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LISTENING EXTRA 1........................................................................................................................................... 1

LISTENING EXTRA 2......................................................................................................................................... 10

LISTENING EXTRA 3......................................................................................................................................... 15

LISTENING EXTRA 4......................................................................................................................................... 19

LISTENING EXTRA 5......................................................................................................................................... 23
LISTENING EXTRA 6......................................................................................................................................... 33
LISTENING EXTRA 7......................................................................................................................................... 39
LISTENING EXTRA 8......................................................................................................................................... 43
LISTENING EXTRA 9......................................................................................................................................... 48
LISTENING EXTRA 10....................................................................................................................................... 58
LISTENING EXTRA 11....................................................................................................................................... 64
LISTENING EXTRA 12....................................................................................................................................... 68

LISTENING EXTRA 13....................................................................................................................................... 73

LISTENING EXTRA 14....................................................................................................................................... 84

LISTENING EXTRA 15....................................................................................................................................... 90

LISTENING EXTRA 16....................................................................................................................................... 98

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Part 1
You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice.
There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1-5, put a tick R under right
0 How many people were at the meeting?

3 13 30
A¨ B¨ Cþ

1 What must the man turn off?

A¨ B¨ C¨
2 Where’s the girl’s pen?

A¨ B¨ C¨
3 What will the boy do this evening?

A¨ B¨ C¨

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

4 What animals did they see on their holiday?

A¨ B¨ C¨
5 What does the man want to buy?

A¨ B¨ C¨
Gap Filling
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Question 1 One. What must the man turn off?
Woman: Let's go or we'll be late. Did you turn off the (1)…………
Man: Yes, but wait a minute - I can hear the radio in the (2)………...
Woman: Oh dear. That's the television. I was watching the (3)………..
Can you go and turn it off and I’ll start the car?
Man: OK.

Question 2 Two. Where's the girl's pen?

Girl: Where's my blue pen? I'm sure I put it in my (4)………..
Boy: Oh. Sorry. I used it to do my homework and I left it on the
(5)………… in the kitchen.
Girl: I can't see it.
Boy: Oh. I know, it's by the (6)………. - I used it again to take a
message and forgot to put it back in your bag. I'll get it for you.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Question 3 Three. What will the boy do this evening?

Woman: Are you going to practise your guitar with your friends here this
Boy: Matthew's playing in a (7)………………….. tonight so we're
going to do it tomorrow.
Woman: Will you wash (8)………………. for me then? It's very dirty.
Boy: Sorry, Mum, I'm going to go and watch Matthew (9)………….
I’ll do the car for you at the weekend.

Question 4 Four. What animals did they see on their holiday?

Man: Did you see any (10)…………. when you were on holiday in
Woman: Lots of them! But we weren't so lucky with the (11)………..
Man: Oh, that's a pity! What about (12)……………..?
Woman: Not this time, but we're going back next year so maybe we'll
see some elephants then.
Question 5 What does the man want to buy?
Man: Do you think this (13)………….will look nice with my jacket?
Woman: The colour isn’t quite right. What about that lovely
(14)…………… over there?
Man: It is nice, but I've got lots of shirts already. I need something
warm to wear under my (15)…………….
Woman: Well, let's look in another shop then.
Part 2
You will hear five short conversations. You will hear each conversation twice.
There is one question for each conversation. For questions 1-5, put a tick R under right

0 How many people were at the meeting?

3 13 30
A¨ B¨ Cþ

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

1 Which day is the man’s appointment?

A¨ B¨ C¨
2 What is the woman going to eat?

A¨ B¨ C¨
3 Which train will the woman take?

A¨ B¨ C¨
4 How much did the man pay for the camera?

A¨ B¨ C¨
5 Which race did the girl win?

A¨ B¨ C¨

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Gap Filling
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Question 1 One. Which day is the man's appointment?
Man: I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr Owen
(1)………………….., please.
Woman: That's Thursday. He's not free at all tomorrow. What about
(2)…………………? If not, it will have to be Monday
Man: I can’t come any afternoon. I suppose I'll have to have the
(3)…………………. then.
Woman: OK. We’ll see you at nine. What's your...
Question 2 Two. What is the woman going to eat?
Man: I’m going to have (4)…………………... What would you like?
Woman: Um, the soup looks good, but the weather's a bit too warm for
anything hot.
Man: Why don't you have (5)……………………?
Woman: They don't look very nice. I think I’ll have (6)…………… as
Question 3 Three. Which train will the woman take?
Woman: When is the next train to Ashford?
Man: I'm afraid you're just too late for the (7)……………. The next
one is twelve forty-five, but you'll have to change trains. The
(8)……………….. is quicker because it goes straight to
Woman: I don't mind (9)………………. - I’ll have a return ticket,
Man: There you are.
Question 4 Four. How much did the man pay for the camera?
Man: I've bought a new camera.
Woman: It looks expensive. Cameras like that cost about
(10)……………………., don't they?
Man: This was a hundred and seventy-five pounds but the man in the
shop took (11)………………………. off the price because it
was in the shop window and there was no box for it.
Woman: A hundred and sixty pounds is still a lot of money. I hope it
Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

takes (12)……………………!
Question 5 Five. Which race did the girl win?
Girl: Were you at the (13)……………………. on Saturday?
Boy: Yes. I saw you come first in your bicycle race. But your best
sport is (14)……………….., isn’t it?
Girl: Yes - but I was second in that. Next year I'm going to try
running in the (15)……………………. too.
Boy: Wow! You are good at sports!

Part 3
Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.For each question there are three pictures and a short
recording.For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Example: Where is the girl’s hat?

1 Which dish did Mark cook in the competition?

2 Where is the girl’s book now?

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

3 Who lives with Josh in his house?

4 What will the girl take with her on holiday?

5 What time will the train to Manchester leave?

6 Where will the friends meet?

7 Which sport will the boy do soon at the centre?

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Gap Filling
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. Which dish did Mark cook in the competition?
Woman: So you’ve won the teenage chef competition, Mark – Congratulations!
Mark: Thanks! In the competition, you choose wheter to cook a meat, fish or vegetarian dish;
then you’re judged on the taste and how attractive it looks. I couldn’t decide between
(1)……………… – I’ve never been brilliant at meat dishes. Then I found the judge
was an expert in cooking fish, which worried me, so I went for my (2)…………. – and

Two. Where is the girl’s book now?

Girl: Excuse me. I think I left my book on this table – have you seen it?
Man: Oh yes, I took it inside with the empty glass when I cleared the table. I gave it to the
manager, who put it with the other lost property. He keeps it all in the (3)…………. if
his desk.
Girl: I see. Where is he now?
Man: He’s on the phone inside (4)…………... Why don’t you go inside – he’ll be finished in
a minute.

Three. Who lives with Josh in his house?

Girl: Does your house seem empty now your sister’s (5)………………., Josh?
Josh: Not really. My grandmother’s moved into her room, and she doesn’t go out much. It’s
really nice having her there because my dad never comes home until later, and if my
mum’s out for the evening, Grandma cooks (6)…………… for me.

Four. What will the girl take with her on holiday?

Boy: Have you packed for your holiday?
Girl: No, I need to go shopping before I can do that. Last holiday, my suitcase handle got
(7)……………, so I need something new to put all my stuff in. But suitcases are so
heavy to carry.
Boy: I always take about one of those, but good-quality ones are expensive. I’ll get one of
those big (8)…………….. You know, one you can pull along. They don’t cost much,
so it doesn’t matter if it gets torn.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Five. What time will the train to Manchester leave?

Man: The train arriving at platform six is the (9)……………. from to Manchester. The train
due to arrive at platform four in approximately five minutes is the delayed 11.30 train
to Manchester. The train will now depart at 11.50 and travel non-stop. We apologise to
passengers for the delay. (10)………………. will not be available on this train.

Six. Where will the friends meet?

Kimberley: Hi, it’s Kimberley. I got your massage and I’d love to go to the movies.
There’s a film called Spy Game. Or an (11)……….. – I don’t mind which…Shall we
meet outside the cinema?
Girl: Or, I know, at the burger bar on the corner. We could have a snack before we go in
or we could meet at the bus station.
Kimberley: Mum’s driving me into town this afternoon, to buy some trainers, so I won’t be
near the (12)……………….. But something to eat first is a good idea. Shall we say 6
Girl: OK.

Seven. Which sport will the boy do soon at the centre?

Boy: Have you been to the new water sports centre yet?
Girl: Oh yes, it’s brilliant. There are two (13)………………, one for underwater diving and
one for swimming, and you can also have sailing lessons on the lake.
Boy: That’s what I’m doing there next weekend, actually.I was hoping to take
(14)……………….. lessons, but the leaflet says they’re not starding those until next

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Part 1
Listen to David and Eva talking about a school art lesson.
Where did they and their friends go to draw their pictures?
For question 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person.
You will hear the conversation twice.
0 David E

6 Eva ¨ A bank

7 Luke ¨ B cafe

8 Mary ¨ C castle

9 Patrick ¨ D market

10 Cristina ¨ E museum

F park

G river

H Swimming

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
David: I really enjoyed the art lesson yesterday, Eva.
Eva: Me too. David. I liked going into the city to draw different places. Is this your
picture of the (1)…………..?
David: Yes. What did you draw?
Eva: I couldn't decide between the castle and the market. In the end, I did a drawing
of people buying (2)………….. Do you know what Luke drew?
David: Yes. I met him in a cafe after the lesson. His picture was of some people in the
park having a picnic.
Eva: I know Mary loves (3)……………... Did she go to the river?

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

David: She went to the sports centre and drew some children having a swimming
lesson. What about Patrick?
Eva: We were walking to the market together but then he saw someone cleaning
windows in the (4)…………..and he stopped to draw that.
David: Cristina is the best artist. I saw her in Bridge Street sitting at a table having a
drink. She was drawing a waiter talking to a (5)…………….. The picture
looked really good.
Eva: What a great art lesson!

Part 2
Listen to Rosie talking to a friend about places for a party.
What is the problem with each place?
For question 6-10, write a letter A-H next to each person.
You will hear the conversation twice.
0 University Hotel G


6 Brown's Cafe ¨ A closed

7 Rivers Hotel ¨ B cold

8 Bridge Restaurant ¨ C dark

9 Garden House ¨ D dirty

10 Opera Cafe ¨ E expensive

F full

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: Have you found a room for your birthday party yet. Rosie?
Rosie: Yes, at the (6)…………………….. It’s old but the room’s nice and big.
Man: Did you look at any other places?
Rosie: Yes, five! And there was something wrong with all of them!
Man: Why didn’t you like Brown's Cafe?
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Rosie: I loved it but they're putting in a new (7)…………… so they won’t be open for
two months.
Man: Oh. And the Rivers Hotel? It was very (8)……….. when I went there last year.
Rosie: It’s quite warm now but it’s not very clean!
Man: Pity! What about the Bridge Restaurant? Or is it too dark there?
Rosie: No, but the problem is none of their rooms is free on my birthday.
Man: And it’s (9)……………….
Rosie: Not really, but the Garden House is.
Man: Oh yes, I know! I had a great dinner party at the Opera Cafe last week.
Rosie: It's fine for a dinner but it's not (10)……………….. for a party.
Man: So, the University Hotel it is then?
Rosie: Yes.
Part 3
Questions 8-13
You will hear an interview with a singer called Nick Parker who plays in a band called Krispy
with his sister Mel. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
8 When Nick and Mel were younger, A they studied music at school
B their father took them to live concerts.
C their mother encouraged them to play music

9 When Nick and Mel started writing A disagreed about the style they should have
music together, they B didn’t want to be the same as other bands.
C were influenced by different kinds of music.

10 The band Krispy was started after A Nick began studying at music school.
B two other musicians heard Nick and Mel
C Nick and Mel advertised for the band

11 In the band’s first year together, A concert audiences liked their music
B they signed a recording contract.
C their national tour was very successful.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

12 What does Nick say about life in the A The older members look after him and Mel.
band today? B He’s pleased to have the chance to travel.
C There’s no opportunity for them to relax

13 What disappointment has the band A They haven’t yet had a number one single.
B Their first album sold under a million
C A health problem delayed their album
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Int: I’m taking to Nick Parker, the singer with the band called Krispy. Nick your sister, Mel,
plays guitar in the (11)…………too, doesn’t she?
Nick: Yeah. Mel’s a year younger than me. We’ve been playing and singing together since we
were … eight, nine. Dad is a (12)…………………… and took us to hear the great
bands playing live. Mel and I put on shows at school, which was a lot of fun. Mum
thought we were good, but she didn’t want us to get too serious about our music
because of the hard lives (13)………………. musicians have
Int: When did you start writing music?
Nick: I’ve been writing since I was ten. And later Mel Started working with me. We didn’t
have the same influences – I liked rock music and she lived world music, especially
bands from Africa. But we found good ways of mixing the styles
Int: Your band, Krispy, has two guys and two girls in it. How was it formed?
Nick: Mel and I were playing in a (14)…………….. at our college and there were two
students from music school in the audience. They came to see us after the show and
asked if we’d like to form a band with them. We weren’t sure at first because we were
much younger than them. But we agreed to try it out, and it was (15)………………
Int: Was the band an immediate success?
Nick: Well, we spent the first year practising and writing music. During that time we all had
studying to do. We played in local concerts, and the (16)……………… enjoyed what
we did. Then during one holiday we recorded two songs and sent them to a music
company. They offered us a contract, but our parent said we had to finish college first

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Int: You’ve been together a few years now and you’re one of the top bands. What’s that
Nick: hard work. We travel to concerts all round the world and are never in one place for
more than a few nights. The others are like an older brother and sister to me and Mel,
which is good. They help us (17)………….. on our days off, and make sure we eat well.
They’re strict about practising too.
Int: have you had any disappointments?
Nick: Everything we’ve recorded has done well. Three singles have gone to number one, and
our first album has sold over a million copies. Our second album was due out this
winter, but I’ve been ill recently so we’ve started (18)………………late, which is a
pity. But for the rest, everything’s fine.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Part 1
Listen to Joe asking about a French language course.
For question 11-15, tick RA, B, or C.
You will hear the conversation twice.
0 Lesson for beginners are on A Monday. ¨
B Wednesday. þ
C Friday. ¨

