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Prosci Change Management

Practitioner Program
Prosci Change Management
Icon Legend
Below is the list of key icons you will see throughout this workbook. Review them to help
familiarize yourself with their meaning.

Big Picture
This icon will prompt you to fill in your big picture throughout
the program, which you can find behind the “Resources” tab
at the back of your workbook.

Change Concept
This icon will prompt you to recall the key change concepts we
will cover at the beginning of the program.

Practitioner eToolkit
When you see this icon, it means that you have tools and resources
to support the content you’re learning about in your online eToolkit.

Finesta Financial is a fictional company Prosci uses to demonstrate
how to use the tools and models you will learn in this program.
This icon indicates there is a sample document for you to review.
You can find these in your eToolkit.

Key Learning
This icon calls out fundamental information that you won’t
want to forget.

This icon represents applicable research findings from the
2018 edition of the Best Practices in Change Management report.

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Table of Contents
Program Objectives 5–6

Meeting Project Objectives 7–9

Value of Change Management 10 – 21

The Big Picture 22 – 23


Best Practices in Change Management 24 – 25

ADKAR® 26 – 33

Change Concepts 36 – 43

Applying the Prosci 3-Phase Process 44 – 46

Phase 1 – Preparing for Change 47 – 52

Completing a Change Management Strategy 58 – 67

Sponsorship Model 68 – 75
D AY 2

Phase 2 – Managing Change 76 – 79

Communications Plan 80 – 87

Sponsor Roadmap 88 – 96

Coaching Plan 102 – 111

Resistance Management Plan 112 – 123

Training Plan 124 – 128

D AY 3

Master Change Management Plan 130

The Big Picture 131 – 133

Phase 3 – Reinforcing Change 134 – 142

Prosci Change Management Maturity Model™ 143

Next Steps 144

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Program Objectives
The objective of the Prosci Change Management Practitioner Program is to enable
you to manage change effectively through the application of a research-based change
management methodology and toolset. You will:

Change Management

The Value of Change Management

The Prosci ADKAR Model to Facilitate Individual Change

The Prosci Methodology

A Change Plan That Addresses Your Unique Project Challenges

What are your goals for this program?

Reference Slide: 2 5
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This Week Big Picture
Application of a structured process With the understanding that
and set of tools for leading the there is a bigger picture
people side of change to that needs to be addressed:
achieve a desired outcome Enterprise Change Management

Prosci Value Proposition

To help individuals and organizations build internal change management capabilities
through the development and delivery of tools and methodologies that are:

Research-based Holistic Easy-to-use

Prosci by the Numbers

20 10 6,000+

80% 45,000+ 100,000+


6 Reference Slides: 3–5

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Meeting Project Objectives Learning

• Apply the three elements of the Prosci Project Change Triangle™ (PCT)
• Apply the PCT Assessment to your project

Apply the PCT Model to Your Project



Fill in with the objectives for your project


Project Change
Management Management

Application Opportunity
Take 2-3 minutes to review the Prosci PCT Assessment from your pre-work. Note any
areas of concern to keep in mind throughout the program.

The Prosci PCT Model is meant to be used at numerous points throughout the
lifecycle of a project. Your scores may change over time. Consider how you will
use the PCT Model and Assessment throughout your project.

Reference Slides: 6–8 7

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Review: Meeting Project Objectives
For the project, take a few minutes to complete the following:

1. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

Think through your PCT™ and note the strengths
and weaknesses of your project based on the
assessment results.

2. Address Key Elements Projects

meet objectives
Note and begin to prioritize key elements
you will need to address as you begin to create Projects finish on time
your change management plans. and on budget

3. Plan for Using the PCT Assessment Return on investment

(ROI) realized
Consider how to use the PCT Model and
Assessment in your project (i.e., as a baseline, Project Change
at critical milestones, to build common Management Management
understanding of change management).

Fill in your strengths and weaknesses for your project below.

Strengths of the Project Weaknesses of the Project

What elements are higher than anticipated What elements are lower than anticipated
and how can you leverage them? and how can you address them?

Describe your plan for using the PCT Model throughout the lifecycle of your project.

8 Reference Slide: 9

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Prosci PCT Assessment Rank each factor on a 1–3 scale:
1 = Inadequate
2 = Adequate
Project Change Triangle™ Factors 3 = Exceptional

Leadership/Sponsorship Factor Assessment 1–3

1. The change has a primary sponsor. 1

2. The primary sponsor has the necessary authority over the people, processes and systems to authorize and fund the change.
3. The primary sponsor is willing and able to build a sponsorship coalition for the change, and is able to manage resistance
from other managers and supervisors.
4. The primary sponsor will actively and visibly participate with the project team throughout the entire project.
5. The primary sponsor will resolve issues and make decisions relating to the project schedule, scope and resources.
6. The primary sponsor can build awareness of the need for the change (why the change is happening) directly with employees.
7. The organization has a clearly defined vision and strategy.
8. This change is aligned with the strategy and vision for the organization.
9. Priorities have been set and communicated regarding this change and other competing initiatives.
10. The primary sponsor will visibly reinforce the change and celebrate successes with the team and the organization.

Score (out of 30): 1

Project Management Factor Assessment 1–3

1. The change is clearly defined including what the change will look like and who is impacted by the change.
2. The project has a clearly defined scope.
3. The project has specific objectives that define success.
4. Project milestones have been identified and a project schedule has been created.
5. A project manager has been assigned to manage the project resources and tasks.
6. A work breakdown structure has been completed and deliverables have been identified.
7. Resources for the project team have been identified and acquired based on the work breakdown structure.
8. Periodic meetings are scheduled with the project team to track progress and resolve issues.
9. The primary sponsor is readily available to work on issues that impact dates, scope or resources.
10. The project plan has been integrated with the change management plan.

Score (out of 30): 0

Change Management Factor Assessment 1–3

1. A structured change management approach is being applied to the project.
2. An assessment of the change and its impact on the organization has been completed.
3. An assessment of the organization’s readiness for change has been completed.
4. Anticipated areas of resistance have been identified and special tactics have been developed.
5. A change management strategy including the necessary sponsorship model and change management team model
has been created.
6. Change management team members have been identified and trained.
7. An assessment of the strength of the sponsorship coalition has been conducted.
8. Change management plans including communications, sponsorship, coaching, training and resistance management plans
have been created.
9. Feedback processes have been established to gather information from employees to determine how effectively the
change is being adopted.
10. Resistance to change is managed effectively and change successes are celebrated, both in private and in public.
Score (out of 30): 0

Score interpretation: Scores of 19 or lower in any section of this assessment mean your project has potential threats and could be in
jeopardy. Scores of 20 – 24 mean your project has some risk areas that need to be addressed. Scores of 25 – 30 mean your project is well
positioned for success.

19 or lower 20 – 24 25 – 30
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Value of Change Management Learning

• Understand and define change management

• Remember three approaches to articulate the value of change management
• Understand how to match approaches with various audiences

What is Change Management?

On a Project Level On an Organizational Level

Change management is the application A leadership competency for enabling

of a structured process and set of tools change within an organization.
for leading the people side of change
A strategic capability designed to increase
to achieve a desired outcome.
change capacity and responsiveness.

Roles in Change Management


Senior Employees
Practitioners People

Primary Reasons for Applying Change Management

Increase Manage Capture Build
probability of employee resistance people-dependent change competency
project success to change ROI into the organization

10 Reference Slides: 10–13

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Why is Change Management Important?

Current Transition Future Benefits

Current Transition Future

If we do not support and equip individual transitions, then our future state looks nothing
like the future state we expected.






$ $

Lower Less Benefit Unachieved Not What We

ROI Realization Improvement Expected/Hoped For

Reference Slides: 14–16 11

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If you talk to a man
in a language he
understands, that
goes to his head.
If you talk to him
in his language, that
goes to his heart.
— Nelson Mandela

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Approach 1 (4 P’s): Connecting
Change Management to Business Results

Fill in the chart below for your project.

Project Name Purpose Particulars People

What is Why are What are Who will
the project? we changing? we changing? be changing?

If people don’t change how they do their job,

then we ultimately won’t achieve what we
set out to do from the beginning.

What percentage of your project outcomes are linked to people changing how
they do work?

