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Cognos 8 Installation


How to
(Step by Step)

Install C8
(the latest version!)

on Your Laptop!

INSTALLING C8 ON YOUR LAPTOP CHECKLIST......................................................................................................3

INSTALL MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2000.......................................................................................................................4

INSTALL C8 COMPONENTS...........................................................................................................................7

CREATE C8 CONTENT STORE.......................................................................................................................7

RESTORE THE SAMPLE DATABASES..........................................................................................................8

CONFIGURE C8.................................................................................................................................................10

CREATE LOCAL NT USERS...........................................................................................................................11

ENSURE 'SIMPLE FILE SHARING IS DISABLED'....................................................................................11

SET UP WEB ALIASES.....................................................................................................................................12

SETUP COGNOS OFFICE CONNECTION (COGNOS 8 GO - OFFICE).................................................13

PREPARE FOR SAMPLES DEPLOYMENT.................................................................................................14

IMPORT SAMPLE REPORTS AND CREATE DATA SOURCES..............................................................15

REMOVE ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS FROM NON-ADMINISTRATORS............................................16

Test deployment and security................................................................................................................................17

Page 2
Installing C8 on your Laptop Checklist
The software and the databases may be installed on a server assuming your PC have access to the server and the databases
or you can install all of the software and databases on your laptop .

Use the following checklist when configuring a full install on your laptop:

Setup Complete

Installation requirements:
 Logon with administrative rights
 Windows 2000; Windows XP Professional; Microsoft Windows Server 2003
 RAM Minimum: 512 MB, Recommended: 1+ GB
 Disk space Minimum: 2 GB
 A Web server (such as Microsoft Internet Information Services - IIS) installed and started
 Database: Microsoft SQL Server.
 Internet Explorer 6.0+
 For all Web browsers, the following enabled: cookies and JavaScript
 For IE only, the following enabled: Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins, Script ActiveX
controls marked safe for scripting, and Active scripting. Microsoft Data Access Component
(MDAC) 2.6 or later for use with product samples.
Perform a default installation of C8. Finish the installation without configuring.

Perform a default installation of Framework Manager. Finish the installation without configuring.

Perform a default installation of Metric Designer. Finish the installation without configurinpg.

Create C8 Content Store in Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

Restore the Sample Databases.

Configure C8.

Create Local NT Users / Ensure Simple File Sharing is Disabled.

Set up Web Aliases.

Prepare for Samples Deployment.

Import Sample Reports and Create data sources.

Remove Administrative Tools from non-Administrators.

Test Deployment and Security.

Page 3
Install Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Use these instructions as a guide to install the SQL Server component. Ensure that you are logged onto the machine with
a valid account, which is the account that will be used to administer the machine.

1. Start the install.

2. Click SQL Server 2000 Components.
3. Click Install Database Server.
4. Click Next.

5. Click Local Computer, and then click Next.

6. Click Create a new instance of SQL Server, and then click Next.
7. Edit the Name, Co., etc., and then click Next.
8. Accept the License Agreement.

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9. Click Server and Client Tools, and then click Next.
10. Select Default as the Instance Name, and then click Next.

11. Select a Setup Type of Typical, and then click Next.

12. For Services Accounts, click Use the Local System account.

13. Click Next.

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14. For Authentication Mode, click Mixed Mode, and type sa in the Enter password and Confirm password
15. Click Next. Click Next again.
The installation continues, and the Microsoft Data Access Components are installed. The complete
installation may take a few minutes.
16. Once the install is complete, click Finish.
17. Important!!! Install and run any recent patches.

