Questionnaire For Micro-Finance

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Questionnaire for Micro-finance

“A study of entrepreneurial measure for poverty alleviation of urban poor through micro
finance in Karnataka”

1 NAME OF THE GROUP _____________________________________



- When was SHG formed (year) : _____________________

- Who formed the SHG (Bank/NGO) : _____________________

- Background Details of SHG : _____________________

2. .Size of the Group (No. of Members) : _____________________

3. Age of the Group Members

a) Below 18 Years: b) 18 – 22 Years:

c) 26 – 40 years: d) 41 & above :

4. Marital status of the Group Members

a) Unmarried b) Married

c) Divorced/Separated: d) Widowed

5. Educational level of the Group Members

a) Illiterates b) Neo – Literates

c) Primary d) Upper Primary

e) Secondary f) College

6 Caste/Social compositions of the group members

a) Scheduled Tribes b) Scheduled Caste c) Backward Class

d) Forward Category e) Minorities

7. Religion of the group members

a) Hindu b) Muslim

c) Christian d) Others (Specify)

8. To which model does SHG belong?

a) SHGs formed and financed by banks

b) SHGs formed by government agencies and NGOs and

Others, but directly financed by Banks

c) SHGs financed by banks using NGOs and other agencies

As financial intermediaries

9. To which bank and branch is SHG linked?

a) Name of the Bank & Branch _____________

b) Name of the place where bank is located _____________

c) Population of the place where branch is located _____________

d) is the branch urban / semi-urban / rural _____________

10. What is the distance between habitations of SHG?

a) Place where branch of the bank is located (in Kms) _____________

11. Profile of SHG leaders:

Name of Sex Age Religion Caste Education Occupation Annual

the leaders Family
1. Founder

2. Subsequent

3. Present

Structure of SHGs: Members

12. How do you (leaders) feel about solidarity of SHG?

a) Very Strong b) Strong c) Moderate d) Weak e) Very Weak

13. Number of SHG Members at the time of formation: ____________

14) Number of members who dropped from SHG Membership ____________

15) Number of Members who joined the group after formation ____________

16) Present number of SHG member’s ____________

17) Local Governance: Are members aware of SHG Objectives? YES NO

18) Are members aware of rules and regulations of SHG functioning YES NO
19) Are members sharing leadership responsibility? YES NO

20) Are members aware of other members saving and loans position YES NO


Sl Name A Reli Caste Marita Educa Occup Famil Famil Owne Type Famil Benefits
No g Gio l Tion ations y y d/ Of the y Under
. e n Status size Annua Rente House Land Govt.
l d Holdin Program
Incom House g me

Conduct of SHG Meetings and Members Attendance (last one Year)

22. How the Meetings are conducted in the last year?

a) Meetings are held regularly on fixed date, time and place

b) Meetings are held regularly once a month but at the convenience

Of all members

c) Meetings are not held regularly but they are conducted on fixed
Date, time and place

d) Meetings are irregular

23. What is the level of member’s attendance in the meetings in the last year?

a) Above 90% in all group meetings

b) 70% - 90% in all group meetings

c) 50% - 70% in all group meetings

d) Less than 50% in all group Meetings

SHG – Bank Linkage:

24. When was the SHG linked with Bank? (Month & Year) ___________________________

25. Who assisted in the SHG – bank linkage?

a) Animator / Book Keeper f) Rich farmers in the village

b) Corporate g) People’s Representatives

c) NGO / Federation / MACs h) educated persons in the village

d) Bank Manager i) others (specify)

e) Government Officials j) Community Coordinator

27. What strategies were adopted to get SHG linked with the Bank?

a) Local leaders ( ) e) Good lending and repayment ( )

b) Group quality improved ( ) f) Repeated Visits ( )

c) Good Book – Keeping ( ) g) No / Not applicable ( )

d) We have been a good Group ( ) h) others specify ( )

28. Rating obtained by SHG in assessment made by the Bank?

a) A ( ) d) D ( )

b) B ( ) e) don’t know ( )

c) C ( )

29 Savings Details: _______________________________

30. Is SHG making

a) Compulsorily savings? ( )

b) Optional savings? ( )

31. How many SHG members have been (since beginning?)

a) Savers continuously? ( )

b) Intermittent savers? ( )

c) Non – savers ( )

32. What is the periodicity of savings?

Weekly ( ) fortnightly ( ) monthly ( ) 6month ( ) 1year ( )

33. Savings of the SHG Members:

Sl Savings Pattern Savings during the period (Rs.)

