ABEL, DIANNA ROSE E. 1 BEED D Denotations-And-Connotations-In-Poetry

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Name: Dianna Rose Abel Yr/Cr/Sc: 1BEED-D

Subject: Lit111 Date: September 15, 2021


What do you do when you outgrow the things that you used to do and

There are things that we used to do and love but time will come, we will left
them. Everything has its own ending. If I would outgrow the things I used to do and
like, I will just accept it because that is what I need to do. We must learn how to let go
and accept for there are things that are not meant for us. We once have them in our
life but it will never stay longer. It will just become part of our life. On the other hand,
when there are things that we let go, there are also things that will come. Since change
is constant, things do also change even our likes. It also depends on how are we going
to value because time will come, we do left them because as we getting older, we will
gradually forget them all as we face the final stage of life.

USE READING SKILLS: Differentiating Denotation and Connotation

Words carry cultural and emotional associations or meanings, in addition to

their literal meanings or denotations. As you read the poem below, identify the
denotative and connotative meanings of the following words or phrases by filling in
the Denotation-Connotation Chart.

Denotation-Connotation Chart

Word Denotation Connotation

to grow too large for Change, change of
(someone or something) something
To run or go beyond or
overran Exceed, conquer
past (something)
Refers to the period Memories, happiness,
childhood hours between infancy to energetic
fantasy Imagination, daydream
fairy art

To seize or take away by Transport with strong

ravish violence emotion

A person who examines Blocked something from

books, movies, letters,etc., being heard or seen
and removes things that are
considered to be
to society,etc.
A state of wild excitement Extreme delight or
An object of materialistic treasure
golden calf
or unworthy worship
A strong feeling that Enjoyed, great
jewelled ecstasy
produce happiness happiness, desire
Changing often Refers to the things
which is unstable
Causing death Sorrow, final stage of
Sad because a family grief
bereft member or friends has died

Food and beverages -in response with

drink and bread -response with the

Note the Facts

Read aloud the poem. Who is the speaker? What is the speaker’s gender? Give
words or lines to support your answer.

The speaker of the poem Change is the one who used to treasure change and the
speaker is a woman. We can tell base on the lines of the poem, especially the
line that says,” the dolls that overran my childhood days and taught me
fairy art.”. By this line, we can tell that the speaker is a woman. “

Analyze Literature

The word loves in the second stanza refers to:

The word loves in the second line refers to the things that the speaker used to do and
love it also refers to change,

Name: Dianna Rose Abel Subject: Lit111

Yr/Cr/Sec: 1BEED-D Date: September 15, 2021


A. Read again the poem. Then give the denotative and connotative meanings of the
following lines.

1. the dolls that overran my childhood days

denotation: it used to be the source of happiness
connotation: created memories, unforgettable events that brought so much joy
and happiness

2. the books I ravished

denotation: refers to things being seized or take away

connotation: overwhelm with emotions or transported emotions

3. music that like delirium burned my days
denotation: refers to wild excitement brought by music
connotation: refers to exhilaration or ecstasy
4. this jewelled ecstasy
denotation: a strong feeling that produce happiness
connotation: great happiness, admirable desires
5. drink and bread
denotation: refers to food and beverages
connotation: in response to hunger, to fulfil the desires and it also refers life
6. change
denotation: refers to someone or something to become different

connotation: to outgrow thing

B. Grasp the poem’s full implications and suggestions to answer the following

1. In the first stanza, what are the things that the speaker used to do and love? Why
do you think she left them? Give words or lines to support your answer.

In the first stanza of the poem, the things that the speaker used to do or love are:
the dolls that overran her childhood hours and taught her fairy art, the books that she
ravished by the censored score and the golden calf she fashioned to adore. I think she
left those things because she sees something more than in that, the things she once
loved and do. As change is the only constant in this world, things do also change. As
we getting older, the things we used to do will change. We will not stay as children,
and so our likes will do change. Everything has its own ending and one of the reasons
why the speaker left the things she once loved, it is because she turns her attention to
the final stage of life, which is death and it was supported with the lines, “ I have
outgrown them all, and one by one”, and ”brand me not fickle on that fatal day.”

