Assg IPL2014 Diploma

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IPL 2014
SEMESTER 2011/2012-2

Student Name. Student

IC/Passport No.
Module Name Assessment
Type/Ref. no.

Student’s I certify that this assignment is my own work and where materials have been used from other
Declaration resources, they have been properly acknowledged. I also understand that I will face all the
possibility of failing unit if the contents of this assignment are plagiarized.

Signed : ____________________ Date : __________________

Release Date Submission Due Date
Student’s work assessed by
Date received date
IPL 2014
SEMESTER 2011/2012-2

Background Information 1

Plagiarism is the taking of the ideas, writings, drawings, words, or other similar
intellectual property created by others and presenting it as your own. It is generally not a
legal issue, like copyright infringement, but it is an ethical one. For example, you can
reuse writings in the public domain without worrying about the legal problem of
infringing a copyright, but presenting them as your own without proper credit to their true
origin is an act of plagiarism. And plagiarism is unethical (Bowyer, 2001, p.267).
1. Task 1
a. Your group must carry out at least two types of fact finding techniques to find out
main problems on ‘Plagiarism and Collusion among college students’. Prepare
relevant documents to conduct both techniques for a group of selected students
and lecturers.
b. Summarize your findings in a report not more than 2,000 words and prepare 20-
minutes slides presentation .
c. Critically evaluate your ability to demonstrate success in each transferable skill
outcomes. It could be your report writing and presentation skills. Identify where
you need to improve.

Background Information 2
Why high failure rate for first year student in universities?
Undergraduate retention is a major concern for universities and first year failure is a
significant contributor to the overall statistics for non-progression.
The most commonly cited reasons were misconceptions about the academic expectations
both in terms of the volume of work covered during the semester and the level needed to
pass the examinations.

Task 2
a. Your team was asked to investigate the above problem in your faculty. Illustrate
sequentially and clearly all the stages involved in the project .
b. Adopt interview method for identifying the problem from at least ten (10) first
year students as your sample.
c. Produce your findings and possible solutions.

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