0% – 25% 26% – 50% 51% – 75% 76% – 100%

Reference Slides: 18–22 13

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Data Supports the Connection
Percent of Study Participants Who Met or Exceeded Objectives

100% 93%
80% 77%


20% 15%

Poor Fair Good Excellent
(n=496) (n=1,441) (n=1,796) (n=354)

Change Management Effectiveness

Percent of Study Participants Who Were on or Below Budget




Poor Fair Good Excellent
(n=587) (n=1,778) (n=2,248) (n=391)

Change Management Effectiveness

Percent of Study Participants Who Were on or Ahead of Schedule


60% 51%

40% 31%

20% 15%

Poor Fair Good Excellent
(n=527) (n=1,626) (n=2,139) (n=387)

Change Management Effectiveness

14 Reference Slides: 23–25

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Approach 2 (Flight-Risk Model):
Mitigating Negative Consequences

Prosci Flight-Risk Model

With change, expect a decline in productivity and an increase in resistance.
First Communication or First Rumor
Increasing Resistance/Decreasing Productivity


• Productivity loss
• Employee dissatisfaction
Worry/Uncertainty • Passive resistance

• Turnover of valued employees

• Tangible customer impact
Flight/Risk • Active resistance
• Opt-out of the change


For your project, fill in the boxes below as it relates to Approach 2 (Flight-Risk Model).

What would happen if people entered the What would happen if people entered the
worry/uncertainty zone? flight/risk zone?

The degree of impact will vary by group and depends on the effectiveness of
the change management in place. The more projects that are happening at once,
the more these impacts are compounded.

Reference Slides: 26–30 15

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Approach 3 (Human Factors of ROI): Translating
Change Management to Financial Performance
Human Factors of ROI

What’s SUP?
Speed of Adoption
How quickly are people up and running
on the new systems, processes and job roles?

Ultimate Utilization
How many employees (of the total population) are Speed of Adoption
demonstrating “buy-in” and are using the new solution? Ultimate Utilization

How well are individuals performing compared
to the level expected in the design of the change?

Prosci ROI of Change Management Model

Poorly Managed Change Cash Flow Expected Cash Flow

Net Cash Flow of Project Period

The slope and shape are determined

by speed of adoption

Proficiency contributes to The height of the benefit after

the “height” of each benefit, implementation is finished is
including the ongoing based on ultimate utilization
benefit after implementation

Time (Periods)

16 Reference Slides: 31–35

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The Rest of
the Tall Tale...

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The Rest of the Tall Tale
On an island village there once lived an ambitious sailor, the finest sea captain in all the land.
The sea captain approached the king with a vision for a new type of sailing vessel, one that
moved at great speeds even without the wind. The captain described this new vessel and
claimed that with a 100-man crew he could make the trip to the mainland an entire day
faster than was currently possible. The king approved of the captain’s plan and chartered
a single ship. The king allowed the captain to make three attempts at the mainland crossing
and promised to reward the captain with 1,000 gold coins for every hour saved on each trip.

The captain hired the best craftsmen and ship builders. The first month he borrowed 10,000
gold coins from the king. Each month he returned to the king to report on his progress
and to borrow more money. The captain was growing heavy with debt. He borrowed an
additional 5,000 gold coins the second month and 4,000 gold coins the third month.

In the fourth month the ship was complete, but it sat idle in the bay. The townspeople milled
around the dock, staring in wonder at the new vessel. Some scoffed, saying that water
would just run in through those holes in the side. Others asked why the sails were so small
if this was to be a faster ship. The captain, hard at work finding a crew, was running into
similar skepticism with sailors. He had anticipated excitement about the new design with
sailors eager to join his crew, but instead he was met with half-hearted and reluctant
responses from his potential mates.

Finally in the fifth month, the captain made his first run to the mainland with only 20 of the
100 oars manned on the new ship. His time was still faster than the older sailing ships, but
only by four hours. Disappointed, but still optimistic, the captain began asking all of the
villagers to join him on his venture. He explained how the ship worked, and why this new
type of vessel would one day rule the sea and make them a stronger kingdom. He talked
of the riches awaiting the brave sailors who were willing to row with him.

On his second run the following month, the captain had 60 in his crew. Still short more
than 40 rowers and struggling with the constant bungling and banging together of the oars,
the captain saved only seven hours on the trip to the mainland.

Finally, the king was beginning to take a renewed interest in the captain’s vision. He could
see the long-term benefit for his entire realm. He personally recruited a full crew for the ship
on the third journey. The captain also added a boy beating a drum at the bow of the boat
to improve the tempo of the rowers. On the third attempt one month later, the 100-strong
crew, rowing in rhythm, saved more than one full day on the trip to the mainland.

Upon return the captain was celebrated by the entire island population and the Viking ship
of his design dominated the oceans for generations to come.

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Create Your Journey
Prosci ROI of Change Management Model Always Remember
What’s SUP?
Read the story and complete the table below relating
to Return on Investment.

Gold Potential Gold Actual Gold

Month Crew Members Hours Saved
Invested Earned Earned

Fill in each section with the answers to the questions as it relates to the story.

What role did the king play?

How does change management
compare to project management?

How does the effective application

of change management impact
What role did the captain play? project success?

Are we ship builders or leaders

of change?

20 Reference Slides: 36–38

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Review: Value of Change Management
Applying the Three Approaches

Review the three approaches summarized visually below. Then take a few minutes
to fill in the two boxes with your audience and approach.

Approach 1 Approach 2 Approach 3

4 P’s Flight-Risk Model Human Factors of ROI

Project Name Purpose Particulars People 1st Communication or 1st Rumor

Increasing Resistance/Decreasing Productivity

What is Why are What are Who will
the project? we changing? we changing? be changing?


What does this look like for your project? Flight/Risk


Choose your audience Choose your approach

Who do you need to convince of the Which of the three approaches we have
value change management will have discussed will help convince them of
on your project? the need for change management?


Reference Slide: 39 21
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The Big Picture

How Do the Pieces Fit Together?

Change Management
Analysis and Preparation Plans and Deliverables

Communications Plan
Define Your CM Strategy

Sponsor Roadmap

Prepare Your CM Team

Coaching Plan

Develop Your Sponsorship Model Resistance Management Plan

Training Plan


To complete your own big picture throughout the program, flip to the
“Resources” tab in the back of your workbook.

22 Reference Slides: 40–48

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The Big Picture (continued)
Individual Outcomes
Refer to “Resources” to complete
this section of your big picture.

Individual Outcomes Business Results/Desired Outcomes



meet objectives
Projects finish on time
and on budget

Return on investment
Ability (ROI) realized

Project Change
Management Management


Reference Slides: 40–48 23

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Best Practices in Learning

Change Management: Research

• Achieve a high-level understanding of the best practices research that
provides the foundation for Prosci
• Understand key findings across four sections of the research critical to the
development of change management plans

With your team, identify the top five findings in the 2018 edition of Best Practices in
Change Management. Prepare a 2-4-minute flipchart readout of your team’s work.

Capture your notes in each of the topic boxes as the other teams present their findings.

Team 1: Sponsors Team 2: Managers and Supervisors

Team 3: Resistance to Change Team 4: Communications

24 Reference Slides: 50–58

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ADKAR® Learning

• Understand ADKAR as Prosci’s model for individual change

• Understand the barrier point and how to use it
• Learn how to apply ADKAR through application to a personal change

Individual and
5 Elements Change Patterns Organizational Levels
ADKAR represents the five ADKAR was developed by ADKAR is an effective tool
elements of change that Prosci after studying the for managing change
must be achieved for the change patterns of more at an individual level and
change to be a success. than 700 organizations. guides activities at an
organizational level.






Reference Slides: 60–63 27

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The Five Building Blocks for Successful Change

Change begins with understanding why

• What is the nature of the change?
• Why is the change needed?
• What is the risk of not changing?

Change involves personal decisions

• What’s in it for me (WIIFM)?
• A personal choice
• A decision to engage and participate

Change requires knowing how


• Understanding how to change

• Training on new processes and tools
• Learning new skills

Change requires action in the

right direction

• The demonstrated capability to

implement the change
• Achievement of the desired change
in performance or behavior

Change must be reinforced


to be sustained
• Actions that increase the likelihood
that a change will be continued
• Recognition and rewards that sustain
the change

28 Reference Slides: 64–68

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Review: ADKAR Applied
For a change you are helping someone through, take a few minutes to do the following:

1. Apply the ADKAR Model 2. Identify the barrier point

Identify a score for each of the five Identify the first element with a score of three
elements of the ADKAR Model. or less. Begin to think through steps you may
take to help them overcome this barrier point.

Briefly describe a personal change in behavior you are trying to

facilitate with a friend, family member, neighbor or work associate:
The barrier point is the
first element of ADKAR
that scores a '3' or below.


List the reasons you believe this change is necessary: WITH 1 BEING THE LOWEST


Review these reasons and ask yourself the

degree to which the person you are trying
to change is aware of these reasons.

List the factors or consequences (good and bad) for this person
that create a desire to change:

Consider these motivating factors, including

the person’s conviction in these areas.
Assess the desire to change.

List the skills and knowledge needed for the change, both during
and after the transition:

Rate the person’s knowledge or training in

these areas.

Considering the skills and knowledge from above, evaluate the

person’s ability to perform or act in the new way. Are there any
barriers inhibiting the person’s ability? A ABILITY

To what extent does the person have the

ability to implement the new skills, knowledge
and behaviors?

List the reinforcements that will help to retain the change. Are
incentives in place to help this person make the change stick?

