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Supplement to the operating manual

Using the Ruwac wet separator

Supplement to the operating manual

Read and take note of the supplement to the original operating manual!
This document only applies in combination with the original operating manual of your LaserCUSING®
The content specified in this document has been produced as a result of new findings and experiences
gained from handling the LaserCusing® machine and replaces the corresponding content from your
original operating manual.

This document contains tips which you must follow for your own personal safety and to prevent any
damage to property.
The operator is obliged to inform the personnel about the publication and the content of this
supplement to the operating manual.
To make this easier to track, the operator should have the instruction confirmed in writing in an
instruction record.
This document must be enclosed with the original operating manual and made freely accessible to all

1 General safety notices

Concept Laser GmbH constantly strives to make working on and with the LaserCusing® machines a safe
and user-friendly process.
Due to the latest findings, the following changes with a relevance to safety arise for operating and
handling your LaserCusing® machine and the peripheral equipment.

Danger of explosion from incorrect use of the Ruwac wet separator!

Swirling up of the approved reactive light-metal alloys as well as their process-related smoke and filter
residues in an atmosphere containing oxygen may produce an explosive atmosphere. There is a danger
DANGER of explosion and fire.
 Before starting work, the Ruwac wet separator is to be checked to ensure it is working properly.
 It may only be operated with approved accessories and if the device and the operator are earthed.
 Connecting the Ruwac wet separator to the suction port of the glovebox is fundamentally
 The operator is prohibited from sucking out the dose and build chamber shafts. These tasks may
only ever be carried out by specially trained maintenance personnel.
 The sucking up of smoke residues is prohibited.
 During suction work, always wear the full personal protective equipment which is appropriate for
the metal powder being used.
 If possible, work in pairs when handling reactive materials. People working on their own are to be
suitably monitored, e.g. by providing suitable emergency call facilities.

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

Danger of explosion and fire from the formation of oxyhydrogen!

Different metals react to different degrees with water, leading to the formation of hydrogen. If water is
used as the separating medium, flammable hydrogen may be produced in the separator during
DANGER operation and when the machine is at a standstill. If the hydrogen accumulates and mixes with air
containing oxygen, this produces an explosive hydrogen/air mixture, known as oxyhydrogen.
 Before starting work, the Ruwac wet separator is to be checked to ensure it is working properly.
 Check the water level in the wet separator before and regularly during operation.
 During suction work, always wear the full personal protective equipment which is appropriate for
the metal powder being used.
 Empty and clean the wet separator and the accessories used as required, but at least once a day at
the end of the working day.

Check water level regularly before and during use!

The development of hydrogen causes the water level to fall more quickly in the wet separator.
If suction takes place when the water level is too low and hydrogen is present at the same time, this can
result in a strong explosion.
 Empty and clean the wet separator and the accessories used as required, but at least once a day.
 Regularly check the water level in the wet separator before each use, also after brief breaks from
suction, and during operation.

1.1 Responsibility of the operator

 The operator must ensure that all persons who come into contact with the machine have read and
understood the original operating manual.
 In addition, the operator must train the personnel and provide them with information about the
potential hazards at least once a year.
 To make this easier to track, an instruction record should be kept.

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

1.2 What are reactive materials?

The metal powders which are approved for the LaserCUSING® process also include metal powders of
aluminium and titanium. These powders, and the process-related smoke of all approved metal powders,
are reactive.
This means that they react very quickly with other substances, such as with oxygen from the

Reactive metal powders

Reactive metal powders are the metal powders which, as a result of their chemical properties, react
spontaneously with oxygen and nitrogen (titanium) in the presence of these elements.
The reactive metal powders include the light metal powders aluminium and titanium and all alloys of
these metals.
The reaction here is dependent on the particle size and the distribution or turbulence in the air.

Smoke is the particulate substances which is produced during the LaserCUSING® process as a result of
the fusing and partial evaporation of the metal powders. The composition of the smoke is dependent on
the metal powder which is used. What all smoke has in common is a very low particle size and the high
level of reactivity associated with this.
All smoke is included among the reactive materials. Smoke therefore pose a risk of fire and explosion.
The ignition energy of the smoke from reactive metal powders is in fact so low that it is capable of
spontaneous ignition.
Smoke residues are identifiable by their black colouring and they occur primarily in the process chamber
and the pipe system / hose system and the filter module of the extraction and filter station.