11 The best class for Joe is A French Conversation. ¨

B Business French. ¨
C French for Tourists. ¨
12 Joe's class begins at A 6.30. ¨
B 7.15. ¨
C 8.30. ¨
13 How many other students will there be A 9 ¨
in Joe's class? B 14 ¨
C 15 ¨
14 What should Joe take to his first A a dictionary ¨
class? B a coursebook ¨
C a coursebook ¨
15 Joe will pay A £25. ¨
B £145. ¨
C £170. ¨
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Joe: Hello. I’d like some information about French courses, please.
Woman: Certainly. Beginners classes are on Wednesdays, other classes are on Mondays or
Joe: I'm a (1)…………….and I’m going to France on holiday. I want to speak to
people in shops and read information in museums and other places.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Woman: Do ‘French for Tourists’ then. It’ll be better than our Business class and you want
more than French (2)…………….
Joe: Great. I can only come in the evening.
Woman: Fine, it starts at half past six, there’s a break at quarter past seven and you go on
until half past eight.
Joe: Is it a big class?
Woman: We never have fewer than nine students or more than (3)………… and .. let me
see, there are fourteen at the moment, so with you, the class will be full.
Joe: OK. What about the coursebook?
Woman: You'll get that in the first class and a special (4)……………….. Bring a
dictionary - that’s always useful.
Joe: Fine. Oh, how much is the course?
Woman: It’s a hundred and seventy pounds for people from outside the city, but it’s
(5)………………………….. less, or a hundred and forty-five pounds, if you live
Joe: Oh, I do.
Woman: Good. So let me just take your name ...
Part 2
Listen to a girl asking for information about a coach trip to Edinburgh.
For question 11-15, tick RA, B, or C.
You will hear the conversation twice.
0 The girl wants to go to Edinburgh A this morning. ¨
B this afternoon. þ
C tomorrow morning. ¨

11 The girl will pay A £5. ¨

B £7. ¨
C £9. ¨

12 The girl will get on the coach A outside the library. ¨

B in front of the Grand Hotel. ¨
C in Bridge Street. ¨

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

13 The coach will be at the girl's A 8.45 a.m. ¨

stop at B 8.55 a.m. ¨
C 9.05 a.m. ¨
14 In Edinburgh, the girl will visit A the castle and shops. ¨
B the cathedral and museums. ¨
C the castle and cathedral. ¨
15 The whole trip takes A 2 hours. ¨
B 2¼ hours. ¨
C 4¼ hours. ¨
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Girl: Good morning. Can I book a coach trip to Edinburgh?
Man: Yes, there are two every day, morning and afternoon.
Girl: Tomorrow morning, please. It’s my free day. How much is it?
Man: It's nine pounds for (6)…………….., five for children, and seven for students.
Girl: That's good. I'm at the university. Here’s the money and my student card.
Man: Thanks. Here's your ticket.
Girl: Where can I catch the (7)…………………?
Man: In Bridge Street or outside the Grand Hotel, or there’s a stop at the library if you
want to wait there.
Girl: Good idea. I’ll do that. What time does it leave?
Man: It leaves Bridge Street at (8)…………………….. and gets to you at five to nine. It
takes ten minutes going through town.
Girl: Is there time to see the castle in Edinburgh?
Man: Yes, we go there after the (9)………………... We don’t visit the shops or
museums, I'm afraid.
Girl: Fine. How long is the trip?
Man: The journey there and back is about two and a quarter hours and you spend two
hours in Edinburgh. So that's four hours and fifteen minutes. You'll be back by
Girl: Great!

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Part 3
Question 14-19
You will hear a man called Ben, from a young people’s organisation, telling a youth group
about a course they can do on Saturdays. For each question, fill in the missing information in
the numbered space.
Saturday course
Name of Ben’s organisation: (14) ....................
Aim of course: Discovering (15) .....................
Closest course location for this group: (16) ..................
Length of course: (17) ...................weeks
Examples of activities we will do:
● Learn how to climb
● Cut up wood
● Make a (18) .........................
● Design a (19) ........................ to take home.
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Ben: Hello, everyone. Let me introduce myself – my name’s Ben and I’d like to tell you
about a course you can do on Saturday mornings.
I’m from an organisation called ’(11)………………..’ and we run courses for young
people like you to do during the weekends. Now, we know that at school you learn a lot about
things like science and maths, but this course is really about giving your youth group the
chance to come and find out about (12)……………... It’s an area that tends to get forgotten.
We usually take groups like yours to a wild place that’s near their home. Sometime
we go to a beach or s lake, but we’ve planned for your group to go to a (13)………………….
That’s the closest place for you, and the easiest to get to.
Now, we’d like you to come and do some activities with us. You spend six hours
each week with us and the course lasts for 12 weeks, depending on the weather. That might
sound like a long time, but we think you’ll be sorry when it’s over!
Taking part in our activities means you get to do all sorts of things that you
wouldn’t normally be allowed to do at home. That includes how to safely climb trees, cut
wood and (14)……………...
While you’re with us, we’ll also show you how to make things out of different
materials. On the last course, everyone designed backpacks which they were very pleased
with. This time we thought we’d get you to (15)……………….. and make a birdhouse. When
it’s finished, you can take it home and show your family. We think you’ll enjoy doing this.
Now, any question … ?
Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Part 1
You will hear André telling a friend about his tennis lessons.
Listen and complete questions 16-20.
You will hear the conversation twice.

André’s tennis lessons

Teacher’s name: Paul


Cost: 17 £ …………………………….. per hour

At tennis courts in: 18 ………………………………. Street

Starting time: 19 ………………………..…….…….. pm

Wear 20 ……………….…………… and T-shirt

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Girl: Did you win your (1)………. last night. Andre?
André: Yes. I’m much better since I started having tennis lessons with my new teacher.
Girl: How often do you have lessons?
André: Every (2)……………. because the only other day he teaches is Friday and I can't
go then. You like tennis. Why don't you come too?
Girl: Hmm. How much are the lessons? That's the first question my parents will ask!
Andre: I give Paul twelve pounds and he teaches me for an hour. It’s not expensive.
Girl: No. Maria pays eighteen pounds an hour.
André: But she goes to the tennis club. Paul works at the tennis (3)………….. in Gerald
Girl: How do you spell that?
André: GERALD.
Girl: OK. And what time's your lesson? Can I come and meet Paul (4)……………..?

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

André: Yes. I start at six fifteen and play until quarter past seven. You can come at the
same time.
Girl: OK. What should I wear?
André: You don't need to wear a tennis (5)………….. Shorts and a T-shirt will be fine.
Girl: All right. See you then.

Part 2
You will hear a girl asking for information about going to Kendal by bus.
Listen and complete questions 16-20.
You will hear the conversation twice.

Bus to Kendal

First bus leaves at: 6.45 am

16 £
Cost of single ticket:

Buy ticket from: 17

Address of bus station: 18 …………………………….. Street

next to: 19

At bus station, you can buy: 20 ………..…………… and newspapers

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: Good morning. Bus Travel Centre.
Girl: Hello. I’m phoning about buses to Kendal. I'd like to travel there early. What time
does the first bus leave?
Man: The first Kendal bus, that’s six (6)……………….
Girl: And how much is a ticket?
Man: It's eighteen pounds twenty-five for a single, and a return is twenty- six pounds.
Girl: Will the ticket office be open so early in the morning?
Man: No, but when you get on the bus the driver will sell you a (7)……………...
Please have the right money for him.
Girl: OK, fine. Can you tell me where the bus station is?
Man: Yes. it's in Gately Street. That's (8)………………………..

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Girl: I’m not sure where that is.

Man: It's in the city centre. Do you know the museum? It's next to that.
Girl: Oh yes. I know. And can I get something to eat at the (9)……………..?
Man: I’m afraid there isn’t a cafe but there is a small shop. You can get newspapers and
drinks there.
Girl: Oh. I’ll bring some (10)………………… then. Thank you. Goodbye.

Part 3
Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a boy called Thomas and a girl called Ruby talking about a poster for their
school sports day.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.
20 Ruby realises that the first design of the poster may need improving. A B
21 Thomas thinks the poster should be bigger than last year’s. A B
22 Ruby and Thomas agree that the poster should be in colour. A B
23 Ruby thinks the photograph should be in the middle of the poster. A B
24 Thomas suggests they use the same photograph as last year. A B
25 Ruby thinks every word on the poster should be the same size. A B
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Thomas: So, Ruby, what about this poster for the school sports day. How shall we start?
Ruby: Well, Thomas, I think we should draw a rough copy on this paper first and then do a
final copy when we’ve got everything right
Thomas: Good idea. Well, let’s get a (11)………………. piece of paper … that paper’s too
Ruby: I think last year’s poster was 40 centimetres by 60 centimetres
Thomas: That was a good size, so there’s no reason to change it and we’ll make it black and
white again. I think that looks best
Ruby: But wouldn’t it be a good idea to show that our new sports colours are

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Thomas: That’s a good point but think of the cost! We need to do at least 20 photocopies.
Ruby: Oh, I forgot about the money … of course. So, what shall we put at the top of the
poster? Do you think we should have our school name there?
Thomas: I’d prefer it in the centre so that it’s the first thing people notice.
Ruby: That’s where the (13)……………………. should go, I think. And then we can put
the date and the time underneath it.
Thomas: OK. Which picture are we going to use?
Ruby: Well, there are three here. This one of the fooball team isn’t very good. And this
one’s too dark.
Thomas: I prefer this photo taken last week of the (14)………………… It’s a very
popular new sport at our school.
Ruby: Fine. So that just leaves how to write the words. Do you think we should use all
capital letters?
Thomas: Let’s see … If we put the school name and address … here. They should be in
(15)…………………. but there isn’t room for everything so big.
Ruby: But people need to see the date and time clearly. I know … everybody knows the
school address so that can be tiny.
Thomas: OK. Let’s try it that way.
Ruby: I think it’s going to be a really good poster.

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Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Example: Where is the girl’s hat?

1 What can’t the woman find?

2 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

3 What did the boy buy?

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4 Which present has the girl bought her mother?

5 Which TV programme will they watch together?

6 What time is the swimming lesson today?

7 Which subject does the boy like best?

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Mum: I’m going to mend and paint the (1)………………….. in your bedroom today
Daughter: Great, Mum. Anything I can do to help?

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Mum: Yes, can you go to the shop and get me a new (2)…………….. – this one’s broken.
But before you do that, ask your dad what he’s done with the paintbrush – I’ve
looked everywhere for it. There weren’t any in the garage; all I could find was this
knife which I (3)…………………. months ago!
Two. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
Man: And now for those of you planning to go to the rock festival tomorrow, you’ll want
to know what the weather’s going to be like. As we go through today, the heavy
rain will gradually (4)……………. by the end of the afternoon. Tomorrow we can
expect some sunshine with just a few light showers, and then some very hot and dry
weather is likely by the (5)……………….
Three. What did the boy buy?
Son: I got most of the shopping you asked for, Mum. I got the last of the
(6)……………….. and some orange juice but sorry, there weren’t any newspapers
Mum: Oh, never mind, I need to remember to go in the morning. But what about the
tomatoes for the salad?
Son: Ah … I forgot. I’ll go back for them.
Mum: Oh, don’t worry, I’ll stop and pick some up when I go out to (7)…………… your
Four. Which present has the girl bought her mother?
Jane: Hi … it’s me, Jane … I’ve got Mum’s birthday present. I think she’ll like it … Yes,
that’s right, a gold-coloured one. She’s always writing letters, so she’s find it
(8)……………… Mmm. I thought about a CD but I’m never really sure what
music she likes, and Dad’s bought her a new pair of (9)……………. for her
birthday anyway. I’m sure she’ll like what I’ve got her.
Five. Which TV programme will they watch together?
Girl: Hasn’t that basketball match finished yet? You know I want to watch the
(10)………………….programme at nine o’clock.
Boy: It’s cancelled, and everything’s running late because the rock concert finished later
than expected. Sit down and watch this (11)…………… with me. It’s really
exciting, and more interesting than looking at animals.
Girl: Oh, OK then.
Six. What time is the swimming lesson today?
Girl: Hi Judy – do you want to play tennis after school – say about 4.30?

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Judy: Mmm – that would be fun but I’ve got a swimming lesson. It’s usually at a quarter
past five but it’s (12)…………….. earlier this evening, at a quarter to five. It takes
me ages to (13)…………….. to the swimming pool, so I really don’t think I’ll have
time today – let’s try tomorrow.
Girl: OK!
Seven. Which subject does the boy like best?
Boy: I really like the new IT teacher – our (14)……………. for this term is to design a
new website. I’ve always wanted to know how to do that. The sports teacher is
much more serious but that’s still my favourite subject. Last year I used to really
like (15)…………………., but the teacher we have now gives us so much
Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Example: Where is the girl’s hat?

1 Which T-shirt does the boy decide to buy?

2 Who will be on the stage next?

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3 What time will the pie be ready?

4 Which photo does the girl dislike?

5 What should the students take on the school trip?

6 Where do the boys decide to go?

7 What has the girl lost?

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. Which T-shirt does the boy decide to buy?
Boy: I’d like to buy a black T-shirt with short sleeves, please. Large size.
Woman: I’m afraid the black ones have long (1)……………., but we’ve got short in the
lighter colours. Do you want a round neck or a V-neck?
Boy: It must be (2)………………. Let me think…umm, OK, I’ll take one of the short-
sleeved ones, the colour’s not so important really.

Two. Who will be on the stage next?

Man: And that was (3)……………, with Jo on piano and Rich on guitar. Lots of music to
come, including The Three Biscuits with songs from their new CD. But first, here
are Subway-you all know the (4)……………. and guitarist, but singing here with
them for the first time is Sarah Ireland, the drummer’s sister-please give her a big

Three. What time will the pie be ready?

Girl: What time is it, Mum? Do you think the other pie will be (5)…………..yet?
Mum: It’s 4.35.
Girl: And that pie went into oven at a quarter past four?
Mum: That’s right. You could check it at five and turn the (6)……………….. a bit but
don’t take it out until twenty past. That’s forty-five minutes to go!
Girl: OK, I’m hungry already!

Four. Which photo does the girl dislike?

Girl: I’ve got the photos back! Look, this one of us on the beach is just brilliant!
Boy: Yes…You must get a copy for me to put in my (7)…………………... It was a great
day, but that other one’s good too!
Girl: I don’t know why you think so, that dress I’m wearing looks awful. I only bought it
because it was (8)………………... The one of us on the boat isn’t bad, look.
Boy Mm… apart from the fact that we look (9)……………….!

Five. What should the students take on the school trip?

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Teacher: Now, you won’t need any money for the bus or your (10)……………… to the
museum tomorrow, because that’s already paid for. But bring some change for
when you get thirsty and want to buy a drink. The only food or drink. The only
food or drink allowed on the bus is (11)……………. Bring some with you because
it’s quite a long trip, and you’ll get hungry. And you’ll need to bring all your
coloured pencils for the work I’m going to ask you to do there.

Six. Where do the boys decide to go?