Page 6
Install C8 Components

 Go to directory ‘…\ c8 software \ 1-c8 bi srvr_win32…\ win32’

 Double-click the issetup.exe installation file to activate the install wizard

 Click ‘Next’ in the ‘Welcome to the Installation Wizard’

 Check ‘I accept’ in the ‘License Agreement’

 Click ‘Next’ for the ‘Installation Location’

 Click ‘Yes’ to create the directory

 Click ‘Next’ for Component Selection

 Click ‘Next’ for Shortcut Folder

 Click ‘Next’ for Installation Summary

 Click ‘Finish’

 Repeat above steps for other components (e.g., “…\2-c8 bi model_win32…\

 Click ‘Yes’ when you get warning to install into same directory as a previous

 Click ‘Yes’ when you get dialog to replace existing files by automatically creating a

Create C8 Content Store

1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
2. Expand Microsoft SQL Servers and SQL Server Group.
3. Expand <machine name>, and then expand Databases.
4. Right-click Databases, and then click New Database.
The Database Properties dialog box appears.
5. In the Name box, type cm.
6. In the Collation name drop-down list, select Latin1_General_CI_AS, and then click OK.

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Restore the Sample Databases
Task 1. Add the databases.
1. While still in Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager, right-click Databases, and then click New
2. In the Name box, type GOSL, and then click OK.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to add a new database called GORT.

Task 2. Restore the databases.

1. Right-click the GORT database, point to All Tasks, and then click Restore Database.
2. In the Restore database dialog box, click the From device radio button.
3. Under Parameters, click Select Devices.
4. In the Choose Restore Devices dialog box, click Add.
5. In the Choose Restore Destination dialog box under File name, click the Ellipsis and browse to
<Cognos C8 Installation location>\c8\webcontent\samples\datasources\sqlserver\GORT, and then click
6. Click OK twice more.
7. In the Restore Database dialog box, click the Options tab.
8. Click the Force restore over existing database check box to select it.
9. In the ‘Restore database files as:’ pane, ensure the path for both files in the Move to physical file name
column points to the location of the GORT database.
If you chose the default location when you created the database, the path should read,

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\GORT_data.mdf for the first file

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data\ GORT_log.ldf for the second file.
The result should appear similar to the one shown below:

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In the screen capture, the data file is listed first in the logical file name column, followed by the log file. If the
positions are reversed (in other words, if the log file is listed first), ensure that each logical file name points to
the correct physical file location.
10. Click OK.
A message appears saying the restoration was successful.
11. Click OK to close the message.
12. Repeat Task 2 to restore the database for GOSL, ensuring the logical files are pointing to the GOSL database.

Task 3. Set sa login properties (already done if you used this document to install MSSql Server) .
1. Expand the Security folder.
2. Click Logins, and then in the right pane, right-click sa, and then click Properties.
The SQL Server Login Properties - sa dialog box appears.
3. Under Authentication, change the password to sa, and then click OK.
4. In the Confirm Password dialog box, type sa, and then click OK.
The default username and password used by C8 is sa.
5. Click OK again, and then close MS SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

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Configure C8
1. Navigate to Start\Programs\Cognos 8 and then click Cognos Configuration.
2. In the Explorer pane of Cognos Configuration, right-click Authentication, point to New resource, and then
click Namespace.
3. In the New Namespace dialog box, under Name, type Local NT, and from the drop-down list under Type,
click NTLM.
4. Click OK.
The results appear as follows:

5. Click the cell in the Namespace ID row and the Value column, and type Local NT ID, and then press Enter.
6. In the Explorer pane under Authentication, click Cognos.
7. To the right of Allow anonymous access, click True in the Value column, and then click False to change the
With Anonymous access now set to False, you will need to log in to Cognos Connection and provide a user
name and password.
8. In the Explorer pane under Cognos 8 service, click Cognos 8.
9. If you have less than 768 mb of ram, Click the cell in the Maximum memory in MB row and the Value
column, change the value from 768 to at least 512, and then press Enter.
10. Right-click ‘Content Store’ and click ‘Test’. If test is successful, continue to next step, else resolve issue.

11. Click Save configuration to save the new configuration.

12. Click Close to close the Cognos Configuration dialog box after the configuration is saved, and all items
have green check marks beside them.

13. Click Start to start the Cognos 8 service.

14. When all services are started, click Close.
15. Close Cognos Configuration.

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Create Local NT users
1. From the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double-click Users Accounts.
3. In the Users Accounts dialog box, create a new account
4. Name the new account: mickey and create a password: mouse.
5. Repeat steps 1 – 4 to create a new account for donald and create a password: duck
6. Close the Users Accounts window and the Control Panel.

