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Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi

MBA 2020-22
Course: Software Product Management (2 credits)

Course coordinator: Dr. O.P.Wali (IIFT)

Guest Faculty: Mr. Arjun Ahuja (

Course Overview
Whether it is a small to midsized software company or working in the complex ecosystems
of large software enterprises or corporate IT departments, executives face unique
challenges of handling technology products. This course provides practical training that
enables immediate and effective participation in software product management
assignments and related roles.

Course Objectives 
 Understand the role of a Product Manager
 Pointers to become a product first/product driven individual
 Appreciate the good things we see in the products we use in our daily lives on our
Smart phones, Smart TVs, Desktops and critique the ones that aren’t great
 Understand good & bad design, be able to communicate with business teams,
designers and other teams involved in the process

Programme Learning Goals covered through this Course

LG 2: Innovative and Creative Thinking with Critical Analysis

1. Be able to apply appropriate theories, models and tools to critically analyse the
problems/issues in international business situations
2. Be able to develop innovative and creative approaches towards solving of given
problems/issues in international business situations

3. Be able to analyse implication of each of the solution considered and propose well
justified recommendations

Course will be taught with the help of lecture sessions, demonstrations, and assignments.
Linkages with Other Courses

This is the advanced course in the area of IT discipline and requires understanding of
MIS and IT Applications in Management
Evaluation Components

1) Project = 20 %
2) Quiz/Assignments = 20%
3) Class participation = 20%
4) End Term Test = 40% * LG 2

Text Book / Reference Text

Building Products for the Enterprise by Benjamin Gaines, Blair Reeves Publisher(s): O'Reilly
Media, Inc.

Session Plan

1. Understanding Product Management

a. Who’s a Product Manager – roles they play
b. Is it for you?
c. Traits of a good PM
d. Usual hierarchies
e. Types of PMs
2. Problem formulation, Strategies & Frameworks
a. Some instances of products I built in the past
b. How to approach the problems
3. Understanding customer needs
a. Building Hypothesis
b. User Journeys
c. Breaking problems to personas
4. Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
a. Breaking the need down
b. Prioritisation techniques
c. Cutting the clutter
5. Building the right UX (2 Sessions)
a. Usual hierarchies & working rhythms
b. Working with the Designers
c. Writing UX briefs
d. Wireframing
e. UX Keywords
f. Understanding Dark Patterns
g. Good vs Bad design
6. Writing PRDs
a. Good v/s Bad PRDs
b. Some interesting hacks to have a bulletproof PRD
7. Measuring Success
a. What to measure and how
b. Running A/B tests
c. Understanding Ecommerce Funnel
d. Some common tools and how to use them
8. Building a Roadmap
a. How do most companies do it?
b. How do you think short term while not losing the long term view.
9. Theoretical Linkages & Research Paths
10. Student Presentations

Reference Text
1. Software Product Management: Finding the Right Balance for Your Product Inc.
Management for Professionals) by Timo Wagenblatt Springer
2. Software Product Management and Pricing: Key Success Factors for Software Organizations
by Hans-Bernd Kittlaus and Peter N. Clough Springer

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