I Whiled Away The Time by Looking Through Some Magazines. 2. The Very Thought of His Face at That Moment Makes Me Laugh

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Quitting job at this time is the height of folly

12. I don’t know whatever has become of Harry. I haven’t seen him for years!

13. They used territorial defence as a pretext to declare a war.

14. To be honest, our plan is at a standstill

15. Our current resources have been stretched to the limit

3. Nothing short of a full apology from the director will mollify him.

4. Charming as he is, I could never trust

5. I cast my mind back what happened many years ago.

6. He attributed his success to good luck.

9. Chỉ riêng việc giá cả quá cao đã làm tôi thấy nản, chẳng muốn thực hiện ý tưởng đó nữa

The sheer cost of it makes me depressed and didn't want to do that ideal

10. Tôi không ngờ ra sân bay lại mất nhiều thời gian như vậy

I did not bargain on such a long time to get to the airport

I whiled away the time by looking through some magazines.

2. The very thought of his face at that moment makes me laugh.
1. We would like to express our gratitude to the World Publishing House Board of Directors and editors
for making this book available to readers. We also look forward to receiving valuable comments from
readers from all around the world, especially if they can point out any flaws in the book that need to be
addressed in order for the next edition to be more complete.

2. In addition to political repression and economic exploitation, Chinese feudal dynasties imposed a
strict cultural assimilation policy. Since Ma Vien defeated the revolt of Hai Ba Trung in the Eastern Han
Dynasty, the policy of assimilation has been fully adopted. Assimilation's major goal is to obliterate the
Vietnamese people's identity and impose the country's culture on the population's various classes,
forcing them to become true Chinese overtime.

3. In accordance with King Minh's orders: "do not leave anything left, even a piece of paper or a half
piece of a letter", many Confucian intellectuals, skilled craftsmen are arrested, many temples, pagodas,
bells, and statues are destroyed, books are burned and confiscated. Simultaneously, they compelled
individuals to abandon their previous customs, such as not dying their teeth or wearing skirts, in favor of
braiding their hair and wearing pants like the Chinese. They also introduced many Chinese scriptures
into schools, paving the way for the widespread adoption of Chinese Confucian East Asian culture,
leaving a thick coating of Chinese Confucian East Asian culture in Dai Viet society.


1. In order to publish this book, we would like to express our gratitude to the Board of Directors and
editors of The gioi Publisher. We also expect getting valuable comments from readers, particularly those
who point out flaws so that the future edition could be better.

2. Parallel to policies of political repression and economic exploitation, the Chinese feudal dynasties
imposed a strict cultural assimilation strategy. Following Ma Vien's defeat of Hai Ba Trung's uprising
during the Eastern Han Dynasty, this strategy was fully followed. Assimilation's ultimate purpose is to
erase the Vietnamese's identity and impose their country's culture on the population to eventually
transform them into Chinese.

3. During the Ming Dynasty, numerous Confucian intellectuals and skilled craftsmen were jailed, many
pagodas, bells, and sculptures were destroyed, and books were burned and taken, all on King Minh's
orders: “Not even a piece of paper could remain.” Simultaneously, Vietnamese people were forced to
give up their old customs. They had to braid their hair and wear pants like the Chinese instead of dying
their teeth and wearing skirts. Furthermore, Chinese scripters infested schools, allowing Chinese
Confucian East Asian culture to infiltrate Dai Viet society and remain a stain.

Room 4 - Task 4

1. We would like to send our thanks to the Board of Directors and editors of The World Publish for the
books we have today. We also look forward to receiving valuable comments from readers near and far,
especially those to point out the shortcomings of the book that need correction so that the next edition
can be more complete.

2. Along with the policy of political repression and economic exploitation, the Chinese feudal dynasties
implemented a harsh cultural assimilation policy. The policy of assimilation has been thoroughly
implemented since the Eastern Han Dynasty, after Ma Vien suppressed the uprising of Hai Ba Trung. The
main content of assimilation is to destroy the identity of the Vietnamese people and impose the culture
of the country on the classes of the population so that they will gradually become real Chinese.

3. During the Ming Dynasty, many Confucian scholars and skilled craftsmen were arrested, many
pagodas, bells and statues were destroyed, and books were burned and confiscated, in accordance with
the orders of King Minh: "Not even a piece of paper could remain”. Simultaneously, Vietnamese people
were forced to give up their old customs. Instead of dying their teeth and wearing skirts, they had to
braid their hair and wear pants like the Chinese. Moreover, schools were infested with Chinese scripters,
thus allowing the Chinese Confucian East Asian culture to infiltrate and remain as a stain in Dai Viet

Room 3:

1. In order to make this book available to readers, we would like to thank the Board of Directors
and editors of World Publishing House. We also look forward to receiving valuable comments
from readers near and far, especially pointing out the shortcomings of the book that need to be
corrected so that the next edition can be more complete.

2. In parallel with the policy of political repression and economic exploitation, the feudal Chinese
dynasties introduced a harsh cultural assimilation policy, The assimilation policy was thoroughly
implemented since the Eastern Han dynasty after Ma Vien suppressed Hai Ba Trung's uprising.
The main goal of assimilation is to eliminate the Vietnamese identity and impose the Chinese
culture on people so that they will gradually become authentic Chinese.

3. During the Ming Dynasty, many Confucian scholars and skilled craftsmen were arrested, many
pagodas, bells, and statues were destroyed, and confiscated books were burned, according to
the King of Ming’s orders: "Everything must be destroyed, even a piece of paper." At the same
time, they forced Vietnamese people to give up their own customs. Instead of dying their teeth
and wearing skirts, they have to braid their hair and wear pants like the Chinese. They also
brought many Chinese scriptures into schools, creating conditions for the massive penetration
of Chinese Confucian East Asian culture, leaving a rather thick layer in Dai Viet society.

[Wednesday 3:34 PM] Nguyen Thi Hai

[Wednesday 3:36 PM] Nguyen Thi Hai
[Wednesday 3:39 PM] Nguyen Thi Hai
[Wednesday 3:39 PM] Nguyen Thi Hai

2.Along with the POLICIES of political repression and economic exploitation, the Chinese feudal
dynasties implemented a harsh cultural assimilation policy This assimilation policies WAS
thoroughly implemented since the Eastern Han Dynasty/ PERIOD, after/FOLLOWING MA YUAN'S
REPRESSION suppressed the uprising of THE TRUNG SISTERS. The main content of assimilation
is to destroy the identity of the Vietnamese people and impose the culture of the country on the
classes of the population so that they will gradually become real Chinese.

3. During the Ming Dynasty, many Confucian scholars and skilled craftsmen were arrested; many
pagodas, bells, and statues were destroyed; and confiscated books were burned, AS REQUESTED
SHOULD BE LEFT INTACT." At the same time, they forced Vietnamese people to give up their
own customs. Instead of dying their teeth and wearing skirts, they have to braid their hair and
wear pants like the Chinese. They also INTRODUCED MANY BOOKS, WRITTEN IN CLASSICAL
CHINESE SCRIPT IN SCHOOL, PAVING THE WAY for the massive penetration of Chinese
Confucian, East Asian culture THAT LEFT a RELATIVELY thick layer in Dai Viet society

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