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My Top 10 Highest Converting Caption Templates 

How to use this doc:
1. Reference this doc when you’re feeling stuck on what to say in your next caption
2. Then, choose a caption template and copy it directly from this doc (either on your
desktop or phone)
3. Paste the caption into the text field on Instagram that says “Write a caption…”
4. Edit the highlighted areas to give context to your brand, and amend them how you’d like –
so that the caption fits YOUR voice and brand
5. Hit “Share” and voila!
6. BONUS: Don’t forget to *engage* with your commenters and with accounts using the
same hashtags as you

Caption 1:
Type of photo: Selfie
Double tap if you selfie too!

I used to not. Felt it was embarrassing. Now I have no shame either taking a selfie or asking a
fellow tourist for a snap. It's a nice icebreaker, a trust test for humanity, and a good way to meet
other travellers.

Plus, this palace was pretty gorgeous. Sometimes you want to get your mug in there too.

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21/3/2019 InstaGrowth Boss: My Top 10 Highest Converting Caption Templates - Google Tài liệu

Tell me the LAST place you were when you took a selfie even though it was embarrassing!

Caption 2:
Type of photo: Scenic landscape or lifestyle image of you
It's been a summer full of Canadian travels , cottage weekends and taking in local Toronto events.

Now it's time to kick it into high gear! 🚀

International travels , goal accountability, better systems in place, and more personal content
shared from me are all on the horizon for this year 😎

Did you set any goals for the next 3 months?

Caption 3:
Type of photo: You with a phone
Random thoughts on Instagram:
▪ people who say Instagram is just for narcissists are, um, wrong
▪ I think of it as a microblogging platform to share my story
▪ it's also my favourite way to connect with people all around the globe who I otherwise wouldn't!

I used to have some hangups about Instagram myself. But once I changed my mentality on it,
everything else changed. Including my business !

What's your favourite social platform these days?

Caption 4:
Type of photo: Your office or everyday work location
My favourite place right now is my home office.
The hanging hand is something I picked up in Bali and although it's hung in the middle of my
room and I constantly walk into it - that's why I love it. It's a reminder of my beautiful time spent in
Bali and how much has changed since then.
🌴 The plants give me life and represent the growth of my business @CanupyContent.
📝 I've got the Chalkboard Method going full throttle.
I love my new Yeti mic.
And the double screen action makes me feel fancy.

Tell me: what does your desk look like?

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21/3/2019 InstaGrowth Boss: My Top 10 Highest Converting Caption Templates - Google Tài liệu

Caption 5:
Type of photo: Lifestyle image related to your target follower
Have a minute? I'd love to know from you:
"If I wasn't working in a 9-5, I'd be ______________!"

The reason I ask is because when I work with clients, the first thing we chat about is their "why."

Why do you want to be a travelpreneur?

Caption 6:
Type of photo: An image of you
Quick! 5 random facts about yourself! Here's me:
🌴 I grew up as the only girl amongst 3 brothers
🌴 I started my first biz at age 13 teaching piano to beginner students
🌴 I first fell in love with travel after a Contiki tour around Europe at age 18 ( parents *met*
on a Contiki tour in the 80s!)
🌴 I spent my first year of Uni in Utah
🌴 I call myself a travelpreneur not because I sell travel packages (😜) but because I'm an
entrepreneur who loves to travel! I run my agency @CanupyContent remotely from wherever.

Now it’s your turn.

What are 1 to 5 random facts most people don’t know about you?

Caption 7:
Type of photo: Scenic landscape or lifestyle image of you
Sun, surf, dinner at a Michelin rated restaurant and then a walk around the bay at night.

Pretty near perfect day, in my books.

What would your perfect day be like (in one sentence)?

Caption 8:
Type of photo: Happy + fun photo of you

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It's Monday and I'm feeling frisky. And this looks like a fun game.

▶ If your rap name is the last thing you ate with "lil" in front of it, what's your rap name? ◀

Mine is in the comments 🍜

Caption 9:
Type of photo: Weekend activity
More long weekend, please.
I heard the term "vagabonding homebody" recently and realized that described me to a *T* -

Given the chance, I'll spend my free time reading, catching up on shows, and listening to
podcasts. I'm perfectly happy to stay put and do my own thang. I guess that makes me an

What about you - would you call yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

Caption 10:
Type of photo: A photo of you in a travel destination
I don't pose next to signs often, but when I do... it's in the British Virgin Islands

This is one place I'd go back to in a HEARTBEAT.

Where's that place for you?

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
My brain now thinks in quarters. Q1 is done, and onto Q2! 🚀
April, May and June... where are you going to go, or what are you gonna achieve in the next 3

Probably looking at a cat... 😺

When I was a kid, my first email address was fester28.

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Fester, because that was the nickname of my cat Felix (long story about his festering wound),
and 28, cuz duh, your birthday number is always your default when you're forced to choose
something 🎂

Let's play a fun nostalgic game: what was your first email address handle? What's the story
behind it? 😁📧

It's time to come clean...

I've been procrastinating launching a bunch of stuff on my Facebook page and YouTube channel,
convincing myself that I need the right *name* before being able to move forward!!

Well, now the veil of procrastination has been lifted and it's time to DO!
Stay tuned for things happening next week!

Anyone else want to fess up to something they've been procrastinating, and wanna publicly
declare what they're gonna do about it?! (It's liberating!) 

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