Formed relationship of master servant. [2]

Two couples - dark and fair, complexioned —

Mothers fondly saw, evil eye’s effects shunned,
4520 All were house of modesty, virtues, beauty,
Yet, Rama. ocean of bliss exceeded the three. [3]
In His heart, the moon of kindness shone,
Sweet smile as its soothing rays were known.
Mother rocked Him in lap or at times in swing.
Fondled Him, calling Him her dear darling. [4]
Supreme being, Omnipresent, faultless, formless,
Devoid of all sport,
That never-born, due to love and devotion,
Is in Kaushilya’s lap in rapport. [198]

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4530 There was beauty of crores of Kamdevas,

In His body like cloud of blue lotus.
White nails on His lotus feet appeared.
As pearls on red lotus leaf peered. [1]
In the sole were bolts, flag, falcate, marks,
Sounds of anklets, munis’ hearts enchants.
Chain round the waist, three lined abdomen,
Deep navel, he only knows, who has seen. [2]

Decorated with many ornaments, long armed.

On the chest, the nails of lion charmed.
4540 There was also necklace studded with gems,
Mark of Brahmin’s foot so lovely seems. [3] 6
Throat was like a conch, chin was so fine,
The beauty of face did (numerous) Kamadevas win.
Two teeth that under rosy lips shone,
Nose, forehead mark beggar description. [4]
Two ears so fine, two cheeks so fair,
And faltering speech, so sweet to hear,
Hair soft and smooth with which He was born,
In various ways mother did it adorn. [5]
4550 In yellow upper garment, mother dressed Him,
Walking on all fours looked as very fine.
To describe Him, Vedas and Shesha do fail,
He alone knows, who has dreamt of some detail. [6]
All bliss, flawless, beyond knowledge, speech,
By senses quite imperceived,
Under force of love of Kaushilya and King,
Sports like child conceived. [199]
Thus Rama, Universe’s father and mother,
To inhabitants of Ayodhya gave pleasure.
4560 They who have developed love for Rama’s feet.
They - Uma, - with so high a position meet. [1]

For one against Rama, devices even crore.

6 The “Mark of Brahmin’s foot" refers to the stamp of Saint Brigu’s kick on Lord Vishnu’s chest and hence is a
symbolic announcement that Rama is an incarnation of Vishnu.

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Could not win freedom from cycle of birth sure.

Maya which has conquered all the living,
From Rama, that Maya is ever fearing. [2]
That Maya, the Lord makes dance at accord,
Whom should one adore other than that Lord?
By thought, word, deed, shedding cunning fully,
If one turns to Rama, He’ll find mercy. [3]

4570 Thus Rama acted child like pranks all fine,

And gave to all citizens pleasure divine.
Sometimes Kaushilya would caress Him in lap.
At another, she’ld put Him in swing for a nap. [4]
Lost in love, Kaushilya did never notice,
How days after days were spent.
for reasons of deep affection for her son,
Was in singing child’s deeds intent. [200]
It so happened once, after bath giving,
Using cosmetics, she placed Him in a swing.
4580 And in order to worship her family god,
She bathed and preparations all made. [1]
After worship, made offerings to the deity,
She went to her kitchen house presently,
And later, to the room of worship coming,
Saw her child partaking of the offering, [2]
Surprised, she rushed hurriedly to the swing,
And found the child soundly sleeping.
She visited again room for worshiping,
And saw child eating, she felt quivering. [3]
4590 She noticed two children, one here, one there.
Is it illusion or some other affair?
Seeing mother in a fix, torn by thoughts wild,
The Lord in a sweet gentle way smiled. [4] 7
7 With this set of stanzas, Tulsidas has vividly emphasized and examplified the very essence of Vedic belief that

God is all one, can be present in different form, is present everywhere, can be worshiped and loved in many way, as a
family deity or as a child and most of all that all worships and offerings in whichever form eventually reach to Him. It
also emphasizes that Maya is only a God’s deliberate play, in which one should participate only for the sake of God
and for the joy of God.

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He showed to His mother His wonderful form,
Boundless and all embracing,
To every hair of His body, she saw
Crores of universes clinging - [201]
Countless suns, moons, Brahmas and Shiv(a)
Hills, rivers, oceans, earths, forests, live.
4600 Times, actions, modes, knowledge, natures had been,
Those were there which were never heard or seen. [1]
There was seen Maya in Her full majesty,
Hand folded it stood, before Almighty.
Soul or Jiva was there which Maya makes dance,
There was devotion that brought Jiva deliverance. [2]

Mother’s hair stood at end, could not speak.

She closed her eyes, bent her head as meek.
When Lord saw mother so much under strain,
Slayer of demon Khar became child again. [3]
4610 Mother could not praise Him as she had a fear,
That Lord of Universe she, as son, did rear.
Lord consoled the mother in so many ways,
Advised her for secrecy lest all she says. [4]
Kaushilya bowed to Him again and again,
And begged with joined palms,
“Henceforth, O Lord, let Your Maya,
Never affect me with Her charms." [202]
From Lord many childlike pranks occurred.
On devotees, great joys He conferred.
4620 The four brothers grew with time passing.
To the family members great joy did bring. [1]

Guru Vashishtha got tonsure ceremony done.

To Brahmins was given great donation.
Many an interesting and wonderful deed,

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Did from four princes ever proceed. [2]

By thought, word, deed, imperceptible one,
in Dashrath’s courtyard, for love did run.
At meals when King would all summon,
They won’t come, couldn’t their comrades shun. [3]
4630 When mother Kaushilya would personally go,
The Lord would run away tripping so.
Whom Vedas call - “Not this much", Shiva can’t reach,
Him mother ran deliberately to catch. [4]
The Lord was brought all covered with dust,
The King would smile, seat Him in lap just. [5]
He takes food, with mind busy elsewhere,
When an opportunity appeared.
With a shriek of joy, He would start away,
Mouth rice and curd besmeared. [203]
4640 Rama’s sports so simple, so sweet yet great,
Saraswati, Shesh, Shiva, Vedas could not relate.
Whosoever is not in love with Him,
In fact, Brahma did him outright condemn. [1]
When these princes reached age of boyhood,
Guru and parents gave them the sacred thread.
Princes of Raghu-line went to school to read,
Soon did, in getting all learning, succeed. [2]

Whose mere breaths are all the Vedas four,

He is at school, this is a surprise sure.
4650 All have learning, politeness, virtue,
Played games, acting as if were Kings true. [3]
Bows and arrows beautified their arms.
Their grace, the entire Universe charms.
In whichever lane, did these four go,
With love, men and women get overwhelmed so. [4]
For all the inhabitants of Kaushala State,
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Be they men, women, young or old.

Rama the merciful was great beloved,
Dearer than their souls they hold. [204]
4660 He would collect His brothers and bosom friends,
And go hunting towards forest dense.
He shot the deer, which had obtained pure heart,
And showed them to King, every day from start. [1]

The deer, by Ram Chandra’s arrows killed,

Leaving physical bodies, God’s regions filled.
He would dine with friends and with His brothers,
And ever carry out parents’ orders. [2]
All those devices, kind Lord would employ,
That brought to the citizens immense joy.
4670 With all attention, Vedas, Puranas heard.
And on the topic with His brothers conferred. [3]

Rising at dawn, He would bend His head down.

To His parents and to Guru of renown.
With their sanction, saw to state affair,
King derived pleasure at His behaviour. [4]
All pervading, formless, desireless, unborn,
Absolute, with no form or name,
For the sake of devotees in numerous ways.
Performs deeds unique, the same. [205]
4680 “I have told you so far of Rama’s boyhood,
Listen, further, Girija, in attentive mood."
Vishwamittra, the great saint of knowledge,
In a forest, lived at a sacred hermitage. [1]

There Rishi held meditation, fire-sacrifice.

From Marich, Subahu, ever afraid of vice.
At every sacrifice, demons always appeared,
Brought over great disturbance, so Muni feared. [2]
VIshwamittra, son of Gadhi, had inspirations,

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That except Lord, none could destroy the demons.

4690 Visheamittra considered of Shri Rama’s birth,
That Lord came to lighten the load of the earth. [3]
“Let this serve as purpose to see His feet,
I’ll bring the two princes with great entreat.
All knowledge, on asceticism, virtues, intent,
Such Lord, I’ll be seeing to my heart’s content." [4]
He did not take long in his journey’s course,
On that thought meditating.
He took his bath in the sacred Saryu,
And reached the audience of king. [206]
4700 When the King heard of the arrival of rishi,
He went to receive him with Brahmins many.
He bowed before rishi, did honouring entreat.
Conducted him to sit on his royal seat. [1]
He washed Saint’s feet, worshiping did say.
“There is none more fortunate than I today."
Offering Saint food of many kinds to eat.
Rishi felt great pleasure at this treat. [2]
The King then at his feet four sons laid.
Seeing Rama, Rishi forgot himself, was glad.
4710 At the exquisite beauty, he felt so charmed,
As a partridge by full moon in disarmed. [3]
So very glad at heart, the King then said,
“Rishi, such great favour never before you did.
What has brought you to me, be pleased to say,
In carrying out orders, there will be no delay."[4]

“The gang of demons so much troubles me,

I have come therefore to seek help from thee.
Please give me Raghunath with His younger brother,
With demons annihilated, I shall be safer. [5]
4720 O King, do give them with a joyful heart,

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Leave delusion and ignorance.

Thereby, you will get reputation, virtue,
And their welfare will enhance." [207]
When the King heard this unwelcome speech,
His face lost colour, heart did shiver reach.
Said, “I got them in my life’s fourth part,
This point, Brahmin, you did not take to heart. [1]
Ask for land, cows or riches, treasure,
I can offer my all, with great pleasure.
4730 There is nothing dearer than soul and body,
In twinkling of an eye, them I’ll offer thee. [2]

All sons are dear to me as my soul.

But to part with Rama is beyond control.
How fearful and cruel the demons are!
How fair and tender these lads! compare." [3]
Rishi was glad to hear the King say so,
He saw love brimming up in the speech, lo.
Then Vashishtha, intervened, explained to King,
Thereby, King’s fears, out he did fling. [4]

4740 The King so respectfully called both sons,

Embraced them and gave them instructions.
To Vishwamittra said, “Lord, they are my soul.
You are henceforth, their guardian entire and whole.’ [5]
Blessing his sons in various ways, the King
Passed them on to Rishi, great.
They visited their mothers’ mansions and there
Bowing to them, they went straight. [208A]
As lions amongst men they went
Very gladly to remove Vishwamittra’s fears,
4750 Ocean of mercy, calm, intent,
They are cause of the cause of world being. [208B]
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He has reddish eyes, long arms, broad chest,

Body lotus blue or like dark tree best,
On waist yellow cloth, on the back quiver, lie,
Fine arrows and bow both hands beautify. [1]
Both brothers look fine, one dark, one fair,
Vishwamittra had obtained great treasure.
He said, “ I have known He loves Brahmin.
For my sake, Lord left His father even." [2]

4760 Muni pointed out Tarka, while going their way,

She heard and dashed out in anger’s sway.
At Rama’s single arrow to death she sank,
And finding her meek, Rama gave her His rank. [3]
At that Vishwamittra cognition did have.
To the store of education, education gave.
Which freed Rama from thirst and hunger,
Keeping immense strength, body full of vigour. [4]
He gave Rama all weapons of armoury,
And brought Rama to his abode,
4770 Offered bulbs, roots and fruits, to eat,
With love and devotion to his Lord. [209]
Next morning, Raghu’s son told Vishwamittr(a),
To begin sacrifice, fearing none to hinder.
At this, all saints took to sacrificial fire,
Rama took upon Himself guarding ceremony entire. [1]
Hearing it, angry Marich, Muni’s dire foe,
With his troop of demons did to disturb go.
Rama shot a headless arrow on Marich,
Which put him four hundred miles off on beach. [2]
4780 Then an igneous arrow to Subahu was sent.
While Lakshman the demoniac forces rent.
The demons wiped off, Brahmins had no fear,
Gods and saints praised Rama in voices clear. [3]
There stayed Raghunath for sometime more,
Gave mercy and love to all Brahmins galore.

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Due to love, Brahmins several Puranic Themes said,

Even though all those Rama had previously read. [3]

Later Rishi respectfully proposed to Ram(a),

To make a trip and witness a programme.
4790 From him, Rama heard of bow-function,
Joyfully with him, Raghu’s sons moved on. [4]
They saw a hermitage while journeying,
With no bird, animal or living being.
Rama saw a flat slab of stone lying,
When questioned, Rishi explained to Him whole thing. [5]
“Ahilya, wife of Gautam, due to a curse,
Has been patiently lying as stone.
She prays for the dust of your lotus feet, Rama,
O, Raghubir, mercifully atone." [210]
4800 Touched by holy feet, by which all sorrows fleet,
Varily rose up the ascetic woman.
Seeing Raghava before, giver of joy galore,
With joined palms stood anon. [1]
Restless with devotion, bristling off and on,
She was unable to utter word one.
By good fortune tugged, Lord’s feet she hugged.
From her eyes streams did run. [2]
She collected herself, knew Lord’s goodself,
By Rama’s grace, devotion found.
4810 In speech sacred, to the Lord she prayed,
“Hail, whom knowledge only can sound. [3]
I, a woman unclean, You the whole world clean,
Giving all joy, Ravana you downed.
O, Lotus eyed one, rescuer from world’s ocean,
Help, help, let refuge abound. [4]

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When Muni cursed me, great kindness did he,

I consider it a great favour,
Saw Lord to my fill, rescuer from birth’s cycle,
Which a great good considers Shankar. [5]
4820 Lord, one thing I crave, no wisdom I have,
For nothing else, I hanker,
Let my heart’s black bee, drink nectar with glee,
Of the lotus of Thy feet ever. [6]
Most sacred Ganges, from whose feet rises,
Whom Shankar put on His head.
That very same foot, on my head Lord put,
Which Brahma treats most sacred." [7]
Thus wife of Gautam, touching feet of Sri Ram(a),
Over and over again she bent.
4830 Her greatest desire, she got from the sire,
To her husband’s domain she went. [8]
Shri Rama is the Lord so very merciful,
For mercy no reason He seeks.
Tulsi says, “Remember Him, O foolish heart!
Shun world’s deceitful freaks." [211]
Rama, Lakshman and Vishwamittra steered.
Till land of the holy Ganges neared.
Then son of Gadhi there described forth,
How river of gods came down to earth. [1]
4840 There bathed the Lord and other rishis,
Brahmins got presents in varieties.
With saints, Rama and Lakshman moved on,
Till they reached borders of Janakpur town. [2]

When Rama saw beautiful Janakpuri,

He and Lakshman felt very happy.
Wells, with and without flights of stairs,

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Were there many tanks and many rivers. [3]

Full of water, with which nectar compares,
Steps with jewels fixed there in diverse.
4850 Black bees hummed for nectar of flowers,
Multicoloured birds, animals in bowers, [4]
Lotus of many colours were blooming there,
Cool, fragrant, breeze gave all pleasure. [5]
Flower gardens, orchards and blue forests,
Where birds, animals did abound.
Flowering, fruit bearing, with green foliage,
Did Janakpur Town surround. [212]
The beauty of the town cannot be told,
Whatever one would see that would his heart hold.
4860 The market, so fine, gem studded balconies,
So grand as if Brahma Himself made these. [1]
Rich businessmen sat like Kuber, Wealth-God -
And diverse articles they had displayed.
Beautiful crossings and streets pleasant,
Being watered with scent, ever so fragrant. [2]

All houses looked pleasing with carvings done.

So fine as if Kama himself was craftsman.
All citizens were good, moral and saintly,
Religious, knowledgeful and with fine quality. [3]
4870 To see unique beauty of Janak’s mansion,
Even gods felt lost in appreciation,
One was stunned to see rampart, as it rose,
Beauty of all three worlds, it seemed to enclose. [4]
Screens gold embroidered, studded with gems,
Hung in white houses in numbers.
The grandeur of Sita’s palatial mansion,
Who could tell in words and figures. [213]
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Diamond set shutters of doors strong,

There kings, minstrels, bards, dancers throng.
4880 In stables for horses and elephants, great,
Horses, elephants, chariots always wait. [1]
Brave warriors, generals, and ministers,
Had houses very like unto their master’s.
They viewed one garden most magnificent.
Where different facilities were abundant. [2]

Kaushik - Vishwamittra - said. “Wise Raghubir,

I propose that we all stay somewhere here."
“That is right", answered, house of mercy,
There halted all the rishis and He. [3]
4890 Janaka, King of Mithila was at once apprised,
That great sage Vishwamittra had arrived. [4]
With faithful ministers, valiant warriors,
Great Brahmins, Guru Shatanand Ji,
With Rajas and also with family men,
Janaka went to receive the Rishi. [214]
Putting head on his feet, King paid respects,
The great Saint blessed him in happy aspects.
To assembly of Brahmins too, he bowed.
Of this happy fortune King felt so proud. [1]

4900 Inquiring of welfare again and again,

Rishi seated the King and all his men.
Just then, both brothers also came,
Were out, sightseeing, to garden of fame. [2]
Sweet delicate youths, dark, fair in colour.
Comfort to the eyes, to hears enchanter.
All assembly stood up at the entry of Ram(a).
Vishwamittra seated them by the side of his arm. [3]
Sight of both brothers every one did please.
Wet were all eyes, bristled all bodies.
4910 Seeing sweet and attractive forms of the two,
The Videha of Mithila became “Bodyless" too. [4]

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Finding his heart drowned deep in great love,
To discretion Janaka retired,
With choked voice, bending down at Rishi’s feet,
very solemnly he inquired. [215]
“Tell me, lord, graciously, if these two beings,
Are gems’ of Muni’s family or King’s.
Or Brahma which Shruti calls.’Not this alone.’
Has appeared in these two forms human.
4920 By nature unattached to the world I am,
Yet, feel attached as partridge to the moon.
I therefore, respectfully seek to inquire,
Tell me without reserve, O, merciful, sire. [2]

Seeing them and by great love drawn,

Supreme peace also, my heart does shun."
Muni said with smile, “You are right, O King,
Your words can never be a false thing. [3]
They are dear to the living all over the world."
Hearing Rishi, in His heart smiled the Lord.
4930 “They are sons of Dashratha, Raghu’s family’s gem,
For my sake alone, King has sent them. [4]
These two great brothers Rama and Lakshman,
House of grace, power, propriety.
The world bears witness, they killed demons
Shielded my ’Yagna’ - fire-ceremony." [216]
Janak said, “ Rishi, getting the view of your feet.
I fail to describe my fortune’s feat.
These two brothers, beautiful, dark and fair,
To pleasure itself give great pleasure. [1]

4940 Their mutual love, attractive and pure,

Is so very sweet, indescribable sure,
Love between the two." King joyfully said,

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“As between soul Supreme Soul, is sacred." [2]

King Janak looks at Rama again and again,
All body bristling, heart so very fain,
He praised Vishwamittra and bending his head,
Whole party the King to his township led. [3]
He took them to a house, comfortable gay,
And in it, arranged party’s stay.
4950 And worship done, all comfort arranged.
The King took leave and to palace returned. [4]
With Vishwamittra gem of Raghu’s family,
Took meals and was entertained.
The Lord, with His brother Lakshman, then sat.
For sunset three hours remained. [217]
In Lakshman’s heart there was keen desire,
To see the town of Janakpur entire.
He feared Rama and thought of Rishi,
Smiled but would not explicit be. [1]
4960 All knowing Rama could read Lakshman’s mind,
Towards love for devotee He felt inclined.
With Muni’s permission, in all humility,
With a smile, He spoke most considerately, [2]
“O lord, Lakshman wishes seeing the town,
For fear, he does not make his mind known.
If I am favoured with your kind permission,
I’ll take him round and very soon return." [3]
Hearing Him, Vishwamittra said with affection,
“You’ll, of course, keep to rules of religion.
4970 You maintain religious codes and sanctions,
For love, fulfill devotee’s intentions. [4]
Go, have a look of the town of Janakpur,
Both brothers, centres of bliss.
Let eyes of the people enjoy full fruit,

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Show them your faces nice." [218]

Both bothers bent down to his feet at this.
And set out, the joy of world’s eyes.
Crowds of boys, seeing their excellent grace,
Followed, eyes, hearts, tied to their face. [1]
4980 Both wore yellow garbs, quivers tied on the back,
Both held bows, arrows, throughout the track.
Crescent of sandal paste of matching colour,
They formed fine couple - one dark, one fair. [2]

Shoulders broad, like lion’s, and long arms,

In front, were the garlands of pearls and gems,
Eyes excellent, like red lotus flowers,
faces moon-like, from great ills, liberators. [3]
Gold rings beautified their beautiful ears.
They seemed to steal hearts of the lookers.
4990 Curved up brows, slanting looks charming,
Marks on forehead seemed all beauty stealing. [4]
There was fine four-cornered cap on each head,
With jet black curly hair.
Both brothers from top to toe looked fine,
All beauty was as should be their. [219]
The news flashed through every house of the town,
For sight seeing have come princes of renown.
They left their jobs and out they rushed,
As the poor, to plunder a treasure, dashed. [1]
5000 Seeing natural beauty of both the brothers,
They were happy to have found their eye’s pleasures.
Young women of the town near to the chinks keep,
And fondly at beauty of Rama, they peep. [2]
And affectionately amongst themselves say,
“Crores of Kama’s beauty does Rama array,
Amongst gods, men demons, nagas and munis,
Never was ever heard one such as these. [3]

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Vishnu has four arms, Brahma’s faces four,

Shiva looks fearful, wearing face one more.
5010 No other god’s beauty does ever so please,
As could be held similar to beauty of these. [4]
Young in age, house of beauty and grace,
dark and fair, pleasure’s store,
At every part could have been sacrificed,
Kamadeva’s many a crore. [220]
O, friend, who is there born in a body,
Who is not attracted by such beauty?"
Then another gently with affection, uttered,
“Listen to me, wise ones, what I have heard. [1]
5020 These two princes are King Dashratha’s sons.
They resemble a pair of ducklings of swans.
They are guards of Vishwamittra’s sacrificial fire,
Who in fields of battle killed demons dire. [2]
The one dark complexioned with lotus eyes,
Who demons like Marich and Subahu defies,
Who bears bow and has arrow in His arm.
Is son of Kaushilya, mine of bliss, Ram(a). [3]

And he, fair complexioned one, who goes,

Behind Rama, holding bow and arrows,
5030 His name is Lakshman, Rama’s younger brother,
Listen to me, my friend, Sumittra is his mother. [4]
Both have come to witness bow-function here,
Liberating Ahilya in the way.
They have served the cause of all Brahmins."
At this news, all ladies were gay. [221]
Seeing Rama’s beauty, a woman opined,
“In Him good consort for Sita I find.
If King happens to see Rama and how,

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He will give Him Sita in spite of his vow." [1]

5040 Another said, “King has known them well.
He has honoured them and the Rishi, as well.
But listen, friend, he did not give up his vow.
By destiny, is foolishly firm even now," [2]
One opined, “If providence is good as said,
Gives away award for good deeds and bad,
Then Janaki will get Him as spouse dear,
I harbour no doubt at all in this matter. [3]
If fortune favours, events take this turn,
We shall all be satisfied in this concern.
5050 I am anxious, friend, in this connection,
As He will be coming here for that reason. [4]
Otherwise to us is impossible their view,
I tell you very frankly friend.
This happy circumstance can come then alone
When our past Karmas tend." [222]
A woman said, “ You are right to so declare,
By this marriage, we all have our welfare."
One said, “Shiva’s bow is hard to manage,
While Rama is young and so delicate in age. [1]
5060 Rightly, there is so much suspension and doubt.",
At this, another sweetly spoke out,
“I’ll say what about them people relate,
They are young to look at, are in influence great. [2]
By mere contact of the dust of His feet,
Even sinning Ahilya could salvation meet.
How can He ever fail in breaking the bow?
Even erringly never let this faith go. [3]
Brahma, who has created Sita to bloom,
Very wisely created for Her dark groom."
5070 Hearing this all ladies became so glad,
Very happily they said, “May it be so had." [4]
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Beautiful, fine eyed ladies were pleased,

So happily they flowers rained.
To whichever place, these princes went,
Supreme pleasure was attained. [223]
Both brothers visited city’s eastern part,
Saw arena where bow-function was to start.
There was a spacious pucca courtyard,
Where a sacred and pure altar stood. [1]
5080 There was high gold platform all around,
Where kings were to sit for the function profound.
Behind these but not so far from them,
Were other seats in circular formation. [2]

These were a little higher but easy for access,

Where citizens of the town were to sit and witness.
Close to this, there stood horses all around,
Gay coloured and high above the ground. [3]
Where ladies would find accomodation to sit,
For their ranks and their families fit.
5090 Boys of the town, in very courteous tone,
Every detail of arena to Lord had shown. [5]
With this as excuse, boys moved by love,
Touched Lord’s so beautiful form.
Their hair stood on ends and all were pleased,
Seeing brothers - Lakshman and Ram(a). [224]
Rama finding the boys deep in affection,
Talked of their residences in the town.
Each boy calls them to him as he does please,
Both go to him as called, with love and ease. [1]
5100 Rama shows Lakshman each formation,
In sweet, tender, interesting fashion.
In twinkling of eye, at whose dictates,
Maya, the entire Universe creates, [2]

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That very merciful, for devotee’s sake,

looks with great surprise at arena’s make.
Enjoying all fun, they came to Rishi.
There was fear for becoming late slightly. [3]
From Whose anger, even fear feels fear,
The effects of worship, He demonstrates clear.
5110 Saying sweet tender and affectionate words,
He pressed all boys to return homewards. [4]
With fear, with love and with respects,
The two brothers, hesitatingly,
Bend down at the Guru’s lotus feet,
Took seats when sanctioned he. [225]
As night approached, the Rishi ordered.
And evening prayers were then offered.
Discussing ancient events and history,
Six hours of night passed off quickly. [1]
5120 The Rishi then moved on to his bed for rest,
Both brothers, the Rishi’s feet then pressed.
For touching and seeing Whose lotus feet,
Ascetics perform Yoga and other feat, [2]

Those very brothers, as by love won over,

Massaged finely feet of the teacher.
The Guru again and again asked Shri Ram(a) -
So He, for rest, to His own bed moved on. [3]
Lakshman pressed His feet, hugging them close,
With love, with reverence, so pleasant were those.
5130 Rama again and again asked brother to part.
So he returned keeping Rama’s feet in his heart. [4]
At dawn, when cock gave our his call,
Lakshman left his bed anon.
And before the Guru could rise from sleep,
Rose world’s Lord, all knowing Ram(a). [226]

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Purified, they bathed did sacrifice of fire,
After prayers, bowed to great sage, sire.
Before hours of worship sought Rishi’s sanction,
And set out for flowers for dedication. [1]
5140 They went to King’s garden and saw there,
Spring season, enchanted as if, it were -
Most fascinating trees stood there.
Multicoloured creepers covered them all over. [2]

Fine leafy trees with flowers aflame,

By their richness put Kalpa-tree to shame,
Sparrows, hawks, partridges, cuckoos, parrots,
Chatter and coo, while peacock struts, [3]
In the middle of the garden there was a pond,
Steps were studded with gems so grand.
5150 With clear water and lotus many coloured,
Black bees hummed and water-birds fluttered. [4]
Grand sight of the garden and the pool,
In them did joy excite.
Indeed this garden was very elegant,
As it gave Rama delight. [227]
They looked around, sought gardeners sanction,
Gladly began plucking leaves, flowers, anon.
At that very occasion there came Sita,
Sent by her mother, to worship Girija. [1]
5160 With Her came fine, clever companions,
Singing songs in sweet melodious tones.
Girija’s temple was by the side of the pool,
Its charms and attractions who could schedule? [2]

After bath, Sita with all Her people,

With gay heart went to Girija’s temple.
Did worship of goddess with devotion,
Begged for suitable life companion. [3]
Leaving the party alone, one maiden,

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Had stayed to see the flower section.

5170 She chanced to see those two brothers there,
Love stricken, to Sita, she made repair.
Her fellows noticed great change in her soon,
Bristling body, eyes so wet.
They inquired of reason for her great joy,
In voice sweet affectionate. [228]
“The two princes have come to see garden,
So youthful in every way so fine!
How shall I describe dark, fair couple,
Eyes have no tongue and tongue no pupil." [1]
5180 Hearing her and finding Sita keen,
All maids were highly gladdened seen.
One said, “They are princes who yesterday came.
They say, with Vishwamittra Muni of fame. [2]

Who won hearts of town’s men and women,

Casting charm of beautiful form and mein.
Here and there people describe their grace,
They are fit for a look, pray, see their face." [3]
Her speech did Sita so much impress,
To see them Her eyes became anxious.
5190 Sita moved on, that friend showing,
Old love in Her heart none was knowing. [4]
Remembering Narad’s words within Herself,
Sita developed pure love -
So eager and anxious Her eyes moved on
As it does shy fawn behove. [229]
Twinklings of anklets, bracelets, waist-belt,
Rama heard, told Lakshman what he felt.
“They seem like Kama’s trumpet blown,
With a view to win all universe as his own." [1]

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5200 Saying so Rama cast His eyes there,

As partridge at moon, did His eyes stare.
His beautiful eyes won’t wink now on,
As if Nemi - god of eyelids, - had gone. [2]
Seeing Sita’s face, He felt so glad.
Praised Her in His heart, no word was said.
So great was grace as if Brahma, the Lord,
Embodied skill in a model for world. [3]

Her beauty made beauty itself so fine,

As light does in the beauty’s house shine.
5210 All similes poets have already shared,
With what then should Sita be here compared? [4]
Rama praised Sita’s grace in His mind
Noting condition of His own,
With all purity, to Lakshman, He said,
In accordance with situation. [230]
“She is Janak’s daughter, listen to me, Lakshman,
For whom is being held the bow-function.
She has been brought for Girija’s adoration,
She is walking adding light to garden. [1]
5220 Seeing Her super natural grace, my mind,
By nature so pure, feels so inclined.
For what reason? Only destiny knows,
Throbbing of right limb auspiciousness shows. [2]
It is natural for persons of Raghu’s line,
Their mind does never to evil incline.
I too entirely trust my mind,
Which to a woman, never in dream is inclined. [3]
Such man, whose back enemies never saw,
Whose mind and eyes no woman could draw,
5230 At whose door, beggars a ’No’ never knew,
Such men in the world are exceedingly few." [4]
Thus He was talking to His brother Lakshman,
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But heart, by love enticed,

The dust of the grace of lotus of face,
Like big bee ever imbibed. [231]
Anxious and puzzled Sita looked around,
“Where are the royal princes to be found?"
Wherever the young fawn’s eyes are cast,
Rows of white lotus seemed to have past. [1]
5240 Her friends showed her through bowers green,
The dark and fair, lovely to be seen.
Viewing them, eyes were so very much allured,
Felt so happy as if their treasure secured. [2]

Seeing beauty of Rama, eyes were at rest,

Even winking, the lids forgot at best.
With excess of love, lost body control,
As does young partridge seeing winter moon full. [3]
She conducted Rama to Her heart through eyes,
Then shut door of lids as She was wise.
5250 When maids found Sita lost in affection,
They couldn’t speak out but felt concern. [4]
At that very moment, the two princes.
From behind foliage came out.
It appeared as if two moons had shone,
Shedding curtain of clouds about. [232]
The two brothers were limit of beauty.
They, blue yellow lotuses seemed to be.
Peacock’s feather beautifies their heads,
In between were fixed bunches of flower buds. [1]
5260 Tilak mark on forehead, a few drops of sweat.
Grace of fine ornaments of ear is great.
Their brows are curved and hair curly,
Eyes are like red lotus in beauty. [2]
Chin, nose and cheeks are all so fine,

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To the grace of smile all heart incline.

The beauty of face beggars description,
Viewing it many Kamas feel humiliation. [3]
Long garland of gems on their chest shook,
Their sloping neck like unto conch does look.
5270 The limbs where endless might did brim,
Like Kama’s young elephant’s trunk did seem. [4]

In the left hand holds leaf cup of flowers.

Dark complexioned prince’s beauty conquers. [5]
Waist like the lion’s, yellow garment on,
Of beauty, modesty a store,
Seeing Rama, bright jewel of solar race,
, Maids forgot themselves, to be sure. [233]
One wise maid, collecting herself from trance,
Thus spoke holding Sita’s hand in advance.
5280 “Meditate on Girija at some other hour,
Why not view the Royal Prince under the bower?" [1]

With shyness, Sita opened Her eyes fine,

Saw in front the lions of Raghu line.
Noticed beauty of Rama from His top to toe.
Thinking father’s vow, She was filled with woe. [2]
Companions, finding Sita in love’s grip,
Felt nervous and mentioned delay in the trip.
A maid smiled, said in a jovial strain,
“We’ll be coming at this hour tomorrow again." [3]

5290 At this pregnant speech, Sita felt shy,

Thought of mother’s anger at delay coming by.
She mustered courage, Rama in heart still,
Turned back, leaving Herself at Her father’s will. [4]
Looks back again and again as if to see,
The deer, the bird or the tree.
Noticing Rama’s grace each time She saw,
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Love swelled in Her, not slowly. [234]

Pained at the great toughness of Shiva’s bow,
Rama’s face in heart, She turned any how.
5300 Rama seeing Janaki on return journey,
Mine of love, joy virtue and beauty. [1]
With fine ink of love her face without taint,
On the wall of His heart, Shri Rama did paint.
She went to the temple of Parvati,
Bending at Her feet, joining palms, said She, [2]
“Victory to thee, daughter of King of Hills,
Moon face of Shankar, Your heart’s partridge thrills.
O, mother of Ganesh, who has elephant’s face,
O, mother of six-faced Swami Kartik of grace. [3]
5310 O, mother of Universe, like lightening bright,
Victory to Thee, O, great Goddess of might,
No beginning, no end and no end is Thine,
Thy boundless power Vedas can’t define. [4]

Thou art world’s creator, maintainer, destroyer,

You charm Universe, independent roamer. [5]
Mother, You rank first amongst those women,
Who worship their husbands aright.
Thousands of Sheshas, thousands of Sharadas,
Can’t relate Thy boundless might. [235]
5320 Four fruits, Thy worship does easily bring,
O, bestower of boons, Shankar’s darling,
O, Goddess, worshiping Thy lotus feet,
Men, saints, gods, get pleasure to their surfeit. [1]

You know fully well my heart’s desire,

You dwell in every heart and do so ever.
I, therefore need not my point expand."
So saying, she held feet of Goddess in hand. [2]
By love and humility was the Goddess won.

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The idol smiled, garland slipped down.

5330 Sita took it as blessing, put it on Her own head.
Overwhelmed with joy, Goddess Gauri then said. [3]
“Listen to my ever true benediction, child,
May Your heart’s desire be fully fulfilled.
Words of Narad are sacred, ever true -
You will be getting the husband endeared to You. [4]
One of dark complexioned, who has Your heart won,
By nature handsome, You will find.
That ocean of mercy, great omniscient, He,
Knows well Your modest loving mind." [1]
5340 Hearing Gauree’s blessings Sita and Her maidens
Were overwhelmed with joyous feelings.
Worshiping again and again, Tulsi with hearts fain,
Back home they started moving. [2]
Finding Gauri favourably disposed,
Who could describe the joy of Sita’s mind.
Her left limb throbbed and proposed,
All auspicious happenings that were to come. [236]
Eulogising within themselves Sita’s beauty,
The two brothers came to their teacher - Muni.
5350 Rama stated to Guru all that had happened,
Untouched by cunning, He has chaste mind. [1]
Getting flowers, the Muni performed worships,
Then blessed both the brothers with open lips.
“May all Your desires be so satisfied."
Hearing him, Rama and Lakshman were gratified. [2]

After meals, the learned Rishi talked history,

And ancient anecdotes related he.
The day was ending; with Muni’s sanction,
Both brothers took to evening prayer function. [3]

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5360 The eastern horizon, full moon beautified.

It looked like Sita’s face, Rama felt glad,
Later on Rama reasoned within His mind,
Compared to Sita, moon was far behind. [4]
Born of the ocean and brother hemlock,
Dull in day, has spots as flaw,
Poor helpless moon could never compare,
With the glorious face of Sita. [237]
It wanes, waxes, pains parted maidens,
Rahu swallows it when a certain position happens.
5370 “Painful to ruddy goose, lotus’s enemy,
O moon, you possess drawbacks many. [1]

To liken you in any way to Sita’s face,

Would be sinful an act void of all grace."
Thus praising Sita while condemning the moon,
It grew dark, to their Guru, they went soon. [2]
They bowed to the lotus feet of the teacher.
And obtaining sanction, Thy went to retire.
As night ended, Rama rose from His bed,
And finding Lakshman nearby, He said, [3]

5380 “Brother, see the day break, rosy horizon,

To lotus, ruddy goose and Universe a boon."
Lakshman joined palms and spoke thus,
To express Rama’s might and great prowess - [4]
“As day dawned, fate of lily was doomed,
The stars lost their glamour.
So did the princes when they herd the news
Of Your coming at this juncture. [238]
All kings, like stars, may unite and try,
They can’t darkness of Shiva bow defy.
5390 As by end of night, lotus and ruddy goose,

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Black bees, birds, joy, all sorrow they lose, [1]

Likewise will be happy Your devotees, Lord,
As You will break Shiva’s bow, take me for the word.
Sunrise dispels darkness with ease,
Stars go, light does all over increase, [2]
By its rise, Lord, sun to kings does show,
Your great influence, great might aglow.
To publicise the might of Your arms Lord,
This ritual of breaking bow came in the world." [3]
5400 Hearing Lakshman, Rama was smile, all,
Pure by nature, bathed after nature’s call.
After routine duties to the Rishi, He came.
Put His head at the lotus feet of the same. [4]
There Janaka sent for minister Shatanand,
And sent him to Kaushik Muni on an errand.
He came and conveyed King Janak’s request.
Vishwamittra called both the brothers with zest. [5]
They came, paid respects to Shatanand Ji
And sat by the side of Rishi.
5410 Vishwamittra then conveyed invitation from King,
And proposed that they should there be. [239]
“Let us visit and see Sita’s great Swayambar,
And to whom God does at the function favour."
Lakshman said, “My lord, the glory will be his,
Who is recipient of your benediction and bliss." [1]
All saints felt happy at Lakshman’s speech,
With joy, they all let their blessings reach.
Then the merciful Lord, together with munis,
Left for the great arena of bow-ceremonies. [2]
5420 When citizens received this news welcome,
That both brothers have to the ceremony come,
They set out for the place, leaving work undone,
Young, youthful and old, be they men or women. [3]

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When Janak saw that the assembly was great,

He summoned all faithful workers straight,
Ordered them to personally meet people,
And offer them seats that were suitable. [4]
The workers met people with welcoming words,
And seated them as was right.
5430 In accordance with ranks, high, middle and low,
And still lower who came in sight. [240]
It was now that the two princes also arrived,
Title of charm incarnate, could be ascribed.
Ocean of all virtues, wise and valiant,
The dark and the fair both forms radiant. [1]
Amidst all other princes the two seemed to be,
Two full-moons amidst starry assembly.
In accordance with one’s individual notion,
Each one viewed Lord at that function. [2]
5440 The brave saw Him as if very bravery,
Had assumed a form, that form was He.
The evil, in accordance with their nature,
Saw Lord as possessing fearful feature. [3]

The demons, who had come in the garbs of king,

Saw Lord as if He was a death-like thing.
The citizens discovered in those two brothers,
Jewels of mankind, to eyes comforters. [4]
And women viewed them with a feeling of joy,
In accordance with their own taste,
5450 As if an embodiment of grace was there,
Most matchless, exquisitely chaste. [241]
The learned saw Rama gigantic instead,
With many a mouth, hand, foot, eye and head.
Rama appeared to Janak’s family members,

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As a dear relative, to a relative appears. [1]

With Janak , his queens view these brothers,
As sons; who could tell love of mothers?
As essence and truth yogis saw Ram(a),
Peaceful, pure, unchanging, light in form. [2]
5460 In the eyes of devotees, two appeared to be,
Their lords, giver of joy prosperity.
The attitude of Sita in viewing Shri Ram(a),
None could depict joy, pleasure in Her bosom. [3]
That joy, that pleasure, She could only feel,
Couldn’t describe. How can then a poet reveal?
Thus sat in the great assembly of kings
two princes of Kaushal domain.
Most beautiful, the dark and the fair coloured
Caught eyes of the Universe twain. [242]
5470 Both were like figures heart enchanting,
Comparing crores of Kamadevas is nothing.
Their faces would put winter’s full moon to shame,
Their lotus like eyes every heart would claim. [1]
Their looks won the heart of very Kamadev(a),
It cannot be told one could only perceive.
Fine cheeks, from ears ring dangle and swing,
Chin, lips, graceful sweet speech enchanting. [2]

The smile surpasses moon’s rays in grace.

Curved eyebrows, heart enchanting nose in the face.
5480 On the broad forehead does Tilak mark shine.
At curls, black bees to great shame incline. [3]
Four cornered yellow cap adds beauty to head,
With flowers here and there embroidered.
Conch like round neck, there on lines three.
As if marking three world’s beauty’s boundary. [4]
Garland of elephant’s jewels beautified the chest.
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Hung beads of holy basil seeds,

Shoulders like bull’s lions posture and gait,
Might of arms all limits exceeds. [243]
5490 On the waist are quiver and yellow binding,
Handling arrow, bow from left shoulder hanging,
Yellow sacred thread hung from His left side,
From top to toe, He was grace personified. [1]

Viewing them, all persons were over-full with joy

Gazes fixed, pupils would no motion employ.
Janak, when he saw them, was immensely pleased.
Went to Rishi and his lotus feet, he seized. [2]
Prayed to him and told him the whole history,
Took him round, showed arena of ceremony.
5500 Whichever place did the two princes reach,
There, all looked with amazement, at each. [3]

Each one found Rama facing towards him alone,

None could see through this mysterious phenomenon.
Rishi said to the King, “All was so nice."
Hearing it from his lips, Janak was pleased twice. [4]
There was a platform much superior, to all,
Most beautiful, spacious and white.
King seated thereon Muni Vishwamittra,
With brothers on his left and right. [244]
5510 Seeing Rama each King lost hopes within him,
As, at appearance of full moon stars turned dim.
It was common belief in assembly throughout
That Rama would break bow without any doubt. [1]

Even if the mighty bow of Shiva would not break,

Sita would put marriage garland round Rama’s neck.
“Therefore, let us all from this place depart,
Leave fame, glory, power and lustre apart?"[2]
Other kings blind with ignorance and pride,

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On hearing this talk, with a laugh they cried. -

5520 “Even breaking of bow won’t lead to marriage,
And without breaking who could have that much courage? [3]
Even if it means fight against angel of death,
For Sita, we’ld conquer death till last breath."
Hearing the tall talk, other kings smiled,
With them, virtue, devotion, wisdom filed. [4]
Crushing pride of each and every king,
They said, Rama would be marrying Sita,
Who could defeat brothers in the ring
They are warrior sons of King Dashratha. [245]
5530 “Do not die prattling all these talks high.
Sweets of imagination don’t hunger satisfy.
Listen to my advice, most sincere true,
Think Sita to be mother of Universe, you. [1]
Take Rama to be father of entire extent.
Have a view of this glory to your heart’s content.
Beautiful, pleasant, have all virtues beside,
These brothers in the heart of Shankar reside. [2]
Leaving ocean of nectar, just by your side,
Why run after mirage and die in pride?
5540 You may go and behave as it does please you.
We, on our part, have found life’s fruit, true."[3]
Saying so, noble kings took to devotion of Ram(a),
And began looking at their matchless form.
Even gods saw from chariots in the sky,
Sang praises, and showered flowers from high. [4]
Seeing that right hour had arrived then,
Janak sent for his daughter, Sita.
All wise and beautiful maidens in attendance,
escorted Her to the arena. [246]

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5550 Who could mother Sita’s beauty define,

Mother of Universe, of grace, virtue, a mine.
All similes appear to be inadequate,
Linked with worldly women’s physical aspect. [1]
If one were to use them to depict Sita,
He will earn ignominy, as poet with flaw.
If one were to compare Sita with a lady,
Where’s there, in the world, one with that beauty? [2]

Saraswati is verbose, Uma is half woman,

Rati ever in woe, her husband has body none.
5560 How could even Lakshmi be classed parallel,
Who has poison and liquor as her brothers real? [3]
If there were an ocean of the nectar of grace,
And beauty were tortoise forming the base,
Excellence were string, embellishment mountain,
And Kamadeva personally churned that ocean. [4]
If thus could a new Lakshmi be obtained,
Root of beauty and pleasure.
Even then, not without great hesitation,
Could a poet with Sita compare. [247]
5570 Thus Sita was brought by cleaver companions,
With songs sung in sweet melodious tones.
On the fresh form of Sita did saree so shine,
Beauty of world’s mother was matchlessly fine. [1]
All ornaments filled their respective place,
Wise maidens had put them with maximum grace.
When Sita stepped into arena,
Men, women were charmed at the beauty they saw. [2]
In great joy, gods their drums did beat -
Maidens from heavens showered flowers, sang songs so sweet.
5580 In Sita’s lotus hand is marriage garland.
Struck with wonder looked kingly band. [3]
Sita, so astonished, wanted to see Ram(a),
Other kings came under delusion’s charm.

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She noticed brothers, with Rishi, on high ground,

Eyes were fixed as if their treasure they found. [4]
Sita felt hesitant when she observed there,
Great teachers and assembly great.
She began to see towards Her companions,
While Rama, in Her heart she sate. [248]
5590 Viewing Rama’s grace and Sita’s beauty,
Men’s and women’s eyes ceased winking, truly.
All had thoughts rising, none dare express,
To the creator, they prayed as if in distress, [1]
To take away King Janak’s foolish notion,
And grant to him views similar to their own.
So that he may forthwith forsake his vow,
And give Sita in marriage to Rama now. [2]

He’ll get good name as that is every man’s wish,

Obstinacy will bring pain and anguish.
5600 All felt surcharged with desire fare,
That the dark complexioned should be Sita’s pair. [3]
Then Janak requisitioned his bards, who came.
Beautifully proclaiming story of his fame.
King said, “Now go and announce my vow."
Bards moved up, hearts full of joy now. [4]
Mighty kings please, give me your ears,"
Said bards in high pitched tone,
“With raised arm we hereby announce,
Great vow, King Janak’s own. [249]
5610 Shiva’s bow is Rahu, King’s boast is moon —
Very heavy, very tough - everyone has known.
Ravana and Vanasur, warriors of renown,
Looked at the bow and quietly moved on. [1]

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That very same bow, so hard, strong,

Whosoever would break before kingly throng,
With three worlds’ glory Sita will be his.
No thought will prevent, nothing will go amiss." [2]
Hearing Janak’s vow, wave ran through kings.
They, who prided in bravery, felt angry at things.
5620 Tying up their groins, stood up in rage.
Praying to their deity, they reached the stage. [3]

With a look of vanity, held bow enraged,

It would not stir, crores of ways they engaged.
Those who were considerate and had some thought,
Did not approach the bow and touched it not. [4]
The foolish kings held it with all their might;
Won’t move. They returned ashamed.
It seemed as if bow ever increased in weight,
As the strength of kings it claimed. [250]
5630 Ten thousand kings jointly tried to lift,
But the bow would not even so slightly shift.
The bow of Shankar would not budge a jot,
As words of a debauch, chaste woman moved not. [1]
All Rajas just turned to be laughing stock.
As an ascetic who does renunciation lack.
Their fame, victory and great bravery,
They lost at the hand of bow, verily, [2]
With defeatism, they lost all glory.
They reverted to their own assembly,
5640 Finding kings failing, Janaka felt nervous.
He spoke out words, with some anger bias. [3]
“Kings from distant lands and isles came,
Knowing very well the vow that I did proclaim.
Gods and demons, too, have, as men, come.
Many other brave men, too were welcome.
It appears that Brahma, Creator, did not make,
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One fit to break Shankar’s bow,

Thereby earn great victory, great name,
With whom Sita could go." [251]
5650 “Who would aspire to succeed in the show?
But none could string here Shankar’s bow.
Brother, leave stringing and breaking of above
Even very slightly the bow none could move. [1]
To feel, no valiant has any reason,
Earth is void of the brave, as I now learn.
Leave all hope and to your homes retire.
Marriage of Sita, did not fix up Great Sire. [2]

If I forsake vow, I lose virtue.

Let the maid remain maid. What can I do?
5660 That no brave remained, if I had only known,
I’ld not have taken vow, to make myself a fun." [3]
When men and women heard King Janak’s speech,
Viewing Sita so great pain did their heart reach.
Lakshman felt so hurt, his eyebrows bent,
His lips quivered, eyes reddened with resentment. [4]
For fear of Raghubir, Lakshman uttered no word
Janak’s words, as arrows hit him sore.
He bent his head at Shri Rama’s lotus feet
Just word broke forth galore. [252]
5670 “Where there is present one of Raghu’s family,
None should utter such words in that assembly.
Janak made very improper statement,
Knowing Rama, jewel of Raghu’s line present. [1]
Listen, O Sun for the lotus of solar race,
I am normal, of boasting there is no trace.
If I were to receive your sanction sole,
Like a ball, I would lift up the Universe whole. [2]

Like an unbaked pitcher, I’ld break it in twain,

As a radish, I can pull out Sumer Mountain.

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5680 That is due to your glory, your power, O lord,

Where stands this poor old bow of the world? [3]

Thinking so if you’re, graciously pleased to permit,

I may show you the fun, you just see it.
Like a reed of lotus, I shall string the bow,
And run with it four hundred miles or so. [4]
O Lord, on the basis of your glory,
Like a mushroom, I’ll break it in twain.
If I fail, I swear by your feet that I won’t
Touch quiver and arrow again." [253]
5690 When Lakshman uttered so angry a word,
The earth trembled, eight elephants quivered.
The kings and the people were all afraid,
Janak was in suspense and Sita was glad. [1]

Vishwamittra and Rama and other rishis,

Bristled and were glad hearing words these.
Rama pulled up Lakshman by hinting to behave,
And seated him by His side with love. [2]
Vishwamittra, noticing the occasion’s call,
Let words of affection from his lips fall.
5700 He said, “get up, Rama, break the bow of Shiv(a),
Wash off Janak’s pain and him joy give. [3]

Rama bent to His feet and made a start.

There was no sign of joy or sorrow on His part.
Normally, He got up and gently moved,
His posture and gait young lion reproved. [4]
Platform was Udaigiri - place of sunrise,
As the young sun rose from there.
Like lotus, the saints were all happy,
Black bees of eyes were all cheer. [254]

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5710 The night of the hopes of kings ended,

Their wordy stars no light emitted.
The haughty kings like the lily faded,
Cunning ones as owls hid in place shaded. [1]
Gods, munis as ruddy goose were carefree,
In token of service, shed flowers in glee.
Praising Guru’s feet with deep devotion
Rama sought all other Muni’s sanction. [2]

Lord of Universe then simply moved on.

With the beautiful gait of fine elephant anon.
5720 As Rama moved, citizens, men and women,
Felt glad and bristled again and again. [3]
They prayed to manes, gods, thought of good deeds,
If they be acceptable, prayed as in their creeds.
“May Rama break the bow of Shankar as a reed,
Of lotus, O Ganesh, be pleased indeed." [4]
Looking at Rama with deep affection and love
Mother of Sita called maiden.
And in sorrowful words explained her thought
Full of great love and affection - [255]
5730 “Friend, those who profess to be my well-wishers,
They are all, of fun, mere spectators,
None tells Vishwamittra that it is not right,
To place these children in position tight. [1]
Ravana and Vanasur dared not touch the bow,
All kings have failed, though boasted so.
That very bow, he gives to a prince tender,
Could a young swan Mandrachal Hill bear? [2]
Even Janak is silent, his wisdom, seems gone,
It is difficult to gauge destiny’s great fun."
5740 One of those maidens who was wise and clever,
Said, “Though small, glorious are glorious ever. [3]
Where is Agastya, born of pitcher and vast sea
Yet he dried it, whole world sings glory.

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The sun looks small when seen with the eyes,

Yet, at its rise, darkness from three worlds does fly. [4]
The mantra recited is ever so small,
Yet it tames Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv(a).
Even great powerful passionate elephant,
Under goad’s control does live. [256]
5750 Kamadeva bow and arrows of flowers wields,
Yet to his influence, the entire world yields.
Know this, great queen, give up anxiety,
Rama shall break the bow, it is a certainty." [1]
Hearing to her friend’s words, queen was sure.
Sorrow was gone, faith was there galore.
Sita, looking at Rama at that time of odds,
With fear in heart, prayed to various gods. [2]

Restless, she appeased Goddess Parvati,

Sought Her blessings within Her, secretly.
5760 “Let service to You, mother, bear me fruit such,
Be pleased to reduce bow’s weight so much, [3]
O leader of multitude, O boons giver,
O Ganesh, I have been worshiping You for ever,
Listen to my repeated prayers, O Lord,
Reduce weight of the bow to a very low record." [4]
She sees Rama again and again, with peace,
She appeases the gods She found.
Her eyes were brimming with tears of love.
And Her body bristled up all round. [257]
5770 Sita viewed beauty to Her heart’s content,
Thought of father’s vow, hence did much lament,
“He has taken the pledge, difficult to attain,
He did not weight earlier, the loss and the gain. [1]

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The ministers, afraid, no advice tender,

In assembly of learned, should any evil occur?
On the one hand is bow harder than adamant,
On the other, dark prince, tender and adolescent. [2]
O Creator, how shall I keep peace in my mind?
Could a flower petal ever pierce into diamond?
5780 The whole assembly seems to have lost head,
My hopes rest on thee, O bow, instead. [3]

Cast away your dead weight on general people,

Look at Rama, assume light form at will."
There was extreme pain in Sita’s heart,
To her appeared an age, even minute’s little part. [4]
She looks at the Lord, then looks at the earth,
Her restless eyes appear,
As if two fish of Kamadeva are sporting,
In the bucket of moon so clear. [258]
5790 To lotus of mouth of Sita confined,
The black bee of speech, we find,
Due to night of modesty and shame,
Bee of speech does not come out of the same. [1]

Water in Her eyes, towards the ends does creep,

As in corner, great miser his gold does keep.
Feeling so restless, She felt hesitation,
Collected herself with faith, determination. [2]
“If my vow is true in thought, word and deed,
With Rama’s lotus feet, love is true indeed.
5800 Then God, who lives in the hearts of all,
Will make me the maid of Rama of Kaushal." [3]
There is no doubt whatever, the lover does find,
Him, towards whom the true love is inclined.
She looked at Rama, staked body for love.
Very merciful Rama knew all the above. [4]
He looked at Sita, then looked at the bow,
As adjutant towards little serpent would go. [5]

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Lakshman noticed that Shri Rama had been
Towards Shiva’s bow at its seat.
5810 Bristling over, he announced in following words,
Pressing Universe under his feet - [259]
“Eight elephants stationed at each direction,
Tortoise, Shesh, Boar, give me your attention.
Hold earth with all your force and might,
Lest it should quake and so not keep right. [1]
Rama is now proceeding to break Shiva’s bow,
Be careful, I hereby warn you so."
When Rama came close to Shankar’s bow,
Men, women, appeased gods and good deeds so. [2]
5820 Common men’s doubts and their ignorance,
Of haughty kings’ great pride and arrogance,
Heavy weight of Parasuram’s boastfulness,
Of munis’ and gods’ great afraidness, [3]
Sita’s great pain, Janak ’s lamentation,
Of queen’s pain’s forest conflagration,
All these, finding boat of Shiva’s bow,
Were all on it, forming a company so. [4]

The ocean of Rama’s might so boundless,

They wanted to cross and yet pilotless. [5]
5830 Rama cast a glance on the huge assemblage,
Found them as on canvas drawn,
Then turned to Sita, the great merciful,
In sore pain found her down. [260]
He saw Janaki in very deep anguish,
Even winking time would like a Kalpa languish.
“If a thirsty dies for want of water,
What use to him will be pond of nectar? [1]

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Of what use is rain when crop has withered?

What use is lament when opportunity passed?"
5840 With all such thoughts, He viewed Janaki.
Finding Her love great, Lord bristled really. [2]
Within Himself, He bowed down to His teacher,
And picked up the bow easily thereafter.
Blow flashed like lightening when it went high,
When pulled, looked like an arc in the sky. [3]

None distinguished lifting, stringing, drawing,

So quick was all, they saw Him just standing,
He broke Shiva’s bow in no time to record.
The loud fearful crash filled all world. [4]
5850 The sound of crash filled all the world,
Sun’s horses shying went off track.
Elephants of eight directions shrieked, earth shook,
Shesha, tortoise, boar were wonder struck. [1]
Gods, demons, munis shut their ears with hands,
And thought as to what had happened.
Finding that Rama had broken the Shiva’s bow,
“Victory, Victory to Rama", they exclaimed. [2]
Shankar’s bow was like unto boat.
Might of Rama’s arm was the wide ocean.
5860 Team-deluded to the ship afloat
Foundered deep into the mighty sea. [261]
Lord threw down both the pieces on the ground.
Seeing it, very great people found.
Vishwamittra represents a pious ocean,
Wherein, water of love none could fathom, [1]
Which seeing the full moon of Shri Ram(a),
Bristled up as if spring tide had come.
Drums were beaten in the sky aloud,

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The celestial damsels danced in crowd. [2]

5870 Brahma and other gods, seers, rishis,
Praised Rama and offered blessings, these.
Many coloured wreaths and flowers advanced,
Sweet songs the minstrels sang and danced. [3]
Whole Universe was filled with shouts of hail,
Therein the echo of the break did fail.
Men women, joyously said here and there,
“Rama broke the heavy bow of Shankar.’ [4]
Cool headed bards, minstrels, charioteers,
Story of praise offered,
5880 Horses, elephant, gold, jewels and cloth
In propitiation offered. [262]
Tomtoms, clarinets and cymbals,
Sounded drums, tambours conches, bugles,
Very sweet instrumental music was on.
Sings auspicious songs the young maiden. [1]
Queen was very glad, along with her friends,
As rain the withering paddy tends.
Janak ended anxieties, enjoyed peace.
As a tired swimmer touching land felt ease. [2]

5890 King lost all grace as the bow gave way,

As do lamps lost all glow in the day.
How could one describe joy of Janaki,
Happy like cuckoo getting rain drops of Swati. [3]
Lakshman viewed Rama at that occasion,
As a young partridge does look at the moon.
Minister Shatanand issued instruction,
Sita moved to Rama at that function. [4]
With Her, were wise beautiful maidens,
Singing benediction with glee.
5900 Like young swan, Sita moved on closer.

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Boundless was Her form’s beauty. [263]

Sita appeared in the midst of maidens,
As Supreme grace amongst graces shines.
In Her lotus hands, She held marriage garland,
Wherein lay world conqueror’s beauty grand. [1]
Physically, She is shy, in the heart joyous,
Their love mysterious, none else could guess.
When close, Sita viewed beauty of Ram(a).
She was turned by wonder into picture’s form. [2]

5910 Intelligent maids noticed Her mental state,

Asked Her to put garland on Rama, straight.
Hearing Her, She lifted garland in Her hands,
For reason of love, couldn’t put it, stands. [3]
Her hands seemed as two lotuses with reed,
To offer moon, garland, shyly proceed.
Maidens sang, seeing that grace, couldn’t check.
Thus Sita put garland round Rama’s neck. [4]
Seeing marriage garland round neck of Rama,
Gods showered rain of flowers.
5920 Other princes just shriveled up as lily
Does as soon as the sun appears. [264]
Musical tunes sounded in town and sky,
Virtuous turned gay, evil ones got shy.
Gods, bards, men, nagas and holy rishis,
Sent blessings with “Hail", “Victory" cries. [1]
Goddesses danced, sang in joyous strain,
Set handfuls of flowers again and again.
Here and there, Brahmins the Vedas read,
Stories of fame, the minstrels said, [2]
5930 Heaven, earth and hades were full of glory,
Rama broke the bow and did Sita marry.
Lighted camphor, they moved round and round,
Made offerings to propitiate, out of bound. [3]

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The pair of Rama and Sita so seemed,

As if grace and beauty have jointly gleamed.
Her comrades asked Her to touch Rama’s feet,
But She does not do that, with fear replete. [4]
She thought of fate of Gautam’s mate,
So wouldn’t touch Shri Rama’s feet.
5940 Rama smiled within Himself, seeing,
Love Super natural so replete. [265]
The kings, therefore, developed much greed,
Flared up foolish ones, evil, of ill breed.
They rose up and put on their coats-of-mail
And for tall talk too, they did not fail. [1]
Some said, “Snatch away Janaki, by force.
And arrest both the princes, of course.
Breaking the bow does not mean all is over.
Who can marry Sita till we are here? [2]
5950 If Janak comes to their aid, come what might,
We’ll capture him and princes in the fight."
Virtuous kings said, hearing their tall claim,
“Seeing these shameless, very shame feels shame. [3]

Strength, power, bravery, greatness, respect,

With the bow did all these virtues deflect.
Was that all or have received any fresh supply?
Well did destiny, on your face black apply. [4]
Leave Jealousy and pride, shake off anger,
Have a view of Shri Rama to your fill.
5960 Knowing great fire of Lakshman’s anger,
Don’t be like moths, a kill. [266]
As an adjutant’s share a crow should seek,
Of the share of a lion seeks a hare meek.
Seeking welfare, one who flares up for no cause,

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As an enemy of Shiva prosperity chose, [1]

As a greedy fellow were to seek high glory,
Or a licentious tried to escape ignominy,
Or one against God, sought salvation,
Likewise is, O kings, your evil passion." [2]
5970 At the growing turmoil, Sita felt afraid.
To her mother, the companions conducted the maid.
Ram in the usual course went to teacher.
Within Himself, Sita’s love He’ld remember. [3]
Sita and the queens felt so much concern,
As to how their destiny would then take turn.
At the words of the kings, Lakshman felt bewildered,
For fear of Shri Rama, he could utter no word. [4]
His eyes were read, his brows so bent,
Angrily, he looked at the kings.
5980 As the view of a herd of wild elephants,
Young lion to fury brings. 267]
At the great hubbub, citizens to great grief came.
They joined in calling the kings bad names.
On hearing the news of break of Shiva’s bow,
Came sun for the lotus of Bhrigu’s line now. [1]
Viewing Parashuram, all kings felt hesitant.
As larks do, when a hawk is on them bent.
On the fair body, ash looked very catching,
On his forehead, was mark of three lines matching. [2]
5990 His moon like face flushed still so fair,
He wore on his head long matted hair.
Eyebrows were bent, eyes red with fire,
Mere look would suggest his anger dire. [3]
High shoulders like bulls, chest and limbs fine,
With sacred thread, wreaths and a lion’s skin.
Bark cloth was on groin with quivers two,
Arrows and bow in hand, axe on shoulder too. [4]
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By looks peaceful, but by actions hard.

It is difficult to describe his form.
6000 It seemed as if bravery taking human shape,
In the party of kings had come. [268]
Seeing Parashuram’s so fearful form,
The kings stood up as if in great alarm.
They paid respects prostrating to woo,
Telling their names and father’s too. [1]
Whomsoever he saw in normal course,
He felt as his life had run its course.
Later came Janak and bowed his head,
To pay Her respects, Sita also he led. [2]

6010 He gave his blessings, Her friends were glad.

Soon Sita back into the house, they had.
Then came Vishwamittra Muni to meet,
And put two brothers at his lotus feet. [3]
Introduced Rama Lakhan as Dashrath’s sons,
He blessed them, seeing the beautiful ones.
Eyes of Parashuram were fixed on Rama,
Who could, in grace, beat down Kama. [4]
He saw all round, from Janak inquired
Why all that crowd was there,
6020 Behaved as an innocent unknowing man,
His body was full of anger. [269]
Janaka explained all the situation,
How kings had come in that function.
At this Parashuram turned and saw again,
Found lying on the ground, bow, broken in twain. [1]
With extreme anger, he proceeded to say,
“Who has broken the bow? Tell me straight away,
Show me that fellow, O Fool, make haste,
Or the whole kingdom, I today lay waste." [2]

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6030 So greatly terrified, Janaka would not speak.

Evil kings felt happy, tongue in their cheek.
Gods, munis, nagas, citizens of the town,
Were puzzled, in them such terror had grown. [3]
Sita’s mother too felt so much concern.
She thought destiny to be taking bad turn.
When Sita came to know Parashuram’s nature,
Half moment did like a Kalpa linger. [4]
Rama found people so greatly afraid,
And Sita in so great fear,
6040 With neither joy nor sorrow in His heart,
He thus spoke out clear. [270]
“O, Lord, one who broke the bow must be,
One of your humble servant verily.
What is your order? Why not tell me?"
At this Parashurama, said in great fury, [1]
A servant is he who serves master,
If acts enmically, let him have fight here.
Listen to me, Rama, he who has broken the bow,
Is enemy to me like Sahashrabahu. [2]

6050 From amongst others, let him be soon singled,

Otherwise all Rajas, here would be killed."
Hearing Parashuram’s talk, Lakshman smiled,
For the axe-wielder, used words, not mild. [3]
We broke so many bows in young age,
But that, in you, never caused any such rage.
What is your special attachment with this bow?"
Parashuram glared up hearing him saying so. [4]
“O, Son of King! You are courting death
If you talk without consideration.
6060 Is how of Shankar at par with others,
World over, the bow is known?" [271]

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Lakshman smiled, said, “Muni, listen to me,
I place all bows in one category.
What is gain or loss in breaking old bow?
Thinking it to be new, Rama touched it so. [1]
Rama is not to blame if it gave way on touch,
Why should you be angry over trifle as such?"
Parashuram then looked at his axe so keen,
“Of my nature, Fool, you have ignorant been. [2]

6070 I don’t kill you as I take you a child,

Don’t take me to be muni simply, so mild.
I am very wrathful and a born celibate,
World knows, I am enemy of Kshattriyas great. [3]
By sheer power, made earth void of kings.
Many times gave Brahmins earth as offerings.
O, Prince, cast a glance on my axe now,
Which cut the thousand limbs of Sahashrabahu. [4]
Don’t put your father and your mother, O prince
In extreme sorrow and pain.
6080 Have just a look of my fearful axe
Even foetus in the womb it has slain." [272]
Lakshman said with a smile, though a bit mildly,
“O Muni, You are so conscious of bravery.
You show me your axe again and again,
By a breath, you propose blowing away mountain. [1]
I am no young gourd that would readily wither,
At merely pointing out with forefinger!
Only noticing the axe, bow, arrow, you had,
Some words with a touch of arrogance I said, [2]

6090 Thinking you from Bhrigu, seeing sacred thread,

I have borne patiently whatever you said.
On gods, Brahmins, devotees, and the cow,
We are never hard. It is our family vow. [3]
Killing them is great sin, bad name on defeat,

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So if you even strike, we fall at your feet.

Your each word equals a crore adamant,
Uselessly you wield axe, arrow, bow bent. [4]
Seeing them, if I happened to overstep limits,
Excuse me, O great Muni calm."
6100 Jewel of Bhrigu’s family then spoke at this,
Angrily hot words of alarm. [273]
“Listen Kaushik, to death is rushing this boy silly,
And is proving himself fatal to his family.
In the moon of solar family, he is a blot.
He is rude, daring and fool, fears not. [1]
In a moment, he is going to be death’s morsel,
I warn aloud, would not be responsible.
To save him, stop him from going further.
Tell him of my glory, power and anger." [2]

6110 Lakshman said, “O, Muni, as long as you live,

Who could be better description of your glory give?
With your tongue and differently subscribed
Numerous times you have your glory described. [3]
If that much won’t do, describe it anew.
Lest suppression of wrath you should have to rue.
You’ve valour, vow, calm, no excitement have,
If you utter bad names, you it does not behove. [4]
The brave show bravery, in field of battle,
By tall talk, they don’t proclaim.
6120 It is cowards who take to talk of bravery,
When they find foe present for aim. [274]
It appears, ’Death’ you’ve cried hoarse to call,
So that it may come and make me fall."
When Parashuram heard Lakhan’s bold stand,
He balanced the axe and held it in hand. [1]

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“Let no man put blame on me hence forth.

This bitter tongued boy just deserves death.
I tried to avoid, thinking him just a child,
But it now appears that he deserves to be killed." [2]
6130 Kaushik said, “Please excuse his fault, be mild.
The saints don’t look to merits demerits of child."
“I am wrathful, merciless, and axe is so sharp.
In front is sinner who against teacher does harp. [3]

He is challenging and him even then if I leave,

It is only for your sake, Kaushik, believe.
On my sharp axe within him will be set.
I would become free from my teacher’s debt." [4]
Rishi Vishwamittra smiled within and said,
“To the Muni, all appears to be green.
6140 It is hard steel, not soft treacle,
But the Muni has not yet seen." [275]
Lakshman said, “O Muni, your propriety
Is so evident, and all world does see
You have very well cleared debt of parents,
Teacher’s debt remains, your heart resents. [1]
It was perhaps incurred on my account.
Long days have swelled it to very great amount.
Ask for some mathematician to calculate,
I’ld unite purse and pay ere it is late. "[2]
6150 Axe went up at this, of Parashuram fiery.
“Ah me! Alack!! Alas!!!" Cried whole assembly.
“O Bhrigu’s son, you are showing axe to me,
Kings’ foe, I tolerate as you are Brahmin’s progeny." [3]

You never came across a brave valiant warrior,

You are great in your house alone, Brahmin Sire."
“That is improper, improper", cried out all men,
Then Rama did by some hint stop Lakshman. [4]
Seeing fire of anger of Bhriguvar rising
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At oblations of Lakshman’s words,

6160 From sun of Solar family, Shri Rama,
Came words like rain downwards. [276]
“O Lord, have mercy on the poor lad.
At a docile, drinking milk, no anger he had.
If he had known even part of your glory,
Could ever this ignorant challenge your authority? [1]

If a child misbehaved in a particular way,

Parents and teachers don’t mind, feel gay.
Show mercy taking him as child, a servant.
You are muni, just knowledgeful, patient, benevolent." [2]
6170 At Rama’s words Muni was slightly pacified,
In the meanwhile, Lakhan muttered and smiled.
Noticing him smiling, Muni was all rage.
“Rama, your brother is a top sinner as I presage. [3]

He is fair in complexion but dark in heart,

Not infant drinking milk, but of poisonous part.
He is crooked by nature, does not take your line.
Mean fellow, me, he would not as his death define." [4]
Lakhan laughed and said, “Listen to me, Muni,
Anger forms root of all sins.
6180 Under its influence, man takes evil paths
And acts against world opinions. [277]
O King of munis. I am your servant,
Cast away anger and mercy grant.
A broken bow cannot be joined again.
Sit, legs must be aching, standing in vain. [1]
If attachment to bow be great, let me know,
We’ll get a technician to join the bow."
As he spoke, King Janaka felt great fear,
Said, “Keep silent, don’t do misbehaviour." [2]

6190 Men, women of the town trembled with fear,

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Said young prince was to flaw so very near.

Bold words of Lakhan, fire of anger increased.
His body burnt and his power decreased. [3]
Obliging Rama, Parashuram said further,
“I spare him just because he is Your brother,
He possesses dark heart in a body so fair,
Poison within a gold vessel, as if it were." [4]
Hearing this, Lakshman had a hearty laugh,
Rama reprimanded him with His eye.
6200 Put to shame and ceasing further to speak
Went, sat beside teacher Muni. [278]
Joining palms, Rama, sweet words spoke,
Cooling and polite, great mercy to evoke,
“Hear me, O lord, wise by nature,
Don’t mind child’s words, do me favour. [1]
Wasps and children possess same nature
Of the two, saints will not blame either.
Moreover, Lakhan does not anywhere come in.
It is I, your servant, who has committed sin. [2]
6210 As your servant, I deserve mercy, anger,
death or confinement, as it be your pleasure.
Tell me how your anger can be pacified,
O, lord of munis, that way will be tried." [3]
“Rama, why should my anger not advance?
Even now Your brother looks at me askance.
If I did not put axe into his neck,
What ground actually did my anger break? [4]
At the fearful news of my axe’s deeds,
Queens abort at houses of kings,
6220 That very axe I wield and yet see
The enemy prince still living. [279]

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My hands do not move, fire burns in my breast.

Axe seems blunt, which into kings did thrust.
Destiny is against me, my nature has changed.
How could mercy enter where fire ever ranged? [1]
This mercy to me is unbearably painful."
Lakhan, bowed his head, looking a bit mirthful.
“The wind of your mercy agrees with your form,
Words fall from your lips as flowers come down. [2]

6230 If mercy so burns your body, O Muni,

May God save, when anger happens to be."
Parashuram said, “Janak , this fool does insist,
For a place in Yama’s domain, boy seems to persist. [3]
Why do they not take him away from my view?
Prince only looks young, great fault in him brew."
Smiled and within his heart said Lakhan,
“Close eyes, none is in your view then." [4]
With a heart overfull with violent anger
Parashuram did to Rama exclaim -
6240 “Impertinent, after breaking bow of Shankar,
You are delivering to me a sermon! [280]
This boy talks boldly at your connivance,
While you take to pray, as tricky contrivance.
Satisfy me by facing me in battle as foe,
Or very name of Rama, you have to forgo. [1]
O enemy of Shiva, leave cunning and fight,
Or you with your brother, will be killed outright."
With his axes raised, Bhrigupati was shouting wild,
With His head bent low, Rama in His heart smiled. [2]

6250 “Fault lies with Lakshman, anger is on me.

At times, simplicity, too crime does be -
If one is crooked, to him everybody bows down,
Demon Rahu never shadowed a crescent moon." [3]
Rama said. “Lord of munis, case out anger,
You have axe, my head is bent down here.

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O lord, adopt course by which anger would go.

Take me as obedient servant so. [4]
Could a lord and a servant be engaged in fight?
O great Brahmin, leave anger.
6260 The boy too spoke, seeing warrior’s form,
He is not to be blamed either. [281]
He saw you equipped with axes, arrows and bow,
Took you a warrior, was excited so.
He knew the name, did not know you by face.
He answered you as Kshattriya of Raghu’s race. [1]
If you had only come as a muni instead,
Dust of your feet, he would have put on his head.
Forgive an innocent for the fault of his,
In a Brahmin’s heart, forgiveness fittingly lies. [2]

6270 There is no equality between you and me.

Where is the foot and where the forehead, see.
My name consists of one syllable -Ram(a) -
There is additional Parash - axe - in your name. [3]
I possess just single virtue - this bow,
Whereas you possess nine pure virtues so.
In every way, you win, I a loser make,
O Brahmin, do excuse me for mistake." [4]
As Muni ji and as Brahmin, so oft
Rama addressed Parashuram there,
6280 The Bhrigupati answered with an angry smile,
“You are as crooked as Your bother." [282]
“Don’t take me to be Brahmin merely in name,
I’ll tell you the kind of Brahmin I am.
Bow is offering, the arrow ladle deem,
My anger the blazing fire does seem. [1]
Army of horses and elephants many,

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And of chariots and of infantry,

Were wood of my sacrificial function,
Great kings were animals of sacrifice, then. [2]
6290 I cut with this axe and made offering,
Crores of such sacrifices I made chanting.
My might is to you not quite clear.
Wrongly you refer to me as Brahmin mere. [3]

You broke the bow, that has pushed up Your pride.

Proudly, You stand as whole world You ride?"
Rama said, “Great Muni, think before you say,
For a fault so small, great anger display. [4]
At mere touch did the old bow give way,
Where is the room for pride for me? Pray say. [5]
6300 Bhrigunath, if we dishonour you as Brahmin
Then listen, I tell you true now.
Where is there a warrior then on this earth
To whom by fear we’ld bow? [283]
Gods, demons or kings or any warrior,
Who is of equal power or is superior.
If they throw the challenge to us in fight,
We take up gladly, be they death in might. [1]
With a Kshattriya’s body, if one dreads to fight,
Fellow brings blot to his family outright.
6310 I say by nature, family praise is not view,
One from Raghu’s line does not fear death too. [2]
Great glory of Brahmin’s line is such,
He who fears you becomes fearless so much."
As he, the sweet words of mystery, listened,
Eyes of wisdom of the axe-wielder opened. [3]
“Lord of Lakshmi, Rama, take this bow,
Draw it and thus let my doubts all go."
At giving, bow, of itself, went to Him.
His heart was full of wonder to the brim. [4]
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6320 Parashurama realised greatness of Rama

Form horripilated with happiness.
He joined his hands and thus spoke,
He could not his great joy suppress - [284]
“Victory to the sun of lotus forest,
Of the family of Raghu King, the best.
Victory to great fire for the destruction,
Of forest of demoniacal forces anon. [1]
Victory to gods’ Brahmins’, cows’ benefactor,
To remover of delusions - pride, ignorance, anger.
6330 Victory to sea of mercy, humility, modesty.
Victory to the expert in phraseology. [2]
Victory to the benefactor of devotee,
Possessing crores of Kamadevas’ beauty.
How shall I, with one tongue, all praise impart?
Victory to the swan of the lake of Shiva’s heart. [3]

In ignorance, most improperly did I address,

Excuse me, both brothers, house of forgiveness.
Hail, hail, hail banner of Raghu’s family."
Saying so, he sought forest for austerity. [4]
6340 Evil kings, for no apparent reason had fear,
The cowards stealthily fled here and there. [5]
Gods in the sky beat their drums aloud.
And on the Lord flowers showered.
Men and women of the town were so glad,
Their pain of delusion disappeared. [285]
Music on instruments was loudly played,
Great auspicious preparations were made.
Maidens with beautiful faces and eyes,
Sing in groups, nightingales despise. [1]
6350 The joy of Videh one could not expound,

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As if born pauper great treasure had found.

Sita was happy, Her fear was gone,
As was young partridge at rise of moon, [2]
Janak paying respects to Kaushik bent low,
Said, “By your blessings Rama broke the bow.
Both brothers have obliged me highly.
What shall I do next? Order kindly." [3]

He said, “Listen, Wise King of people.

Marriage depended on the bow in full.
6360 As soon as it broke, wedding was complete.
Gods, men and nagas bear witness replete. [4]
Even then, go and perform all rituals
That your family lays down.
Consult elders, teachers, Brahmins,
Do as Vedas lay down. [286]
Go and send messengers to King of Avadh,
They should invite and bring Dashrath(a)."
Gladly Janak said, “Very well, kind lord.
Despatched messengers who had been called. [1]
6370 Later, he invited elites of the town.
They all came and to the King bent down.
“Let each market, street, house, temple,
Whole town, all around, be made beautiful." [2]
They were glad to know and to their houses came.
King requisitioned servants also for the same.
He asked them to set up a great canopy,
They gladly set out to comply fully. [3]
They sent artists, experts in the trade,
Who always beautiful canopies had made.
6380 They prayed to Brahma and work began,
Set up pillars of gold and of plantain. [4]
Made leaves and fruits of coloured gems
Flowers of rubies they made.
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That wonderful beauty of whole campus

Heart of very Brahma’s way laid. [287]
Poles of emeralds, straight, knotty,
Which looked as bamboos exactly.
Leafy creepers made of thread golden,
Not to be distinguished from the real one. [1]

6390 Of inlaid creepers, ropes were made,

Fringes of pearls here and there laid.
Dividing and cutting and inlaying,
Rubies, emeralds, diamonds, topaz like thing. [2]
They made lotus flowers of them.
Utilizing red, green, white and blue gem.
Made multicoloured birds and big black bees,
Which warbled and buzzed at wind’s increase. [3]
Carved on pillars, gods’ images stand,
Carrying most auspicious things in hand.
6400 Replica designs of elephants pearls,
With beautiful colours and beautiful curls. [4]
Mango leaves of sapphire made,
Inlaid with gems sprang.
Golden flowers and bunches of fruits
With silken chords did hang. [288]
Beautiful festoons of flowers and leaves,
Looked as Kamdev himself trap weaves.
Auspicious vessels in great numbers.
Flags and banners, screens, flappers, [1]

6410 There were many lamps made of rubies.

Who could describe all canopy’s beauties?
Canopy, where Sita would sit as bride,
Where is a poet who depiction tried? [2]
Rama would be groom, house of virtue, beauty,
That canopy was famous in all worlds three.

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Beauty which was found in Janak’s palace,

Every house in the town did same possess. [3]

To him who saw Tirhut at that occasion,

Fourteen universes fell in comparison.
6420 The wealth found in the house of the lowly,
Could, at a glance, heart of Indra carry. [4]
In the town where Lakshmi herself stayed
In the garb of beautiful maiden,
Even Shesh and Sharada would hesitate
To try and give its description. [289]
Messengers reached sacred Ayodhya,
Were so very pleased when the city they saw.
At the gate, they reported their residence,
Dashratha immediately granted audience. [1]
6430 They paid their respects and delivered letter.
King himself received it with great pleasure.
When he read it, with joy eyes were watering,
His heart was full and body bristling. [2]
Rama, Lakhan, in his heart, fine letter in his hand,
He was lost, as if he could not understand.
He collected himself, read the note again,
Whole assembly, on finding the fact was fain. [3]

Bharat was at play with his friends and brother,

The happy tidings were received by him there.
6440 With great love and hesitation inquiry he made.
“O Father, from where has the letter been had? [4]
Tell me, my most affectionate brothers
Are happy and where they are."
Hearing his request full of profound love
King read out the note once more. [290]

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Hearing the contents, brothers horripilated,

Bounds of body their true love exceeded.
Noticing Bharat’s pure love for Shri Ram(a),
All assembly experienced joyous charm. [1]
6450 King seated the royal messengers close by,
And from them, affectionately inquired he.
“Tell me brothers, are the two princes well?
I hope you have seen them personally, pray tell. [2]

The dark and fair, with arrows quivers,

Adolescent, with them Kaushik Muni wanders.
You know them, so tell us their nature please.
King again asked, his love did so much increase. [3]
From the day, Muni took them away from us,
It is today that true news of them we discuss.
6460 Tell me how King Videh came to know them."
At the loving words, messengers smiled within. [4]
“O jewel of the crown of kings, listen.
You, most fortune favours.
Who has Rama and Lakshman as his sons
Both, ornaments of the Universe. [291]
Your sons need no inquiry by words.
They are lion amongst men, light of three words.
Compared to their fame and their glory
Moon appears dim, sun cool verily. [1]
6470 You ask how we came to know all about,
Does one need a lamp to find sun out?
At Sita’s great ceremony of swayambar,
Came warriors, one greater than other, [2]

None could even move the Shankar’s bow.

All met with defeat and were laid low.
Shiva’s bow crushed down strength of kings,
Who, in the three worlds, were famous at rings. [3]
Vanasur lifted Sumer in an instant,
Left courage, circumbulated, and went.

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6480 And Ravan who lifted Kailash in fun,

met with great defame in that function. [4]
O great King, listen to me, it was there,
That Rama, jewel of Raghu’s breed
Broke Shankar’s great bow, with no great effort,
As an elephant a lotus reed. [292]
Parashuram came furious hearing the sound,
He showed temper, much fretted and frowned.
Seeing Rama’s great might, he gave his bow.
To forest for penance, he went bending low. [1]
6490 O King, just as Rama has great might,
Lakshman’s glories are equally bright.
At whose mere glance, great kings shiver,
As elephants, in view of young lion quiver. [2]
O lord, having seen your two great sons,
None comes up to our estimation thence."
Messengers’ speech, way of delivery,
Pleased all, full of love, glory, bravery." [3]
King and his party, lost in love straight,
Began making offerings to the messengers great.
6500 Putting hand on ears, they said, ’No, No’,
Seeing their religiousness, all were pleased so. [4]
Dashratha stood up and went to Vashishtha,
Delivered unto him his receipt.
He respectfully sent for Janak’s team,
Placed all the case at his feet. [293]
The Guru was exceedingly pleased and said,
“For the virtuous, earth is with pleasure spread.
As rivers, of themselves flow to ocean,
Though for them, the sea had desire none. [1]

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6510 So do pleasure, prosperity, even uncalled

To the virtuous, they go by their nature propelled.
You serve gods, Brahmins, cows and guru,
Likewise does queen Kaushilya too. [2]
There is none in the world as virtuous as you.
None was in the past, none is going to be too.
O King, who could be called more virtuous,
When such a son as Rama you do possess? [3]

Your four great sons opt all virtues —

Bravery, courtesy, vow of religion they choose.
6520 Propriety is in your share always,
Beat drum, arrange marriage party." - he says. [4]
When King heard from the Muni, “Make haste."
Bending his head said, “Very well."
Made arrangements for the stay of the guests
And went home, queens to tell. [294]
King invited queens to his mansion,
Read Janak’s letter with satisfaction.
They were all happy to receive the news.
King described the messengers’ interviews. [1]
6530 Queen looked graceful, with love so filled,
As to cloud’s thunder, the peahens thrilled.
Wives of the Guru so joyfully bless.
The mothers were full of great happiness. [2]
By turns, the letter of joy they take,
Hold it to bosom and glad they make.
Of the glories and deeds of Rama Lakshman,
The great King repeatedly made mention. [3]

“It is all Muni’s grace." he said and went,

Then queens invitation to Brahmins sent.
6540 With great pleasure, distributed alms.
Brahmins blessed them for happy programmes. [4]
To receive all beggars did throng
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To propitiatory offerings given forth.

The four sons may live long
Of Dashratha, the King of whole Universe. [295]
So saying, in their new clothes they went.
In rapture, the drummers whole sky rent.
When news reached all the people around,
They took to merriment as joy they found. [1]
6550 All fourteen universes were filled with joy.
All did Rama’s marriage with Sita enjoy.
They, lost in love at the happy tidings,
Took to decorating lanes, streets, buildings. [2]

Though Ayodhya has always been beautiful,

As it is Rama’s town, sacred, bountiful.
Even then, as was the demand of love,
All auspicious decorations they did have. [3]
With flags, banners, screens, flappers,
All market was gay in beautiful colours.
6560 There were golden pitchers and arched gateways,
Festoons of bright gems in great arrays, [4]

Turmerics, green grass, curd, unbroken rice,

All things considered auspicious and nice. [5]
The citizens transformed all their houses
Into houses of joy and blessings,
Made squares, wetted lanes with sandal,
Saffron, musk, camphor pourings. [296]
Here and there women looking lightening bright,
With sixteen ornamentations dight,
6570 Faces like moon, eyes of young fawn,
In grace, they would even Rati beat down, [1]
Sang songs of joy in so sweet tones,
That even a cuckoo, in shame bemoans,
King’s palace did all description defy,

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Where the canopy charmed all earth and sky. [2]

With beautiful auspicious things endowed,
And where the kettle drums sounded loud,
Bards sang stories of fame, in delight,
And Brahmins Vedic mantras recite. [3]
6580 Ladies sing many an auspicious psalm,
Naming therein Sita and Ram(a).
Joy was so great, palace proved small.
It overflowed breaking down boundaries all. [4]
Where is a poet to describe beauty
of Dashratha’s palace, where Ram(a),
The jewel of the crown of kings had come
Incarnating in human form? [297]
King then, sent for Bharat, and ordered
To get horses, elephants, chariots prepared,
6590 To hasten and join Rama’s marriage party.
Hearing him, the brothers found great gaiety. [1]

Bharat requisitioned, stable officers.

Joyfully, they got up to carry out orders.
They saddled horses as would suit best.
Horses of all colours were brought with zest. [2]
Very beautiful, brimming with life, agility,
As if hoovers were on hot iron really.
Who could really describe their kind and breed?
They would like to defeat wind in their speed. [3]

6600 On them, rode princes, handsome, graceful,

Who were of the age of Bharat, youthful.
With ornaments, they looked so grand,
Heavy quiver behind, bow arrows in hand. [4]
All chosen for grace, for beauty, valour,
In knowledge, wisdom, forward,
With each horseman were two peddlers.
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Expert in wielding the sword. [298]

Dressed as warriors these youths of renown,
Moved and assembled outside the town.
6610 each broke his horse in a different way.
Sounds of drums, bugles made them gay. [1]
The charioteers decorated vehicles,
With flags banners and jewelled articles,
Beautiful flapper and tinkling bell,
Beauty of Sun’s chariot would dispel. [2]

There were black eared horses countless,

That, in the chariots, were put to harness.
All wore ornaments, were beautiful to see.
Mere look would enchant heart of a muni. [3]
6620 They could run on water, on earth, as they did.
Their hooves would not wet such was the speed.
Equipping chariots with arms and with weapons,
Each of charioteers the riders summons. [4]
Riding on chariots, the marriage party,
Assembled outside the city.
Most auspicious omens were found present,
Whatever one’s mission might be. [299]
Over fine elephants, fine litters were laid,
One couldn’t describe, so nicely displayed.
6630 Elephants moved swinging, bells made sound,
As clouds in August do roll round. [1]
Beautiful palanquins, chariots, litters
Other conveyances of type diverse.
Groups of high Brahmins seated there,
Or Vedic hymns human form did wear. [2]
Bards, minstrels, charioteers, eulogists,
Took seats in vehicles as each merits.
Mules, camels and bullocks in great numbers,
Moved on with loads of things numerous. [3]

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6640 Crores of bearers bore slinging baggages,

Who could count all kinds of packages?
Troops of servant also followed on,
Forming fine groups in the procession. [4]
There was great joy in all of them,
Their bodies horripilating,
As to when they’ld view to their hearts’ content
Rama and Lakshman, brave twin. [300]
Elephants trumpet, bells make great sound.
Chariots whir, neighing of horses abound.
6650 Kettle drums put thunder of clouds to shame.
All speech drowned in the noisy acclaim. [1]

In front of King’s palace, crowd was so great,

A stone would be crushed into powder straight.
Ladies viewed everything from balconies,
Moved auspicious lighted camphor in sprees. [2]
Numerous enchanting songs they sang,
Who would describe joy that there sprang?
Sumant brought out two grand cars then,
Yoking horses that beat down horses of Sun. [3]

6660 The two cars, close to Dashratha, came

Even Goddess Sharada couldn’t describe the same.
Royal paraphernalia equipped the one,
The other, most brilliant, beautifully shone. [4]
King ushered Vashishtha to the latter car
And seated him there with joy,
Thinking of Shiva, Parvati, Guru and Ganesh,
Took his seat in the other so coy. [301]
In company of Vashishtha, King Dashrath seemed,
As Indra with gods’ Guru Brihaspati gleamed.
6670 Following family’s ways, Vedic dictates,

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King saw all were in fine states. [1]

He blew conch and marched off with glee,
With Rama in heart and sanction of Muni.
Gods viewing the party and glad at heart,
Rained fine flowers that did joy impart. [2]
There was noise, elephants shrieked, horses neighed,
Music in the party and in sky played.
Gods and men, women sang auspicious song,
So sweet tunes from clarions came along. [3]
6680 Who could describe the bells and sounds of gong,
Flag bearers flourished flags, jumping along.
And jesters displayed most wonderful fun,
Expert in buffoonery, in music A-one (A-1). [4]
Clever princes would make their horses dance,
Flawlessly with tindrel, kettle drum
Seeing not one step falling out of tune,
Great dancing experts held mum. [302]
Who could give an account of party so grand?
Good omen, presaging all joy did stand.
6690 Blue jay on the left at its food fell,
As if it would all happiness foretell, [1]
On the right was a crow in a beautiful field.
The mongoose too, its look to all did yield.
Wind was favorable, mild, cool, fragrant .
Women, child in arm, with filled pitcher went. [2]
The fox was in view again and again.
Calves at cows’ udders were seen so plain.
Flocks of deer swerved from left to right,
As if they would bring all joy in sight. [3]
6700 White headed kite proclaimed all welfare.
Singing black birds, at left, on fine trees were.
Curd and fish were found approaching from the front,
Two Brahmins, books in hand, came that instant. [4]
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Beautiful omens, presaging happiness and joy,

Were present then, all together.
As if they had planned to prove so true,
And hence all occurred there. [303]
By him, who had Brahma with form as son,
All auspicious omens were easily won.
6710 Where Rama is groom and Sita the bride,
Pure fathers in -law, Janaka, Dashratha beside, [1]
Knowing of such a marriage, happy omens danced,
Saying Creator has our truthfulness enhanced.
Thus started off, the marriage party,
Elephants, horses shouting, drums beaten with glee. [2]
Janaka had bridges built on rivers flowing,
When he knew of head of solar line approaching.
Resthouses in the way, built up at his instance,
All furnished with Indra’s luxuriance, [3]

6720 Party members found therein to rejoice,

Food, beds and clothes as was their choice.
Finding daily new comforts of all kinds,
Their own homes never came to their minds. [4]
When the sounds of drums reached the receivers
They knew party was near on.
They took elephants, horses, chariots, peddlers,
And hastened to give reception. [304]
Jars of gold filled with excellent drinks,
Large trays of sweets and eatable things,
6730 Sweet like nectar dressed food and puddings,
Of indescribable varieties offerings, [1]
Fruits and other delicious preparations,
As presents Janak sent in receptions.
Ornaments, clothes, gems, horses, elephants,
Carriages, birds, animals and attendants, [2]

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Sweet scented things and beautiful offerings.

King sent so many other auspicious things.
Curd, flattened rice and numerous things,
Carriers brought on shoulders in slings. [3]
6740 When the receptionists saw party arrive,
Joy filled hearts, horripilation was live.
When guests saw receptionists so fain,
In joy, they beat their drums again. [4]
In joy, some of both party ran.
With a view to embrace other,
In seemed as if two oceans of joy
Breaking all bounds merged together. [305]
In ecstasy, goddesses would sing song,
Pleased at heart, gods beat their drums long.
6750 Placing all things in front of the King,
With great love, his praises did they sing. [1]
With equal love, King too accepted all,
Then gave a charity at supplicant’s call.
After worship, honour and praises were done,
They led the party to staying mansion. [2]

Wonderful carpets for reception were laid,

Seeing which god of wealth his pride forbade.
Place for accommodation was fine all round,
Where all facilities, one would wish, were found. [3]
6760 Sita, knowing party in Janakpur has come,
Was pleased to demonstrate Her powers some.
At remembrance, goddesses of success came,
Were despatched for attendance on Dashrath the same. [4]
All goddesses of success and prosperity
At party’s rest house would remain,
With all wealth and with all comforts,
One would find in Indra’s domain. [306]

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Guest saw their allotted places of stay.
All pleasures of gods they found in array.
6770 None discovered secret behind amusements.
All ascribed them to Janak ’s arrangements. [1]
Rama alone saw Sita’s hand in them,
Finding love therein, glad did He become.
When the two brothers knew that their father had come,
Their joy could not be contained by them. [2]
For regard, they could not to Muni express,
Desire to see father was in great excess.
When Vishwamittra saw their humility then,
In his heart, he felt great satisfaction. [3]
6780 So very gladly, he embraced brothers two.
Hair stood on ends, eyes were wet too.
He left for the mansion of Dashratha’s stay.
As if tanks to thirsty made their way. [4]
When King Dashratha saw that the Muni
Was approaching in company of sons,
He got up and moved as in ocean of joy,
One moves as each step fathoms. [307]
King bowed to Muni Ji’s feet at first,
On head repeatedly put his feet’s dust.
6790 Muni lifted King up, took to his bosom near,
Gave them all blessings, inquired of welfare. [1]
The King then noticed brothers paying respects,
From within, joy overflowed in all aspects.
Embrace ended his pain of separation sore.
As if a dead body found life once more. [2]
The brothers then at Vishishtha’s feet bowed,
He embraced them, with love and happiness endowed,
The Rama, Lakshman to all Brahmins bent,
Got blessings from them to their hearts’ content. [3]

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6800 Bharat and Shattrughan them bowed to Ram(a),

Who lifted them and took them to His bosom,
Lakshman was so happy to see two brothers,
Hugged them, as profound love his body covers. [4]
Most merciful humble Lord did meet
All persons as was their due.
People of Ayodhya, of family, and race,
Supplicants, ministers, friends too. [308]
Party regained peace on having seen Ram(a).
Indescribable have been love’s course and norm.
6810 The four sons near Dashrath so seemed,
As four objectives in human shape gleamed. [1]
Wealth or riches, righteousness virtue, galore,
Desire or wish, salvation - escape - all four.
Men, women of Janakpur rejoiced to see,
Dashratha and his four sons in company. [2]
Gods beat drums and flowers advanced,
And the heavenly dancers sang songs and danced.
Shatanand, Brahmins, ministers and bards,
Minstrels, Pandits, singers and lords, [3]

6820 All praised Dashratha and offered welcome.

And later, with permission, came back home.
As party came ahead of auspicious day,
It was all the more why people felt gay. [4]
Experienced joy of union with Supreme Soul,
Prayed Creator to lengthen day’s and night’s role. [5]
Rama and Sita are very limits of grace,
Both kings, limits of virtue,
This was on the tongues of all people -
Men women, gathering, all through. [309]

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6830 “Janak’s good deeds are embodied in Sita,

Of Dashrath’s virtues Rama is the replica.
Like them, none else has worshiped Shankar.
Like them none else could such fruits gather. [1]
There has not been, in the world, any like them,
Neither is, nor is to be in future even.
We too have done virtuous deed in old,
So were born in Janakpur out of all world. [2]

And who could equal us in fortune great.

We have viewed Rama’s, Sita’s glory straight?
6840 We will, moreover, be seeing Rama’s marriage,
Of eyes, we’ll be taking fullest advantage. [3]
One, with cuckoo’s voice to the fair eyed said,
By this marriage, lot of advantage will be had.
By good luck, Creator guarded our interests,
Both brothers will continue to be eye’s guests. [4]
For reasons of love and affection Janak would
Call Sita again and again.
Both brothers would be coming to take Her home,
- Crores of Kamas in beauty - the twain. [310]
6850 There would be diverse entertainment of bliss,
Who’ld not like a father-in-law’s place as this?
Then viewing Rama Lakshman repeatedly,
All people of Janakpur would be happy. [1]
Friend, like unto Rama and Lakshman too.
There are two other princes with Dashrath too.
They’re dark and fair, full of all grace,
So say they, who have seen them face to face. [2]
I have seen them both right this day." One said.
“It seems Creator by His own hands made.
6860 Bharat is so very like Rama’s shape truly,
One could not distinguish them very easily. [3]
Lakshman, Shattrughan are similar creatures,
From head to toe, both have perfect features.

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Heart loves them, tongue however fails to describe,

There is no parallel, in the three worlds to ascribe." [4]
Says servant Tulsi, no parallel could be,
Poets and men of letters proclaim.
Sea of modesty, powers, learning and of manners,
In grace like to themselves, they name. [1]
6870 Women of Janakpur town, with their skirts drawn
Praying to the Creator they say,
“Let all the four brothers be married here together,
Auspicious songs we’ld sing gay." [2]
When women say one to another,
With horripilation, and watering eyes,
“Friend, God will fulfill wish our,
Both kings are oceans of all virtues." [311]
So they all wish, and to God they pray,
Filled with rapture - and transport so gay.
6880 Other princes, who had come to Swayambar,
They too saw two bothers and got pleasure. [1]
Eulogising Rama and His pure virtues,
Happy return to homes, the Kings did choose.
In this way were passed a number of days,
The citizens, the party enjoyed always. [2]
The auspicious day, source of happiness, came,
Cold season, fine month, November by name.
Brahma’s considered planet, Lunar day, asterism,
The moment, week day, sun in Zodiac region. [3]
6890 He sent through Narad, the scheduled programme.
Court astronomers too had fixed the same.
When the concurrence was known by men and women,
They said court astrologers have Brahma’s ken. [4]
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When twilight, pure, source of happiness came.

And auspicious omens appeared,
The Brahmins approached King Janak, Videha
Informed him of schedule prepared. [312]
Then Janak saw family priest and said,
“What is reason for delay, hurry up instead?"
6900 Shatanand called ministers with nicety and pique,
They, equipped with auspicious things, came quick. [1]
Conchs blew, drums and tomtoms boomed.
Pitchers, sign of happiness, things of good omen groomed.
Beautiful ladies sang sweet songs so bright.
Sacred Brahmins also did Vedas recite. [2]

Thus they marched to receive marriage party,

To the place of their halt, happy hearty.
When they saw King Dashrath’s great splendour,
Even Indra, King of gods, looked inferior. [3]
6910 They said, “Time is come, please oblige us all."
At this, the sticks of the drums did fall.
King sought Guru’s sanction, did family rites,
And set out with munis, saints and anchorites. [4]
Seeing good luck and grandeur of King of Avadh
Gods, Brahma and all others,
With thousand tongues sang his praise aloud,
Their own life they did curse. [313]
Gods realised that happy moment had come.
Struck drums, rained flowers handsome.
6920 Lord Shankar and Brahma and other gods’ groups,
Also went up in their planes in troops. [1]
Bodies bristling with love, hearts merry and gay,
“They are out to witness Rama’s marriage." they say.
Seeing Janakpur town, they were so much absorbed,
Their own realms looked low, grandeur robbed. [2]

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They viewed with astonishment canopies great.

All things looked supernatural straight.
Citizens were beauty, be they male or female,
Elegant, virtuous, courteous, intelligent in morale. [3]
6930 Gods and goddesses faded into insignificance,
As do stars when full moon makes an appearance.
Even Creator was taken aback, at the occasion,
As there was found nothing of His own Creation. [4]
Shiva corrected wrong notions of all gods,
Advised them not to wonder.
he asked them to pause and consider the fact,
“It was marriage of Rama-Sita, - no other." [314]
“By merely taking whose name in the world,
Very roots of unhappiness out are pulled.
6940 Wealth, virtue, with salvation all are had,
He is that very Rama." So Shankar said. [1]
Thus advising gods, Shankar spurred,
His carrier, the bullock, to move forward.
God saw Dashratha, slowly moving on,
Great pleasure within, form in horripilation. [2]

With him were saints, Brahmins, in swarms,

As if all pleasures had taken up forms,
His four sons with him, looked so very fair,
As if four types of salvations were there. [3]
6950 There was the couple - one emerald, other gold.
God saw, seeing developed love untold.
They saw Rama again and very much rejoiced.
They praised Dashratha, rain of flowers deployed. [4]
Viewing again and again Shri Rama’s beauty,
From head to toe so very grand,
Shankar and Uma felt horripilated,
Tears of love in eyes stand. [315]

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Rama’s body dark blue as a peacock’s neck.
Bright robes, brilliance of lightening could check.
6960 Ornaments of marriage exquisitely made,
All auspicious and beautifully arrayed. [1]
Face put beauty of winter full moon to shame,
Beautiful eyes did with new lotus the same.
His grace is entirely super-natural.
It touches heart, no one can in words tell. [2]
In His company, are heart enchanting brothers,
On horses dancing in brisk postures.
The royal princes show their horses clatter,
Bards proclaim praises of their master. [3]
6970 Seeing gait of the horse, which Rama rode on,
Even Adjutant, King of birds, felt humiliation.
A model in grace, indescribably fine.
It seemed very Kama, as a horse did shine. 4
It seemed as if Kama, in the service of Rama
Appeared in horse’s form,
By its age, shape, strength, gait, virtues at length
All worlds it could hold in charm. [1]
The saddle on it shone, set with gems, jewels. stone,
Pearls, diamond studded in file.
6980 Tinkling bells in chains, most fanciful reins,
Could gods, men and munis beguile. [2]
The horse looked fine, going gracefully,
With its mind on Rama’s instance.
Or say a rain cloud, with lightening and stars
Was making a peacock dance. [316]
The excellent horse which Rama did ride,
Could not be described if Sharada tried.

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Shankar was so lost in Rama’s beauty,

He relished that He had fifteen eyes to see, [1]

6990 When Vishnu so fondly viewed Shri Ram(a),

He and His spouse Lakshmi were under charm.
When Brahma saw Rama’s grace, He was so glad,
That He had only eight eyes, made Him sad. [2]
Swami Kartik, troop leader of gods saw Rama,
Glad, he had eyes fifty percent more than Brahma,
Wise Indra is viewing Rama with thousand eyes.
He found curse of Gautam, boon in disguise. [3]

Gods eulogised Indra at this occasion.

They said, “Equal to Indra, amongst us is none."
7000 All gods are so happy on seeing Shri Ram(a),
Both kings’ men enjoyed to the very maximum. [4]
King’s men of each side, in happiness abide,
Drums are being sounded so fine.
Gods expressed pleasures, raining down flowers,
Saying, “Victory to gem of Raghu’s line." [1]
Seeing visitors arrive, all were so live,
Sweet music was on, in full.
Queen calls maidens, for preparation hastens,
To move light before the couple. [2]
7010 Furnishing adequately dish of lighted camphor,
For use at auspicious function,
Fair maidens moved swinging in elephant’s gait
To move light in circular motion, [317]
All looked like moon, had eyes of doe,
In grace of form, down Rati would go.
Sarees of different hues, they all wore.
Their bodies all types of ornaments bore. [1]
Decorating all parts with happy boding,

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Sang in tunes that down cuckoos would bring.

7020 Armlets, waist- chains and anklets sound,
In gait, Kama’s elephants felt ashamed profound. [2]
So many musical instruments were on.
The sky and the town were in jubilation.
Shachi, Saraswati, Parvati and Lakshmi,
Other goddesses so intelligent naturally, [3]

Disguised themselves as worldly ladies,

Entering harem, were seem with other these.
And auspicious songs they began to try,
Lost in mirth, them no one could identify. [4]
7030 Who will recognise whom, in joyful bloom,
Worshiped Supreme in human form,
Sweet music was on, drums nicely beaten,
Gods rained flowers, happiness was norm. [1]
When to Rama got access, seat of sweet happiness,
Inner joy pervaded them all.
Water of love in eyes, which could lotus despise,
Bristling all over, hair won’t fall. [2]
The joy that was in Sita’s mother,
When she saw Shri Rama’s grace,
7040 Shesha and Saraswati in hundred Kalpas
Would fail to depict and trace. [318]
Queen checked tears, seeing the auspicious time,
Moved gladly lighted camphor in rhyme,
She carefully performed all rituals prescribed,
By family tradition or as Vedas described. [1]

Five forms of music, fine shouts of joy,

Auspicious songs did sing, welcome carpets deploy.
Light ceremony being over, oblation was made.
To the main canopy, then Rama was led. [2]

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7050 Dashratha and his party men, too took seats.

In grandeur of, Lokpals admitted defeats.
Gods showered flowers as occasions came.
Prayers for peace, Brahmins would timely declaim. [3]
There was uproar, noise, be it heaven or town.
None could hear others, even voice of his own.
Thus was led Shri Rama to the main canopy,
Oblations done, He was seated suitably. [4]
Seated at the right place, camphor light moved apace,
All joyful to see the bridegroom.
7060 Offering of jewels, gems and cloth swells,
Auspicious songs on, in full bloom. [1]
Creator and other gods, dressed as Brahmins in frauds,
Viewed all shows to their full.
Viewing Rama the sun thus, of Raghu’s line lotus,
Thought their life successful in thrill - [2]
Barbers, leaf cup sellers, bards, dancers,
On receiving the offerings made,
Send forth blessings from cores of happy hearts
Joy overflowing, heads low laid. [319]
7070 Dashratha and Janak met so very lovingly,
Did Vedic and family rituals fittingly.
When the two kings met, ’t was a very grand sight.
Poet tried, failed, no simile could indite. [1]
When disappointed, a simile to them came,
That they were like themselves, no parallel they could name.
Gods were so absorbed when their meeting they saw,
Rained flowers, sang glories with respect and awe. [2]
They said, “Ever since creator made the world,
We have witnessed and known marriages untold.
7080 But so nicely matched in glory grandeur,

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Father-in-law, we saw today, never before." [3]

With this remark from gods, so beautiful so true,
Supernatural love covered parties through and through.
Offering oblations, carpeting way with all glee.
Janaka respectfully brought Dashrath in the canopy. [4]
Artistic beauty of decorated canopy
Eloped heart of even Muni.
Wise Janaka brought seats, personally in heats,
And placed them for the assembly. [1]
7090 He worshiped Vashishtha, as his own family priest,
Prayed to him and secured blessings.
It is difficult to portrait, love and joyful state,
When to Vishwamittra, he made offerings. [2]
Janaka worshiped Bamdeo and other munis,
With all pleasure in his heart.
He seated them all on brilliant seats,
Got blessings from all on his part. [320]
Then proceeded to worship King of Kaushal,
He took him to be Shiva and no mortal.
7100 With joined hands for his fortune, he said praise,
By joining with Dashratha, him high did it raise. [1]
Janaka worshiped all members with respect and awe,
Treated them all also as bride’s father-in-law.
He seated each one of them as was his due.
How could his joy be told, one tongue is too few? [2]
Janaka treated all party as one could expect,
With warm words, humility, gifts and respect.
The Creator, Shiva, Vishnu, guards of quarters,
And even Sun, who know Sri Rama’s natures. [3]
7110 Disguised cunningly as Brahmins intent,
Observed all fun, to their hearts’ content.

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Janaka worshiped them too, as gods he would do,

And without knowing them gave seats to them too. [4]
Who will recognise whom, for self was no room,
So very lost in love were they,
Seeing Rama, bridegroom, joy was in full bloom.
Both sides were under joy’s sway. [1]
Wise Rama identified, them mentally deified,
Offered seats to them, mentally again.
7120 Gods in Brahmins’ form seeing modesty of Ram(a),
Were within themselves so fain. [2]
Like partridge, beautiful eyes of all people
Fed on the moon of Rama’s face,
With all respect and with all fondness,
No shortage of love one could trace. [321]
As time came, Vishwamittra called Shatanand,
Who appeared forthwith on getting the errand,
“Bring in the maid" said Vishwamittra Muni,
Shatanand rose to comply very heartily. [1]
7130 When the wise queen learnt it from the family priest,
Joyfully with other maidens prepared for the tryst,
She called Brahmins’ wives, seniors of family,
Did family rituals, sang pious songs she. [2]
Goddesses who had come as ordinary ladies,
All young, had by nature excellent qualities.
Other ladies got joy when the goddesses came near,
Even without introduction, like soul they were dear. [3]
Respectfully queen gave them honour extra,
As if they were Lakshmi, Parvati, Sharada.
7140 They adorned Sita and forming a group,
Conducted Her to canopy, with Her came the troop. [4]
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In ominous trappings, keeping Sita in rings.