Are there incentives not to change?

To what degree is the person receiving

reinforcement for demonstrating the change?

Reference Slide: 69 29
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Review: ADKAR Applied
To create an ADKAR profile bar graph, mark your score for each element and shade the
area below the mark to create each “bar.”

The example on the left is of a profile with A=4, D=5, K=2, A=2, R=1.





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ADKAR Defines Success: For One Person
and Organization-Wide Changes
Change with one person...

Or five people...

Or 20 people...

Or 1,000 people...

Remember, not everyone changes at the same pace.

Reference Slides: 70–71 31

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The Prosci ADKAR Model

ADKAR Element Definition What you hear Without Element

• Employees ask the same
question over and over
AWARENESS Of the need for change “I understand why…”
• Hoarding of information
and resources

• Lower productivity
To participate in and
DESIRE support the change
“I have decided to…” • Increased turnover
• Delays in implementation

• Lower utilization or

incorrect usage of
KNOWLEDGE On how to change “I know how to…” new systems
• Sustained reduction
in productivity

• Employees worry

whether they can be
To implement required successful in the future
ABILITY skills and behaviors
“I am able to…”
• Greater impact on
customers and partners

• Employees revert back

to old ways of doing work

• Ultimate utilization is
REINFORCEMENT To sustain the change “I will continue to…” less than anticipated
• The organization creates
a history of poorly
managed change

32 Reference Slide: 72

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Individual Outcomes
Refer to “Resources” to complete
this section of your big picture.

• Of the need for change
• Of the nature of the change

Reinforcement Desire
• To sustain the change • To support the change
• To build a culture and • To participate and engage
competence around change

• On how to change
• To implement the change
• On how to implement new skills
• To demonstrate performance
and behaviors


meet objectives

Projects finish on time

and on budget

Return on investment
(ROI) realized
When a large number of employees
achieve ability, the organization will
Project Change
begin to realize organizational benefits.
Management Management

Reference Slides: 73–74 33

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Introduction to the Prosci Methodology Learning

• Understand the three phases of the Prosci 3-Phase Process

• Understand how the Prosci change management methodology connects
to the Prosci ADKAR Model to drive individual and organizational change
• Understand how the seven change concepts relate to the Prosci methodology

Phase 1 — Preparing for Change

Define your change management strategy KEY LEARNING

Why? To develop a customized
and scaled strategy with the
Prepare your change management team necessary sponsorship and
team structure.

Develop your sponsorship model

Phase 2 — Managing Change

Develop change management plans Why? To create and
implement plans that will
move individuals and the
Take action and implement plans organization through change.

Phase 3 — Reinforcing Change

Collect and analyze feedback

Diagnose gaps and manage resistance Why? To ensure that the change
is adopted and sustained.

Implement corrective actions and

celebrate successes

34 Reference Slides: 75–79

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How do we connect
the individual to
the organization?

The Prosci 3-Phase Process integrates

organizational and individual change management.

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Change Concepts Learning

• Understand the change concepts that can influence a project

• Understand and connect the change concepts to the Prosci 3-Phase Process

s Resistan
ce iver ce a
d Re Co
an m
s fo
er rt


o ce

for C
Change is a Pr









sN n

ot Cha
ou g dica
h . Ra
Incremental vs

The change concepts are critical to building a solid change management strategy. Understanding
each of these concepts and where they will surface throughout the methodology will help you
craft your strategy and make adjustments when necessary. Pull out your placemat and identify
where you could see these change concepts resurfacing.

36 Reference Slides: 82–83

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Business Issues and CHANGE
the Need to Change

Personal Implications and Risk

Influencing Factors on What Employees Hear

Sender Receiver
• Career or educational plans • What they have heard from others
• Situation at home • How satisfied they are with work
• Experience with other changes at work • Whether they trust the sender

Fill in the blanks: Have you experienced any other factors that have caused a message to
be received incorrectly?

Impact on Change Management Factors

• Repeat messages 5-to-7 times
• Use face-to-face KEY LEARNING
• Answer WIIFM Employees must hear a message 5-to-7 times
before they internalize that message.
• Utilize Q&A format
• Understand message interpretation


38 Reference Slides: 84–87

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A natural reaction to
change is resistance

The goal is to mitigate,

not eliminate all resistance

Many are surprised by resistance

to change; expect it and plan for it


#1 success factor for change management is active

and visible sponsorship

Some employees will distrust the change

sponsor if:
• They observe examples of incompetence
• They know of a history of failed changes

The credibility of the sponsor

for change will be judged


Speed Precision

Structure Spontaneity

Independence Teamwork


Reference Slides: 88–93 39

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Incremental improvement
Total Quality Management, CHANGE

Six Sigma

Radical improvement
Business process reengineering, merger,
acquisition, restructuring


Early employee involvement and input will be

a key success factor

Correctness is not the key to securing

employee support for the change


40 Reference Slides: 94–97

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Change is a Process WHERE THE CHANGE


The Three States of Change

Current Transition Future

State State State

Employees are The transition state The future state is unknown

comfortable with and creates stress and anxiety. or not well understood.
prefer the current state.

Individuals Organization






The Organization’s Future State Is Actually the Collection of Many

Individual Future States
Examples of organizational future states:
• Documented and managed processes
• New operating model
• Specialists in the call center
• Supplier website integrated into supply chain
• Merged organization

42 Reference Slides: 98–104

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Applying the Prosci 3-Phase Process Learning

• Understand key components of Phase 1: Preparing for Change

• Understand the complementary relationship between Project Management
and Change Management
• Apply the Prosci methodology to the project you have brought to the program

When Should Change Management Start?

Project has just started

Project team has MANAGEMENT
completed planning CHANGE
and solution design MANAGEMENT


Project is well underway

Only 34% of research

respondents stated that they
started change management at
initiation, but 83% of respondents
state that they should have
started it at initiation.

Over half of research participants who stated they started change management
at initiation also stated they met or exceeded project objectives, compared to
only a third who started at implementation.

44 Reference Slides: 106–115

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Comparing Change Management
and Project Management

Project Management
Focus: Technical side of moving from current state to future state
Process Tools
• Initiation • Statement of work • Resource allocation
• Planning • Project charter • Schedule
• Design • Business case • Tracking
• Implementation • Work breakdown structure
• Closure • Budget estimation


Current Transition Future
State State State


Change Management
Focus: People side of moving from current state to future state
Process Tools

Organizational • Individual change model • Resistance management

• Preparing for change • Readiness assessments • Training Plan

• Managing change • Communications Plan • Reinforcement

• Reinforcing change • Sponsor Roadmap

• Coaching Plan

The technical side and the people side have a joint value proposition,
which is to achieve the objectives laid out in the center of the triangle.

Reference Slides: 116–118 45

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What Are You Working Toward?

15-minute presentation to the audience of your choosing

Demonstrate your understanding of and competency in

the use of the tools and concepts presented in the course

Practice telling your change story

Develop a tangible output in the form of a set of slides

you can leverage and reuse after class to build presentations
for targeted audiences

• A series of breakouts will introduce the phases and steps


of Prosci’s methodology.
• You will apply the learning to your project, then choose which
elements help support your presentation objectives for your audience.

It is important to your success as a change practitioner that you can
not only execute the activities and assessments, but that you are also
able to articulate why those activities and assessments are important
and how they help you manage the people side of the project.

46 Reference Slide: 119

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Why? To Develop a Customized and Scaled Strategy
with the Necessary Sponsorship and Team Structure.

Phase 1 — Preparing for Change

Define your change management strategy

Prepare your change management team

Develop your sponsorship model

Main Activities
• Conduct readiness assessments
• Perform risk analysis
• Complete group impact analysis
• Anticipate areas of resistance
• Design special tactics
• Develop overall strategy
• Architect team structure
• Prepare your team
• Assess sponsorship

Define Your Change Management Strategy

Creating a
Identifying change Assessing the change
characteristics organization management

Reference Slides: 120–123 47

Reference Slides: 120–123
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Prosci Risk Assessment
Assessing Change and Organizational Readiness
Change Characteristics Assessment
Scope of change:
Workgroup Department Division Enterprise

1 2 3 4 5
Number of impacted employees:
Less than 10 Over 1,000

1 2 3 4 5

Variation in groups that are impacted:

All groups impacted the same Groups experiencing the change differently

1 2 3 4 5

Type of change:
Single aspect, simple change Many aspects, complex change
1 2 3 4 5

Degree of process change:

No change 100% change
1 2 3 4 5

Degree of technology and system change:

No change 100% change

1 2 3 4 5

Degree of job role change:

No change 100% change

1 2 3 4 5

Degree of organization restructuring:

No change Radical change

1 2 3 4 5

Amount of change overall:

Incremental change Enterprise

1 2 3 4 5

Impact on employee compensation:

No impact on pay or benefits Large impact on pay or benefits

1 2 3 4 5

Reduction in total staffing levels:

No change expected Significant change expected

1 2 3 4 5

Timeframe for change:

Very short (< a month) or very long (> a year) 3-month to 12-month initiative
1 2 3 4 5

Sum of points for Change Characteristics Assessment (out of 60): 0

A score of 35 or higher indicates a large, disruptive change that will require more change management for the project
to be successful.

