Differentiation Chart

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– 1b, 1f) (ESOL – 1.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 5.2)

A. Describe, in one paragraph, how the unit and lessons incorporate the ethnic/cultural/socioeconomic backgrounds of
the students. Show awareness of how the backgrounds of the children are integrated into class learning and explain
how you educated yourself to teach this group of students.
B. Detail, in one paragraph, several (2-3) ways you will alter your instruction throughout the unit based on the needs of
the students. For example, if a child is excelling in a particular lesson, how will you provide an enrichment activity?
Conversely, if a child is struggling to understand, how will you remediate? To adequately show this, you must
anticipate students’ needs and be prepared to act on them during the course of the lesson. Remember that you can
differentiate instruction through content, process, product, and learning environment.
C. Using the table below, identify how you will differentiate in each lesson. Complete the table below. This table will be
inserted on the differentiation page below the narrative paragraphs 4A & 4B.
Table 1: Lesson Differentiation Chart
Lesson Type of Differentiation Brief Description of Strategy
Lesson 1 Content Students will touch the three different kinds of soil and then use
written descriptive words to describe soils and make a hypothesis
using a sentence starter.
Lesson 2 Process Students will follow along with text reading by pointing or using
bookmark tracers. The text will be read out loud and projected onto
the front of the classroom. They will listen to a song about dirt and
observe their experiment.
Lesson 3 Content Students will relate the vocabulary in their text reading to things in
their everyday life. Students will read from text on the board with me
and discuss with the class where we see these words at home or at
Lesson 4 Process Students will identify plants that grow in the different soil types by
researching with me on the screen and discussing why plants grow
better in different soils.
Lesson 5 Process The student will watch an informational BrainPOP video once for
understanding, read the questions, and then watch a second time for
comprehension. Students will watch the content multiple times to
gather information about the topic of soils.
Lesson 6 Process Students will practice following oral small step directions to draw and
label a rock. They will go through the jumpstart activity and identify
vocabulary words within a text.
Lesson 7 Content Students will watch the BrainPOP Jr video on rocks in order to
broaden their understanding of rocks in the environment. Students will
answer questions that are read aloud for them one by one.
Lesson 8 Content Students will read the textbook pages about rocks with me both on the
packet on their desks and using the screen projector at the front of the
room. Students will follow along using their finger, pencil, or reading
Lesson 9 Content Students will complete an activity where they rotate rocks in a circular
rotation at their tables. Students sit in groups of four, and one group of
six divided into three. Students will observe a physical rock and draw
it, labeling its characteristics. Then they will rotate the rocks to the
next person and do the same thing.
Lesson 10 Content Students will review the unit through a PowerPoint review game. This
PowerPoint includes visuals and videos for students to recall
vocabulary and content from the science unit.

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