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Answer Section C Rhetorical

Module 3 – Speaking and Writing
(Free Response)
This is an essay response in which you demonstrate you
knowledge of customizing a message for a target audience.

Customize a message – to create a message that appeals to

the interests, ability, knowledge, age, preferences, gender etc
of a specific group or individual.

Target audience – the individual or group to whom the

communication message is intended to reach.

This essay should have an introduction, a body and a

Planning Your Introduction
Your introduction should indicate the direction in which
your essay will develop. Consider including the following:

• A brief explanation of what the youth club initiative is

• Mention the slogan you intend to use in the initiative
• Mention the two types of appeal you plan to use to
attract the teens
• Mention the two organizational strategies that you will
use for each appeal you have identified
Suggested Model Introduction

The Youth Club Initiative sponsored by the Brother’s Keepers

Service Club will be launched nationwide in June 2018. This
programme aims to build trust between the police and youth in
different communities using the slogan, “Join the Right Fight. The
Life You Save Might Be your own”. To ensure the that there is
maximum participation by the target audience in the community,
we will be using emotional (pathos) appeal and credibility
(ethos) appeal. The strategies to be used to promote the
emotional appeal will be videos featuring victim testimonials and
dramatization encouraging participation while celebrity
endorsement and messages by local business leaders will be
used to promote the credibility appeal.
Developing Body Paragraphs
Develop a body paragraph to explain each of the
areas identified in the introduction
– justification of the slogan selected
- explanation of each of the two appeals identified
- explanation of two strategies for each of the two
appeals identified

Each paragraph should have a clear topic sentence

which is the sentence which indicates what the
entire paragraph is about.
Sample Body Paragraph
The slogan, “Join the Right Fight. The Life You
Save Might Be your own” has been selected
because the use of rhyme makes it easy to
remember. The rhyme, “Right Fight” will inform
youths that there is only one fight that is right
and that is to support law and order. The
mention of saving their own lives is aimed at
making youths reflect on the fact that ignoring
crime has a cost which could be their own lives.
What are Rhetorical Appeals?
Rhetorical appeals refer to :
• Modes or methods of persuasion used by
speakers or writers
• Persuasion aimed at attracting or creating
interest in something
• Persuasion aimed at engaging an audience’s
emotions or support
Types of Rhetorical Appeals
There are three appeals used in arguments or
communication campaigns to attract and
convince audiences:
• Logical or Logos Appeal
• Emotional or Pathos Appeal
• Credibility or Ethos Appeal
Discussing Logical or Logos Appeal
Logos (logical) appeal – refers to
• the use of facts, statistic and figures
• use of evidence based on laws, rules, standards
and regulations
• use of any logical reasoning or argument
(inductive, deductive or analogy) as justification
for any decision taken in the initiative
Which strategies could be used for Logos
• Group Discussion / Rap • Bumper stickers
Session • Radio and TV ads
• Role Play/ • Promotional novelties
Dramatization • Promotional fairs
• Videos • Promotional walks/runs
• Songs and Jingles • Celebrity endorsement
• Posters and charts • Social media
• Brochures • Power points
Discussing Credibility (Ethos) Appeal
Ethos (credibility) appeal – refers to
• reference to authority figures who can make
the audience trust the initiative
• reference to knowledgeable experts and
respected public officials who will make the
audience believe in the initiative
• Reference to respected celebrity figures who
can inspire trust
Which strategies could be used for Ethos
• Group Discussion / Rap • Bumper stickers
Session • Public service
• Role Play/ announcements
Dramatization • Promotional novelties
• Videos • Promotional fairs
• Songs and Jingles • Promotional walks/runs
• Posters and charts • Celebrity endorsement
• Brochures • Social media
• Power points
Discussing Emotional (Pathos) Appeal
Pathos (emotional) appeal – refers to
• use of emotive words intended to stir up
feeling and emotions
• use of rhetorical questions to produce
• use of case study, anecdote or illustrations
intended to have an emotional effect on the
Writing About Pathos Appeal
Pathos appeal is the first to be used to encourage
youth participation in the initiative. Emotional
appeal is an effective way to get an audience to be
invested and become involved in any programme.
The strategies to be used to promote the emotional
appeal will be videos featuring testimonials from
victim of crimes. The videos will create sympathy
for the victims and motivate youths to co-operate
with the police. Dramatization will also be used at
community meetings to educate the audience of
the ways that they can cooperate and help the
police to control crime.
Writing Body Paragraphs
• Each paragraph should have a clearly stated
topic sentence
• Explanation and examples should be used to
develop your paragraphs
• Connectives and transitional words/phrases
should be used between and within paragraphs
Module 3 – Concluding Your Presentation

End your essay with a conclusion which

summarizes your main points and restates your
purpose for participating in the programme.

End of presentation

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