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Elementary and Early Childhood Education Lesson Plan Template – ECE 3330

Name: Alyssa Blakley Date:

Subject Area(s): Social Studies Grade Level/Time Frame: 5th

Step 1: Identify Learning Context Description of the learning environment(s) where the learning experience will take
Learners place
(Classroom In room 111 in the first hallways as you enter the school you will be in Mrs.McArthur's
Context) reading and social studies class. The desks are arranged in rows in columns in the middle
of the room. The front of the room is the promethean board next to the daily learning
targets. Mrs.McArthur's desk is in the front looking out at the students. The students
each have a computer where they do a lot of their work on and submit assignments
through a platform called Canvas. The classroom has a really rich library for students to
use throughout the year. The library is full of books from reading level A to Z , books of
all diversities, and genres. Daily tasks are listed in the front and on the class canvas
page. Indian Knoll has switch classes for third grade to fifth. The high group is the first
group and the low group in the afternoon.
Learner Description ● Number of students in class: blue-25 green-21
● Number of boys: blue-12 green- 10
● Number of girls: blue- 13 green- 11
Learning Needs Number of Supports, Accommodations,
Students Modifications
Students w/ IEPs or 6 Redirection, weekly home/school
504 plans communication, quiet corner in room to
relax when anxious or upset, preferential
seating, positive reinforcements, extra
time on Fridays to catch up on work
Students in EIP 2 Redirection,bi- weekly home/school
communication, quiet corner in room to
relax when anxious or upset, preferential
seating, positive reinforcements, extra
time on Fridays to catch up on work
English learners 11 Students have spanish to english
dictionaries, ELL teacher, spelling doesn't
count, sometimes teacher types what
student says, extra time on fridays to
catch up on work
Gifted Program 8 Students have Aim on Tuesdays, I am
through what can I do box ( contains-
puzzles, worksheets), extra time to get
ahead on reading independently, RAZ, or
IReady. Faster Pace and more rigorous
small groups.
Students with gaps in 0
academic knowledge
Other learning needs 1 Hearing device that connects to students
hearing aid

Personal Assets, Cultural, ● Personal: What outside-of-school knowledge does your student have? (e.g.,
Assets, Community Assets car mechanics, animal care, caring for siblings, video game knowledge, sports,
(also referred to as Funds of dance, music)
Knowledge) Students in my classroom have siblings, animals, most of our students ride the bus, we
--Do not list instruction here; have students who play soccer, football, softball, and cheer/gymnastics. We have
only list assets students who participate in the clubs: book club, boy and girl scouts, and chorus.
--Save instruction for ● Cultural: What cultural knowledge and/or family traditions has your student
Culturally Responsive learned? What are some of their families’ assets and knowledge? (e.g.,
Teaching in Step 4 cooking, languages, professional knowledge, worldviews, literature, art, music,
dance, etc.)
We have a good variety of students in our classroom. We have students that speak
Spanish and Korean. We have a handful of students that are from split households and
have a mom and a dad's house. One of our dads is a leader for boy scouts.
● Community: What are the assets of this particular community? (e.g., places
where children hang out, community centers, barbershops, etc. Note:
statistics are not assets.)
IKES is located in a suburban area with a great mix of races and cultures. The students
like to go to Lake Allatoona with their family and friends. There are multiple grocery
stores within ten miles. The students like to go to nearby parks to walk and play with
family and friends. There are bowling alleys, trampoline parks, restaurants, and other
entertainment the students like to go to.
Step 2: Identify Georgia Standard (s) of Write out standards that apply to the lesson. Write the number and the statement.
Curricular Excellence, WIDA Standard(s),
Priorities etc. SS5H5 Discuss the origins and consequences of the Cold War.

● Discuss the importance of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the

Vietnam War.

Prior Academic Knowledge What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will this lesson activate?
and Prerequisite Skills
What prior academic knowledge and/or prerequisite skills will students need for this
-The students will need to know where Vietnam is located in relation to the United

Overarching Goal, Big Idea, or What are the important understandings and/or core concepts that you want students to
Essential Question(s) develop?
The students will be able to understand the details of the Vietnam War and formulate
their own opinion about the Vietnam War and its events.