They left for destination approved.
With excellent mein, decorations sixteen.
In mad elephant’s gait, they moved. [1]
At the music sweet, fit, munis meditation quit,
Cuckoos of Kamadeva feel ashamed.
Bells of anklets chime, keep harmony and time,
Most excellently and unblamed. [2]
7150 Amidst band of the ladies of the harem
Sita, easily so fine,
Seemed as if among girls of gracefulness,
Embodiment of beauty did shine. [322]
How could a poet describe Sita’s face?
Powers are limited and unlimited Her grace.
People of guest party saw Sita coming,
Story of beauty, all sanctity brimming. [1]
In their hearts, they paid respects to Her,
And seeing Rama got perfect pleasure.
7160 Dashratha and his sons were so very pleased,
Joy within them indescribably increased. [2]
Gods bowed and rained on them flowers,
Muni’s blessings, seat of happiness came in showers.
Noise of songs and drums filled the sky.
Men, women lost in love and pleasures high. [3]
Then stepped Sita into the canopy.
Chief Muni, prayer of peace cited with glee.
All rituals of the occasion and ceremonies,
Both priests got performed with niceties. [4]
7170 Family rituals done, Shankar, Parvati, Brahmins,
Were worshiped under Guru’s orders,
Gods visibly take offerings that they make.
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Gave blessings with all pleasures. [1]

Curd-honey mixture, other things that matter,
Whatever and whenever Muni thought,
In dishes of gold, pitcherfuls untold,
Clever attendants immediately brought. [2]
Sun god gladly told, family customs of old,
They were all respectfully performed.
7180 Worship of gods done, with Muni’s sanction,
Seated Sita on a carpet adorned. [3]
At fire sacrifice, fire god himself,
Gladly accepts all offerings.
The Vedas, assuming Brahmin forms, tell,
Marriage rituals and allied things. [323]
Who could describe King Janak ’s supreme queen.
Mother of Sita, world famous she has been.
Great fame, great virtues, great beauty, pleasure,
To make her, utilised the Supreme creator, [1]
7190 At right occasion, she was called by Muni
Complying, with a band of women came she.
On left of Janaka sat this queen, Sunaina,
As by the side of Himanchal once shone Maina. [2]
Gold pitchers containing pure scented water,
Large trays set with gems all round border,
By the King and the Queen was personally brought.
They placed joyfully before Rama, as sought. [3]

Munis recited sacred verses of the Veda.

At right times, sky rain of flowers made.
7200 Royal pair was so pleased to see the bridegroom,
They began to wash sacred feet of whom. [4]
Washing Rama’s lotus feet, they began the treat.

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For great love stood up all hair.

In the town and sky great “Victory" cry
Filled as if overflowed everywhere. [1]
Lotus of these feet, ever lived in retreat,
Of the pond of Shankar Ji’s heart.
By remembrance they cure, make all hearts pure,
All sins of Kaliyug soon depart. [2]
7210 At whose touch alone, sinning Ahilya shone,
And accrued high salvation she.
Whose nectar-Ganga, at Shiva’s head we saw.
Gods consider it supreme purity. [3]
For which yogis, munis, make their hearts black bees,
And obtain all their cherished aim,
Those very holy feet, did lucky Janak treat,
“Hail", “Victory" all gods proclaim. [4]
Bride’s and bridegroom’s hands, joined in sweet bands,
Invocations both gurus did chant.
7220 Seeing marriage performed, gods munis were charmed,
So great was joy at the instant. [5]
Seeing face of bridegroom, royal couple did bloom,
Bodies bristle and heart rejoice.
Janak, ornament of kings, gave Sita as offerings,
After meeting all customs’ choice. [6]
As Himvant did give his Parvati,
As the ocean, Lakshmi to Vishnu gave.
So Janak passed on Janaki to Bhagwan,
Great fame, new repute did he have. [7]
7230 How could King Janak pray, he was himself under sway,
Of the charm of Shri Rama’s dark form,
Fire sacrifice being done, round and round they had gone,

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Nuptial knot too was tied as was norm. [8]

Shouts of victory, from bards and Vedas,
Beat of drums, sacred songs of renown,
Were heard by the intelligent gods all over,
Flowers of Kalpa Tree, they rained down, [324]
Bride and bridegroom go round and round.
Seeing which, in all eyes does great joy abound.
7240 None can describe couple charming and smart,
And simile be used, and it must fall short. [1]

Beautiful reflections of Rama and Sita,

In the gem studded columns everybody saw.
As if Kamdev and Rati taking many a form,
Watched matchless marriage of Sita and Ram(a). [2]
Strong wish to see and hesitation too,
Are there, so appear disappear the two.
All lookers on were absorbed so much,
Like Janaka. they forgot theirselves as such. [3]
7250 Munis finished the rounds with joyful heart,
Received presents as was due on their part.
One fails to depict Rama’s application,
On Sita’s head, of the red vermilion. [4]
As if packing lotus with red pollen of flower,
Snake offers to moon for love of nectar.
Ultimately, Vishwamittra instruction set,
That bride and bridegroom sit on one carpet. [5]
Rama Janaki sat, on the same carpet.
This gladdened King Dashrath’s heart.
7260 Trees of virtues saw, he, bore fruits freely,
Bristled and bristled in every part. [1]
“Rama’s marriage was done", gaily said everyone,
Fourteen universes with joys swell.

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While tongue is but one, innumerable function,

How could anyone possibly then tell? [2]
With Vishwamittra’s sanction, Janak took this action,
And equipped for wedding function.
Shrutikirti, Mandavi, Urmila, maidens three.
Were sent for and so brought anon. [3]
7270 Kushaddhawaj’s first daughter, Mandavi they called her,
Virtuous, beautiful, modest, gay,
With full ceremonials, love and all cordials,
To Bharat, King Janak gave away. [4]
Janaki’s young sister, Urmila they called her,
leading all in beauty, her they found,
Janaka gave to Lakshman all ceremonies done.
Giving her all honour and love sound. [5]
Shrutikirti fair eyed, fair faced they spied,
Finding her house of virtues all,
7280 Janaka gave to Shattrughan, doing prescribed function,
She, in modest beauty, stood tall. [6]
Getting grooms of their choice, all the four do rejoice,
Though very shy and bashful at heart.
Joyful voices all raise, their beauties all praise.
Gods, rain of flowers did impart. [7]
All grooms, all brides, of two kingdoms’ pride.
Under single ceremony, they do seem,
As if, in the heart of soul, the four states whole
With their four consorts do gleam. [8]
7290 Dashrath, lord of Avadh was so glad to see,
Four sons, daughters-in-law four,
As if that jewel of kinghood had found,

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Four actions and four fruits they bore. [325]

Ways of Rama’s marriage described before,
In the case of these three, were adopted once more.
Who can describe the immense dowry given.
In all canopy, gold gems lay strewn. [1]

Fine blankets, fine clothes, and silk so nice,

Of many different kinds, of very high price.
7300 Elephants, chariots, horse, men and maidens,
Ornamental cows as Kamadhenu of heavens. [2]
Things countless, who could fix their number?
Only those, who had seen them, could conjecture.
Lokpals felt jealous when a view they had.
King of Avadh accepted them and was glad. [3]

He gave away to supplicants whatever they sought.

Only what was left was to place of stay brought.
The Janak joining palms eulogising party,
Spoke in language saturated with modesty. [4]
7310 With great modesty, honoured marriage party,
Respect, offerings, meekness were in excess.
With joy worshiped he, the Muni’s assembly,
Intense love he brought to focus. [1]
Down his head, he laid, to the gods he prayed,
Joining palms, said with submission,
“Gods feel satisfied, if only love is tried,
Could oblations satisfy an ocean?" [2]
Then Janak and his brother, with both hands together,
To the King of Kaushal dominion,
7320 Said in words enchanting, and heart captivating,
Soaked thoroughly in love, in affection. [3]
“Getting related to you, lord, by sweet concord,
We feel honoured in all respect.

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I and all that is mine, may be considered thine,

As your slave who no price expects. [4]
Deem daughters mine, maid servants thine
Nurse them, with favours ever new.
Excuse me for the fault, causing journey and halt,
We were too bold, we never that knew." [5]
7330 The jewel of Sun’s line, made King Janaka shine,
As house of all honours itself.
Mutual love, humility, who could describe fully,
Love overflowed in hearts as in delf. [6]
Gods rained down flowers, showers after showers,
Dashratha moved for the place of stay.
Drums, Vedic recital, sounds of “Victory" swell,
Janakpuri, all heavens were gay. [7]
Muni’s approval had, all ladies were glad,
In company with auspicious music,
7340 With brides and bridegrooms, to family deity room,
All maidens made way so quick. [8]
Sita had glimpse of Rama again and again,
Felt shy but her heart would not.
Eyes thirsting for love with a vehement desire,
Robbed fish of their grace on troth. [326]
Shri Rama’s dark body is by nature beautiful,
Crores of Kamadevas are made shameful.
His beautiful feet with red liquid applied,
With which the black bees of Muni’s hearts were tied. [1]
7350 Yellow clothes round the waist, so sacred, shining,
In beauty, it beat down rising Sun, lightening.
Charming thread girdle on waist with tinkling bells,
Long arms where many a fine ornament dwells. [2]

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The yellow sacred thread increases beauty,

Finger ring would bring hearts in captivity,
He looked graceful with all marriage garments,
Beauty of broad chest, the chest ornament augments, [3]
Yellow scarf, worn crosswise on the shoulder,
Beautiful pearls and gems swing at each border.
7360 Eyes look like lotus, large rings in ears gleam,
His face, very store of grace does seem. [4]

Eyebrows brilliant, nose excellently fine,

Paste mark of forehead as beauty house does shine,
Crown, worn by bridegroom, beautifies the head.
With sacred pearls and jewels, it is studded. [5]
Crown has costly pearls, most beautiful jewels.
His all parts entice one’ heart.
Janakpuri’s women, goddesses from heaven,
Seeing groom fondle, all evils to part. [1]
7370 They make offerings of gems, ornaments clothings,
Swing auspicious light and sing.
Gods rain down flowers, minstrels praise showers
With bard’s eulogise worlds ring. [2]
Each bride and bridegroom, in family deity’s room,
Were ushered by maidens joyful.
Singing auspicious song, with all love they throng,
Family rituals were done in full. [3]
Parvati takes lead, teaches Rama mutual feed,
Saraswati does to Sita the same,
7380 Whole harem out and out, happy with joyful shout,
All seemed to have gained life’s aim. [4]
Fine reflections of Ram(a), house of grace and good form,
Sita saw in the armlet gem,
Lest she should lose charm, Her sight and Her arm,
Fixed and unmoved Sita kept them. [5]
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Love happiness and fun, of that sweet occasion,

Those girls know, they can’t be told.
Then brides and bridegrooms, moved from deity room,
Ushered by the bright and beautiful fold. [6]
7390 Blessings echoed here and there, joy was found everywhere,
Be it Janakpur or heavens - all along.
All with joyful heart, did the blessings impart,
“May the four couples live long and long." [7]
When gods, great yogis, perfect ones and munis,
Viewed Rama they began beating drums.
With shouts of “Victory", showered flowers with glee,
And parted for respective homes. [8]
Then all the four grooms with their brides,
Went near to father - couples four.
7400 The staging mansion overflowed with joy
Auspiciousness and graces galore. [327]
Another feast was held with great eclat.
Janak sent invitation to the party for that.
Fine carpets were laid for their reception,
King Dashratha and sons left for the function. [1]
Janak, very very respectfully, washed their feet,
In accordance with ranks, he offered them seat.
Janak washed Dashrath’s feet with great affection,
His love and modesty beggar description. [2]

7410 The King Janak washed Shri Rama’s lotus feet,

That in lotus heart of Shankar have their seat.
Thinking other three brothers with Rama at par stand,
Janaka washed their feet personally with his hand. [3]
King offered them seats as were their due,
Men in charge of servicing were sent for, too.
Leaf plates were placed with respect, as of old,
Leaves were of jewels, pins were of gold. [4]

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Sweet smelling clarified butter of cow milk,
Scented rice and pulse mixtures,
7420 Were in no time placed before invitees,
By courteous and expert bearers. [328]
Putting five morsels aside, they began to eat,
Enjoyed slangs, sung, to their hearts’ surfeit.
Preparations of so many kinds were there,
Numerous, them with sweet nectar one could compare. [1]
Clever servers began placing dishes of acclaim,
There were so many, who could remember their name?
Food has been classified in four categories,
Of each kind so many, who could describe these? [2]

7430 Of six tastes, there was many a vegetable.

Then of each taste, varieties innumerable.
While they were eating, from ladies slangs came,
Each man, woman they gave new brand, new name. [3]
Even slangs sound sweet at suitable occasion.
King and party laughed as they heard whole fun.
Having finished the meals, they were ready to stand,
Water was brought for them, for the washing of hand, [4]
Janak offered betel leaves to all the persons,
Worshiped King and his party again.
7440 They gladly came back to the place of stay,
With Dashrath, of sovereigns’ sovereign. [329]
In Janakpuri, there was new fun every day,
In a moment, long days, long nights slipped away.
Next day, King Dashrath rose in the morning,
The bards, minstrels did the praises sing. [1]

Seeing four princes, and daughters-in-law four,

None could describe, joy found galore.
After morning duties, to the Guru, he went,

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With great love and happiness in the heart present. [2]

7450 Paying respects and worship, he joined his palms,
Spoke words saturated in nectar balms.
“O King of munis, it was by your blessings,
That I have secured all my most cherished things, [3]
Lord, be pleased and all Brahmins invite,
Pass onto them cows in all manners dight."
When Muni heard King Dashratha say so,
He praised him and let call to munis go. [4]
Invitations went out to Bamdev, Narad,
To Valmiki and to Jabal.
7460 They turned up in groups, in answer to call —
Vishwamittra and ascetics all. [330]
King paid his respect and bowed before them,
Worshiped them, seated them with full decorum.
He got four lac cows with their progenies,
All beautiful and elegant as Kamdhenu is. [1]
After they were decorated most appropriately,
He passed them onto the Brahmins with glee.
King opened to them what his heart did say,
That he reaped the fruits of life that day. [2]
7470 King felt very happy when blessings he got,
And sent for the beggars to be at the spot.
The pride of Sun’s family, their wishes read out,
Gold, gem, clothes, horses, chariots, gave about. [3]

They turned singing praises, shouts of “Victory",

For Dashratha. the lord of Solar family.
Thus joys and merriments of Rama’s marriage, grand,
Even Shesh could not describe, with tongues a thousand, [4]
At Vishwamittra’s feet, he fell again and again,
With all humility saying,
7480 All joys were sole outcome of Muni’s

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King and merciful ogling. [331]

Dashratha praised Janak’s love and propriety,
His nobility, and grandeur verily,
Every morn, Dashratha sought permission to leave.
Out of love, Janak won’t of leave conceive. [1]
Love increased everyday, ever in a new phase,
Guests were entertained in a thousand ways,
In the town were enthusiasm, happiness aglow,
None liked that King Dashratha should go. [2]

7490 In this way, days after days had their round.

Marriage party was, as if, by love tie bound.
To Janak then, Vishwamittra, Shatanand went,
And told him explaining their whole intent. [3]
“Now, do give King Dashrath permission to go,
You can’t cut love, it is very true, we know."
Janak said, “As you please," did ministers call.
Saying, “Hail, Victory", soon came they all. [4]
Lord of Ayodhya seeks permission to leave,
Let the ladies of royal harem know.
7500 Ministers, Brahmins, courtiers and the King,
Under sway of love, all did go. [332]
When news was out that party would leave,
Disturbed, all inquired if that they’ld believe.
Finding news correct, they were so much in gloom,
As do the lotus when all over dusk is come. [1]
To staying places, where party had stayed,
Ration and provisions were sent well ahead.
Fruits and victuals of many a kind —
All types of food - who could number find? [2]
7510 Were loaded in bullocks and on bearers.
Janak sent many coaches also with others.
One lac horses, chariots, twenty five thousand,
from top to toe, well decorated and grand. [3]

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Then thousands elephants, exhilarated and dressed,

Seeing them, elephants of quarters felt distressed.
Carriers full of gold, clothes and diamonds,
Buffaloes, cows, things of numerous brands. [4]
Janaka once more distributed very heavy dowry,
So numberless and so untold.
7520 Lokpals consider their worlds too low
When they, these gifts behold. [333]
King Janaka, all equipment of the party,
Despatched to Ayodhya very carefully.
Queens came to know that party was to leave,
Were restless as fishes in shallow pool behave. [1]
They take Sita in their laps often.
Bless Her and give Her sweet instructions.
“May You ever win the love of Your darling,
May Your husband live long is our blessing. [2]
7530 Serve well mother-in-law, father-in-law, teacher,
Keep to husband’s wish and follow His order."
The elderly companions, out of love,
Sweetly teach Her how a woman should behave. [3]

Queens taught all the four, duties of women,

And embraced them with love, again and again.
The mothers again and again hug all the four.
They ask why were women made by the Creator. [4]
Just then, Rama, pride of the line of Sun,
In company with all His brothers,
7540 Left happily for the palace of Janak,
To take brides at their departures. [334]
To see the princes, beautiful by nature,
Men and women of the town rushed in great number.
Some say, “They are likely to leave this day."

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“Janaka has equipped them for departure.", they say, [1]

“Their beauties, let our eyes see to our fill, –
Beauties of the sweet guests, princes royal.
None knows for what noble deeds done by us before,
They were made eyes’ guest by the Creator. [2]
7550 As one at the point of death, finds nectar,
Or the born hungry finds Kalpa Tree near,
Or the one doomed to hell finds loftiest place,
To see them was for us, the similar case. [3]
Let us see and treasure grace of Rama’s all parts,
Make His face the gem - for the snake of our hearts."
Thus the bestower of fruits to the eyes of all,
The four princes entered royal palace hall. [4]
The royal harem was with great ecstasy charged,
Seeing brothers, ocean of beauty,
7560 Made propitiation, moved lighted camphor,
The mother-in-law with great glee. [335]
They were lost in love at the very sight of Ram(a),
Forced thus, to His feet, they bowed often.
Hearts were full of love, all shyness was gone,
Who can describe mothers’ natural affection. [1]
They applied unguent and to all gave bath,
With great love, food of six tastes put forth.
Finding an occasion, Rama made mention,
With modesty, affection and hesitation. [2]
7570 “King is ready to leave for Ayodhya soon,
He has sent us to bid farewell and return.
O mothers, do gladly give us permission
Take us as your children, bestow affection." [3]
At these words, entire harem in pain writhed.
Due to great love, mothers-in-law were tongue-tied.
They hugged them to bosom, though so much dismayed,
Handed over their brides and gently prayed. [4]
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Respectfully passed on Sita to Shri Rama,

With both hands joined saying,
7580 “You are all knowing Rama, know heart of every one,
We make of ourselves offering. [1]
To the family, to all men, to me as well as sovereign,
Deem Sita to be dear as soul.
O Lord of Tulsi, for Her love, modesty,
Keep Her on Your maid servants’ roll. [2]
With no unfulfilled desire on Your part,
Most wise, seeker of devotion only,
You value qualities of the heart,
You wash sins, You’re story of mercy." [336]
7590 Saying so, queen held Rama’s feet, was mum,
As if speech got stuck in marsh of affection.
When Rama heard her words of deep love affection,
He gave her great honour, great consolation. [1]

To leave, with joined hands, Rama sought permission.

Paid respect to all of them, again and again.
He got blessings from all, once more did pray,
With His brothers, He set out for the place of stay. [2]
They took beautiful form of Rama to their heart,
With love so surcharged were they in every part.
7600 Then mustering courage they called brides so fain,
And clasped them to their bosom again and again. [3]

They see them off and again come to them there.

Love overflowed, and was not wanting anywhere.
Elbowing friends aside, they to Sita do return.
As does a cow with her calf recently born. [4]
All men and women were prisoners of love,
Including friends and royal harem.
It seemed as if separation and pathos,
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Had made Janakpuri their home. [337]

7610 Parrots and starlings which Janaki had nursed,
In cages of gold and talking rehearsed,
They were restless and cried, “Sita, where are You?"
Whom will patience not betray at the words few? [1]

When birds and animals were restless thus,

Who could describe human beings’ restlessness?
Then Janaka and his brother appeared at the scene,
Tears, rising from love, in their eyes were seen. [2]
King Janaka was known for great unattachment.
Viewing daughters, his control flew in an instant.
7620 King embraced Sita, taking Her to his bosom.
The barriers of knowledge completely broke down. [3]

His wise ministers did console him much,

Finding it opportune, Janaka thought as such.
He embraced his daughter again and again,
And ordered for a decorated palanquin. [4]
Entire family was in love engrossed,
Finding hour so auspicious.
King thought of goddess success and of Ganesh
Seated Sita in the palanquin thus. [338]
7630 Father gave Her instructions in many a way,
Duties of women, family’s rites did say.
Sent many male, female servants too.
Who were dutiful to Sita and were dear too. [1]

At Sita’s departure, all were restless.

One could see occurring all the omens auspicious.
With Brahmins, ministers and huge gatherings
To see off marriage party, came out the King. [2]
At appropriate time, the music was on.
Chariots, horses, elephants with decoration,
7640 King Dashratha called out all the Brahmins,

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Satisfied them with honour and offerings. [3]

Keeping dust of their lotus feet on his head,
Dashrath was glad to receive blessings instead.
Remembering Ganesha, King Dashrath set out,
Happy omens presaged happiness all about. [4]
Gods rained down flowers from heaven in joy,
And damsels of heaven sang song.
Lord of Avadh happily moved from his place,
Drums were beaten loudly along. [339]
7650 Dashrath prayed and sent back elite of the town,
Then courteously called all supplicants soon.
Distributed ornaments, clothes, horses, elephants.
Gave them great support with his love and grants. [1]
They sang his family’s praise over and over,
Came back keeping Rama in their hearts’ corner.
King Dashrath begged of Janak again and again.
Due to great love, the latter from return would refrain. [2]

Hence Dashrath appealed to him now to return,

As he had come pretty far away from his home.
7660 Ultimately, Dashrath left chariot and stood,
Of tears, rolled down from his eyes a flood. [3]
Then King Janak joining his hands invoked,
His speech in nectar of love was soaked.
“In what words shall I couch submission mine?
My lord, you so graciously made me shine." [4]
Lord Dashrath to his sons’ father-in-law gave
All possible respects and honour -
Their meeting was charged with utmost meekness
From their hearts, love brimmed over. [340]

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7670 Janak bowed before assembly of munis,

Blessings from them in response did increase.
Then he met sons-in-law with respectful manners,
House of modesty, grace, virtues - all brothers. [1]
Joining his lotus hands in ways that behove,
Told words which seemed to be born of love.
“O Rama, in what words Your praise, I’ld make?
You are swan of the munis’, Shankar’s heart’s lake. [2]

For whom yogis undergo great penance,

Pride, anger, attachment, affection, renounce.
7680 Who is omnipresent, invisible, supreme, endless,
Perfect happiness, house of virtues, formless, [3]
Whom neither speech, nor mind could know,
Whom, all just conceive, logic fails there so.
Of those glories Vedas say, ’This is not all’,
Who remains uniform, never changes befall. [4]
Source of all happiness for my eyes become,
The object of great rapport,
Once one has won over God on his side
All gains are his, in support. [341]
7690 Gave me greatness, all honours to me was done,
Deemed me Your servant, You made me Your own.
If there were ten thousand Sheshas, Saraswatis,
And for crores of Kalpas, enumerated these, [1]
Even them, story of my good luck, Your virtues,
They could not, O Rama, ever bring to a close.
If I say it, I am prompted by but one thing,
That even a little of love does Your pleasure bring. [2]
Hands folded, for this boon, this devotee implores,
By slip even, my heart should not leave feet Yours."
7700 On hearing these words backed by love so pure,
Ever satisfied, Rama felt satisfied more. [3]
Honoured father-in-law, paying respects all,
Treating him Vashishtha’s, Vishwamittra’s, father’s equal.

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In all possible ways, to Bharat Janaka prayed,

Met him, blessed him and good wishes displayed. [4]
Then Janak met Lakshman and Shattrughan,
He showered on them all blessings.
Under force of great affection and deep love,
There were mutual head bendings. [242]
7710 Having praised Janak respectfully again and again,
Shri Rama and his brother set out so fain.
Janak went and Vishwamittra’s feet he hugged.
The dust of his feet on head and eyes rubbed. [1]
And said, “O Muni, I am sure, it is right,
Nothing remains impossible at your holy sight.
That glory, that happiness which Lokpals wish,
And which, thinking impossible, they relinquish. [2]

That joy and glory, I got easily all right.

All success follows only at your kind sight.
7720 Bowing again and again, he prayed to Muni,
With the latter’s sanction, took to return journey. [3]
The party marched on and drums they beat,
All were happy, be they small or great.
Men, women of villages, in the way saw Ram(a)
Were glad, joy of eyes they found in His form. [4]
Staying at suitable halts in return,
Giving joy to the people in the way,
They reached vicinity of Ayodhya,
On the sacred and auspicious day. [343]
7730 Drums were beaten, tomtoms are at full poise,
Bugles, conchs, horses, elephants make noise.
Kettle drums and sweet sounding cymbals,
Most excellent notes the clarion swells, [1]

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Citizens learnt that the party was coming.

They were all happy, all their body bristling.
With decoration each house, market street,
Crossings, rampart, doors - all were replete. [2]
Streets were wetted with scented waters,
Beautifully made squares decorated quarters.
7740 The market decoration could not be described.
Festoons, flags, banners and canopies hived. [3]

Loaded betel-nut trees, plantains, mangoes,

Maulsiri, Kadamb and Tamal, all in rows.
With fruit-load, all low, touching the ground,
Beautifully laid with gems their beds were found. [4]
Most auspicious pitchers of many a kind,
At every house-door were kept.
The Creator and gods seeing Rama’s Ayodhya,
By great jealousy were swept. [344]
7750 At that occasion, King’s palace so shone,
That even heart of Kamadeva was won.
Auspicious signs, heart captivating beauty,
Goddesses of success, happiness, wealth and glory, [1]
As if driven by natural happiness, all they,
Took forms and to Dashrath’s palace came away.
Who would not be keen and desirous to see,
Rama and His holy spouse - Vaidehee? [2]

Women having their husbands on groups assembled.

In grace, Rati of Kamadeva, they humbled.
7760 All had lighted camphor in auspicious norms,
And sang like Saraswati in so many forms. [3]
In King’s palace, there was great bustle, clamour,
None could describe happiness of that hour.
Kaushilya and also Rama’s other mothers,
Had lost themselves in love for all the brothers. [4]
Worshiping Shankar and Ganesh, they gave away,
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Great charity to all Brahmin sires.

They were mighty happy as if a pauper,
Had obtained all four desires. [345]
7770 All mothers due to excess of love and happiness,
Felt feeble, feet would not move with readiness.
Most fondly to be able to see Shri Ram(a),
They prepared for the light moving program. [1]

All types of musical instruments were on,

Queen Sumittra made auspicious preparation.
Turmeric, green grass, curd, leaves, flowers,
Betel leaves, betel nuts, source of all happiness. [2]
Sprouts, rice, sandal paste and parched corn,
Holy basil plants, new shoots all did adorn.
7780 Most beautiful gold pitchers, painted in colours,
Looked as nests of Kamadeva’s birds on bowers. [3]

Auspicious scented things, beggar description.

All queens were busy with holy preparation.
They decorated plate of camphor light well,
With happy music, their raptures swell. [4]
Big golden plate of most auspicious things,
Mothers held in their lotus hands.
Bodies of all, horripilating with joy,
To move light, they moved in hands. [346]
7790 By smoke of perfume sky dark did appear,
As if clouds of August rolled here and there.
Gods rained down flowers of the Kalpa Tree,
Looked like lines of herons, taking heart in captivity. [1]

Fine festoons of flowers with gem and sapphire,

Looked as if real rainbows had been fixed there.
On balconies, fair damsels come and quickly go,
Seemed as if the lightening flashes aglow. [2]
Drums make sounds as if clouds are thundering,

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Beggars like sparrow hawks, toads, peacocks chattering.

7800 Gods rain sweet perfumes as if a rain fall.
All citizens enjoy as green fields overall. [3]
Guru gave orders, when the right time he saw,
Rama entered into the town of Ayodhya.
Thinking of Ganesh, Girija and of Shankar,
Happily King and his party, too did enter. [4]
Good omens appeared, gods rained flowers,
All beating their drums with glee.
In mirth goddesses danced in the sky,
Sang songs sweet and happy. [347]
7810 Bard, minstrel, charioteer and dancer,
Sing praises of Rama, three worlds’ lighter.
Cries of victory, Vedic recitals besides,
Were heard mixed with joy from all the sides. [1]
Numerous kinds of music then filled the air.
Gods in heaven, people on earth, all in love were.
Indescribable the tiptopness of party men,
All mirth, they could not their joys contain. [2]

The citizens, to their King, paid respect,

When they saw Rama, were happy in every aspect.
7820 Of clothes and of jewels, they make offering.
Tears of love in eyes, bodies horripilating. [3]
They moved lights happily, round and round.
Seeing four pairs, felt joy, happiness profound.
They moved fine screens of the palanquin,
Got glimpses of brides, felt happy within. [4]
Thus bestowing great happiness all around,
They came to the palace door.
Joyfully mothers moved light round and round,
In front of bridegrooms, brides four. [348]

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7830 Light-moving ceremony was done again and again,

Who could that love and happiness fully explain?
Ornaments, gems and clothes of all kinds,
Were given away to ward off evil designs. [1]
All mothers, saturated with joys supreme,
Seeing four sons, four brides in one team.
Grace of Rama-Sita, they see again and again,
They are happy as if their lives’ aim they attain. [2]

The maidens see Sita’s face over and over.

They sing, praises on their own luck shower.
7840 Gods rain down flowers every now and then.
They sing, dance and offer services often. [3]
When Saraswati saw the four pairs so fair,
She tried to find simile suitable to compare.
No simile was handy, all seemed unfit.
Ultimately, she too gazed on their grace a bit. [4]
Completing all Vedic and family rituals,
Most adorable welcome mother gave.
Moved lighted camphor before brides and grooms,
Their way to house did pave. [349]
7850 There were four naturally beautiful seats,
Which seemed to be Kamadeva’s personal feats.
On them princes, princesses, were given seat,
With respect, they washed their sacred feet. [1]
With incense, light, refreshments as Vedas lay,
Store of joy - brides bridegrooms - worshiped they.
They moved lighted camphor again and again,
Above them, fancy fans, flappers, moved twain. [2]
Offerings of numerous articles were made.
All mothers with genuine happiness were laid.
7860 As Yogi on achieving the Supreme Truth,
Or a chronic patient getting nectar forsooth, [3]
Or a pauper, philosopher’s stone did find,
Or vision was received by a total blind.

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As a dumb on his tongue, Saraswati received,

Or a valiant great victory in battled achieved. [4]
Pleasure hundred crore times greater than this,
Did mothers at the moment perceive.
The moon of Raghu’s family, Shri Rama,
Did with brother after wedding arrive. [350A]
7870 Mothers carried out rituals of the family
Brides and grooms shied as child.
Seeing so much happiness and so great fun,
Rama, within Himself smiled. [350B]
They worshiped gods and manes well as was laid,
As their very hearts’ desires were had.
Praising them, for only one boon they press,
“Rama and His brothers may live in happiness." [1]
Unseen the gods too their blessings shed,
Which mothers received with skirts spread.
7880 The King called men of marriage party,
Offered carriages, clothes, gems, ornaments with glee. [2]

On receiving sanction and with Rama in their hearts,

The party men left for their respective parts.
King decked citizens with clothes and ornaments,
In all homes, were held musical entertainments. [3]
Whatever the beggars would ask from the King,
King would satisfy them with that very thing.
All servants and all musical party,
Got honours and presents from King’s bounty. [4]
7890 They paid him respects and offered blessings,
Sang his praises and glory,
Then sovereign of men entered his own palace,
With Guru and Brahmin party. [351]

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Whatever order did Vashishtha issue,

Vedic and family rites King would fain do.
When queens noticed Brahmin’s great gathering,
They got up - this their good fortune thinking. [1]
Respectfully washed their feet and bathed.
Worshiped them and they were nicely fed.
7900 With honour, charity and love satisfied,
Brahmins blessed them and returned gratified. [2]

Vishwamittra was worshiped in so many ways,

“Lord, none is more lucky than I." King says.
His great praises King would often repeat,
With queens, he took the dust of his lotus feet. [3]
Gave him a nice place to stay in the house.
He was attended by the King and each spouse.
King and queens worshiped his lotus feet again.
Prayed to them with love which heart could not contain. [4]
7910 The King and the queens along with the sons
And all four daughters-in-law,
Again and again to his lotus feet bow.
Blessed them Muni Vishwamittra. [352]
King placed sons and wealth in front of Guru,
With heart full of love, prayed to him through and through.
But the Muni took only what as priest was due,
And blessed them in many ways sincere and true. [1]
With Rama along with Sita inside his heart,
The teacher gladly for his home did start.
7920 King invited all from Brahmins tenements,
Dressed them all with fine clothes and ornaments.[2]
Then invited ladies who their husbands had,
In accordance with tastes, King had them clad.
And all others also received their claims,
King gives each whatever by choice be names. [3]
To the guests so dear and so honourable,
King gave all honour that was possible.

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And gods, on watching the marriage of Ram(a),

Rained flowers, praising gladly happy programme. [4]
7930 They started for their respective lokas,
Beating drums with all happiness.
They mention to each other Rama’s glories,
Love overflowed due to excess. [353]
Having honored everyone as was due to him,
King’s heart was full of great joy to the brim.
He moved on into the royal harem.
And saw sons also daughters-in-law with them. [1]
He seated the sons gladly in his lap.
Who could describe the joy that him did enwrap.
7940 In his lap, he did daughters-in-law, too call.
With utmost affection fondled them all. [2]
Viewing such a gathering, all ladies were gay.
Into each heart, great joy came to stay.
King described details how marriage was held,
Into hearts of listeners, great joy thus he filled. [3]
Glories of Janak, his modesty, grandeur,
Affectionate dealings, his wealth and treasure,
Like a bard, King described each instance,
Queens enjoyed hearing Janak’s performance. [4]
7950 King took his bath along with his four sons,
Called teacher, Brahmins, relation,
All enjoyed their sumptuous meals there at
Two hours of night had run. [354]
The beautiful ladies, their music carried on.
That night was happy, heart enchanting one.
Each took betel leaves on washing his hand,
Decked with scented garlands they looked grand. [1]

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They viewed Rama and securing permission,

They took to their homes after prostration.
7960 That love, happiness, mirth and grandeur,
That occasion, assembly, fascinating nature, [2]
Even hundreds of Saraswatis, Shankars and Sheshas,
Could not describe, even Creator, Ganesh and Vedas.
How could I then give their description?
Could an earthworm on its head earth adorn? [3]

King honoured everyone in every possible manner.

With sweet words, sent for queens thereafter.
“Brides are mere girls, to another’s house come,
Keep them as do lids with the eyes function. [4]
7970 Boys also are tired and feel drowsy,
Convey them and put them to sleep."
So saying, Dashrath to resting chamber went,
Feet of Rama in heart did keep. [355]
On hearing King’s words, loving by nature,
Laid gold beds studded with gems all over.
Spread sheets thereon which were white and soft,
Like foam of cow’s milk rising aloft. [1]
Fine pillows were there in gem studded room.
There were perfumes and garlands of flowers that bloom.
7980 lamp stands of jewels and canopy fine,
Only they, who had seen them, could better define. [2]

Thus making the beds, queens took Shri Ram(a),

And laid Him on one, with all love and calm.
Rama repeatedly asked His brothers to sleep.
They went and lay in their beds asleep. [3]
Viewing Rama’s dark delicate and beautiful form,
Queens say with love and in affectionate norm.
“O Rama, how could You in Your way kill,
Taraka, so fearfully ferocious and evil? [4]
7990 Those fearful demons, valiant in fight,

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Who would no one equal ever treat,

Marich and Subahu, with host of helpers,
How did You in combat defeat? [356]
I wish You well, it was blessing of the Muni,
That God warded off Your all calamity.
You brothers guarded Muni’s fire ceremonies,
Through his grace, You got all knowledge these. [1]
Touching dust of Your feet was Ahilya freed,
All over universe Your glory decreed.
8000 Shiva’s bow harder than rock and adamant,
And tortoise shell, You in assembly rent. [2]

You won world championship and Sita,

All bothers after wedding came to Ayodhya.
Your deeds are super-human, it’s true,
It is Vishwamittra’s blessing, through and through. [3]
As we see Your moon-like face today,
We consider life successful in every way.
Those days that were passed without viewing You,
May Creator not count part of life, true." [4]
8010 With words full of humility and excellence.
Rama gave mothers satisfaction.
Thinking of the feet of Guru, Shiva and Brahmins,
Let sleep on His eyes function. [357]
Even in sleep, beautiful face does seem,
As does a red lotus in evening gleam.
In every house ladies are keeping vigil,
Sang songs mutually with auspicious will. [1]
Queens say, “Dear Comrades, just do see.
Night is sweet, sweeter is Ayodhyapuri."
8020 Mothers-in-law too slept with brides beside.
As snake shifting jewel from head to its side. [2]
Rama woke at sacred hour before dawn.

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Cocks began to crow welcoming the morn.

Bards and beggars began to sing glories.
Citizens came to wish success and victories. [3]
On praying gods, guru, parents, Brahmins,
All bothers were happy to receive blessings.
Queens fondly observed their beautiful face.
With King, sons came out of the palace. [4]
8030 Though pure by nature, they purified themselves,
And bathed in the sacred river,
Having done the morning rituals, all four,
Came close to their father. [358]
King saw them and gladly clasped them to heart,
With permission they sat, so glad on their part.
Seeing Rama, all people were so satisfied.
Very Zenith of pleasure for eyes, they spied. [1]
Then Vishwamittra and Vashishtha Muni came,
On beautiful seats King seated the same.
8040 He and sons worshiped them and touched feet.
For two teachers, to see Rama was a great treat. [2]
Vashishtha discoursed on history, religion,
King and queens heard with rapt attention.
Deeds of Vishwamittra, which munis find tough,
Were told by Vashishtha explicitly enough. [3]
Bamdeo said, “True, Vishwamittra’s glory,
Has spread in three worlds, all can see."
Hearing this all audience felt happiness,
To Rama and Lakshman, joy was in excess. [4]
8050 There were joys, and celebrations daily,
Days after days quickly passed.
Happiness overflowed from town of Ayodhya,
All bounds, its excess crossed. [359]

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Bracelet was untied on a day auspicious,

There was no dearth of joy, mirth and happiness.
Seeing new happiness daily, even gods envied,
For life in Ayodhya to Creator did plead. [1]
Vishwamittra expressed daily his wish to go,
For Rama’s loving entreaties, did not do so.
8060 On Dashrath’s love, all praise Muni bestowed,
Which every day a hundred fold increase showed. [2]

When he sought to leave, Dashrath felt love to the core,

He came with his sons and stood before.
He said, “Lord, everything that is mine is thine,
Deem me thy servant with sons, queens mine. [3]
Do continue your favour on these children,
Oblige me too with your visits often."
King, queens and sons did Muni entreat,
Voice was choked as they fell at his feet. [4]
8070 The Brahmin blessed them in all possible ways.
And left. Who could tell ways that love displays?
To see him off, Rama and all brothers went,
And returned only on getting his consent. [5]
Vishwamittra, pride of family of Gadhi,
Went happy, praising in his heart,
Happiness of marriage and Shri Rama’s grace,
And devotion on Dashrath’s part. [360]
Bamdeo and Vashishtha, priests of Raghu’s line,
Did glories of Vishwamittra’s once more define.
8080 To glories of Vishwamittra as the King heeds,
Praises the influence of his own good deeds. [1]

When so allowed, men to respective homes turned,

King also with sons to his palace returned.
Everywhere men sang Rama’s marriage function.
His glories, over all three worlds, did run. [2]
Ever since Rama came after marriage ceremony,
Happiness of all kinds in Ayodhya we see.

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The joys of the marriage ceremony of Ram(a),

Shesh and Saraswati couldn’t recount same. [3]

8090 Thinking glories of Shri Sita and Rama to be,

Source of happiness, purifier of poet’s family,
I tried to describe only some of them sure,
To render my own tongue and speech pure. [4]
His speech to purify, did Tulsidas try,
To describe some glories of Ram(a).
Shri Rama’s actions are wide as oceans,
Which poet could ever have swam? [1]
Those who listen with respect, and sing any aspect,
Of the ceremonies of marriage or thread,
8100 By Sita-Rama’s grace, will happiness ever face,
They will find for them joys spread. [2]
The marriage of Sita and Rama,
Those who hear and sing with deep devotion,
Their glories being happiness’ home,
There will ever be found all joys for them. [361]
Here Ends Canto I, The Bal Kand.

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Ayodhya Kand
Part II
Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Ayodhya Kand

Who has in lap Parvati, daughter of Himgiri,
Who adorns Ganges on His head,
On forehead crescent, poison to the throat sent
On whose chest does Shesha spread. [1]
Who ash does cover, who is gods’ leader,
Who lords and destroys the world,
Omnipresent, kind soon, has complexion of moon,
Ever protect me, O Shankar Lord. [2]
Coronation could not gladden, nor banishment sadden
10 That beauty of the face of Ram(a),
Joy-giver to Raghu’s Line, like lotus flower fine,
Let it give me joy, happiness and calm. [3]
Dark as blue lotus, with most tender features,
On whose left, Sita Ji does shine,
To His hands He bestows, quiver, faultless arrows,
I bow to Rama, Lord of Raghu line. [4]
With the dust of the lotus feet of Guru
Let me polish the mirror of heart,
Then describe some of Shri Rama’s glories,
20 Which all four fruits impart.
Ever since Rama came after marriage ceremony,
There were new rejoicings, new happiness daily.
If the fourteen universes were high mountains
And clouds of virtues rained down happiness, [1]

Wealth, success, prosperity as rivers so fine,

Overflowing towards Avadh all seemed to incline.
The citizens were like heaps of precious gems
So pure, so priceless and beautiful items. [2]
The grandeur of Ayodhya could not be described,

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30 As if Creator’s creation was here circumscribed.

All citizens were happy in all possible ways,
When at Ramchandra’s moon like face did gaze. [3]
All mothers, all comrades and all suits.
Glad to see creeper of aims, bearing fruits.
By viewing and hearing of Rama’s glories,
His charming form, and high qualities, [4]

His courteous manners, His nature sweet,

King Dasharatha immense pleasure did meet. [5]

There was a hidden desire, in the hearts of all,
40 They all implored Shankar’s grace,
To see that Dasharatha in his own lifetime,
Makes Rama crown-prince of the place. [1]
Once Dashratha was with his troop of courtiers,
Holding a Durbar with all his ministers,
He the embodiment of virtues, glories,
Was pleased to see Rama’s fame increase. [1]
All other kings sought King Dashrath’s grace.
Lokpals acted with eyes on his face.
Throughout three worlds and ages three,
50 They was none so very fortunate as he. [2]
Who has son like Rama, source of all joy,
Won’t do, whatever description one may employ.
By chance Dasharath, lifted up a mirror
Seeing his face, adjusted crown thereafter. [3]
He noticed some white hair near his ear,
As if old age was whispering from near.
“O King, do invest Rama as Crown-Prince
Thereby reap fruit of Life’s existence." [4]

With this decision made, in his joyous heart
60 At an auspicious occasion and time

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Bristling with love and with all happiness,

Told Vashishtha, teacher sublime. [2]
King said, “Listen, O leader of all munis,
Rama is now equipped with all qualities.
All citizens, subordinates and ministers.
Be they friends, foes or indifferent members, [1]
To all, Rama is so dear as is to me.
In His form, your blessings have taken body.
O Lord, all Brahmins and their families
70 Bear affection to Him as You do please. [2]
Those who place on head dust of Guru’s feet,
All dignity, under themselves they treat.
None has the experience as I do meet.
Got all, worshipping holy dust of your feet. [3]

One single wish lingers on still with me

That too I’ll obtain through your mercy."
Noticing King’s love, Guru was so pleased.
He asked him to express what mind had seized. [4]

“O King, your name and fame do give
80 Whatever one’s heart conceives.
King of kings, your wish by itself
From fulfillment, welcome receives." [3]
Finding Guru pleased in all manners
In sweet words King said lovingly thus,
“Make Rama crown prince, O merciful Lord.
Preparations be made if you give your accord. [1]
Let this celebration come while I live,
To all, pleasure of their eyes give.
Through your blessings, Shankar fulfilled all wish
90 In my heart there is but one desired, this. [2]

After it, never mind if I live or die

Lest there should a sorrow in my heart lie."

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When Muni heard Dasharath’s words released,

Root of joy and happiness, he was pleased. [3]

“O King, whom men feel sorry to oppose,

Without whose name one has no repose,
That Lord of Universe, Rama, is your son,
To follow pure love has ever been His fashion. [4]

O King, let there be no more delay
100 Make all preparations anon.
Auspicious day and happy moment is that
When Rama does crown-prince become." [4]
King came back home with joyous gleam,
He called minister Sumant and his team.
He came, said “Victory to thee" and bowed.
To him was the happy news then endowed. [1]
King said “If the proposal finds your favour,
Let all happily hold investiture."
The ministers were pleased, this news to hear,
110 As if plant of their wish found water. [2]

They praised King, joining their hands before,

“O, Monarch, you may, live for years one crore,
“You planned, the entire world to please.
Let no delay occur, let haste increase." [3]
At minister’s sweet words King was glad
As a growing creeper support of a branch had. [4]

King advised ministers to carry out
All that great Muni orders,
For the ceremony of Rama’s investiture,
120 Avoiding all delays, of course. [5]

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At these words Muni said with pleasures

“Get water from great pilgrimage centres."
Then he counted and named many herbs and roots
Other auspicious things, leaves, flowers and fruits, [1]
Flappers, deer skin, clothes of many kinds,
Woollen and silken clothes that one finds,
Gems, diamonds and other things auspicious,
That suit the investiture of monarchs. [2]

The Muni said what Vedas laid down

130 “Canopies be set up all over the town.
Mango branches with fruits, betel nuts, plantain The streets and lanes
should all maintain. [3].
Artistic squares with gems be made.
Decorations all over markets be laid.
Let Ganesh, family god, Guru be adored,
Let Brahmins also be, in every way, served. [4]

Put up flags, festoons, banners, pitchers,
Deck horses, elephants, chariots."
At this command of great Muni Vashistha
Each to his job at once sets. [6]
140 Whatever, whomsoever Vashishtha ordered,
In carrying it out he was forward.
King worshipped gods, saints and Brahmins
For good of Rama does all auspicious things. [1]
All Ayodhya did with music boom,
When news of investiture of Rama was known.
Happy omens in Sita and Rama appeared.
Auspicious parts throbbed and tiding cleared. [2]

They horripilate and mutually say.

“The return of Bharat is hinted that way.
150 It is long that he went, is remembered much.
The omens indicate meeting him as such. [3]
Where is there one so dear as Bharat?

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The omens foretell meeting him with eclat."

Rama ever remembers His brother in the way
That a tortoise does of the egg, it does lay. [4]

Ladies’ chamber at this occasion overflowed,
With joy at the happy tiding,
As seeing the moon reaching its full size
Ocean waves begin rising. [7]
160 He, who brought to them this tiding first,
Gifts of clothes ornaments on him did burst.
Ladies bristled, hearts full of affection.
Decoration of auspicious pitchers was begun. [1]
Most beautiful squares, inlaid with gem
Queen Sumittra made throughout the harem.
Rama’s mother Kaushilya happy to the core,
Gave charity to Brahmins, calling them before. [2]
Worshiped village goddesses, gods and snakes
Fresh offerings on completion of event stakes.
170 She prayed to them for good of Rama all round,
This boon alone she sought with heart profound, [3]

Songs were sung by sweet voiced ladies anon,

Having moon like faces and eyes of a fawn. [4]

On learning of Shri Rama’s investiture, they
Were filled with joy and pleasure.
Men, women, all began the preparations
Finding Creator in their favour. [8]
King Dasharath then sent for Vashishtha Muni
Sent him to Rama’s quarter for lesions necessary.
180 When of Muni’s arrival, Rama came to know,
He came to the door and bowed so low. [1]

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Brought him in, after suitable oblations

In sixteen forms did adorations.
Then with Sita, He held the Guru’s feet
And with palms joined, did entreat, [2]
“A master’s visit to his servant’s place
Proves source of joy, does ills displace.
Even the lord, it would have been in order
If servant were called, with your favour. [3]

190 Ignoring great position, love you showed,

On this house today, you sanctity bestowed.
Order me, lord, and I shall obey,
In obedience the good of the servant lay." [4]

Muni heard the affectionate words of Rama
Bestowed on Him praise and grace
“Why, would You not, Rama, speak like that?
You’re ornament, of Sun’s race." [9]
Praising Rama’s virtues, modesty nature
Muni said with affection, bristling all over,
200 “The King has made all preparation
To make You Crown Prince of his dominion. [1]
Hence, Rama, do all prerequisites today
So that Creator may let function have its way."
Giving instructions, Guru went to the King
In the heart of Rama came this misgiving, [2]
“All brothers had had their births together,
Ate, slept, passed together boyhood career,
Piercing of ears, sacred thread, wedding,
Came all together, with all rejoicing, [3]
210 In pious family, this looks unfair,
Crown princehood going only to elder.”
Lord’s complaint beautiful is backed by love
From devotee’s heart, may it crookedness remove. [4]

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At that very moment, Lakshman came

Saturated with love, happiness.
Rama, moon for the lily of Raghu’s line,
Greeted him with sweet words and caress. [10]
Music of all different kinds is on.
People’s happiness beggars description.
220 They all pray to God for Bharat’s return
“May he come and have joy of witnessing function". [1]
Each and every citizen of Avadh repeats
At homes, platforms, markets and streets
“When will tomorrow that happy moment come
When Creator will fulfill our wish handsome, [2]

That Rama, with Sita, sits on golden throne

And we, citizens, derive satisfaction?"
The citizens thus pray for the morn to come
The ill-behaved gods wish hindering programme. [3]
230 To them are unwelcome rejoicings and fun
As a moonlight night, the thieve do shun.
Gods implored Sharada – Goddess of speech,
And, repeatedly, at Her feet, fell down each. [4]

“O, Mother, just look at our great misery
We, pray, do what You deem fit.
Let Rama give up throne and go to forest
God’s purpose be served by it." [11]
Saraswati stood stunned, at gods’ request.
Thought She was winter night for lotus forest.
240 Noticing Her embarrassed, gods begged Her again,
Saying Mother, no blame at all You will thus gain. [1]

“Rama is above comfort and sorrows outright.

You have full knowledge of Shri Raghubir’s might.
Creatures get pain or joy according to deed

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So, we pray, for gods’ sake to Avadh proceed." [2]

Holding Her feet so oft, gods put Her in suspense.
Calling gods ill-willed She started thence.
Thought their place was high but deeds were low,
They could not bear that other’s glory should grow. [3]
250 But looking far ahead, She thought in Her mind,
That to Her, great poets would feel inclined.
With that happy thought, to Dasharath’s domain came,
As unbearable misery the stars should proclaim. [4]

The weak minded main servant of Kaikai,
Was called Manthara by name,
Saraswati turned Manthara’s mind and went,
Making her bundle of all defame. [12]
Manthara saw beautifully adored town,
Most sweet auspicious music was on.
260 She inquired of the cause of festivity,
Knowing of Rama’s Coronation, burnt in jealousy. [1]

She, of evil mind and low by caste, thought

How, within that night, hindrance could be brought.
As an evil Bhil woman plans, seeing bee hive
Upon ways by which she could honey derive, [2]
With swollen face, to Bharat’s mother she went,
Who laughingly inquired why her feelings were rent.
She gives no reply, only takes breaths deep,
With womanish coquetry great tears did weep. [3]

270 Queen said in joke, she was very free in speech,

Lakshman did perhaps to her a lesson teach.
Even then the evil maid no answer would make.
Breathed out heavily as hissed a black snake. [4]

Queen felt worried, inquired why she was silent,

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And if Rama and King were well,

And so were Lakshman, Bharat and Shattrughan,
At this, pain in the hunchback did swell. [13]
She said, “Mother, why should one teach me at all?
On whose support could I ever talk so tall?
280 Who, other than Rama could be well off, I say,
Whom King would declare crown prince next day. [1]

Creator has been merciful to Kaushilya queen.

Seeing it, pride in her heart has overflowing been.
Why don’t move out, see beauty all round,
At which, in my heart great pain I have found? [2]
Your son in foreign land, no worry to your soul,
You take King to be always under your control.
You have loved to sleep always on quit and bed
Couldn’t notice the trickery which King has played." [3]

290 Queen saw maid’s black heart through words of affection

Angrily said “Stop, sowing seeds of distension.
If ever in future, like this you talk about
I’ll see your tongue from your mouth pulled out. [4]

Take always one-eyed, the lame, hunchback,
To be innately deceitful, mean.
And of them, a woman, very specially a maid"
Saying, smiled Bharat’s mother, the queen. [14]
“O, sweet tongued one, a lesson I had to teach,
No ill will for you, even in dream, does reach.
300 That day would be happy and auspicious too
When your words spoken, turn out to be true. [1]

Elder brother is the lord, younger ones the servants

This has been good tradition of Sun’s descendants.
If actually tomorrow Rama’s coronation comes
Dear friend, I will offer whatsoever you announce. [2]

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By sheer nature, mothers are all so dear

To Rama, as Kaushilya, His real mother.
And for me His love is exceptionally great,
I have found it on testing His love straight. [3]
310 If rebirth Creator be inclined to bestow,
Let Rama be the son, Sita daughter-in-law.
Shri Rama has been dear to me as my life
For His coronation how is then your pain rife? [4]

You’ll, swearing by Bharat, speak out truth,
Shedding all cunning and deceit.
At an occasion for joy you are practicing gloom,
What is reason behind whole treat?" [15]
At the very first utterance all my hopes I have found
I’ld need another tongue for speech if I am bound.
320 My most unlucky head does deserve to be dashed,
If even at my good words, your heart feels crashed. [1]
Those who, by hook or crook, do simply flatter,
Are dear to you, mother, while I seem bitter.
Now I too would choose to talk in coming way,
Or shall keep mum throughout all night and day. [2]
With deformity, luck has made me dependent,
I am reaping what I sowed, receive what I had lent.
Whosoever becomes King, what have I at stake?
Instead of maid, will anyone me queen make? [3]

330 My nature deserves really to be set on fire.

I cannot bear see harm coming to you dire.
Thus motivated I opened conversation.
Forgive me, my fair lady, for the fault I’ve done." [4]

The unwise queen, shadowed by gods’ influence
Heard sweet cunning words and believed,
Thinking that Manthara was her sympathizer,
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Who could never have possibly deceived. [16]

With respect, repeatedly asks her the queen,
As on Bhil woman’s music, doe had charmed been.
340 As destiny would have it, all wisdom she shirked.
Maid felt happy as her trick seemed to have worked. [1]
“You ask me, yet I am hesitating to reply.
‘Splitter of family’ is the name you apply."
Winning confidence with all fine touch spoke she,
For Ayodhya, Saturn’s seven and half years’ misery. [2]

“O Queen, you said Rama and Sita were dear

And that you were dear to Rama too is clear.
But days of previous relationship are gone,
In dark days, friends turn enemies anon. [3]
350 Sun ordinarily protects lotus
But in absence of water, sun burns it to ash.
Your cowife has plans to uproot you quite.
Act and hedge it by some device, deemed right. [4]

Counting on your husband you have never felt
You take King to be in your control.
He is sweet tongued but has a malicious heart,
While you’re simple, innocent a soul. [17]
Rama’s mother is so clever, difficult to scan
Got a chance and thus executed her plan.
360 To maternal grandfather when Bharat was sent,
It was planning of Rama’s mother with full intent, [1]
She feels all cowives serve her best,
Except Bharat’s mother, who on husband does rest.
O Mother, you are thorn in Kaushilya’s thigh,
But the clever queen’s malice is hard to spy. [2]
The love of King for you is certainly great.

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As in cowife’s nature, she cannot tolerate.

By employing trickery, King she won over,
For Rama’s coronation got fixed good hour. [3]
370 Tradition of family confirms coronation
All like it, and I too feel satisfaction.
What I fear is outcome of this, in future.
May Lord God, in the same coin pay her." [4]

With crores of malicious advice, Manthara
Persuaded Kaikai to agree,
And quoted hundreds of cowives’ history,
To fan fire of enmity, [18]
As luck would have it, queen took it to be truth,
And asked her again, administering an oath.
380 “Inquiring from me! Have you not yet known it so!
What is for and against, even animals know. [1]

It is full fortnight, preparations are through,

And you learn it today from me, how true!
For bread and clothing I depend on your rule
If I tell you truth, none would call me a fool. [2]
If I were to fabricate falsehood here,
Dire punishment, the Creator would give me clear.
If Rama’s coronation comes off tomorrow,
For you, the Creator sows seeds of sorrow. [3]
390 With greatest emphasis, I lay down here,
You, lady, would be fly in the milk, I swear.
If you, your son, agree to be queen’s slave,
Then alone you can stay, no other course have. [4]

Great pains that Kadru to Vinata gave,
Kaushilya would give you the same.
Bharat would be just gracing the King’s prison house
Lakshman would deputise for Ram(a)." [19]
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When Kaikai heard Manthara’s bitter words.
No voice she could utter, with fear so withered.
400 Perspiration ran through, shook like plantain leaf,
Manthara held her tongue, between teeth, to show grief, [1]
She encouraged queen, asking her to have peace.
Told her crores of stories, cunning and nice.
Queen’s fortune took a turn, evil mischief she praised.
Took heron to be swan, her to great heights raised. [2]
“Listen to me Manthara your words are very true,
I daily experience, right eye throbs through.
Evil dreams have been my daily experience.
I never told you, due to my ignorance. [4]
410 Friend, what shall I do? I am so very simple,
Right from left, I cannot distinguish in full. [5]

As far as it lay in my power and will,
I never gave one cause to complain.
I know not for what sin of mine, Providence,
All of a sudden gave this pain. [20]
I would rather spend all life at mother’s
Than live and serve under cowife’s orders.
Death is to be preferred by one as her goal,
If God makes one live in foe’s control." [1]
420 The queen said words very humble and meek
At which the hunchback took to womanish freak.
“Why say so with feelings of frustration?
Happiness of your fortune daily doubles on. [2]

The person who planned all evil for you

Shall fall ultimately victim to it, true.
Ever since, I came to know of evil plan
Hunger left me in day and in night sleep gone. [3]
I saw astrologers who calculated and said

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Bharat shall become King. No doubt they had had.

430 O lady, if you would only act, I would say,
By virtue of service King is under you sway." [4]

“I could jump into a well, if that you would ask,
Could forgo husband and son.
When you say in my own interest, I’ll act
For the sake of welfare, my own." . [21]
The hunchback putting queen committed on her part
Whetted knife of mischief on the stone of her heart.
Queen Kaikai didn’t realise impending danger,
As eats grass animal, awaiting slaughter. [1]

440 Words of Manthara, looking sweet, are bitter,

As if poison mixed with sweet honey were there.
“Do you no more remember the happy incident
Which you told me once?" said the maid servant [2]
Two boons which you won from the King are in reserve
Cash them at this occasion and your purpose serve.
For your son the throne, for Rama banishment
Thus transfer to yourself, cowife’s enjoyment. [3]
Ask from the King only when he swears by Ram(a),
So that there be no going back therefrom.
450 If this night passes. Whole plan falls through,
Take my advice, madam, sincerely to be true." [4]

The sinful maid servant played mischief and said
“Go, enter the chamber of wrath.
Be vigilant and let your purpose be served
Don’t place on his words quick faith." [22]
Like soul the queen held hunchback dear
And acclaimed her for wisdom over and over
Have no well-wisher the world like thee,

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“You are like a support to one swept by the sea. [1]

460 If tomorrow Creator my desire fulfills
Friend, I’ll treat you as my eye pupils."
Thus having all honours on maid conferred
Kaikai, into chamber of wrath, entered. [2]
Calamity is seed, maid - rainfall season,
As soil, serves absence of queen’s reason.
Rains of mischief falling the seed did sprout.
Two boons were two blades, fruit of pain to be out. [3]
Kaikai, with all forms of wrath, equipped
Her happy days with lack of wisdom hipped.
470 King’s town was buzzing with activities.
None could know the mischief planned out by these. [4]

With all pleasure, male and female citizens
Were putting up the auspicious show.
There was huge gathering at King’s place door.
So many went out, many in did go. [23]
The friends of Rama, happy at the news then,
Went to Him in groups of five or ten.
With an eye on their love, the Lord does greet,
Inquires welfare in language sweet. [1]
480 Loving friends return with Rama’s sanction,
Praising Him in mutual conversation.
They say, “Who in whole world equals Ram(a)
Practising modesty and affectionate charm? [2]
Into whatever bodies our deeds take us,
My God do us the favour, there and thus
We be servants, Sita’s husband our Lord.
Ever continue the relationship, with concord." [3]
Such is the desire within all citizens
But in Kaikai’s heart a great fire burns.
490 Where is one who would not fall in company bad?
By following mean advice could wisdom be had? [4]

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In the evening, in very happy mood, Dasharatha
Into Kaikai’s mansion went,
Or say, love taking a human form
To brutality made advent. [24]
He was stunned at mention of chamber of wrath.
For fear, one step he could not put forth.
Counting on whose powers, Indra rules supreme,
Whose will, all kings ever binding deem, [1]
500 He withered, hearing of a woman’s anger.
One could here see passion’s power.
He who minded trident, adamant, sword, not,
Was so sore with Kamadeva’s flowery dart. [2]

With great dread and fear King approached the queen,

Was bitterly grieved as her condition was seen.
She, lying on the ground, with clothes rough and old,
Scattered about were ornaments of gold. [3]
This sad looks of perverse queen foretold
Widowhood, that was in futurity’s fold.
510 Coming close, King said in affectionate tone
“What has caused anger? Let it be known" [4]

He said, “Dear queen, what has the reason been?"
He touches her, she pushes off his hand.
And looks at Dasharath, as a serpent in wrath
Sees enemy that near does stand. [1]
Wish for boons that lurked, is its tongue two forked
Boons fangs, looks for spot to bite.
Poet Tulsidas says. “Led by fortune’s ways
King deems them shows, passions excite." [2]
520 King Dasharatha said again and again

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“O, with fine eyes, voice of peacock,

Tell me reason for anger main.
O, with elephant’s gait and face beautiful. [25]
Who has hurt you,O my beloved chum?
Who has got two heads, who is wished by Yam(a)?
Tell me which pamper I shall crown as king
Or the king whom I should from dominion fling. [1]

If even an immortal god be your foe,

What of worm-like people, him too I shall throw,
530 You, of beautiful thighs, my nature do trace,
My heart is ever partridge to the moon of your face. [2]
O dear, my soul and sons and my whole,
My subjects, family, men are in your control.
If I speak to you, with malice, to do harm,
O lady, I swear a hundred times by Ram(a). [3]

With a smile, ask for whatsoever you will

Let ornaments gracefully beautiful form fill.
I pray, just consider demands of occasion
My love, get rid of sad looks very soon." [4]

540 Hearing this, and remembering King’s great oath
The foolish queen got up with cheer,
Began putting ornaments, as if a Bhil Woman,
Put snares, seeing herd of deer. [26]
King spoke to her, taking her heart neat,
With love, horripilating, in words soft, sweet.
“O Lady, what you wished has now come to be
Whole town is bubbling with happiness and glee. [1]

I am holding tomorrow Rama’s Coronation

Beautiful eyed, make happy preparation."
550 On hearing thus, her hard heart did gripe.
As if someone touched an abscess ripe. [2]

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Even that pain she covered up with a smile.

As a thief’s wife won’t weep openly, to beguile.
King did not notice great deception she played
Coached by one with crores of trickery arrayed, [3]
To moral rules King had fullest access,
Woman’s fiendishness is an ocean fathomless.
She showed extra love and said with great smile.
With eyes and face turned, and a smile. [4]

560 “You often said, lord, ‘Ask, ask’ to me
But never made a deal in the chain.
You had promised to me two boons sometime
To receive them, I doubts entertain." . [27]
“I now see," said Dasharatha in jovial mood,
“To you, anger followed by fondling is good.
You put boons as trust but sought them never
Forgetful by nature, I did not remember. [1]
Don’t blame for nothing, I declare unto you,
You ask for four boons now in place of two.
570 It has been a tradition in Raghu’s line,
Won’t go back on words, will even life decline. [2]
Any amount of sin will not match one lie
Could crores of abus prectorius rise mountain high?
Truth alone is the root of every moral act.
Vedas, Puranas and Manu confirm this fact. [3]

Moreover in my oath, Rama I did mention,

He is limit of my virtue and my affection."
Getting double confirmation, silly Kaikai said,
Or say she uncovered hawk’s eye instead. [4]

580 King’s desire is like a great forest,
Joys form flock of birds there.
Bhil woman is about to unleash fierce hawk
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Of most cruel words to utter. [28]

“I ask from you King what pleases me better,
First boon is let Bharat be crown prince, dear.
With joined palms I seek boon number two
Lord, grant my desire through and through. [1]

Completely detached and in ascetic’s form.

Fourteen years’ exile to forests for Ram(a)."
590 Queen’s words, though polite filled Dasharatha with pain.
As touch of moon rays brings ruddy goose strain. [2]
So alarmed, to utter a word King did fail,
As if in a forest, hawk pounced on a quail.
Lost complexion in its entirety the King,
As did a palm tree struck by lightning. [3]

He put hand on forehead, both eyes he did close

As if sorrow took form and was in sorrowful pose.
“The Kalpa-Tree of my desires was to bear fruit,
After flowing, she did, as an elephant, uproot." [4]
600 Queen Kaikai lay waste all Avadh State
Laid firm foundations of calamities great. [5]

What happened and when, I am quite undone,
For placing in woman confidence.
Just as, when about to get fruit of success,
Suffers Yogi for his ignorance." [29]
Thus King is repenting within his heart
At his plight, foolish Kaikai felt a smart.
“Is not Bharat also your own progeny?
Was it for some price that you had bought me? [1]

610 If my words hurt you, as does an arrow sore,

Why did you not exercise wisdom before?
Answer me in affirmative or say ‘No’,
In Raghu’s line, you are known truthful so. [2]
You promised to give boons, now say you would not,

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Cast off truthfulness, with calumny be fraught.

You praised truthfulness, words for boons gave,
Did you think I’ld only some parched grain have? [3]
King Shibi and Dadhichi and Bali, what they said,
They kept up and gave their lives instead."
620 Kaikai used most bitter language in taunt
As if she put salt on the body so burnt. [4]

King, upholder of morals, opened his eyes,
Mustering all courage he could,
Striking his head and taking deep breath,
Said, she had hit him sore for good. [30]
Saw queen, burning with rage, standing forward,
As if anger itself stood, with drawn sword.
Ill wisdom is handle, brutality its edge,
The hunchback had whetted it with full knowledge. [1]

630 King saw that the sword was fearfully hard,

Thought, if she would actually murder her lord.
Mustering courage Dasharatha ventured to utter
Some soft words that would be pleasing to her. [2]
“My darling, how could you such hard words use
All regards for truth and affection refuse?
Bharat and Rama are two eyes of mine
I say true, put Shankar as witness fine. [3]
Most definitely tomorrow messengers would go
Both brothers would be coming immediately so.
640 Choosing auspicious day, with full preparation
I’ll pass on to him throne with declaration. [4]

Rama does not have least desire for throne
His love for Bharat is intense.
I had in my mind seniority alone,
Acting with political sense. [31]
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I swear by Rama and truth do place,
Rama’s mother never spoke to me in the case.
No doubt, I acted not consulting you,
And therefore my entire plan falls through. [1]
650 Shake off anger and for joys prepare.
Bharat shall be the king, a few days after.
One thing alone gives me intense pain,
The other boon asked causes great strain. [2]
My heart is burning due to that instance
Is your anger mere joke or has substance?
Dispassionately tell me the fault of Ram(a),
They call Him perfect saint and calm. [3]
You too lauded Him and loved Him such
I am surprised now hearing from you such.
660 Could He, whose nature, even enemy likes,
Ever act against mother’s will and likes? [4]

My love, leave anger, if it be for joke.
Ask for boon with discretion.
Enable me to see to my heart’s content
Dear Bharat Lal’s Coronation. [32]
May be that fish lives while out of water,
Serpent without gem may, in life, linger.
I say from my heart with no craft, cunning,
That without Rama I cannot go on living. [1]

670 Wise darling, consider it coolly, with calm

My life depends on only seeing Shri Ram(a)."
At sweet words, fool felt envy dire,
As if butter was poured on flaming fire. [2]
She said, “You may employ remedies a crore
Your tricks won’t work on me, be sure.
Give me what I asked or say, ‘No’, be damned.
I don’t approve of affairs of this brand. [3]

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Rama is saint, you too are saint and wise

And Rama’s mother is good, I fully recognize.
680 For way chosen for my good by Rama’s mother
I’ll pay her in the same coin, she’ll remember. [4]

As soon as it’s morn and Rama does not leave
For forest in garb of rishi,
Take it from me, my death and your ignominy
Shall follow as a necessity." [33]
So saying the malicious queen stood,
As if river of anger was in flood.
From the great mountain of sins it rose
Full of water of anger, could not view, if one chose. [1]
690 Two boons are two banks, current queen’s anger,
Words of the hunchback are whirlpools there.
It uproots completely the tree – Dasharath(a).
To the ocean of miseries, straight rushes forth. [2]

King found that the matter was so serious,

Death hovered in the garb of queen malicious.
He held her feet, seated her, begged in words fine
“Don’t be an axe for the tree of Solar line. [3]
If you wish I can offer my head with glee
Don’t kill me by separating Rama from me.
700 By any means whatever, do please keep Ram(a)
Or for your whole life pain will in heart remain." [4]

When King found malady incurably great,
Striking his head, he fell down.
“O Rama, O Rama, O dear Raghunath"
He uttered in distressed tone. [34]
King is in anguish, his body lay still,
As if a female elephant did Kalpa-Tree pull.

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Throat parched, not a word from him came out,

As if, out of water was thrown out a trout. [1]

710 In bitter hard language queen spoke again

As if on a wound one applied poison.
“If this was the end of your performance,
Why did you say, ‘Ask, Ask’ in full sequence? [2]
O King, is it possible that two come together
To blow up the cheeks and give loud laughter?
To be close fisted and also be charitable?
Could a Rajput be in war and be comfortable? [3]

Go back on your words or build up strength.

Don’t go on wailing, like a woman whole length.
720 For the truthful, his body, wife, son and his home
Wealth and all earth like a straw come." [4]

At the mysterious words of the queen, King said,
“I do not put on you a blame.
It is my death haunting you as a ghost would
Through your mouth speaks out the same. [35]
Bharat would not like kingship even in dream,
By will of Providence folly virtue does seem.
All this I consider result of my own sins,
Due to which Providence pushes me to ruins. [1]
730 The ruined capital will be flourishing again,
And Rama, house of virtues, will glorious remain.
All brothers will gladly in his service be,
And in all the three worlds will be sung his glory, [2]

Only your blemish and my repentance great

Won’t die with us, not leave us at any rate.
You are free to act now, as it does please you.
Hide your face and move away from my view. [3]
With joined hands I beg that as long as I live
Don’t talk to me anymore, me just forgive.
740 You will repent at last, listen,O unfortunate
Who is going to kill cow for the love of mere gut." [4]

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The King fell on ground, telling in crores of ways
Why she brought ruin in general.
But the shrewd cunning would not speak one word
As in cemetery one invokes spell. [36]
King utters ‘Rama, Rama’ and is so restless,
As rolls, in agony, bird turned wingless.
He prays in his heart that dawn may not come.
One may not go and communicate to Ram(a). [1]

750 “Sun, head of Raghu’s line, from rising refrain,

To see Ayodhya ruined you will be in pain."
Creator has created both, to maximum excess
Love of king and Kaikai’s heartlessness. [2]
Day dawned, all night King rolled on the floor,
Lute, flute, and conch began laying at his door.
Bards recited praise, musicians virtues.
King heard them, they hit him as do the arrows. [3]

All marks of happiness did the King refute,

As ornaments do not on Sati’s form suit.
760 None could sleep that night, due to joy and longing,
To see Rama next day installed as King. [4]

There is gathering of servants, ministers and all
Seeing sun up, they mutually say,
“What could be the reason that King did not rise.
Even up to this hour of day?" [37]
King got up daily in latter part of night,
It is for us today an unusual sight.
O Sumantra, just go and wake up the King,
With his sanction go ahead with auspicious thing." [1]
770 So Sumantra into King’s palace entered.
It looked so fearful, he, therefore, deterred.

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It seemed devouring, none could have a view,

As if, therein, camped misery, sorrow too. [2]

None answered the query if any was made

He went where Kaikai and King stayed.
He wished the King, sat with his head lowered,
Seeing King’s condition he was so much withered. [3]
Lay on the ground, restless, face complexion gone,
As if a lotus lay uprooted forlorn.
780 For fear, the minister could not inquire.
Spoke she, portentous, inauspicious, dire. [4]

“King had had no sleep for the entire night
God only could know the reason.
He uttered ‘Rama, Rama’ till day did break
But the secret he did not open. [38]
Make haste, first bring Rama at once here,
Inquire of the matter only thereafter."
Sumantra left, thinking King’s will so had been
He read that some mischief was done by the queen. [1]
790 He felt very worried, could not a step proceed
“What would King be saying calling Rama indeed?"
He came to the door, mustering courage that he had,
All persons inquired, noticing him so sad. [2]

Having set at rest feelings of people with grace,

He reached where lived pride of Solar race.
Rama saw Sumantra coming to Him hastening through.
Paid him respect as to his father was due. [3]
He saw face of Rama, message duly delivered,
Took light of Raghu’s line and hastened backward.
800 There was wave of sorrow when they saw Rama going,
With the Minister, shorn of all formal showing. [4]

Rama, gem of Raghu’s family, found the King
In extremely poor state,
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As if an old elephant had fallen with fear

At the sight of a lion straight. [39]
His lips were parched, whole body burned,
As if losing its gem, the snake turned.
Kaikai sat close, with anger rife,
As if death was counting moments of his life. [1]
810 Rama, by nature soft and sympathetic,
Saw first grief, had never heard of it.
Reading the situation, He did strength gather,
In soft words He inquired from the mother. [2]
Mother, tell me the reason of father’s grief.
“I’ld do the needful to bring him quick relief."
She said, “Listen, Rama, the reason is such
Your father’s love for You is really so much. [3]

Two boons he promised me, as a favour.

I asked for what to me gave pleasure.
820 Hearing that the King developed great pain.
From intense love for You, he could not refrain. [4]

There is consideration for love and for words.
The King is in fix, hence pained.
If it be in Your power, You may keep his words,
And bring his pain to an end. [40]
Kaikai blares out harsh words freely.
Harshness itself gets sore at her cruelty.
Her tongue is the bow and speech arrows
She, at the King her tender target, throws. [1]
830 It seems cruelty itself, taking a body
Is, like a brave, learning art of archery.
She told Rama all details of the happening.
As cruelty incarnate she is sitting. [2]

Rama, by very nature a house which peace fills

Sun of Solar family, in His heart, smiles.

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Rama spoke words soft, flawless, polite,

Which did speech itself as ornament dight. [3]

“Listen, mother, that son alone is called lucky

Who honours his parents’ words with great glee.
840 The son who gives his parents satisfaction
Is, in the whole world very rare person. [4]

In forests I will meet rishis in great numbers
Me, that will, in every way, suit,
And then it will be with my father’s orders
And mother’s assent is there to boot. [41]
Bharat, dear as my soul, will be sitting on throne,
The Creator is today favouring me alone.
If I fail to go to forests for this sake
Me, they will all as leader of fools take. [1]
850 Who worship castor tree and Kalpa they leave,
Who will forgo nectar and will poison receive.
Even such, if they find opportunity as this,
Ponder over it, mother, they shall never miss. [2]
Dear mother, just one idea pains me much,
I find King writhing in agony such,
For a trifling matter he is in sore pain,
I find it, mother, difficult to entertain. [3]
As he is all peace, ocean of all virtues,
Perhaps I did some serious mistake choose.
860 Due to which King to me does not one word say,
I put an oath on you, tell me that, I pray." [4]

Words of Rama are simple and sincere,
Evil minded Kaikai takes amiss.
As though the water is all along the same
Leech moves zig zag in this. [42]

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Finding Rama’s willingness Kaikai felt glad

And with an air of great affection she said.
“I swear with You and swear with Bharat too,
I know not any other reason, I say true. [1]
870 My son, You are above all sinful acts,
Give joy to mother, father, brother. These are facts,
Whatever You say, O Rama, that is very true.
You are ever ready to obey Your parents to. [2]

I fondle You, advise Your father to do same,

As in life’s fourth quarter would not bring shame.
The piety that gave him a son like You,
It is improper to dishonor that virtue." [3]
Fine words, in an evil mouth, seem as it be
Holy centres like Gaya in Magadh territory.
880 To Rama, words of Kaikai were welcome
All waters, reaching Ganges, do pure become. [4]

Consciousness returning, King remembered Rama
And tried to change over side,
The minister told him of Shri Rama’s presence,
Begged him as situation did guide. [43]
When King heard that Shri Rama had come
He mustered courage to make his eyes open.
The minister helped King to take his seat.
He saw Rama falling to touch his feet. [1]

890 Driven by love, he embraced Rama to his bosom,

As if a snake recovered his lot gem.
King’s eyes were fixed on the face of Ram(a)
From his eyes, of tears ran out a stream. [2]
Due to intense sorrow, couldn’t one word say,
Took Rama to his bosom in many a way.
He beseeched Providence within his heart,
So that Rama, to forests, may not depart. [3]
Remembering Lord Shiva he requested with zest.
“O, ever good one, do hear my request.

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900 You get soon pleased, give what one asks,

Remove pain, take me poor servant of Yours. [4]

You are prompter in every man’s heart, O Lord,
Give Rama guidance to decide.
Discarding my words, He may stay at home
Setting love considerations aside. [44]
Let me get discredit and bad name even,
Let me be sent to hell and forfeit heaven,
Let other unbearable pains to me come,
But out of my sight should not go Ram(a)." [1]
910 King thought so within, not a word he spoke
Like holy fig tree leaf, his form did quake.
Rama saw father engrossed in deep love.
Fearing mother might say what would not behove. [2]
Considering the situation, time and place,
He spoke with consideration and grace.
“O, father, I make bold to submit one thing.
Excuse child for impropriety, O King. [3]

You bore great pains for a mere trifle.

Of this, earlier none did Me favour to tell.
920 Finding you in pains I asked the mother
And became so glad when I learnt the matter. [4]

Dear father, at this happy occasion, leave grief,
Which is due to love for me alone.
Permit me with a heart full of joy, father."
Said Rama, in horripilating tone. [45]
“How happy is he born on earth really
At whose deeds parents feel utmost happy?
He who loves his parents as his own soul,
Gets all the four life fruits under his control. [1]

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930 Carrying out your orders, getting my life’s work done

I shall be back so soon, grant me permission.
I am coming here soon getting mother’s sanction,
Then touching your feet shall to forests move on." [2]
Thus saying, Rama, soon took leave from there.
For reasons of grief, King did not answer.
The sad news soon spread all over the town
As at sting covers whole body, scorpion’s poison. [3]

Hearing the sad tidings, men women felt rue.

As trees and creepers at forest fire do.
940 Whoever comes to know, beats his head in gloom.
Grief ruled over all, patience found no room. [4]

With faces withered, eyes emitting tears
Hearts could not the sorrow contain.
As if army of pathos had overrun
All Avadh with drums beaten. [46]
When all was set up, Creator upset all
Here and there, to queen bad names they call.
“What idea was there in the mind of sinner
Who, on the top of her thatched house put fire, [1]
950 Who wishes to see after taking out eyes,
Throws nectar and taste of hemlock tries?
Evil, merciless, foolish, unfortunate creature
For the forest of Raghu’s line, acts as fire. [2]

Sitting on a branch she applies axe to the trunk

Amidst joy, into sorrow all town she has sunk.
Rama has been, all life, dear to her as soul,
What could be the reason of her malicious role? [3]
Poets well said Women’s nature is unknowable
It is so very mysterious and unfathomable.
960 One could successfully catch his own shadow,
But a woman’s craft really no one could over know. [4]


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What is there that fire would not burn down

And that the sea could not contain?
Would not be done by strong woman, called weak?
Who, in this world, can death restrain? [47]
What was Creator to tell and what He has told?
What was He to show and what did He unfold?"
Some said, “King did not act well at this moment
With no thinking, to an evil, boons he did grant. [1]
970 Sticking to promise, brought about his own doom,
Under influence of wife, as if he lost wisdom?"
The wise who knew bounds of religious features
Would not put all blame on the King’s shoulders, [2]

Some described stories of truthful stand

Those of Shibi, Dadhich and of Harish Chand.
Some were, who saw Bharat’s complicity in the plot,
Some sorrowfully listened to it, would speak not. [3]
Some put hands on ears, tongue under teeth hold,
And say “It would be very wrong, if told.
980 If you say so, fruits of your virtues depart.
Bharat has ever been very close to Rama’s heart. [4]

For cool rays of moon should be raining fire,
Or nectar, like poison, should kill,
It would not be possible for Bharat, in dream,
To be acting against Rama’s will." [48]
Some put the whole blame only on Providence
Who showed nectar but gave poison essence.
There was horror and all were full of thought,
For pain unbearable, happiness forgot. [1]
990 Senior family women, wives of Brahmins,
Who were Kaikai’s affectionate ones,
Praised her for gentility and tried to teach
But the queen their words like arrows reach. [2]

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“You said, Bharat is not so dear as Ram(a),

Whole world has been hearing your words, madam,
Your love for Rama has been natural, we vow,
For what sin you send Him to forests now? [3]
With cowife you never had any jealousy,
All bear witness to your trust, amity.
1000 What harm has Kaushilya to you now done
For which you sent adamant to whole town? [4]

Will Sita forgo Her husband’s company?
Will Lakshman without Rama stay?
Will Bharat ever agree to sit on the throne?
Will King without Rama, live a day? [49]
Consider these points, don’t be angry,
Don’t be a store house of blame, misery.
Of course have Bharat coronated, that is best,
But what business has Rama in the forest? [1]

1010 Rama has no desire for throne whatsoever,

He is religion’s support, void of worldly pleasure.
He should leave mansion, stay with His teacher,
Ask Him as second boon from King, O Dear. [2]
If you do not mind what we here advise.
You will not be a gainer, of that we apprise.
If you have so far been playing some joke,
It is time that truth you openly spoke. [3]

Could, for a son like Rama, forest be norm?

If they come to know, what opinion will they form?
1020 So, get up and take steps, queen, now soon
That sorrow and blame may all be gone. [4]

The way that will banish, all sorrow and blemish,
Opt it and protect family.
Do check Rama by force, from forest’s course
Let no other thing there be. [1]
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As day with Sun left, body of soul bereft

As night without moon would seem,
That Ayodhya will be, without Lord of Tulsi,
In your heart, lady, that deem." [2]
1030 Comrades gave her teaching indeed,
So pleasing to hear and ending well.
But the queen did not pay any heed,
So well tutored was she by evil hunchback. [50]
Queen is silent, rough due to intense anger,
Sees as does a hungry lioness the deer.
Malady was incurable, friends let her hence,
Calling her unfortunate, lacking in sense. [1]
The Creator ruined her when she was ruling.
She behaved as none else would be doing.
1040 Thus writhed the whole public of the town,
Called bad names to the evil queen with frown. [2]
They burn in the fearful fire of pain
And say, “Without Rama hope of life is in vain."
Fear of great separation made people restless
As do aquatic animals when water gets less. [3]
Entire public is in intense suffering,
Lord Rama went to see His mother at her dwelling.
His face is happy, enthusiasm four fold,
Pain, He had, is gone that father might withhold. [4]

1050 Rama’s heart is like a newly caught elephant,
Throne is like the iron chain.
The exile to forests is like freedom,
His joy, heart, could not contain. [51]

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Pride of Raghu’s line joined palms together.

With joy, He fell at the feet of His mother.
She blessed Him and to her bosom she embraced.
Clothes, ornaments in propitiation placed. [1]
The mother kissed His face again and again,
Tears of love flowed, there was Horripilation.
1060 She took Him in lap, embraced again to bosom
From her breasts came out milk of love, affection. [2]

Her love and great joy could not be defined,

As if a pauper rank of Kuber did find.
With full regards she saw Rama’s beautiful face
And they spoke words sweet and full of grace. [3]
“O son, I sacrifice myself, tell me,
When is the auspicious moment going to be,
Which is limit of my deeds, joy, virtue profound,
Of life’s gain forms the ultimate bound? [4]

1070 That auspicious moment all people await
With great eagerness and éclat
As pair of thirsty cuckoos wish rain
Of autumn under Swati planet. [52]
O, son, I fondle, take bath early.
If You, please, take something, so dainty.
Then my dear! to Your father do go.
I fondle, it’s getting late already so." [1]

At the words of His mother, affectionate and kind,

As flowers of love’s Kalpa-Tree one would find,
1080 Full of pleasant nectar, source of glory,
Yet Rama not drawn as a big black bee. [2]
He, support of morals, knew duty’s way.
To His mother in affectionate words did say,
“Father has given me Kingdom of forest,
Where, in every way, lies my interest. [3]
Do, mother permit me with joyful heart.
So that forest journey may pleasure impart.

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For reasons of love, by mistake, don’t fear,

All happiness will come by your blessings, mother. [4]

1090 Completing fourteen years of forest life
Fulfilling the words of father,
I’ll be back and again be at your feet
Entertain no sorrow, mother." [53]
Words of Rama, respectful and tender,
Hit mother’s heart as arrows, made it suffer.
She withered, though words were cool, tender,
As dries prickly grass by rain water. [1]
One could not describe her hearts pain sore,
As is a deer, hearing lion’s loud roar.
1100 Eyes were full of water, her whole form quivered,
As fish taking foam of the first rain, suffered. [2]
She gathered courage and saw her son’s face,
Then spoke to Him with delightful grace.
“Son, You have ever been to him dear as soul.
When he heard of Your deeds, father felt whole. [3]

Fixed auspicious day for Your coronation,

For what fault, exiled You to forest, my son?
Tell me, my son, reasons full an entire,
Who has been to Solar family fierce fire?" [4]

1110 Seeing Rama’s willingness, the son of a minister
Described the reasons in full,
Hearing whole story, she was turned dumb,
Her pain was indescribable. [54]
She couldn’t keep Rama, nor could she say ‘Go’
Both courses were to her heart painful so.
She thought of ways of Providence, to all, did harm,
While going to write moon, wrote Rahu demon. [1]

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Love and duty both pulled her to their way,

She was in the state of mole and snake, say.
1120 “If I intervene, don’t let Rama go
I miss duty, ill will in brothers I sow. [2]
If I say ‘Go to forest’ then too I lose."
She found herself in a fix, which way to choose.
Wise queen considered duties of good woman,
Held Rama and Bharat both sons as one. [3]

Rama’s mother was simple by very nature.

She mustered all courage, these words to utter,
“My son, I fondle, You have acted well,
To obey parents, best of religions, they tell, [4]

1130 King promised coronation and gave forests
But that is not pain in main.
Tour absence to Bharat, as well as to King
And subjects will mean sore pain. [55]
If it be, son, only Your father’s order
Don’t go, considering mother as superior.
But if father and mother both did propose
The forest is like hundred Ayodhyas. [1]
God of forest as father, goddess mother would be
Birds, animals would serve lotus feet with glee.
1140 Forest is quite right for kings in old age,
It is Your tender age that does pain presage. [2]

Forest is fortunate, Avadh unlucky believe,

Which pride of Raghu’s line opted to leave.
If I propose, son, that You take me with You,
I am sure, in Your heart You would feel that too. [3]
My son, You are love of all and sundry,
You’re soul’s soul, heart’s life. It’s no lie.
Such You say, ‘To forest, I am going, mother’,
And I hear that, sitting wailing here! [4]


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1150 Thinking so, I do not insist any more

Making of love mere mockery.
I fondle, my son, keep the relationship fresh
And do not forget Your mummy. [56]
All gods and manes may protect You,
O Lord, as lids with eyes do.
Period is water, fish dear near ones.
You are mine of mercy and support religions. [1]
Do therefore consider, be so acting.
That You may meet them while they are living.
1160 I fondle to forest go unmolested
Leave servants, family, town, unprotected. [2]
Effect of their good deeds is ending today.
Hard times have gone against us, this day."
She wept bitterly, clung to Rama’s feet
Extremely unlucky herself did treat. [3]
In heart there was pain unbearable,
Agonies various were indescribable.
He lifted mother up to His heart embraced,
And then, her in very sweet words solaced. [4]

1170 Sita came to know the developments then,
And in restlessness She rose.
Went to mother-in-law, prayed her lotus feet,
Sat, head bent, in sorrowful pose. [57]
Mother-in-law in very sweet words blessed Her,
And was restless on seeing Her age tender.
With Her head low, Sita was sitting and thought,
Treasure of beauty, with pure love for Rama fraught, [1]
“For forest, Lord of life will shortly leave
Who is fortunate to go with Him, let us conceive
1180 Soul and body both or the soul alone?
Ways of the Providence can be hardly known." [2]

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With the nails of beautiful feet, earth She scratched

Sound this made by anklets, by poet was matched,
As if the anklets did Her feet entreat
They be not separated from Her lotus feet. [3]
From eyes of Sita tears were flowing down
Seeing which, sweetly spoke mother of Ram(a).
“Listen to me, Sita is so tender, son,
She is dear to us, family and everyone. [4]

1190 Her father, Janak, is so great amongst kings,
Father-in-law, sun of Solar race,
For the lily forest of Solar family,
Mate is moon, house of virtue, grace. [58]
Then such a daughter-in-law I did get.
House of beauty, good mannered, considerate
I made Her pupil of my eye and loved
And I, my soul with Her love tied. [1]

I’ve nurtured Her as a Kalpa-Tree twig,

Gave water of love, and made it grow big.
1200 When it flowered to bear fruit, God was opposed
What turn it will take cannot be supposed. [2]
Sita never stepped out over rough ground
Bed, cushion, lap or swing always She found.
Like life-restoring drug I kept Her secure,
To raise wick of lamp I never asked, sure. [3]

The same Sita is now to go to forest

Raghunath, what do You at this moment suggest?
The partridge that ever loved nectar of moon
How could She fix gaze on the brilliant sun? [4]

1210 Elephants, lions, demons, live in the forests
Many an evil creature roams
Could Sanjivani, the life giving herb,
Fit in a garden of poisons? [59]
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Creator made girls of Kols and Bhils
With no pleasure sense, for forests and hills.
Who’ve hard nature of stone creatures,
Feel no hardship whatever in jungle features. [1]
Wives of ascetics suit that circumstance,
Who have severed pleasures for several penance.
1220 Son, can Sita live in forests there
Who fears monkey drawn in a picture? [2]
Could a swan that roams in lotus forest
Of the lake of gods ever in pool rest?
Consider all this and tell me Your view,
I may, accordingly, advise Sita to do." [3]
Mother says, “If here Sita could stay
I will be finding great support that way."
Rama heard the sweet speech of the mother,
Saturated with love and sympathy nectar. [4]

1230 Rama pacified mother with words so sweet
And at the same time discreet
And then, with a view to teach Janaki too,
Pros cons of forest did treat. [60]
Felt shy to talk to Her before mother,
Circumstances pressed Him to do so, however,
“O Princess, listen to Me as I advise
Do not let any misunderstanding arise. [1]
If You have in mind Your good and mine,
Stay at home, act on My advice fine.
1240 My will and service to mother will thus be done.
Your stay, lady, will do good to everyone. [2]
No religion higher than this, one would meet,
Worship with respect of mother-in-law’s feet.
As and when mother has thoughts of Me,
Losing balance, in love restless she’ll be, [3]

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On such occasions old history You’ll say,

With sweet words You’ld her feelings allay.
O fine faced, on hundred oaths I say,
For mother’s sake only, I want You to stay. [4]

1250 You reap so easily fruits of all religions
Taught by Vedas and teachers,
Self-will brought about only miseries
To Nahush, Galab Muni and others. [61]
Keeping father’s words, O beautiful and wise,
I’ll soon be back, here, so have no surmise.
Time glides away fast, do not take amiss.
Pretty lady, do act on My advice. [1]
If You still persist O lady, for love,
Know very great sufferings You’re going to have.
1260 Forests are fearful and hard to live.
Sun, cold, rain, wind, great troubles all give. [2]

There are grass, thorns, and gravels, all over.

You’ll have to walk on them, with no shoes to wear.
Your lotus feet are fine and tender,
High mountains, difficult to cross are all there. [3]
Narrow valleys, caves, rivers, rivulets, streams,
Not passable and deep, their view fearful seems.
Elephants, bears, wolves, lions, tigers roar,
Their very sounds take away peace from core. [4]

1270 One sleeps on the ground, puts on tree barks,
For food takes bulbs, roots, fruits,
They also are not available always,
Can be had at the time, them suits. [62]
Demons, man caters roam about here and there,
They assume crores of forms, cunning and clever.

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Water of the mountains is very harmful,

Difficulties of forests are indescribable. [1]

Fearful snakes, birds, in forests are seen.

Gangs of demons take away men and women.
1280 At their mere thought, even brave do shrike
You, fawn eyes, are by nature so weak. [2]
You, of swan gait, never forests fit
They will put blame on Me when they hear of it.
A swan, nursed in Manas nectar water
Cannot in saline ocean proper. [3]

If a cuckoo that dwells on new mango grove,

Be put in thorny bamboos, does not behove.
Think over these points, and at home stay.
Moon faced, great miseries in forest lay. [4]

1290 He who won’t respectfully act on advice
Of teacher, lord, his well-wishers,
Has store of sorrows reserved for him,
His interest positively suffers." [63]
When Sita heard Her husband’s words tender,
Her beautiful eyes became full of water.
Most cooling advice proved burning to Her,
As autumn moon night does goose injure. [1]
Sita is restless, no reply She could make.
Her pure loving husband Her is to forsake.
1300 With strong will, Sita, Her tears controlled.
Earth’s daughter, Sita mustered courage and told, [2]

Mother-in-law, joining hands, touching her feet.

“O. goddess, excuse Me for My bold treat.
My Lord, to Me that very way did advise,
Wherein My own interest in full lies. [3]
But I too have thought in my mind and find
No pain equals being left, by Lord, behind." [4]

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“Lord of soul, house of mercy, handsome,

Giver of comforts and wise,
1310 O moon for the lily of Raghu’s line,
With You absent, heaven, as hell I despise." [64]
Mother, father and sisters, also dear brothers,
Loving family and number of sympathisers
Mothers-in-law and teachers, gentlemen and helpers,
Sons, well behaved beautiful, great comforters, [1]
O Lord, all relationships of love and affection,
To a woman without husband are hotter than sun.
Wealth, house, earth, town, kingdom and body
For a woman without husband make sad assembly. [2]

1320 Comforts become painful, ornaments like a load,

The world becomes painful as pains from death god.
Lord of soul, without You, in the entire world
Nothing can give comfort to Me, as I’ve told. [3]
As body without soul, river without water,
So is a woman without her husband, O dear.
My Lord, in Your company is pleasure all,
When My eyes on the full moon of Your face will fall. [4]

With You, animals and birds will form family
Forests town, tree bark clothes fine.
1330 With You, cottage of mere leaves will prove
Source of comfort as gods’ heaven. [65]
Merciful gods and goddesses of the jungle will
Like father, mother in-law lovingly fondle.
Beautiful bed made of leaves and of grass
Will, with You, the quilts of Kama surpass. [1]
Roots, bulbs, sweet as nectar, will form food.
Mountains as mansions of Ayodhya, good.
Now and then view of lotus feet, I’ll choose.
Shall feel happy, as in the day, ruddy goose. [2]

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1340 Many troubles of the forest You have just said,

Fears, sorrows, difficulties as unlimited,
Kind Lord, they are nothing even when put together
Compared to a moment’s separation from master. [3]
O wise and eminent, consider it so
Don’t leave Me, let Me also with You go.
O Lord, what more shall I say in My request?
You are merciful and know all hearts so best. [4]

If You leave me in Ayodhya for the period fixed,
Be sure I shall not living be.
1350 O Merciful, O Beautiful, O Comfort-giver,
O Store of love and modesty. [66]
I shall never feel tired by walking, when
I look at Your lotus feet now and then.
In all ways, my Lord, I’ll be serving,
I’ll remove Your fatigue, caused by walking. [1]

Washing Your feet, seating You under a tree,

I shall be fanning You with utmost glee,
Seeing Your dark form with drops of sweat,
Where will there be room for Me pain to get? [2]
1360 Laying on some plain ground the leaves and grass
Massaging feet, Your maid will all night pass.
As I shall see so often Your tender form,
Hot winds shall certainly done no harm. [3]

With You, who can on Me cast his eye?

Hare and Jackal can’t ever lioness spy.
If I am tender, Lord, are You fit for forest?
Does austerity suit You and Me suits rest? [4]

If My heart did not burst and didn’t bleed
When I heard words so sore,
1370 Then the great pain of Lord’s separation
This wicked soul may endure." [67]
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Saying so Sita became very very sore,
Even mention of separation could not endure.
Observing Her condition Rama just thought
“If forced to stay She may survive not." [1]
The kind Lord of Solar family said,
“Leave pain and come with me to forest instead.
There is no occasion now, for sorrow to increase.
Get ready for journey to forests now, please." [2]
1380 With loving words to His love Rama explained,
Then touched mother’s feet and blessings obtained.
She said, “Return soon, restore people’s ease.
Don’t forget this hard hearted mother, please. [3]
O Providence, will ever my luck changed be?
Shall I with my eyes, charming couple see?
When will that auspicious hour and day dawn
When Your mother, in this life, sees face, like moon? [4]

O son, when shall I embrace You again,
Be glad to see beautiful form?
1390 Calling You, once more, ‘My son’, ‘Raghupati’
‘Raghubir’, ‘Darling’, ‘My charm’? [68]
Lost in love and restless He saw mother
So much that a word even she won’t utter.
Rama consoled His mother in many a way.
Love of that occasion, one could not say. [1]
Then Sita touched feet of the mother-in-law,
“How unfortunate, I am, mother, you just saw,
It was time to serve, to forest God sent,
And my wish of life He did not grant. [2]
1400 Don’t cease love, please let favours continue,
I may not be blamed, luck has its way through."
At words of Sita, mother worried and wailed.
How could one describe condition that prevailed? [3]

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Over and over again mother embraced her,

Gathering courage, did teachings administer.
“Till Ganges and Jamuna on earth do flow
May Your Lord’s life, too, to eternity go." [4]

Mother-in-law to Sita gave instructions
In ways many and different.
1410 Bowing again and again to her lotus feet
With great love, away Sita went. [69]
When Lakshman received news about the case
He got up, ran, losing the colour of his face.
Trembling, horripilating, tears flowing from eyes
Restless with love, to hold Rama’s feet he tries. [1]
Could not speak a word, stands, looks aghast,
helpless as a fish out of water cast.
Guesses what course the will of Providence will tend,
“All good deeds of mine have reached their end [2]

1420 For me, what is will of Rama going to be?

Will He take me along or just leave me?"
Rama noticed Lakshman, both hands gathered
All ties with body, home, all, severed.[3]
Rama, house of virtue, modesty and love,
Ocean of joy spoke in words that behove.
“Do not be worried by love, O brother,
Happiness, that would ultimately come, consider. [4]

Those who do by nature what they are ordered
By father, mother, lord, teacher,
1430 They alone reap full advantage of life
Or in the world, life did shatter, [70]
Keeping this in mind, brother, please do consider
Do service of feet of father and mother.

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Bharat and Shattrughan also are not at home.

King is old, and pain for me he suffers from. [1]

If I go to forest taking you with me,

Quite devoid of Lord, this Ayodhya would be.
Unbearably great calamity would befall,
To teacher, parents, subjects and all. [2]
1440 Stay here and thus keep all consoled,
Or we shall be committing a sin untold.
Whose dear subjects in misery dwell,
That King is definitely fit only for hell, [3]

Keep in mind this principle and stay at home."

When Lakshman heard this, he did miserable become.
Words were so soothing, still Lakshman withered
As the lotus, afflicted by frost, suffered, [4]

By reason of love, he made no answer,
Held Rama’s feet, quite restless.
1450 “O, Lord, I am servant and You master
If You leave me, I am helpless. [71]
Most excellent a point, my Lord did teach.
Due to my weakness I find it out of my reach.
They act up to Shastric injunctions
Who are great, bold, supporters of religions. [1]
I am mere child, nurtured in Your love deep,
Could a swan, Mandar and Meru on hold keep
I know not teacher, father or mother, none,
Believe me, my Lord, I do truly mention. [2]

1460 All relationships of faith, love, affection,

Of which the very Vedas have made mention,
For me, all relationships in You dwell,
O friend of lowly, knower of hearts well. [3]
Religion and morality be preached to those
Who keep fame, glory and salvation close.
Who loves Your feet only, by thought, word and deed,
O Ocean of mercy, could You leave him indeed?" [4]

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When the Lord merciful heard from good brother
This sweet and so humble a move,
1470 Embraced him, consoled him, as He found him
So afraid on account of love. [72]
“Go and secure sanction from kind mother
Come early and let us go to forest together."
At these words of Raghubir Lakshman felt glad
As if great loss ended, great gain was had. [1]

Lakshman approached mother with a heart so fain,

As if a blind has received his vision again.
As he reached, to her feet he bowed down his head,
Though heart was with Rama and Sita instead. [2]
1480 She noticed him sad and the reason inquired.
Lakshman told her all that had transpired.
Those hard words caused in Sumittra much fear,
As to a deer, all around forest fire. [3]

Lakshman feared if some misfortune should befall

For great love, mother might spoil game all.
To seek leave, hesitated as with fear fraught,
“Providence! Will she permit me or will she not?" [4]

Knowing their modesty and sweet nature
And King’s great love for them both,
1490 Sumittra beat her head, said. “Evil Kaikai,
Played untimely mischief in troth." [73]
As occasion demanded she gathered strength
Said in natural affectionate tone at length.
“O son, deem Sita to be your mother,
Rama as your father, in every way tender. [1]
Wherever Rama be, deem it Avadh all right,
It is day wherever sun is shining bright.

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If to forest, really Rama and Sita do go,

You have no business at Ayodhya, you should know. [2]

1500 Teacher, father, mother, brother, gods and lords

Are all to be served, as soul one guards.
Rama is dear to soul, life of every life at best.
He is universal friend, without any self-interest. [3]
Dear ones who are fit for worship and have charm
Are worshipable only in relation to Ram(a).
Realising it so, go with him to forest
And reap life’s good, in full and at best. [4]

Son, you are very fortunate and so am I.
I fondle you, and caress,
1510 As your heart has rested at Shri Rama’s feet,
With all purity and selflessness. [74]
That woman alone in the world has a son
Whose issue, the love for Rama’s feet has won,
Barrenness is so good, motherhood is in vain
If from a son, against Rama, hopes she does gain. [1]
If Rama goes to forest, it is only for your sake,
There cannot ever be any other thing at stake.
The great fruit of great deeds is this alone
– Natural love for Rama’s and Sita’s feet own. [2]

1520 Even in dream, be not slave at any instance,

To desire, anger, envy, pride and ignorance.
Keep off disorders of every sort and breed
Serve Rama, Sita, with your thought, words, and deed. [3]
In every way you will have in forest comfort
In Rama Sita you’ve father’s mother’s support.
To you, my son, instruction is, from me,
No trouble comes to Rama in forests, you should see. [4]

My advice is this, that you should never miss
To provide all comforts to Ram(a).
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1530 You should see, He forget, all pleasure that He gets,

From father, mother, family and town. [1]
Poet Tulsidas says, thus instruction, she lays
Permission and blessings, did repeat.
That with every dawn, true deep love be born
For Rama’s and Sita’s feet, [2]
At mother’s feet he put his head
And left with a fear lurking within heart.
As if luckily a deer had fled
Breaking snare’s loop powerful and strong. [75]
1540 Lakshman went, where Rama was expected to be.
Finding beloved’s company he was very happy.
His head at their beautiful feet did place.
In their Company Lakshman reached King’s palace. [1]

Men, women of the town did mutually say

“After fully setting up, Creator spoiled play."
Their body is thin, face sad, pain in heart
Restless as are bees when with honey they part. [2]
They rub hands, beat their heads and bewail
As a wingless bird flutters, to no avail.
1550 At King’s palace door, there was big assembly.
One could not describe endless misery. [3]

They helped King enabling him to sit up,

Saying sweet words that Rama had come up.
He saw Rama and Sita – personalities twain
Which made him exceedingly restless in pain. [4]

Seeing Sita with his two sons beautiful
The King does restless become.
On account of his great love for them all
Hugs them often to his bosom. [76]

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1560 Restless, King is unable one word to speak
Born of grief, burning has reached its peak.
Putting head at his feet, Rama sought to receive
In all humility his permission to leave. [1]
“Permit me and bless me, respected father,
At a moment of joy, why sorrow suffer?
Failure in duty due to love for beloved
Will bring bad name, all fame will have fled." [2]

At these words, due to affection, King rose

Taking Raghupati’s arm he seated Him close.
1570 “Listen, son, about You the Muni’s so call,
That Rama is the Lord of universe all. [3]
God judges and He grants suitable award
In accordance with deeds done, good or bad.
It is the order that fruits of deeds come
All world says so, even Vedas affirm. [4]

Here one commits sin but the fruit does go
To quite another person.
God’s ways are queer and inscrutable,
Who can in the world know them?" [77]
1580 With a view to keep back Rama from His intent,
King tried other ways, to his heart’s content.
“He would go" when that was the King’s surmise,
As he was support of religion, grave and wise. [1]

Then King hugged Sita so close to his heart

And with all affection did teachings impart.
Narrated to Her forest hardships sore
Compared with love that for Her, he and mothers bore. [2]
But Sita’s heart was tied to Rama’s feet.
Home life easy, forest difficult, She won’t treat.
1590 Many others also did to Sita explain,
Telling Her about forest, distresses and pain [3]

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Minister’s wife, teacher’s wife, many other

With affection did in sweet words confer.
“The exile has not been ordered for You
Do what teacher, father, mother, wish You to do." [4]

Advice cool, useful, sweet and tender,
Did not to Janaki appeal.
As rays of autumn night moon do harm
To ruddy goose, so did She feel. [78]
1600 Sita made no answer due to Her shy mood.
At this talk Kaikai’s face grew red, she stood,
She brought muni’s bowl, beads, girdle and cloak
Placed them in their front and gently spoke, [1]
“You are loved like soul by the King, O Son,
Being weak, love and modesty he cannot shun.
He will virtue reputation, other world, forgo
But to forests he’ll never permit You to go. [2]

It is, therefore, that You should do what You please."

Rama’s pleasures did, at mother’s words, increase.
1610 But to King, queen’s words seemed as an arrow,
He wondered why his life did not go, [3]
King fell down in swoon, all restless were,
“What should now be done, no one could discover,
Rama at once adopted the form of a saint.
Bending head to father and mother, He went. [4]

With the paraphernalia of forest life,
In company with wife and brother,
Praying to the feet of teacher and Brahmins
Rama left, all senseless were. [79]
1620 Rama left, halted at Vashishtha Muni’s door
Saw men burning in separation fire sore.

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With affectionate words pacified them all,

Then party of Brahmins, Rama did call. [1]

With Guru’s sanction, gave a year’s ration.

By affection, charity, respect, did govern,
Satisfied suppliants, with respect, charity,
Pleased all friends by His love full of purity. [2]
Servants, maid-servants He invited.
Gave Guru their charge, joined hands and said.
1630 “O Lord, like father and mother to care.
Please do all needed for their welfare." [3]

With palms joined He made appeal to them

In most sweet language, again and again
“He is my friend, most near and dear
Whose efforts keep King ever in good cheer. [4]

O, my wise and discreet citizens
Do please be adopting that way,
That due to my separation, the mothers
Don’t have pain or dismay. [80]
1640 Thus Rama explained and pacified all,
With joy at the feet of Guru did fall,
Praying to Ganesh, Parvati and Shankar,
Rama, left, getting blessings of the teacher. [1]
At His departure very great sorrow prevailed.
One couldn’t bear lamentations they wailed.
Ill omens in Lanka, in Ayodhya all pain,
In the land of gods were joy and sorrows twain. [2]

Unconsciousness waning, King Dashrath woke

He called Sumant and to him thus spoke.
1650 “Rama has left for forest, my soul doesn’t leave,
Dwelling in this body could a joy it conceive? [3]
What other suffering could exceed present one
At which, this body, my soul would abandon.?"
Gathering courage, King Dashratha thus continued
“Take a chariot and accompany Rama to the wood." [4]

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“So very tender are the brothers twain,
Tender is Janak’s daughter Sita.
Seat them in the chariot and showing forest,
Shortly return to Ayodhya. [81]
1660 If the brothers, grave solemn, do not come back,
Ocean of truth, who never determination lack,
With joined palms beg Rama, for whole of Ayodhya,
To send back daughter of the King of Mithila. [1]

When Sita shows fear at forest scene,

Tell Her my advice, at opportunity keen.
Put before Her out messages straight,
Come back, daughter, forest difficulties are great. [2]
At father’s or father-in-law’s, of course,
Stay wherever it be sweet will of yours.
1670 Thus make many efforts and all at length.
If She comes back, my soul would get great strength, [3]

Otherwise I shall be of my life bereft,

One can do nothing Creator goes left.
Show to me Rama Lakshman Sita soon."
So saying the King again fell in a swoon. [4]

Getting these orders, Sumantra bent his head,
Got a chariot, equipped with care,
Soon drove to the outskirts of the town
Where both brothers and Sita were. [82]
1680 There Sumantra message of King repeated,
With prayer, got Rama in chariot seated.
In the chariot sat two brothers and Sita
And started, bending head to Ayodhya. [1]
Seeing them going and Ayodhya lordless,
All persons followed the chariot, restless.

