English With Three Words

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Nouns 2
Irregular Plurals 5
Countables & Uncountables 7
The Verb ‘’ TO BE’’ –Personal Pronouns 9
This / These ---That / Those 11
What’s this ? / What’s that ? 14
Who is this ? 15
Who are you ? 17
Articles 18
Quiz 1 20
Numbers 21
Possessive Adjectives 25
Possessive Case 28
Possessive Pronouns 33
The Weather Forecast 37
Have got / Has got 38
Revision Test 1 42
There is / There are 43
Some/ any / a lot of / much / many 44
How much / How many 48
Prepositions 52
Imperatives 54
Simple Present Tense 55
Object Pronouns 72
Present Continuous 76
Past of ‘’ TO BE ‘’ –was/were 85
Simple Past Tense 90
Adjectives / Comparisons 103
Be Going to 109
Future Simple 112
Be going to / will / present continuous 114
Revision test II 115
Revision test III 117
Revision test IV 118
Should / Ought to 119
Must / Have to 120
Suggestions 122
Present Perfect Tense 124
Revision test V 134
Infinitie / The Ing form 136
Past Continuous Tense 142
Somebody (someone)/ anybody (anyone) / nobody (no one) /everybody (everyone) 150


There are five rules to make a singular noun plural.

I. We add -s to the word

a book two books

a pencil two pencils

a car

two cars

a student two students

II. We add–es to the word ending with -sh, -ch, -s, -ss, -x, -o

a bus two buses

a dress

two dresses

a tomato a watch

two tomatoes

two watches

a fox
two foxes

III. Verbs ending in a consonant + y, drop the –y and take -ies

Strawberry ---strawberries cherry----cherries

BUT : a boy two boys

a lady two ladies

Not: we add –s to the words such as boy, toy, beacuse there is a wovel before -y

IV. If a word ends with –f or fe, f or fe drop and add –ves in plural form

a wolf
two wolves

a knife two knives Not : ‘ roof’ is an exception.


a man two men

a woman three women

a child two children

a mouse two mice

Irregular Plurals…………
a foot two feet Most common
irregular words

child ---children
man ----men
woman ---women
a goose tooth ---teeth
bir kaz foot ----feet
Mouse -----mice
Ox ----------oxen
a goose two geese

EXERCISE 1 – Make the following plural.

Tax ………………….. Table ……………… Butterfly …………….
Watch …………………. Pencil ……………….
Bike …………………. Wife ………………
Potato ………………….. Tooth ………………
Lady ………………….. Life ………………
Monkey …………………. Woman ………………
Match ………………… Foot ……………….
Tomato ………………... Goose ………………
Door ………………. Key ……………….
Computer ……………….. Chair ………………
Fly ……………….. Policeman ………………
Baby ………………... City ………………
Toy ……………….. Family ………………
Book …………….. Deer ………………
Boss ………………. Wolf ……………..
Fax ………………. Bus ……………..
Piano ……………….. House ……………..
Cat ………………… Lemon ……………..
Day ……………….. Roof …………….
Box ……………….. Mouse …………….
Child ………………. Brother ……………..
Man ……………… Sister ……………..
Sheep ………………. Ox …………….
Leaf ……………… Train ……………
Lorry ……………… Plane ……………


Countable Nouns :

 We can make countable nouns plural as follows ;






 We can not make uncountable nouns plural.

a sugar------a water--------a money-------- a cheese---- a jewellery etc.

Bir şeker bir su bir para a peynir a mücevher

Some sugar ----some water----some money----some cheese—some jewellery

Uncountable nouns


Uncountable Sugar. Jewellery Cheese Water Furniture Money

 We can make some uncountable nouns above countable as follows ;

A bowl of A piece of A piece of A bottle of A piece of A bag of

sugar. jewellery. cheese. water furniture. money

Write C for the countables and UC for the uncountables.
Coffee ………… water…………….. a glass of water…………….

Table ………….. money ………….. a packet of spaghetti……….

Cheese ……………. furniture………… a slice of bread ……………..

Coke ………………. fish ……………… honey …………………………

Soup ………………. a bowl of soup………. sugar ………………………….

Milk ………………. Bread ………………….. a loaf of bread……………….

Music………………. Bus …………………… salt ……………………………..

EXERCISE IV Use the following words and make the uncountable nouns countable.

A bag of a jar of a spoon of

A glass of a tin of a saucepan of
A tube of a piece of a tank of
A tub of a bowl of a barrel of
A slice of a cartoon of a bucket of
A loaf of a cup of
A tank of

Bag ………………………..money.

Barrel ………………………... beer.

Bottle ………………………… water.

Bowl ………………………….sugar.

Box …………………………cereal.

Bucket …………………….. water.

Can ………………………Coke.

Carton ……………………… milk.

Cup ……………………..coffee.

Glass ……………………. water.

Jar …………………….honey.

Packet ……………………butter.

a saucepan …………………….rice.

Spoon ……………………….sugar.

Tank ………………………petrol.

Tin …………………….custard.

Kişi zamirleri You--sen
He—o ( erkek)
She—0 (bayan)
AM It –-0 (nesne, hayvan)
IS ARE We--biz
I AM ( I’m) HE IS ( He’s ) YOU ARE ( You’re ) You--siz
SHE IS ( She’s ) WE ARE ( We’re ) They--onlar
IT IS ( It’s ) THEY ARE ( They’re )

Am I a teacher ?
Yes, I am.
Am I a doctor ?

Are you a student ?

Yes, I am
Are you a pilot ?
No, I am not.

Is he a barber ? SHE IS A NURSE
Yes, he is. Is she a nurse ?
Is he a policeman ? Yes, she is.
No, he is not. (isn’t) Is she a singer ?
No , she isn’t.

Is it a book
Yes, it is.
Is it a pencil ?
Are they singers ?
WE ARE SINGERS Yes, they are.

Are they teachers ?

No, they aren’t.

Are You singers ? Yes , we are / No, we aren’ t

EXERCISE I – Put am , is , are
EXERCISE IV- Write am, is, are
1. I ………… a teacher.
2. You………a student. 1. Helen and Mary………..students.
3. He………..a doctor. 2. You and Henry………...brothers.
4. She……….a nurse. 3. We ……………friends.
5. It………….a cat. 4. Ayşe…………a secretary.
6. We……….students. 5. Salih…………a driver.
7. They……..children. 6. Ordu………..a small city.
8. They……..books. 7. Cem…………eleven years old.
9. I………not a policeman. 8. Steve ……….a bank manager.
10. He……not a manager. 9. Hasan………a technician.
11. She…..not a secretary. 10. Barış and Ali………students.
12. We……not bankers. 11. Emre……..a footballer.

EXERCISE II-Write he, she, it, you, we, they EXERCISE V- Fill in the blanks
1. John……….
2. Sally………. 1. Are you a teacher ? Yes, …………
3. Mary………. 2. Is John a student ? No, ……………
4. Ali and I………. 3. Is Ebru a nurse ? No, ……………
5. Mr. Black……….… 4. Are they students ? Yes, ……………
6. Mrs. Brown……….. 5. Are we Turkish ? Yes, ……………
7. Ali………….. 6. Is Ali a worker ? (işçi) No, ……………
8. Ayşe……….. 7. Are you students ? Yes,……………..
9. Ali and Ayşe……….. 8. Is Alison a teacher ? No,……………..
10. Ali and You………… 9. Are Ali and Hakan brothers ? Yes,...
11. Book…………. 10. Is it a book ? No, ……………..
12. Dog…………… 11. Are you English ? No, ……………..
13. Cat and Dog………. 12. Is this a table ? Yes, It…………..
14. İstanbul……………. 13. Are these books ? No, they………..
14. Is that a bag ? Yes, it…………..
15. Are those students ? Yes, they……..
EXERCISE III Complete with the correct option

1. He…………from Russia. 4. Alison ………..a captain.

a) is b) am c) are a) am b) is c) are

2. You………..a good friend. 5. We………….hungry.

a) am b) is c) are a) am b) is c) are

3. I…………..happy today. 6 . They ……….my friends.

a) am b) is c) are a) am b) is c) are

THIS : bu / THAT : şu

THESE :bunlar / THOSE : şunlar

 This is a book ………………………these are books

 That is a pencil………………………thoses are pencils

 This book is blue…………that pencil is red

 These books are blue……those pencils are red

EXERCISES 2 . Choose the plural form

1. this book___________________________
a) these book 8. this house ___________________________
b) this books a) these house
c) these books b) these houses
2. this pencil___________________________ c) this houses
a) these pencil 9. that Picture __________________________
b) this pencils a) those picture
c) these pencils b) that pictures
c) those pictures
3. that table ____________________________
a) those tables 10. that woman _________________________
b) that tables a) those woman
c) those table b) that women
4. that school ___________________________ c) those women
a) those school 11. that child ___________________________
b) those schools a) those childs
c) that schools b) that childs
c) those children
5. this page _____________________________
a) these pages 12. this class ___________________________
b) this pages a) these classes
c) these page b) this classes
c) these class
6. this car ______________________________
a) these car 13. that student ________________________
b) this cars a) those student
c) these cars b) that students
7. that man _____________________________ c) those students
a) those man 14. this country _________________________
b) that men a) these country
c) those men b) this countries
c) these countries

EXERCISE II - Fill in the blanks with EXERCISE III Fill in the blanks with That-Those
This – these

1. ………….book 1. …………..girls
2. ………….books 2. ………….jacket
3. …………houses 3. ………….women
4. …………students 4. ………….student
5. …………man 5. …………books
6. …………people 6. ………… car
7. …………children 7. ………….house
8. …………boy 8. …………book
9. …………women 9. …………dog
10. …………girl 10. ………...classroom
11. …………money 11. ………….country
12. …………school 12. …………people
13. …………car 13. …………lesson

WHAT IS THIS ? ( What’s this ?) WHAT ARE THESE ?



WHAT IS THAT ? ( What’s that ? ) WHAT ARE THOSE ?











REVISION TEST Exercises I Exercise II Turn the sentences into question
1. I………….a teacher. 1. I am a student.
…………………………………….. ?
a) am 2. She is a nurse.
b) is ……………………………………….?
c) are 3. He is a doctor.
2. ……..you a student ? 4. They are books.
a) Am 5. It is a chair.
b) Is ……………………………………….?
c) Are 6. You are a teacher.
3. He………..a driver. 7. We are .students.
a) am 8. He is fat.
b) is ………………………………………..?
c) are 9. Suda is tall.
4. she………..a housewife. 10. The bird is small.
a) am 11. I am a student.
b) is …………………………………….?
c) are 12. She is a girl.
5. We …………..students. 13. He is a boy.
a) am 14. I am tall.
b) is ………………………………………?
c) are 15. The elephant is big
6. ……….this a book ?

a) Am
b) Is Complete the sentence with ‘’TO BE’’
c) Are
1. I …………a student.
7. …………..that a a dog ? 2. You and I …………students.
3. Suda and I ………..students.
a) Am 4. She ……my mother.
b) Is 5. It ……….our dog.
c) Are 6. He ……..an old man.
7. You …….my friend.
8. They………..students. 8. We ………students.
a) am b) is c) are


Name : Mike Alison

Job : a teacher
From : England
Age : 32



Name : Cem Erkoç

Job : a student
From : Turkey
Age : 14



Name : Karen
Job : a model
From : Canada
Age : 25


A / AN ---THE

 A ….. before a consonant

a school a teacher
a table a computer
a book a television

 An…..before a vowel

an artist an actor
an apple an elephant
an orange an umbrella

Exercises 1 A/ AN Exercies II Complete with A / AN

1. ________orange 1. …………good day

a) a b) an 2. …………excellent result
3. ………….new car
2. _______student 4. …………good teacher
a) a b) an 5. …………business man
6. ………….happy day
3. ________book 7. ………….red apple
a) a b) an 8. ………….old computer
9. ………….modern flat
4. ________telephone 10. ………….crazy boy
a) a b) an 11. A university student
12. An hour
5. _______uncle
a) a b) an 1. orange 2. ice cream
a) a orange a) a ice cream
6. ______egg b) an orange b) an ice cream

a) a b) an
3. pizza 4. university
7. _______old man a) a pizza a) a university
a) a b) an b) an pizza b) an university

8. ………..hour 5. jacket 6. umbrella

a) a b) an a) a jacket a) a umbrella
b) an jacket b) an umbrella


 When we talk about specific people, animals, or things

The students in the classroom

The book on the table
The children in the park

 Before the names of united countries and nations

The United States Of America ( The USA )
The United Kingdom ( The UK )
The United Nations ( The UN )

 With names of seas, rivers and oceans, mountain range,regions

The Black Sea

The Amazon
The Big Ocean
The Himalayas
The Black Sea

 With unigue things

The Sun
The World
The Earth

Exercise I complete with a / an or the

……..man and……..woman are walking in Oxford Street. ………woman sees ……dress that
she liked in ………shop. She asked ……..man if he could buy ……..dress for her. He said: "Do
you think ………shop will accept ………cheque? I don't have ……..credit card."

Exercise II Complete with a / an or the

1. …………book is on the table. 5. Mercedes is ………….expensive car.

2. He is……….technician. 6. Karen is in ………..USA now.
3. ………Sun rises in the East. 7. Ordu is on……..Black Sea Coast.
4. ………students from İstanbul are clever. 8. Robby Williams is ……….actor.

Exercise I . Look at the pictures and write a / an / the

……………book ………………World …………car

……students in English class ………..Alps ……...teacher

Exercise II. Write the numbers and names of the following

1. ……………………………. 2. …………………………………

3. ……………………………….... 4. …………………………………..

5. ………………………………… 6. ………………………………….


1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15


16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30

40 50 60 70 80


90 100 125 150 200




Teacher : I’M 32 YEARS OLD.


Te Teacher : Yes, I am.


? Teacher : No, I’m not.

Quiz II
1. How……..are you ? 4. How old…….she ?
a) age a) are
b) old b) is

2. ……..you twenty years old ? 5. ………she twenty-five years old ?

a) Is a) Are
b) Are b) Is

3. Are you fifteen……..old ? 6. She is twenty-five……..old.

a) year a) age
b) years b) years


1. 2.
B : I’M FROM TURKEY. B : …………………………………….
B: I’M TURKISH. B : …………………………………….

3. 4.
A : ………………………………………..? A : ……………………………………..?
A : ………………………………………..? A : ……………………………………..?


Turkey Turkish Holland Dutch
England English Japan Japanese
Germany German China Chinese
Italy Italian Brazil Brazilian
Spain Spanish Britain British
Russia Russian Egypt Egyptian

QUIZ III write country and nationality QUIZ IV
German 1. I …………a student.
This is Emma.
She is from………….. . a) am
She is…………………. . b) is
She’s a student. c) are

2. 2. We…………children.
This is Lily. a) am
She’s from…………… b) is
She’s …………………. . c) are
She’s a teacher.

3. 3. Emma and Betty………good friends.

This is Ahmet. a) am
He’s from………… . b) is
He’s …………………. c) are
He’s a swimmer.

4. 4. This is Ali. ………..is a student.

a) She
This is Shengli b) He
He’s from…………… c) It
He’s…………………. .
He’s a politician
5. Russia 5. Edwin is …………….England.

This is Natali. a) an
She’s from………… . b) from
She’s……………….. . c) a
She’s an athlete.

6. Italy 6. This is a book. ……….are books.

This is Alpacino
He’s from……….. a) This
He’s …………….. b) That
He’s a singer. c) These


I’m Eddy Marwin.

I’m a student.
I’m from Bristol.
I’m 18 years old.
Here is my family.

This is my father. This is my mother. This is my sister This is my brother

His name is Nick. Her name is Alice Her name is Jenny. His name is John.
He is an engineer. She is a teacher. She is a student. He is a student.
Personal Pronouns Possessive Adjectives
I My father = He
You Your mother =she
He His father = He
She Her mother = She
It Its tail = It
We Our car = It
You Your brother =She
They Their car = It

Exercise I Replace the following names with he, she, it, we, you, they

Flora and Erica Alice My sister and Me Karen, Jane and her sister

………………… …………… ………………… ………………………

our cat your brother Mary my sister

………………. …………….. ……………… ……………….

Exercise II Replace the words in bold with he, she, it, they

1. Is your father a teacher ? 5. Are your parents from Turkey ?

a) he a) their
b) it b) them
c) his c) you
d) him d) they

2. My mother is a housewife. 6. Is your car a mercedes ?

a) Her a) it
b) She b) its
c) It c) he
d) He d) you

3. Cem is a student. 7. Is your brother a technician ?

a) His a) yours
b) She b) his
c) He c) he
d) It d) it

Exercise I Complete the sentences with my,your, his, her, its, our, their

1. (I) 7. ( They )

This is ………house
This is..my..book.

2. ( I)
( You )

This is….....computer
He is ……brother.

3. ( They )
( He )

She is ……sister. These are...………parents

4. 10.
( She ) She

He is ………brother.

5. She is……….sister
( it )

……..eyes are green.

( You )
Is she.………mother ?
This is………..cat. Exercise II choose the best option

1. This is Henry. He is………friend.
7. Sina is a student. ……favourite football
e) ı team is F.B
f) my a) He
g) she b) She
h) we c) His
d) We
2. A : Is he ………..……father ?
B : Yes, he is. 8. A : Who’s Jane ?
B : She’s…………sister.
a) she
b) you a) they
c) your b) he
d) we c) we
d) my
3. A : Who are they ?
B : They are……………parents. 9. We’re from Turkey. ………hometown is
a) we
b) you a) Our
c) they b) We
d) my c) I
d) Your
4. A : Is he your brother ?
B : No, he isn’t. He’s…………father. 10. This is my pet dog. …..name’s Rondy

a) my
b) I a) It
c) He b) It’s
d) She c) Its
d) Its’
5. She’s eight. ………brother’s six.
11. A : Who’s that girl ?
a) She B : She’s Brenda. She’s………...friend.
b) Her
c) You a) we
d) I b) you
c) I
6. He’s my friend, Mike. d) Our
……father is a doctor.
a) Her c) You 12. Turkey is a big country. ………capital
b) He d) His is Ankara.

a) It’s b) Its c) It is d) It


 ‘S ( used for people and animals )

 This is me and my father. My father’s name is Michael.

This is my mother and me. My mother’s name is Jennifier

This is me and my brother. This is me and my sister.

My brother’s name is Alison My sister’s name is Jenny.

 Ali’s car
 The dog’s eyes
 Cem’s shoes
 Sina’s computer
 Your brother’s name
 Your father’s name
 My son’s name
 My daughter’s name
 My brothers’(s) names
 My sisters’(s) names


 OF ( Used for things )

The flag of Turkey

Picture of a house

Exercise I

1. What’s your ………..name ? 3. My…………names are Jane and Karen.

a) father a) sisters
b) father’s b) sisters’

2. ...........................are very old. 4. …………………of Turkey is red.

a) The houses of Safranbolu a) The flag
b) Safranbolu’s houses b) The flag’s

Exercises II

1. A : Who is she ? 7. A : Who are you ?

B : She’s Gamze. She’s……..sister. B : I’m…………………brother.

a) her a) Jonathan
b) she’s b) Jonathans’
c) I c) Jonathan’s
d) my d) Jonathans’s

2. A : What’s your brother’s name ? 8. A : What’s……………………………… ?

B : ………………….is Ali. B : It’s red.

a) He a) the flag’s colour of Turkey

b) He’s b) the flag’s colour of Turkey
c) It’s name c) the colour’s of Turkish flag
d) It d) the colour of Turkish flag

3. A : Is your brother’s name Niko ?

B : Yes, ………………….. . Exercise II complete the paragraph with
a) he is
b) it is
c) it’s name
d) he’s name

4. A : Are your sisters………………….?

B : Yes, they are.

a) housewife
b) housewives
c) housewifes
d) housewife’s Hi,
…am Isabel. ……..am a student at high
5. A : Is she ………………….sister ? school. I’m fourteen. ……father’s name is
B : No, she isn’t. She’s…………sister. Ronald. He’s a banker. ……….mother’s
name’s Scarlett. She’s a teacher at primary
a) your / Ali’s school. My brother is a student at high
b) you / Ali school. …….. name’s Alison. My sister is a
c) his / Ali’s student, too. …….....name’s Erica. My
d) He / Ali’s favourite sport is football. My favourite
football team is Arsenal.
6. A : Is……………your house ?
B : Yes, it is.
a) he b) she c) this d) these


Activity I. Use the information below and write paragraphs about different people.