Flammable metal dusts

A substance is deemed to be flammable if it continues to burn after catching fire even if the ignition
source is removed. After catching fire, residues of smoke, filter residues and reactive metal powders
generally tend to burn, glow or smoulder.

Dust explosion
Swirled-up dust of reactive metal powders and smoke can react in an explosive way. A dust explosion
can occur if flammable, swirled-up dust is present in a suitable concentration in a mixture with a
gaseous oxidiser (usually the oxygen in the air, "dust-air mixture") and the ignition energy is exceeded.
The ignition energy for smoke explosions is so low that with swirling up they are capable of spontaneous

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

1.3 Personal protective equipment

The personal protective equipment is designed to protect people from any negative impacts on health
and safety when working.

When does the personal protective equipment have to be worn?

The personal protective equipment (PPE) which is required is dictated by the metal powders used and
the activities performed on your LaserCusing® machine.
The personal protective equipment must always be worn when the operator is working with metal
powders and their process-related smoke in an atmosphere containing oxygen.
It is possible to process two groups of metal powders, reactive and non-reactive metal powders (see
section 2.1 Classification of the approved materials (metal powders)) Depending on which group the
metal powders used are assigned to, different requirements result in terms of the personal protective
equipment that needs to be worn.
When working with reactive materials, the Extended PPE must always be worn. You can get an overview
of the protective equipment required in each case in the section Classification of the personal protective
You will find the information you need in section 3.5 Accessories, wearing and spare parts.

Description of the personal protective equipment

Protective work clothing

Protective work clothing is close-fitting and dirt-repellent work clothing with tight sleeves and without
any protruding parts.

Protective gloves
Protective gloves are used to protect the hands from aggressive chemicals.

Respiratory mask P3
The particle-filtering half-mask prevents the user breathing in harmful dusts, mists and fumes.

Protective goggles (tight-fitting)

The protective goggles are used to protect the eyes from any powder dust, parts flying around and any
liquid splashing.

Full respiratory mask (with a particulate filter P3 )

The particle-filtering full mask prevents the user breathing in harmful dusts, mists and fumes.
The integrated face guard protects the entire area of the face from a sudden flash fire with an explosive

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

Antistatic protective equipment (ESD kit; ESD mat; antistatic protective clothing)
Antistatic protective equipment is used to prevent electrostatic charges.
The protective equipment comprises an ESD wrist strap with an earth lead and a push-button, and ESD
protective mats can also be laid in the hazardous areas.

Heat protection clothing

Heat protection clothing is used to provide protection from thermal risks, specifically from a sudden
flash fire with an explosive flame. The heat protection clothing is to be chosen so that the specified
protective aim is achieved. (Head and neck protection, body protection, face protection)

Heat protection gloves

Heat protection gloves are used to protect the hands from thermal risks such as heat and fire.

Classification of the personal protective equipment

Standard PPE - Protective gloves
- Protective work clothing
- Respiratory mask (half-mask)
- Protective goggles, tight-fitting

Extended PPE: - Standard PPE (protective gloves, protective work clothing)

- Antistatic protective equipment
- Heat protection gloves
- Heat protection clothing (heat protection overall with a hood or
heat protection suit and a balaclava)
- Full respiratory mask or respiratory half-mask and protective shield

Overview of the protective equipment required depending on the metal powders used and
the activities to be performed
All activities are performed in an atmosphere containing oxygen.

Activity Non-reactive metal powders Reactive metal powders

Brushing, scooping, wiping of metal

Standard PPE Extended PPE

Sucking up of metal powders with the

Standard PPE Extended PPE
wet separator

Cleaning of the process chamber and

Extended PPE Extended PPE
wiping of smoke residues

Working in the closed and inertised


Cleaning of the extraction and filter

Extended PPE Extended PPE

Filter change Extended PPE Extended PPE

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

1.4 Avoiding electrostatic charges

Electrostatic discharge processes can have energies of less than 1 mJ up to several J. They are thus
capable of igniting dust/air mixtures and therefore belong to the effective ignition sources of reactive
An ignition source is described as effective if it can give off a sufficient amount of energy to the explosive
atmosphere that independent propagation of the burning occurs.
Appropriate protective measures should be taken to prevent electrostatic charges.

