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Tuesday 1 September 1992

Flying Ford Anglia

Mystifies Muggles
On Tuesday the 1st September 1992 two wizard named Harry James Potter and Ronald
Bilius Weasley flew with an Ford Anglia above a muggle-city. A women saw them and
called the policy. The women must be obliviated and the policys too. The childrens who fl-
ew this Ford Anglia are now in Hogwarts. Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dum-
bleore will take a statement about this tragical accident. The Ford Anglia was not found
in Hogwarts. We will inform you about this when We have informations about the accid-
ent. The sus-
pendition will
This special
edition of the Evening Prophet is
completly for free and in an abo-
nement of the Daily Prophet in-
cluded. Edition to the article: The
two boys who flew this Ford Ang-
lia are not suspended from the
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry. Written by Barna-
bas Cuffe. This is an non com-
mercial article by the Daily Pro-
phet. Don´t use this article or the
whole Daily Prophet for your own
profit! Only use this Daily Pro-
phet for your own Use only for the
privat Use!!!( Made by MinaLima
originally and remake by Bao N.)

Professor Gildderoy Lockhart will

be the new teacher in Defence a-
gainst the Dark Arts in Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
for this year. He is famous for
books how "Magical Me" or Tra-
vels with trolls.He was in the
school vacation in Flourish and Blotts for a booksigning hour for his fans. A very special fan hugges Mr
Lockhart and an other fan fells in Mr Lockharts arms. So this man is an very special man and his art to
fascinate people is so wonderful how his art of hairs. The Daily Prophet will export in the next days the w
onderful hairs of Mr Gilderoy Lockhart. Written by Reeter Skeeter, Barnabas Cuffe and Romilda Cuffe. T
his is a non commercial article by the Evening Prophet/ Daily Prophet Gmbh. Do not use this article for
your own profit! Don´t scan this Daily Prophet and don´t make statement about
the D aily Prophet because the law of security of magazines and other books
of the Ministry of Magic. Do not be rude when you get your Daily
Prophet and pay the money. Otherwise the Daily Prophet will burn and kill
you. Thanks! The national weather on the next day is in all parts of the country
windy and rainy. In Germany will the weather be cloudy with a little
bit rain. In the USA the weather will be sunny in
some parts cloudy and rainy. man Writ
y womans love Gi- ten by the Daily
We will inform you tomorrow lderoy Lockhart but one Prophet and by Flouri-
about the national weather
woman loves him more tha sh and Blotts. 9/3/4/8/6
the stars and the accidents
and special moments of to- n every other women. Ms Weasley loves Gilderoy Lochart
day. Goodnight ladies and so much as noone. She fell him into his arms as he signed
gentlemans! Written by the her books of him. Ms. Weasley was with Harry Potter, the
reporter for magical report boy who lived there to buy there books for the Hogwarts Sc Big competition!
about weather.Made by hool of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the year 1992. Ms. W Write an article
the Ngo GmbH and by easley had surely the best day of her life and is surely prou for the Daily
MinaLima. With the per- d that her childs will have Professor Gilderoy Lockhart i Prophet and win
mission of the Ministry of n there second, first and sith year. The Daily Prophet a tenthousand pound.
Magic and the International sked Mr.Gilderoy Lockhart how he felt as Ms Weas- Only for people in
Confederation of Wizards. ley was felling him in his arms. But he will not g- Great Britain and
Only for Great Britain and ive us a statement. The security personal of Flo Ireland. The main
Ireland! And for the public. urish an Blotts were very surprised as this h adress of the Daily P
9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/0/ appened and then brought Ms Weasley a rophet is now:
First edition printed by Merge B- way from Mr. Gilderoy Lockhart. In t Diagon Alley 779, Eng-
ooks and Inches. Everithing written land, 18209 London
his Summer Mr Lockhart gets an
by the Daily Prophet. You are not a- All presents and letters for t
llowed to copy this! This is how every-
Order from the Mugwump. T he Daily Prophet are going to
thing, non commercial, and only for your own han he gets the Order get from the Leaky Cauldron.
private Use. Not for your own profit!!!!!!!!! of Merlin from Mi
Made by Bao N. nister Fudge.
Written by the Daily Prophet an him. 2nd

Not for your own Profit! Only for your own, private Use and Reading.

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