Physics: 25. Go Sreaicmmsilmriu Uugrugs, Yalssrpsuyaslot Sso$Gmá Aifle

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22 (A) Physics


14. OpngÚLsabpiásnomo LushuOAB AND, NOT, EX-OR oppud NAND u stds aumilebasofic
2600T6LD LLAm0T6%606T sLminessaquó,.
Verifty the truth table ofthe logic gates AND, NOT, EX- OR and NAND using integrated circuits
16. 1Sl6eroo1s5orooenu LuuoruDs, GlsNQsiucGoto Lloswtssioh leteohug l6mscnu

Compare the emf of given two cells using potentiometer.

16. ieontact sad uoppud rvdraug Gsppnsmomé ountásaub.
Verify De Morgan'sfirst and Second theorems.

17 PN b V I usty aumGanGamen aimsti, (porGonmebgo ony aumgGsng®

Draw the V -I characteristics of PN Junction diode and determine its forward resistance from
bias characteristics.
18: Gmiye appdamemi uuehG4S OR, NOT, EX -ORoppiub NOR aAu ghbs aumólebasiet
a600t6miDILLAm0T66m6Td efunbsab.
Verifty thetruth table ofthe logic gátes OR, NOT, EX -OR and NOR usmgintegrated circuits.
19. 1Lrtsohcr psd oppuo roirrugi Gsbpsmere ofiunhésotb.
Verify De Morgan's first and Second theorems.

20. eomupsgonomuú uwotuOsS, GarGéaLuLGoraT Slohsavetsciosi 6loireiuwd6 slmsnu

Compare the emfofgiven two'cellsusing patentiotmeter.

21. 1etsoho y5od Loppitó ro mugspprismans ohuniésa.
Verify De Morgan's-first.and Second theprems.
22 PN8 onGuirr VIuory audnrGnoamot ionrpi, potiGorrkgb enty aiyGsmid
Draw the V I characteristics ofPN Junction diode and determine its forward resistance from forward
bias characteristics,
23. GorggosroveuoartL L ü LusiOsS, yolásnssúysl om-ss0Ts a l s

Determine thevalue ofthe Horizontal component ofthe Earth'smagnetic field using Tangent Galvanometer.

24. Apiomomaouototionuw Luctu@s6. Appoulemuu Grprgs5 LGai, pmpulad sh Aug, ung0s

um lanMor Bmuononovuýlo) aamont:sgouòDG Bpmisofio sismsoEns6mss somrGrassaó.|
Adjust the grating for the normal incidence method using the spectrometer. Detemine the wavelength ofs
any two colours of the mercury spectrum. (The number of lines per metre length.of the grating can be
ioted from the grating)
25. go sreaicmmSiLmriu uugruGs, yalssrpsuyaslot sso$gmá aifle
Deterinine the value ofthe Horizontal component oftheEarth'smagnetic field using Tangent Galvanometer.
Marks: 15
30 hrs PHYSICS

P N b d V. - I uwry aum$snGasmon aimtg, (peHGsnndge otmy awengtamiga

Draw the V-I characteristics of PN Junction diode and determine its forward resistance from forward

2 iLoriraotst (P56d opDIb@rsoorag Gpppraisonemë aunhésajò.
Verify De Morgan's first and Second theorems.
3. bleroYLELONanAuÜ uweTuO$B. AanOdsúuOstror Lloetasavetscfilct tíleteiludg oilnesmu

Compare theemfof
given two cells using potentiometer.
4. pngiLyoadpismo LIuaNuObSAND, NOT, EX-OR 1oppb NAND ushs aumiebacie
260TsLD JÚLAmonmessneno aumssaj6.
Yerifty the truth table of the logic gates.AND, NOT, EX -

OR and NAND using integrated circuits.

5. LLonhasseio (1p%d Lopnid DrsorTauI Gpprdiascnenè viunrésssaub.

Verify De Morgan's first and Secand theorems.
6: leheYABorsienuu uusu@s0, GanGssiuLGetrer sketsovstssicr tlohemuég aonesnu

Compare the emf of given two cells using potentiometer.

7. mgULye appdascnemi LusinuO$ AND, NOT, EX -OR oppjud NAND 2 u ghda oamlodaoioi
600TLD JLLNmTDTd surhésab.
Verifty the truth table of the logic gates AND, NOT, EX-OR and NANDusing integrated
8. loronybsonahnud uweuB, GerGdaúuLOster lecrsavemaofiet lehshud «loneonu

Compare the emfof given two cells using potentiometer.

9. aomsoheovr qogod uobpdrn_rai Coppriamonb oumdsassod.
Verify De Morgan's first and Second theorems.
10. s U y o appásmeTi LIusu@sS OR, NOT, EX -OR oppid NOR l u gsihsas aumilodssfhoi
2s00TmiD ILAs1&6DATÓ suniásao.
Verifty the truth table of the logic gates OR, NOT, EX -OR and NOR using integrated circuits.

11PN h V usany aumgGarOameT sum, (PaNGsnndsGO ormy amyGami4,a

Draw the V- I characteristics of PN Junction diode and determine its forward resistance from forward
bias characteristics.

12. SoteyPbBioNainuú uueu6s8, dar@ásúuLOeren Slehaaahaceit eheiuwag alene enu

Compare the emf of given two cells using potentiometer.

13. Asmuyà appiáammù uustOsS OR, NOT, EX-OR ioppiub NOR 3lu shbs aumladacfie
6aTLDLLAmsms6nTÓ shuhásajo.
EX-OR and NOR using integrated circuits.
Verifty the truth table of the logic gates OR, NOT,

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