Vocabulary: Includes Vocabulary Language Supports

words, phrases and symbols
used within disciplines. Multiple meaning words (if
● Multiple meaning words applicable):
are words and phrases with
subject-specific meanings
that differ from meanings
used in everyday life (e.g.,
table, ruler, force) Academic vocabulary: I will define these terms when we come
Poem across them.
● General academic Comprehension
vocabulary used across
disciplines (e.g., compare,
analyze, evaluate)

● Subject-specific vocabulary Subject-specific vocabulary: I will provide a powerpoint of a map
defined for use in the Vietnam War where to find the locations and some
discipline (e.g., vowel, Saigon information about these places. I will
numerator, constitution, Hmong explain what immigrants are and
photosynthesis) Refugee camp refugee camps are and show pictures.
Immigrant We will talk about how people were
Language Supports: instructional treated in these camps as well.
supports that help students
understand and successfully use the
language function (e.g., picture walk,
sentence starters, graphic organizers)

Step 3: Design Assessment Plan

Framework Georgia Performance Standard(s) Corresponding Format of Assessment(s)
Learning Objective(s)
or Learning Target(s)
-Students will be able Pre-Assessment- RCD unit pretest
SS5H5 Discuss the origins and to talk about the KWL Chart
consequences of the Cold War. events in the Vietnam
War. Formative Assessment- Book comprehension
-Students will questions/ discussions
● Discuss the importance
understand how to pull
of the...the Vietnam information from Summative Assessment- RCD Unit post test
War. various resources to Writing Assignment
talk about the outcome
and results of the
Vietnam War.
Format of Assessment Supports, Evaluation Criteria
(e.g., quiz, test, Accommodations, How will you know or
checklist, KWL chart, Modifications measure if the students
performance task) (Differentiated have met the learning
Assessments, Culturally objective(s) or learning
Relevant Assessment) target(s)?
Any pre-assessment information you KWL Chart. As a whole We will do the know and We will use this as we
already know group we will create a want to know part as a learn and add to it as
chart about what we class to differentiate and needed, but the goal is
know about the get everyones brains to answer all the
Vietnam war and what thinking as we move into questions we have
we want to know. Then this unit. about the Vietnam War
after the lesson each To differentiate the and know more than
student will answer learned section of the we did when we started
what they learned on a chart I will challenge them the unit.
sticky note to put on to answer a question of
our chart. the want to know sections
RCD unit pretest as I will ensure we cover
each question.
Formative assessment(s) Students will engage in I will differentiate by I will listen as the
book discussion reading our chapter book, students communicate
answering Inside Out and Back Again and have a checklist
comprehension as a whole class and Dia's and if I hear them
questions about our Story Cloth will be read talking effectively about
two mentor text, Inside aloud. I will provide the books and the
Out and Back Again discussion question Vietnam War they will
and Dia's Story Cloth starters and prompts to complete the objective.
start a discussion.
Summative assessment(s) Writing Assessment- I will differentiate by I will evaluate the
Write 5 poems in the giving my low students assessment using a
eyes of an immigrant sentence strips, or allow rubric.
that is sent to america them to draw a picture To receive a perfect
after the war. I want all and write less sentences. score students must