2. Did you love the same things the speaker did? Do you still love those things?

Most of the children love to play stuff toys or various types of toys depending on
what they want, particularly, the girls as they love to play dolls and mini houses. They
love to make over the dolls that they have. As the speaker does, her childhood hours
were overran by the dolls and taught her fairy art. In my case, I never experienced the
same things that the speaker does. During my childhood days, I never had stuff toys
even once; instead I used to play outdoor games like larong pinoy with my cousins
and friends. We had lots of fun way back in that time. On the other hand, I do like
stuff toys but the case is I didn’t have even one. On other side, I do love what I have
experienced way back in times when life is just full of laughter and joy, childhood
days. I created lots of memories and seemed to be the unforgettable one.

3. In the second stanza, what is the apprehension or fear of the speaker?

In the second stanza of the poem, the apprehension or fear of the speaker is when
the “fatal day” happens. In some instances, people may accept easily while others
don’t. There is still dread about losing one’s life and still there is skepticism about
accepting the final stage but we can do nothing because death is unchanging. And as
for the speaker, her fear is that “fatal day” will take place.
4. What is the speaker’s “drink and bread”?

The speaker’s “drink and bread” is the change.

5. Why does the speaker treasure “change” so much? What does it mean to her?

The speaker treasures “change” because the things she loved may have different
meaning from each other with different memories she created and most valued by her.
It specifies the things that the speaker used to do and love and later, forget as she turns
her attention towards the final stage of life, which is death. That is why she valued
everything she once have in her life because in every change that happened has
brought memories that were created. To treasure change means to give value because
later on, it wills just memories of ours that we can reminisce.

6. If the poem is a call for understanding, would you understand and forgive the
speaker when that "fatal day" happens?

In my own side, I understand the speaker’s message to convey, particularly,

about the “fatal day” that happens and I would forgive the speaker. The words used
seemed burdensome but it really happens. No matter how we are going to deny, but
we are all going there. Everything has its own ending, so as we all live we should
treasure everything we have and especially, every single moment of our lives.


1. Are women really fickle? What about men? Can they be fickle, too?

In some instances, women are fickle depending the situation they are to face and
things to do. Women have complex thoughts process in situations. They process the
situation thoroughly and trying to figure out what would be the possible outcomes of
the decisions they are going to do. Every outcome is considered before finalized
answer or action. They always re-thinking and re- analyzing the decisions they make.
On the other hand, men can be fickle too in terms of decision-making. Their decisions
might be changeable too.
2. When do you feel most ‘grown up’ and able to handle anything? When do you
feel ‘young’ and unsure of yourself?

In my living, I never experienced the feeling of grown up and able to handle

anything. My decisions and with everything that I have are consulted to my
parents. I could make decisions but I need my parents’ approval and provision. I
couldn’t let myself to be independent for everything I will do needs my parents
provision. On the other hand, up until now I feel “young” and unsure about myself
because I doubt a lot about the capabilities I have. It turns out that every decision I
make is wrong. I think negatively and a fear to try and this makes me unsure to

3. How does change impact your emotion? Is it easy or difficult to accept? Does it
hurt? Does it make you happy, angry, or confused? Explain your answer.

Change is a poem with deep thoughts and implied meaning. As I read the poem, I
felt different emotions and give me a vision for life. It helps me to have a better
understanding with things I have and to value everything we have. It is actually
difficult to accept especially by letting go things we used to love and do. But, we must
accept it in some other way, sooner or later we shall put them away and will become
a memory of ours. In instant, it makes me confused why the speaker treasure
change and what exactly she’s trying to convey with this “change”.

4. What’s one change you would make that would give you more freedom and inner

One thing that I would change that would give me more freedom and inner peace
is that my perspective in life. I’ve been hiding my self with my own shell because
I’m afraid to try everything. My negativities will take place and overcome
my mind the reason I can’t perform well. I want to change this perspective because if
I would not let this negativity to take control over myself, I couldn’t reach those
things I am working now even though how much I strive. But now, I am working for
this trying to figure out how I will overcome this so that I could attain the much
freedom and inner peace within the self and to acquire positive perspective and to
internalize for self-development.

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