Name : Jane Parker She’s Jane Parker. She’s 20.

Age : 20 She’s a secretary. She’s from
Job : a secretary London. She’s single.
From : London
Marital Status : Single

Name : Tarkan ………………………………………

Age : 35 ………………………………………
Job : pop singer ………………………………………
From : Alzey, Germany …………………………. .
Marital Status : single

Name : Alex de Souza ………………………………………

Age : 28 ………………………………………
Job : footballer ……………………………………..
From : Brazil …………………………………….
Marital Status : married ………………… .

Name : Özlem Güngör ………………………………………

Age : 35 ………………………………………
Job : librarian ……………………………………..
From : İstanbul …………………………….. .
Marital Status : married


This is my book. This is your book. This is Ali’s book.

This is mine. This is yours. This is his book.
This is his

That is Ayşe’s book. This is my dog, Puffy.

That is her book. This is its bar. This is our book.
That is hers. This is its. This is ours.

This is their book.

This is theirs.

Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

 my car  mine
 your father  yours
 his sister  his
 her brother  hers
 its eyes  its
 our teacher  ours
 your family  yours
 their car  theirs

Exercise I complete with the correct word.

1. She’s Paula. She is ……….sister. 8. A : My favourite subject is English.

a) my B : …………..is PE. ( Physical Exercise)
b) mine a) My
b) Mine
2. He’s a teacher and they are….children. 9. These aren’t Ali’s books. They are……
a) he a) Ahmet
b) his b) Ahmet’s

3. A : What’s your name ? 10. ……..mobile phone is a Nokia.

B : My name’s Alison. What’s ……… ? a) He
A : Mine is Jack. b) His
a) you name
b) yours 11. What colour are …………eyes ?
a) yours
4. This isn’t her bag. ………bag is red. b) your
a) hers
b) her 12. Their parents are in İstanbul but……
are in Ankara.
5. This isn’t Ali’s car. ……..is an Opel. a) Our
a) He b) Ours
b) His
13. F.B. isn’t my favourite football team.
6. I’m from Turkey. ……capital is Ankara. It’s ………………..favourite team.
a) It’s a) my son
b) Its b) my son’s

7. Our car is a doblo. …………is an audio. 14. Berk is………………...son’s name.

a) Their a) their
b) Theirs b) theirs


 It’s my book It’s my book

 It’s Ali’s book It’s Ali’s book
 It’s mine It’s mine.

Exercise I Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with possessive adjectives
(my, your, his, her, its, our, their) and possessive pronouns ( mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs)
apostrophe ( ‘s)

1. 2.
Ali=He Ayşe = She

This is Ali’s book. It’s …………….book

This is his book. It’s ………….book.
This is his It’s ………….. .

3. Micky = He

This guitar is …………….guitar.

This is ……………..guitar.
This guitar is ………… .

4. We

This classroom is…………classroom

This classroom is ………….. .

5. John = He 6. Rosa = She

This ball
This is ……………..car. is……….
This is ………..car. ball.
This car is …………. . This ball

Choose the correct sentence

A : What’s your job ?
I’M A TEACHER B : ………………………………. .

WHAT’S YOUR FATHER’S JOB ? a) My job is a teacher.

b) I’m a student.

2. A : …………………………………
B : He’s a student.

HE’S A FARMER a) What’s you brother’s job ?

b) What’s your brother’s job ?

3. A : What’s his name ?

B : …………………………………. .

a) He name is Alison.
b) His name’s Alison.

4. A : Is your father’s name Jason ?

SHE’S A HOUSEWİFE B : Yes, ……………………………… .


a) it is.
b) He is.

5. A : Are you a waiter ?

B : No, …………………………………

a) I’m not
b) I amn’t

6. A : Who’s this ?
B : ……………………………………….


a) He’s mine brother.
b) He’s my brother.

7. A : ……………………………………… ?
B : It’s Erica.
a) What’s she name ?
SHE’S A SECRETARY b) What’s her name ?


What is the weather like ? = How is the weather ?

It is sunny. It’s rainy. It’s snowy. It’s windy.

It’s hot. It’s raining. It’s snowing.

Exercise I—Answer the questions

1. What’s the weather like today ?

………………………………………… .

2. What’s the weather like in Ankara today ?

………………………………………………… .

3. How is the weather in your hometown today ?

……………………………………………………… .

4. What’s the weather like in London today ?

………………………………………………………. .


Positive Negative Question Answer

I have got…. I haven’t got…… Have I got………….? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t
You have got…. You haven’t got... Have you got………? Yes, you have./ No, I haven’t
He has got……. He hasn’t got….. Has he got…………? Yes, he has./ No, he hasn’t
She has got…… She hasn’t got….. Has she got……….? Yes, she has/ No, she hasn’t
It has got………It hasn’t got……….Has it got………….? Yes, it has/ No, it hasn’t
We have got…… We haven’t got……. Have we got………? Yes, we have/ No, we haven’t
You have got….. You haven’t got…… Have you got………? Yes, you have/No, we haven’t
They have got… They haven’t got….. Have they got…….? Yes, they have/No, they haven’t

Hi, I’m Neil. I’m a student. I’m 16

years old. I’m quite tall.
I have got brown hair and brown eyes.
I have got a small nose and thin lips.
I have got eye-glasses.
I have got a happy family.
I have got a father and a mother.
I have got a brother and a sister.

This is my father. His name is Tom.

Jack. He’s a captain. He’s tall.
He’s He’s middle-aged. He’s well-built
He has got gray hair and green eyes.
He hasn’t got a moustache or a beard

This is my mother. Her name’s Adela.

She’s a primary school teacher. She’s beautiful.
She has got short blonde hair and blue eyes.

This is my sister. Her name’s Elena.

She’s a student at high school. She’s of
medium height. She’s 15 years old.
She has got long brown hair and brown eyes.

Exercise I Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with have got-has got or
haven’t got –hasn’t got

I………………………a mobile phone.
I………………………a bicyle.
I ……………………..a walk-man.
Mike………………….a toy car.
Mike………………….a TV.
Mike………………….a lot of books.
Sally…………………..a clock.
Sally…………………..a teddy bear.
Sally…………………..a computer.

Tracy……………………music CDs
Tracy……………………a type-recorder.
Tracy……………………English books.

Danny…………………..a mobile phone.
Danny…………………..a toy car.
Danny………………….a lot of books.

Tony……………………a skate-board
Tony……………………a computer.
Tony……………………a TV.

They…………………….three daughters.

She ………………..a dog.

9. She……………long black hair.

Exercise II. Type the best word

1. I…………a brother and two sisters. 10. My father….a moustache and a beard.

a) have got a) has got

b) am have b) is
2. ………….you got a computer ? 11. Our school………..a lot of students.

a) Are a) has got

b) Have b) have got

3. My father…………..grey hair. 12. I…………….a big family

a) has got a) am
b) is b) have got

4. …………your mother got a job ? 13. My car………..a diesel machine.

a) Is a) is
b) Has b) has got

5. Sally……………..long black hair. 14. …………..they got a pet dog ?

a) have got a) Have

b) has got b) Are

6. ………..your friend got a girl friend ? 15. Who…………...got a watch ?

a) Have a) have
b) Has b) has

7. My sisters………………….children. 16. Our company…….financial problems.

a) has got a) has got

b) have got b) have got

8. ……………….you got free time ? 17. I……………..…a maths exam today.

a) Have a) have got

b) Has b) am
9. What………..you……….in your room ?
18. My mother…………….a lot of friends.
a) are / got
b) have / got a) is
b) has got

Activity I

I am Edward Preston. I’m 45 years old. I’m a bus-driver. I’m quite tall and well-
built. I’ve got short grey hair and brown hair. I’m married. My wife is a housewife.
She’s 40 years old. I have got two daughters and a son. I haven’t got much money
but I have got a happy family.

Write a paragraph about you and your family.

………………………………………………………………………………………. .

Activity II Look at the information below and write a paragraph about Clara.

Name : Clara Milton ……………………………………………….

Age : 40 ……………………………………………….
Height (boy): of medium height ……………………………………………….
Build (yapı) : slim ……………………………………………….
Hair :long fair hair ……………………………………………….
Nose : a small nose ……………………………………….. .
Lips : thin lips

Activity III Complete the information about one of your family members and write a paragraph
……………………………...... Name :
Age :
Height :
PHOTO Buid :
Hair :
Eyes :
Nose :
Lips :

7. ‘’ İşiniz nedir ?’’ cümlesinin İngilizce
1. I’ve got a brother …….name is
dengi aşağıdakilerden hangisidir.

a) What’s you job ?

a) He
b) What job is yours ?
b) His
c) What’s your job ?
c) He’s
d) What is your job’s name ?
d) It

8. ’ Hiç erkek veya kız kardeşin varmı ?’

2. I’ve got two………….. . Their names
are Jane and Karen.
a) Are you have any brothers or
sisters ?
a) sister
b) Have you got a brother and any
b) sisters’s
sisters ?
c) sisters
c) Have your brothers or sisters got ?
d) brothers
d) Have you got any brothers or
sisters ?
3. A : Have you got any …………………. ?
B : Yes, I have got a daughter and a son.
9. ‘Bu benim kitabım. Seninki nerede ?
a) This is my books. Where is
a) childs
you book ?
b) child
b) This is my book. Where is
c) childrens
yours ?
d) children
c) These book is mine. Where
isyours ?
4. A : Who are these……………………… ?
d) This book is my . Where is
B : They’re new students at school.
your book ?

a) person
10. ‘ Babanın işi nedir ?’
b) people
c) peoples
a) What’s your father’s job ?
d) person’s
b) What’s your father job ?
c) What’s you father’s job ?
5. A : Who is Jack ?
d) What’s your father’s job’s ?
B : He’s…………cousin.

11. ‘ Mutlu bir ailem var. ‘

a) I
b) Mine
a) I am a happy family.
c) My
b) I’ve got a family happy.
d) He
c) I’m got a happy family.
d) I’ve got a happy family.
6. A : Whose car is this ?
B : It’s my…………………… .
a) father’s b) father c) fathers’ d) dad

THERE IS ( singular nouns ) / THERE ARE ( plural nouns )
( vardır )

 There is a book. There are two books.

 Is there a book ? Are there two books ?
 Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.

Exercise I type the correct item

1. There………..a teacher in the classroom.

There are 13 pencils in this box. a) is b) are

2. There………….two books on the table.

a) is b) are

There is a telephone 3. ………..there a TV in the classroom ?

on the desk. a) Is b) Are

4. ………..there a supermarket near here ?

a) Is b) Are

5. ………..there a post office near here ?

There is a dog in the mailbox a) Is b) Are

6. …………there two cars in the car-park ?

a) Is b) Are

7. ………there a can of coke in the fridge ?

There are three books on
the desk. a) Is b) Are

8. ……there students in the English class ?

a) Is b) Are
There are two dolphins in
this picture. 9. ………there a maths exam today ?

a) Is b) Are

10. ……….there a restaurant near here ?

There are twenty cigarettes in the packet
a) Is b) Are

THERE IS ( singular nouns ) / THERE ARE ( plural nouns )
(vardır )

SOME ( birkaç )in positive senteces with countables

SOME ( biraz ) in positive sentences with
 There are some books on
 There is some water in the the table.

 There is some bread on the  There are some people in

table. the street.

ANY ( hiç ) in negative sentences with

ANY ( hiç) in negative sentences with countables

 There isn’t any milk in the  There aren’t any students in

glass. the classroom.

ANY ( hiç ) in questions with uncountables

ANY ( hiç ) in questions with countables

 Is there any water in the
glass ?
 Are there any people in the
street ?

Exercise I Complete the sentences with Exercise II Complete the sentences with
A , AN, SOME or ANY, A, AN, SOME, or ANY

1. There is ………….water in the glass. 1. I have got………..money in my pocket.

2. There are………….children in the park. 2. Have you got ……..friends at school ?

3. There isn’t…………milk in the fridge. 3. My father has got…….moustache.

4. There is………..computer in my room. 4. Sally hasn’t got……money in her purse.

5. Are there…………museums in this city ? 5. Has your sister got………teddy bear ?

6. Is there ……….football match on TV ? 6. Have your parents got………problems ?

7. Are there……internet cafes near here ? 7. Calvin hasn’t got…….friends in Turkey.

8. There are………big hotels in Trabzon. 8. I’ve got……..meeting at 10 tomorrow.

9. There aren’t………..eggs in the fridge. 9. Have you got………exams today ?

10. Is there……….....good film on TV ? 10. Have they got…………..flat in Turkey ?

11. There aren’t………..tourists in Ordu. 11. Has Emre got……….university degree ?

12. There is………..vase on the table. 12. My brother hasn’t got………….job.

13. There is….........old house behind the 13. I’ve got………problems with students.
14. Is there………….sugar in the glass ? 14. Ayşe hasn’t got……umbrella with her.

15. There are……….exercises in the book. 15. I haven’t got…………..homework.

16. Are there………animals on your farm ? 16. Have they got………….children ?

17. There is ………red car in the car-park. 17. Have you got………..exam today ?

18. Is there……….bookshop near here ? 18. My father has got……………cars.

19. Is there………..bread at Baker’s ? 19. He has got…………..English friends.

20. There isn’t…………heating system in 20. She has got………problem.

my flat.
21. Is there……….newsagent’s near here ? 21. I haven’t got…………….brothers.

THERE IS ( singular nouns ) / THERE ARE ( plural nouns )


With countables poisitive sentences with uncountables

There are a lot of students in the classroom. There is a lot of money in the picture

MANY ( çok ) in negatives & questions with countable nouns

There aren’t many students in the classroom. --Are there many students in the classroom ?

MUCH ( çok ) in negatives & questions with uncountable nouns.

There isn’t much water in the glass. Is there much water in the glass ?

Communicative exercises

1. You are at a cafe. Complete the dialogue with Is there-there is-are there-there aren’t

Waitress : Welcome to Garry’s cafe.

Customer : Thank you. …………………….any orange juice ?
Waitress : Yes, …………………… .
Customer : …………………any hamburgers with cheese ?
Waiter : Sorry, there aren’t.
Customer : OK. We‘II have two glasses of orange juice and
two toasts, then.

2. You are at a real estate agency. Complete the dialogue with Is there-there is-are there-
there are

Real estate agent : This is the house for sale.

Customer : …………………seven rooms in the house ?
Real estate agent : No, there aren’t. ………………………..six rooms.
Customer : ……………………….two bedrooms ?
Restate estate agent : Yes, there are.
Customer : …………………….a garage ?
Real estate agent : Yes, ……………………... It’s behind the house.

3. You are at a hotel. Complete the dialogue with is there-there is-are there-there are

Receptionist : Welcome to the Sunshine Hotel.

Customer : Thank you. We would like to get some information
about the rooms here.
Receptionist : OK. Please let me answer your questions.
Customer : ………………………a swimming pool ?
Receptionist : Yes, ………………..two big swimming pools.
Customer : …………………….any animation activities ?
Receptionist : Yes, we have animation activities every night.
Customer : OK. We’II stay here for three nights.
Receptionist : Thank you. Please fill in this form.

4. You are at home . Complete the dialogue with is there-there is-are there-there are

Son : Mumy, I’m very hungry. ………………………any chips ?

Mum : Yes, ………………… .
Son : ……………………..any coke ?
Mum : Yes,....................... .
Son : OK, I’d like to have some chips and a glass of coke.
Mum : Here you are. It is ready, my dear.

Ne kadar kaç tane

with uncountable nouns with countable nouns

A : How much water is there in the glass ? --- A : How many people are there in the street ?
B : There is a lot of water in the glass. ------ B : There are a lot of people in the street.

A LITTLE ------- A FEW

with uncountable nouns in positive sentences---with countable nouns in positive sentences

There is a little food in the plate. There are a few books in the photo.

Exercise I type the correct word
10. I’m sorry but I haven’t got……….time.
1. There isn’t .………sugar in my coffee.
a) much
a) much b) many
b) many
11. There are………bananas in the fridge.
2. A : …………….coffee is there in the jar ?
B : There is………….coffee in the jar. a) a few
a) How many / a few b) a little
b) How much / a little
12. She’s got…………..friends at school.
3. There aren’t………apples in the basket.
a) a lot of
a) much b) a little
b) many
13. A : Mum, is there…….bread at home ?
4. There is………….traffic in this city. B : Sorry, there isn’t ……..bread left.
a) any / some
a) many b) any / any
b) a lot of
14. A : What is there in the basket ?
5. Have you got………..friends at school ? B : There are…………..apples and …….
a) many
b) much a) some / a little
b) a few / a few
6. There are………….fans in the stadium.
15. A : What is there in your website ?
a) many B : There is …………..information
b) much about me.
c) a lot of
d) any a) any
b) some
7. How…people are there in your family ?
16. A :Are there.….people at the meeting?
a) much B : Yes, but not…………… .
b) many
a) a lot of / a few
8. How………………is a hamburger ? b) many / many
a) much
b) many 17. Customer : Is there…….tomato soup ?
9. …….....................money have you got ? Waiter : Yes, there is.
a) How many b) How much a) a lot of b) some c) any


It’s a two storey house. There are two

rooms downstairs. There is a large
large living room with a big sofa and
four armchairs and a small table.
Upstairs, there are two bedrooms,
a guest-room and a bathroom. There
is a large porch in front of the house.
There are trees round the house.


Writing activity. Use the key words and write a paragraf about your flat.
Key words : living room, kitchen, bedroom, there is, there are, cupboard, balcony,view
Has got, flowers, Windows, chairs, dining-room

………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

Type the correct sentence

Laura : Hello, My name’s Laura. I’m a new student.

: ………………………..………………………..
a) What’s your name ?
b) Where are you from ?
Neil : My name’s Neil. I’m from Morocco ( Fas).
a) How old are you ?
b) Where are you from ?
Laura : I’m from Rome. I’m Italian.
a) How are you ?
b) How old are you ?
Neil : I’m 18. ……………………………………………
a) What about you ?
b) How are you ?
Laura : I’m 17. …………………………………………..
a) What’s your father’s job ?
b) What’s you father job ?
Neil : …………………………………………………….
a) My father’s job is a dentist
b) My father’s a dentist.
Laura : …………………………………………………….
a) What’s your mother’s job ?
b) What’s your mother do ?
Neil : She’s a teacher at a primary school.
a) Have you got any brothers or sisters ?
b) How many brothers and sisters are
you ?
Laura : Yes, I’ve got two sisters and a brother.
Neil : ………………………………………………….
a) What are your sisters names ?
b) What are your sisters’ names ?
Laura : Their names are Maria and Marta.
a) Have you got any brothers or sisters ?
b) Are your brothers or sisters ?
Neil : Yes, I’ve got a sister. Her name’s Fatıma.
Laura : Okey, Neil. It’s nice to meet you.
Neil : Nice to meet you,too. See you later, bye
Laura : Good-bye.





at 3 o'clock in May on Sunday

at 10.30am in summer on Tuesdays

at noon in the summer on 6 March

at night in 1990 on 25 Dec. 2010

at bedtime in the 1990s on Christmas Day

at sunrise in Turkey on TV

at sunset in the Ice Age on my birthday

at midnight in the past/future on New Year's

AT night IN ON

at the weekend in the morning on Tuesday morning

at Lunchtime in the mornings on Saturday mornings

at the same time in the afternoon(s) on Sunday afternoons

at present in the evening(s) on Monday evening

Prepositions of Place: at, in, on


at home in a car on a bus

at work in a taxi on a train

at school in the sky on a plane

at university in a boat on a ship

At college in Oxford Street on the way

Exercise 1

Prepositions - in, on, at

Type in, on or at in the boxes below.
1. 1978 2. October
3. 5 o'clock 4. Monday
5. 10 July 6. the afternoon
7. Tuesday afternoon 8. summer
9. Christmas 10. the weekend
11. 1960 12. 2.30 pm
13. 25 March 14. Thursday morning
15. April 16. winter
17. night 18. Sunday night
19. New Year's Day 20. 9 October

Exercise II Find the coorrect option. Use ON, IN, AT, UNDER, BETWEEN, NEXT TO

1. Where is the hedgehod ? 5. Where’s the sun ?

It’s…………………………the chair. It’s……………….the sky.