No. Regular Irregular 10 – 11 09 – 10 08 – 09 07 – 08 06 - 07

34. SHG bank dealings: savings:

Number of Times Amount Deposited Amount

Deposited (Rs.) Withdrawn (Rs)
09 -1 0
08 - 09
07 - 18
06 - 07
05 – 06

Loans to SHG

35. What is the pattern of lending to the members?

a) Need-based loans availed by many members ( )

b) Need based loans avail by few members ( )

c) Equal distribution of loans among all members ( )

d) Loans extended repeatedly to only a few members in the group ( )

36. What is the velocity of lending? (Total loans disbursed/corpus

a) Over 1.5 time ( )

b) Between 1 – 1 times ( )

c) Less than one time ( )

37. Loans details since inception
Bank’s Sanction Bank’s Disbursement
Source of Date of Amount Date of Amount of Rate of
Loans Sanction Sanctioned Disbursement Disbursement Interest (%)

38. Loans from the bank with which SHG is linked:

Amount (Rs) NGO
Rate of
Year No Loans Requested Sanctioned Disbursed Service

39. SHG Loan repayments to the Banks:

Sl Loan Repayment No. of Fixed or Default/ Amount Amount
No Amount Schedule Install- Variable No Paid Out-
Present to (No. of ments Installments Default (Rs.) standing
Past Years) (Rs.)

40. Nature of security for bank loan

a) Against SHG savings ( ) e) Promoters’ security ( )

b) Against matching grant ( ) f) SHG Quality ( )

c) Against SHG fixed deposit ( ) g) any other ( )

d) Against fixed deposits of individual SHG member ( )

41. Pattern of release of the present loan amount

a) Single release of the bank loan ( )

b) Installment release of bank loan ( )

c) Adjusted to individual outstanding loan amount ( )

42. Did SHG get repeat loans? Yes ( ) No ( )

43. If no, give reasons

a) Earlier loan not cleared ( ) h) Bank linkage more expensive ( )

b) Priority to new groups ( ) i) Low interest rate from other sources ( )

c) Target completed ( ) j) Group has surplus savings ( )

d) Inadequate funds ( ) k) Bank gives loans in installments ( )

e) Bankers are not interested ( ) l) Small size of loan ( )

f) They give only to healthy groups ( ) m) Limited purpose ( )

g) They give only to fringe groups ( ) n) any other reasons ( )

Opportunity Cost to Get Loans / Savings / Others payments from the Banks

44. Who do go to Bank?


No Leaders Members
1 For withdrawal of savings

2 For obtaining loans

3 For obtaining other amounts

4 For depositing savings

5 For repayment of loan

45. Details of opportunity costs involved in SHG transactions with banks for

Latest loan: (Leaders and SHG Members)

Sl.No. Nature of Expenses If incurred ( / ) / Amount

If not incurred (x)
1 Travel Cost
2 Expenditure on Food
3. Daily Wages / Other Incomes foregone
During the days visit
4. Bribes
5. Loan Documentation
6. Payments to
a) Book Keeper
b) Animator
7. Records / Stationery
8. Documents to SHGs
9. Any Other (Specify)
10. Service Charges

Loan Procedure & Purposes

46. How were the financial decisions, fund collections and loan disbursements made in the last one year?
a) All fund collections financial decisions and disbursement of loans are

Made in meetings only. ( )

b) All fund collections, financial decisions are made in the meetings but
Loans are disbursed outside ( )

c) Fund collections are made outside meetings, but loans decisions are

Taken during the meeting ( )

d) Both fund collections and financial decisions are taken outside the

Meetings ( )

47. What is the level of awareness of SHG members as to financial transactions?

In the last one year? (Awareness of financial transactions)

a) Above 75% of the members are aware ( )

b) Only few members are aware ( )

c) None are aware ( )

48. How are saving payments made by the members (Regularity in savings?)

a) 100% on time payment of savings by members ( )

b) 80-90% on time payment of savings by members ( )

c) 70-80% on time payment of savings by members ( )

d) Less than 70% on time payment of savings by members ( )

49. Did bank give the loan to?

a) SHG as lump sum amount? ( ) b) Individual SHG members ( )

50. Purpose for which the loan (all loans) was raised by the SHG from the bank?
(As specified to the bank)
a) Purpose of land ( )

b) Drilling bore wells / digging wells ( )

c) Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides ( )

d) Other working expenses in relation to cultivation ( )

e) Purchase of milk cows for starting small enterprise/business ( )

f) House construction ( )

g) Consumption ( )

h) Ceremonies / Festivals ( )

i) Medical ( )

j) Education ( )
k) Debt swapping ( )

l) Others ( )