Danger areas
All areas in which there are residues of reactive metal powders or process-related smoke are classified
as danger areas.
These include the following areas in particular:
– In front of the LaserCusing® machine
– In front of the extraction and filter system
– In front of the automatic screening station
– Storage location of the reactive metal powders and the smoke residues (e.g. filter residues)

2 Technical data
2.1 Classification of the approved materials (metal powders)
The following metal powders can be procured through Concept Laser GmbH and are approved for the
LaserCUSING® process.

Non-reactive metal powders

Alloy type Name
Stainless steel CL 20ES (1.4404)
Hot-work steel CL 50WS (1.2709)
CL 80CU (only before Mlab)
Nickel-base alloy CL 100NB (Inconel 718)
CoCr dental alloy remanium® Star CL

Reactive metal powders

Alloy type Name
Aluminium CL 30AL (AlSi12)
CL 31AL (AlSi10Mg)
Titanium CL 41TI (TiAl6V4 ELI)
CL 42TI pure titanium
rematitan® CL

The use of metal powders other than those listed above is only permitted with the prior, explicit consent
of Concept Laser GmbH.

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

3 Use of the Ruwac wet separator

The Ruwac wet separator is designed specifically for separating reactive metal powders in water.
To ensure safe operation of the Ruwac wet separator in conjunction with a LaserCusing® machine and
reactive metal powders, it is essential to observe and apply the following notices and instructions.
You should also note the operating manual for the Ruwac wet separator.

3.1 Approved accessories

The Ruwac wet separator may only be operated with the approved accessories. The use of other
attachments or accessories is prohibited.
 Only attachment nozzles and accessory adapters made from stainless steel are approved for use on
the suction hose of the Ruwac wet separator.
 The use of attachment nozzles made from plastic or rubber materials or brushes, even if they are
labelled as conductive, is prohibited with immediate effect.

Approved accessories
Curved stainless steel crevice nozzle Art. No.: 91767
Stainless steel accessory adapter (connecting element between hose and nozzle) Art. No.: 91766

3.2 Before use

To ensure safe operation, the checks described below are to be carried out on the Ruwac wet separator
before commencing work.
The precise operational instructions can be gleaned from the operating manual for the Ruwac wet
Before starting work, the Ruwac wet separator is to be checked to ensure it is working properly.
 Check whether all gas release valves are working properly.
 Check the water level in the water container of the wet separator.
 Check the water container for any deposits.
 Check the earthing connection and the earthing cable for any signs of damage.
 Check that the suction hose is fitted correctly.

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

3.3 Safety-relevant notices for operation

Put on personal protective equipment
 Put on your personal protective equipment before switching on the Ruwac wet separator.
 If reactive metal powders are being used, the Extended PPE is to be worn.

Use of the Ruwac wet separator

 Only use the Ruwac wet separator for separating small quantities of reactive metal powders in
 Check the water level in the container regularly during operation.
 Check whether material is being sucked through the water bath.
 The Ruwac wet separator must not be used in areas in which experience shows that smoke
residues are to be expected. These are:
 the process chamber, and the areas directly adjacent to it
 the piping system / hose system of the extraction and filter system to the process chamber
 the filter module, the filter cartridge and filter residues of the extraction and filter system
 If smoke residues are identified, e.g. on the build module, suction is to be stopped immediately. Pick
up smoke residues using a cloth made slightly damp with water.

Sucking up reactive metal powders

 Transfer reactive metal powder residues as completely as possible, with the glovebox inertised, into
the powder overflow and thus avoid exposing metal powder to an atmosphere containing oxygen.
 Wipe up non-reusable reactive metal powder residues using a cloth made slightly damp with water
if possible.
 Only suck up very small residual amounts with the Ruwac wet separator.
 The sucking up of metal powders from small, closed volumes is prohibited. This includes the
following activities in particular:
 Connection of the wet separator to the glovebox and sucking with the glovebox closed
 Sucking the powder containers
 The sucking up of metal powders from filters is prohibited. This includes the following in particular:
 Gloveboxfilter
 Filter of the sieving station
 Filter on over pressure valve vacuum unit
 Filter of vacuum unit
 Cyclone filter

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

3.4 Maintenance work

 Calculate the cleaning intervals based on what is required. They are dictated by the length of
suction, the frequency of suction, the amount and material being sucked up.
 The wet separator must be emptied and cleaned at least once a day at the end of the working day.
 Check the level of contamination of the suction hose and the accessories used at least once a day.
 Replace a contaminated suction hose. Cleaning with water is not recommended as residual water
in the hose can clump together with metal powder to form hard deposits.
 Empty and clean the wet separator.
 Top the wet separator up to the maximum fill mark. It is not permitted to store the wet separator
without water.
 Topping up the wet separator with water via the suction hose is not recommended as residual
water in the hose can clump together with metal powder to form hard deposits.