2. Where is the food ?

It’s………………………the fridge ?

3. Where is the cat ? 6. Where is the Mouse ?

It’s ………………………the chair. It’s…between…the dog and the cat.

7. Where is Bart ?
He’s next to the cow.
4. Where are the toys ?

Exercise II Fill in the blanks with IN, ON, AT

1. A : Where are you ? 3. We have got English lessons……Friday.
B : !’m ……………..home. 4. I was born………..1987.
2. A : What time is the meeting ? 5. My son was born…….1st,March,1999.
B : It’s ………….two o’clock. 6. There’s a good film ……….TV tonight.

( Emir cümleleri )



Positive Imperative Negative Imperative

Come come
Drive drive
Drink drink
Eat eat
Go go
Get get
Listen Don’t listen
Open open
Play play
Run run
Say say
Study study
Take take
Talk talk
Teach teach
Tell tell
Walk walk
Wash wash
Watch watch
Write wrtite
E t c.

( geniş zaman )
Form :

Positive Negative
Questions Short answer Short answer
Statements Statements

I work……. I don't work….. Do I work? Yes, I do. No, I don't.

You work You don’t work Do You work ? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

He works…. He doesn't work… Does he work? Yes, he does. No, he doesn't.

She works... She doesn't work.. Does she work? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't.

It works…. It doesn't work… Does it work? Yes, it does. No, it doesn't.

You work…. You don't work... Do you work? Yes you do. No, you don't.

We work…. We don't work... Do we work? Yes we do. No, we don't.

They work… They don't work... Do they work? Yes they do. No, they don't

Use :
 We use the simple present tense when we talk about something which
happens repeatedly ; daily life, regular actions
Go to bed : yatmak

I’m Eric Palmer. I’m a student at high
school. I’m 16 years old. I’m from Leeds.
I’m quite tall with wavy and black hair. I’ve
got eye-glasses.
I get up at 7 every morning. I brush my
teeth and I get dressed. I have breakfast at
7:30. I have a piece of cheese,some olives,
two slices of bread and tea at breakfast.
After breakfast, I leave home and go to
school. I start school at 9. I have lessons
Verbs ( filler) : until 12 o’clock. I have lunch at school. In
Get up : kalkmak the afternoon I have lessons until 5 pm.
Brush : çırçalamak
I finish school at 5. Then, I go back home.
Get dressed : giyinmek
Have breakfast : kahvaltı yapmak In the evening I have dinner with my mum,
Leave home : evden ayrılmak dad and sister. We talk about the day after
Have lessons : ders yapmak dinner. Then I study for sometime. I watch
Have lunch : öğle yemeği yemek
TV and I go to bed at 11 at night.
Finish : bitirmek
Have dinner : akşam yemeği yemek
Talk : sohbet etmek
Study : ders çalışmak

 Spelling rules in Simple Present I

 If the verb ends with ss / sh/ ch / x / o, we add –es when we use the third
person singular He—She—It

Example :
 Ayşe goes to school ever day.
 My father watches TV every evening.
 He brushes his teeth once a day.
 A mechanic fixes the cars.
 A teacher teaches at school.
 My brother dresses ver well.

 If the verb ends with –y and the preceding letter is a consonant, then we drop
the –y and we add –ies with the third person singular ; HE—SHE—IT
 He studies at primary school.
 The baby cries a lot.

Spelling rules in Simple Present II

 If the verb ends in ay / ey / oy / uy / , we add only –s

 Cem plays the violin very well.
 My teacher buys a newspaper every day.

This is Cemre. She is Turkish. She’s 13 years old.

She’s a student at college. She’s short with long blonde
hair and blue eyes.
Cemre gets up at 7 every morning. She brushes her teeth
and she gets dressed. She has breakfast at 7:30 with her
dad and mum. She leaves home at 8:00. She catches the
school bus at 7:15. She has got a lot of lessons at school.
She likes mathematics best. She has lunch at school at 12.
In the afternoon she has lessons again and she finishes
school at 5:00 pm. She comes back home at 5:30 pm.
She has dinner at 6:00 in the evening. After dinner Cemre
watches TV for a while. She does homework and she goes
to bed at 11 at night.
Verbs ( filer) :
Catch : yakalamak
Like : sevmek, hoşlanmak
Finish : bitirmek

Do homework : ev ödevi yapmak

Every day In the morning(s) In my free time

Every morning In the afternoon(s) In my spare time
Every evening In the evening(s)
Every night At the weekend(s)
Every weekend On Sunday(s)
Every Sunday On Monday morning(s)



Exercise I –Fill in the blanks with the verbs in Simple Present

I’m Jessica Watson. I’m a teacher.

I……………(work) at Oxford College I……..........(teach)
chemistry. I…………......(get up) at 6 o’clock every day.
First, I………………..(have) a shower. Then, I………………
(get dressed) and I…………………(have) breakfast.
I...................(leave) home at 7:30 and I…………...(drive)
to school. I…………………(arrive) at school at 8:00. The
lesson………………..(start) at 8:15. I usually……………….
(have) 4 hours a day but I………………..(teach) 6 hours on
Wednesdays. I……………(finish) work at 5 pm. I…………..
(come) back home. I.…………..( cook) dinner or go to a
restaturant near my home. In the evenings I usually……...
(stay) at home. I………………..(watch) my favourite series on TV. I also………………….(like)
watching music programmes. At the weekend I……………..(do) different activities.
On Saturdays I always………………..(visit) my parents. They…………….(live) in the country.
On Saturday evenings I………………. (meet) my friends. We often…………(go) to the cinema.
On Sundays I always……………….(get up) late at 12. I……………..(have) brunch at a cafe with
my friends. On Sunday afternoons I always…………..(go) to the gym. I…………(go) to bed at
11 at night.
Verbs ( filer) :
Work : çalışmak cook : pişirmek meet : buluşmak
Teach : öğretmek do : yapmak brunch : breakfast & lunch
Arrive : varmak visit : ziyaret etmek
Start : başlamak live : yaşamak

Exercise I—Fill in the blanks with Simple Present Exercise II—Write DO or DOES

1. I……………….(work) in a bank. 1. …………you like English ?

2. She……………(live) in İstanbul. 2. ……….Ayşe get up at 7 every day ?
3. I…………….(watch) TV in the evenings. 3. …….your father work in a factory ?
4. Daisy……….(love) chocolate very much. 4. ……….Betty teach maths at school ?
5. Susan………….(go) to school every day. 5. …….they play football on Sundays ?
6. My son…………(surf) the internet a lot. 6. ……….you live in İstanbul ?
7. We…………..(drink) tea in the evenings. 7. ….your sister study at high school ?
8. I……………(get) up at 7 every morning. 8. …they come to school every day ?
9. My father…………….(visit) his friends. 9. ………your mother work ?
10. My mother………….(cook) very well. 10. ………your brother like football ?
11. She………(do) her homework at school. 11. ……….you have a car ?
12. I……………(have) breakfast every day. 12. ......Alex watch TV every evening ?
13. Mary…………….(speak) Turkish well. 13. ......you go on holiday in summer ?
14. David……(buy) a newspaper everyday. 14. ………your brother play football ?
15. We………….(have) dinner at 6pm. 15. ……you tidy your room every day ?

Exercise III—Choose the correct option Exercise IV—Write am, is, are, do, does

1. I…………….watch TV in the evenings. 1. …………you a teacher ?

a) don’t a) Are
b) doesn’t b) Do

2. He………….have breakfast every day. 2. ………….you like English ?

a) don’t a) Do
b) doesn’t b) Are

3. Jane……….go to the gym on Sundays. 3. ...........your father work ?

a) doesn’t a) Is
b) don’t b) Does

4. My sister………..learn English at course. 4. …your sister listen to pop music ?

a) don’t a) Does
b) doesn’t b) Is

5. They……………….like pop music. 5. ……she a student at university ?

a) don’t a) Is
b) doesn’t b) Does

6. My brother…….take the bus to school. 6. ………you at home now ?

a) don’t a) Do
b) doesn’t b) Are

Communicative Activity

Her name is Carol. She’s 14 years and she is from

London, England. She has got amlot of friends but her

best friend is Emma.

Carol is a student at Greenpool secondary school.

On weekdays she gets at 7 o’clock. She has a shower and

She has breakfast. After breakfast, she brushes her teeth

And she goes to school. She has classes all morning and

She has lunch in the school canteen. In the afternoon, she

goes back home but she doesn’t watch TV because she does

her homework and has tea. Then she plays with her friends,

she has dinner at 8 o’clock. After dinner she helps her

mother in the kitchen, she watches TV and goes to bed at ten at night.

Exercise I – Fill in the blanks with verb Exercise II—Fill in the blanks

‘TO BE’ or DOES ‘ TO BE’ or DO

1. ………….Carol 14 years old ? 1. ………….you fromTurkey ?

2. ………….she from London ? 2. ...…you get up at 7 every morning ?

3. ………….she get up at 7 o’clock ? 3. …….you have a shower every day ?

4. ………….she have a shower ? 4. …..you have breakfast every day ?

5. ………….she have breakfast ? 5. …….you brush your teeth ?

6. ………….she brush her teeth ? 6. …….you a student ?

7. ………….she go to school ? 7. …….you go to school every day ?

8. ………….she do her homework ? 8. …….you listen to music ?

9. ………….she have tea ? 9. …you watch TV in the evenings ?

10. ……she help her mother after dinner ? 10. ……you like English

Communicative Activity : At school

Brian : Hi, Jane, What’s this ?

Mary : It’s our Spanish book. We follow this book in Spanish classes.
Jane : Do you like Spanish ?
Brian : Yes, I do. But We don’t have Spanish classes in engineering department.
Who is your Spanish teacher ?
Mary : He’s Mr. Gonzales. He’s a kind teacher and he teaches very well.
Jane : What language do you learn in your department ?
Brian : We have German classes. We learn technical German. Our teacher is Mr. Hans
Mayer. He teaches well,too.
Jane : Do you have German classes today ?
Brian : Yes, we do.
Mary : Have a nice lesson, then.
Brian : Thank you. See you later, bye.
Jane : Bye.
True or False
1. Jane and Mary have Spanish classes. ( )
Verbs( fiiller) : Words(kelimeler) 2. Brian doesn’t like Spanish. ( )
Follow : takip etmek class : ders 3. Brian studies in enginnering department. ( )
Have : sahip olmak classroom : sınıf 4. Spanish teacher is Mr Gonzales. ( )
Learn : öğrenmek today : bugün 5. Brian learns technical German at school. ( )
Have a nice lesson : iyi dersler kind : kibar, nazik 6. Brian has Spanish classes today. ( )

Communicative Activity :
At school

Helen: Hi, my name’s Helen.

……………………… ?
a) What’s your name ?
b) How are you ?
Ali : My name’s Ali.
Helen: Where are you from ?
Ali : ………………………?
a) I’m from Turkish
b) I’m from Turkey.
Helen : ………………………..?
Ali : I study medicine.
I’II be a doctor.
What do you study ?
a) What do you study ?
b) What are you study ?
Helen : I study physics.I’II be
a physician.
a) Where do you live ?
b) Where are you live ?
Ali : I live with a family.
Where do you live ?
Helen : I live with an English
family, too. They’re
very friendly.
Ali : ……………………?
a) Are you have lesson now ?
b) Do you have lesson now ?
Helen :Yes, I have two hours.
Ali : I have two hours, too.
Helen : See you later, bye.
Ali : Bye.

Answer the questions

1. What does Ali study ? 4. Where does Ali live ?
……………………………... . ………………………… .

2. Where is Ali from ?

5. Does Helen have lesson
…………………………….... .
now ?
……………………….. .
3. What does Helen study ?
6. How many hours does Ali
………………………… . have ?
……………………….. .

Exercise I—Choose the correct sentence Write WHAT, WHAT TIME, WHERE, HOW

a) I am not like pop music 1. I get up at 6 o’clock in the mornings.
b) I don’t like pop music ………………………do you get up in the
2. mornings ?
a) He doesn’t live in Ordu.
b) He isn’t live in Ordu. 2. I have tea, cheese, olives, bread and
3. tea for breakfast.
a) He doesn’t have breakfast. …………….do you have for breakfast ?
b) He doesn’t has breakfast.
4. 3. My father watches TV in the evenings ?
a) Are you come to school every day ? ………………does your father do in the
b) Do you come to school every day ? evenings ?
a) Fred has an English exam today. 4. My brother works in a bank.
b) Fred have an English exam today. ……………..does your father work ?
a) Have you got any problems ? 5. Jason gets to school by school bus.
b) Have you got much problems ? …………….does Jason come to school ?
a) Is there any meat in the fridge ? 6. I have lunch at school every day.
b) Is there some meat in the fridge ? ………..do you have lunch every day ?
a) My brother gets up at 7 every day. 7. I am an English teacher.
b) My brother get up at 7 every day. ……………..is your job ?
a) My sister works in a bank. 8. Jane walks to school every day.
b) My sister works on a bank. …….does Jane get to school every day ?
a) Is your brother play football ? 9. Karen likes listening to pop music.
b) Does your brother play football ? ………………does Karen like doing ?
a) We go on holidays in summer. 10. My wife is 43 years old.
b) We go on holiday at summer. ……………old is your wife ?
a) My son goes to primary school. 11. Tourist visit Turkey every year.
b) My son go to primary school. …………..do tourits visit every year ?
a) Are you at school now ? 12. The football match starts at 4 pm.
b) Do you at school now ? ………………does the football match
14. start ?
a) My mother cooks very well. 13. He’s from England ?
b) My mother cook very well. ……………is he from ?

Dear students,
Exercise I—Choose the best option Adverbs of frequency are
Never, sometimes, often,
Usually, always, rarely,seldom
1. A : I never smoke. Do you smoke ?
B : No,I……………………..smoke.
a) never
b) sometimes

2. A : My father walks to work every day. Does your father walk to school ?
B : Yes, he…………….walks to work.
a) usually
b) never

3. A : David has breakfast every day. Does your sister have breakfast every day ?
B : No, she………………has breakfast.
a) usually
b) never

4. A : Nick sometimes goes to the cinema. Does Julie go to the cinema ?

B : Yes, she……………goes to the cinema.
a) often
b) never

5. A : Jane reads books before bed. Does Karen read books before bed ?
B : Yes, she……………..reads books before bed.
a) always
b) rarely

6. A : Mike always brushes his teeth every day. Does Tim brush his teeth every day ?
B : No, he………………brushes his teeth.
a) rarely
b) always

7. A : We always play football on Saturday evenings. Do you play football on Saturday evenings ?
B : Yes, we……………….play football on Saturday evenings.
a) never
b) often

8. A : My brother is always late for school. Are you late for school ?
B : Yes, I am…………..late for school
a) usually
b) never

9. A : I sometimes watch football matches on TV. Do you watch football matches on TV ?

B : Yes, I…………….watch football matches on TV.
a) rarely b) often


1. Do you like …dancing……………………. ? ( dance )

a) Yes, I do .
b) No, ………………….. .

2. Does your mother like …………………… ? ( cook )

a) Yes, …………………… .
b) No, ……………………. .

3. Do you like …………………………………. ? ( play the guitar )

a) Yes, ……………………. .
b) No, …………………….. .

4. Does Ann like………………………………….. ? ( read)

a) Yes, …………………… .
b) No, ……………………. .

5. Do you like ……………………………………? ( ski )

a) Yes,……………………... .
b) No, ……………………... .

6. Does your brother like……………………? ( swim )

Yes, ……………………….. .
No, ……………………….. .

7. Do you like …………………………………….? ( sing )

Yes, ……………………….. .
No, ………………………… .

8. Do you like …………………………………….? ( listen to music)

Yes, ………………………… .
No, ………………………… .

LIKE + swimming

WRITING ACTIVITY—Write a paragraph about your daily Routine using the verbs

I get up at 7 every morning.

Wake up …………………………........ Go to bed
Go to bed
Get up
Read a book
Read a book
Take a shower

Now, write a paragraph Listen to music

Have breakfast about your father’s daily


My father gets up at 7 every

morning. ………………….. Finish school

Use a computer ………………………………..
Get on the bus
Drive a car ………………………………..
……………………………….. Clean home
Go to school
…………………………… .


Go shopping
Wa watch

Vocabulary Exercises-- Daily Routine

Accomplish the following tasks:

1. Order the pictures.

2. Match the correct picture with the right verb.

a) to wake up g) to have breakfast m) to do one’s homework

b) to get up h) to leave the house n) to have dinner
c) to brush one’s teeth i) to arrive at school o) to watch TV
d) to have a shower j) to work p) to go out for the evening
e) to get dressed k) to go home q) to wash
f) to comb one’s hair l) to listen to the radio r) to go to bed

3. Write sentences describing Jeremy’s daily routine.


A _______

7:00 am 7:30 am

7:15 am 7:35 am

7:30 am 7:50 am

7:45 am 8:00 am

8:00 am 8:15 am

13:00 pm 14:30 pm

17:00 pm 18:00 pm

19:30 pm 21:00 pm

22:30 pm 23:30 pm

HOW DO YOU…………………….?

Choose the correct answer

1. How do you get to school ?

a) with bus
b) by bus

2. How do you travel to İstanbul ?

a) by plane
b) with bus

3. How do you go to school ?

a) by tramway
b) with tramway

4. How does Jason get to school ?

a) He walks to school. / He walks to school on foot.

b) He gets to school by walk.

5. How does your brother get to work ?

a) with train
b) by train

6. How does Jane get to school ?

a) with bicyle b) by bicyle

HOW OFTEN DO YOU………………………….?

Choose the suitable answer.

1. How atfen do you brush your teeth ?

a) once a week
b) once a day


2. How often do you go to the cinema ?

a) once a year
b) twice a week
c) twice a month

3. How often do you go shopping ?

a) once a month
b) three times a month
c) four times a year

4. How often do you visit your grandparents ?

a) once a year
b) twice a month
c) every weekend


Choose the suitable answer

1. How long does it take you to have breakfast ?

a) It takes me 15 minutes to have breakfast.

b) It takes me two hours to have breakfast.

2. How long does it take John to get to work by bicyle ?

a) It takes him 2 hours to get to work ?

b) It takes him half an hour to get to work ?

3. How long does it take Tim to get dressed ?

a) It takes him 10 minutes to get dressed.

b) I takes him a day to get dressed.

1. How……….does it take you to walk to school ? 2. How…………do you eat ?

a) often a) long
b) long b) often


1. ……….often do you brush your teeth ?

a) When b) Where c) How

2. How long does it take …….to get to school ?

I’M 1.82 m a) your b) yours c) you

3. My sister goes to school……..bus every day.

a) with b) by c) in

4. I sometimes…………….to school.
a) walking b) walks c) walk

5. How long does it take Sue……..clean home ?

a) do b) to c) by

6. Martin always ………………… to work.

a) driving b) drive c) drives

7. I visit my parents…………………………. .
a) one a day b) once a week c) by a week

HOW MUCH DO YOU WEIGH ? 8. The Browns go on holiday………train.

a) with b) by c) under

9. How long …..it take you to walk to school ?

a) is b) do c) does

10. How ………..do you take a shower ?

a) often b) long c) far
I WEIGH 70 kg.