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Prosci Risk Assessment (continued)
Organizational Attributes Assessment

Perceived need for change among employees and managers:

Compelling business need for change is visible – Employees do not view change as necessary –
employees are dissatisfied with the current state employees are satisfied with the current state

1 2 3 4 5

Impact of past changes on employees:

Employees perceive past changes as positive Employees perceive past changes as negative

1 2 3 4 5

Change capacity:
Very few changes underway Everything is changing

1 2 3 4 5

Past changes:
Changes were successful and well-managed Many failed projects and changes were poorly managed

1 2 3 4 5

Shared vision and direction for the organization:

Widely shared and unified vision Many different directions and shifting priorities
1 2 3 4 5

Resources and funding availability:

Adequate resources and funds are available Resources and funds are limited

1 2 3 4 5

Organization’s culture and responsiveness to change:

Open and receptive to new ideas and change Closed and resistant to new ideas and change

1 2 3 4 5

Organizational reinforcement:
Employees are rewarded for risk taking and embracing change Employees are rewarded for consistency and predictability

1 2 3 4 5

Leadership style and power distribution:

Centralized Distributed

1 2 3 4 5

Executive/senior management change competency:

Business leaders demonstrate effective sponsorship on change projects Business leaders lack sponsor skills and knowledge

1 2 3 4 5

Middle management change competency:

Managers are highly competent at managing change Managers lack the knowledge and skills for managing change

1 2 3 4 5

Employee change competency:

Employees are highly competent at managing change Employees lack the knowledge and skills for managing change
1 2 3 4 5

Sum of points for Organizational Attributes Assessment (out of 60): 0

A score of 35 or higher indicates a change resistant organization that will require more change management for the
project to be successful.

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Prosci Risk Assessment (continued)

Prosci Risk Assessment Grid

Below is an example of a risk assessment grid

Resistant Medium Risk High Risk

Organizational Attributes

The change characteristics

and organizational attributes
assessments help a change
practitioner determine the risk
of a change and scale their change
management efforts accordingly.

Low Risk Medium Risk
Small, Large,
Incremental Disruptive
Change Characteristics


50 Reference Slide: 126

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Each Group Is Affected Differently


Degree of Impact


Aspects of a
You Can Impact





In preparation for your breakout activity, reflect on your pre-work

and recall the groups you identified as impacted by the change.


Reference Slide: 127 51

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Prosci Change Management
Tool References

Impact Index Change Management Strategy Library of Figures

Assessment Presentation - Practitioner Program

Apply the Impact Index Assessment to Your Project

1. Under project analysis 2. Under group analysis

A. Analyze your project health with A. Identify change impact by group

the Prosci PCT Assessment B. Consider your PCT™ and Risk Analysis
B. Plot your risk profiles on the Risk Grid and begin to identify the unique
by completing the Change Characteristics challenges and risks to the organization
and Organizational Attributes Assessments if this change is poorly managed
C. Begin preparing your presentation

52 Reference Slides: 128–129

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Everyone thinks of
changing the world,
but no one thinks
of changing himself.
— Leo Tolstoy

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Review: Day 1 — Key Takeaway
What are your top three takeaways from Day 1?

What are your top two questions from Day 1?

Definition of Change Management:

Change management is the:

Three ways to communicate the value of change management:

Primary reasons for applying change management:

Prosci Project Change Triangle™ (PCT):

What are the three legs of the Project Change Triangle?

How is the PCT™ used?

Why is the center of the PCT™ important?

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Review: Day 1 — Key Takeaway (continued)
Best Practices in Change Management:
For each, identify two best practices in change management discussed during class today:



Managers and Supervisors:

Resistance Management:

List the five elements of ADKAR®

At which ADKAR® element will the organization begin to realize organizational benefits?

Phase 1: Preparing for Change — Assessing Readiness:

The purpose of the Change Characteristics is to

The purpose of the Organizational Attributes is to

Assessing Project Risk:

Label each axis and quadrant

Plot a low, medium, and

high risk change

Day 1 done,




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Learning Objectives for Day 2
Finalize a customized and scaled change management strategy
to guide Phase 2 plan development

Prepare change management team and sponsor readiness

Use Prosci templates and tools to develop communications

and sponsor plans

Demonstrate competency through the preparation of a

4 presentation displaying your change management application
© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Completing a Change Management Strategy Learning

• Understand how to define a team structure and sponsor connection

that’s appropriate to your unique change
• Learn how to identify anticipated areas of resistance and plan special tactics
to address them


Team Structure Examples




Add any additional advantages/disadvantages to the lists below that you could see
within your organization.

Advantages of integrating Advantages of change management

project management and outside of but supporting
change management teams project management
1. Collaboration on team 1. Objectivity
2. Effective communication 2. Autonomy and independence
3. Stakeholder integration with the project 3. Direct access to leadership
4. Effective project planning 4. Flexibility
5. Project management success 5. Enabled specialization
6. Risk mitigation 6. Provide support
7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.

58 Reference Slides: 130–134

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Sponsor Connection to Team Structure Examples


SPONSOR management team
dedicated to the project



Individuals from the Sponsor on the team

SPONSOR team assigned to
change management



Team Structure Research Highlights

Percent of research respondents
TEAM STRUCTURE A that used each team structure
Change management resources
are on the project team PROJECT TEAM

Change management resources are
external, but support the project team PROJECT TEAM CM


Change management resources are on PROJECT TEAM 16%

the project team and are supported by CM
an external change management team CM


Project team and change management 27%

resources are one and the same PROJECT TEAM

Reference Slides: 135–136 59

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Effectiveness of Team Structures Used
Structure A Structure B Structure C Structure D


Excellent 8%




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Percent of Respondents

It is important to consider a team structure that will drive effectiveness,
rather than accepting what is already in place.


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© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Completing a Change Management Strategy


Early anticipation of resistance can help to
mitigate it throughout the change process.

Anticipating and Avoiding Resistance

Study participants report that much of the resistance they experienced could have
been avoided.
Avoidable Employee Resistance Avoidable Manager Resistance
40% 40%

32% 33%
Percent of Respondents

Percent of Respondents
30% 30%
22% 21%
20% 20%
10% 10%

4% 5%

0% 0%
None 1–24% 25–49% 50–74% 75–100% None 1–24% 25–49% 50–74% 75–100%

Possible Resistance Points Types of Resistance Experienced

• Anticipate points of resistance by group 81% Disengaged 54% Work impact
or location
• Forecast how front-line employees may react
79% Negativity 53% Controlling

• Consider managers with history 75% Avoidance 52% Building barriers

• Recall unique challenges from your
Organizational Attributes Assessment 73% Emotional 42% Acting out

What are the specific points of resistance you are able to anticipate before your change begins?

62 Reference Slides: 138–141

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To mitigate anticipated resistance

To address unique attributes of each group

To address historical or cultural barriers

To leverage key influencers


Reference Slide: 142 63

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Prepare Your Change Management Team

Phase 1 — Preparing for Change

Define your change management strategy Preparing

Assessing team the change
Acquiring resources
competencies management
Prepare your change management team

Develop your sponsorship model

Step 1: Acquiring Resources

Attributes of a great team member:



Additional helpful experience:


64 Reference Slides: 143–145

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Research Results
Average FTE Dedicated to Change Management by Investment in Project


Average FTE


2 1.7

$100K $100K $500K $1M $5M More than
or less to $500K to $1M to $5M to $10M $10M
Project Investment

Average Budget for Change Management by Project Investment

2.5 $2.3M




0.5 $307K
$36K $157K $157K
$100K $100K $500K $1M $5M More than
or less to $500K to $1M to $5M to $10M $10M
Project Investment

Percent of Respondents That Allocated Budget to Particular Cost Components

CM Resources 80% Notes

Training 66%

Communications 64%

CM Materials 57%

General Expenses 39%

Event Costs 39%

Reinforcement &
Recognition 19%

Other 7%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Reference Slides: 146–148 65

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Prepare Your Change Management Team
Step 2: Assessing Team Competencies

I have experience
Do you have any supporting communications
knowledge of change for a business project.
Have you
management methodologies
had any formal
or approaches?
change management
I have worked on
a previous change
management team.

Prosci Practitioner eToolkit Resources

• Example Team Structures • Change Management Strategy Outline
• Example Sponsor Connections • Team Member Competency Assessment
• Team Selection Criteria

Step 3: Preparing the Team for Change Management

Understanding the business issues, Training the team on
solution and desired outcomes change management
• Review documentation from project team • Implement formal training program
• Interview project team • Offer self-paced learning
• Interview sponsor • Provide books/toolkits
• Spend time with affected employees

Note any additional important attributes of a change manager for your organization.