Boy 1: So, we’ve got three hours. Shall we go (12)………………. in the park? What do
you think?
Boy 2: Well, there’s the latest space film, which is meant to be good, or there’s a new
computer-game shop which has just (13)……………..
Boy1: Oh, well I haven’t got enough money to buy a new game anyway. Let’s go and
watch the film.
Boy 2: OK. We can go skateboarding any time.

Seven. What has the girl lost?

Teacher: Can I help you? You look worried. Is everything all right.
Girl: Well, I was in the playground about ten minutes ago with my friends and I got a
call on my mobile phone-I had to get a pen out of my (14)……….. to write
something down and I think my purse fell out. I can’t find it now. Do you know if
anyone has handed it in?
Teacher: You know you’re not supposed to bring (15)………….. to school! - Anyway, let
me go and check. What colours is it?
Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short
recording. For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
Example: Where is the girl’s hat?

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1 When will Jack’s mum pick him up?

2 Which postcard will they send?

3 What do they decide to buy?

4 What has the girl forgotten to bring?

5 How does the man want his son to help him?

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6 Which TV programme is on at nine o’clock tonight?

7 What will the boy do first?

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. When will Jack’s mum pick him up?
Jack: Mum, I’m ringing to tell you I’m at Tim’s house. Football practice finished early,
so we (1)………. here together.
Mum: OK. Well, it’s half past five now, so I’ll come in the car and pick you up. It’ll take
me about half an hour, so I’ll see you at six.
Jack: Oh, there’s something good on television then. Can you come and get me after it, at
Mum: I can’t, Jack, I’ve got to pick your dad up from the (2)…………….then.
Two. Which postcard will they send?
Girl: We mustn’t forget to send Mum a postcard…how about this one with a picture of
the mountain?
Boy: Well, it’s nice but we can’t actually see it from where we’re staying. What about a
view of the lake and the (3)………. instead? Or perhaps one of the garden pictures
if you think she’d prefer it. Look at the cottage and all the flowers..
Girl: Mmm… I think your first idea was better…we could put a cross to show where
we’re staying.
Boy: (4)……………then, let’s do that.
Three. What do they decide to buy?
Mum: Look, Kate, there are some of those biscuits you like!

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Kate: Oh, yes. Mm…there aren’t many in a (5)……………. though, Mum. Why don’t we
have this cake instead? Remember I’ve got my friends coming tomorrow.
Mum: Oh, I haven’t forgotten. I’ve already made a cake, and I’ve bought lots of ice
Kate: Well, I suppose some (6)…………… would be nice with ice cream. Do we need
anything else…?
Four. What has the girl forgotten to bring?
Boy: Finish your drink – we’ll be late for class. What are you looking for now? Don’t tell
me you’ve (7)………….. your homework. You said you were working on it really
Girl: Don’t worry, it was the first thing I put in my bag – look, here it is. I won’t be a
second … just checking everything. (8)………………., now where did I … ? Oh
… you’ll be able to lend me a pen, won’t you? Oh, here it is, in my pocket as
Five. How does the man want his son to help him?
Dad: Jamie, could you do something for me?
Jamie: Well, it depends what it is. I’m meeting my (9)……………… in town
Dad: I want to clean the upstair windows this afternoon, but I lent the ladder to
John…Could you come next door with me and help me carry it back? I’ll give you
a lift into town (10)…………………… if you like
Jamie: Sure, Dad.
Six. Which TV programme is on at nine o’clock tonight?
Woman: Because of the football finishing late, there are some changes to this evening’s
programmes. We won’t now show the (11)……………. Programme, about the
sharks found in the Pacific, at nine o’clock. Instead, the cartoon film the Mighty
Heroes will be at this time, an hour later than (12)……………... You can see the
Nature Programme at its usual time next week.
Seven. What will the boy do first?
Boy: I’m off now, Mum. I’m going to meet Ben at the youth club because he’s bought a
new (13)……………… for his bike and he wants me to help him put it on… and
I’ve got to go to the library to take my books back sometime today too.
Mum: Well, do that before you start work on the bike because it isn’t open this afternoon.
Boy: OK. And we’re going to play table tennis after we’ve done the bike, so I won’t see
you until (14)………………. this evening. Bye!

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Questions 8-13
You will hear an interview with a teenager called Simon about going to an indoor climbing
center that has a climbing wall.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C.
8 Simon’s mum decided to take him to the A she had enjoyed going there.
climbing centre because B her friend had recommended it.
C Simon had been there with his school.

9 Before he went to the centre, Simon was A worried about going climbing there.
B interested in seeing the climbing wall.
C disappointed to hear it was all indoors.

10 Simon says that at the centre there were A lots of people when it opened.
B many different types of people.
C no other people his age.

11 What did Simon think about the climbing A He thought it looked very high.
wall? B He was afraid he might fall.
C He found the foot holes helpful.

12 Why was Simon unhappy with his first A He was slower than everyone else.
climb? B He found it hurt his arms.
C He didn’t get to the top.

13 What does Simon feel he learnt from A how to improve his fitness
climbing at the centre? B to think before he does something
C the best way to work with other people

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Woman: Hello, everyone! Today we’re discussing (1)…………. activities, and I’m talking to
Simon Benito, who recently went with his mum to an indoor climbing centre.
Simon, what gave your mum the idea to take you there?
Simon: Well, last year my school had a trip to the centre, but I missed it because I was sick.
Then recently she went with a friend and tried it herself-and she loved it! So after
that she wanted to take me, too.
Woman: And what did you think when your mum suggested going to the centre?
Simon: Well, I knew I was OK at climbing - we’ve been climbing on holidays – and I
thought we’d do something similar at the centre. I was really looking forward to it.
But then my mum (2)……………. that the wall was inside. I wasn’t so interested
when I heard that – I prefer being outside.
Woman: But did you meet lots of people there?
Simon: Well, yes – that was great! It was early morning when we arrived and the centre
had just opened, so it was quiet, but lots of people came later in the morning – and
for once I wasn’t the (3)……………! I’d be mainly young people there, but there
were people of all ages – serious climbers, mum with five-year olds…and teenagers
like me!
Woman: So what was the climbing wall like?
Simon: Well, luckily it had rocks of different size to help you climb. So there was little
chance of failing of. And I’d imagined it would look high before you started to
climb, but actually it didn’t seem that (4)………. to the top. There were lots of
really useful holes all over it, too, to put your feet in – green ones for an easy climb,
red for more difficult.
Woman: So what was your first climb like? Was it easy?
Simon: No! The instructor showed us what to do and I thought I’d soon get to the top, but I
was the last to get there, so I was annoyed with myself. The instructor warned us it
can be painful for your arms, too, but I didn’t notice. And I did improve.
Woman: So what did you learn from your visit?
Simon: Well, it was great to be with other people who all like doing the same thing! And
when I was climbing I had to think carefully where to put my feet before I moved –
so that’s friends who spend too much time on their computers

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Woman: Well, it was great to be with other people who all like doing the same thing! And
when I was climbing I had to think (5)……………… where to put my feet before I
moved – so that’s helped me to think first before I do things. It’s shown me that I
am fitter than my friends who spend too much time on their computers
Simon: Well, thanks, Simon!
Question 8-13
You will hear a radio interview with a teenage surfer called Abby Fielding.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C
8 Abby first decided to go surfing when A her dad offered to teach her.
B she saw some local competitions.
C her mother gave her money for a surfboard.
9 What did Abby discover when she started A Her local surfing school was expensive.
surfing? B She needed more equipment than she’d
C It was good to try different surfboards.
10 What does Abby say about surfing in the A The sea is warm enough where she lives.
winter? B She wears a special suit for winter surfing.
C The beaches are very quiet then.
11 How did Abby feel about surfing the A disappointed she didn’t have the right
enormous wave? board
B worried at first by the size of the wave
C scared about falling off her board
12 What advice does Abby give to teenagers A don’t start until you’re a very strong
interested in surfing? swimmer
B find a good surfing teacher
C learn to surf in different conditions
13 What does Abby want to do next? A find out about surfing as a career
B study surfing science at university
C train for the next surfing competition

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

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Man: Today, I’m talking to teenage surfer Abby Fielding. Abby, welcome. Tell us about
how you started surfing
Abby: Well, my family have always loved going to our local beach, and my dad became
keen on surfing. He wasn’t very good, but he really wanted to show me how to do
it, and my mum offered to buy me a board. I still wasn’t keen, but then I started
watching surfing competitions near home, and when I saw the (6)…………… of
the surfers, I just felt I could do better!
Man: Very confident! How easy was it to get started?
Abby: Well, it’s free to practise, once you’ve got the equipment. But it can cost quite a lot
to buy what you need. I went to the local surfing school for a bit too. I was lent
some (7)……………. before I bought one, to see which type I liked best – that was
Man: So do you go surfing all year round now?
Abby: Yes – even in winter it’s cold! The sea is actually warmer than the land. I just wear
the same wetsuit as I do in the summer – although sometimes I do add gloves!
You’d be surprised how many people are out there surfing with me
Man: And your biggest (8)………….. was surfing an enormous wave!
Abby: Yeah! That kind of wave only comes along a couple of time a year. I borrowed a
large board, as mine wasn’t big enough, and I was nervous – the waves were a lot
bigger than they look from the beach. People say it hurts if you fall off in those
conditions – but I didn’t have time to think about that!
Man: So – any advice for other teenagers taking up surfing?
Abby: Well, you’re never too young to start – not on big waves, of course, in case you
have to swim back to the (9)……………. But in many places, you need to know
how to surf whatever the waves are like – good and bad. And surfing school are
OK, but watching other surfers is just as useful – and practising yourself, of course!
Man: So … you’re still young – what next?
Abby: Well, I’m going to miss the next big competition, as I’ve injured my ankle, but
my future’s definitely in surfing, so I need to (10)……………..what opportunities
there are. There’s a course in surfing science you can do at the university here, but
I’m not sure that’s the right path for me at the moment
Man: Well, thank you Abby

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Question 8-13
You will hear an interview with a champion gymnast called Maria Anderson.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, B or C
8 Maria decided to take up gymnastics A at a gymnastics competition.
B in a sports lesson at the school.
C When she read a book about a gymnast.

9 When did Maria realise she could be A when she won some local competitions
champion gymnast? B as soon as she started to practise
C when a well-known coach offered to teach

10 Why does Maria think success has not A She believes she’s a sensible person.
changed her? B Her parents help her live a normal life.
C People tell her she’s the same as before.

11 What does Maria say about school? A She feels too tired to study.
B She has little time with school friends.
C She is allowed to miss some lessons.

12 What does Maria do in her free time? A make videos

B go to concerts
C watch cartoon films

13 What is Maria’s favourite thing in her A a poster of a band with a singer

room at home? B a glass case with her cups and prizes
C a picture of herself with another gymnast

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: I’m talking to Maria Anderson, a 16-year old champion gymnast. Maria, have you
always dreamed of being a gymnast?
Maria: I got interested when I was eight. I loved running, and jumping, and my teacher
said I’d be good at sports. I read a book about a (11)……………. who took part in
the Olympics and her life seemed very hard. Then I went to watch a gymnastics
event with my Dad and saw gymnasts in action and I thought, ‘I’d like to do that’
Man: Did you realise immediately you’d be a champion?
Maria: I tried too hard in the beginning – I’m very competitive – and was in a hurry to
learn the moves. I made so many mistakes, I nearly gave up. Even when I won
(12)…………….. at events in my town I didn’t think I’d ever be really good. But a
famous coach saw me doing floor exercise and said he’d give me lessons, and then
I knew I could get to the top
Man: You’ve done amazingly well since then. Has success changed you?
Maria: I hope not. I’m growing up, getting experience, but basically I think I’m the same.
My coach says the best athletes are sensible, they don’t let success make a
difference to them as people, and I think that’s true of me. It’s just my mum and
dad worry about me and wish I could lead a more (13)…………… life
Man: What about school? Can you keep up with the other children?
Maria: I go to the sports centre at 5.30 every morning to practise, so I’ve been working for
three hours before I even get to school. It was hard at first, I felt really tired. But
I’m used to it now. I rest during the lunch break, instead of being with my friends.
Lessons are all right, but I can’t stay up late or go to parties
Man: Do you have time for hobbies?
Maria: Well, I travel a lot to events in other countries and I listen to music on the plane. I
hope I get a chance to go to a concert some day and I like movies, but not cartoons.
My dad films me when I’m performing in a (14)………………, and I put together
videos for my website, which is fun
Man: What does your room at home look like?
Maria: I’ve got posters covering every wall, mostly of singers and bands. The best thing is a
photograph of me shaking hands with my hero, a fantastic Russian gymnast I met last year.
Oh, and I’ve got all my cups and prizes in a glass case – a bit (15)…………………….

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Questions 14-19
● You will hear a girl called Hannah talking about her family’s champion horse called
● For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Griffon the Horse

The international horse show will be held in the month of (14) ...................., just after
Hannah’s birthday.
The family will travel from Poland to the horse show in (15) ..................... .
The person who will ride Griffon round the ring in the international show is Hannah’s (16)
.................. .
Two weeks ago Griffon won some (17) a prize.
Hannah’s ambition is to work as a (18) .........................
When Griffon wins a competition, he is given some (19) ........................ by the family.

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Hannah: Hi. My name’s Hannah. I come from a family that trains horses, and we have a
(1)……………… horses called Griffon. He is black with an incredibly shiny coat. He was
born two years ago, in December, and we’re taking him to complete in his first international
show in March next year, just after my fifteenth birthday.
The whole family is going – me, my sister and our parents. We live in Poland and
we’re going to drive through Germany and the Netherlands to the show in England, so it’ll be
a long (2)…………….. for us. The event lasts for three days, and we’ll be staying with
friends who also have horses.
My sister wanted to ride griffon in front of the judges, but she’s too young. The rules
are that the person riding the horse has to be over 18, so my father will do it. Griffon has been
to other shows in several European countries. He’s got (3)…………..of cups, but at an event a
couple of weeks ago, he got some money as a prize, which was a change. It suited us because
it’s expensive taking part in horse shows.
Horses have to learn what to do in front of the (4)…………… – how to walk and
jump. I watch my parents working with Griffon, and my dream is to be a trainer too, getting

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horses ready for shows. My parents want me to study to be a doctor, but I’m not sure about
When Griffon comes first in a (5)……………….. he’s as pleased as we are. Lots of
people give their horses sweets when they win but we give griffon apples. I also think he likes
to be the centre of attention.

Questions 14-19
● You will hear a boy called Caspar, who is part of a circus family, talking about his life.
● For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Caspar and the Circus Family
Caspar’s mother dances across a (14) the circus.
Caspar’s brother is in an act where as many as (15) ..................... people balance on a
Caspar’s dad is a good circus boss because he is (16) .................. and has a strong voice.
Caspar starts the show by marching in front of the (17) ................... .
The are no animals in the show except a (18) ......................... .
One of Caspar’s job is selling (19) ........................ .