11. How long does…take your mother to cook ?

a) she b) her c) it

12. How do you get to school ? ……………… .

a) on foot b) walking c) walk

13. How………….are you ? I’m 1.76 m.

a) big b) tall c) nice
14. How much do you……………… ?
a) cost b) weigh c) come
15. I like…………….to music in my free time.
a) listen b) listens c) listening

16. My father doen’t……………….tennis.

a) like b) likes c) liking

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Possessive pronouns
I my _____ mine
You your _____ yours
He his _____ his
She her _____ hers
It its _____ (not possible)
We our _____ ours
You your _____ yours
They their _____ theirs

I’m Jason and this is Yoko.

I love her and she loves me.

And this a photo of my family.

I love them,too. Look, this is my dog,
puffy, I like it.

I love you, Jason.

Replace the words with object pronouns---Fill in the flanks with the correct word in brackets
1. I love my parents. I love……………… . 1. I see………..( they, them) every day.
2. I teach English. I teach………………… . 2. He sits near………..(I, me) in class.
3. They know Peter. They know…………. . 3. Mr Adams teaches……( we, us) English.
4. I’m reading a book. I’m reading…….. . 4. I often go out with……..( she, her ).
5. This is for my children. This is for…… . 5. I don’t like mice. I hate……( they, the

CAN = ability : (yetenek)

I’m Linda Gray. I’m an English teacher.


I’m Cem. I’m a student.


This is Julie. She’s a secretary.



At a job interview

Mr Gold : Hello, Ms Gudwick, welcome to General Company.

Jill : Thank you Mr Gold.
Mr Gold : So, are you a secretary ?
Jill : Yes, I am. But I haven’t got a job at the moment.
Mr Gold : You know General Cooperation is a big company. We need a qualified
secretary. What are your qualifications ? Can you use a computer ?
Jill : Yes, I can. I can use word and Excel programmes very well.
Mr Gold : OK. Can you speak English ?
Jill : Yes, I can. I can speak German and French as well.
Mr Gold : Well. Can you drive a car ?
Jill : No, I am afraid I can’t. I haven’t got a driving licence.
Mr Gold : What about sports ? Can you play tennis ?
Jill : Yes, I can. I can play golf, too but I can’t play voleyball.
Mr Gold : Thank you, Ms Gudwick. I think you’II get the job. We’II let you know.
Jill : Thank you.

Exercise I – Look at the pictures below and make sentences with CAN and CAN’T

climb cook dance play the guitar run swim

1. I can / can’t………………………………………. .
2. ………………………………………………………. .
3. ………………………………………………………. .
4. ………………………………………………………. .
5. ………………………………………………………. .
6. ………………………………………………………. .


1. A : Can you speak English ? 1. ‘‘2x-(3x+4) : 14’’

B : Yes, ………………………. . This is a difficult problem.
I…………answer it.
a) I can a) can
b) I do b) can’t
2. A cat …………….climb a tree.
2. A : ………Alex play football ?
B : Yes, he can. a) can
b) can’t
a) Is
b) Can

3. A : Can your father ………. a car ?

B : Yes, he can. 3.
A dolphin………………swim.
a) driving
b) drive
a) can
4. I can play football but I.......play b) can’t
a) can
b) can’t

5. A : What are your qualifications ?

B : …………………………………… . 4. Make a sentence with CAN
A mechanic / fix / cars
a) I have got a computer.
b) I can use a computer and I
can drive a car.

6. My mother can cook very well but

my sister ……….. .

a) can
b) can’t

7. A cat …………..swim.

a) can
b) can’t

8. A deer …………run very fast. ……………………………………… .

a) can b) can’t


Form :

Statements Statements Short answer Short answer

+ - + -

I'm working. I'm not working. Am I working? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.

You’re working. You aren’t working. Are you working ? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

He's working. He isn't working. Is he working? Yes, he is. No, he isn't.

She's working. She isn't working. Is she working? Yes, she is. No, she isn't.

It's working. It isn't working. Is it working? Yes, it is. No, it isn't.

You're working. You aren'tt working. Are you working? Yes you are. No, you aren't.

We're working. We aren't working. Are we working? Yes we are. No, we aren't.

They're working. They aren't working. Are they working? Yes they are. No, they aren't.

Use :

 When we talk about events that are actually happening now.

She is dancing

I am a teacher. He is fishing.

I am teaching now.

They are eating dinner.

 for action happening around now. The action may not be happening exactly now,
but it is happening just before and just after now, and it is not permanent or

Peter and Linda are dating these days.

Exercise I --- WHAT ARE THEY DOING ?

walk Dance run

1- What’s he doing? 2- What are they doing? 3- What’s he doing ?

_____________________ _____________________

eat Swim

4- What is he doing? 5- What is he doing? 6- What is she doing’

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

8. What’s he doing ?
work play

7. What is he doing ? 9. What’s he doing ?

play drink drive

10- Is he playing the flute? 11- Are they dancing? 12- Is he riding a bike?

_______________________ _____________________ ______________________

_______________________ _____________________ ______________________

Ride a bike

Ride a horse

13- What’s he doing? 14- What are they doing? 15- Is he eating?

_______________________ _____________________ ______________________

read comb
take a shwer

16- Is he reading a book? 16- Is he sleeping? 17- What is he doing?

_______________________ _______________________ ______________________


 Now, right now, at the moment, at present,

 These days, tonight, this evening, this year, this month
We can not use the verbs below in Presene Continuous Tense

 See, hear, smell, taste, like, dislike, love, hate, want, need, know, prefer,
 Realise, understand, think, believe, remember, hope, depend on, belong to,

Exercise II
1. What is she doing ? 6. What’s the boy doing ?

She ………………………( read ) a book. He……………………..( read ) a book.

2. What is he doing ? 7. What are they doing ?

He…………………..( fish ).
They…………….( walk ) to school
3. What is the man doing ? 8. What’s he doing ?

He…………………….( fly ) He……………………….( dance )

4. What’s the man doing ? 9. What is he doing ?

He……………………….( sit in the sun and drink ) He…………………( watch ) TV

5. What’s the woman doing ?

She…………………………..( walk )

Exercise I--Make sentences in the present continuous tense.

Example : I / watch / TV Exercise II – Make the following sentences

I’m watching TV. question
Example : I’m having lunch now.
1. I / sit / on a chair. Am I having lunch now ?
………………………………………………… 1. Jane is talking on the phone.
………………………………………… ?
2. He / smoke /a cigar.
………………………………………………… 2. My father is watching TV.
3. They / play / football.
………………………………………………… 3. Sina is sleeping.
4. It / rain
…………………………………………………. 4. They are walking.
5. Anne / write / a letter
…………………………………………………. 5. My mother is cooking dinner.
6. Bob / read / a book
………………………………………………….. 6. The teacher is teaching Present tense.
7. We / walk to work
………………………………………………… . 7. You are doing homework.
……………………………………………… ?
8. You / eat / an apple
………………………………………………… Exercise III –Make sentences using WHAT.

9. They / run / around the park 1. I am teaching present continuous tense

………………………………………………….. What are you teaching ?

10. I / wait / for the bus 2. He’s having dinner now.

……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………..?

11. They / play basketball 3. Jeff is eating a sandwiche.

………………………………………………... ……………………………………………….. ?

12. He / run 4. They are watching a film on TV.

………………………………………………… ………………………………………………..?

13. She / swim 5. Cem is doing English course now.

………………………………………………. ?

Exercise I –Fill in the words from the box. Use the Present Continuous.
Play—work—sit—read—play—listen to—clean--read

Debbie and her friends…………………………in Debbie’s garden. They…………………...

football. Mrs Baker……………………..a book. Mr Baker……………………in the garden. Nick
……………………….to a cassette. Trundle and Marmalade……………………………….on Mrs
Baker’s chair. Now Nick………………………..his bike. Nick : ‘’ Debbie, help me, please.
‘’ But hasn’t got any time. ‘’ I…………………….a book for school. Ask your friend.’’

Exercise II- Fill in the words from the box. Use the Present Continuous.

Sally and his friends………………………in the garden. They……………………for a video.

Mrs Snow…………………………a book. Mr Baker……………………….in the garden. Dave….
………………………..to a CD. Trundle and Marmalade…………………………….their cages.
Ben’s friend…………………………..his bike.

Exercise III—Fill in the gaps using Present Continuous

1. Look ! The Sun……………………….(shine) and the children…………………….(play) outside.

2. The children…………………………..(swim) in the swimming pool at the moment.

3. Peter………………………… (laugh) and Sarah……………(cry). They…………………..(argue).

4. Now Sarah……………………..(run) away from Peter. He……………………..(cycle) after her.

5. Listen ! The birds…………………………….(sing) . They sound nice.

6. Their mum………………………… (get) lunch ready for them.

7. They………………..……………………….(have) lunch at 2 pm today.

8. It is now 2 pm but the children………………………………………..(still / play) in the garden.

9. They………………..………………………………….(enjoy) themselves outside.

10. Oh look ! they……………………………… (just / come) through the front door.

Exercise I—Choose the correct option – PRESENT SIMPLE –PRESENT CONTINUOUS

1. I always……………….to my friends about my problems.

a) talk
b) am talking

2. It’s 9 o’clock and the students………in their classroom.

a) sit
b) are sitting

3. Where………………………………?
From the shops.

a) do you come from

b) are you coming from

4. Where……………………………….?
To the river.

a) are you going

b) do you go

5. Why…………………………a scarf ?
Because I’m cold.

a) are you wearing

b) do you wear

Exercise II—Choose the correct option – PRESENT SIMPLE –PRESENT CONTINUOUS

6. Mark………………………….vegetables.

a) isn’t liking
b) doesn’t like

7. 7. The Smiths always…………..together.

a) are having breakfast

b) have breakfast

8. Tom………………to buy a car.

a) is wanting
b) wants

9. In the evenings Linda…………………videos.

a) watches
b) is watching

10. Dear Sir, I………………this letter because I’m not happy with
your product.

a) write
b) am writing

Exercise III—Choose the correct option – PRESENT SIMPLE –PRESENT CONTINUOUS

1. Max usually……………………..to the movies on Friday nights.

a) go b) goes c) is going

2. What’s that sound ? I think the phone……………………………. .

a) ring b) rings c) is ringing

3. Jim……………….50 laps in the pool every day after work.

a) swim b) swims c) is swimming

4. Mary is very upset right now. In fact, she………………………….. .

a) cry b) cries c) is crying

5. Jack and Jill………………………up the hill every morning.

a) go b) goes c) are going

6. Oliver usually drives the bus, but this morning Principal Skinner…………….it.

a) drive b)drives c) is driving

7. I……………….a grammar exercise right now.

a) do b) does c) am doing

8. Mary and Susan usually……………..tennis at the weekend.

a) play b) plays c) are playing

9. Rich………………his dog for a walk every morning.

a) take b) takes c) is taking

10. This morning, Mark………………..quickly because he is late.

a) eat b) eats c) is eating

11. I…………………………………….…..tea. 13. I………….to go to the movies.
a) like b) is liking a) don’t want b) am not wanting
12. What…………this word ……………….. ? 14. What………………….with my dog ?
a) does……..mean b) is…….meaning a) do you do b) are you doing


Right now George……………………..(sit) at the table. He…………………(play) the

guitar. Janet………………………..(sit) next to him. She also……………………(play) the
guitar. George and Janet…………………………………(play) a popular folk song. They
usually………………………(sing) while they……………………….(play) , but today they
are just…………………..(play) the guitar. George and Janet often …………………(play)
the guitar together. Right now George………………………..(wear) a white t-shirt. He..
……………………….(wear) a white t-shirt almost every day. Janet…………………(wear)
a gray sweat shirt. She only………………………….(wear) her gray sweat when it’s cold
Exercise II- Match the questions and the answers

1. Does he work at night ? a) She works at a bank.

2. Where is Janet going ? b) No, I’m having dinner.

3. What are you doing ? c) I’m going home.

4. Are you watching TV ? d) No, I get up at 8.

5. Where does your sister work ? e) No, they are sleeping.

6. When does Jane go home ? f) At half past four.

7. Do you get up at 9 ? g) She’s going home.

8. Are they writing a letter ? h) No, she works in the afternoon.



Year : 2008
Hello, I am Mike Twain.
I am a teacher. I am 42 years old and I am
Look ! this is a photo of my family,my dad
and mum.
This is me. I was 15 years old. I was a
student at high school and of course ,I was

Year : 1981

Form :

Positive Negative Question Answers

I was. I wasn't. Was I? Yes, I was./ No, I wasn’t.

You were You weren’t. Were you ? Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t

He was. He wasn't. Was he? Yes, he was. / No, he wasn’t.

She was. She wasn't. Was she? Yes, she was./ No, she wasn’t.

It was. It wasn't. Was it? Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.

You were. You weren't. Were you? Yes, we were/ No, we weren’t.

We were. We weren't. Were we? Yes, we were. / No, we weren’t

They were. They weren't. Were they? Yes, they were./ No, they weren’t


Past ( geçmiş) Present

Yesterday morning Exercise I- Write am,is, are, was,were
Yesterday evening
Last night 1. I……………. in class now.
Last week 2. You…………at school yesterday.
Last month 3. He…………..a student in 2002.
Last year 4. We…………. at the cinema last night.
Last weekend 5. They………..late for school yesterday.
Last Sunday 6. Jane…………a student at university in 1998.
Two years ago 7. We……………in İstanbul last week.
In 2002 8. Tina………….in the exam now.
9. She…………..married now.

Exercise I—Write was or were

1. It’s 9 o’clock. Tim is in his office now.

He………..at home at 8 o’clock in the morning.

2. Jimmy is slim now.

He………….fat two years ago.

Exercise I—Choose the correct word

1. I……….at home last night. 12. ………….old are you ?

a) am a) How
b) was b) What

2. My father……… at work now. 13. A : ………………………………………

a) is B : I was at the cinema.
b) was a) Where are you last night ?
b) Where were you last night ?
3. David and Alan……in Spain last year.
a) are 14. A : …………were you with ?
b) were B : I was with my friend.
4. …………….you at school now ? a) How
a) Were b) Who
b) Are
15. A : ……was the film on TV last night ?
5. …………Tina at school yesterday ? B : It was great.
a) Is a) What
b) Was b) How

6. ………..they tired last night ? 16. A : ..was your trip to Turkey last year ?
a) Were B : It was fantastic.
b) Are a) When
b) How
7. We…......on holiday in Antalya now.
a) are 17. A :….were you yesterday after school ?
b) were B : I was at a cafe with my friends.
a) When
8. ........Danny late for school yesterday ? b) Where
a) Is
b) Was 18. A : …………………..were you born ?
B : I was born in 1987.
9. My sister…………16 years old. a) When
a) is b) How
b) was
19. A :………………….were you born ?
10. Yesterday…………..John’s birthday. B . I was born in İstanbul.
a) is a) When
b) was b) Where

11. It…………..very cold today. 20. A : …………..was the test ?

a) was B : It was easy.
b) is a) What
b) How

Exercise I—Fiil in the blanks with WAS--WERE

A : Where was Mrs Clark at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon ?
B : She……………..at the meeting.

2. A : Were you in the hospital last night ?

B : Yes, I………… .

3. A : Where were Julia and Sue yesterday morning ?

B : They………………on the beach.

4. Karen and Mike…………….in Turkey last summer.

5. A : Where were they yesterday afternoon ?

B : They………………at the supermarket.

6. A : Were you at home last night ?

B : Yes, we……………. .

7. A : How many people…….there in İstanbul

in 1950s ?
B : There were about 400000 people.

SIMPLE PAST TENSE (geçmiş zaman)
( Regular Verbs )



Use: We use Simple past tense for the actions which happened or stated at a definite time in the past.
( Geçmiş zamanda başlayan ve biten eylemleri veya ifadeleri geçmiş zaman formatına göre ifade ederiz.)

Simple Past Timeline

Yesterday—yesterday morning—yesterday afternoon—
Last night—last week—last month—last year—last Saturday—last weekend
In 2004---two days ago—two minutes ago etc.

Activity I—Write the past form of the Verb

1. I……………(play) football yesterday. 2. My father………………(cook)dinner last night.

3. Mark and Silvia…………….(dance) at the wedding last night. 4. We….….…(walk) to school yesterday.

5. Nick………………(wait) for the school bus yesterday morning.

6. David……………(call) me yesterday.

Exercise I—Type the verb in bracket in Simple Past
1. I………………………………( walk) to work last week.

2. He……………………………(arrive) late for school.

3. Ellen…………………………(wait) for an hour.

We add –ed to the

4. Bob………………………….(like) the movie yesterday.
verb in past form
5. Peter………………………….(need) that book yesterday. WALK—WALKED
6. They…………………………..(use) my pen. PLAY---PLAYED
7. The teacher……………..(help) the students with their homework.
8. Julie…………………(answer) the questions in English class yesterday. USE---USED
9. We……………………(like) the film on TV last night. LOVE—LOVED
10. They………………..(arrive) in İstanbul at 10 o’clock last night. OPEN—OPENED

11. Turkey………………(play) well against Germany last week.

12. Mike…………………(call) me 10 minutes ago.

13. My brother………………………….(finish) the project two days ago.

14. My sister………………….(graduate) from medical faculty in 2005.

Exercise II—Choose the correct word.

1. I visited my parents ………………….. … . 5. We walked to school…………………. .
a) everyday a) every week
b) yesterday b) last week

2. My father worked in İstanbul…………… . 6. Mr Brown watered the flowers……….. .

a) now a) yesterday morning
b) in 2003 b) every morning

3. Catherine talked to Alice………………… . 7. The children played in the park……… .

a) yesterday evening a) at the weekends
b) on Tuesdays b) last weekend

4. They danced at the school party………. . 8. My students performed a play…………. .

a) in the evenings a) yesterday
b) last weekend b) every week

Exercise I—Fill in the gaps with the verb in bracket in Simple Past Tense

Last Saturday my family and I …………………….(visit) my grandparents. My mother

…………….(help) my grandmother with the housework. My father……………………..(clean)
the windows outside. My sister and I…………………..(watch) cartoons on television and
later we……………(play) outside in the garden. We…………………(climb) the old oak-tree
in the garden. We…………………(stay) there all afternoon. Then, our mother …………….....
(call) us because it……………(be) time to go home. Our grandparents…………………..(kiss)
us goodbye and we………………..(return) home. We……………………..(arrive) home at 9 o’
clock. Father………………(look) for the key,…………………..(open) the front door and we all
…………………..(walk) inside.

Form :

Positive Negative Question Short answer Short answer

I worked. I didn't work. Did I work? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.

You worked. You didn't work. Did you work? Yes, you did. No, you didn't.

He worked. He didn't work. Did she work? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.

She worked. She didn't work. Did she work? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t

It worked. It didn't work. Did it work? Yes it did. No, it didn’t

We worked. We didn't work. Did we work? Yes we did. No, we didn't.

You worked You didn’t work Did you work? Yes, you did No, you didn’t

They worked. They didn't work. Did they work? Yes they did. No, they didn't.

Exercise II- Choose the negative form of the sentences

1. I watched TV last night. 5. We stayed at a hotel in France last month
a) I wasn’t watch TV last night. a) We weren’t stay at a hotel in France..
b) I didn’t watch TV last night. b) We didn’t stay at a hotel in France….