66 Reference Slides: 149–151

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Creating a Change Management Strategy

1 2
Identify the team structure for Create a diagram that captures
your project and how the sponsor your team structure and sponsor
connects to the team. connection; not just what you
have now, but what is needed.

3 4
Brainstorm anticipated areas of Identify ways you can prepare your
resistance and develop special tactics team for change management.
for your change.

Draw your Team Structure Diagram.


Reference Slides: 152 67

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Develop a Sponsorship Model Learning

• Understand the traits of a sponsor

• Learn to create a Sponsor Assessment Diagram for your project’s
sponsor coalition
• Learn how to use the Sponsor Assessment Diagram to assess the health
of your sponsor coalition

Phase 1 — Preparing for Change

Define your change management strategy

Identifying sponsors Preparing
and stakeholders sponsors
Prepare your change management team competencies

Develop your sponsorship model


Step 1: Identify Your Primary Sponsor

Recall your pre-work and your Impact
Primary Sponsor Index. You have already identified
your impacted groups. You will need
those groups for this activity.
Typically, the primary sponsor is the senior
manager or executive who initiated the project.

Ideal sponsor traits

1 – Strong communication skills
2 – Creates engagement through passion and enthusiasm
3 – Engaged and involved
4 – Visible and supportive
5 – Approachable and available
6 – Recognized leader with sponsorship experience

Step 2: Identify All Impacted Groups

You can reflect on the work already completed in the Impact Index.

Sales Sales
Logistics Manufacturing Finance
Region 1 Region 2

68 Reference Slides: 153–159

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Develop a Sponsorship Model (continued)
Step 3: Identify Your Sponsors
1 Part 1: For each impacted group, add the person viewed as “in charge” by the
employees of their area.

2 Part 2: Using the formal reporting structure, add all leaders between the first layer
of sponsors and the primary sponsor.

3 Part 3: Show the relationship between the primary sponsor and any peers at
the highest level.

3 PART 3 E.M.

Primary Sponsor U.W.

2 PART 2

S.P. M.B. E.G.

E.T. A.B. G.F. A.O. I.T.

1 PART 1

D.C. W.R. T.L. C.H. B.U.

Sales Sales
Logistics Manufacturing Finance
Region 1 Region 2

Reference Slides: 160–162 69

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Prosci Sponsor Assessment
Assessing Sponsor Competencies
Participated actively and visibly throughout the project: Least Most

Attended project and status meetings regularly. 1 2 3 4 5

Was present to kick off special events and training sessions. 1 2 3 4 5
Held the team accountable for results (defined objectives, conducted ongoing reviews). 1 2 3 4 5
Was involved in critical decision making (at critical milestones, at steering committee meetings,
1 2 3 4 5
in one-on-one sessions).
Ensured that the project had the right team members, budget and resources for success. 1 2 3 4 5
Was accessible to the project team; ensured that other managers were accessible as well. 1 2 3 4 5

Built a coalition of sponsorship with peers and managers: Least Most

Sponsored the change with direct reports (created awareness of the need for change, built
1 2 3 4 5
support and followed up).
Established clear expectations with mid-level managers. 1 2 3 4 5
Dealt with problem managers (managed resistance). 1 2 3 4 5
Created a sponsorship cascade with managers; ensured that they were building support with
1 2 3 4 5
their direct reports.
Listened to and addressed management concerns. 1 2 3 4 5

Held direct, face-to-face meetings with front-line supervisors to explain “what, why and how.” 1 2 3 4 5
Provided management/leadership team with frequent updates and status information. 1 2 3 4 5
Sponsored the change upward. 1 2 3 4 5

Communicated to employees and managers: Least Most

Was visible to employees; effectively communicated why the change was happening, the risks
1 2 3 4 5
of not changing, and the vision for the organization.
Linked key performance indicators and financial objectives to the change. 1 2 3 4 5
Enabled communications to be two-way (allowed for feedback and question/answer sessions). 1 2 3 4 5
Spoke face-to-face at town meetings, road shows and key presentations. 1 2 3 4 5
Communicated frequently throughout the project and with multiple media (not just during the
1 2 3 4 5
kickoff of the project).
Interacted effectively with managers; helped them create and communicate a consistent 1 2 3 4 5
message to employees.

Total Score (Score interpretation: 80–100 = Excellent; 70–79 = Good; 69 and below = Fair to Poor)

Sum of scores (OUT OF 100): 0


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Prosci Primary Sponsor Evaluation
Name of sponsor:

In addition to completing the sponsor competency assessment for the primary sponsor, consider and rank
the primary sponsor on the following:

Least Most

1 – Degree to which the organization (employees and managers) would listen to and
1 2 3 4 5
respect communications and support from this business leader.

2 – Ability to provide resources and funding for the project. 1 2 3 4 5

3 – Degree of direct control this sponsor has over the people and processes being impacted
1 2 3 4 5
by the change.

4 – Degree of direct control this sponsor has over the systems and tools being impacted
1 2 3 4 5
by the change.

5 – Capacity to sponsor the project. 1 2 3 4 5

Consider How You Evaluated Your Sponsor on the above to Help Answer
the Following Questions:

Is your primary sponsor at the right level? If no, what special tactics will you employ?

What are the challenges that need to be addressed with your primary sponsor?

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Develop a Sponsorship Model (continued)
Step 4: Determine Position of Sponsors Relative to the Change
A = Supportive of the change B = Neutral or opposed

Step 5: Assessing Sponsor Competencies

1 Part 1: Determine CM Competency Level of Each Person on Sponsor Assessment Diagram
High level (80 – 100) Moderate level (70 – 79) Low level (<70)

2 Part 2: Enter Alphanumeric Designations on the Sponsor Assessment Diagram

3 Part 3: Color Code the Sponsor Assessment Diagram (see below)

Coach & Skill up & Engage, skill up,

LEGEND A1 Coach A2 A3 B1 Engage B2,B3
skill up then coach coach

E.M. – A3

Is your primary sponsor

Primary Sponsor T.J. – A1 U.W. – B3
at the right level?

A sponsor identified
as a B1 is the most
S.P. – A3 M.B. – A1 E.G. – B2 concerning because
they can undermine
the efforts of the
primary sponsor.

E.T. – A3 A.B. – B2 G.F. – A1 A.O – A2 I.T. – B1

D.C. – B3 W.R. – A3 T.L. – A2 C.H. – A2 B.U. – B1

Sales Sales
Logistics Manufacturing Finance
Region 1 Region 2

If this was your completed Sponsor Assessment Diagram, what are the strengths and issues?

72 Reference Slides: 163–168

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Develop a Sponsorship Model (continued)
Build Your Own Sponsor Assessment Diagram
Refer back through the five steps and create your sponsorship model in the area below.

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Preparing Sponsors REVIEW: BIG PICTURE
Analysis and Preparation
Refer to “Resources” to complete
this section of your big picture.

Courses in change management

External data to build awareness of their role as

a sponsor of change

Examples of good sponsorship activities and common

mistakes sponsors can make

Direct coaching and intervention with your sponsor


74 Reference Slides: 168–171

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Develop Your Sponsorship Model
For the Project You Brought with You to Class, Complete the Following:

1 – Create or continue to build your Sponsor Assessment Diagram

(refer to page 73 in this workbook)

2 – Under Project Analysis in the Impact Index tool

• Complete the Primary Sponsor Competency Assessment and Primary
Sponsor Evaluation
• Complete assessments for sponsors in the coalition

3 – Challenges and preparation

• Identify the challenges you face with your sponsor coalition
• Identify ways you can prepare your sponsors

Prosci Practitioner eToolkit References

• Sponsor Competency Assessment
• Primary Sponsor Evaluation


Reference Slides: 172–173 75

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Why? To Create and Implement Plans That Will Move
the Organization and Individuals Through Change.

Phase 2 — Managing Change


Develop Change Management Plans

Take Action and Implement Plans

Main Activities
• Create plans for: • Create Master Change
• Communications Management Plan

• Sponsorship • Integrate into Project Plan

• Coaching • Execute plans

• Resistance Management
• Training Leverage the research
activity completed on day 1
to support the development
of your plans.

Remember Best Practices

As we begin to build out our plans, it is important to remember
what others have taught us in relation to:

Team 2
Team 1
and supervisors

Team 3
Team 4
to change

How are these findings going to influence the development of

your plans?

76 Reference Slides: 174–177

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Five Plans for Managing Change

Communications Sponsor Coaching

Plan Roadmap Plan

Resistance Training
Management Plan Plan

When Customizing Your Plans, Consider:

Risk Grid: Risk Grid Customization Guidelines:

Size and type of change Attributes of the impacted organization
Organizational Attributes

Risk Grid Customization
Guidelines for each of
the five plans you are
creating from your
Practitioner eToolkit

Small Large

Change Characteristics

Each of the five plans will drive one or more of the five ADKAR elements.