Lending of Loans to Members:

51. Who are decision makers at SHG level in sanctioning loans to it members?

a) Leaders only ( )

b) Members collectively ( )

c) Leaders plus members collectively ( )

52. What was the pattern of lending of latest loan?

a) Equality distributed among all members ( )

b) Equally distributed among those members who need loan ( )

M. Repayment Schedule and Mode of Payment of Loans

53. What is borrowers’ quality with regard to latest loan? (Borrower quality)
(No. of defaulting members)

a) Less than 2 members ( ) b) Between 2 - 5 members ( )

c) More than 5 members ( )

54. What is the extent of loan outstanding for more than 3 months with regard to the latest loan? (Loan

a) Less than 2% ( ) b) Between 2 – 5 members ( ) c) More than 5% ( )

55. Repayment terms & Repayment patterns:

Sl. Loans
No I Loan II Loan III Loan IV Loan
1 Repayment Period

2 Single payment
(/ ot X ) (Regular)

3 Installments (Nos)

4 Periodicity of
Installments (Months)

5 Payment of Principal in
Installments ( / or X)

6 Interest in Installments
(/ or X)

7 Principal and interest in

Installments ( / or X)
8 Number of Non-Defaulting

9 Number of Defaulting

10 Quantum of Penalty

i) Delayed Payment (Rs)

ii) Non-payment (Rs)

56. What actions was / were taken against loan defaulters?

a) No action ( )

b) Security was sold ( )

c) Proceeded against surety ( )

d) Recovery from surety ( )

e) Removal from Membership ( )

f) Non-eligibility for further loans until outstanding loan is repaid ( )

g) Any other action _______________________ ( )

Loan Repayment by SHG to Bank

57. a. Rate of interest and number on installments: (by bank)

Loans Amount (Rs.) Rate of Interest Periodicity of Repayment period

Installments (Years and months)
I Loan

II Loan

III Loan

IV Loan

b. Rate of Interest charged to the members (Internal lending) Specify rate: ___________


58. Number of dropouts in the group?

Number of dropouts readmitted into the group?

What were the reasons for dropouts?

1. Low savings capacity ( ) 2. Group conflicts ( )

3. Irregular Payments ( ) 4. Favoritism in lending ( )

5. Monopoly of group leader ( ) 6. Misuse of group funds ( )

7. Recovery of old loans ( ) 8. Marriage ( )

9. Death ( ) 10. Migration ( )

11 Small amount of loan ( ) 12. Delay in getting Machine ( )

13. Delay in bank linkage ( ) 14. Delay in getting Govt.

Schemes ( )

15. Delay in refinance ( ) 16. Non subsidy loans ( )

17. Fear of legal action ( ) 18. High interest rate ( )

18. Enjoyed all the benefits ( ) 20. Any other (Specify) ( )

No. of drop outs who

a) Were non-defaulters? _____________________

B) Were defaulters? ______________________

59. Number of SHG leaders and members who received training?

Training Number of
Given by Leaders Members

60. What kind of activities does the group leader perform?

a) Provide information ( )

b) Collects of savings ( )

c) Deposits savings in the bank ( )

d) Maintain all the records ( )

e) Conducts meetings ( )

f) Resolves conflicts in the group ( )

g) Visits bank/officers for loans ( )

h) Others _________________ ( )
Questionnaire for Micro-finance
“A study of entrepreneurial measure for poverty alleviation of urban poor through micro
finance in Karnataka”

Member Identification Details:

1. Name and address of the Member :

2. When did you become a member :

3. Sex : Male ( ) Female ( )

4. Age (in years) :

5. Marital status : Unmarried ( ) Married ( )

6. Religion : Hindu ( ) Muslim ( ) Christian ( )

7. Caste

a) O C ( ) d) S T ( ) b) B C ( ) e) Minority ( ) c) S C ( )

8. Name of the group of which he is a member :

9. SHG Code :

10 Own or rented house :

11. Type of house :

12. City or outskirts :

13. Bank with which SHG is linked :

Family Details:

Employment Status Annual

Sl Name Sex Age Mari- Literate/ Level Un- Self Other Income
No tal Illiterate Of edu- Employ Employ Employ (Rs.)
Status cation ed ed ed

Enterprise Details:

15. Do you own enterprise / Business? Yes ( ) ( ) No

16. If yes, when was it established? Year: ________________________________

17. Was it established / developed with loan taken as member of SHG? Yes ( ) No ( )

18. Type of the enterprise

a) Production only ( ) e) Production and Trade ( )

b) Service only ( ) f) Service and Trade ( )

c) Trade only ( ) g) Production, service & Trade ( )

d.) Production & Service ( )