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The Lord of Mercy does console them much.

They turn, again turn back for love as such. [2]

To them very fearful Ayodhya appeareth,

As if it were dire dark night of death.
1690 Citizens of Ayodhya experienced fear,
See one another as beasts full of terror. [3]
House seemed cemetery, family members host,
Sons, friends, well-wishers as Death god’s host.
Garden, trees and creepers, so withered appeared.
To look at tanks and rivers one so much feared. [4]

Horses, elephants and crores of Kept deer,
Town, cattle and sparrow hawks,
Cuckoos, parrots, starlings, cranes and swans
Red-legged partridges, peacocks. [83]
1700 Inflicted with Rama’s separation, Stand,
Still, as if pictures painted by hand,
Ayodhya thick garden with fruits laden,
People were the birds and animals therein, [1]

The Creator made Kaikai the Bhil woman

Who set fearful fire in every direction.
They could not face fire of separation from Ram(a)
In restless condition, hither and thither ran. [2]
They all came to decision within their heart
Without Rama, Lakhan, Sita, there was no comfort.
1710 Wherever Rama, stays, all people would stay
At Ayodhya, without Rama, no business had they, [3]
They followed Rama, that decision in mind set,
Leaving home comforts which even gods would covet.
The hearts that hold Rama’s lotus feet dear,
The pleasures of senses can never conquer. [4]

Left aged and children to stay at home,
All persons accompanied Ram(a),
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Who put up on the bank of river Tamsa

That was His first day’s programme. [84]
1720 Rama found all lost in love they bore,
Sympathetic by nature He felt so sore.
Lord Rama is exceedingly full of mercy,
Pain of others, He sees instantly. [1]
With all love, in fine loving words He said,
Employed all means, the people to persuade.
Many religious discourses too He gave.
But they won’t return for the love they have. [2]

They are unable to forgo love and affection.

Rama found Himself in a tight position.
1730 Due to sorrow and fatigue people fall sleep
Partly, delusion for gods worked deep. [3]
When six hours of that night had run,
To the minister, Rama made sweet mention.
“Drive of chariot zig zag way, will no track leave.
No other way will work, as I conceive." [4]

Rama Lakshman and Sita sat in the chariot
Bowing to the feet of Shankar.
The minister drove away chariot soon
Leaving no track, whatsoever. [85]
1740 At day break, the people woke up from sleep,
“Rama has gone away" – this they cry and weep,
Run all around, for the car track inclined
Saying “Rama, O Rama", but track don’t find. [1]
They are miserable as businessmen of renown
Whose ship laden with cargo sank down.
One expressed his opinion to the other,
“Rama left us lest we all people should suffer." [2]
They condemn themselves and fish they praise,
“Life without Rama, they do not appraise.

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1750 If Creator has planned parting with the love,

Why could he not, death at asking give?" [3]

Thus lamenting, bewailing and groaning

To Ayodhya they came back, all moaning.
Who could describe intensity of their pain?
Hoping period to end, they life maintain. [4]

Men and women commenced fasting and penance
In order to meet Rama again,
As do male, female, ruddy geese and lotus
In sun’s absence feel great pain. [86]
1760 Both brothers with Sita and minister
Reached Shringverpur town thereafter.
Seeing the Ganges, Rama made a descent
With very great pleasure His head He bent. [1]

Lakshman, minister and Sita too bowed.

With all, Rama felt with pleasure endowed.
Ganga is the source of pleasure, happiness,
Gives all joy, washes off unhappiness. [2]
Rama described history and references,
Watches the waves of the great river Ganges
1770 To the minister, to Lakshman and Sita
Said glories of God’s great river Ganga. [3]

They took bath, fatigue was thereby washed.

Drinking holy water, they felt refreshed.
Whose mere remembrance great fatigue would sway
He is fatigued, this is but worldly way. [4]

The pure one, one with truth, life and peace,
High banner of family of Sun,
Behaves as an ordinary human being,
Which is bridge to cross world’s ocean. [87]

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1780 When Guha, head of fisherman, heard this,

He summoned relatives, dear ones of his.
Put for presentation roots, fruits in swing.
With endless joy moved for the meeting. [1]
He bowed to Rama and presents did place.
With great love Guha saw Shri Rama’s face
Rama, drawn by his natural love, inquired
Welfare and, to sit near Him He required. [2]

“Seeing Your lotus feet, O Lord, I am gay

In the list of lucky ones, I am, today.
1790 This earth, all wealth and houses are Yours.
I am, with family, mean servant, of course. [3]
Be graciously pleased to enter the town.
Let my luck be praised, bestow great renown."
“Your words are perfectly true, O my friend,
But father’s orders for me are so different. [4]

For years fourteen I should live in forests,
Like muni’s dress, act and eat.
It is, therefore, not for me to enter a town."
Guha felt so grieved at the treat. [88]
1800 Seeing faces of Rama, Sita, and Lakshman,
Men, women of the town, with love mention,
“What type of persons their parents must be
Who sent to forest such children three?" [1]
One said, “In my view, King acted so well.
God gave us, thereby, joys of eyes, I tell."
The chief of fishermen thought of place for stay
Found big Shisham tree best in every way. [2]
Taking Rama with him, that place to Him showed.
Rama called it comfortable, hence He approved.
1810 Citizens, paid respects, to their homes returned.
And then Rama to evening worship turned. [3]
Here Guha lays down a bed of soft leaves,
Of Kusha Grass, as best as he conceives,

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Choosing fruits and roots, most delicious and sweet,

He put, with leaf cups full of water neat. [4]

Rama did those bulbs, and roots, and fruits,
With brother, Sita, Sumantra, eat.
Then jewel of the family of Raghu lay down
And the brother massaged His feet. [89]
1820 Finding Rama asleep, Lakhan rose and addressed
In sweet words praying minister too, to rest.
At a fair distance equipped with bow and arrows
Kept watch, sitting in the style, brave shows. [1]

Guha also called his dependable watchmen,

And fondly posted them at each station.
And he personally sat near to Lakshman,
Quiver tied to his waist, arrows and bow on. [2]
Watching Lord asleep, Guha felt painful,
Due to great love, his heart was with sorrow full.
1830 He was horripilating, from eyes tears ran.
To Lakshman he spoke in most loving tone - [3]

“The palace of Dasharath, so beautiful and fit,

Even mansion of Indra could not match it,
It has attic studded with many a gem,
As if Kama, the husband of Rati, made them. [4]

Sacred, queer, furnished with comforts all
Scented with essence of flowers,
There are excellent beds and jeweled lights
Every possible comfort showers. [90]
1840 With beddings, coverings, quilts, pillows dight,
Soft as milk foam, beautiful and white.
There, Rama and Sita used to sleep
With their grace Rati and Kama down keep. [1]

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Same Rama and Sita sleep on bed of grass.

Exhausted, without cloth, night they pass.
Whom parents and family men and citizens,
Servants, maid-servants, sweet companions. [2]
Looked after with care as their very soul,
That very same Rama, on earth does roll.
1850 Who has Janak as father, of world renown,
Father-in-law Dashratha, as friend of Indra known, [3]

Who has Rama as husband, that Sita same

Sleeps on ground. Fate ever adverse became.
Could Sita and Rama forest life fit?
Luck predominates, how very true is it? [4]

Daughter of Kaikaya land, the evil minded
Did mischief exceedingly bad,
Who banished Rama and Janaki to forest
When full comfort they should have had. [91]
1860 To the Sun’s race-tree she has proved to be axe.
The evil minded one pained all universe."
The fisherman experienced extreme pain
Seeing Rama and Sita lying on ground plain [1]
Lakshman spoke words so sweet and pleasant
With knowledge, renunciation and love pregnant.
“O brother, none is giver of pleasures or pains,
Fruits of actions done – that alone one retains. [2]
Meeting, parting or good and bad fruits
Friend, foe, indifferent, in illusion have roots,
1870 Birth and death, wealth or poverty, all,
All worldly troubles, all good luck and fall, [3]
All land, house, wealth, town and family,
Heaven and hell and all dealings worldly,
All things seen or heard of in imagination
Have ignorance as base, not salvation. [4]


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As in a dream, King may turn a pauper

For a pauper, Indra, lord of Heaven.
When awake, there is neither gain nor any loss,
Deem so worldly affairs even. [92]
1880 Thinking so there is no reason for anger
Why put blame unnecessarily on some, brother?
All are asleep in the night of delusion,
And see dreams of every different fashion. [1]
Yogis are awake in the night of the world
Seeker of true aim, free from delusion’s hold.
Consider in the world that spirit awake,
When to pleasures, enjoyments, it does not take. [2]
Discretion, delusion of ignorance drives.
It is then that the love for Rama’s feet arrives.
1890 This, O friend, most vital aim treat.
Love in thought, word, deed, for Rama’s feet. [3]
Rama is the very Brahma, truest aim Him guess,
Unknowlable, unseeable, beginingless, matchless.
Free from all disorders, perfectly neutral,
Of whom, Vedas Not this alone" do tell. [4]

That very Lord, merciful for sake of devotee,
For earth, Brahmin, cow and gods
Acts in human form and in worldly ways
At hearing which, go world’s frauds. [93]
1900 Friend, know this and shake off ignorance all
Absorbed, at the feet of Sita-Rama fall."
Talk on Rama’s glories was on, day broke.
Rama, universal source of happiness, woke. [1]
Attending to nature, Rama took His bath
That pure, all knowing, milk of banyan tree got.
Matted His own hair and also of brother
Viewing which, water filled eyes of minister. [2]

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Fire burnt in his heart, his face did fade,

Hands joined, in very humble words he said,
1910 “My Lord, King of Kaushala told me so,
Take chariot along and with Rama go, [3]
Show them forest and bathing in the Ganges.
Bring back the two brothers very soon, please.
For doubts and suspense, leave no room,
Bring back Rama Lakshman and Sita home. [4]

This is what he said, now it is You to order
I fondle, my Lord, Master."
Thus saying Sumantra fell at Rama’s feet
Like a child he wept so bitter. [94]
1920 “O Lord, please take only that course which
Will not leave Avadh an unprotected wretch."
Rama lifted up minister and consoled
You have known all religion, principles old. [1]
Shibi, Dadhichi and King Harish Chandra bore
For the sake of religion, calamities a crore.
King Bali and Rantideva, full of knowledge,
Bore immense sufferings, kept religious pledge. [2]
Vedas, Shastras, Puranas hold, forsooth,
There has been no religion higher than truth.
1930 That religion I have found so easily,
If, left, bad name in three worlds would be. [3]
For a person respectable, ignominy
Like crores of deaths, brings great misery.
What more can I say to a person like you?
I would be a great sinner if I argue. [4]

Holding King’s feet, crores of compliments say.
With joined palms place this plea.
He should not entertain within his heart
Least worry on account of Me. [95]
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1940 You, too, are My well-wisher like father,
To respectfully submit, I seek favour.
It is also, in every way, your duty
To see he suffers not, thinking of Me." [1]
Hearing Rama’s, minister’s conversation
Chief of fisherman and his family moan.
Thereon, Lakshman said some words angry
Lord admonished him for his impropriety. [2]

With hesitations He put Sumantra under oath

Not to convey to King message of Lakhan, loath.
1950 King’s message, the minister mentioned again
“Sita could not stand forest strain. [3]
So it becomes Your duty, my son,
To see that Sita does to Avadh return.
Otherwise, with no support altogether,
I shall not live, as a fish, out of water. [4]

At mother’s place or at father-in-law’s
Are comforts, it on You depends
To stay with pleasure wherever You please
Till night of calamity ends." [96]
1960 Beseeching that King fervently made
Its love and humility could not be said.
Lord merciful, hearing what father conveys
Advised Sita in crores of ways. [1]

“If You go back that will end all their throes,

Of dear ones, citizens, Guru family, in laws."
She said when She learnt Shri Rama’s goal
“Listen to Me, My most dear Lord of soul. [2]
You, all knowledge, all mercy, will You please say
From body, can shadow ever be kept way?
1970 Where shall light be if the sun it shuns?
Can moonlight exist when it moon abandons?" [3]

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Thus mentioning to Lord, Her humble prayer

In pleasant words Sita told the minister,
“You are well-wisher like father and father-in-law
If I argue in answer, that would be flaw. [4]

It is with great respect that I make hold to say
I beg, do not misunderstand.
Removed from the feet of the son of Arya
World’s relationships for Me, end. [97]
1980 I’ve seen My father’s great grandeur,
Whose footstool, Kings’ diadems rub sure.
House of such a father, with comforts full
In Lord’s absence wouldn’t prove cheerful. [1]
Universal monarch father-in-law, the King,
Whose glories in fourteen universes ring.
To welcome him, Indra, gods’ king, comes down
And seats him on the half of his own throne. [2]

Glorious father-in-law, Avadh to stay at,

Mother-like mothers-in-law, family affectionate,
1990 Without the dust of lotus feet of My Lord
Even in dream, would not find My concord. [3]
Impassable tracks, forest land, mountains,
Vast rivers and lakes, lions and elephants,
Kols and Bhils, birds, deer of the forest,
In Lord’s company give me perfect rest. [4]

Therefore, touching feet of in-laws, pray tell
My most humble sincere request.
Do not be at all worried on my account,
I am very very happy in forest. [98]
2000 With Me, My Lord and His younger brother
Bravest of brave bearing bow arrowful quiver,

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Neither fatigue, will come not delusion, nor pain.

Least worry on My account will be in vain." [1]

Soothing speech of Sita was for him spell,

He was restless as snake at the loss of jewel.
Eyes refused to see and ears would not hear.
Extremely restless, he could no word utter. [2]
Rama consoled minister in many a way,
Even then he could not get peace, be gay.
2010 For their return Sumantra all means employed,
But Rama, to His efforts suitably replied. [3]

Rama’s will shall be done, there is no way out

One is helpless with fate, there is in this no doubt.
To Rama, Lakhan, Sita, he made his head fall
And turned as a businessman losing his all. [4]

He drove the chariot but the horses thereof
Looked and looked at Rama and neighed.
Seeing it the fishermen, lost in great sorrow,
Beat their heads and were dismayed. [99]
2020 “At whose parting, even animals so grieve
How will the mother, father and subject live?"
Rama urged Sumantra to go back, please.
Himself came to the bank of Ganges. [1]
He asked for the boat, boatman would not bring.
He said, “I have known secret of Your thing
Of the dust of Your lotus feet, they so inform
It is herb to transform one into human form. [2]

At mere touch, rock, slab became woman

Wood is not certainly harder than stone.
2030 If my boat also turns as Muni’s wife,
With it I lose my very bread of life. [3]
I maintain my family by earnings of this
And know not any other craft or business.
If, my Lord, You are keen to cross the river
Permit me to wash Your lotus feet before. [4]

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Washing lotus feet yours, I will take you, of course,
No ferry charges I’ll demand.
By You, Rama I swear, oath of Dasharath bear,
I submit truth at my command. [1]
2040 Lakshman may well kill, me at his sweet will,
But, till Your feet I do wash
O Lord of Tulsi, House of all mercy,
I shall not be taking You across." [2]
Hearing the words of the boatman,
Saturated with love, seeming very queer,
Smiled, house of mercy Rama,
Casting glance at Janaki and Lakshman. [100]
The ocean of mercy smiled and said,
“Do only what will not have your boat fled.
2050 Bring water early and so have feet washed,
It is getting late, we should have by now crossed." [1]
By merely remembering once whose name,
People across the boundless world ocean,
In less than three steps, measure universe can,
That Lord merciful is begging of the boatman. [2]
Seeing nails of His feet, river Ganges was glad,
Who hearing Rama’s words some delusion had had.
The boatman now securing Rama’s sanction,
Got a large shallow wooden tub of water anon. [3]

2060 With great joy, pleasure in his heart rushing

Lotus feet of the Lord he commenced washing.
Gods showered flowers and praises with glee -
“There is none so very fortunate as he." [4]

Washing Rama’s feet, he and his whole family

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Drank some of holy water.

Thus enabling manes cross ocean of world
Took them gladly across the river. [101]
Reaching the other bank, stood on sandy shore,
Rama, Lakshman, Sita and Guha, all the four.
2070 The boatman came down and bowed before them.
Rama was shy that He had given nothing to him. [1]
Of the heart of Her love, Sita knew everything.
Very gladly She took out Her own jeweled ring.
Said merciful Lord. “Receive fee for ferry."
The boatman fell at His feet restlessly. [2]
“My Lord, what is there I have not got today
Fire of poverty, pain, faults, gone away?
I have been labouring for a long period
Providence has today ample payment bestowed. [3]
2080 My Lord, I do not require anything more
Through Your grace, great mercifulness Your.
On return journey, whatever you’ll give, me, Lord,
I’ll take, put on my head, with fullest accord." [4]

Rama Lakshman and Sita entreated him much
But the boatman will agree to none.
The House of Mercy sweetly made His return
Giving boon of love and devotion. [102]
Lord of Raghu’s line had His bath then.
Worshiped Shiva and bent His head before Him.
2090 Sita joined Her hands and said to Ganges
“Fulfill all desires of My heart, please. [1]

So that, with My Lord and His brother, I come

Hale hearty and have your worship done."
Hearing words of Sita saturated with love,
From pure waters sweet voice then rose above. [2]
“Listen to me, Janaki, beloved of Rama, please.

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Who, in the world, does not know Your glories?

By virtue of Your look, one Lokpal becomes.
All successes worship You with joined palms. [3]
2100 You placed respectful request before me,
It was favour, You did me honour thereby.
Even then I will be gladly giving You blessings,
And thus make my own speech truth bearing. [4]

You shall be returning to Ayodhya
Hale with Your Lord and His brother.
May all wishes of Your heart fructify in full
And glory spread, all world over." [103]
At the words of Ganges, source of all joy pleasure
Sita gladdened, seeing river of gods in favour.
2110 Then Rama asked Guha to go back home.
His face lost colour, he did sorrowful become. [1]
Joining hands he made very humble speech
“Jewel of Raghu’s Line, listen to me, I beseech,
Let me be with You to guide You in the ways,
And serve lotus feet for only a few days. [2]

In the forest, O Rama, wherever You stay

A hut of leaves for You, I’ll set up by the way.
Whatever Your wishes, and Your orders would be
I swear by You, I’ll carry out, truly." [3]
2120 Rama noticed his love, simple and sincere,
Took him along. Guha became full of cheer.
Then Guha called out to all his fellow men,
Gave them consolation, sent them back again. [4]

Remembering Ganesh and Shankar, then Rama
To the river of gods He did pray.
In company of Sita, Lakshman and the friend
To the forests, He made His way. [104]
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That day, they made halt just under a tree.

Lakshman and Guha arranged all comforts quickly.
2130 Next day, Rama, morning duties attending,
Saw Prayag – of pilgrimage centres’ The King. [1]
His minister - truth, devotion - beloved queen,
Well-wishing friends like Beni-Madhava had been.
With four desired objects, His store was full,
That sacred place was the King’s domain real. [2]

That centre – fine, fort strong, impregnable,

Which sin – the enemy - could not enter at all.
All other holy centres were brave soldiers,
Could drive and kill enemy – sin – if it enters. [3]
2140 The confluence of rivers is his throne so nice.
Akshai Tree – canopy, munies’ hearts does entice.
Waves of Ganga, Jamuna are flappers there.
At the sight of which, pain, poverty disappear. [4]

Holy saints and doers of sacred deeds
Serve and receive their heart’s aim.
Vedas and Puranas are the bards thereof,
His noble virtue to proclaim. [105]
Who could the glories of Prayag define?
For the group of elephants of sins, it is lion.
2150 Seeing King of holy centres beautiful,
House of pleasures, Rama, got pleasure ample. [1]

He told Sita, Lakshman, and His friend

By His own tongue, Prayag’s glories without end.
Paying respects, He sees forests, gardens,
Describes their glories with admirations. [2]
Thus they came and saw three river’s confluence
Remembering which gives pleasures in affluence.
They bathed with joy and worshiped Shiv(a)
To gods of holy centres worship did give. [3]
2160 Then Rama visited Bharadwaj’s place.
While bowing, the Muni took Him in embrace.

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The joy of Muni’s heart cannot be told,

Joy of eternal spirits, as if he did hold. [4]

The great Rishi gave Rama choicest blessings,
With all heart, and he so reads,
As if the Providence has brought to his view
The fruit of his all good deeds. [106]
Inquiring of welfare, offered them seat,
Satisfied them, worshipping with devotion sweet.
2170 Placed before them bulbs, roots, shoots and fruits,
Sweet, as if were very nectar’s offshoots. [1]
Rama, Sita, Lakshman, Guha all together,
Ate nice fruits, roots, with great pleasure.
Exhaustion gone, Rama felt cheerful.
Then Bharadwaj spoke in words beautiful. [2]
“My penance, my pilgrimage, renunciation,
Bore fruit today, yoga, name-repetition.
All my noble efforts fructified today,
As I see You before me, Rama, this day. [3]

2180 There is no greater joy, no happiness greater

Viewing You I have obtained all wishes here.
Now be pleased to give me this one great boon,
– The love of Your lotus feet, natural and soon. [4]

Till one becomes Yours shedding completely
From thought, word, deed – all cunning,
One cannot get happiness even in dream
Crores of efforts notwithstanding." [107]
At Muni’s speech Rama felt a bit shy,
Due to pleasure at his true devotional tie.
2190 Then Rama in a crore of ways described
Great glories, to Muni that were ascribed. [1]

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“O Muni, he is virtuous, him great consider

To whom you are pleased to bestow honour."
Muni and Rama bow, one to the other.
Each experiences untold pleasure. [2]
When news spread, citizens celibate, hermits,
All saints and seers and great ascetics
They all to hermitage of Bharadwaj come forth
To see beautiful sons of King Dasharath. [3]

2200 Rama paid His respects to all, who came.

Getting joy if their eyes, happy they became.
Having got great pleasure they showered blessing,
Went back, praises of Rama’s beauty mentioning. [4]

Rama passed that night at the Muni’s hermitage
Next morn, at Prayag had bath.
With Lakshman Sita and Guha, happy at heart,
Bowing to Muni, took to their path– [108]
With love Rama addressed Muni Bharadwaj so
“Tell us, lord, which way we all shall go."
2210 Muni smiled, within himself, and said,
“To You, Rama, are easy all the ways ahead." [1]
To accompany Rama, Muni called his pupils.
Some fifty rush in, joy their heart fills.
For Rama, each of them had love so great,
They said that they knew well the path straight. [2]

Four celibates the Muni chose to go, at last.

They had immense credit of good deeds in the past.
After paying respects, getting Muni’s sanction
Very happily, they in their journey moved on. [3]
2220 When they touched a village in their journey’s course,
To see them men women rushed out per force.
They felt successful, getting life’s earning
And returned, their hearts with Rama journeying. [4]


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Rama sent back the celibates with earnest prayer.

They turned, getting their life’s aim;
Crossing Jamuna, they took bath in its water
That colour of Rama did claim. [109]
Men, women at the bank when they got that news
Rushed out to see them, their jobs did refuse.
2230 Seeing beauty of Rama, Sita, and Lakshman,
They began to praise their own fortune. [1]
Their hearts with a sincere desire pulsate.
But to inquire name of their village, hesitate.
The wise and the elderly amongst them
Read the situation, soon recognized Ram(a). [2]

They related whole history at their best,

That they go to forest at father’s behest.
They learn it with sorrow and greatly lament
“King and Queen were wrong, when to forest they sent." [3]
2240 There came in, an ascetic at that stage,
Very lustrous, very beautiful and of young age.
Poet cannot describe him, he looked a seer,
By thought, word and deed, was Rama’s lover. [4]

Water ran from his eyes, body horripilated.
His master he had recognized.
He fell on the ground flat like a stick,
His condition could not be described. [110]
Rama took him up with love, body horripilating,
He was glad, pauper finds a jewel lying,
2250 To the lookers on, that scene appeared to be
As truth and love meet, both taking body. [1]
He turns to Lakshman and touches his feet,
Who picked him up, did with great love greet.
He then put on head dust of Sita’s feet,
Mother blessed him as she would a child treat. [2]

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The fisherman then to the ascetic bowed.

He hugged him as friend of Rama, he would.
With eyes as cups, drank Rama’s beauty,
Happy as a hungry getting meals would be. [3]
2260 People said, “What type of parents they must be,
Who would send to forest, children as the three?"
Seeing faces of Rama, Sita and Lakshman
They turn restless – all men and women. [4]

Then Rama in numerous and different ways
Advised His fisherman friend,
Bowing down to the orders of his Lord, Rama.
Back to his house fisherman turned. [111]
Rama Lakshman Sita, their hands together
Once more bowed down to the Jamuna River.
2270 Both brothers and Sita journey happily
Praising sun’s daughter – Jamuna’s beauty. [1]

So many travellers meet them in the way,

Viewing two brothers, with great love they say,
“All marks of royalty in You we do see,
And therefore we have so great anxiety. [2]
In spite of the marks, on foot You walk
It appears astrology is all false talk.
Impassable ways, forests, mountains all over
And then in Your company is maiden tender. [3]

2280 One can’t look at forests with lions, elephants,

If You permit we’ll follow You as attendants.
We’ll take You to place of Your destination,
Will come back from there, giving salutation." [4]

Thus passengers inquire with feelings of love
Eyes watering, with horripilation.
Ocean of mercy asks them to take their way
In words sweet, full of affection. [112]
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For towns and villages that in the way be,
God’s, and Nag’s towns, village feel jealousy.
2290 At a sacred hour, some virtuous did found,
“Full of virtue, beautiful they are, this day, found. [1]
Indrapuri, the land of Indra, can’t match
The ground which feet of Rama do touch.
Those who reside near the way, are blessed too.
Great pains for them dwellers of heaven do. [2]
As they view Shri Rama, to full satisfaction
Blue bodied Rama and Sita and Lakshman.
Those rivers and tanks where Rama takes bath
Gods’ tanks and gods’ rivers praise them both. [3]
2300 The trees under which rests Lord Shri Ram(a),
The Kalpa-Tree also has praises for them.
Contacting the dust of Rama’s lotus feet
Earth also itself fortunate does treat." [4]

The clouds give shade, gods shower flowers
And within their hearts feel gay.
Thus seeing hills, forests, birds and animals,
Rama marches on in His way. [113]
When Rama together with Sita and His brother,
Happens to be to some villages so near
2310 Man, women, young, old is they came to know
Rush out at once, their work forgo. [1]
See faces of Rama, Sita, Lakshman,
Get joy of eyes, feel happiness within,
Eyes brimming with tears, body horripilating
At the sight of two brave, all in love drowning. [2]
Their condition cannot be fully explained,
As if paupers a heap of gems obtained.
One calls out another and does so advise
“This is time, have to your fill, joys of eyes." [3]

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2320 Some saw Rama and were under love’s such charm
They walked on, eyes ever fixed on Ram(a).
Some bring Rama’s beauty to heart, through eye,
To function, mind body speech – all deny. [4]

Some, noticing the cool shade of a banyan tree
Soft leaves and grass spread.
Ask them to stop and for a while rest,
Go that day or next instead. [114]
Some bring up a pitcher full of water
“Sip some of it" they do sweetly utter.
2330 At these sweet words and seeing their love,
Rama who is merciful and does well behave, [1]
Thought in His mind that Sita was tired,
In the shade of banyan for a while retired.
Men, women enjoy beauty on their part
Forms matchless, captivate their eyes and heart. [2]

Like partridge they gaze on the moon of His face

With eyes unwinding locking so full of grace.
Form blue as the colour of young Shisham Tree
Crores of Kama will feel charmed by the beauty. [3]
2340 Beautiful Lakshman looking like lightning bright
From head to toe, heart enchanting at sight.
Quivers tied to the waist, putting on Muni’s dress,
Bows and arrows, their lotus hands do grace. [4]

The matted hair form their beautiful crest
Large are chest, eyes and arms.
On the face, resembling the full moon of autumn
Cluster of sweet drops increases charms. [115]
Heart enchanting, couple cannot be described,
Unlimited the grace, my powers circumscribed.

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2350 The grace of Rama and Sita and Lakshman,

Focusing mind heart, wit, they looked on. [1]

Village people were struck with love so great,

Stunned as at light is the deer’s fate.
Women of the village would to Sita Ji go,
Hesitate to inquire, their love was so. [2]
They touch feet of Sita again and again,
As speak in sweet yet natural strain,
“O, Princess, we wish to inquire from You
As in nature of woman, we are afraid too, [3]

2360 Madam, please do not mind our boldness,

Thinking us rustics, don’t mind rudeness.
The two princes innate beauty possess,
Emerald and gold, from them get gloss. [4]

One is dark, one is bright, both of tender age,
Of beauty and grace a house.
Their faces are full moon of autumn
Their eyes autumn lotus. [116]
Fair madam, tell us what He is to you
Who puts to shame crores of Kama too."
2370 Hearing their speech, full of love and mild
She felt a sense of suspense and smiled. [1]
Glancing towards Rama, She looked at the ground.
Between the pulls of suspense, Herself She found.
With hesitation and love the doe-eyed one
Spoke in so sweet and cuckoo like tone, [2]

“He, who is fair, beautiful, simple by nature,

Is Lakshman, my husband’s younger brother."
With skirt, Her moon-like face She hid
Saw towards Rama and turned eye brow and lid. [3]
2380 Looking sideways, with eyes fine, as a wagtail’s
That Rama was Her husband She thereby entails.
Women of the village were very glad at this,
As paupers who chanced on immense riches. [4]

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They bow to the feet of Sita with love
Great blessings for Her they told.
“May Your dear husband live as long as
Shesh does earth on his head hold. [117]
Like Parvati You may be dear to Your Lord,
Pray, don’t cut off with us Your love and concord,
2390 With hands folded, we beg leave to say
If You happen to return by this very way, [1]

Do let us meet You, deeming us Your maid."

Sita noticed they were by love overlaid.
With sweet words all of them Sita consoled.
As does to the lily, the moonlight cold. [2]
Reading Rama’s mind, in words so sweet,
The men, about route did Lakshman entreat.
Hearing which men and women were much grieved.
Hair rose at their ends, eyes water released. [3]

2400 Their joys came to end, sorrow on them spread,

As if Creator withdraws wealth which they had had.
Attributing it to luck, they courage mustered
Told him the best way, after having considered. [4]

With Sita and with Lakshman, Rama then
Took to His way for the forest.
He sent back others with sweet loving words
Keeping their hearts with Him at rest. [118]
Men and women grieved as they had to part.
They but the blame of fate, in their heart.
2410 They talk amongst themselves with extreme pain,
“All acts of Providence seem reversed in main. [1]
He is rank despot, most cruel, fearless,
Made moon wax wave, gave spotted impress.

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Made Kalpa a tree, and the ocean brackish,

These princes, to forest He did relinquish. [2]

If exile to forest was made their fate,

Why did He then, joys and pleasures create?
If bare footed journey was for the princes.
It was useless to have made conveyances. [3]
2420 If, on leaves and on grass they have to lie,
To make soft beds then why did He try?
If Providence willed that they should live under tree
To build high mansions was an act so silly. [4]

If for these beautiful and tender princes
Matted hair, tree bark He prefers,
It was useless on the part of Creator, to make
Ornaments and attire diverse. [119]
If they have to eat bulb, root and fruit,
Whom do the world’s tasty foods then suit?"
2430 One says, “They are innately beautiful gem,
They are self-born, the Creator did not make them, [1]
As far as Vedas talk of God’s creation
Or we have heard, seen, or have in conception,
One may see fourteen universes, if one can,
Where will one find such a woman, such a man? [2]

Viewing them, the mind of Creator was drowned

He tried therefore some parallel to found.
He made many efforts, they did not serve his end,
For jealousy, these princes to forest did send." [3]
2440 The other said, “I know not much at this instant,
But I consider my luck most excellent.
Others too will be lucky, fortunate like me,
Who have seen them or see them or shall see." [4]

They talk amongst one another in words sweet
Tears of love from their eyes flow.
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“How will these three, tender and beautiful ones

Over hard impassable paths go?" [120]
For reasons of love, women are restless,
As in the evening is ruddy goose’s case.
2450 “The path is so rugged, their feet tender,"
With a painful hearth they thus confer. [1]
“By touch of tender soft feet, the ground
Itself melts, as our hearts we’ve found.
If, to them, Providence had forest to offer,
Couldn’t He make way soft as flower? [2]
If we have our wish, by Creator’s grace,
We will give them in our eyes, a place."
Those men and women who could not be there,
Of viewing Rama-Sita did not have pleasure, [3]

2460 On hearing of beauty, anxiously inquire

“How far must they have gone by now, sire?"
The able bodied ran, saw the beauties rife,
Returned happy, getting fruit of their life. [4]

Women, children and old from amongst them
Rub their hands due to sorrow.
Thus, all people love’s influence come,
Wherever Shri Rama does go. [121]
All villages with joy and happiness shone
Viewing Rama the lily of Sun’s race moon.
2470 When they come to know what the matter has been,
They put the blame on King and on Queen. [1]
One says, “I consider King’s action wise
He gave us the great pleasure of our eyes."
Men and women amongst themselves confer
In language simple, full of love end pleasure. [2]

“Blessed are the parents who them did beget,

Blessed are the villages that their visit get,

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Blessed are the state, village, mountain, forest,

All places, where they go to, are so blest. [3]

2480 Happy did the Creator make those persons

To whom they are intensely beloved ones."
The story of Rama’s journey did swell
Throughout the way and all over jungle. [4]

Thus Rama, for lotus of Raghu’s line sun,
Giving pleasure to all in the way,
Goes viewing the mountains lying in the route,
With Sita and Lakshman, gay. [122]
Rama leads and is followed by Lakshman
Both look fine in their ascetic fashion.
2490 Between the two, Sita appears so grand,
Between Soul, Supreme-soul does the Maya stand. [1]
The beauty that comes to my mind, I’ll say
“Between Kama and spring Rati seems to stay."
Yet another simile comes into my mind
“Between Moon and his son Buddha, Rohini we find." [2]
She puts step between the footprints of Ram(a)
Thus vigilant and careful Sita walks on.
And Lakshman won’t trample upon prints of either
He walks, keeping marks on his right side ever. [3]
2500 Beautiful love, between Rama, Sita, Lakshman,
Is beyond sense’s power, none could give description.
Birds, beasts of the way see them and enjoy,
Rama, the traveler, thus does all hearts decoy. [4]

All those who saw beloved traveler passing
With Sita and brother Lakshman,
Cross with no difficulty the sea unfathomable
– Cycle of birth and death – world’s ocean. [123]

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Even now if travelers – Sita, Ram, Lakshman –

Come in one’s heart, if in a dream even
2510 To Rama’s abode he finds road easily
Which even munis find, so very rarely. [1]
Raghubir felt Sita was tired verily,
Seeing a tree, cool water in vicinity.
They halted and ate bulb, root and fruit.
Next day, after bath, they followed their route. [2]

Viewing forests’ lakes’, mountains’ beautiful image

Lord Rama approached Rishi Valmiki’s hermitage.
Rama found Muni’s hermitage full of pleasure
Fine hills, fine forests and fine water. [3]
2520 Lotuses flower in lake, in the forest trees,
Big black bees buzz, as pollen’s effects increase.
Birds, animals rejoice and they make noise
And graze, forgetting their enmical poise. [4]

Seeing beautiful sacred hermitage of the saint
The lotus-eyed joy did perceive.
And learning of the arrival of Rama
Muni came forward to receive. [124]
Rama paid respects to the Muni, bowing
The great Brahmin gave Rama great blessing.
2530 Seeing Rama his eyes got great pleasure.
Welcoming, he asked them to please enter. [1]

Guests, dear as soul the Rishi did greet,

Sent for bulbs, roots and fruits so sweet.
Some fruits Rama, Lakshman, Sita took as best.
Then Rishi showed a beautiful place for rest. [2]
In Valmiki’s heart, there is great pleasure.
Seeing before his eyes, joy embodied there.
Joining lotus hands then Rama spoke
Words that to the ears great joy invoke. [3]
2540 “O Lord of rishis, you are omniscient,
Universe in a plum on your palm present."

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So saying Rama related the history at best

How queen brought about the exile to forest. [4]

“Father’s order was there, and the mother’s will
Brother Bharat was to become King.
And I to be blessed with meeting you, lord,
All these, My good deeds did bring. [125]
By viewing your holy feet, King of rishis,
All My good deeds bore fruit such as these.
2550 Now, wherever your orders may be for Me,
And no inconvenience comes to Muni, [1]
Those, who bring about pain to saints sire?
Such kings burn themselves without fire.
In service of Brahmins, root of joy lies.
Their anger burns down crores of families. [2]
With this in view, tell me the place, I pray,
Where with Sita and Lakshman, I should stay.
I’ll set up fine cottage of leaves and grass.
And wherein some time we all shall pass." [3]

2560 Hearing Rama’s words simple, sincere,

“Holy, Holy" cried out the learned seer.
Why would You not say so, Banner of Raghu’s Line?
As keeper of Vedic propriety, You shine. [4]

“You are Almighty, keep Vedic propriety
Sita, Your Maya – power to function,
Which creates Universe and also does nurse,
Destroys with Your kind sanction. [1]
The thousand headed snake, who does earth on head take
Is Lakshman, the lord of Universe.
2570 Human form you observe, gods’ purpose to serve,
Are out to kill demoniac creatures. [2]

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By knowledge You can never be known,
Rama, You are imperceptible to wind and speech.
Vedas say ‘Not this alone’,
You are beyond description and have no end. [126]
Rama, You are the looker, world object of view.
Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh – all dance before You.
Even they are incompetent to comprehend You
Who is there someone else to understand You? [1]

2580 He alone can know You whom You make known,

On knowing You, very You he does become.
By Your grace those who have devotion on their part
Know You, O soothing sandal for the devotee’s heart! [2]
Your form has been truth, life, peace, ever so
Free from defects, the deserving alone know.
You’ve taken human form for the gods’, saints’ work,
Act and behave just like a worldly monarch. [3]

By seeing and hearing of Your actions,

Rama, knowers get joy, the ignorant delusions.
2590 Whatever You say or do is right and norm.
After all, movements must agree with one’s form. [4]

You ask from me where You should stay, and I
Hesitate to inquire from You.
I pray, tell me first the place where You are not,
I’ll then tell You Your place too." [127]
On hearing Muni’s words with affection seething
Rama was in suspense and smiled within,
Valmiki then laughed and to Rama spoke
In words sweet, as if in nectar did soak. [1]
2600 “Now, listen to me Rama, Your places I tell
Where with Sita, Lakshman, You are to dwell.

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Whose ears are like unto Great Ocean

Into which fine rivers of Your praises run. [2]

Receive constantly but never get overfull

They are the places for You, beautiful.
Those who turned their eyes into a kind of cuckoo,
For the dark clouds of Your view, anxious all through. [3]
Which casts no eye on river, seas, lakes,
But with a drop of Your view satisfaction takes.
2610 Their hearts are place comfortable for You,
You stay there, with Sita, Lakshman too. [4]

For the pure lake of Your glories, O Rama,
Whose tongue has been like a swan,
That ever picks up pearls of Your praises
Make that heart home if You can. [128]
The sweet fragrance of Your great favour
Whose nose does, day and night, prefer,
Those who take food, on offering it to You,
And wear clothes as Your blessings too, [1]
2620 Seeing Brahmins, gods, guru, bend their hand
And possess great love, by humility led.
Whose heads do worship of Rama daily
For support they bank on You only. [2]

Whose feet ever go in Rama’s pilgrimage,

Stay, Rama, in their hearts’ holy hermitage.
Who daily repeat mantra of Your name,
With family, worship You in daily programme. [3]
Who offer oblation and proper worship,
Who feed the Brahmins and give to poor tip,
2630 And who guru is superior to You, consider,
In every way pay them very great honour. [4]

With all this done, they seek one boon alone,
Of deep love for Rama’s feet.
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As a place to stay for You, Sita, Lakshman,

The temple of their hearts’ treat. [129]
Who’ve no desire, anger, pride or ago,
Greed, ignorance, excitement, likes, dislikes, forego,
Who keep hypocrisy, fraud, deceit away,
Make their hearts, Rama, Your place to stay, [1]
2640 Loved by all, and wishing all their welfare
Treat alike good, bad, fame, sorrow, pleasure.
Speak true and sweet, after consideration,
Asleep or awake, seek Your protection, [2]
Excepting You who have no other access,
Do, Rama, stay in their heart’s recess.
Who, like their mother, all other women great
Others’ money as the greatest poison, treat. [3]

Who, finding others prosperous, feel pleased,

At distress of others feel greatly teased.
2650 Who, You, like their very soul, do embrace,
Their hearts form for You a very good place. [4]

Their lord, their friend, their parents, guru
All these, who finding you,
Do dwell in the temple of their hearts, Rama,
With Your brother and Sita too. [130]
Who, omitting demerits, other’s virtues adopt,
For the good of cows, Brahmins, who miseries opt,
Who set standards for the world in morals,
Their pure hearts suit well, if Rama there dwells. [1]
2660 Who, good to You assign, weakness they own,
Who, in every way, bank on You, Rama, alone,
To whom, Rama’s devotees ever so dear,
With Sita, do dwell Rama in their hearts clear. [2]

Casting off caste, creed wealth, religion and fame,

Dear family and also their comfortable home,

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Setting all aside, take You alone to their heart,

To their hearts, honour of Your stay impart. [3]

To whom hell and heaven, salvation don’t differ,

As they see You with bow and arrow everywhere,
2670 Who are Your servants by their thought, word and deed,
Rama choose their heart for Your, stay, indeed. [4]

Who does not entertain any desire at heart,
Has with You love, simple and pure.
In his heart do permanently live, Rama,
That is Your own house, to be sure." [131]
Valmiki Muni showed Rama houses such.
His words full of affection pleased Rama much,
He said, “Listen, O Head of the family of Sun,
I’ll tell You a place to suit the occasion. [1]
2680 Stay at Chittrakut Hill, if You don’t mind,
All comforts at that place, You will find.
The hill is so pleasant and forest as well,
There elephants, lions, deer, birds do dwell [2]
There flows river sacred which Puranas sing,
Which wife of Attri, did by penance bring.
It is a branch of Ganges, called Mandakini, allover.
To kill children – the sins - acts as a great remover. [3]
Muni Attri and many other saints live there,
Practise yoga, name recitation, penance, austere.
2690 Go and let them have fruit of their life,
And make the hill also with great name rife." [4]

Great Muni described in great details
The greatness of Chittrakut,
Then in the sacred Mandakini, bathed
Rama, Lakshman, Sita – Royal suit. [132]

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Rama said to Lakshman, “This spot is really best.

Let us fix up somewhere, where we all rest."
Lakshman noticed a mound on the north, said “Lo,
A water way went round in the form of a bow. [1]
2700 The river is string, discipline arrows set,
Kali’s sins are beasts forming the target.
Chittrakut, is, as if, a permanent hunter,
Who never misses shot, ever shoots from before." [2]

So saying Lakshman showed Rama that place,

Viewing which Rama felt happiness and solace.
Gods came to know that Rama has chosen that place,
With chief architect –Vishwakarma, did grace, [3]
Gods came taking forms of Kol and Bhil
Made cottages of leaves and grass on the hill
2710 The two cottages they made, beggar description,
One small and pretty, other big construction. [4]

Rama Lakshman and Sita looked very graceful
In the grassy and leafy house,
As if Kamdeo was there in a muni’s form
With spring and Rati, his spouse. [133]
Digpals and Nagas and Heavenly bards
Assembled at Chittrakut with all gods.
To Rama, all paid their respects rife
Gods were pleased to get fruits of their life. [1]

2720 They showered flowers and all did applaud,

And said, we have today found our great Lord."
They praised Rama, placed before Him their woes.
Each, feeling satisfied back to his home goes. [2]
Hearing that Rama had settled down, were gay,
All munis to Chittrakut made their way.
Seeing that assembly of munis was coming
Moon of Raghu’s Line made deep bowing. [3]
Munis hugged Rama very close to their very heart,
And for His success did all blessings impart.

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2730 They enjoy the view of all those three,

And deem their labours successful truly. [4]

Rama greeted and honoured them as was due,
Bade them all respectful cheer.
They do Yoga, fire worship, name-telling, and
At their places with no fear. [134]
This news reached Kols and Bhils as well
Gladdened, as if nine treasures their homes did fill.
With leaf-cupfuls of bulb, root and fruit
Started, as do paupers, gold to loot. [1]

2740 From those who had seen Rama and Lakshman

They inquire about them, as they move on.
Thus talking mutually about Rama’s grace
Reached Chittrakut and there saw Shri Rama’s face. [2]
Placing the presents, they did their respects pay.
On seeing their Lord, they feel so gay.
Stood here and there, as in paint a picture
Body horripilating, eyes shedding tear. [3]

Rama realised that all were in love lost,

Gave them honour, did with affection accost.
2750 They bow before their Lord again and again,
With palms joined, they say in humble strain. [4]

“We feel we have got a support this day,
Viewing Lord’s holy lotus feet.
It is really a stroke of very good luck
That the Lord of Kaushala we do greet. [135]
Blessed are the ground, forests, mountains and the route,
Which Your feet have touched, bestowed honour to boot.
Blessed are the birds and beasts of the forest

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Who got the life’s fruit by viewing You, at best, [1]

2760 We also are blessed and our families too,
Who to our full satisfaction got Your view.
You have well settled here, place chosen is best.
In every season here, You will find joy, rest. [2]
We shall be at Your service in every possible way,
Will keep elephants, lions, tigers, snakes, away.
Rugged mountains and forests, the caves and cavern
"Every inch of the land, Lord, did we will churn. [3]
We’ll take You a hunting to forests, mountains.
And show You great waterfalls and fountains
2770 We and our families are servants, Yours,
Do not stand on formalities, of course." [4]

Whom Vedas and munis cannot comprehend
That house of great mercy,
Listens to the talk of Bhils with affection
As a father towards his son would be. [136]
Know this, all those, who’ld like to know,
That Rama, only devotion, values so.
He fully satisfied the forest dwellers,
With words sweet and sweet behaviours. [1]
2780 Saw them off, bending heads went all these,
Reached home, talking about Rama’s qualities.
Thus lived Sita and the brothers two,
Giving pleasure to gods and munis too. [2]
Ever since the forest, in Rama guest got
It had turned into a pleasure spot.
The trees flowered and fruits they bore,
Creepers formed green canopies galore. [3]
They looked beautiful like the Kalpa-Tree.
As if from the garden of gods did flee.
2790 Lines of big black bees buzzed around
Cool, mild and fragrant winds abound. [4]

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Blue jay, cuckoo, parrot and sparrow hawk
Ruddy geese, partridges red legged.
Raised their chirpings voices different,
Sweet to ears hearts they begged. [137]
Elephant, lions, monkeys, bears and deer,
Forgetting enmity, roam here and there.
Viewing, Rama hunting, happy, are the deer.
Rama’s grace gives them very special cheer. [1]

2800 In the world, all gods’ forests that be,

Viewing forest of Rama, feel great jealousy.
Ganges, Saraswati, Sun’s daughter Jamuna,
Sacred rivers – Godawari and Narmada, [2]
All lakes, oceans, rivulets and rivers,
Praise river Mandakini in forms diverse.
Udayachal, Astachal and great Kailash, [3]
Mandarachal, Sumer where gods life pass, [3]

Ranges of Himalayas that heads high raise,

For Chittrakut hill, they all acclaim praise.
2810 The joy of Vindhyachal does not know bound
With no effort, such a great boon it found. [4]

Birds, deer, creepers and trees of Chittrakut
And grass of all varieties –
All holdings, for which the gods ever say
“How blessed really are these!" [138]
Those that have vision, seeing Rama’s grace,
Obtain life’s fruit, all sorrows, efface.
The immobile gladden, touching feet of Ram(a).
For salvation they established their claim. [1]
2820 That forest and that hill, are good by nature,
So pleasant, the very pure make purer.

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How could one tell their beauty and excellence

Where Ocean of mercy made His residence? [2]

Where Sita, Lakshman, Rama came to stay,

Leaving ocean of milk and Ayodhya away,
Great beauty of forest where Rama did stay,
Lacs of thousand-mouthed Sheshas could not say. [3]
In what way can I then make venture?
Could tortoise of pond bear great Mandar?
2830 Lakshman serves Him with thought, word and deed.
His love, behavior, are indescribable indeed. [4]

Every second he sees Rama’s, Sita’s feet,
Realises their love for Him.
Of parents and bothers in Lakshman’s mind
Thought never comes, even in dream. [139]
Sita also lives with Rama happy,
Never thinking of home, town or family.
Every moment She looks at His face – the moon,
Gets like red-legged partridge happy soon. [1]
2840 Finding Lord’s love growing day by day,
She is happy as ruddy goose is in day.
Sita’s heart is tied to Rama’s feet.
Forest, like a thousand Avadh does treat [2]

In the company of Lord, leafy cottage is dear.

Birds and deer are Her relatives near.
For in-laws She has saints, wives their,
Bulbs roots, fruits, make food of nectar. [3]
With Lord, bed of grass is very comfortable.
Hundreds of quilts of Kama could not excel
2850 At whose mere glace one becomes Lokpal
Could pleasure of senses dare make Her fall? [4]

At remembering Rama, one quite discards
All the pleasures of the sense.
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Mother of the world, Sita, is Rama’s dear wife,

It is no wonder for Her, hence. [140]
Whatever made Sita, Lakshman very glad,
The same Rama did and the very same said.
Ancient history and narratives He relates
Sita, with Lakshman, listens, great interest takes. [1]
2860 Whenever, Ayodhya He happens to remember,
Each time did His eyes become full of water.
Thinking of father, mother, brother, family,
Bharat’s service, modesty and his affinity, [2]
Lord of mercy does very restless become,
Keeps patience, considering the situation.
Seeing Him, Sita and Lakshman, become restless
As shadow reflects action of man, in process. [3]

Observing reactions on Sita’s, Lakhan’s part

The calm, the merciful, sandal for loving heart,
2870 Again began to relate some historical thing
Which to Lakshman and Sita happiness did bring. [4]

With Sita and Lakshman, the Lord appeared
Beautiful in the grassy house.
As Indra does in Indrapuri – his abode
With son Jayant, Shashi his spouse. [141]
Sita and Lakshman, ever He does protect,
As eyelids for the socket do always act.
On the other hand, Sita, Lakshman, Rama serve,
As the undiscriminating their body preserve. [1]
2880 Thus lives Rama happily in the jungles
Giving happiness to ascetics, birds and animals.
So far I have told of the happy exile.
Listen about Sumantra’s return, for a while. [2]

When the boatman came from Rama’s forest shelter,

He viewed the chariot along with the Minister.

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He found Sumantra in very miserable plight,

Boatman’s pain was indescribable at the sight. [3]

He cried out, “O Rama, O Sita Lakshman,"

Fell on the ground in a restless condition.
2890 Horses look to south and bitterly neigh
As birds without wings, restless in dismay. [4]

They neither eat grass, nor drink water,
Tears from their eyes do flow.
The boatman too lost all control
On viewing the horses so. [142]
Mustering courage, boatman spoke so,
“Situation demands that you sorrow forego.
You are learned and do true knowledge possess
Keep patience, knowing that luck is adverse." [1]
2900 He put the minister into the chariot
Telling history that was relevant to that context.
Overwhelmed by sorrow he could not drive,
From pain of separation he could not revive. [2]
Horses were shy, would not take to way,
As if wild deer had been harnessed that day.
They stumble, fall and backward look,
Pain of separation from Rama, can’t break. [3]
If one uttered “Rama, Sita, Lakshman,"
Will fondly look and that way would turn.
2910 Horses’ pain of parting, who could tell?
They are like snakes when they have lost jewel. [4]

Boatman also was lost in gloom to see
State of horses and minister.
He called four of his trusted lieutenants
Asked them to go with the driver. [143]

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Guha, chief of the boatmen, saw minister off,

How could one describe his pain thereof?
The boatman drove towards Ayodhya.
Viewing horses and minister, they too had awe. [1]
2920 Minister, restless miserable, did groan
“Life is a curse to live, if Rama is gone.
Life has to end, why not now and here,
Die due to Rama’s separation, get cheer? [2]

Life is now a bundle of sin, infamy.

What for is the soul postponing journey?
‘Oh, cursed life, missed opportunity in vain
Why did not my heart split up in twain?" [3]
He rubs hands, beats breast and repents,
As if a miser, losing treasure, resents.
2930 Or as one claiming, proclaiming bravery
Flees from the battlefield – act of ignominy! [4]

As if a wise, learned, righteous Brahmin
Of a high and lofty class,
By mistakes swallows down some alcohol
Through that agony, minister does pass. [144]
As a woman of high family, saintly brand,
By thought, word, deed, faithful to Her husband,
By force of fortune has to stay away,
That pain, the minister’s heart did sway. [1]

2940 Eyes watering and vision greatly damaged,

Ears ceasing to hear, reasoning ravaged,
The mouth is parched, face has turned black,
Time limit of fourteen years death does check. [2]
He lost complexion, one could not look at,
Like murderer of parents, seemed as that.
Pain of losing Rama, upon his heart prevails,
As a sinner being taken to hell, just bewails. [3]
Lost power of speech, withers in misery,
Thinks, “What awaits me at Ayodhya to see?"

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2950 “Whoever will be noticing chariot without Ram(a)

Will hesitate to look, with disgust and shame. [4]

When the restless men and women of the town
Will run and from me inquire,
I shall become stone hearted then,
And shall be giving them answer. [145]
When sorrowful mothers will ask from me,
O Creator, what will my answer then be?
When Lakshman’s mother, from me shall inquire
Shall I give to them any joyful answer? [1]
2960 When mother of Rama shall run up to me,
As cow, with young calf in memory,
In reply to her inquiry I shall tell her
Rama is in forest, with Sita and brother. [2]
Whoever shall inquire, that answer he’ll draw
That’s going to be my privilege at Ayodhya.
When King, so broken with pain, shall inquire
Who, for his very living, does Rama require, [3]

What face shall I have, the King to convince

Quite safe in the jungle, I have put the Prince?
2970 When their messages upon the King I shall flash
He will end his life, considering it trash. [4]

Oh this heart did not break, as does black soil
When water, its friend, does part.
I know that, to suffer agony, Providence
Did this body to me impart." [146]
Minister lamenting all along chariot came,
To the bank of the river, Tamasa by name.
So humbly, the minister sent back boatmen,
Who took leave, painfully turned for home again. [1]

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2980 Sumantra hesitated to enter the town, now,

As if he had murdered guru, Brahmin or cow.
Halted under a tree and let the day pass.
In the evening, getting an opportunity to cross, [2]
In darkness he entered Ayodhya town,
Leaving chariot at palace door he stepped down.
In spite of the night, those who news could get,
Came to the King’s palace and saw the chariot. [3]

They recognized it and saw horses down

Bodies fading as do the hail, open to the sun.
2990 Men, women, of the town were so restless
As are the fish when the pond water grows less. [4]

When the news of the minister’s arrival spread
Restless became whole of harem,
The palace looked to them so very fearful,
As if ghosts had made it their home, [147]
In pitiable mood the queens inquired,
Voice chocked, from the minister nothing transpired,
Ears refused to hear, eyes would not see.
He asked everyone where King happened to be. [1]
3000 Maid servants noticed Sumantra was in distress
Conducted him to queen Kaushilya’s palace.
Sumantra, the minister, found King there,
As if he was moon void of nectar, [2]

With no seat, with no bed, with no ornament,

Extremely sorrowful, lying on the pavement.
He takes deep breaths, is in thoughts sunken
As King Yayati, from the heaven fallen. [3]
Every moment, his bosom with thoughts does swell
As Sampati, when wings had all burnt, fell.
3010 He says, “Rama, Rama", “Ha Rama, my love."
“Rama, Lakshman and Sita," thus his mind does rove. [4]


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The minister saw King and having wished him,

In respect he bent out of norm.
Hearing him, Dasharath got up in haste and asked
“Tell me Sumantra, where is my Ram(a)?" [148]
King hugged Sumantra to his bosom
As one, sinking, found something to hold on.
With love and affection he seated him close
Inquired and water from his eyes rose. [1]
3020 “O loving friends tell me of Rama’s welfare
Where are Rama, Lakshman and Sita where?
Are they back or have they to forest gone?"
Water, in the eyes of Sumantra, swelled on. [2]

Forced by sorrow, King did ask again,

“Tell me message of Rama, Sita, Lakshman."
Sorrow swells, as he thinks more and more
Rama’s beauty, modesty, grace and nature. [3]
“Promising the throne, Him forest gave
Even then Rama did not pleasure, pain have.
3030 Life didn’t end at leaving a son such.
Where is a sinner who has ever sinned so much? [4]

O, friend, wherever Rama, Lakshman be
Do take me also there.
Or my life would be ending forthwith
I, honestly, to you declare." [149]
Again and again the King asked questions
“Tell me the messages of my dear sons.
O friend, do take such steps anon,
Let my eyes see Rama, Sita, Lakshman." [1]
3040 The minister gathering courage, sweetly said,
“My lord, you have knowledge and are well read."
You lead the bravest and gravest." He says,
“Have been in society of saints, always. [2]

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Be it death or birth, enjoyment or pain,

Meeting and separation or loss and gain,
In accordance with time and luck come away,
As definitely as night follows the day. [3]
Fools grieve at pain and do happiness like.
The grave respond to both alike,
3050 Keep patience, be discriminating, thoughtful,
Please cast off sorrow, O Lord merciful. [4]

The first halt was at the river Tamsa,
At the bank of Ganges, second one.
Taking water only and no food that day,
Lived Rama, Sita, Lakshman. [150]
The boatman did service excellent,
That night was at Shringverpur spent.
Next morn, milk of banyan was obtained,
Crests of matted hair all heads ordained. [1]

3060 Friend of Rama, the boatman, a boat then sent

Seating Sita into it, Rama also went.
Lakshman, with his bow and arrow equipped,
With Rama’s sanction, into the best tripped. [2]
Noticing me restless, Raghubir at length,
Said in sweet words, gathering strength,"
“My respects to father do please convey
Holding lotus feet of his, I pray. [3]
Place My request at his feet fall,
For Me entertain no worry at all.
3070 By your virtue, mercy and favour, I say,
All will be well with Me, in forest and way [4]

All happy and gay, I’ll be in the way,
Through your grace and mercy.
Carrying out orders, to the best of powers
I’ll be back and your feet see. [1]
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Holding feet of mothers, lay down my prayers

And all consolation procure."
Poet Tulsidas says, adopt all way
Lord of Kaushal’s safety to insure. [2]
3080 “Do please my message carry
“Hold Guru’s lotus feet again and again,
Lord of Avadh may not worry
To that effect let all the teaching be. [151]
Do pray to the citizens, family men,
Placing my request for consideration.
He wishes me well, best and always.
Whose efforts keep on King safe. He says." [1]
“Tell Bharat my prayer, when home he comes,
Not to mince morals when king he becomes.
3090 By thought, word, and deed people do serve.
In service to mothers, uniformity observe. [2]
The feelings of brotherhood, do see through.
Service to parents and own men, do.
And brother, do keep King in such a way,
That he would not worry for Me, I pray." [3]
“Lakshman did utter some hard words then
Which Rama has stopped me from mention.
He administered oath with stress,
I won’t say Lakshman’s childishness. [4]

3100 Paying respects, Sita intended to speak,
Oh account of love, got slack.
Her voice was choked and eyes watered
Due to horripilation, She did lack." [152]

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“At that stage getting hint from Shri Ram(a)

To cross river, boatman pushed boat on.
Thus moved on Pride of Raghu’s Line,
I stood watching with heart adamantine. [1]
Of my sorrow! Well, I will leave it spurned,
With message of Rama, I alive returned."
3110 So saying the minister stood mum
Depressed at the loss, did sorrowful become. [2]

Hearing the report on the driver’s part,

King fell down, huge fire raging in heart.
He writhers, afflicted by severe pain,
As is a fish, eating foam of first rain. [3]
All queens too shrieked in great distress.
So serious calamity who could express?
At their cry, pain itself was pained
Patience lost patience, so much it was strained. [4]

3120 On hearing the wailings from inside harem
Entire Ayodhya was stirred.
As if in the forest of flocks of birds
Huge adamant at night thundered. [153]
Life of Dasharath now in his throat does dwell,
He is restless as snake at the loss of jewel.
All his senses have their functioning ceased
As lotuses of pond with water decreased, [1]

Kaushilya saw falling condition of the King,

And read that the sun of Sun’s race was setting.
3130 Gathering great courage, the mother of Ram(a)
Spoke words suiting the said occasion. [2]
“My Lord, think for a moment and see
Separation from Rama is a boundless sea.
All Ayodhya is ship, you are at its helm,
Passengers – the subjects and family men [3]
If you keep strength, then voyage will end.
Otherwise the entire family is ruined.

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Sweet lord, my advice if you maintain

Rama Lakshman and Sita will meet us again." [4]

3140 Hearing the sweet speech of his dear queen
King saw and his eyes twinkled,
As does a fish, restless and fluttering
When cool water is sprinkled. [154]
Practising patience Dasharath rose and sat
Said, “Sumantra, where is Rama, merciful? I say that.
Where is Lakhan? Where is my love Rama? Sumantra!
Where is my beloved daughter-in-law, Sita?" [1]
King is restless in numerous ways.
Night’s long as an age, no end it has.
3150 The curse of blind mendicant came to his mind,
Related it to Kaushilya, his spouse kind. [2]
Telling that history he became very restless,
Said. “Living without Rama is a hope useless."
What use for such a body I’ld have,
Which couldn’t come up to my vow of love? [3]

Dear Rama, joy of the family of Raghu,

It is long that I have lived without You.
O Sita, O Lakshman, O my Raghubir,
Rain cloud for the cuckoo of father’s welfare." [4]

3160 Saying “Rama, O Rama", “Rama, O Rama" saying
He repeated “Rama, Rama" again,
Shedding his mortal form, due to separation,
King went to the gods’ domain. [155]
King repeated the fruit of death and life,
His glories are in all Universe rife.
While living he saw Shri Rama’s moon face
At separation from Him, he have death grace. [1]

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All queens were weeping for reasons of pain,

Beauty, power, modesty, ardour explain.
3170 All queens did, in many a way bewail
Again and again on ground they fell. [2]
Servant, maid-servants lament too.
In every house citizens also rue.
This day set sun of the Solar family,
Store of goodness, limit of morality. [3]

They all, bad names to Kaikai called,

Who took away light from the eyes of world.
Night passed, in wailing and weeping, cries.
At morn came munis, knowledgeful, wise. [4]

3180 Great Muni Vashishta narrated to them
The events of old histories.
Thereby reduced pain and suffering,
By the light of his knowledgeful pleas. [156]
In boat of oil put King’s body,
Called messengers, instructions gave he.
“With utmost haste to Bharat do run,
To anybody King’s death don’t mention. [1]
See Bharat and to him alone do say
Guru wants you both without delay."
3190 With these orders the runners flew
The shame even best horses they threw. [2]

Ever since misfortune in Avadh set in

Since then bad omens by Bharat were seen.
At night he saw dreams so fearful,
At waking came crores of thoughts sorrowful. [3]
He fed Brahmins, gave charity daily,
Did worship of Shiva multifariously,
Appeasing Shiva, prayed to him daily
For happiness of parents, brothers, family. [4]


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3200 Mind of Bharat worked on these lines

When came the runners deft.
Hearing about call from their Guru
Appeased Ganapati and they left. [157]
Drove horses at the speed of wind,
Rivers, forests, and hills, they did not mind.
Nothing interested them, their hearts in gloom,
They wished they had wings to fly away soon. [1]
A moment lingered on for them as a year
Thus travelling they found Ayodhya near.
3210 Bad omens met them as they entered.
Crows crowed badly, at ill places perched. [2]
Jackals howled, donkeys brayed badly,
Thus Bharat’s mind was affected sadly.
Pools, rivers, forests, gardens, looked ill
The town appeared to them so fearful. [3]
Birds, animals, elephants, horses could not be seen,
So afflicted by separation they had been.
Citizens of the town were in sad plight,
As if their property they had lost quite. [4]

3220 Citizens of the town meet but don’t talk,
Paying respects, they quietly passed.
Bharat could not even inquire of their welfare
Fear and sorrow limits had crossed. [158]
Markets and streets could not be even seen
As if conflagration ten-sided had been.
Hearing the arrival of son, Kaikai,
Moonlight for the lotus of Solar family, [1]
Arranging lights to move, ran with joy within,
Met Bharat at the door, escorted him in.
3230 Bharat observed family in great gloom lost,
As if a lotus flower was hit by frost. [2]

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Kaikai was joyful as if she were

Happy Bhil Woman who set forest on fire.
Finding Bharat gloomy, full of anxiety,
Inquired if at mother’s, everyone was happy. [3]
He told her the welfare of persons there
Inquired of his own family’s welfare.
Bharat said, “Where is father and where the mothers?"
Where is Sita? Where dear Rama, Lakshman Brothers?" [4]

3240 Hearing the affectionate words of her son
She feigningly brought up tears,
Told words that to Bharat’s ears and heart
Acted like pointed spears. [159]
“I handled all the situation well,
Poor Manthara proved so very helpful.
Providence did slightly spoil the thing
For heavenly abode has left the King." [1]

He was thunder struck at those words, sore

As elephant becomes, hearing lion’s roar.
3250 “Father, father, father" cried out.
Fell down on earth, all writhing about. [2]
“I could not see you at departure time.
And you did not hand me over to Ram(a)."
Gathering courage, Bharat rose up to inquire
“Tell me the cause of the death of my sire." [3]

To answer his inquiry, Kaikai said,

As if after incision, poison she spread.
From beginning to end all her action.
The evil, hard-hearted did mention. [4]

3260 Bharat, pain of his father’s death forgot
When he heard of Rama’s exile,
And finding himself as the root of the cause
Was stunned, tongue tied for a while. [160]
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Finding his pain great, she now tried to suppress
As if salt is sprinkled on a burnt surface.
“My son, it is no occasion, for King to lament,
He earned glory and name, he got enjoyment. [1]
While living, he did fruits of life maintain
On death he got heaven - lord Indra’s domain.
3270 Son, think so and shake off all your pain,
And with people you should now commence to reign." [2]
On hearing her, Bharat was further frightened
As by touch of fire, boil’s pain is heightened.
He gathers control, breaths deep to say
“Sinning one, you have ruined me in every way. [3]
If such as evil plan did your evil heart fill,
At my birth, mother, why didn’t you kill?
You water the leaf on cutting down tree!
Wishing fish to prosper, you drain tank empty! [4]

3280 I got Sun as ancestor, Dasharath father,
For brothers I got Rama, Lakshman.
But as mother, my luck has given you to me
Creator’s will who can question? [161]
Evil one, when you conceived this evil notion,
Why did your heart not break due to commotion?
Did not pain rise when you asked for the boon?
Didn’t your tongue fall, maggots come in mouth soon? [1]
How could the King really put in you his faith?
Providence robbed him of wisdom, at time of death.
3290 Even Creator cannot gauge heart of woman,
Of all cunning, sins, vices, she is a mine. [2]
While King was simple, modest and virtuous,
How could he read feminine nature treacherous?
Where is there a living creature in this world
Who, as his very soul, Rama dear doesn’t hold? [3]

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Even Rama like that, you do unfriendly hold,

Who are you in fact? Let the truth be told.
Whoever you may be, you should blacken your face.
Getting out of my sight, sit at some such place. [4]

3300 God brought me on earth from the womb of one,
Who is enmical so much to Shri Ram(a)!
Where could there be one, more sinful than I
By error I put on you blame." [162]
When Shattrughan learnt of mother’s crookedness
With anger he burnt, but he felt powerless.
The hunchbacked came in, at that instant,
Dressed in fine clothes and with ornament. [1]
Shattrughan’s anger flared up, seeing,
As in blazing fire one made butter offering.
3310 He kicked very hard, at her hunch aiming,
She fell on her face on the ground, shrieking. [2]

Her hunch broke and she broke her head.

Her teeth were damaged, her whole mouth bled.
“Good heaven, what harm to him have I done?
I did service to him and got this return!" [3]
At this, that condemned wicked from head to toe
Shattrughan dragged by the hair that woman low.
Bharat rescued the wretched, at mercy intent.
To Kaushilya’s house then both brothers went. [4]

3320 She was in clothes dirty, restless, sorrowful,
Her complexion of face was lost,
As if a golden branch of Kalpa-Tree
Was hit by the biting frost. [163]
Seeing Bharat, she gladly got up and ran,
But fainting, she fell on the ground again.

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At this Bharat’s sorrow could know no bound,

Forgetting himself, fell at her feet on the ground. [1]

“O mother, show to me my father again

Where are my brothers two Rama and Lakshman?
3330 Why was Kaikai on this earth born?
If born, why was she not made barren? [2]
She gave me birth, shame for the family,
Store of great defame, family’s enemy.
Who is more unlucky in three worlds than I
Due to me only, present situation came by. [3]

Father dead, Chief of Raghu’s Line in forest,

I have been the cause of all unrest.
Fie on me, for bamboo forest a fire
Unbearably burning misfortune dire. [4]

3340 When mother heard Bharat’s sweet words as these
She took courage, managed to rise.
She embraced Bharat to her bosom with love,
Tears ran down from her eyes. [164]
Simple natured mother, him fondly embraced
As if Rama had again her place graced.
She then embraced Shattrughana, the younger brother,
Neither sorrow, nor love could be contained by her. [1]
Noticing her behaviors, all people opine
“Why should Rama’s mother not be so fine?"
3350 In her own lap, mother gave Bharat a seat.
Wiped off his tears, did sweetly greet. [2]

“Be patient, my son, I fondle, pray, hark,

Shake off sorrow, think our days are dark,
Let loss not affect you, nor mental depression,
Unavoidable are time’s and luck’s action. [3]
Don’t put blame on anybody else, I pray,
Providence is against me, in every way.
He keeps me alive in spite of this pain.
Who knows what he has for me still, in plan!" [4]

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3360 “Complying with father’s orders, Rama did
Discard clothes and ornament.
He put on the tree bark dress instead,
With no joy and no resentment. [165]
Had no likes, dislikes, and looked cheerful,
Consoled all and in every way possible.
He left for forest, Sita company maintained,
Lover of feet of Rama, She could not be detained. [1]

Lakshman heard and he also accompanied,

Rama tried to stop him but did not succeed.
3370 Then Rama with Sita and His younger brother,
Bowing His head to all, proceeded further. [2]
Rama Lakshman and Sita left for their goal.
I didn’t go with them, nor sent my soul.
All these happenings occurred and I witnessed,
Yet soul won’t part from the form distressed. [3]

On my love, I even do not feel shame,

For a son like Rama, I mother became.
King alone knew well how to live, how to die.
Like hundred adamants, my heard does lie." [4]

3380 When the words of Queen Kaushilya were heard
Bharat, as well as all harem,
Wept and were extremely restless.
Palace turned into sorrow’s home. [166]
Bharat and Shattrughan are restless and moan,
Kaushilya held both of them to her bosom.
To Bharat she gave great consolation,
Explaining some knowledgeful citation, [1]
Bharat also gave consolation to mothers
Quoting Vedic and Shastric literatures.

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3390 With hands joined, Bharat began to entreat,

In words without cunning, pure, simple and sweet. [2]

“Sin, that accrues from killing parents and son,

Or burning cowsheds and Brahmins’ town,
Sins that murder of mother and child bring,
One coming from poisoning one’s friend or king, [3]
All sins, big and small, that poets described,
To thought or to word it to action ascribed,
May those sins be put on my head, mother,
If I be involved in this dirty affair. [4]

3400 Those who forsaking Shankar’s and Vishnu’s feet
To worship of ghosts are bent,
O Providence, let me also meet their fate
If there be at all, my assent. [167]
Those who sell Vedas and exploit religion,
Do back-biting and others’ faults mention,
Are cunning, evil, quarrelsome, and are wrathful,
Who decry Vedas, to all world enmical. [1]
Those who are avaricious, sensual, greedy,
Who have an eye on other’s wife and money,
3410 Creator, let their cursed fate to me return,
If with this matter I have least concern. [2]

Those who have no love for the company of good

Unlucky, who spiritualism never understood,
Getting human form, do not remember the Lord,
Who find no interest in the glories of God, [3]
Leaving out Vedic religion who choose other course,
Like thugs, rob people, in garbs of course,
Let their fate be my fate, Shankar,
If I know anything in this matter." [4]

3420 Hearing words of Bharat, so simple and true
Mother Kaushilya said, “Indeed
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O son, you have ever been dear to Rama.

By thought, by word and by deed. [168]
Dearer than your soul, Rama has been to you,
To him, dear as very life, you have been too.
Moon may send out poison, frost fire may rain,
Aquatic animals, shunning water, alive remain. [1]
Inspire of true knowledge, ignorance may go on,
But you cannot possibly go against Ram(a).
3430 Whoever in the world thinks this as your plan,
Happiness and salvation he can never obtain." [2]
So saying mother hugged Bharat to her bosom,
Milk oozes from breasts, tears from eyes come,
Thus both lamented for their sad plight.
Mere sitting and talking, they passed whole night. [3]

Then came Bamdeo and Vashishtha of renown,

They called all ministers and elite of town,
Muni gave Bharat so many different teachings,
And knowledge which, to occasion had bearings. [4]

3440 “Keep patience and be calm," the Muni did say,
Do all that occasion demands."
Hearing Guru’s Orders, Bharat stood up,
Ready to carry out commands. [169]
Bathed body of King as the Vedas dictate,
Built a bier most wonderful to be looked at.
Holding feet of mothers, Bharat stopped them,
They stayed, on some date hoping to see Ram(a). [1]
Loads of incense and sandalwood were brought
More things of sweet fragrance and quite a lot.
3450 On the bank of the Saryu, beautiful pyre made,
Which looked as if ladder to heaven had been laid. [2]

Thus solemnly performed the funeral rite

They bathed and then offered oblations right.

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In accordance with Vedas, Smriti and Puran

Bharat performed prescribed ten days’ programme, [3]

Whatever directions Vashishtha Muni gave

Bharat did, in accordance to orders, behave.
When purified, Bharat gave great charity,
Cows, horses, elephants, cars of great variety. [4]

3460 Thrones, ornaments, clothes, houses and land,
Much wealth did Bharat Lal give.
Brahmins – gods on earth – receiving them all
So satisfied fully they live. [170]
Deeds done by Bharat in father’s memory
Lacs of tongues cannot describe fully.
Finding an auspicious day, great Muni came,
Invited ministers and citizens of fame. [1]
They came and took seats in royal assembly.
Then the two brothers were sent for by Muni.
3470 To Bharat, Vashishtha gave seat by his side -
Told morals and virtues by which to abide. [2]
At first all the happenings, great Muni said
– The mischief which evil Kaikai had played.
King’s vow, his truthfulness, great Muni praised.
Who upheld love, though his very life erased. [3]
Describing graces, sweet nature of Ram(a)
Muni’s body horripilated, tears flowed out warm.
Described love which Sita, Lakshman had borne.
The wise Muni was between love, sorrow, torn. [4]

3480 “Bharat, whatever is lotted, cannot be blotted
Said Muni with a painful heart,
Loss, gain, life, death, credit and discredit,
Come as Providence does impart." [171]

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Thinking so, on whom could one place blame?

It is useless therefore getting angry for the same
Consider it within your heart, my son,
King Dasharath can never be an object to mourn. [1]
Mourn for the Brahmin who Vedas not knows.
Discarding his duties who senses follows.
3490 Mourn for the king who knows not virtues’ role
Who does not hold subjects so dear as soul. [2]

Mourn for the Vaishya, who with wealth is miser.

Doesn’t worship Shiva, will not give guest honour.
Mourn for the Shudra who does Brahmins insult,
Verbose, self-conscious, who does in knowledge exult. [3]
Mourn for a woman, who would be cheating her mate,
Is vicious, quarrelsome and is obstinate.
Mourn celibate who his vow of celibacy breaks
Who would not follow his own teacher’s behests. [4]

3500 That householder verily deserves to be mourned
Who omits his duties for greed.
Mourn that anchorite, who for worldly affairs,
Neglects knowledge and ascetic creed. [172]
That Vanaprasth also is fit to be mourned,
Who left penance and to enjoyments turned.
Mourn backbiters and given to irritations,
Who oppose their parents, guru and relations. [1]

Of course, mourn for one who is public sore,

Who cares only for self, is cruel to the core.
3510 He fully deserves to be mourned in the world,
Who, shunning, cunning, would not be devotee to Lord [2]
Kaushal-King could never be an object to mourn,
Whose glories in worlds fourteen have shone,
A king like your father, O Bharat, verily
Neither has been, nor is, nor is going to be. [3]
Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh, Indra, Chief of quarters
With one voice on virtues of Dasharath converse. [4]

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Bharat, tell me how it is possible for a man
To described the praises of one,
3520 Who, as Rama and as Lakshman Shattrughan,
And as you has glorious son? [173]
King Dasharath was fortunate from all points of view.
To mourn for him would be so useless too.
Examine this point and leave mourning
Do honour his wishes and begin acting. [1]

King himself has bequeathed throne unto you.

You too ought to have his words proved true.
Words for which, abandoning Rama he tried.
And in fire of separation from Rama, died. [2]
3530 King Dasharath honoured words more than his life.
You too maintain his words with truthfulness rife.
Put orders of father on head and bow
Therein alone lies all welfare now." [3]

Parasuram kept orders of his father, no doubt.

Killed mother, the whole world bears it out.
Son of King Yayati, gave him his manhood.
As it was father’s wish, he is not misunderstood. [4]

Those who do not weigh between right and wrong
Act only on father’s wish,
3540 They are blessed here with happiness and glory
Dwell in heaven when life they finish. [174]
You should positively make father’s words true
Cease morning and subjects’ welfare do.
In heaven Dasharath too will feel satisfied.
You get glory and name, by none decried. [1]
Vedas say, other scriptures corroborate
He gets throne whom father does allocate.

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You therefore rule, and shake sorrow away,

It is for common good, act as I say. [2]

3550 Hearing of it, Sita and Rama would be glad

No learned can ever consider it bad.
Kaushilya and all other mothers also,
Would like to see subjects freed from sorrow. [3]
They know the love that is between you and Ram(a),
Will feel obliged to you, at this programme.
When Rama is back, you may return to Him throne
And begin serving Him with love and affection." [4]

The minister joined their hands and said
“Do act on Guru’s advice;
3560 When Rama comes back from forest exile
We’ll do what is right and nice." [175]
Queen Kaushilya also with patience said,
“What Guru says is so very helpful, my lad.
Deem it useful, honour his words and do
Think it, time’s move, hence do not rue. [1]
Rama is in forest and King in heaven
And you show this weakness, are heart broken.
For the family, subjects, ministers, and mothers,
You alone are support, my son, not others. [2]

3570 Fortune is against us and times adverse,

Take courage, my son, I fondle and caress.
Honour Guru’s advice, act accordingly,
Serve subjects and end family’s misery." [3]
Bharat heard Guru’s words, minister’s advice
Which were to his heart like sandal nice
And then heard mother’s sweet words also,
Mixed up with modesty, affection so. [4]

Sweet words of mother, as if soaked in nectar,
Made Bharat go very restless.
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3580 Tears from eyes lotus, watering them afresh,

Shoots of separation made progress. [1]
Those who see the state, of Shri Bharat’s fate
Their ownselves they soon forget.
Tulsi, they do mention, Bharat, the limit of affection,
With all respect and great eclat. [2]
Bharat joined palms and took courage,
Mustering all strength, very hub of patience.
Made answer to great assemblage
In words that were soaked in pure nectar. [176]
3590 “Guru gave most excellent teaching to me.
The ministers, the subjects, others also agree.
Mothers also said to me, considering it good.
I too wish to act on it, if I could. [1]

One ought to act and with a joyful heart,

On good advice, guru, parents, lord, impart.
To consider pros and cons, if one begins.
He misses his duty, gathers great sins. [2]
Most certainly you show the simplest way,
In following which my great welfare lay -
3600 I understand that very well, no doubt.
Contentment, however, does not yet come about. [3]

I pray, please consider what I do beseech,

And then give advice which is within my reach.
Excuse me for my fault of differing,
Saints don’t mind right, wrong, or one in suffering. [4]

Rama is in forest and the father in heaven,
And me, you advise to reign.
Do you think therein lies my great good
Or will you your purpose gain? [177]

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3610 My good lay only in the service of Ram(a),
Mother’s wickedness robbed me of that occasion.
I have fully considered it in my mind,
Any other way, my good, one cannot find. [1]
Without seeing Rama’s, Sita’s, Lakshman’s feet
The throne, bundle of all sorrows, I treat.
As without clothes, ornaments are mere load
With no knowledge of Supreme, asceticism is fraud, [2]

With a diseased body, enjoyments lose charm.

Yoga, worship are no good without love of Ram(a).
3620 Body beautiful without life carries no sense.
My everything is useless in Rama’s absence. [3]
Permit me so that to Rama I may proceed,
What way alone lies my welfare indeed.
You expect your welfare, making me your king,
Under influence of love for me, talked silly thing. [4]

From the son of Kaikai, from one of evil mind,
Shameless and to Rama, enemy,
You are in a delusion to expect happiness
In the reign of sinful like me. [178]
3630 I am speaking truth, pray listen and believe
A moralist, and He only, throne should receive,
If kinship is forcibly on me hurled,
Earth shall sink down to very nether world. [1]

Who could be a greater sinner then I am.

Due to whom, to forest went Site and Ram(a)?
In exile to forests, Rama, King sent.
And at parting to the land of gods he went, [2]
The rogue I, to whom all misery does owe,
Sit living, senses working, here to know.
3640 I witnessed the palace with Rama absent,
Bore world’s derision and am still present. [3]

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The fact is for Rama my love is not true.

Soul runs after world and its pleasures too.
How long shall I describe hardness of my heart?
It is proud, that to adamant shame it did impart. [4]

The outcome is ever stronger than cause
And I am not here for blame.
Adamant beats down bone in its hardness.
Iron does to stone the same. [179]
3650 This wicked soul in love with body does seem,
Born of Kaikai, unfortunate in extreme.
It loves body even when Rama is away.
What is still to be seen by me who can say? [1]
Rama, Lakshman and Sita to forest she has driven,
She obliged her husband by sending him to heaven,
Took widowhood for herself and bad name earned,
To sorrow and pain subject people condemned. [2]

On throne, pleasant glorious me did install

Thus served Kaikai the interests of all.
3660 What benefit greater still could there be?
And above all, you propose the throne for me. [3]
When from womb of Kaikai I’ve got birth
What is there possibly which I am not worth?
Providence Himself did me all favour bestow
Why do people and subjects then further go? [4]

To one rheumatic and under evil stars,
Stung by a scorpion,
If to him is administered alcohol
Is any cure possible then? [180]
3670 Whatever the son of Kaikai deserved,
That same, wise Providence on him served.

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It was useless however that the great Creator

Made me son of Dasharath and Rama’s brother. [1]

Above all you propose my coronation

King’s permission is there, there is people’s sanction.
How can I give answer to each one of you?
Whatever pleases you most, you say too, [2]
With me and my mother as exception
Who could say that all this was for good done?
3680 Excepting me, where is one in the world whole,
Who does not love Rama, more than his soul? [3]

What is sad loss to me, they consider their gain

It’s my bad luck, why blame others in vain?
Whatever you are pleased to say is alright.
You are pulled by fear, love, modesty tight. [4]

Rama’s mother is simple by very nature
Special love she has for me.
Urged by her very inherent affection
So says, seeing my humility. [181]
3690 The Guru, world knows, is of knowledge ocean,
All universe, a palm on his hand has been.
Even he proposes coronation today.
With luck against one, all go that way. [1]
Except Rama and Sita, none else would declare,
That I have no hand in the dirty affair.
I will hear those taunts and calmly suffer.
There must come up swamp, where there was water. [2]

I don’t mind at all if world calls names.

I don’t mind losing, on other world, claims.
3700 One single fire blazes, consumes my heart,
That Rama and Sita suffered for my part. [3]
Lakshman alone got his life’s best treat
Shunning everything, opted for Shri Rama’s feet.
I came to earth only for Rama’s exile.
Why shall I show sorrow and others beguile? [4]

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With bent head, I wish to lay before you,
My extremely dreadful distress.
Unless I am allowed to see Rama’s feet
My anguish can never get less. [182]
3710 I don’t see any other course on my part,
Who, other than Rama, can read my heart?
Of one thing alone I am resolute and firm
I’ll set out tomorrow to see Shri Ram(a). [1]

Even though I am bad and a great sinner,

It’s due to me that distress did occur.
Rama, viewing me surrendering before Him,
He’ll forgive me, great favour in Him will bring. [2]
He is all modesty, considerate, simple,
House of mercy and of love ample.
3720 He never did cause harm even to His enemy.
I am His servant, child, though crooked I be. [3]

You persons, my welfare, therein, deeming,

In kind words permit me and give blessing.
So that at my prayer, taking me as servant
He may return to Avadh and my prayer grant. [4]

Though born of an unworthy mother and though
I am wicked and ever sinful,
He will take me His own and will forsake
I count on Rama merciful." [183]
3730 On all, Bharat’s speech acted as charm,
Soaked in the sweet nectar of love for Ram(a),
Were burnt with the poison of separation
They recovered at the live mantra repetition. [1]
Mothers, ministers, guru, citizens, men, women,
For reasons of love, very restless became.

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So saying, repeatedly Bharat acclaim

“He’s very embodiment of love for Ram(a)". [2]

“O Bharat, why would you not play such a role?

You are dear to Rama, like His very soul.
3740 Mean fellow, who due to folly, puts blame,
On you, basing it on mother’s evil game, [3]
He and crores of his manes shall have to dwell
For a period of hundred Kappas in hell.
Jewel would not absorb evil qualities of snake,
Antidoting poison, off poverty would take. [4]

O, Bharat, your view is excellent indeed
Let us go where Rama does stay.
At the moment of drowning in sea of sorrow
Part of a life boat did play." [184]
3750 All hearts felt gladdened appreciably
As cuckoos and peacocks at thunder be.
“They are going tomorrow" was a joyful call.
Bharat was dear as soul for them all. [1]

Praising Vashishtha, respect to Bharat did pay,

With permission, went home, all so gay.
“Happy is Bharat’s life in whole creation."
They praise his modesty and his affection. [2]
They say, “A great success has then been achieved."
They make preparations for the journey conceived.
3760 Whomsoever they ask, at home to stay,
He feels as if his neck they are going to slay. [3]
Some say, “We shall not ask anyone to stay.
Who would not like to have life’s joy that day?" [4]

Fie on that property, that pleasure and friend
Mother, father, brother and home,
Who do not with full heart prove helpful

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In witnessing the feet of Ram(a)." [185]

Every householder did his carriage equip,
Very happy at heart, for the morning trip.
3770 Bharat came to his palace, began to consider
“Horses, elephants, town, palaces, treasure, [1]

Are Rama’s property and to Him belong.

If we don’t protect them and move along,
That is ultimately not going to do me good.
To oppose lord is sin of first magnitude. [2]
Only he is true servant who serves his lord.
Never mind if a crore sins on him they heard."
Thus, thinking he sent for servants faithful,
Who’ld not even in dream cease to be moral [3]

3780 Bharat explained to them, left instructions,

Posted them as needed by situations.
All arrangements made, guards posted were
Then Bharat started for Rama’s mother. [4]

Knowing miserable plight of mothers all
Bharat, all wise, and loving,
Ordered that palanquins be all equipped
Conveyances comfortable, pleasing. [186]
Like pairs of partridges, men and women,
Sad at heart, prayed for the rising sun.
3790 After whole night’s vigil, the sun did rise.
Bharat sent for all his ministers wise. [1]
Said, “Carry all articles of Coronation.
In forest the Muni will give Rama throne.
Look sharp," ministers went paying respects,
Decorated horses, elephants, chariots, [2]

With Arundhati, things for fire worship

Muni sat in a chariot and led in the trip.
Other Brahmins, house of penance and brilliance

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Occupied their seats in their conveyance. [3]

3800 The citizens, too, took their chariots dight
Started on the road to Chittrakut right.
The queens too sat in palanquins fine,
Whose beauty and grandeur one could not define. [4]

Bharat handed over town to servants faithful,
Put all party on the road.
Thinking of the feet of Rama and Sita,
Bharat and his brother followed. [187]
March onto see Rama’s feet, under love’s rule
As elephants hasten up to some water pool.
3810 Thinking Rama and Sita to be living in forests,
Bharat and brother walk, and conveyance detest. [1]

Seeing their love, people were all immersed

They also came down, carriages they cursed.
Approaching Bharat and stopping palanquin,
In very sweet words spoke Kaushilya Queen, [2]
“My son, I fondle, do sit in a conveyance
Or else whole family will suffer penance.
If you walk, all others too, will go on foot,
Afflicted by sorrow, can’t walk on the route." [3]

3820 They bowed to her feet and to her orders,

Complying, sat in a chariot, the brothers.
Their first halt was at the Tamasa river.
The second, when the Gomati river was near. [4]

Some take only milk, and some bare fruit
Some take their meals but once.
Discarding all ornaments and pleasures
For Rama, suffered all penance. [188]

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Passed night at Sai’, at morn marched on,

Till Shringverpur they reached anon.
3830 The boatman, having got all report.
Gloomy at heart, began thinking out his part. [1]
“What is reason behind Bharat’s march to forest?
Some evil plan does his heart infest.
If no evil does in his heart tarry
Why does he then, with him a force carry? [2]

He plans to kill Rama and His brother,

And thus rule free, with nothing to fear.
He failed in his heart, King’s justice to consider
There was calumny first, now life is in danger. [3]
3840 None can defeat Rama on the battle ground.
If bravest of gods, demons, be together found.
What wonder of Bharat behaves in this manner?
Could a branch of poison tree nectar fruit bear?" [4]

Thus thinking, Guha advised his kinsmen
To be prepared, well disposed,
To collect all boats, sink them in water,
All crossings and ferries be closed. [189]
“Be well armed and stop every crossing,
Never mind if we meet death in fighting.
3850 I’ll directly face him and his armies,
But shall not allow him to cross Ganges, [1]

Death in battlefield and by the Ganges,

In the cause of Rama, with mortal bodies,
Bharat, king, Rama’s brother and I so low,
It is height of luck if I meet death so. [2]
For the cause of Rama in the battle I’ll fight,
Fill fourteen worlds with glories bright.
If I die, it will be for Rama’s cause
In either case I shall be getting applause. [3]
3860 He who is not counted amongst holy men,
And is not amongst the devotees of Ram(a),

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His life is useless, a burden on earth,

Axe to youth of mother who gave him birth. [4]

Thus thinking, boatman was freed from pain.
Encouraged one and all, in the trail.
Remembering Rama, he sent for, at once,
Quiver, bow and coat of mail. [190]
“Make haste, my brothers, get ready to fight,
Shake off weakness at orders right."
3870 They joyously respond saving, “Very well, lord."
Great encouragement they mutually accord. [1]
Paying respects to chief, all boatmen go
So brave, all lovers of battlefield so.
Remembering the shoes of Rama’s lotus feet
Tie up quivers, string the bows for feat. [2]
Putting on armour and steel helmet,
Their axes, spears, lances, they whet,
Some are experts in facing the sword attack.
Jump high to skies, leaving ground back. [3]

3880 Thus organizing their groups and arms,

They went to the chief, Guha, offered Salaams.
He met them and found them all so brave.
To each by name, great honour he gave. [4]

“Harken, O brothers, let failings not come.
Today’s mission is so great."
They all answered with one voice
“Don’t be nervous, our mate." [191]
“By the glory of Rama, by your strength indeed
We’ll render army without brave and steed
3890 As long as we live, a step we won’t yield.
Strewn with heads, trunks, will render the field." [1]

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When the chief of boatmen saw a strong force

He said. “Play the war band now of course."
One, at his left, sneezed, as he made this mention,
The soothe sayer said. “It is a happy omen." [2]
An old man interpreted omen and said,
“Meet Bharat, the warfare will not spread.
Bharat goes to appease and persuade Ram(a)
There is no ill-will, clearly shows the omen." [3]

3900 Hearing him, the Chief said, “Old man is right."

Acting in haste, repeat at leisure, fools might.
Without knowing Bharat’s modesty and nature
We shall meet sad end, if fighting we prefer. [4]

You all bravemen, take care of the ghat.
I am going to him and will read
If he is friend, foe or is indifferent.
We shall act then as is the need. [192]
I’ld observe his nature, love shall be revealed,
“Love and enmity cannot be ever concealed."
3910 So saying he began collecting offerings
Bulbs, roots, fruits, birds, deer and other things. [1]
Kahaar’s bought loadfuls, hanging on wings,
Of fish, large, fat, old, as offerings.
Thus equipped with presents, they set out to meet
Happy and auspicious omens them did greet. [2]

Guha saw Vashishtha from a distance and fell

By way of respect, his name did spell.
Muni blessed him knowing he was friend of Ram(a),
He fully informed Bharat, of the person. [3]
3920 Finding Rama’s friend, Bharat left the chariot
Lost in love, he came down, with no éclat.
Guha told him his village, caste and his name.
To pay him respects, his head on the ground came. [4]


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Seeing Guha lying as a stick on ground,

Bharat picked him up and embraced.
He felt as if he had met with Lakshman
Love within heart could not be encased. [193]
Bharat hugged him to bosom with love immense.
People envy the ways of love’s instance.
3930 Gods showered flowers saying. “Hear, Hear",
They praise him calling store of joy, cheer. [1]
Low, in every way, in the world and Vedas
At the touch of whose shadow, to bathe one has,
Him, Rama’s younger brother, embraces to his heart,
Hugs him, horripilating in body’s every part. [2]

Those who, at mere yawning, repeat Ram(a), Ram(a)

Hordes of great sins also can’t face them.
Whereas Guha, Rama has embraced to His breast,
Made him and his family world-purifier, best. [3]
3940 When the waters of Karmnasha meet the Ganges
Who does not place it on his head? Say please.
By repeating name of Rama in reversed way
Valmiki become Supreme Soul – Brahma – they say. [4]

Foolish, sinful, untouchable, low caste, Shabar
Khas, Yavan, Kol or a Bhil
By uttering the name of Rama get pure
Their glories the three worlds fill. [194]
It has ever been so, it is no mere chance.
Where is once whose respect Rama did not enhance?
3950 Gods sing glories of the name of Ram(a).
Listening to which citizens feel happy and calm. [1]
After meeting Guha, Rama’s friend, and caress
Bharat asked of his welfare and happiness.
Seeing love of Bharat and his modesty,
The boatman was unconscious of his body. [2]

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So much love, happiness and suspense were raised,

That he merely stood and on Bharat gazed.
Later, gathering himself, he praised Bharat’s feet.
With joined hands humbly began to entreat, [3]
3960 “Viewing your lotus feet, source of all happiness,
For all times, to happiness I have access.
Now, lord, by your grace and your mercy
With crores of my manes I’m quite happy." [4]

“On the one hand, noticing my deeds, family,
Rama’s good graces, on the other,
He, who does not develop love for His feet,
Has been cheated by the Creator. [195]
So cunning, coward, stupid, of low caste.
By world and Vedas, an utter outcast,
3970 From, ever since Rama has made me His own,
I have turned to become whole world’s crown." [1]

Hearing Chief of boatmen and noticing his love,

Bharat’s brother, Shattrughan hugged him over and above.
Then Guha, most humbly taking his name
Bowed to the queens and paid respect to them. [2]
Taking him as Lakshman, they blessed him so much,
“May you live happy for a crore of years such."
Men, women of Ayodhya so gladdened mere
To see him, as if they met Lakshman there. [3]

3980 They say, “He had had life’s glories and charms,
Whom, virtuous Rama hugged with open arms."
Guha heard of the greatness of his luck,
Led them on their way with all joy and pluck. [4]

He hinted to his followers who took his clue
And busied themselves at the call.
In houses, under trees, garden, forest, by ponds,
Built resting places for them all. [196]
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When Bharat saw Shringverpur town
His whole body did so very feeble become.
3990 Bharat walking with Guha, as support, did look
As if love and humility to body betook. [1]
Thus Bharat, taking with him all armies,
Went and saw the world-purifier – Ganges.
He bowed to the place where Rama had bathed,
As if he had met Rama, he was so glad. [2]
Men, women of Ayodhya bowed to the Ganges,
Water, like the Supreme-Soul, did all of them please.
They bathed and with folded hands they pray
That their love for Rama’s feet should not decay. [3]
4000 Bharat said, “Mother Ganges to thy sand we bow.
It blesses all, to the lover is Celestial-Cow.
With hands folded, this boon alone I seek
For feet of Rama Sita, give me love, natural meek." [4]

Bharat having thus bathed in the holy Ganges,
Guru’s sanction he did obtain.
Knowing that mothers also had had their bath
Bharat took them to place of sojourn. [197]
They put up at different places of stay.
Bharat saw, if they all comfortably lay.
4010 They did God’s worship and getting sanction,
To Rama’s mother went Bharat and Shattrughan. [1]
They message her feet, sweet words they tell,
Give honour to other mothers as well.
Leaving Shattrughan for attendance on mothers,
Bharat called out Guha from amongst others. [2]
Bharat and Guha go, both hand in hand,
Body with love surcharged, so feeble to stand.
He asks his friend to show him that place,
And thereby grant to his eyes solace, [3]

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4020 Where Rama, Lakhan and Sita passed the night.

Bharat’s eyes were brimming with tears bright.
Guha felt restless at Bharat’s request,
Guided him to the place of Shri Rama’s rest. [4]

It was under that sacred Shisham Tree
That they had passed the night.
With intense love and utmost respect
Bharat prostrated on ground right. [198]
Bharat witnessed the beautiful bed of grass,
Paid respects and all around it, did pass.
4030 Picked dust of their feet and put it to eyes.
To describe his love, none could any way devise. [1]
He noticed Sita’s clothing’s dust lying about
Put them on head as if Sita was found out
Eyes are full of tears, with regret the heart.
These sweet words to his comrade he did impart [2]

“The stars dimmed due to Sita’s parting,

As are people of Ayodhya smarting.
With whom to compare Janak – Sita’s father
Who has mastery over both – Yoga and Pleasure? [3]
4040 Whose father-in-law is sun of Solar race
Even Indra envies his splendor and grace.
Whose Lord is Rama of Raghu’s family,
The great receive greatness from Him only. [4]

Faithful to Her Lord, gem of womanhood
Sita’s bed of grass I see,
Yet this heart does not break up, Shankar,
Is harder than adamant, truly. [199]
Younger brother of mine, beautiful, lovable
No brother has been such, nor is one possible.

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4050 Dear to parents, to Ayodhya citizens dear,

To Rama and to Sita like soul very near, [1]

Who has delicate form and tender nature,

Hot wind even who experienced never,
In forests He suffers all calamities,
In hardness my heart crores of adamant decries. [2]
By taking birth, Rama the entire earth shone,
Of beauty, modesty, joy, glories, ocean.
To citizens, to family, to parents, teacher
Rama’s nature gives all joy and pleasure. [3]

4060 Even foes have praises for Shri Rama’s part.

His talks, meets, humility enchant heart.
Crores of Saraswatis, Sheshas a thousand million,
Will fail to describe glories of Shri Ram(a). [4]

Jewel of Raghu’s line, beauty incarnate,
House of all joy and pleasure,
He sleeps on ground on bed of grass,
All powerful is will of Creator. [200]
Rama’s ears never heard of a calamity.
King looked after Him, as his very life-tree.
4070 Queens, all day and night, guarded Him well,
As lids do with eyes, snake with his jewel, [1]
That very Rama, on foot, in the forest, walks,
Eats bulbs, roots, fruits, and flower stalks.
Fie on Kaikai, root of sorrows and pain,
Who turned against her very beloved one. [2]

Cursed I am, unlucky, ocean of sin,

In whom find calamities’ origin,
Providence made me blot on the whole family,
Unworthy, mother made me my Lord’s enemy." [3]
4080 Boatman heard him and with affection consoled,
“Why uselessly suffer lord, pains untold?
Rama is dear to you, you to Rama are dear.
This is truth, Opposition comes from Creator. [4]

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Will of adverse Creator, is so hard to bear
He made queen Kaikai insane.
On the night of stay, Lord Rama did say,
Praises for you, again and again. [1]
Tulsidas says truth, basing on solemn oath,
None is so dear to Rama as you.
4090 End shall be happy, you may take it from me.
Keep patience at heart all through." [2]
Rama is Omniscient knows heart,
He is bashful, is loving, house of mercy.
For rest now, let us start,
Hold this belief at heart firmly always." [201]
Bharat mustered courage at the words of the friend
With Rama in heart, did to camp house tend.
When people came to know of the whole affair
With a painful heart, they too went there. [1]
4100 They walked round the bed and bowed to it.
On the head of Kaikai all blame they fit.
Again and again, water comes in their eyes.
They blame Providence for all miseries. [2]
To love of Bharat, one extends great praise,
To carry but love, some Dasharath eulogise.
They curse themselves, praise the boatman.
Who can describe their sorrows and pain? [3]
In this way was spent the entire night.
At day break, the ferrying began outright.
4110 To a beautiful boat, Guru they carry
Queens came up on quite a new ferry. [4]
In ninety six minutes they crossed the river.
Bharat came down, checked up their welfare. [5]

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Freed from morning duties, to mother bowing,

To Guru, Bharat bent his head.
Set the whole army on march again
By the group of batmen led. [202]
The chief of the boatman was at the head,
Queen’s palanquins were thereafter led.
4120 He posted Shattrughan to accompany them,
Guru and other Brahmins followed on. [1]
Bharat bent his head to the mother Ganges.
Put Ram, Lakhan, Sita before mind’s eyes.
On foot Bharat performed the whole journey
Though personal horses were in company, [2]

Faithful servants asked him, again and again,

To ride on the horse, but ‘t was in vain.
“Rama went on foot and with no conveyance.
Horses, chariots, elephants, give me repentance. [3]
4130 If I go on my head that will be all right,
The duties of servant are tough and tight."
Seeing Bharat’s condition, hearing his speech,
With sorrow, the servants great distress reach. [4]

It was about the afternoon time, when
Bharat, holy Prayag, entered.
In transport, saying ‘Sita-Rama, Sita-Rama’
Overjoyed, exulted, recaptured. [203]
Blisters, on his tender feet, so seem
As dew drops on buds of lotus, gleam.
4140 The whole party did greatly rue
Knowing that Bharat had walked all through. [1]
When Bharat knew all had bathed, were free,
He came to Triveni and prayed to the three.
In white blue waters took bath as prescribed,
Brahmins satisfied, charity subscribed. [2]

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He horripilated at the white blue waves,

Joining hands to Prayag he craves.
“King of holy centres! You grant all boon.
Glories, Vedas testify, world over, known. [3]
4150 Discarding my tradition, I beg of you
Which low act, a man in distress won’t do?
Knowing this, the charitable and knowledgeful
Give whatever is asked for, by the needful. [4]

Not riches, not righteousness, not desires
Not state of salvation, I entreat.
I seek no boon other than this one
Life after life, love for Rama’s feet. [204]
Never mind, if me, even Rama condemns
Me, enemy to Guru, master, world names
4160 Love for Rama’s, Sita’s feet, I pray,
May be increasing in me, day by day. [1]

Let rain clouds forget the cuckoo, for good,

Rain adamant, stone, when water they should.
If cuckoo’s wails die, whole grace is gone,
In the increase of love lies Cuckoo’s renown. [2]
Gold gets more glow when it is put in fire,
Likewise lover gains by love’s pangs dire."
At Bharat’s sweet words from amidst the steam
Rose voice, sweet, pleasant and showing esteem, [3]

4170 “O, Bharat, you are in all respects devotee,

For Rama’s feet, your love is fathomless sea.
You are harbouring useless pain in your heart.
Love for you is greatest on Shri Rama’s part." [4]

At this favourable sweet words of Triveni
Bharat bristled up in heavy strain.
Gods, from heaven, shout, “Hurrah, Hurrah"
And sweet fragrant flowers rain, [205]
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All residents of Prayag, with joy enthuse,
Be they celibates, householders, Vanaprasthh, recluse
4180 Standing in groups, talks mutually do
“Bharat’s love and modesty are sincere, true." [1]
Thus listening to sweet glories of Ram(a)
To the heritage of Bharadwaj Muni, they came.
Muni saw Bharat pay respects lying on ground
In him, his luck personified he found. [2]
He ran up, picked him up and embracing
Obliged him by offering him all blessing.
Offered him a seat, Bharat sat head low,
As if, inside house of shyness he would go. [3]
4190 He is worried that Muni will from him, inquire.
Muni said observing Bharat’s suspense dire,
“Listen, Bharat I have already known history whole
Over will of Providence, none has any control. [4]

Don’t be sorry in your heart, thinking
That it was your mother’s act.
Kaikai is not to be blamed at all.
Saraswati made her insane, in fact. [206]
Even that statement will not be deemed right
The learned hold both – world and Vedas – tight.
4200 But Bharat he, who sings of your glories pure,
Is honoured by both – world and Vedas sore. [1]
World and Vedas both hold this opinion
That he rules to whom father bequeaths the throne.
King was truthful of he had given you the throne.
There would have been happiness, justice and renown. [2]
All misfortune was due to Rama’s exile.
Universe is in pains for that act vile.
That exile, also, had been preordained.
Kaikai, doing mischief, lamented, was pained. [3]

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4210 Even then, if one implicates you in the case

He is unsaintly, most ignorant, and base.
If you had accepted throne, none could blame you
It would have been for Rama a great pleasure too. [4]

But now, Bharat you have done very well indeed.
This decision amply suits your norm.
Source of all happiness in the world does lie
In love for lotus feet of Ram(a). [207]
That love is your wealth, your life, your soul,
Who can equal you in good fortune’s role?
4220 That shouldn’t be a wonder for you either,
You are Dashrath’s son and Rama’s younger brother. [1]
Listen to me,O Bharat, for the love of Ram(a)
No worthier object of love could have come.
Rama, Sita and Lakshman love could you so true,
All night they passed here praising you. [2]

In their bath at Triveni, secret I observed.

In their love for you they were lost, absorbed.
Rama loves you with such great intensity,
As a fool loves to live in the world happily. [3]
4230 This praise is by no means extraordinary
Rama protects whole family of His devotee.
As for you, Bharat, I hold the opinion,
Love for Rama has had in your incarnation. [4]

To you it may have been calumny, Bharat
To us it is lesson so fresh.
For the perfection of mantra of Rama’s love
This occasion has been as Ganesh. [208]
O Bharat, your virtues are like new moon
Lilies and partridges are devotees of Ram(a).

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4240 This moon will ever rise, have no decays

In the world as sky, will be growing always. [1]

Three worlds, like goose will love it so much,

Sun of Rama’s splendor wouldn’t dim it as such.
Day and night will shed pleasure whole world across,
Rahu demon of Kaikai’s deed will not harass. [2]
This moon is full of Rama’s love as nectar.
It is free from sin of insulting the teacher,
Your virtues made nectar on earth available,
The devotees of Rama can now have their fill. [3]

4250 King Bhagirath brought Ganges on earth,

Mere remembering which bring happiness mirth.
Glories of King Dasharath cannot ever be told,
To say nothing of excelling, none has been equalled. [4]

For reasons of whose love and hesitation
Rama came in the human form,
To see whom, the inner eyes of Shankar
Never did satiated become. [209]
You’ve created a moon of unparalleled fame,
Wherein is seated deer of love of Ram(a),
4260 To feel pain there is not the least occasion
Afraid of poverty getting philosopher’s stone! [1]
Listen to me, Bharat - telling I detest,
I’m an ascetic, recluse, loving in a forest.
By virtue of all my penances true,
Of Ram, Sita, Lakshman I obtained a view. [2]

By virtue of that view, I see you today.

I and all Prayag are lucky that way.
How blessed you are, won the world by fame."
So saying, engrossed in love, Muni became. [3]
4270 Hearing Muni’s words all persons were glad,
Gods said, ‘Holy, Holy’ and flowers they shed.
Cries of “Well done, Well done" filled Prayag and heaven,
Bharat heard and in love was so lost and driven. [4]

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With body horripilating and Rama in his heart
Tears from his lotus eyes rolled.
Bowing head to assembly of great munis
With choked voice, then Bharat told. [210]
“At the king of holy centres, before group of munis
Oath, however valid, brings down miseries.
4280 If one said anything here false, incorrect,
There shall be no other sin greater than that. [1]

You are omniscient and I honestly say,

Rama omnipresent does in heart stay.
Deeds of mother don’t so much with sorrows fill,
I do not mind if the world calls me ill, [2]
I don’t fear at the loss of the next world,
Nor is death of father to me, misery untold,
World over, his virtues and glories shone,
Got sons like Rama and like Lakshman, [3]

4290 Ended his life at Rama’s separation,

To move for him, there is not least occasion.
I am pained that Rama, Sita and Lakshman
Barefooted from forest to forest run. [4]

Wear clothes of bark and live on bare fruits,
Over bed of grass, sleep on the ground.
Suffer all miseries, live under trees where
Heat, cold, rains, winds abound. [211]
This fire, day and night, burns in my heart.
I have lost hunger and sleep on my part.
4300 For this malady, there is in this world no cure.
I have searched in my mind throughout, I am sure. [1]
Mother’s evil thought, has been carpenter sinful
My welfare, he made his adze – the tool.