2. Tina walked to school yesterday. 6. Mr Baker talked to me at the meeting.

a) Tina wasn’t walk to school yesterday a) Mr Baker wasn’t talk to me at the…….
b) Tina didn’t walk to school yesterday b) Mr Baker didn’t talk to me at the…….

3. We visited our parents last weekend. 7. Shelia played chess with Alice yesterday
a) We didn’t visit our parents last…… a) Shelia wasn’t play with Alice yesterday
b) We weren’t visit our parents last….. b) Shelia didn’t play with Alice yesterday.

4. My father called me last night. 8. Bob arrived at home late last night.
a) My father isn’t called me last night. a) Bob wasn’t arrived home late last night.
b) My father didn’t call me last night. b) Bob didn’t arrive home late last night.

Irregular Verbs

Positive Negative Question Short answer Short answer

I went I didn't go. Did I go ? Yes, I did. No, I didn't.

You went You didn't go. Did you go? Yes, you did. No, you didn't.

He went. He didn't go. Did she go? Yes, he did. No, he didn't.

She went. She didn't go. Did she go? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t

It went. It didn't go. Did it go? Yes it did. No, it didn’t

We went. We didn't go. Did we go? Yes we did. No, we didn't.

You went You didn’t go Did you go? Yes, you did No, you didn’t

They went. They didn't go. Did they go? Yes they did. No, they didn't.

Dear students,
We must learn the past form of some verbs ;

Present Past Present Past

Am,is,are/ was were
Begin began keep kept
Bring brought know knew
Build built leave left
Buy bought let let
Catch caught lose lost
Choose chose make made
Come came meet met
Cost cost pay paid
Cut cut read read
Do did say said
Drink drank see saw
Drive drove sell sold
Eat ate send sent
Feel felt sing sang
Find fought sit sat
Fly flew sleep slept
Forget forgot spend spent
Get got take took
Give gave teach taught
Go went think taught
Grow grew win won
Have had write wrote
Hear heard understand understood
Hurt hurt

Exercise I

Fill in the blanks with the verb in Simple Past tense

1. Laura ………………….(come) home at six o’clock last night.

2. I…………….(send) an e-mail to my friend yesterday.

3. My son……………..(read) a book last night.

4. They………………..(have) a really good time in Turkey last summer.

5. We………………(see) a great film on TV lat week.

6. I………………(drive) to work yesterday.

7. Bob……………..(take) an exam yesterday.

8. My sister……………(have) an interview last Monday.

9. They…………….. (fly) to Italy last month.

10. My friend……………….(swim) in the Ocean last summer.

11. Yesterday she………….(have) lunch with her sister.

12. Last week Bob…………….(buy) a new car.

13. I……………….(send) three letters yesterday.

14. Jane…………………(take) the bus to school yesterday.

15. Paul and Samantha …………………(stay) at home last night.

16. Ann………………..(go) to a supermarket last weekend.

17. Steve………………(win)$ 5000 from lottery last year.

18. Edward and Marilyn……………( get ) married in 2005.

19. My parents…………….(do) shopping yesterday.

20. I…………… (sleep) late last night.

21. We……………(have) dinner at a restaurant yesterday evening.

Exercise 1-Fill in the blanks with the verbs in Simple Past

Last month I…………( go) to Tarrogona in

Spain. I……………..(go) there with a group
of people. They………(be) from university.
We....................(make) a project called ‘’
Hazelnut planting systems in Spain, France
and Turkey.’’ We…………(visit) a research
centre, IRTA. We……………….(Exchange)
the ideas and experiences. We also………..
(visit) some cooperatives and ……………….
(meet) some farmers. At the weekend we…
……………( take) a train to Barcelona. We…
………………..( walk) in the city centre and
…………….(do) shopping at the shops.We
……………..(join) a city tour. We…………….
(see) Nou-camp Stadium. I……………(take)
a lot of photos and………………………(buy)
presents for my family. We…………….(stay)
in Spain for a week. In the second week we
………………….(visit) some cooperatives in
Toulouse in France. I………….(like) the city
a lot. We also ………………(go) to Bordeux.
It’s an old city. It’s famous for its wine.
Some friends……………..(buy) wine there.
The trip to Spain and France …………(be)

Exercise 1 Find the correct negative form of the sentence in Simple Past

1. I watched a film on TV last night.

a) I wasn’t watch a film on TV last night.
b) I didn’t watch a film on TV last night.

2. We lived in İstanbul in 2005.

a) We didn’t live in İstanbul in 2005.
b) We weren’t live in İstanbul in 2005.

3. My brother went to Englang last year.

a) My brother wasn’t go to England last year.
b) My brother didn’t go to Englang last year.

4. I had breakfast at 9 yesterday.

a) I wasn’t have breakfast at 9 yesterday.
b) I didn’t have breakfast at 9 yesterday.

5. We ate hamburgers at Mc Donald’s last night.

a) We weren’t ate hamburgers at Mc Donald’s last night.
b) We didn’t eat hamburgers at Mc Donald’s last night.

6. Peter studied mathematics at university.

a) Peter wasn’t study mathematics at university.
b) Peter didn’t study mathematics at university.

7. Alice did her homework last night.

a) Alice didn’t do her homework last night.
b) Alice wasn’t do her homework last night.

8. We visited our grandparents last weekend in Ankara.

a) We weren’t visit our grandparents last weekend in Ankara.
b) We didn’t visit our grandparents last weekend in Ankara.

9. Fred took an exam last Sunday.

a) Fred didn’t take an exam last Sunday.
b) Fred wasn’t take an exam last Sunday.

10. Jennifier sent an e-mail to me yesterday.

a) Jennifier didn’t send an e-mail to me yesterday.
b) jennifier wasn’t send an e-mail to me yesterday.

11. The Browns invited us for dinner last night.

a) The Browns weren’t invited us for dinner last night.
b) The Browns didn’t invite us for dinner last night.

Exercise I –Make the sentences negative Exercise II- Write What time-What-
in Simple Past. Where-Why-Who-How many

1. I called my brother last night. 1. I got up at 8 o’clock yesterday.

………………………………………. . …………..did you get up yesterday ?

2. Mike walked to school yesterday. 2. Mary was late for school because
………………………………………… . she missed the bus.
………….was late for school ?
3. We had breakfast at a cafe last Sunday. 3. We ate fish for dinner last night.
…………………………………………. . ………….did you eat for dinner
last night ?
4. My father drove to work yesterday. 4. We spent our holidays in Antalya
………………………………………….. . last summer.
………did you spend your holidays
5. My mother made a big cake for my last summer ?
birthday party. 5. I read two books last month.
………………………………………………. . …………….books did you read last
6. My sister studied in library yesterday. month ?
………………………………………………. . 6. English teacher taught Simple Past
tense in the previous lesson.
7. Linda got married in 2005. …………did English teacher teach
……………………………………………….. . in the previous lesson ?

8. I met my teacher in the street yesterday 7. I came to Turkey for a conference

…………………………………………………. ……….did you come to Turkey ?

9. We travelled to the South of Turkey last 8. My sister bought a new mobile

summer. phone yesterday.
…………………………………………………. …..................did your sister buy
yesterday ?
10. Tina finished her homework at ten last 9. We stayed at a five-star hotel on
night. holidays last summer.
……………………………………………… . …………did you stay on holidays
last summer ?
11. I took a lot of photos in Spain last year 10. My parents went shopping last
………………………………………………… Wednesday.
…………did your parents go last
12. Susan left home early yesterday. Wednesday ?
……………………………………………… 11. Carlos made a goal in the match
13. We listened to music last night. ………made a goal in the match
……………………………………………….. yesterday ?
12. They came to Turkey last summer
14. My son surfed on the internet all night. ………did they come to Turkey ?

Exercise I –Choose the correct word Exercise II- Choose the correct option

1. Linda likes listening to music………… 1. Dün gece ne yaptın ?

a) last night a) What were you do last night ?
b) in her free time b) What did you do last night ?

2. I always have breakfast ……………….. . 2. Dün okula gittin mi ?

a) yesterday a) Did you go to school yesterday ?
b) in the mornings b) Were you went to school yesterday ?

3. We were late for school………………. . 3. Ev ödevini ne zaman bitirdin ?

a) yesterday a) When do you finish your homework ?
b) every day b) When did you finish your homework ?

4. My father bought a new car……………. . 4. Ankara’ya ne zaman geldiniz ?

a) every month a) When were you come to Ankara ?
b) last week b) When did you come to Ankara ?

5. My brother graduated from university… 5. Dün gece evdemiydin ?

a) in 1998 a) Did you at home last night ?
b) in 2012 b) Were you at home last night ?

6. Judy met her husband at a party…….. . 6. Ann geçen hafta ailesini ziyaret etti.
a) two years ago a) Ann was visit her family last week.
b) every day b) Ann visited her family last week.

7. David walks to school …………………. . 7. On yıl İstanbul’da yaşadık.

a) yesterday a) We live in İstanbul for ten years.
b) every day b) We lived in İstanbul for ten years.

8. My mother cooked spaghetti for dinner 8. Dün gece eve saat kaçta geldin ?
a) last night a) What time was you come home last
b) every day night ?
b) What time did you come home last
9. Did your father work in a factory…….. ? night ?
a) last year
b) every month 9. Dün gece güzel bir film izledim.
a) I watch a good film on TV last night.
10. Do you drive to work………………. ? b) I watched a good film on TV last
a) every day night.
b) yesterday
10. Dün okula gitmedim.
11. Is your brother washing the car……. ? a) I weren’t go to school yesterday.
a) now b) I didn’t go to school yesterday.
b) yesterday

Exercise I- Fill in the blanks with the verbs in bracket in Simple Past

Yesterday I………………..(have) a really bad day. I………………(wake)

up up at 9 o’clock because I…………………(forget) to set up my alarm clock
the night before. I……………..(get) up as fast as I……………….(can) and
I…(put) on some clothes. I ran into the kitchen and…………….(make)
myself a cup of coffee. Then I……………….(drink) the coffee very fast
and I……………..(run) to the school bus. I nearly……………………(catch)
the school bus. It……………(be) a terrible day.

Exercise II – Complete this story about the international

tennis player Martina Navratilova . Use the Simple Past
Tense of the verns in parantheses.

Martina Navratilova was (be) born in Prague,

Czechosllavakia in 1956. When she was 16, she………
(become) her country’s tennis champion in 1973, she
……………(win) the title of Junior Girls’ champion at
Wimbledon. Two years later, Martina…………….(leave)
Czecholosvakia and…………..…(go) to the United States.
In 1976, Martina together with Chris Evert………………..
(take) the title of Women’s Doubles Champions at
Martina…………………(enjoy) a successful career as a
professonal tennis player. She……………(be) the women’s single champion at Wimbledon in
1978 and again in 1979. She……………(win) the same title for six years in a row, from 1982
to 1987. Between 1978 and 1992. Martina…………….(win) 158 international tournaments.
After the 1994 season, Martina …………………(retire) from tennis a true champion.

1. Where was Martina Navratilova born ?
2. How old was she when she became her country’s tennis champion ?
3. Which country did Martina go to in 1975 ?
4. How many years did Martina Navratilova win the women’s single champion at Wimbledon ?
5. When did Martina Navratilova retire from tennis ?
……………………………………………………………… .

Exercise I – Complete the passage about ATATÜRK’S LIFE. Use the verbs in Simple Past Tense

Atatürk ……….(be) born in Selanik on 19th of May, 1881. His father's name ………….(be) Ali
Rıza Efendi. His mother's name……..(be) Zübeyde. His sister's name was Makbule. First he
………………..(go) to Şemsi Efendi Primary School. Then he…………………(go) to Military High
School and Military Academy. He……………………..(graduate) from Military Acedemy with the
rank of captai. At that time, there was a war, Atatürk………………..(want) to start struggle for
independence and he………………….(arrive) in Samsun on 19th of May, 1919. He………………
(invite) delegates from every part of Anatolia congresses in Erzurum and Sivas. He …………..
(open) the Turkish Grand National Assembly on 23rd of April, 1920. He…………………(found)
the Turkish Republic on 29th of October, 1923. He………….(be) the first president of the
Turkish Republic. At the end of war of independence Atatürk………………………(creat) a new
Atatürk…………..(die) on 10th of November, 1938. He…………………………(entrust) the
Turkish Republic to the Turksih Youth.

1. When was Ataürk Born ? 4. When did Atatürk arrive in Samsun ?
……………………………………. ……………………………………………………… .
2. What was Atatürk’s father name ? 5. Who did Atatürk invite from Anatolia congresses ?
…………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………..
3. What was Atatürk’s mother name ? 6. When did Atatürk die ?
…………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… .

REVISION TEST on Simple Present- Present Continuous-Simple Past

1. I………….watching TV. 12. What time …..you usually finish work ?

a) like a) are
b) am like b) do

2. Where do you……………………. ? 13. My sister………up late every morning.

a) living a) is getting
b) live b) gets

3. Helen is…………………….French. 14. How……….the film on TV last night ?

a) learn a) is
b) learning b) was

4. Jack……………geography at university. 15. ……………you go shopping yesterday ?

a) study a) Were
b) studies b) Did

5. …………you at home last night ? 16. A : What ……..you like to drink, sir ?
a) Did B: I’d like to drink a tea, please.
b) Were a) would
b) did
6. Peter and Robert……Italy last summer.
a) were visited 17. What time……..you leave for Ankara
b) visited yesterday morning ?
a) were
7. Did your brother…………….. last night ? b) did
a) called
b) call 18. What are you…………at the moment ?
a) do
8. I am……………breakfast at a cafe now. b) doing
a) have
b) having 19. Do you………listening to pop music ?
a) liking
9. …………..she finish typing the letters b) like
last night ?
a) Was 20. What time…............the bus to İstanbul
b) Did leave ?
a) is
10. Where ……….you go last weekend ? b) does
a) were 21. A: When………….you born ?
b) did B: I…………born in 1995.
11. What do you………….in the evenings ? a) are / am
a) did b) were / was
b) do

( Sıfatlar ) (karşılaştırmalar)

Use : Adjectives have got three form : positive, comparative and superlatives

Form : One-syllable adjectives form the comparative by adding –er

Positive form Comparative form
old older
tall taller
young younger + than
long longer
small smaller
cheap cheaper
cold colder
 We use comparative form + than to compare two people or things

I’m Emma. I’m I’m18.

I’m 1.65.

I’m Judy. I’m 20.

I’m Isabel.I’m19. I’m 1.72.
I’m 1.70

 Emma is younger than Isabel. Emma is shorter than Isabel.

 Isabel is older than Emma. Isabel is taller than Emma.
 Judy is older than Isabel. Judy is taller than Isabel.
 Judy is older than Emma. Isabel is shorter than Judy.

Exercise I-Complete the sentences in Comparative form

1. My brother is………………..(young) than me.
2. My father is …………………(old) than my uncle.
3. I am………………….(tall) than my sister.
4. She is………………..( short) than her mother.
5. A mouse is…………………..( small) than a cat.
6. Erzurum is……………………(cold) than Ankara.

( Sıfatlar ) (karşılaştırmalar)

Form : Adjectives of two or more syllables form the comparative with –more.

Positive form Comparative form

beautiful more beautiful
expensive more expensive
difficult more difficult + than
popular more popular
intelligent more intelligent
dangerous more dangerous

Mazda Opel


Cost : 60.000 TL Cost : 4.000 TL

 Mazda is more expensive than opel.

Alice Karen


 Alice is more beautiful than Karen.

Lion Wolf

 A Lion is more dangerous than a wolf.

Irregular forms :
 Some adjectives are irregular. They change in their comparative

Positive form Comparative form

Good better
Bad worse
Much/many/ alot of more + than
Little less
Far farther/further

Exercise I- Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Use comparative form.

1. I am……………..……….(tall) than my father.

2. Tim is…………................(old) than Steve.
3. My mother is………………………..( young) than my father.
4. Ankara is……………….(big) than Samsun.
5. Today is…………………(cold) than yesterday.
6. Ali is……………………………………(intelligent) than Ahmet.
7. Mercedes is……………………. ……(expensive) than Renault.
8. English is…………………………(easy) than French.
9. Mathematics is………………………(interesting) than physics.
10. Jane is…………………………….(clever) than Susan.
11. I am…………………..(good) than my brother at maths.
12. Is The Nile………………(long) than The Kızılırmak ?
13. I have got…………………..(much) money than my friend.
14. My father is…………………….(strong) than me.
15. Health is ………………………..(important) than money.
16. Reading a book is ……………………………(useful) than speaking.
17. Mike is………………………(strong) than Jason.
18. Antalya is……………………(hot) than İstanbul.
19. İstanbul is……………………(larger) than İzmir.
20. My brother is ………………………(rich) than me.
21. A jaguar is……………………….(fast) an elephant.
22. I feel…………………….(good) than yesterday.
23. Your car is……………………(new) than my car.
24. My computer is………………………(old) than your computer.
25. I can speak Englsih………………………..(good) than Turkish.
26. I think Turkey is……………………..(nice) than Germany.
27. My car is ………………………………(comfortable) than your car.
28. Cats live………………………(long) than dogs.
29. Sarah is……………………….(beautiful) than her sister.
30. Vegetables are……………………………………(healthy) than bakery.
31. Who is……………………………..(popular) ? Tarkan or Kayahan.


Form :
We use the + superlative form+ of / in to compare one person or thing with more than one
person or thing in the same group. We use –in when we talk about places.

Positive form Comparative form Superlative form

old older the oldest
tall taller the tallest
young younger + than the youngest + of /in
long longer the longest
small smaller the smallest
cheap cheaper the cheapest
cold colder the coldest

beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful

expensive more expensive the most expensive
difficult more difficult + than the most difficult + of / in
popular more popular the most popular
intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous

Irregular forms :
Good better the best
Bad worse the worst
Much/many/ alot of more + than the most + of / in
Little less the least
Far farther/further the farthest /the furthest

I’m Emma. I’m I’m18.

I’m 1.65.
I’m Isabel.I’m19. I’m Judy. I’m 20.
I’m 1.70 I’m 1.72.

Emma is the youngest of all. Judy is the oldest of all.

Emma is the shortest of all. Judy is the tallest of all.

Exercise I- Complete the sentences with the adjectives. Use superlative form.

1. I am………………………(old) person in my family.

2. My brother is……………………….(young) in my family.
3. İstanbul is …………………………..(big) city in Turkey.
4. The Nile is……………………………(long) river in the world.
5. July is ………………………………..(hot) month of the year.
6. Lion is ……………………………………..(dangerous) animal of all.
7. Who is………...................................(intelligent) student in your classrom ?
8. I am………………………………..(good) at maths in my classroom.
9. Today is……………………………(sunny) day of the year.
10. I think Audio is……………………………..(expensive) car of all.
11. Who is ………………………………..(beautiful) actress in Turkey ?
12. Diamond is…………………………..(valuable) jewellery of all.
13. Which is……………………………..(long) river in the world ?
14. My computer……………………….(expensive) computer in the shop.
15. China is…………………………….(crowded) country in the world.

Exercise II- Choose the correct option

1. I am…………than my brother. 7. The hotels in Turkey are……….than in

a) old Spain.
b) older a) the cheaper
b) cheaper
2. Mary is……beautiful than her sister.
a) the most 8. Peter is the most intelligent student ….
b) more our classroom.
a) of
3. İstanbul is ………biggest city in Turkey. b) in
a) more
b) the 9. Julie is the youngest………all girls.
a) than
4. My car is………….than my father’s. b) of
a) cheapest
b) cheaper 10. I am………..than my brother at maths.
a) the best
5. Turkish food is………….decious than b) better
French food.
a) more 11. İstanbul is the…………..touristic city in
b) the most Turkey.
a) more
6. Who is ………..person in your family ? b) most
a) the older 12. Which is ………….important ? Health or
b) the oldest money a) most b) more

Communicative Activity I

Complete the sentences using the comparative form of adjectives.

