Promises To Our Customers: Creating Presentations With Pictures

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Shelly Cashman PowerPoint 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2

Promises to Our Customers


 Open the file SC_PPT19_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_1.pptx, available for download
from the SAM website.

 Save the file as SC_PPT19_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_2.pptx by changing the “1” to a


 If you do not see the .pptx file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The
program will add the file extension for you automatically.

 To complete this SAM Project, you will also need to download and save the following
data files from the SAM website onto your computer:

 Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_Customer.jpg

 Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_Integrity.jpg

 Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_People.jpg

 Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_Satisfaction.jpg

 With the file SC_PPT19_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_2.pptx still open, ensure that your

first and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1.

 If the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the file and download a new
copy from the SAM website.

1. You work at the Easy Packing Corporation. The company's Business Support Services
Supervisor has asked you to help him prepare a presentation to accompany his speech
to employees regarding fair and honest trade practices.

Start on the title slide by selecting the title, "Promises to Our Customers," and then
change the font to Franklin Gothic Heavy.

2. With the title slide still displaying, change the subtitle font color to Orange, Accent 1,
Lighter 40% (5th column, 4th row in the Theme Colors palette). Bold and italicize the
subtitle text and then increase the font size to 20 point.

3. With the title slide still displaying, insert the file Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_People.jpg
into Slide 1 as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Slide 1 Formatted

4. On Slide 2 ("We Will Have a Caring Workplace Culture"), select the word, Caring, in the
title placeholder and replace it with the word Supportive in the title. In the first
paragraph, "Set goals at individual and department levels," select the words, individual
and department, and replace them with the word, all, so that the new paragraph reads
"Set goals at all levels". Increase the indent level of the second paragraph, "Provide
Shelly Cashman PowerPoint 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2

feedback and coaching," so that it becomes a second-level paragraph. Decrease the

indent level of the third paragraph, "Empower to make decisions and take action," so
that it becomes a first-level paragraph.

5. With Slide 2 still displaying, enter We will acknowledge problems and apologize
without placing blame. in the Notes pane as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Slide 2 Formatted

6. On Slide 3 ("We Will Have Integrity"), change the slide layout to Two Content and then
insert the file Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_Integrity.jpg into the right content
placeholder. Resize the picture proportionally so that it is 4.5" high.

7. With Slide 3 still selected, insert a new Slide 4 using the Picture with Caption layout. On
the new Slide 4, enter We Will Make Customers Feel Special in the title placeholder.
Italicize the word, Special, to draw attention to this word. Change the font color of this
word to Green, Accent 3, Darker 25% (7th column, 5th row in the Theme Colors palette)
and then underline this word. Insert the file Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_Customer.jpg
in the right content placeholder as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Slide 4 Formatted

8. Move Slide 4 so that it becomes the last slide in the presentation, Slide 6.

9. On the new Slide 4 ("We Will Show Respect"), change the layout to Two Content. Create
a multilevel bulleted list in the right content placeholder. Enter Show empathy as the
first first-level paragraph. Enter Listen actively as the second first-level paragraph.
Enter Give feedback as a second second-level paragraph. Enter Ask relevant
questions as a second third-level paragraph.

10. On Slide 5 ("We Will Communicate Well"), change the layout to Two Content and then
insert the file Support_PPT19_EOM1-2_Satisfaction.jpg in the right content
placeholder. Resize the picture proportionally so that it is 6" wide.

11. Check the spelling in the presentation to identify and correct all errors.

In Slide Sorter view, your presentation should look like the Final Figure on the following page.
Save your changes, close the presentation, and exit PowerPoint. Follow the directions on the SAM
website to submit your completed project.
Shelly Cashman PowerPoint 2019 | Module 1: End of Module Project 2

Final Figure

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