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Thesis Clear thesis/position stated in the Clear thesis/position stated but Thesis/position is vague and could be No thesis or position is stated in the
Clear thesis/position introduction. not in the introduction. clearer. paper.
stated in the paper.

Style & Mechanics No or minimal errors in grammar, Few errors in grammar, Grammar, punctuation & spelling Fails to use proper grammar,
Grammar, Punctuation, punctuation, & spelling. punctuation & spelling with errors occur frequently and distract punctuation and spelling in paper.
and Spelling minimal distraction of paper's from the flow and understanding of the
flow & main content. paper's content.

Organization & Structure No or minimal errors in sentence & Few errors in sentence & Paragraph structure lacks single Fail to use proper sentence &
Proper use of sentence & paragraph structure, paragraph structure supporting point, paragraph structure to organize
paragraph structure Sentence structure is strong, varied, & Structure aids the paper's Sentences are convoluted & wordy paper.
mature organization without conveying succinct thought,
Transitions are smooth, Sentence & paragraph structure Few well-structured transitions
Sent. & parag. flow, advance aid flow of ideas & arguments,
development of thought. ideas are logically organized.

Content & Development No or minimal errors in topic Few lapses in topic Frequent lapses in the development of Fails to clearly state paper's
Purpose, voice & development, paper is coherent & development, majority of paper topic and supporting material purpose,
topic/argument arguments are persuasive, every is coherent & comprehensible, Paper is incoherent, No clear voice/tone.
statement connects to the thesis, Arguments are persuasive, most Lack of strong accurate, believable Paper's main point is unclear &
development, level of
expands main point. statements expand main point examples, unfocused.
vocabulary appropriate
Opinions are unsupported,
to topic.
Solution A clear practical solution is provided A practical solution is provided A solution is provided but it is not No solution or plan of action is
Solution is provided. which demonstrates a clear plan of but no plan of action. practical and no plan of action is provided.
action. evident.

Refutation Clearly stated counter-arguments Counter-arguments are Refutation is provided but counter- No refutation is provided.
Use of counter- which are organized and demonstrate provided and are fairly well arguments are not organized and
arguments. weaknesses/exceptions to arguments organized and evidence is used evidence is either not used or is weak.
or evidence discussed in paper. to support them.
Counter-arguments are well supported.
Format Entire paper follows APA/MLA style Most of paper follows APA/MLA Some elements of APA/MLA style Fails to follow APA/MLA style
Proper use of APA style guidelines with proper use of cover style guidelines, cover page, guidelines are followed. guidelines.
guidelines to aid flow of page, parenthetical citations, & parenthetical citations, &
reference page. reference sections

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