Reference Slides: 178–179 77

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5 Plans Through the Lens of ADKAR

Under Group Analysis in

the Impact Index Assessment:
A. Complete the ADKAR analysis
for each impacted group.
B. Note the barrier point of
each group. Note groups
that have the same
barrier point.

Application Opportunity
It is important to use the right change management tools or activities to move an individual
through the ADKAR Model. Each of the five change management plans you are about to create
will help drive certain elements of the ADKAR Model. Complete the ADKAR analysis for each
of your identified impacted groups by leveraging the Prosci Impact Index tool. Note below
common barrier points and unique barriers for each impacted group you have identified.

78 Reference Slides: 180

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Planning for Results REVIEW: BIG PICTURE
Analysis and Preparation
Refer to “Resources” to complete
this section of your big picture.


The dark purple represents the main element(s)

of ADKAR impacted by the tactical plan.

Communications Plan

Sponsor Roadmap

Coaching Plan

Resistance Management

Training Plan

The grey represents that while this element is not the main outcome
of the tactical plan, it may be influenced by the plan.

What activities help

us achieve ADKAR®?

Fill in some activities:

Reference Slides: 181–182 79

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Communications Plan
Effectively communicating with
employees about change

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Communications Plan Learning

• Understand the steps of creating a communications plan

• Understand the difference between how a project manager and change
manager may approach communications
• Analyze the risk summary and ADKAR analysis to create a communications
plan appropriate for your project

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Identify the audiences Determine content packaging, delivery

• By location method, frequency and sender

• By function • Timing depends on: change size,

degree of impact, readiness
• By degree of impact of organization
• By organization level • Packaging: all at once or in
manageable components
• Delivery methods: face-to-face
Identify key messages and timing
for majority of communications
Will be customized based on
• Sender depends on audience
audience and unique to each phase
of project
• Current state vs. future state Prepare and present your
• How will this impact them? Communications Plan to the
project team, primary sponsor
• Transition state:
and critical stakeholders
Status updates and progress
• Why are we communicating?
• Who is the audience?
Notes • What are the key messages?
• When should this be delivered?
• Where will this occur?
• How will the message be sent?

What change concepts apply to the
Communications Plan?

Reference Slides: 183–189 81

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Preferred Senders of Change Messages
Business Messages Personal Messages

CEO/President 45%

Executive Manager 28%

Senior Manager
Department Head
Employee’s Supervisor 67%
Communication 1%
Specialist 1%
Human Resources 1%
Representative 3%
Project Team Member 1%
Project Team Leader 3%
Change Management 0%
Team Member 1%
Change Management 4%
Team Leader 3%
Other 0%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

What to Do Differently next Time?

1 More communication
• Communicate with more people
3 Communicate earlier
• Connect with the project sooner
at all levels • Begin in-person meetings earlier
• Include face-to-face
• Increase relevancy
4 More attention to senior leadership
• Evoke more support and ownership
2 Better communication strategy
• Use succinct, consistent and
from senior leaders

accurate core messages

• Include a robust implementation plan
5 More people dedicated to working
on communication
• Assign expert resources to produce
and implement communications

What is the difference between how a project manager may approach communications
and how a change manager would approach communications?

82 Reference Slides: 190–192

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© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Outcomes of the Communications Plan
• Builds awareness of the nature of the change, why a change is needed, and the risks
of not changing
• Enables “preferred senders” to interact with employees
• Formalizes feedback mechanisms and enables two-way communication with employees
• Publicly celebrates successes

The Prosci ADKAR Model

Communications Plan Awareness



Remember: Where did you Ability

plot on your Risk Grid?


Prosci Practitioner
Organizational Attributes

DOWNLOAD eToolkit Resources

Your Risk Grid
Customization Guidelines • ADKAR Analyzer exercise
are available for
• Communications Risk Grid
download from your
Practitioner eToolkit Customization Guidelines

• Communications Plan Template

• Key Messages Outline
• Finesta sample Communications Plan
Small Large

Change Characteristics

Where you plot on the Risk Grid drives how
to customize your tactical plan.

84 Reference Slides: 193–194

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Customization Guidelines:
Communications Plan
The location in the Risk Grid impacts how to customize your plans.

Category Medium Risk: Change Resistance High Risk

Preferred • Primary sponsor/sponsor coalition/executive • Primary sponsor/sponsor coalition/executive

Sender leader need to communicate the need for leader need to communicate the need for
the change and the risk of not changing. the change and the risk of not changing.
• Managers and supervisors need to communicate • Managers and supervisors need to communicate
the specific impacts of the change on their the specific impacts of the change on their
employees and share the WIIFM message. employees and share the WIIFM message.

Cadence • Formal managed and adjusted as necessary. • Formal managed and adjusted as necessary.
• Frequent sponsor message, updating and • Frequent sponsor message, updating and
elaborating on progress, providing new elaborating on progress, providing new
information, and continued reinforcement of information, and continued reinforcement of
Awareness messaging. Awareness messaging.
• Frequent project updates to managers. • Frequent project updates to managers.
• Frequent messaging from managers on specifics • Frequent messaging from managers on specifics
to their teams. to their teams.

Key • Initial messaging from sponsor needs to be • Initial messaging from sponsor needs to be
Messages focused on Awareness — Why this? Why now? focused on Awareness — Why this? Why now?
Risk of not changing? Current vs. future state, Risk of not changing? Current vs. future state,
organizational expectations of employees organizational expectations of employees
throughout the change, how this change will throughout the change, how this change will
feel different from other changes because of feel different from other changes because of
applied change management. applied change management.
• Initial messaging from manager needs to be • Initial messaging from manager needs to be
focused on Awareness and should reinforce key focused on Awareness and should reinforce key
elements that help increase Awareness and elements that help increase Awareness and
Desire for the individual — How this change will Desire for the individual — How this change will
impact you as an individual, what’s in it for you, impact you as an individual, what’s in it for you,
direct impact to day-to-day work, timeline, etc. direct impact to day-to-day work, timeline, etc.
• Ongoing messages to groups more highly • Ongoing messages to groups more highly
impacted and/or more resistant should come impacted and/or more resistant should come
from manager and be focused on the ADKAR from manager and be focused on the ADKAR
barriers of each individual/group. barriers of each individual/group.
• Targeted to specific audiences — See Best • Targeted to specific audiences — See Best
Practices in Change Management (Key messages Practices in Change Management (Key messages
by audience). by audience).

Recommended • Face-to-face followed by written communication • Face-to-face followed by written communication

Channels reinforcing the face-to-face messaging. If face-to- reinforcing the face-to-face messaging. If face-to-
face is not an option, consider video conferencing. face is not an option, consider video conferencing.
• Audio and video (interview format with primary • Audio and video (interview format with primary
sponsor and sponsor coalition members) include sponsor and sponsor coalition members) include
customer testimonials/success stories. customer testimonials/success stories.
• Utilize regularly scheduled meetings and • Utilize regularly scheduled meetings and
events (example: staff meetings, huddles, events (example: staff meetings, huddles,
skip-level reviews). skip-level reviews).
• Public forums (example: quarterly • Public forums (example: quarterly
all-hands meetings). all-hands meetings).
• See Best Practices in Change Management. • See Best Practices in Change Management.

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Customization Guidelines:
Communications Plan (continued)
Category Low Risk Medium Risk: Radical Change

Preferred • Primary sponsor needs to communicate the need • Primary sponsor/sponsor coalition/executive
Sender for the change and the risk of not changing. leader need to communicate the need for
• Managers and supervisors need to communicate the change and the risk of not changing.
the specific impacts of the change on their • Managers and supervisors need to communicate
employees and share the WIIFM message. the specific impacts of the change on their
employees and share the WIIFM message.

Cadence • Informal. • Formal managed and adjusted as necessary.

• As necessary messaging to manager on • Occasional sponsor messages updating and
project updates. elaborating on progress at key milestones of
• As necessary messaging from managers to project and/or with new information, and
employees on specific impacts to their teams. continued reinforcement of Awareness messaging.
• Frequent project updates to managers.
• As necessary, messaging from managers to
employees on specific impacts to their teams.