19. What is the annual income? Rs. _________________________

Saving & Credit: ___________________

20. Does your group have savings scheme Yes ( ) No ( )

21. If yes, nature of savings

a) Compulsory ( ) b) Voluntary ( )

c) Both (a) and (b) ( )

22. How frequently have been saving?

With SHG/Bank Weekly / Fortnightly / Monthly / Quarterly / Any other

Period _______________________

23. Who collects savings from you?

a) SHG Leaders ( ) b) N G O ( )

c) SHG Bank ( ) d) SHG Member ( )

24. Whether your savings have been reflected / recorded in your individual
Pass Book? _______________

25. Are you issued Savings Book?

26. Where do you keep your savings at present?

a) SHG ( ) d) Other Bank ( )

b) NGO ( ) e) Post Office ( )

c) SHG Bank ( ) f) Any other ( )

27. Savings in the last five year period with SHG Bank

Year Savings Withdrawals Balance

No. of Times Amount No. of Times Amount
2010 - 2011
2009 - 2010
2008 - 2009
2007 - 2008
2006 –
28. Was the bank with which SHG is linked refused loan? Yes ( ) No ( )

29. If yes, how many times? __________________

30. Give reasons for refusal? _________________

31. For what purpose the latest loan was obtained and used
a) Working Capital ( )

b) Fixed Capital only ( )

c) Consumption only ( )

d) Both fixed and working capital ( )

e) Consumption and fixed capital ( )

f) Any other purpose (specify): __________________ ( )


1. SHG
2. Other
3. RRB
4. Co-operative
Non –
5. Traders
6. Money
7. Friends
8. Relatives
9. Others

32. What is the source of income for repayment of the present loan from SHG Bank (Tick)

a) Wage Employment ( ) e) other loans ( )

b) Enterprise Profits ( ) f) Gifts ( )

c) Agriculture ( ) g) Asset Sales ( )

d) Live Stock ( ) h. Others (specify) ( )

33. In relation to the present loan from SHG – Bank, do you have any of the following

a) Training ( ) e) Insurance Provision ( )

b) Technical assistant ( ) f) Welfare Provision ( )

c) Compulsory savings ( ) g) others (specify) ( )

d) Voluntary saving ( ) h. Membership fee /

Service Charges ( )

Involvement of Members:

34. How many meetings did SHG have during April, 2009 – March, 10?

No. of meetings? _________________

35. Out of the total in 1, how many did attend?

36. Do you have official role in SHG?

If yes, what is that?

a) Chairman ( ) d) Committee member ( )

b) Secretary ( ) e) Others _______________

c) Treasurer ( )

37. Did you receive any training as a member of SHG? Yes ( ) No ( )

If yes, what is the nature of training?

a) Group motivation ( ) e) Non formal education numeracy ( )

b) Group Co-operation ( ) f) Health / Education ( )

c) Book Keeping ( ) g) SHG concept & Management ( )

d) General business skills ( ) h) Others (specify)

Amount Required Required for Loan used for this Loan amount used
Purpose (Tick) (Rs.)

38. Are you head of the household? Yes ( ) No ( )

How many of the members of your household ________________________

C. Before After
Were / are wage employed
Were / are self employed

39. What is the nature of the self employment?

a. Regular

a) Full Time ( )

b) Part Time ( )

b. Casual

a) Full Time ( )

b) Part Time ( )

40. What happened after taking and using the loan to the following?

Persons Employment ( day in a week) Income ( in a week)

Increase Decrease About the Increase Decrease About the
Same Same
1. To you
2. To your
3. To other
Members of
the family
4. To SHG

41. Indicate what happened to the following expenses after taking and using the loan ?

Expenses Present amount compared to the past

Increase Decrease About the same
a. Food

b. Rent

c. Transport

d. Education

e. Clothing

f. Medical

g. House hold utensils

h. Other major expenses (specify)

Benefits from the Government:

42. Have you been benefited from any Government Programmes directly or indirectly?


Are you benefited under Government Housing Scheme? INDIRAMMA: YES ( ) NO ( )

43. Are you having landed property YES ( ) NO( )

If yes, how many acres of land?

a) Dry _________________________

b) Wet ________________________

44. Do you have gas connection? YES / NO

45. If yes, year of sanction? _______________ YES / NO

46. Do you have ration Card? YES / NO

47. Yearly income? Rs. ______________________________

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