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On the wood of deep malice, talisman he made

With evil mantra of period deep in Avadh laid. [2]

For me she erected evil structure,

And entire world did to pieces shatter.
If Rama comes back all bad luck would end.
Avadh will then proper, nothing else can mend." [3]
4310 At these words of Bharat, the Muni got joy
Words of high praises did all employ.
Muni said. “Do not grieve so much, my friend,
At the sight of feet of Rama, sorrows will end." [4]

Thus giving great consolation, Muni said.
“My beloved guest now all be.
Roots, fruits, tubers, flowers, whatever we place
Accept them and oblige me." [212]
At these words of Muni, Bharat had hesitation,
There has developed very awkward situation.
4320 Ultimately he thought Guru’s words carried weight,
Praising his feet, with joined hands he did state, [1]
“O Lord, our greatest duty here lies
Your orders, above everything, we prize."
At this answer of Bharat, Muni was so glad
Calling his faithful servants and pupils, he said, [2]

“Let us all, Bharat and his party entertain,

Go and tubers, roots and fruits obtain."
“Very well" saying, they bent their heads and went
Gladly to their mission and duty they bent. [3]
4330 Muni was in a fix, he invited great men
The worship should match with the worshiped. Then
Goddesses of success and prosperity came
And said, “Give orders, we’ll carry out the same." [4]

“Bharat is restless due to Rama’s separation,
So are his brother and party;
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Let us entertain them and provide with rest."

Said Muni joyful and hearty. [213]
The goddesses bowed to Muni’s orders,
And thought fortune had done them favours,
4340 The goddesses amongst themselves so tell
“Rama’s brother – the guest – has no parallel, [1]
Remembering Muni’s feet, let us so act,
That happiness to party becomes a fact."
Thus saying, they built houses beautiful
Which put to shame even cars celestial. [2]
Articles of comforts and pleasures stored
Seeing which even gods their fates deplored.
Servants, maid-servants with things ready
Observed their needs intelligently. [3]

4350 In no time those things goddesses had given

Which could not be even dreamt of, in heaven.
They first offered them accommodation
Fine, comfortable, suiting their inclination. [4]

Then housed Bharat and his entire family,
As such was the Muni’s order.
By power of penance Muni brought grandeur,
Which put to wonder The Creator. [214]
When Bharat saw Muni’s influence over all,
All worlds and lokpals looked small.
4360 One could not describe comforts, éclat,
There, men of knowledge asceticism forgot. [1]
Canopies, fine clothes, beds and carpets,
Animals, birds, gardens and forests,
Fragrant flowers, fruits, sweet as nectar,
Beautiful and pure sources of water, [2]

Food, sweet, pure as nectar of nectars,

Viewing them, like ascetics, hesitate visitors.

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In every house were Kamdhenu, Kalpa-Tree.

Indra and Shachi felt greedy to see. [3]

4370 Spring season cool, fragrant, mild wind,

All, virtues, wealth, wishes, salvation find.
Wreaths, sandal, girls and all pleasures main
They found themselves between pleasures and pain. [4]

The pleasures are goose, Bharat is gander
Muni’s order has been a fowler.
Caged them for the night in Muni’s hermitage,
Day dawned and night was over. [215]
At holy Prayag they bathed next day.
Bharat and all, respects to Muni did pay.
4380 Obtained his permission and blessing
Prayed to him so much, with head bending. [1].
With a few good guides, getting ready to start,
They left with Chittrakut in their heart.
Bharat seemed, hand in hand with the boatman
As if, love itself had assumed a form. [2]
Barefooted, no shade on his head was there,
Love, vow, discipline, duty – all pure were
Inquired of Guha, of happenings of the way,
Of Rama, Lakhan, Sita, which Guha did say. [3]
4390 Bharat saw trees, places where Rama had stayed.
He could not control love which in him swayed.
Gods noticing his condition showered flowers,
Ground turned soft and became full of pleasures. [4]

The clouds provided shade all along
And very pleasant wind did blow.
Way was not so comfortable for Rama
As for Bharat it was, lo. [216]

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All sentient, insentient beings of the way,

Who saw Rama or whom Rama saw by the way,
4400 They all became deserving of salvation,
On viewing Bharat they actually got liberation [1]
In the case of Bharat, that is no wonder,
Whom Rama Himself does ever remember.
Whoever in the world once “Rama" utters,
He obtains salvation, brings it to others. [2]

Bharat is loved by Rama and is His brother

How could then the way not be full of pleasure?
All seers and saints, of Bharat, so say,
Viewing Bharat, they in their heart feel gay. [3]
4410 Seeing influence so great, Indra was in suspense
World is good for the good, for the evil an offence.
He prayed to the Guru to extend his grace,
So that meeting of Rama, Bharat may not take place. [4]

“Rama is so modest and by love ever bound,
Of pure love, Bharat is ocean.
Plan, advancing nicely, will be falling through,
Some trick be devised anon." [217]
Guru of gods heard him, smiled in his mind,
The thousand eyes of Indra, he thought to be blind,
4420 “If one tricks the servant of Lord of mercy,
It will recoil on him, Indra, take it from me. [1]

Last time Maya worked, at the instance of Ram(a).

But now trouble will come, if trick you perform.
Listen to me, I’ll tell you the nature of Ram(a).
He does not mind if one does Him any harm. [2]
But if one does harm to His dear devotee
In the fire of Rama’s anger consumed he will be.
The world and the Vedas, all here agree
Durvasa knows fully truth of His history. [3]
4430 Where is one so beloved as Bharat is to Ram(a)?
World remembers Rama, Rama remembers him. [4]

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O, King of gods, never bring into Your mind,
To thwart plan of Rama’s devotee.
It will bring bad name in this world, sorrow in the
Day by day, will grow misery. [218]
King of gods, do to my teaching listen,
To Rama His devotee is most loved one.
By service to His servant He is much pleased.
With one enmical, He is exceedingly displeased. [1]

4440 He is even, harbours love and hatred for none.

Doesn’t take vice, virtue, merit, demerit of one.
In the world, actions only, supreme He sets,
As one does, the fruits likewise he gets. [2]
Still He adopts differentiation
On finding, not finding in heart, devotion.
No ranks, no attributes, unsoiled, uniform,
For reasons of love, Rama took human form. [3]
Devotee’s wish, God ever does satisfy,
Gods, Vedas, Puranas and saints testify.
4450 Knowing it, dismiss all evil from heart.
Go, love devoutly holy feet of Bharat. [4]

God’s devotees ever do well to others,
Feel pain at others’ pain.
Bharat is very crown of all devotees,
Don’t fear, Indra, therefore in vain. [219]
Rama ocean of truth, well wisher of gods
Bharat ever acting with Rama’s accords.
For selfish reasons only you suffer.
It is your ignorance, not Bharat’s error." [1]
4460 Hearing Brihaspati’s laudable advice

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Worries of Indra ended and he felt nice.

With a happy heart, Indra did flowers rain,
Praised Bharat’s nature in sincere strain. [2]
Thus Bharat was marching on his journey.
His state, the perfect and seers envy.
Whenever Bharat took deep breath uttering ‘Rama’ sound,
It seemed as if love swelled all around. [3]

At his humble words, rocks, adamant, melt.

Who can describe love that in citizens dwelt?
4470 Halting in the way, reached Jamuna river.
Tears came in his eyes seeing the blue water. [4]

Seeing holy water of the colour of Rama
Bharat, along with all his men,
Was going down in sea of separation,
When they seized ship of discretion. [220]
That day they halted by the Jamuna river,
All possible comforts were provided there.
That very night, boats from all ferries came,
In great numbers, one could not count the same. [1]
4480 In the morning they crossed all in a single beat.
Services of Guha, all appreciate and greet.
They left after bath, bowing down to river.
Two brothers and the Chief of boatmen together. [2]
On good conveyances led Muni party.
Then followed the great royal assembly.
And after them all, Bharat Shattrughan be took,
Simple in their ornaments, clothes and look. [3]
Servants, friends, sons of minister together,
Rama, Lakshman and Sita, they all remember,
4490 They bow down with all respect and zest,
To the places where Rama, Sita had had rest. [4]

Men, women of the villages lying in the way,
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On knowing, leave work and run.

Viewing their graces and Bharat’s deep love,
Getting life’s fruit, happily return. [221]
A woman, to the other, puts this question –
“Friend, are they not very Rama and Lakshman?
Same ages, complexions and shapes we see,
Their modesty love, even gait agree. [1]
4500 There is no Sita however and forms vary,
Here are horses, elephants, chariots, infantry.
They do not look cheerful are worried in mind,
For these differences, great doubts we find." [2]
Her reasoning and logic they all appreciate
They say, “None dare equal you at any rate."
Praising her and saying, “You are perfectly right."
Another woman spoke respectfully quite, [3]
She narrated fondly all old happenings
How Rama’s coronation had had its endings.
4510 Blessed woman told Bharat’s praise thereafter,
His modesty, love and his humble nature. [4]

“He is walking barefooted and eats mere fruits,
Left throne, given by his father.
He is going to appease and persuade Rama.
Who could equal him in the matter? [222]
His brotherly feelings, love and behavior,
Mash off sin and sorrow by being talked over.
It will fall short, however praise we bestow
Why should the brother of Rama, not be so? [1]

4520 Today, we have seen Bharat and his brother

We have come in the list of lucky, women, sister."
Knowing praises, seeing condition, they say sorrowfully
“Bharat did not deserve to be born of Kaikai." [2]
Another woman says, “Let us not blame her.

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It was work of Providence, but to us a favour.

Otherwise we – low in world, Vedas, tradition,
Dirty women folk, mean in family, action. [3]
Of parts bad, bad villages, with evils rife.
And a view like this! Result of virtuous life."
4530 Such joy and such wonder, all villagers had
As if a Kalpa-Tree grew in desertland bad. [4]

By getting view of Bharat their good fortune rose
Who on Bharat’s route did stay.
As, by good luck, people of the Singhaladweep
Luckily got Prayag by the way. [223]
Bharat, hearing his own and Shri Rama’s praise,
Goes on, but Rama in mind he has.
They bathe at the holy centres in the way,
Bow to temples and where hermits stay. [1]
4540 In heart, from all does Bharat entreat,
– Love for Rama and for Sita’s feet.
When he meets Kols, Bhils of the forest,
Celibates, ascetics or Vanaprasth, [2]

Inquiries from them, does respect give,

“In which forest do Rama and Sita live?"
They talk to Bharat all about Shri Ram(a),
Get fruits of life, seeing Bharat’s form. [3]
Those who say. “Rama is in perfect cheer."
Bharat treats them like Rama, Lakshman dear.
4550 Thus making inquiries all the while,
And hearing them talk about Rama’s exile. [4]

Camped there for the night, and early in morn
Started with name of Ram(a).
Bharat has great desire to see Rama’s feet,
Others are also in love’s charm. [224]
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All auspicious omens were there to be seen,

Happy throbbing in arms and eyes so keen.
Bharat is feeling happy and also the friend
“We’ll meet Rama, fire of separation will end." [1]
4560 Each has the desire his heart would have.
They walk, intoxicated with wine of love.
Their bodies are loose, their legs totter,
Talk words restless, under love’s pressure, [2]

Guha, friend of Rama, then showed to all there

Jewel of hills, beautiful by nature.
Near which, by the side of Payaswani river
Lived Rama, with Sita and younger brother. [3]
To pay their respects, they prostrate fall
Say, “Victory to Rama, Sita’s very soul."
4570 So lost in love was the whole assembly
As if, back to Avadh, Rama made His journey. [4]

Even Shesha could not describe in full
The love which Bharat then had.
For poet inconceivable, as joy Supreme
For the proud, attached and bad. [225]
All felt feeble due to love for Ram(a),
Covered mere four miles as the day’s programme.
With water at hand they camped for the night.
At morn, Rama’s devotee led all right. [1]

4580 At His place, Rama rose before night was out

To describe Her dream, Sita too came about.
She saw Bharat come with number of people.
Separation from Rama had made him feeble, [2]
All are sorrowful, heartbroken and sad
And queens too quite a different look had.
At this tears came into eyes of Ram(a).
Liberator from worries did worried become. [3]
“Lakhan this dream does not any happiness presage
One is going to convey some unwelcome message."

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4590 So saying, Rama took bath with His brother,

Worshiping Shiva, to the saints gave honour. [4]

Having worship offered, and munis honoured
Rama sat up and looked northward.
Dust rose to sky, birds, animals fly,
All were rushing Rama’s homeward. [1]
Tulsidas says, Rama stood to gaze,
Trying reason thereof to unfold.
The Kols and Bhils, who lived on the hills,
Came and all the matter they told. [2]
4600 He was glad and horripilated
When He heard the good news of Bharat coming.
Tears of love were seen located.
In His eyes, like lotus of winter season, [226]
Lord of Sita, once more, turned to quest
“What could have brought down Bharat to the forest?"
From yet another reporter learnt he,
“With him was coming very huge army." [1]
Rama was pulled two ways, at his word
Father’s word and for the brother regard.
4610 Knowing fully well Bharat’s nature, Ram(a)
Does not find place for peace and calm. [2]
He found repose in the thought, at the end,
That Bharat was saintly and obedient.
Lakshman noticed sorrow in Shri Rama’s mind,
Said, what in that situation he did find. [3]
“O Lord, I am going to speak unasked,
For timely boldness, one is not ill classed.
You are Lord Omniscient and all know
I only submit mere servant’s call view. [4]

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4620 You are very good to all and for no reason too,
Store of modesty and grace.
For everybody trust and love You have
Thinking he also has Your trace. [227]
But a fool, licentious, when he gets power,
By ignorance he exposes his true nature.
I know Bharat is moral, saintly, wise,
Has love for Your feet whole world testifies. [1]

He, too, getting Your position this day,

Left path of virtues and went astray.
4630 Brother unworthy vicious, found it opportune,
And thinking that Rama was in forest alone, [2]
With evil motive, he made preparations,
Came to arrange his rule free from thorns.
With crores of viciousness of all natures,
Organised great army, both the brothers. [3]

If there were at heart no malice, ill thought,

What for, these horses, elephants, chariots?
Why blame Bharat uselessly at this hour?
World goes mad, on getting ruling power. [4]

4640 Moon visited his very own teacher’s consort,
Brahmins’ palanquin, the King Nahush bore.
King Venu has got no paralleled in meanness,
Him, both world, Vedas, deplore. [228]
Be it Sahashrabahu, Trishanku, Lord Indra be,
Whom did pride of power not bring calumny?
Bharat also is wise from one point of view,
Debt and enemy should not be left, it is true. [1]
One thing certainly Bharat has not well done,
He made little of Rama, thinking Him alone.

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4650 He’ll today realise his error, by Your grace.

When in battle he sees angry Rama’s face." [2]

Thus saying, for the moment, he forgot morality,

Bristled up, as if flowered the bravery tree.
Praying to Rama’s feet, putting its dust on head
Referring to his strength, Lakhan normally said. [3]
“O Lord, let me not be considered impudent,
Bharat gave me annoyance beyond extent.
With you, Lord by me, and a bow in my hand,
How far would one forgo and insult stand? [4]

4660 A Kshattriya by caste, born in Raghu’s line,
A servant of Rama, world knows.
How then shall I bear, when even mean dust
When kicked to the very head goes?" [229]
He stood up and begged Rama’s permission,
As if out of slumber woke brave emotion.
Tying up matted hair, fitted quiver with band,
Stringing the bow, taking arrow in hand. [1]
“The glory of being servant I’ll have,
A lesson, Bharat on battlefield would receive.
4670 Consequences of insulting Rama will have found.
Both brothers will lie on bed of battle ground. [2]

It is good that all have been found together.

All my past anger I shall bring to bear.
As a lion crushes down the elephant’s herd,
Of a hawk swoops down on a quail bird, [3]
Likewise Bharat and his forces all
Like trash will on the battlefield fall.
For their help, even if Shankar does come
They will not be spared, I swear by Ram(a)." [4]

4680 All worlds and all guardians of worlds
For shelter ran hither and thither,
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When they noticed Lakshman’s great fury,

And when they heard him so swear. [230]
With world in terror, voice from heaven came
Eulogising Lakshman’s great power and fame.
“Who can, Sir, tell your glory, influence?
Who can know them all by his limited sense? [1]
Work, done on consideration, all praise.
Be it good or bad, whatever its phase.
4690 Him, Vedas, Pandits, wise don’t declare,
Who acting in haste, repents at leisure." [2]
Lakshman hesitated at God’s voice,
Rama, Sita, praised him, and did rejoice.
“You are right for might’s behavior, role,
Really pride of power is tough to control. [3]

But only those who had no saints’ company

Get mad on sipping wine of authority,
One like Bharat in nobility, Lakshman!
Was neither seen nor heard in whole creation. [4]

4700 Pride cannot touch Bharat even if he achieves,
Brahma’s, Vishnu’s, Shankar’s position.
Could ever mere sprinkling of acid
Make sour the milky ocean? [231]
Darkness may devour midday sun aflame,
Clouds may, within themselves, whole space contain,
Agastya, drown in water of cow’s hoof pit,
Earth may its innate submissiveness quit, [1]
By mosquito’s breath Sumer Mountain be blown.
But by pride of power Bharat cannot be won.
4710 I swear by you and by father, Lakshman,
Like Bharat, pure excellent brother there is none. [2]

Mixing milk of virtues, water of vices

Providence, formation of the world devises.

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But Bharat, being born vices in Raghu’s family pond,

Separates virtues from vices like unto swan. [3]

He took milk of virtues, vice-water did discard.

By his great glories Bharat has lighted world."
Thus describing Bharat’s virtue, modesty, nature
Rama was lost in ocean of love for brother. [4]

4720 Hearing Rama and seeing His love for Bharat
Gods were pleased immensely.
They all praised Him and with one voice said,
“Who can excel Rama – house of mercy?" [232]
“If Bharat had not been born in the world,
The moral axis who else could have held?
His virtues – too much for the poet to conceive,
Excepting you, Rama, who could know or perceive?" [1]
Rama Lakhan Sita heard gods’ voice profound,
An indescribable joy in that they found.
4730 On the other side, Bharat and his whole company
Bathed in the holy waters of the Payaswani. [2]
He arranged stay for all by the river,
Got permission from the mothers, ministers, teacher,
In company of chief of boatmen and bother,
He left for the place where Ram and Sita were. [3]
He faltered, thinking about his mother’s act.
Crores of thoughts then do his mind attract.
“Rama, Lakhan, and Sita, might have moved away,
On hearing my name, from their place of stay. [4]

4740 Thinking I have been my mother’s accomplice
Whatever they do will be less.
They shall excuse me for my sins and failings
In keeping with their greatness. [233]

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Whether He leaves me finding me maliciously bent,

Or does me honour taking me as servant,
My only shelter is the shoe of Ram(a)
Rama is the good Lord, at faults I am. [1]
Fish and cuckoo only deserve all praise
Their love and standard they do daily raise."
4750 With those thoughts, Bharat keeps on going.
Due to shyness and love, body feeble growing. [2]

As if deeds of his mother pull him backward,

Force of love, encouraging, pushes him forward.
When he happens to think of the nature of Ram(a)
His steps on the path rapidly move on. [3]
Bharat’s condition was at that moment similar
To that of water-bee in current of water.
Seeing Bharat’s state of love and shyness
Guha was, at the moment, of his body, senseless. [4]

4760 Most auspicious omens were met with then
Guha interpreting them did propound,
“All sorrows will end, and great joy come
Yet at the end sorrow will be found." [234]
They all believed what Guha did presage,
They were approaching Shri Rama’s cottage.
When Bharat saw mountains, jungles there -
Gladdened as getting food hungry were. [1]

As sufferers from, natural and man made ills

Thrice cursed, epidemics, evil star perils,
4770 Find happiness by getting good rule, good land,
Bharat’s condition was exactly of that brand. [2]
With Rama present, beautiful was everything,
As people become, on finding a good king.
Here, beautiful forest was the pious land
Discretion was minister, renunciation king grand. [3]
Rules, laws soldiers, and hill capital,
Peace and goodwill are two queens beautiful.

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Great king has all branches of state

Counting on Rama gives them happiness great. [4]

4780 Defeating King ignorance and his troops,
Rules freely the discretion King.
Happiness, prosperity and good times
Are to be found in every wing. [235]
There were many hermitages in forests,
Seemed they were cities, towns villages, hamlets
Numerous types of birds and of animals
Were indescribable types of peoples. [1]
Bulls, buffaloes, boars, tigers, lions to gaze,
Elephants, rhinoceros, seeing one has to precise.
4790 Forgetting their enmity, they graze together,
As if four branches of an army they were. [2]
Waterfalls make noise, so do the elephants.
They are like drums beaten at all instants.
Geese, partridges, sparrow, hawks, parrots, cuckoos
Swans, flutter and dance about in happy moods. [3]

Big black bees hum and peacocks dance,

As if there is enjoyment, in abundance.
Grass, creepers and trees, all flower, fructify
All sources of joy and pleasures signify. [4]

4800 Seeing great beauty of the hill of Shri Rama
Bharat was pleased immensely.
As an ascetic, on completing his great penance
Gets its fruit and feels happy. [236]
Then fisherman ran up a mound ahead
Raising his hand high, to Bharat he said,
“My lord, do you notice those trees, high tall,
Fig tree, black plum tree, mango tree and tamaal? [1]

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Amidst those trees is a banyan tree,

Very big, so spread, and beautiful to see.
4810 Has thick bluish foliage, bearing fruits red,
In all seasons, comfort the dark shadows shed, [2]
As if Providence assembled beauties there, then
Blended darkness and redness into one.
Those trees stand near the river, and
There does Rama’s cottage of leaves stand. [3]

Beautiful basil plants have there been grown

Some by Sita’s, some by Lakshman’s hands own.
Under banyan tree has been made a fire place
By Sita’s own lotus hands with grace. [4]

4820 Where sit daily with rishis and munis
Sita and Rama, the wise,
And listen to Vedas Shastras and Puranas
And other ancient histories." [237]
When Bharat heard Guha and observed the trees,
Tears of love rose up and filled his eyes,
Both brothers bowed their heads and went on,
Of their love, Sharada could not give description. [1]
Seeing foot prints of Rama, they do glad become,
As if a lucky pauper got philosopher’s stone.
4830 That dust they put on head, and heart and eyes,
Joyful, like the meeting with Rama apprize. [2]

Noticing Bharat so indescribably conditioned,

Birds, animals, living, nonliving in love abandoned.
Guha forgot the way, by love overpowered,
Gods showed right path and flowers showered. [3]
Even ascetics and saints were to high love raised.
Shri Bharat’s natural love they highly praised.
“If there were, on earth, no Bharat so loving
Who could make nonliving living, living nonliving?" [4]


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4840 Love is nectar, separation is Mandrachal

And Bharat forms deep ocean,
For the good of gods and saints, merciful Rama
Churned, made nectar presentation. [238]
The beautiful couple and Guha boatman,
Due to thick foliage Lakshman could not ken.
Bharat could see the sacred abode of Ram(a)
House of all happiness, all peace, all calm. [1]
At mere entry Bharat’s all pain was gone,
As if an anchorite found salvation.
4850 Bharat saw Lakhan standing in front of Ram(a),
Respectfully replying to Rama’s question. [2]
Bark cloth wrapped waist, and on head matted hair,
Quiver tied, arrow in hand, bow on shoulder.
Munis and other saints sitting round fireplace,
Rama along with Sita that place does grace. [3]
With bark clothes, matted hair and dark form
They looked as Kama and Rati took muni’s form,
On His bow and arrows, His lotus hand He moves.
By a look with smile, all pains He remove. [4]

4860 In the beautiful assembly of saints and munis
Rama and Sita do so appear,
As in the assembly of true knowledge
God and devotion were there. [239]
Hearts of both brothers and Guha, in Ram(a),
Sense of joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain, was gone.
Saying, ‘Lord, mercy,’ with love so profound,
Like stick, Bharat fell prostrate on the ground. [1]
Lakshman recognized his voice affectionate
And knew in respect Bharat lay prostrate.
4870 Sweet love for the brother pulled him one way,
And on the other, service to master lay. [2]

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He could not meet Bharat, nor leave service.

In needs a good poet to describe this.
He ultimately placed service as great
As one, flying kite, pulls it up straight. [3]
Putting head on the ground spoke Lakshman
“Bharat is paying respects to You, Lord Ram(a)."
At this, Rama became restless with love
Casting away quiver, arrow, bow, He made a move. [4]

4880 Rama, store of mercy, lifted him by force
And hugged him to His bosom.
At the sight of Rama and Bharat meeting
People forgot theirselves own. [240]
That meeting, how could any poet describe?
In thought, word, deed, they could not circumscribe.
Rama and Bharat were with affection brimming
Their mind, heart, reason, ego all forgetting. [1]

Then say who could that immense love describe?

Wherefrom shall one any inspiration, imbibe?
4890 Poet counts on his vocabulary, word’s sense,
With measures, the dancer keeps in accordance. [2]
Inassessable is love of Rama and Bharat, each
Minds of even Shankar and Brahma can’t reach.
How could that be told by me of poor mind?
Could sweet music from gut of reeds, one find? [3]

Heart-beats increased with the gods of heaven,

When the meeting of Rama and Bharat they had seen,
Teacher Brihaspati pulled up gods, void of sense,
Showering flowers they too did praises commence. [4]

4900 Rama embraced Shattrughan with utmost love
He then met Guha, the boatman.
Bharat hugged Lakhan who was paying his respects
With sincere and warm affection. [241]
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Then Lakshman fondly embraced younger brother
He hugged chief of boatmen also later.
Then Bharat and Shattrughan bowed down to munis.
Obtained blessings which their hearts did please. [1]
Bharat and his brother then did heartily greet
On their heads, dust of Sita’s lotus feet.
4910 They bowed repeatedly, She raised them above.
Seated them stroking their heads with love. [2]
Sita gave them blessings within Her heart,
Lost in affection, unmindful in Her part.
Finding Sita so pleased, so full of affection,
Bharat felt much relieved and his fears were gone. [3]
Then lull followed, none asked, none made answer
Deep drowned in love, mind ceased its nature,
At that moment Guha, gathering patience,
With hands joined, informed the whole audience. [4]

4920 “With Muni Vashishtha, have come all mothers
And also all men of the town –
Servants, ministers, commanders of forces
Tormented by Your separation." [242]
Rama, ocean of modesty, learning Guru’s arrival,
Leaving Shattrughan with Sita for the interval,
For Guru’s place hurriedly moved Shri Ram(a)
Most valiant, most righteous, of mercy an ocean. [1]
Seeing Guru, Ram, Lakhan felt love so great,
Paid respects to him by lying prostrate.
4930 The great Muni ran, lifted them and embraced,
And met both brothers, with love so graced. [2]
Bristling with love, boatman called out his name,
And from a distance bowed down the same.
Muni perforce hugged Rama’s friend and endeared,
As if one collects love, on earth squandered. [3]

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“Love for Rama is root of all pleasures main."

Thus praise gods from heaven and flowers rain.
None was more downcast on earth than he,
Nor was there one more respected than Muni. [4]

4940 On seeing whom, Muni met with much greater joy
Than what he felt for Lakshman.
This is direct outcome of the worship and love.
For the lotus feet of Shri Ram(a). [243]
Rama, mine of knowledge could easily see
That all were in pain and great misery.
In accordance with wishes which each retained,
Likewise, therefore each of them, Rama entertained. [1]
He and Lakhan met all in an instant.
Thereby set them free from pain and complaint.
4950 This need not be taken like great miracles
One sun can be seen in crores of vessels. [2]

The citizens meet boatman with great pluck,

And all with one voice praise his good luck.
Rama found the mother so sorely hit,
As creeper’s tender leaves when frost bit. [3]
First of all Rama may Kaikai mother
Soaked her with love and tender behavior.
He consoled her, putting head on her foot.
Blame, on time, fate and Creator, put. [4]

4960 Rama met thereafter, with other mothers
Gave them all consolation,
Saying, “Mother, God’s will controls all Universe.
Let us, therefore, not blame anyone." [244]
Both brothers bowed down to wife of teacher,
And to wives of Brahmins who had gone there.

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Like Ganges and Parvati, honoured them all,

In sweet words, they also blessings recall. [1]

Both brothers into Sumittra’s lap did leap.

As if a pauper found great gold heap.
4970 Then Rama, Lakhan fell at feet or Sumittra.
For intense love, their hearts, bodies did thaw. [2]
Love and affection in her heart did swell.
With tears of love Sumittra bathed them well.
The joys and sorrows of that instant
No poet can say, as a mute, taste can’t. [3]

Meeting her, to Guru the brothers did come

Begged him, graciously to visit their home.
The citizens too got permission of teacher,
And settled finding good spot and water. [4]

4980 With Brahmins, ministers, mothers and the Guru
And some selected assemblage,
Bharat Lakshman and Rama led the whole troop
To the pious and holy cottage. [245]
Sita came and bowed to feet of munis,
They blessed Her as would Sita’s heart please.
Wives of Brahmins and that of the teacher,
She met, their love one could not picture. [1]
Sita touched feet of each and everyone,
And their blessings, to Her heart’s content, won,
4990 When Sita saw the state of Her mothers
She was shocked and closed Her eyes together. [2]

They looked as swans under catch of slayer,

She pictured the mischief wrought by Creator.
They too, viewing Sita, so painful were,
Said, “Will of Providence one has got to bear." [3]
The Janak’s daughter great courage mustered,
With tears in blue lotus eyes gathered,
Went to each mother-in-law, and met them.
Great pathos spread, all over earth then. [4]

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5000 She touched feet of each one of the queens
And met with love internal.
With great affection they bless Her and say
“Your married life be eternal." [246]
Queens and Sita were, due to love, restless;
Knowledgeful Guru, seating them all, did bless.
He told them, “Universe is mere delusion."
Then delivered on spiritualism, sermon. [1]

He told them of passing away of the King.

That, very great shock, to Rama did bring.
5010 Learning cause of death to be love for Ram(a)
Restless became Rama, support of peace, calm. [2]
At this adamant like hard news Lakshman,
And the queens and Sita wept and did mourn.
Whole party was in sore pain, in dismay,
As if the King had passed away that day. [3]

Muni Vashishtha consoled Rama thereafter.

Rama and all persons then bathed in the river.
Rama passed that day without food or water.
No one took water, even at Guru’s order. [4]

5020 When black night passed and the next day dawned,
Whatever Guru Vashishtha did say,
With all sincere devotion, love, faith,
Rama carried out without delay. [247]
Doing funeral rituals which the Vedas specified
Rama – sun for darkness of sins - was purified.
To the cotton bales of sins, whose name is fire,
Mere remembrance brings, happiness entire, [1]
He became purified, this sage identified,
As by holy centres, Ganges is purified,

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5030 Two days passed after the purification,

Then Rama to Vashishtha Muni made submission [2]

“My lord, all experience difficulty and suffer,

Living on bulbs, roots, fruits, some on water,
Seeing sufferings of Bharat, brother, ministers, mother
One moment with me like an age lingers. [3]
In company with all to Ayodhya be gone.
It is lordless, You’re here and King in heaven.
I opened my tongue – an act of boldness,
Pray, do as you consider to be in fitness." [4]

5040 “You are limits of morality, store of mercy
Why should You not say so, Ram(a)?
They have suffered separation, hence for couple of
Seeing You, let them have some calm." [248]
At Rama’s words all people developed fear
As if in the mid-ocean ship was to flounder.
When they heard the Muni, his soothing speech,
They were happy as if favourable mind reach. [1]
They bathe thrice a day in the pious currents,
Mere sight of which vast sin always ends.
5050 They view to their fill happiness incarnate,
Bowing down before Rama, they find joys great. [2]
They go round to see Kamadgiri – Shri Rama’s hill,
Where there are all comforts, discomforts nil.
From the waterfalls, water falls like nectar pure,
Mild cool and fragrant winds three maladies do cure. [3]
Trees creepers and grass of numerous kinds
Leaves, flowers and fruits so diverse, one finds.
There are fine rocks, fine dark shadows of trees.
Who can describe in language forest beauties? [4]

5060 In lakes, lotus flowers and water fowls play

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Big blackbees all, buzzing around,

Birds and animals of many different colours
Forgetting opposite natures, abound. [249]
Kols, Bhils and Karats dwellers of forests
Bring leaf-cupfuls and in great bunches
Roots, fruits and shoots and bulbs in haste.
Sweet, pure, beautiful, nectar like in taste, [1]
Place them as presents, bowing in deep respects,
Telling their names, tastes, varieties and effects,
5070 Good prices are offered but they won’t accept.
If returned, they swore by Rama and wept. [2]
Lost in love, in very sweet words they say
“Sages respect the feelings, when love find they.
You are virtuous souls, we are low caste mere,
Through blessings of Rama, we see you here. [3]
Else, Your viewing is difficult for our race,
As if Ganges current in a desert place."
See! how to the boatman, kind Rama did honour bring
The relatives and subjects should copy the king. [4]

5080 With this point of view, leaving formalities,
Seeing our love, pray be kind.
And with the purpose of obliging us all
Accept fruits, shoots, herbs; don’t mind. [250]
You are beloved guests, who to forest have come,
Where is our fortune that servants we become?
My lords, what presents for you can we find?
Bhil’s friendship to firewood and leaves is confined. [1]

It is, our very great friendship you should feel

That your utensils, clothes, we don’t steal.
5090 We are unintelligent, even animal-killers
Treacherous, vicious, stupid, low caste creatures, [2]
Though night and day, our sins are in increase

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We’ve no clothes to cover, no food for bellies.

We don’t possess morality even in dream.
It is blessing of viewing Rama that us will redeem. [3]
Ever since we have seen Shri Rama’s feet,
Unbearable miseries and sorrows did fleet."
Hearing them, the love of citizens did swell
Praised fortunes of those who in forest dwell. [4]

5100 Their fortunes they praised, their love was so raised,
Words of great affection they said.
Seeing, talking, manners, their sweet behaviours,
Sincere love for Rama’s feet to add. [1]
Men and women condemn, their own love for Ram(a)
When Kols, and Bhils speeches they note.
Says poet Tulsi, it is Rama’s mercy
Iron loaded with boat did float. [2]
To see forest avenues and glens,
Those men roam about, happy each day,
5110 Like frogs, peacocks, at the first rains,
Are seen springing dancing everywhere. [251]
Citizens of Ayodhya were in love so lost,
In twinkling of an eye, days and nights passed.
Sita assumed forms as many as the queens
And in service of each, She has simultaneously been. [1]
Except Rama, none else could know the secret.
All Mayas are under Sita, The Maya - Great.
By service three queens’ hearts Sita did win.
By happy queens, teachings and blessings were given. [2]
5120 As Rama’s, Lakshman’s simple nature She had seen,
Evil Kaikai felt pricking of conscience keen.
She begs earth to open and Yama, for death,
But earth would not split, nor Yama hearth. [3]

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World, Vedas say and wise also confirm —

“For one against Rama, even hell has no room."
Of course into each heart comes doubtful thought.
“Whether Rama would go back to Ayodhya or not." [4]

Bharat lost hunger in day, sleep at night,
Constantly in sacred worry,
5130 As fish which is down in shallow mire
At decreasing water would be. [252]
“Time played mischief, using the mother as tool
With paddy crop, ready, harmful forces rule -
How could Rama’s coronation be brought about?
With my best effort, no way I can find out. [1]
He shall go to Avadh at teacher’s orders,
But Muni will say only if Rama concurs.
He will go back if the mother asks him
Will Rama’s mother insist? That is the question. [2]

5140 As for me I don’t carry any influence.

Times are adverse and adverse is Providence.
And if I insist, it would be immoral act
Tougher than Kailash is servant’s code of conduct." [3]
No way whatsoever came in Bharat’s mind.
Whole night passed thinking, no way he could find.
Next day, Bharat bathed, bent his head to Ram(a),
He had only sat when a call from Muni came. [4]

Bharat came and he bowed to teacher’s lotus feet
And with his permission took seat.
5150 Brahmins, bankers, ministers, elite of the town
All came there with a view to meet. [253]
The Muni then spoke as suited the occasion
“Listen to me wise Bharat and all gentlemen

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Rama, sun of Solar race, support of morality,

He is Supreme Being by His own authority. [1]

He is for truth, upholds Vedic propriety

He has come to safeguard Vedic prosperity.
He is obedient to Guru, father and mother
Fights forces of evil, guards gods’ welfare. [2]
5160 Nobody knows so well and Rama knows best,
Love, morality, salvation, self-interest,
But in trinity, sun, moon or be it Lokpal,
Be it Maya or soul, time, actions all, [3]

Be it Shesha or kings, be it any greatness,

Or the successes of Yoga, Vedas, Shastras profess,
I have carefully examined each class and kind
Will of Rama is supreme as all will find." [4]

Muni says, “Good of us all lies alone, gentlemen,
In keeping to Shri Rama’s wish.
5170 Keeping it in mind, you, learned people,
Act as dictates consensus. [254]
Coronation of Rama will give happiness to all.
This alone will bring welfare and joy overall.
How possibly can Rama be persuaded to return?
Let us find that way out and act thereon." [1]
All heard with great respect the Muni’s Speech
Which did justice, morality and welfare preach
All were mute, not one way was suggested,
Bending, joining hands, Bharat then so said, [2]

5180 “In the Solar family there have been many kings
One excelled the other in so many things,
It is father and mother who beget creatures,
Fate, good, bad, on deeds does Providence disperse. [3]
World knows it is possible only for blessing yours
Setting aside all pains, all joys procures.
It is you who could hold up the Creator’s move
Who can undo whatever, Muni, you do approve? [4]

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If you now invite opinion from me
It is my great misfortune alone."
5190 Hearing words of Bharat so very full of love
Great love in Muni’s heart had grown. [255]
“You are right Bharat, yet it is will of Rama alone,
For one against Rama success cannot be known
Hesitating to express, one thing I did reserve
Wise, seeing all going, prefer half to preserve. [1]

You and Shattrughan henceforth in forest stay

Let Rama, Lakhan, Sita to Avadh make way."
Hearing him, Bharat Shattrughan were highly pleased.
Supreme joy in their whole body increased. [2]
5200 Their hearts gladdened and faces became shining,
As if King came to life and Rama became King.
Others saw loss was less and the gain was great.
For queens, there was no change, they all wept straight. [3]

Bharat told all, that acting on what Muni had said

“The fruit of satisfying all Creatures could be had.
In forest I would gladly spend all life.
Nothing also could be happier, with more pleasure rife. [4]

Rama and Sita know every heart’s content.
And You are omniscient and wise;
5210 If You are serious about your proposal,
Make Your words true, act likewise." [256]
Hearing Bharat’s speech and seeing his love,
From sense of body, they all rose above.
Of greatness, Bharat is a vast ocean
Muni’s intellect is on shore like a woman. [1]
With a view to cross ocean, to some means inclined
But neither ship, boat, nor raft does she find.

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Who could then venture to describe his glory?

Could one oyster shell of pond contain the sea? [2]

5220 Muni appreciated him from core of heart.

With others, for Rama’s place he did start.
Rama offered them seats after reception.
They sat, getting great Muni’s kind sanction. [3]
Rishi Vashishtha spoke after consideration
Of the times, the place, and of situation.
“Listen Rama, wise, omniscient and righteous,
House of knowledge, morals and virtuousness. [4]

You are present in the heart of everybody
Know all good bad feelings.
5230 Tell us, wherein lies welfare of all -
Bharat’s and mothers’ and citizens’." [257]
One in pain cannot possibly use reasoning.
The wagerer is always his own bet seeing."
When Rama heard the Muni, he, mildly said,
“My lord, the way out, ever with you, rested. [1]
In keeping to your wishes our welfare lies,
Deeming your orders right, if one gladly complies.
At first, whatever order you are pleased to give me
Bowing down to it I will act on it promptly. [2]

5240 Then whatever you order to each individual

He will comply with your orders in full."
Muni said in answer, “You are perfectly true,
Bharat’s love has affected my judgement too. [3]
It is therefore that I say again and again.
My reasoning is under love of Bharat fain.
Let us act on his will, that is my opinion.
Shankar! hear me out, that will be well done. [4]

Let us first know what Bharat has got to say
His view, we shall examine.
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5250 Check up with laws of world, saints, morals, Vedas,

Will be acting accordingly then." [258]
Finding Guru’s love for Bharat so very keen,
Rama felt so exceedingly happy within.
Knowing Bharat as support for all moral creed
Finding him as servant in thought, word, deed. [1]
Rama spoke quite in accord with Guru’s wishes
Words beautiful and sweet, source of happiness.
“I swear by you and by feet of my father,
Like into Bharat, world has not seen a brother. [2]

5260 Those who love the lotus feet of the teacher,

Are very fortunate, world and Vedas declare.
Then he enjoys your love so profound, O Muni,
Who can describe Bharat’s fortune so happy? [3]
Finding him younger brother, I very much hesitate
In his own presence his great virtues to state.
All welfare does lie, in what Bharat says."
Saying so much, there Rama now silent stays. [4]

Then Muni turned to Bharat and so said to him
“Now, shake off all shyness please.
5270 To your dear brother Rama, ocean of mercy,
Speak out what in heart lies." [259]
Hearing the Guru and observing Rama’s will
Finding Guru and Lord in his favour to his fill
Knowing, course of events now on him devolves,
Though unable to speak, Bharat so much resolves, [1]
With all body horripilating, up he stood,
And in his lotus eyes tears of love did flood.
Saying, “Muni said whatever I had to state.
What else shall I submit, over and above that? [2]
5280 I know fully nature of my Lord Ram(a).
Even to a sinner He has never done any harm.

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On me, His love and mercy are very great.

In play even, I never noticed Him irritate. [3]

From my very childhood to Him I’ve held on,

He also never. ever had my heart broken.
I have full experience of His ways of mercy
Even in a lost game he’ld give me victory. [4]

I, also, due to my immense love and regard
Even a word, have never stated.
5290 My eyes, ever thirsty to look on at Him
Have never felt satiated. [260]
Providence could not bear to see me loved so.
He brought about change through my mother low,
Even that, if I say, it does not seem fair.
Who could claim to be good if he himself did declare? [1]
To call mother low and myself a saint
The very thought is like crores of sins taint.
Could a stalk of grass ever produce good rice?
Or could a black snail ever give pearls nice? [2]
5300 Even in dream why blame one for this misery?
It is my evil fortune, a bottomless sea.
Not understanding the consequence of my sins
I used hard words, and this caused her offence. [3]
I vigorously searched in my heart and mind
In this one thing only, my welfare I find,
Guru is all powerful and Lord – Sita Ram(a)
This alone seems likely to bring peace and calm. [4]

In assembly of saints, before Guru and my Lord
At this sacred centre I submit.
5310 It is real or false, is truth or untruth,
Muni and Rama very well know it. [261]

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For love’s sake father gave away his life,

The whole world knows mother’s ill will so rife.
It is difficult to see mothers so much in pain,
From unbearable fire, burn all men, women. [1]
Of all the miseries I am one cause main.
Hearing, knowing that, I do suffer all pain.
I heard that to forest went away Lord Ram(a)
With Lakshman and Sita in hermit’s form. [2]

5320 Walking on foot and that too without shoes,

Shankar is witness, I stood that sad news.
I saw great love that did boatman bedeck
Even then, harder than adamant, heart didn’t break. [3]
And now I am witnessing situation here.
This unfeeling heart beating, makes me bear.
At seeing whom in the way, snake, scorpion
Shed off their ferociousness and poison. [4]

That very Rama and Lakshman and Sita
Were found to be enemy by one.
5330 I am born of her womb, leaving me who else
Could god give unbearable pain?" [262]
Listening to Bharat, restless, full of grief,
All humility, morality, sweet and brief,
Whole assembly was moved and was in love lost.
As if a lotus forest hit by hoar frost. [1]

The wise Muni consoled Bharat at length,

By mentioning many a historical event.
Then Rama, moon for the lily of Solar race,
Spoke words, full of propriety and grace [2]
5340 “O, brother, you are grieving unnecessarily
Know that one is ever under Gods mercy.
In all the three worlds and times, in my view
They, who are virtuous are all below you. [3]
At the mere thought of blaming you for offence
One loses this world and the next at once.

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Those fools alone will blame the mother,

Who never had the company of Guru or Seer. [4]

At the mere remembrance of your name, O Bharat,
All sins, ignorance, pain vanish,
5350 Their place is immediately taken up by
Glories in this world, in the next bliss. [263]
Shankar is my witness, I say, Bharat, truly,
This earth is sustained by you verily.
Don’t entertain sorrow without reason.
Neither love nor enmity remains hidden. [1]
Birds, animals fearlessly approach muni
But on seeing murderous slayer, they flee.
Even birds, animals know friends and foes
Why! Man possesses all knowledge, virtues. [2]
5360 I know you, brother, fully, intimately,
I am in a fix as to what is my duty.
King forsook me but not truth, in the strife,
Held up love, even at the cost of his life. [3]

If I ignore father’s words, I shall rue.

Still greater is my regard for you.
Above all, Guru has ordered me today,
I’ll therefore carry out whatever you say. [4]

Cheer up, therefore, brother, cast off shyness,
I’ll do whatever you will state."
5370 At these grave words of Rama, truthful,
All assembly felt so great. [264]
Gods and their lord, Indra, are in suspense,
A winning game is going to be lost, hence,
They are helpless and can think of no plan.
Within their hearts, they all surrender to Ram(a). [1]

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They exchange views, one to another says

“Rama ever under devotee’s love stays."
When they think of Durvasa and Ambareesh
Indra and gods lose hope, are in anguish. [2]
5380 For long, gods underwent pain and suffering,
’t was devotee Prahlad who brought on earth Narsingh."
Gods beat their heads and thus they whisper
“With Bharat now rests the gods’ welfare." [3]

O gods, no other way out do we see.

Rama recognizes service of His devotee.
To Bharat, let us prayerfully our hears turn
By modesty, virtues, he rules over Ram(a)." [4]

When Brihaspati, Guru of gods, heard this,
He shouted, “Good luck, happy thought."
5390 “The source of all happiness in this world
Is love for the feet of Bharat." [265]
The service to the servants of Lord Shri Ram(a)
Is fine, like hundreds of Kamdhenu.
Now, that love for Bharat’s feet came to your mind,
Cast off all sorrows. Creator has been kind. [1]
Lord of gods – Indra – look at Bharat’s competence,
Lord Rama is so fully under his influence.
Now, gods, take heart, there is no more fear.
Take Bharat to be shadow of Rama, so clear." [2]

5400 Knowing gods’ mind, Guru’s words, their suspense

Rama, who knows all hearts was in suspense thence.
Bharat felt that everything, devolved on him.
Crores of thoughts in Bharat’s mind did come. [3]
At last he arrived at the conclusion
“My good lies in following Shri Rama’s sanction.
He left His own vow but he upheld mine.
This love, this mercy are uncommonly fine. [4]


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Lord Rama has done me favours and mercy

Unlimited and in every way."
5410 Thus Bharat bowed down, joining lotus hands,
The following words he did say. [266]
“What more shall I ask for? What more shall I say?
Lord, ocean of mercy, holding universe in sway,
Finding Guru pleased and You in favour,
Off is from my evil heart fictitious fear. [1]
My sorrow lacked basis, for no reason fear came
If one misses cardinals, sun is not to blame,
My misfortune and mischief wrought by mother,
Cruel wheel of fortune and the times bitter, [2]

5420 All joined hands to bring me ruin, defame.

But, support of surrenderer, You kept up Your name.
And this has not been anything new for You.
World and Vedas know, it is no secret too. [3]
O Lord, world is evil, You alone are good.
Then say in whose goodness, get goodness one could
Lord, Your nature is like that of Kalpa-Tree
Which is neither for, nor against, anybody. [4]

Whoever recognising it makes an approach
Its shade takes away all pain.
5430 Good, bad, king, pauper, all persons of the world
Get for asking, desires main. [267]
At the all-round love of Guru and the Lord
All pains are gone, gone all discord.
Now, merciful Lord, do that only,
Wherein lies good for all, You feel no worry. [1]
That servant is low who his own will wants,
Causes worry to master and his own will supplants.
The welfare of the servant lies in service
Setting aside desire for pleasure, avarice. [2]

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5440 In Your return to Avadh lies public welfare,

In compliance to Your wish lie pleasure a crore.
This is substance of worldly and Supreme aim
Grace of salvation, fruit that good deeds can claim. [3]
O Lord, consider my one request more,
And order what You deem as right procedure.
We have brought all articles for Your coronation,
Condescend and let them be used in the function. [4]

Lord, send me and brother Shattrughan to forest.
And You be the public patron,
5450 Or send the two brothers Lakshman, Shattrughan
Let me be Your companion. [268]
Or to forest let all the three brothers go
You please go to Avadh, let Sita follow.
Whichever, my Lord, it be Your pleasure.
Ocean of mercy, adopt the same procedure. [1]

My Lord, I have been made wholly responsible.

When I know not what is righteous or moral.
I ventured to speak prompted by selfishness,
The distressed has no sense of judiciousness. [2]
5460 After master’s command, if servant talks through,
Even shame feels shame, having him in its view.
I am he, unfathomable ocean of taints
Yet, for reason of love, You liken me to saints, [3]

O merciful, I’ld now like only that thing,

As would not in Your heart any suspense bring.
I swear by Your feet and truly do say,
For the good of the world, there is but one way. [4]

With all joy and no shyness or reserve,
Whatsoever, whosoever order,
5470 We shall all bow our heads to it and act
Thereby end, troubles all over." [269]
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At Bharat’s pious, words, gods were fain,
Acclaimed, “Holy, Holy" and flowers did rain.
Citizens of Ayodhya were in great suspense,
Saints, hermits, had joys in great abundance. [1]
Rama, reserved by nature, remained silent,
At which the whole party too turned hesitant.
Janak’s messengers arrived at that moment
Muni, knowing it, sent for them that very instant. [2]
5480 They came bowed heads and when they Saw Ram(a),
They were distressed to see Him in hermit’s form,
Muni opened the talk with the messengers
“Tell us of the welfare of Jana and others." [3]
Messengers, hesitating, bowed down to the earth
Joining hands, the wise runners thus said forth,
“Your very kind inquiry, venerable sire,
Has proved to be the source of all welfare. [4]

Otherwise, welfare, O head of munis,
With King Dasharath did disappear
5490 Whole world had turned out to be lordless
Avadh and Mithila, in particular. [270]
At the news of King Dasharath’s demise sad,
People of Janakpur due to sorrow turned mad.
Whoever saw Janak at that instant
Like his title – ‘bodiless’ – felt very hesitant. [1]
Hearing of the mischief worked out by the queen,
Janak was restless, as snake without gem had been.
That Bharat was king, Rama for forest did depart
Gave extreme pain to King Janak’s heart, [2]
5500 King called Council of ministers, wise men,
To discuss and decide right course of action.
Thinking of the mourning all over Ayodhya
They were mum as if in a dilemma. [3]

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King thought and thought, mustering great patience

Dispatched four wise emissaries at once.
Ordered them to study working of Bharat’s mind
And to be back soon with the news they find. [4]

The emissaries reached Avadh and studied,
Bharat’s mind and his further plan,
5510 As Bharat and the citizens left for Chittrakut
To Tirhut emissaries ran. [271]
The emissaries returned to Janaka’s Court,
And of Bharat’s actions gave their report.
Hearing them Guru, ministers, King and family,
Found themselves flung in deep love and misery. [1]
Janak gathered courage and praised Bharat so much,
Then sent for the brave of his army as such.
Posting guards for the place, town and state
Equipped horses, elephants, and chariots great. [2]

5520 At emergent auspicious moment, he left the place,

He made not one halt all along in the race.
They bathed at Prayag in the morning today.
And while they were crossing Jamuna in the way [3]
For news, my lord, King sent us ahead."
So saying the messengers bent their head,
Muni sent six or seven Bhils as their escort,
And asked the messengers with them to start. [4]

When they heard of the arrival of King Janak
People of Ayodhya were glad.
5530 To Rama it was an occasion of shyness
Indra was particularly sad. [272]
Evil Kaikai is feeling within herself depressed.
Whom could she have blamed, to whom could have expressed?

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All other men, women, are glad at the thought -

Due to Janak’s arrival, some more days they got. [1]

Thus was spent that day also by them,

At morn got busy for the bathing programme.
Men, women, of Ayodhya took up the worship,
Of Shankar, Parvati, Ganesh, Sun, after the dip. [2]
5540 Thereafter they bow to Vishnu’s lotus feet
With joined palms, skirts spread, they entreat.
“May Rama be the King and Sita the Queen,
May the Capital Ayodhya again joyous be seen. [3]

May it be settled happy and prosperous since,

May Rama declare Bharat as His Crown Prince,
This water all with nectar of happiness.
With fullest use of life in the world, bless." [4]

With Guru, with subjects, with all brothers,
At Ayodhya there be Rama’s rule.
5550 We may reach life’s end, during Rama’s reign,"
They pray to God for this schedule. [273]
Citizens’ words when saints ascetics hear
They condemn their knowledge and penance austere,
The citizens thus carry out daily programme
With bodies horripilating, they bow before Ram(a). [1]
High class, low class, middle class, men, women,
Have a view of Rama as fancies determine.
While Rama with care honours each one.
All praise Rama – of mercy an ocean. [2]

5560 From very childhood it has been His nature

Recognising one’s love, keeps to moral behavior.
Of modesty, shyness, Rama is an ocean.
Fine faced, fine eyed, simple by nature – Ram(a). [3]
Recounting Rama’s praises, all were in love drowned.
They praised the fortune in which themselves they found.
There are few in the world, fortunate as we,
Whom Rama regards as His very own verily. [4]

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They heard of the King of Mithila’s approach,
Lost in love for Shri Rama’s grace,
5570 They all hurriedly rose up in respect
With the sun of lotus of Solar race. [274]
Rama led the party, reception to offer,
With Guru, citizens, brothers and ministers.
Ever since Janak saw the hill of Chittrakut
He bowed to it, came down from his chariot. [1]

None felt any fatigue in the journey programme,

Hearts overflowed with desire to meet Shri Ram(a).
Mind is where there are Rama, Sita, the twain.
Who would therefore feel body’s pleasure or pain? [2]
5580 King Janak marches on in this condition.
He and party deep in love’s intoxication.
As they approached close, they were lost in love.
Meet one another respectfully as would behave, [3]

Janak bowed down to the great Muni’s feet

Rama also respectfully sages did greet.
Rama and Lakhan met Janak and his assemblage,
Led him and his party towards their hermitage. [4]

The hermitage is like a vast ocean, full
Of the sacred water of calm.
5590 Party of King Janak is river of pathos
Led to ocean of peace, by Ram(a). [275]
It overflows the banks of asceticism and wit,
The sorrowful words are tributaries to it.
Deep breaths are high waves raised by the wind,
Which uproot the trees on banks of cool mind. [1]
The great sorrow forms river’s fast current.
Fears, doubts, as whirlpools and eddies, went.

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Learning is great boat, the learned boatmen.

But none can row and are at their wit’s end. [2]

5600 Kols, Bhils of forest are like bank passenger.

They are feeling helpless, seeing swollen river.
When this river of pathos reached ocean of peace.
Ocean itself became restless and calm did cease. [3]
Both royal parties writhed, restless in pain.
Gone were knowledge, patience and consideration.
Describing the King’s virtues and modesty
They weep and are drowned in the sorrow’s sea. [4]

In the sea of sorrows, drowned all those –
Men, women, so very restless.
5610 They blame Creator, and in anger utter
“What has done, the Providence merciless?" [1]
Gods, ascetics, seers, yogis and philosophers
Seeing Janaka, the bodiless’ state
Says poet Tulsi, no one could there be
Who would have crossed the river in spate. [2]
Sermons, teachings, were given to control.
Here and there by wise sages and seers.
To maintain patience and be whole.
Vashishtha advised Janak – Videh-King. [276]
5620 Whose knowledge, for birth and death night, was sun
Rays of whose words, lotus of seers did open,
Could ignorance, attachment ever touch him in norm?
We see here greatness of love for Sita, Ram(a). [1]

Vedas talk of three types of persons – these

Licentious, ascetics and leaned yogis.
Whosoever’s heart is soaked in love for Ram(a)
Him does assembly of saints applaud, acclaim. [2]

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Knowledge without love of Rama does not look good,

As a ship, with the helmsman missing from her, would
5630 Muni Vashishtha consoled Janak in many a form
They all bathed at the Ghat named after Ram(a). [3]
All men and women were drowned in deep pain.
That day passed, even from water all did refrain.
Food was denied by animals, birds, and deer,
To say nothing of family and person dear. [4]

Persons of Nimi’s and of Raghu’s lines
All took their bath next morning.
They all sat under a big banyan tree
Sorrowful gloomy and thin looking. [277]
5640 Brahmins from the party of Ayodhya,
And those who were in the group from Mithila,
Groups of Solar Family, and Janak’s Station
Experts in the ways of world and salvation, [1]
Began talking about matters of religion,
Moral, attachment and of discretion,
Guru Vishwamittra quoted ancient history,
And thereby consoled the entire party. [2]
Then Rama submitted to Guru Vishwamittra. —
“Lord, yesterday none had taken even water."
5650 Muni said Rama had been quite right to mention.
By then, seven and half hours had run. [3]
Janak said with the permission of Vishwamittra
“It would not be proper to take food here."
They all appreciated what Janak had said,
With sanction, for bath they started. [4]

Kols and Bhils finding the occasion right
Fruits, flowers, leaves, roots, did bring.
Of various kinds and different types
Heavily loaded on their sling. [278]
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5660 By will of Rama, hills became very beautiful.
Mere look of them brought joy to the sorrowful.
The ponds, the rivers, the forest, the earth,
All looked bubbling with joy and great mirth. [1]
Trees, creepers were laden with fruits flowers.
Birds, animals make noise, big black bees buzz.
Forest was so very pleasant at that occasion,
Cool, mild, fragrant wind pleased everyone. [2]

Beauty of the occasion beggars description,

Earth, itself offered, Janak warm welcome.
5670 People had by then finished bathing in river.
With the sanction of Rama, Janak and the teacher, [3]
They viewed fine trees, and with love were filled.
Here and there, they busied themselves and settled.
Various kinds of leaves, fruits, roots and tuber.
Pure, excellent, tasteful, sweet as the nectar. [4]

Loads after loads were sent by Vishwamittra
With great love and with great respect.
They worshiped their manes, gods, guests and Guru,
Starting taking fruit diet. [279]
5680 In this way four of their days were spent.
Viewing Rama’s feet great happiness to him lent.
In both groups there prevailed this opinion,
“Without Sita, Rama, it’s no use going home. [1]

Living with Rama and Sita even in the forest,

Like crores of gods’ places, they found there rest.
Without Rama, Lakshman Sita, to have love for home,
Indicates that Providence has adverse become. [2]
When God is on our right, know men and women,
We can be near Rama in the forest then.
5690 Bathing in waters of Mandakini daily, thrice,
To view Rama, store of all happiness, nice, [3]

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To roam in Rama’s forest, hills, hermitages near,

Eating roots, fruits, bulbs, sweet as nectar,
Fourteen years shall pass in twinkling of eye,
In joys and in pleasures time will soon fly." [4]

To receive those pleasures, they mutually ask
“Are we lucky enough for that?"
Members of both parties have for Rama
Love, natural, simple, and straight. [280]
5700 Thus they are ever wishing, their words of affection
Charm hearts of ascetics, draw Muni’s attention.
Sita’s mother sent maid-servants with message
Finding opportune, they came into Rama’s hermitage. [1]
Learning that Sita’s mother-in-law were free,
There came ladies of King Janak’s family.
Queen Kaushilya offered them warm welcome,
Gave them seats, as allowed by the situation, [2]

Seeing and learning either side’s modesty,

Even hard adamant would soon melted be.
5710 Bodies feeble, horripilating, eyes full of water,
With nails of toes scratch earth and ponders. [3]
All were Sita’s, Rama’s love personified,
Pathos itself in so many forms mortified.
Sita’s mother said, “Creator’s ways are queer,
With a chisel of adamant, milk foam would shear. [4]

Nectar is only heard of, poison readily found,
Creator’s acts are fearful to believe.
Crows, owls and herons can be seen everywhere,
At Mansarovar alone, swans live." [281]
5720 Sorrowfully, Queen Sumittra made answer,
“Ways of Providence are contradictory, queer.

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He creates world, nurses it, destroys then,

His ways are like behavior of children." [1]

Kaushilya said, “Why shall we blame anyone?

Pleasure, pain, loss, gain are subject to action.
The working of fortune God only knows,
Who dispenses good or bad as one sows. [2]
God’s will is supreme, over everything other,
Creation, sustenance, destruction, poison, nectar.
5730 It is no use mourning due to ignorance, friend,
God’s ways had had neither beginning nor end. [3]

When I think of King’s life and his passing away

For loss of my own interest I dismay."
Sita’s mother said, “Perfectly right and true.
You are Queen of the King possessing highest virtue." [4]

Kaushilya spoke out with a painful heart
“Let Rama, Sita, Lakshman go,
I know it is not bad, and shall end well,
It is for Bharat that I’m pained so. [282]
5740 By mercy of Providence, your benedictions,
Like Ganges are my daughters-in-law and sons.
I have never sworn by Rama, come whatever may,
That I do before you, in all truthfulness say, [1]
Bharat’s modesty, greatness, virtues and humility,
Feelings of brotherhood, devotion, trust and nobility.
By Sharada goddess of learning can’t be explained.
With an oyster shall could an ocean ever be drained? [2]

I ever held Bharat, brightest light of family,

Even King confirmed my idea repeatedly.
5750 Touch stone shows gold, jeweler shows worth of gem,
Man is known by his actions when there is an occasion. [3]
To say that too does not suit me at this hour.
In love and sorrow judgment does definitely suffer."
For reasons of love all the queens were restless
When they heard talk of Kaushilya pure as Ganges. [4]

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Queen Kaushilya mustered courage and said again
“Listen to me, O Mithila’s Queen,
Who can give teaching to the Queen of King Janak
Who has ocean of all knowledge been. [283]
5760 O Queen, tell King at the proper time,
And, as if it was your motion sublime,
Let Lakshman return Bharat may go with Ram(a),
If the King is pleased to approve this programme. [1]

Let him kindly do all to see through this plan,

For Bharat I have very great consideration.
In Bharat’s heart devotion is so very deep
I fear great evil, if away him we keep." [2]
Hearing her suggestion, seeing her nature,
All queens were charged with pathos sincere.
5770 Flowers came from sky, with cries – “Well done"
Saints, yogis, munis felt lost in devotion. [3]

Whole harem was stunned to see their condition.

Then Sumittra mustered patience to mention
“O queens, six hours of night have run."
At this Rama’s mother rose with affection. [4]

“It is time for your Queen, to be back to your camp"
She said with love and meaning well.
“Our case is in hands of Providence only
Or Janak can help, I tell." [284]
5780 At these words full of love and humility
Janak’s wife held her feet in all sincerity.
“This humility befits you, in fullest measure,
After all you are Dasharath’s Queen, Rama’s mother. [1]
Lord bestows honour on His servant, even low.
Fire keeps smoke on head, and mountains straw.

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My lord is your servant by thought, word, deed,

Help comes from Parvati and Shankar indeed. [2]

Who is there who can claim to be your helper?

If a lamp helps sun, does it better appear?
5790 Rama, in the forest, will serve gods’ cause,
And then reign in Avadh forever, with applause. [3]
With Rama’s support, gods and Nagas and men,
Will live happily, each in his proper dominion
Yagavalkya had foretold all this to come through.
His words, Queen, can never turn out untrue." [4]

So saying, She fell at Queen Kaushilya’s feet
Prayed for Sita, her permission.
She, in company with Sita left for her camp
On securing their full sanction. [285]
5800 There Sita met Her family members dear,
In the way that was befitting for each member,
When they saw Janaki in garb of an ascetic,
Great sorrow their sorrowful hearts did prick. [1]

Getting Vashishth’s permission Janak also returned,

In camp, seeing Sita, towards Her, he turned.
He embraced his daughter close to his bosom
The guest of his soul and sacred affection. [2]
In his heart ocean of paternal love flows.
His heart like Prayag, out of deluge rose.
5810 In the waters he saw the Akchhai-Tree of Her love,
On a leaf, love of Rama, like a child did live. [3]
Janak’s knowledge as Markandeya – afraid to be drowned,
Turned towards the love for Rama, help from Him he found.
Janak’s knowledge is not under ignorance charm,
This is greatness of sincere love for Sita-Ram(a). [4]

Sita was overwhelmed by the immense love
Of Her father and mother for Her,
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Keeping in mind demands of time, occasion,

Great patience She did gather. [286]
5820 He saw Sita looking ascetic so much,
He felt great love, satisfaction as such.
“My child, You have sanctified two families.
They say, world has become brighter by Your glories [1]
The stream of Your virtues excelled Ganges.
Crores of universes this stream purifies.
Ganges brought about three sacred places,
This stream made innumerable groups of sages." [2]

The father expressed his true love and feeling

But it put Sita to great bashful reeling.
5830 Her parents hugged Her again to their heart.
They did useful teachings and blessings impart [3]
She won’t say but does within Herself consider,
“It is not right for Me to spend night here."
Queens could know Her mind and informed the King.
They praised Her for modesty, in their talking. [4]

They hugged Sita again and again to bosom
Saw Her off with utmost respect.
Finding right opportunity, the Queen eulogized
To the King, the state of Bharat. [287]
5840 King heard of Bharat Lal’s behavior,
Gold with fragrance, in sweetness nectar.
He closed watering eyes, and horripilated.
With joyous heart, Prince Bharat’s glories related. [1]
“O, with graceful face, beautiful eyes, listen
Bharat’s story can bring about salvation.
Of religion, politics and spiritualism,
As I feel I have some knowledge of them. [2]
That knowledge, as far as Bharat’s glories are concerned
What of describing, can’t its shadow comprehend.

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5850 To Brahma, Saraswati, to Shankar and Shesh,

To poets, to learned, Pundits and Ganesh, [3]

Bharat’s actions, glories, deeds and morality,

His great virtues and also great dignity,
When heard and understood give immense pleasure,
Sacred as Ganges, in sweetness excel nectar. [4]

Bharat’s virtues are endless, he has no second
Bharat alone is like unto him.
They likened Super-Mountain to Sumer
Baffled are poet’s power, wisdom. [288]
5860 It is difficult for all to describe Bharat’s grace
As for fish out of water to walk on earth space.
O Queen, Bharat’s greatness is difficult to circumscribe.
Rama knows but even He cannot describe." [1]

Thus mentioning with love, Bharat’s great influence,

Janak said, reading Queen’s mind and wish intense,
“If Lakhan comes and Bharat goes to forest,
There is all round gain, all will be getting rest, [2]
But, Queen, the love between Bharat and Shri Ram(a)
Their mutual confidence defeat reason, wisdom.
5870 Though Rama is very limit of equibalance,
Bharat, of love, affection is circumference. [3]

Not in mind, not in dream does Bharat prefer,

Salvation, self-interest, or any pleasure.
Love of Rama’s feet is his success and it means
Bharat’s sole aim, to me only that seems." [4]

King, moved by love, to the Queen thus said
“Let affection not make us sore.
I assure you that Bharat even by a mistake
Rama’s wishes will never ignore." [289]

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5880 Talking with love about praises of Bharat, Ram(a),

For the couple, that night in a twinkle ran.
At dawn both of the royal parties woke,
After bath, they began their gods to invoke. [1]
On bathing, to His teacher, Rama made way.
Bowed to him, getting opportunity, did say,
“O lord, the citizens, Bharat, and the mothers,
Are afflicted with sufferings as forest dwellers. [2]

Even King of Mithila and his royal party,

Have suffered for so many days, misery.
5890 O lord, I pray do what you deem proper.
In your hand lies now every body’s welfare." [3]
Thus saying, Rama was in great hesitation.
Seeing nature of Rama, Muni had horripilation.
“Rama, without You, all comforts and pleasures,
Are like unto hell for parties’ members. [4]

You are very life of lives and soul of souls,
Rama, You are pleasure of pleasures.
If one, leaving You out, has love for home
Know Providence is to him adverse. [290]
5900 Woe on those pleasures, deeds, righteous living,
Where love of lotus feet of Rama is missing.
That Yoga is disunion, knowledge ignorance,
Wherein love for Rama is not in prominence. [1]
With You, all are happy, without You, sad.
You know what is within hearts, good and bad.
Everybody bows his head to what is Your will.
You know everybody’s situation, good or ill. [2]
Go back to Your abode Rama, if You just will."
So saying Muni, due to love, turned feeble.
5910 Rama bowed and for His abode started.
Mustering courage, for Janak’s, Muni parted. [3]
He reported to Janak, Rama’s entreaty
Full of modesty, affection, natural beauty.

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And said, “King adopt that very course please

Wherein good of all with virtuousness, lies. [4]

O King, store of knowledge and wisdom
Leading in virtuousness purity,
Excepting you, who else has got the power
Of resolving present difficulty?" [291]
5920 At these words, love filled Janak’s heart to brim
His knowledge and detachment detached from him.
Lost in love, he began thinking in his mind,
“I didn’t act well, in coming here, I find. [1]

King Dasharatha asked Rama to go over to forest

He proved his love for his beloved in the test.
While I’ll send him only from forest to forest,
And happily go boasting of wisdom at the best." [2]
Brahmins, ascetics and anchorites heard this,
Under influence of love became very restless.
5930 King read the situation and gathered patience,
Went with whole party to Bharat’s residence. [3]

Bharat moved out to receive and offer welcome,

Gave them seats, best in that situation.
Janak, King of Tirhut said to Bharat with calm,
“You know thoroughly well the nature of Shri Ram(a). [4]

Rama has vow of truth and is morally strong,
He is considerate and loves all.
For this He is undergoing pain of suspense
Tell us how we should answer His call." [292]
5940 Bharat horripilated and into tears he broke
Gathering great patience, he so gently spoke.
“My Lord, you are like my affectionate father,
Dearer than parents is here family teacher, [1]

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In a gathering of ministers, munis, as Vishwamittr(a),

Today, you ocean of knowledge, too are here.
My Lord, take me as your child and servant.
Advise me, considering me very obedient. [2]
You ask me in such a gathering and place still,
If I speak, I am mad, if not, I am evil.
5950 If I go out of my bounds here and say,
Forgive as my luck is adverse today. [3]

Vedas, Shastras, Puranas declare it with force,

All know, discipline of service is tough, of course.
Dutifulness and self-interest are opposite things
Enmity is blind, love knows not reasonings. [4]

Keeping to Rama’s wish morality truthfulness,
Deeming me dependent on others,
Do what is consensus or useful for all,
Weighing one’s love in these matters." [293]
5960 Hearing Bharat’s words, and noticing his nature,
The King and party, all praises shower,
Simple yet deep, mild, pleasing, yet impenetrable,
Words so few but connotation immeasurable. [1]
As reflection is in mirror, mirror is in hand
Yet image ungraspable, words are of that brand.
The King, Bharat, munies and all assemblage,
Went to the moon of gods’ lily - Rama’s hermitage. [2]
At this news whole party was restless again,
As fish is at meeting waters of first rain.
5970 Gods first saw Vashishtha so very restless,
Then noticed King Janak’s love in great excess, [3]
And then they saw Bharat with love saturated,
Gods were nervous, felt so very broken-hearted.
Noticing, that all were in Shri Rama’s love drowned,
The sorrow of gods was indescribable found. [4]


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King of all gods – Indra - so sorrowfully said,

“Rama yields to love and suspense.
Let us all unitedly employ deception
Otherwise, deem game lost hence." [294]
5980 Gods thought of Saraswati and all praised Her,
“Goddess, protect us, gods seek Your shelter.
Turn mind of Bharat, some trick do employ.
Save race of gods and do some fraud deploy." [1]
Wise Goddess heard and understood gods’ wish
Considered them blind and utterly selfish.
She said. “You want me to turn Bharat’s mind,
With thousand eyes, to see Sumer, you’re blind. [2]
Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar, possess powers great,
Even they cannot look at Bharat’s mind straight.
5990 That very mind you expect me to influence?
Can moonlight steal sun with all its brilliance? [3]
In Bharat’s heart Rama, Sita are residing,
Can darkness exist where Rama-Sun is shining?"
So saying, Saraswati to gods’ region made flight.
Gods were left restless as geese are at night. [4]

Gods, full of selfishness and evil at heart –
Joined hands and deception played,
Spread fear, doubt, disaffection and indifference
All forces of Maya arrayed. [295]
6000 Having done mischief, Indra still feels sore,
“With Bharat now rests success or failure."
Janak and party reached hermitage of Ram(a),
Who offered them all a warm welcome. [1]
There Vashishtha, family priest, made an address,
Keeping in view the times, persons, virtuousness.
Talks between Janak and Bharat, first related,
And then what Bharat to him had stated. [2]

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At last said, “Rama, now whatever You say,

I say truly, we’ll all go that way."
6010 Rama heard him, with joined palms, He did entreat,
In language so truthful, so simple, so sweet. [3]
“With you as well as King of Mithila present,
If I speak that would be impertinent.
The course which you and the King would decide
I swear by you, Sir, I would by that abide." [4]

Hearing Rama’s oath King Janak and Muni
And whole assembly was stunned.
They had no suggestion to offer thereon
All eyes to Bharat were turned. [296]
6020 All look to Bharat, not without shyness, suspense.
Brother of Rama mustered courage and patience.
At occasion’s call, great love he controlled,
As Agastya Muni, did the great Vindhyas hold. [1]
Demon of gloom - Hirnayaksh, the earth stole
Of the wisdom of all assembly people.
From Bharat came, just as Vishnu, as Varaha great,
– The discretion – which rescued the earth straight. [2]
He bowed down joining his hands to them all,
At the feet of King, Guru and saints did fall.
6030 And said, “Forgive me for great impertinence,
That a meek tongue should make a hard utterance." [3]
In his heart, to Saraswati-gracious, he prayed.
She came from his heart, on his tongue, She stayed.
His pure, wise, virtuous and moral speech,
Very much the likeness of a swan did reach. [4]

With discerning eyes he saw the assemblage
With love so very much overwhelmed,
Bowing to all, in great respect, he said,
Rama Sita, in his heart welcomed. [297]
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6040 “O, Lord, You are father, mother, friend, and teacher,
Lord worshipful, all knowing, wise, benefactor,
Kind hearted, good master, of mercy vast field,
Omniscient, intelligent, surrenderers’ shield, [1]
All might, great protector of surrenderers
Lover of virtues, of vices, sins, remover,
As master, O Lord, You are Your own equal,
As mutinous to master, I have no parallel. [2]

I ignored Your and father’s wishes foolishly,

I came here and brought with me great assembly.
6050 There are in the world good and bad, high and low,
Nectar, immortality, poison and death, but lo! [3]
One who could even in mind Your wishes ignore
Was neither heard of, nor was seen before.
I did that impertinence in every way, Lord,
Yet You took it as service, love, in accord. [4]

For reasons of Your own goodness and mercy
You did me so much good, my Lord,
My shortcomings changed into great ornaments
And glories spread all over world. [298]
6060 Your ways and Your goodness are known all over,
The worlds knows it, Vedas and Shastras declare.
Tainted and foolish, pitiless and the wicked,
Low, immodest, atheist, fearless and crooked. [1]

Even such, if You just heard with Your love endowed,

You made them Your own as soon as they bowed.
Faults of surrenderer You ignored even if seen.
Amidst saints You mentioned if a virtue they had been. [2]
Where is a master, so merciful to his servant.
Who, for the servant, did everything grant?
6070 And not even in dream thought it and obligation,
Rather You’re worried servant would feel hesitation. [3]

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With raised hands I say, with all force I afford,

There is no other such master except You, Lord.
Animals dance, parrots say lines excellently
Through them is reflected teacher’s, trainer’s ability. [4]

Thus covering the shortcomings of Your servants,
Gave them honour, eminence in seers.
Who else would keep up tradition of mercy
And with such meticulous cares? [299]
6080 For sorrow or love or childishness sheer,
I overlooked orders and came down here.
Even then, Lord, acting in Your own nature,
In every way You bestowed on me great honour. [1]
I saw Your feet, sources of all happiness,
Found my Lord’s natural favourableness.
In this great assembly my fortune I saw,
Your favour continued though great was my flaw. [2]

You did kindness, mercy to great extent.

I got them from You to my heart’s content.
6090 But Your nature so modest, so sweet, so good,
Ever, love for me, Lord, sustain You would. [3]
Ignoring my Lord, great persons, modesty,
I committed impertinence of highest degree.
Used language respectful or not, as I wished,
Excuse me, my Lord, thinking me misery crushed. [4]

Before merciful, all knowing, so great a Lord,
Verbosity will be great sin.
Be graciously pleased to give me orders
Even merciful on me You’ve been. [300]
6100 I swear by the dust of Your lotus feet
Of truth, virtue, pleasure, them limits I treats.

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So swearing I submit my heart’s desire

For which, I, in sleep, dream, and waking, aspire. [1]

It is service to my master, with love, true, plain,

Setting aside cunning-selfishness and all gain.
No service equals obedience to command
Let Your command come as my blessed demand." [2]
Love overwhelmed Bharat, as he heart did unfold.
His body horripilated, tears from eyes rolled.
6110 Restless, Bharat held lotus feet of Ram(a)
Who could describe his love of that occasion? [3]

Ocean of mercy, honoured him with words sweet,

Held him by his arm, by His side gave seat.
Hearing Bharat’s request, seeing his good nature,
Rama and party felt feeble, under love’s power. [4]

By love were overcome, saints as well as Ram(a),
Guru Vashishtha and Mithila’s King.
In their hearts they bless, Bharat’s brotherliness.
Praises of his devotion they sing. [1]
6120 Gods rain down flower, praises on him shower.
Though worried in their hearts all right.
Tulsi mentions of course, hearing Bharat’s discourses,
All shrank as does lotus at night. [2]
Men and women of the parties
Indra, so very malicious, saw writhing in pain.
Himself Indra wants to please,
By murdering the already murdered ones. [301]
Indra is the very limit of craft and cunning
He has his end in view, all others, shunning.
6130 His ways are so much like the ways of a crow
Heart malicious and cunning, will never trust show. [1]

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With an evil plan, at first he mustered cunning,

Then its affect – indifference – on others did fling.
Fraud done by gods affected people so much,
Yet love for Rama they could not shake off as such. [2]
They are upset and don’t have determination.
Prefer stay in forest, later to homes return.
In state of oscillation, people are in pain,
As are waters, when a river joins on ocean. [3]

6140 Drawn by opposite forces, no rest do they find.

One would not disclose to the other, his own mind.
Noticing it, merciful Rama said with smile,
“Dogs, Indra, sensuous people are in one file." [4]

Excepting Janak, Bharat, munies, and ministers,
Men of knowledge and saints holy,
Trick played by gods worked on all the others,
As was their susceptibility. [302]
The merciful Lord saw all in pain
Due to His love and Indra’s deception.
6150 Minds of people, King, Guru, Brahmin, minister,
Bharat’s devotion has sealed, as if it were. [1]
They gaze on Rama, as if they were pictures,
Are hesitant, speak as if taught by others.
Praises of Bharat’s love, modesty, humility,
To hear is pleasure, to describe difficulty. [2]

Seeing, of that love even a small fraction,

Muni, Janak get lost in appreciation.
How can Tulsi describe that love’s greatness?
Wisdom dawns on him due to love and goodness. [3]
6160 Wisdom finds itself weak, Bharat’s greatness is vast.
In tradition of poets, does not venture at last.
It cannot describe, yet the longing is great.
That of child’s utterances, was wisdom’s fate. [4]


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Bharat’s sacred glories are like clear moon

Poet’s mind is a partridge young.
Moon shines in clear sky of devotee’s heart
Partridge’s gaze is on her flung. [303]
To describe Bharat’s nature Vedas find tough,
Excuse playfulness of my wisdom so rough.
6170 By mere conversing about Bharat’s great feat
Who will not develop love for Sita-Rama’s feet? [1]
Love for Rama, at mere talking about Bharat,
If one does not develop, he is very unfortunate.
Condition of each was seen by Rama kind,
He is wise and could read His devotee’s mind. [2]

Main support of morals, brave, pure, wise Ram(a),

Of truth, love, modesty, and pleasure, an ocean.
Keeping place, time, situation, people in view,
Rama, guardian of moral behavior, virtue, [3]
6180 Spoke words which were very cream of speech
Ending in good, cool as moon, to ears reach.
“Brother Bharat you hold very hub of morality,
Know well world, Vedas, for love an authority. [4]

Pure in words, in thought and in deeds, O Bharat,
You alone are Your own parallel.
In assembly of gurus and situation as this
Shall I, younger brother’s virtues tell? [304]
You know the traditions of the Solar race,
The love and truthfulness in father’s case,
6190 You know times, peoples, and the Guru’s ways,
What friends, foes and the indifferent praise, [1]
You know the duties of the common clear
And morals which you, I, hold very dear.
Though I wholeheartedly bank on you,
As situation wants, I shall talk too. [2]

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In father’s absence, to our situation,

Mercy of Guru’s line gave protection.
Otherwise subjects, relatives, family,
And we should have been ruined utterly. [3]
6200 If sun were to set before right hour
Tell me who, in the world, will not suffer.
Exactly that mischief Providence had done.
Muni and King of Mithila gave us protection. [4]

Affairs of state, position and vow
Morals, land, homes, property,
Guru’s merciful influence will shield everything,
And the end shall happiness be. [305]
Guru’s grace will protect, be it us, or the rest
Whether one is at home or is in the forest.
6210 Obedience to orders of parents, teacher,
Holds morals as Shesha does earth bear. [1]

The same you may do and enable me too,

Part of protector of the Solar race do.
This one way – obedience – forms the Triveni
Confluence of success, glory, salvation, three. [2]
With that point of view, bear great difficulty,
Keep all subjects, family members happy.
All have, in my troubles, cosharer been,
For you it means suffering for years fourteen. [3]

6220 To so tender Bharat propose hardship

I am in evil days, so no blame on me keep.
In misery good brother can as helper behave
If adamant comes, it is hands only that save. [4]

Servants should be like hands, feet and eyes
That master should like mouth be."
Tulsidas says such relationship between the two
Poets, when they see, praise with glee." [306]
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Rama’s words, when they reached members of assembly,
Soaked in nectar that came from churning the sea.
6230 In a trance of love and affection they had come.
Goddess of learning, Saraswati, too became mum. [1]
Bharat obtained joy and affection ample,
His pains flew on finding Lord favourable.
Joy was on his face, sorrow was all gone,
As if dumb had got from Saraswati a boon. [2]
With love Bharat bent and respects paid,
Joining both hands respectfully said,
“I am glad, Lord, as if I accompanied You
I have gathered the fruit of my life too. [3]
6240 Whatever be Your order to me, Lord, now,
With all respect to that my head I’ll bow.
But, Lord, I pray with some means provide
So that, I may see cross the period wide. [4]

With Guru’s sanction, my Lord I have bought
For Your coronation here,
Waters from all famous pilgrimage centres
For that, what is Your order? [307]
I have a desire more within my heart,
Which, for shyness, I could not so far impart."
6250 “Do say" Rama said. Getting His permission
Bharat spoke words loaded with affection. [1]
“Holy places, sacred forests, and birds, animals
Chittarkut’s lakes, rivers, hills and waterfalls,
The grounds chiefly, with Your footprints thereon,
If You permit I may see them and return." [2]
“Of course do, Take orders from Attri Muni,
Roam all over forest, be from all fear free.
Brother Bharat, with Attri Muni’s great favour
Forest, fine, sacred, can give all pleasure. [3]

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6260 As and where Attri Muni advises you,

Place waters of sacred places there too."
Bharat felt very happy with permission graced
At Muni’s lotus feet his head Bharat placed. [4]

Hearing Rama and Bharat’s conversation
Source of all happiness and glee,
Gods selfish, began praising Raghu’s family,
Showered flowers of the Kalpa-Tree. [308]
Gods do in their gladness loudly proclaim
“All glory to Bharat", “All glory to Ram(a)."
6270 On hearing the words which Bharat had said
Muni, Janak and the whole assembly was glad. [1]
Janak the Videha-King, horripilating praised,
Glories of Bharat, Rama, and the love that they had.
The servant and master bear fine nature.
Pure is made purer by their love, behavior. [2]

The ministers and members of the assembly,

All said praises, as was their capability.
Listening to dialogue between Rama and brother,
All had joy on the one hand and pain in the other. [3]
6280 Rama’s mother finding joys, sorrows as same
Consoled other queens, by praises of Ram(a).
Some held the praises of Rama very high
While some hold Bharat’s praise to be well-nigh. [4]

Attri Muni informed Bharat during his talks
That near Rama’s hill was a well.
“Put sacred, nectar like, matchless, waters
Therein" did Attri Muni tell. [309]
With Attri Muni’s sanction, vessels of the water
Bharat dispatched to the well, talked over.

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6290 With vessels, he, Shattrughan, Muni, saints, all,

Followed onto the great well unfathomable. [1]

Placed sacred waters at that sacred place,

With great joy the Muni its history did trace.
“This holy centre has been without a beginning.
Times eclipsed it, hence none had any inkling. [2]
My pupils discovered water and environments
Dug a special well for their requirements.
By God’s grace, good luck to universe did come.
Intricate religions ideas, here easy become. [3]

6300 Henceforth, name of Bharatkoop it will bear

Getting waters of holy places, it will be richer.
If, regularly, with love, one will bathe here,
In word, thought, deed, he shall become purer." [4]

Thus talking about greatness of the sacred well
They came to Shri Rama’s holy place.
Attri Muni described to him place – Bharatkoop
Its influence, its blessings, and grace. [310]
Whole night passed lovingly talking religion,
That night was to all very very pleasant one.
6310 After morning programme, Bharat and his brother,
Getting sanction of Rama, Attri Muni and teacher, [1]
All left for a round in Rama’s forest,
They were on foot, without say pomp manifest.
With delicate feet walking, no footwear they wore
The earth turned soft, in its heart felt sore. [2]

Prickly grass and thorns, gravel, cracks, it sealed

All hard bitter painful things were concealed.
Earth made paths comfortable and pleasing
Cool, mild, fragrant, wind began blowing. [3]
6320 Gods rained flowers, and clouds provided shade,
Trees bore fruits, flowers, grass softness displayed,
Animals see them, birds with their voices sweet,
Serve Bharat, him Rama’s chief beloved treat. [4]

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If by saying Rama even while one yawns
Common man plays successful role.
It was no wonder then in the case of Bharat
Who is dearer to Rama than soul. [311]
Thus Bharat kept on sightseeing with zeal,
Munis, viewing his love did and discipline shy feel.
6330 Sources of water, land, birds, animals and trees,
Grass, hills, forest, gardens – all these Bharat sees. [1]

They look so very beautiful, strange and fine

Bharat asks about them, noticing them divine.
Muni, pleased at inquiries, gives all reference
Their history, their name, virtues and influence. [2]
Bharat bathes at a place, bows at another one,
At times he sees charming spots with attention.
With Muni’s permission, Bharat sits at some place
Meditates on Rama’s, Lakshman’s, Sita’s grace. [3]

6340 Gods of forest with joyful hearts bestow bliss,

For his nature, love and attitude of service.
They come back from walk daily in the afternoon,
And see lotus feet of Shri Rama on return. [4]

Bharat visited all holy and sacred places
In the course of five day programme.
Conversing on glories of Vishnu, Shankar,
Fifth day ended, evening came. [312]
They assembled after bath, next morning,
Bharat, Brahmins and also the Mithila King.
6350 Rama thought, in His mind that day suitable
But to mention it, hesitated Lord merciful. [1]
Bharat, Guru, King, people Shri Rama spies.
Hesitating, towards earth, He turned His eyes.

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All praise Rama’s shyness, are thinking within,

“A master so considerate there has never been." [2]

Bharat so intelligent, Rama’s mind he read

He mustered courage, stood by love led,
He prayed, joined palms and began to say,
“My wishes You fulfilled, Lord, in every way. [3]
6360 For my sake, You bore all the difficulties.
In every way, underwent forest miseries.
My Lord, now to me permission be given
I may serve at Ayodhya for years fourteen. [4]

By whatsoever means, this servant be enabled,
To see, my Lord, Your lotus feet,
Give that instruction, King of Kaushal,
I so respectfully entreat. [313]
Through Your love and relationship, subjects, people
Family with love and affection are full,
6370 With You, fire of cycle of birth-death, preferred
Without You, salvation pleasure is deferred. [1]
All knowing master, You will know every heart,
Hopes, wishes and living on Your servant’s part.
O Support of the meek, You will foster and tend,
You will protect either side from end to end. [2]

This is my full trust and full confidence

When I think I don’t find doubt or suspense.
My humility and my master’s favour,
They have emboldened me working together. [3]
6380 My good Lord, do not look at this great fault,
Give instructions without reservations or halt."
They showered praises learning Bharat’s prayer,
Which, like a swan, separates milk from water. [4]

Lord merciful heard every word of Bharat
Humble and bereft of cunning.
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Keeping in view, place, time, circumstances,

Spoke Rama wise, all knowing. [314]
“Care for you, me, family and forest
On Guru Vashishtha and King Janak does rest.
6390 With Vashishtha, Vishwamittra, Janak over us
Even in dream we shouldn’t have fear of distress. [1]
Our greatest strength, virtue, reputation,
Self-interest, and highest aim – salvation –
Lie in our compliance to father’s orders
World, Vedas, welfare in King’s good declare. [2]
If we obey Guru, parents and master,
Even at a false step there is no danger.
Keeping it in view, setting aside all fears,
Act up to it, for the term of fourteen years. [3]

6400 For the country, treasury, relatives, family,

Dust of Guru’s feet has the responsibility,
You have only to obey Muni, mothers, ministers,
Thus, serve land, capital, subjects and others. [4]

The Chief should be acting as mouth does act
Which alone does eat and drink
But nourished each and every part of body
Punctiliously," Tulsi does think. [315]
Herein lies the secret of a King’s part,
And does the desire lie hidden in heart."
6410 In many ways Bharat was advised by Ram(a)
But without support there was no peace, no calm. [1]
Between Bharat’s modesty, Guru, minister, subjects,
On account of love Rama felt very perplexed.
Ultimately Rama with His sandals parted.
With great respect Bharat placed them on his head. [2]

Two sandals of Rama – mine of mercy –

Were two watchmen for public’s soul really,

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Were a box to contain gem of Bharat’s love,

Were two letters Ra and Ma, the soul to preserve. [3]

6420 Two shutters for family, hands for good deed,

Two eyes to see service, morality, indeed.
Finding support, Bharat was exceedingly glad
As he would have been if very Rama he had had. [4]

Bharat bowed down to pay respects asked for leave
Rama embraced him to His heart.
Evil minded Indra pushed up indifference more
Getting opportunity on his part. [316]
That mischief turned out for all a great blessing,
Hope of period to end, was reason for their living.
6430 Else separation from Sita, Rama, Lakshman
Would have brought to all miserable destruction. [1]
Rama’s gracious mercy saved situation quite,
God’s force of attack became helpful, right.
Rama embraced Bharat with extended arms.
None can fully describe His love’s glories and charm. [2]
Love predominated thought, word, and deed.
Rama – chief of patience – all patience freed.
From His lotus eyes, tears of love flowed.
Viewing Rama’s condition even gods sorrowed. [3]
6440 Chief of patience – teacher and munies, Janak sage
Who had tested his mind in fire of knowledge.
Whom creator had quite unattached created,
As does lotus live in water unwetted. [4]

Even he, when he saw love of Rama and Bharat
Limitless and with no parallel,
Was drenched in love by thought, word and deed,
With discretion, asceticism all. [317]

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Where lost is Janak’s and Muni’s wisdom,

To call that celestial love worldly, is sin.
6450 If a poet ventures their parting to describe
To him people hard heartedness ascribe. [1]
That modesty is indescribably intense.
Poet’s voice, at the thought of it, shies, hence.
Rama embraced Bharat and again consoled
Later, Shattrughan also to His chest did hold. [2]

Reading Bharat’s mind, servants, ministers,

Busied themselves in their respective spheres.
On learning it, sorry were all persons.
They too got busy making preparations. [3]
6460 Bowing to Rama’s lotus feet both brothers
Left, in full obedience to Rama’s orders.
To munies, ascetics, gods of forest,
They pay respect and repeatedly request. [4]

They met Lakhan, and dust of Sita’s feet
Placed on their heads, eager.
Started with love, hearing their blessings –
Root of all happiness, pleasure. [318]
Rama and Lakhan bowed down to Janak King,
Praised him with all earnestness that they could bring.
6470 “Due to mercy on us You bore all great pain,
Came down to the forest with all the train. [1]

Bless us and do now to your state go."

King Janak mustering patience did so.
Then Rama saw off Muni Brahmins, seer,
Honouring them as Vishnu and as Shankar. [2]
Rama, Lakhan went to mother-in-law thereon,
Came back on getting her blessings, anon.
Vishwamittra, Bamdeo, Jabaali, seers,
Noble family-men, citizens, and ministers, [3]
6480 Showed courtesy, entreaty as was their due.
Rama and Lakhan bade them all adieu.

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Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Ayodhya Kand

Rama merciful saw off with salutation,

High, middle and low class men and women, [4]

Rama prayed to the feet of Bharat’s mother,
Met with love, pure and sacred,
Saw her off in a decorated palanquin,
Having her grief and sorrow all shed. [319]
After meeting Her, parents, and family members,
Came back Sita, loved like soul by others,
6490 She bowed to mothers-in-law, they hugged Her.
To describe their love, poet cannot venture. [1]
Getting instructions and wished benedictions
Sita was lost in both sides’ affection.
Rama sent for some beautiful palanquins,
Giving full consolation, He seated the queens. [2]
Both brothers met mothers again and again,
Saw them off with equal love and affection.
Set off party of Janak and Bharat’s
Equipping horses, elephants, and chariots. [3]

6500 In their hearts were Sita, Rama, Lakshman.

They were marching on in stupefied condition.
Bullocks, horses, elephants, animals – all feeble
Also kept moving, couldn’t have their will. [4]

Bending to the feet of Vashishtha and his wife
Rama, Lakshman, Sita – all three,
With joy as well as pain in their heart,
Came back to their cottage, leafy. [320]
With respects, the boatman too was sent,
He set out, separation he did much resent.
6510 The Kols, Bhils, Kiraats and forest dwellers
Were off too, after repeating prayers. [1]

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Binda Prasad Khattri

Rama, Sita, Lakshman sit under a tree,

Sorry at departure of beloved family.
Rama described to Sita, also to Lakshman
Bharat’s sweet nature in so sweet a tone, [2]
His trust and love in thought, word and deed,
He, urged by love, personally decreed.
At that occasion fixed, and moving,
Birds, animals, and fish, were all glooming. [3]

6520 Gods from heaven saw Rama’s such a state

They rained flowers and narrated their fate.
Rama bowed to gods and promised succour.
Gods went back, shedding off all fear. [4]

Rama, with His younger brother and Sita,
Did cottage of leaves adorn,
As if knowledge, devotion, asceticism
Looked fine, in human form. [321]
Muni, Brahmins, teacher, Bharat and Janak King
Separated from Rama, are in pain writhing.
6530 The glories of Rama they think in their mind
All dumb and silent to the journey inclined. [1]
They crossed the Jamuna and reached other bank
For matters of food that day went blank.
Their second halt came on crossing Ganges.
Rama’s friend arranged for all facilities. [2]

They crossed Sai, bathed in Gomati in the way.

Thus arrived at Ayodhya on the fourth day.
For four days Janak stayed at any rate,
Set right all things and affairs of state. [3]
6540 Entrusted the reins to Guru, ministers, Bharat,
Then drew up programme of journey to Tirhut.
All followed Vashishtha’s advice and norm
Thus lived happily in the Capital of Ram(a). [4]


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Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Ayodhya Kand

For meeting Rama again, all persons began

Religious rites and fasting.
They left enjoyment of pleasures and food,
Lived, days of period counting. [322]
Bharat assigned work to servants and ministers,
Getting order they got busy in their affairs,
6550 He gave instructions to younger brother,
Put him in charge of service to each mother. [1]
Bharat called all Brahmins and with hands joined,
Paid respects but most humbly enjoined,
“Whatsoever the work, good, bad, high, low,
Do not hesitate, only do please let me know." [2]

He invited relations, citizens, populace

Consoled them and asked them to live in happiness.
He and younger brother went to Guru’s hermitage
Bowed down before him, joined hands and said, [3]
6560 “If you permit, I may lead a rigorous life."
Muni said horripilating and with love rife,
“O Bharat whatever you’ld think, say, do,
Will be core of morality, all world through" [4]

Getting instruction and the choicest blessings
From astrologers got auspicious day.
Bharat placed on the throne sandals of the Lord
Without any obstacle in the way. [323]
Then bowing to Rama’s mother and Guru’s feet,
Permission from sandals of Lord did entreat.
6570 The Chief of morality made his hermitage
In a cottage of leaf at Nandgaon village. [1]
Matted hair on head, clothes of bark putting,
Digging ground and there in some grass spreading.
Followed rigorous discipline of anchorite
For food, dress, utensils, rules, vows tight. [2]

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By word, thought, deed, forsook positively

Ornaments, dress, and all pleasures verily.
With Kingdom of Avadh which Indra envied
With Dasharath’s treasure at which Kuber shied. [3]
6580 There lives Bharat with no attachment therein,
As the black buzzing bee lives in Champa garden.
Those fortunate ones who are Rama’s lover
Shun worldly pleasures as a vomited matter. [4]

Whereas Bharat is recipient of Shri Rama’s love
Disattachment gives him no prowess.
The cuckoo and the swan are reputed in the world
For their resolution, judiciousness. [324]
Body gets feebler day by day marrow goes,
Neither vitality, nor beauty of face slows.
6590 Vow of Rama is renewed daily, made firm.
Interest does not fade, and grow forces of dharm(a). [1]

As in winter water dries, yet canes flourish

And lotus flowers improve in beauty, finish.
Tranquility, endurance, check, fasts, discipline,
Are stars that in clear heart sky shine. [2]
Faith was pole star, exile period night of full moon.
And memory of Shri Rama as milkyway shone.
Love of Rama is full moon, spotless permanent,
Shining bright with her group in clear firmament. [3]

6600 Bharat’s way of life, understanding, action

His asceticism, high virtue, glory, devotion,
Are extremely difficult for a poet to say.
Even Shesh, Ganesh, Saraswati, find no way. [4]

Bharat worships daily the Sandals of his Lord,
His love in heart cannot be contained.
He performs multifarious duties of state,
Ever having permission obtained. [325]
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Bharat horripilates, Rama and Sita in heart,
Name of Rama on tongue, eyes watering start.
6610 Rama, Lakshman, Sita do in forest suffer.
Bharat though living at home, does penance bear. [1]
On seeing both sides, the sages do say,
“Bharat deserves all praises and in every way."
Even anchorites shy seeing Bharat’s penance.
Great munis feel humble at Bharat’s instance. [2]
Bharat’s character is scrupulously clean.
Sweet, beautiful and giver of joys serene.
Washes away Kali’s sins and sufferance
It is sun for the night of great ignorance. [3]
6620 It is lion for the herd of elephants of sins.
It ends the whole lot of miseries and pains.
Pleases devotees, is world’s troubles-remover,
Of the moon of Shri Rama’s love, it is nectar. [4]

Full of nectar wholesome, of love of Sita, Rama.
If Bharat had not been born.
Control, tranquility, difficult for a muni,
Who could penance discipline perform? [1]
Pain, arrogance, misery, great evils of penury,
Who could wash out by his glory?
6630 In the age of Kali, one as wicked as Tulsi
Who could have drawn to Rama forcibly? [2]
Bharat’s glories with consideration,
Those who hear with respect and regularity,
Vanquishing world’s charm, attraction,
Love for feet of Sita and Rama shall come. [326]
Here Ends Canto II, The Ayodhya Kand.

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Aranya Kand
Part III
Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Aranya Kand

Very root of the tree of morals, religion,
Full moon for the ocean of judiciousness,
For lotus of asceticism great sun,
Destroyer of distresses, sins, darkness, [1]
To break up the clouds of ignorance is wind.
Self-born, to Shankar, beloved of Ram(a),
Who is from lineage of Brahma, Lord Supreme
Destroyer of blemishes, I bow with calm- [2]
Whose form is fine, like rain bearing clouds,
10 Mine of pleasures, in yellow robes, beautiful,
Holds arrows and bow in His both hands,
Loaded with quiver, waist is graceful, [3]
Whose eyes are large as lotus flowers,
Wears mated hair on head, to the Ram(a),
Who in company of Sita and Lakshman walks,
To that giver of pleasure, I bow with calm. [4]
Uma, Rama’s virtues are mystery
Munis, Pundits obtain freedom therefrom.
Into great ignorance falls he –
20 The infidel, who has no love for religion.
I’ve described as best as I could have told,
Love of Bharat, citizens, fine, unparalleled.
Now, of the deeds that Rama in forest performed,
Which, hearts of munis, gods and men charmed. [1]

One day, plucking jungle flowers beautiful,

Rama personally made ornaments graceful
Respectfully, Lord, with them, Sita did deck
And sat at the beautiful crystal rock. [2]
Indra’s foolish son, assuming crow’s form

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30 Wanted to test and know powers of Ram(a),

As if an ant, most unintelligent one,
Would venture to fathom a great ocean. [3]
He, for lack of wisdom and foolish freak,
Hit foot of Sita hard, with his hard beak.
Blood began to flow and Rama came to know,
Fixed a mere wicker as the arrow on bow. [4]
Rama, who is extremely merciful and kind,
And ever loves humble and meek,
Him, foolish and sinful Jayanta – the Crow
40 For his deceptive deed did seek. [1]
Backed by mantra, followed diving arrow
Frightened, flew fast that foolish crow,
In original form he met his father,
For one against Rama, Indra refused shelter. [1]
Frightened in his heart, losing hopes, the crow
Was like Durvasa whom disk did follow.
He visited the worlds of Brahma and Shankar,
Exhausted and restless with extreme fear. [2]
None offered to him even a place to sit.
50 Of one against Rama who would welcome visit?
Listen, adjutant, nectar turns into poison,
Mother turns into death, father becomes Yam(a), [3]
Friends begin behaving like hundred enemies,
Into Vaitarny-river of hell – turns the Ganges.
O, brother, for one who is against Ram(a),
The whole world, hotter than fire, does become. [4]
Narad Muni happened to meet Jayant,
He felt pity, had a soft heart of saint.
He taught him to go back only to Ram(a).
60 Crow went there, said “Save surrendering one". [5]

He held Rama’s feet, perplexed and afraid,

“Save me, merciful Rama, Save", he said,
“You have unlimited power, greatness without end,

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Great fool, that I am, I could not comprehend. [6]

I have reaped the fruits of my action done.
I seek Your shelter, grant me protection."
Lord merciful hearing words humble and low
Made him blind of one eye and let him go. [7]
A foolish revolt he did do,
70 And death was the right penalty for him,
He granted freedom to him too,
Where is one so merciful and kind as Ram(a)? [2]
At Chittrakut, Rama performed acts of wonder,
Which to one’s ears prove as sweet nectar.
He thought later, “Me, as many now know,
Huge gatherings are hence very likely to grow", [1]
He took leave of saints all living over there,
And left with Sita and his brother later.
When at the hermitage of Attri they came,
80 The Rishi knew it, and joyous became. [2]

Body horripilating, he came out running,

Noticing it, Rama also came fast moving.
Rishi bowed down, Rama lifted him to heart,
Bathed them with tears of love, on his part. [3]
Viewing Rama, Muni’s eyes got satisfaction,
Brought them home with respect and affection.
Worshiping them, spoke in words so sweet,
Offered fruits and roots, which Rama did greet. [4]
Rama occupying a carpet seat –
90 Viewing Him to the full satisfaction of eyes.
Rishi so wise and discreet,
Joined his hand and began praying to Him. [ 3]
“I bow to thee, friend of devotee,

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Binda Prasad Khattri

Of Merciful heart, modest and tender part,

Persons desireless, to Your realm get access.
I earnestly repeat, name of Your lotus feet. [1]
Of endless beauty, dark complexioned ye.
To churn worldly ocean, You are Mandar Mountain.
With eyes beauteous, - like an open lotus,
100 Go, at Your instance, all pride arrogance. [2]
Your long arms valour, Lord, limitless in power,
You bow and arrow wear. Lord of three worlds You are,
You are ornament fine, of the great Solar line.
Broke in twain to throw, Shiva’s great bow. [3]
You are always giver, to saints, rishis, pleasure.
Bands of gods’ enemies, You destroy all these.
You, worships ever, Passion’s enemy-Shankar.
Served always You are, by gods and Creator. [4]
Your form is purity, You are knowable mentally,
110 All sins and crime, You wash in no time.
I, ever, bow to Thee O, Lord of Lakshmi,
Mine of all pleasure, to the good, supporter, [5]
I ever remember, You with Sita, brother.
O, Shri Baman Ji, – Brother of Lord of Shachi,
Those who set aside pride, – Your lotus feet tried,
Never drawn in ocean, full of waves of destruction [6]
Those who, in seclusion, aiming at salvation,
Controlling each sense, to Your name give preference
Repeat it, so fain, self-realization gain.
120 You, with no parallel, Omnipotent wonderful. [7]
Fully free from desire, Omnipresent world Sire,
From three attributes free, in your own self, ye.
Loving devotional will, beyond reach of evil,

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Kalpa Tree to devotee, ever constant, ye. [8]

Fit for joyful worship, to You my head I dip.
Of matchless beauty – Lord of universes three,
Sita Ji’s Lord sweet, I bow to Your feet
My respects I pay, be pleased on me, pray [9]
Give me, I entreat, love of Your lotus feet,
130 They, who thus prayer recite, respectfully and right,
Inculcate devotion, and reach Your position,
There is no room for doubt, – in what is said about." [10]
The Rishi thus prayed and bowed down low
Joining both hands did entreat –
“O Lord, let my mind be so guided
That it never leaves Your lotus feet". [4]
The most humble and courteous Sita
Met and held feet of Anusuya.
The wife of the Rishi felt joy so high,
140 Gave blessings and seated Sita close by. [1]
Decked Her with ornaments and clothes divine,
Which remained ever new, ever clean and fine.
There-at she gave Sita instruction,
On duties of wife in sweet discussion. [2]

“Princess Sita, parents, brothers are well wishers

But act within only limited spheres,
While husband is source of endless blessing,
Fie on her, who serves not such a being. [3]
Patience, dutifulness, friend and wife
150 Prove their real worth in adverse life.
Even if husband be sickly, old, foolish,
Poor, blind, deaf, miserable and peevish, [4]

Even such, if a wife scorns, disdains,

In agonies of the land of Yama she remains.
For a wife is one law, vow, duty, indeed

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Service to lord’s feet in thought word and deed, [5]

So say Vedas, Puranas and saints of yore
Of faithful wives there are categories four.
She leads all who in her mind does hold
160 There exists no other male, throughout the world. [6]
The next class considers every other man
As their father, or brother or own son.
Those abstaining for family prestige, religion,
Vedas place third, in the grades, such women. [7]
She is condemned last who is just faithful
For want of opportunity or with fear full
The woman who deceives husband, meets others
For hundred Kalpas, dreadful hell she suffers. [8]
Loses hundred crore lives, for temporary pleasure,
170 Who could exceed such a woman in wickedness?
She, who takes to faithfulness, true and sincere,
Earns salvation without putting, efforts here. [9]

And the woman, who had her husband’s wishes flung

In all future lives is widowed young. [10]
Born unclean right from the start
Serving husband, woman earns high salvation,
Praises to “basil” Vedas impart,
Its leaves even now please Almighty. [5A]
O Sita, remembering Your name
180 Women, in future, shall practice faithfulness.
You hold dear as soul, Rama.
I discussed the theme for the good of the world." [5B]

Sita enjoyed the discourse intensely,
Bent head at her feet so respectfully.
Then Rama, house of mercy, to the Saint so said,
“If allowed, we may go to other forest instead. [1]
My Lord, continue to show mercy to me, please,

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Take me as Your servant, let love never cease".

Hearing the words of the Lord, hub of religion,
190 The knowledgeful Saint did with love mention, [2]
“Whose favour, by Brahma and Shiva is sought,
For which Brahma, Sanak and spiritualists wrought,
You are that Rama, dear for love’s own sake,
Merciful on the meek, such words spake. [3]

I now see how very wise was Lakshmi,

Who, leaving all other gods, remembers Thee,
Why should not in Him modesty so much swell,
Who in greatness of might, does all excel. [4]
How shall I say, Lord, that You may now go,
200 You know all hearts, now You tell me so."
The grave Rishi looked at Rama, so saying,
From his eyes ran water, body horripilating. [5]
Body horripilating, heart love-saturating
Eyes tied to Shri Rama’s lotus face,
“What penances were done, for which I got the vision
Of one to whom mind senses have no access? [1]
One who is so endowed, with Yoga and virtue’s crowd
Obtains devotion unparalleled".
Tulsidas sings right, through all day and night
210 Pious deeds of Rama, his Lord. [2]
Washes off Kali’s sin, gives control of mind,
His stories are roots of pleasure.
Those, who listen to them with respect and
attention Lord Rama is merciful to them ever. [6A]
Hard Kali is store of sins
With no religion, meditation, yoga or penance.
They alone are wise persons
Who bank on no one other than Rama. [6B]
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Binda Prasad Khattri

Bending head to the lotus feet of the Rishi,
220 Left for forest Lord of gods, saints, humanity.
Brother Lakshman, rear most, at the head was Ram(a),
Both looked very handsome in the saints’ form. [1]
In between the two, Sita looked fine in role,
As does Maya between soul and Supreme-Soul.
Forests, hills, rivers, unpassable valleys
Made way to them, recognising Lord amongst these [2]

As moves on and on, Lord of Raghu’s line,

Clouds glide in the sky giving them shadow fine.
The demon named Viradh met them in strife.
230 In no time Raghubir put an end to his life. [3]
He was endowed immediately with divine form.
Being miserable, to heaven he was sent by Ram(a).
In company of handsome brother and Janaki
Rama reached the hermitage of Sharbhang Rishi. [4]
Big black-bees-eyes of Rishi Sharbhang –
Seeing lotus of the face of Ram(a),
Are enjoying heartily sweet nectar thereof.
Rishi Sharbhang, well done, well done. [7]
Sharbhang said, “Listen, O Raghubir kind,
240 “The swan of the lake of Shankar’s mind,
On way to Brahma’s realm I could learn,
That Rama would be visiting this forest in turn. [1]
I have been on the lookout, night and day.
Having met You, I have the contentment today.
O Lord, I am lacking in all resources,
Knowing me helpless, You have used kind forces. [2]

Your mercy is no obligation on me now,

Heart enchanter, You have justified Your vow.
For the good of this humble, for a while here be,
250 Till I meet You discarding my mortal body." [3]
Rishi offered Yoga, sacrifice, penances and vow

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And in exchange, sought devotion to Rama now

Thus relinquishing all world from his heart
Built pyre, immolated himself thereat. [4]
“O Rama, blue as a rain cloud, condescend
To stay in this heart of devotee,
With Sita and with Your brother Lakshman,
In form, the formless Deity." [8]
So saying he burnt himself in Yogic Fire.
260 With Rama’s grace, to high heaven he did retire.
He did not merge into Lord for the reason,
That he had sought boon of separate devotion. [1]
Other saints, seeing Sharbhang’s fortunate part,
Experienced immense happiness in their heart.
All joined, did praises on Rama confer,
“Victory to merciful, savior of surrenderer" [2]

Then Rama, for the other forests, did proceed.