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Caspar: My name is Caspar and I’m the youngest child in a circus family. My parents and
brother and sister are all (6)……………... My mother wears wonderful costumes and dances
across a rope about fifteen metres above the ground. Sometimes she plays a violin at the
same time … incredible!
My brother is ten years older than me, and my sister’s sixteen. They’re part of an act
where up to twenty people balance on a motorbike and ride round the ring. The performers
stand on each other’s shoulders, with my sister at the top.
My dad’s the (7)……………., or the boss of the circus. He’s good at his job because
he’s tall and has a loud voice. He introduces the performers and makes sure the acts start and
finish on time.
I’m not allowed to perform until I’m fifteen, but I march beside my dad ahead of the
band at the beginning of the show. And lead everyone out at the end. I have some great
costumes, and I love being in the ring. I can’t wait to start training to be a performer.

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We don’t have horses or dogs. In fact the only animal in the circus is a rabbit, who
doesn’t do much but is always the star of the show. The children live him. The performers
have a lot of other jobs to do. We have to clean out the (8)…………… tent between each
show, make the costumes, and repair the (9)……………... I check the audience tickets, and
ice-cream at half-time.
We only for eight months, during good (10)……………, and we travel around from
place to place. It’s a great life.

Questions 14-19
● You will hear a schoolteacher talking to a group of students about a national poetry
● For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Poetry Competition for Schools
The competition for II-14s is called the (14) ....................Prize.
The topic for this year is (15) ..................... .
The title of last year’s winning poem was (16) .................. .
This year the prize money available is (17) ................... euros.
If successful, the school will spend the money on the (18) ......................... .
For further help, see the (19) ........................ .

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Teacher: Now could everyone sit down, please. I’ve got an important announcement to make.
As you know, the national school (11)…………… competitions that we usually enter are
starting soon. All the competitions are named after animal. One of the competitions, called the
Dolphin Prize, is for 15-to 19-year olds. So if you have older brother and sisters in the school,
get them to enter that one. But the one for peoply of your age, the (12)…………………., is
the one we’d like you to go for. We hope lots of you will try.
As some of you may remember, the theme for last year was ‘Weather’. This time
the judges have chosen the topic ’(13)………………………..’, and that could cover a lot of
things, couldn’t it? A new school, a different house, for example…
So, if you want to enter the competition but you’re stuck for ideas, have a look at
last year’s winner on the competition website. You may know the girl who wrote it – Maria

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Mason from our school with her poem called ‘Trains’. She also got a little book of her poems,
called ‘Travelling’ published as part of her prize. Maria won some money for the school, too
– one thousand euros! And this time that’s gone up to two thousand, which is very
If anyone in the school wins, we’d like to use the money for the library, as we feel
that’s the right way for it to be spent. Maria’s prize money last year was spent on the new
computer software.
Now, you may feel you’d like to enter the competition but need some more help. If
that’s the case, you can look at the website. The (15)……………….of English, Mr Winters,
has said you will find it really useful.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a boy called Jamie and a girl called Miranda about
sharing a bedroom with a brother or sister.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.
20 Miranda accepts what her sister’s side of the room looks like. A B
21 Jamie complains that his brother refuses to share his electronic equipment. A B
22 Miranda is annoyed about some things that her sister tells their mother. A B
23 Miranda was surprised that she felt lonely when her sister was away. A B
24 Despite sharing a bedroom, Jamie finds he can still easily do his A B
25 Jamie and Miranda can both share problems with their brother or sister. A B
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Jamie: Hi. Miranda. How are you?
Miranda: Hi, Jamie. I’m fine! I’m helping Mum (1)……………my bedroom at home – the
one I share with my younger sister.
Jamie: Oh, how’s it going?
Miranda: Not well – we can’t agree! My sister and I both have got our own side of the roo,
and they’re completely different! I mean, my side’s blue, with pop (2)………… all
over the wall. But her side’s pink. With dolls and stuff. Not my thing at all really, but
as I said, she is younger than me – and it looks OK, I guess.
Jamie: Mmm – well, I share with my brother Max, but as he’s older than me, I get to use
lots of things that my parents don’t really want me to have, because they say I’m not
(3)………….. enough. But he lets me use his laptop, music player … everything!
Miranda: Wow! Now, if that was my little sister, she’d probably go and report it to our mum,
and I’d get into trouble! That happens sometimes. Then my sister and I have an
Jamie: Oh? That doesn’t happen with Max and me …

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Miranda: No? Well, apart from that, I get on OK with my sister, really. To be honest, she
went (4)………….. with her school last week, and I really missed her. I found it
wasn’t so nice being in our room on my own. I hadn’t expected that.
Jamie: I know what you mean. My brother’s going to university soon, and the room will
seem really empty. Still, at least I’ll be able to get on with my homework in peace –
it’s hard at the moment, as he’s often in the room, too.
Miranda: Well, my sister likes playing outside, so it’s OK. But then when she’s not there,
there’s no-one to talk to about my problems. She’s really good at listening if she
knows I’m (5)…………… about something, even though she can’t help.
Jamie: Mmm, my brother’s the same. We wouldn’t do that if we didn’t share rooms.
Miranda: No … so sharing does have good points …

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a girl called Lisa and a boy called Sam talking about a book they have both
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.
20 Lisa disliked the book when she first started reading it. A B
21 Sam and Lisa felt sorry for Paul, the main character in the book. A B
22 Sam was interested in the mystery about Paul and his brother. A B
23 Lisa thought the author helped the reader to understand Paul. A B
24 Sam wished there was more information about football in the book. A B
25 Lisa liked the way the author developed Paul’s character. A B

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Lucas: I’m really glad my mum let me go to the concert – I didn’t think she would. But there
were lots of people our age! What did you think of it, Claire?

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Claire: Well, I wasn’t sure at first if I could go, but luckily Mum and Dad (6)………….. me
the ticket for my birthday and wasn’t it great? Our seats were only ten rows from the
front! We got a great view!
Lucas: Well, I was worried about the concert when I saw Candy Floss on TV last month –
one band member had just left and they weren’t brilliant. But I don’t think they’ve
ever (7)…………….as well as they did tonight.
Claire: Mmm – and what about their dancing? I thought they needed to do some more work
on it when I saw them on TV during the summer, but tonight it was exciting!
Lucas: You notice that because you go to dance classes! I wasn’t paying attention –
probably too busy looking at their clothes! The dresses they had on in the first half
were OK, I suppose, but what were those silver things they changed into after that?
Claire: Oh, they always wear those during their (8)………….. – I think they looked really
Lucas: Really awful, you mean! Anyway, what about getting their new album? I’m not sure
I can afford it now …
Claire: There’ve been lost of reviews on the Internet, and some said it isn’t very good, but
the songs they did in the concert were great – and I’ve got all their other albums, so
it’ll add to my collection.
Lucas: You should, then.
Claire: Mmm – but did I tell you I’ve read the main singer’s thinking of (9)……………..?
Lucas: Well, if the fans think someone’s leaving the band, they might not buy tickets for the
next concert – that means plenty left for us to buy! I’d like to see the band again,
wouldn’t you?
Claire: Absolutely!
Lisa: So, Sam, have you finished that book we had to read for school, Lime Country?
Sam: Oh, hi, Lisa. Yeah, just last weekend. It took me a long time to get into it. The first
(10)…………….. was difficult. But in the end I couldn’t put it down.
Lisa: I liked it from the first page. I’ve never finished a book so quickly, and normally I
don’t like reading fiction.
Sam: The main character in the story, Paul, was interesting. He hurt his leg badly and
couldn’t play football with the other kids. But the author didn’t make you feel pity
for him.

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Lisa: Yes, that was because he was such a strong character. He couldn’t do anything
active, but he used his time to think about game plans for his team. They
(11)…………… on him in the end.
Sam: He was almost like a coach.
Lisa: I thought the book was written and it had a good plot. There was a bit of mystery
about Paul’s brother. Did he cause Paul’s injury? Was he (12)…………… of Paul?
You don’t find out until the very end.
Sam: I didn’t care so much about that. It was the football matches I liked, seen through
Paul’s eyes. I could imagine exactly what was happening.
Lisa: The author was clever because when when Paul was unhappy, the whole story – the
weather, the (13)……….. – sort of got darker, so the reader could feel what Paul was
Sam: There was quite a lot of detail about the techniques of football. I think the author got
that just right.
Lisa: Any more would make it too long, and boring for people who weren’t mad about
football. That side of the book was about right. For example, the best part was that
Paul realised what’s important in life and how to deal with (14)……………..
situations. He really grew as a person.
Questions 20-25
You will hear a conversation between a boy called Lucas and a girl called Claire who have
just been to a concert by a band called Candy Floss.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.If it is correct, choose the letter A for YES. If it
is not correct, choose the letter B for NO.
20 Claire could see the band clearly from where she sat. A B
21 Lucas thinks Candy Floss gave a great performance during the A B
22 Claire feels the band’s dancing was better in the summer. A B
23 Lucas and Claire have the same opinion about the band’s costumes. A B
24 Claire is planning to buy the next album by Candy Floss. A B
25 Lucas thinks tickets for the next concert will be difficult to get. A B

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Lucas: I’m really glad my mum let me go to the concert – I didn’t think she would. But there
were lots of people our age! What did you think of it, Claire?
Claire: Well, I wasn’t sure at first if I could go, but luckily mum and Dad (15)…………. me
the ticket for my birthday and wasn’t it great? Our seats were only ten rows from the
front! We got a great view!
Lucas: Well, I was worried about the concert when I saw Candy Floss on TV last month –
one band (16)…………….. had just left and they weren’t brilliant. But I don’t think
they’ve ever performed as well as they did tonight.
Claire: Mmm – and what about their dancing? I thought they needed to do some more work
on it when I saw them on TV during the summer, but tonight it was exciting!
Lucas: You notice that because you go to dance classes! I wasn’t paying
(17)………………… – probably too busy looking at their clothes! The dresses they
had on in the first half were OK, I suppose, but what were those silver things they
changed into after that?
Claire: Oh, they always wear those during their concerts - I think looked really original
Lucas: Really awful, you mean! Anyway, what about getting their new album? I’m sure I
can afford it now …
Claire: There’ve been lots of (18)…………….on the Internet, and some said it isn’t very
good, but the songs they did in the concert were great – and I’ve got all their other
albums, so it’ll add to my collection.
Lucas: You should, then.
Claire: Mmm – but did I tell you I’ll read the main singer’s thinking of leaving?
Lucas: Well, if the fans think someone’s leaving the band, they might not buy tickets for the
next concert – that means plenty left for us to buy! I’d like to see the band again,
wouldn’t you?
Claire: Absolutely!

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short
recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (ü) in the box below it.
Example: What’s the time?

1. Where will the girls meet?

2. Which chair does the man want?

3. Which picture shows what the girls need?

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4. Which picture shows what happened?

5. What is Sarah’s mother doing?

6. What luggage is the man talking on holiday?

7. Which photograph does the man like?

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Part 1
One. Where will the girl meet?
Girl 1: Will you meet me in the park?
Girl 2: OK. Where? By the entrance?
Girl 1: No, at the ice-cream (1)……………. You know, the one by the lake.
Girl 2: OK
Two. Which chairs does the man want?
Man: Good afternoon. Can you show me your office chairs? I’m looking for something with
a high (2)……………. and (3)…………….
Three. Which picture shows what the girls need?
Girl 1: Now, have we got everything? (4)……………., butter, a lemon, milk...
Girl 2: Don’t we need eggs?
Girl 1: Of course ! (5)……………. eggs.
Four. Which picture shows what happened?
Woman: Look at the (6)……………. – how did it get broken?
Boy: We were playing ball and I (7)……………. it.
Woman: I’ve told you before you are not to play ball in the house. Well, you will both have to
buy a new mirror.
Five. What is Sarah’s mother doing?
Sarah: When can we go out, Mum?
Mother: In about (8)……………. an hour, Sarah, when I’ve finished doing the washing-up.
Six. What luggage is the man taking on holiday?
Woman: I thought you were only taking two (9)……………. on holiday with you?
Man: Well, I was, but I decided to take my overnight (10)……………. as well. I couldn’t
get everything into two cases and there’s no way I could carry a third!
Seven. Which photograph does the man like?
Man: I’m really disappointed with my holiday photos. The only good one is the one of us all
(11)……………. together on the clifftop looking down at the beach.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short
recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (ü) in the box below it.
Example: What’s the time?

1. When and where are they meeting?

2. What will Chris get for his birthday?

3. What does Mr. Jones look like?

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4. Where is he going to plant the tree?

5. What is the man going to buy?

6. Which is Gary’s room?

7. Which is the best vehicle for the man?

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One: When and where are they meeting?
Woman: What time are we meeting Jane?
Man: At half past (1)……………. outside the restaurant.
Woman: I told her to wait inside, at a table.
Man: I know, but she said she’d prefer to meet us outside.

Two. What will Chris get for his birthday?

Girl: It’s Chris’s birthday on Friday. What shall we get him?
Boy: Mmm, It’s difficult. Tapes? CDs? But he’s (2)……………. got a lot of those...
Girl: We could get him something to wear. No, let’s get him a (3)……………. on sport.
He’s really keen on that.
Boy: Why not?

Three. What does Mr Jones look like?

Man: So, could you describe Mr Jones for me please, madam?
Woman: Well, he’s about 40 years old, (4)……………., with a (5)…………….. He’s
got large ears and he wears (6)……………..

Four. Where is he going to plant the tree?

Woman: Where are you going to plant the tree? By the front door?
Man: No, that would be (7)…………….. It’ll grow too big. I’m going to put it at the back
of the (8)…………….. When it’s grown, it’ll give us some (9)……………. in the
Woman: I thought it would be better right at the other end of the (10)……………..
Man: Oh, no.

Five. What is the man going to buy?

Man: Shall I get some fruit for the picnic?
Woman: Yes, can you get somes oranges and (11)…………….?
Man: I’m not keen on oranges. How about grapes instead?
Woman: They’re so expensive at the moment. (12)……………. get the bananas.

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Six. Which is Gary’s room?

Woman: Look, Gary’s sent us a postcard of his hotel, and he’s put a (13)……………. to
show us his window!
Man: Ah, right in the middle.
Woman: Yes, he says he (14)……………. a room on the top floor, but the only room
available was on the floor (15)……………. that.

Seven. Which is the best vehicle for the man?

Woman: Good morning, sir, how can I help you?
Man: Well, I’d like to hire a car, please. Something fast and (16)…………… with enough
room for (17)…………… adults and a child.
Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short
recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (ü) in the box below it.
Example: What’s the time?