Ensure ‘Simple File Sharing is Disabled’

 Open Windows Explorer.
 From the Tools menu, click ‘Folder Options…’, then click ‘View’ tab.
 If checked, clear the ‘Use simple file sharing (Recommended)’ check box
 (This check box is usually located at or near end of the list.)

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Set up Web Aliases
Note: You must have Microsoft Internet Information Services installed and started before completing this step.

Task 1. Set up alias for C8.

1. From the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel, Administrative Tools, and then open
Internet Information Services.
2. In Internet Information Services, expand <machine name> and then expand Default Web Site.
3. Right-click Default Web Site, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory.
The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears. Click Next.
4. Under Alias, type cognos8, and then click Next.
5. Browse to <Cognos 8 Installation location>\c8\webcontent, click OK, and then click Next.
6. Click the Run scripts check box to clear it, so only Read is selected, and then click Next.
7. Click Finish.

Task 2. Set up virtual directory for cgi-bin.

1. Right click the cognos8 virtual directory folder, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory.
The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears. Click Next.
2. Under Alias, type cgi-bin, and then click Next.
3. Browse to <Cognos 8 Installation location>\c8\cgi-bin, click OK, and then click Next.
4. Click the Execute check box to select it, so Read, Run scripts, and Execute are selected, and then click Next.
5. Click Finish.

Task 3. Set up virtual directory for help.

6. Right click the cognos8 virtual directory folder, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory.
The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears. Click Next.
7. Under Alias, type help, and then click Next.
8. Browse to <Cognos 8 Installation location>\c8\ webcontent\documentation\en, click OK, and then click
9. Click the Run scripts check box to clear it, so only Read is selected, and then click Next.
10. Click Finish

Task 4. Give browse access to images.

1. Expand the cognos8 virtual directory folder and the samples folder.
2. Right-click images, and then click Properties.
3. In the image Properties dialog box, click the Directory browsing check box to select it.

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Task 5. Set up virtual directory for Cognos Office Connection (Cognos 8 Go – Office)
1. Right click the cognos8 virtual directory folder, point to New, and then click Virtual Directory.
The Virtual Directory Creation Wizard appears. Click Next.
2. Under Alias, type coc, and then click Next.
3. Browse to <Cognos 8 Installation location>\c8\ webcontent\coc, click OK, and then click Next.
4. Click the Browse check box to select it, so Read, Run scripts, and Browse are selected, and then click Next.
5. Click Finish
6. Right-click coc, and then click Properties
o ensure ‘Write’ / ‘Script source access’ check boxes are clear
o ensure ‘Execute Permissions’ has ‘Scripts only’

7. Right-click coc, and then click Properties

o ensure ‘Write’ / ‘Script source access’ check boxes are clear
o ensure ‘Execute Permissions’ has ‘Scripts only’
o click the ‘HTTP Headers’ tab… click ‘File Types’… click ‘New Type’
o add the following:
 Associated extension: .config
 Context type (MINE): text/xml

8. Click OK and then close Internet Information Services.

9. Install COC (Cognos 8 Go – Office) by going to …
<Cognos 8 Installation location>\c8\ webcontent\coc

10. Double-click the correct “add-in setup.msi” file. Double-click either…

o COCOfficeXPAddinSetup.msi (XP systems) or…
o COCOffice2003AddinSetup.msi (Windows 2003 systems)
o Accept defaults, but click ‘Everyone’ check box later in the wizard.
o Click Close to Exit

Note: If IIS 2003 is used, you may have to manually go into Web Services Extensions to allow ISAPI / CGI.

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Prepare for samples deployment
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Navigate to <Cognos 8 Installation location>\c8\ webcontent\samples\content.
3. Copy the and files.
4. Navigate to <Cognos 8 Installation location>\c8\ deployment and then paste in the zips file.
5. Close Windows Explorer.

