I Am The Earth: Talk and Yet Walk On Houses

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Hello friends, I´m the earth your planet i want to talk to you about the ground which
is really _important and yet ...

The ground where you walk on every day it´s my most superficie path i´ts where your
houses are built up…

….how do you think the grown was made? Well it was a very long processtaking
million of years and still continuing and which really soma strong workers are involved
the sun, the wind , the water and living things.

Rocks which are the beginning made of my surface bit by bit began to crack breaking
into small pieces..

…It takes a hundred of years to obtain just one centimeter of soil. The result of this
process gives us a surface where life can live full of wonderful_creatures, we must
look after the ground

There are so some many dangers which in a very short time can transform fertile
land into a desert where is imposible for life to drive. Forestfires, as well as cutting
down, large amounts of three are examples of how the soil is left defenseless
without the help of the roots , trees and plants in the ground… .

…without the help of the soil it´s imposible to have a healthy life so we must look
after it all together. The ground you walk on it is the ground which allows you to live
. It is for this reason that we must help maintening clean and respect it by never
throwing rabish on if it we keep it clean I´m your house in the universe and all living
things which are living on me Will be a lot of happier. Because as you know children
can make a world of difference

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