1. Where is the station?

2. Where did the woman put the calculator?

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3. Where is Helen?

4. Which building was hit by lightning?

5. What does the woman want to buy?

6. Which picture does the woman decide to send?

7. Which hotel has the man chosen?

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. Where is the station?
Woman: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the station?
Man: Take the (1)……………on the right and it’s at the (2)……………of that road.

Two. Where did the woman put the calculator?

Man: Have you used my calculator?
Woman: Yes, can’t you find it? I put it back on the (3)…………….
Man: Where?
Woman: Next to the (4)……………. I think. No, wait a minute, it’s on that (5)……………of

Three. Where is Helen?

Man: Is Helen here?
Woman: Yes, she’s over there, next to the man in the (6)…………….
Man: Who’s that with he?
Woman: Her brother, I think.

Four. Which building was hit by lightning?

Man 1: Did you hear the storm last night?
Man 2: Of course. It was right (7)……………our apartment and seemed to hit something
(8)……………the hotel.
Man 1: Yes, the (9)……………near the church was hit by lightning. It’s lucky no one was at

Five. What does the woman want to buy?

Woman: Now I’ve bought this skirt, I think I need some new (10)……………to go with it.
Man: Can’t you wear your boots?
Woman: No, they’re too (11)……………. I think it would look better with
Man: Come on then, let’s try that shop over the road.

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Six. Which picture does the woman decided to send?

Woman: My mother wants me to send her a photo of our new house. Which one shall I send?
Man: This one is nice, with the children (13)……………in the back garden.
Woman: I prefer this one with you (14)……………by the front door.
Man: Well, send her that one then.

Seven. Which hotel has the man chosen?

Woman: Have you decided which hotel you’re going to stay in?
Man: Oh yes. It’s the largest in the area, it’s got (15)……………floors and it’s right on the
(16)……………... and there’s an (17)……………pool as well. So we’ll be able to swim
every day.

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Questions 8-13
You will hear part of a radio programme about classical music. For each question, put a tick
(ü) in the correct box.
8. This week’s prize is A⃞ a music cassette.
B⃞ two concert tickets.
C⃞ a classical CD.

9. The person who wrote the music lived A⃞ Italy.

in B⃞ Spain.
C⃞ France.

10. What else shares the title of this A⃞ a garden

music? B⃞ a play
C⃞ a park

11. What did people do when they first A⃞ Some left before the end.
heard the music? B⃞ Only a few clapped.
C⃞ Some asked for their money back.

12. This people of music has been A⃞ played in the cinema.

B⃞ used in advertising.
C⃞ used for a TV play.

13. If you know the competition answer A⃞ 0108 937 224.

you should ring B⃞ 0018 739 242.
C⃞ 0018 937 224.

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Presenter: …and now if you’re a (1)……………listener to this programme, you’ll know that
it’s time for our weekly competition. Last week’s prize of two theatre tickets was won by Bill
Martins. Congratulations, Bill. I hope you’ve received your tickets by now.
This week we’re offering a (2)……………CD to the first listener who can name the piece of
music and the person who wrote it. I’m going to play the piece in a few minutes, but before I
do, you need to get a (3)……………and a piece of paper, as I’m going to give your some help
which should make your job a little easier. Are you ready? Right. Now, listen carefully, as
you might be this week’s lucky winner.
Although the person who wrote this piece of classical music was born in Italy, his parents
were (4)……………and he spent most of his life in (5)……………. Have you got that? On to
the second point: there is also a farmous (6)……………which has the same title as this music
and which is usually performed in the open air – in the summer. Any idea yet? I should
(7)……………you that it’s not that easy.
Anyway for the next point. When this piece of music was first performed, many people in the
(8)……………got up and walked out. At the end they say there was complete
(9)……………, which I’m sure wasn’t very pleasant for the writer. People thought the music
was terrible and complained about (10)……………their money. It’s amazing really, when
you think how popular it is today.
And now the last point. Part of this music has been used for an (11)……………which you can
see on televison. I’m sure when you hear the music. You’ll know that advertisement is for.
I’m not going to tell you what (12)……………it advertises, as that would almost certainly
give you the answer! You can also see the advert in a lot of magazines and I think from next
month this advert will also be on your cinema screens.
So that’s four things to remember. And the phone number to ring if you can give us the title of
the music and the name of the man who wrote it is 0018 937 224. And the piece of music is
coming up now…

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Questions 8-13
You will hear a recorded message about an arts festival. For each question, put a tick (ü) in
the correct box.

8 The festival takes place from A⃞ 12 to 18 May.

B⃞ 12 to 20 May.
C⃞ 12 to 28 May.

9 What is on at the Theatre Royal on 19 A⃞ jazz

May? B⃞ opera
C⃞ classical music

10 During lunchtime jazz concerts at the A⃞ soft drinks and sandwiches.

Com Exchange they sell B⃞ wine and sandwiches.
C⃞ soft drinks and light meals.

11 What is on at the cathedral? A⃞ music

B⃞ poetry
C⃞ films

12 What does the festival programme A⃞ a walk and a book reading

offer at Ickworth?
B⃞ a concert and a meal
C⃞ a walk and a concert

13 You can’t use a credit card if you book A⃞ by post.

B⃞ by tax.
C⃞ by telephone.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Message: This is the Arts Festival Box Office. There is no one here to take your call, but do
not hang up, as (1)……………information follows.
The Festival begins on the (2)…………… of May and continues to the 28th. There are things
happening in several parts of the town itself, and outside it.
At the Theatre Royal, there will be a series of (3)……………, starting with jazz singer Elaine
Delmar on the 12th of May. Geogre Melly brings his own special kind of jazz and fun to the
theatre on the 13th of May. On Thursday the (4)…………… of May, there is the opera Faust.
For classical music fans, the Brodsky String Quartet appears on the (5)……………of May.
There are also concerts at the Corn Exchange. For people who prefer (6)……………music,
we have the London All Starts Steel Band on Sunday the 15th of May. On Thursday the 19th of
May we welcome back the Viennese Gala Orchestra, who are regular (7)……………at the
Festival. Finally, also at the Corn Exchange, there will be a series of jazz concerts a
(8)……………will be open for the sale of wine and we are offering free soft drinks.
Sandwiches will also be on sale. (9)……………meals can be bought in the restaurant
There are various other musical performances in the (10)……………, and poetry readings in
one of the town’s churches. The Film Society has arranged to show a film of Mozart’s opera
Don Giovanni at the theatre. Our programme has full (11)…………….
Ickworth House, just outside the town, is joining in the Festival as usual. There is a guided
(12)……………around Ickworth Park on Sunday the 15th, which will last about two and a
half hours. Also, on the 19th of May, we have a special concert of piano music, given by
Oliver Davies in the beautiful Ickworth (13)……………. The price of tickets includes coffee
and (14)……………and you are advised to book early, as this is always especially popular.
For more information, send for our Festival programme or visit the Bos Office from 10.00
a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondays or Fridays, or 12.00 to 8 p.m. on (15)……………. Bookings can be
made in person (cash, cheque or credit card), by post (cheques only), or by telephone (credit
cards only). We also accept (16)……………card bookings by fax, on 0284 706035. For these
bookings, you must use booking (17)…………….
Thank you for calling.

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Questions 8-13
You will hear a radio interview with a man who works on an international camp. For each
question, put a tick (ü) in the correct box.

8 If you want to apply for the Camp you A⃞ be a student.

must B⃞ be at least twenty-four years old.
C⃞ speak more than one language.

9 In a Camp tent you can expect to A⃞ mix with other nationalities.

B⃞ share with five other people.
C⃞ know the other people.

10 The Camp want people who are A⃞ good at cooking.

B⃞ good organisers.
C⃞ able to mix well.

11 What do you have to take to the A⃞ a tent

Camp? B⃞ a map
C⃞ pictures

12 As a Camp member you should A⃞ be a good singer.

B⃞ join in performances.
C⃞ be good at acting.

13 The Camp fees must be paid A⃞ in dollars.

B⃞ by cheque.
C⃞ before the Camp starts.

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Presenter: Hi there. On last week’s programme we interviewed the man behind the idea of the
International Camps. So I thought that this week you’d be interested to hear more about one
of the Camps which will be held later this year. Over to you, Michael…
Michael: Thank you. Yes, the Camp is open to everyone between the ages of
(1)……………to 23. You don’t have to be a student – you don’t even have to be employed,
but you must be able to speak one (2)…………… language in addition to your mother
Presenter: OK. And what about accommodation?
Michael: Well, the International Camps organisers supply tents which sleep up to four people
but you are unlikely to know the people who you’ll be sharing a tent with. The nationalities
are (3)……………, so you’ll be sharing with people who may not even speak your language!
Presenter: Sounds interesting. Who does the cooking at the Camp?
Michael: Everybody is (4)……………to help with the running of the Camp. That means
helping to prepare food, keeping the camp site clean and tidy, and so on. The Camp organisers
are looking for people who can get (5)……………with others whatever happens.
Presenter: And is there anything you need to take?
Michael: Well as I’ve said, tents are provided, but you’ll need to bring your own
(6)……………, knife, fork and spoon. If you get chosen, you’re also asked to bring along
photographs, postcards – anything that shows some of the traditions and (7)……………of
your own country. Everything goes into an exhibition at the start of the Camp, together with a
huge map of the world showing the diferent countries people come from.
Presenter: And is there any entertainment?
Michael: Yes, there is. Everyone helps to provide the Camp entertainment. You are expected
to sing, dance or play something musical – it doesn’t (8)……………how good or bad you are.
There is a space on the form to write down what you can do.
Presenter: Sounds great fun. And what does it all cost?
Michael: Well, you have to find your own way to the Camp, so it’s up to you
(9)……………you fly, cycle, walk, hitch – hike or whatever. The charge for a week’s Camp
is 300 dollars, but you’ll have to change that into your own (10)……………to get a better
idea of the cost. You have to pay the full cost before you arrive, but you can pay in any
currency you want or you can use a credit card if you have one. Right. Now for the phone
number to ring…

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Questions 14-19
You will hear a radio programme in which young people from different parts of the country
are interviewed. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.

Information Sheet

Name: Mike Davis................................................................

Age: 13 years........................................................................

Favourite subject: (14) ........................................................

Favourite sport: (15) ...........................................................

Usual transport: (16).............................................................

On Saturday: (17) ................................................................

On (18)...........................................: Young Farmer’s Group

Future job: (19).......................................................................

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: Hello and welcome to our series about young people living in different parts of the
country. Today you’ll hear Mike Davis, who lives in Hereford, telling you something
about his life.
Boy: Hello. I’m 13 years old and I go to Stanlay school. I’m in From 3, and I’m really
interested in (1)……………but I find maths and especially English a bit hard. I’m
good at (2)……………and I’ve run for the school team in the 800 metres.
My dad sells farm machinery. We live in the country about four miles from school, so
I get to school by (3)……………. My uncle has a farm and I spend most of my free
time helping out there. He’s got 50 cows and I like to help him with them. I help to do
the milking every Saturday and sometimes I have to clean the (4)……………. It’s
hard work, but it’s good to see everything looking clean. I painted it white last summer

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– I’m good at painting. My uncle’s got a (5)……………and he says I can drive it

when I’m 15. I’m looking forward to that.
On Mondays I go to the Young Farmers’ Group which I’ve (6)……………to since I
was 10. It’s mostly fun but we also learn things, like how to look after animals
I definitely want to work in the (8)……………when I leave school. I wouldn’t like to
live in a town or sit in an office all day. My father thinks I should work in his business,
but I want to be like my uncle and have my own farm one day. Mother says i’ll have to
go to (9)……………college first, so I’m going to work hard to pass all my exams.
Man: Thank you, Mike, …
Questions 14-19
You will hear someone talking on the radio about a Language Study Fair.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
The Language Study Fair
Dates: 17th to 19th (14) ..........................................................................................
Place: National Education Centre
Fair includes: ● stands with textbooks
● (15) .......................... by educational speakers
● exhibition of furniture
● demonstrations of latest (16) ....................................................................
Opening 9.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. Thursday and Friday
hours: 9.30 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. (17).............................................................................
Tickets: £5 or £3 for (18) ..........................................................................................
Tickets can be booked by ringing the hotline on (19) .............................................................

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Organiser: If you’re studying English, the Language Study Fair that’s being held this month
will certainly interest you. The show is taking place between the (1)……………and 19th of
March at the National Education centre. It aims to answer all your questions about
(2)…………… (that’s studying by yourself), whatever your level.

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The Language Study Fair provides a perfect opportunity for you to see, compare
and get (3)……………on everything that’s available to help you improve the way you study.
Over 350 leading (4)……………of educational materials will be present. Come along to this,
and you won’t waste your money in the future on materials that are out-of-date, or books that
you just don’t need.
We’ve got lots of different things for you to see and hear. There will be
(5)……………showing different types self-study textbooks and talks by educational speaker
on the best ways to study yourself. You’ll be able to see the latest (6)……………available for
people who study at home. We’re sure you’ll also enjoy watching people using the latest
computer progams, which can make studying English alone so much easier.
This is your chance to make good (7)……………about what you buy. You can
attend the fair between nine-thirty and five on Thursday and Friday, and from nine-thirty to
(8)……………on Saturday.
Tickets cost £5 each, or £3 if you’re a (9)……………student. All tickets can be
booked by ringing the ticket hotline. The number is 984 7711. Parking can be really difficult
around the National Education Centre. However, an all-day space can be booked for only
£2.50 per vehicle. So, we look forward to seeing you there!
Questions 14-19
You will hear a young woman who has applied for an office job talking about her jobs abroad.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Name: Vicky Brownlow..........................................................................................................
Age: 22 years .........................................................................................................................
Position applied for: Office Manager .....................................................................................
Two years’ experience abroad
First job: - worked for (14) ...........................................................................................
- length of time stayed (15) ..................................................................................
Second job: - worked as (16) a hotel
Third job: - worked for (17) ..................................................................................................
- got up at (18) ......................................................................................................
Bank International:
- worked in (19) ...................................................................................................

