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In the end of the lesson, 80% of the students must;
a.) Know the background of the author
b.) Be able to portray the drama
c.) Learn the moral lesson of the story/drama.


Topic: The Injustice Done ToTouNgou
Materials: Handouts, printed images


A. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

Good Morning class. Good morning sir Francis.

Let us pray first, everybody stand up! (Everyone will stand up and pray)
Ms. Taran, please lead the prayer.

Who is absent today? None Sir.

Ok very good!
Let us proceed.

How was your weekend class? It was good sir!

That’s good to know, are you ready for our new Yes, Sir!
topic for the day?

Ok that’s good, let’s begin with a group activity! Yes, Sir!

Are you ready?

A. Motivation

Group Activity:
I will divided you into two groups and will be
assigned with drama lines and you will re-inact
it with feelings/emotions. OK! Ok Sir!

Group 1
Group 2 (Students will make their own short drama)
Ok very good class you’ve made a great job in Thank you, sir!

Now class I will distribute this Story and I want

you to read this silently and I want you to write
the characters of the story. Ok, Sir!
(Students will read the Story about “ The
Injustice Done to To Ngou”)
B. Application

Ok class, are you done reading it ? Yes, Sir.

Who are the characters in the story class ? Sir., Tou Ngo – the main character, daughter of
Tou-Tien Chang, daughter-in-law of Mother Tsai,
the girl who Donkey Chang wants.
Very good! Another?
Donkey Chang – the antagonsist, wants Tou Ngo
but kills her, unjust.
Ok, Another ?
Old Chang – Donkey Chang’s father and Dr. Lu –
best physician of Chu-Ch’ou.
Very good! are there anymore answers ?
Sir., Tou-Tien Chang – Tou Ngo’s father who
becomes an Inspector General of the Huai River
Ok! Very good class you really did read the Valley.
story, give round of applause to yourselves.

Alright, moving on what is the theme of story all

about? The theme of story shows an eloquent
denunciation of injustice.
Yes, very good.

C. Generalization

Now, can anyone give a summary of the story? Sir,. Tou-Tien Chang borrowed 20 taels of silver
from Mother Tsai. After a few months, Mother
Tsai contacted him and asked for the money,
but unfortunately he still didn’t have the
amount being asked for so he gives Tou Ngo to
Mother Tsai. His debt is now cleared. Tou Ngo
marries Mother Tsai’s son who dies in the
future. Dr. Lu borrows a few taels of silver from
Mother Tsai, doesn’t pay, ends up strangling
Mother Tsai. Donkey Chang and Old Chang
comes in, saves her life. Donkey forces
Tsai to marry Old Chang and Tou Ngo to marry
him. Tou Ngo refuses. Donkey attempts to kill
Tsai by putting poison (bought from Dr. Lu) into
the soup that Tou Ngo prepared, accidentally
kills Old Chang. Donkey blames Tou Ngo. He tells
her that the only way to solve their problem out
of court is to marry him, but she doesn’t so she
goes to court. Her word is disregarded, she is
beheaded. She shows herself to her father, Tou-
Tien Chang. He investigates on the case, finds
out that she’s innocent so he decides that
Donkey should be beheaded and Dr. Lu should
be in exile for selling poison.

Yes, Very good!

For your activity You will re-inact the story “The
Injustice Done to To Ngou”. Same group, Let’s
see who has a great acting skills.

I will give you five minutes to practice, and then

we will start. Ok, Sir.

Are you ready class? Yes, Sir!

(The students will do their drama)

Very good class, all of you did great in acting.

Directions: Identify the each sentence (2points) each.

1.________ He is the main character, daughter of Tou-Tien Chang.

2.________ Father who becomes an Inspector General of the Huai River Valley.
3.________ The girl who Donkey Chang wants.
4.________ Donkey Chang’s father.
5.________ Best physician of Chu-Ch’ou.


For your assignment, study the Moods of Verbs and give five examples of Indicative, Imperative, and

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