Groups of saints followed Him in that deed.
Viewing a heap of bones Rama felt so sore.
270 He made inquiries from the saints before. [3]
“You are Lord Omniscient, You all hearts know?
Why do You make inquiry then from us so?
Bands of demons have eaten up the rishis".
At these words water flowed from Rama’s eyes. [4]
Rama with uplifted arm, His vow proclaimed,
To make earth free from demons.
He personally visited abodes of all saints,
And gave to them pleasure immense. [9]
A worthy disciple of Agastya Muni,
280 Named Sutikchhan, God’s great devotee,
Who was servant of Rama in thought, word and deed,
Never dreamt dependence on other gods indeed [1]

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Having heard of the Lord’s arrival in forest,

Thoughts rushing in his brain, he ran in his quest.
“Luck! Will the Lord merciful of Raghu’s line,
To do mercy on wicked like me, incline? [2]
Will Lord Rama and His brother Lakshman meet
And me as their most humble servant treat?
I entertain doubts within me this moment,
290 As I have no devotion, knowledge or detachment. [3]

I had no good company, yoga, name recitation,

Nor to His lotus feet possess deep devotion.
But the Lord, house of mercy has one vow, of course,
He loves him who is void of every other source. [4]
My eyes will their fullest benefit today obtain,
Seeing lotus face of Rescuer from birth-death chain."
The knowledgeful Sutikcchan is so lost in love,
“It is indescribable," to Parvati; said Shiv(a). [5]
Of Path or even directions, he had no thought.
300 “Who am I"? Where going? his mind had forgot.
He moved forward and then backward he would
Or would dance, singing Lord’s praises in the mood. [6]
Sutikchhan had love and devotion so deep,
From behind a tree, Lord Rama would peep.
When Rama, his devotion so intense, found,
Appeared in his heart savior from worldly round. [7]
The Rishi sat motionless in the mid of the way,
Body horripilating, looked as Jackfruit, say.
Then Rama moved up closer to Sutikchhan,
310 Was pleased to see His devotee’s condition. [8]

Rama tried to awake him from meditation.

But being in full enjoyment, Rishi wouldn’t return.
So Rama withdrew royal appearance from his heart,
And instead, His four-handed form did impart. [9]
At this change, Sutikchhan woke restless, unwell,
As is a snake at the loss of its jewel.
Seeing before him Rama of blue complexion,
House of peace, with Sita and brother Lakshman, [10]

Lost in love, the fortunate Rishi fell down,

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320 As a stick and held the feet of Lord Ram(a).

Lord Rama lifted him up with His long arm,
And with great love, embraced him to His bosom. [11]
While embracing him Rama bore a simile
As a tree of gold was meeting black leafed tree
With unwinking eyes, gazed on Rama’s face
As if he were a mere painting on a canvas. [12]
Muni gathered great patience within his heart,
Touched Rama’s feet again and again.
He later on, brought Rama to his hermitage,
330 Worshipped Him in many ways, fain. [10]
“O Lord, please to listen to my prayer,
In what way shall I, Your praises utter?
Your glories are boundless. I’ve wisdom none.
It would be light of glowworm before the sun.[1]
Your form is a wreath made of blue lotus dark,
You have crest of matted hair, clothes of tree bark,
Bow arrows in hand, quiver rests on groin
I bow to You ever and ever, Shri Ram(a), [2]
You are fire to burn down ignorance forest.
340 You are sun for the lotuses of saints, as best.
You are lion to crush elephants - the demoniac fold,
Hawk for the birds-the births and deaths in the world. [3]
O, one, with eyes like red lotus, handsome,
For the partridge of the eyes of Sita, the moon,
Young swan of the lake of the heart of Shankar,
To long armed, large hearted Rama, bow ever. [4]
You’re adjutant for the snakes of doubts coming
You remove pains caused by punctilious reasoning
You end worldly rounds, give gods’ group pleasure,
350 Rama, house of great mercy, protect me ever. [5]

With and without attributes, uniform yet different,

You’re beyond mind’s, sense’s, speech’s content,
You are matchless, pure, perfect, flawless and endless,

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I bow to Rama, maker of earth’s load less, [6]

Rama, for the devotees You are Kalpa Tree grove,
Greed, anger, pride, passion You control and remove.
You’re adept and a bridge to cross worldly ocean,
Banner of Solar family, let mercy be done. [7]
Glory of whose arm is matchless, so great,
360 Whose name washes off Kali’s sins straight.
Who is shield to morality, whose virtues give joy.
May Rama, for my protection, His mercy employ. [8]
Though You are immortal, Omnipresent and pure
And always dwell in every body’s heart’s core,
Even then, fore of Khar, with Janaki and brother
Dwell in my heart in the form of forest roamer. [9]
May those who, You with and without attributes know,
Or call You omniscient, let them do so.
I wish Lord of Kaushal, the lotus eyed Rama,
370 May He be good enough to make my heart His home. [10]

Let this pride of mine, never, never, grow faint,

That Rama is my Lord and I am His servant".
At the words of the Saint, Rama was so pleased,
Him, with renewed joy, to the bosom He seized. [11]
Rama said “Deem me mighty pleased, Rishi,
Whatever boon you choose I will be granting thee."
He said, “Lord, a boon I have never so far sought,
I do not know what is true and what is not. [12]

Lord of Raghu’s line, whatever You do please

380 Well-wisher of the servants, give me that please".
Of deep devotion, asceticism, knowledge pure,
– Of all virtues and knowledge be great store." [13]
Whatever Lord graciously gave I received
Now grant me that which I have good conceived. [14]
“With Your younger brother and Janaki, O Lord,
With bow and arrows in Your hand,
Like moon in the firmament of my heart
Be pleased, forever to stand." [11]

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‘May it be so" said Rama, dweller of Lakshmi’s heaven,
390 And left gladly for abode of Agastya Muni,
Sutikchhan said “it is long since I saw him,
And shifted to this abode of mine, [1]
Now I’ll accompany You to see my teacher.
It will not be an obligation on You either,"
Merciful Lord saw through the Saint’s device
Taking him, both brothers made a smile nice. [2]
Describing unique glories of devotion
They reached holy hermitage of Agastya Muni.
Sutikchhan immediately called on his teacher,
400 And on paying respects to him, did declare. — [3]
“O Lord, son of Dashratha, the great Kaushal King,
Has come to you, world’s support, for a meeting.
Rama, His brother and Sita have come all the way,
Whose names you are reciting night and day." [4]

Hearing him, Agastya dashed out in surprise,

Seeing Lord, water of love came in his eyes.
The two brothers laid heads at his feet.
Rishi embraced them both with great love to greet. [5]
The wise Rishi inquired of the welfare
410 With respect, seated them on carpets fair.
Then worshipped them all, in so many ways,
“There is none so fortunate as I" he says [6]

As for all other saints who were present there —

They were all pleased to see the root of pleasure. [7]
Rama is sitting in the assembly of saints
Facing the rishis’ holy gathering.
It looked as if flock of red legged partridges
Was on full moon of autumn gazing. [12]
Rama said to Agastya Muni at that occasion —
420 “To conceal anything from you, I have no reason,

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You well know the purpose that I’ve come for,

I do not dilate upon it therefore. [1]

O Lord, now tell me the course I should take,

And bring freedom from demons for earth’s sake."
The Saint Agastya, smiled when he heard Rama
With what expectations me You ask from? [2]
By gift of remembering Your name, sin-killing,
Of Your glories I could get some inkling,
Your Maya is vast as a wild fig tree,
430 And numberless universes its fruits be. [3]

All living, non-living, are insects inside,

Confined in a fruit, know not outside.
Death eats up all the fruits—entire Universe,
From You, Lord, even that death has got fears. [4]
You are Lord of all the Lokpals, Rama,
Yet are inquiring from me as an ordinary man,
O House of mercy, from You this boon I seek —
With Sita, Lakshman dwell in my heart meek. [5]
Give me deep love, good company, asceticism,
440 For Your lotus feet, boundless devotionalism
Though You are Supreme-Soul, endless, boundless,
By saints adored, known by perception process, [6]
Your these forms I know and I describe, Ram(a),
Yet I love You most, in this human form.
You have always bestowed honour on Your servant,
It is therefore that You ask from me at this instant. [7]
My Lord, there is one most charming place,
It does the holy name of Panchvati grace.
Go there in Dandak Forest, purify it,
450 And end the curse with which the Rishi had it hit. [8]

O, Lord of Raghu’s line, stay there,

Do mercy to saints living there all over."
Rama left for the place which Agastya had described,
And very soon near to Panchvati arrived. [9]
In the way, Rama met Jatayu, the Vulture-King,
Great friendship grew between each other,
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He built a cottage of leaves and lived there

On the bank of Godavari river. [13]
Ever since Rama made that forest His home
460 All saints became happy, their fears were gone,
Hills, forests, rivers, lakes all became beautiful,
Day by day, their beauty grew more wonderful [1]

All animals, all birds, were very cheerful.

Big black-bees buzzed on flowers beautiful,
The beauty of the forest, Shesh too can’t portray,
Which Raghubir Himself made His place of stay. [2]
At an occasion when Rama sat in happy mood
In all simplicity, to speak Lakshman stood.
“Lord of all men, saints, creature every god
470 I beg to ask from You as from my great Lord [3]
Do explain to me that, my Lord, mercifully,
So that I serve dust of Your feet exclusively.
About knowledge, renunciation, Maya, tell me,
And of devotion for which You do mercy. [4]
The difference between God and soul, my Lord,
Explain to me fully and so,
That I may develop love for Your holy feet,
Sorrow, ignorance and doubts may go." [14]
“In brief, my brother, I am going to tell.
480 Bring to bear mind, heart and wisdom well.
‘I’, ‘You’, ‘My’, ‘Yours’, is ‘Maya’, I say,
Which has brought all creatures under its sway. [1]

All objects of sense, very limits minds reach,

Seem them to be ‘Maya’, Lakshman, I teach,
You may also know Maya’s varieties two,
One is knowledge, the other is ignorance too. [2]
One is sinful and brings extreme pain.
By it, persons in the well of world remain.

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The other has virtues and creates world,

490 Has no power of its own, is God-controlled. [3]

Knowledge is void of pride and it has flaws none

It sees God in all Universe – just one.
And call him the greatest renouncer please
Who leaves as straw three successes, qualities. [4]
What knows neither God, nor Maya, nor self.
I would like you to know it as soul.
He who disposes off salvation, bondage,
Controls ‘Maya’ is God, Supreme-Soul. [15]
Religion brings renunciation, Yoga knowledge,
500 Knowledge brings salvation, Vedas acknowledge.
But, brother, that by which I meet so soon
Is devotion, which is to devotees a boon. [1]
It is independent, and counts on nothing else.
Knowledge and wisdom are under its spells.
Devotion is matchless, root of all pleasure
One gets it when saints are pleased to confer. [2]
I tell you ways of obtaining devotion,
An easy way to achieve with Me union.
The first step is love for, feet of Brahmins
510 Vedically do duties of ones’ professions, [3]

From control of senses that will make one free,

That will lead to development of love for Me.
Then nine devotions, listening etcetera come,
For glory of My deeds grows love handsome. [4]
Love for the lotus feet of saints then comes,
By thought, word and deed daily takes My names.
Serves Me by faith, takes Me as his teacher,
His Lord, God, father, mother and his brother, [5]

Remembering my virtues, body does horripilate,

520 Voice gets chocked, eyes are in watering state,
Who is free from desires, pride and hypocrisy,
He, brother, always under him finds Me. [6]

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By thought, word and deed whoever counts on Me
Remembers Me for no return,
In the lotus of the heart of such a person
I make permanent My sojourn." [16]
After hearing about yoga of devotion,
On the feet of the Lord, bowed down Lakshman.
Some days, they spent in this way with all glee,
530 Talking of ethics, virtues, knowledge, austerity. [1]
There was Ravan’s sister, Shurpnakha by name,
Evil hearted, the nature of serpent did claim.
She once paid a visit to Panchvati,
Viewing princes became restless passionately, [2]
O, adjutant, woman viewing a handsome man,
Be he father or brother or even son,
Becomes restless, with all control gone,
As sun-jewel melts at the focus of sun. [3]
She did fine make up and approached Ram(a),
540 And spoke, she was all smile and charm.
“No man can equal You, nor any woman me,
Creator created this couple very thought fully, [4]

I could not find match suitable for me,

I have roamed and searched in all worlds three,
That is why I remained spinster so far,
Viewing You, I am feeling, I’ve seen one at par." [5]
Rama with His eyes fixed on Sita, so said,
“My younger brother is without mate instead".
She moved to him, he knew she was enemy’s sister,
550 He, looking at Rama, gently spoke to her [6]

“O, Fairy, I happen to be His mere servant,

You can find no happiness with me, a dependent.
Rama is all powerful, of Kaushal the King,
Whatever He may do is to Him befitting. [7]
If a servant wants happiness or a beggar respect,
Dissolute wealth, unchaste does welfare expect,

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If a greedy wants fame or a proud glory,

They wish impossibilities, trying to milk sky." [8]

Shurpnakha turned back and to Rama came in vain,

560 Who sent her, once more, to Lakshman back again.
He said to her, “You, only he can wed,
Who to all self-respect goodbye has said." [9]
She was enraged and once more turning to Ram(a),
She exhibited to Him her fearful form.
Rama felt that Sita was, at this so afraid,
By signs, He something to Lakshman said. [10]
In no time did Lakshman convert Shurpnakha
Into one without ears and nose;
Or say, it was through her as a messenger
570 Sent challenge to Ravan and foes. [17]
She looked horrible without ears and nose,
Bleeding as if ruddle from a black hill flows.
She went to Khar-Dushan weeping and wailing —
“Fie on your strength, brothers", she was railing. [1]
They inquired and she told them all history,
At which, demons grouped forces military,
In waves, groups rushed out one by one,
As if hordes of winged mountains did run. [2]

Their shapes were different, conveyance different,

580 Out of number with fearful weapons they went.
Shurpnakha led them, noseless and earless —
A form which was certainly inauspicious, [3]
Most evil and fearful omens do occur,
But demons do not read them, to death beyond were.
They roar and shout, to sky they fly.
Viewing troops, the two warriors happily cry. [4]

“Arrest both the brothers alive" says one.

The other says, “Kill them, snatch away the woman."
Dense dust filled up the entire firmament,
590 Rama, calling Lakshman, said to him that moment - [5]

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“Take Janaki and move away to some safe cave,

Fearful forces of demons are, on the move.
Keep on the alert." At the Lord’s command
Lakshman moved with Sita, bow arrows in hand. [6]
When Rama viewed enemy’s forces near
He smiled and strung His bow, causing fear. [7]
To string bent low, His fearful bow,
Fine hands tying His matted hair,
As with crores of lightings, on emerald hill is fighting
600 Of beautiful snakes a pair. [1]
Tying up a quiver then, on His beautiful loin,
Long arms held bow, set arrows.
As a lion sees fain, herd of elephants insane,
So did Rama cast eyes on foes. [2]
At full speed came the knave,
Demoniacal warriors shouting “Seize Him",
As do Mandeha demons behave,
Finding the rising sun solitary, alone. [18]
When eyes of demons on Lord Rama fell
610 They were fixed, couldn’t shoot arrows, as in spell,
Khar-Dushan said, calling ministers face to face
“The prince is an ornament to the human race, [1]
Gods and demons, all Nagas and all men,
We have seen, we have killed and we have won.
But listen to me, brothers, we have not seen,
In our life beauty so excellent, fine. [2]

Though He has defaced our own sister,

He is man matchless and is not fit for murder.
‘Handover to us soon, Your woman concealed,
620 Go back to Your house living, from the battle field.’ [3]
Convey to Him this message at once,

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And tell us then what has been His response."

The messengers informed Rama accordingly,
Rama heard them, smiled and made reply— [4]
“We are Kshatriyas, hunt in forests all through,
Ever in search of animals, evil as you.
Finding foe fearful, we fear not at all,
We’ll accept the challenge even if death does call, [5]

Though we are men, we remove demons’ family.

630 We boys, serve saints, punish demons severely.
If they are so weak, let the foes go back,
I never hit the man flying away from battle track. [6]
To declare war, then to practice trickery,
Or to show mercy on foe is cowardice simply."
The messengers at once turned back to report.
Hearing them Khar and Dushan were sore hurt. [7]
Heart of Khar-Dushan burnt, as the response they learnt,
“Arrest them" they said to the warriors.
With bow, arrows, crossbars, lances, tridents, daggers,
640 They ran with axes, long spears. [1]
Rama brought about the twang, of the great bow that rang
And a very fearful sound produced.
Demons in confusion, deaf to all sensation,
To unconsciousness were reduced. [2]
They recovered and realizing foe’s great might,
They made a direct dash on Ram(a).
They darted on Him missiles of all kinds,
Weapons, instruments, tools and arm. [19A]
Their missiles and weapons were cut down by Rama
650 Into pieces like sesamum seed.
Then, drawing His bow hard to His ear,
Let His arrows from it to proceed. [19B]
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Then fearful arrows went,

As many a hissing serpent.
Rama was in battle furious,
Sent arrows sharp, injurious. [1]
On viewing the arrow fierce,
Turned back the demon warrior.
The brothers then grew angry,
660 And said “Whoever shall flee [2]
We shall kill him with our own hands."
Then to die came back flying hands.
Standing face to face with Ram(a),
Sent weapons of every norm, [3]
Finding foes in great fury –
Rama set arrows from bow free,
Numberless arrows darted –
With life, evil demons parted. [4]
Heads, arms, chests, feet and hands,
670 Here and there fell in bands.
They shrieked as arrows hit,
Hill-like bodies fall split. [5]
Body cut down in hundred parts,
By Maya again starts.
Head and arms fly in sky, -
Yet headless trunks runs and cry. [6]
Crows, jackals, many a vulture,
Fearful crackling sounds utter. [7]
Jackals teeth grind, spirits, ghosts, fiends
680 All collect the human skulls,
Spectre mark time, on skulls they chime,

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Female spirits dance in intervals. [1]

Rama’s arrows powerful, cut up warrior’s skull,
Their arms and waist asunder,
Here and there bodies, fall yet again rise,
“Catch him, catch him" fearfully utter. [2]
With entrails vultures fly, high in the sky,
Other end ghosts hold and run.
As if children and grown of the battle-field town
690 Are enjoying the kite flying fun. [3]
Numerous warriors fell, died or in death spell
Are moaning and lying spurned.
Noticing disarray, Khar-Dushan Trishira-They
Towards Rama their attention turned. [4]
Arrows, missiles, crossbars, axes tridents daggers,
Numberless demons formed a circle,
With fury and form, on Shri Rama alone,
All simultaneously they hurl. [5]
Rama, in no moment, cut all missiles sent,
700 Challenged them and shot His arrows.
In the hearts of leaders, of the demon warriors
Ten shafts into each heart He throws. [6]
Warriors fall on ground, up again they are found,
They practice deception extreme,
Demons fourteen thousand, Rama single, alone;
So gods, saints, worried did seem. [7]
Seeing them thus worried, Lord of Maya did a deed
Full of mystery and great surprise;
They see each other Rama, so to fighting conform
710 Killed themselves, mutually for prize. [8]
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They leave their bodies saying “Rama, Rama"

Thus their salvation they find.
By using a device, killed all His foes,
In no time, Lord merciful kind. [20A]

In joy, gods rained down flowers, from sky

Their drums joyously they beat.
After saying praises of their Lord Rama,
In their different vehicles make retreat. [20B]
When Rama got victory over the enemies
720 Fear was off from gods, men and rishis.
Then Lakshman brought Janaki back to Ram(a).
As he fell at His feet, Rama hugged him to bosom. [1]

With Rama’s tender dark body Sita’s eyes meet

With great love, Her eyes never felt surfeit.
During stay at Panchvati Sita and Ram(a)
Did what was to gods, saints, soothing as balm.[2]
When Shurpnakha noticed Khar’s and Dushan’s fall,
To incite Ravana, on him she made a call.
In very angry tone, addressing Ravana said,
730 “All thoughts of country, treasury, away you’ve laid. [3]

You drink heavily and sleep all day and night,

Never feel that the enemy is on the head right.
To rule without justice, wealth without virtue,
Good deeds without being dedicated to God too, [4]
All learning without developing discernment,
Give fatigue alone as fruit of labour and achievement.
To ascetic does harm immoral association,
Wrong advice to king, to knowledge, reputation. [5]

Drink ruins modesty, incivility love decays,

740 Pride kills the merit, moral code so says. [6]
Do not ever estimate cheap,
Foe, fire, malady, sin, snake and master."
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So saying she began to weep

And cry in so many diverse ways. [21A]
In the midst of assembly and lying on floor
She wept aloud and cried so,
“While you are alive, carrying ten heads,
I be in a condition so low"! [21B]
Hearing her the courtiers were in commotion.
750 Lifted her by arm, gave consolation.
King of Lanka said “Let me details hear,
Who defaced you, cutting your nose and ear? [1]
“Sons of Dasharath, King of Avadh Kingdom.
For a hunting in forests nearby have come.
I can now see what their deeds do mean
They will remove the demons from earth’s face clean.[2]
O-ten faced one, counting on whose force
Saints roam all over forest, fearless of course.
They appear mere youths, yet very death resemble
760 Very valiant, great archers, high virtues assemble. [3]
Glory, power of both brothers are matchless,
Busy comforting saints, to kill demons ruthless.
He is very house of beauty and is named Ram(a),
There is a beautiful young woman also with Him. [4]

The Creator has made Her store of beauties.

On Her could be sacrificed hundred crore Ratis.
His brother has cut off my ears and nose.
Knowing me as your sister, for them a fun rose. [5]
To help me at my call, Khar and Dushan came.
770 In an instant Rama killed all forces of the same,"
Learning about death of Trishira, Khar, Dushan.
A huge fire raged in the heart of Ravan(a). [6]
Gave Shurpnakha consolation in many ways
He described his own power.

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But he was worried so much within his heart.

Passed sleepless night at his quarter. [22]
“Amongst gods and men and Nagas and demons,
He thinks there is none who could match his servants.
Like me, were strong Khar and Dushan.
780 Who else, except God, could have killed them? [1]

If God, giver of happiness to saints has come,

To reduce earth’s load if incarnated become,
I would then deliberately seek enmity with Him.
Death from Lord’s arrow will give me salvation. [2]
Worship is not possible in this malignant form.
By thought, word and deed to the conclusion, I come.
And if He is merely the son of some King,
I’ll snatch the woman, beating both in the ring." [3]
With this in mind Ravana left in his conveyance
790 For the sea shore where Marich had made his residence.
“While here Rama chalked out plan, Parvati,
Listen to me for that beautiful story." [4]
When Lakshman was out in the forest to collect
Some bulbs, roots, fruits, for food,
To the daughter of Janak, jovially spoke Rama,
The source of all joy and good. [23]
“Listen, Dear, who has vow of faithfulness taken,
I wish to perform some sports human.
For that time, You would reside in fire,
800 Till I wipe out all demons dire." [1]

When Rama had told Her His plan’s content,

She held His feet and into fire She went.
Her image, She kept on, for all purpose,
Very considerate, beautiful, humble to excess. [2]
Even Lakshman knew nothing of this secret,
Which Rama in His plan had previously set.

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To abode of Marich, ten headed Ravana went,

Low and selfish he, to Marich, head bent. [3]

“Bending low of the low ones is harmful,

810 As that of goad, bow, snake, cat, painful.
Words polite from mean are fearful always,
As are flowers, Parvati, out of seasonal days." [4]
Marich did worship to Ravan much,
Respectfully asked purpose.
“Tell me the reasons for your worried looks,
And why you have come alone thus?" [24]
Unlucky Ravana told all history,
To Marich, in tone of proud vanity.
“You assume the form of a crafty deer,
820 So that I may take away the princes clear." [1]
Marich said “Ravana, just listen to me,
In the human form, Lord of universe is He.
With him, lord, let us not ill-will increase.
We live and we die, as He does please. [2]
At Vishwamittra’s fire worship, He was guard,
Shot a headless arrow on me that Lord.
In no time I was pushed four hundred miles then.
It would not be well if we fight against Him. [3]

My condition became that of a black wasp.

830 My senses everywhere two brothers did grasp.
And even if they be human they are valiant,
Success will not come if we turn defiant. [4]
Who killed Subahu and who killed Taraka,
Who broke great bow of Shiv(a),
Who killed Khar and Duhsan, Trishira,
Could He be a man? Who’ld believe? [25]

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For your family’s welfare to your residence return,",

At this, bad names were called by Ravana.
“You, fool, sermonize to me like a teacher!
840 Point out in the world, like me a warrior." [1]
Marich then considered within his mind
In opposing these nine, good one won’t find—
The armed person, the one knowing secret,
The powerful master, the cook and poet, [2]

The foolish, the rich, and the physician

The bard or minstrel, all these nine.
Marich saw his death in case either,
He chose, therefore, Shri Rama’s shelter. [3]
“Life at this unlucky’s hand if I’ve to lose,
850 Why not the arrow of Shri Rama let me choose!"
Thus weighing pros and cons with him, he went.
With intense love at Rama’s feet he bent. [4]
He is happy at heart, but he’ld nothing say.
“My great love, Rama, I’ld be seeing today." [5]
“Chief beloved I would see, my eyes will have glee,
And I’ll have immense pleasure.
In my heart I’ld greet, house of mercy’s feet,
Alongwith Sita and His brother. [1]
Whose indignation gives salvation,
860 Whose love controls uncontrollable,
With His own hands He will set His arrows to kill,
Ocean of pleasure unfathomable. [2]
Running behind me with bow and arrow in hand,
With an eye on capturing me,
I’ld be viewing Lord thus at every turn,
None more fortunate could be." [26]

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When Ravana arrived at the forest of Ram(a).

Marich soon assumed a pseudo deer’s form,
So wonderfully fine as could not be told,
870 Gems fixed all over on the body of gold. [1]
Janaki chanced to see the deer wonderful,
Each part of whose body was very beautiful.
“O, merciful Raghuveer, to Me, pray, listen
This deer possesses most beautiful skin," [2]

Sita said to Rama – “Of truth, an ocean,

“Please kill it and get for Me its skin."
Rama very well knew the secrets of the plan.
To serve gods, readily preparations began. [3]
He saw the deer and tied up His groin,
880 Picked up His bow and placed an arrow on.
He called up and explained to Lakshman,
“There roam all over forest many a demon. [4]
Keep guard on Sita with attention, I pray,
As wisdom, discretion, power, circumstance say."
Seeing Rama, the deer immediately galloped,
With His arrow on the bow Rama followed. [5]
Of whom Vedas say ‘Not this alone’,
Whom Shiva could not bring in His conception,
That very Lord Rama is pursuing deer,
890 Unreal made up of only Maya, here. [6]
It is seen close now and is far then
Soon becomes invisible, it was visible when.
He took Rama far, thus seen unseen,
Using all devices and trickery keen. [7]

Then Rama shot at him straight an arrow,

It struck him, he fell and he let a shriek go.
He called out at first the name of Lakshman,
Within himself Lord Rama, he remembered then. [8]
At the point of his death he showed up real form,
900 With great love within, he remembered Ram(a).
Lord Omniscient saw his love clearly,
Gave him a place which the rishis get rarely. [9]

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Gods rained down flowers from above the sky

Sing praises of Lord Rama then.
Lord, who is ever merciful to surrenderer,
Gave away His own place to demon. [27]
Killing evil demon Marich, Rama at once returned,
Bow-arrow in the hands, quiver grain adorned.
When Sita’s ears reached the painful shriek,
910 Was a bit afraid, to Lakshman, She did speak. [1]
“Go soon, there is some trouble to your brother."
He smiled and said, “Listen to me, mother,
Mere movement of whose brow will annihilate
Whole Universe, can trouble ever be His fate"? [2]

At this, some strong words Sita uttered.

By will of God, Lakshman’s mind also wavered.
Leaving Sita with gods of forest, direction,
He left for Rama – Rahu for the moon of Ravan(a). [3]
Ravana finding silence prevailing there,
920 In the garb of an ascetic soon went near.
Gods and demons, in front of him feel fright,
Dare not take food in day or sleep at night, [4]

That ten-headed Ravana like dog behaving,

Looking this way and that, went for thieving.
Adjutant, as one in evil path does come,
He completely loses luster, strength, wisdom. [5]
He fabricated all sorts of stories fine,
Wherein he made fear, love, politics, combine.
Sita said “Lord ascetic, just listen, will you?
930 You are talking as an evil person would do." [6]

Then Ravana exposed to Her, form original.

Sita was afraid, when his name he did tell.
Mustering all courage them Sita did say,
“Lord will be here, evil-incarnate for a moment stay. [7]
You are courting death, King of demons, wishing to possess
Me, as a petty hare should covet a lioness."
At these words, Ravan’s anger high went,
In his heart joyfully to feet of Sita bent. [9]

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Thereafter Ravana full of anger, fury,
940 Placed Sita in his chariot.
He took the air route but for reasons of fear
He was feeling it difficult to pilot. [28]
“O, King of Raghu’s line, matchless in bravery
For what fault of mine did You forget mercy?
You remove pain, give the refugee great glee.
You are sun for the lotus of Raghu’s family. [1]
O Lakshman, you are not at all to blame,
I lost my temper, and got fruit of the same."
She is bewailing in so many different ways,
950 “Lord merciful loves Me but so far He stays. [2]
Who would convey My misery to My Lord’s feet?
Grain for the fire sacrifice, a donkey would eat."
When they heard Sita’s mourning and wailing,
All, living and dead, were in sorrow trailing. [3]
The King of vultures heard as Sita cried,
Identified wife of Raghu’s family’s pride.
He saw a low demon carrying Her away,
As a pure white cow were in low-born’s sway. [4]

“My daughter, Sita, do not feel so afraid.

960 I’ll kill the demon in my fearful raid."
So saying he swooped on him, full of anger,
As falls adamant on a mountain near. [5]
“O mean, O wicked, why don’t stop ye?
Ye go so fearless, do you not know me?"
Ravana saw him dashing on him as lord of death,
Therefore in his heart he so considereth. [6]

“He is either Mainak hill or is adjutant,

He and his Lord know my power important."
Then recognising him said, “’t is Jatayu old,
970 Wishing death at the pilgrimage centre of my hold." [7]
Hearing him, Jatayu most fearfully ran
And said, “Listen to my advice if you can.

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Leave Janaki and safe to your home back go.

O-many armed, otherwise it would be so. [8]

Like unto-moths, your entire family,

Burnt in fire of Rama’s anger would be."
To this, warrior Ravana did not make reply;
With great fury vulture, on him did fly. [9]
Dragged Ravana by hair from chariot to ground.
980 Putting Sita aside, the Vulture came around.
He ran asunder Ravan’s body with his bill.
He swooned for twenty four minutes, lay still. [10]

Then angry Ravana turned very fretful,

And whipped out his dagger so very fearful.
Cut his wings, so he fell on earth for support,
Remembering Shri Rama’s supernatural sport. [11]
He put Sita again on his chariot and flew,
In all haste; in his heart great fear grew.
Thus Sita went wailing across the sky,
990 As an afraid doe does in captivity lie. [12]
She noticed some monkeys sitting on a hill,
Dropped a cloth, mentioning Lord’s name in thrill.
Thus Ravan took away Sita to his domain,
And Her, in Ashoka forest did retain. [13]
He used all devices, showed fear and love,
Found all failing miserably.
He made all arrangements for security.
Put Sita under an Ashok Tree. [29A]
The style in which Rama followed the deer,
1000 Which was only made up and fraud,
That pose Sita did maintain in Her heart,
Kept repeating name of the Lord. [29B]
Rama noticed His brother approaching Him.
Outwardly he looked so much worried and grim.

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“You left Janaki in the forest alone,

To My words, inattention you have shown, [1]

Lots of demons do in the forest roam,

To My mind Sita is no more at home."
Lakshman caught His lotus feet and joined palms,
1010 And said, “Lord, no blame at all on me comes."[2]
Rama with Lakshman proceeded hurriedly
To their abode, on the bank of Godawari.
He saw the hermitage but without Janaki,
Became restless as a common man would be. [3]

“O Janaki, of all virtues, a great mine,

Pure in beauty, modesty, vow, discipline."
Lakshman consoled Him much in His sorrows.
Rama inquired from creepers and trees in rows. [4]
“O birds! Also O big black-bees,
1020 Did you see Sita having deer’s eyes?
Wag-tails, pigeons, parrots, deer and fish rejoice,
So do big black-bees, cuckoos of sweet voice, [5]
White Jasmine, pomegranate, lightening, lotus,
Autumn full moon, serpent, noose of god of waters,
Bow of love-god, elephants, swan and lion,
Are listening today to their praises fine [6]
Wood apple, gold, plantain-tree are gay.
In their hearts, fears or doubts don’t now sway.
It is so because You are not present, Janaki,
1030 They feel they are unquestioned kings of beauty. [7]
How can You suffer their envy to shine
Why don’t You appear soon, darling mine?"
Thus searching and writhing in great agony,
As a lustful in pangs of separation would be, [8]

Desireless and source of all happiness, Ram(a),

Unborn and immortal, acts just as a man.
He saw King of vultures, his wings cut apart,
Remembering lines of Rama’s feet in his heart. [9]
With His own hands like lotus, stroked his head,

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1040 Rama, of mercy great ocean,

He saw face of Rama, the store of beauty,
Thereby, all his pain was gone. [30]
Exercising patience then said the Vulture,
“Listen to me, from world’s cycle rescuer,
All this, ten-headed Ravana did to me.
It is he who has taken away Janaki. [1]

To the south, my Lord, with Her he has gone,

Wailing as a female sheep forlorn,
I was alive only that You, I might see.
1050 I am going now, O Abode of Mercy." [2]
Rama said, “O, brother, you could easily live."
With a smile, the vulture did answer give,
“By merely uttering Whose name, at death,
Wicked find salvation, the Veda sayeth. [3]
That same I am seeing, standing before,
For what else shall I prefer life anymore?"
With tearful eyes, Rama said, “Indeed,
You have earned this high place by your deed. [4]
He who has at heart service to others
1060 No place is too difficult for him in Universe.
Cast off body, and go to My own domain.
You have all, what then does, to give, remain? [5]
Do not mention taking away of Sita
To my father in the heaven.
If I am Rama, Ravana with his family
Will himself make thereof mention." [31]
The Vulture took Lord’s form, to leave this globe,
Decked with ornaments and unique yellow robe,
He had a dark body and large arms four.
1070 With eyes full of water, he began to adore. [1]

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“Victory to You Ram(a), of unparalleled form

With, without qualities, You control,
To break Ravan’s arms long, You have arrows strong,
You are decoration for the world whole. [1]
Blue as clouds of rain, face like lotus fain,
You have large lotus-like eyes.
To You daily I bow, from world’s cycle free now.
Lord Rama most merciful I prize. [2]
Beginningless, unborn, You are unseen and one,
1080 Formless, possessing boundless power.
Only Vedas can teach, beyond all senses reach.
All knowledge, world’s support, rescuer. [3]
Give them immense pleasure, who Your name remember
The saints and Your great devotees.
To desireless, a friend, to You I ever bend,
Killer of passion and its allies. [4]
Vedas faultless deem, declare You Lord Supreme
Omnipresent, unborn, flawless.
Practising meditation, knowledge renunciation
1090 And Yoga to You find access. [5]
Him, here I do see, root of mercy, beauty.
Living and dead You enchant Rama;
Playing black-bee’s part with the lotus of my heart,
Each organ has beauty of Kama. [6]
Difficult and easy too, hard yet soft are You,
Pure by nature and always cool.
Yogi’s see whose role, by mind and sense control
Undergoing penances as rule. [7]
Lord of worlds three, ever under devotee,
1100 Rama, dweller of Lakshmi’s domain.

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Whose pious glory, from world’s cycle does free,

Do always in my heart remain." [8]
Securing the boon of devotion endless,
Vulture went to domain of God.
All suitable funeral rites were duly performed
Personally by Rama, Great Lord. [32]
Soft hearted and very merciful to the meek.
Rama is full of mercy no cause does he seek,
Vulture, a bird, carnivorous, low, could get,
1110 A position which even great yogis covet. [1]
“Listen to me Uma, they are unfortunate,
Who, leaving God, sensuous pleasures covet."
Later on, both brothers, searching for Sita,
Went on, through the thick, dense, dark flora. [2]

Forest is full of thick creepers and trees.

Many birds, deer, elephants and lions one sees.
In the way Rama killed coming Kabandh Demon
Who told the story of the curse he had won — [3]
“I had been once cursed by Durvasa Rishi,
1120 Seeing feet of the Lord, from sin I am now free"
“Listen to me demigod I tell you plainly,
Those who hate Brahmins’ family are not liked by me. [4]
He, who serves all Brahmins without malice,
By thought and word and deed,
I and creator and also Shankar,
All gods are under him indeed. [33]
Saints say that a Brahmin is worshipable,
Even if curses, beats, uses harsh syllable.
Worship Brahmin, void of modesty, virtues,
1130 Virtuous learned Shudra for worship don’t choose." [1]

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Rama taught him his religion, explaining it such.

For his love for Rama’s feet, Rama liked him much.
Rishi Kabandh to the lotus feet of Rama bent.
Became demigod again and to sky he went. [2]
Giving him salvation, very beautiful Ram(a),
For the abode of Shabari, He made His programme.
When Shabari saw Rama to her abode come,
She happily remembered Rishi’s words handsome. [3]

Rama with long arms and lotus eyes,

1140 Matted hair crown on head, on chest garland lies.
She lay, grasping feet of each brother,
The beautiful dark complexioned and the fair. [4]
Lost in love, she could find few words to speak.
At their feet, again and again bent meek,
With water, respectfully washed their feet,
To each of them she offered a fine seat. [5]
She brought and placed before Rama-Lakshman,
Very Juicy bulbs and roots sweet.
Rama ate them with all affection and love.
1150 Their praises, did often repeat. [34]
With hands folded she stood in their front,
Seeing the Lord, her love to great heights went,
“How shall I describe Your praises Shri Ram(a)
A low caste, a woman, unintelligent one? [1]

The low are so low, woman is lower still.

And amongst them, I, vulgar and bred ill."
Rama said “Listen to Me, I tell you, woman,
I know one relationship, that is devotion. [2]
Caste, range, lineage, religion, greatness,
1160 Wealth, power, family, virtues or cleverness,
With all these, one of devotion devoid,
Is seen as people see a rainless cloud. [3]
I described nine fold devotion to you here,
Listen to Me carefully and try to remember,

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Its first kind is the saintly society.

The second – interest in my deeds of glory. [4]
Third is service of lotus feet of teacher,
Void of all pride and elevation.
Fourth kind devotion is singing My praise,
1170 Leaving all cunning manipulation. [35]
With firm faith in Me, repeating My name –
This is fifth kind of devotion, Vedas proclaim.
Sixth is sense-control, work-control, modesty,
Ever acting on the lines of men of integrity, [1]
Seventh is uniformity, seeing Universe in Me,
Taking more than Me, men of saintly quality.
Eighth is to be undisturbed in loss and in gain,
From seeing evil in others, ever to refrain. [2]
Ninth devotion is to be plain, no cunning,
1180 Counting on Me, neither happy nor mourning,
Whoever possesses even one of these nine,
Be it living or dead, masculine or feminine, [3]

Listen to Me, lady, he is beloved Mine,

Whereas you possess firm devotions all nine.
The place which yogis find difficult to obtain,
So easily today, that position you attain. [4]
The unique fruit of viewing Me is verily
That Jiva – soul - sees its own form easily.
Now, today, tell Me if you can, some clue
1190 To Janaki of elephant’s gait through and through" [5]

“Go to Pampa Lake, Lord of Raghu’s line, a friend so fine.

There You will find Sugriva,
He will tell You everything , O Deity, O Ram(a)
Grave minded, You know and yet me ask from". [6]
She bent to the feet of Lord again and again,
Told Him all story, with all love, fain. [7]

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Having laid all the case, she saw the Lord’s face,
Lodged His lotus feet in her heart.
Yogic fire did create, and her body immolate,
1200 Merged there from where one doesn’t part. [1]
Men, leave sinful deeds, and shun all different creeds,
They all end in sorrow, misery;
Develop with faith firm, love for feet of Ram(a),
So advises servant Tulsi. [2]
A woman of low caste and birth, place of sins,
To such even, He salvation gave.
Forgetting such a Lord, O unintelligent heart
For happiness and peace, you crave! [36]
Rama marched on, leaving that forest too
1210 Of unmatched strength, lions in men, the two.
Lord is sorrowful like one parted lover,
Does on stories and dialogues confer. [1]
“Lakhan, let beauty of forest be sighted,
Who will not, at seeing it, feel excited?
Birds and animals are all with their mate,
As if their disparagement to me intimate. [2]
When buck starts running, seeing us two,
Doe says ‘There is no room for fear for you.
You are ordinary buck, don’t fear, be bold,
1220 They are roaming in search of a deer of gold.’ [3]

He-elephants keep she elephants close,

As if a lesson is taught to me by those.
Review even the read shastras occasionally,
Never deem a king controlled, even if served fully, [4]
A woman one may always to his heart hold.
But a king, Shastra, young woman, can’t be controlled.
Brother, look at the fine season and the spring,
Without darling, in Me sense of fear bring. [5]
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Finding Me so single and very powerless,

1230 Suffering from pangs of separation,
Kama has launched full scale attack on Me,
Forest, black-bees, birds, form battalion. [37A]
But as I am with My brother and not alone,
His spies told him as they found,
Kamadeva has ordered halt to his forces,
And encamped here all around. [37B]
On large trees tangle many a creeper,
As if so many canopies were set up there.
Palm and banana trees form flags banners,
1240 He alone who has controlled mind-charm conquers. [1]
Numerous trees, with different flowers displayed
Look like archers in their uniforms arrayed.
At places, groups of trees look fine in roles,
As if warriors stand in different patrols. [2]

Cuckoos coo as intoxicated elephants trumpet,

Cranes, herons are like camels and mules set
Peacocks, partridges, parrots, pigeons and swans.
Like fine horses of Arab breed, advance. [3]
Partridges and quails form infantry,
1250 Who could described love-god’s army fully?
Mountain rocks are chariots, drums the waterfall,
Sparrow hawks are bards that their glories call. [4]
Buzzings of black-bees are bugles and clarinets,
Cool, mild fragrant wind like an envoy acts,
With horses, elephants, chariots and infantry,
Kama has thrown a challenge and is roaming free. [5]
Viewing such forces of god of love, Lakshman,
Who remains steadfast, gets in the world renown.
Greatest power that Kama possesses is woman,
1260 One who survives, is warrior of distinction. [6]


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O brother, there are three most powerful foes,

They are lust, anger and greed.
Great saints who are seats of perfect learning,
In no time, into evils, they lead. [38A]
Greed’s strength is in desires and arrogance,
And that of lust is in woman.
While anger banks upon biting words.
Rishis, after thought, so did mention." [38B]
“Rama is quite above nature’s modes three,
1270 Omniscient, Lord of Universe, Parvati,
He’s exposing helplessness of lust in this guise,
Making value of renunciation firm in the wise. [1]

Anger, lust, greed, arrogance, ignorance,

All vanish away at His mercy’s instance.
On whomsoever actor shows His mercy,
A prey to witchcraft he would no more be. [2]
Uma, my own experience I’ld tell You,
World is a dream, Lord’s name only is true."
Rama went to the Pampa Lake from there,
1280 Most beautiful and with very deep water. [3]

Its water was clean as the hearts of saints,

Four ghats were there, free from all taints,
To quench thirst, animals come there numerous,
As beggars through at the door of generous. [4]
Thick leaves of lotus cover water surface,
Therefore it could hardly be seen.
As the formless Eternal Spirit is not known,
Under ignorance of Maya’s screen. [39A]

In the unfathomable waters of the lake,

1290 Live fishes always at rest.
As the days of the moral persons are passed,
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In peace and joy at their best. [39B]

Many lotuses of different colours bloom,
Big black-bees buzz and over them hum.
Water fowls and many flamingos sing,
As on seeing Lord, His praises they bring. [1]
Flocks of birds, herons and the ruddy geese,
One cannot describe, to see is to please.
Chattering and sounds of birds are sweet,
1300 As passerby they all seem to greet. [2]

Near Pampa Lake dwellings of saints, one sees,

Surrounded by beautiful forest trees.
Ebony, Mahogany, Catechu, Magnolia,
Trumpet flower, jackfruit, mangoes, cassia. [3]
Trees with tender leaves, multicoloured flowers,
Over which cluster of black-bees hovers.
Wind mild, fragrant and cool is blowing,
Permanently and most heart enchanting, [4]

Sweet cooings the Cuckoos constantly make,

1310 Which can easily hearts of ascetics take. [5]

Due to weights of fruits all trees are seen
To the very earth bending down.
As do the charitable and benevolent ones,
When great properties they own. [40]
Finding the lake so much in beauty increased,
Rama took His bath and was immensely pleased.
Of a beautiful tree Rama saw shade fine,
Sat there, with His brother, King of Raghu’s line. [1]

Thereafter all gods and saints too came,

1320 Said praises of Rama, went back the same.
Rama merciful was sitting there so very happy,
Telling brother many an interesting story. [2]
Narad felt exceedingly concerned, seeing

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Rama, from plight of separation suffering.

“Accepting the curse which I had given
Rama has been to such great sufferings driven. [3]
Let me go and of such a Lord have vision.
There may not come any more such an occasion."
With this thought he took up lute, was on his way,
1330 To where Lord was sitting in mood so gay. [4]

Singing Rama’s numerous praises so sweet,

Lost in love, the great Rishi, Rama did greet
Rama lifted him as he paid respects sublime,
Embraced him to His bosom for a long time. [5]
Inquiring welfare, seated him close to greet.
Lakshman most respectfully washed his feet. [6]
Telling praises of Rama in many different forms,
And finding the Lord so gay,
Joining his lotus hands, palm to palm,
1340 The Rishi thus began to say. [41]
“Listen to me, O Rama, by nature merciful,
Giver of boons, easy, difficult, beautiful,
Grant me a boon, my Lord, I ask You,
Even if You know – Omniscient through and through", [1]
“My nature, O Rishi, is to you revealed
There is nothing which is from my devotees concealed.
What is there in the world to me so dear
To ask for which you could entertain fear? [2]
I see nothing too great for devotee, hence,
1350 Even by error do not miss this confidence."
Then Narad was exceedingly pleased and said,
“I am insolent in asking this boon, I’m afraid, [3]
Though You possess, Lord, many many a name,
One greater than the other as Vedas proclaim,
Let the name ‘Rama’ be above every other name.
It be fowler for the flock of sin birds game. [4]
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If devotion be deemed night of the second half

May name ‘Rama’ play full moon’s part.
Other names twinkle like stars all round,
1360 In the sky of devotee’s heart." [42A]
Ocean of mercy, Rama, then to Narad spoke,
“Let it be so, as you entreat."
Narad felt exceedingly pleased at this,
Bent his head at Lord Rama’s feet. [42B]
Finding Lord Rama in so happy a mood,
To say something sweetly, the ascetic stood.
“O Rama when You activated Maya great
And, listen, You led me to illusion straight, [1]
I had, at that occasion, wished to marry,
1370 Why did You not, Lord, let me my plan carry?"
“O Rishi, I’ll tell you that gladly listen —
Those who remember me, others forsaken, [2]
Them, I ever protect, their interest save,
As does a mother, towards little child behave.
If a child rushes to catch a snake or fire,
She herself withholds it from consequences dire. [3]
The very same child, when is grown up and bold,
She does love but not in the manner of old.
Men of knowledge are, to Me, like grown up sons,
1380 He is like a little child who all egoism shuns. [4]
Meek counts on Me, man of knowledge to himself sees.
But to both, lust and anger are dreadful enemies.
It is, therefore, that wise ones on Me rely
Even with knowledge, they will every devotion try. [5]
Lust and anger and agreed and arrogance
Are forces of ignorance rated.
But the greatest amongst those sources of great pain
Is woman – ‘Maya’ incarnated. [43]
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Hark! Vedas, Puranas and saints so sing,
1390 For the forest of ignorance woman acts as spring.
To dry water spots of penance and control
Of hot summer season, the woman plays role. [1]
For the frogs of lust, anger, arrogance, envy,
Like rainy season, woman alone procures glee.
For the lilies of evil desires and things,
Like winter, the woman all happiness brings [2]

If all righteousness, to be lotuses, turns

Giver of sensuous pleasure, woman like frost burns.
The willow grass of affection flourishes,
1400 When the woman, as winter season, nourishes. [3]
To give joy to owls of sins all right
Woman serves the purpose of a pitch dark night.
For the fishes of truth, strength, prosperity, wisdom
The wise say – woman fishing hook does become. [4]
Root of all vices and giver of great pains,
Young woman is of sorrows a mine.
It was due to these considerations, O Rishi,
That I withheld that wish of thine." [44]
On hearing the beautiful words of Ram(a)
1410 Saint horripilated and tears came down.
“Where is another lord with principles like this?
With love for His servant, affection and bliss? [1]
Who don’t remember unerringly such Lord
Lack wisdom and knowledge, good luck don’t afford?"
Narad again spoke most respectfully,
Listen to me Rama, possessing knowledge truly. [2]

“Tell me, Lord the qualities that a saint hath,

That free one from the cycle of birth and death."
“Listen to Me, I’ll tell you, saint’s virtues all,
1420 Due to which I am always under their control. [3]
Winning over six vices, sinless, lustless,

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Firm, all renouncer, pure, pleasure possess,

Knowledgeful, desireless, abstemious fully,
Firm in truth, poet, philosopher, yogi, [4]
Awake, respecting others and without pride,
Peaceful, good charactered, knowing virtues wide. [5]
House of virtues and free from worldly sorrows
No doubts in his mind entertains,
Excepting the great love for my lotus feet
1430 From love of body and home refrains. [45]
They are shy when they hear their own praises,
Praise for others, great joy in their heart raises.
Equibalanced, cool, from justice never waver,
Simple by nature and a universal lover, [1]

Keep to penance, fast, rule, control, abstinence,

Loving feet of teacher and of God, Brahmins,
Faith, forgiveness, friendship, mercy and joy,
Pure love for My feet, quite free from alloy. [2]
Renunciation, discretion, humanness, learning,
1440 Of Vedas, Puranas correct understanding.
Never hypocrisy, ostentation, pride have
Even by error, from the right path, never swerve,[3]
Ever sing or listen to glories of My sport,
Without reason to service of others resort.
O Narad, all virtues of saints, I say,
Even Vedas and Saraswati could not display." [4]
“Vedas and Saraswati could not say, O Rishi,"
At these words he held feet of Rama(a).
Virtues of His devotee, with His own lips, He
1450 – Merciful, friend of poor – did proclaim. [1]
Bending head again and again, at the Lord’s feet fain,
To the domain of Brahma, he went –
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Very fortunate are they, does Tulsidas say,

Who’re exclusively at Lord’s feet bent. [2]
Those who recite or listen to pious glories
Of Rama – Ravan’s great foe,
Develop love strong for the Lord, and that
Without penance, renunciation, yoga, lo. [46A]
Form of a young girl is like unto flame,
1460 O mind, don’t like a moth leap,
Shunning all desires and arrogance, take His name,
And ever company of good keep. [46B]

Here Ends Canto III, The Aranya Kand.

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Kishkindha Kand
Part IV
Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Kishkindha Kand

Beautiful like a lily of lotus blue,
Fair and dark complexioned strong.
House of knowledge, graceful, archer best,
Of Your praises, Vedas sing song. [1A]
Dear to the cows and to the Brahmins,
By ‘Maya’ took human form,
For religion coat-of-mail and helpful,
Busy in search of Sita, O Ram(a). [1B]
Moving as a passerby, Rama and Lakshman,
10 Do bless me with Your deep devotion. [1C]
Blessed are the pious persons who, ever,
Drink nectar of holy name of Rama.
Vedas are the ocean wherefrom on churning,
Came out the Supreme Soul or Brahma. [2A]
Destroy all sins of the ‘Kali-Age’,
Is eternal, never born or dying,
Decorates the moon of the face of Shankar,
All worldly ills defying. [2B]
To all and sundry, it gives pleasure,
And to Janaki, is the very life-giver. [2C]

Where Shankar and Parvati live,
Why not, let that Kashi be your place too?
It does to all salvation give
Mine of knowledge and destroyer of sins.
Like Shiva where is merciful one
Why do you not remember Him, fool heart?
He swallowed dreadful poison,
Which was searching down the entire gods.
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Rama again marched off at the head of the group.
30 They approach the mountain named Rishyamuk.
There stayed Sugriva with all his ministers,
Seeing Rama and Lakshman of unlimited powers, [1]
He was afraid, addressing Hanuman said he,
“Listen, these two are house of power and beauty.
Take form of a celibate, go and observe,
Convey to me findings, your heart does preserve. [2]
If the evil hearted Bali has sent them,
I’d leave this mountain and flee in no time.”
Hanuman, in the garb of Brahmin, there went,
40 Addressed Them when his head, to Them he had bent. [3]
“O valiant, fair and dark complexioned,
Who are You here as Kshatris? He questioned,
Ground is rough to walk on, Your feet soft well,
What has led You, Lord, roam in forests, pray tell. [4]

Your form heart enchants, beautiful and tender,

Yet unbearable heat, hot winds You suffer.
Or You are from amongst Divine Trinity?
Or You are Nara and Narain really? [5]
Or are You very God, Lord of Universe,
50 Real source of the world’s origin,
Came, to give freedom from cycle of birth-death,
And to reduce the earth’s burden?” [1]
“We both are sons of Dasharatha, the Kaushala King,
Came to forest at our father’s bidding.
We are Rama and Lakshman, the brothers two.
A beautiful tender lady, was with us too. [1]

She was taken away by the demons here,

O Brahmin, we are searching Her everywhere.
All our story we have told you,
60 Now tell us, Brahmin, your history too.” [2]
Recognising his Lord, Hanuman fell at His feet,

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Uma, who could describe that pleasure sweet?

He was horripilating, choked was his voice,
At the sight of beautiful face he did rejoice. [3]
Then he gathered patience, did worship impart,
Recognising his Lord, he was glad in his heart.
“I was excusable when I inquired from You,
But how do You question, as a man would do? [4]

I had gone astray under the Maya’s influence,

70 Could not recognize You, my Lord, hence. [5]

I am unintelligent and under ignorance,
Evil-hearted, with no knowledge too,
Over and above that, my merciful Lord,
I have been forgotten by You. [2]
Lord, in spite of numerous demerits in me,
By the master, let not servant forgotten be.
My Lord, soul is under Your Maya’s charm.
Recovery is possible by Your mercy alone. [1]
Over and above that, by Raghubir I swear,
80 I know not any kind of worship or prayer.
The servant banks on master, babe on mother,
To help me, my Lord, You have got to consider.” [2]

So saying, he was restless, fell at Rama’s feet,

Exposed his identity, with love was replete.
Rama lifted him up, hugged him to His bosom,
Cooled him, watering him with tears of His own [3]
O monkey, listen to me, do not lose heart.
You are dear, twice as Lakshman, on my part.
They call me impartial and equitable report,
90 Yet servant is dear, he has no other support. [4]

He is with no support who in his heart holds,
With all firmness, O Hanuman,
That he is the servant and whole Universe
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Is his Lord God’s reflection. [3]

When Hanuman found Lord quite favourable,
All his pain was gone and he felt so comfortable.
“O Lord, on the hill lives King of monkey force.
He is named Sugriva and he is servant Yours. [1]

O Lord, cultivate with him friendship dear,

100 Taking him helpless, grant him freedom from fear.
He’ll arrange for search of Sita, besides,
Will despatch crores of monkeys on all sides.” [2]
Thus explaining to them all different matters,
Hanuman seated both of them on his shoulders.
Viewing Rama, Sugriva was in state of wonder.
His life, very fortunate he did consider. [3]

He met Rama respectfully, put head at His feet,

Embraced Rama and His brother by way to greet.
In the mind of Sugriva, was the constant thought, -
110 “O Creator, will Lord befriend me or not?” [4]

Then Hanuman described in fullest details,
History, behind Sugriva and Ram(a),
Brought fire as the witness and established,
Firm mutual friendship between them, [4]
Their friendship was deep, there was no secrecy.
Then Lakshman described Rama’s whole history,
With eyes watering, spoke out Sugriv(a),
“My Lord, we shall Princess of Mithila, retrieve. [1]
It so happened that I and my ministers,
120 Were once sitting here discussing matters,
We noticed Her across sky flying,
In captivity, most pitiably crying. [2]
She was wailing and crying ‘Ram(a), Ram(a), O Ram(a)’,
She dropped a cloth, noticing us here sitting down.”
Rama asked for it, it was immediately produced.

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He hugged it and was to great sorrow reduced. [3]

“Listen to me, Raghubir”, spoke out Sugriv(a),
Muster courage and patience, and do not much grieve.
We’ll try to serve You with fullest accord,
130 So as to bring Sita back to You, my Lord.” [4]
At the words of the comrade, was Mighty pleased,
Ocean of mercy, very powerful.
“What is reason behind your stay in forest?
Tell me Sugriva, frankly in full.” [5]
“My Lord, between me and Bali, my brother,
There was love indescribable and sincere.
Son of Maya demon, Mayavi his name,
It so happened that our town he came. [1]
He reached town gate and threw a challenge,
140 Bali could not tolerate it, without a revenge,
He ran, with the result that the demon fled.
I too, followed my brother the way he led. [2]
The demon entered into a mountain cave,
Thereon Bali told me how I should behave,
Wait for me for one full fortnight period,
If I do not come, take it that I am dead.” [3]

“O Killer of Khar, for one month I waited,

Therefrom a stream of blood came out instead.
Thinking he had killed Bali, would now kill me,
150 I blocked, with a rock, cave entry and did flee. [4]
The ministers found kingdom without a ruler.
Forced kingship on me, though that I didn’t prefer.
Killing the demon, Bali came back to town,
Great ill-will, he developed seeing me on throne. [5]

He drubbed me miserably as if I was the foe.

Snatched away all I had and my wife, also.
O Merciful Raghubir, due to his great fear,
I frantically fled all the universe over. [6]
He does not come here on account of a curse,

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160 Even then, I entertain in my heart fears.”

When Lord merciful heard of His servant’s pain,
There was throbbing all over His long arms twain. [7]
“Listen to me, Sugriva, Bali I shall kill,
By shooting a single arrow,
He will meet with death ultimately, he may seek,
Shelter of Brahma or Shankar though. [6]
Those who are not pained at the pain of friends,
Their view itself, most horrible sins tends.
Even a mountain of one’s own pain should be sand,
170 But a sand of friend’s pain should as mountain stand. [1]
Those who have not developed a nature like this,
Why should the fools forcibly friendship prectise?
A friend should draw friend to virtues from evil,
He should reveal his merits, his demerits conceal. [2]

No hesitation should come in their give and take,

For the good of friend, best efforts ever he should make.
In times of misery, love should grow hundred fold,
Such qualities for friends, saints, Vedas have told. [3]
A friend who speaks sweetly face to face,
180 But at the back talks evil, ill-will does grace,
Whose mind works zig-zag as is serpent’s trend,
It is always safer to keep away from such friend. [4]

Foolish servant, miserly king, evil woman,

Friend insincere, these four cause great pain.
Now friend, count on my power, worries cast away,
I will be at your service in every possible way.” [5]
Sugriva said, “Listen Rama, King benefactor,
Bali is so valiant full of great power.”
Showed Rama seven trees, Dundibhi’s bones mound,
190 Which, without least difficulty, Rama pulled down. [6]
When he saw boundless power, love for Rama increased.
He would certainly kill Bali, Sugriva realized.
He bent his head at Rama’s feet again and again,

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Recognising his Lord, he was exceedingly fain. [7]

Sugriva thus spoke, when him knowledge did fill,
“Through Your grace, O my Lord, now my mind is still,
I’ll forego pleasure, property, fame, family,
And take to Your service whole heartedly. [8]
The saints who are worshipers of Your feet say,
200 From love of Rama, above things keep one away.
Worldly foes and friends, all pleasures and pain,
Are works of delusion, no reality maintain. [9]
I consider, Bali is my great benefactor,
Due to him, I got You, from sorrows rescuer.
A fight with whom, even in dream, on waking,
Gives pain as to why war with him he was making. [10]
I pray, Lord, now do to me this great favour,
Leaving everything, let me Your name remember.”
Hearing the monkey’s talk, full of renunciation,
210 Rama, holding arrow, smiled and so did mention – [11]

“Whatever you have said, Comrade, is quite true.

And my words cannot be wrong, that is true too.”
O Adjutant, Rama the Vedas so declare,
Make world dance as monkey to its master. [12]
With Sugriva in His company, Rama forward goes,
In His hand, He is holding His bow and arrows.
Later on, Rama encouraged Sugriva to go.
With Rama’s support, he went and challenged did throw. [13]

Bali heard him, was furious and rushed out to meet.

220 His wife, Tara, advised him holding his feet –
“My lord, the two brothers whom Sugriva has met,
Are very limits of power, in great glory set. [14]
Sons of Kaushal King – Rama, Lakshman – renowned,
They could conquer death itself on the battle ground.” [15]
“Listen to me”, said Bali, “O my love, afraid,
Very impartial is Lord Ram(a).
If He is pleased to decide and kill me,
I’ll be possessed of a patron.” [7]

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So saying proceeded Bali, proud extra.
230 He counted Sugriva weak and straw,
They clashed, Bali a great threat on him scored,
Gave him a blow and very loudly roared. [1]
That made Sugriva restless and made him fly.
Blow came to him as an adamant from sky.
“O merciful Raghubir, didn’t I say already,
He is not my brother, he is very death to me!” [2]

“You both brothers happen to be so much alike,

Due to that suspense only, I did not strike.”
Then with His hands Survival’s body did stroke.
240 His pain was gone, body became hard as rock. [3]
He put a garland round Survival’s neck,
Giving him more strength Rama sent him to track –
There was bout once again – both valiant they,
From behind a tree, Rama was watching the fray. [4]
Sugriva employed all tricks of the fencing,
He had fear, felt lost on his part.
Then Rama sent out an arrow with His full might,
It saw its way into Bali’s heart. [8]
Struck by the arrow, he fell on the ground,
250 Sat up when, before him, the Lord he found.
Reddish eyes, dark form, on His head matted hair,
In His hands arrow and strung bow He did bear. [1]
Seeing Him repeatedly fixed mind on His feet,
Recognised Lord, fortunate his life he did treat.
With love in his heart, harsh words on his tongue,
Spoke out as his eyes on Rama he flung. [2]

“Lord, You have come to uphold morality,

But like a hunter, You hit me secretly.
I was treated as enemy, Sugriva as friend,
260 For what fault of mine, my life You did end?” [3]
“Younger brother’s wife, daughter-in-law, daughter, sister,

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All are alike, listen to me, fool with care.

Whoever happens to cast evil eyes on them,
It is no sin, if death is meted out to him. [4]
O fool, you are so much to arrogance inclined,
Teaching of your wife you did not mind.
You know Sugriva enjoyed my full protection,
Lost in pride, you sought for his destruction.” [5]
“Listen, Rama, I cannot successfully employ
270 Tricks on my master any more.
O Lord, do I still a sinner continue,
When at death, I have patronage your?” [9]
When Rama heard the sweet words Bali spoke,
With His own hand, Bali’s head He did stroke.
“I shall make you immortal. Continue to live.”
Bali said to Lord merciful, “Your ears to me give. [1]

Life after life yogis, who have all world renounced,

Try, yet at death ‘Rama’ cannot be pronounced.
By virtue of whose name Shiva salvation gives,
280 Whoever, in his last moments, in Kashi lives. [2]
That very Rama stands today before my eyes.
When else shall I find an occasion likewise? [3]
He stands before me, of whose glories daily,
Vedas repeatedly say, ‘It is not all.’
Controllers of senses, keeping mind in fences
Whose mere glimpse rarely recall, [1]
Taking me as pride’s pray, to me Lord You did say,
That I could continue to live.
Where will such a fool be, who will cut Kalpa Tree,
290 And to acacia its place give? [2]
My Lord, look at me, with an eye of mercy,

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My sought boon to me do bestow.

Whatever form I am in, as my deeds determine,
Let devotion to Rama’s feet grow. [3]
Giver of protection, accept Angad, my son,
In strength, humility my equal.
Him Your hand do grant, take him as Your servant,
Lord of gods and men, with no parallel. [4]
Developing love strong for the feet of Rama,
300 His mortal body, Bali left,
As an elephant does not even know that his neck,
Of flower garland is bereft. [10]
Rama sent Bali to his dominion,
Citizens all came restless, rushing on.
Tara was wailing in many different ways,
Hair undone, no control over body she has. [1]

Rama finding her restless, in great repentance,

Gave her knowledge and removed her ignorance.
“Water, earth, fire, space and air –
310 These five the mortal body prepare. [2]
That body, it is evident, is lying before you,
And soul is immortal, then what for rue?”
She bowed to His feet, when knowledge she got,
Great devotion to Rama’s feet as a boon sought. [3]

Shankar addressed Uma by Her name and said,

“Rama makes all dance as a puppet of wood.”
He then requested Sugriva also to please,
Perform, as prescribed, funeral ceremonies. [4]
To his brother, Lakshman, instructions He did give,
320 To go and hold coronation of Sugriv(a).
All, bending their heads to the feet of Ram(a),
Turned accordingly to carry out programme. [5]

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Immediately Lakshman issued, intimations,

Held citizens and Brahmins’ meeting.
They installed Angad as their Crown Prince
And made Sugriva their King. [11]
Uma, like Rama, there is no benefactor,
Be he teacher, parents, brother or master.
For gods, saints and men true it stands.
330 That for self-interest, everyone love extends. [1]
He, who had been always afraid of Bali,
Had heart full of worries, wounds all over body.
That very Sugriva, He made King of monkeys.
Nature of Lord Rama so very merciful is. [2]

Those who know it and yet let love for Him cease,
How could they avoid falling in miseries?
Rama sent for Sugriva again and explained,
Ways and means how a good king reigned. [3]
He said, “Listen, Sugriva, King of monkeys,
340 For year fourteen, I won’t enter cities.
Summer is ending, rainy season is setting,
I propose, stay at the hill neighboring. [4]
Angad and you jointly carry on the reign,
Let thought of my business at heart remain.”
When Sugriva from there, for home took his way,
At Pravarklan Hill, Rama arranged for stay. [5]
Gods had already well equipped a cave,
In the hill beautiful and sublime.
They knew that Rama, house of great mercy,
350 Would stay therein for some time. [12]
Look so fine, the flowering jungle does.
For nectar of flowers, the black bees buzz.
Ever since Lord came and settled up there,
There was excess of leaves, fruits, roots and tuber, [1]

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Seeing hill beautiful and matchlessly fine,

Lord of gods stayed there with Lakshman.
Gods, perfect ones and saints took up the form,
Of birds, animals, black bees, for service of Ram(a). [2]
Ever since Rama made it His place to reside,
360 The forest turned into pleasures personified.
There, on a crystal rock, white beautiful,

Both brothers are sitting so very comfortable. [3]

Rama does to Lakshman all stories mention,
Of politics, knowledge, renunciation, devotion.
Clouds of rain look fine in the sky,
As occasionally they thunder up on high. [4]
“See Lakshman, groups of peacocks begin to dance,
When the clouds of rain they see,
As a householder, with the ascetic feelings,
370 Seeing Vishnu’s devotee would be. [13]
Rain clouds accumulate and loudly thunder,
With no Sita with me, my heart does fear.
Flash of lightening in the clouds does not stay,
As does the fickle love of faithless go away. [1]
Clouds raining, so near to the earth do come,
As learned getting knowledge, so humble become.
Mountains bear constant beatings of shower,
As do the words of the wicked, saints suffer, [2]

Little streams overflow their banks and swell,

380 As a little wealth maddens the lowly people.
Pure water gets muddy as on earth it runs,
As does human soul under Maya’s influence. [3]
Waters gather from all sides and fill the tank,
As do virtues come to men of holy rank.
River waters enter the sea and are still,
As on realizing God, the human soul will. [4]

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Covered by grass, the earth has turned all green,

And the tracks are not to be seen,
As false doctrines and sanctimoniousness
390 Shroud up literature true and keen. [14]
The croaking of frogs, all around seems right
As if group of students Vedas recite –
Trees with tender green leaves seem so bright,
As do the anchorites when they have got light. [1]
Void of leaves are willow and swallow-wort plant,
As to the wicked, no room does good government grant.
Even search will not find dry sand anywhere,
As mortals are quite driven away by anger. [2]
Fields, bearing rich crops of corn, look fine,
400 As does wealth, to one beneficent, give shine.
Glow-worms seem beautiful in pitch dark night,
As groups of the people arrogant of might. [3]
Heavy downpour breaks up the plots in the fields,
As woman, in freedom, to wrong forces yields.
Wise farmers are busy in fields, weeding.
As the wise arrogance, pride, ignorance fling. [4]

One cannot see ruddy geese now anywhere,

As in the age of Kali, morals disappear.
Rain falls, yet on fallow lad, nothing grows,
410 As into hearts of saints, passion never goes. [5]
Earth looks beautiful so many lives throng,
As under good government, public goes strong.
Passengers are held up by rains here and there,
As are senses when true knowledge does appear. [6]
There come occasionally gusts of strong wind,
The clouds disperse and disappear,
As, with the advent of an unworthy son,
Family’s noble traditions live no more. [15A]
At times it becomes so dark in the day,
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420 Sometimes the Sun appears,

As does the true knowledge have rise and fall,
As to good and bad company it adheres. [15B]
O Lakshman, see rainy season is on the wane.
The autumn is come, most beautiful, again.
Willow has flowered white, spread all over terrain,
As if, it does point to old age of rain. [1]

Agasti star is up, water in the ways dried,

As vanish desires, when contentment is tried.
Waters of rivers, tanks, now so clean we find,
430 As from pride and ignorance is free saint’s mind. [2]
Water is drying up gradually in tanks and rivers,
As a man of real knowledge all attachment severs.
With winter approaching, wagtails have come,
As virtues appear at occasions welcome. [3]
With no mud, no sand earth appears pretty,
As the deeds of a king, expert in morality.
With water lessening, fish is feeling restless,
As with large family, foolish householder in distress. [4]
With no clouds the clear sky looks so grand,
440 As is God’s devotee, with other hopes banned.
Here and there, we do have some winter rains,
As very rarely, my devotion one gains. [5]
Ascetics and monarchs, merchants and mendicants,
Leave houses, march in troops.
As on finding true devotion to Lord, leave
The persons, work of four age groups. [16]
Fishes are happy that are in waters deep,
As one in Lord’s patronage, no worry does keep.
Ponds look beautiful due to flowering lotus,
450 As on taking form, looks God formless. [1]
Big black bees buzz, making unique sound,

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Countless different voices of birds abound.

Seeing night approach ruddy geese have worry,
As the evil ones are, at others’ prosperity. [2]
Sparrow hawk cries, great thirst does press,
As one, against Shiva never finds happiness.
Heat of autumn sun, moon removes at night,
As on seeing saints, sins all take flight. [3]

Red-legged partridges gaze on moon with ease,

460 As does the devotee when his Lord he sees.
Due to winter, are gone gnats and mosquitoes,
At enmity with Brahmin as one’s family goes. [4]
Lives that were filling earth during the rains,
At arrival of winter, are gone,
As go, at the meeting of holy teacher,
All doubts and every suspicion. [17]
Rainy season is over, it is winter clear,
But yet we have no news of Sita, dear.
If any clue to Her could be found by me,
470 I’d get Her, winning, on death too, easy victory. [1]
O brother, if She is only alive anywhere,
I would make all arrangements and bring Her.
Even Sugriva has ceased to remember me,
Having got a consort, town, throne, treasury, [2]
My arrow killed Bali, with the same arrow,
I would be killing that fool too, tomorrow.”
Uma, by whose mercy, pride and ignorance go,
Could be, even in dream, become angry so? [3]
Rishis and men of knowledge only see through the treat,
480 Who have developed affection for Raghuvir’s feet.
Lakshman saw that Rama was angry so,
He strung the bow and took up an arrow. [4]
Very limit of mercy Rama, then explained,
To Lakshman what he was to do.
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“Go brother, threatening him of consequences,

Only bring Sugriva here with you.” [18]
And there Hanuman, son of Pawan, so thought,
The business of Rama, Sugriva quite forgot.
He went to Sugriva and at his feet bent,
490 Mentioned conciliation, gifting, division, punishment, [1]

When Sugriva heard him, he was so much afraid,

“Sensuousness, my understanding, overlaid.
Now, Hanuman, send parties of our messengers,
To places where monkeys reside in numbers, [2]
Let them know that in two weeks if they don’t come,
With my hands, I shall kill all of them.”
Then Hanuman sent call for all messengers,
And did to them all, adequate honours, [3]
Explained to them danger, love and morality,
500 Then bent heads and started on their duty.
At this occasion, Lakshman in town did enter,
Seeing him in rage, monkeys ran hither and thither. [4]
He pulled his bow and in great anger said,
“To ashes I shall reduce the town.”
Finding the whole population very restless,
Angad, son of Bali, came down. [19]
Bent his head to Lakshman’s feet and prayed,
Lakshman to him offer of amnesty made.
Sugriva himself heard hot words of Lakshman,
510 He was awfully afraid and said to Hanuman, [1]

“Hanuman, listen, take Tara with you, go there,

Pray and pacify the Prince’s anger.
Both Hanuman and Tara went to Lakshman,
Bowed to him and said the glories of Ram(a). [2]
Requesting Lakshman, they brought him to palace,
Washed his feet and on a couch gave him place.

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Sugriva then arrived and bent at his feet.

Lakshman held his hand and embracing did greet. [3]

“There is no madness greater than worldly pleasures,

520 In no time, they elude hearts of seers.”
At his humble speech Lakshman was so pleased,
To Sugriva, in many ways he advised. [4]
Then Hanuman described whole situation,
As to how messengers had gone in each direction. [5]
Then with a joyous heart, Sugriva and Angad,
With other monkeys, left for the place.
Brother of Rama guided the whole party
To the place which Rama did grace. [20]
Bending head at Rama’s feet and palms joined,
530 Sugriva said, “No fault on me could be enjoined.
Your Maya exercises immense force.
One could escape it with Your mercy, of course. [1]
Gods, men and sages are in pleasure’s control,
I am low-born monkey, so sensuous an animal.
Whom arrows of looks of maidens don’t hit,
Who is awake in pitch dark anger night, [2]
Who has not put his neck on the noose of greed,
O Rama, he is equal to You indeed.
One cannot get it by his efforts alone.
540 Through Your mercy only, it one could obtain.” [3]
‘Then Rama smiled and spoke to Sugriv(a),
“Brother, you are dear to me as Bharat, believe.
Now take the steps you deem right in your heart,
So that news about Sita, we could get on our part.” [4]
Numerous groups of monkeys arrived thereon,
While they held this conversation.
One could notice on all sides lots of monkeys,
Different in forms and complexion. [21]
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Uma, I saw the great army of monkeys.
550 He would be fool if one tries to count these.
They come and bend down to Rama, merciful,
Seeing His face, consider their life successful, [1]
There was not one monkey in the force entire,
Whose warfare Rama did not personally inquire.
For Lord Rama, it is nothing very miraculous,
For, being Omnipresent, He is in all Universe. [2]

With orders received, they stood all over,

When Sugriva explained to them last order.
“It is work of Shri Rama and is my own request,
560 Spread on all sides, in Sita’s quest. [3]
Find out whereabouts of Janak’s daughter,
And come back to us in a month, brother,
Who comes after that and of news empty,
To kill him, will be my painful duty.” [4]
At this command, all the monkeys of the force,
Soon spread out like a fan.
Thereafter Sugriva called out chieftains,
Like Angad, Nala and Hanuman. [22]
“O Nala, Angad, Hanuman and Jamvant,
570 Listen to me, you all wise and intelligent.
Unite all brave ones, go towards Deccan,
Of Sita, make inquiries from everyone. [1]
With that end in view and with thought, word and deed,
Bring Rama’s business to grand success, indeed.
We give back to sun and our front to fire,
But in serving master, we should give our entire. [2]

Leaving love for this world, let us guard next one,

Thereby cycle of birth and death we could shun.
The best fruit of getting a body, here lies,
580 That one takes Rama’s name, everything else denies. [3]
Only he is fortunate, only he is discreet,

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Who has developed devotion to Raghubir’s feet."

They sought leave and joyfully made the start,
Bowing head to Sugriva, keeping Rama in their heart. [4]
To take leave, Hanuman was the last of those,
Knowing of the work, Rama called Hanuman close.
To stroke his head, Rama His lotus hands brought,
Gave him His ring, as him His servant he thought, [5]

And said, “Comfort Sita in all possible ways.

590 Come back soon, telling Her of my power and praise.
Hanuman thought his life very successful indeed,
With Rama in his heart, he left in all speed. [6]
Though great protector of gods knows all things,
To keep up standards of this procedure, He clings. [7]
They started, searching forests and rivers,
Every lake, mountain and cave.
Their mind all engrossed in the service of Rama,
No thought of their body they have. [23]
If they happened to come across any demon,
600 In a blow they would finish with his life anon,
They make thorough search of forests mountains.
If they met an ascetic they would hold a conference. [1]
They felt thirsty and were restless hence,
Could not find water, got lost in forest dense.
This thought in the mind of Hanuman passed by
That for want of water, they were going to die. [2]
He went to the top of a hill and saw around.
At a cave in the earth, great mystery he found.
Ruddy geese, herons and swans were flying about,
610 Many other birds entered the cave from without. [3]
From the top of the hill, Hanuman down came.
Led all the party, showed the cave same.
Putting Hanuman as leader, they moved forward,
And in all haste, into the cave entered. [4]
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They saw a fine garden and also a lake,

Wherein lotus flowers did open.
There was a very beautiful temple also,
Wherein sat a great ascetic woman. [24]
From a distance, they all bowed down to her.
620 When questioned, they told her the whole affair.
Then she said to them, “Quench your thirst fully,
And take fruits, different and sweet, juicy.” [1]
They all bathed and sweet fruits they ate.
After that they all came, near her, sat.
She too narrated to them her own history,
Said, “I now go to King of Raghu’s family. [2]

Close eyes and thereafter leave the cave.

Don’t lose heart, whereabouts of Sita you’ll have.”
They made compliance, opened eyes thereon,
630 And found they were on the shore of an ocean. [3]
She left for the place of Raghunath’s residence,
Put head at the lotus feet of Rama thence,
She prayed to Him in many a different form,
Was favoured with rare devotion for Ram(a). [4]
With due deference to His orders, she went
To a place, Badri Forest they say,
Keeping in her heart both feet of Lord Rama,
Which Shiva and Brahma ever pray. [25]
On the other hand, monkeys were of opinion,
640 Time limit has been reached, but progress had been none.
They were mutually considering the matter,
With no news of Sita, what shall we do there? [1]
With eyes full of water, then Angad did say,
“We have got to face death friends, in either way.
Here we have no news of Sita still,
There, Sugriva, King of monkeys, would kill. [2]

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He would have killed me right after my father,

Rama sheltered me, where is Sugriva’s favour?”
Angad thus repeatedly mentioned to them,
650 “Undoubtedly, death is ultimate outcome.” [3]
Monkeys listened to the words of Angad, the brave,
They don’t speak still the eyes tears have.
For a moment they were lost in this worry,
But later, they said very strongly. [4]

“O wise Prince, we shall be never going back,

If news about Sita we continue to lack.”
So saying, they reached shore of brackish sea,
Spreading grass, all sat resolutely. [5]
When Jamvant saw Angad in sorrowful plight,
660 He told some stories of teaching bright.
“O brother, don’t take Rama to be just a man,
He is unborn, unconquered, formless Brahm(a). [6]
We are very fortunate that as servant of Ram(a),
We have permanently Brahma possessed of form. [7]
He has taken up form out of His sweet will
For gods, earth, cows, Brahmins.
Lovers of Brahma corporeal are with Him
Setting aside, all salvations.” [26]
Thus Jamvant was mentioning stories grave,
670 Sampati overheard them from mountain cave.
He came out and found monkeys in numbers.
“Food has been sent to me by Lord of Universe. [1]
I will be eating them up all, this day,
Since so many days, I’ve starved away.
Never did I receive food to my fill,
God sent it today in installment single.” [2]

Hearing words of vulture, monkeys had fear –

“There is no doubt death is now so very near.”
They all stood up when they, the vulture saw,
680 In the heart of Angad, there was very great awe. [3]

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He thought in his mind, thereon he did tell,

“On good luck, there is none to Jatayu equal,
Who gave up his life in service of Ram(a),
The lucky one reached Rama’s dominion.” [4]
News sorrowful yet joyous, when the vulture heard,
He approached the monkeys, who naturally feared.
Granting them amnesty, he inquired from them.
The entire story then monkeys told him. [5]

When Sampati heard of the deeds of brother,

690 In many ways, glories of Rama he did utter.

“Take me to the shore of the sea, let me make,
Oblations to my brother meek.
In return, I’ll serve you with piece of advice.
You will find whom you all seek.” [27]
Ceremonies to the brother, at the seashore, done,
He said, “Brave monkeys, to my history, listen.
We brothers, when young, once began to fly,
Approached the sun, high up in the sky. [1]
He couldn’t bear heat, hence back he returned.
700 Through pride I went on, to come back, I spurned.
My wings got burnt, heat, so much, did swell.
I gave a shriek and down on earth, I fell. [2]
There was a rishi nearby, called the Moon,
He felt great pity on me as he saw soon.
He gave me true knowledge in many a way,
Pride, born of body, was very soon cast away.” [3]

He said, “In Treta period, Rama would assume human life.

Lord of demons would be taking away His wife,
To find Her, Rama would send out many a patrol,
710 At their meeting, you would once more become whole, [4]
You will have wings, feathers and again whole be,
To them, you should show Sita, have no worry.”
Those words of Rishi have proved true today.
Do Lord’s work, listening to what I do say. [5]

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There is Lanka, built on the Trikut Mountain.

Fearless by nature, therein lives Ravan(a).
There is Ashok Garden, wherein Sita does live.
Even now, She is sitting there and She does grieve. [6]
I do see Her still, but I know you can’t,
720 The vulture has endless sight,
I am sorry that I am now too old, otherwise,
I would have done service outright, [28]
He who crosses eight hundred miles of sea,
Would be doing Rama’s business, house of wisdom be,
Look at me and muster great strength thereby.
By Rama’s grace, how beautiful a body have I, [1]
Whose fame, even if great sinners remember,
Boundless Ocean of the worlds they do cover.
You are servant of Him, cast away pessimism,
730 Keeping Rama in your heart, employ stratagem.” [2]
So saying, O Adjutant, Vulture did go.
In the heart of those monkeys great doubts did grow.
Each one of them, by turns, his powers explained,
But about crossing ocean, great doubt entertained. [3]

“I am old now”, said King of bears Jamvan(t),

Of my old strength I, now, don’t have a fraction.
When Khar’s enemy Rama had taken Baman’s form,
I possessed immense strength, was youth fully grown. [4]
While binding Bali, Rama grew immensely large,
740 That form, it is difficult to describe.
Within minutes forty eight, that immense body,
Seven times did I circumscribe.” [29]
Angad said, “I can go across the ocean,
But I entertain doubts about the return.”
Jamvant said, “You can do that very well, we know,

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But you lead us all, how can we let you go?” [1]
Jamvant, King of bears said to Hanuman hence,
“Why have you, valiant, assumed grave silence?
You are son of Pawan, like wind possess might,
750 You have wisdom, knowledge, understanding, all right, [2]
Where is the work difficult, all the world over,
Which can’t be performed by you easily, brother!”
You have taken birth only for service of Ram(a).”
At this, huge as mountain did Hanuman become, [3]
Bears golden complexion, full of brilliance luster,
As if he was another Mountain King Sumer.
Like a lion, he roared out again and again,
“I can, as in fun, cross this brackish ocean. [4]
I can kill Ravan, and his assistants clear,
760 Uprooting, Trikut, I can bring right here.
O Jamvant, I’ld just like to know from you,
Tell me the right things that I have to do.” [5]

“You have only to go, brother, and meet Her,

Come back and let us know Sita’s affair.
Later on, the lotus eyed Rama powerful,
Great monkey’s force, by way of sport, will pull. [6]
With force of monkeys, killing demons with ease,
Rama will bring Sita, on victory.
Great glories of the ring, gods, Narad would sing,
770 Which will purify all the worlds three. [1]
Which hearing, singing, talking, understanding,
People will be earning salvation.”
And which servant Tulsi, the big black buzzing bee,
Of Rama’s lotus feet does mention. [2]
Men and women listeners of Rama’s glories,
Sure cure of world’s perplexities,
Lord Rama, foe of Trishira, will definitely grant,

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Their wishes to His own devotees. [30A]

Whose beauty exceeds crore Kama’s
780 Whose form is blue like that of a blue lotus,
One should listen to glories Rama’s
Whose name is fowler for fowls of sins of world.
Here Ends Canto IV, The Kishkindha Kand.

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Sundar Kand
Part V
Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Sundar Kand

I bow to You, Gem of Raghu’s line, head of kings,
Lord of all Universe, called Rama -
All peace, everlasting, sinless, beyond proof,
Giving greatest peace - salvation.
Ever served by Brahma, Shankar and Shesh,
Omnipresent, knowable by Vedant,
God of gods, mine of mercy, remover of sins,
Maya does you, as human present. [1]
Raghunath, I sincerely submit unto You,
10 And You too know, being in all,
I have no desire in my heart but that
Give me devotion, entire and full.
I pray to You, in Raghu’s family the best,
Free my mind from passions, desires and the rest. [2]
I bow to Hanuman of peerless power,
Lustrous in form, like golden mountain summer,
You are wild fire for the forest of demons,
Of all having knowledge you are the leader.
House of all virtues, lord of all monkeys,
20 Most beloved of all Raghupati’s devotees. [3]
Words excellent that Jamvant did say,
Hanumant heard and became immensely gay.
“O brothers, do wait for me and suffer,
Living on roots and fruits and eating tuber. [1]

Till I am back after seeing Janaki,

Success awaits me as my heart feels glee."
So saying, he bowed to all and made start.
He felt happy and was with Rama in his heart. [2]
Seeing beautiful rock on the shore of the sea,

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30 He jumped over it, just in sport, with glee.

The rock on which Hanuman’s foot would stand,
Sank instantly deep into nether land. [3]

As flies off, Shri Rama’s infallible arrow,

In that very style did Hanuman go.
Ocean thought Hanuman was Rama’s embassy,
He asked Mainaak Mountain, his resting place to be. [4]
Hanuman touched Mainaak Mountain with his hand,
Paying respect to him, he said,
“Unless I have completed Rama’s business,
40 Where is there rest for me instead?" [1]
Gods noticed Hanuman going on his mission,
They wished to test his strength and wisdom then.
They dispatched mother of snakes Sursa by name,
She met Hanuman and told him as she came. [1]

“Gods have provided me with food, this day."

Hanuman heard her and in reply did say,
“Let me come back completing Rama’s business,
And convey to my master news of Sita’s case. [2]
I shall then, of myself, into your mouth enter.
50 I tell you truly, let me go, my mother."
She won’t budge and won’t allow him to proceed.
Hanuman said, “Then why don’t you make me your feed!" [3]
She opened her mouth it was eight miles wide,
Hanuman took a form twice that, by her side.
Sursa opened mouth to miles sixty four.
Hundred and twenty eight, stood Hanuman before. [4]
As Sursa continued her mouth to widen,
Twice that did he become before her, right then.
Eight hundred miles wide, her mouth did she yawn.
60 Hanuman assumed most tiny form thereon. [5]
He entered her mouth and was out soon after,
Sought leave to go, bending his head before her.

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She said, “Gods had sent me with certain purpose,

I have gauged fully your wisdom and power thus. [6]
You will definitely succeed in doing Rama’s work,
You are store of wisdom and might."
She went back showering great blessings on him.
Hanuman also went on, so bright. [2]
There lived a demoness underneath the sea.
70 She would catch the birds of the air by trickery.
All creatures that flew in the sky over sea.
Their reflections in the sea water she would see. [1]
She would catch the reflections, fell the bird thereby,
She would thus eat up birds that flew in the sky.
With Hanuman also, she played very same trick.
But in seeing through her game, the monkey was so quick. [2]
Grave minded and brave son of Pawan killed her.
Crossing the sea, he landed on the shore other.
There he saw beauty spreading all over the forest,
80 Black bees buzzed, in flower pollen’s quest. [3]
Fruits, flowers and trees all looked beautiful.
Seeing birds and animals he was very cheerful.
Noticing a great mountain, rising in his front,
He ran fearlessly and up on it went. [4]
Uma, no credit at all to the monkey here goes,
It is glory of Rama, which death also swallows.
Went up the hill, therefrom did Lanka witness,
There was a fort who’ld describe its vastness, [5]

It rose very high and had sea all around,

90 Brightness of the rampart of gold did abound. [6]

Studded all over with gem, rampart stands golden
Inside, all quarters situated.
There are crossings, markets, beautiful roads and inlets,
Beautiful town is well decorated. [1]
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Elephants, horses, numbers of mules, chariots, pedlars,

Who could venture to count all these?
Parties of great demons, different in formations,
Indescribable are their brave armies. [2]
Forests, gardens in lots, groves and pleasure spots,
100 Lakes wells, tanks seen beautiful.
Daughters of men and nags, those of gods, demigods,
Hearts of ascetics forcibly pull. [3]
Wrestlers strong maintain, bodies huge as mountain.
Here and there are seen bellowing.
In arenas for bout, they are wrestling about,
One to other is challenge throwing. [4]
Crores of great warriors, whose bodies cause fears,
Guard town all around with care.
At places demons low, kill men, cows and buffalo,
110 And donkeys, to eat they tear, [5]
Tulsidas here mentions a bit of their functions,
There is reason behind his action.
Their bodies they will throw, at holy place of arrow,
Of Rama and so win salvation. [6]
Noticing strong guards all around the town
The monkey thought in his mind,
He’ld take tiny form and enter the town
At night, as occasion he’ld find. [3]
He assumed form small as a mosquito,
120 With Rama in his heart, into Lanka did go,
At the entrance, there was a demoness Lankini,
She said, “Where venture to go, thus ignoring me? [1]
O, fool, my secret you seem not to know -

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It is only thieves that as my good go."

Hanuman, great monkey, gave her a great blow.
She vomited blood and on the earth laid low. [2]
Later on, she stood with support that she had,
With hands joined, full of great fear she prayed.
“When Brahma granted the boon to great Ravan,
130 Of the fall of demons, to me gave indication. [3]

When a blow from monkey makes you restless with fear,

Then know that the end of all demons is near.
Friend, I deem my fortune to be so happy,
That Rama’s messenger I could personally see. [4]
All pleasures of heaven and of salvation
If on one plank of balance stood,
They all would not equal in weight that there lies,
In even brief company of the good. [4]
Enter into the town and your mission fulfil.
140 Let Rama, King of Kaushal, your heart ever fill."
Poison works as nectar and foe acts as friend,
Ocean turns cow footprint, fire coolness does send, [1]
O Adjutant, Sumer becomes particle of sand,
For him on whom Rama His merciful look does send.
Then Hanuman took up a form smaller still
Stepped in, thoughts of God his heart did fill. [2]
He carefully scanned each and every palace.
Here and there, he noticed warriors numerous.
He went into place of ten headed Ravan(a),
150 It was most wonderful and beggared description. [3]
Then monkey noticed Ravana sleeping therein.
But Sita, he did not see anywhere within,
Later on, a palace came in view of monkey,
Wherein a separate temple for God, noticed he. [4]
On its walls Rama’s weapons - bow and arrows -
were made,
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Indescribable was its beauty.

He saw clusters of newly planted basil,
Which, Hanuman was much pleased to see. [5]
Lanka is known as the demons’ colony,
160 How could a saintly creature here be?
Hanuman was thus reasoning in his mind deep,
It was then that Vibhishan awoke from sleep. [1]
As he woke up, he uttered Shri Rama’s name,
Hanuman thought him saint, great joy to him came.
I’ll take initiative and make him my friend.
From a saint harm never came at a work’s end. [2]

In the garb of a Brahmin, he gave a call clear,

On hearing which, Vibhishan came out there.
He bowed to Hanuman, inquired welfare,
170 And asked him to give out his history clear. [3]
“Do you happen to be one of Lord’s devotee?
Your view does in my heart love increase.
Or are you very Rama, merciful to lowly?
Came here to make me fortunate and holy?" [4]
Thereon Hanuman told him Rama’s whole history
And also gave out his name,
Both persons were lost in love, horripilating,
Thinking of great glories of Ram(a). [6]
Vibhishan said, “Listen to my history, monkey,
180 I live as poor tongue amidst teeth, solitary.
Will Rama, Lord of Solar family, ever be kind,
When me, He does so very patronless find? [1]
Body being malignant, I can no means employ,
And no love for His lotus feet, I enjoy.
Yet He is merciful, I am so confident,
Unless He favours, one would not find a saint. [2]
As it has been Shri Rama’s great mercy on me,

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You gave me audience, unsolicited and free."

“Listen to me Vibhishan, this is one of Lord’s ways,
190 He bestows love on His servants always. [3]
Do you find me from a respectable family,
Even inconstant, in every way lowly, monkey?
Who happens to take my name early in day,
He may find that his meals do him that day betray. [4]
I am low to that extent, even then, listen friend,
On me Lord Raghubir has been kind."
Hanuman remembered glories of Lord Rama,
Tears of love in his eyes one could find. [7]
“Who knowing Him such, on forgetting are bent,
200 Turn to enjoyments, why should they nor repent?’
Thus mentioning about Rama’s glories numerous,
He felt maximum peace as he did converse. [1]
Then Vibhishan to Hanuman made clear,
How Sita was living in those days there.
Hanuman said, “Brother, just listen to me,
Mother Sita, I’ld very much like to see." [2]
He explained to Hanuman ways and means.
Son of Pawan sought leave and left for the scenes.
He assumed little form once again and went,
210 To Ashok grove where Janaki Her days spent. [3]
Seeing Her Hanuman bowed to Her in his heart,
He saw that She sat to pass whole night part.
She was so much reduced, hair all in one braid,
Series of Rama’s glories in heart She laid. [4]
Her eyes were kept on Her own feet fixed,
Heart, at the lotus feet of Ram(a).
The son of Pawan felt very much grieved,
Seeing Sita so painfully calm. [8]

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He hid himself in the foliage of the tree,

220 Was thinking as to what the next move should be.
At that juncture, Ravana too came to the place,
With many women and with makeups and grace. [1]
The evil one gave Sita a great sermon,
Used favours, fear, conciliation, division.
He said, “Listen, O intelligent, great beauty,
All my queens along with Mandodari, [2]

I’ll make Your maid-servants, that is my vow,

I only wish You could look at me once, now."
Putting grass as screen between them, Sita said,
230 Thinking of Her love - King of Kaushal - instead, [3]
“Listen to me ten-faced, could glow of fire fly,
Make lotus open, however much it may try!"
She continued to say. “For you too, that true goes,
Do you have no memory of Shri Rama’s arrows? [4]
O sinful, you carried me when I had no defence,
Disgraceful, shameless, of shame you have no sense?" [5]
When Ravana heard he was likened to glow worm,
While Rama was compared with Sun,
He unsheathed his sword, at the biting speech,
240 Said by great anger overrun. [9]
“You have insulted me, Sita, by Your world,
I’ll behead You with this my severe sword.
Or else, accept at once what I say,
Fair maiden, with Your very life don’t play." [1]

“Rama’s arm like lotus garland beautiful,

Like an elephant’s trunk, tapering, powerful,
Either that arm, O Ravana, or your sharp sword,
Will be round my neck, that’s my final word. [2]
O Sword, quench fire of separation from Ram(a)
250 Which causes fearful burning to me, all time.
You possess an edge, cool and sharp and fine."
She says, “Do reduce great pain, load mine." [3]

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Ravana heard Her, in anger rushed to kill.

Daughter of Maya Demon told him rules moral,
Then Ravana sent for many demonesses,
Said, “Terrify Her in all possible processes. [4]
If She does not come round and thus obey me,
I shall draw my sword and She will murdered be." [5]
While Ravana proceeded to his own palace
260 All demonesses that were there,
Assumed most heinous and diverse forms,
Tried to show Sita great fear. [10]
There was a demoness Trijata by name,
She had discernment and was devotee of Ram(a).
She collected all others and told her dream.
“Serve Sita, thereby your future redeem. [1]
I dreamt that a monkey set Lanka ablaze,
All forces of demons to the ground did rase.
Ten headed Ravana naked, seated on donkey,
270 Shaved are heads, chopped his arms twenty. [2]
Thus he was being taken to southern pole.
Vibhishan on throne of Lanka did rule -
The whole town was shouting Victory to Ram(a).
Call was sent to Sita as His next programme. [3]

Most emphatically, I wish to tell you,

In near future, my dream would come out true."
When other demonesses heard Trijata’s dream,
At the feet of Sita, bent all in a team. [4]
The demonesses thereon dispersed from there,
280 Sita was lost in great sorrow.
“At the expiry of a month from today,
She’ll be killed by the demon low." [11]

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Joining hands to Trijata, did Sita express,

“O mother, you are sympathizer in distress,
Find out a way that I may leave this body,
I cannot bear great separation misery. [1]
Bring some wood and build with it decent pyre.
And, mother, then apply to it burning fire.
Let my friendship with you be proved true, dear,
290 Why let spear like words enter the ear?" [2]

Hearing Her, Trijata held Her feet and consoled,

Rama’s great dignity, power, glory, she told.
“Tender one, it’s night, fire can’t be hand hence."
So saying, she soon left for her residence. [3]
Sita said to Herself, “Luck is against me.
Fire cannot be had, nor will end my misery.
I see bright red embers so many in the sky,
But no one would descend to the earth nigh. [4]
Moon has fire but would not send it on earth.
300 Thinks I am unfortunate and have not the worth.
Listen to my prayers, O Ashoka Tree,
Be true to your name and free me from misery. [5]
Red now shoots of yours look so much like fire,
Give it, do not push pain to limits dire.
When monkey saw Sita’s pain of separation,
A moment equaled an age in duration. [6]
Thinking over and over in his mind,
Hanuman dropped the ring that instant.
As if Ashoka Tree had been kind,
310 She happily rose and picked it up as fire. [12]
She observed then, heart enchanting ring,
Name of Rama was therein in fine writing.
Astounded to see it, yet did recognise,
Between joy and sorrow, was in restless surprise. [1]
“Who could have won over unconquerable Ram(a)?
Nor with fraud could one ring possibly form?"

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She was tossed up by thoughts different numerous,

Very sweetly, then Hanuman began to express. [2]

He began reciting the glories of Ram(a),

320 Listening to which pain of Sita was all gone.
Putting heart and ears into it, She heard,
From end to end Hanuman to history referred. [3]
“He, who recited what was nectar to ears,
Why to appear before me the brother fears?"
At this Hanuman gently approached Her.
She turned Her face and was stuck with wonder. [4]

“I am Lord Rama’s servant, O mother Janaki,

I say true, swearing by store of mercy.
I have brought this ring, my respectful mother,
330 Rama has sent it to You as a souvenir." [5]
She inquired how man and monkey became friends,
He told Her how matters developed to those ends. [6]
When she heard speech of monkey full of love,
Trust swelled up in Sita’s heart,
She found, he was servant of mercy’s ocean,
By thought, word, deed on his part. [13]
Thinking him Lord’s servant, great love in Her rose.
She is horripilating, water from eyes flows.
“You have proved to be life boat for me Hanuman,
340 When I was drowning in separation’s ocean. [1]

I fondle you, tell me welfare - His and brother’s,

Of the house of mercy and the enemy Khar’s.
He is very kind and is so very merciful,
What was reason behind His becoming cruel? [2]
To grant servants comfort is His very nature.
Does merciful Rama, me ever remember?
O brother, will ever my eyes quenched be,
Looking at His tender, dark coloured body?" [3]

When monkey saw Sita so lost in pain,

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350 He said in sweet and respectful strain.

“O mother, Lord is well, along with brother,
Due to Your pain alone, great pain does He suffer. [4]
O mother, let no pain inhibit Your heart,
Rama’s love is double the one on Your part. [5]
O mother, now muster patience in Your heart,
And listen to message of Ram(a)."
So saying, Hanuman felt much delighted,
From his eyes water ran down. [14]
He has said, “At Your separation, Janaki,
360 Everything has turned out to be unfriendly,
Tender shoots of leaves of the tree are fire,
Moon is hot as Sun, nights, as of death dire. [1]
Lotus forests pierce as forests of spears,
And cloud rain down burning oil, it appears.
All are painful now that did great comfort make.
Cool mild fragrant wind is like hisses of snake. [2]

Pain is reduced if to others one makes mention,

But whom shall I say to? It is not known by one.
My darling, the secret of my love for You,
370 It was my heart alone which that intense love knew. [3]
And that heart is constantly following You,
By this alone, You could gauge force of my love too."
On hearing the message, Sita was in ecstasy.
For a moment, she forgot Her own body. [4]

Hanuman said, “O mother, muster strength in heart,

Remember Rama, who gives His servants comfort.
Bring to Your heart Lord Rama’s numerous glories,
Shake off weakness, have faith in my words these. [5]
Groups of demons are to be likened to moths,
380 Rama’s arrows are like fire flame,
Have patience in Your heart, Mother Janaki,
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Already dead do deem demons same. [15]

If Raghubir had known of Your whereabouts,
He would not have made delay, I have no doubts,
When sun of arrows of Rama rises again,
Where could darkness of demons’ forces remain? [1]

My mother, I could have carried You right now,

I don’t have that sanction by Rama, I vow.
Have patience for a few more days, mother,
390 Rama, with forces of monkeys, will soon be here. [2]
Annihilating demons, He will take You, mother,
Narad and saints will sing praises, three worlds over."
“Are other monkeys also like unto you, son?
Great warrior and brave you will find each demon. [3]

In my heart, strong doubts I entertain",

When he heard so, the monkey disclosed form main.
His body was like golden mountain, Sumer,
Brave, strong, which in battle would cause fear. [4]
Great confidence then mind of Sita resumed.
400 The little form, son of Pawan once more assumed. [5]

“Listen to me, mother, monkeys never claim to
Any great wisdom or power.
It is by Lord’s glory that even a small snake
Could the mighty adjutant devour." [16]
Sita felt consoled when She heard the monkey,
Mentioning power, splendour, love and glory.
Thinking him to be dear to Rama, blessed she -
“May you be store of power and modesty, [1]
Immortal, with no old age, virtuous, son,
410 May Rama be merciful on you ever and anon."
When he heard the words, “May He be merciful on you."
Ecstatic love overpowered him through and through. [2]

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At Sita’s feet, he bowed again and again,

With folded hands, monkey spoke out fain,
“I am entirely satisfied now, O mother,
World knows, Your blessings are unfailing ever. [3]
Listen mother, ever since I saw fruit laden trees,
Pangs of hunger have been on constant increase."
“But listen, son, the forest is guarded by,
420 Very strong and brave demon warriors nigh." [4]

Hanuman said, “O mother, if You are pleased to permit,

I am not afraid of those demons a bit." [5]
When She found monkey full of wisdom, power,
Sita said, “You go if you will.
Keeping the feet of Rama within your heart,
Sweet fruits you may take to your fill." [17]
He bent his head and entered the garden,
Ate fruits and uprooting of trees began.
There were many brave warriors there as guard,
430 Some were killed and some resorted to their lord. [1]
“O lord, a very huge monkey has come,
He has ransacked entire Ashoka Garden,
He ate fruits, pulled out trees he found,
Guards he has crushed and rased them to the ground." [2]

Hearing so, Ravana despatched great warriors,

Hanuman roared, when he noticed new comers.
The monkey killed great many of the warriors,
Those half killed went back wailing in tears. [3]
Then Ravana sent Akshay Kumar, his son,
440 Who came with countless great warriors, anon.
Seeing them, Hanuman challenged them with a tree,
Killed Akshay Kumar, loudly roared the monkey. [4]
Some warriors, he killed and crushed some others,
Still some others he floored.

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Some rushed in all haste to report to Ravana,

“Monkey is so powerful, lord." [18]
At the news of son’s death, Ravana began to rave,
He at once despatched Meghnaad, the brave.
“Don’t kill him, my son, just arrest the monkey.
450 Where he is from, that I would like to see." [1]

Matchless warrior Meghnaad, Indra’s subjugator,

Started, furious at the death of brother.
Hanuman saw the fearful warrior before,
Grinding his teeth, he rushed on him with a roar. [2]
He pulled up a great tree and on him did throw.
Prince of Lanka was rendered chariotless, lo!
Great warriors who were in prince’s company,
Hanuman crushed them under the weight of his body. [3]
Finishing with them, again to Meghnaad, he dashed.
460 The bout looked as if two elephants had clashed.
Giving him a first blow, monkey climbed up a tree.
For a moment, Meghnaad swooned immediately. [4]
When he recovered, employed fraud, many a one,
But he could not get victory over son of Pawan. [5]
He then took up arrow given to him by Brahma,
Hanuman in his mind wavers —
“If I disregard weapon that he is to use,
Great prestige of Brahma suffers." [19]
With the arrow of Brahma he hit Hanuman,
470 Even by his fall monkey killed many a demon.
Meghnaad noticed Hanuman did consciousness lose.
He tied him immediately with the snake noose. [1]

By virtue of taking Whose name, Parvati,

Wise people can cut down cycle worldly,
Could ever His messenger be under arrest?
He undergoes it, to serve his master best. [2]

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Hearing of the catch, all demons did run,

And came to Ravan’s assembly for the fun.
Hanuman witnessed assembly of Ravan(a).
480 Of its grandeur, who could give full description? [3]
Gods, demigods prayed, joining hands, they stood,
Ever eager to watch great Ravan’s mood.
No notice of this grandeur Hanuman takes,
As does an adjutant when he is amidst snakes. [4]
At seeing the monkey, Ravana gave out a laugh,
And spoke language indecent.
At the thought of the death of son - Akshay Kumar,
With great anger, he heart rent. [20]
“Who art thou, monkey?" Ravana made the quest.
490 “On whose strength did you destroy the forest?
Did you not so far my great fame hear?
O fool, I notice, you are so free from fear. [1]
What was the fault for which the demons you killed,
With fear of losing life, are you not filled?"
“Listen to me Ravana, by virtue of whose force,
Maya created all the universes of course. [2]

By whose force Ravana! Brahma, Vishnu, Shankar,

Create, maintain and destroy all the worlds over,
By whose force the Shesh on his head maintains,
500 The world with its forests and all mountains. [3]
Who takes forms different, to serve gods through,
And Who teaches lessons to fools like you,
Who broke the mighty and tough bow of Shankar,
And along with it, pride of princes did powder, [4]

Who killed Bali, Trishira, Who Dushan annulled,

Though they possessed power matchless, unparalleled. [5]
By an iota of Whose power, you too have won
The whole world, entire Universe.

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I am messenger of His, whose dear consort,

510 You have brought here by cunning and force. [21]
I possess full knowledge of your strength and might.
With Sahasrabahu, you had trial of strength all right,
By fighting with Bali, great laurels you won."
Hearing it Ravana laughed, changed topic anon. [1]

“My lord, I was hungry, therefore I ate fruit,

Possessing monkey’s nature, I did trees uproot.
All have love for their own body after all.
Those, on wrong path, let their fury on me fall. [2]
Those who struck me, I floored them to ground,
520 Above all that, your son got me, in the noose, bound.
I am not at all ashamed on account of arrest.
My only wish is to serve my master best. [3]
With hands folded, this request I do make,
Shake off pride, Ravana, my advice to take.
Look at your great family and over it ponder,
Shun illusion, take name of devotee’s liberator, [4]
By Whose fear, even death does fear entertain,
Who eats up gods and demons all in the chain.
My lord, do not develop with Him enmity.
530 As I advise, give Him back His Janaki. [5]

Rama, Khar’s foe, is protector of surrenderers,
He is great ocean of mercy.
If you seek His shelter, He will most positively,
Grant it forgetting your folly. [22]
Keeping lotus feet of Rama in your heart,
Rule over Lanka, with it never to part.
Glories of Rishi Pulastya are handsome,
In that moon, blackspot you shouldn’t become. [1]
Speech has no grace, devoid of Rama’s name.
540 Shunning pride and ignorance, weigh coolly the same.

