Sexual Self - Castillo, Carl Louie - Bsmare-1a2

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Sexual self is our knowledge on

who we are or what we are. I
value my sexual
self by means of knowing who I
am and by respecting my sexual
self and other persons
or other sexual character. We
should have equal rights
whether who we are or belongs
to any kinds of sexual character
because we all lived in this kind
of diverse and beautiful
world. Every different people,
and every different sexual
character has purpose in life

and has purpose in this society

and we should normalize all
kinds of sexual character or
self. Dislike in terms of
discrimination because they
also have rights to live their life
without discrimination or hatred
they are also people and we
need to accept it and
normalize it. The thing that I
love is people nowadays
gradually accept other sexual
character and they also respect
Instruction: In not less than 3 - 5 sentences, describe at least 3 pictures in the
PowerPoint presentation attached below. Guide Questions are also indicated at the
lower part of the material.

In this picture we can see, homosexuality

this refers to romantic or sexual
attraction, or sexual behavior between
people of the same sex or gender.
Homosexuality is just one instance of an
issue that has sparked much debate in the
past due to the religious beliefs of the
Christian culture. Many Christians argue
that homosexuality is condemned in the
Bible and even use direct verses from the
Bible to justify their actions when opposing homosexuality. Apart from examining
direct scriptures, the concept of Christianity is to love one another. : )

As we can clearly see, this is an unintended

pregnancy, a pregnancy that is either
unwanted, such as the pregnancy occurred
when no children or no more children
were desired. Or the pregnancy is
mistimed, such as the pregnancy occurred
earlier than desired. When either the
mother or the father, or both, are unhappy
with an unplanned pregnancy, it can result
in a variety of outcomes, including
abortion. Apart from terminating the
fetus's life, this can have serious
psychological and emotional
consequences, even if everyone agrees on
the course of action.

As the picture shows, if a person spends a lot of time

online and neglects their partner, it will harm the
relationship and can be considered cheating even if

no physical contact is made. If it is discovered that pictures were exchanged and

sexual conversations were held, the cheater's partner will be especially hurt and
may feel unwanted.

1. Among the pictures, which situation are easy to answer? Why?
- In the pictures I've described, the last one was the easiest for me to answer
because, in my experience, having this kind of problem was not easy to solve,
your partner will lose a lot of trust in you and you will become anxious.
2. Which of the situation are difficult to answer?
- For me, the second picture was the difficult situation to describe, because I haven’t
experience it, I have just seen it in movies and telenovelas.
3. When you have concern about sexuality, who do you approach. Why?
- Sexuality encompasses a wide range of emotions and is deeply personal. It is about
understanding our sexual feelings and attraction to others, not about who we
happen to have sex with. As a result, I will not approach anyone, in case it become
uncontrollable and need to be consult on therapist. :)

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