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Kickboxing sports which is fast and dynamic modern martial arts system. It requires a high level of fitness
both mentally and physically and is a dynamic and effective martial art. It incorporates kicking, punching,
sweeping and throwing. In Kickboxing there are three main disciplines excluding the fitness regime of Cardio
Kickboxing and all competitors practitioners must wear the appropriate safety equipment.


The name speaks for itself; this form of competition is performed in a ring and primarily has similar rules to
boxing. The difference is that opponent may also use his legs to defend andattack. The competition is
finished when a fighter is knocked out or TKO. If the competition ends after the three two minute rounds
then the fighter who has scored on his opponent effectively and proficiency will be deemed to be the winner,
in the event of a tied result the fighter whom was judged to be technically better will be given the decision.


Competition in Light contact should be executed as its name implies: with well controlled techniques Equal
emphasis must be placed on both punching and kicking techniques. Light contact has been created as an
intermediate stage between semi and full contact Kickboxing fight. It is carried out with running time. This
competition may be held in a ring or on a matted area; the objective of this type of competition is that you
hit your opponent with as many techniques as possible with control. The more complex and difficult the
scoring techniques the higher the score. If you hit your opponent without control you are penalized or even
disqualified depending on the severity of the offence. The person whom has scored and landed more
techniques, in the event of a tied result the fighter whom was judged to be technically better would be given
the decision, after the three by two minute rounds, judges the winner.


The competition in semi-contact should be excused in its true sense with light and well-controlled techniques
and contact. It is technical discipline with equal emphasis put on hand and foot techniques from an athletic
viewpoint. By far the most popular discipline, this form of competition is run over three by two-minute
rounds on a matted area. The objective of this competition is to penetrate your opponent’s defenses and
deliver effective and controlled techniques with your hands or legs. The scoring system is as follows: punch
1 pt. Kick heads 2 pt., body 1 pt. Jumping kick to the body-2 point, head-3 points, Sweep 1 Point, Throw 1
Point. Each time a fighter scores the match is stopped and the three judges score the techniques, if two or
three judges are in full agreement then a score is given. The objective for the fighter is to score as many
points on his opponent as possible. The winner of the contest is the fighter with the highest score. In the
event of a tie, time is extended by one minute; if the competition is still tied then it will then be decided by
sudden death, the first fighter to score.


Low Kick can be defined as full contact kickboxing. In which there is also the possibility to attack the
opponent’s legs (thigh only from outside to inside and vice versa) using the shin. The shin can be used in
any attack to legal targets. Low kick rules are exactly the same as those of full contact.
WAKO Thai Boxing comes directly from Muay Thai, The Siamese traditional art. It differs only for the fact

a. Elbow techniques are forbidden “clinching” will be limited, in the sense that if fighters are not active in
their action, central referee must stop them. Wai Khurru, the spiritual dance performed at the beginning of
Muay Thai matches, is Thai Boxing music during the fight is forbidden.

b. Punching techniques reaching the legal targets, have the same value for judges of knee, leg or any other
technique in the repertoire.

WAKO Thai Boxing is a sport, like the other kickboxing modes. And WAKO Thai boxing applies the same ring
and the same weight categories, and the same general rules as far as coaches or fighters behavior, that are
used in full contact or Low kick.


A musical form is a sort of imaginary fight against one or more opponents, in which the performer uses
techniques coming from oriental Martial Arts on a music selected specifically. The choice of the music is

AEROKICKBOXING (Kickboxercise)

Punching & Kicking technique during the exercise must be performed correctly in fluid, dynamic and
explosive manner, as if facing a real opponent. Synchronization of movements to the music’s beat; Every
out of rhythm movement will be considered an error or penalty.


The competitors wear loose fitting clothing, a pair of kicking pants and V neck tops are very popular,
however T Shirts are permitted in some circumstances, they must be a Club T Shirt. In view of the emphasis
on controlled fighting, it is very important to wear protective clothing and equipment. Protective equipment
must be checked regularly to prevent any unnecessary injury to either the practitioner or their partner.
Benefits of KICKBOXING Game
KICKBOXING is a relatively modern martial arts system, whose syllabus was derived by combining several

fighting techniques from a variety of the more traditional disciplines, including Kung-fu, Karate, Thai Boxing

and Taekwondo. There are numerous benefits derived from learning Kickboxing, which extend into many

aspects of everyday life. These include:

a. Appeals to both Men and Women, irrespective of occupation or level of fitness

b. Develops strength and flexibility

c. Improves mental agility and stamina

d. Powerful and skillful sport

e. Increases confidence

f. Promotes fitness and well-being

g. Reduces stress

h. Promotes comradeships

i. Assists with self-defense skills

j. IAKO / WAKO Sports Pass to all members

k. Excellent fitness & Self –Defense training

l. Participating in State, National & International Events

m. IAKO / WAKO Referee / Judge License

n. IAKO / WAKO Belt / Dan Grading

o. Professional career with WAKO / IAKO Pro.

Learn to coordinate between mind & body through

Kick and Punch for Self-Defense.

KICKBOXING, the modern and tough Martial Art is the most popular game today among the Martial Artists,

irrespective of styles / arts all over the World. Its wide scope, Rules & Regulations are very much accepted

by the practitioners of Karate, Kungfu, Wushu, Taekwondo, Tangso-do, Muay Thai, etc.

WAKO (World Association of Kickboxing Organisations) is the biggest World body promoting & controlling

Kickboxing Game all over the World. More than 117 National Bodies in five continents of respective countries

are officially tied up with WAKO among which IAKO (Indian Association Of Kickboxing Organisations) takes

the leading role in India. The WAKO was formed in 1972 by Martial Arts legend Mr. Mike Anderson. Our

present president is Dr. Ennio Falsoni from Italy. Over 40 National Federations have received recognition

from their ministry of sports as well as from their National Olympic Committee (NOC). WAKO is expecting an

early recognition by GAISF in May 2005, the entry point to Olympic (IOC).

Only few years back KICKBOXING game introduced in India and became the most popular game among the

Martial Artists and youths. Because of the continuous efforts of Er. S.S. Harichandan, the Founder President

of IAKO, it became possible to introduce and popularise KICKBOXING in almost entire country. Within this

short span of time IAKO organised 12th National Championships successfully in Orissa, Bihar, Madhya

Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Punjab, West Bengal & Nagaland with the support of the concerned State

Government and its State Association. Also members of IAKO are representing the country regularly by

attending the international activities and World Championships of WAKO at Italy, Germany, Mauritius,

Ukraine, Poland, Kirgizstan, Yugoslavia & Sultanate of Oman etc.

By observing the popularity of KICKBOXING Game, Dept. of Sports and Youth services, Govt. of Orissa,

Nagaland & Meghalaya recognized the game and its State body ‘All Orissa Kickboxing Association’,

‘Meghalaya Association of Kickboxing Organisations’ & Nagaland Kickboxing Association. Also recognized the

game, State Olympic Association and its State body West Bengal, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh respectively,

which is soon going to be followed in all other States. IAKO has already introduced and established

Kickboxing game in almost entire country. It is also expected that Ministry of Sports, Govt. of India will soon

recognize Kickboxing as National Game.

The inclusion of KICKBOXING in recently held WORLD YOUTH GAMES of IOC (International Olympic

Committee) on July’1998 at Moscow, Russia is the latest achievement of WAKO.

Many National KICKBOXING Federations are already by their respective National Olympic Body’s. Similarly

WAKO membership with GAISF (General Association of International Sports Federation) an important sports

World body next to IOC. It is but natural expect that this exciting sport will be a part of the OLYMPIC agenda


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