Akira : Are you planning to go on holiday this summer ?

Keiko : Yes, I am. I have got some alternatives in my mind.
Akira : Where do you want to go ?
Keiko : Turkey or Greece, I think I will go to Turkey.
Akira : Why do you want to go to Turkey ?
Keiko : Because the hotels in Turkey are………………..(cheap) than in Greece
and the sea is ……………….(clean) than in Greece.
Akira : Are there more advantages for Turkey ?
Keiko : Yes, there are. I think the most important thing is that Turkish people
are……………………………..(friendly) than Greek people.
Akira : Well, I guess I’II join you for Turkey.
Keiko : OK, let’s go to a travel agency soon.

Communicative Activity II

Marta : Hello, I would like to have a look at the cars and get
information about their features.
Car dealer : Of course. We have got 2008 model cars. For example;
Opel Astra is 35.000 TL and Toyota avensis is 37.000 TL.
And the last one is Ford focus. It’s 40.000 TL.
Marta : So, Opel is……………………(cheap) of all and Ford is………
……………………(expensive) of all, then.
Car dealer : Yes, but Toyota avensis is………………………..(economical)
of all and also……………………….(fast) of all.
Marta : Thank you very much for information.
Car dealer : My pleasure.

BE GOING TO (ecek, acak)
Form :

I am Am I Yes, I am . /No, I’m not

You are Are you Yes, I am. /No, I’m not.
He is Is he Yes, he is/No, he isn’t.
She is going to visit…. Is she going to visit…? Yes, she is/No, she isn’t
It is Is it Yes, it./No, it isn’t.
We are Are we Yes, we are/No, we aren’t.
You are Are you Yes, we are/No, we aren’t.
They are Are they Yes, they are/No, aren’t

Use : We use ‘’ Be going to’’ to talk about the plans and intentions in the near future.

Time expressions
Tomorrow (yarın)
Next week, weekend (gelecek hafta, hafta sonu)
Next month (gelecek ay)
Next year (gelecek ay)
Tonight (bu gece)
In an hour ( bir saat içinde)
The day after tomorrow ( yarından sonraki gün)
Soon etc. (çok yakında)

I’m Julie. I’m German.

I’m a student at university.
I study English.
After university, Iam going to teach English at a private school.

Private school : özel okul

This is Tom. He studies medicine at university.

He’s Palastinian.He is going to be a doctor.
He is going to work in a hospital in Gazze.
He is going to look after people.

Medicine : tıp

Palastinian : Filistinli
Exercise I- Complete the sentences with be going to

1. I………………………………..(buy) some milk this afternnon.

2. Mary…………………………..(do) shopping tomorrow.
3. We……………………………..(take) a holiday in Italy next summer.
4. They……………………………(get) married next weekend.
5. He……………………………….(work) in a factory after university.
6. My mother……………………………(cook) fish for dinner tonight.
7. We………………………………..(have) a party for Cem’s birthday tonight.
8. My father………………………..(retire) next year.
9. It…………………………………(rain) in an hour.
10. I…………………………………(write) a book about English gramma

Exrcise II – Complete the sentences with be going to

Jack..……………………………(be) a painter. Paul….…………………………….(take) a holiday

to Turkey next week..

Tina :What are you doing tonight?

Jeremy and Slyvia……………………(get) married Adam : I………………………(watch)
after they finish university. the match on TV .

They………………………………..(have) a baby.

Communicative Activity I—Complete the dialogue using be going to

Teresa : Hi, Teresa, Are you happy for holidays ?

Angela : Yes, I am. I’m fed up with school.
Teresa : Have you got any plans for holiday ?
Angela : Yes, I have. I’m going to Antalya, Turkey.
Teresa : Great !! When are you leaving ?
Angela : I’m leaving on the 2nd of July.
Teresa : Where …………you………………………(stay) ?
Angela : I………………………………(stay) at a family hotel.
I………………………………………(sunbathe) and
I………………………………..(visit) historical places
around Antalya.
Teresa : When are you returning to England ?
Angela : I’m returning home on the 22rd of July.
Teresa : How………you………………….(spend) the rest of
holiday ?
Angela : Well, I need to save some money for school, so
I…………………………………...(work) at a cafe and
in the evenings I………………………………….(take)
computer course.
Teresa : OK, Angela, have a nice time in Turkey. I think
You’ll tell me about your holiday when you return.
Angela : Of course. Thank you, Teresa bye.

Exercise I- Complete the sentences using be going to

1. …………..you going to join the party tonight.
2. We are……………………play football tomorrow.
3. My father is going………….retire next year.
4. ………..your brother going to sing a song at school party ?
5. They are………………..to buy a new house.
6. What………you going to buy for your brother’s birthday ?

Exercise I- Complete the sentences using the verbs below


1. John doesn’t like driving so, he’s going to………………….his bike.

2. I’m hungry. I’m going to…………………..cooking dinner soon.
3. The clouds are black. It’s going to………………… .
4. I’m not going out tonight. I’m going to……………………..TV.
5. Our car is the mechanics. We’re going to …………….to the party tonight.
6. George has an exam next week. He’s going to…………………until the exam.
7. ‘’Can we have lunch now ? ‘’ Yes, I’m going to………………..it in a minute.


Form :

Positive Negative Question

will not
I will I won’t I
You will You you

He will go He won’t go Will he go ?

She will She won’t she
It Will It won’t İt
We Will We won’t we
You Will You won’t you
They will They won’t they

Use :

 For future actions which are not certain.

 For predictions about the future.
 For threats and warnings.
 For promises or on the spot decisions.
 With the verbs hope, think, believe, expect, etc.
 With the expressions I’m sure, I’m afraid, etc.
 With the adverbs probably, perhaps, etc.

Exercise I—Complete the sentences with ‘WILL’

1. I……………….visit historical places in İstanbul.

2. We…………….talk to my son’s teacher tomorrow.
3. Nelson……………probably call me tonight.
4. My father………………………. come late tonight.
5. I think I…………….pass the exam.
6. You……………..get married to a rich man.
7. I………………buy a ring to my wife on our anniversary.
8. Stop !! or I……………..shoot you.
9. I haven’t got any bread. I……………go to the markey and buy some bread.

Exercise II—Answer the questions using Will

1. When will you buy a new car ? ………………………………………………………….. .

2. What will you do tomorrow ? …………………………………………………………. .

Exercise I- Make correct sentences using WILL

1. It / rain / a lot / tomorrow. …………………………………………………………..

2. you / come /to my birthday / tomorrow ? ………………………………………………………… ?
3. I / be / there / next month. …………………………………………………………. .
4. Where / you / stay / in London ? .. ………………………………………………………. ?
5. We / miss / the train. ………………………………………………………… .
6. I promise / I / not drive / too fast. …………………………………………………………. .
7. When / you / come back ? …………………………………………………………. ?
8. You / go out / this evening ? ………………………………………………….…….. ?
9. He / not believe / you. ………………………………………………………… .
10. I / not think / your sister / pass the exam. ……………………………………………………….. .

Exercise II—complete the sentences with be going to or will

1. I hope the weather…………………..be nice tomorrow.

2. Take your umbrella with you. It………………………………..rain.
3. What are you……………………..do this evening ?
4. That exercise looks difficult. I……………………..help you.
5. We think he……………………………come late tonight.
6. Are you…………………….ask him for help ?
7. Susan..................................paint the bathroom next weekend.
8. I think he………………………find out her money.
9. I…………………………take a walk in the garden this evening.
10. Let’s hope that the wind……………………..blow away the clouds.
11. Mary………………………..get a good mark because she has studied hard.
12. Are you sure you……………………sleep in a tent on your holiday ?
13. Peter………………………….ride his new bike.
14. I hope Jane……………………invite met o her party.
15. I……………………………wash dad’s car tomorrow afternoon.
16. Mum thinks dad ………………..come home early tonight.
17. Jane and Susan…………………………buy a present for her mum’s birthday.
18. John………………………………listen to his new CD tonight.
19. She……………………………..have a baby next April.
20. It’s late I hope we…………………………….(not) miss the bus.
21. Perhaps he……………………………………..(not) have any time next week.
22. I think the police…………………………..arrest the burglars.
23. The sky is cloudy and grey it………………………...rain.
24. I have got an interview tomorrow. I………………………..practise my English tonight.
25. Tomorrow is my son’s birthday. We………………………….have a surprise party to him.
26. Stop or I……………………shoot.
27. A : Have we got any cheese ?
B : No, we haven’t got any cheese left.
A : OK. I……………………go to the supermarket and buy some.

Be going to Will Present Continuous
(with the future meaning)
We use : We use : We use :
For plans and intentions For predictions about For actions which have
when there is evidence the future. already arranged to do
that something is going For threats in the near future.
to happen in the near For future actions which also with the verbs of
future. are not certain. movements such as ;
For promises or on the come, go, fly, travel,
spot decision leave etc.

Exercise I-Complete the sentences with Be going to, Will or Present continuous
1) 4)

Ted : Hi, Jane.How are you ? Steve : Hi, Betty, How are you ?
Pam : I’m a bit stressed. I’ve got maths Betty : Hi, Steve. I’m fine.
exam tomorrow. I‘m going to Steve : How was your exam ?
library now, I…………………………….. Betty : It was OK. I think I………get
study. a good mark.
2) 5)

Mike : Hi, Jack it’s me, Waiter : What would you

Mike. How are you ? like to eat, sir ?
Jack : I’m fine but busy. Customer : I………..have
Mike : Are you free at 3 a roast beef.
this afternoon ?
Jack : No, I’m afraid, I’m not. 6)
I…………………………….meet We love each other
Mr Black at 3 pm today. a lot. We…………..
3) ……….get married.

Teo : Dad, I can’t ride 7)

the bike.
Dad : Be patient, dear.
You……………learn it.
I……………..teach you.
Mark…………………………….have an
operation at 2 o’clock today.


1. A :………………………………………..? 7. ………you got any brothers or sisters ?

B : My name’s Alison.
a) Are
a) What’s you name ? b) Do
b) How is your name ? c) Have
c) What’s your name ? d) Will
d) What’s your father’s name ?
2. A : ………………………………………..? 8. I’ve got a sister. ……..name is Julia.
B : I’m Turkish.
a) She
a) Where are you from ? b) Hers
b) What’s your national ? c) Her
c) What’s your country ? d) She’s
d) What’s your nationality ?
3. A : ………………………………………….? 9. I’ve got two…………………………….. .
B : I’m 18. (years old )
a) sister
a) How are you ? b) sisters
b) How old are you ? c) sister’s
c) What is your old ? d) sister’
d) How is your age ?
4. A : ………………………………………….? 10. They have got two…………………….. .
B : It’s an English book.
a) childs
a) What’s it ? b) childrens
b) What is a book ? c) children
c) ıs this a book ? d) child
d) What’s this ?
5. A : ………………………………………….. ? 11. ……….books are mine.
B : I’m a teacher.
a) These
a) What’s you job ? b) This
b) What job is your ? c) That
c) What job are you ? d) They
d) What’s your job ?
6. A : What’s your father’s job ? 12. ………………..is your favourite sport ?
B : ………………………………………… .
a) When
a) His job is a farmer. b) How
b) He job is a farmer. c) How much
c) He’s a job farmer. d) What
d) He’s a farmer.

13. A : My car is in the car park. 19. We’ve got two sons. We love…….a lot.
Where is ………………… ?
B : …………is in the car park too. a) them
b) their
a) you / I c) they
b) your / my d) theirs
c) yours / my
d) yours / mine 20. I’ve got a dog. ………..name is Puffy.

14. A: …………..jacket is this ? a) It’s

B: It’s mine. b) It
c) Its
a) Whose d) It is
b) Who
c) What 21. There……….twenty students in class.
d) How
a) is
15. A : Why are you in Ankara ? b) have
B : I’m here……..a conference. c) has
d) are
a) on
b) of 22. Is there any……………………at home ?
c) in
d) for a) book
b) bread
16. I’m good…………mathematics. c) tomato
d) meats
a) about
b) in 23. Are there………………….on the table ?
c) at
d) on a) tomato
b) water
17. Karen is interested……..…pop music. c) books
d) coffee
a) at
b) in 24. There aren’t……….people in the city.
c) on
d) for a) a lot of
b) many
18. A : What time is the concert ? c) much
B : It’s ……….2 pm. (in the afternoon) d) a few
a) on 25. There are…………..historical places in
b) in İstanbul.
c) for a) much b) a little c) a lot of d) many
d) at


1. Where……..you work ? 7. A : How much ……..your jacket cost ?

B : It costs 65.000TL
a) are
b) does a) is
c) do b) are
d) is c) do
2. A : ……….you like your job ? d) does
B : Yes, I………. . 8. A : ……………..money have you got ?
B : I have got 50.000TL
a) Are / are
b) Are / am a) How
c) Do / are b) What
d) Do / do c) How much
3. A : What………your father do ? d) How many
B : He’s a sho keper. 9. A : Does your brother like.....to music ?
B : Yes, she does.
a) is
b) are a) listen
c) does b) to listening
d) do c) lstens
4. A : …………your sister a student ? d) listening
B : Yes, she………. . 10. I am………………………than my father.

a) Does / Does a) taller

b) Are / is b) the taller
c) Are / does c) tallest
d) Is /is d) the tallest
5. A:……..does the bus leave for İstanbul ?
B : It leaves for İstanbul at 4 pm. 11. Steve is the..................student in our
a) How a) more intelligent
b) How much b) intelligent
c) What c) most intelligent
d) What time d) intelligenter

6. A : Where do you……………breakfast ? 12. I’ve got a lot of friends at school. But

B : At home: Jason is ………………of all.

a) have a) the good

b) has b) better
c) having c) best
d) haves d) the best


1. A : Where…………..you last night ? 7. A : What is your plan for next summer ?

B : I……………..at home. B : I………….. take a holiday in Turkey.

a) are / am a) am
b) were / was b) like
c) did / am c) am going to
d) did / was d) will
2. A : ……………your sister in Germany 8. A : Would you like to come to the party
last summer ? with me ?
B : No, she……… . She was in Turkey. B : Sorry, I can’t. I………my taecher at
7 o’clock at school this evening.
a) Was / wasn’t
b) Is / didn’t a) will meet
c) Did / didn’t b) am going to meet
d) Are / isn’t c) am meeting
3. A : ………you watch the mathch on TV d) am meet
last night ? 9. A : Dad, I need to buy a pair of shoes.
B : Yes, I………… . B : I promise I…................ them soon.

a) Were / were a) am buying

b) Did / did b) am going to buy
c) Are / am c) will buy
d) Did / was d) am buy
4. A : When…………………..you born ? 10. There are dark clouds in the sky.
B : I ………….born in 1998. I think …………………………………. .

a) did / am a) It’s raining

b) were / am b) It’s going to rain
c) are / am c) It will rain
d) were / was d) It rains
5. A : The streets are very dirty . 11. A : How do you get to school ?
B : We………pollute the environment. B : …………. .

a) aren’t a) with bus

b) don’t b) in bus
c) mustn’t c) by bus
d) must d) for bus
6. A : What are your skills ?
B : I………speak English and use 12. A : …………….does it take you to have
computer programmes. breakfast ?
B : It takes me 20 minutes to have
a) am c) do breakfast.
b) can d) will a) How b) How long c) What time


You You
He He
She She
It should eat vegaetables. It shouldn’t smoke.
We We
You You
They They

You should go to school You shouldn’t eat salty food Sue : How can I get to the bus
station ?
Officer : You should take the
number 1 train.

You should study harder, Lucy.

Jack is very tired. He should have a rest.

We shouldn’t pollute
our environment


obligation necessity advice prohobition

zorunluluk gereklilik tavsiye yasaklama

I’ve got an exam now. She mustn’t smoke You must listen to me.
I must go

You must talk to your parents You mustn’t park here You have got a temperature.
You must go to a doctor.


obligation necessity

I’m late .
I have to be at the meeting at 10. We have to fasten the seat belt. We have to win.

Exercise I—Complete the sentences with ‘should ‘ Exercise II—Choose the correct option

1. A : I’ve got a really bad headache. 1. You……………..tell me I already know it.

B : You……………take an aspirin. a) mustn’t
b) don’t have to
2. A : Tim isn’t good at maths.
B : He ……………take private lesson. 2. The big boss will be at the meeting.
You………………………..be late.
3. A : I failed physics exam,again. a) mustn’t
B : You………study the lesson regulary. b) don’t have to

4. A : My son watches TV a lot. 3. You…………………park there. That’s the

B : You………..............limit the time. Director’s place.
a) mustn’t
5. A : The children are fighting. b) don’t have to
B : You…………..tell them it is wrong.
4. You………………………drive there.
6. A : I’m going on holiday to İstanbul. You can take the train.
B : You………….visit Ayasofya musem. a) mustn’t
b) don’t have to
7. A : I’m leaving for Erzurum tomorrow.
B : It’ cold in Erzurum you…………..take 5. We…………….finish the meeting by 4
warm clothes with you. a) must b) mustn’t

8. A : There is a conference about 6. They………………..help their mother.

‘’ Teaching of English’’ a) must b) mustn’t
B : Really, I …………………..attend it.
7. We…………..forget our appointment
9. A : I lost my bag. tomorrow.
B : You…………..ask the police. a) mustn’t b) must

10. A :I’d like to learn about Turkish 8. I…………go to school at the weekend.
history. It’s holiday.
B :You……….read historical books. a) must b) don’t have to

11. A : I hurt my ankle while playing 9. You…………….pass the ALES exam to

football. study master programme.
B : You…………………..stay in bed. a) mustn’t b) have to

12. A : There is a documentary film 10. We…………..talk loudly in library.

about Ottoman Empire on TV a) must b) mustn’t
B : I think I…………………..watch it. 11. You……have a driving licence to drive.
a) mustn’t b) have to

( öneriler)


Dany : Hi, Julia How are you ?

Julia : Hi, I am fine. Where are you going ?
Kathy : Well, We are trying to make a
decision about tonight.
Julia : Shall we go to the cinema ? There’s
a new film on.
Alex : Why don’t we go to a cafe ? We can
have a drink and talk.
Dany : It sounds good.
Kathy :What about going to the Nelson’s ?
Julia : OK, let’s go to the Nelson’s cafe,


are used to make suggestions.


 Shall we play football tonight ?

 Let’s play football tonight ?
 What about playing football tonight ?
 How about playing football ?

Exercise I—Choose the correct option Exercise II—Make a suggestion

1. A : Today is Betty’s birthday. 1.

B : ………………………………… . Ed : I’ve got a terrible
a) Why not having a surprise party headache.
for her ? You :…………………….

b) What don’t we have a surprise ( take an aspirin)

party for her ?

c) Let’s having a surprise party for 2.

d) Why don’t we have a surprise Pam : Where do you
think of going
party for her?
on holiday this
summer ?
2. A : It is very hot today ? Angela : ……………
B : ………………………………………. . to Turkey ? (go)

a) Let go to the beach 3.

b) Shall we go to the beach ? Jack : This is a big
c) What about go to the beach ? project.

d) How about go to the beach ? Tim : ....................

it together. (do)

3. Daughter : My friend is arriving at 4 pm

at the irport. 4.
Father : …………………………………..
Karen : I’m hungry.
a) How about meet her at the Paul : …………………
airport ? a drink in the
b) Shall we meeting her at the canteen. (have)

airport ?
c) Why don’t we meeting her at the
Jerry : I think we
airport ?
are all free.
d) Let’s meet her at the airport. Sam ………………
? (do)
4. A : The Simons lost everything in the Jerry : Let’s go to the
fire. cinema.
B : ………………………………………… .

a) What about some money

Son : Mum, my room
collecting and donating them ?
is a mess.
b) How about collecting some
Mum :…………………..
money and donating them ? tidy your room,
c) Let’s collecting some money my dear !!
and donating them.
d) Shall we collecting some money
and donating them ?