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

3.5 Accessories, wearing and spare parts

Name Description Article No.

Standard PPE* (personal Respirator mask P2 or P3 90128

protective equipment) Protective goggles, tight-fitting
Gloves, chemical-resistant and powder-tight

ESD wrist strap* Element of ESD kit, plastic wrist strap with push- 90586
button, 3 mm

ESD discharge cable* Element of ESD kit, spiral discharge cable 90653

ESD distributor* Element of ESD kit, push-button distributor 90654

ESD protective mat M2* Electrostatically conductive floor mat to be used in 91437
front of the LaserCusing® machine
1200 x 900mm

ESD protective mat blower* Electrostatically conductive floor mat to be used in 91434
front of the extraction and filter system
1200 x 900mm

Heat protection gloves* Category III; contact heat up to 100°C with pulse 90585

Heat protection clothing* Flame-retardant, antistatic type 5 and 6 overall 91771

which is certified to provide protection against
radioactive particles
Category III

Full respiratory mask* Full mask, Class 2, checked and approved in line with 91772
EN 136: 1998 CL2

Particle filter for full Protection level P3, reusable 90061

respiratory mask*

Antistatic dust bag Made from electrostatically conductive material. 90360

* Sold only in Germany

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Supplement to the operating manual
Using the Ruwac wet separator

4 Service and customer service

If you have any questions or require technical information, please contact the service department of
Concept Laser GmbH:

Address CONCEPT Laser GmbH

Department Service

An der Zeil 8
96215 Lichtenfels

Telephone +49 (0) 9571 1679 444

Fax +49 (0) 9571 1679 499



5 Checklists
For the prescribed use of the Ruwac wet separator on a LaserCusing® machine from Concept Laser
GmbH, we recommend completing a checklist of the activities which need to be carried out.
You will find example checklists for regular or occasional use attached to this document.
The checklists should be hung up in a highly visible way at the place where the Ruwac wet separator is

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Ruwac wet separator
Checklist for weekly use

Weekly schedule Serial number: CW: Year:

Ruwac wet separator

Day Activity Date / time Signature

Monday Check level of contamination of suction hose and


Empty and clean wet separator

Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

Tuesday Check level of contamination of suction hose and


Empty and clean wet separator

Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

Wednesday Check level of contamination of suction hose and


Empty and clean wet separator

Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

Thursday Check level of contamination of suction hose and


Empty and clean wet separator

Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

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Ruwac wet separator
Checklist for weekly use

Day Activity Date / time Signature

Friday Check level of contamination of suction hose and


Empty and clean wet separator

Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

Saturday Check level of contamination of suction hose and


Empty and clean wet separator

Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

Sunday Check level of contamination of suction hose and


Empty and clean wet separator

Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

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Ruwac wet separator
Checklist for daily use

Daily use
Serial number: Day:
Ruwac wet separator

Activity Time Check OK Not Rectified Signature

Preparation for use of the Water level
wet separator Degassing valves
Blistering in a water bath
during operation
Training completed
Second person is within
hailing distance
Protective clothing Put on (tick off)
Dirt-repellent and tight-
fitting clothing
Breathing protection
Protective clothing against
heat and flames
Required only with reactive materials (e.g. Al/ Ti)

Breathing protection
ESD kit
Protective helmet with a
face shield
Empty / clean the wet Check level of contamination of the suction hose and
separator accessories
Empty and clean the wet separator
Required with reactive
materials (e.g. Al/Ti) after Check the inner hose for cracks
every use of the wet
separator Pour in water / check fill level

Check that degassing valves are working properly

Visual inspection of earthing connections

Check following use of the Check OK Not Rectified Signature

wet separator OK
Inner hose checked for
Water level
Degassing valves
Confirm material

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