five senses used to have five poems with
describe events and Whole class four to five sentences in
feelings. Use our book, differentiation will be each poem. The student
Inside out and Back using a social studies word must have no
Again as a reference. wall for students to refer grammatical errors, the
RCD post test. back to. student must use ⅗
senses when talking
about the events, and
the students writing
must show me that its
from the vietnam war
somehow with the
Pre-Assessment Summary
Summary of pre-assessment INFORMATION and explanation how it will drive your instructional practices.
Step 4: Create Materials Needed Teacher Resources:
Learning Book- Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai
Activities Dias Story Cloth by Dia Cha
Chart paper
Student Resources:
Book- Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai
art supplies- crayons, markers, glue, scissors, string, pompoms, color pencils
Technology Connection
Students will watch this video before we create our KWL chart.
Connection to the Arts Students will create their own story cloth by drawing, cut and paste magazine
pictures, or using materials within the art station.
Supporting Diverse Learners How do you plan to differentiate your instruction related to the learning
objective(s) or learning target(s) (e.g., content, process, product; representation,
action & expression, engagement). Explain how the support will assist a specific
student and/or group with respect to the specific learning objective(s) or
learning target(s). For example:
● I will support my English learners in writing by providing sentence
Note: Make sure you address the needs of the learner(s) identified in the
learning description (refer to Step 1).
- I will support my IEP and 504 students by using highlighters to find
information, rereading the text, and frequent rule reminders.
- I will support my EIP students by using highlighters to find
information, rereading the text, and frequent rule reminders.
- I will support my Gifted Students by giving an extended work for
when they finish, and pairing students with an IEP, 504, EIP, ELL, or
Hearing Impaired.
- I will support my English Language Learners by using highlighters to
find information, rereading the text, frequent rule reminders, and
Spanish to English dictionaries.
- I will support my hearing impaired student by using hand motions,
using her hearing tool that hooks to her hearing aids.
Culturally Responsive Teaching I will integrate culturally responsive teaching by using books written by people
that suffered from the Vietnam War. I will share more than just what Studies
Weekly teaches and go into a deeper look at the vietnam war.
Research and Theory, or Principles of What specific research or theories guide your instructional choices for this
Child Development lesson? How are they applicable to your learning objective(s) or learning
Howard Zinn said, “In general I don't think there has been enough use of
literature in history”, which was the root of this lesson. The majority of learning
is happening between literature. students need to hear what happened from

children's books and from first person people. We can't count on white old men
telling history from our book when they were sitting on the beach during the
vietnam war. We need to go straight to the source.
Higher Order Thinking Questions 1.Create poems describing how it was like immigrating to the United States from
(HOTQs) Vietnam.
2.Compare and Contrast the Vietnam War to another war in American history.
3.Identify the feelings of characters in our book.
4.Apply what we learned to answer the questions we asked in the beginning of
the unit.
5.Discuss how you would feel or do if you were in Vietnam at the time of the
Instructional Strategies and Learning -Students will watch Vietnam video (I will encourage students to write down
Tasks (include activities, discussions, questions as we watch the video for our KWL chart.
or other modes of participation that -As a class we will fill out the know and want to know section of our KWL chart (
engage students to develop, practice, students will fill out learned once we finish the unit)
and apply skills and knowledge -We then will start our guided reading book as a class Inside Out and Back Again
related to a specific learning Discussing pages and our ideas
objective(s) or learning target(s). -We then will add things to the KWL chart if questions come up
- we will read our read aloud book Dia's Story Cloth
-After we read and discuss the book students will start writing their own poems
basing them on the Vietnam war and our book Inside Out and Back Again
-to end the lesson we will create our story clothes and share them and then
hang them outside the classroom to display
Lesson Closure We will close our lesson with the art portion of the lesson. Students will create
their own story cloth to hang in the hallway that represents them, their culture,
and their families.
Re-teaching, Re-Engagement, Describe at least one new strategy for re-teaching the content and/or skills
Practice presented for students who did not successfully meet the learning objective(s)
or learning target(s).
To reteach the content to students who didn't quite understand I will add in the
book Adrift At Sea, which is the story of a boy surviving the vietnam war and
coming over to America. This has good pictures and a good storyline of what
happened with real pictures and maps in the end.

Extensions Describe at least one new strategy for enriching, challenging or extending the
content and/or skills for students who successfully met the learning objective(s)
or learning target(s).
To extend for the children who successfully meet the learning goal I will have
them choose who they think this war belonged to. Americans call it the Vietnam
War but Vietnamese call it the American War. This would be a writing
assignment and there is no right or wrong. I just want them to create an opinion
and support it.
Step 5: Lesson Implementation
Post-Instructio ● What went well and why?
n Reflection ● What did not work well and why?
● How did the learning environment and materials work together to support student learning?
● What improvements and changes would you make if you were to teach the lesson again and why?
● What did you learn about yourself as a teacher?
● To what degree did the implementation of your lesson utilize the learning theories that framed your
instructional plan? Provide examples from your experiences teaching the lesson.

Why students should study History:An Interview with Howard Zinn

Why students should study history: Zinn education project: Teaching people's history. Zinn Education Project. (2018,
May 23). Retrieved November 16, 2021, from

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