Form :
Positive Sentences with regular verbs----- Positive sentences with irregular verbs

Short form Short form

I have finished I’ve finished I have had I’ve had

You have finished You’ve finishe You have had You’ve had

He has finished He’s finished He has had He’s had

She has finished She’s finished She has had She’s had

It has finished It’s finished It has had It’s had

We have finished We’ve finished We have had We’ve had

You have finished You’ve finished You have had You’ve had

They have finished They’ve finished They have had They’ve had

Questions & Answers

Yes, I have. Yes, I have.

Have I Finished..? Have I had…?
No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t.

Yes, I have. Yes, I have.

Have you Finished..? Have You had…?
No, I haven’t. No, I haven’t.

Yes, he has. Yes, he has.

Has he Finished..? Has he had…?
No, he hasn’t. No, he hasn’t.

Yes, she has. Yes, she has.

Has she Finished..? Has she had…?
No, she hasn’t. No, she hasn’t.

Yes, it has. Yes, it has.

Has İt Finished..? Has it had…?
No, it hasn’t. No, it hasn’t.

Yes, we have. Yes, we have.

Have we Finished..? Have we had…?
No, we haven’t. No, we haven’t.

Yes, we have. Yes, we have.

Have you Finished..? Have you had…?
No, we haven’t. No, we haven’t.

Yes, they have. Yes, they have.

Have They Finished..? Have they had…?
No, they haven’t. No, they haven’t.
Since ---for---how long---ever---never---yet---already---just---so far---recently
Use : We use Present Perfect Tense :

 For actions which happened at an unstated time in the past. The exact time is not
 For actions which started in the past anda re stil continuing in the present.
 For actions which have recently finished and their results are visible in the present.

 I have finished my homework. ( When did you finish it ?

The time is not important.
 I have been an English teacher for 15 years. ( I became a teacher 15 years ago
amd I am stil a teacher.
 We have just finished breakfast. ( There is still bread, cheese, jam etc. on the

Andy : ShaII we go to Antalya in Turkey ?

I have been there. It’s a fantastic place.
The beaches are great and the sun is always
shining and Turkish people are friendly.
Pam : When did you go to Antalya ?
Andy : I went to Antalya for a conference in 2004
Pam : Have you been to İstanbul ?
Andy : No, I haven’t. But I’d like to visit İstanbul, too.

Jason : Have you finished the project yet ?

Teresa : Yes, I have. I finished it last night.
Mandy : I haven’t finished the project yet.
Teresa : I can help you do the project, Mandy.
Mandy : Thank you, Teresa. I need your help.
Teresa : let’s meet after school, then.

Teacher : Great. Diana, You have answered the question correctly.

Steve : I’m very hungry. Have you had lunch yet ?

Tonya : No, I haven’t. Let’s go to a cafe.
Kathy : Well, I have already had lunch. I’m full.
Exercise I—Complete the sentences using the verbs in Present perfect

1. I………………………( do) my homework.
2. He…………………..( have ) breakfast.
3. We……………………( be) to İstanbul twice.
4. I……………………….( wash) my father’s car.
5. Karen…………………………(send) me an e-mail.
6. Dave and Pat………………………….( visit) the museum.
7. My friend………………………………(give) up smoking.
8. We…………………………..(do) the shopping for our grandparents.
9. Jane…………………………..( make) a fantastic cake.
10. Debbie………………………..(buy) a new bike.
11. Sally and Jenny………………………..(get) a new CD player.
12. Chris…………………………(not do) his homework yet.

Year : 2008



 How long is used in questions to ask about duration.

 For is used to express duration.
 Since is used to state a starting point.
 Already / Just are used in statements and go between the verb and the past
I have already had breakfast.
I have just had breakfast.

 Yet is used in questions and negative sentences and goes at the end of the
I haven’t finished my homework yet.
Have you finished your homework yet ?
 Ever is used in questions and goes between the verb and the past participle.
Have you ever been to İstanbul ?

 Never is used to make a negative statement and goes after the verb.
I have never smoked.

Exercise I—Make positive sentences using the prompts in Present perfect tense.
Exercise II- Make questions in Present Perfect
1. Brian / play football.
……………………………………............. 1. You / answer / the questions ?
2. Susan / read her new book. ……………………………………………
………………………………………………… 2. Jenny / lock / the door ?
3. I / find / some money in the street. …………………………………………….
………………………………………………… 3. Walter / call / us ?
4. Mr and Mrs Baker / have an accident. ………………………………………….. .
………………………………………………… 4. You / see / the picture ?
5. Tom Davis / lose / the swimming match. ………………………………………….. .
…………………………………………………… . 5. You / be / to England ?
6. Alison Brown / win the voleyball match. ………………………………………….. .
…………………………………………………… . 6. Your parents / get the letter ?
7. They / bring / some wood for the fire. ………………………………………..... .
……………………………………………………. . 7. How many books / you / read ?
8. My mother / wash the dishes. …………………………………………....
…………………………………………………….. . 8. How long / you/ know each other ?
9. My sister / do the housework. ………………………………………….. .
……………………………………………………. . 9. How long / you / be married ?
10. Rebecca / never / sail in the Pasific …………………………………………….
………………………………………………….. . 10. You / be / to London ?
11. Jason / never / watch a World final cup. …………………………………………....
…………………………………………………. . 11. Your father / retire ?
12. I / never / drive a Ferrari. ……………………………………………
………………………………………………….. . 12. You / see /ever/ a snake ?

Exercise III---Write negative sentences in Present Perfect

1. You / correct / my mistakes.

2. You / practise / your English.
3. She / tidy up / her room.
4. The boss / sign / the letter.
5. Mary / shut / the door.
6. Tomy / build / a house.
7. Avril / cross / the street.
8. They / be / to Australia.

Exercise I—Past simple or Present perfect

1. We……………….three English exam so 11. My mum……………..…….her work.

far. a) has already finished
a) have had b) did already finished
b) had
12. So far, the police………….no one.
2. A : Is Lucy at home ? a) arrested
B : No, she……………to the b) have arrested
a) has gone 13. I…………………………him yet today.
b) went a) didn’t meet
b) haven’t met
3. I………………..…my birthday last year.
a) haven’t celebrated 14. Portugal is a wonderful country.
b) didn’t celebrate ……………………………….there ?
a) Did you go
4. When………Atatürk………… ? b) Have you been
a) has Atatürk died ?
b) did Atatürk die ? 15. Betty : I have been to London.
Andy : ………………………………….
5. I………………to Paris twice. Betty : Two years ago.
a) went a) When have you been ?
b) have been b) When did you go ?

6. ……….you………….Indian food ? 16. There was a god film on TV last night.

a) Have you ever tasted …………………………………………….. ?
b) Did you ever taste a) Did you see it ?
b) Have you seen it ?
7. …………you …….your homework ?
a) Did you finish 17. Andy : I’m hungry. Have you had lunch
b) Have you finished yet ?
Betty : ………. Let’s go to Barbie’s cafe.
8. I……………in this house since 1995. a) No, I haven’t.
a) have lived b) No, I didn’t.
b) lived
18. She feels great. She…………three kilos
9. Peter……………to the cinema yesterday. since last October.
a) went a) has lost
b) has gone b) lost

10. His parents……..in an accident many 19. Mary…………………………….abroad.

years ago. a) has never been
a) died b) was never went
b) have died


Infinitive Past P. Participle infinitive Past P. participle

Be ( am, is, are) was,were been leave left left

become became become lend lent lent

begin began begun let let let

break broke broken lose lost lost

bring brought brought make made made

Build built built meet met met

burn burnt burnt pay paid paid

buy bought bought put put put

can could could read read read

catch caught caught ride rode ridden

choose chose chosen ring rang rung

come came come rise rose risen

cost cost cost run run run

cut cut cut say said said

do did done see saw seen

dream dreamt dreamt sell sold solt

drink drank drunk send sent sent

drive drove driven shake shook shaken

eat ate eaten shine shone shone

fall fell fallen shut shut shut

feed fed fed sing sang sung

feel felt felt sit sat sat

fight fought fought sleep slept slept

find found found smell smelt smelt

fly flew flown speak spoke spoken

forget forgot forgotten spend spent spent

freeze froze frozen stand stood stood

get got got (gotten) steal stole stolen

Infinitive Past P. participle Infinitive Past P. participle

give gave given swim swam swum

go went gone take took taken

grow grew grown teach taught taught

have had had tell told told

hear heard heard think thought thought

hide hid hidden throw threw thrown

hit hit hit understand understood understood

hold held held wake woke waken

hurt hurt hurt wear wore wore

keep kept kept win won won

know knew known write wrote written

learn learnt learnt

Exercise I—Make sentences in positive, negative and question form

1. Sarah / have / eaten / the last piece of cake.

Positive : Sarah has eaten the last piece of cake.
Negative : Sarah hasn’t eaten the last piece of cake.
Question : Has Sarah eaten the last piece of cake ?

2. The football match / begin.

Positive : ………………………………………………………… .
Negative : ………………………………………………………… .
Question : ………………………………………………………… .

3. The children / hide / their toys.

Positive : ………………………………………………………….. .
Negative : ………………………………………………………….. .
Question : ………………………………………………………….. .

4. My parents / go / on holiday.
Positive : …………………………………………………………… .
Negative : ………………………………………………………….. .
Question : ………………………………………………………….. .

1. I have been a teacher…………….1989.

for since 2. So far, it has rained….………five hours.

a period of time a point in past time

3. July has been a student here……March.

4. My sister has kept a diary……….she was
20 minutes 6.15pm ten years old.

three days Monday 5. They have been married ……twenty five

6 months January
6. I haven’t phoned……………..last Sunday.
4 years 1994

2 centuries 1800 7. We have been here…….nine o’clock.

a long time I left school 8. I haven’t visited my hometown…………

I left school.
ever the beginning of time
9. Peter has been my best friend………….
etc etc
We were nine.

Exercise I – Write For or Since 10. I have had a driving licence……………..

I was eighteen.
1. ………………last week
11. He has been here……….…….9:00 am.
2. ………………ten seconds
12. James has known Catherine………..two
3. ………………I finished school years.

4. ………………a couple of days 13. They’ve been in class…………7:00 am

5. ………………my birthday 14. Has Carter been married…………… he

was eighteen ?
6. ………………a long time
15. We’ve been friends………….we were in
7. ………………I was a boy primary school.

8. ………………August 16. Jennifier ahs had many problems with

her husband…….she came to England.
9. ………………fiften years
17. Elena has worked at the airport……….
10. ……………..I met you several years.

Exercise I—Read the passage and write True or False

Dear Jack,
We are having a great time here in Antalya, Turkey. We are
staying at a 4 star-hotel. It is by the sea. We have been here
for a week . we have done a lot of things since we came here.
As you see in the photo we have been on the beach and swam.
We have seen historical sites around the city. We visited Aspendos theatre on Monday.
We took a lot of photos there. We have also been to Antalya Museum. It’s one of the
largest museums in Turkey.
We have had great time in the Inner Bailey. There are a lot of
restaturants and cafes. You can have dinner and walk there. Last
night we had dinner at one of the restaurants and tasted traditional
Turkish food. The food was delicous.
Tomorrow we are going to Side. We are going to see historical
remains in the morning and we are going to sunbathe on the beach.
Antalya is a fantastic city with historical and touristic sites. You öust visit here one day.
We are returning to London on the 5th of July so we can talk a lot
about our holiday at home. See you next week.
Lots of Love,

Write True or False

1. They are staying at a hotel in the city centre. ( )

2. They have been on holiday for two weeks. ( )

3. They visited Aspendos on Saturday. ( )

4. They had dinner at a restaturant last night. ( )

5. They’re going to sunbathe tomorrow morning in Side. ( )

6. They’re returning to London on the 5th of August. ( )

Exercise I- Put the verbs in parantheses in Simple Past or Present Perfect Simple.

1. Mother : I want to prepare dinner. ……………………………………………( You / have)

the dishes yet ?
Daughter : I………………………………( wash) the dishes yesterday, but I………………….
……………(have / not ) the time to do it today.
Mother : …………………………………………………..( you / do / already ) your homework ?
Daughter : No, I……………………………………..( come / just ) home from school.
Mother : You………………………..( come ) home from school two hours ago.
Daughter : Well, but my friend, Lucy……………………( call) when I …………………..( arrive )
and I……………………………….( finish / just ) the phone call.
Mother : ………………………………………………….( you / see / not ) Lucy at school in the
morning ?
Daughter : Yes, but we…………………………………..( have / not ) time to talk then.

A : …………………………………………………………………( you / be / ever ) to London ?
B : Yes, I…………………………………………………………..( be ) there three times.
A : When……………………..( be ) the last time you……………….( be ) there ?
B : Last Summer. I…………………………..( spend ) two weeks in Brighton with my parents
and we………………………( go ) London one weekend.
A : ………………………………………..( you / like ) it ?
B : Oh, yes. We really………………………………..( have ) a great time in London.
A : Lucky you ! I………………………………( be / never ) to London.

A : ……………………………………………………( you / buy ) the tickets for our journey yet ?
B : Yes, I………………( go ) to the station yesterday and ……………….....( buy ) the tickets.
A : What time …………………………………………………….( you / go ) there ?
B : I………………………………………..( take ) a friend to the station in the morning. His train
……………………..( leave ) at 9:45.
A : …………………………………………………………….( you / pack ) your bags yet ?
B : Of course. And I………………………………………..( ask / already ) my neighbour to empty
my letter box. What about you ?
A : I……………………………( pack ) my bags two days ago.

Exercise II- Put the verbs in parantheses in Simple Past or Present Perfect Simple.

1. Yesterday, my brother………………………….( come ) home from school,……………………

( switch) on the TV and ………………………..( watch ) TV until dinner……………(be) ready.

2. The road is closed. There………………………( be ) an accident.

3. Come on, let’s celebrate ! our team………………………….( win ) the match.

Exercise I—Completete the sentences using Present Perfect form of verb and For or Since.


Mr Black………………………..( be ) a teacher………………..20 years.


Rose………………………………( graduate / just ) from university.


Tina, Mary and Beverly………………………………..( be ) friends

……………………they were small children.

Mike………………………………( hurt / just ) himself.

5. 6.

They……………………………..( do ) a lot of shopping. Peter…………………………………( sleep )

………20 minutes.

Exercise I- Find the mistakes and correct it

. 1. I have visited New York two months ago.

I visited New York two months ago.
2. Anne isn’t here at the moment. She’s been to London.

3. In your life, how many different places did you live in ?

4. They’ve opened the new shopping centre last week.

5. How many pages did you read so far this week ?

6. When have you bought your car?

7. I’ve lived in London since 5 years.

8. I’ve seen that film last Friday.

9. His English improved a lot this year.

10. In his last job, Peter has travelled to Germany every month.

11. Julie has worked here between 1997 and 1999.

12. How many films did you see this month ?

13. When has Mary arrived ?

14. Before leaving for Boston, I have bought a good dictionary.

15. So far I didn’t receive a reply to my invitation.

Exercise II- Copmlete the sentences in Present Perfect or Simple Past

1. A : Are you going to finish your work before you g oto bed ?
B : I…………………………………( finish / already ) it.

2. A : Is Jim going to eat lunch with us today ?

B : No, he isn’t. He……………………………….( eat / already ) it.
He……………………( eat ) lunch an hour ago.

3. A : When are you goin to write your paper to Dr Roth ?

B : I……………………………….( write / already ) it two days ago.

4. A : Have you talked to Mr Barley about your problem ?

B : Yes, I……………… . I……………………..( talk ) to him after class yesterday.

Aşağıdaki cümlelerin İngilizce dengini işaretleyiniz.

1. ‘’ Bir saattir ofisteyim.’’ 6. ‘’ Dün gece televizyonda bir tartışma

programı izledim.’’
a) I’m in the offfice for one hour. a) I have watched a debate
b) I came to the office for one hour. programme on TV last night.
c) I’ve been in the office for one hour. b) I watch a debate programme on
d) I’m been in the office for one hour. TV last night.
c) I did watch a debate programme
2. ‘’ Henüz kahvaltı yapmadım.’’ on TV last night.
d) I watched a debate programme on
a) I didn’t have breakfast yet. TV last nigh.
b) I don’t have breakfast yet.
c) I didn’t had breakfast yet. 7. ‘’ Bugün ne yaptın ?’’
d) I haven’t had breakfast yet.
a) What have you done today ?
3. ‘’Bir aydır yağmur yağmadı.’’ b) What did you do today ?
c) What do yo do today ?
a) It hasn’t rain since one month. d) What are you did today ?
b) It didn’t rain for one month.
c) It hasn’t rained for a month. 8. ‘’ Seni uzun zamandır görmedim.’’
d) It hasn’t raining for a month.
a) I don’t see you since a long time.
4. ‘’ Hiç yurt dışında bulunmadım.’’ b) I didn’t see you for a long time.
c) I haven’t seen you for a long time.
a) I never went abroad. d) I haven’t seen you since a long
b) I didn’t go out of the country. time.
c) I have never gone abroad. 9. ‘’ Dün gece sinemaya gittik.’’
d) I have never been abroad.
a) We have gone to the cinema last
5. ‘’ Osmanlı İmparatorluğu hakkında bir night.
çok kitap okudum’’ b) We went to the cinema last night.
c) We have been to the cinema last
a) I’ve read a lot of books about night.
Ottoman Empire. d) We were at the cinema last night.
b) I read a lot of books about Ottoman
Empire. 10. ‘’Son günlerde çok yoğunum.’’
c) I did read a lot of books of Ottoman
Empire. a) I am very busy in recent days.
d) I’ve readed a lot of books about b) I’m been very busy in recent days.
Ottoman Empire. c) I’ve been very busy in recent days.
d) I was been very busy in recent

Doğru seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

10. I…………just had breakfast. 16. We………………..each other for 10

a) am a) know
b) have b) knew
c) has c) have know
d) do d) have known

11. He hasn’t called me……….. . 17. I haven’t seen Peter………he moved to

a) already a) since
b) too b) for
c) neither c) already
d) yet d) yet

12. A : …………have you been here ? 18. My father……………………………… yet.

B : For a week.
a) didn’t come
a) When b) haven’t come
b) How long ago c) isn’t came
c) What time d) hasn’t come
d) How long
19. …………….…have you lived in Ankara ?
13. I’ve finished three books………….. .
a) When
a) for b) How far
b) since c) How long
c) already d) What
d) so far
20. Since Ali started studying at university
14. We visited our parents……………….. . …………………………to his hometown.

a) yet a) he didn’t come

b) tonight b) he hasn’t come
c) tomorrow c) he never came
d) yesterday d) isn’t coming

15. Mary has ……this watch for two years. 21. We………….a great time last night.

a) got a) had
b) had b) have had
c) bought c) were had
d) sold d) have


We use to-infinitive :

 After certain verbs : agree, choose, decide, expect, forget, hope, manage, invite,
promise, try, refuse, plan, need, want, would like, would love, would hate etc.

I want to learn English.

I decided to buy a new car.
Sally hopes to pass the maths exam.

 After adjectives :

I’m happy to see you.

It’s important to speak English in m job.
It’s better to go home.

 After the first Gagrin was the first to fly in a spaceship,

the last Peter was the last to watch the film.
the next He is the next to get his passport.

 To express purpose :

Pam : Why are you taking English course ?

Jack : I’m taking English course to speak English.

Janet : Why did you go to İstanbul last weekend ?

Larry : I went to İstanbul to visit my family.

 After some nouns + preposition :

Advantage of ; What’s the advantage of learning English ?

Chance of ; There is chance of catching a cold these days.
Danger of ; Max is in danger of making a mistake.
Difficulty in ; He has difficulty in speaking English.
Problem of ; He has problem of swimming.
Reason for ; What’s the real reason for failing the exam ?
Way of ; This is the way of learning English.