Key • Initial messaging from sponsor needs to be • Initial messaging from sponsor needs to be
Messages focused on Awareness — Why this? Why now? focused on Awareness — Why this? Why now?
Risk of not changing? Current vs. future state, Risk of not changing? Current vs. future state,
organizational expectations of employees organizational expectations of employees
throughout the change, how this change will throughout the change, how this change will
feel different from other changes because of feel different from other changes because of
applied change management. applied change management.
• Initial messaging from manager needs to be • Initial messaging from manager needs to be
focused on Awareness and should reinforce key focused on Awareness and should reinforce key
elements that help increase Awareness and elements that help increase Awareness and
Desire for the individual — How this change will Desire for the individual — How this change will
impact you as an individual, what’s in it for you, impact you as an individual, what’s in it for you,
direct impact to day-to-day work, timeline, etc. direct impact to day-to-day work, timeline, etc.
• Timely messages associated with key milestones • Ongoing messages to groups more highly
through the project will be needed as well. impacted should come from manager and be
• Where to go for additional information and support. focused on key information related to their
specific needs/impact.
• Targeted to specific audiences — See Best
Practices in Change Management (Key messages • Where to go for additional information and support.
by audience). • Targeted to specific audiences — See Best
Practices in Change Management (Key messages
by audience).

Recommended • Face-to-face, written. • Face-to-face followed by written communication

Channels • Audio and video, utilize social media as appropriate. reinforcing the face-to-face messaging.
• Utilize regularly scheduled meetings and • Audio and video (interview format with primary
events (example: staff meetings, huddles, sponsor and sponsor coalition members).
skip-level reviews). • Utilize regularly scheduled meetings and
• Public forums (example: quarterly all- events (example: staff meetings, huddles,
hands meetings). skip-level reviews).
• See Best Practices in Change Management. • Public forums (example: quarterly
all-hands meetings).
• See Best Practices in Change Management.

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Communications Plan
For the Project You Brought with You to Class, Complete the Following:

1 Think back to the communications information in Best Practices in Change Management,

ADKAR Analyzer results, and Risk Assessment results to customize your plan

2 Create a Communications Plan for your project:

• Identify all audiences
• Complete the Communications Plan Template for one audience

3 Project management vs. change management

• Be sure to address the differences discussed between a project management
Communications Plan and a change management Communications Plan

Remember, you
are working toward a
presentation. You should
add this.

Reference Slide: 195 87

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Sponsor Roadmap
Creating identifiable actions that executives
can do to sponsor change

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Sponsor Roadmap Learning

• Understand the steps of creating a Sponsor Roadmap

• Understand the roles of a sponsor
• Analyze the Risk Summary and Sponsor Assessment Diagram results
to create a Sponsor Roadmap appropriate for your project
• Understand how to properly scale a Sponsor Roadmap

Sponsor Effectiveness Directly Correlates to Project Success



Research Finding:
The number one obstacle to
success for major change projects
Very Ineffective Moderately Extremely
Ineffective Sponsor Effective Effective is ineffective sponsorship.
Sponsor Sponsor Sponsor

What Is Meant by Sponsorship?

Actively and visibly Build a coalition Communicate
participate throughout of sponsorship with directly with
the project peers and managers employees

Reference Slides: 197–200 89

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Sponsor Roadmap
Sponsors Do Not Understand Their Role
2017 2015 2013 2009
Research Finding:
Project teams ranked 50%
19% of their sponsors as having only
Complete 12%
some to no understanding of their
Understanding 11%
12% role in managing the people side
of the change and graded them as
31% “average to poor” in terms of
Adequate 30%
Understanding 32% Sponsorship activities.

Some 33%
Understanding 32%

Slight 19%
Understanding 18% 50%

No 6%
Understanding 7%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Which Roles Are Sponsors Struggling to Effectively Fill?

Failed to actively and

visibly participate 24%

Failed to build a
coalition of sponsorship

Failed to communicate
with employees 29%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40%


90 Reference Slides: 201–203

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Top 5 Most Common Sponsor Mistakes

1 Failed to remain active and visible throughout the life of the project

“Was involved only at the “Did not actively participate” “Acted as an 'in name' figurehead”
beginning — announced the
change and then walked away”

2 Underestimated or misunderstood the people side of change

“Incorrect assumptions on the “Underestimated time and “Assumed change management

degree of impact a change had resources needed” was only communications”
on individuals and groups”

3 Failed to communicate messages about the need for change

“Did not articulate the change “Assumed people understood “Did not communicate enough”
or the business benefits” what was going on”

4 Delegated the sponsorship role and responsibilities

“Delegated the leadership/ “Assumed that next-level “Outsourced sponsorship to

sponsorship to a subordinate structures would take consultants instead of leading
or the project manager” ownership of the soft functions the front”
and deliverables”

5 Failed to demonstrate support for the project in words and actions

“Got caught not walking the walk” “Did not empower the team” “Assumed the change was obvious,
rational and logical, and therefore
did not require any direct support”

Reference Slides: 204–208 91

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What is the root cause of failure?
Is this a leadership problem or
a project execution problem?

Executive Role in Managing Change

Fill in the boxes of the PCT Model.


Resources Strategy Active and visible Direct

and scope participation communication

meet objectives

Projects finish on time

Timing and on budget Coalition
and dates building
Return on investment
(ROI) realized

Project Change
Management Management


92 Reference Slides: 209–210

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

You Are the Sponsor’s Coach

1 2 3
Prepare a plan for your Review this plan with Facilitate and assist your
primary sponsor; use the your sponsor sponsor in completing the
Sponsor Assessment Sponsor Roadmap
Diagram as a support tool

The more access you have to your sponsor, the more likely
you are to meet or exceed your project objectives.

Creating Active and Visible Sponsorship



Town hall meetings, Clear and regular messaging,

roadshows, etc. face-to-face and focused on progress



Engage with employees outside of Role model change behaviors,

scheduled events, walk the floor walk the walk

Reference Slides: 211–214 93

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Outcomes of the Sponsor Roadmap
• Builds awareness of how the change aligns with the vision for the organization
• Creates desire to change through coalition building and the management of
resistance from mid-level managers
• Reinforces the change through visible recognition and rewards that come directly
from the leadership of the organization

The Prosci ADKAR Model

Communications Plan Awareness

Sponsor Roadmap Desire


Remember: Where you plot

on the Risk Grid drives how Ability
you will customize your
tactical plans.
Organizational Attributes

Prosci Practitioner
Your Risk Grid
eToolkit Resources
Customization Guidelines
are available for • Sponsor Risk Grid Customization Guidelines
download from your
Practitioner eToolkit • Primary sponsor checklists

• Sponsor Roadmap Template

• Finesta sample Sponsor Roadmap

Small Large

Change Characteristics

Remember to reflect on your Sponsor Assessment Diagram for your Sponsor Roadmap.

94 Reference Slides: 215–216

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Customization Guidelines: Sponsor Roadmap
The location in the Risk Grid impacts how to customize your plans.

Category Medium Risk: Change Resistance High Risk

Level of • Senior manager and above. • Executive level.


Change • Ongoing coaching on critical sponsorship role, • Ongoing coaching on critical sponsorship role,
Management bi-weekly engagement with change team focus bi-weekly engagement with change team focus
Team and on building Awareness and Desire, bi-weekly on building Awareness and Desire, bi-weekly
Coalition Support engagement with sponsor coalition members engagement with sponsor coalition members
linked to clear accountability. linked to clear accountability.
• Ongoing support and assessment of • Ongoing support and assessment of
sponsor competency. sponsor competency.

Key Focus • Focus on resistance prevention and proactive • Focus on resistance prevention and proactive
Areas of resistance management, as a coach, building resistance management, applying ADKAR and
Sponsor capability and equipping leadership and utilizing 10 tactics as necessary.
middle management to coach and manage
resistance, applying ADKAR and the 10 tactics
to break down resistance.

Adherence • Targeted adherence to the sponsor checklists, • Strict adherence to the sponsor checklists,
to Sponsor focusing on Awareness and Desire with early strong feedback loop with project management
Checklist attention given to appropriate reinforcements and CM, engaging sponsor coalition members
necessary to ensure the change will continue. consistently with clear accountability.
• Reference Best Practices in Change Management • Reference Best Practices in Change Management
Sponsor Activity Model. Sponsor Activity Model.

Category Low Risk Medium Risk: Change Resistance

Level of • Mid-level management. • Mid-level management.


Change • Provide resources, guidance and follow-up on • Hands-on support building the sponsor coalition,
Management specific requests to active and visible engagement. accessible to CM team to participate in key
Team and communications and available upon request
Coalition Support to engage with impacted groups.

Key Focus • Focus on building a strong sponsor coalition, • Focus on resistance prevention and proactive
Areas of holding sponsor coalition members accountable resistance management, as a coach, supporting
Sponsor for their role as leaders of change. change management capability development
for leaders and managers, applying ADKAR and
the 10 tactics to break down resistance.

Adherence • As requested by change management team. • Targeted adherence to the sponsor checklists,
to Sponsor • Reference Best Practices in Change Management focusing on Awareness and Desire with early
Checklist Sponsor Activity Model. attention given to appropriate reinforcements
necessary to ensure the change will continue.
• Reference Best Practices in Change Management
Sponsor Activity Model.

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Sponsor Roadmap
For the Project You Brought With You to Class, Complete the Following:

1 Review your Sponsor Assessment Diagram. Ensure that your Sponsor Roadmap
addresses the gaps identified in the Sponsor Assessment Diagram.