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O gods’ foe, a woman dight with ornaments,

Never looks beautiful if she has no garments. [2]

All possessions and dignity of one, against Ram(a),

Vanish, even if found, are unfound, the same.
The rivers that do not have perennial supply,
On the passing of rainy season are soon dry. [3]
I say with all force, listen to me, Ravan(a),
Protector of one, against Rama, there is none.
Thousands of Vishnus, Brahmas and Shankars too,
550 If you go against Rama, They cannot shelter you. [4]

The root of all ignorance and great pain,
Dark pride, O Ravana, do shun.
The name of Rama or Raghunayak repeat,
Lord, of mercy great ocean." [23]
Even though the monkey gave advice helpful,
Full of love, knowledge, renunciation, moral,
Even then, soaked in pride Ravana laughed and said,
“In the monkey, I have found great teacher instead. [1]
O evil one, has moment of your death come nigh,
560 That on me, you villain, do sermons try?"
“It is going to be other way", muttered Hanuman,
“I have seen it well, you are in great delusion." [2]
Ravan’s anger flared up at words of monkey.
Why do you not all kill the villain quickly?"
Hearing him to kill, dashed demons in numbers,
When Vibhishan stepped in with ministers. [3]

He bent his head, with humility did utter,

“It is against moral code to kill a messenger.
You may give him some other punishment, O lord."
570 Saying that he was right, demons all concurred. [4]
The ten-necked Ravana then smiled and said,
“All right, send him maimed and mutilated. [5]

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The monkeys have very great love for their tails,

Of this, all of you I assure.
Set fire to the tail, after wrapping with cloth,
Saturated well with oil pure. [24]
When the monkey will be reaching tailless there,
The fool will be bringing his master here.
Whose glories, he has described so high,
580 I too will be seeing His powers from nigh," [1]

Hearing him, the monkey smiled within.

He said, “Helpful to me Saraswati has been."
On hearing the words of Ravana, the demons -
The fools took up making the preparations. [2]
Neither cloth, nor butter, nor oil remained.
By way of fun, monkey so tail lengthened.
Citizens also, for fun, turned up in numbers,
They kicked Hanuman, gave loud cheers. [3]

Drums were beaten, they merrily clapped and cried.

590 Took him round in city, then fire applied.
When monkey saw fire burning in full bloom,
The little form, once more did he assume. [4]
Freed from noose, on golden attics he went,
Women folk there seeing him, were with fear rent. [5]
God so willed that at that very occasion,
All forty-nine winds too blew.
Hanuman gave a hearty laugh and roared,
And huge to the sky grew. [25]
His body was huge and yet it was so light.
600 From palace to palace, he made quick flight.
Whole town ablaze, there was all confusion,
High flames made assaults in crores of fashion. [1]
“Save us, father, mother, at this juncture."
Were common cries from every creature.

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“We said before, he was no mere monkey,

Some god had assumed that form verily." [2]

Of disgracing saint, this is the consequence,

Town is burning, has no protector’s defence.
In a moment, the town met destruction,
610 Vibhishan’s house only was an exception. [3]
Monkey was not hurt, there was reason extra,
He was servant of maker of fire, Girija.
He burnt whole Lanka over and over again.
Then Hanuman plunged into the ocean. [4]
Fire of tail extinguished, fatigue all gone,
He assumed little form once more.
Joining both his hands, he stood in respect,
With daughter of Janak, before. [26]
“Mother, You too be pleased to give me some souvenir,
620 As was given to me by Lord Raghubir."
She took out a jewel She wore in the crest,
Son of Pawan took it with joy and zest. [1]
“Convey to Him, son, my sincere respects,
He is all satisfaction and nothing expects -
Thinking Your vow of being merciful to meek,
Freedom from my great misery, I seek. [2]

Tell Him the history of the son of Indr(a),

The glories of His arrows, let Him remember.
If within one month, Rama fails to relieve,
630 He may no more find His Sita alive. [3]
Tell me, monkey, how shall I keep on living,
Of leaving me, you too are now thinking?
By seeing you, for a while, I was gay,
Now, I shall be having same night, same day." [4]
He explained to Her and gave consolation
To Sita in many a way.

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He bent his head on the lotus feet of Hers

Left for Rama, straight away. [27]
At his start, he gave out a thundering roar,
640 Miscarriages occurred where some babies bore.
Crossing the sea, he came to the other shore,
To companions gave hearty joyful roar. [1]

When they saw Hanuman, found joy in their lot.

A new lease of life for themselves they got.
His face was cheerful there was great glow,
Has done Rama’s business, they all thought so. [2]
They met Hanuman, happiness did abound.
As if a fluttering fish water had found.
With all joy, they started to meet Ram(a),
650 Talking of experience and programme. [3]
They reached and soon entered the Madhuban,
Ate sweet fruits with Prince Angad’s sanction.
Guards tried to stop the monkeys from their meals,
Getting blows from them, guards all took to their heels. [4]
They ran up to King Sugriva to report
That Prince was damaging Madhuban.
At that news, Sugriva was pleased, thinking,
Lord’s work the monkeys had done. [28]
“If whereabouts of Sita, they had not known,
660 Who could venture to eat fruits of Madhuban?"
The King was busy with working of his conscience,
When the party of monkeys came up for audience. [1]

They presented themselves and heads they bent.

The King greeted all of them with love intent.
“How do you do?" “We are well by blessing of your feet,
Through Rama’s grace, we had had success complete. [2]
Our lord, all work Hanuman did perform,
He has saved lives of all monkeys from harm."

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Hearing it, King hugged Hanuman once again,

670 They all went to see Rama with hearts fain. [3]

Rama saw monkeys coming, having done well their part.

He felt joy surging within His own heart.
Both brothers were then seated on a crystal rock.
To bow to their feet all monkeys did flock. [4]
Raghupati, house of mercy, embraced each one,
Most affectionately them He did greet.
Inquired from each of them his welfare. They said,
“All is well through Your lotus feet." [29]
Jamvant said, “O King of Raghu’s line, listen,
680 For him, on whom You have kind and merciful been.
It is always well with him, he is always happy,
Gods, saints and men always show him mercy. [1]
He is victorious, prayed, sea of virtues, benign.
His glories do all over the three worlds shine.
Through Your grace, Lord, all business was done.
We find we have today fruit of our lives won. [2]
Lord, of the performance of son of Pawan,
Thousands tongues would fail to give description."
The Jamvant described to Rama in great details,
690 Great work of Hanuman and all that it entails. [3]

When Rama heard it all, He was exceedingly fain.

With great pleasure Hanuman He embraced again.
“Tell me, friend, how Sita is passing Her life.
And how She manages to live on, in strife." [4]
“Your name, Lord, acts as a constant watchman,
And thoughts of You do work of door,
Eyes tied to Her feet work as great padlock
How could the soul escape therefore? [30]

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When I was to come, She gave jewel of the crest."

700 Rama took it and hugged it so close to His breast.
“Lord, with Her two eyes brimming up with water,
Some message has been sent by Janak’s daughter. [1]
She has asked me to hold Your feet and of brother,
Tell You, You’re merciful, surrenderer’s savior.
I am Your devotee, by deed and thought and word.
For what fault have I been forgotten, my Lord? [2]

I admit there was a shortcoming in me,

At separation, I did not leave the body.
But there, Lord, blame lies with the eyes.
710 They hinder when soul from the body flies. [3]
Separation is fire, body be cotton learnt,
Breath is wind, in no time it could be burnt.
In their own interest, eyes water do pour,
Body does not burn in fire of separation Your." [4]
“O Lord merciful, very great is Sita’s pain.
Better leave it untold, telling would bring no gain. [5]
Store of mercy, each one of the moments
Is for Sita an age in length,
Make haste, bring Her back by defeating demons,
720 By might of Your arm and strength." [31]
When house of mercy heard Sita’s woe,
From His lotus eyes great tears did flow,
“By thought, word, deed, he who counts on me,
Could be ever, even in dream, miserable be?" [1]

Hanuman said, “Lord, one is miserable when,

Memories and thoughts of You are from the mind gone.
Where do demons stand, my Lord of mercy?
Win victory on foes and bring Janaki." [2]
“Listen, monkey, there has been no beneficent,
730 As you, in men, gods, saints, all existent.
For this, what shall I do to you in return?
To face you, indeed I have no face to turn. [3]

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My son, from the debt, I can never be free,

I have thought over it well as far as I could see."
Benefactor of gods, He saw again and again,
Body horripilated, eyes tears did rain. [4]
When Hanuman heard these words of Rama,
Saw happy face, bristling body,
He fell at the feet of Rama and said,
740 “Help me, my Lord, protect me." [32]
Rama again and again tried lifting monkey,
Lost in love Hanuman would not lifted be.
Rama’s lotus hand over the head of monkey,
Picturing it in mind, Shankar was happy. [1]
Shankar collected His mind and attention,
To continue the beautiful description.
Rama lifted the monkey and hugged him nigh,
Holding Hanuman by hand, seated him close by. [2]

“Tell me of burning Lanka and fort, at length,

750 Guarded by Ravana, noted for its strength."
Finding the Lord pleased, Hanuman described,
Having all sense of pride completely prescribed. [3]
“Credit of the monkey herein alone lies,
That from branch to branch, he freely flies.
And if I crossed ocean, burnt golden city,
Killed demons, uprooted every Ashoka tree, [4]

That was through Your glories entirely Ram(a),

I do not deserve any credit in the programme. [5]
Nothing is too difficult for him, who has received,
760 Your favour, Your mercy, O Ram(a).
By virtue of Your greatness and power,
Cotton can submarine fire consume. [33]

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Lord, favour me with devotion permanent,

Which is beyond all measures, pleasant."
Simple words of monkey, when Lord Rama heard,
Parvati, just “Let it be so", He uttered. [1]
Uma, whoever comes to know Rama’s nature,
Likes nothing, except Him, to remember.
Over whosoever’s heart this dialogue reigns,
770 Love for feet of Rama he certainly obtains. [2]

Hearing Rama’s words, monkeys’ party,

Cried, “Victory to Rama, Victory, Victory."
Rama sent to monkey’s King invitation,
Asked him to make, for the march, preparation. [3]
“Why should any delay be allowed to occur?
Be pleased to give all monkeys order."
Gods viewed Rama’s sport from the heaven,
Rained flowers and went back to their domain. [4]
Sugriva, King of monkeys, sent for the leaders,
780 All turned up as they were called -
Troops of bears, monkeys, with different colours
Possessing might unparalleled. [34]
Bending their heads and keeping Rama before,
Most powerful bears and monkeys roar.
Rama inspected forces of monkeys.
Mercifully cast glance of lotus eyes. [1]
Obtaining strength of Rama’s blessings,
Monkeys became mountains furnished with wings,
They marched out, their spirits were high.
790 Beautiful and auspicious omens came by. [2]

Whose glories are saturated with blessings,

Good omens at His marching are natural things.
Left side of Sita experienced throbbing.
Of setting out Rama She took it as tiding. [3]
All omens that were to Her so auspicious,
To Ravana, the very same were ominous.

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The army marched out; who could number score?

Numberless bears and monkeys gave out great roar. [4]

With nails as weapons, with mountains and trees,

800 By land and by air they go as they please.
Bears and monkeys roared like lions,
Nervously trumpet elephants of eight points. [5]
Eight elephants trumpet and the earth is upset,
Hills move and ocean is disturbed.
Dancers, demigods, saints, nagas and gods,
Are jubilant, seeing sorrows curbed. [1]
Crores of monkey warriors, grind their teeth fierce,
And crores of them are seen running.
“Victory, Victory", they yell, for the Lord of Kaushal,
810 Glories and virtues of Rama sing. [2]
Shesh, King of all snakes, load of army not takes,
Feels nervous again and again.
Hold with teeth and poise hard back of tortoise,
While doing so beauty does gain. [3]
This marching programme of the army of Rama,
He deems it so happy and bright.
Its history pleasant and to make it permanent
At the back of tortoise He does write. [4]
The store of mercy did in this way proceed,
820 And camped at the shore of the sea.
Here and there monkeys, bears helped themselves,
Ate fruits of many a tree. [35]
And in Lanka, the demons lived always afraid,
Ever since Hanuman had havoc played.
In every family thoughts were common,

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That there was no more safety for the demon. [1]

Power of whose messenger cannot be described,
Who shall save the town when He has arrived?
Mandodari was restless, knowing from her maids,
830 Common view of people on the recent raids. [2]
With hands folded she fell at Ravana’s feet,
Privately said words, with moral replete.
“Have no enmity with the Lord, my lord,
Be pleased to keep in your heart my word. [3]
By mere remembering deeds of His messenger,
Miscarriages with wives of demons occur.
Call your minister, send with him, Sita back,
Lord, if you wish welfare should not lack. [4]
For the forest of lotus of your family,
840 Painful as winter night has come Janaki.
Listen my lord, unless back Sita you give,
You cannot be saved by Brahma or Shiv(a). [5]
The groups of demon are like unto frogs,
Like snakes are Rama’s arrows.
In time and before they swarm to swallow,
Leave obstinacy, save fellows." [36]
Fool, Ravana well known world over, for pride,
Laughed loudly at words of Mandodari by his side.
“It was well said, "Woman is timid by nature".
850 You possess weak heart, even in happiness fear. [1]
If the army of monkeys ever happens to come,
Poor demons will live, getting food wholesome.
By whose fear, even great monarchs quiver,
’t is ludicrous of his wife entertains fear." [2]

So saying, he held Mandodari to his heart,

Expressing love to her, for meeting did start.
When he took his seat, news was laid before,
That the whole army had reached the other shore. [3]
He asked his ministers to express their views.

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860 They laughed and said, “Safely ignore this news.

When you won easy victory over gods and demons,
Where do stand human and monkey ones?" [4]
The physicians, the teacher and the minister,
If they flatter for hope or fear,
For the patient, the religion, and the kingdom,
End be deemed to be so near, [37]
To Ravana also that situation is come,
Within his hearing ministers say praise handsome,
Finding it opportune, Vibhishan too entered.
870 At the feet of his brother, put his head forward. [1]
Having paid his respects, he, his seat occupied.
On getting permission, he most humbly replied.
“As you want my opinion, I would say true,
To the best of my knowledge and with your good in view, [2]
“Whoever wants welfare and glories to find,
Wisdom, salvation and pleasures of each kind,
He should shun face of the wife of the other,
As full moon of August do people abhor. [3]
If one were sole monarch of worlds fourteen,
880 He can’t prosper if common enemy he has been.
One, who is ocean of virtues and intelligent,
None calls good if even least evil is present. [4]
Lust, anger and pride and ignorance, my lord,
Are ways leading to hell.
Leave all these and remember Rama Raghubir,
On whom minds of saints ever dwell. [38]
He is wrong, who Rama as King of men considers,
He is death for death itself, King of Universe.
He is supreme soul, flawless, unborn and Lord,
890 Infinite, Omnipresent and unconquered. [1]

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The ocean of mercy took form human,

For the good of gods, earth, cows and the Brahmins,
Suppresses evil, gives joy to the devotee,
Brother, He protects Vedas and morality, [2]
Forgetting enmity, bow to Him, O brother,
He takes away pains of the surrenderer.
My lord, handover Janaki to Him,
Take His name, He’s merciful without reason. [3]

If one seeks His shelter, He’ll excuse even one,

900 Who has sinned, having malice for all under the Sun.
Whose name washes off sins of all three kinds,
Take it from me, that Lord in Him, one finds. [4]
I bow to you again and again, ten-headed,
Holding your feet, I entreat,
Cast away pride, ignorance and arrogance,
Remember King of Kaushal’s feet. [39A]
Great saint Pulatsya had sent this message,
To me through a pupil of his,
That message I have quickly delivered to you, lord,
910 Finding an occasion of bliss." [39B]
There was a wise minister, called Malyavant,
He agreed entirely with Vibhishan’s point.
He said, “Your brother is jewel moralist,
All that he has said, in your heart enlist." [1]

These fools are applauding the enemy high,

Cannot they be removed? Is there no one nigh?"
Malyavant quietly went back to his place,
Joining hands, Vibhishan once more sought grace, [2]
“O lord, the Vedas and Purans say,
920 That wisdom and folly in each heart lay,
Wherever there is wisdom, there is prosperity.
With folly, we find end full of misery. [3]

It is wisdom reversed that is holding your mind.

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You see harmful helpful, friend as enemy find,

For the demon’s life, night of annihilation,
On that Sita you have fastened affection. [4]
I hold your feet and as your child implore,
Be merciful to let me exult,
Pass on Janaki to Rama, please and soon,
930 Lest any harm to you should result. [40]
Vibhishan said keeping moral rules in mind,
As the Pundits, Purans and Vedas have defined.
Hearing, Ravana, enraged in great fury, rose,
“You rogue, is moment of your death close? [1]

You fool, you are alive and at my cost alone,

Yet, to enemy partiality you have shown.
Tell me fool in the wide world where is such one,
By the might of my arm, whom I have not won? [2]
You live in my kingdom and love the ascetics.
940 Clear out, better talk to them all your ethics."
So saying, he gave Vibhishan a great kick,
But the brother held his feet very humbly to lick. [3]
Parvati, this is exclusive virtue of saint -
He does good to him who to him gives taint.
You are father to me, did well in kicking me,
But in remembering Rama does your welfare lie." [4]
With these words, he and his comrades did fly,
And within hearing of all, he said from the sky, [5]
Rama is truthful, firm in His determination
950 Your party is under death’s spell,
I am now proceeding to the shelter of Rama,
Don’t blame me for this, I tell." [41]

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As Vibhishan left, finishing his speech,

The demons, end of their life, did reach,
O Uma, if one does a saint insult,
Complete loss of happiness does then result. [1]
As soon as unlucky Ravana, Vibhishan left,
Of his grandeur Ravana was bereft,
Vibhishan left joyfully to meet Ram(a).
960 So many desires in his heart did swarm. [2]

“I’ll see Lord’s lotus feet, red and tender,

That to the devotee, ever give pleasure,
By touching which, wife of Rishi got rest,
The feet that purify Dandak Forest, [3]
The feet Janak’s daughter keeps within,
The feet that behind false deer did run.
The lotus feet of Shiva’s heart’s lake fame,
How fortunate I am, I’ll be seeing same. [4]
The very same feet with the sandals of which
970 Bharat has linked up his heart,
I will be having a view of these feet,
With my own eyes, on my part." [42]
Such thoughts with love Vibhishan’s mind contrived.
He very soon on the other shore arrived.
The monkeys noticed Vibhishan approaching.
Took him to be some foe’s chief spy, poaching. [1]
Putting him under guard, monkeys came to their king,
All facts of the case to his notice did bring.
“O lord, listen to the story through and through,
980 Brother of the ten-headed has come for interview." [2]

Rama asked Sugriva to give his opinion.

Sugriva said in answer, “O Lord, listen,
It is difficult to know the treachery of demon,
They change form at will, cannot say why he is come. [3]
The fool is perhaps on reconnaissance visit,
I think to arrest him would be quite fit."

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“My friend, it is perfectly sound opinion.

My vow is to remove surrenderer’s pain." [4]

Hearing Him, Hanuman in his heart was glad;

990 “Lord is fatherly to surrenderer", he said. [5]

“Those who refuse shelter to the seeking refugee,
Therein their some harm anticipate,
Are low and are sinning to great extent.
To see them is unfortunate. [43]
Even one who has sinned killing crores of Brahmins,
If he seeks my shelter, I excuse him even.
The moment one has turned his focus on me,
Sins of crores of lives vanish immediately. [1]
It is in the very nature of a sinning one,
1000 To remember my name, he will always shun.
If the brother of Ravan were malicious at heart,
Could he, ever, for interview with me start? [2]

They alone reach me who are pure of heart.

I hate cunning and trickery of every sort.
O King, if Ravana has sent him as spy,
I don’t see any fear or loss lurking by. [3]
All demons, that live on the earth, O friend,
In no time, can Lakshman bring them to end.
And if he seeks shelter under me for fear,
1010 I would keep him so close as my very soul dear." [4]

“In either case, therefore, bring him before me."
House of mercy laughed and said.
“Victory to the merciful" shouted monkeys,
And went with Hanuman and Angad. [44]
Put Vibhishan with honour at head of party,
Monkeys proceeded to the Mine of mercy,

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From a distance, Vibhishan saw both the brothers -

To eyes, giver of the boon of all pleasures. [1]

He then saw Raghunath, very seat of beauty,

1020 Eyes forgot twinkling, gazed on Him constantly.
His arms long, eyes like red lotus were,
Blue is the form of refugee’s rescuer from fear. [2]
Shoulders are like lion’s, chest broad beautiful,
Face’s beauty enchants countless Kamas in full.
Seeing Rama, his eyes watered, body bristling,
In sweet words, he spoke, all courage mustering, [3]

“My Lord, I am brother of ten-headed Ravan(a),

O gods’ protector, I am born a demon.
With body malignant, ever to sin inclined,
1030 As owls prefer darkness if that they find. [4]

Four glorious glories reached my ears, Lord,
O Rescuer from world’s misery!
Save me, protect me, O my Lord Raghubir,
O remover of pains of refugee." [45]
Rama saw that so saying, he fell on the ground.
He ran up at once and with joy profound,
Rama liked humility on Vibhishan’s part,
With His long arms picked him up, hugged him to heart. [1]

Rama, Lakshman embraced him and had him seated.

1040 Rescuer of devotees from pain, then said,
“King of Lanka, tell us of your welfare.
You are placed in an awkward atmosphere. [2]
You are ever in the society of the base,
How do you maintain morals in that case?
I have known all about your behavior.
You have always been virtuous, no vice prefer. [3]

One could, somehow, put up with living in hell,

O God, never give company of the evil."
“Rama, all is well now, that your feet I see,
1050 You took me as servant and showed mercy. [4]

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Till then, there is no happiness for a man,
No peace, even in dream, for the same,
If one does not do away with desires,
Takes up repetition of your name. [46]
Greed, arrogance, ignorance, jealousy and pride,
In the heart of men can, only till then reside.
As long as Raghunath has not entered therein,
With bow, arrow and quiver on His groin. [1]
Attachment is pitch dark night for one,
1060 Owls of likes, dislikes, find pleasure therein,
That night is possible in the heart’s set up,
Till sun of the glory of Rama is not up. [2]

Now, Rama, that I have seen lotus feet of Yours,

My great fear is gone, I am happy of course.
O Merciful, on whomsoever You’ve been kind,
World’s pains of three kinds he shall not find. [3]
I, a demon, very evil by mere nature,
Never had to my credit any good behavior.
Me, He has embraced and with great happiness,
1070 Whose form, saints couldn’t in imagination guess. [4]

O Rama, store of happiness and mercy,
I deem myself fortunate today.
That I could see, with my eyes, lotus feet,
Which Brahma and Shankar do pray. [47]
“My comrade, my nature I am going to tell you,
Which Kagbhushund, Shankar and Girija know too,
If one, who has been inimical to all the nature,
Comes to me with fear, seeks my shelter, [1]

Leaving aside pride, ignorance, cunning and taint,

1080 Very soon, I convert him into one like a saint.
Of mother, father, brother, son, wife and body,

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Also of wealth, home, friend and of family, [2]

He, who collects threads, by which makes a string,
Ties his heart to my feet with that binding,
He who has equipoise and desires has none,
Happiness, sorrows, fear all his heart does shun. [3]
Such a noble soul lives within my heart thus,
As lives wealth in the heart of avaricious.
I have love for saints like you, Lanka’s King,
1090 I take form for such, not for others’ asking. [4]
Lovers of God with form, busy serving others,
Hold rules and morals as their goal,
Those who entertain love for the feet of Brahmins,
Are dear to me as my own soul. [48]
All these virtues lord of Lanka are in thee,
Due to this, you are extremely dear to me."
Of Rama’s talk when the monkeys got news,
They all said, “Victory to bundle of virtues." [1]
Kind speech of Rama to Vibhishan hears,
1100 Does not feel surfeit, being nectar to his ears.
He holds Rama’s lotus feet again and again.
Love was boundless, his heart could not contain. [2]

“Listen, Universal Lord, Protector of refugee,

Lord Omniscient, knowing all hearts’ privacy,
Previously, I had a desire, by the way,
The river of love for Your feet swept it away, [3]
Holy love for Your feet, O merciful, give,
Which has ever been pleasing to heart of Shiv(a)."
Lord, brave in combat, uttered, “Let it be so".
1110 For a little water from the sea, He let one go. [4]
“My friend, no desire though in your heart lives.
But meeting me unfailingly fruit gives."
So saying, Vibhishan He, on throne did install.
Boundless rain of flowers from the heaven did fall. [5]
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Ravan’s anger was fire, words of Vibhishan the

Had fanned it to formidable form,
Rama protected Vibhishan from being consumed,
Gave him a permanent kingdom. [49A]
The property which Shiva had given to Ravan
1120 On being offered heads ten,
To Vibhishan the very same property, Rama
Gave with so much hesitation. [49B]
Those who discard such a Lord, take to others,
They are mere tailless and hornless creatures.
Rama accepted Vibhishan as His devotee.
This nature of Rama pleased each monkey. [1]
Rama, present in all hearts, Omniscient,
Within all and without all, indifferent.
With a purpose in human form, demons to kill,
1130 Did words full of morality then tell, [2]

“Listen to me, Kings of Lanka, and of monkeys,

How shall we be crossing the fathomless seas,
Of crocodiles, snakes and fishes they are full,
So very difficult and so unfathomable?" [3]
King of Lanka said then, “The arrow of Yours,
Can dry up, O Rama, oceans many crores.
True, even then it is morality’s behest,
That You approach the sea and make a request. [4]
O Lord, the Ocean is one of Your manes,
1140 He will give guidance as an expert.
Whole army of bears and monkeys would cross
Without any serious effort." [50]
Rama said, “A way you’ve rightly conceived.
We’ll act on it, may divine help be received."

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This view did not meet Lakhan’s favour.

He was upset at hearing what Rama did utter. [1]

“Lord, how can we bank on divinity’s notion?

Show anger and dry up entire ocean.
Divinity is only the coward’s plea
1150 Idlers alone cry, ’Divinity, Divinity’".
Rama smiled, hearing Lakshman and said,
“I’ll act accordingly, do not be afraid."
So saying, Rama explained to him mystery,
And went very close to the shore of the sea. [3]
Bending His head first, His respects He paid,
Sat down on the grass mat which He had laid.
When, leaving Lanka, Vibhishan to Rama went,
Following him, Ravan had his spies sent. [4]
In the garb of monkeys, spies of Ravana,
1160 Entire happenings did see.
They were all praise for the glories of Rama,
Specially His love for refugee. [51]
They began openly praising Rama’s glories,
Due to intensive love, forgot their own histories.
Then monkeys them enemy’s spies found,
And brought them to Sugriva, hands and feet bound. [1]
Sugriva said, “Listen to me, all monkeys,
Send back the demons crippled and maimed please."
At this command of Sugriva, the monkeys,
1170 Bound and paraded them round all armies. [2]

Monkeys began beating them in all ways,

Won’t stop, though cries for mercy they raise.
Whoever cuts our nose or ear,
From oath of Kaushala King, he should fear." [3]
Lakshman came to know and he called them round,
Pitying them, he had them all unbound.
Giving them a letter said, “It, to Ravana, deliver,
Read Lakshman’s letter, family murderer. [4]
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Convey to the fool by word of mouth,

1180 Most merciful message of mine.
Give back Sita soon, come to terms with Rama
Or consider so close death thine." [52]
The demons at once bent their head to Lakshman,
And dashed back home, saying glories of Ram(a).
Mentioning Rama’s praise, reached Lanka anon,
Their heads they bowed at the feet of Ravan. [1]
Ten-headed demon inquired, laughingly of course,
“Why do you not tell me the welfare yours?
Make mention of the welfare of Vibhishan,
1190 Whose death is hovering about, soon to come on. [2]
The fool left Lanka while I was on throne.
He is going to be crushed, as with barley wood worm.
Say something of armies of bears and monkeys,
Call of death has drawn to us poor fellows these. [3]

To whom poor ocean has been benefactor,

And of their lives has turned out savior.
Then something about the ascetics also tell,
Whose hearts have been under my fear’s spell. [4]
Could you not meet them or have they already
1200 Hearing of my glories and deed?
Why do you not mention army’s power?
You look very much upset indeed." [53]
“Lord, as you have so mercifully inquired,
Likewise believe us, not by anger fired.
As soon as your brother contacted Ram(a),
He soon celebrated his coronation. [1]

When monkeys discovered we were your spies,

They tied us and inflicted great miseries.
They began to cut our noses and ears,

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1210 Under vow of Rama, they had left us in fears. [2]

Our lord, you inquired of Rama’s armies,
Even hundred crore tongues couldn’t describe these.
There are monkeys and bears of colors multiple,
With faces terrible, forms large, fearful. [3]
The monkey who burnt Lanka, killed your son,
Of all the monkeys, he is the weakest one.
Their names are legions, strong warriors,
Huge, having strength of elephants numberless. [4]
Dwivid, Mayand, Nila, Nala and Angad,
1220 Vikitaasya, Dadhimukh, Jamvant,
Gad, Kesari, Shatha and great Nishatha,
Stores of strength, valiant. [54]
In power, they are all equal King Sugriv(a),
And such there are crores who can conceive?
They possess immense power by Rama’s grace.
As straw, they consider three worlds’ case. [1]

Leaders alone hundred eighty thousand billions,

That is what we heard, being mentioned, Ravan!
There is, lord, not one monkey amongst them,
1230 Who could not in combat, bring you down. [2]
They are rubbing their hands, anxious for fight.
Rama does not permit them to use their might.
‘Along with snakes and fish, we’ld dry up oceans,
Or else, fill them up with great mountains. [3]

We’ll be crushing, crumbling Ravana to dust.’

Thus do monkeys wonder if their zeal burst.
They’re quite fearless, they jump and roar.
As if they will swallow up Lanka, to be sure. [4]
By very nature, bears and monkeys are brave,
1240 And over them is Lord Ram(a).
O Ravan, believe even one crore of deaths
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In battle He can bring down. [55]

Even lacs of Shesha cannot reckon,
Rama’s capabilities, His power, wisdom.
He could dry with one arrow one hundred seas.
But He would like to know what Vibhishan would please. [1]

At his advice, He seeks passage from the sea,

As He is full of graciousness and mercy."
Hearing them, Ravana loudly laughed and said,
1250 “Led by this wisdom, He has sought monkeys’ aid. [2]
On behest of Vibhishan, weak by nature,
They are insisting with the sea at its shore.
You, fools, why do you praise Rama to excess?
Power and wisdom of the foe, I could guess. [3]

Who has weak Vibhishan as His minister,

Where is success or glory for Him world over?"
These words of Ravan hurt a messenger,
Finding it opportune, he took out letter. [4]
“Brother of Rama has sent to you this message,
1260 Let it be read out and your heart assuage."
Ravana, laughed and took it with his left hand,
Got it read out by a minister, to understand. [5]
Don’t shatter your family to pieces, O fool,
Empty words cannot joy give.
If you go against Rama, take it from me,
Can’t shelter you Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv(a). [56A]
Either like your brother, give up pride, be a bee,
For the lotus feet of Ram(a),
Or into the fire of Rama’s arrows,
1270 You and yours will moths become." [56B]
Afraid at heart, on hearing, laughed outwardly,
And spoke out, within hearing of assembly.

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“As one, lying on earth, tries to grasp sky

So does the little ascetic, wishful thinking try." [1]

The messenger said, “Leave arrogant nature,

Take the message, lord, true to the letter.
Cast off anger, lord, and pay heed to me.
With Rama, lord, give up all thoughts of enmity. [2]
Nature of Rama is so kind and merciful,
1280 Even though He is Lord of Universe whole.
As soon as you meet Him, He will do favour,
Even one sin of yours, He will not remember. [3]

Send back Janak’s daughter to Rama, I pray,

To this my advice, I pray say, ‘Aye’ ".
He bent his head and soon left for the place,
Where lived Rama, ocean of mercy and grace. [4]
Paying his respects, his history did tell.
By Rama’s grace, he was whole, free from spell.
Shiva said, “He was rishi and had knowledge great,
1290 By curse of Agastya, he met a demon’s fate." [5]
He bent at the feet of Rama, again and again,
He went to his residence, with heart so fain. [6]
Three clear days passed and there was no response.
The dead sea will not prayer hear.
Lord Rama felt a bit irritated and spoke -
“There cannot be love without fear. [57]
Lakshman bring my bow, arrow and let me try,
By incineration, I’ll make ocean dry.
Entertaining the low, friendship with crooked,
1300 With the miser by nature, talk of rules of Ved(a), [1]
To talk of knowledge with one deep in ignorance,
Talk of renunciation with the greedy ones,
Peace to the peevish, to lustful talk of God,
Is to sow seed in barren infertile sod." [2]
So saying, Raghubir put string on his bow,
This move made happiness in Lakshman grow.

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Rama brought out his incinerating arrow,

In the heart of Ocean, great fire was aglow. [3]

Snakes, crocodiles, fishes all were restless,

1310 All, on the point of burning did ocean guess.
Setting aside its pride, took up form of a Brahmin,
Came up with a tray, full of precious jewels and gem. [4]
Adjutant, plantain bears fruit when cut,
However much watering one may do.
The low-bred will never respond to one’s requests,
Severe reprimand alone will see through. [58]
Held feet of Lord, in his own heart afraid,
“Excuse me for my faults", the Ocean said.
“Fire, water, air, space and earth", he said,
1320 “Are, by their very nature, so dead. [1]
By Your will alone, did them Maya make,
For the whole of the great Universe’s sake.
Each feels happy by living in the way,
Which for it, Your will, my Lord, did lay. [2]
It was well done, Lord, that You taught me.
Don’t forget, my nature was made by Thee.
Drum, rustic, the mean, animals, women,
All these deserve always to be beaten. [3]

Of course, I’ll dry up if Your will be so.

1330 Army will cross over, my prestige will go.
But Your will prevails, so Vedas proclaim.
Give orders and I will carry out same." [4]
On hearing these words full of humility,
Lord smiled and did say,
“That the army may cross over to the other shore,
It is for you to tell us the way." [59]

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Nila and Nala, Lord, the two monkey brothers,

When young, got boon from rishi teacher.
Each heavy rock touched by these monkeys,
1340 Will float on the water, through Your glories. [1]
I too will be having, Your powers at heart,
And render all help possible on my part.
In this way, Lord, let them bridge over the sea.
Let Your glories be sung in all worlds three. [2]

Use Your arrow, Lord, evil people to kill.

Great sources of sins, my north shore fill."
On hearing the pains in the heart of Ocean,
Lord merciful and brave removed them anon. [3]
When Ocean saw Rama’s power, glories profound,
1350 Great joy filled him, great pleasures he found.
He told Rama all about men of Ravan(a).
Praying to Rama’s feet, Ocean left for his home. [4]
Ocean thus went home, very happy was Ram(a),
At this advice of the Ocean kind,
Sins of Kali, it abates, Tulsidas it relates,
As he saw the story in his mind. [1]
House of great pleasure, of all doubts’ remover,
Sorrows vanish at Rama’s glories.
Cut other hopes you must, banish every other trust,
1360 Listen and say them, foolish heart, please. [2]
The recital of great glories of Rama,
Gives joys that one could expect.
World’s ocean, without any boat can cross,
Those who say and listen with respect. [60]

Here Ends Canto V, The Sundar Kand.

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Lanka Kand
Part VI
Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Lanka Kand


Worshipped by Passion’s enemy, Shiva,
Remover of fears of birth and death,
Acting as lion for death elephant,
Whom only through knowledge one knoweth, [1]
Lord of Yogis, house of Virtues,
With no attributes, unconquerable,
Lord of gods, flawless, beyond Maya
Sure destroyer of all forces evil. [2]
Brahmins’ sole savior, lotus eyed,
10 Beautiful and blue as Clouds of rain.
I bow to that Supreme God – Rama –
Appearing as King of earthly domain. [3]
I bow to Shankar – Uma’s Lord,
Possessing splendor of Conch and moon,
Having a form extremely handsome,
Ever putting on skin of lion. [4]
Wearing ornaments of deadly snakes,
Great lover of moon and the Ganges,
King of Kashi, destroyer of lust,
20 Virtue’s store, Kalpa-Tree of happiness. [5]
May Shankar, who gives away to virtuous,
Most rare of gifts – the salvation.
And who ever punishes evil doers
Give my happiness great extension. [6]
From split-moment to days, months, years and age,
Serve as arrows do, for Lord Rama’s part,
World’s annihilation is whose great bow
Why do ye not remember that Rama, O Heart?
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On hearing the words of the sea,
30 Rama, calling all ministers, addressed them,
“Now why let any delay be?
Build up the bridge and let forces cross over."
Jamvant his hands did fold
And said “Listen, O Banner of Raghu’s line,
“Men cross the ocean of world
By using Your name as bridge therefor."
“What time shall it take to cross the little sea?"
When Hanuman heard, he spoke with glee,
“Lord, Your glory has been the submarine fire,
40 It had dried up water from ocean entire. [1]
Tears of the widows of Your foes, in anguish,
Filled it again hence it has turned brackish."
At this figurative description of Hanuman
Monkeys were glad, all looked at Ram(a), [2]
Jamvant called Nala and Nila brothers,
And laid before them all relevant matters.
“Keep glories of Rama in your heart and begin.
Building the bridge. It will not prove tiring." [3]
He called hosts of monkeys also thereon
50 And said, “I pray, listen to my submission.
In hearts keep the lotus feet of Ram(a),
Let bears and monkeys a game perform. [4]

Run up you, hordes of valiant monkeys,

Uprooting, bring huge mountains and trees."
At this, bears, monkeys, roared out an alarm,
“Victory, Victory, to the glories of Ram(a)." [5]

High Mountains and huge trees they pull
As if it was mere sport.
They bring them and pass them to, Nila and Nala

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60 Who shape them, make bridge’s support. [1]

Huge mountains monkeys bring and give
Them, like balls, Nala and Nila receive.
Finding the bridge so very beautifully laid,
The merciful Lord smiled and said, [1]

“This spot is most elegant and fine.

Its endless glories none can define.
To install image of Shiva I am inclined.
The desire predominates on My mind." [2]
Sugriva heard, he sent out monkeys.
70 They called on and brought great rishis.
Rama worshiped image on installation,
Said, “None exceeds Shiva in My estimation. [3]
One against Shiva and posing love for Me,
Me, even in dream, will not find he.
If one against Shiva seeks My love, well,
He’s fool, lacks wisdom and goes to hell. [4]

One against Shiva, claiming love for Me,
Of hating Me, loves Shankar,
Into dark dungeons of hell he goes,
80 For a Kalpa, to stay there. [2]
Whoever comes for viewing Rameshwar,
On leaving body, does My region enter.
If one brings Ganges water and offers
Gets salvation by which in Me enters. [1]
He who worships Rameshwar for no return,
Will be blessed by Shankar with My devotion.
Whoever sees the bridge built here by Me.
Crosses without effort world’s ocean, he." [2]

These words of Rama pleased every body’s heart,

90 Then rishis did to their hermitages depart.
“O, Parvati, this is Raghupati’s nature,

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Always affectionate to the shelter seeker." [3]

Bridge building was done by Nila, Nala clever,
By Rama’s blessing, glories spread all over.
Stones, which sink, and sink others,
Have, like a ship, floated on waters. [4]
This is no reference to the glory of the sea.
It is no credit to stones or the monkey. [5]

It was entirely due to the glory of Rama,
100 Stones floated on the sea.
Those who leaves Him and worship other gods,
They are how very silly. [3]
Bridge built so firm full of beauty,
Lord of Mercy was so pleased to see.
Who could describe how whole force moved out.
Hordes and hordes of monkey warriors did shout. [1]

From bridge’s end, Rama merciful did see

The vast expanse of the open sea.
To view merciful Rama, Creatures of sea.
110 Came up on surface, hearts full of glee. [2]
Crocodiles, alligators, great fishes and snakes,
Some, four hundred miles large in their makes,
Some were such as would eat up them too,
Even in them, for others fear ran through. [3]

Forgetting enmity, all gaze at Ram(a),

Full of happiness, they won’t move therefrom.
Due to their numbers, water could not be seen.
Viewing Lord, they were lost in love keen. [4]
At Rama’s order, moved all armies,
120 Who could tell the great number of monkeys? [5]

There was so much rush on the Setu - Bandh bridge,
Some monkeys opted for the air,
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And some even rode on the water creatures

To cross the ocean clear. [4]
Looking at the great fun, Rama and His brother
Were very glad, they too moved on further.
They reached the other shore with the armies,
None could describe great number of the monkeys. [1]
Rama camped at the other shore of the ocean,
130 To all the monkeys He issued permission -
“Go and eat roots and fruits everywhere."
At this, all the monkeys ran hither and thither, [2]
For the service of Rama, all trees fruits bore,
Point of season, no season, they did ignore.
They eat sweet fruits, shake trees and go.
Tops of hills on the Lanka side throw. [3]

Wherever they meet demon in walking,

They surround him and make him dance and swing.
With their teeth they’ld hits his ears and nose,
140 Rama’s glories had to be told ere he goes. [4]
Those, who lost their ears and nose had gone,
And conveyed the whole news to Great Ravana.
When the news of bridge building reached Ravan’s ears,
All ten mouths spoke out, restless with fear. [5]

“Has it been a fact, has He really bridged
The great sea, Wide Ocean?
Could He bridge over wide spreading sea
Of boundless expansion?" [5]
He noticed his restlessness, yet smiled,
150 Went home after having himself beguiled.
Mandodari heard of arrival of Ram(a),
And that, in mere sport, He bridged ocean, [1]

Held her husband by arm, led him to palace

In most sweet words, her views did place.

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Put head at his feet and skirt spread,

“Listen to me, darling, let anger be shed, [2]

Lord, you should have enmity only with him

Whom you could conquer by your power, wisdom.
The difference, my lord, between you and Ram(a)
160 Is as between glow worm and the sun. [3]
He who killed Kaithal and Madhu valiant.
Brave Hiranayaksh and Hrinakashipu rent,
The killer of Sahasrabahu has taken birth,
To reduce the weight of sin from earth, [4]

O Lord, do not make Him your enemy,

Who rules over death, deeds, soul - all three. [5]

Hand over Janaki to Rama, O Lord,
Bend head at His lotus feet,
Handing over Government to Crown Prince,
170 In forests His names repeat. [6]
Lord Rama is ever merciful to humble,
Even lion spares one lying feeble.
Whatever one could wish you have already done.
Gods and demons - all universe you’ve won. [1]

O, ten headed, saints have prescribed clear

Forest for king, in life’s last quarter.
So now, repeat His name in forest, my lord,
Who is Creator, Preserver, Destroyer of world. [2]
Remember Rama, merciful to the refugee,
180 Break away attachment to pleasures worldly.
Kings renounce throne and mendicants become,
Saints take to penance with a view to know Him. [3]

That very Lord, as Rama, King of Kaushal,

Has come over, on you to be merciful.
If, Lord, my advice acceptable be
Pious glory will spread over worlds three." [4]

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So saying, with eyes overflowing with tears,

Held his feet with quivering body –
“If you could adopt name of Raghunath
190 My wifehood will permanent be." [7]
Then Ravan picked up Maya Demon’s daughter,
The fool began telling his glories to her.
“My darling, you have no reason to fear,
Like me, in the world there is no warrior. [1]
Gods of water, air, wealth and lord Yam(a),
Gods of four directions – all I’ve overcome.
Men, gods and demons all I govern.
How could have this fear, therefore, arisen?" [2]
He consoled her in many ways then
200 Went and set in the assembly session.
Mandodari, in her heart, certain became -
To bring about death, pride has grown firm. [3]
Ravana asked from ministers in assembly
“In war, what shall our strategy be?"
The ministers said, “Listen, lord of demons,
Why do you repeatedly put such questions? [4]

Where is room for fear in the situation?

Men, bears, monkeys form our ration." [5]

Prahast, son of Ravana, having heard all,
210 Joining hands, made mention,
“Let us not do what is against morals.
The ministers have no discretion." [8]
“These ministers, fools, talk coaxing words.
But that is not going to deliver the goods.
A monkey recently crossed ocean and came,
We know within us all deeds of the same. [1]
Did none of you then have any hunger?

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Where were you when it set town to fire?

The ministers, to you, such advice extend,
220 Which is pleasant to ears, harmful at the end, [2]
Who bridged the ocean as if it were fun,
Camped with His army at Suber Mountain.
Him, they call a men and Him they will eat,
This is pure tall talk, lord, has no feet. [3]

Lord, listen to me, please, with full attention,

Don’t mistake me for a coward person.
In the world there are persons in any number,
Who could listen to sweet words, sweet utter. [4]
Very helpful advice, yet hard to ears -
230 He is rare who’ld listen and he who utters.
Morality demands, first send messenger
Then send Sita back and friendship prefer. [5]

If He prefers to go back on getting His wife,
Let us not complicate matters.
Otherwise face Him in open battlefield,
With all might, all power. [9]
My Lord, if you agree to my advice,
In either case you will have glories nice."
Ravana got enraged and said to his son,
240 “Who taught you the wisdom that you do mention? [1]
Right from now, doubts your mind harass,
For the bamboo forest, you are poisonous grass."
Hearing father’s world so hard and cruel,
He came home, giving a reply parallel. [2]
“Advice does not work, though your interests lie.
As medicine does not act on a patient to die."
Ravana noticed that evening time had come,
Looking at his arms twenty, he left for his home. [3]

On the top of Lanka Hill there was a place.

250 Music and dancing there always took place.
Ravana went into the hall and took his seat.

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Bards began singing praises with a views to greet. [4]

Expert and celestial damsels dance.
Tunes of cymbals, timbrels and lute advance. [5]

He used to enjoy all heavenly pleasures,
Of a hundred Indra’s daily.
An enemy so very powerful on his head
Yet he has no thought or worry. [10]
At Subail Rama halted with His armies,
260 There was a huge gathering of bears and monkeys,
They found a peak very high and beautiful,
Exceptionally bright, perfectly level. [1]
With his own hands Lakshman a bed had made,
Tender leaves of trees and flowers he laid.
Over it, spread soft, fine deer skin,
On it Rama merciful seated had been, [2]

In the lap of Sugriva, Rama rested His head.

Arrows on His left, quiver on right were laid.
With both of His hands, Rama arrows clears.
270 Vibhishan was whispering something to His ears. [3]
Angad and Hanuman, very fortunate ones.
Massaged Rama’s feet in ways diverse.
Lakshman, equipped with quiver bow and arrows,
Behind Rama, in warrior’s posture shows. [4]

In such a beautiful set up in seen Rama,
House of mercy, beauty, glories.
They are fortunate indeed who spend their time,
Contemplating on Him amongst these. [11A]
Rama looked towards east and there He saw
280 Moon shining above horizon.
Addressing those present, He mentioned thereat —

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Notice, moon, brave as a lion. [11B]

“This moon – the lion living in cave orient,
So glorious, so powerful and so brilliant,
Having torn off the mad elephant of darkness,
It roams in the forest of sky, fearless. [1]

Stars in the sky are pearls so bright,

Forming decorations of the lady of night.
The Lord said, Brothers, surmise and guess
290 What is that in the moon looking as darkness?" [2]
Sugriva said, “My mind, Lord, I’ll tell You soon,
It is earth’s shadow that is falling on moon."
Another fellow said, “Rahu beat moon on high
“The darkness we see is resultant ‘Black Eye’. [3]

When creator created Kama’s wife – Rati

He took the main part of moon’s beauty.
It is that hole caused in the moon thereby
Through what we see background of the sky." [4]
Rama said, “Poison has been the moon’s brother, dear.
300 It is therefore that he kept it to his heart near.
By issuing its numerous poisoned rays,
It burns parted men and women, always," [5]

Hanuman then spoke, “Listen to me, my Lord,
Moon is Your very dear devotee.
It is Your image that he has kept in his heart,
Which as darkness we all see." [12A]
On hearing the words of son of Pawan,
Raghunath – all knowledge – was gay,
He cast His eyes on the southern side,
310 There at, Lord of mercy did say, [12B]
“Look, Vibhishan, at the southern horizon.
How clouds thunder, lightning flashes on.

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Fearful clouds are issuing mild thunder,

I fear if hail storm comes after shower." [1]

Vibhishan replied, “My Lord, listen,

It is neither the thunder, not is lighting.
On the top of Lanka ,there is a palace hall
Ravana, the ten-headed is there in the ball. [2]
Over his head, like clouds is black canopy.
320 It appears as if black clouds there be.
Rings in the ears of his queen Mandodari,
They gleam as if flashed of lightning be. [3]

Unparalleled music cymbals timbrels usher,

Lord of gods, that is Your ‘mild thunder’.
The Lord smiled at the pride so great.
He strung the bow and put His arrow straight. [4]

With one single shot, Rama downed them all
– Ravan’s diadems, his wife’s ring.
They all noticed them falling down on ground.
330 Any explanation, none could bring. [13A]
Having done the miracle, the arrow returned,
And entered the quiver of Ram(a).
The party of Ravan was so nonplussed,
Seeing crash of the whole programme. [13B]
No visible storm or earthquake was there.
Neither could one any missile discover.
They all were thinking within their heart —
It was terribly bad omen on their part. [1]
When Ravana noticed the assembly in fear,
340 Laughed, thought of device, that fear to clear.
“If falling of heads has been auspicious to one
To him fall of crown should do harm none. [2]

Go to your residences and have sound sleep."

Bending their heads they all left, in thought deep,
In the heart of Mandodari was lot of fear.

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From ever since ring fell down her ear. [3]

She said, hands joined, eyes full of water,
“Lord of life, do listen to my prayer.
Dear husband, give up enmity towards Rama
350 Don’t be obstinate, taking Him to be man. [4]

That gem of Raghu’s line is God Himself
Take my words to be true, lord.
The Vedas contemplate in His every part,
Universe and many a world. [14]
Underworld is His feet, land of Brahma His head,
In His middle too, many many worlds are laid.
Fearful death is mere move of His eye brow,
The sun is His eye, clouds as hair grow. [1]
His nose is Ashwani Kumar, lord-physician,
360 Day and night are eye’s closing opening function.
Ten directions His ears, Vedas declare.
Air is His breath, Vedas His speech are. [2]
Avarice is His lips, teeth lord of death - Yama,
Delusion smile, arms - direction-lords ten.
Fire is mouth, god of water is His tongue.
Creating, keeping, destroying His sports spring. [3]

Eighteen types of Vegetation – hair of body,

Mountains are His bones, rivers - nerve, artery.
Oceans form stomach, hell is His lower part
370 He is all Universe, what more description I impart? [4]

Shankar is His force and Brahma wisdom
Moon mind, great Vishnu - His heart.
The same Lord of Universe as Lord Rama,
Is playing human being’s part. [15A]
Thus thinking, O lord of my soul, listen,
Give up all enmity, with Ram(a).
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Develop love for His lotus feet, O lord,

Save my wifehood from all harm" [15B]
Ravana smiled hearing his Mandodari,
380 “Influence of ignorance is great really.
They have rightly described woman’s nature,
Eight vices shall ever be found in her. [1]
Courage, falsehood, restlessness and impurity,
Fear, ignorance, indiscretion and cruelty.
The form of the enemy, you well reproduced,
And great fear for Him in me introduced. [2]
That whole Universe, by nature control,
O, by your grace, darling, I now see case whole.
I can now read wisdom in your process.
390 Thereby you described my own greatness. [3]

O Deer-eyed, your talk is great mystery,

It is fearful to ears, to mind happy."
On the other hand, Mandodari was certain
Being in grip of death he had lost reason. [4]

In such light talks Ravan spent night,
And now it was all day.
By nature fearless, and blind with pride,
To assembly Ravana made way. [16A]
Even if the clouds rain nectar,
400 The cane will not bear fruits and flowers.
Even if Brahma were the teacher,
In the heart of a fool light shall not come. [16B]
At Subail, Rama rose early in the morn,
Called ministers and took their opinion.
“To what action soon do you feel inclined?"
Jamvant bent his head and thus opined, [1]

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“Listen, Omniscient, in hearts dweller,

House of wisdom, virtues, morals and power,
To the best of my lights, I do conceive
410 Let us send Angad as our representative." [2]
This fine idea was, by all dittoed.
Rama, store of mercy, spoke to Angad.
“Crown Prince, house of power, virtues, wisdom,
Pay visit to Lanka on My mission. [3]

I need not explain anything really.

You are so very intelligent, I know fully.
Have a talk with the foe as you best conceive,
My purpose and his welfare, to achieve." [4]

Placing Lord’s orders before,
420 Son of Bali rose, bent at Rama’s feet.
“He is of virtues a store,
On whom You confer Your mercy,Lord
Lord, success is already yours.
By choosing me, You have done me an honour."
Hair stood up in all pores
The Crown Prince rose up so happy at heart. [17B]
Praying to the feet, Rama’s powers at heart.
Bending to all, Angad on mission did start.
Rama’s greatness at heart, fearless by nature,
430 Went Angad, self-conscious, staunch warrior. [1]

On entering the town, as a mere incident,

He met son of Ravana, playing at that instant.
Their talks developed soon into row serious,
Both were powerful, both in blooming years. [2]
He lifted his foot to give Angad a kick.
Angad held him, whirled about, grounded him quick.
The demons, on seeing the huge warrior,
For fear could not shout, fled helter skelter. [3]

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One would not speak out truth to other.

440 Finding Ravan’s son dead, they would not whisper.
The whole town was thrown in great confusion,
“The monkey who burnt Lanka has come again. [4]
O Creator, what is he going to do now?"
Horror struck, they think what to do and how,
Without being asked, they show to him the way.
Whomsoever he sees, soon withers away. [5]

Keeping lotus feet of Rama inside his heart,
Angad reached assembly door.
In the pose of a lion, cast his eyes around,
450 Of peace, power, value a store. [18]
Sent news of his arrival through a demon,
Who reported the whole matter to Ravan(a).
At that, Ravan laughed and said to demon,
“Bring him in. Let us see where the monkey is from." [1]

Getting permission there ran out many demons,

And ushered Angad to the royal audience.
Angad came in and the ten-headed he found,
As if of black soot there was a mound. [2]
Arms shoot out as trees, heads look like tops,
460 Hair, as if of creepers the numerous crops.
Mouth, noses, eyes, ears presented patterns,
As if, of mountains they were caved, caverns. [3]

Son of Bali, so powerful, and brave,

Went in the meeting, no fear he did have.
The members stood up seeing the monkey.
At that, Ravan felt within himself, angry. [4]

As in the herd of intoxicated elephants,
The lion comes fearlessly.
Likewise, keeping Rama’s powers in his heart,
470 Bending head he sat in assembly. [19]

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“Will you please inform us, monkey, who you are."
“O Ravana, of Lord Rama I am messenger.
You have been a friend to my father dear,
To do you good, therefore, I’ve come here. [1]
Of a noble family, you’re Pulastya’s grandson,
Worshipped Brahma and Shiva in ways many a one,
You got boon from them, lived successfully,
Over kings and Cardinal gods got victory. [2]
For reasons of pride, led by ignorance, of course,
480 Brought Sita, mother of Universe, by force.
Now pay heed to my advice helpful,
Your fault will be excused by Lord merciful. [3]
Hold grass in the mouth, hanging from neck a knife,
Accompanied by family men and your wife,
Placing Sita at head of entire party,
March out and thus be, from all fears free. [4]

Gem of Raghu’s line, merciful to refugee
Save me, give me your protection.
Say so approaching, at this humble appeal
490 He shall give you full pardon–" [20]
“Hold your tongue, I say, you born of monkey.
Did you never hear of me – the god’s enemy?
Will you, the name of your father mention
For that you have held friendly relation?" [1]
“They call me Angad, Bali was my father,
Do you not remember to have met him ever?"
When he heard Angad, he had hesitancy
“Yes, I do recollect Bali was a monkey. [2]
Angad, are you really son of Bali?
500 You have proved a fire for forest of family.
Miscarriage was much better, why were you born?
An ascetic’s messenger, you have yourself shown. [3]

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Where is Bali now? Tell me his welfare."

Angad then smiled and made the answer,
“In a ten days’ time, to Bali you would go.
Inquire his welfare embracing friend so. [4]
The welfare which the enemy of Rama meets
He will tell you fully when you, he greets.
O Fool, division works in that case alone
510 Where in the heart there is not to be found Ram(a). [5]

I am destroyer and ten-headed Ravana!
You are protector of family?
Even blind and deaf will not so say,
You have eyes and ears twenty. [21]
The service of whose feet is sought ever
By Shiva, Brahma gods and men all over,
“I am His messenger yet I family destroy?
Doesn’t your heart burst? You such wisdom employ". [1]

When Ravana heard Angad’s bitter replies,

520 He also spoke, with flowing eyes.
“I have tolerated your words, low, mean,
As laws of morality I have seen." [2]
Angad said, “Your morality I know.
You stole other’s wife. Is that not so?
Your sheltering messengers, I’ve myself seen.
With this morality, drowned you should have been. [3]

You saw your sister rid of ears and nose,

You bore it as sense of morality rose.
Your morality is known all world through,
530 I am lucky that I, too, could view you." [4]

“Don’t talk tall, monkey you, silly creature,
O fool, look at my large arms.
For the moon of powers, of gods, of directions
They are like Rahu in swarms. [22A]
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In the lake of sky, on lotus of my arms,

Stayed for a while, like swan,
And added to the great beauty of the scene,
Kailash with Shankar thereon. [22B]
Who is there, Angad, in your whole family,
540 Who would venture to come for a bout with me?
Your Lord is in sorrow, for loss of His dame,
His younger brother too is mournful for the same. [1]
You and Sugriva are like riverside tree,
My brother, why, he is not from fear free.
Minister Jamvant is rather too old.
How can he be now, in battle, so bold? [2]

Nala Nila are architects and not warriors.

Yes, there is one who is brave and fierce.
He recently came, set fire to town."
550 At this, son of Bali interrupted Ravana. [3]
“King of demons, I pray, tell me to be sure,
Did that monkey set your town to fire?
The poor fellow and burnt Ravan’s town!
On hearing the news who would its truth own? [4]

He, whom you described as brave, Ravana,

Is Sugriv’s mere errand carrying peon.
He who walks much is seldom a warrior,
To bring news only we sent him here. [5]

Did that monkey really burn down Lanka
560 Without getting our sanction?
This was perhaps the reason he didn’t see King,
And has else been absconding since then. [23A]
The relationship of friendship, enmity,
Fit equals only that is fact,
If a lion happens to kill down the frogs,
Will he get a credit for the act?" [23B]

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You were speaking very truth, Ravan,

And at that I am not angry.
There is none in my army who would condescend
570 To combat with you as a party. [23C]
If Rama kills you Ravan, doesn’t become Him.
To some extent it would be sin.
Yet, listen ten-headed, a Kshatriya’s wrath,
Has ever formidable been." [23D]
From bow of satire, sending arrows of taunts
Angad had torn heart of Ravan(a).
With tongs of rejoinder the ten-headed brave
Pulled them out, one by one. [23E]
He said, “Monkey possessed one real virtue",
580 In saying so, Ravana smiled -
“It does its best to serve its master,
Who fosters it as his child. [23F]
Happy are the monkeys who for their master
Shaking off, shyness, dance about here and there.
By dancing and frolics, they please lookers on.
Thereby nerve master, they know their religion. [1]
Angad, you are from the family faithful,
Why should you not sing Rama’s praise beautiful?
I am wise hence always appreciate merits.
590 I, therefore ignore your ironical hits." [2]

Angad said, “Ravana, of your appreciation

Very correct account was given by Hanuman.
Ruined garden, killed your son, burnt your town,
Even then you did not take it as a harm done. [3]
O Ten-headed, I counted on your good nature,
And hence made bold to have given answer.
Whatever son of Pawan told us, I have found true.
No shame, no anger, no irritation is in you." [4]

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Ravana laughed and said, “It is your this wisdom,

600 For which you have eaten up your father own."
“Eating him I would have eaten you too.
But just how a thought crossed my mind through. [5]
Low, braggart, I spare you for a reason only
You have served as a cause for my father’s glory,
Tell me how many Ravan’s this world has shown.
I’ll tell you the few of whom I have known. [6]

One went to Netherland for victory on Bali.

The children, over there, tied him in a stable.
They used to go and hit him, just for glee.
610 Bali took pity on him and he was set free. [7]
Sahasrabahu happened to meet a Ravana.
He ran and caught him as a curio for fun.
Just for sport Sahasrabahu brought Ravana home,
Rishi Pulastya went, brought about his freedom. [8]

Of one, I hesitate very much to mention,
He lived long in father’s armpit.
Which of these Ravans are you, ten-headed?
Tell me frankly, don’t feel vexed a bit." [24]
Listen to me, O fool, I am that Ravana,
620 Glories of whose arm Kailash has known,
Lord of Uma whose bravery knows well,
Like flowers, my heads in whose worship fell. [1]

I have worshipped Shiva, offering again and again

My heads, as flowers, with my own hands slain.
Gods of ten directions my arms’ power know,
Which, even this day, pain in their hearts does show. [2]
Eight elephants know well, toughness of my chest,
Whenever I forced on them a contest.
Their strong tusks however made no impression.
630 They broke in the clash, like radish anon. [3]
At whose steps earth experiences trembling,
As does a boat at a mad elephant coming,

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I am that Ravana, famous all the world over.

Did not your ears ever hear, O prattler? [4]

Belittling that great Ravan you are praising
Glories of a man at this instant.
I have now seen through your wisdom, monkey,
You, evil, low and impenitent." [25]
Angad flared up at Ravan’s words and said,
640 “O proud, mean, you should have your words weighed.
For the forest of Sahasrabahu’s one thousand arms,
Whose spade was fire, brought about great harms. [1]
At its keen edge running vast like an ocean,
Innumerable kings have succumbed often.
That Parashuram’s pride, seeing Him was gone,
Unlucky ten-headed, you call that Rama a man? [2]
Fool and impertinent, is Rama man ever?
Is Kamdeo a bowman, Ganges mere river?
Heavenly Cow an animal? And Kalpa-Tree mere tree?
650 Is grain a charity? Could nectar water be? [3]

Is adjutant a bird? And is Shesha a snake?

Could Chintamani be a rock in its make?
Listen to me, fool, is heaven merely a world?
Was gain of devotion like other gains told? [4]

Who shattered your force and crushed your pride,
Ruined garden, burnt your town,
And who killed your son, O evil Ravana,
Monkey you do call that Hanuman? [26]
O Ravan, why not leaving all cunning,
660 Take to Rama, Ocean of mercy’s remembering.
O Evil, if you happen to go against Ram(a),
Even Brahma and Shankar won’t give protection. [1]

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O fool, I say, Ravan, do not talk tall,

Enmity with Him will push you to great downfall.
Hit by Rama’s arrows, your heads will be found
Falling down before the monkeys on the ground. [2]
Bears and monkeys will be treating them, for fun,
As balls for their sport of hit and run.
When Rama’s wrath is incurred in the battle, lo
670 Swarms of hitting arrows fly out from His bow. [3]

Where will then, Ravan, your prattling tongue be?

Why not, therefore, turn towards Rama for mercy?"
At these words, Ravan’s anger rose high,
As on getting butter, flames fly to sky. [4]

“O Fool, there is my brother great Kumbhkaran
And Meghnad, my son, Indra’s foe.
As for me, I have conquered all Universe,
My might, you perhaps don’t know. [27]
O fool, Rama organized help of monkeys
680 And bridged sea. Is that summum bonum of glories?
Even birds, so many, cross wide oceans
But, monkey, they are never classed a brave ones, [1]
Of power, each of my twenty arms is an ocean
Wherein were drowned many brave gods and men
Where is a valiant who, to cross, even would guess
These twenty oceans, vast and fathomless? [2]

I made gods of Cardinals draw water for me

You glorify a mere King! Foolish monkey,
If your Lord, of whose glories you aft prattle
690 Is a warrior of repute in the field of battle, [3]
How is it then that He dispatched an emissary?
Does He not feel ashamed to befriend an enemy?
Have a view of my arms that churned Kailash
Are you, foolish monkey, Lord’s praises splash. [4]


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Where is one brave as Ravana, who with his own

Cut his own heads, to make offerings,
At sacrificial fire and that with joy?
Lord Shankar bears witness for the thing. [28]
When I saw my heads burning in sacred fire.
700 On the forehead I saw Creator’s writings dire.
When I saw my death ordained there through a man
I laughed seeing falsehood come from Brahma’s pen. [1]
I am not afraid of it, even though I remember,
The Creator being so old had made blunder.
O Fool, shaking off shame and all tradition
Praises of a warrior to me, you mention?" [2]

Angad said, “O Ravan, there could no other be

So modest as you in all the world three.
Modesty is, Ravana, your born nature,
710 You never blow your own trumpet anywhere. [3]
Cutting of head and lifting up of Kailash,
Pressing ideas – hence twenty times you did splash.
The might, with which Sahasrabahu, Bali conquered,
That might, within your heart, you have cornered. [4]
Listen to me and, fool, let me have an answer,
Could cutting of one’s own head produce a warrior?
Could one, knowing witchcraft, be a man of valour?
Parts of his body, he is seen cutting over. [5]

O fool, just employ your wisdom and see,
720 The moths burn themselves in fire.
Donkeys can be seen carrying huge loads.
They are never classed warriors dire. [29]
O, Ravan, don’t drag on arguments too far.
Listen to me, and give up all pride, rancor.
I have not come, Ravan, to seek from you treaty.

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My Lord had an idea when He sent me. [1]

Again and again to me He did mention it.
By killing of jackals, lion gets no credit.
O fool, I am thinking of these words of Lord,
730 It is therefore that I bore insulting word. [2]
Or I would have crushed your mouth right down,
I could have perforce, snatched Sita and gone.
O Fiend, gods’ foe, your powers I have known.
You took away one’s wife when She was all alone. [3]
You are lord of demons and have pride unbound,
I am servant of the servant of Rama, I’ve found.
If I were not afraid of insult to Ram(a),
Under your eyes I could carry out a programme. [4]

Flooring you on ground, wiping out your force,
740 And laying to waste all your town,
Taking daughter of Janak with your maidens,
I could have right from here, flown. [30]
If I do so even then no credit I would win.
It is no bravery if a dead were again beaten.
Lustful, miserly, utter fool and pauper,
Of ill repute, too old and pleasure-seeker, [1]
Chronic patient, peevish, opposed to Vishnu,
One who is against saints and Vedas too.
Calumniator, body-loving, vices’ mine.
750 Though living, are like dead above fourteen. [2]
Thinking so I don’t kill you, O low creature,
For your own sake, do not stir up anger."
At these words, Ravana was furious with rage,
Rubbing hands, biting lips, did his anger presage. [3]
“You, low monkey, are you so very keen to die,
Forgetting your low status, talk high?
The one on whose powers you bank, monkey,
He has no power, wisdom, grandeur or glory. [4]

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His father banished Him for He very well knew,
760 He had no respect, no virtue.
He has that affliction, then lost his consort.
Fear of men too runs through and through. [31A]
The man, on whose strength you pride, O fool,
Such countless, demons daily eat.
I therefore advise, think over coolly,
From path of obstinacy, retreat." [31B]
When Ravana said insulting words for Ram(a),
Angad’s anger was stirred up to alarm.
Abuses to Vishnu and Shiva who hear,
770 Are sinners just as any cow-killer. [1]
The great monkey powerfully his teeth ground
With great force struck his hand on the ground.
The earth was in tremor, people there fell,
Ran out as if under fear, spirit’s spell, [2]
Ravan also narrowly just escaped a fall.
Strewn on the found were his diadems all.
Some he picked up and to his heads did bestow
While others Prince Angad, to Rama did throw. [3]
Monkeys saw them coming, they ran in fear.
780 “Do meteors come down in day-time here?
Or are they four adamants falling with speed,
Which Ravana as missiles in anger freed?" [4]

Rama smiled and said “There is no room for fear.

They are not adamants, Rahu, Ketu or meteor.
Those are four crowns of hands of Ravana,
Which Angad, son of Bali, has thence thrown." [5]

Just with a leap Hanuman, caught hold of them all,
And placed them before Lord Ram(a).
Bears and monkeys enjoyed the fun thereof,

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790 Very much like the sun, they shone. [32A]

While there Ravana felt irritated so much,
In anger, ordered rank and file,
“Take hold of the monkey, arrest him, kill him".
At that Angad did, a bit, smile. [32B]
“Having done so let all warriors go round,
Eat up monkeys, bears, wherever they be found.
Of all monkeys, you should whole earth divest
Bring two ascetic brothers alive, in arrest." [1]

Angad once more spoke in anger, disdain,

800 “Don’t you feel ashamed to talk in that strain?
Hang yourself, destroyer of family, shameless,
Why didn’t your heart break, at my prowess? [2]
Thieving a woman, one on evil path, and mean,
House of filth, unintelligent, lustful you’ve been.
Delirious, you know not what words from you slip.
O Evil demon, you are now under death’s grip. [3]

You shall reap the fruit thereof in near future.

When blows you receive from each monkey, bear.
You call Rama a man! You silly creature!
810 Do not your tongues fall down, proud prattler! [4]
They shall fall, let no doubt, mind of anyone, fill,
They will fall with your heads in the field of battle. [5]

Ravan, Him a man you find,
Who could kill Bali and with a single arrow!
All your twenty eyes are blind.
O, Outcast, fool, Ravan, fie on you. [33A]
Rama’s arrows are so thirsty,
To be quenched by the blood, proud prattler.
It is why I do not kill thee,
820 Demoniacal, vicious and unrighteous Ravan. [33B]

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I am capable of breaking your teeth, Ravana,
Sorry, Rama has not given that permission."
Angad says, “I could crush your all mouths ten,
Sink all your Lanka in the deep ocean. [1]
Your Lanka is fruit of the wild fig tree,
You live in it as maggots fearlessly.
I, a monkey, take no time to eat it.
But merciful Ram did not give me permit." [2]
At Angad’s skill, the ten-headed smiled,
830 “In telling lies who made you highly skilled?
Your Bali never talked so tall either,
It is company of ascetics that made you liar." [3]
“Of telling a lie, I am guilty, but then,
When I don’t pull out your all tongues ten."
Bringing Rama’s glories in his heart he flared.
He fixed his foot firm when assembly stared. [4]

“If you could move this foot even by an iota,

Rama would go back, I would be losing Sita."
Ravana said, “Me hark, O warriors profound,
840 Holding his foot, floor the monkey on the ground." [5]
Meghnad and so many other warriors strong,
Here there stood up, happy in the throng.
On it, all strength and devices bestow,
But the foot would not move, they go back, heads low. [6]

Foes of gods, again and again, make effort.

But the monkey’s foot would not stir by a jot.
Just as Adjutant, evil one can’t succeed.
To uproot the tree of ignorance, to be freed. [7]

Crores of warriors, as strong as Meghnad,
850 Stood up with joy and tried,
They failed, went back ashamed to their seats,
Having all skill and force employed. [34A]
Just as a saint’s mind would not leave morals,

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Come whatever difficulties may.

So monkey’s foot would not be leaving the ground.
Enemy’s pride was washed away. [34B]
Seeing monkey’s power all hopes they lost.
Ravana himself stood up at monkey’s account.
As he was to hold foot, Angad did say,
860 “Holding my foot is not, for welfare, your way. [1]

O Fool, why don’t you go and hold Rama’s feet?"

At this Ravana hesitatingly made a retreat.
He lost his splendor and all glory soon
As is the moon seen in sky at noon. [2]
He sat on his throne with his head bent low,
As if he had seen all his property go.
Rama is soul of Universe and is soul’s Lord.
Where is peace for him who is not in His accord? [3]

“O Parvati, at His mere turning of brow,

870 The world finds existence and does go,
Who could make grass adamant and adamant a grass
How could His messenger’s vow turn to be false?" [4]
Once again, Angad advised him morality,
But as death haunted him Ravan won’t agree.
Crushing foe’s pride, Rama’s glories Angad did say,
Son of Bali, thereon, was back on his way. [5]
“I’ll amuse you in the battlefield then kill,
Why shall I talk right now of my skill."
Angad had already killed Ravan’s son.
880 Hearing it Ravana was sorrowful anon. [6]
When demons saw Angad’s vow so successful.
They were restless, of fear their hearts were full. [7]

Crushing pride of enemy, happy monkey Angad,
Bali’s son, store of power,
Held, horripilating, lotus feet of Rama,
And with eyes full of water. [35A]

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As it had fallen dark, the ten headed went,

To his place in sorrowful mood.
His wife Mandodari did once again try,
890 To explain matters to her lord. [35B]
“My lord, consider and leave unwisdom.
To fight against Rama, you it does not become.
A line had been drawn by His younger brother,
You dared not cross it, that is your valour. [1]
My darling, can you a victory over Him gain,
The deeds of whose messenger are so plain?
A lion amongst monkeys to Lanka crossed over,
Just in mere sport, fearless to the core. [2]
He killed guards, ransacked whole garden,
900 In your knowledge he killed Akchhai, your son.
He burnt down town, raised it to sheer dust.
Where were then your pride, your power, your zest? [3]
It is no use, my lord, to continue bragging.
Consider for a moment, the advice I bring.
My lord, don’t Rama a mere men consider,
He is Lord of Universe, of unparalleled power. [4]

Even Marich knew glories of Rama’s arrow.

You ignored his advice, with your mind narrow.
So many princes were in Janak’s assembly,
910 You also were there with your matchless glory. [5]
Rama married Sita, breaking bow of Shankar,
Why didn’t you defeat Him in battle right there?
Indra’s son, Jayanat, knew a bit of His power,
Rama made him one eyed, but life did spare. [6]

You have seen the fate that Shurpnakha met,

Even then you did not feel shame or regret. [7]

Having killed Khar and Dushan and Viradh,
He killed Kabandh, just in fun.
He killed Bali and with a single arrow,

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Binda Prasad Khattri

920 I wish, His powers you had known. [36]

Who, as a mere fun, bridged Wide Ocean,
With His army, He camped at Subail Mountain.
Banner of Solar family, most merciful Ram(a),
For your sake, He sent a messenger therefrom. [1]

Before all assembly your powers he crushed,

As in a herd of elephants a lion had rushed.
Who has His servants like Angad and Hanuman
Warriors brave in battle and very valiant, [2]
Him, my lord, you again and again call man,
930 For false pride, prestige and ignorance ran.
Ha, lord, you have developed enmity with Ram(a),
Being in grasp of death, you will not have wisdom. [3]
Death never hits a person with stick in its hand,
Takes away morals, powers, wisdom to understand.
To whomsoever, death comes so near,
Like you, He is, lord, in delusion clear. [4]

You lost two sons and had your town ransacked
Even now, you can make up the loss.
Remember, Raghunath, Ocean of mercy,
940 Thereby win glories pious." [37]
Having heard his wife’s most biting speech,
As soon as day broke, assembly he did reach.
Puffed up with pride, he occupied a seat,
As if he did not with any fear ever meet. [1]
While at Subail, Rama called Angad to meet.
He came, bent his head at Rama’s lotus feet.
Rama seated him close, gave him every respect.
And said to him in a smiling aspect, [2]

“Son of Bali, tell me, it is a wonder.

950 I want to know from you truth in the matter.
Ravana is crown of demonical family,

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Matchless might of his, know all the worlds three. [3]

Four of his diadems, you to us, had thrown,
Tell us how you could lay your hands, thereon."
“Omniscient, Comforter of refugees, I pray.
They were King’s four virtues, not diadems they. [4]
Conciliation, fear, division and gifting,
Vedas say, are found in the heart of a king.
They are four feet for morality’s support,
960 Leaving him, they have come to You to report. [5]

Ten headed Ravan has no morality left.
He is against You and is to die.
O King of Kaushal, the virtues came to You.
From Ravana they all did fly." [38A]
Listening to great skillful presentation,
Rama had a smile, overall.
Then, son of Bali described in details,
All happenings of audience hall. [38B]
When He got all news about enemy’s powers,
970 Rama called a conference of all His minister.
And said, Lanka has four gates to enter;
“Our strategy of attack, let us confer." [1]
Sugriva, King of monkeys, Jamvant, King of bears,
And Vibhishan – each Lord Rama remembers.
They thought over the problem and came to decisions.
“Split up monkey’s force into four divisions." [2]

They appointed officers in charge of each,

Called officers to assemble somewhere at the beach.
They told officers of the glories of Rama
980 At which leaders roared and to parties ran. [3]
In spirits high, bend heads to Rama’s feet,
Holding tops of mountains, they run out for the feat.
“Success to Rama, King of Kaushal" all shout,
Monkeys, bears, challengingly roar about. [4]

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They knew how impregnable was Lanka’s fort,

But are fearless, Rama’s glories are their support.
Like rain clouds they surrounded Lanka all,
With mouth, sounds of kettle drums, bugles they call. [5]

“Victory to Rama", “Victory to Lakshman, Sugriva,
990 The King of monkeys" they shout.
With sounds like those of lions, they all
Very limits of powers, go about! [39]
Throughout Lanka there was a great tumult.
Most proud Ravana came to know of the insult.
He said “Look at boldness of these monkeys".
He laughed and called out great armies. [1]
He said. “Monkeys have come, following death’s call,
My demons were very hungry, one and all."
So saying, a loud laugher he displayed,
1000 “Providence gave them food without any effort made. [2]

My warriors go about, on all four sides,

Catch hold of monkeys, bears, eat them besides."
“Uma, Ravana is with pride, so puffed up,
As is a peewit which will sleep, its legs up." [3]
Taking leave, the demons went to their spheres,
They all held shootlets and fine spears.
Crossbars, clubs, spades, pikes, and scimitars.
They carried heavy clubs, great mountains - boundless. [4]

As flesh eating birds their wisdom renounce,

1010 Mistaking red stones for flesh, they pounce.
They don’t see the danger of breaking their beaks
So did the foolish demons dash out from the peaks. [5]

The demon warriors fully equipped with
Different weapons, arrows and bow,
In numbers exceeding tens of millions
On the turrets of fort did go. [40]
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On the turrets of rampart they look so fain,
As clouds sit on the Sumer Mountain.
Drums and kettle drums send warlike tunes,
1020 Stirring up warriors to seek fortunes, [1]
Many trumpets and numerous bugles sound,
In the hearts of cowards, great cracks are found.
They found monkeys and bears in multitudes,
With huge forms and with great fortitudes. [2]
They run, be it rugged ground or be it plain,
To make their way, they blow up mountain.
Crores of warriors grind teeth and roar.
Bite their lips and threatening words pour. [3]
On either side, loud yells form programme,
1030 Shouts of victory, for Ravana and for Ram(a).
The demons roll down rocks and boulders,
Monkeys catch and send them back as rejoinders. [4]

Many monkeys and bears, catch huge boulders,
And throw then as missiles on fort.
They come so sudden, catching feet of demons
Ground them, challenge and run is sport. [1]
Full of agility, and great dignity
To the tops of the fort they spring.
Bears and monkeys enter, places there,
1040 And there, Rama’s glories sing. [2]
Taking hold of each and every demon
And grasping him, monkeys run.
From the top of the fort to the ground they jump
Keeping themselves up, down demon. [41]

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It is glory of Rama that monkeys crush down,

Groups after groups of demons of renown.
Monkeys are soon on top of fort then.
“Victory to Rama" shout they, brilliant as sun. [1]
Hordes of demons flee helter skelter.
1050 As, at strong wind all clouds scatter.
All over was tumult and confusion
Wept for help patients, women and children. [2]

They all join and curse Ravana for fall.

While on the throne, death he invited for all.
Ravana heard there was panic, soldiers fled,
He called back running ones, in anger said. [3]
“Whomsoever I find turning deserter
I’ll personally slay him with my scimitar.
At my cost, you lived, enjoyed pleasures,
1060 Now in the battlefield, love for life enters." [4]
They were afraid, finding Ravana so enraged
Felt shame and furiously in battle engaged.
To die fighting befits brave warrior,
Thence forth they did not hold life dear. [5]

Those warriors equipped with different weapons
Threw challenge engaged in fight,
Made bears and monkeys so very restless
Thrashed them with clubs, tridents right. [42]
Struck with terror, monkeys began to flee.
1070 “Though, Uma, ultimately victorious would be."
Some say, “Where is Angad and where is Hanuman?
Where are Nila, Nala, Dwivid and Jamvant?" [1]
Hanuman was engaged at the western gate,
When he heard his company’s woeful fate.
He was meeting Meghnad at that front.
Gate would not break, it was no mere stunt. [2]
There came, in Hanuman’s heart great anger,
Roared loud that death like great warrior.

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Took a spring and was at fort of Lanka then.

1080 Towards Meghnad ran, holding a mountain. [3]

He smashed chariot, killed charioteer,

And at Meghnad’s chest gave kick severe.
The other driver, finding Meghnad in swoon.
Put him in another van, came home soon. [4]

Angad came to know that Hanuman had gone
To the fort and was there alone.
Brave son of Bali just took a great leap
And lo! At the fort he shone. [43]
Both monkeys were fearfully fighting the foe,
1090 In their hearts glories of Rama did glow.
Both dashed and were on Ravan’s palace,
From there Victory to Rama they did profess. [1]
They pulled down palace along with its dome.
Seeing it, in Ravan, great fear did come.
The womenfolk beat their breasts with hands,
“Now there are two monkeys of mischievous brands." [2]
Frowning at them monkeys, bring about terror,
And described glories of Rama, clear.
Holding gold pillars, they said in confidence,
1100 “Let us now allow serious violence to commence." [3]
They reared and plunged into enemy’s throng,
Began crushing them with their arms strong.
Gave a kick to one and slapped the other.
“Here is the fruit, why didn’t you Rama remember?" [4]

Rubbing one against other, they kill the demons,
Tear off their heads and throw,
The heads fall and burst in front of Ravana
As the vessels full of Curd broke through. [44]

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If they come to find leaders amongst them,

1110 Hurling by their feet they’ld throw them to Ram(a).
Their names were given out by Vibhishan,
And Rama sent them all to His own domain. [1]
Fiendish demons who flesh of Brahmins ate,
Found place, for which great Yogis covet.
“Uma, Rama is of soft heart, full of mercy.
He says, Demons remember Me though as enemy. [2]

With this thought in mind He gives salvation.

Tell me, Uma, where is so merciful one.
They are unlucky, foolish, who knowing Him such
1120 Don’t leave doubts, don’t remember Him much." [3]
“Into fort have entered Angad and Hanuman."
Of this, gracious Rama thus gives description.
The two monkey in Lanka seem in their turn,
As if two Mandarachals the ocean do churn. [4]

Having crushed foe’s forces with force of their arms,
Finding the day reaching its end,
They two jumped down, getting rid of fatigue.
Lord Rama they came to attend. [45]
They placed their heads at Rama’s lotus feet,
1130 Most happily did Rama those warriors greet.
Rama cast His merciful looks on them.
Their fatigue was gone, looks quite frolic come. [1]

Finding Angad and Hanuman absent.

Other monkey warriors too turned and went.
Under cover of darkness demons pressed.
Crying, “Victory to Ravana" on monkeys rushed. [2]
The monkeys came back at attack of demons,
Clashes, here and there, took serious turns.
Challenging, one group fights with the other.
1140 Brave ones, will not take defeat either. [3]
Huge warriors the demons, so black in colours,
Different coloured monkeys had similar features.

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Both parties are brave and are equibalanced.

They fought furiously and angrily fenced. [4]

It looked as if winter and rain clouds clashed.

Driven by strong winds, one against other dashed.
Akampan, Atikaya found morale falling.
They took to trickery and adopted cunning. [5]
In an instant complete darkness was spread,
1150 Came rainfall of blood, rocks, dust overhead. [6]

Finding it pitch dark and on all ten sides,
There was confusion in the monkeys.
One could not see the other of his own rank
Here and there shrieked all these. [46]
Rama saw through the whole game of the demons
To Angad and Hanuman, He sent summons.
Told them of the situation prevailing then,
Ran valiant monkeys most furious again. [1]
Then merciful Rama restrung His bow,
1160 And shot towards sky a fire arrow.
Everywhere it was light, darkness disappeared,
As doubts vanish as soon as knowledge appeared. [2]

Bears and monkeys saw that the light had come,

They ran happily, fear, fatigue all gone.
Hanuman and Angad loudly roared in the fight,
Hearing which the demons were soon on the flight. [3]
Monkeys, beers, catch hold of fleeing demons,
Floor them on the ground, do unique functions.
They hold them by feet and throw them in the sea.
1170 Crocodiles, snakes, milters ate them up, so free. [4]

Some were killed, some were injured, while some
Ran into fort for safety.

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Bears and monkeys thereafter, roared aloud.

Creating confusion in the enemy. [47]
Now it was night, all four divisions went,
Where Rama, Lord of Kaushala, was present.
With merciful eyes saw them, Lord Ram(a).
Fatigue of monkeys was all at once gone. [1]
In Lanka, the ten-headed called ministers,
1180 Showed to them casualty list of warriors.
“The monkeys have destroyed half our force.
What is now to be done? Let me think out, of course." [2]
There was one Malyavanta, an old demon,
He was minister and father of mother of Ravan(a).
He spoke morality, simple and pure.
“Listen to me, O Ravana, I tell you the cure, [3]

Ever since you have brought Sita here by force,

One cannot describe evil omen’s full course,
Vedas, Puranas, Rama’s glories profess.
1190 One against Him cannot hope for happiness. [4]

Hiranyaksh and his brother, Hiranyakashyap
Brave Madhu, Kaitabh who killed in norm,
The same Lord God, great ocean of mercy,
Has taken on earth human form. [48A]
For the forest of evil, He is wild fire,
House of Virtues, knowledge and bliss.
He is death and is worshipped by Brahma and Shiva
And with Him, enmity you profess! [48B]
Give Him Sita back, forgetting enmity,
1200 Remember real friend, Ocean of mercy."
His words pierced heart of Ravana as arrow,
“Blacken your face, unlucky, from here, go! [1]
You’re so old or I would have given thrashing.

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Don’t show me your face as long as living."

Malyavant concluded within his own mind
He is going to be killed by the Lord Kind. [2]
He rose, went, uttering bad words to Ravana.
Meghnad, filled with anger, spoke thereon,
“See tomorrow my wonderful performance.
1210 I’ll do more than I say at this instance." [3]

At the words of his son, Ravana got some solace,

Took him in his lap with affection and grace.
Night passed in discussion, it was now day.
At the four gates, monkeys again held sway. [4]
Angry monkeys besieged impregnable fort.
There was wild confusion in town and court.
Demons came to attack well equipped with weapons.
From fort rolled down boulders of mountains. [5]

Demons boulders rolled, of mountains untold,
1220 And fired balls from the cannon.
They fly with a roar, as if adamants pour.
Thundered as for annihilation. [1]
Warrior monkeys meet, bodies with wounds replete,
Torn up, yet would not take defeat.
They catch the boulders, throw back as rejoinders,
They killed demons at their own seat. [2]
When Meghnad heard that the monkeys once more
Laid siege on the Lanka’s fort,
He came down and moved out to the front,
1230 With war band as his escort. [49]
“Where are the Kaushal Princes twain,
Famous all over as great bowmen?
Where are Nala, Nila, Sugriva, Dwivid,
Angad, Hanuman – of power, limit? [1]

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Where is the treacherous brother, Vibhishan?

I’ll kill all today and particularly him."
He placed arrow on the bow, so saying.
With anger, he pulled to the ear the string. [2]
He set a number of arrows to fly,
1240 Like winged snakes, they flew all over the sky.
Here and there monkeys were found dying.
There was none to venture facing or defying, [3]

From the battlefield, monkeys and bears fled.

The idea to fight, they all had shed,
There was not one bear or a single monkey,
Who had anything other than breath in body. [4]

Then Meghnad shot ten arrows at each.
Monkey warriors fell on the floor.
It was thereafter, that valiant Meghnad
1250 Gave out great lion’s roar. [50]
When Hanuman noticed his party so crushed,
In furious rage, like very death, he rushed.
He at once pulled out a huge mountain,
And threw it as missile on Meghnad then. [1]
He noticed it coming, flew up in sky,
Left chariot, charioteer and horses to die.
Challenge on challenge sent Hanuman enraged,
Meghnad would not close in as his power he gauged. [2]

Meghnad managed to come near to Ram(a).

1260 Bad words he commenced to address to Him.
Missiles, arms and weapons he threw numberless,
In mere sport Rama rendered this useless. [3]
Seeing Rama’s power, the fool was enraged.
In practicing illusion, himself he engaged.
As one holding in his hand snake insignificant
Would try to create fear in an adjutant. [4]


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Under sway of whose mighty Maya, there live

Shiva, Brahma, all small and great,
To Him the evil minded Meghnad tried
1270 His little Maya’s to demonstrate. [51]
He flew and hot fire from sky rained,
From earth burst forth waters and drained.
Male, female, fiends and spectre,
Dance all over and say, “Kill, murder." [1]
Faeces and pus, blood, hair and bones,
They rained and sometimes rained stones.
Storms of dust such darkness shed,
One could not see his own hand spread. [2]
In monkeys, the fraud brought confusion,
1280 Death for them, they thought, was clear outcome.
Rama gently smiled at demon’s frolic.
In monkeys, He noticed fear and panic. [3]
All ’Maya’ He ended with a single arrow,
As at sunrise all darkness does go.
On bears and monkeys cast look merciful.
They were whole, anxious for fight fearful. [4]

Securing the kind permission of Rama
Lakshman, irritated, did go,
In company of Angad and other monkeys,
1290 Holding his arrows and bow. [52]
Eyes are reddish, arms long, his chest spread,
Colour white as Himalayas with a tinge of red.
From the other side, Ravana too sent warriors.
They rushed with weapons and arms diverse. [1]
Monkeys ran crying, “Victory to Rama".
Carried trees, nails, mountains as their arm.
They grappled with their equals in the foe.
Both parties keen for victory go. [2]

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They give blows, kick hard, teeth deep send.

1300 On drubbing the demons, great threats extend.
“Hit him, beat him, arrest him and kill,
Break heads, pull out limbs with all skill." [3]
Such cries in regions nine resound.
Trunks, huge headless, huge and there round.
Gods view the spectacle from up in sky.
Sometimes they laugh and sometimes they sigh. [4]

Blood flowed to hollows and cogulated,
Is now seen covered with dust.
It looks as if over heap of embers
1310 Ash, here and there, does rest. [53]
The wounded warriors, sitting still, appear
Like trees with red flowers covered over.
Both warriors, Meghnad and Lakshman,
Meet each other, furious, again and again. [1]

One is not able to overcome the other,

Demon takes to Maya and misconduct ever.
At this Lakshman was so very enraged,
Chariot, charioteer to ground he raised. [2]
He developed assaults in great anger,
1320 Meghnad found very life in danger.
The son of Ravana then thought in his mind,
Lakshman was, to take his life, inclined. [3]

He shot the special missile ‘Enemy Killer’.

It hit Lakshmana’s chest very severe.
With the shock of the missile he fell in swoon.
Went, near him, fearlessly the demon. [4]

Warriors hundred crores, very like Meghnad,
Tried hard to lift Lakshman,
How could they lift Shesha, holder of the world?
1330 They therefore went back in shame. [54]

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O Girija, whose anger of fire can burn
Fourteen Universes to ash can turn,
Who could ever defeat Him in the battlefield,
To whom, gods, men, all world do yield? [1]
This mystery is followed by those men alone
On whom Rama, His very great mercy has shown.
As it fell dark, parties to quarters returned.
The grouping was being held, at each end. [2]
Omnipresent, unconquered, mine of mercy Ram(a),
1340 Lord of Universe asked Where is Lakshman?"
In the meantime Hanuman brought Lakshman there.
So very sad was Rama when He saw His brother. [3]
Jamvant said, “There is Sukhen Physician,
Living in Lanka, let us, soon send for him."
Hanuman took small form in a moment,
Brought Sukhen and his whole house in an instant. [4]

Sukhen physician approaching Lord Rama,
Placed his head at Rama’s lotus feet.
He named herb and the mountain and Hanuman
1350 To go and fetch he did entreat. [55]
Keeping lotus feet of Shri Rama at heart,
Thought of His powers and at once did start.
A spy told Ravana of the development,
Ravan hastened add to house of Kalnemi went. [1]
He related to Kalnemi all the matter.
He beat his head repeatedly at the affair.
“Who burnt your town before your very eyes
Who could prove a hindrance when he flies? [2]
Repeat Rama’s name and your welfare ensure,
1360 Avoiding all other useless talks, to be sure.
Keep before your eyes dark form, beautiful,
Which is like blue lotus, to the eyes helpful. [3]

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Leave silly notions of egoism, mine, thine.

To the sleep of night of ignorance don’t incline.
Could he be overcome in battle even in dream,
Who can devour snake of death, it does seem." [4]

Hearing him, the ten-headed became furious,
Kalnemi, in his mind, did conceive,
“He is drowned in the ocean of sin, I prefer
1370 Death from Rama’s messenger to receive." [56]
Thus saying, a very great fraud he displayed,
A tank, temple, beautiful garden he laid.
Saw hermitage, thought of getting saint’s permission,
He would quench thirst and reduce exhaustion. [1]

The demon sat there in the garb of a saint

With a view to deceive Lord of Maya’s servant.
Son of Pawan went and bowed his head
He began telling glories of Rama instead. [2]
“Furious battle comes between Rama and Ravana.
1380 Rama must win, I have no doubt therein.
O brother, I can visualize all from here,
Transcendent vision of knowledge, I bear." [3]

Asked for water, he offered his pot wooden.

“This much water won’t do" said Hanuman,
“Go bathe in the pool and hasten back to me.
You will get knowledge as I shall initiate thee." [4]

He stepped in water and at very instant,
His foot, a female alligator rent.
He killed her, she assumed supernatural form
1390 On celestial aeroplane she went." [57]
“By your view monkey, I am freed from sin,
The curse has been washed that the Saint had given.

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I tell you true, monkey, he is not real saint.

He is downright demon with saintly paint." [1]

So saying the celestial damsel went.

Son of Pawan approached the pseudo saint.
“O Saint, first receive teacher’s donation to thee,
We’ll consider later the initiation of me." [2]
So saying he hurled him down by the head,
1400 He showed his identity when almost dead,
At point of death, “Rama Rama" he did mention,
Hanuman heard, was glad, went on his mission. [3]

He saw the mountain, herb he could not know.

He suddenly uprooted the mountain so.
Holding the mountain, even in night, he flew.
He passed over town of Ayodhya too. [4]

Bharat observed a huge form flying in sky
And thought it was perhaps demon.
Pulling bow string up to his ear, he shot
1410 A headless arrow right then. [58]
The moment arrow of Bharat hit Hanuman,
He fell unconscious saying “Rama, Rama, Ram(a)".
Bharat heard these sweet words and he ran,
Comes close to the monkey as quick as he can. [1]
Finding monkey restless, embraced him to heart.
He won’t rise in spite of efforts on his part.
Bharat is so very sad from within and without,
With eyes full of water he thus speaks out, [2]

“The creator who put me so much against Ram(a),

1420 Has once more done me unbearable harm.
If, in my thought, words and body, I possess.
For the lotus feet of Rama, love, faultless, [3]
If Rama is to me favourable and fain,
May monkey be free from fatigue and pain."
Hearing these words, monkey sat up wakeful,
Saying “Victory, Victory to Lord of Kaushal." [4]

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Body bristles, eyes with water shine,
Bharat hugs Hanuman close to his bosom.
Remembering gem of Raghu’s line,
Boundless love for Rama, heart could not contain.
1430 [59]
“Tell me the welfare of House of Pleasure,
Of mother Janaki and of younger brother."
Hanuman said to Bharat all history in brief.
He felt sad, heart was asunder with grief. [1]
“Ah Lord, why did I on this earth come?
Could be of no service to my Lord Ram(a)."
He read the situation, himself he controlled,
Later on, addressed Hanuman and told, [2]

“Might be that delay occurred in your journey,

1440 It would be too late, if dawn came to be.
With your mountain sit on the arrow of mine,
It will take you to Lord of Mercy in no time." [3]
This talk stirred Hanuman’s sense of pride -
“Will arrow carry my weight if I ride."?
But he thought of Rama’s great power, later,
With joined palms, praying to feet, did utter, [4]

“Remembering Your power, O Lord, Master,
I shall be going very fast."
So saying he sought permission, touched feet,
1450 Took up journey in all haste. [60A]
Son of Pawan, praising again and again,
Bharat’s might, virtues, nature,
His love boundless for the feet of Rama,
Did his long journey cover. [60B]

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In Lanka, Rama looking at Lakshman,

Spoke as if He were only a man.
“Midnight has come but not Hanuman".
Rama lifted and embraced Lakshman, [1]
“O brother, you could never see Me sorry,
1460 Your nature has ever been soft lovely.
For My sake you left father and mother,
Did heat, cold, winds, in forests suffer. [2]

O brother, where is that affectionate feeling?

Why do you not rise at My great mourning?
If I had known that I would be losing brother,
I would have ignored father’s order. [3]
Lakshman, wealth, house, sons, wife, family,
Come and go in the world repeatedly.
But one cannot find real brother again.
1470 Think of it and soon consciousness regain. [4]
As a bird without wings, and a snake without gem,
Or a trunkless elephant does miserable become,
That will be My life without you, brother,
If it be Lord’s will that I should live here. [5]
For wife, losing My good brother I lo.
With what face shall I to Ayodhya go?
I’ld gladly suffer all disgrace hence.
Loss of wife doesn’t make great difference. [6]
But now this hard heart shall bear on
1480 Both, ignominy and separation.
Lakshman, you’re your mother’s singular son,
So, to her you are life’s support Lakshman. [7]

To Me she entrusted you, holding your hand,

Thinking Me comforter, benefactor grand.
What answer shall I, therefore, give her?
Why do you not rise and tell me, brother?" [8]
Rescuer from worries feels worried so,
From His lotus eyes, great tears flow.
“Uma, whole indivisible Rama acts so.
1490 His great love, for His devotees does show." [9]


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When Rama’s wailings they heard,

Monkeys were restless and so very grieved.
Son of Pawan, then appeared,
As element of courage in pathetic setting. [61]
Very happily did Rama embrace Hanuman,
Lord, so graceful, of knowledge an ocean.
The physician then made full use of the drug,
Happily rose Lakshman, looking smug, [1]
Rama hugged His brother close to His bosom.
1500 Bears and monkeys also cheered up soon.
Hanuman then put physician back home,
Just in the way that he had used to bring him. [2]
When this news reached ears of Ravana,
In sore pain he beat head again and again,
Restless Ravana went to his brother Kumbhkaran,
Used all devices to rouse him and awaken. [3]
Kumbhkaran woke and then he seemed to be
As death itself had assumed furious body.
He said to Ravana, “Brother will you tell me.
1510 Why I find your face sad and gloomy?" [4]
Then proud Ravana told him the whole history,
And how he had stolen away Janaki.
And how monkeys had shattered the demons,
Killed warriors great and valiant ones. [5]

“Durmukh, gods’ enemy, the human-eater,

Atikaya and Akampan great warrior,
Mahodar and other such brave demons,
Lay dead in battlefield, valiant ones." [6]

When Kumbhkaran heard Ravan’s speech,
1520 He was restless with sorrow and said,
“Having stolen mother of Universe, you fool.
Wish welfare and happiness instead? [62]

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O King of demons, you made a mistake,

What is good of your now making me awake?
Even now, O brother, give up all pride,
Take His name, your welfare is guaranteed. [1]
O, Ten-headed, is Lord Rama a man
Who has in His service one like Hanuman?
O brother, you committed a great blunder,
1530 That you did not tell me the case earlier. [2]

My lord, you have made one your enemy,

Whom gods, Shankar, Brahma serve humbly.
I would have told you knowledge that Narad gave.
But now, it is too late, that way to behave. [3]
Now let me finally embrace you well,
Of full use of eyes I’ld like to avail.
I’ld go and the blue bodied Lotus eyes see.
The great liberator from distresses three." [4]

Remembering the form and glories of Rama,
1540 He was lost in love for a moment.
Ravana sent for crores of jars of alcohol.
And buffaloes, at that instant. [63]
Having taken meat and wine all poured,
Kumbhkaran, like very loud thunder roared.
In deep intoxication, hankering for war,
Came out of the fort, with no soldier. [1]

Seeing him, Vibhishan stepped forward,

Fell at his feet and own name mentioned.
Kumbhkaran picked up brother and embraced.
1550 Taking him to be Rama’s devotee, he graced. [2]
“My brother, Ravana had kicked me out,
When I only wished him well throughout.
Driven by the disgrace, to Rama I came,
Being humble and meek I was loved by the same." [3]
“My son, Ravana is now under grip of death,
To the best of advice he never heedeth.

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Well done! How fortunate you are Vibhishan!

You’re an ornament, for the family of demon. [4]

My brother, you have illumined my family,

1560 When you opted for Ocean of Beauty, Glory. [5]

Remember Rama’s name, leaving all cunning
In thought, in words and in deed.
I am in death’s hold, know not mine thine,
So leave me alone indeed." [64]
Vibhishan turned back at brother words
And came to Rama, ornament of three worlds.
“O Lord, Kumbhkaran valiant is coming.
With form, huge as mountain in his bearing." [1]
As soon as the monkeys heard Vibhishan,
1570 With a shout, all brave dashed forward then.
They pulled out huge trees and huge mountains,
Threw them on Kumbhkaran with cries and grins. [2]
Bears, monkeys throw crores of mountains and trees,
On Kumbhkaran and at a time all these.
But neither body nor determination failed,
As an elephant with swallow wort fruits is hailed. [3]

Then son of Pawan gave him a great blow.

He beat his head and fell on ground below.
He rose again and hit back son of Pawan,
1580 Who feeling giddy, fell on ground anon. [4]
Kumbhkaran threw Nala, Nila also on floor.
Ground was littered with many a great warrior.
There was panic, monkeys were running away.
Fear ruled all, none could stand in the fray. [5]

Kumbhkaran of great might and strength
Felled Angad, Sugriva senseless.
Holding King of monkeys under his arm,

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He moved with pride and prowess. [65]

“Uma, Rama, as men, does acts display,
1590 As does adjutant with little snakes play.
He who can kill death by a turn of eye brow,
When does a battle suit Him as the one now? [1]
Through it, He spreads glories, world purifying,
Singing which, world’s ocean will cross the trying."
Unconsciousness gone, Hanuman recovered.
To find out Sugriva, here and there, endeavoured. [2]

Sugriva’s unconsciousness too was gone,

From under his arm, as dead he dropped down.
With his teeth he cut Kumbhkaran’s ears and nose.
1600 He came to know so to sky Sugriva rose. [3]
He held Sugriva by the leg, and floored him down.
He got up quickly and hit Kumbhkaran.
Then the valiant, Sugriva, approached Ram(a),
Saying “Victory, Victory to the mercy’s ocean." [4]
Kumbhkaran finding his nose and ears gone,
Felt humiliation, full of anger went on.
Brave by nature now without nose and ears,
Seeing him, monkey forces entertained fears. [5]

Saying “Victory, Victory, Victory to Lord Rama",
1610 Monkeys rushed with an outcry.
Numberless trees and mountains, all at once,
On Kumbhkaran they did try. [66]
Kumbhkaran, in a warlike mood, to oppose,
Faced up as if death itself in fury rose.
He began devouring monkeys crores and crores
As swarm of locusts in mountain cave pours. [1]
He killed crores by mere rubbing with body.
Crushed crores to dust in his fearful fury.
The monkeys and bears he swallowed, those

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1620 Ran out through his mouth, ears and nose. [2]
In war mania, the demon so looked,
As for his food, Creator, Universe had booked.
Even brave ones fled, would not come back on call,
Ears would not listen, eyes – not see at all. [3]
Kumbhkaran scattered away force of monkeys,
Getting this news, dashed forth demon’s other armies.
When Rama saw monkey’s forces all restless,
While foe, to different troops had full access. [4]

Said lotus-eyed Rama at that instant,
1630 “Sugriva, Vibhishan, Lakshman,
You look after our forces, I’ll go,
To see force and power of demon." [67]
With quiver on His waist and Sharang bow
Rama went out to crush forces of the foe.
Lord first made His bow twang in the air,
At which, forces of foe lost power to hear. [1]
Rama, of firm determination, sent one lac arrows,
Each one, as deadly winged serpent, goes.
Lots of arrows flew here and there, all around
1640 Demoniacal warriors began falling on ground. [2]
Their heads, limbs, feet, trunk, get separated.
In hundred pieces some warriors were mutilated.
The wounded ones, whirl about, fall on the ground.
They rise and are once again battling found. [3]
As arrows hit, they roar like loud thunder,
Some, at the very sight of arrows, disappear.
Huge headless bodies of demons were running
“Catch him, hold him, kill him" they were crying. [4]

In an instant the great arrows shot by the Lord,
1650 Tore asunder the warring demons.

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Having done its work, each arrow of Lord Rama

Back into His quiver returns. [68]
Kumbhkaran thought, noticing the event’s course,
That Rama in an instant destroyed his force.
The great warrior’s anger rose high
He made a roar like tremendous cry. [1]
In anger he pulled out mountains in crores,
Threw them on groups of warriors of foe’s force.
Lord Rama saw huge mountains coming down,
1660 With arrows reduced them to dust anon. [2]
Rama, His anger flared, pulled His bow with might,
Most fearful arrows He sent outright.
They went out through the body of Kumbhkaran,
As do flashes of lightning into clouds run. [3]

From Kumbhkaran’s black body blood so flows,

As stream of red ochre from soot hill goes.
Noticing him restless, ran monkeys in band,
He laughed finding bears and monkeys at hand. [4]

Kumbhkaran raised a very tremendous roar,
1670 Caught monkeys in crore and crore.
Dashed them against ground like an elephant,
By ten-headed Ravan he swore. [69]
Bears and monkeys in great terror flew,
As sheep do, when a wolf comes in view.
“Uma, bears and monkeys were hard pressed.
Their utter cries painful and distressed." [1]
This demon is very much like famine,
To bring the country of monkeys to ruin.
“O Rama, mercy’s rain bearing cloud,
1680 “Save us, Protect us", they cry aloud. [2]

When pitiful cries reached ears of Ram(a),

He stood with bow and arrows in form.

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He put all bears and monkeys behind.

Thus moved the mighty, angry in His mind. [3]

He pulled His bow and shot hundred arrows.

Into body of Kumbhkaran, each one goes.
In the demon, arrows great anger waked,
As he rushed, mountains moved and earth quaked. [4]
He pulled up a mountain with a view to throw.
1690 Rama cut down his very limb with His arrow.
He took up another by his hand left,
Of that arm too Rama made him bereft. [5]

With both limbs gone, so looked the demon

As, void of wings, was Mandarachal Mountain.
He looked at Rama with great anger,
As if all the three worlds he would devour. [6]

He raised a terrible roar and ran
With his mouth gaping wide,
Gods and perfect ones in the sky
1700 “Ho, Ho, Ho", they all cried. [70]
The merciful Lord saw gods in fear.
He pulled bow string right up to His ear.
In demon’s month lots of arrows abound,
Even then the valiant won’t fall to the ground. [1]
With mouth full of arrows, he dashed quickly,
As if quiver itself assumed form deadly.
Then Rama sent out a sharp arrow.
Right off, from the trunk did demon’s head go. [2]

And that head fell in front of Ravan,

1710 He became restless as a snake losing gem.
Kumbhkaran’s trunk dashed, earth shook in its train,
Then Rama cut his body also in twain. [3]
The two parts fell as mountains from sky,
Crushing demons and bears, and monkeys nigh.
The luminous soul of Kumbhkaran entered
Into mouth of Rama; gods, saints wondered. [4]

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Gods beat their drums in sky, happy,

Rained flowers and praised Lord Rama’s glory.
On praying to Rama, gods turned homeward.
1720 ‘t was then, that on the seen Narad appeared. [5]
He sang, from sky, Rama’s valiant glories.
His fine performance, Rama’s heart did please.
He asked Rama soon to kill demon Ravan.
Rama graced the field of battle then. [6]

Battleground does grace, Rama of Raghu’s race
King of Kaushal, matchless in might.
Lotus eyes are red, face sweat does shed.
Blood marks on his body look bright. [1]
Rama’s both hands go, on His bow and arrow
1730 Bears and monkeys stand by,
Tulsidas says, thousand tongued Shesh
Cannot describe the aspect high. [2]
“To a demon so low, mine of vices
He granted His rank superior.
How very unintelligent they are, Girija.
Who do not such Rama remember?" [71]
Both armies returned at the end of the day
For the warriors, it was very tiring fray.
By the grace of Rama, power of monkeys increased,
1740 As fire is ablaze, dry grass if it seized. [1]
The demons decrease by day and by night,
As self-praise ruins one’s glories and might.
The ten-headed is in mourning so deep,
Head of his brother, on his chest, oft does keep. [2]

The women beat their breast and cry raise,

Describing Kumbhkaran’s glories and praise.
At this point Meghnad made his entry.

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Consoled his father, quoting from history. [3]

“You will witness tomorrow my performance,
1750 Why shall I talk tall of it now in advance?
From gods I got as boon - power and a car.
I did not display them to anyone so far." [4]
In boastful talks, the night was over,
Forces of monkeys came, at doors four.
On one side was monkey’s most deadly throng,
On the other were demon warriors strong. [5]
From each side warriors fought for victory,
Adjutant, one cannot describe it fully. [6]

In the car full of Maya, talked of before,
1760 Meghnad went up in sky.
The army of monkeys was put in terror,
When he laughed and roared so high. [72]
Equipped with missiles, pikes and sword,
Numerous other weapons of the war world,
Stones, clubs, and spades he throws,
Sends rain of sharp piercing arrows, [1]
Which covered all the ten directions,
As rain cloud of Megha’s planet functions.
“Catch him, Kill him" such shouts all abound.
1770 But the person who kills, is not to be found. [2]

With rocks and trees, monkeys fly high,

Not finding the killer, they come back and sigh,
Fraudulent demon’s arrows turned into cage,
Odd valleys, ways and caves, with rage. [3]
Monkeys stopped, there was no way out there.
As if mountains in Indra’s captivity were.
Nala, Nila, Angad and son of Pawan,
Were made restless by Meghnad demon. [4]
And later Lakshman, Vibhishan and Sugriv(a)
1780 With arrows, he turned their bodies into sieve.