We use the Ing form ( Gerund ) :

 After certain verbs : admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, can’t help, can’t stand,
consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, fancy, finish, go ( swimming, shopping,
fishing ), imagine, involve, keep, mention, mind, miss, to be busy,permit, postpone,
practise, reject, resist, risk, stop, suggest, understand, waste time/ money etc..

I amitted having stolen the money in the drawer.

David couldn’t help falling in love with Susan.
I enjoy reading poems.
My son finished doing his homework last night.
My mother went shopping.
I’m busy working on a new project these days.
My father gave up smoking last month.

 As a noun :
Knowing English is an advantage of getting a good job.
Going to parties is fun.

 After preposition :
Afraid of ; Theyare afraid of losing the match.
Angry about / at ; Pat is angry about walking in the rain.
Bad at ; I am bad at cooking.
Good at ; My brother is good at playing football.
Crazy about ; The girl is crazy about listening to pop music.
Disappointed about ; He is disappointed about getting a bad mark.
Excited about ; We are excited about going on a trip to Europe.
Famous for ; She is famous for singing songs.
Fond of ; I’m fond of playing football.
Interested in ; I’m interested in reading historical books.
Think about / of ; We are thinking about going on holiday to Antalya.
After ; After finishing our homework we’II go to the cinema.
Before ; Before going to bed, I always brush my teeth.
Tired of ; I’m tired of working.
To be used to ; We aren’t used to living in big city.

VERBS + ing ( doing ) or to ( do ) VERBS + (do )

Like Make somebody do sth

Prefer My mother made me tidy my room
Love Let somebody do sth
Hate + ing or to My father doesn’t let me go out in the evenings.
Start Help somebody do or ( to do ) sth.
Begin Alex helped me carry ( to) carry the suitcase.

Exercise I—Infinitive or Ing form ( gerund)

1. I want……………………………..English. 12. My friend is afraid of………………. .

a) to learn b) learning a) to fly b) flying

2. Sally enjoys………………….books. 13. I can’t stand…………….to loud music.

a) reading b) to read a) to listen b) listening

3. Bob is good at……………….football. 14. A : Why did you come here ?

B : …………………….you.
a) to play b) playing a) helping b) to help

4. We managed……………………in time. 15. They consider……………..some risks.

a) managing b) to manage a) to get b) getting

5. Jason finished……………….the report. 16. My teacher helped me…the question.

a) to write b) writing a) answering b) answer

6. I came to Ankara……….the conference. 17. I suggested……………….to the cinema.

a) joining b) to join a) to go b) going

7. We are planning…………a flat in Ankara. 18. They suggested me…………with them.

a) to buy b) buying a) working b) to work

8. It isn’t difficult…………….English. 19. I have difficuly in………………a car.

a) to speak b) speaking a) to drive b) driving

9. My sister is interested in………Spanish. 20. I need to save money…………..a car.

a) learning b) to learn a) buying b) to buy

10. Do you mind……………..the window ? 21. They offered………………...with them.

a) to open b) opening a) working b) to work

11. My father doesn’t let me.............drive 22. I am busy…………………………a test.1.

his car.
a) to drive b) drive a) to prepare b) preparing

Exercise I—Complete the sentences using infinitive or gerund form of the verbs

1. Ali wants…………………………..(go) abroad.

2. Her mother suggested………………………(go) to Canada.
3. She decided…………………… (visit) her parents.
4. My brother is considering…………………….(study) medicine at university.
5. Finally, they chose……………………..(go) to İstanbul for their holidays.
6. I need………………..(go) to school soon.
7. They refused………………..(go) any farther.
8. I promised……………………(help) you tomorrow.
9. He intends…………………..(finish) his studies soon.
10. Steve wishes………………….(join) our club.
11. Let me……………….(say) something.
12. It is not easy…………………(find) good friends.
13. My father made me……………….(get) up early on Saturday.
14. I hope…………………….(finish) the report soon.
15. There is no point in…………………(talk) about it.
16. I moved to Ankara…………………..(work) at Ankara university.
17. What do you want……………………(do) tonight ?
18. Don’t forget………………………..(call) your mother !
19. We like…………………….(visit) our grandparents on Sundays.
20 We can’t afford……………………..(go) on a holiday this summer.
21. Would you mind…………………….(use) your computer ?
22. She can’t leave the table without……………………(finish) her dinner.
23. In Turkey, …………………( smoke ) is not allowed in public offices.
24. My doctor advised me………………..(quit) smoing.
25. I like……………………(travel).
26. Sometimes, ……………………..(tell) the truth can be difficult.

Exercise II—Complete the sentences usin infinitive or gerund form of the verbs
Tomorrow we have decided……………………..(go) to İzmir and then we are planning………
(visit) Antalya for a few days. After that we’ve arranged………………………..(stay) in Side for a
few days. But I hope…………………..(get) back before the end of the month.

Exercise II—Match the two parts to make a correct sentence.

1. Are you interested………………… a) for forgetting my birthday
2. She apologised……………………. b) in working with us ?
3. They succeeded…………………… c) for being late.
4. Thank you………………………….. d) about meeting the actors.
5. I am very glad……………………… e) of waiting him to call.
6. We’re excited about……………… f) at getting people to do what I want.
7. I am fed up………………………… g) remembering people’s names.
8. Theu insisted……………………… h) on having the most expensive room.
9. He was sorry………………………. ı) for coming.
10. I am very good ..………………. j) in reaching their target.


Form :

Statements Statements Short answer Short answer

+ - + -

I was working I was not working. Was I working? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.

He was working He wasn’t working. Was he working? Yes, he was. No, he wasn't.

She was working. She wasn’t working. Was she working? Yes, she was. No, she wasn't.

It was working. It wasn’t working. Was it working? Yes, it was. No, it wasn't.

You were working. You weren’t working. Were you working? Yes you were. No, you weren't.

We were working. We weren’t working. Were we working? Yes we were. No, we weren't.

They were working. They weren’t working. Were they working? Yes they were. No, they weren't.

We use Past Continuous :

 For actions which happened at a definite time in the past

I was surfing on the internet at 10

Steve was sleeping at the table at 9 o’clock last night.
o’clock last night.

My son was watching cartoons

on TV at 7 yesterday morning.
They were having breakfast at
8 o’clock yesterday morning.

We use Past Continuous :

 With while, when, or as when someone in the middle of an action and something else

While I was watching TV last night my friend called me.

As I was watching TV last night, my friend called me.
When My friend called me last night, I was watching TV.

 For two actions that were happening at the same time in the past. To join these two
actions we generally use WHILE.

While I was reading the newspaper, my wife was watching TV last night.

They were talking while their children While Paul was grilling meat
were playing with their dads. Marily was helping him and
the children were playing.

While I was having a meeting

at 2 pm yesterday my wife called me.
While I was sitting at a cafe
yesterday James came.

While I was driving home yesterday Mary was swinging while Mike was sitting
an accident happened. on the tree.

STATIVE VERBS -We can not use the verbs below in Past Continuous Tense as well.
 See, hear, smell, taste,
 Like, dislike, love, hate, want, prefer, need,
 Know, realise, understand, think, mean, believe, suppose, remember, forget, hope,
 Depend on, belong to, seem

Exercise I—Complete the sentences with the verb in Past Continuous Tense.

1. I………………………..…….(work) in my office at 5 yesterday afternoon.

2. Laura………………………….…………(do) her homework when I came home.
3. My father…………….……(wash) his car while my mother………………….....(cook) dinner.
4. The teacher…………………...(teach) ‘Simple Past Tense’ when the head of school came in.
5. While we…………………….(prepare) dinner our children……………………………………….
(play) in the garden.
6. Who……………..……you…………..……..(talk) to on the phone when I called you last night ?
7. While the Prime Minister………………..……(talk) on TV, we……………………..(listen) to him.
8. While she………………………………(drive) a car she…………………….….(talk) on the phone.
9. It started raining while we……………………….……………………….(have) a picnic yesterday.
10. An earthquake happened while we…………………..……….(sleep) at 3 yesterday morning.

Exercise II—Look at the table and answer the question about Marian’s activities.

What was Marian doing at a particular time yesterday ?

7.00 am - 7.15 am have a shower 12.00 pm - 12.45 pm eat lunch

7.15 am - 8.00 am have breakfast 6.30 pm - 7.00 pm cook dinner

8.00 am - 8.10 am get dressed 7.00 pm - 7.10 pm wash the dishes

8.10 am - 8.30 am drive to work 8.10 pm - 10.30 pm watch television

8.30 am - 12 pm work 10.30 pm - 6.50 am Sleep

1. What was Marian doing at 7:10 ? 6. What was Marian doing 12:30 ?
she was having a shower at 7:10. ………………………………………….

2. What was Marian doing at 7:30 ? 7. What was Marian doing at 6:45 ?
…………………………………………. ………………………………………….

3. What was Marian doing at 8:05 ? 8. What was Marian doing at 7:05 ?
…………………………………………. …………………………………………….

4. What was Marian doing at 8:20 ? 9. What was Marian doing at 9:00 ?
…………………………………………. ……………………………………………..

5. What was Marian doing at 10:00 ? 10. What was Marian doing at 3:00 am ?
…………………………………………. . ……………………………………………….

Exercise I- Complete the dialogue using the verb in Past Continuous

John : Hi, Catherine How are you ?

July : Hi, John I’m fine.
John : What…………………………………….( you/ do) at 10 last night.
I called you but there wasn’t answer.
July : Sorry John. I…………………………….(study) for the maths exam.
I switched my mobile off.

Debbie : Oh! You are late again.

Bob : I’m sorry for being late, Debbie I missed the bus.
Debbie : But I called you several times but there was no answer.
What………………………………(you/ do) at 8 in the morning ?
Bob : I………………………………(sleep) at 8.
Debbie : OK, then. What……………………………..(you/do) at 9 ?
Bob : I……………………………(have) breakfast and I left my mobile
Phone in my room.
Debbie : Alright, Bob I understand you well. Let’s have a drink.
Bob : It sound great.

A : What……………………………….(Mr Rice/ do) at 12 yesterday ?

B : He…………………………………..(have) lunch at a restaturant.

A : What………………………………(Elena/ do) at 2 pm yesterday ?

B : She………………………………..(study) in the school garden.

A : What………………………………..(the officer /do) while you were

passing through ?
B : He……………………………………(give) the directions to a lady.

A : What………………………………….(Pamela/do) at 3 pm yesterday
afternoon ?
B : She……………………………………(run) on the hills.

Exercise I—Choose the correct option to complete the sentence

1. The children…………………………in the garden when you………………home.

a) played / came
b) are playing / are coming
c) were playing / came
d) were playing / were coming

2. When we arrived, she…………………….to music.

a) is listening
b) was listening
c) listened
d) will listen

3. I………………………down the street when I met Tom.

a) am walking
b) walked
c) walk
d) was walking

4. The child…………………..a flower when he………………..crying.

a) was drawing /started

b) is drawing / started
c) drew / was started
d) draws / starts

5. It………………………..when the women arrived.

a) didn’t started
b) wasn’t raining
c) isn’t raining
d) didn’t rain

6. The telephone……………….While she………………………breakfast.

a) rings / is having
b) was ringing / was having
c) rang / was having
d) is ringing / had

Exercise I—Complete the passage using the verbs in Simple Past or Past Continuous

It was about eight o’clock in the evening, and I………………………………(wait) for

my train. The train was late., so I……………………..(buy) a magazine at the book shop.
I……………………………..(read) the magazine when I……………………………..(hear) the
information about my train. I…………………………..(look) at the clock and it was nine
o’clock. Then the man………………………(come) into the station. He was very nervous.

Exercise II—Complete the passage using the verbs in Simple Past or Past Continuous

I…………………..(see) Jerry in town this morning but he……………………….(not see)

me. In fact, he………………….(walk) straight past me. I…………………(go) into the bank
as he………………….(come) out. He………………..(walk) very quickly and looking where
He……………………..(go). He almost…………………(bump) into me. He…………………….
(talk) to someone on his phone. I think he………………………………(have) an argument,
he………………………..(sound) very angry. Like a lot of people when they talk on their
mobile, he………………………….(talk) rather loudly and everybody could hear what he….

Exercise III—Choose the correct option

1. While I………….to school I……..Jack.

a) went / saw
b) was going / saw

2. Carol………..TV while Bob and Peter were playing football.

a) watched
b) was watching

3. While I………………..in the garden, my uncle…………….. .

a) worked / called
b) was working / called

4. A strong……………..while the plane………………………. .

a) was blowing / was landing
b) was blowing / was landed

5. The baby……………….to cry while she……………….her hair.

a) was begining / washed
b) began / was washing

6. While they were playing cards, the baby……………………. .

a) slept
b) was sleeping

7. While I……………….into town I……………..a bad accident.
a) drove / was seeing
b) was driving / saw

8. The sheep………………..away while the farmer………………..the cows.

a) ran / was milking
b) were running / was milking

9. While John and Mary………………….TV, their mother…………into the room and turned the
TV off.
a) were watching / came
b) watched / were coming

10. I…………….the door and ………………… into the house.

a) was opening / was walking
b) opened / walked

11. I……………lunch when the children…………..home from school.

a) was having / came
b) had / came

12. While I………………..(tidy) up my bedroom, John………….his homework.

a) tidied / did
b) was tidying / was doing

13. The Smiths…………………around town when it…………to rain.

a) walked / was starting
b) were walking / started

14. While Tom………………Amely…………….a documentary on TV.

a) read/ was watching
b) was reading / was watching

15. Martin…………..home,……………..on the computer and ………………….. his e-mails.

a) came / was switching / checking
b) came / switched / checked

16. The thief……………into the house,……………the jewels and………… without a trace.

a) was sneaking / stealing / leaving
b) sneaked / stole / left

17. Nobody……………….while the teacher …………………..the tenses.

a) was listening / was explaining
b) listened / was explaining

Exercise I—Complete the passage with the verbs in Simple Past or Past Continuous

When I was in Turkey last year, I…………………….(have) my first experience

of an earthquake. It…………….(be) about 11 o’clock at night. I…………………(be)
in my hotel and……………….(take) off my clothes when I………………………(think)
I………………….(hear) someone banging in the room below.
Suddenly the whole room…………………(begin) to shake. It wasn’t the person
underneath ! The hotel………………………..(shake) because of an earthquake! My
first thought was to get out, but I………………………(stay) on the 3rd floor ! so, I
……………………(run) out of the room and started to down the stairs.

Exercise II—Choose the correct option.

1. They arrived…………….we were having lunch.

a) when
b) while

2. They were talking about him ………….he came in.

a) while
b) when

3. He came in ……………..I was working.

a) while
b) when

4. He was smoking …………his father came in.

a) while
b) when

5. I was reading the newspaper …………..he called.

a) while
b) when

6. …………..I came home last night my children were sleeping.

a) While
b) When

7. I was very excited ……………I was watching the match on TV last night.
a) when
b) while

8. …………….my brother was talking on the phone my father was listening to him.
a) While
b) When

Exercise I—Aşağıdaki cümlelerin İnglizce dengini işaretleyiniz.

1. ‘ Dün gece televizyon izlerken arkadaşım aradı.’

a) I watched TV last night when my friend called me.

b) I was watching TV last night my friend was calling me.
c) While I was watching TV last night my friend called me.
d) My friend called me while I am watching TV last night.

2. ‘ Dün eve geldiğimde, annem yemek yapıyordu.’

a) Yesterday when I come home, my mother was cooking.

b) When I came home yesterday, my mother was cooking.
c) While I was coming home yesterday, my mother cooking.
d) While I came home yesterday, my mother cooked.

3. ‘ Sabah saat 9’da kahvaltı yaptım.’

a) I had breakfast at 9 o’clock in the morning.

b) I was having breakfast at 9 o’clock in the morning.
c) I am having breakfast at 9 o’clock in the morning.
d) I have had breakfast at 9 o’clock in the morning.

4. ’ Dün gece saat 8’de ne yapıyordunuz ? ‘

a) What are you doing at 8 last night ?

b) What were you doing at 8 tomorrow ?
c) What did you do at 8 last night ?
d) What were you doing at 8 last night ?

5. ‘ Dün yolda yürürken eski bir arkadaşım ile karşılaştım.’

a) While I was walking in the street yesterday, I came across with an old friend.
b) When I walked in the street yesterday, I was coming across with an old friend.
c) While I am walking in the street yesterday, I came across with an old friend.
d) When I walked in the street yesterday, I was coming across with an old friend.

6. ‘ Dün akşam seni aradığımda kiminle konuşuyordun ?’

a) Who are you talking to when I called you last night ?

b) When I was calling you last night, who did you talk to ?
c) Who were you talking to when I called you last night ?
d) Who did you talk to when I called you last night ?

Positive Negative sentences In sentences but Positive

sentences Negatives questions with negative meaning sentences

Somebody Anybody Nobody Everybody

Someone Anyone Noone Everyone

Something Anything Nothing Everything

Somewhere Anywhere Nowhere Everywhere

Not : some + question form. We use in question when we offer or ask politely for something.
 Would you like some cake ?

Not : any + positive form.

 You can take any book you like.

Exercise I—Choose the correct word

1. There is……………..at the door. 7. Jane bought ………..for Kate’s birthday.

a) anybody a) something
b) somebody b) anything

2. Is there………….to eat at home ? 8. A : You look bored. Do you want to go

a) something …………………….. ?
b) anything B : No, I want to go……………….. I want
to stay at home.
3. I don’t know…………..in the office. a) somewhere else / nowhere aelse
a) nobody b) anywhere else / nowhere else
b) anybody
9. A : What are you doing ?
4. İs there……………from İstanbul in the B : …………………………. .
classroom ? a) Nothing
a) anybody b) Anything
b) nobody
10. I went to the party last night. It was
5. A : Do you want….................from the great. ………………….danced.
supermarket ? a) everyone
B : No, I don’t want………………… . b) anybody
a) something / something
b) anything / anything 11. Do you know……..about this problem ?
a) something
6. There is…………………..in the shop. b) anything
……………………went away.
a) anything / everyone 12. …………is happy in my hometown.
b) nobody / everybody a) Anybody b) Everyone

Exercise I –Choose the correct word.

1. I don’t need…………….. ………….. . 10. Keith is looking for………….. to live.

I’ve got………………………. . a) somewhere
a) something / everything b) anywhere
b) anything / everything
11. …………………………….….is perfect.
2. I’ve learned……………….about you. a) Anywhere
a) anything b) Nowhere
b) everything
12. Have yoy got……………………..to say ?
3. I want to talk to……………………… . a) something
I’m tired and I want to rest. b) anything
a) no one
b) someone 13. There is…………as nice as İstanbul.
a) somewhere
4. Would you like to drink…………….. ? b) nowhere
a) anything
b) something 14. …………………...is sleeping in my bed.
a) Anyone
5. I’m tired. I want to go………………quite b) Someone
on holiday.
a) anywhere 15. I left my glasses……………in the bus.
b) somewhere a) anywhere
b) somewhere
6. ……………………is green in my village.
a) Anywhere 16. Dave is a noisy boy. ………wants to
b) Everywhere talk to him in the classroom.
a) Anybody
7. A : Do you need…………….to help you ? b) Nobody
B : No, thank you. I can do it by myself.
a) no one 17. A : Is there………………….in the room ?
b) anyone B : No, there is…………..in the room.
a) nobody / anybody
8. A : What can we do now ? b) anybody / nobody
B : There is………to do at the moment.
a) anything 18. Today is Saturday. ……...is on holiday
b) nothing at school.
a) Anybody
9. ………………wants to speak English but b) Everybody
………………studies it. 19. …………………..is at the meeting.
a) everybody / nobody a) Anybody
b) everyone / anybody b) Everybody


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