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Interviewer: Hello, Miss Brownlow, come and sit down. Now, I’d like you to tell me more
about the two years you spent abroad after leaving school.
Woman: Oh, right. Well, I decided to go (1)……………to see the world. I only intended
staying for six months but in the end I stayed two years. First of all I worked for a family. I
looked after their (2)……………children – all under the age of ten so I was kept very busy! I
really liked the family, but after six months I was ready for a (3)……………although I didn’t
want to come home. Then I applied for a job in a hotel as a (4)……………. That way I could
still practise my languages. And it was really good because I had my own room in the hotel
and I had all my meals there as well. And then the hotel closed down! But the manager
offered me a job – in a (5)……………– it belonged to his brother – and I worked there for
almost a year. At the beginning it was really hard because I had to get up so early in the
morning – around four o’clock every day. But once I got used to that, it was great, because I’d
(6)……………work by two o’clock in the afternoon and the rest of the time was my own. But
my parents thought I ought to come home and get a ‘(7)……………job’. I suppose they were
right. So that’s when I applied for the job with the Bank international in their foreign
department and so I continued to use my languages.
Interviewer: You’ve had quite a lot of experience, haven’t you! Now, if I could ask you…

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part. You will hear a conversation between a boy, Jim, and
his mother.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under
A for YES, If it is not correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under B for NO.
20 Jim’s bicycle needs to be mended. ⃞ ⃞
21 He’s keen to start saving money. ⃞ ⃞
22 His mother thinks a mountain bike is suitable for their area. ⃞ ⃞
23 She encourages Jim to manage his money better. ⃞ ⃞
24 His mother offers to lend him some money. ⃞ ⃞
25 Jim is disappointed by his mother’s suggestion. ⃞ ⃞

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Jim: Mum, my old bicycle needs to be repaired again.
Mother: Well then, why don’t you think of buying a new one, Jim?
Jim: You know, I’d really like to buy one of those (1)……………bikes.
Mother: Well, what’s stopping you?
Jim: Do you know how much they cost? At least (2)……………. Where can I find that
kind of money?
Mother: You could save the money. If you save £5 a week, you would have the money you
need in, let me see … just over a year.
Jim: Just over a year! But I want a new bike now. It’s something I really need, I mean, I
use my bike to go to (3)……………every day.
Mother: But what’s so special about a mountain bike. There’s no mountain around here.
Isn’t an ordinary bike cheaper?
Jim: Yes, But mountain bikes are stronger, and they’re better at going up
Mother: We don’t even have any hills near us. How much does an ordinary bike cost?
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Jim: I don’t know … Oh, I suppose you can get quite a good one for about £150.
Mother: Well, that sounds more (5)…………….If you save £5 a week, you’ll have enough
money in about six months.
Jim: That won’t help me get to college next term!
Mother: I really think you should learn to save some money. I’ll tell you what I’ll do. If
you manage to save £100, I’ll give you the rest. That way you’ll be riding a new
bike in a few months. Go and get the old one (6)……………, and bring the bill to
Jim: Thanks, Mum. I suppose I’ll just have to ride my old bike for a little longer. I
must say I had hoped to be able to get a new one straight away. It’s going to take
me ages to save up. I wish…

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a girl, Kate, and a boy, George.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under
A for YES, If it is not correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under B for NO.
20 Kate has stopped talking her medicine. ⃞ ⃞
21 George thinks Kate should stay away from class. ⃞ ⃞
22 Kate had an accident on her bike last week. ⃞ ⃞
23 George thinks Mr. Gray is a lazy lecturer. ⃞ ⃞
24 Kate will miss three lectures. ⃞ ⃞
25 Kate wants to stay at home at the weekend. ⃞ ⃞

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Kate: I don’t remember much of that lecture. The doctor gave me this medicine for my
cough, but I don’t like it – it seems to make me awfully (1)……………and I can’t
follow my lectures.

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George: Well, if you don’t take it, none of us will be able to follow our lectures – all we’ll
hear is you (2)……………!
Kate: Oh dear, do you think I’ll annoy everybody?
George: Yes. You could study at home for a couple of days – you know, have some time off
until it gets better.
Kate: Oh I couldn’t do that! I’d miss too much and I get really uncomfortable when I have a
lot of catching up to do. Last year I missed a whole week when I fell off my bike and
had that enormous (3)……………on my hand. It took me ages to do all the work
when I came back.
George: Oh, you worry too much. You can work at home. Just get Mr Gray to tell you which
parts of the (4)……………we’ll be covering and read it yourself at home. All he does
is go through the book anyway – you might as well do it yourself.
Kate: Oh, that’s a bit unfair! I think Mr Gray’s really nice. He’s always willing to stay
behind after class if you don’t understand something.
George: Being ‘really nice’ and never in a hurry doesn’t make him a good (5)…………….
Anyway I think you should look after your health first – and ours! If we sit in that
small, hot room with you for the next three days, we’ll all have your cough by the end
of it.
Kate: Mmm, perhaps you’re right. I don’t care about myself, but I wouldn’t like other people
to blame me for their illnesses. I have got a bit of a (6)……………now, too – so
maybe I’ll go and see Mr Gray after lunch and tell him I won’t be at this afternoon’s
George: Or the next two … come on, you’ve got to get better.
Kate: I suppose you’re right.
George: Then we can all go out as we planned at the weekend.
Kate: OK then, I don’t want to miss that … and I do feel ill …

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a father and his daughter, Sonia.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under
A for YES, If it is not correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under B for NO.
20 Sonia would like a car for her birthday. ⃞ ⃞
21 Sonia’s friend Maria has her own car. ⃞ ⃞
22 Sonia has talked to Maria about learning to drive. ⃞ ⃞
23 Sonia offers to get a job at weekends. ⃞ ⃞
24 Sonia’s father understands how his daughter feels. ⃞ ⃞
25 Sonia suggests cooking a meal on her birthday. ⃞ ⃞

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Father: So – this time next week you’ll be eighteen!
Sonia: I can’t believe it.
Father: Neither can I – you don’t seem a day over ten!
Sonia: Thank you!
Father: Anyway, have you thought what you’d like for your birthday?
Sonia: Well, I wondered whether I could have (1)……………lessons.
Father: But we don’t have a car!
Sonia: I know, but it would be (2)……………to know how for when I have my own car
Father: But you’re still at school. How could you afford a car?!
Sonia: But most people in my class are driving lessons.
Father: Well maybe their parents can (3)……………a car. There’s no point in having lessons
if you can’t practice.
Sonia: Maria says I can practice with her family’s car.
Father: Oh, so you’ve discussed it with Maria! And I wonder what her parents would say if
they knew. Do you know how much car (4)……………costs?

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Sonia: Yes – it’s expensive. But I could get a job on Saturday or Sunday and help pay for it.
If I could drive I could probably get a job more easily – you know, delivering things or
taking people to places.
Father: Yes – why not – my daughter Sonia with her own taxi service! Where do you think
you’re going to get a car?
Sonia: I thought I would drive other people’s.
Father: Look. I know you want to be like your friends but it’s not (5)……………to think of
driving until you can afford your own car. Why don’t I pay for you to have a lesson so
that you can see what it’s like? And, if the day ever comes when I’m rich, I’ll be
happy to help you buy a car. Now – what would you like for your birthday?
Sonia: OK, Dad – you win! But I’d like still like to begin (6)……………. Anyway, until then
what I’d like would be to go out to dinner with you and Mum to save Mum cooking.
Father: That’s a good idea and I’ll tell you what – we’ll go by taxi!

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part. For each question there are three pictures and a short
recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick (ü) in the box below it.
Example: Where did the man leave his camera?

1. Which activity will the family do this year?

2. Which is the woman’s house?

3. Why will drivers have problems this morning?

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4. What time will Robin leave the house?

5. What did Simon do this morning?

6. What hasn’t the girl packed yet?

7. What has the woman just bought?

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. Which activity will the family do this year?
Woman: We’re going to try an activity holiday this year, but we want to do something
different. The children want to go cycling but their father wants to go on a
(1)……………sports holiday, you know, sailing and wind surfing, things like that. And I’d
like to go walking. We all want to go together so we’ve decided to let the children
(2)……………this year, and we’ll choose next year.
Two: Which is the woman’s house?
Man: How will I recognise your house when I call for you, Sue?
Woman: Well, it’s the same as all the others in the street, but look out for a
(3)……………tree. It’s by the front gate and it’s covered in lovely white (4)……………at
the moment.
Three. Why will drivers have problems this morning
Man: And on to this morning’s local traffic news. Driving conditions have improved now
that the early morning (5)……………has gone. Rain is forecast for tonight but it will be fine
during the day. The police have warned drivers to expect (6)……………coming into town
because of repairs to Victoria Bridge and advise lorries to find another route if possible.
Four.What time wil Robin leave the house?
Woman: Oh Robin! Pete’s just rung to say he’ll be here a bit later than he said. The plane’s
going to take off eight o’clock now so you don’t need to check-in until about
(7)……………past seven. He said he’d be round to pick you up at half past six
(8)……………of six o’clock. Is that OK? It’ll give you some more time to pack anyway.
Five. What did Simon do this morning?
Woman: Oh Simon, you haven’t even washed the dishes. Have you done anything this
Boy: I’ve been really busy, Mum. I (9)……………the window cleaner who called and I
was going to put away all the shopping you bought yesterday but Pete (10)……………and he
kept me talking for ages.
Six. What hasn’t the girl packed yet?
Woman: Have you got everthing you need for your holiday?
Girl: Well, I’ve packed my soap and toothbrush if that’s what you mean, but I can’t find
any (11)……………anywhere.

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Woman: There’s probably some in the bathroom cupboard. But what about a
(12)……………, have you remember to pack that?
Girl: Of course.
Seven. What has the woman just bought?
Woman: What do you think? I found it in that new department store yesterday. I think it’s
perfect. It’ll keep the sun off my (13)……………and it’ll go really well with the dress I’m
wearing to the wedding. It’s the same colour as my bag, too. I just need a new jacket now.

Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick (ü) in the box below it.
Example: What’s the time?

1. How much is the man’s ticket?

2. What will they have for lunch?

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3. Why was the man late home?

4. What was the weather like on John’s holiday?

5. What time was the woman’s appointment?

6. What did the woman buy?

7. Where are the man and the woman talking?

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Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. How much is the man’s ticket?
Man: Can you tell me how much a ticket is for Saturday performance of Macbeth?
Woman: The front (1)……………and the circle are the most expensive at £16.50. The middle
seats in the stalls cost £15 and the back three rows cost £12.50, but the view isn’t so good. All
the seats are £10 for students.
Man: I’ll have one in the (2)……………please. I’m not a student. I’ve got my credit card
Two. What will they have for lunch?
Man: It’s chips for lunch. What would like with them?
Woman: Not fish again, please, and we had chicken last (3)…………….
Man: Well, we’ve got plenty of (4)……………, but we’ve finished the eggs, I’m afraid.
Woman: That’s decided then.
Three. Why was the man late home?
Woman: Hi! Have you had a busy day at the office?
Man: Yes, sorry I’m late. I didn’t get the bus because Pete offered me a (5)…………….
Wen didn’t relise the motorway was closed because of a lorry accident, so it took much longer
than normal.I’ll be even later tomorrow with the train (6)…………….
Four. What was the weather like on John’s holiday?
Man 1: How was your holiday, John?
Man 2: We had a good time, but the weather was (7)……………. We didn’t have one sunny
Man 1: Oh dear, a week in the rain, poor you.
Man 2: Well, that’s the funny thing. It never actually rained, it was just freezing cold and
(8)……………, we thought it might even snow.
Five. What time was the woman’s appointment?
Woman: I’ve had an awful morning! I was really late for my hospital appointment. I just
(9)……………the 9 o’clock bus, and the next one didn’t come until 20 to 10. I was supposed
to see the doctor at 10 past 10, but I didn’t arrive until (10)……………past. He wasn’t very
Six. What did the woman buy?
Man: Did you get anything from the dutry-free shop?

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Woman: Well, I really wanted some of that (11)……………I bought last time and I got a
large bottle. Then I looked for the Walkman I’d promised I’d get for Tony. Fortunately,
they’d sold all of them, so I had (12)……………money for a lovely silk scarf for
myself. I completely forget about the chocolates I was supposed to get for Mary.
Seven. Where are the man and the woman talking?
Woman: it’s a bit crowded ins’t it… worse than a football match! Can you
(13)……………well enough from here?
Man: It doesn’t matter – as long as I can hear and get down the important points of what he
(14)……………, it’s OK.
Woman: I’m going to the library after this. I want to get this report finished so that I can go to
the cinema.

Questions 8-13
You will hear an interview with Angela Morgan, who has recently flown around the world in
a helicopter. For each question, put a tick (ü) in the correct box.

8 The main reason for Angela’s trip was A⃞ make money for her bussiness.
to B⃞ make money for other people.
C⃞ have an exciting adventure.

9 What does Angela say about her life A⃞ She feels much older.
now? B⃞ She likes to be active and busy.
C⃞ She is lonely without her children.

10 When Angela had flying lessons A⃞ her course lasted five months.
B⃞ her husband took lessons as well.
C⃞ she got to know her teacher well.

11 During the trip, Angela and her A⃞ did very little sightseeing.
teacher B⃞ carried all the water they needed.
C⃞ had engine problems several times.

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12 What did Angela enjoy most about the A⃞ flying at night

trip? B⃞ walking in the desert
C⃞ watching the changes in the scenery

13 What did Angela miss most while she A⃞ modern bathrooms

was away? B⃞ regular exercise
C⃞ interesting entertainment

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: And today I’m talking to Angela Morgan. Angela, what made you decide to fly
round the world in a (1)……………?
Woman: People often ask me why I decided to do it but I’m surprised they don’t ask ‘why did
you wait so long?’ because I’m 57 now! I’m sorry I didn’t do it years ago, because it
was such a wonderful experience. But the main purpose for going was to collect
500,000 for (2)……………chidren by getting different companies to pay us money
for each kilometre that we flew.
Man: And now everyone calls you the flying grandmother!
Woman: Yes, the thing about growing older is that you don’t feel any different
(3)……………, so you have to do as much as you can while you can. I’m healthy
and my own children are grown up, so I was free to go.
Man: And what about preparing for the trip?
Woman: Well, it took five months to plan. I was going to go with my husband, but he
couldn’t take time (4)……………work. Instead I made the trip with my flying
teacher who became a great friend while she was teaching me to fly
(5)……………years ago. I passed my flying test after two weeks; found it quite
Man: And what was the trip like?
Woman: It was really exciting flying over so many different countries. The only thing was
that we weren’t able to spend much time (6)……………because we only stopped to
get water and to (7)……………. We took very little with us, but we did have tents
and cooking things to use at night. We had to spend (8)……………days in Thailand

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because of an engine problem, but that was the longest we spent anywhere.
Fortunately nothing else went wrong, so we just kept on going after that.
Man: what did you enjoy most about the trip?
Woman: The most wonderful thing about flying was seeing the differences in the countryside
as we flew across 26 countries in 97 days. We flew over oceans and close to
mountains; sometimes it was quite frightening, but we didn’t travel when it was dark.
We spent several nights camping in the desert and the sky was just full of stars. I
made a video of the trip; you’ll see it in a minute.
Man: Was there anything that you missed while you were away?
Woman: Well, to my surprise I didn’t miss going to work or going out to restaurants or films.
The most difficult thing was sitting still all the time; I normally play tennis and swim
several times a week, so I started to feel very unfit. I missed hot water and proper
showers sometimes too, but not as much as I thought I would!
Questions 8-13
You will hear a woman called Sarah talking to a group of people about her painting.
For each question, put a tick (ü) in the correct box.