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Import sample reports
Task 1. Import the samples.
1. Open your browser, and then in the address bar, type http://localhost/cognos8, and press Enter.
2. On the Log In screen, in the User ID box, type mickey, in the Password box, type mouse, and then click
The Cognos 8 Connection welcome page appears.
3. Click any ‘Cognos Connection’ link that appears on the Welcome page.
4. Once inside ‘Cognos Connection’, click ‘Tools’ in the top right corner, click the Content Administration

5. Click the New Import . icon on the toolbar

6. Select the Cognos_Samples package, and then click Next.
7. In the Specify name and description screen, click Next.
8. In the Select the public folders content screen, click the check boxes for all of the folders to select them, and
uncheck the ‘Disable after import’ check box for ‘GO Sales and Retailers’, then click Next.
9. In the Specify the general options screen, click Next.
10. In the Review the summary screen, click Next.
11. In the Select an action screen, click Finish.
12. In the Run with options screen, click Run. On the next screen click OK
13. Repeat step 5 to 12 to import the ‘Cognos_PowerCube’. For step 6, select the Cognos_PowerCube archive,
and in step 8, select the Great Outdoors Company folder..
14. In the top right corner, click the ‘Home’ icon to return to ‘Cognos Connection’ home page.

Task 2. Create data sources

Please note: It is very important that you use the same case, spacing and spelling for the data source
names to insure consistency with the models imported in the previous task.
1. In Cognos Connection, click ‘Tools’ in the top right corner, click the Directory link.
2. In the Directory screen, click the Data Sources tab, then click the New Data Source icon.
3. Under Name, type gosales, and then click Next.
4. Under Type, select Microsoft SQL Server (OLE DB), and then click Next.
5. In the Server name box, type localhost, and then under Database name, type GOSL.
6. Under Signons, click the Password check box to select it.
7. In the User ID box, type sa, and in the Password and Confirm password boxes, type sa, and then click
8. Repeat steps 3 to 7 to create a data source for goretailers using the database name GORT.
9. In the top right corner, click the ‘Home’ icon to return to ‘Cognos Connection’ home page.

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Remove Administrative Tools from non-Administrators
1. In Cognos Connection, click ‘Tools’ in the top right corner, click the Directory link.
2. In the Directory screen, ensure the Users, Groups, and Roles tab is displayed
The Directory page shows two namespaces, Cognos and Local NT.

3. Click the Cognos link, and then click Set properties for the Query Users role. You may need to
navigate to page 2 (Entries 16-20) of the display to see the Query Users role.
4. On the Set properties - Query Users page, click the Members tab.
We are going to make Donald duck a members of the Query Users role, because members of this role do not
have access to the administrative tools. We also need to remove the Everyone group because all users in this
group (which is everyone including Anonymous users) have access to the administrative tools.
5. Click the Add link to add a member to the Query Users role.
6. Click the Show users in the list check box to select it, and then click the Local NT link to access users in
that namespace.
7. Click the check box beside donald (donald), and then click the green Add arrow icon, then click OK.
8. Click the check box beside Everyone, click the Remove link, and then click OK.
9. Click Set properties icon for the System Administrators role….
10. Repeat steps 4 to 8 to add mickey (mickey) user to System Administrator, and remove the Everyone group
from the System Administrators role.
11. In the top right corner, click the ‘Home’ icon to return to ‘Cognos Connection’ home page.

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Test deployment and security
1. In the top right corner of the screen, click Log Off, and then click Log on again.
2. In the User ID box, type donald, in the Password box, type duck, and then click OK.
3. In Cognos Connection, notice that administrative tools are missing within the ‘Tools’ menu.
4. Click the GO Sales and Retailers link, and then click the Query Studio link in the upper right corner.
The GO Sales and Retailers model tree appears in the left pane.

5. Expand the ‘Orders’ folder.

6. Double-click on ‘Order Year’, 3 years will appear in the display area on the right.
7. Expand the ‘Retailers’ folder.
8. Double-click on ‘Retailer Type’, a 2nd column should appear in the display area
9. Assuming no problems, you should be completely installed, configured and ready to use C8.
10. Click Return in upper right corner, then click ‘No’ to not save report and to go back to Cognos Connection.
11. In the top right corner of the screen, click Log Off, and then click Log on again.
12. In the User ID box, type mickey, in the Password box, type mouse, and then click OK.

If no errors, Congratulations on a successful install / configuration

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