Algebra II Syllabus: Materials

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Algebra II Syllabus

Mr. Jayce Feiger

Room 381 773-797-5149

∞ Some organization method that works for you (3 ring binder, a spiral notebook, etc). There is no text book
for this class. Your class notebook and the portal site will serve as your resources.
∞ Paper (lined, plain white, graph… whatever you prefer! There will be times when graph paper is best)
∞ Pencils
∞ Casio FX CG-50 Graphing Calculator. These calculators will be distributed early in the year. There will also
be a classroom set available to use in class. There are also apps available on your ipad that are graphing

Student Expectations:
∞ Show up to class on time and prepared!
∞ Attempt every problem on the homework.
∞ Participate in class every day. I expect to hear your voice EVERYDAY!
∞ Take intellectual risks.
∞ Be respectful. We will all make mistakes in math class. One of the best ways we learn is by making
mistakes and then correcting those mistakes. Students need to be in a safe environment to explore
mathematics, ask questions and explain their thinking.
∞ Check the portal for the HW if you are absent.
∞ Keep your work in some organized fashion. There is no text book. You will need your notes, assignments
to be organized.

Your grade will be based on many different factors, including:
∞ Homework: Homework is the best opportunity for you to practice the skills learned in class on your own
or in groups. You will be assigned homework on most days. It will be graded for completion, meaning
that I want to see evidence you attempted to do all of the problems. I will be looking for thoughtfulness
and best effort. We will review the homework at the beginning of each class period. All homework must
be submitted via the portal prior to the start of class. If you find yourself spending more than the typical
30-45 minutes on homework, stop, send me an email letting me know, leave a comment when you submit
via the portal, and you will not be penalized. If this happens frequently, we’ll set up a plan.
∞ Quizzes: Quizzes will be given periodically as an indication to both myself and yourself as to what skills
you already understand, and where you may need extra help.
∞ Tests: A test will be given at the end of every major unit.
∞ Projects: We will have periodic in-class and out-of-class projects.
∞ Final Exam: Your final assessment each semester will consist of an exam, taking place during the
pre-scheduled time as stated on the blue calendar.

∞ If you have a planned absence, check with me before you leave to get all the work that you will be
missing. You are still responsible for turning in all of the assignments by the due date on the portal.
∞ If you have an unexpected absence, first check the portal site to see the homework. Ask a classmate for a
copy of the notes or email me for a copy of the notes. Check with me during a free period when you
return if you need additional help.
∞ If you miss a quiz/test you need to contact me as soon as possible to schedule a make up.
∞ According to the school’s policy regarding unexcused absences, all work/quizzes/test/etc missed due to an
unexcused absence will result in a zero.

Extra Notes:
∞ Office Hours: I am not teaching during E, F, Clark, and Webster periods. Feel free to stop by if I am in my
room and I am happy to talk and help with any questions. You are welcome to email me to set up a
specific time so I can make sure I am available.
∞ Email: I can only promise to answer email during school hours. Therefore, if you email me at 9:00 in the
evening with a question on the homework, I may not respond. Furthermore you may not use, “but I
emailed you for help last night,” as an excuse to why your homework is not complete.
∞ Communication: The best way of dealing with most issues is in person. Whenever you have questions,
concerns or issues please stop by my room during a free period, before or after school.

I look forward to a great year with you in math class!

Mr. Feiger

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