8 How often does Sarah paint now? A⃞ three days a week

B⃞ five days a week
C⃞ every evening

9 Sarah earns enough money from her A⃞ give up her computing job.
painting to B⃞ pay for her flat and car.
C⃞ pay for her artist’s material.

10 When she was at primary school, A⃞ painted pictures of people.

Sarah B⃞ learnt to use chalk.
C⃞ drew scenes in pencil.

11 What pleased Sarah most about her A⃞ meeting other artists

painting holidays? B⃞ seeing beautiful scenery
C⃞ receiving individual teaching
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12 Which of these has Sarah done? A⃞ painted people in Greece

B⃞ painted sunrises in Scotland
C⃞ watched birds in Spain

13 After watching Sarah’s video, the A⃞ fill in a questionnaire about the talk.
audience will B⃞ look round an art exhibition.
C⃞ have a break and a drink.

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Woman: Well, good evening everyone. I’ve come along to talk to you about many paintings.
It was just a (1)……………but it’s really more than that now. I used to paint in the evenings
after work, but now I work four days a week instead of five. That means I spend Friday,
Saturday and Sunday on my painting. I have pictures in local (2)……………at least once a
I’d love to give up my job and spend all my time painting, but I work with computers and I
earn more that way! I do make some money from selling my pictures, enough to pay for all
my paint, (3)……………and paper and a few art lessons. I’d love to go to Art College full-
time for three years, but I’ve got all the rent on my flat to pay and a car to run.
I first became interested in art when I was at primary school. I used to go out with some
paper and a few pencils during break time and draw anything I saw: houses, gardens, people.
Then at secondary school we had art classes (4)……………a week, and I learnt how to use
chalk and then different kinds of paint: water colours, oils and so on.
Those classes were really (5)……………for me, and ever since then I’ve had lessons of
some kind. I’ve attended evening classes and been on what they call painting ‘holidays’,
where you go out into the countryside and paint during the day and then sit and
(6)……………your work with a teacher and the other artists after dinner. Those holidays are
great; you learn so much talking to other people studying with you.
I’ve enjoyed painting in lots of different countries. I’ve been to Morocco and painted desert
scenes with beautiful (7)……………. I’ve been to Greece and Spain and painted pictures of
local people working in the fields near their homes. My favourite place is still (8)…………….
I love walking in the Scottish mountains, and there are so many different birds to see,
especially in spring.

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Well, I’m going to finish now by showing you a (9)……………of the place I’ve visited.
After that there’ll be a chance to relax with a cup of coffee and then there’ll be time for some
question. Oh, and I’ve got some information about my next art exhibition for you. It’s going
to be at the Queen’s Gallery. Now, if someone would turn off the lights…

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Questions 14-19
You will hear a radio announcer talking about activities at a museum called Science World.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Science World
* Electricity workshop (14) .........................................
* Experiments with water Wednesday morning
* Talk about space travel by well-known scientist from Saturday evening
(15) .....................................................................................
Science World entrance fees are: £3.00 Adults
£2.00 Children
Tickets for Special Events cost extra: (16) £ ............................................................- Adults
Reduced prices for children
Get tickets direct from Science World on 284311,
or from the (17) ...................................................... .
Newton Café is next to the (18) ..............................................
(snacks available all day).
Phone Science World for free ticket to exhibition about (19) .................................................

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: This week in the local activities part of the show, we’re taking a look at Science
World, the new place to visit for a family day out. During your visit you’ll be able to find out
about all the latest developments in science, as well as trying lots of (1)……………. for
yourself. This is no ordinary museum, I promise you! There’s a programme of special events,
which next week includes an (2)……………. workshop on Monday afternoon, and the chance
to do some experiments with water on Wednesday morning. Of special interest is the regular
Saturday evening (3)…………….: Next week Science World welcomes a famous American
scientist who is going to talk about (4)……………. travel.
It isn’t expensive to visit Science World, with tickets priced at three pounds for
(5)……………. and two pounds for children. Talks and other special events are extra, though,
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with an entrance fee of £1.75 for adults and there are (6)……………. for children. If you
want to go to a special vent or talk, then book your tickets direct from Science World on
284311, or pick them up from the tourist office.
While you’re at Science World, you’ll be able to enjoy a (7)……………. in the
Newton Café – it’s a bit small, but the food is good. It’s open all day and it has a lovely view
because it’s beside the beach.
Still not sure? Well, why not give Science World a call 284311? If you say you’ve
heard about Science World on this programme they will send you one free ticket to next
month’s exhibition which is about computers. It’s (8)……………. for families and school
And now let’s look at…

Questions 14-19
You will hear a radio programme giving you information about the city of Glasgow.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Arrival by car
* City centre car parks are (14) ........................................... . Leave car at hotel.
‘Discovering Glasgow’ tour bus
* Departs from George (15) .............................................every 30 minutes.
* Buy tickets from (16) ............................................... .
* Go to Welcome Centre for infomation - free (17) .......................................available.
Places to visit
* Glasgow Cathedral - built in fifteenth century.
* Merchant City area - shops selling (18) .............................................. and clothes.
* Byres Road - student area.
* Botanic Garden - glasshouses close at (19) ................................................ .

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: Well, good morning. This week’s programme is about the city of Glasgow. We’re
going to give you some ideas of what you can see and do if you visit for a weekend. Glasgow
is Britain’s (1)……………. largest city, and Scotland’s biggest. It is well (2)……………. a
If you arrive by car, the motorway will take you into the city centre. Don’t park in of
the city centre car park however, as they are (3)…………….. It’s better to leave your car at
your hotel or somewhere away from the centre, and take the bus.
Glasgow is a large city and there is an excellent public (4)……………. system. A
good idea is to catch a “Discovering Glasgow” tour bus which leaves George Square every
half hour. You can get off anywhere and catch the next bus to continue your trip. The tour
costs £5 and tickets are available from the bus (5)……………..
If you want to walk around the city centre, then it’s best to start at the Welcome
Centre on St Vincent Place. You can get information about opening about times and
(6)……………. fees of places to visit and take a free map to help you with your sightseeing.
Don’t miss the (7)……………. century cathedral, which has particularly beautiful
windows. Futher on is the Merchant City area, where there are cafés and lots of small,
fashionable shops which sell (8)……………. and clothes.
Byres Road is popular with university students and you can find a lot of bargains in
the shops around there. The Botanic Gardens are also worth a visit. The gardens are open until
(9)……………., and the glasshouses from ten o’clock until a quarter to five. These contain a
wide variety of beautiful plants and flowers. The gardens are also a good place to have a
picnic. Well…

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a boy, Tom, and his sister, Clare, about school.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under
A for YES, If it is not correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under B for NO.

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

20 Clare thinks their father will be pleased by Tom’s news. ⃞ ⃞
21 Tom believes he can manage both swimming and school work. ⃞ ⃞
22 Tom’s teacher thinks Tom is clever. ⃞ ⃞
23 Tom dislikes doing maths. ⃞ ⃞
24 Clare thinks it is a bad idea to take a friend’s advice. ⃞ ⃞
25 Tom finally realizes he will need his father’s agreement to his plans. ⃞ ⃞
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Boy: Guess what, Clare? I’ve been chosen for school swimming team! What do you think
about that?
Girl: Well, I think it’s great, but I’m sure Dad (1)……………. say the same when the finds
You know how he feels about you doing all this sport and not doing your school
works. You’ll never get all you homework done, especially if you have to travel to
other schools for (2)……………..
Boy: It won’t make any difference. I can do my homework on the bus.
Girl: Okaay, it’s your life, but you know you have your (3)……………. next year for
college, and at most of the good colleges they have great sports facilities. If you aren’t
accepted, then you’ll have to find a job and that won’t be easy.
Boy: Oh I’ve thought about that already. I’m thinking of (4)……………. to do Sports
Science at college and someone told me some of the colleges often take students with
lower marks if they’re good at sport.
Girl: Well. I wouldn’t (5)……………. on what one of your friends says if I were you.
Boy: For your information it wasn’t one of my friends, it was a teacher at school.
Girl: I’m only trying to help and anyway it doesn’t really matter what I say, it’s Dad you
have to (6)……………. about.
Boy: Yes, okay. I know you’re right about that. I’ll have a chat with him tonight and explain
things again.
Girl: Good luck!

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a boy, Frank, and a girl, Linda, in a music shop.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under
A for YES, If it is not correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under B for NO.
20 Linda wants to change a cassette because she dislikes it. ⃞ ⃞
21 Linda already knows what she wants to get. ⃞ ⃞
22 Frank recommends a famous band. ⃞ ⃞
23 Linda is happy with her cassette player. ⃞ ⃞
24 Linda thinks the price of the cassette is reasonable. ⃞ ⃞
25 Linda has already seen the Irish band. ⃞ ⃞
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Boy: So, where do you want to go first, Linda?
Girl: Let’s go in here. I want to see what they’ve got. It was my birthday last week and
Mum gave me some (1)…………….. They’re really great but I’ve already got one of
them so I want to change it for something else.
Boy: I love this shop, there’s always so much to (2)……………. from. What are you going
to get?
Girl: I’m not sure. I thought I’d just have a look around and see if there’s anything I like the
look of. I want something different. I’m a bit bored with all the music I
(3)……………. listen to. Can you suggest anything?
Boy: Well, you don’t usually like the sort of music I listen to. What about this band?
Girl: Who are they? I’ve never heard of them.
Boy: They’re a new band from America. They’re not very well known yet but you wait and
see. In another couple of years they’ll be really famous.
Girl: Mm, let me have a look. Can you find it on cassette for me? I haven’t got a CD
Boy: The sound’s much better on a CD, you should get one.

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Girl: Well, there’s no point for me, my cassette player’s really good quality, so it wouldn’t
make any difference. Besides CDs cost a lot more than cassettes.
Boy: Here you are. I’ve found it on cassette.
Girl: Oh lool, it’s on special (5)…………….. That’s really cheap, isn’t? I’ll take it
Boy: There’s something else we could get while we’re here.
Girl: What’s that?
Boy: Well, there’s a concert in the sports (6)……………. next week. There’s a new Irish
band playing. You might like them, so would you like to come with me?
Girl: That sounds great. I hope I do like them. The last band you took me so see was awful.
Boy: This one is different. I’ll go and buy some (7)……………. then, shall I?
Girl: All right then.

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick (ü) in the box below it.
Example: What’s the time?

1. What is the man going to buy?

2. Which dress is Kate talking about?

3. When will Jane meet them?

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

4. Which morning activity is for beginners?

5. Which painting does the woman decide to buy?

6. What is the man selling?

7. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. What is the man going to buy?
Woman: Is everything ready for the holiday?
Man: I’m just going shopping – I must get those (1)……………. I take when I feel travel
sick. Do we need anything else at the chemist’s? We forgot the toothpaste last time!
Woman: I’ve got that. I haven’t got any (2)……………., but I can borrow yours, can’t I? And
I’ll get something to read at the airport.
Man: Right.

Two. Which dress is Kate talking about?

Girl: Oh Mum, this dress is still dirty?
Woman: It can’t be, Kate – I’ve only just (3)……………. It.
Girl: Well it is. The mark on the collar has gone, but there’s still a small one here – look it’s
at the front just below the (4)…………….. It’s where I spilt some Coke last week.

Three. When will Jane meet them?

Man: Hi, it’s Pete here. Jane left a message to say she can’t meet us at 8.00 as planned,
because her bus doesn’t get in till 8.15 and it’ll take her (5)……………. minutes to get from
the centre of town. I told her the table is actually booked for 8.45 so that would be fine and
we’ll see her (6)……………..

Four. Which morning activity is for beginners?

Man: At 10.00 a.m. tomorrow morning there will be swimming lessons, at both intermediate
and beginner level. Then there will be (7)……………. practice at 11.30 for all those of you
who are already in one of the teams. Also in the morning, for those of you who already know
how to sail, there’s a chance to do some practice on your own. There will be lessons in both
sailing and windsurfing for beginners after (8)……………..

Five. Which painting does the woman decide to buy?

Woman: They’re all nice, but you see a lot of flowers everywhere these days, don’t you, so
that (9)……………. be my choice. The same goes for animals actually, although I do quite

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

like the one of the horses. So, it looks like it’ll have to be the one with the (10)…………….. It
will be a change from that of fruit I’ve had on the wall all these years, anyway.

Six. What is the selling?

Man: And this is the latest model by Macpoint. You’ll find it’s even quicker at doing your
washing up and needs (11)……………. water. And it’s very easy to use – as easy as
(12)……………. on your shower.

Seven. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?

Woman: … it’s been typical spring weather today, sunshine and (13)…………….. The next
twenty-four hours should be dry but cloudy … Things look better for the next week, with
Monday being a fine sunny day and the following day (14)……………. but windy …
Questions 8-13
You will hear a radio presenter talking about new books.For each question, put a tick (ü) in
the correct box.
8 To really understand My life you need A⃞ read it every slowly.
to B⃞ know about the writer’s life.
C⃞ read the writer’s other books.

9 In Goodbye to the fields, John goes to A⃞ his parents do not like the country.
London because B⃞ his father has to be close to his work.
C⃞ his parents both come from the city.

10 The A-Z of photography will not A⃞ the information is unsuitable.

interest experienced photographers B⃞
the pictures are simple.
C⃞ it says nothing about equipment.

11 The presenter likes Cooking for one A⃞ it taught her to cook Italian food.
because B⃞ it contain only easy meals.
C⃞ she now likes cooking.

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12 What is wrong with Holidays in A⃞ It leaves out well-known places.

Europe? B⃞ The maps are not very good.
C⃞ It is too expensive.