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At that, Meghnad turned and faced Ram(a),

Shot arrows that strike as snakes of charm. [5]

Rama, free, endless, indivisible, pure,

Was in the noose of snakes – in sport sure.
He is Supreme, Indivisible, Matchless Master,
Puts up shows different, as an actor, [6]
He was in snake-noose, just to beautify war,
But in the gods, that brought about terror. [7]

“Girija, by merely reciting Whose name
1790 Worldly ties, men make loose.
Could that Omnipresent, support of Universe,
Ever be tied in any noose? [73]
Activities of Rama with qualities, Gauri
Logic of wisdom, speech can’t reach really.
It is therefore that men of knowledge and recluse
Bid farewell to logic and His name choose." [1]
Meghnad made monkeys and bears restless,
Then he came up and loose words did address.
At that, Jamvant said. “Rogue just wait."
1800 Hearing him Meghnad was in furious state. [2]

“I took you to be old and hence forgave

And now you throw challenge to me, O knave."
So saying a shining trident he threw.
Jamvant held it by hand and running through. [3]
Pushed it into chest of Meghnad well.
That gods’ enemy felt giddy and fell.
Jamvant, holding him by the leg whirled round
Proved his strength by dashing him, on the ground. [4]

As blessed by boon, Meghnad won’t die -

1810 Jamvant threw him by the leg on Lanka high.
While there, gods soon dispatched adjutant
Who approached Rama that very instant. [5]

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Adjutant, King of birds, held and ate

All snakes, fraud had created.
As “Maya" did not remain thereafter,
Forces of monkeys were glad. [74A]
Monkeys, infuriated, then ran up
With nails, trees, rocks, mountains.
The demon restless made hasty retreat
1820 And went into fort in pains. [74B]
Meghnad regained his consciousness,
Seeing father in front, felt shame in excess.
With a view to perform Yajna for victory,
He entered mountain cave immediately. [1]
On the other side Vibhishan thought in his mind,
Said, “Lord, matchless in valour and kind,
Meghnad is performing an evil ceremony,
Tormentor of gods, fraudulent, and silly. [2]

O Lord, if his worship ends successfully,

1830 Victory over him will not be easy."
When Rama came to know of it, He was go glad
Calling Angad and other monkeys, He said, [3]
“You, brothers, all go there with Lakshman
And upset the Pooja ceremony of demon.
Lakshman, kill the demon in straight fight,
I am pained to see, gods are in fright. [4]
Listen to me, brother, hit with power, wisdom,
So that you successfully kill the demon.
And you, Jamvant, Sugriva Vibhishan,
1840 With your forces always be with Lakshman." [5]
When Lakshman received Rama’s orders, lo,
Tying quiver to waist, tip topped His bow,
Lakshman, cool in war, thought of glories of Ram(a),
Spoke, grave as thunder, of his programme. [6]
“If I come back today without killing the giant,
I may not be considered Rama’s servant.

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Even if he were helped by a hundred Shankars,.

Lakshman shall kill him, by Rama he swears." [8]

Bowing his head to Rama’s feet, left at once
1850 Shesh, incarnated as Lakhan.
Angad, Nila, Nala and Mayand and followed
Together with valiant Hanuman. [75]
The monkeys then came and found that knave
Of blood and buffaloes sacrifices gave.
They did all to upset entire performance.
But he would not move, they praised him hence. [1]
Yet he would not stir, they caught him by hair,
They give him kicks and run away from there.
Meghnad pursued them with a trident,
1860 Monkeys came where Lakhan was at that instant. [2]
Maddened by fury there too came the demon,
And raised great roars on roars, often.
Hanuman and Angad ran, with anger profound,
Hitting their breast with trident he laid them on ground [3]
Aiming at Lakshman, his trident demon threw,
With his arrows Lakshman cut it down in two.
Price Angad and Hanuman rose up again,
They did strike Meghnad but that was in vain. [4]

As he would not die, the two returned sore,

1870 Meghnad, coming at their heels, gave great roar.
Lakshman saw him as death with anger fraught,
Most fearful arrows from his bow, he shot. [5]
Meghnad saw arrows coming as on adamant,
He therefore turned invisible at the instant.
The demon took forms different, as he fought,
Sometimes he was visible, sometimes he was not. [6]

Finding him invisible, monkeys were in fear,

Then Lakshman – The Shesha – was in great anger.
In Lakshman’s mind came thought strong
1880 That he had been sporting with him too long. [7]

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He thought of the glories of King of Kaushal,

Straightened his arrow, challenging the uncivil.
The arrow flew and entered right in his heart
While dying, from all cunning he did depart. [8]

“Where is Rama? And where is brother Lakshman?"
So saying, his soul was out.
“Blessed, fortunate, indeed has been your mother."
Angad and Hanuman did shout. [76]
Hanuman lifted his body and was not sore.
1890 He came back, placing it at Lanka’s door.
Hearing of his death, gods, heavenly birds.
In their planes came in sky all lords. [1]
They beat drums loud and flowers they rain,
Sing Rama’s pure glories in sweetest strain.
“Victory to infinite, to world’s support,
For gods, You proved, Lord, ultimate resort." [2]

On praising, the perfect and gods returned.

To ocean of mercy, Lakhan thereon turned.
When Ravan heard news of the death of his son.
1900 He swooned and fell on the ground anon. [3]
Mandodari began wailing loudly,
Cried and wept and beat her breast badly.
Citizens struck with sorrow, were restless,
They condemned Ravana as mean senseless. [4]

Then Ravan gave consolation to women
By employing various ways.
“Consider coolly, by nature transitory
Is whole Universe", he says. [77]
Ravana gives out knowledge to the other people,
1910 Talks are pure and holy, he himself is evil.

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There are many who, to others, deliver sermon.

But few, who would themselves be acting therein. [1]

The night had ended and there was now sunrise,

At the four doors were groups of bears monkeys.
Ravan called his warriors before him and said,
“Of the battlefield whosoever feels afraid, [2]
He is welcome, in that case to withdraw right here,
If he flees from the battlefield, won’t find cheer.
I sought war counting on arm’s power,
1920 If the foe attacked us I will give him answer." [3]

So saying he got a chariot, fast as wind,

Bands played war tunes that they could find.
Thus moved demons, warriors of matchless power,
It seemed as if storm of soot blew there. [4]
Omens, bad and innumerable, there occur.
Ravana, proud of his power, would not consider. [5]

Proud Ravana won’t mind, omens of good bad kind,
Weapons fall from the grip of one’s hands,
Fall from chariots giants, shriek horses, elephants
1930 They run away from ground in bands. [1]
Jackals, vultures howl prey, crows and donkeys caw, bray,
Dogs bark, in very great numbers.
Owls so loudly hoot, cause great fear to boot,
As if they were, of death, messengers. [2]
Could one, deep in ignorance and against Rama
Lustful and to creatures unkind,
Ever benefit by wealth or by omens sacred
And ever possess peace of mind? [78]
Thus moved out countless forces of demons.
1940 Of four types there were many battalions.

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Carriers, conveyances, chariots numerous,

Flags and banners were there of colours various. [1]

Bands of intoxicated elephants moved on,

As if clouds of rain were by wind, drifted on.
Groups of warriors in uniforms, of different hues,
Valiant in war and knowing fraudulent clues, [2]
Most wonderful forces were there, on the view,
As if, brave spring had equipped forces anew.
When they moved, cardinal elephants did shake,
1950 Oceans became restless, mountains did quake. [3]

Dust rose high and the sun hid in darkness,

Wind got calm, earth was rendered restless,
Drums and tom-toms furious notes did blaze,
As rain clouds of great deluge thunder raise. [4]
Bugles, trumpets, clarinets play tunes heroic
Hearing which the hearts of valiant beat quick.
All brave warriors, like lions, do roar,
Describing their powers and prowess galore. [5]
Ravan says. “Great veterans, listen to me, please,
1960 Crush down hordes of bears and of monkeys.
And I will be killing two royal brothers."
With these words, his great army, he ushers. [6]
When this news reached ears of monkeys,
They dashed forth with “Victory for Rama" cries. [7]

Monkeys and bears ran, huge lofty of clan
As if they were very death incarnate.
Looked like some such things, as were mountains on wing,
With different complexions ornate. [1]
Trees, teeth, nails, mountains from all their weapons
1970 They’re mighty, no fear entertain.
Shout “Victory for Rama", whom they all proclaim
For the mad elephant Ravan, a lion. [2]

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Crying “Victory for Rama" “Victory for Ravana",

One chooses from the opponents his match.
Glorifying Rama here and Ravan over there,
Brave warriors come up to scratch. [79]
Vibhishan was extremely pained to note
Rama on feet, and Ravana seated in chariot.
For reasons of great love, he was afraid,
1980 Holding Rama’s feet, he respectfully said, [1]
“My Lord, with no chariot, no shoes or armour,
How will You overcome this powerful warrior?"
The merciful Lord said. “Listen to me, friend,
It is quite another chariot that wins at the end. [2]

Bravery, patience are wheels of the carrier,

Truth and mercy form firm flag and banner,
Power, prudence, control benevolence are steed,
That are by ropes of mercy, love, kindness, tied. [3]
Remembering God is its clever charioteer,
1990 Asceticism is shield, contentment sword clear,
Charity is its axe, wisdom mighty missile,
And Supreme Knowledge forms bow powerful, [4]

Pure and firm mind as great quiver goes,

Self-control, virtues, morals are the arrows.
Worship of Brahmin, teacher, are its coat-of-mail,
No plan other than this, does victory entail. [5]
Whoever, friend, possesses such moral vehicle.
No enemy can overcome him in battle. [6]

Listen to me, O My great patient friend,
2000 Whoever has chariot as told,
That valiant secures astounding victory,
On unconquerable foe in the world." [80A]
On hearing the words of the Lord, Vibhishan,
Hugging His lotus feet, did proclaim.

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“You have thereby favoured me with a teaching.

Store of pleasures, mercy, O Ram(a)." [80B]
On the one hand, Ravan extends a challenge
On the other, Hanuman and Angad.
Thus all the demons, bears and monkeys
2010 Fight, wishing victory to their lord. [80C]
Brahma, gods, perfect ones and saints high,
Watch the battle from their planes up in sky,
Parvati, I too was there, with them to be found,
Watching Rama’s deeds done on battle ground. [1]
All warriors are intoxicated with war,
With power from Rama, monkeys have hand upper.
One meets the other, mutually challenged, goes,
One crushes the other and on the ground throws. [2]

They strike, bite, catch, hold, and throw,

2020 Pull out heads, use them as missiles to go.
Bellies are ripped open, arms pulled out found,
Catching warriors by the feet, dash them to ground. [3]
The bears bury down the demon warriors,
Help of sand they put on those creatures.
The monkeys, furious against demons at war,
With so many angry deaths seen at par. [4]

Like an angry death, each monkey seemeth,
Looks fine with bleeding body.
These brave warriors, crush demon soldiers,
2030 Like thundering clouds roar free. [1]
Threats are to them sent, with blows they are bent,
Biting them, crush them under feet,
Bears, monkeys with joy, all tricks do employ,
To see force of the enemy deplete. [2]
Cheeks of demons tear, their chests lay bare,
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Their entrails, monkey’s neck supports.

As if Lord of Prahlad, in numerous forms clad
In the courtyard of battle sports. [3]
Cries of “Catch" and “Kill" earth and sky fill,
2040 Also “Cut him" “Down him" one hears.
Victory be for Rama, who does really transfers,
Straw into adamant and reverse. [4]
When the ten-headed Ravana noticed the morale,
Of his army going so down,
Holding bows in his twenty arms, shouted
From the chariot, “Come back, Return." [81]
Ten-headed Ravan dashed forth in furious heat,
Monkeys too with an uproar rushed out to meet.
Grasping trees, rocks and mountains great,
2050 Throw them all at once on Ravana straight. [1]
Striking adamant like body of his,
Mountains break in no time into pieces.
Ravana, war intoxicated, horrible,
Stood firm in chariot immovable. [2]

In extreme fury, challenging, catching,

He crushed the monkey warriors snatching.
The bears and monkeys were soon on the run,
Saying “Save us, protect us, Angad, Hanuman." [3]
“Give us shelter, O Lord Rama," they call,
2060 Like death this evil is devouring us all."
Ravana noticed that the monkeys were on run
He placed arrows over all his bows ten. [4]

Placing arrows on bow, he let them all go,
They fly out like snakes and hit.
Filling earth and sky, they on all sides fly,

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Where could monkeys safely sit? [1]

‘t was confusion overall, bears monkeys did call,
Restless and in most helpless tone,
“Rama, mercy’s ocean, friend of distressed one,
2070 Helper of servants of Your own." [2]
Noticing that his forces were in confusion
Lakhan tied his quiver to his waist,
Infuriated with anger, took bow, arrows
Bending to Rama, came out in haste. [82]
“O Knave, why bears, monkeys thou killeth?
Look at me, here I am for you very death."
“O murderer of my son, I was seeking thee
By killing you this day ‘Il be finding glee." [1]
So saying he shot arrows most violent,
2080 Them, into one hundred pieces Lakshman rent.
Thousands of weapons Ravana used from his side,
Turning them to Sesamum seed, Lakhan set aside. [2]

And then with his own arrows began attack.

Broke Ravana’s chariot, charioteer did sack.
Into each of ten heads, hundred arrows he sent.
They entered as snakes into hill tops went. [3]
Then a hundred arrows into his chest went,
He fell on the ground, unconscious and rent.
Consciousness returning Ravana rose up and shot
2090 The spear which from Brahma he had got. [4]

Great Brahma’s spear, into chest did enter,
Of Lakshman, the endless one.
He fell down in pain, Ravana tried but in vain,
To lift him, his great might gone. [1]
On whose single head, whole Universe rested
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Light, as a dust particle would go.

Him, Ravana full of craze, makes efforts to raise
Lord of Universe he does not know. [2]
Son of Pawan saw Ravana’s activities,
2100 Shouting angry words he did go.
Ravana noticed him coming and made an attack
With a severe and terrible blow. [83]
Hanuman rested on his knee, did not go down,
He got up with care, full of anger and frown.
The monkey, with his fist gave Ravan a blow,
Who fell, as does mountain under adamant go. [1]

Senses returning, he was again awake.

Praise of Hanuman’s great might did make.
“Fie on me and on my strength fie,
2110 That you, enemy of gods, did not yet die." [2]
So saying the monkey carried away Lakshman,
Ravan was surprised to see it so done.
Rama said to Lakshman, ‘Please consider it brother -
You are death for the death and gods’ protector." [3]

Merciful Lakshman set up as he heard Ram(a).

To sky sent that missile full of great harm.
Holding bow and arrow Lakshman rushed again.
He was soon, face to face, with his enemy Ravan(a). [4]

Shattered chariot clear, killed the charioteer,
2120 And rendered Ravana restless.
Then arrows hundred, into his chest he led,
So Ravana fell in the process. [1]
Another driver, placed Ravana in car
And brought him to Lanka at once.
Then brother of Ram(a) – heap of glory and fame,

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Came to Rama, did respect advance. [2]

And there, ten-headed having gained consciousness,
Planned sacrificial ceremony.
Evil, ignorant to boot, he is trying to snatch
2130 Against Rama some victory. [84]
There Vibhishan heard of ceremonial programme,
He rushed and reported the matter to Ram(a).
“Lord, Ravan is doing a ceremonial,
The demon wouldn’t die if it is successful. [1]
Send brave monkeys soon to the function
To upset it, bring to battlefield Ravan".
Early next day Rama sent monkey warriors
There came Angad, Hanuman and clever fighters. [2]

Just as a fun, they jumped and on Lanka were,

2140 Entered Ravana’s enclave without fear.
When they noticed Ravana busy at ceremony
The band of monkeys felt very angry. [3]
“Shameless fellow, battlefield you did quit
And like a heron, in meditation here sit."
So saying Angad gave him kick at his best
He did not even look up, lost in sell-interest. [4]

When he did not look up, brave monkeys took up
Biting with teeth and giving him kick.
Dragged Ladies by hair, they shrieked in despair,
2150 As they were pulled out with prick. [1]
In anger he rose, very like death he goes,
Dashed monkeys, holding them by feet.
In the meantime monkeys, upset all ceremonies
Seeing it Ravana felt his defeat. [2]
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Upsetting entire sacrificial ceremony

Clever monkeys for Rama’s place left.
The demon, then, driven to fury, moved up,
Of all hopes of life bereft. [85]
Most inauspicious omens, came, as he led.
2160 Vultures fly, sit again and again over his head.
Being in clutches of death, Ravana won’t care.
“Beat drums of war", he did boldly declare. [1]
Countless forces of the demons moved in hurry
Elephants, chariots, cavalry and infantry.
They all rushed towards Rama as if they were,
Hordes of moths, dashing towards the fire. [2]

On the other hand, god, prayed to Rama so fain,

“He has pained so much" the gods complain.
Now Janaki is experiencing pain sore,
2170 We pray, don’t be sporting with him anymore." [3]
At the words of gods, Rama smiled bright,
He got up and set His arrows all right.
He tied His matted hair tight on His head.
In between them, beautifully flowers tied. [4]

With eyes pink, complexioned as clouds of rain,

Looking at him, eyes of Universe got joy, fain.
Tied His belt on waist and fixed His quiver,
Hard Sharang Bow, he, in His hand, did bear. [5]

With Sharang in His hand, quiver tied with a bend,
2180 Bearing countless and deadly arrows.
Arms are full of might, on the chest mark bright,
Of the foot of great Rishi Bhrigu shows. [1]
Tulsidas says, as soon as Rama plays
Circling with His hand, bow terse,
Were in great commotion earth, mountains, ocean,
Elephants, Shesh, Tortoise, Universe. [2]

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At this beautiful sight gods felt so glad
Countless flowers they did rain.
“Victory to store of Power, beauty, virtues,
2190 And of mercy", they shout so fain. [86]
It was then that demonical soldiers
Moved on to the forefront rubbing shoulders,
Seeing them, brave monkeys of the side of Ram(a),
Came as clouds of great deluge did come. [1]
Scimitars and swords glisten here and there,
As if, flashes of lightning were seen everywhere.
Horses, elephants and chariots sound loud,
As if there were thundering roars of cloud. [2]
Many tails of monkeys seem in the sky,
2200 As if beautiful rainbow were on high.
Dust was rising as if it had been water.
Arrows come as comes down the shower. [3]

Warriors, from each side, mountains throw,

As if, repeated lightening-falls go.
Rama sent out, of arrows great torrent,
By which forces of the foes were so rent. [4]
As arrows strike, the warriors shriek,
They writhe and fall down on earth quick.
Blood flows out as big streams from mountains,
2210 River of blood, hearts of the weak, frightens. [5]

Flows river of blood, hearts of the weak dread,
It was river highly impure.
The two forces from banks, beach and are tanks.
And the wheels look whirlpools sure. [1]
The aquatic creatures, are numberless carriers,
Elephants, horses, donkeys, collies.
Arrows, crowbar, spear, as snakes do appear,

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Bows seem waves, shields tortoise. [2]

The brave fall as fall the trees on the bank,
2220 Like foam flows out marrow.
The weak are dreaded at the dreadful sight
In the brave great joy does grow. [87]
Fiends, ghosts, goblins with standing hair,
Bathe therein dreadful multitudes of Shankar.
Crows and vultures fly away with limbs cut,
One snatches them from the other with a view to glut. [1]
One says to the other, “Even in bumper harvest,
You remain a pauper, of all wisdom divest."
Wounded warriors on the banks of this river groan,
2230 As if the dying, half into water put down. [2]

On the banks, vultures pull out entrails of the dead

As if one fishes quietly with bar, hook end thread.
Birds are seen sitting on bodies floating,
As if they are merrily, on river, boating. [3]
Female ghosts gather blood many a bowlful,
Women of fiends dance in sky joyful.
Striking skulls as if they word cymbals,
The Chamundas sing tunes of all models. [4]
Jackals cut dead bodies with teeth clattering,
2240 Eat, howl and growl mutually battering.
Crores of headless bodies are wandering around,
Heads cry, “Victory" even though lying on ground. [5]

Heads “Victory" shout, headless bodies run about
Huge and very large in size.
Vultures mutually fight, as the heads they hold tight,
Brave warriors other warriors capsize. [1]
Monkeys, priding on Rama, for their valiant programme,
Crush demoniacal hordes profound.
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Killed by Rama’s arrows, great warrior foes,

2250 Sleep in the battlefield sound. [2]
The ten-headed, Ravana in his mind, thought
“All my warriors are dead.
I am single and monkeys are very numerous.
I’ll use huge fraud instead." [88]
Gods saw Lord was on foot, in their hearts, so
Great feeling of excitement did grow.
Lord Indra, gods’ King, sent his own chariot,
With a joyful heart Matil had it brought, [1]
On the heavenly, unparalleled, brilliant vehicle,
2260 Rama, King of Kaushal, took His seat with a thrill.
There were four charming lively horses, ever new,
Immortal and fast as wind, they flew. [2]
When the monkeys noticed Rama in the chariot,
They rushed out, a new courage thereby they got.
Ravana could not bear thrashings monkeys did give.
He, therefore, spread fraud, with a view to live. [3]
It was Rama alone who could see through his evil plan,
Lakshman and monkeys - none could that trick scan.
The monkeys saw in the forces of demons
2270 Many Ramas with as many brother Lakshmans. [4]

Seeing Rama numerous, with as many brothers,
Bears and monkeys afraid were.
Standing motionless, as painting on canvas,
At one another blank, stare. [1]
Rama sweetly smiled, when He saw them beguiled,
Placed His arrow nicely on bow.
In an instant undid, what by fraud Ravana did.
Great joy in His forces did grow. [2]

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Rama, casting a glance on everybody there
2280 These solemn words spoke out,
“Brave ones, you are all now in great fatigue,
Now, witness the mutual bout." [89]
So saying, Rama His chariot forward led,
Bowing to the feet of Brahmins His head.
Heart of Ravana, great anger covered,
Roaring and challenging he dashed forward, [1]

“O, ascetic, listen, of the warriors You won,

Don’t take me to be from amongst those, one,
World knows my glories I am named Ravan(a),
2290 Even Lokpals have been under me in prison. [2]
You have killed Viradh, also, Khar and Dushan,
Even poor Bali, as a hunter, You’ve undone.
Great demon warriors too You have finished.
Kumbhkaran, Meghnad also through You, vanished. [3]

O Prince, from the field if You don’t run away,

I’ll avenge myself of all enmity today.
Definitely to death, I will give You today,
You are under control of Ravana, this day." [4]
At these words, thinking Ravana by death led,
2300 Rama store of mercy, smiled and said,
“All descriptions of your glories are true
Display valour, don’t be talking tall now. [5]

Don’t yourself you praise, thereby glories erase
Pardon mentioning the way moral goes.
People of three kinds, in the world one finds,
Like jackfruit, mango and rose." [1]
One bears only flowers, other fruits too showers,
And the third kind fruit alone grows!
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“So one talks indeed, other talks and does deed,

2310 While the third, only actions shows." [2]
At these words of Rama, Ravana laughed out and
“Here morals, to me You have told.
But You didn’t mind them when You built enmity
Now life so dear You hold." [90]
Having said harsh words, angry Ravana,
Shooting arrows, like adamant, soon began.
Arrows of different kinds began to fly,
They covered all directions and all sky. [1]

Rama at once igniferous arrows sent,

2320 Burnt all demon’s arrows in an instant.
Ravana, irritated, shot very sharp missile.
Rama turned it back with His arrow’s skill. [2]
Crores of disks, tridents, Ravana deploys,
But Rama, with little effort, all destroys.
Ravana’s arrows all prove unsuccessful,
As do the objectives of a person evil. [3]

He shot hundred arrows on the driver.

He fell “Victory to Rama" did he utter.
Mercifully, Rama lifted up the charioteer
2330 Naturally His anger also did flare. [4]

Rama’s anger did flare, facing foe in warfare,
Arrows were astir in quiver.
As His mighty bows twang, in demon’s ears rang,
The man-eaters were in fear. [1]
Mandodari quaked, great oceans shaked,
Also tortoise, earth, mountain,
Holding earth firm by mouth, elephants east west north south.

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Shrieked. That view, gods all entertain. [2]

Pulling bow to the ear Rama then shot forth
2340 Most dreadful and sharp arrows.
They flew about waving and wafting in air,
As if many a serpent goes. [91]
The arrows went as if snakes with wings were
Their first Victims were horses and the driver.
Crushed down chariot, dashed banners and flag.
Ravana roared, as courage within him did lag. [1]
Into another chariot, fretful Ravana went,
All types of weapons and missiles he sent.
Efforts of Ravana all fail to bear fruit,
2350 As those of a person in harmful pursuit. [2]

Then Ravana dispatched four tridents sound,

Four horses of Rama were laid on the ground.
Rama raised up the horses and grew furious,
He pulled His bow and shot arrows numerous. [3]
Into lotus forest of Ravana’s heads, these
Went very much like clusters of big black bees,
Ten arrows through each of His heads did go.
Out of those heads, drains of blood did flow. [4]

The valiant, in spite of the bleeding, did run.

2360 Rama placed His arrows on the bow anon.
From His mighty bow, thirty arrows Rama shot,
Ten heads, twenty arms of the demon to blot. [5]
As soon as they fell down new ones came,
Rama once again cut down heads and arms same.
He cut several times heads, arms of Ravan(a),
But as they fell, new ones did come up anon. [6]
Rama cuts his heads and arms again and again,
Lord of Kaushal is so sportive and fain.
Heads and limbs covered whole of the sky,
2370 As if numerous Rahus and Ketus did fly. [7]

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As “Rahu’s" “Ketu’s" fly, in the path of sky,
Bleeding profusely from end to end,
Rama’s arrows meet there, keep them up in the air,
To the earth, they could thus not descend. [1]
Each arrow bearing, several heads and string,
Flying through the air looks fine.
As if sun rays angry, piercing Rahu’s many,
Here, there and everywhere shine. [2]
As Rama goes on cutting heads and limbs
2380 They come up again and numberless,
As do passions increase with man’s each effort
To satisfy them with success. [92]
When the ten-headed noticed the flood of arrows,
He forgets death for a while, furious grows.
Proud and void of intelligence Ravana roared,
Drawing all his ten bows, he dashed forward. [1]
Ravana became furious in battle ground,
Rained arrows, hid was Rama’s chariot found.
For about twenty four minutes could not be seen,
2390 As if, by the fog, hit sun had been. [2]
When the gods raised cry of excitement.
Rama lifted up His bow in great resentment.
Pushing away Ravana’s arrows, his heads be severed,
All earth and sky were with heads covered. [3]

Heads, though severed, ran all over the sky,

Caused fear by shouting victory cry.
“Where is Lakshman, where Sugriva, King of monkeys?"
“Tell me where is Rama, King of Kaushal, please?" [4]

Asking “Where is Ram(a)?" all cut heads did roam,

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2400 Monkeys fear at heads fierce.

Jewel of Raghu’s line, lifted up His bow fine,
Did heads with His arrows pierce. [1]
Wreaths of heads in hands, as of Kalika’s in bands,
Here and there in assembly,
Bathing in river of blood, they were going ahead,
To worship war Akchhai-bat-Tree. [2]
Getting very infuriated, Ravana then did shoot
His dreadful missile, full of wrath.
It went towards Vibhishan with terrible force,
2410 As if it were truncheon of death. [93]
The approaching dreadful missile Rama did see.
He thought of His vow to protect refugee.
He put Vibhishan immediately behind,
He Himself suffered shock of missile unkind. [1]

Due to its shock, Rama swooned for a moment,

His sport made gods restless that instant.
When Vibhishan saw that his Lord was in pain,
With a club in his hand, very angry he ran. [2]
“Unfortunate, fool, low, scoundrel, ye
2420 Gods’ men saints, Nagas – to all an enemy.
To Shiva, with respect, all your heads you proffered.
For each one, a crore in return, he offered. [3]

It is for that reason you are still alive,

Death hovering upon you, now no more can you thrive.
Having enmity with Rama, expect happiness lo"
So saying, at his chest, with his club gave a blow. [4]

At his chest gave a blow, with his hard club, so
Ravana was on the ground in swoon,
All mouths bleeding, in hot anger seething,
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2430 Gaining consciousness, he rose soon. [1]

Each Valiant warrior, grappled with the other,
One striking other straight.
Vibhishan got courage, for Rama’s patronage,
Ravana was not to him a make-weight. [2]
“Uma, could Vibhishan ever dare looking up
Face to face towards Ravan(a)?
It is influence, of Rama that he is now in bout,
Like death, fighting with the demon. [94]
Noticing Vibhishan greatly fatigued in raid,
2440 Bearing a mountain, Hanuman ran to his aid.
With it, he struck horses, chariot, driver,
At the chest of Ravana, a hard kick did deliver. [1]
Ravana stood stunned, and his whole body shook
To protector of Servants, Vibhishan Himself betook.
Ravana, later on, challenged and hit Hanuman,
Who with his tail long, to the sky was gone. [2]
Ravana held his tail, with him went to sky.
Hanuman turned back, grappling with him on high.
In the heavens, both equally valiant did fight.
2450 In anger, one to the other gives blows tight. [3]

Both employ strategy on high – a view bright,

As if mountain of soot and Sumer did fight,
In felling down Ravan, when force, wisdom failed,
Son of Pawan, in his heart, then Rama hailed. [4]

Thinking of Lord Ram(a), then valiant Hanuman
Challenged Ravana, heavily struck.
He fell on the ground, was soon up found,
Gods said. “Victory to both for pluck". [1]
Seeing Hanuman’s distress, bears, monkeys did press
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2460 In angry, most awful fashion.

But in mighty arms, crushed valiant swarms
War-intoxicated Ravan(a). [2]
Rama, in encouraging voice then calling forth
Valiant monkeys He did employ.
Noticing the superior might of brave foes
Ravan chose great frauds to employ. [95]
For a moment he was completely out of view,
Then in different forms he was visible too.
In accordance with numbers of bears, monkeys,
2470 Ravanas also in equal numbers, one sees. [1]
When countless Ravana’s monkeys bears saw,
Helter skelter they ran with fear and awe.
Monkeys fled and were not in mood to stay,
“Save us Lakshman" “Protect us Raghubir" they say. [2]
In all ten directions run Ravanas in crores,
Giving out harsh, loud and fearful roars.
All gods also feared and fled for shelter,
Saying “All hope of victory be given up, brother". [3]
“Over all gods, one single Ravan had won,
2480 He is now many, for shelter in caves be gone."
Only wise sages, Brahma and Shankar
Stayed as they knew a bit of Lord’s power. [4]

Stayed there these few, Rama’s glories who knew,
But monkeys took Ravana’s as real.
Driven by great fear, each monkey and bear,
Fled, saying “Save, Lord merciful." [1]
Hanuman and Angad, Nila and Nala all stayed,
Valiant warriors fought with full might.
From the earth of cunning, weed like springing,

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2490 Crushed crores of such demons outright. [2]

Noticing gods and monkeys so very much upset,
The King of Kaushal made a smile.
Putting one single arrow on His Sharang Bow
Vanquished demons rank and file. [96]
In an instant Rama nullified Maya’s play,
As at rise of Sun darkness itself goes away.
When gods found Ravana one, they were so fain,
They came back and flowers on Rama did rain. [1]
Raising up His arm Rama called back monkeys,
2500 They were back, one to the other said “Be back please".
Getting power from Rama, bears monkeys were found
Excited and soon they were on battle ground. [2]
Ravana noticed gods busy offering prayer,
He thought they took him to be only one there.
Saying. “Fools, you had had beatings from me ever."
He was angry and towards heavens he made repair. [3]
Excited and confused, gods were on the run
“Where will you run away from me"? Cried Ravan(a).
Finding gods restless, Angad ran up soon.
2510 Catching him by foot, he brought Ravana down. [4]

Putting him on the ground, gave him a kick sound,
Son of Ball to Rama then went.
The ten-headed, Ravan(a), carefully rose thereon,
Sharp sounding a hard roar sent. [1]
Much excited he rose, put arrows on ten bows,
Showered down arrows numerous,
Made great warriors reel, in his heart joy did feel,
At his strength power and prowess. [2]
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Then Rama cut down his ten heads and twenty arms
2520 Also cut down his bow, arrows.
But, lo, they grew up anew in abundance
As sin, done in holy centre grows. [97]
Noticing foe’s arms and heads ever on increase,
Great anger rose in hearts of bears and monkeys,
“Heads and limbs are cut, yet the fool won’t die."
So saying, bears, monkeys on Ravana did fly. [1]

Nala and Nila, son of Bali and Hanuman,

King of monkeys Sugriva and Dwivid and so.
Strike Ravana with mountains and with trees,
2530 Holding the same missile Ravana strikes monkeys. [2]
Some monkeys, with nails, tear up his body,
Some kick him very hard and away soon fly.
Nala and Nila climbed up to Ravana’s head,
And began to tear open his forehead. [3]

Noticing blood flowing Ravana was furious,

To catch them he lifted his hand ferocious.
They are not caught, on his very arm they move,
As if two big black bees in lotus forest rove. [4]
Very angrily he pounced and caught hold of them.
2540 While thrashing, they slipped, giving jerk to the arm.
Ravana, in angry mood, held up all his ten bows,
Laid down monkeys wounded by his sharp arrows. [5]

Made Hanuman and other monkeys unconscious.

He was happy to see dusk coming all over campus.
Jamvant, valiant warrior, therefore, ran,
When all monkeys unconscious he did scan. [6]
The bears with him, held trees and mountains,
They challenged and struck Ravana in the fence.
That powerful warrior was in anger profound,
2550 Holding them by feet dashed them against ground. [7]
Noticing his forces in disarray, Jamvant
Gave a kick at heart of Ravana that instant. [8]

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Due to force of the kick, so powerful and quick,

He was restless, fell down from the jeep.
Holding in twenty hands, of bears great bands,
As black bees at night, in lotus sleep. [1]
Finding Ravana senseless, giving kick in excess,
King of bears then went up to Ram(a),
Finding it dark hour, driver put him on car,
2560 For his recovery took up programme. [2]
When bears and monkeys gained consciousness,
To their Lord they too came near,
On the other side, demons surrounded Ravana,
Struck with grief and profound fear. [98]
On the same night, full report reached Sita,
When a visit was paid to her by Trijata.
When of foe’s arms and heads She heard growth,
Great fear did in Janaki’s heart set forth. [1]
Her face turned sad, worries entered her mind,
2570 To talk with Trijata therefore She felt inclined.
“Why do you not tell me, mother, outcome of all?
How shall the pain-giver of Universe come to fall? [2]

Head is cut by Rama’s arrows yet he won’t die,

All rules of nature does the Creator defy.
He is kept alive only by my bad luck’s accord.
Which separated Me from lotus feet of Lord. [3]
That alone had created false golden deer,
That luck is against Me still, I fear.
The Creator who gave pain of separation,
2580 Who made Me speak harsh words to Lakshman, [4]
He has repeatedly pointed on Me poisonous arrow,
Of separation from the Lord and let it go.
He keeps Me alive in spite of such pain.
It is he who keeps Ravana none else it is plain." [5]

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In many ways Janaki wails on Her misery,

Remembering again and again Ocean of mercy.
Then Trijata said, “O Princess, listen unto me,
If the arrow hits his heart that would kill gods’ enemy [6]
The Lord’s arrow is not at his heart bent.
2590 He thinks there is Janaki constantly present. [7]

Sita is in his heart, whereas on Sita’s part,
I am constantly there at Her call.
And in Me, believe, all Universes live.
One hit of arrow will undo all." [1]
In Sita, Trijita saw there was joy there was awe,
So she continued further and said,
“Listen to me, fair one, shake of doubts, suspicion.
I will tell You how foe will be dead. [2]
When arrows cut his head, he shall be restless
2600 And thoughts of You, from him will go.
It is then that wise and prudent Lord Rama
Into his heart will send His arrow." [99]
So saying, she gave Sita consolation.
There on Trijata went back to her mansion.
Remembering the nature of Rama, Sita
Experienced pain of separation extra. [1]
Sometimes She blames night, sometime moon.
“Night has become long age, won’t end soon."
Pained by the sad separation from Ram(a)
2610 Sita, within herself weeps and has alarm. [2]
When, in her, the pain was extremely high,
There was throbbing in her left arm and eye.
Thinking ‘t was good omen, great courage She did greet
Merciful Lord Rama will now definitely meet. [3]

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On the other side, Ravana woke up at midnight,

He commenced chiding his driver outright,
“You, fool, separated me from battled ground,
Fie on you, no wisdom in you could be found." [4]
Holding his feet driver explained to him much.
2620 At day break, he rushed on his chariot as such,
Learning the news of the arrival of Ravan(a),
In the monkeys there was stir and confusion. [5]

Here and there picking up mountains and trees,

Grinding teeth, came forward valiant monkeys. [6]

With mountains in hands, rushed up brave valiant bands
Of bears and of monkeys.
Very angry they grow, on the foe mountains throw,
The demoniacal force flees. [1]
Disordering foe’s troop, valiant monkeys’ group
2630 Came up and surrounded Ravan(a).
Delivered blows from all sides, tore up his body besides
Made him restless with severe pain. [2]
Finding monkey’s forces so terribly strong,
Ravana thought within his mind.
He disappeared from view and in an instant,
Spread frauds of every kind. [100]
When fraud he spread,
Fearful creatures were bred,
Ghosts, fiends, spectre bands,
2640 Bows and arrows in hands. [1]
Female fiends swords handle,
Holding human skull,
Drinking his blood to fill,
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In dance and music thrill. [2]

Shout out “Catch him and kill"
Every side these words fill.
Rush, mouths open to eat,
Monkeys afraid fleet. [3]
Wherever monkeys go,
2650 Find fire is aglow,
Monkeys, bears were in pain,
Then Ravana, sand did rain. [4]
Having monkeys all bored,
Ten-headed Ravana roared.
Sugriva and Lakshman,
All brave ones in swoon. [5]
The valiant rubbed hands
Saying “O Rama in bands,
Thus crushing the foe’s force,
2660 Ravana took to newer course. [6]
Created numerous Hanumans
Rushing, holding mountains,
They surrounded Ram(a),
All around Him circle form. [7]
Lifting up tails give cries,
“Catch, kill, lest he flies."
Tails cover sides ten
Rama was under them then. [8]
Under tail’s canopy, it makes fine scenery
2670 Rama’s dark and beautiful body,
As if round and round, many rainbows abound,
On all sides of black catechu tree. [1]

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Gods, seeing their Lord, Say with fullest accord,

“Victory" with joy as well as sorrow.
With a single arrow, when Rama angry did grow,
In an instant, all Maya did throw. [2]
Maya disappearing, monkeys, bears cheering,
Came back holding mountains and trees.
Rama shot His arrow, Ravan’s hands, heads, go.
2680 Rolling down on earth, them one sees. [3]
If for Kalpa’s declare, Rama’s Ravana’s warfare,
A hundred Sheshas and Saraswatis,
Poets, Vedas may sing, will not find an ending,
Of Rama’s and Ravana’s war glories. [4]
Some glories of that war have been described
By unintelligent Tulsidas,
As, in accordance with its power, strength,
A fly does in space pass. [101A]
So many times heads and arms were cut,
2690 Yet brave King of Lanka won’t die.
Rama is sporting, but gods, rishis, perfect
Seeing Lord tired, restlessly cry. [101B]
No sooner they’re cut, heads grow up in number,
As at each profit, for more the greedy hankers.
The foe wouldn’t die, there was great exhaustion.
Then Rama turned His attention to Vibhishan. [1]
“O Uma, at whose mere will, death itself would die,
That Lord, love of His servants is going to try."
“Listen to me, O Omniscient, Lord of Universe,
2700 Refugee’s protector, giving gods, saints pleasures. [2]
In the reservoir of his navel, he has nectar,
By the blessings of it Ravan lives on forever."

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At these words of Vibhishan, Lord merciful,

Happily handled His arrows very dreadful. [3]

All evil omens were there at that instant.

Donkeys, dogs, jackals rains loud cries of lament.
To denote world’s sorrows birds raised hue and cry,
Comets appeared here and there in the sky, [4]
On all the directions, there was blazing fire,
2710 With no reason occur solar eclipses dire,
Shaking, quakings were there in Mandodari’s heart,
Water flowed down from eyes, on idol’s part. [5]

Idols began weeping, sky adamants sweeping,
Most violet winds blew, earth quaked.
Clouds rained dust and blood, of hair also a flood.
Who could count ill omens that raked? [1]
Disturbances galore, gods in heavens were sore
They in restlessness cried “Victory".
Seeing gods so afraid, Merciful Rama decided,
2720 To place arrows on His bow immediately. [2]
Pulling the string of His bow right up to ear,
He shot arrows thirty and one.
These arrows of Rama flew at the target,
As most ferocious snakes would have done. [102]
One hit and dried up the navel reservoir,
The others, for heads and limbs proved destroyer,
Rama’s arrows with heads and limbs advanced
Headless limbless body, on the earth, danced. [1]
Its force was tremendous, earth sank in strain,
2730 Lord shot an arrow, cutting body in twain.
While dying, Ravana raised a terrible roar.
Asking, “Where is Rama? I will kill Him before." [2]

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By impact of fall, the entire earth shaked.

Oceans, rivers, cardinal elephants, hills quaked.
Both parts of the body fell flat on the ground.
So many monkeys and bears were crushed found. [3]
In front of Mandodari, heads and arms placed,
Then arrows returned to the place Rama graced.
All arrows entered into quiver of Rama -
2740 Gods noticed it and began beating their drum. [4]

Ravana’s soul-force into Rama’s mouth entered.

Brahma and Shiva saw it and were joy-centred.
Whole Universe resounded with “Victory" cries.
“Victory to Rama who mighty arms carries." [5]
Crowds of gods and saints flowers rain
“Victory to Lord merciful, Saviour." shout fain. [6]

“Victory" “Victory" – Saviour, full of mercy,
Liberator from worldly woes,
Vanquisher of foes, favour to refugee goes,
2750 Merciful, powerful, of causes, and the cause. [1]
Gods flowers rain, in their hearts fain,
Drums are being beaten aloud.
On the battle ground, Rama has beauty sound,
Of many Kamdevas proud. [2]
Crown of matted hair, on His head looks fair
Flowers here and there draw heart.
As if a blue hill, stars and lightening fill,
Such is beauty on Rama’s part. [3]
On His bow and arrows, Rama’s hand slowly goes,
2760 On His body drops of blood are seen.
As on dark catechu tree, red sparrows sit free,
In their happy enjoyments keen. [4]
Lord rained on them merciful looks and made
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All God’s assembly fearless.

Bears and monkeys looked so very joyful,
To house of joy “Victory" profess. [103]
Mandodari, seeing the head of her lord
Fainted and fell, that sight could not afford.
Women folk weeping and wailing came up to her,
2770 Lifting her, came to the body of lord dear. [1]

They shrieked when they noticed Ravana’s condition

Hair was undone, care of body too was gone.
In various ways they were beating their breast.
Wept and told Ravana’s great power and zest. [2]
“For fear of your might this earth ever shook.
Sun, moon and fire their lustre forsook.
Shesh and tortoise could not your great weight bear
The same form soiled with dust, lies here. [3]

Not one of Indra, Vayu, Varuna or Kubair,

2780 Could venture to face you in any warfare.
With your power, lord, you won death and lord Yam(a),
And this day you’re lying desolate and forlorn. [4]
Your powers and prowess are known to the world,
Glories of your sons and family could not be told.
For enmity with Rama, you are of all now shorn,
None is left in the family now, your death to mourn. [5]
Providence’s whole creation was in your control.
With fear, ever bent his head each Lokpal.
But, alas, on your heads arms, jackals, new feed
2790 And why not, when one against Rama is decreed. [6]
Being in clutches of death, all advice you did shun
Took Lord of all Universe to be purely human. [7]

What was fire to burn, whole forest of demon,
That very Lord you took for a man.
Brahma gods and Shiv, to whom ever respect give
You never took that merciful Lord’s name. [1]

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From your very early life, you have been in strife,

Harming, ever sinning, right up till now.
Yet Rama didn’t refrain, gave you His own domain,
2800 To that holy Brahma I gratefully bow. [2]
O lord, there cannot be any parallel,
To Rama, Ocean of mercy,
What is so difficult for great Yogis to attain
That state, He bestowed on three." [104]
Hearing the worlds which Mandodari said,
Gods, saints and the prefect all were glad.
Brahma, Shankar, Sanak and other great rishis,
Who are masters of spiritual philosophies, [1]
Were all, lost in love, in perfect enjoyment,
2810 Viewing Lord of Raghu’s line to their heart’s content.
Vibhishan was exceedingly pained to see
Women folk weeping and wailing in their misery. [2]
Seeing brother’s plight, he was in great grief.
Then Rama sent Lakshman, taking out a brief.
Lakshman gave Vibhishan much consolation,
Back to Rama, thereon, came King Vibhishan. [3]
Rama cast His affectionate look on him and said,
“Do all funeral rites, all sorrows be shed."
In compliance, Vibhishan performed the rite,
2820 Keeping in view circumstances and site. [4]

Offering oblations to deceased, went back
Mandodari and all others, home,
Describing, all the while, in their minds
The great glories of Lord Ram(a). [105]

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Vibhishan once more came and bent his head,

Lord merciful sent for brother and to him said,
“You, Sugriva King of monkeys, Angad, Hanuman,
Nala, Nila, master of moralities - Jamvan, [1]
I wish you could all accompany Vibhishan.
2830 And in suitable manner hold his coronation.
Due to father’s orders I do not enter town.
For Me, go, My brother and monkeys of renown". [2]

At Lord’s words all the monkeys started,

Suitable arrangements for the function they made.
With full formal honours they crowned Vibhishan,
Put mark on his forehead, said invocation. [3]
All joined palms and their heads they bent.
Then, with Vibhishan again to Rama went.
Then Rama called all other monkeys there,
2840 With words full of affection gave them cheer. [4]

Gave all great pleasure, with words sweet as nectar
“It was your power that killed the foe.
It was your help alone, that brought Vibhishan throne,
Your glories ever fresh, all over flow. [1]
Whoever your doing, with devotion will sing,
And keep Me along, in his mind,
Worldly ocean endless, they will cross with success,
And without effort of any kind." [2]
As these kind words of Rama reached their ears,
2850 The monkeys do not find surfeit.
They bend again and again their heads to Lord,
And hold Lord Rama’s lotus feet. [106]
Later on Lord Rama called Hanuman apart,
And on a visit to Lanka, asked him to start.
“Inform, Janaki of entire history,

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Inquire of Her welfare and just come to me." [1]

Thereon, son of Pawan paid a visit to the town,
All demons, male and female, ran to welcome.
They offered worship to him in many a way,
2860 Escorted him to Sita straight away. [2]
From a distance, to her the monkey bowed down.
He was recognized, as Rama’s messenger was known.
“Tell me, brother, if Lord merciful is quite well,
Well is His brother, all monkeys well." [3]
“All is well and so is King of Kaushal,
He has been successful over ten-headed in duel
Vibhishan has been given permanent rule."
Hearing words of monkey, Sita was joyful. [4]

Sita’s heart was so glad, She repeatedly said,
2870 Horripilating, tears in eyes shine,
“How shall I pay you back, the entire world does lack,
Nothing equals these words of thine." [1]
“Listen to me, O Mother, as these words I utter,
No doubt in that you should entertain,
As I view Rama Lakhan, having conquered demon,
I feel like the ruler of whole world’s domain. [2]
“Hark, my son Hanuman, may virtues all find
A permanent place in your heart,
The favours of Lord of Kaushal and Shesha
2880 May always be in your part. [107]
I pray, to you, brother, now make a programme,
So that I may view beautiful dark body of Ram(a)."
Thereon, back to Rama, Hanuman made repair,
And told Him the daughter of Janak’s welfare. [1]

As the Ornament of Solar Family came to know,

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He sent for Prince Angad, King Vibhishan so.

With son of Pawan, meet Janak’s daughter
Escort Her here with due respect and honour. [2]
They soon reached Sita, as one would expect.
2890 There all demonesses served Her with all respect
Vibhishan soon issued to them instruction.
They gave bath to Sita in due fashion. [3]

They decked Sita with many ornaments fine

And brought for Her finely furnished palanquin.
Sita took Her seat in it with all pleasure,
Seat of joy – Rama – Her love, She did remember. [4]
Guards were all around with batons in their hands
With joyful excitement they all, moved in bands.
Bears and monkeys all came up there for a view,
2900 The guards were angry, rushed up for the rescue. [5]

“Friends" said Rama. “I wish you could follow my advice."

“Let Sita come of foot. That will be so nice.
Let monkeys view Her as they would their mother."
Rama smiled when those words He did utter. [6]
Hearing Him, all bears and monkeys were glad,
Heavy rain of flowers from sky gods shed.
Real Sita, was, at first, put in fire’s care,
Omniscient Rama had to bring Her out from there. [7]

It was on that account that the Lord merciful
2910 Used some hard language in brief,
Hearing which, all the demonesses present there
Were thrown into very great grief. [108]
She took Lord’s orders willingly on Her head,
Pure in thought, word, and deed, Sita then Said,
“Help Me Lakshman, in this holy affair,
Make haste and a great fire here prepare." [1]

When these words of Sita reached ears of Lakhan,

Full of discrimination, morality, wisdom, religion,
Both palms joined, water flowing down from eyes,

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2920 To Lord, he also could not venture to advise. [2]

Reading His approval, Lakshman did repair
And a lot of firewood he collected there.
When Sita saw high rising fire flame,
Not fear, but joy only in Her heart came. [3]
“If I count on none other than Rama, indeed,
And with sincere heart, in My thought, word, deed,
O, Fire-god, you know the contents of each heart,
For Me, become cool as sandal on your part." [4]

Went into fire cool, as easy the sandal,
2930 Said, remembering Lord on Her part,
“Victory to Lord’s feet, which Shankar does greet,
Where lies the Sita’s pure heart." [1]
In the blazing fire, burnt away entire
Her shadow and all worldly defame,
Few saw through the game, played out by Ram(a).
From heaven, gods, saints watched same. [2]
Fire-god in person, to Rama, Sita passed on,
Real as Vedas and world declare.
As the wide ocean, on previous occasion,
2940 Gave Lakshmi in churning affair. [3]
Sita took seat beside, on Rama’s left side,
Her beauty and grandeur were great.
As if near a lotus, blue and opening afresh,
Stood golden lotus bud straight. [4]
Gods were happy, rained down flowers from heaven,
Drums were beaten in the sky.
Heavenly bards sang and maidens too danced,
In their planes flying on high. [109A]

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Viewing the great beauty, and splendor of Rama

2950 Seated, along with Janak’s daughter.
Bears and monkeys were very happy and said,
“Victory to Rama the real pleasure." [109B]
Then Matil charioteer with Rama’s sanction
Went back, bending to Rama in salvation,
Thereafter came gods, selfish, in attitude,
Though talking as wishing final rectitude. [1]
“Merciful to the meek, Lord of Raghu’s line.
Lord Supreme to Gods You have ever been fine.
Evil, harming Universe, lustful, on wrong path,
2960 His own deeds led him to his doomed death. [2]
Unchanging, immortal, unattached, Supreme-Soul,
Unborn, formless, ever uniform and whole,
Unconquered, Supreme, most pure, and sinless,
Full of mercy, perfectly holy, flawless. [3]
It was You who took fish, tortoise, boar form
Took birth as Narsingh, Vaarah, Dwarf, Parashuram.
Lord, whenever the gods’ were in difficulty,
You took form and rescued them from misery. [4]

This rogue, evil hearted, gods’ permanent enemy,

2970 Ever in anger, lost in passion and greedy.
Even this, king of wicked obtained Your rank.
We, gods, are surprised at it, to be very frank. [5]
We, gods, ever deserving of Your favours
In self-interest we gave up devotion Yours.
Fell in worldly current of birth and death,
We seek protection, Your shelter, O Raghunath." [6]

Gods and the perfect, having finished prayers,
Stood here and there joining palms.
Then Brahma, horripilating with immense love
2980 Took up the prayer programmes. [110]
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“Victory, Lord Rama, house of all pleasure

Victory to the bow and arrow wielder,
Lion to tear elephant of worldly band,
Omnipresent, all wise, have virtues grand. [1]
Unparalleled, with numerous Rama’s beauties,
Poets, siddhas and saints, sing Thy glories.
You are of great glories; great snake Ravan
Like an adjutant held up with great passion. [2]
You give joy to servants, take away sorrow, fear,
2990 Ever free from anger, full of knowledge ever.
Your incarnation, full of virtues divine,
Lightens load of earth, ocean of knowledge fine. [3]
Unborn, everlasting, omnipresent, one,
Mine of mercy, to You glad salutation.
Jewel of Raghu’s line, off sins You fling,
You graciously made poor Vibhishan King. [4]
Store of knowledge, virtues, unborn, sinless,
I bow to You ever, Omnipresent, flawless.
Great are the glories and Your arms’ might,
3000 Ever competent to wipe off demons outright. [5]
Merciful without reason, always well-wisher,
I bow to Rama and Sita, beauty’s treasure.
Enable crossing world, free from cause and effect,
Great sins born of heart, You do always reject. [6]
You wear beautiful bow, arrows, quiver,
With red lotus eyes, of Kings, leader.
House of pleasure, beautiful Lakshmi’s love,
Pride, passion, false attachments ever You remove. [7]
You are flawless, indivisible, senses can’t call,
3010 Even though Omnipresent, You are free from all.

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This is not mere legend, the Vedas so say.

Sun and light are one, still are different they. [8]
O Lord, these monkeys have achieved grace,
As with respect they are here viewing Your face.
Woe to the heavenly bodies, gods have.
Void of devotion, in world’s cycle move. [9]
Now, Lord merciful, do be, on Me, kind,
Take away now from Me, My differentiating mind.
Which leads us to act in the ways just reversed
3020 I roam happy, deeming pleasure what is so cursed. [10]
You are killer of the evil, for earth ornament fine,
To worship Your lotus feet Uma Shiva incline,
King of kings, give me boon of love permanent
For Your lotus feet, helpful and beneficent," [11]
Thus praised Brahma, the four-headed, with love
Horripilating all over in body.
His eyes do not experience ever surfeit
Looking at Ocean of beauty. [111]
It was then that King Dasharath arrived there,
3030 Seeing his son, eyes were full of water.
Rama bowed to him along with His brother,
His benediction on Him did father deliver. [1]
“It is all due to your noble deeds blessing,
That I won over unconquerable demon King."
These words of his son made emotions rise,
Hair stood at end, tears flowed from eyes. [2]
Lord of Raghu’s line thought of his love old,
Saw and knowledge of His trueself did unfold.
“O Uma, he had placed devotion first at heart,
3040 He did not therefore have salvation on his part. [3]

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Lovers of God, in form, do not seek salvation,

On such, Rama bestows sense of His devotion.
Dasharath bowed to Lord, again and again,
And then went to God’s realm with a heart fain. [4]

Viewing beauty of Lord of Kaushal and Sita,
Happy with His brother Lakshman,
Indra, Lord of the gods, then commenced to praise
With his heart full of great devotion. [112]
“Hail Rama, house of beauty
3050 Giving comfort to refugee
Wield arrow bow quiver fine
Glories, powerful arms thine. [1]
Hail, foe of Khar, Dushan
Killer of forces of demon
By killing this evil enemy
Freed all gods from misery. [2]
Maker of earth’s load lighter,
Your dignity ever brighter,
Hail, O Ravana’s foe, merciful,
3060 Brought about demons’ fall full. [3]
King of Lanka had great pride,
Over gods, demigods sat astride,
Birds, men, rishis and siddhas,
He confronted the Nagas. [4]
Evil, ever harming others,
Got fruits of his deeds adverse.
Now, listen, O Lord, merciful,
Having large lotus eyes beautiful," [5]
“I was proud of power prowess
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3070 Thought I was in might matchless.

Having seen Your lotus feet of course
Gone Pride, of all pain, of every source. [6]
One may love god impersonal,
Formless as the Vedas tell,
I prefer Rama, King of Kaushal,
Rama, with form and personal. [7]
With Vaidehi and Lakshman,
Make my heart, O Rama, Your home,
Me, Your humble servant know,
3080 Devotion of Vishnu bestow." [8]
“Give me devotion dear, which takes away fear,
And with perfect joy does greet.
Store of pleasure, Rama, beautiful as many a Kama
I bow down to Your lotus feet. [1]
All gods You do please, world’s bonds all cease,
Possess power peerless in human form.
Worshipped by Brahma, Shiva, to You respect I give,
O merciful and soft hearted Ram(a). [2]
Now cast a merciful look on me, my Lord,
3090 Let me receive Your orders."
At this request of lord Indra, Rama kind
Store of mercy thus answers, [113]
“My monkeys and bears, O King of Heavens,
Are lying on the ground killed by the demons.
For My sake they have died in the strife,
Lord of gods, wise, let them get new life." [1]
Adjutant, Lord’s words are a great mystery,

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Known only by men of knowledge or rishi.

Lord can kill the universe and resuscitate.
3100 He only does glory of Indra in state. [2]
Raining nectar, new life to bears, monkeys sent.
They rose happy and to the Lord they went.
On both forces nectar fell from the heavens,
Monkeys, bears got life, not the demons. [3]

As, at point of death, they had merged in Ram(a),

World’s bonds cut, they got salvation therefrom.
While, part of gods were bears and the monkeys,
So they came to life, as Lord did please. [4]
Where is one who is as good to refugee as Ram(a)?
3110 To all demons He gave away salvation.
Even, full of sins, lustful and evil Ravan(a)
Got a position coveted by rishis even. [5]

Raining flowers, all the gods thereafter went
Each in his own beautiful car.
Finding it opportune, to His Lord came
The Omniscient Shankar. [114A]
Saturated with love and with both hands joined,
From lotus eyes, water flowed down.
Body horripilating and voice so choked,
3120 Prayed Shiva — foe of Trupira demon, [114B]
“Lord of Raghu’s family – give Me protection,
Bow, arrows are Your fine hands’ decoration.
To blow away dark ignorance clouds, fast wind,
Fire for forest of doubts, to gods, kind. [1]

You are formless and with form, heavenly virtues have

For deep darkness of doubts as bright sun behave
Lion for elephant-hordes of passion, pride, anger,
Of the hearts of servants, You are permanent dweller. [2]
You are hoarfrost for lotus forest of passion,

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3130 You are beautiful, beyond mind’s comprehension.

You are Mandar Mountain, world’s ocean to churn,
Save us, help us to cross world’s difficult ocean, [3]
O Possessor of dark body, lotus eyes,
Merciful, savior of the meek from miseries,
O King Rama, with Sita and Lakshman,
Dwell permanently in my heart’s mansion. [4]

Giving pleasure to rishis, You are earth’s ornament."

“You are Lord of Tulsi, take off all torment. "[5]

“My Lord, when at great town of Ayodhya
3140 Your coronation will take place,
Lord of mercy, I am expecting to be there,
To witness Your deeds of grace." [115]
After prayer, when Shankar left that place,
There came Vibhishan near to Lord’s grace,
Bending head, in all humility, said so,
“Listen to my request, wielder of Sharang Bow, [1]
With his family and forces, Ravana, You killed
Your pious glories all three worlds filled.
Humble, impious, mean, of low caste and mind
3150 On me, in numerous ways, You have been kind. [2]
Now please Your humble servant’s house make pure,
Take bath and from fatigue of war find cure.
Have a look at palace, property, treasure,
Distribute them to monkeys with all pleasure. [3]
Making me, my Lord, in every way Your own,
With me, to great Ayodhya kindly be flown."
At these words of love, Lord of mercy was fain,
Both large eyes of His tears of love did rain. [4]

“I verily say, brother, listen, your house, wealth
3160 Are mine, so I do deem.

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But when I remember condition of Bharat,

Even one moment like Kalpa does seem. [116A]
Living life of ascetic, with his body so thinned,
He is constantly remembering me.
I beg of you, friend, please so to arrange,
That I meet him immediately. [116B]
If I become late in reaching Ayodhya
I may just not find him living."
Remembering profound love of his brother,
3170 Rama is repeatedly horripilating. [116C]
“Reign here for a period of one Kalpa years
Keeping Me in your heart ever so.
You will ultimately get My own domain,
Where all saintly persons go." [116D]
As soon as Vibhishan heard Rama’s words coy.
He held feet of House of mercy with joy,
All monkeys and bears also became glad,
Held feet of the Lord and His glories said. [1]
Vibhishan, thereon, went back home again,
3180 Loaded clothes and costly jewels on a plane.
The plane was in front of Lord Rama laid,
The Ocean of Mercy smiled and said, [2]
“Comrade, Vibhishan, on the plane do fly,
Rain down clothes, ornaments, from the sky."
Vibhishan immediately on plane flew.
Jewels and clothes from on high, he threw. [3]

One picks up whatever pleases one’s mind,

Putting jewels in the mouth, they throw back behind.
Kind, sportive Rama, Sita and Lakshman
3190 Had a hearty laugh, enjoying the fun. [4]

Who is not thinkable by great thinkers
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“Not this much, not this much" Veda says,

That very Ocean of mercy is at play
With monkeys in different ways. [117A]
Yoga, name recital, charity and penance,
Fire ceremonies, fasting, control,
Do not draw out so much mercy from Rama
As does devotion – pure whole. [117B]
Bears, monkeys, got clothes ornaments handsome,
3200 Putting them on, they all to Rama did come.
Noticing the monkeys of types different,
Lord of Kaushal is by laughters rent. [1]
He looked at them and showered His mercy,
And then spoke out affectionately.
“Through your aid alone I could kill Ravan(a),
And could hold Vibhishan’s coronation. [2]

Now, to your respective homes you may go,

Remember Me and be fearless so."
Monkeys heard Him, were by affection hit.
3210 Joined palms and to their Lord did submit [3]
“It befits You, Lord, whatever You may say,
Hearing You, we are simply led astray.
O Rama, You are master of all worlds three,
Took us humble, favoured us with Your mercy. [4]

At Lord’s words we feel shy at this instant,

Could a mosquito ever oblige an adjutant?"
Reading Rama’s mind, lost in love became,
Not one had desire to go back home. [5]

Urged by the Lord, all bears and monkeys
3220 With Lord’s image in their heart,
And with mixed feelings of joy and sorrows,
Praised Lord and for homes did start. [118A]
King of monkeys Sugriva, Neil and Jamvant,
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Angad and Nala and Hanuman,

Along with Vibhishan and other warriors
For their great valour so known, [118B]
For reasons of love could not utter one word,
Eyes, full of tears to the brink,
Gazed at Rama seated in front of them
3230 Their eyes would not even blink. [118C]
Lord Rama noticed their love so intense
Gave seats to all of them in His plane hence.
Then bowing to Brahmin’s feet within His heart,
He let His plane, northward, make a start. [1]
As plane moved there was tremendous noise in the sky,
“Victory to Rama" all persons there do cry.
In the plane there was a throne decorated,
Rama and Sita sat thereon elevated. [2]

Rama, seated alongwith consort, looks charming,

3240 As rain cloud on summer top with lightning.
Beautiful plane soon gathered great speed,
Gods rained flowers, they were so glad indeed. [3]
Cool, mild, fragrant wind began to blow.
Water was clean in sea, rivers, ponds below.
On all sides auspicious omens were found,
Weather was clear, there was happiness all around. [4]

“Look at the battlefield, Sita" Rama said,

“Here by Lakshman’s arrows Meghnad fell dead.
There, You notice demons lying on the ground,
3250 Dead by the blows of Angad, Hanuman sound. [5]
Kumbhkaran and Ravan, two demon brothers,
Died here they, gods’ and rishis’ teasers. [6]

Here You notice the bridge that was got built
There You see Shankar installed."
Lord, Store of mercy, His spouse Sita

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Bent their heads as Shiv they recalled. [119A]

All places, where in the forest, stayed
Rama, great ocean of mercy
He gave out separately the names of each
3260 And, wished Sita to please see. [119B]
Very soon plane was at that place best,
Which was called beautiful Dandak Forest.
There lived Saint Agastya and other rishis,
Rama paid visit to the hermitages of these. [1]

Getting blessings, benedictions, from the rishis all,

Soon reached Chittrakut, Lord Universal.
There, He gave to all saints, satisfaction,
His plane travelled in full speed thereon. [2]
Rama showed to Sita the Jamuna beautiful.
3270 That washes off Kali’s sins, entire and full.
Later they saw waters of holy Ganges,
Rama said. “Sita, pay Your respects here please." [3]

Then they saw Prayag, Chief of holy centres,

A view of which crores of sins shatters.
“Sita, see the holy Triveni confluence
Sorrow-remover and ladder for heavens, [4]
Look there now at Ayodhya most holy,
From three types of miseries, from birth-death makes free. [5]

Lord merciful, along with His Spouse Sita
3280 To Ayodhya paid respects with glee.
His eyes watered, body horripilated,
Each time, so happy was He. [120A]
Later on, Lord came to holy confluence
And happily bathed in Triveni.
He, as well as all accompanying monkeys
Gave charity to Brahmins many. [120B]

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Lord called Hanuman and explained to him so,
“In garb of a celibate, to Ayodhya go,
My welfare to Bharat do please communicate.
3290 Come back with his message and to Me state." [1]
Son of Pawan left soon on his errand,
Here, Rama to Saint Bhardwaj did attend,
Who did worship to Rama in many a way.
He prayed first, later his blessing gave away. [2]
Rama joining His hands bent to Rishi’s feet,
Then plane left as soon as He took His seat.
Chief of boatmen heard that Rama had come.
“Boat, Boat" he shouted and called out his men. [3]
Plane came to the other bank of the river,
3300 Was aground on the sand by Rama’s order.
There Sita offered worship to the Ganges,
In many ways, and bent down on Her knees. [4]
Pleased in her heart Ganges her blessings did tell,
“Fair one, may Your husband be immortal."
Chief of boatmen heard, ran, under love’s charm,
Filled with great happiness, he approached Lord Ram(a). [5]

When, Rama in company, with Sita he did see,

Fell flat on the ground, heedless of body.
Lord of Raghu’s line saw his love intense,
3310 Lifted and embraced him to His bosom, hence. [6]

Lord of Lakshmi, wise as wise could be,
Merciful Lord hugged him to heart.
Seated him so close, so that welfare He knows,
Chief of boatmen prayer did start. [1]
“I am happy, my Lord, with Your feet’s concord
Which are worshipped by Brahma, Shankar.
Lord, house of pleasures, fulfill all desires,
Most sincere respects I offer." [2]
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In every way low, is the boatman though,

3320 Yet like Bharat, Rama did embrace.
Tulsi! Unintelligent, on ignorance bent
You have put him out of your grace! [3]
The pious glories of Shri Rama’s stories,
Will, love for Rama always raise.
Of all passions’ cure, brings true knowledge sure
Gods, siddhas, saints, joyously praise. [4]
The wise, who listen to Rama’s stories,
Of victory in war with Ravan(a),
God favours them always with noble virtues,
3330 Success, dignity and discretion. [121A]
This age of Kali is store house of sins,
O, mind, think over it and see.
Except the name of Lord of Raghu’s line,
There can no other shelter be. [121B]
Here Ends Canto VI, The Lanka Kand.

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Uttar Kand
Part VII
Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Uttar Kand

Possessing blue splendor of peacock’s neck
God’s Lord, wearing foot mark of Bhrigu as grace.
Full of beauty and putting on yellow robes
With lotus eyes and ever cheerful face. [1]
Bearing bow and arrows, monkeys all around,
Brother Lakshman ever present to attend,
Lord of Sita, jewel of Raghu Family,
To such worshipable Rama, I ever bend. [2]
Beautiful tender lotus feet of Kaushal King,
10 To which Brahma and Shankar ever pray,
Tended constantly by Sita’s lotus hands,
Where devotees’ hearts as black-bees stay. [3]
I bow to Shiva, fair as lily, moon, conch,
Lord of Parvati, great giver of boon,
Ever merciful to distressed, with kind lotus eyes,
Kama’s destroyer, who is beneficent soon. [4]
One more day remained for return of Rama,
All Ayodhya was feeling restless.
Here and there, in groups, are people discussing,
20 Lean, due to separation distress.
Omens auspicious began to appear then,
All felt happy in that state.
The town turned very elegant all round,
As if Rama’s arrival to indicate.
A feeling of happiness surged in the hearts
Of Kaushlya and other mothers,
As if one was about to announce arrival
Of Sita and the two brothers.

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Bharat experienced constant throbbing in him,

30 In his right arm and right eye.
Reading good omens, he was feeling happy within,
To all sides mind did fly.
He had one day left of the period to live,
To his heart, great pain did that thought give.
“For what reasons my Lord has not come still?
Has He discarded me, by thinking me evil? [1]
O, how very fortunate indeed is Lakshman
That for the feet of Lord, has deep devotion.
Evil and deceitful, perhaps Lord thought of me,
40 Did not therefore take me in His company. [2]

True too, if He does all my actions see,

For a hundred crore years, I cannot be free.
But Lord does not reckon faults of His devotee,
Friend of the meek, has by nature great mercy. [3]
For these reasons, I am confident in my heart
We shall meet him, that is what the omens impart.
But if period lapsing I continue to live,
On the earth there will be none more low, I believe. [4]

Bharat’s mind is at the point of drowning
50 In the sea of separation from Ram(a),
As about there appeared then, son of Pawan,
Having assumed garb of a Brahmin. [1A]
He found Bharat lean, sitting on a grass mat,
With matted hair on head as crown.
Uttering from his mouth “Rama, Rama, Raghubir",
From his lotus eyes tears rolled down. [1B]
Seeing him, Hanuman was, with great joy, filled,
His body horripilated, down tears tickled.
He was happy in many ways within his mind,

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60 Told words as nectar for ears of mankind. [1]

“He, whose separation puts you ever to thinking,
Whose chain of glories you are ever repeating,
Pride of Raghu’s line, to the noble a comforter,
Has come, the gods’ and the rishis’ savior. [2]
Lord together with Sita and brother is coming,
Victorious over enemy, whose glories, gods sing."
Hearing him, all pains of his, Bharat forgot
As one dying of thirst when nectar he has got. [3]
“Who are you, my friend, and where are you from?
70 Conveyed to me a message – so sweet, so welcome."
Listen to me, Ocean of mercy, I’ll mention,
“I am monkey named Hanuman, son of Pawan. [4]
A servant of Rama, merciful to humble."
Bharat rose thereon, hugged him, with respect full.
At embrace Bharat’s love could not be contained,
Body horripilated and eyes tears rained. [5]

“Seeing you, monkey, all my pain is gone,

In your form, I, today, visualize very Ram(a)."
Rama’s welfare, he inquired without any end,
80 “What can I offer in return for it, my friend?" [6]
“I have carefully surveyed there is nothing in the world.
This message cannot by anything ever be equaled.
I cannot be ever free from debt to you,
Now tell me the deeds of Rama, through and through." [7]

Then, at his feet, Hanuman bent down his head,

And Rama’s great glories he all related.
“Tell me, Hanuman, did ever the Lord merciful
Remember me as His own servant dutiful?" [8]

“Lord of Raghu’s line, did He ever so incline,
90 And remember me as His servant?"
At Bharat’s words sweet, he fell down at his feet,
Body horripilating that instant. [1]
“Why should not Bharat be, humble, of virtues sea

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Most holy and most sacred!"

Whose glories of fame, from his lips did proclaim
Rama, Lord of universe so spread?" [2]
“Lord you are dear to Rama as His own soul
I am perfectly true on my part."
Hearing him Bharat embraced him again and again
100 Love overflowing from Bharat’s heart. [2A]
“Bending his head at Bharat’s lotus feet,
The monkey at once left for Rama’s place.
To Him, all welfare did repeat.
Rama started on His plane with joyful heart. [2B]
Bharat came to Ayodhya so very happy.
To the Guru he related the whole story.
Then he conveyed news to the palace dwellers
That Rama was happily arriving with others. [1]
At the news, rose up and came all the mothers,
110 Bharat told them welfare of Rama and others.
When news reached citizens, all men and women
Filled with joy and mirth, all over they ran, [2]

Curd, green grass, turmeric, fruits and flowers,

Green leaves of holy basil, things auspicious,
Women folk, in trays of gold, gladly carry.
They sing, as in elephant’s gait they all rally. [3]
From where they happened to be and as they were
Ran, leaving old and young, as delay they fear.
One enquires from the other in mood joyful,
120 “Have you seen Rama, our great Lord merciful?" [4]
Town of Ayodhya learnt of Rama’s arrival.
Of all beauties it became mine ample.
Mild, cool and fragrant wind began to blow,
In the River Saryu, water clean did flow. [5]

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With Guru Vashishtha and younger brother
Brahmins’ group, persons of family,
Bharat proceeded full of great joy in his heart,
To receive great House of mercy. [3A]
So many ladies on the balconies stood,
130 Look up in the sky for the plane,
Spotting it they started music sweet,
Most suspicious, with hearts so fain. [3B]
Rama is the full moon, all Ayodhya ocean,
Seeing moon swelled up is great glee,
There was great stir, great activity all around,
Rushing women seemed high waves of sea. [3C]
On the plane, Sun for the Lotus of Solar race
Shows to the monkeys town’s great charming grace.
“Listen to Me Sugriv, Angad and Vibhishan,
140 This town is sacred, beautiful, the region. [1]
Though world eulogises heaven so much,
Testimony of Vedas, Puranas is such,
Yet I don’t love heaven as Ayodhya I do.
And mystery of this is known only to few. [2]
This beautiful Ayodhya is My birthplace,
The northern flank of it, River Saryu does grace.
By bathing in which, without any exertion
Close to me, person secures habitation. [3]

People of this place are closer to My heart.

150 It grants heaven, is source of all comfort."
Hearing the words of Rama, monkeys were glad,
“Cheers for Ayodhya", of which Rama so much said. [4]

The merciful Lord, Rama, saw from His plane

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All people were coming forward.

The plane came down in vicinity of town
As that was what Lord desired. [4A]
Landing down from plane, Rama expressed His wish
That it should go back to Kuber.
As ordered the plane left for its master.
160 Joy as well as parting were there. [4B]
With Bharat came all forming a procession,
Lean and thin by Rama’s separation.
Rama noticed Bamdeo, Vashishtha, chief of rishis,
Placed bow, arrow on earth as He saw these. [1]
Rama ran with Lakhan, held Guru’s lotus feet.
They both were horripilating as them did greet.
Guru lifted them, embraced, asked welfare,
“My lord, our welfare is in your care." [2]

Bending head in respect, met all Brahmins,

170 Lord of Solar Line, holding hub of religions.
Bharat held Lord’s lotus feet, thereafter,
At which bend Brahma, gods, saints and Shankar. [3]
Prostrate Bharat won’t rise even when raised
With force Rama lifted him up and embraced.
On His dark body, hair all stand on end,
His lotus eyes also, floods of tears send. [4]

Lotus eyes water send, hair stand on end,
Fine body does finely horripilate.
Lord of Universe, Ram(a), hugged brother to bosom,
180 With intense love, heart does pulsate. [1]
To describe His beauty, when the brother embraced he
What simile shall I employ?
Perhaps, love and beauty, having taken up body,
Met and great glory they enjoy. [2]

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Lord merciful inquires, Bharat’s welfare requires,

But Bharat is Unable to reply.
“Listen, Uma, that pleasure, beyond mind’s, heart’s calibre
He, who had got it, only can try." [3]
“Great Lord of Kaushal, took of me, look charitable
190 Let me see You, there is welfare mine.
I was about to drown, in sea of separation
Held me by merciful hand thine." [4]
Then Rama, with all joy, met Shattrughan,
Hugged him near to His bosom
With all affection then the two brothers met
Brother Bharat and brother Lakshman. [5]
Lakhan embraced Shattrughan – Bharat’s brother,
Ended pain of separation, difficult to bear.
Bharat and Shattrughan then bent to Sita’s feet
200 Enjoyed great divine pleasure’s treat. [1]
The citizens were all happy to have seen Ram(a)
From pain of separation, all found freedom.
All persons looked at Him, with love so much charmed,
Then a miracle, the foe of Khar, there performed. [2]

Rama assumed innumerable bodies then,

And thus the merciful Lord met each one.
Casting merciful look on all, Lord Rama
From pain freed all men and all women. [3]
In an instant with one and all Rama thus met,
210 “Uma, there were few who could know this secret."
In this way did Rama give to all pleasure,
House of modesty, virtues, moved further. [4]
Kaushilya and other mothers also ran
As do cows, sighting their calves newborn. [5]


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Cows forcibly led, to forests to be fed,

Leaving their calves behind at home,
At the end of the day, while home on their way,
Udders overflowing, bellow and run. [1]
Rama, all mothers met, loving and affectionate
220 Many sweet words to them, He said.
Gone was cruel pain, born of separation,
Boundless joy and pleasure they all had. [2]
Sumittra met her son Lakshman, knowing well,
What great love for Rama he bore.
When Kaikai met Rama she had feeling within,
Of hesitation, sorrow so sore. [6A]
Lakshman also met with mothers all there,
On getting blessings from them, was fain.
He met Kaikai oftener and in his heart,
230 The sense of sorrow did remain. [6B]
With all mothers-in-law did Janaki meet.
With profound pleasure, She bent at their feet.
They inquire of her welfare, blessings give,
“May You in good fortune always live." [1]

They all gaze at the lotus feet of Ram(a),

Check tears, it being auspicious programme.
In gold plates move light round and round
And gaze at the features of Rama profound. [2]
They offer many a propitiatory offering,
240 Perfect pleasure and happiness to themselves bring,
Kaushilya again and again looks at Ram(a),
Cool headed in war, and of mercy, an ocean. [3]

She repeatedly considers within, with some awe,

“How could He kill Ravana, King of Lanka?
Those children of mine have been very tender ones

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Powerful, brave warriors were all the demons." [4]

The mothers are watching with great affection
Rama with Sita and Lakshman.
Perfect pleasure they experience in their hearts
250 Body horripilates, again and again. [7]
Nala, Neil, Vibhishan, Sugriva, King of Monkeys,
Jamvant and Angad – all good natured these—
Hanuman and other brave monkey warriors,
Each in attractive human form appears. [1]
With great respect and love they all extol
Bharat’s love, modesty, discipline, and control.
They notice behaviours of citizens all,
Their love for feet of Rama, all extol. [2]

Rama called up His all comrades thereon,

260 To bend at feet of Guru, gave instruction.
“Here is Guru Vashishtha worshipped by us all,
By his grace, I could make the demons fall." [3]
“And these Comrades, listen, O great Rishi,
In the ocean of war proved cruisers for Me.
They staked their very life for the sake of Me.
I love more than I love Bharat verily." [4]

At Lord’s words all felt lost in love.

Every moment new joys descended from above. [5]

At these words whole party bent down
270 At the feet of Kaushilya Queen.
With a heart so fain, she blessed them and said
“Like Rama, to me dear you have been" [8A]
Rain of flowers filled the sky as Rama
Root of pleasures turned to palace.
Men and women all were on balconies

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And from there watched His face. [8B]

Most tastefully decorated golden pitchers,
They all placed in front of their doors.
Flags and festoons, flowers and buntings,
280 For auspiciousness, placed all such things. [1]
All lanes were watered with fragrant scents,
Had decorative designs of pearls of elephants.
All auspicious equipment they did deploy,
Drums were played all over town in joy. [2]

Propitiatory offerings ladies made.

With joy of hearts their blessings displayed.
Young ladies move, and move the auspicious light.
Sing auspicious songs with great delight. [3]
Move light before Rama, remover of misery,
290 Sun for lotus forest of Raghu Family.
The richness of town, its joys, beauties,
Vedas, Shesh, Saraswati describe these. [4]
They too at the great feat, feel great shame,
“How could, Uma, man describe the same?" [5]

Women are the lilies and Ayodhya a pond
Separation of Rama was the sun.
When it set and the full-moon-Rama was seen,
They opened up so fresh anon. [9A]
Most auspicious omens were all occurring,
300 Drums were beaten in the sky.
Thus moved Lord Rama towards His palaces,
Putting all under obligation high– [9B]
Lord knew Kaikai was with sorrow so rent,
Therefore to her palace, first of all He went.
Giving her consolation, He gave her comfort,
For His own palace, Rama later did start. [1]

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When Rama, Lord merciful was seen in,

Great joy, all citizens found within.
Guru Vashishtha to all Brahmins call sent,
310 “We have auspicious day, holy hour present. [2]
Be pleased all Brahmins and give permission
That Ram Chandra be seated on the throne."
When the Brahmins heart what Guru did say,
They were all immensely pleased and gay. [3]

The Brahmins did very respectfully declare

“In Rama’s coronation lies world’s welfare,"
“Now, great Rishi, let there be no more delay,
Put mark on His forehead as emblem today." [4]

To Sumant, great Guru then made a mention.
320 He was glad and started at once.
Horses and elephants and so many chariots,
Were decorated at his instance. [10A]
He dispatched runners on duty to bring
All auspicious articles soon.
With things arrived, he went to Guru Vashishtha,
Bent his head to his feet anon. [10B]
Town of Ayodhya was decorated so high,
Gods sent torrents of flowers from the sky.
Rama, calling His men, instructions gave forth
330 That His Comrades be, first of all, given bath. [1]
Hearing the command, men, here, there, ran.
Sugriv and others had their bath soon.
Lord merciful, thereon, seated Bharat near,
With His own hands, disentangled matted hair. [2]

Lord gave a bath to all His brothers three,

Rama is merciful, kind to His devotee.
Bharat’s good luck and softness of Lord’s heart’s core
Could not be told by Sheshas a hundred crore. [3]
Later on Rama straightened His own hair,

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340 Obtaining Guru’s sanction, bathed later.

Having bathed, put on ornaments of fame,
At His beauty hundred Kamdevas felt shame. [4]

The mother-in-law also with great respect
Gave Janaki bath and soon,
With celestial clothes and fine ornaments,
Decked every part of Her anon. [11A]
On the left of Rama was seated Sita,
Mine of beauty and virtue,
Mothers-in-law feel glad, got their lives’ fruit
350 When of this beauty, they got a view. [11B]
“Listen, Adjutant, at that holy occasion,
Many rishis, Brahman and Shankar,
And all gods too came on their planes,
For a view of Rama, source of pleasure." [11C]
View of Rama in Vashishth’s heart love did enhance.
He sent for a celestial throne at once
It shone as sun, was beyond description.
Bowing down to Brahmins, Rama sat thereon. [1]
Seeing Rama seated along with Janaki,
360 Great joy was experienced by saints’ assembly.
Brahmins recited Vedic Mantras holy,
From sky, gods and saints said, “Victory". [2]

Vashishtha led in putting mark of royalty,

Later on, permitted the Brahmin assembly.
Viewing the son on throne, all mothers were fain,
Moved camphor light before Rama again and again. [3]
To Brahmins was given away great charity,
All supplicants secured fullest satiety.
When on throne, gods saw Lord of worlds three,
370 They beat drums in heaven surcharged with glee. [4]

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Heaven was full of hum, at the beating of drum,

Bards, musicians celestial, sang.
Groups of heavenly damsels, danced round in circles,
Great joy in gods and saints sprang. [1]
Bharat and Lakshman, Shattrughan and Vibhishan,
Hanuman and others did wield.
Parasol as shelter, fan and the flapper.
Bow, missile and sword and shield. [2]
Many Rama’s beauty, added great glory,
380 To Shri and Rama, jewel of Solar race.
Yellow garment endowed, form dark as rain cloud.
Gods, saints, were enchanted by grace. [3]
Armlet and diadem, fine ornaments of gem,
Decorated all parts of His body.
Long arms, broad chest, eyes like lotus best,
Blessed are they, who all these see. [4]
King of birds, that beauty, pleasure, meeting,
Too difficult, in words to be described.
Saraswati, Vedas and Shesha ever say
390 Shiva alone has that pleasure imbibed. [12A]
Having told their prayers in different forms,
To their respective homes gods went.
In the garb of bards then came the Vedas
To the place where Rama was present. [12B]
Lord merciful, Omniscient, knows them
Pays respect to each of these.
None else knows great secret of this deal,
They sing songs of His glories. [12C]

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“To the victory, tributes, with and without attributes

400 Matchless in beauty, in Kings eminent,
Arms, with power filled, great demon Ravana killed,
And other demon warriors prominent. [1]
As man-god appeared, earth’s great load cleared,
Burnt down all painful misery.
O Lord merciful, to the refugee helpful,
We bow to You and Janaki. [2]
Gods, men, Nag, demons, all living and dead ones
In full grip of Maya’s influence,
Ever in worldly round, faltering they are found,
410 Within time’s deeds’, attributes’ fence. [3]
Whomsoever, You Lord, saw with mercy concord,
They alone from three pains become free.
You have expert skill, to free from world’s cycle,
Save us, Rama, we bow before thee. [4]
Those, highly made mad, by pride of knowledge and,
Discard Your liberating devotion.
They, even when they get, positions which gods covet,
Are seen falling in frustration. [5]
Those, who leave all source, with full faith, of course,
420 And Your service only adopt.
Telling Your name mere, without fatigue or fear,
Cross world’s ocean, Rama, You, we opt. [6]
Feet which Brahma. Shiv(a), do ever worship give,
Whose holy-dust made Ahilya free,
From whose nail came, which all rishis acclaim
Ganga – purifier of worlds three. [7]
Marks of flag, adamant, goad lotus present
Feet, which each of the above adorns,

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To those lotus feet two, Lord of Sita, I bow

430 Which have holes pricked by forest thorns. [8]
We bow down to thee, who came as world tree,
Of which Vedas call Nature roots,
Six trunks, barks four, branches five and a score,
Bearing numberless leaves and fruits. [9]
Fruits are two in kind, sweet and bitter, mind
Just one creeper on it, does grow,
Ever bearing leaves new, fruits many a few.
You are that tree, to You, We bow. [10]
Those who Brahma call, unborn with no parallel,
440 Whom heart feels, mind cannot reach,
Let them say as they will, practice their own skill,
We, Your forms with attributes, preach. [11]
O, virtues’ mine, Lord merciful fine,
From these single boon we entreat.
By thought, word, and deed, from all evils freed
we may get love for thy holy feet." [12]
In clear views of all, the Vedas thus sang
The prayer as above mentioned.
And thereafter, they disappeared from view
450 To the domain of Brahma, they returned. [13A]
“Listen to me, Adjutant, it was then that Shiv came,
To the place, where Rama was there.
With voice so choked, body horripilating,
He commenced His holy prayer." [13B]
“Rama, victory to thee, Lord of Lakshmi
From world’s pains, great rescuer

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Holding gods, Avadh in sway, Laxmi’s Lord, I pray.

Save Your servant restless with fear. [1]
Rama, You killed Ravan(a), of arms twenty, heads ten,
460 This laid at rest world’s great ills.
Hosts of great demons, like more moths, reckons
Great fire of Your arrow, and kills. [2]
For the system of earth, You are ornament of worth,
You wear fine bow, quiver and arrows.
Dark night of arrogance, attachment, ignorance,
At Your sun’s bright rays soon goes. [3]
As a hunter to the deer, Kama shot down all clear
With the dart of sensuous pleasures,
Kill him and save O Ram(a), who in ignorance forest roam
470 You are extinguisher of sinful fires. [4]
Ills and maladies, have afflicted men these,
This is fruit of ignoring Your feet.
In sea of worldly round, are all such men found,
Who with love, lotus feet don’t greet. [5]
Those who don’t possess, love for Your feet lotus,
Ever low, unclean, miserable live.
While all those who count, on Your glories’ account,
Love to God and saints ever give. [6]
Attachment, greed and pride, egoism who decried
480 To them joys and sorrows are same.
It is on this account, saints on yoga didn’t count,
And happily, Your servants became. [7]
Serve Your lotus feet, with hearts pure and neat,
With vow of love, constancy.
Just alike they consider, honour and dishonor.
Roam all over earth, happy and free. [8]

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Saints’ hearts lotus bee, I remember Thee,

O, valiant, unconquerable Ram(a).
Of world’s ills a cure, pride’s dreaded foe sure
490 I bow and remember thy name. [9]
To You, Lakshmi’s spouse, virtue’s, modesty’s house,
To You, house of modesty I bow.
O world’s protector, from woes rescuer,
Son of Raghu’s line, look at me now." [10]
I repeatedly seek this boon from you,
Be pleased to grant it, O Ram(a).
Ever lasting love for lotus feet of Yours,
And the company of Your lovers, warm." [14A]
Having described glories of Rama with joy
500 Lord of Uma to Kailash went.
Then Rama gave comfortable accommodations
For all the monkeys present. [14B]
“Listen, Adjutant, this purifying account,
Washes off three pains, fears of world’s count.
The sacred coronation of Rama, great King,
Detachment and knowledge to listener, does bring. [1]

Those who listen and sing it with some end in view,

Get pleasure and property many a few.
Enjoy this world, as is for gods, difficult,
510 Reach Rama’s domain as the last result. [2]
Free from world, recluse, sensualist find
Devotion, salvation, joys of every kind.
Rama’s story, to the best of my lights, I’ve told.
It washes off fears and pains of the world. [3]

Makes devotion, detachment, learning, firmer,

Serves as fine boat to cross ignorance-river."
In Ayodhya come happy functions every day.

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Persons of all castes live happy and gay. [4]

New love for Rama’s lotus feet comes in each heart,
520 To which Brahma, Shiva, saints bow on their part,
The beggars received all decorations,
Charities diverse reached all the Brahmins. [5]

Monkeys, surcharged with love for the Supreme Lord
Love for Lord’s feet ruling their heart.
Six months glided off, unnoticed by them,
Did not realize it on their part. [15]
Their homes, they forgot, did dream of the same
As in saint’s heart, thought of giving pain never came.
Then Rama once sent for all His comrades,
530 They came and in respect they all bent heads. [1]

Rama seated them close with affection and coy

Said sweet words that to devotees bring joy.
“You have done Me service, sincere and immense,
How could I say praises in your presence? [2]
You forsook home comforts for Me it is clear,
For that reason you are to Me so very dear.
My younger brothers, throne, property and Sita,
Even this body, home, family, friend etcetera, [3]

They are all dear to Me, but not as you all are,
540 I am not telling lie, it is My very nature,
Those who serve are dear to all, that is so true,
But My love for servant is great, I tell you. [4]

Now go back to your homes, all My Comrades,
Positively ever remember Me.
Considering Me omnipresent, ever beneficent,
Give Me your love with sincerity." [16]

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At Lord’s words, monkeys were with love so fraught,

Who they are, where they are, theirselves they forgot.
With joined palms, eyes fixed on Rama they stood.
550 For excess of love, not a word say they could. [1]
Of their love, the Lord noticed great excess,
Great knowledge in different ways he did express.
In front of Lord, not a single word they could tell
Again and again eyes on lotus feet fell. [2]

Thereon Rama sent for clothes and ornaments,

Multicoloured, very fine, matchless in contents.
First of all Sugriva, leader of all band
Was dressed up beautifully by Bharat’s own hand. [3]
Wished by Lord, Lakshman dressed up Vibhishan,
560 Rama was pleased to see him in his new fashion.
But Angad sat firm, he did not even move,
Rama did not disturb him, noticing his great love. [4]

Rama, personally dressed up all other monkeys
Such as Nila and Jamvan
With figure of Rama fixed in their hearts,
Bending to Him, they all moved on. [17A]
Then rose Angad, bent his head and joined palms,
With eyes watering he spoke,
Words full of humility and modesty,
570 Which in love solution he did soak. [17B]
“Omniscient, ocean of kindness, pleasure,
Mercy’s mine to lowly, to the miserable, brother,
O Lord, at the hour of death, Bali King
In Your kind lap Lord, me he did fling. [1]

Think of Your vow to the shelterless the shelter,

Don’t part with me, devotee’s fear remover.
You are my Lord, my teacher, my father, mother,
Leaving Your lotus feet, I shall be going whither? [2]
O Lord of men, consider and please let me know

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580 What shall I do if, leaving You home, I go.

Keep me in Your shelter, as Your servant mild,
Void of knowledge, wisdom, power, a mere child, [3]
Every lowly domestic duty I will do,
World’s ocean I shall cross, of lotus feet getting view.
So saying he fell at feet of Lord Ram(a)
Lord, don’t ask me any more to go back home." [4]

At Angad’s words so very full of humility,
Rama, very limits of mercies,
Lifted him up and embraced him to His bosom,
590 Tears running from His lotus eyes. [18A]
His own garland, clothes, ornaments of gems
Rama put on Angad, Bali’s son.
Advising, consoling him in various ways
Bade him farewell on his way home. [18B]
Bharat with his brothers Shattrughan and Lakshman
Saw him off, thinking of devotee’s action.
In Angad’s heart also love was nonetheless.
He turned often to view Rama, in the process. [1]
He bowed to Rama again and again hoping
600 That to stay on, He would be allowing.
He feels sad, remembering Rama’s greeting,
His talking, walking, smiling at meeting. [2]
Noticing Rama’s mind, he prayed earnestly,
Keeping lotus feet in heart, he took up journey.
Bharat saw off the monkeys with respect and grace,
Then with his two brothers came back to his palace. [3]
Thereon Hanuman held Sugriva’s feet,
And in forms numerous him he did entreat.
“O Lord, Let me serve Rama, a few days more.
610 Thereafter I’ll come and your feet adore/" [4]
“O son of Pawan, you are blissful really,
Go and be of service to House of mercy."

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Some saying all monkeys were soon on the way.

Angad said, “Hanuman, listen to me, I pray. [5]

Convey my sincere respects to the Lord,
With folded hands to you, I pray.
Remind Lord of me, again and again,
This is my prayer to you, I say." [19A]
So saying, son of Bali followed his course,
620 And Hanuman came back to Ram(a).
He conveyed to Rama, Angad’s devotion.
Rama was under love’s great charm. [19B]
“O Adjutant, heart of Rama is as hard
As an adamant you will admit.
It is also so soft as a flower could be.
Who can then fully comprehend it?" [19C]
For the Chief of Boatmen, Lord merciful sent.
Clothes, ornaments were offered to him as present.
“Go home" He said “and remember Me in deed,
630 Be virtuous by thought, word and by deed. [1]
You are My friend and like Bharat you are brother,
You may visit Ayodhya, when it be your pleasure."
He was immensely pleased when these words he heard.
He fell at Rama’s feet and his eyes watered. [2]

He went keeping in his heart Rama’s lotus feet,

To His fellows, Rama’s nature fully did repeat.
Knowing of Rama’s deeds, people of Avadh said,
“Store of happiness, Lord Rama is blessed." [3]
With Rama on the throne, the three worlds were glad.
640 Of any worry whatsoever, none was afraid.
None bore any enmity towards another,
By Rama’s glory, differences vanished altogether. [4]


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Enthusiastically, all on the lines of Vedas

Kept to caste and codes of life.
Enjoyed happy days, each on his own path
With no worry, no sickness, no strife. [20]
In Rama’s reign, none had ever any suffering,
Physical, material or from gods coming.
There was mutual love prevailing over all,
650 In line with Vedas, customs, morals, they fall. [1]
Complete religion – truth piety kindness, charity,
Filled all earth, sin could, even in dream not be.
Men and women all had sincere love for Ram(a).
Salvation was their right in usual norm. [2]

None died in early age, none ever fell ill,

All had healthy bodies all were beautiful.
None was poor, none was in pain or in suffering,
None lacked learning, none was in manners wanting. [3]
None had arrogance, all were moral, virtuous,
660 Men, women – all were intelligent, meritorious.
All were Pundits, wise, respected for learning,
None was thankless or crafty or had cunning. [4]

“Listen, Adjutant, all living and dead of the world
In the reign of Lord Rama were free,
From evil effects of time, action, nature,
And from results of modes three." [21]
Sole monarch Rama of Ayodhya’s decrees
Covered whole earth, girdled by seven great seas.
In whose each hair, are universes many,
670 For Him, this glory is not wonder any. [1]
To those who comprehend that glory of Ram(a),
To describe kingly glories seems to be doing harm.
Adjutant, those who conceive that glory,
Develop love for Rama’s this story. [2]

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This love results from knowing that greatness,

Rishis, conquerors of senses, do that truth profess.
The happiness and wealth of the reign of Ram(a),
Shesha Saraswati fail in description programme. [3]
Men, women, all are benevolent and kind,
680 Servants of Brahmin’s feet all You will find.
All men, the rule of monogamy observe,
By thought, word, deed women also serve. [4]

In Rama’s reign “Stick" is for the ascetic,
“Variations" in music alone,
The word “Conquer", one would generally find,
In the context of mind is shown. [22]
In forests, trees bear fruits and flower!
Forgetting enmity, lions and elephants gather.
Animals, birds shedding natural enmity
690 Have developed mutual love and amity. [1]

Birds warble sweet, animals of every kind

Graze fearlessly and great pleasure find.
Winds blow, cool and fragrant and mild.
Black bees buzz with nectar of flowers wild. [2]
For mere asking, trees, creepers, nectar ooze.
Cows give milk in quantities, one would choose.
Earth bore rich harvests throughout year.
Treta Age became Satyug, it was clear. [3]

Mountains brought forth gem, mines, of each kind,

700 As the soul of Universe as their King they find.
In the rivers one could see waters flowing,
Most excellent and cool, pure and refreshing. [4]
The oceans within their bounds remain,
Bring gems on shore which people gather so fain.
All ponds do with lotus flowers abound.
Zones in ten directions happiness found. [5]


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Moon fills all earth with its rays of nectar.

Sun gives heat just as desired.
In the happy reign of Rama Chandra, clouds give
710 Rain, just as much as was required. [23]
Crores of horse sacrifices Rama did perform,
Numerous charities to Brahmins were His norm.
He kept to Vedic Path, held hub of religion,
Free from three modes, with Indra’s gratification. [1]
Sita, mine of beauty, polite, considerate,
Was ever in complete accord with Her mate.
She knew well glories of Her Lord merciful,
Served His lotus feet with her heart and soul. [2]
Though there were in the house servants and maids
720 All expert in branches of servicing trades,
Yet, Janaki did household duties with Her hands,
And always followed Lord Rama’s commands, [3]
Whichever way would please Sita’s Lord merciful,
She opted that way, She was truly dutiful.
Kaushilya and other mothers-in-law in the house
She served all without pride, arrogance, grouse. [4]

“Listen, Uma, Brahma and other gods pray to Her,

World’s mother is free from blemish altogether. [5]

Gods are desirous of Her merciful look
730 But She would not cast Her eye.
The same Sita, setting aside Her high rank,
Love for lotus feet of Rama does try." [24]
All brothers served Rama with one mind propelled.
Their love for feet of Rama ever excelled.
They ever watched the lotus face of Ram(a),
Waiting for some order to come therefrom. [1]
Rama also bestowed all love on brothers,

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Taught them high morals by methods diverse.

Citizens of the town, in happiness exult,
740 Enjoy pleasures which gods too find difficult. [2]
To the Creator of world, all citizens pray,
Seek love for feet of Rama, night and day.
The two lovely children Sita gave birth
Love and Kush – Vedas, Puranas sing with mirth – [3]

Both – house of virtues, humility, victory,

As if they were images of Lord Vishnu really.
Each of the three brothers also got two sons,
Very handsome, virtuous and well behaved ones. [4]

He – beyond knowledge, speech, senses and unborn,
750 Beyond three modes, Maya and mind,
That very great God called – Truth, Force, Peace —
Plays part that of mankind. [25]
They have morning bath in the Saryu Waters,
Sit in company of Brahmins, noble seers.
Rishi Vashishtha discourses on Veda and Puran.
Rama listens, though He knows what all they contain. [1]
Rama takes food in company of His brothers.
The sight gives happiness to all the mothers.
Bharat along with his younger brother Shattrughan,
760 Visits garden, taking along with them Hanuman. [2]
They sit there and ask about Rama’s glories.
Hanuman tells them going deep in their mysteries.
Hearing of Rama’s deeds holy, they get pleasure,
And beg of Hanuman to repeat the favour. [3]
In every house Purana are being recited,
Rama’s pious deeds are differently cited.
All persons, men and women, Rama’s praises sing.
They don’t notice days and nights passing. [4]

To describe great store of happiness and wealth
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770 Of citizens of Ayodhya town,

Thousands of Sheshas also do not succeed,
There rules Rama, King of renown. [26]
Rishi Narad and Sanak and others of the ring
To obtain a view of Rama, the Kaushala King,
Visited Ayodhya without fail everyday,
Forgot their asceticism, seeing city gay. [1]
Attics of glittering gold studded with gems
Floors moulded of beautifully coloured items.
There was a beautiful rampart all around.
780 Turrets, multicoloured were thereon found [2]
It seemed as if nine planets formed a force,
And laid a seize of Amaravati in their course.
Gems of many colours were fixed on the land.
Hearts of even ascetics danced at the view grand. [3]
White palaces rose high, kissing the blue sky,
Brilliant steeples made sun and moon shy.
Gem studded peepholes, beautiful palaces.
Jewelled lamp each and every house grace. [4]

Lights, with gem studded, every house flooded,
790 Of corals, thresholds were made.
Pillars, with gem covered, golden walls with emerald,
As if Creator Himself had arrayed. [1]
Palaces grand beautiful, that hearts do pull,
With courtyards of pure crystals,
Every house entrance had shutters fine sculptured,
All fixed with costly jewels. [2]
Every house had a picture gallery so fine,
Depicting deeds of Rama, nice,
Which, even if a recluse happens to see

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800 His heart it would surely entice. [27]

Each citizen had planted a flower garden,
Giving it all love, care and attention.
Beautiful tender creepers of many a kind,
Flowering permanently as ever spring they find. [1]
Big black bees buzz, thereby hearts enchant.
Wind blows cool, mild, as well as fragrant.
Birds of various types, the boys did treat,
Looked beautiful in flight and warbled sweet. [2]

Birds like swans and cranes, pigeons, peacocks,

810 Looked very beautiful indeed at the house tops.
Here and there, they their own shadows see,
Give out sweet notes and dance in glee. [3]
They teach starlings and parrots to utter,
“Rama" and “Raghubir" and “Man’s Protector".
Grand is the frontage of the palace of King,
Grand is street, market, grand every crossing. [4]

Market decoration, beggars all description.
One could get things free of all cost.
Who could its richness sing, where Lakshmi’s Lord in King.
820 One’s eloquence is here all lost. [1]
There sat the traders, cloth merchants, jewelers,
They presented the looks of Kuber.
Be it man or woman, be it young or old one.
All prosperous, morally straight, were. [2]
On the north of the town flowed River Saryu,
With water very deep and clear.
There are ghats beautiful, all along the city,
No mud is to be found anywhere. [28]

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There is fine ghat, a bit away, on the brink,

830 Where lots of horses and elephants drink.
For drinking water there is ghat separate
Their baths, the people there will not take. [1]
Rajghat, all ghats in beauty surpasses,
There bathe persons of all four classes.
On the bank are temples of gods all over,
Around them are fine gardens of flower. [2]

Here and there, at the bank, hermitages one sees,

Where live ascetics, recluse, all knowing rishis.
At the bank, lots of holy basil plants grow,
840 Which saints did, in their pleasure, sow. [3]
Indescribable is beauty of the town.
Its skirts also are of great renown.
Mere view of Ayodhya, all sins scares,
Fine forests, gardens, ponds, wells with stairs. [4]

Matchless staired wells, ponds act as spells,
Large beautiful wells hearts allure.
Steps are magnificent, waters transparent,
Gods, rishis come under charm sure. [1]
Lotuses of every hue, birds’ chattering ever new,
850 The big black bees buzz do raise,
When cuckoos coo, perhaps travelers they woo,
Birds, gardens, deserve all praise. [2]
Where Lord of Lakshmi Himself rules as King,
Can the beauty of the town be said?
All pleasures, all wealth, success and perfections,
Have come to Ayodhya and spread. [29]
Here and there people sing Rama’s glories,
Sitting together, to one another, they teach these.
“Remember Rama, protector of refugee,

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860 House of Virtues, modesty, grace and beauty. [1]

Who has lotus eyes and dark complexion,
As lids to eyes, gives to servants protection.
Who bears beautiful bow, arrows and quiver,
Brave, sun of lotus forest of the seer. [2]
For fearful death snake, He is an adjutant,
Bending to Him desireless takes away attachment.
He is hunter for deer of ignorance and greed,
Lion for passion elephant, refugee’s joy indeed. [3]
For the darkness of doubts and sorrows He is sun,
870 Fire for burning down dense forest of demon.
Why not, ever, remember Rama with Janaki?
From world’s round of birth and death rescues He. [4]
Remember Him, snow for desire-mosquitoes.
Rama – unborn and endless, ever-uniform goes.
Gives happiness to rishis, lightens earth’s load
Remember Rama – Tulsidas’s kind Lord. [5]

Thus men and women of the entire town
The glories of Rama ever sing.
Lord showers His blessings on them always,
880 He is merciful, that is the thing. [30]
Ever since, Adjutant, sun of Rama’s might
Rose worth its splendor and brilliant light,
Over all the three worlds, great light did throw,
It brought joy to many, to many sorrow. [1]
Those that met with sorrow I describe below.
Night of ignorance was the first to go.
Owls of sinfulness hid themselves here and there.
Faded down lilies of passion and anger. [2]
Binding deeds, modes, times and nature
890 Are red legged partridges – in pain forever.
Ignorance, arrogance, pride and jealousy,
Have vanished as trades of the thieves crafty. [3]

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In the pond of religion, knowledge science lotus

Have bloomed in hues and colours various.
Pleasure, contentment, renunciation, wisdom -
These ruddy geese have got from sorrows freedom. [4]

When this brilliant sun of Rama’s glories shines
In the heart of any person,
The latter virtues appear in abundance
900 The former ones die anon. [31]
It so happened that with brothers, once Rama
In company with His dear, son of Pawan,
Visited a garden most beautiful to view -
Trees, laden with flowers, bearing leaves new. [1]

Finding it opportune, Sanak and others came

– Full of virtues, magnificence, modesty, fame.
Ever lost in the pleasure of Brahma were they,
Apparently young children, but in ages gray, [2]
They looked as if four Vedas had taken form,
910 Had equipoise, no differentiation as norm.
Four directions their clothes, they had just one fad-
They must visit where Rama’s glories are said. [3]

“Parvati, they had come there from that place,

Which Agastya, great saint of learning did grace.
Rama’s glories, the Rishi had told entire,
Giving knowledge as drill by attrition gives fire." [4]

When Rama noticed the saints approaching Him,
He rose, bent to them in joy,
Inquired welfare and for them to sit on
920 Did His own yellow robe employ. [32]
The three brothers and Hanuman too fell
At the feet of the saints, who could that joy tell?

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Viewing matchless beauty of Rama, they all

Felt lost and lost their self-control. [1]

On the dark complexioned, lotus eyed one,

Rescuer from world, and beauty’s great home.
Their eyes got fixed, won’t wink either,
While Rama had head bent and His palms together. [2]
Viewing their condition, Rama Himself had
930 Water running from eyes, body horripilated.
Rama held by His hands and seated rishis,
Spoke words heart enchanting these. [3]

“Listen to me, O Saints, I am lucky today,

Viewing you, one’s all sins fly away.
One gets saint’s company by fortune’s support
Cycle of birth and death ends, without effort. [4]

The company of saints bring salvation,
That of the sensualist, bondage.
So declare the Vedas Puranas, holy books
940 Saints, poets, men of knowledge." [33]
At Rama’s word, four saints felt very glad,
Began prayer, their bodies horripilated.
“Victory to Lord Rama, endless and flawless,
Diverse yet one, most merciful and sinless. [1]
Victory Absolute, Ocean of modes, Victory,
Most expert, House of pleasures and beauty.
Lakshmi’s Lord, Holder of earth, Victory.
Matchless, Unborn, Beginningless, Mine of beauty. [2]

Not demanding, yet giving respect, knowledge store,

950 Vedas, Puranas sing Your glories – pious, pure.
Knower of secret, Grateful, Ignorance remover,
Flawless, with no name yet countless names bear. [3]
You are absolute and Omnipresent on Your part,
Give us support, permanent, dweller in each heart.
Cut off bands of troubles, miseries, worldly cycle,
Remove pride and desires, in our hearts dwell. [4]

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You are peace absolute, and house of mercy.
You fulfill the wishes of heart,
Unending devotion and unflinching love
960 Rama, give us these as our part. [34]
Rama, give us that devotion so very pure,
Free three pains, world’s rounds, a sure cure.
For lover’s wish, You are Kamdhenu, Kalpa-Tree.
Give us that devotion and on us pleased be. [1]
Rama – Agastya to dry worldly ocean,
Giver of pleasures, easy for devotion.
Wash away great pains, born of our mind,
Give equanimity, Rama, to lowly, kind. [2]
Take away expectations, fear and jealousy.
970 Spread discrimination, asceticism, humility.
O jewel of kings, ornament for the earth
Give love – a boat to cross river of death and birth. [3]

O, swan of the lake of the hearts of rishis

Brahma and Shiva worship lotus feet to please.
Banner of Raghu’s line, Saviour of Veda, honor.
Of times, actions, nature and modes remover. [4]
Having crossed, You let others cross, pain-remover,"
Ornament to Universe, Tulsidas’ saviour. [5]

Praying again and again and bending their heads
980 Saturated with deep devotion,
Sanak and others, having received their boon,
Went to Brahma’s dominion. [35]
When for Brahma’s domain, rishis started,
To Rama’s lotus feet the three brothers bent head,
In asking from Rama they feel hesitation,
Hence they have turned their eyes towards Hanuman. [1]

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They wanted to hear talk from Lord Ram(a),

Which clears off all doubts and suspicion.
Rama, the Omniscient, their hearts soon read,
990 “Hanuman, what are you thinking of?" He said. [2]
Hanuman, joining his hands, spoke thereon -
“Hear, Lord, ever merciful to lowly person,
Lord, Bharat wishes to ask something, this instant.
But to ask You, he is feeling so much hesitant." [3]

Rama said, “You know My nature well, O, Monkey,

Was there ever been difference between Bharat and Me."?
Bharat fell at feet of Rama, hearing that word -
“Listen, Remover of refugee’s pains, Lord. [4]

“I have neither any doubt even in dream, my Lord,
1000 Nor any worry, nor ignorance.
O, Store of Mercy, House of all pleasures
It is gift of Your munificence. [36]
O Store of mercy, I’m going to make bold,
To the servant You are good and I’m Your servant old.
Vedas and Puranas repeatedly inform
Of the great glories of saints, rishis, O Ram(a). [1]
Lord, Your holy lips too have showered praise,
So great love for the saintly, You also do raise.
I wish to hear from You traits of such a man,
1010 You are master of knowledge, virtues, mercy’s ocean. [2]

O Supporter of refugee, tell me in detail,

Qualities of the saintly unsaintly as well."
“Listen, brother, the virtues of a good person
Are numerous as Vedas, Puranas mention. [3]
The deeds of the saintly, unsaintly, are such,
As in sandal and axe, you see so much.
The axe cuts down the sandal brother,
But the sandal makes it scented by its nature. [4]


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It is for that reason that the sandal, you see,

1020 Reaches heads of gods so great.
But the face of axe is put in red embers
Strokes of hammers are its fate. [37]
Free from worldly pleasures, mine of virtue, mercy,
With other’s happiness, happy, with gloom gloomy,
No greed, fear, pride, pleasure, enemy, anger,
Ever equanimeous, perfect, recluse by nature, [1]
Possessing kind heart, merciful to needy,
By thought, deed and word sinless, My devotee.
Giving respect to all, not demanding at all,
1030 Bharat, such persons are dear to Me as soul. [1]
Free from desires, in love ever, with My name,
Peaceful, united, humble, mind in joyful frame.
He is cool headed, simple, friendly towards all,
Love for feet of Brahmins, which does morals install. [3]
In whosoever’s heart, above virtues you see,
Ever take him to be saint, perfect and truly.
Has equanimity, discipline, control tight,
Never using harsh word, never wavering from right. [4]

To them are the same – fame as well as defame
1040 For My lotus feet have love whole.
House of virtues, store of happiness they are.
They are dear to Me as My soul. [38]
Now listen to the nature of unholy one,
It is always desirable, his company to shun.
Their company always brings down misery.
As a good cow is ruined by cows naughty. [1]

Hearts of ignoble ever suffer from distress.

