Rat Trap

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In the accomplished of this project successfully many people

have best owned upon me their blessings and the heart pledged
support, this time I utilizing to thank to my teacher who have
been concerned with this project In playing out our task, I need
to take the assistance and rule of some regarded people, who
merit our most noteworthy appreciation. The fulfillment of this
task gives us much Pleasure. We might want to show our
appreciation Mr Imran hanif Instructor of CECOS
UNIVERSITY PESHAWAR for giving us a decent rule for task
all through various counsels. I might likewise want to grow our
most profound appreciation to each one of the individuals who
have straightforwardly and by implication guided us recorded as
a hard copy this task.
I wish to offer my earnest thanks to my supervisor, Professor
Collins, for his eagerness, persistence, adroit remarks,
accommodating data, reasonable counsel and endless thoughts
that have helped consistently in my examination and composing
of this postulation. His enormous information, significant
experience and expert ability in Data Quality Control has
empowered me to finish this examination effectively. Without
his help and direction, this task would not have been
conceivable. I was unable to have envisioned having a superior
chief in my investigation.

 Abstract……………………………………………………….4

 Introduction………………………………………………….4

 How it works…………………………………………………5

 Why we use this material ?.............

 Why we choose this design………………………………8

 conclusion…………..10

In this project, we build a “smart mouse trap” where a mouse will be caught and
kept alive so that it wouldn’t decompose and become a breeding ground for
maggots in case of people forget to check or while they are away from their
house. This way, they will only know when a mouse was caught and deal with it as
soon as possible. The trap is built using a simple project enclosure. There is an
opening cut into one end where the mouse enters the trap to get the cheese. The
cheese is placed on the far end of the box so that the mouse must completely
enter the enclosure to get it. About 2/3 of the way to the opposite end of the
enclosure. When the mouse crosses between them to get the cheese, he breaks
the beam. This causes a servo to swing a trap-door over the hole trapping the
mouse. An alarm beep sounds to alert us that we have caught a mouse.
Many families who live in rural have mouse problems. Normally people would
stick a piece of cheese in a snap-trap and call it good. Everyone has mixed results.
Either the mouse would take the cheese and not set the trap off, or they would
get nailed and make a mess out of the area where the trap was set. Worse yet if
people didn't remember to check the trap, the first indication they get is the
smell. Being busy with their daily routines most of the time people place the trap
in the food cabinets and they forget to check it for days until the house was
swarmed by flies and the cabinet has full of maggots crawling around the food
cans and on the remnants of the mouse. A smart mouse trap despite its cost is
the ideal solution to trap a mouse alive and therefore avoid all the inconvenience
from putrefaction. Advocate for animal protection might also find this house
appliance ideal to catch an animal without killing it.

Project brief:
Design a system, product or a range of products for rodent pest control which is a
superior alternative to the use of poison and has improved usability over what is
currently on the market. The end result should provide the user with greater
control over the pest control situation in their home.

 AT first we use common materials to design and build a basic model car
that can be powered by a mousetrap.
 To start out we brainstormed and drew out a rough draft of a model
 Once we got that done, we measured the wood and began cutting with a
 We also had to make tiny holes in the sides of the wooden body car parts
for the rods to go through.
 We glued the parts together, with the help of duct tape, and put the mouse
trap on top of the wood base of the car.
 Then we attached the wheels with the rods and then began to attach the
string to the mouse trap with a small opening on the back of the car.
 The car would move but only in a circular motion or only go a short
 We added batteries to keep weight on the back of the car to keep enough

Construction Hints
When building a mousetrap , there are number of variables to consider
 Weight of the trap
 Placement of the mousetrap
 Length of the snapper arm and the string
Your design decisions will depend on the goal of your trap: distance, accuracy, or


There were three major factors that played a
role in shaping the layout of the trap.
1. The trap must ensure swift and humane extermination of the rat.
2. The trap should be easy to handle.
3. The trap should be safe to use, especially if
you have curious pets and children around.

Materials Needed
 1 Mouse trap
 Masking or duct tape
 4” zip ties
 Different kinds of string
 1 ¼” dowel about 12” long
 Hot glue

Why we use this material?

 Tensile strength
 Electrical and heat resistance
 More Readily Processed for Use
 Optimizing Wood’s Use with MC Measurement
 When the spring mechanism is triggered, a metal bar snaps and
kills the rodent. Glue traps often are placed in similar locations as
snap traps. After encountering the trap, mice are immobilized by
an adhesive surface. Rodents trapped expire from hypothermia
since they can't move and maintain their body temperature.

Why we choose this design?

When a mousetrap is set, the spring in the center is compressed,
becoming a source full of potential energy. This energy is being stored,
not used, but as soon as the trap is released, it is converted to kinetic
energy (the energy of motion) that propels the snapper arm forward.
This design is low costly and easy to excess. Easy to make at home &
everywhere everyone use this design because it more durable.
Scientific concepts
There are some important scientific concepts involved in building a
mousetrap car – we’ll consider a few of them here:
 Potential Energy
 Kinetic Energy
 Force
 Friction
 Torque
 Power

Potential Energy: energy that is stored within an object, not in motion

but capable of becoming active You have stored potential energy (in
the spring) when your mousetrap is set and ready to be released.
Kinetic Energy: energy that a body possesses
as a result of its motion Potential energy becomes kinetic energy as the
mousetrap car begins to move Some of this energy goes to friction.
User scenarios
To get a better understanding over the user experience I mapped
different user scenarios. Each scenario sparked a number of questions
helping me see what I need to look closer at during the development
Setting up the trap & Everyday use
Many different types of materials can be used in the construction of a
mousetrap car – simple and cost-effective examples include:
 Body – balsawood, bass wood, Styrofoam, plastic, aluminum, etc.
 Wheels – CD’s, hobby wheels, foam wheels, etc.
 Snapper Arm – wooden dowel, metal tube, etc.
 Axle – wooden dowel, metal tube, plastic rod, etc.
 String – Kevlar braided fishing string, craft string, etc
 Miscellaneous – wheel spacers, string hook, ball bearings,
 spool, tape, glue, etc. And of course, the mousetrap!

 The design didn’t really differ from the original all that much.
The only differences were with batteries and some of the rods
and string, but everything else was the same.
 The string that we rolled onto the rod to make it to go was a
problem because; the string kept breaking so we had to redo it.
We also could have made the car a little bigger. The car was too
small so it was hard to work with because it was so fragile.

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