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(Dr. Santiago G. Ortega Memorial)

City of Iriga




Prepared by:


NSTP Coordinator
At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Gain full information about the provisions of RA 9163, also known as the NSTP Law and
its revised implementing rules and regulations (IRR), including common and specific
2. Actively visualize and express possible gains while involving themselves and participating
in all community-engagement activities.

Learning Exercise

In 100 words or less, discuss the role of the youth in nation building through NSTP.

Since the primary objective of the NSTP law is to promote role of the youth in nation-
building as stated in R.A. no. 9163 , they play a vital role in the constructive process of building
social cohesion, economic prosperity and political stability in a nation in an inclusive and
democratic way. The youth of a country determine the future of a nation. Youth development is
very vital to our society. It aims to enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the
youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its
three (3) program components.
answer on the space provided.
Read each item carefully, write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false, put the
Rating: __________ 9/17/21 Date: Trainer: Mrs. Evelyn De Villa
Time: 8:00PM Course: BSA (1B) Name: SERDAN, ARA JANE D.
NSTP Act by Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (NSTP Act
Basic ROTC/Presidential Memorandum Order The No. completion
1 (1986-87)of the
President as a requisite for th
Corazon C. Aquino states the Suspension of Civil the students
Welfare who have completed
Service and Law all their academic req
respective courses as certified bye the school on or befor
Enforcement Service Except Military Service in 4 semesters.
NSTP Act of 2001 (March 23, 2002).
by Ferdinand
National Service Law/ Presidential Decree 1706 Expanded Reserve Officer’s
E. Marcos havingTraining Corps (RO
4 semesters but students were given options studentsto choose between
must the three
take Military
Service in First Curriculu
components; (1) Civil Welfare Service, (2) Law Enforcement Service,
Curriculum Year and
would Military
(3) be optional whether to continu
Service. components.
National defense Act/Commonwealth Act No. 1 by President Manuel L. Quezon
Republic Act 7077, otherwise known as the "Citiz
presenting 4 semesters of military traning to prepare for national defense. was 1935
Philippines Reservist Act", The enacted by the 8th Con
purpose of this act was to create an independent27Philippine army,
June 1991. The
this was Act provided for or
interrupted by the WW II. utilization of reservists, referred to in the Act as "Citize
passage of the R.A 9163 (NSTP Act of 2001).
Illustrate a diagram that will explain the legal bases and chronology of events in the
Rating: __________ 9/17/21 Date: Trainer: Mrs. Evelyn De Villa
Time: 8:00PM Course: BSA (1B) Name: SERDAN, ARA JANE D.
T 1. NSTP is a prerequisite for graduation.

F 2. Only male students are required to join ROTC.

T 3. There are three components in NSTP namely: CWTS, LTS and ROTC.

T 4. The LTS is a component that best suits the students enrolled in bachelor courses
intended for teaching.

T 5. The CWTS is the most appropriate component, the students can experience a variety
of activities in terms of services: health, education, environment, safety and other
social welfare services.

T 6. The NSTP is commonly taken for first year students and needs to finish within two

F 7. One summer program is intended for students who are foreigners.

F 8. Students who are considered foreigners are required to enroll in NSTP.

T 9. TESDA, CHED and DND are tasked to monitor the implementation of NSTP.

T 10. Any students that belong to SUCs, LGUs and private schools must take their NSTP
1 and NSTP 2 as their standard subjects.


Learning Exercise 1.3

A. Write on the space provided AGREE if the statement is true; DISAGREE if false.
DISAGREE 1. Of the three program components of NSTP, ROTC is the graduation
requisite for male students.
DISAGREE 2. Since the implementation of R.A 9163, CWTS and program components
have replaced ROTC.
AGREE 3. The implementation of NSTP Act of 2001 as embodied in RA 9163
commenced in the school year 2001-2002.
DISAGREE 4. Former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos signed R.A 9163 into law on
January 23, 2002.
AGREE 5. As provided for in the NSTP Law, all incoming freshman students
enrolled in any baccalaureate degree or at least two-year technical-
vocational course are mandated to enroll in NSRC.
AGREE 6. The implementation of NSTP shall be jointly supervised by the
Department of National Defense (DND), Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority
DISAGREE 7. As per provision of the NSTP Law, student-trainees shall be required to
complete the NSTP Program component of the choice of the school/higher
educational institution (HEI).
AGREE 8. Private higher educational institutions and technical-vocational schools,
as stipulated in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A 9163, may
offer ROTC if they muster at least 350 cadets.
AGREE 9. Graduates of the non-ROTC components shall belong to the National
Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) who may be tapped by the State for literacy
and civic welfare activities
AGREE 10. In order to fulfill the requirements of NSTP, a student-trainee has to
complete a total of 108 to 180 hours for any of the three program

B. Identify the word or phrase described in each item below. Write the answer on the space provided
before each item.

_NSTP_ 1. Program aimed at enhancing civic-consciousness and defense

preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism.
_ROTC 2. Program components of NSTP designed to provide military training to
tertiary-level students in order to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them for national
defense preparedness.

_ CWTS 3. Refers to activities contributory to the general welfare and the

betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of facilities.

LTS 4. NSTP Component designed to train the students to teach literacy and
numeracy skills

ROTC 5. A program option for students who cannot take NSTP during the regular

School Authorities 6.It is responsible to exercise academic and administrative supervision over
the design, formulation, adoption and implementation of the different NSTP components in their

One 7.Number of NSTP program component that a student-trainee is required

to complete as a graduate requirement

2 Semesters 8. Number of semester(s) NSTP will be taken by a student

54-90 Hours 9. Number of hours per semester that a student must take the NSTP
component of his/her choice

Citizen Armed Forces 10. Organization where graduates of the ROTC component shall form
part of

Assessment Task

Directions: Complete the following phrases.

1. In my own understanding, the R.A No. 9163 is about the National Service
Training Program (NSTP) for Tertiary level students. Stated at R.A. 9163, that this act is
a program aims to enhance civic consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of its
three (3) program components. Its various components are specially designed to enhance
the youth’s active contribution to the general welfare.

2. In times of national crisis or calamities, I will apply all the knowledge that I acquired
in the span of time taking the National Service Training Program (NSTP). As one of the
Reserved Officer, we can help and act as change makers by sharing information we
learned in youth preparedness programs and helping parents and communities to prepare
for disaster, for example by developing a disaster plan or disaster preparation kit.

3. I believe that the National Service Training Program will help me to train myself
become well-disciplined and efficient. NSTP courses are effective in teaching self-
improvement, performance, and community involvement. As the main goal of the NSTP
law is to uphold the role of the youth in nation-building and instill a sense of patriotism
and nationalism to us, the students; and encourage the youth to be civic organizers and
community volunteers.

4. The Civic Welfare Training Service is one of three components of the National Service
Training Program, a civic education and defense preparedness program for higher and
vocational education students in the Philippines. It gears towards activities that have
social impact through activities that could contribute to “health, education, environment,
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry”,

5. As a student of NSTP, I can be of better service to my country by applying all of my

acquired knowledge and put it into practice for everyday life. And also by sharing the
knowledge to my countrymen in able for them to be aware and instill it to their life too.

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