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1. Foundation of Computer System: Ability to understand the principles and working of

computer systems. Students can assess the hardware and software aspects of computer systems.

2. Foundations of Software development: Ability to understand the structure and development

methodologies of software systems. Possess professional skills and knowledge of software
design process. Familiarity and practical competence with a broad range of programming
language and open source platforms.

3. Foundation of mathematical concepts: Ability to apply mathematical methodologies to solve

computation task, model real world problem using appropriate data structure and suitable

4. Applications of Computing and Research Ability: Ability to use knowledge in various

domains to identify research gaps and hence to provide solution to new ideas and innovation


COURSE 2.6 - .NET Technologies
1. Understand fundamentals of object-oriented programming in C#, including defining classes,
invoking methods, using class libraries, etc.

2.Students should be able to create, debug and run simple ASP.NET programs in C#.

3. Students should be made familiar with the concepts of GUI controls and designing GUI

4. Student should be able to do web programming using Visual Studio

5. Students should be able to connect to the database to move the data to/from the application.


1. To acquire the knowledge with facts and figures related to various subjects in pure sciences
such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science, Information Technology etc.

2. To acquire the skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing in laboratory
experiments, the skills of observations and drawing logical inferences from the scientific

3. To understand the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and the scientific theories related to
various scientific phenomena and their relevancies in the day-to-day life.
4. To analyse the given scientific data critically and systematically and the ability to draw the
objective conclusions.

5. To be able to think creatively (divergently and convergent) to propose novel ideas in

explaining facts and figures or providing new solution to the problems.

6. To realize how developments in any science subject helps in the development of other science
subjects and vice-versa and how interdisciplinary approach helps in providing better solutions
and new ideas for the sustainable developments.

7. To develop scientific outlook not only with respect to science subjects but also in all aspects
related to life.

8. To realize that knowledge of subjects in other faculties such as humanities, performing arts,
social sciences etc. can have greatly and effectively influence which inspires in evolving new
scientific theories and inventions.

9. To imbibe ethical, moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly
cultured and civilized personality.

10. To develop various communication skills such as reading, listening, speaking, etc., which we
will help in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively.

11. To realize that pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong activity and in combination with untiring
efforts and positive attitude and other necessary qualities leads towards a successful life.

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