They are in pain when they, others happy witness.
When evil reports about others come round,
1050 They feel happy as if unclaimed wealth found. [2]

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Ever busy in lust, anger, pride and greed,

Cunning, crooked, unkind, most filthy indeed.
For no reason, others’ enemy they become.
Even to their well-wisher they’ll do harm some. [3]
Giving or receiving they lie in every deal.
Falsehood is their breakfast, falsehood their meal.
They use sweet words as a peacock does,
Cruel hearted, always eating snakes poisonous. [4]

Ever malicious absorbed in others’ women,
1060 In others’ wealth and infamy.
Such men are wicked and are most sinful.
They are demons in human body. [39]
Greed is their bedding, greed covering for them,
Busy with belly, passion, no fear of Yam(a).
If praise of some person reaches their ear.
They draw breath as if under ague fever. [1]

And if they get news of someone in suffering,

They feel happy as if of earth they were king.
Deep in selfishness, against all family,
1070 Depraved through passion, greed, ever angry. [2]
With no regards for Brahmins, parents, teachers,
Ruined personally they bring about ruin to others.
Due to ignorance they bear malice towards others,
Saints’ company or God’s deeds give no pleasures. [3]

Unintelligent, ocean of vices, profligate,

Criticise Vedas, other’s wealth misappropriate,
They oppose all, but Brahmins in particular,
Heart malicious and cunning, outwardly so fair. [4]

Such crooked and low persons one would not find
1080 In Satyug and Treta as well.
In Dwapar their number may increase a bit.
But in Kalyug it is bound to swell. [40]
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No religion can equal service to others,
Causing pain is greatest sin, on the reverse.
I have told you gist of Vedas, Shastras clear.
The Pandits and learned know it well, brother. [1]
Who, with human form, to others, cause pain,
They suffer worldly miseries again and again.
Due to great ignorance, one commits all sins.
1090 Drowned in selfishness, other world he ruins. [2]
I react to them like the death, O Brother,
Giving them fruits of deeds, be they sweet or bitter.
Thinking so, those who are intelligent and wise.
Remember Me, taking world as painful, despise. [3]
They shun deeds that bear fruits, bitter or sweet,
Remember Me, gods, rishis, persons discreet.
Of the holy, unholy, I have told you qualities,
They are free from worldly rounds, who remember these. [4]

Listen to Me, brother, virtues as well as vices,
1100 All are creations of Maya.
Real discretion lies in ignoring them both,
Recognition of either would be flaw." [41]
Hearing these words from the Lord’s lips, the brothers
Were pleased, hearts could not contain their pleasures.
They praise him and pray to him again and again,
Boundless was the joy in heart of Hanuman. [1]
Thereon Lord Rama, to His palace did go,
Came forth daily, from Rama new deeds so.
Rishi Narad visits Ayodhya again and again,
1110 Sings holy deeds of Rama, with heart fain. [2]
New deeds done by Rama, he daily sees fain.
These all he describes in Brahma’s domain.
Listening to them, Creator gets pleasure immense,
Begs Narad to retell deeds of Rama, hence. [3]

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Sanak and other saints praise Narad Rishi.

Even though they know Brahma, the Supreme Deity.
On hearing Rama’s glories, they leave meditating,
Listen with respect and they deserve the listening. [4]

Those who have been freed from worldly bondage
1120 Leave meditation, listen to glories.
Consider those hearts to be hard as stone
Which lack love for Lord’s stories. [42]
One day, Lord of Raghu’s line sent out a call.
Guru Vashishtha, Brahmins, and citizens came all.
When the Guru, saints, Brahmins and others took seat,
Rama, rescuer of devotee from world, spoke sweet. [1]
“All citizens assembled, just listen to Me, please.
I am not led by love, when I say words these.
I don’t want to be unfair, nor lordliness display,
1130 Listen to Me and then act as your hearts do say. [2]

He is My servant and he alone is dear to Me

Who carries out My orders so very faithfully.
But if I say something which is not morally fair,
Stop Me forthwith, entertaining no fear. [3]
By stroke of good luck one does get human form.
It is difficult for gods, the scriptures proclaim.
Means for accomplishment, way to freedom direct,
Getting it, if one fails other world to protect, [4]

Great pains are his lot when to next world he goes,
1140 Feels sorry and beats his head.
Ignoring his own deeds and also in vain
Blames times, luck, god instead. [43]
Worldly pleasures are not human body’s aim,
Even heavenly are nothing, pain at end proclaim.

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Getting human form, those who opt for pleasure,

Are fools, choosing poison instead of nectar. [1]

None will call him wise, who loses the precious

Philosophers stone for Abrus precatorius.
In four types of life, eighty four lac forms,
1150 This immortal soul unendingly transforms. [2]
Surrounded by times, deeds, modes and natures,
It goes astray led by Maya’s great pressures.
At some time, God urged by his natural mercy,
Of Himself graciously gives human body. [3]

Human form is ship to cross worldly ocean.

My mercy serves as wind, favouring the occasion.
True teacher is helmsman to this great boat.
Such rare means man has got without effort. [4]

The person who won’t cross worldly ocean,
1160 In spite of such facilities great,
Is certainly thankless and unintelligent,
And meets with self-murderer’s fate. [44]
If one wants joy here and in the next world,
Listen to me, and My words close to heart hold.
Path of devotion to me, is pleasant easy,
Vedas and Puranas say so, brother, very clearly. [1]
Way of knowledge is difficult, obstacles abound,
It’s hard, no support for the mind is found.
And if one gets knowledge, with sufferings undergone,
1170 It does not please me, being void of devotion. [2]

While devotion is independent, mine of pleasure,

Without getting good company that also is rare.
One won’t get saints company, unless virtues tends,
Saint’s company, cycle of births and death ends. [3]
There is one virtue on the earth, no other indeed,
It is worship of Brahmin’s feet by thought, word, deed.
Gods and saints all are pleased at that being,
Who serves Brahmins, setting aside all the cunning. [4]

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There is yet another secret, which with folded hands,
1180 I’ld like to place before you all,
Without remembering Shankar, no man ever shall
Find devotion to Me at all. [45]
Tell Me hardship that in devotion lies.
Fast, penance, recitation, yoga, fire-ceremonies?
Just have a pure heart, free from malicious thought,
Ever contented with what comes to him as his lot. [1]

Claiming to be My devotee and hoping from men!

Tell Me where does any faith in Me lie then.
Why shall I prolong the story further?
1190 My brothers, I am governed by such behaviour, [2]
All directions for him all pleasures bear,
Who has neither quarrel, nor hope, nor fear,
Not fastened to a deed, or home, prideless,
Knowledgeful, expert, angerless and sinless, [3]

Who has love for company of holy person,

Deems pleasures straw, even heaven, salvation,
Who is firmly for devotion but is no fool,
He ever shuns wrong actions as a rule. [4]

Ever busy in telling My name and glories,
1200 Void of pride, ignorance, tieless,
The happiness of his, only he does know
Who has known God – Supreme Happiness." [46]
At these words of Rama which were like nectar sweet
All of them held Rama, store of Mercy’s feet.
“Lord merciful, you’re our mother, father, teacher,
Brother and all, are like our soul dear. [1]
O, refugee’s protector, You are ever helpful
To us in body, property, house and all.

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Excepting You, none could give teaching such -

1210 Even parents have self-interest so much. [2]

O, foe of demons, unselfish, beneficence

Comes from You or Your devotee, in essence.
While all others in this world, selfish friends seem,
With no sense of beatitude even in dream." [3]
When Rama heard their words so soaked in love
Immense joy within His heart, He then did have.
All persons departed with His permission,
Discussing in the way Rama’s sweet ovation. [4]

“O, Parvati, Citizens of Ayodhya are
1220 Very embodiment of blessing.
Where Rama, Supreme Soul, Truth Force!
Lives personally as their King." [47]
At an occasion Guru Vashishtha came over,
Where there was Rama, house of all pleasures.
Rama gave him respect, great and sincere,
Washed his feet, and took the water as nectar. [1]
Addressing Rama, he said, with palms unfreed,
“Ocean of mercy, to my prayer, pay heed.
When I watch Your deeds done as a man’s part,
1230 Unbounded love surge within my heart. [2]

Your glories unlimited, Vedas couldn’t know.

My Lord, how could I describe them, so?
An officiating priest’s job is low.
Veda Puran Hindu Law condemn it so. [3]
When I told Brahma’ my dislike for it,
He said, ‘Son, ultimately it will give profit."
Brahma – the Supreme Soul, will be coming as man,
An ornament in Kings of Raghu’s Solar clan." [4]

I thought that to reach whom men do perform
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1240 Yoga, charity, fire ceremonies, fast,

I will be finding Him easily thereby,
No virtue can match it at last. [48]
Fruit of yoga, penance, name recital, discipline,
Duties, all pious deeds that Vedas lay down,
Knowledge, mercy, control, bath in holy region,
And what Vedas, saints considered as religion, [1]

Reading and hearing Shastras Puranas and Veda

One fruit only my Lord, all these have said.
All these efforts just bear one fruit sweet,
1250 Unending devotion to Your lotus feet. [2]
Could filthy water wash away fifth clear?
By churning water could one obtain butter?
Rama, without the water of love, devotion,
None could wash away the impurity within. [3]

He is omniscient, knowledgeful and pundit,

House of virtues, with knowledge without limit,
He alone is wise, with good qualities replete,
Who possesses devotion for Your lotus feet. [4]

My Lord, from You I seek one boon alone,
1260 Do give me, Rama, that boon please.
Life after life, love for lotus feet of yours.
Which should never experience decrease." [49]
So saying, back home went Vashishtha Rishi.
He was much liked by Rama, an Ocean of Mercy.
Rama, to His devotees, giver of pleasures,
Took Hanuman, Bharat and all other brothers, [1]

The merciful Lord moved out of the city,

Sent for horses, elephants and chariots many.
He saw them and praised them, by mercy inspired,
1270 Gave them away to seekers who rightly desired. [2]
The remover of fatigues, some fatigue did have,

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He, therefore, moved to a cool mango grove.

Bharat spread his cloth for Rama to sit on.
He sat, attended by Bharat, Shattrughan, Lakshman. [3]
Hanuman was fanning Him at that occasion.
Water filled his eyes, body horripilation.
“There is hardly, one, so fortunate as Hanuman,
Has, for Rama’s lotus feet unexcelled devotion. [4]

Whose love and services Rama with His mouth own,

1280 And that, Uma, He praised again and again." [5]

That was the occasion when Rishi Narad came,
Holding in his hand, his lyre,
And commenced singing great glories or Rama,
Ever new and beautiful ever. [50]
“Your merciful eyes take away worries,
O, lotus eyed, cast a look at me please.
O, Kama’s foe, blue as blue lotus flower,
You are black bee for lotus in heart of Shankar. [1]
You are He who has crushed might of the demons,
1290 Giving pleasure to saints, rishis, wash off all sins.
You are rain bearing cloud to Brahminical field.
Save refugee, to shelter-less shelter You yield. [2]
With Your mighty arms, lightened load of the earth.
To kill Khar, Dushan, Viradh You have full worth.
Ravana’s foe, jewel of kings, joys embodied,
For lily of Dashrath’s Family you’re moon indeed. [3]
With Your glories Veda Puran Shastras are full.
God’s, rishis, groups of saints always extol.
You are merciful, crush false pride in an instant,
1300 Perfect in all aspects, Ayodhya’s ornament, [4]
Your name washes Kali’s sins, world’s affection,
Lord of Tulsi, give this refugee protection." [5]


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Rishi Narad describing the glories of Rama

In great devotional strain,
Keeping in his heart Rama, Ocean of beauty,
Left the place for Brahma’s domain. [51]
“This bright history, Uma, I have told,
In accordance with my lights, I did unfold.
His deeds one hundred crores, ever boundless,
1310 Vedas, Saraswati to their end have no access. [1]
Rama is endless, His virtues endless,
His lives, deeds and names are countless.
Rain drops you may count, even particles of sand,
But glories of Rama, no description can end. [2]

This sacred story gives salvation,

Listening to it brings permanent devotion.
I did to You, Uma, that story relate,
Which Kag Bhushund to Adjutant did narrate, [3]
Just a few of virtues of Rama I’ve told,
1320 Now tell Me, Parvati, what more to unfold?"
Uma heard the story and felt so glad,
In most humble, and sweet words She said, [4]

“Lord Shankar, I’m lucky, goon fortune I found,

I heard Rama’s virtues, ending worldly round. [5]

Through Your favour, house of mercy, is gone
My ignorance; satisfaction I found.
Lord, I have known now great glories of Rama,
Where truth, force, peace abound. [52A]
From the moon of Your lips rained down, my Lord,
1330 The nectar of Rama’s glories.
My heart drinks to its fill with the ear cups,
Sages too feel no surfeit with these." [52B]

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Who is satiated hearing glories of Ram(a),

Relax essence of pleasure he has not known.
Those, who won salvation while living, even they
Regular attention to Rama’s story pay. [1]
Those, who wish to cross the world – a great ocean
Find Rama’s story as a great boat for them.
Even those who are given over to senses, find
1340 It is pleasant to ears, hearts feel inclined. [2]

Where is one, in the world, with hearing organ

To hear Rama’s glories who’ld like to shun?
Those who have no liking for glories of Ram(a),
Are fools, who their own murder perform. [3]
“My Lord, Rama’s great glories, You have said,
Hearing which unbounded pleasure I had had.
You just said that this Rama’s story great,
Kag Bhushindi did to Adjutant narrate. [4]

With crow’s body how Kag Bhushundi obtained,
1350 For Rama such deep devotion,
Asceticism, knowledge and enlightenment,
To Me occurs this great question. [53]
Foe of Tripura listen, amongst a thousand men,
There would be one who does practice religion.
And in crores of religious persons there is one,
Who’ld opt for asceticism and pleasures shun. [1]

In a crore of ascetics, as the Vedas repeat,

There would be one possessing knowledge complete.
In crores of men with knowledge, there would be one,
1360 Who has, while living on earth, salvation won. [2]
In a thousand such, one it is hard to discover,
Merged in Supreme Brahma, House of all pleasure.
Amongst the virtuous and ascetics and the knowing
Those merged in Brahman redeemed while living, [3]
Lord of gods, in such, one will rarely find,
One free from Maya, to Rama’s devotion inclined.

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How could Kag Bhushundi that devotion obtain?

Lord of universe, that to Me fully explain. [4]

Great devotee of Rama, full of knowledge, virtues,
1370 Possessing great wisdom cool.
How could he receive form that of a crow?
Lord, tell Me the reason in full. [54]
Sacred pious glories how could crow find?
Tell Me the account, O My Lord kind.
And, Kama’s foe, tell Me how You came to hear,
My curiosity is very great, I fear. [1]
Possessed of virtues great knowledge, Adjutant,
Ever close to Vishnu and His great servant.
What was the reason that led Him to the crow,
1380 To hear Rama’s glories, saints he did forgo. [2]
Tell Me how the discourse happened to be,
Between Crow and Adjutant, each Lord’s devotee."
Hearing Uma’s speech, so simple and sweet,
Shiva found joy and said with respect replete. [3]

“You are so blessed, Sati, Your intellect pure,

Your love for Rama’s feet is not less, I’m sure.
Now hear the story so highly sacred,
At which all doubts of the world have fled. [4]
Great faith in the feet of Rama does grow.
1390 One, easily across world’s ocean does go." [5]

“Adjutant had once visited Kag Bhushund
And had put similar question.
I’ll tell You all, Uma, with great respect,
Listen to Me with rapt attention. [55]

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How I heard the story that ends world’s round,

Listen, fine eyed, possessor of beauty, profound,
At first You had birth in Daksha’s family,
Then You bore the designation of Sati. [1]
At Daksha’s fire ceremony You were insulted,
1400 In great anger that form there You shed.
My servants upset the whole fire-ceremony.
Of that occurrence, You must be having memory. [2]

I was so much upset with that happening,

With Your separation, dear, I was suffering.
Disinterested, I roamed, saw many a scene,
Hills, forests, rivers, lakes, beautiful and fine. [3]
Far, far, on the north of mountain Sumer,
There is a blue mountain, beautiful and fair.
It has beautiful golden peaks many,
1410 Four of them appeared very beautiful to Me. [4]
Each of the four has on it one tree, big -
Banyan, holy fig tree, mango, Indian Fig.
There is a fine lake, at the mountain top,
Its gem studded stairs, hearts elope. [5]

The water is cool fresh and so fresh,
There are lotuses of diverse colours,
The swans there utter sweet joyful sounds,
All over, big black bees buzz. [56]
On that beautiful mountain lives that crow,
1420 Who in world’s annihilation too doesn’t go.
Different modes and flaws – the Maya’s creation
Ignorance and passion and indiscretion, [1]
They have spread all over the world indeed,
But near to that mountain dare not proceed.
Dwelling there, how the crow repeats Lord’s name,
Listen with love, Uma, I will tell You the same." [2]
Under holy fig tree he does meditation,
Under Indian Fig Tree, name recitation.

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Does worship, mentally under mango tree.

1430 Telling Lord’s name, forms, his only duty. [3]

Under banyan, speaks on Rama’s glory.

So many birds turn up for the story.
With love and respect Kag Bhushund states,
In many ways Rama’s great glories relates. [4]
Swans of pure heart, that live at the lake,
In his oration deep interest take.
When this great spectacle I saw there,
My heart was full of so great pleasure. [5]

I therefore assumed the form of a swan
1440 And for some time stayed there.
Respectfully I heard great glories of Ram(a),
Came to Kailash back again here. "[57]
“I have told you, Girija, the story so
How and when, I, to the crow, did go.
Now listen to the reason, why the Adjutant
Banner of winged creatures, to the crow went." [1]

“When in the battle, Rama, by way of game -

The memory of which puts Me to much shame,
Let Meghnad bind Him at an instant,
1450 At which Narad soon dispatched Adjutant." [2]
When cutting bands, Adjutant for home did start
Most violent doubts swept over his heart.
Adjutant, foe of snakes, thinks of the bands.
In his mind, came thoughts of all brands. [3]

One, Lord of speech, flawless, omnipresent,

Free from ignorance, Maya, Brahma, Omnipotent.
Is said to have come in human form on earth.
But I did not find any sign of worth. [4]

“By merely remembering whose name on the earth,
1460 Men get freedom from world’s band.

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And ordinary demon could tie that Rama

With the noose of snakes at hand!" [58]
“He gave many explanations, in his mind,
Did not get knowledge, doubts came of many a kind,
Pained by them, all wrong logic he used.
Like You too he too was with ignorance infused." [1]
Distressed within himself to Narad he went,
And laid open to him all his feelings pent.
His condition moved Rishi Narad’s pity,
1470 “Rama’s Maya is powerful, Adjutant" said he. [2]
“Very easily it misleads people who do know,
Forcibly breeds ignorance in minds so.
That ‘Maya’ often harassed me through and through.
Lord of birds, same has entered into you. [3]

In won’t go soon, bird, if I explain,

Great is the ignorance, that you at present entertain.
King of birds to Brahma, Creator, go,
Act on His advice, in the way He does show." [4]

So saying, Narad, god-saint, went off
1480 Singing Rama’s great glories.
Force of Lord’s Maya, he repeated oft,
He was thoroughly intelligent, wise. [59]
Then Adjutant saw the great Creator kind,
And placed before him all doubts of his mind.
Hearing him, to Rama He bent head on His part,
Remembering Rama’s glories, love filled up His heart. [1]
He thought, “Poets, men of knowledge and learning
Under lure of Maya come all being.
Maya’s influence does the whole universe cover,
1490 It has harassed me also, times out of number. [2]

I made world, that does living and dead comprise,

Maya beguiled Me, Adjutant, is no surprise."

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Brahma thought of Rama’s greatness and power,

He, thereon, did in sweet words, utter [3]

“Adjutant, please go and see Lord Shankar.

Don’t Inquire from anybody else anywhere.
All your doubts shall vanish there fully."
“Hearing Him, the Adjutant, came over to Me. [4]

Highly perplexed, Adjutant, King of all birds,
1500 Made his appearance before me.
I was on My way to Kuber just then,
You were at Kailash, O, Parvati." [60]
“He bent his head respectfully at My feet.
Thereafter his story, he did repeat.
Hearing his request in so sweet language,
With love, Girija, I told him to encourage," [1]
“It is in the way that you have met, Adjutant
How shall I explain to you at this instant?
All doubts can be removed only when
1510 One lives long in the company of good men, [2]
And listens to beautiful glories of Lord,
Which, indifferent ways great rishis have told.
Wherein, at the beginning, in mid and at end,
To Rama, Lord of all, they praises send. [3]
Listen, I shall direct you to go, in this case,
Where daily, recital of glory, takes place.
Hearing which, your doubts shall vanish complete,
Great love will develop in you for Rama’s feet. [4]

Without good company there is no talk of Rama,
1520 Without it ignorance wouldn’t go.
And unless the ignorance is first rooted out,
Strong love for Rama wouldn’t grow. [61]

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With yoga, asceticism knowledge, recitation,

Rama cannot be found without devotion.
In the far north is situated a blue hill,
There resides Keg Bhushundi, so gentle. [1]
Perfect in devotion to Rama, great saint,
Who has all knowledge, all virtues, is so ancient.
He says Rama’s story on and on,
1530 All types of birds listen to his oration. [2]

Go there, and to Rama’s glories attend.

Pain caused by doubts will positively end."
“When I told him all the details of event,
He bent his head to Me and gladly went. [3]
The reason, why, Girija, I did not explain,
By Rama’s grace, I knew that secret main.
He must have bad pride at some occasion.
Merciful Rama would have its eradication. [4]
For one more reason I did not keep him there,
1540 Bird will understand language of bird better.
Uma, Lord’s Maya is very very powerful.
Where is one with knowledge, whom it did not befool. [5]

Head of devotees, possessing all knowledge,
Carrier of Lord of worlds three,
Even Him, Maya could entrap in ignorance.
Boasts man, from ignorance not free!" [62A]
World’s creator and Shiva also, Maya beguiles.
“To say nothing of men, Ha.
So knowing, the rishis always remember
1550 Rama, Supreme Lord of Maya." [62B]
The Adjutant went to the crow’s residence,
Who had deep devotion and pious prudence.
He felt great joy when he saw the mountain,
Did freedom from Maya, worries, ignorance obtain. [1]
He bathed in the lake and drank water.

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Came under the fig tree, full of pleasure.

Many birds of old ages had arrived.
To hear Rama’s beautiful glories described, [2]
The story, Kag was going to begin,
1560 When, Adjutant, King of birds, came in.
Noticing that amongst them, their king they had.
Kag Bhushund and whole assembly were glad. [3]

With utmost respect their king they did greet.

Inquiring his welfare, gave him a seat.
After worshipping him with love sincere,
In sweet words the crow mentioned his prayer, [4]

“O Lord, O King of birds, I do feel,
Seeing you I’m very fortunate.
Tell me so that I may accordingly act,
1570 What has brought you here, state." [63A]
The Adjutant answered in polite words,
“You are ever success incarnate.
Whose greatness, with all respect, Shankar,
With His own lips did state. [63B]
Listen to me friend, business that brought me here,
Was achieved on arrival and seeing you mere.
When I saw your most sacred home,
Doubts, misgivings, ignorance – all were gone. [1]
Now Rama’s story most purifying,
1580 Remover of pain, ever satisfying,
With due respect, brother, that to me explain,
I pray to you, my Lord, again and again." [2]
On hearing the polite speech of the guest,
Pleasing, affectionate, sacred and simply best.
The crow felt, great encouragement within.
Telling Rama’s great glories he soon did begin. [3]
“With great love, Girija, took up work prescribed,"
Lake of Rama’s glories, he first described,

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Then he related Narad’s great delusion.

1590 And then he described birth of Ravan(a), [4]

Lord’s incarnation, later on, related,

With great love, His childhood the crow narrated. [5]

Rama’s deeds of childhood he variously said,
His enthusiasm so revived.
He then proceeded to arrival of Rishi.
Rama’s marriage he then described. [64]
Then proposal of Rama’s coronation he said,
How Dashrath’s promise upset all, related.
Talked of citizens sorrow at separation
1600 Mentioned talk between Rama and Lakshman. [1]
The forest exile, great love of boatman,
Crossing Ganges, at Prayag, Rama’s brief sojourn.
Rama-Valmiki meeting, the crow did then say.
And how Rama reached Chittrakut, to stay. [2]
The return of Sumant, Dashrath’s death, did relate,
Bharat’s arrival, his love for Rama, so great.
Of funeral rites, Bharat’s and citizens’
Journey to Rama, all peace, he gave descriptions. [3]

He related how Rama gave him consolation.

1610 Bharat’s journey back home, with Sandals of Ram(a).
Life of Bharat, misdeed of Indra’s son
Of Rama-Attri meeting, he gave description. [4]

He described how demon Viradh met his death,
How Sarbhang left mortal form.
The great love that Sutikshan had, he said,
Then the meeting of Agastya and Ram(a). [65]

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He described how Dandak forest was graced,

The, friendship with vulture King also, he traced.
Described Rama’s stay at Panchvati,
1620 Brought to an end fears of every rishi. [1]
He described Rama’s sermon to Lakhan.
Disfiguring of Shurpnakha, he did mention.
He narrated fall of Khar and Dushan,
And how the information reached Ravana, [2]

In very great details the crow did mention

Talk between Ravana and Marich demon.
How Ravana ‘unreal Sita’ took away.
Touched on Rama’s pain of separation, by the way. [3]
Rama’s performance of last rites of vulture,
1630 Salvation to Shabari, Kabandha’s murder.
He described how Rama reached lake of Pampa.
Telling His pain of separation from Sita. [4]

He described talk between Rama and Narad,
And meeting with Son of Pawan–
Friendship between Rama and Sugriva, he said.
Death of Bali he did mention. [66A]
He described Sugriva’s coronation and then,
At Pravarkhan Hill, Rama’s stay,
Gave description of rainy season, autumn,
1640 Rama’s anger, Sugriva in fears sway. [66B]
Described how Sugriva dispatched battalions,
In search of Sita ran all directions.
How they happened to enter into a cave,
The meeting, monkeys with Sampati did have. [1]

How, learning from Sampati, son of Pawan

Crossed vast and unbounded ocean.
How Hanuman managed to enter Lanka,
And how he there consoled Sita. [2]
Ransacked Ashok Garden, advised Ravan(a)

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1650 Set fire to Lanka, recrossed ocean.

And how all monkeys to Rama did come,
Welfare of Sita reported to him. [3]
He described how Rama and His force.
Came over to the sea shore in due course.
How Vibhishan came over to Rama’s side,
How Rama shattered ocean’s great pride. [4]

The crow then described how the ocean was bridged,
And monkey force reached other shore.
He described how brave Angad, Son of Bali,
1660 Was dispatched as Rama’s Messenger. [67A]
The battles between monkeys and the demons,
The crow said in many a trend.
He described Kumbhkaran and Meghnad
Their might, strength and end. [67B]
The deaths of demons in ways various,
Fight between Rama and Ravana he did, discuss.
Ravana’s death and Mandodari’s sorrows,
Vibhishan’s coronation, gods’ freedom from woes. [1]

He described Sita’s meeting and Rama’s

1670 The prayers that gods said with joined palms,
Rama’s journey to Avadh, he did explain,
With many monkeys on a big aeroplane. [2]
The crow very beautifully then described,
How Lord Rama at His own town arrived.
The crow then described Rama’s coronation,
Town’s beauty, and political discussion. [3]

“Kag Bhushund whole story did unfold,

Which, Uma, before You I have told."
When the whole story, King of birds heard
1680 With heart full of pleasure these words uttered. [4]


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“All my doubts are now gone

As I heard full account of Rama’s deeds.
Love for Rama’s feet I adorn,
Through your blessings only, O King of crows. [68A]
Great ignorance on me prevailed
As I saw Rama bound in battlefield.
Who could have restlessness assailed
Rama – the store of truth, force and peace? [68B]
I saw Rama behaving as any human,
1690 Serious doubts into my heart came, then.
Those doubts were in my interest, I find,
Great favour was gone to me by Lord kind. [1]
Tree’s cool shades pleasure is known to one
Who has been suffering under blazing Sun.
If great ignorance had not affected me,
Tell me, brother, how could I have come to thee? [2]
How could have I beautiful story heard,
Which in many ways you ably conferred?
The Vedas Puranas Shastras all declare,
1700 The rishis too agrees, no doubt is there, [3]
True and pious saints, he alone comes by
On whom Rama casts His merciful eye.
Through Rama’s great favour I could meet you,
Through your blessing all my doubts flew." [4]

Hearing humble words of the King of birds
Full of sincere affection,
The crow was immensely pleased in his heart,
Eyes watered, had horripilation. [69A]
“Saints lay bare most secret mysteries,
1710 When they find listeners keen,
Pious, well behaved and intelligent, Uma,
And who have Lord’s servant been." [69B]
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Later on crow thus did his mind express
His love for Adjutant also wasn’t less.
“Lord you are always worshipable for me,
You are recipient of Rama’s mercy. [1]

You didn’t have doubts, Maya, ignorance,

It has been on me your favour, munificence.
Under pretext of ignorance, sent you to me.
1720 Thereby to me, great greatness gave he. [2]
O Lord of birds, you mentioned your ignorance,
Of any wonder therein I’ve no cognisance.
Narad, Brahma, Shankar, Rishi Sanak and others,
Great saints, who on matters of soul, give discourse." [3]

Where is one who has been by ignorance unimpressed?

Who is there in the world, by passion unharassed?
Where is one whom desires mad did not turn?
Where is one whom fire of anger did not burn? [4]

Men of knowledge, ascetics, the brave and poets
1730 The learned and virtue’s home,
Where is one in the world whom greed has not
Into undesirable plight thrown? [70A]
Whom did not pride of wealth make crooked?
Who was not turned deaf by power?
Where is one into whose heart, arrows of looks
Of the deer eyed did not enter? [70B]
Where is one not delirious by modes three?
There is none whom pride, love for honour, left free.
Whom did not youth-fever throw out of gear?
1740 Whose glories did attachment not shatter? [1]
Whom did envy not bring serious harm?
Who was not been shaken by sorrow’s storm?
Whom did the serpent of worries not bite?
Who is there whom the Maya did not incite? [2]

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Body is the wood and desires woodworm,

Where is valiant who is uninfected therefrom?
Three wishes – wish for son, wealth and fame’s quest,
Whose minds did these three not infest? [3]
All these, as progenies of Maya do swell,
1750 They are powerful and unlimited, them who could tell?
From them fear even Brahma and Shankar,
What do then the other creatures matter? [4]

“Most powerful and strong army of Maya,
Has spread all over the world.
Its leaders – anger, passion, greed, ignorance,
Vanity, hypocrisy and fraud. [71A]
That Maya is mere maid servant of Rama
Though false, if understood rightly.
But, Lord, I hold Your feet and beg to say
1760 It won’t go, but by Rama’s mercy. [71B]
The Maya that makes the whole world dance,
And none can describe whose performance,
That Maya and her force, Adjutant, dance
Like dancer at Rama’s eyes’ instance." [1]
Store of truth, life, and peace is Ram(a),
Unborn, all knowledge, beauty’s, power’s home
Omnipresent, whole, endless, all prevailing,
Entire, all powerful and never failing, [2]
Eminent, without modes and beyond speech,
1770 Viewing all, flawless, unconquered, senses can’t read,
Quite, unattached, formless and constant ever,
With no ignorance, unstained, all pleasure. [3]

Living in hearts, everlasting, beyond nature,

Lord Supreme desireless, with no disorder,
In Rama, there is no room for any ignorance,
In front of sun, could darkness ever have presence? [4]

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Supreme Lord’ Rama adopted human form

For the sake of His devotees alone.
And just like a man of flesh and blood
1780 Most purifying deeds were done. [72A]
As a dancer assumes many different forms,
And performs all dancing,
Adopts all types of postures to match,
Yet, merges not self, in the thing. [72B]
“King of birds, deeds of Rama are such.
They delude demons, please devotees much.
Those who are evil, sensualist, and lustful,
Lord, they alone are about Rama doubtful." [1]
When one’s eyes do with some illness suffer,
1790 He firmly asserts moon is pale in colour.
When about directions, confusion does rest,
One declares that Sun has risen from the west. [2]
He, who is on a boat, thinks land is moving,
By ignorance, he thinks he is firmly sitting.
Children whirl round and round, houses don’t.
To accuse one another of falsehood they’re wont, [3]
Likewise is to entertain doubts about Lord,
Ignorance does not, even in dream, touch God.
But the unlucky, unwise, under Maya’s influence,
1800 Whose hearts are covered with numerous curtains. [4]
Such fools insistingly doubts on Rama show.
Their own ignorance on Rama they throw. [5]

Deep drowned in lust, anger, pride, and greed
Under charm of the world of pain.
How can the fools have realization of Rama
When they, in well of darkness remain? [73A]
It is easier to know Him absolute, mode-less,

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Few can know Him endowed with mode.

Viewing deeds, some simple, some mysterious,
1810 Even saint’s hearts doubts corrode. [73B]
“King of birds, listen about Rama’s prowess,
To the best of my ability I shall express.
The way in which ignorance swayed me away,
All details of the moment, to you I’d say. [1]

Lord, you are recipient of Rama’s mercy.

You are pleasant to me, knowing Rama’s glory.
I have therefore nothing to conceal from you.
I’ll mention most serious mystery through and through. [2]
Listen, I tell you Rama’s most simple nature,
1820 In His devotee, He would not let pride mature.
Pride is the root of births and deaths in the world,
Brings down all miseries and worries untold. [3]

Lord merciful, therefore, roots out all pride,

Being favourably inclined on devotee’s side.
As if there be abscess in child’s body,
Mother gets it opened, as if mercilessly. [4]

Even though at the beginning child has great pain,
And most restlessly does cry,
But wishing to remove child’s great malady,
1830 She ignores, does cries defy. [74A]
Likewise Rama removes His devotee’s pride,
For therein does his good lie."
“Tulsi why not remember such a good Lord,
Casting off all doubts that pry." [74B]
“I’ll tell you Rama’s mercy and my foolery,
King of birds, listen to me attentively
As and when Human form Rama does take,
And does numerous deeds for His devotee’s sake, [1]

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At each occasion to Ayodhya I go,

1840 Viewing His child like pranks, most happy I grow,
I go and watch His birth celebrations,
For five years there I enjoy functions. [2]
My tutelary deity has been child Ram(a),
Whose form has beauty of one lac Kam(a),
I gaze and gaze at face of Lord, beautiful,
And thereby I make my eyes successful. [3]

I become a small crow and thus be with Ram(a),

Watching childlike actions done as His programme. [5]

I fly and remain with Him as He moves on,
1850 In His childhood from place to place.
The crumbs that He drops eating in the courtyard.
I pick them and eat with grace. [75A]
There was an occasion when Rama performed,
His pranks in magnified form."
As Kag Bhushund thought of these deeds in his mind,
He horripilated out of norm. [75B]
Kag Bhushundi said “Listen to me, Adjutant,
Rama’s deeds are to devotees always pleasant.
King’s palace was beautiful in every way,
1860 Gold, gems of different kinds, inlaid lay. [1]

Beautiful courtyard beggars description.

Where four brothers play daily for recreation.
Pranks of a child, Rama does here and there,
In the courtyard, giving to mothers pleasure. [2]
His form is so tender, blue as an emerald,
In every part, many Kama’s beauty He held.
Pink as new red lotus are His tender feet,
Toes fine, nails’ brightness does moon too defeat. [3]

Four marks, of adamant and others, beautify sole,

1870 The anklets tinkle, play sweet music role.
Gold chain round His waist is studded with gem,

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Its sweet clinks make most pleasing item. [4]

Three beautiful lines abdomen beautify,
Navel, deep beautiful one finds.
On the broad chest lie fine ornaments of child,
And clothes of the various kinds. [76]
Red palms, beautiful nails, and fingers, charm.
Fine ornaments decorate His each long arm.
Shoulders like a cub’s, conch-like is the neck.
1880 Very limit of beauty, does chin, mouth, bedeck. [1]
Red lips and the lisping utterances that fall,
Beautiful white pairs of teeth small,
Cheeks graceful and heart enchanting nose,
The smile, like moon’s rays, pleasure bestows. [2]
At His blue lotus eyes world’s bindings fly,
The yellow paste mark does the forehead beautify.
Bent eyebrows, ears beautiful and plain,
Great beauty does black curly hair contain. [3]
Loose, fine, yellow garment beautifies body.
1890 Sounds of joy and looks please me immensely.
House of beauty, seeing His shadow danceth,
Playing in the courtyard of King Dashrath. [4]

He frolics with me too, in many a way.

I feel so ashamed, their details to say.
To catch me He runs, giving sounds of joy,
When I fly away, sweet bread He’ld employ. [5]

He feels very happy when I approach Him,
And if I run away, He cries,
When I move up to Him to touch His feet,
1900 He runs often casting His eyes. [77A]
When I saw Him acting like any common child,
Great ignorance carried me away.
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One, who is very truth life and happiness,

What frolic did He there display? [77B]
The moment the doubt came, O Adjutant,
Maya entered into me, was by Rama sent.
But by me Maya was not troublesome found,
Nor put me like others, in the worldly round. [1]
King of birds, there is for this, a reason.
1910 Lord’s carrier, listen to me with attention.
Absolute, all knowledge, is Lord of Sita.
Other creatures, living and dead, are under ‘Maya’. [2]
If the knowledge of creatures could absolute be,
Where will difference between God and soul lie?
Proud soul is under Maya, powerful whole.
That Maya is ever under God’s control. [3]

Soul is dependent, God alone is free.

God is one alone while souls are many.
This distinction is Maya’s work, untrue,
1920 Yet unless God favours, all efforts won’t do." [4]

He, who wants to secure salvation
Without taking name of Ram(a),
In spite of all knowledge that he may have,
Is animal, of tall, horns, shorn. [78A]
The moon, complete and full, may shine
With all the stars and then.
The forest fire may cover all mountains,
Night won’t go, without the sun. [78B]
“Without taking Rama’s name, lord, take it so,
1930 The distresses of a person shall never go.
Ignorance would not come in God’s devotee,
By God’s wishes all knowledge shall there be. [1]
Great Bird, it is thus that the dedication of servant doesn’t die,

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Distinguishing master-servant, love grows high.

He found me nervous and so made a simile,
And of that smile, listen more for a while. [2]
The mystery of that frolic could not be known,
By His father or mother or brothers own.
To catch me He ran on His fours – child Ram(a),
1940 Dark complexioned, with reddish sole, reddish palm. [3]

O Snake’s foe, thereon I began to fly,

Extending His own, He to catch me did try.
Far and far away I flew in the sky.
But I always noticed His arm, close by. [4]

I flew even as far as Brahma’s domain,
I looked back as high I did sore.
The difference between me and Rama’s finger I found
Was two finger width, not more. [79A]
I pierced through all the seven coverings,
1950 As far as in my power it lay.
I became so nervous, when there too I found
Lord’s arm, from me not far away. [79B]
I closed my eyes, struck with fear and awe,
On opening, I found I was at Ayodhya.
Seeing me Rama smiled and I so.
With all haste into His mouth did go. [1]
King of birds listen, in His belly I found
So many groups of universes great and profound.
I saw there so many worlds so wonderful,
1960 In formation one did, the other excel. [2]
I saw crores of Brahmas and crores of Shankars,
Suns, moons and stars – all beyond numbers.
Numberless deaths, numberless Yamas, numberless Lokpals,
Huge mountains and earth – all beyond numerals. [3]
Oceans, rivers, lakes, forests, all numberless,
Creations different and vast, who can express?

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Gods, rishis, the perfect, men, Nagas, Kinners,

Lives of all four types, living and dead creatures. [4]

What has never been seen not ever heard before,
1970 Even what is beyond imagination,
All such wonders there I witnessed, Adjutant,
How could one give their description? [80A]
In each and every universe there I stayed
For a period of years hundred.
In this manner, many cauldrons of universe
I noticed, as I wandered. [80B]
Each universe had its different creator,
Different man, quarter gods, Vishnu, Shankar.
Me, demigods, ghosts, fiends, musicians,
1980 Different birds, animals, snakes and demons. [1]

Demons and gods all of different kinds.

All creatures, quite different there one finds.
Different were earths, lakes, rivers and seas,
All life so different there one sees. [2]
In each universe I saw my own form.
Saw things unparalleled, out of norm.
I saw in each universe new Ayodhya,
Different men, women, different Ghagra. [3]
Lord listen! different Dashraths, Kaushilayas,
1990 Different were brothers, different Bharat was.
In each universe Rama’s incarnations,
I roamed and saw His child like functions. [4]

O Carrier of Vishnu, everything, that I saw,
Was different and so very queer.
From universe to universe I went but found
Lord Rama was not different anywhere. [81A]

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The same merciful Raghubir I saw –

The same beauty same child-form,
I saw, as from universe to universe I went
2000 Wafted by the ignorance-storm. [81B]
While I roamed about in all directions,
World had hundred final annihilations.
In the course of my rounds to my abode I came,
I spent some time, staying in the same. [1]
As of my Lord’s birth at Ayodhya I heard,
In all joy I rushed, by devotion so spurred.
His birth celebrations there I witnessed.
Of which the details I have already expressed. [2]
Inside Rama’s belly I witnessed many worlds;
2010 One has to see, can’t be described in words.
There again I viewed Rama – all knowledgeful,
Maya’s Lord, Lord Supreme and merciful. [3]

I thought over the matter again and again,

Mind, soiled in great ignorance, worked in vain.
All that was forty eight minute’s experience,
Doubts filled my mind, and I was in ignorance. [4]

Merciful Lord Rama smiled when He saw,
That I was in great suspense.
Coolheaded Adjutant, listen, as He smiled,
2020 Out of His mouth I came at once. [82A]
The same childlike pranks Rama again did start,
With me by way of mere fun.
I consoled my mind in crores of ways,
But me, peace would always shun. [82B]
Seeing His deeds, thinking of His great might,
I forgot my own self, so wonder tight.
I couldn’t say one word and fell on the ground.

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‘Save me saviour, let protection be found.’ [1]

Lord saw me so restless in deep devotion.
2030 He put a brake on His Maya’s function.
The Lord put His lotus hand on my head.
Through the merciful on meek, all my pains fled. [2]
Thus Rama, merciful, me from ignorance freed,
Giver of pleasures, to servants, kind indeed.
When Rama’s past greatness I remember,
My mind gets filled, with immense pleasure. [3]
As I noticed Lord’s love for His devotee,
An ocean of intense love surged within me.
With eyes wet, horripilating, joined palms,
2040 I prayed to Him in various ways and forms. [4]

My prayerful words, Lord heard and saw,
Poor condition of His servant.
Lord of Lakshmi, Rama, uttered these words,
Serious, still sweet and pleasant." [83A]
“Kag Bhushundi, deem Me immensely pleased,
And ask from Me your boon anon.
Any of the eight powers or any other force,
Or source of pleasures – salvation. [83B]
Knowledge, wisdom, reason, asceticism if you please,
2050 Or what the world considers tough for rishis.
I can bestow all these on you this day, sure.
You ask from Me what is in Your heart’s core." [1]
“I was surcharged with love when I heard Lord’s words.
Thoughts began to come in my mind, in floods.
All pleasures He certainly counted today,
But to give devotion for Him He did not say, [2]

Without love, virtues, pleasures have no meaning,

They’re like dishes of food where salt is missing.
With no remembrance of God, what is pleasure’s worth?
2060 With these motions, King of birds, I spoke forth." [3]

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“My Lord, to give me boon, if You are so pleased,

For me, mercy and love, if You have increased.
Them I seek, O Lord, boon pleasing to my heart,
You know heart’s contents and mercy impart. [4]

Most selfless and deep devotion for You, Lord,
Which Vedas and Puranas proclaim,
Which yogis and rishis ever wish to achieve,
Through Your grace one rarely gets same. [84A]
Give me that love for You, Lord Rama merciful,
2070 O Kalpa-Tree for devotee.
O, Ocean of Mercy, House of Pleasures,
O well-wisher of the refugee." [84B]
“Lord of Raghu’s Line said ‘Let it be so.’
His kind words did supreme pleasure bestow."
“Listen, O Kag, you are wise by nature,
Why should you not such a boon therefore prefer? [1]
You asked for devotion, mine of pleasures true,
There is none, in the world more fortunate than you.
For which, rishis with crores of efforts aspire,
2080 Burning bodies in remembrance, yogic fire. [2]
That devotion you choose, I am pleased much,
I am really so happy at your wisdom such.
Listen to me, O bird, it is my will’s part,
All virtues will henceforth live in your heart. [3]
Knowledge, devotion, wisdom, renunciation,
Yoga mysteries of deeds, their division.
By My blessings, their secretes you will know,
And for that no pains you will have to undergo. [4]

You will, no more, be entertaining any doubts,
2090 That generally from Maya do come.
Take Me to be Brahma with no beginning, unborn,
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Free from the three modes – Sat, Raj, Tam. [85A]

Listen Kag, devotees have ever been dear to Me,
Always keeping this in your mind
By thought, word and deed, therefore, for My feet,
Have love of unshakable kind. [85B]
Now to My words, true very pure and plain,
Which Vedas and other scriptures maintain.
My own principle, I am going to tell
2100 Listen, don’t forget, remember Me, all else dispel. [1]
From My Maya all world its birth finds,
Moving, unmoving creatures of numerous kinds,
Created by Me all are dear, that is natural.
I like human being most out of them all. [2]
Of men, the Brahmins, of Brahmins knower of Veda,
Out of them, those who live as Vedas have laid,
And out of them those who have renunciation,
Of them the knowledgeful, of the latter Pandit men. [3]
But more than they, devotees are dear into Me,
2110 Who count on Me, have no hopes from anybody.
I repeatedly tell you and that truly too,
There is none to Me so dear as My servant true. [4]

He may be Brahma Himself but void of devotion

He is dear as dear to Me all Creation.
But with devotion, even if he be lowest,
He is dear as My soul. That is My word best. [5]

Who will not like a servant, pure and well behaved,
And possessing wisdom excellent?
Even Vedas and Puranas lay down this rule
2120 Listen to Me, Kag, with mind bent. [86]
A father may be having sons in numbers,
With different virtues, natures, behaviours.

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Some Pundit, some ascetic and some so able,

Some so rich, or valiant, some charitable, [1]

Some having all knowledge, some practicing religion,

Equal is for all the father’s affection.
But if one loves father by thought, word, deed,
Of any other duty, wouldn’t dream indeed, [2]
The father loves that son as his very soul,
2130 Even though he be, in every way, great fool.
Similarly all creatures whether living or dead
Animals, birds, gods, men, demons included, [3]

The Universe full of these has been made by Me,

Over all is My favour spread equally.
From amongst them, one free from Maya and pride
Remembering Me by word, deed and inside. [4]

He may be a man, woman, or a eunuch,
Or maybe living creature or dead,
If he remembers Me wholly and with no fraud,
2140 He is most dear to Me instead. [87A]
I tell you, O Bird, truly,
Pious servant is dear to Me like My soul.
With this view, ever remember Me,
Casting away other hopes and support. [87B]
Death will never visit you, Kag, anymore,
Remember Me and tell My name, be sure."
“I had no surfeit hearing Lord’s nectar words,
Body horripilated, felt happiness inwards. [1]

That joy only heart and ears do know,

2150 Tongue is not capable of describing it, so
Pleasure of Lord’s beauty, the eyes did imbibe.
They don’t have a tongue, how could they then describe? [2]
In many ways He explained, gave me pleasure -

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He commenced His old pranks thereafter.

With water in eyes, face dry slightly,
He looked at mother to say He was hungry. [3]
Seeing Him, mother rose and rushed in haste,
With some sweet words hugged Him to her breast.
She fed Him with milk, in her lap bringing,
2160 Of His deeds, she later commenced singing." [4]

The pleasure, to get which Shankar
Giver of pleasures, opted in auspicious form
Ever enjoy the same pleasure
Men and women of the town of Ayodhya. [88A]
Whoever tasted even in dream
A fraction of that joy even but once,
Those wise and noble men seem
Counting pleasure of Brahma, a trifle. [88B]
“I then stayed at Ayodhya for some time
2170 And enjoyed His child like pranks sublime.
I got devotion through Rama’s favour,
Bowing to His feet came home later. [1]

Ever since Rama made me one of His own,

Maya never more, in my heart has grown,
How Lord’s Maya made a fool of me,
I have related to you the whole mystery. [2]
O, King of birds, my experience I would tell
Distresses wouldn’t go unless His name we tell.
Listen, King of birds, unless Rama’s favour is done
2180 The greatness of Lord Rama cannot be known. [3]

There will be no faith unless greatness in known.

In the absence of faith, there won’t be devotion.
With no devotion love is not lasting,
As oil, in water, we find, Bird King. [4]


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No knowledge without teacher,

Without knowledge, no desirelessness would come.
Vedas and Puranas declare,
There is no pleasure without devotion to Lord. [89A]
Could one obtain serenity ever,
2190 Unless one develops natural contentment?
Could a boat move with no water,
In spite of crores of very hard efforts? [89B]
Without contentment desire won’t be off.
With desires, peace cannot be dreamt of.
Desire won’t go unless Rama is remembered.
Could a tree grow with element of earth dismembered. [1]
Without knowledge could equanimity ever come?
Without space could one ever find vacuum?
One can’t live religion unless faith is present.
2200 Could one have smell without earth element? [2]
“Could without penance glory grow up ever?
Can liquid be in the world with no water?
Without serving wise could one have modesty?
Without glow, Lord, beauty cannot be. [3]
Without self realization could peace be there?
Could one have touch without the element of air?
In the absence of faith could success ever be had?
World fear won’t go without remembering the Lord. [4]

Without faith there cannot be devotion
2210 Without it Rama would not be kind.
And unless there comes mercy from Lord Rama,
Souls cannot, in dream, peace find. [90A]
O coolheaded, think on this line,
Leave wrong logic and doubts all.

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Remember Rama, mercy’s mine,

Beautiful and bestower of all pleasures." [90B]
“I told Rama’s glories to you, Adjutant,
As best as I myself could know their content.
In that I have made no exaggeration.
2220 I personally witnessed all situation. [1]
Tale of Rama’s name, form, virtues, glories,
Is endless as limitless are all these.
Rishis sing Rama’s glories as they can comprehended,
Shesha, Shankar and Vedas too find no end. [2]

From you down to mosquitoes, birds of every kind,

Fly, but limit of space do not find.
Likewise fathomless are glories of Ram(a),
Could anyone, their great depth ever fathom? [3]
His form has beauty of Kamas millions
2230 Like many crore Durgas can kill the demons.
Of hundred crore Indra’s He has great grace.
He circumscribes tens of millions of space." [4]

He is strong as millions of winds could be,
Bright hundred million times as sun.
He is cool, as tens of millions of the moons,
All fears of the world are undone. [91A]
Like a hundred million of deaths, Rama is.
Unassailable fort limitless,
Lord Rama has the might of a hundred million
2240 Of comets with force matchless. [91B]
Unfathomable as millions of antipodes
Like millions of Yama, fearful in qualities.
Purifier like millions of places holy,
All sins Vanish, by His name only. [1]
Fixed like crores of Himalayas is Kama.

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Like millions of oceans, sober and calm.

He is like Kamdhenu, millions and millions,
To all desires gives satisfactions. [2]
Of millions of Saraswatis, He has wisdom.
2250 Expert of creation as Brahmas, a million.
Like a hundred million Vishnus, maintains all
Like a hundred million Rudras, makes all fall. [3]

He is rich equal to hundred millions of Kuber.

Like millions of Mayas in creation’s treasure.
Like a hundred million Sheshas holds weight well,
Rama is beyond bounds, without a parallel. [4]

He has no parallel, and has no equal
“Rama is like Rama", Vedas say.
If we compare the sun with glowworms a million
2260 No tribute to sun thus we pay. [1]
So the Rishis describe, as their minds imbibe
The deeds and virtues of Lord.
Rama looks at motive, gladly ears does give.
Lord merciful with fullest accord. [2]
“Rama is a boundless ocean of virtues,
Could anyone fathom that ocean?
I have narrated to you as I had heard
From the lips of saintly man. [92A]
Rama is under love’s control —
2270 That house of mercy, all pleasures’ store–
Shed attachment, fame, pride, all–
And always remember Lord of Sita–" [92B]

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On hearing Bhushundi’s beautiful wordings

Adjutant was happy, fluttering his wings.
With great joy within and water in eyes
He brought to his mind Raghubir’s glories. [1]
Was sorry to think of his past mistake,
When eternal Brahma as a man he did take.
At Kagas feet again and again he fell,
2280 Taking him to be Rama, his love did swell, [2]

“One may be like Brahma or like Shankar,

Can’t cross world’s ocean without a teacher.
The snake of doubts had bitten me, brother,
In successive waves came wrong logic bitter. [3]
Rama brought me to life through charm of your face.
He ever sends to His servants His grace.
Through your blessing now my ignorance is gone,
And I could know matchless glories of Ram(a)." [4]

Adjutant praised Bhushundi in numerous ways
2290 Joined hands and bent his head.
With all love, words very humble and sweet
The Adjutant, thereon, said. [93A]
“My Lord, my master, through my ignorance
From you I would like to hear
O Ocean of Mercy, tell me with respect
Taking me as your servant dear. [93B]
Omniscient, knowing secrets, wise, courteous,
Beyond ignorance, Maya, by nature pious.
You have been most affectionate servant of Ram(a),
2300 House of knowledge, asceticism and wisdom. [1]

For what reason, did you get form of a crow?

Explain this to me, brother, clearly so.
Tell me, O sky roamer, lord, profound,
How beautiful lake of Rama’s glory you found. [2]
From Shankar, my lord, I have come to know true,

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World’s final annihilation does not touch you.

The great master – Shankar – would not tell a lie.
That doubt still does in My mind lie. [3]
The movable, immovable, gods, Nagas, men entire
2310 The whole world forms food for the death dire.
It annihilates universes beyond numbers,
Death is unavoidable for all creatures. [4]

What has been the reason behind?
Even that death fearful would not affect you.
Explain that fully and be kind,
Is that effect of knowledge or power of Yoga? [94A]
My Lord, when I came near to your residence,
My ignorance and doubts were gone.
What has been the reason behind it, pray tell.
2320 With will, mercy, and affection," [94B]
“At the words of Adjutant, Bhushundi was glad
And, Uma, with great affection Kag said,"
“Your questions appeared to me lovely so.
Hail, hail, to your wisdom, O snake’s great foe. [1]

As I heard to your affectionate inquiries,

They made fresh to me many lives’ memories.
I’ll relate before you my whole history,
Listen, brother, with respect and attentively. [2]
Fire-worship, yoga, tranquility, fasts, names call,
2330 Asceticism, wisdom, knowledge, detachments, control,
All fructify in devotion to Rama’s feet,
And without devotion, happiness one cannot meet. [3]

In this form I attained devotion to Ram(a).

For that reason, I love it out of norm.
Whatever does one’s own purpose serve,
It is usual that one’s all love it would deserve. [4]


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O Adjutant, Vedas so declare

And sages have also, repeated the same,
With a view of one’s own welfare,
2340 One should extend love even to the lowliest. [95A]
Silk is produced by silkworms, therefrom,
Is made cloth, with beauty ripe.
All nurse that detectable worm therefore
As dearly as one’s own life. [95B]
One’s self-interest does lie indeed,
In love for Rama’s feet, by thought, word and deed.
That body is pious and is so very beautiful,
Getting which one remembers Shri Rama merciful. [1]
For a body like Brahma’s of one against Ram(a),
2350 No Pandit, no poet will praises proclaim.
In this form of mine that devotion had grown.
It is very dear to me for that one reason. [2]
Death is under my will, yet I don’t leave this form.
One can’t live without body, Vedas confirm.
At first, ignorance led me to great miseries,
One, against Rama cannot ever lie in ease. [3]
In different lives I did different activities,
Yoga, charity, name-telling, penance, fire-ceremonies.
Adjutant, where is a form in the world found,
2360 Which I did not take repeatedly round and round. [4]
My lord, I experienced every deed, every vow,
I did not find happiness which I do now.
Lord I can remember many lives, I find
By grace of Shiva, ignorance never tarnished my mind. [5]

O, King of birds, listen I am going to relate
The deeds I did in my past form.
Love for feet of Rama would grow, if you attend.
All distresses will vanish therefrom. [96A]

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There was a Yuga called Kaliyuga in an old Kalpa,

2370 It was at the root of all sins,
Men and women were deep in irreligiousness,
And worked against Vedic lines. [96B]
In that Kaliyuga I got the form of Shuddra,
And was born in the town of Ayodhya.
By thought, word and deed I served Shankar,
I was proud and talked ill of gods other. [1]
I was proud of my riches and was very verbose.
Habitually fretful, great boast in me rose.
Even though I lived in Ayodhya of Rama
2380 Its great glories were to me quite unknown. [2]

This influence of Ayodhya now I could know

Vedas Shastras Puranas also have said so,
In any life if one lives in Ayodhya town,
He will definitely develop devotion for Ram(a). [3]
The influence of Ayodhya one can then meet
When Rama holding bow makes His heart His retreat.
That Kaliyug was extremely hard, Adjutant,
Men, women were, in sin, drowned at the instant. [4]

Sins of Kaliyug had engulfed all religions,
2390 Holy scriptures had disappeared.
Proud persons purely by imagination
Had numberless creeds prepared. [97A]
Whole humanity was under deep ignorance
Greed had devoured good deed,
O Store of Knowledge, Vishnu’s carrier,
I tell you Kali’s functions, heed. [97B]
Without duties of Varnas Ashramas four,
The Vedas, men women are not to ignore.
Brahmins sell Vedas, kings subjects betray,

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2400 The orders of Vedas, not one would obey. [1]

What pleases one, he, as his way, takes it.
Whoever talks tall is considered Pandit.
Whoever initiates falsehoods, odd quaint,
All people consider him to be great saint. [2]
Who robs others of wealth, him as wise applaud.
He is considered moral who practices fraud.
Who knows telling falsehoods and how to jest,
Him people call man of qualities best. [3]
Them, who leave the Vedic path, are immoral
2410 So learned and ascetic in Kaliyug, they call.
Who wears long nails and matted hair,
Him, very great hermit in Kaliyug declare. [4]

Wearing inauspicious decorations and form
Eat whatever is good or bad,
Them they call yogis and perfect man,
Worshipable in Kali period. [98A]
Greatness and respect they receive,
Whose only business is to harm others.
Them great orator they perceive,
2420 Who are false in thought and word and deed. [98B]
My lord, men are all under women’s control,
As monkeys under master, they play their role.
The Shudras would knowledge to Brahmins preach,
Putting on sacred thread would let mischarities reach. [1]

Men, all lustful, greedy, tempers soon lose,

Gods, Brahmins, Vedas, saints ever they oppose.
Ignoring their husbands, handsome and learned,
Are for other men, women folk wretched. [2]
Women with husbands have no ornamentation
2430 But widows have always new decoration.

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The teacher and taught are the deaf and the blind,
One wouldn’t listen, other no vision can find. [3]

To hell’s dark dungeon that teacher would go,

Who takes away pupil’s money, not his sorrow.
The parents call to them their children to teach,
And what would fill their belly that religion preach. [4]

Men and women will talk of knowledge and God,
And not of thing any other.
Yet, for the most trifling amount they will
2440 The teacher and Brahmin murder. [99A]
The Shudras challenge hotly with the Brahmins,
And claim to be no inferior.
Whoever knows Brahma is Brahmin holy.
They say, showing force and temper. [99B]
Those who love other’s wife and are highly fraudulent,
Soaked in greed, ignorance and gross attachment,
Known as knowers of great Vedant have been
Of Kaliyuga these gross influences I’ve seen. [1]
They are drowned but they pull down such men too
2450 Who have adopted paths virtuous and true.
Those who argue and holy Vedas oppose,
In each of the hells find a Kalpa’s repose. [2]

Those of low castes, oilmen and potters,

Untouchable ones, Kols, Bhils and Kalwars,
If they lost their wives or property gone,
Get head shaved and thereby do ascetics become. [3]
They get themselves worshipped, by holy Brahmins.
They lose, with their own hands, the worlds twin.
Brahmins, greedy, lustful, ignorant, of evil lives,
2460 Take low and unchaste women as their wives. [4]

Shudras repeat God’s name, take vows and penance,

From high platforms they give discourse on Purans.
All persons behave as it pleases their heart.

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One cannot describe misconduct on their part. [5]

Under influence of Kaliyuga all persons had lost
Purity, propriety of conduct.
Did sins, reaped sorrows fears and miseries,
Grief, disease, separation as effect. [100A]
The way of Vedas, unattachment, knowledge
2470 That is way of devotion to God.
For reasons of ignorance, take imaginary way,
Leaving path of devotion untrod. [100B]
Lost in the pleasures, yogis use treasures,
Very freely their house to decorate.
Very rich are yogis, poor, men of families.
All deeds of Kali none can relate. [1]
Women chaste and devout, are being driven out,
Maid servants ignobly men bring.
Sons respects parents as long as they didn’t
2480 See the face of female being. [2]
Since they did espouse, father-in-Law’s house,
Their family they deem enemy.
King are so sinful, possessing no moral,
Tease and harass subjects daily. [3]
Rich are classed noble, though deeds be horrible,
Thread makes Brahmins, nudity yogi.
Those who fully ignore, Puranas, Vedas four,
Are deemed saints, God’s devotee. [4]
Poets are so many, patron is not any.
2490 All criticise, yet no merits possess.
Famine recurs often, in the Kaliyuga’s reign

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People, for no food, die in distress. [5]

Lust, arrogance, deceit, obstinacy, envy, pride,
Fraud, power, ignorance, these all,
In times of Kali, listen to me, Adjutant,
Spread and cover universe whole. [101A]
Name-taking, penance, fire-worship, charity
People practice with motive malignant.
Gods of clouds would not be sending any rain,
2500 Seed down would not grow into plant. [101B]
Women’s ornament is hair, insatiable hunger
Being poor, their desires give pain.
Take to silly crude rules, not politeness yet fools
Want happiness, no morals maintain. [1]
Men suffer from disease, for them there is no ease,
Proud and fretful for no reason.
Life is short much, yet their pride is such
As if for Kalpa’s they would live on. [2]
Man is upset quite, by Kaliyug’s might,
2510 Sister, daughter, none does recognize.
Coolness, contentment, and discretion are absent
High caste and low, begging apprise. [3]
Harsh words and envy, one can everywhere see,
Evenness of mind is with none.
Suffering from separation, under acute affliction,
Duties of Varnas, Ashrams are gone. [4]
Gone are control over sense, charity mercy, good sense
Stupidity and thuggee abound,
See men and women, pampering the person,
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2520 Critics of others all over are found. [5]

O Snake’s Foe, listen, even though Kaliyug is
House of sins and evil qualities,
It has one bright feature too, that one can obtain
Freedom from world’s bondage with ease. [102A]
What one could in Satyug Treta and Dwapar.
By Yoga, worship, fire-ceremonies claim.
The same stage, one can attain in Kaliyug,
By recital of Lord’s name. [102B]
In Satyuga, all are yogis, knowledge conceive.
2530 By contemplating on God, salvation achieve.
In Treta, do lots of fire-ceremonies in main.
Dedicate all to Lord, thus salvation attain. [1]
In Dwapar, they worship the feet of Ram(a)
There is no other way to cross world’s ocean.
In Kaliyug, they just sing glories of Lord
And thereby fathom great ocean of world. [2]
Kali, yoga fire ceremonies and knowledge does not need
There is one support – sing glories of Rama’s deed,
Those who remember Rama, other ways disapprove,
2540 And take to singing of His glories with love, [3]

It is they without doubt, who cross world’s ocean

In Kaliyuga glory of name is so well known.
One great holy virtue of Kaliyug has been –
Imagined good counts, not imagined sin. [4]

No other yuga can equal Kaliyuga, it is a fact,
If one believes what I assert,
By merely singing holy glories of Rama
Cross world’s ocean without effort. [103A]
There are four feet on which religion stands
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2550 But in Kali, it is charity alone.

Charity brings about all around welfare,
In whatsoever form it is done. [103B]
By virtue of Rama’s Maya, in every heart
Always come the Virtues of each Yuga’s part.
In Satyuga, purity virtuousness, happy mind,
Equanimity, knowledge, everywhere we find. [1]

Virtues of Treta have more Satya, Raj less,

Love for activities, pleasures and prowess.
In Dwapar, Raj goes up, Satva down does come.
2560 There is some element of the third mode –Tam(a). [2]
When Tama predominates and Raja grows less,
Differences occur as the Kali’s prowess.
The learned, virtues of each Yuga, know.
Leave irreligious path, on religious with love go. [3]
Whoever has deep love for Rama’s feet
The effects of Kali, him never do meet.
King of birds, magician’s fine bend sleight,
Does not put his coworker in wonder tight. [4]

The virtues and vices of Lord’s Maya
2570 Won’t go without remembering Lord.
Therefore believing it, leave out other deeds,
Remember Rama with full accord. [104A]
O King of birds, in that Kaliyuga, I stayed
In Ayodhya for many years.
A famine came, I left for other lands,
Driven out by the distress, fears. [104B]
I went to Ujjain, listen, O Snake’s foe,
So dirty, a pauper, miserable and low.
Sometime passed, I became prosperous there.
2580 I lived on and worshipped Lord Shankar. [1]

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There lived a Brahmin as the Vedas bid,

Worshiped Shankar, nothing else he did.
A perfect saint, knew of the final goal,
Worshiped Shiva, would not oppose Vishnu’s role. [2]
I served him but there was ill will in my mind,
The Brahmin, however, was a moralist, kind.
Finding me outwardly polite person,
The Brahmin educated me like his son. [3]

The good Brahmin gave me Shiva-Mantra always,

2590 Gave useful instructions too, in many ways.
I recited Mantra in temple of Shiv(a).
Yet pride, arrogance in my heart did live. [4]

I, mean and of low caste, and sinful mind,
Under the sway of great ignorance,
Felt jealous of Brahmins and Lord’s Devotees,
And at Vishnu, took serious offence. [105A]
Pained to see my behaviour
The teacher daily gave me instruction.
But in me grew great anger,
2600 Could a proud ever welcome moral ideas? [105B]
The teachers one day, called me and gave
Instructions in many ways, how to behave.
He said, The fruit of serving Shankar is, son,
That for Rama’s feet one develops deep devotion. [1]
My son, Shankar, Brahma too Rama remember,
To say nothing or man – just a humble creature.
Whose feet are worshipped by Brahma and Shankar.
O, unlucky, Him, you hate and want pleasure! [2]
When teacher called Shankar, Rama’s servant,
2610 My heart, burnt with rage, O lord Adjutant.
I, of very low caste, becoming educated,
Turned out to be snake which on milk is fed. [3]

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I, proud, crooked, unfortunate, of caste low,

Night and day, against my teacher did go.
The teacher extremely merciful, would not mind
Always gave me instructions lofty in kind. [4]
Who brings to him great honour respect and joy
Him, the low one would chose first to destroy.
It is fire that produces smoke, listen sire,
2620 When rises as cloud, it extinguishes fire. [5]

The dust lies on the way, so neglected ever,

Strokes of steps of walkers does duffer.
It fills wind itself, when by wind high flown.
Then goes in king’s eyes, falls on his crown. [6]
Listen, O King of birds, when the wise this thing discover,
To avoid the company of low they prefer.
On this moral dictum, poets, pundits agree,
With the base, have no friendship and no enmity. [7]
It is better to remain with him indifferent,
2630 As a dog, let us leave him off, O Adjutant,
I, evil minded, cunning, mischievous at heart,
Did not like it, though teacher meant well on my part. [8]

It once so occurred that in temple of Shiva,
I was repeating Shankar’s name.
When teacher came, I with some sense of arrogance,
Did not rise and salute the same. [106A]
He was thoroughly merciful, did not say a word,
With no trace of anger is his heart.
But insult to teacher in sin very great,
2640 Shiva could not bear it on His part." [106B]
A wireless announcement came from the temple
“O unlucky, O arrogant, O fool,
Even though your teacher has not been angry,
He is all merciful, has equanimity. [1]
Yet I shall send you a curse, scoundrel,

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I don’t like one who is against moral.

Evil one, if I do not give you punishment,
I shall be violating Vedic pronouncement. [2]
Those fools, who are envious of teacher, dwell,
2650 For crores years in most dreadful hell.
From there, forms of animals and birds they receive,
For ten thousand lives suffer pain and live. [3]

O Sinner, as a python you kept on sitting,

Sin covered your mind, have snake’s being.
Meanest of the mean, go live in that form,
In the bellow of some tree, great out of norm." [4]

“Ah me! Ah me!" cried out the Guru,
As he heard Shiva’s dreadful curse.
When he noticed me quaking with great fear,
2660 He became very sorry, of course. [107A]
The Brahmin bowed his head and with great love,
Joined his hands before Shankar.
He thought of miserable plight and prayed,
With great delight and fervor. [107B]
“Lord of northeast, eternal, Brahma, before You I fall.
Salvation Veda incarnate, pervading all.
Unborn, free from Maya, constant, desireless,
Living force, container of space boundless. [1]
Formless, base of Om, free from mind’s three states,
2670 Beyond mind, speech, senses, Lord of Kailash.
Horrible, death for great death, merciful, art thou,
Beyond world, all virtues – to Shankar I bow. [2]
White complexioned as Himalayas and solemn,
Beauty of Crore Kamas lies in Your person.
Graceful Ganges Your head so beautiful makes.

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New moon on Your forehead, round Your neck the snakes. [3]
Rings swing from the ears, fine brows, large eyes,
Happy in face, with throat blue, and full of mercies.
Garland of heads, and lion’s skin, You wear.
2680 I bow before Lord, beloved, bounteous Shankar. [4]
Great Lord, terrible, bold, splendid, superior.
Unborn, whole possessing crore suns spendour.
Holding trident in hand, killer of pains three.
By love known, I worship Lord of Parvati. [5]
Benevolent, beyond Maya, great annihilator,
Tripura’s foe, merciful, giving the good pleasure.
All peace, all force, You make ignorance go.
Be pleased Lord, be pleased, O Kama’s foe. [6]
Lord of Uma, till men worship lotus feet
2690 In this world or next they, with peace never meet.
Have no peace, no pleasure, their pain never ceased,
O Lord, dweller in all, be graciously pleased. [7]
I know no worship, Yoga or name remember,
Always and ever I bow to You, Shankar-
Save me from old age, fire, cycle of world.
I bow to You, O Shankar, O great Lord." [8]
This group of eight pairs of lines was said
By the Brahmin to pacify Lord Shankar.
Those persons who’ld go through it with devotion,
2700 Are sure to receive Lord Shankar’s favour. [1]
When Shankar, the omniscient heard the prayer,
And saw Brahmins’ love and fervor,
There came again a voice from the temple,
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“O Brahmin, ask for some favour." [108A]

“O Lord, if You are mercifully so disposed,
And bear love for low like me,
Grant me deep devotion for Your feet and next
To give a second boon, pleased be. [108B]
This ignorant creature, under Your Maya’s sway
2710 Has gone astray in delusion.
Do not let Your wrath fall on the poor soul,
O Lord, O Mercy’s great ocean. [108C]
O Shankar, O, Ever merciful on the lowly,
Now let mercy be done to him.
So that, influence of curse may pass away,
From him in a very short time. [108D]
Whatever leads to his supreme welfare,
Let that be done now, O Merciful Shankar."
“At Brahmin’s words where in benevolence did flow,
2720 Uma, there came the voice again Let it be so." [1]
“Even though he had committed a horrible sin,
And I cursed him as angry I had been,
Yet I notice Your great magnanimity
I’ll therefore, do to him particular mercy. [2]

O Brahmin, the forgiving and benevolent

Are dear to Me as Rama, magnificent.
My curse cannot go a waste, Brahmin believe.
A thousand lives, this fellow shall have to live. [3]
In birth and in death, people experience pain,
2730 But for him all these pains will be in vain.
Of past lives he will not lose memory,"
“O Shuddra, I tell you these words verily. [4]
As you were born in the town of Ram(a),
And service to me, has been your programme,
By merits of Ayodhya and favour on My part,
Love for Rama will develop in your heart. [5]

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O Brother, listen to My true speech now,

To please God serve Brahmins, that is best vow.
Henceforth never do any insult to Brahmin,
2740 Take saints, to be like God, endless one. [6]
By death’s great rod or by Indra’s adamant,
By wheel of Vishnu or by My trident,
He, who is not killed by all these even,
For reason of opposition to Brahmins would burn. [7]

Let this understanding be ever in your heart.

There is nothing in the world impossible on your part.
There will be one more blessing from Me for you,
You can reach unobstructed every place, all through." [8]

Happy to hear the words of Shankar, the teacher
2750 Said, ‘Be it so’ and did depart.
“After instructing me in various ways
And keeping Shankar’s feet in heart. [109A]
Driven by force of time, I became a snake,
And lived in Vindhyachal Mountain.
I, after the lapse of some period there,
Left that form without any pain. [109B]
O Adjutant, whichever form I did take
Without any effort I shed.
As men put on garments new and discard
2760 The old used up ones instead. [109C]
Shiva maintained practice of Vedas and I
Experienced not even slight pain.
Thus I took different forms, King of birds,
Of all, the memory I maintain." [109D]
“In every form I took, birds, animals, gods, men,
I continued remembering Rama always then.
But one pain there continued pinching me ever,

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I never forgot teacher’s so merciful nature, [1]

The last form I got, was that of a Brahmin,
2770 Vedas, Puranas call it rare, for gods even.
I played in the company of boys all through,
And acted all deeds of Rama there too. [2]
When I grew up my father gave me teaching,
I heard, learnt, followed, but with no liking.
All types of desires departed from my mind,
Love for Rama’s feet only there remained behind." [3]
“Adjutant, tell me who would so unlucky pass,
Who could leave Kam-Cow and nurse a she-ass?
Lost in love, I did not like any other thing,
2780 My father was tired of giving me teaching. [4]
When parents died, for forests I was free,
To remember the Protector of the devotee.
Wherever in the forest, great rishis I did meet,
I visited their abodes, placed head at their feet. [5]

I inquired from them about glories of Rama

King of birds, they said and I enjoyed the programme.
I, thus, roamed about and Rama’s glories heard,
By boon of Shiva, everywhere I went unhindered. [6]
Gone were from me all great desires three,
2790 However one desire predominated in me.
It was the desire to see Rama’s lotus feet.
Thereby, my life really successful I’ld treat. [7]

From whichever rishi I inquired he would say,

God is omnipresent, everywhere does stay.
Creed of formless God would not to me make appeal.
For God embodied, immense love I did feel. [8]

I remembered words of my teacher and so,
Was attracted to Lord Rama’s feet.
I wandered about, singing His glories,
2800 Every moment with new love did meet. [110A]
At the top of Sumer under the banyan tree,

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I saw Lomas Rishi at that height.

Seeing him I placed my head at his feet,
And spoke in words so polite. [110B]
O King of birds, when the Rishi heard my words,
Exceedingly humble and meek,
The merciful Saint with great respect inquired,
‘Brahmin, what is that which you seek?’ [110C]
Then I said, ‘O Ocean of mercy you know,
2810 You are wise and omniscient.
My Lord, describe to me about worship,
Or Brahma in human form present.’ [110D]
“Then, O King of birds, with great respect, rishi
Described deeds of Rama and His glory,
Saint, learned, and expert in knowledge supreme,
Considering so deserving of His great theme, [1]
Began lecturing on Brahma, Omnipresent."
“Unborn, matchless, without modes, Omniscient.
Changeless, desireless, without name or form
2820 Whole, with no parallel, by experience known, [2]
Beyond mind and senses, pure, boundless,
Indestructible, uniform, and full happiness.
You are that very Brahma, the Vedas declare,
There is no difference as between waves and water." [3]

“The Rishi explained to me in different ways,

But for a formless God I developed no craze.
I prayed and the feet of Saint again I seized.
To describe worship of God with form be pleased. [4]
I am a fish of waters of Rama’s devotion,
2830 Wise saint, how could I suffer separation?
Be merciful to me, tell me that programme,
So that, with my own eyes I may see Lord Ram(a). [5]

Having viewed King of Ayodhya to my heart’s fill,

I’ll hear of God formless, with heart and will.
The Saint again described God matchless,

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Against God with form, preferred God formless, [6]

Thereon I, discarding His formless creed,
For God with form insisted, and did plead.
As I went on answering to his answer,
2840 There developed in the Rishi signs of anger. [7]
Lord, if one persists to insult and despise.
Even in a man of knowledge does anger rise.
If one causes friction continuous, entire,
Even in sandal wood there shall appear fire." [8]

“The Rishi repeatedly and irritatingly,
The way of knowledge did propound.
I kept on sitting there but within my heart,
Thoughts of different types were found. [111A]
Could anger come without sense of duality?
2850 Without ignorance can duality be?
Could soul, under grip of Maya, dead and bound,
Have with God oneness, equality? [111B]
Could one wishing good for all be in pain ever?
Possessing philosopher’s stone, could one be poor?
Could one with malice to others from fear be free?
Could one, lustful, ever escape ignominy? [1]
Could a family over last after harming a Brahmin?
With real knowledge of soul, could attachment remain?
Could one, in evil company, right wisdom expect?
2860 Who enjoys other’s wife, would he ever win respect? [2]

Could knower of God ever fall, in cycle of world?

Could one who talks against God, have peace and concord?
Could a region ever survive, without practising virtue?
After describing God’s deeds, could sins continued? [3]
Could one without virtues ever obtain glory?
Could one without sins ever beet ignominy?
Is there a gain higher than God’s devotion,
Whose praises saints, Vedas and Puranas mentioned? [4]

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Could there be a greater loss than this, brother,

2870 That getting human form one fails God to remember?
Is there a sin like back-biting against one?
Vishnu’s Carrier, like mercy, there is no religion. [5]
Numberless arguments, thus, in my mind did come,
And teachings of the Rishi, I would not welcome.
Repeatedly theory of God with form I laid,
Thereon in angry words the great Rishi said," [6]

“Fool, I give highest teaching but you defy,

Arguments, one after another, you give in reply.
No faith in my true teachings you would let grow,
2880 And feel afraid of everything else as a crow. [7]
For your point, fool, great reasonings you explore.
You should become an untouchable bird, therefore."
“I welcomed curse of Rishi on my head,
No fear, no humiliation I felt instead. [8]

I at once turned into a crow at that occasion,
Bent my head before Rishi’s feet,
With Rama, gem of Raghu’s Line, within my heart,
I flew, with all happiness replete." [112A]
“Uma, whoever is devoted to Rama’s feet,
2890 Free from desire, pride, anger,
He finds all universe filled by his own Lord,
Then against whom shall he be ever?" [112B]
“Adjutant listen, herein Rishi is not to blame.
Urges in heart come from Raghu’s family gem.
Lord merciful made Rishi’s wisdom go astray,
He tested my great devotion that way. [1]

Finding me His devotee by thought, word, deed,

Lord set the Rishi’s mind again straight indeed.
Rishi noticed my behavior modest and calm.
2900 And saw my full faith in the feet of Ram(a). [2]
Felt very sorry and most sincere regret,

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He called me respectfully with all éclat.

He gave me consolation in ways different,
Gave me the Rama-Mantra with joyful intent. [3]
I was taught be Rishi, most merciful and mild,
The ways of devotion for Rama as a child.
That fine pleasant form for worship I adore,
That I have related to you already before. [4]

He detained me in his company for some time,

2910 And told me the Rama-Charit-Manas sublime.
With all respect as he finished the recitation,
In very pleasant words to me he did mention." [5]
“This lake of Rama’s deeds is pleasant and secret,
By great mercy of Shankar that I could get.
I found in you Rama’s sincere devotee,
Hence I told you in details all story. [6]

One should never relate it in front of one,

Who, for Rama, does not possess deep devotion."
“Rishi explained to me in many a fashion.
2920 I put my head at his feet with adoration. [7]
He with his lotus hands did my head stroke.
And most happily his blessings on me did invoke.
“Immense love for Rama within your heart dwell."
That is going to be henceforth my blissful spell. [8]

May you be great store of virtues, prideless.
May you be so loved by Ram(a).
May you be all knowledge and asceticism,
You may die at will, take chosen form. [113A]
In whichever abode you would choose to stay,
2930 Remembering the Lord-Supreme,
In a circuit of sight miles all around,
Ignorance will not entry dream. [113B]
Pain born of age, deeds, virtue, vice or nature,
Not any of these will approach you in future.

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My stories of Rama’s beautiful deeds, known and unknown,

And what is contained in history and Puran, [1]

Without effort, all you will be able to know.

New love for Rama’s feet may in you daily grow.
Whatever wish will ever into your heart come,
2940 By God’s grace it would never difficult become." [2]
“Listen, calm Adjutant, at the end of saint’s word,
God’s voice, most solemn, from sky was heard.
All knowing Rishi, may your words be true indeed,
He is My devotee by thought, word, and deed." [3]

“I was so much pleased when these words I heard.

Lost in love, my all fears had disappeared.
I praised Rishi and obtaining his sanction,
I bowed to his lotus feet, again and again. [4]
I came to the hermitage with all pleasure,
2950 Most rare boon I got by Rama’s favour.
Living in this abode, O King of birds, listen.
I have witnessed Kalpas twenty and seven. [5]
The virtues of Rama, I ever here sing,
Wise birds come and give me respectful hearing.
As and when Raghubir takes up form human,
In Ayodhya, for the good of men of devotion, [6]
At those occasions to Rama’s town I go,
Derive joy viewing childlike pranks so.
Later, keeping his child form in my heart,
2960 O King of birds, for my residence I depart. [7]
I have told you all my history, snake’s foe,
How I happened to get the form of a crow.
I think I have answered all your inquires,
Though there is no end to devotion’s glories. [8]

Reason behind love for this form is that here,
I got devotion of Rama’s feet.
In this, I obtained view of my own Lord.
And all my ignorance did fleet. [114A]
I stick in favor of devotional creed,
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2970 Wherefore Rishi Lomas gave me curse.

But what I got therefrom, is rare for Yogis,
Look at the devotion’s great force. [114B]
Those who know this power of devotion, yet leave,
And labour for pure knowledge, you should believe,
Are fools who leave Kam-Cow alone at home.
And for milk to search of plant swallow-wort roam. [1]
Listen, King of birds, those who leave out devotion,
And try to get joy by some way of their own,
Those fools and unfortunate wish to cross ocean,
2980 Without boat and by their swimming action." [2]
When these words of Kag Bhushundi, Adjutant heard,
With real joy, these polite words he uttered.
“Through your blessing Lord, in my heart don’t grow,
Fears, doubts, and ignorance or sorrow. [3]
I heard Rama’s pious deeds and His glories,
Though your favour, I got full peace through these.
One point I would like to inquire from you,
Lord, store of mercy, explain it right through. [4]

Saints, rishis, Vedas, Puranas acknowledge

2990 There is nothing so difficult to get as pure knowledge.
That very knowledge was told to you by Rishi kind,
But you did not prefer it to devotion, I find. [5]
Explain it to me fully, Mercy’s Ocean,
What’s difference between knowledge and devotion."
The wise Kag Bhushundi heard Adjutant,
He was pleased, with respect said, next moment, [6]

“Between knowledge and devotion no difference does lie,

Both are capable of making world’s woes fly.
But, lord, saints do, between the two, differentiate,
3000 Listen, carefully, King of birds, I shall relate. [7]
Knowledge, unattachment, yoga truth – in gender
Are all males, listen to me, Vishnu’s Carrier.
The glories of male are always so strong,
The female is proverbially weak and wrong. [8]

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The unattached and firm persons alone
Can successfully leave out woman.
Not those who are devoid of Lord Rama’s feet,
And are under lust and passion. [115A]
Even those who have knowledge profound,
3010 When they see moon like face of deer eyed woman,
Carried away helplessly are found,
It is Vishnu’s Maya that is woman, none else. [115B]

I am not at all partial to one in any way,
I say what saints Vedas and Puranas say.
It is principal strange yet true, snake’s enemy,
That a woman does not feel drawn by woman’s beauty. [1]
Maya and worship of God are female both,
This is known to everybody as I bare truth.
But very dear to Rama is worship or devotion,
3020 Poor Maya holds merely dancer’s position. [2]
As, to worship Rama is favourably inclined,
Maya, ever afraid of devotion, you will find.
In whosoever’s heart, love for Rama is present,
Matchless, pure, and without mischief and constant. [3]
Maya feels so hesitant when such a one is seen.
She fails to exercise on him influence keen.
With this view, saints and true knowledge possessors,
Opt for devotion which is mine of pleasures. [4]

This wonderful mystery of Lord of Raghu’s Line,
3030 Men don’t easily realise much.
And them, who do know it, by Lord Rama’s grace,
Ignorance cannot even in dream touch." [116A]

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“O, wise Adjutant, know one difference more,

Between pure knowledge and devotion.
By knowing which love unbroken would develop.
For Rama’s feet in the heart of one. [116B]
To one more indescribable theory listen.
It cannot be told, but is understood within.
Soul is part of God, this indestructible, pure,
3040 It is living, by nature all pleasures’ store, [1]
That soul, under Maya’s control, has gone,
Like parrots, monkeys, caught by self-action.
Between living and dead, a knot came to be,
Though unreal, yet unknotting brings difficulty. [2]

The soul got engrossed in the world since then,

Lost all peace, but the knot will not open.
Across many ways, in Vedas, Puranas, one comes,
Yet for opening, more entangled it becomes. [3]
The soul is in pitch dark of great ignorance,
3050 One can’t see, disentangling is difficult, hence.
It is possible if God sets matters right.
Even then disentangling is a job so tight. [4]

If the cow, of virtuous, faith, beautiful

By God’s grace comes in one’s heart to dwell,
Name recitation, penance, fast, discipline, control,
And morale, good behavior, that Vedas extol. [5]
When that cow feeds on the grass of these all,
With calf of noble sentiments when its udder is full,
Legs tied with repose, faith is the milk pot,
3060 Mind, pure and controlled becomes milkman is troth, [6]

Thus getting milk of highest moralities, brother,

It is put to boil on desirelessness fire,
Cooled by air of detachment, contentment,
Consistency, quietness, as curd, are mixed with content. [7]
In the vessel of happiness, with stock of reasoning, Making control the post,
sweet truth, the string,
Thus churning, if one collects the butter, sure.
Of renunciation, beautiful and pure. [8]

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Thereafter fire of yoga be created,
Making good, bad deeds, fuel.
3070 With impurities of attachment burnt, wisdom,
Should clarified butter of knowledge cool. [117A]
When wisdom of true knowledge succeeds to get
The clarified-butter so pure,
Let lamp of the heart be filled with this,
Put on stand of evenness sure. [117B]
From cotton plant of three stages and modes,
Cotton of the fourth stage be had.
With all care and all attention then,
Let a thick, firm wick be made. [117C]
3080 Let this lamp be lighted high
Source of great light and all knowledge true.
On merely approaching it, die,
The moths of pride, arrogance, etcetera. [117D]
The constant notion – ‘I am Brahma the same’,
That firm belief is the lamp’s brilliant flame.
In the light of the joy of true knowledge of soul,
Dies notion of difference – cause of worldly trouble. [1]

Great ignorance and all other offshoots of it,

All ignorance and other darknesses do flit.
3090 Then wisdom, in self-realisation’s light.
In heart, disentangles the knot so tight. [2]
If it succeeds in disentangling that knot,
Then is the soul with complete success fraught,
While that knot is being opened, O Adjutant,
Maya throws in obstacles many and different. [3]
Maya sends all types of successes, brother,
Which try to tempt away the soul from there.

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By force, fraud, or artifice, they approach near,

And put out the light with their skirt’s air. [4]

3100 But if wisdom proves wisdom in reality,

It would not even look at successes, verily.
Thus, if Maya fails to delude the wisdom,
It is gods, who put impediments all along then. [5]
Different senses are windows of house of heart,
Gods sit at every window to carry out their part.
Whenever they notice winds of pleasures coming,
Deliberately, shutters they wide open fling. [6]

When thus the strong winds enter within,

They blow out lamp of wisdom in heart’s cabin.
3110 Knot could not be opened and darkness came,
Due to winds of pleasures, wisdom restless became, [7]
For knowledge, gods of senses have no liking.
It is for pleasures, they have love very striking.
Winds of pleasures weakened wisdom in their train,
Who would light then, lamp of knowledge, over again? [8]

The soul is thus again in the miseries round,
Of types and forms different.
The Maya of Lord is so difficult to cross,
It is impassable, Adjutant. [118A]
3120 To tell knowledge is difficult, difficult to grasp,
To act on it is difficult too.
And if by sheer good luck one does get knowledge,
It is difficult to keep it all through. [118B]
That path of knowledge is the sword’s edge bare,
It takes no time, to fall down from there.
Whomever, successfully crosses the way,
At highest point – salvation – he does stay. [1]
Saints, Vedas, Puranas, treatises maintain –
Salvation stage is so difficult to attain.
3130 That salvation by mere taking Rama’s name,

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Forces itself, even if one doesn’t want the same. [2]

As water cannot rest except on earth,
However much efforts man might put forth,
Listen, King of birds, similarly salvation
Can in no case, ignore Lord Rama’s devotion. [3]
Thinking so, the wise devotees of the Lord
Opt for Lord’s devotion, salvation discard.
While devotion, without any effort of strain
Drives out ignorance – root of all world’s pain. [4]
3140 Just as food is taken for satisfaction,
But, of itself, digestion does its function.
So is Lord’s devotion, full of comfort and ease.
Where is a fool whom devotion would not please? [5]

Without relationship of servant-master,
One cannot cross world’s ocean.
Remember Lord’s lotus feet, O foe of snakes.
Keeping it in consideration, [119A]
Those who remember Rama, all mighty,
Who can make dead become living,
3150 Who has power to transform living into dead,
They are indeed fortunate being." [119B]
“Description of knowledge I have given to you.
Now listen of glories of devotion too.
Rama’s devotion is fine gem, all wishes gives.
In whosoever heart, Adjutant, it lives, [1]
That heart is lighted, day and night without toil
One does not need any lamp, any wick, or oil.
The poverty of ignorance cannot come near.
Winds of greed cannot put it out ever. [2]
3160 By its light, darkness of ignorance does fly.
Hosts of moths, it does so easily defy.
Evils, like desires, cannot come near him.
In whose heart there is the devotion gem, [3]

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Poisons turns into nectar, enemies friend become,

No one can have pleasure without this gem.
From great mental afflictions would be free,
The afflictions from which suffers all humanity. [4]
In whosoever’s heart Rama’s devotion does live,
He will, even in dream, not the least pain have.
3170 In the whole world, they are wisest of the men,
Who labour to get this gem of devotion. [5]

That gem is present in the world, that is clear.

But one cannot get it without Rama’s favour.
The way to find it, is also very easy.
But the unfortunate push it out mercilessly, [6]
The Vedas and Puranas are mountain fine,
Rama’s stories and glories are great mine.
The wise locate it, use spade of wisdom,
Knowledge and truth serve as eyes for them. [7]
3180 To find it, the persons who try with love,
The gem – source of all pleasures, they always have.
I told it as firm faith, O lord, Adjutant
Then Rama is much greater, the Rama’s servant. [8]
If Rama is the ocean, saints as clouds, find.
If Rama is sandal-tree, saints act as wind.
The fruit of all labour is Rama’s devotion,
Of which, without saints, one cannot have possession. [9]
Thus thinking, whoever adopts pious company,
For him, King of birds, Rama’s love is easy. [10]

3190 Vedas form Milk-ocean and saints are the gods,
Knowledge is Mandar-Mountain to churn,
They churn and take out nectar of Rama’s deeds,
Love forms sweetness in its turn. [120A]
King of birds, think and see, it is devotion
To which ultimate success goes,
Asceticism is shield, knowledge acts like sword,
Killing pride, greed, ignorance – the foes." [120B]

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The Adjutant, thereon, respectfully said,
“If, to me, you have your favours extended,
3200 Of your many servants, lord, take me to be one,
And explain to me fully, questions seven. [1]
First of all, tell me this, O lord, coolheaded,
Which of the bodies is most difficult to be had?
What is greatest misery, what greatest pleasure?
Tell me briefly what, you, on that point, consider. [2]
The natures of the wicked and the holy ones too.
You know fully differences between the two.
Which of the virtues do the Vedas class high?
Which of the sins do they, as vilest decry? [3]
3210 Describe mental afflictions of man, in full,
You know all, and, on me, are so merciful."
“Listen to me, brother, with all respect and attention,
All these I am going to briefly mention. [4]

No form is superior to form human.

It is wished by all, be he dead or living one.
It forms ladder to heaven, hell, salvation,
Gives pleasure of knowledge, asceticism, devotion. [5]
Those, who getting human form, God don’t remember
And busy themselves in the meanest pleasure,
3220 Throw away stone that changes metals into gold,
And, instead, piece of mere glass, dear hold. [6]

There is no distress in the world like poverty,

Nor can any pleasure, like meeting a saint, be.
Adjutant, very nature of a saint is indeed,
To be doing good to others by thought, word, and deed. [7]
The saint suffers pain for the good of others.
It is for paining others that the wicked suffers.
Saints are kind, like the bark of birch tree,
To do good to others undergo all misery. [8]

3230 The crooked, like jute, do others just tie.

They get themselves peeled, suffer misery and die.
Without any self-interest, the wicked harm others,
They are like snakes, and like rats, in their behaviours, [9]

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They cause loss of other’s property and die,

As do the hails damage crops standing by.
The evil just rise, to do world, great harm
As rise of comet is of distress alarm. [10]
The rise of a saint brings happiness common,
As is to the world, rise of the moon and the sun.
3240 Vedas declare non-violence greatest religion.
To talk ill of others, is the greatest sin. [11]

He is born frog, who talks against Shankar, teacher,

He gets that form for years one thousand in number.
Criticiser of Brahmins does in numerous hells go.
Then comes to earth again, getting form of a crow. [12]
Critics of gods and the Vedas, those proud ones,
Go into hell’s deepest and darkest dungeons.
Those busy criticizing Brahmins, owls, become,
Love night of ignorance, to them set is knowledge sun. [13]
3250 Those fools, who are habitually criticizing all,
Into their lot, the forms of bats do fall.
I am going to tell you now about mental ills.
A number of these maladies, the whole world fills. [14]
Of all ills, its ignorance that forms roots.
Other maladies are mere ignorance’s offshoots.
Desires form gout, greed is phlegm at its best.
Anger is the choler, ever burning in chest. [15]
If these three brothers ever coalesce together,
There comes most dreadful delirious fever.
3260 All objects desired by senses, so rare,
Are different diseases, who can tell them here? [16]

Attachment is ringworm, itch is the envy.

Joys and sorrows form goiter – a neck malady.
Jealousy at other’s happiness is tuberculosis.
Crookedness and wickedness are leperous diseases. [17]
Pride is the most painful rheumatic ailment.
Arrogance, fraud, pride are neurologic in descent.
Excessive greed is most virulent dropsy,
Three types of desires – intermittent malady, [18]

3270 Envy and indiscretion are two types of fever.

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Who can enumerate maladies, out of number? [19]

When one disease is quite enough to kill a man,
Here are many and incurable.
They are constantly busy giving pain to the soul,
How can peace be, for it, possible? [121A]
Discipline, morals, behavior and penance,
Knowledge, fire worship, meditation, name,
There are crores of remedies, even then, Adjutant,
There is no sure escape from the same. [121B]
3280 Thus all the creatures of Universe suffer on,
With joys, sorrows, fear, love, and separation.
Of a few mental maladies I have apprised you.
All suffer from them, yet them realise very few. [1]
These torturers of mankind, if they are known,
Do get less but are never completely gone.
What is man? Even in hearts of saints they grow,
When with pleasures unwholesome they happen to go, [2]

By Rama’s grace, if circumstances so shape,

From these maladies becomes possible, an escape.
3290 Right guru be physician, faith in his words be.
Abstinence from pleasures in very necessary, [3]
Love for Rama’s medicine that restores life.
Concomitants are – full wisdom and trust rife.
If all these are procured, may be disease goes.
Else with crores of efforts don’t go maladies, woes. [4]

Lord, deem mind healthy and sufferings ceased,

When strength of unattachment He increased.
Hunger for right wisdom new, daily grown on,
The weakness of expecting pleasures is gone. [5]
3300 When with water of knowledge he has his bath,
It is then that devotion to Rama, full he hath.
Shiva, Brahma, Suk, Sanak etcetera and Narad,
The learned, who have spiritualism mastered, [6]

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King of birds, they all are one in the opinion,

For Rama’s lotus feet, they do develop devotion.
Vedas, Puranas, all scriptures proclaim,
There is no pleasure without devotion for Ram(a). [7]
May be that on back of tortoise hair grows,
May be a barren woman’s son enemy throws,
3310 May be that sky bears different flowers.
But without God’s favour, one can’t have pleasures. [8]

May be thirst is quenched with the mirage water,

May be, horns grow on the heads of the hare.
May be that the darkness blacks out the sun,
Soul cannot find rest, without Rama’s devotion. [9]
May be that from snow one produces fire,
But being against Rama, one cannot have pleasure. [10]

It may be one gets butter by churning water,
May get oil by pressing sand,
Without Lord’s name, world ocean cannot be
3320 crossed,
This principle will always stand. [122A]
Almighty can make mosquito creator,
Turn creator less than a mosquito.
The wise therefore take to remembering Rama,
Completely letting all doubts go. [122B]
I describe to you well thought out principle
My words, you should not lightly treat
They cross world’s unfathomable ocean without
Who do Lord’s name always repeat. [122C]
3330 Lord’s matchless glories, as best as I avail,
I have said briefly and at places in some detail.

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Snake’s enemy, gist of Vedas is this, believe,

Remember Rama, and all other works leave. [1]

Whom shall we remember if Lord Rama we shun,

Who has, even for a fool like me, great affection?
You are all knowledge, have no ignorance, Adjutant,
You have done me an honour at this instant, [2]
By asking me of Rama’s pious glories,
Which Shankar, Shuk, Sanak and others do please.
3340 Rare is, in this world, company of saintly friends,
Even if that be but once, for minutes or seconds. [3]

Adjutant, just examine it in your heart,

To remember Rama, am I fit on my part?
I am lowest of all birds, in every way impure,
Yet Lord made me famous, world-purifier, sure. [4]

Even though I am lowliest of the low in every way,
I am extremely fortunate indeed.
As Rama took me to be His own devotee,
Favour of saintly company decreed. [123A]
3350 To the best of my knowledge Rama’s glories I said,
I kept back nothing from you.
Rama’s glories can be likened to a vast sea,
Can one even fathom it all through?" [123B]
Remembering numerous great glories of Ram(a),
Wise Kag Bhushundi was happy again and again.
“Of whose glories Vedas say ‘Not this alone’
Matchless are power, glory, might of Ram(a). [1]
Rama’s feet Brahma, Shiva worship for, their might.
His mercy on me shows His nature polite.
3360 Such nature, I’ve never seen, nor ever heard.
Then, King of birds, who could with Rama be compared? [2]

The delivered ones, perfect, ascetics and hermits

The dutiful, the recluse, the poets, pundits,
Men with knowledge, yogis, hermits, valiant,

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Engaged in religion, learned, knowing Vedant, [3]

Miss salvation unless take my Lord’s name.
I bow to You, bend to You, worship You, Ram(a).
At whose feet, sinful like me turns sinless,
I bow before You, Lord Rama, endless. [4]

3370 Whose name is panacea for all world’s ills,
Removes pains of kinds three,
May that merciful Rama be graciously pleased,
To show mercy to you and me." [124A]
When Adjutant heard Kag Bhushundi’s words
And saw his love for Rama’s feet,
Now freed from doubts of all sorts, he
With sincere love, said words sweet. [124B]
“I am so well satisfied, listening to your discourse,
Which is soaked in love of Raghubir, of course.
3380 I have developed new love for feet of Lord Ram(a)
All my miseries, rising from Maya, are gone. [1]

In the sea of ignorance, you as boat, I did find.

You gave me pleasures of many a kind.
I cannot pay you back in any manner,
I bend to your feet only, over and over. [2]
You are all success and Rama’s great devotee.
More fortunate than you, Lord, no one else can be.
The saints, trees, earth, mountains and rivers,
They all work simply for the good of others. [3]

3390 Poets have described heart of a saint as butter,

But, thereby, the truth they failed to utter.
It melts only when it itself heated be,
But saint’s heart melts at the others’ misery. [4]
My birth and my life so successful I find.
All my doubts are gone, as on me you were kind."
“To the Crow, Girija, repeatedly said the Adjutant,
Always take me to be your most humble servant." [5]

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Bending his head at the feet of Kag Bhushundi
The wise and coolheaded Adjutant,
3400 Keeping in his heart lotus feet of Rama,
Flew back to heaven so content. [125A]
“There is no gain, Uma, which could be called equal
To the meeting with some devotee;
But that is not possible without Lord’s favour
That is Vedas’ Puranas’ decree. [125B]
I have told to you history most pious and pure,
At mere listening, drop down worldly ties, sure.
Love, for the lotus feet of Rama, develops free
Store of mercy, for refugees Kalpa Tree. [1]
3410 Sins, born of thought, word, deed, fly away anon,
As one listens to His deeds, with love and attention.
Visit to pilgrimage centres and ways numerous,
Yoga, nonattachment or knowledge in excess, [2]
Duties, fasts, charity and other moralities,
Control, name, penance, discipline, fire ceremonies,
Mercy to all, service to Brahmins, teachers
Learning, humility, discretion in all its features. [3]
And all other ways that the Vedas lay down
The fruit of all, Girija, is Lord’s devotion.
3420 And that devotion for Rama, Vedas acclaim,
Is rare unless one is favoured by Lord Ram(a). [4]

That Rama’s devotion, so very rare for rishis,
They obtain, without any effort,
Who listen to this story constantly.
With perfect faith in their heart. [126]
He is learned, knows everything, has virtues all,

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He is pundit, he is world’s honour, he is liberal,

Him, truly religious, family protector, treat
Who is lost in devotion for Lord Rama’s feet. [1]
3430 He is expert in morals, highly intelligent,
He alone has truly grasped Vedic content,
He is poet, he is learned, him alone brave consider,
Who, shedding away all trickery, does Rama remember. [2]

Happy is the country, wherein the Ganges flows.

Happy the woman who on path of faithfulness goes.
Happy is the king, ever just in action.
Happy Brahmin who wavers not from his religion. [3]
Happy is the wealth that is spent in charity,
Happy, mature, is mind, ever morally busy.
3440 Happy is moment of meeting saintly person,
Happy is the life with constant love for Brahmins. [4]

Listen, Girija, that family is happy, pious,
Whole world does it highly acclaim,
Wherein is born a person, so humble and meek
Having deep devotion for Lord Ram(a). [127]
Rama’s story, as I had known, I revealed,
Even though I had, originally, kept it concealed.
In Your heart, Uma, I saw devotion great,
Hence story of Rama I did relate. [1]
3450 To the obstinate and Knavish one should not mention,
Who would not listen to the deeds with attention.
Do not tell it to greedy, fretful, lustful,
Who do never remember Rama, Lord Universal. [2]
To those against Brahmins, never tell them the same,
Even if he be a great king of Indra’s fame.
They only deserve hearing of Rama’s history,
Who bear sincere love for good society. [3]
Those who have love for teacher and morality,
And serve Brahmins, have a right to this story.
3460 This story gives pleasure to them, above all,

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Who love Rama as they love their very own soul. [4]

Whoever seeks devotion for Rama’s feet,
Or for rank of salvation tries,
He should drink, through cup of ears, this nectar
The story of Rama’s glories. [128]
Girija, Rama’s story to You I did impart,
It washes off Kali’s sins, purifies heart.
As life restoring herb, it kills world’s pain.
This truth, the Vedas and the pandits maintain. [1]
3470 In it there are beautiful stairs seven
To reach path that leads to Rama’s devotion.
Whoever enjoys very great favour of Ram(a),
He only steps in this path of devotion. [2]
Whoever sings this story, free from cunning,
Obtains the object which he was desiring.
Those, who describe it, listen to it, and applause,
World’s ocean as a mere cow’s footprint they cross." [3]
When Uma heard whole story, She felt so glad,
In very beautiful language to Shankar She said,
3480 “Through Your mercy, Lord, all My doubts did go.
New love for the feet of Rama did, in Me, grow. [4]

O Lord of Universe, through Your very great mercy,
I feel now entirely satisfied.
Fresh love for the feet of Rama has grown in Me.
And difficulties have been destroyed." [129]
This dialogue between Shankar and Parvati,
Gives pleasure, removes sorrows and misery.
Closes birth death cycle, all doubts removes,
Gives joy to the devotee, the saint it loves [1]

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3490 To lovers of Rama, all the world over,

Like this dialogue, nothing else is so dear.
Deeds of Rama, so beautiful and sacred,
To the best of My understanding, I said. [2]
In Kaliyuga, no other course can a person claim.
Yoga, fasts, worship, penance, sacrifice, taking name.
Only remember Rama, sing Rama’s glories,
And listen always to Lord Rama’s stories. [3]

Whose chief vow is to purify the impure,

Vedas, Puranas, saints, poets, Him do implore.
3500 Shed all cunning and remember Him, O Mind,
Remembering Him, who did not freedom find? [4]

Listen to me, silly mind, who didn’t salvation find
By remembering Rama purifier?
Ganika, elephant, fowler, cruel, vulture,
They all reached abode higher, [1]
Cowherd, Yavans and Kol, one of Khash and Chandal
Who are very sins personified,
They took name only once, and were purified at once.
I bow to that Rama glorified. [2]
3510 Deeds and glories fine, of gem of Raghu’s line,
Those who hear of sing or who preach,
“Washing Kali’s sins anon, with their mental sins gone,
With no effort, abode of Rama reach. [3]
Couplets, five seven or more, that one may have fancy for,
Whoever remembers, take to heart,
All miseries that advance, from five types of ignorance
Lord Rama removes them on His part. [4]
Possessing wisdom, beauty, one with store of mercy,
Who has great love for the unprotected,
3520 Such one is Rama alone, no one like Him is known,
Disinterestedly Nirvana is granted, [5]
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Tulsi’s Ram Charit Manas: Uttar Kand

With His slight mercy, this insignificant Tulsi

Highly unintelligent and still worse,
Obtained complete calm, there is no Lord like Ram(a),
In any part of whole universe. [6]
There is none so low as I am, O, Lord Rama,
There is none benevolent like You.
Keeping this in mind, jewel of Raghu’s line,
Me, from birth-death cycle rescue. [130A]
3530 As the lustful loves a woman passionately,
And the greedy loves his money,
So, Lord Rama, always be dear unto me,
With the very same intensity, [130B]
Great poet, Lord, Shankar’s mysterious work,
Rama Charit Manas by name,
Was written to have deep and constant love,
Of the lotus feet of Lord Ram(a). [1]
Believing that Manas Ramayan to be
Soaked fully in name of Ram(a),
3540 Tulsidas, to remove darkness of his heart,
Gave that Manas vernacular form. [2]
Shri Ram Charit Manas is all holy,
Washes away sins with confidence.
It is ever comforting, gives knowledge and love,
Takes away Maya, filth, ignorance. [3]
So pure and holy, full of water of love,
Those who bathe in Manas-Lake, love-charged,
From burning rays of the sun of worldly affairs,
They will never find themselves, scorched. [4]
Here Ends Canto VII, The Uttar Kand

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