Khwopa College of Engineering: Preliminary Design

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Libali-8, Bhaktapur, Nepal


Er. Chandra Kiran Kawan

Rupesh Sapkota (KCE074BCE064)
Shrawan Tandukar (KCE074BCE077)
Suman Sunar (KCE074BCE086)
Sushrut Gautam (KCE074BCE089)
Yubraj Pudasaini (KCE074BCE096)

June 12, 2022

Preliminary Design
It is necessary to know the approximate section of the structure for the detail
analysis. The section should be provided initially while analyzing in almost all
software. Only Dead load and Live load are considered during the preliminary
design. Preliminary design is carried out to estimate approximate size of the
structural members before analysis of structure.

5.1 Preliminary design of slab

Slab ID: CD-34

Longer clear span (Ly) = 25’3” = 7696.2mm

Shorter clear span (Lx) = 16’9” = 5105.4mm

Ratio of longer to shorter span (Ly/Lx) = 7696.2/5105.4 = 1.507 < 2

So, two-way slab is to be designed.

From IS 456:2000, clause 23.2.1, for effective depth of the slab,

L/d ≤ 

where,  = 26 for continuous slab

 = 1 (span less than 10m)

 = 1.2 (Assuming the tensile steel percentage 0.33%)

 = 1 (for rectangular section)


Lx/d ≤ 

or, d ≥ 5105.4/(26x1x1.2x1)

∴ d ≥ 163.64mm > 150mm

So, we need to provide a secondary beam since d > 150mm.

Dividing longest span into two parts.

Here, lx’ = Ly/2 = 7696.2/2 = 3848.1mm

Ratio of longer to shorter span = 5105.4/3848.1 = 1.327 < 2

So, two-way slab is to be designed.


lx’/d ≤ 

or, d ≥ 3848.1/(26x1x1.2x1)

∴ d ≥ 123.34mm ≤ 150mm (Ok)

Adopt d = 125mm and provide effective cover of 25mm.

Overall thickness of slab = 125 + 25 = 150mm

Thus, the depth of slab is taken as 150mm.

5.2 Preliminary design of beam

a. For Primary Beam

Beam ID: CD-3

Span of longest beam (L) = 25’3” = 7696.2mm

From IS 456:2000, clause 23.2.1, for effective depth of beam,

L/d ≤ 

where,  = 26 for continuous beam

 = 1 (span less than 10m)

 = 1.2 (Assuming the tensile steel percentage 0.33%)

 = 1 (for no flanged beams)


L/d ≤ 

or, d ≥ 7696.2/(26x1x1.2x1)

∴ d ≥ 246.67mm


d = L/15 to L/12
d = 7696.2/12 = 641.35mm

Providing effective cover of 50mm, provide overall depth of beam (D) = 700mm

And, width of beam (b) = 0.5D to 0.667D

= 0.5x700 to 0.667x700

= 350 to 467 mm

Adopt b = 400mm

Thus, the size of primary beam is taken as 700mm x 400mm

b. For Secondary Beam

Span of secondary beam (L) = 16’9” = 5105.4mm

d = L/15 to L/12

d = 5105.4/15 = 340.36mm

Providing effective cover of 50mm, provide overall depth of beam (D) = 400mm

And, width of beam (b) = 0.5D to 0.667D

= 0.5x400 to 0.667x400

= 200 to 267 mm

Adopt b = 250mm

Thus, the size of secondary beam is taken as 400mm x 250mm

5.3 Preliminary design of column

Column ID: C3

Length of column (L) = 3.2m

From Table 28 of Is 456:2000,

Effective length of column (leff) = 0.65L = 0.65 x 3.2 = 2.08m

Area influenced by column = 369.1875 ft2 = 34.30 m2

Size of primary beam = 700mm x 400mm

Size of secondary beam = 400mm x 250mm

Size of slab = 150mm

Considering M25 grade of concrete and Fe500 grade of steel.

Thickness of wall: 230mm for main wall and 130mm for partition wall.

From IS 875: Part I and Part II

Imposed Load = 4 kN/m²

Unit weight of RCC = 25 kN/m3
Unit weight of Brick masonry wall = 19.2 kN/m3
Unit weight of Partition wall = 1.5 kN/m²
Unit weight of Plaster = 0.24 kN/m2
Unit weight of Floor finish = 0.5 kN/m2

Dead Load Calculation

1. Self-weight of slab = 25 x 0.15 x 34.30 = 128.625 kN

2. Self-weight of partition wall = 1.5 x 34.30 = 51.45 kN

3. Self-weight of floor finish = 0.5 x 34.30 = 17.15 kN

4. Self-weight of ceiling plaster = 0.24 x 34.30 = 8.232 kN

5. Self-weight of beam = 25 x (0.7-0.15) x 0.4 x (5.0292 + 6.8199) + 25 x

{(0.4 - 0.15) x 0.25 x 5.0292 x 2} = 80.886 kN

6. Wall Load (Assuming 30% opening) = 19.2 x (3.2 – 0.7) x {(3.429 +

1.3843) x 0.13 + (2.7305 + 0.7 x 2.9083) x 0.23} = 82.655 kN

7. Self-weight of column = 25 x (3.2 – 0.7) x Ag x 10-6 kN = 6.25x10-5

Where, Ag is area of column in mm2.

Total Dead load = 11 x (128.625 + 8.232 + 80.886 + 6.25x10 -5 Ag) + 10 x

(51.45 + 17.15 + 82.655) = (3907.723 + 6.875x10-4 Ag) kN

= (3907.723 x 103 + 0.6875 Ag) N

Live Load Calculation

From Cl. 3.2.1 of IS 875: Part II

Total Imposed Load = 4 x 34.30 x (1 + 0.9 + 0.8 + 0.7 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.6 + 0.6
+ 0.6 + 0.6 +0.5) = 1029 kN = 1029 x 103 N

Total Load (P) = (3907.723 x 103 + 0.6875 Ag) + (1029 x 103)

= (4936.723 x 103 + 0.6875 Ag) N

For Design Load, Adopting FOS of 1.5 and adding 30% for earthquake

Design Load (Pu) = 1.5 x 1.3 x P

= 1.95 x (4936.723 x 103 + 0.6875 Ag)

= (9626.61 x 103 + 1.3406 Ag) N

Assuming axially loaded short column, From Cl. 39.3 of IS 456:2000.

Pu = 0.4×fck×Ac + 0.67×fy×Asc

Let us provide 4% of steel,

Asc = 4% of Ag

Then, Ac = Ag – Asc = Ag – 0.04Ag

∴ Ac = 0.96Ag


9626.61 x 103 + 1.3406 Ag = 0.4×25×0.96×Ag + 0.67×500×0.04×Ag

∴ Ag = 444454.14 mm2

Providing Square Column,

Cross sectional length of column (b) = (444454.14)1/2 = 666.67mm

Adopt b = 700mm

Check for short column:

From Cl.25.1.2 of IS 456:2000

leff/b = 2080/700 = 2.971 < 12 (Ok)

Thus, the size of column is taken as 700mm x 700mm

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