13 Next week’s programme with be A⃞ enjoy reading reports.

useful if you B⃞ are trying to save money
C⃞ are planning to buy presents.
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Woman: Welcome to this week’s book programme. We’re got lots of great new books to tell
you about. My life. By Joe Wrigley, will keep all fans of Joe’s stories happy for
(1)……………. It explains a lot about where his ideas come from and gives a picture of what
was happening in his life when he was working on his most successful books. I must say,
though, that some of it is difficult to (2)……………if you haven’t read his other books.
Now, for those of you who like a good cry, Goodbye to the fienlds, by Susan Marks, tells the
sad story of John, a small boy who has to leave the countryside he loves when the family
move to London because of his father’s job. Jonh and his mother would prefer to stay where
they are. It’s a long time before the family begins to feel (3)……………living in the big city.
There are plenty of books with helpful advice this week. First, the A-Z of
(4)……………would make a great present for anyone just a\starting out with a camera. It has
everything you need to know to take really good photos, and learn about cameras, film,
lighting and so on. This is not one for the (5)……………photographer, though – there’s not
much advanced information here.
Turning to the kitchen, Cooking for one, by Adrian White, says on its cover that even people
who hate cooking will find it useful. A month ago, I couldn’t even (6)……………an egg, but
now I’m producing all sorts of dishes, some quite difficult, and, yes, they taste quite good,
too. I’m actually enjoying cooking now. I’m now going to try a new book about cooking
Italian food
The last book this week is Holidays in Europe, by Mary Curtis. This is an enjoyable read,
which will start your (7)……………working as you plan for next year’s holiday. It doesn’t
matter that the writer doesn’t talk about the famous places everyone visits, but describes lots
of small places away from the the main tourist areas. The maps are too small to be useful but
the book is still good value for money.

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That’s it for this week, then. Next week, there’s a special report on giving books as presents,
so if you’ve saved up your money and you’ve (8)……………what to get for a friend or
relation for their birthdays, you might get some good ideas … I’ll look forward to talking to
you then …
Questions 14-19
You will hear a teacher talking about a camping trip.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
Camping Trip
Coach leaves school at (14) ........................................... on Monday morning.
Bring: * one bag or case
* a (15) ..............................................
* (16) .........................................things
* pocket money to spend on souvenirs and (17) .......................................
Catch a bus outside (18) .............................................. to Southport.
Friday p.m: Check notice board in (19) ................................................ .
Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: Thank you all for coming. I’m going to give you the final details of our camping trip
next week. You may like to make some notes as there’s a lot to remember.
The (1)……………will be outside the school on Monday morning at 7.30 and we will
set off at 7.45 so don’t be late. There’ll be room on the coach for one bag each so please don’t
bring more than one bag or suitcase. You don’t need to bring tents or food as that’s all
(2)……………for us, but you will need to bring a sleeping bag. It turns cold at night so bring
some warm clothes too. If we’re lucky though, the sun will (3)……………and we’ll be able
to use the outdoor pool on the site so don’t forget your swimming things.
On to pocket money – please don’t bring too much. We can’t keep a lot of
(4)……………safe. £5 per day should be plenty so you can buy souvenirs and drinks while
we are out visiting places.
You will probably also want to bring some extra money for the last day when you are
free. The campsite in the (5)……………of the countryside so if you’ve had enough fresh air
by then, you may want to go shopping in the nearest town about eight miles away. That’s

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Southport. There’s plenty to do there and there’s a bus that stops outside the Post Office in the
village down the road. I’ll point it out to you when we get there.
On Friday afternoon, before you leave college, please look at the (6)……………board
in the entrance hall as there may be some changes to the arrangements which I need to tell
you about.
Now, has anyone got any questions?

Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a girl, Lisa, and a boy, Ben, about holidays.
Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under
A for YES, If it is not correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under B for NO.
20 Lisa thinks you can enjoy a holiday without spending a lot. ⃞ ⃞
21 Ben has arranged to go on a seaside holiday. ⃞ ⃞
22 Lisa thinks a walking holiday is healthy. ⃞ ⃞
23 Ben thinks the weather in Scotland will be fine. ⃞ ⃞
24 Lisa enjoys walking in hot weather. ⃞ ⃞
25 Lisa prefers staying in hotels. ⃞ ⃞

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Girl: Hi, Ben! Only one more week at college, and then the summer holidays begin. Great,
isn’t it!
Boy: I don’t know. It might get a bit boring. I don’t think I’ve got enough money to go
anywhere nice for a holiday this year.
Girl: it would be nice to have lots of money to spend but a good holiday doesn’t have to be
Boy: Oh yes it does. The best holiday I ever had was a few years ago when I went to
Greece. I want to fly off somewhere hot, and lie on the (2)……………and go

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Girl: Yes, well, I can’t afford to do that, either

Boy: So what are you doing this summer?
Girl: I’m going on a (3)……………holiday in Scotland with some friends. We went last
year, and we really enjoyed it. We walked all day and spent the nights in Youth
Hostels. Why don’t you come with us? We’re going for two weeks. It won’t cost
much, and you’ll come home feeling really (4)……………and fit.
Boy: I’m not sure. Walking all day sounds like hard work to me. And you’re not hoping for
lost of sunshine in Scotland?
Girl: It did rain a bit last year, but most of the time it was (5)……………. Anyway, it’s not
good walking in the heat. You have to stop all the time to rest and have drinks.
Boy: Well, I like the sun, and I like to stay in comfortable hotels, not Youth Hostels!
Girl: But they are comfortable. They’re (6)……………, and the food’s often not very
good, but they’re very clean and cheap. In fact I prefer them to hotels because the
people are always so friendly.
Boy: Maybe. Look Lisa, thanks a lot for asking me, but I think I’ll just stay home and get

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Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording.
Choose the correct picture and put a tick (ü) in the box below it.
Example: Where did the man leave his camera?

1. What will the woman go first after work?

2. What can festival visitor see every day?

3. What souvenir will the boy’s mother bring?

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4. What time is the woman’s hair appointment?

5. Where’s the TV guide?

6. What does the man decide to take Tracy?

7. Which sport has the man just started?

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Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
One. Where will the woman go first after work?
Man: Are you and Sarah going straight to the restaurant from work tonight?
Woman: Actually, I’m leaving work early because I need to do some shopping in the market,
and I’m going to meet Sarah after that (1)……………the cinema. She doesn’t know where
the restaurant is, you see. You’re playing tennis after work, aren’t you?
Man: Yes, So I’ll see you at the (2)…………….

Two. What can festival visitors see every day?

Woman: The Arts Centre in London is holding a festival of lrish culture from the 4th to 12th of
April. An exhibition of paintings is open (3)……………and on some weekday evenings the
Theatre has special events incuding plays and fimls. At the weekend, concerts of lrish music
will take (4)……………in the Town Hall.

Three. What souvenir will the boy mother bring?

Woman: What colour T-shirt shall I bring you from New York, Fred?
Boy: I’d prefer black but… actually a (5)……………cap would be a good idea.
Woman: Mmm. Or what about another (6)……………car for your collection? I could get you
a New York taxi.
Boy: Great. I really liked the sports car you bought me last time.

Four: What time is the woman’s hair appointment?

Woman 1: I like to make an appointment to have my hair cut please. This Friday or Saturday
in the morning if you can manage it.
Woman 2: Let me see … we can do Friday at 10.00 or 11.30, then on Saturday there’s 9.30 or
12 o’clock.
Woman 1: I’ll take the (7)……………one on Saturday please.

Five. Where’s the TV guide?

Woman: Have you seen the TV guide?
Boy: Isn’t it on top of the television? I had it when I was watching the film last night.

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Woman: I exepect you left it by your chair then. Here it is under the (8)……………where
nobody can find it. You should put it back in its place by the telephone. Then we’d all know
where it is.
Six. What does the man decide to take Tracy?
Man: I’m going to see Tracy in hospital, but I can’t think of what to take her. People always
take flower…
Woman: … so she’ll have lots already for sure. I always think it’s nice to have something to
read myself, but as Tracy’s got her (9)……………with her, what about something to listen
Man: What a good idea. It’s better than taking sweets, certainy, because I now she’s on a
special diet while she is in hosptital.
Seven. Which sport has the man just started?
Woman: Hi, how was your holiday?
Man: Great, really good windsurfing and sailing – you know how much I enjoy them. And
(10)………………I really want to go again now I’ve tried it. And the swimming pool was
wonderful too – much warmer than the one I usually swim in… holidays are just too short!
Questions 8-13
You will hear a man called John Dalin talking about the travel programmes he makes for
television. For each question, put a tick (ü) in the correct box.

8 For his most recent television A⃞ drove from the North to the South
programme, John? Pole.
B⃞ filmed relaxing beach holidays.
C⃞ went to the Pacific Ocean for a year.

9 John is giving up very long trips A⃞ he’s too old now.

because B⃞ he’s been everywhere
C⃞ they’re too tiring.

10 John says his next television series A⃞ farms in Scotland.

might be about B⃞ old ruins in Wales.
C⃞ cycling tours in France.
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11 John wants to encourage other people A⃞ be brave about travelling to new

to places.
B⃞ lose their fear of flying.

C⃞ make more trips alone.

12 Why does John want to spend more A⃞ His family might need him.
time near home? B⃞ His wife misses him.
C⃞ He has very young children.

13 John has already written some A⃞ newspaper articles.

B⃞ travel books.
C⃞ poems.

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Man: People always ask me why I only travel the hard way! A lot of television travel
programmes are about (1)……………holidays on the beach, but I’ve only ever made
documentaries about really long trips. The last trip I did was a 50.000-mile journey around the
Pacific Ocean, and it took 12 months. But then my (2)……………first trip was a around the
world journey, and the most difficult one was probably a car journey from the North Pole to
the South Pole!
As you can imagine, I’ve seen a lot of the world! I’m lucky to be in really excellent
health, but life is very short and I’ve done so much traveling that I want a
(3)…………….Travelling long distances makes you extremely tired, and although it’s still a
great pleasure for me, I want to do something more relaxing now.
I think my next television series might be made nearer England. There’s some really
interesting work going on in Wales, where they’ve just found what (4)……………of a 2,000-
year-oid town. Or I might do something to farms in France, or even cycling in Holland.
There’s always something to film if you look hard enough!
But I hope the programmes I’ve made about the really long trips will encourage
other people to get on a plane and have some (5)……………. Some people seem to be afraid
of going to a strange country and perhaps being ill there, but maybe they realise new that if I
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can do these trips, so can they. I’m only a very ordinary person. And obviously, you don’t
have to travel on your own as I always have.
I must say that until recently I hadn’t ever worried about being so far from home
even when the children were very small. But white I was (6)……………in Borneo last year
my wife had to have an emergency operation, and it really frightened me because I couldn’t
get back to England. Everything was fine in the end – but I wouldn’t want to be so far away if
anything like that happened to my family again.
Perhaps if I spend more time at home I can do more writing. I’ve done two books so
far. I write about places l’ve seen and my feelings about them. I don’t think I’ll ever write
(7)……………or poetry, but I’d be interested in writing newspaper articles. My family says
I’m very difficult to live with when I’m writing at home…perhaps that’s why they’ve never
complained me travelling!
Questions 14-19
You will hear a woman talking on the radio about an exhibition of food and cooking.
For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.
The Good Food Show
at the Capital Exhibition Centre

At the show, you can

◆buy Jane Adam’s new book about making (14) ....................
◆ get advice about buying (15) .....................
◆ watch how to cook a lunch just with (16) ..................
◆ learn how to make a dessert in less than(17) ...................
◆ taste food from many different countries - the food from(18) ......................... is specially
The show finishes on (19) ........................

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Woman: Today, I want to tell you about the Good Food Show at the Capital Exhibition
Centre. There are more than 300 stands at the exhibition. I really enjoyed my visit.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS
Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

First I looked at the book on (1)……………. Jane Adams, the famous television
cook, was their signing couples of her latest cook. It’s about making cakes so I had to have it!
My family loves sweet things and I really liked last book about making (2)…………….
There’s a different famous cook there every day signing books and taking to people.
In fact, there’s advice on all sorts of topics. I listened to someone from the central
market talking about what you should look for when you buy fish. I’ve always been
(3)……………about buying it, because how can you tell if it’s really fresh? Well, I think I’ve
got a better idea now.
Then, in the exhibition theatre, I saw a cook prepare a healthy but
(4)……………lunch using only vegetables! They will prepare a different dish every day.
Also in the theatre, at 2 o’clock every day, a cook talks about preparing delicious desserts in
under 15 (5)……………. I tasted one made with chocolate and it was out of this world!
At the show, you can try food from all around the work, from Chile to china, and
Idid! I enjoyed the food from Canada most of all, although everything I tasted was really
The exhibition centre is open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m from Monday to Saturday and from
10 until 6 on Sundays. But (6)……………, because the last day is the 23rd of March when the
Good Food Show has to make way for the Boat Show. For more details, phone…
Questions 20-25
Look at the six sentences for this part.
You will hear a conversation between a teenage girl called Anna and her father about a party.
If it is correct, put a tick (ü) in the box under A for YES, If it is not correct, put a tick (ü) in
the box under B for NO.
20 Anna begins by asking her father to collect her from the party. ⃞ ⃞
21 The party is to celebrate Tom’s birthday. ⃞ ⃞
22 Some of Tom’s relations will be at the party. ⃞ ⃞
23 Anna’s father is worried about her attending the party. ⃞ ⃞
24 Anna’s father will take them to the party before the film starts. ⃞ ⃞
25 Anna’s father insists that she leaves the party at 12.00. ⃞ ⃞

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS
Supplementary Materials for Level 2 – Listening Extra

Listen again and fill in the blanks with the missing words.
Girl: Are you busy Dad? I’ve got something I want to ask you. I’ve been invited to a party
on Saturday. Would you give me a (1)……………there?
Man: Where is the party then?
Girl: It’s at Tom’s house. His sister is 18 on Saturday, and they’re having a big
(2)……………. It’s going to be brilliant. They’re having a disco and Tom’s Mum’s a
wonderful cook, so the food will be good. They’ve invited all their friends from school
but their cousins will be there too.
Man: Well. I hope the weather stays (3)……………so you can be outside. It sounds as if a
lot of people are coming. But it all sound fine to me. It’ll be nice for you to go out at
the weekend. You spend too much time at home studying. Now, what time does the
party start and what time does it finish?
Girl: It starts at eight o’clock and finishes about half past twelve. But Jane’s going as well
and her Dad will (4)……………us and bring us home afterwards. It’s all arranged.
Man: Mmm. it’ll be difficult for us to take you. Mum and I are going to see film which stars
at 7.15. Let’s see. Why don’t we collect you and Jane at the end of the party? Then
you could ask Jane’s Dad to take you both to the party at eight.
Girl: I’m sure that’ll be fine. I’ll go and give Jane a (5)…………….
Man: Just one thing though- well pick you up at 11.30. I really think that’s late enough.
Girl: Oh Dad! That’s so early. Remember we don’t have to go to school on Sunday! Don’t
make us leave an (6)……………before everyone else.
Man: Well, I suppose it is the weekend. Let’s say midnight. But definitely no later.
Girl: But…
Man: That’s my final decision! Now go and ring Jane before I change my mind!
Girl: Okay.

Department of Academic Foundations, VNU-IS

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