Group 7 Research Chapter 1

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"Factors Affecting Household Expenditures in Home Economics Major in

Contrast to Culture and Arts Major at Lourdes College"

A Research Study Presented to

The Faculty of College Department
Higher Education Department
Lourdes College
Cagayan de Oro City

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for Research I in the Course
Teacher Education Program

Bejarasco, Pauline
Demesana, Maydene
Mesqueriola, Lai Kie
Taclayan, Gene An

November 2021


In this current time we are living in a set of different things to deal with. We are
bombarded from matters that have a big impact on our lives. We have a lot of aspects
to consider and one of those is our expenditures. Expenditures refers to the spending of
money on something, or the money that is spent on something. Household expenditures
have an impactful effect on how productive our lives are. In a specific aspect, it is an
indication of how skillful and knowledgeable we are in taking care of our family's money.

Furthermore, this study will enable us to open a new knowledge on the factors
that affect our household expenditures. Knowledge widens in the aspect of how the
respondents spend their money and how wise they are in planning their expenses.
However, the study will focus on the home economics major students in Lourdes
College that will also connect to our second focus of the study which is contrasting the
factors of the HE majors to the culture and arts majors. The study will open a door of
knowledge of these two points of view. Point of view for the HE majors and point of view
under CAEd majors. This probably enables us to know how capable are HE majors in
handling money since it is part of their learning competencies under Consumer
Education. Also, it will give us a chance to contrast HE majors and CAEd majors if the
two respondents are more capable of planning out household expenditures.

Each of everyone has different ways on how they handle their money as well as
how they spend it. We cannot predict how others may perceive and plan their
household expenditure and what are their considerations in doing so. This study is
entitled "Factors Affecting Household Expenditures in Home Economics Major in
Contrast to Culture and Arts Major at Lourdes College" because it has a rich connection
to everyone in knowing how every single person differs in handling money. Lastly, it is
very important to know what are the factors that influence our expenses in our own
household for us to know how well we are and if not we can have the chance to have an
adjustment or changes to have a better handling of our money. Having a direct hand in
managing your finances makes it easier for you to make informed and smart decisions
precisely because you know your financial situation. When you know how much you
have in your budget after sending out your monthly payments, you will know how much
you can allot for your financial goals. Managing expenses well will greatly affect how
productive your future will be.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know and understand the Factors Affecting Household
Expenditures in Home Economics Major in Contrast to Culture and Arts Major.
Specifically, the following questions:

1. What are the major factors that affect the budgeting of the Home Economics
Major and Culture and Arts Major?

2. What are the sources of income and how do they plan their expenses?

3. What are the indicators of Home Economics Major and Culture and Arts Major
in terms of choosing what to buy and what is not to buy?

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