2 Create a Sponsor Roadmap for your project. Be sure to use the Prosci checklists
and templates.

3 Assume that your roadmap covers only the next eight weeks.

Remember, you
are working toward a
presentation. You should
add this.


96 Reference Slide: 217

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Review: Day 2 — Key Takeaway
Team Structure and Sponsor Model:
Identify several advantages of integrating the project management and change
management team and several advantages of change management outside of but
supporting the Project team.
Project Management and Supporting Project Management
Change Management teams
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Prepare Your Change Management Team:

Characteristics of a potential change management team member:


Preparation Necessary for Change Management Team Members:

Capture two potential ways to prepare your change management team.

Anticipated Resistance and Special Tactics:

The groups impacted by the change project may demonstrate specific resistance
behaviors such as negative questions, negative comments, complaints, pessimism,
gossip or hoarding of information. Identify four potential special tactics that can be
used to mitigate the above resistance behaviors.





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Review: Day 2 — Key Takeaway (continued)
Sponsor Assessment Diagram
The purpose of the Sponsor Assessment Diagram is to identify the key leaders connected to
the groups impacted by the change project. The leaders identified are known collectively as
the sponsor coalition.

Each individual member of the Sponsor Coalition is assessed from two perspectives
using an alphanumeric code. A = Supportive, B = Neutral or Opposed. The numeric code is
established using the Sponsor Competency Assessment score. Document the explanation
of each alphanumeric code below:

A1= B1=

A2= B2=

A3= B3=

Health of the Sponsor Coalition

Prosci recommends specific actions to improve the health of the sponsor coalition using
a key as shown below. Fill in the blanks.






Developing Your Change Management Communications Plan

Best practice research identifies two preferred senders of key messages during
a change project.

Preferred Sender — Primary Sponsor/Leader

(Key Message)

Preferred Sender —
(Key Message) Personal impacts of the change on employees

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Review: Day 2 — Key Takeaway (continued)
Project Communications Plan vs. Change Management Communications Plan
What’s the difference between these two plans?

Sponsor Roadmap:
A deliverable for Phase 2 – Managing Change of the Prosci 3-Phase Process is a Sponsor
Roadmap. This is a specific plan focused on actions the primary sponsor and/or members
of the sponsor coalition need to take to demonstrate active and visible participation in
support of the change project. Document several potential sponsor actions (reference:
Sponsor Activity Model in Best Practices in Change Management) that you would recommend
for each group listed below:

Sponsor Coalition:

Managers/Supervisors of Impacted Groups:

Project Team:

Day 2 done,
Nice work!






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3 • •

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Coaching Plan Learning

• Understand the Prosci process for managers and supervisors

• Understand the role of a manager during times of change
• Create a sample coaching program

Why Are Managers so Important? KEY LEARNING

Managers are a preferred sender!

Managers and supervisors are influential:



Human ROI Factors


Coaching Plan Objectives

Enable managers and supervisors to Provide them with the tools and support
become effective change managers they need to work with employees

102 Reference Slides: 219–223

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Manager Roles and Risks If Not Fulfilled
In addition to fulfilling day-to-day managerial duties, managers and supervisors must
perform five critical roles. Review the roles below and enter the risk if it is not fulfilled.

Role 1: Communicator

Role 2: Liaison

Role 3: Advocate

Role 4: Resistance Manager

Role 5: Coach

Reference Slides: 224–228 103

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Which Roles Are Managers/Supervisors
Struggling to Fulfill?

Roles That Managers Struggle to Fulfill During Change

Communicator 22%

Liaison 25%

Advocate 22%

Resistance Manager 43%

Coach 40%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

A change management team member can develop the plans, but managers and supervisors
do much of the change management work.


104 Reference Slides: 229–231

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Preparing Managers For Change

Understanding changes Adapting to change Developing competencies

underway and your role that is happening to you for managing change

• Identify the changes • Identify their own areas • Understand the concepts
impacting their group of resistance of change management
• Identify how the changes • Discuss their objections • Learn how to use
will impact their team or concerns the tools for
• Understand why these • Make a personal managing change
changes are being made choice to support and • Develop action plans for
• Understand their role participate in the change working with employees

Engaging in a particular change

Learning to manage change A D K A R

Remember, a manager is an employee
first. If they haven’t made it through R
Desire for the change, it is difficult
if not impossible to lead their employees
through their Desire barrier points.

Reference Slides: 232–235 105

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Leading Employees Through Change

Introducing change Managing employees Reinforcing and

to your employees through transition celebrating successes

Now Managers Can Fulfill Their Role as Change Leaders

Communicator Liaison Advocate Resistance Coach



106 Reference Slide: 236

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Prosci’s Change Management Process
for Managers and Supervisors
This is the world our managers live in. They are employees first and must prepare
themselves for change, then they must turn around and lead their employees through
change. Their world must be shaped through effective sponsorship and communications.


for Change



Reference Slide: 237 107

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What Are the Desired Outcomes
of Effective Coaching?
• Builds awareness of how a change impacts a given employee and WIIFM
• Creates desire through personal interactions with employees and the effective
management of resistance
• Develops knowledge through on-the-job training and mentoring
• Fosters ability by creating the right environment for employees to develop new skills
and behaviors
• Reinforces the change through private recognition and rewards of the organization

The Prosci ADKAR Model

Communications Plan Awareness

Sponsor Roadmap Desire

Coaching Plan Knowledge



Prosci Practitioner

eToolkit Resources
Organizational Attributes

DOWNLOAD • Coaching Plan Risk Grid

Your Risk Grid Customization Guidelines
Customization Guidelines
are available for • Training template for change
download from your
management coaching
Practitioner eToolkit

• Sample Group Coaching Agenda

• Sample individual Coaching Plan
• Coaching Plan Template
Small Large
• Manager Competency Assessment
Change Characteristics • Finesta sample Coaching Plan

108 Reference Slides: 238–239

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Customization Guidelines: Coaching Plan
The location in the Risk Grid impacts how to customize your plans.

Category Medium Risk: Change Resistance High Risk

Approach • Formally complete the Manager Competency • Formally complete the Manager Competency
Assessment (ideally with each manager). Assessment (ideally with each manager).
Provide training and individual coaching Provide training and individual coaching
appropriate for each individual based on appropriate for each individual based on
strengths and weaknesses. strengths and weaknesses.
• A face-to-face workshop for managers is • A face-to-face workshop for managers is
recommended early in the project. If face-to-face recommended early in the project. If face-to-face
is not possible, consider virtual training through is not possible, consider virtual training through
webinars or eLearning. webinars or eLearning.
• To reinforce training, include an ongoing support • To reinforce training, include an ongoing support
structure with coaching partners and access to structure with coaching partners and access to
CM support. Utilize both internal and external CM support. Utilize both internal and external
training resources. If managers are in different training resources. If managers are in different
geographic location than employees, consider geographic location than employees, consider
leveraging sponsors and/or change agents to help leveraging sponsors and/or change agents to help
support leadership of the change. support leadership of the change.

Individual • Focus on resistance management, application of • Focus on resistance management, application of

Coaching ADKAR and CLARC roles (Communicator, Liaison, ADKAR, CLARC roles (Communicator, Liaison,
Advocate, Resistance Manager and Coach). Advocate, Resistance Manager and Coach) and
• Individual coaching sessions ideally take place communication with PM and CM teams.
face-to-face with CM lead. If face-to-face is not an • Individual coaching sessions ideally take place
option, consider video conferencing. face-to-face with CM lead. If face-to-face is not an
option, consider video conferencing.

Group • Recommend face-to-face coaching workshop • Multiple face-to-face coaching workshop

Coaching for all managers (people who lead people). The for all managers (people who lead people). The
workshop should focus on two main elements: workshop should focus on two main elements:
1 – How to lead themselves as managers through 1 – How to lead themselves as managers through
the change. the change.
2 – How to lead their employees through 2 – How to lead their employees through
the change. the change.
• The outcomes of this workshop would include: • The outcomes of this workshop would include:
a foundational understanding of change a foundational understanding of change
management and the critical role managers play, management and the critical role managers play,
how to apply the Prosci ADKAR Model, and action how to apply the Prosci ADKAR Model, and action
plans to move employees through individual change. plans to move employees through individual change.
• Also include a system of ongoing touchpoints • Also include a system of ongoing touchpoints
with the CM team as part of this plan. with the CM team as part of this plan.

Compliance • Monitored and enforced by primary sponsor, • Monitored and enforced by primary sponsor,
by Coaches manager and CM team. manager and CM team.

Feedback • Regular cadence of proactive feedback. • Strict cadence of formal and proactive feedback.
with Coaches


© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Customization Guidelines: Coaching Plan (continued)
Category Low Risk Medium Risk: Radical Change

Approach • Informally complete the Manager Competency • Formally complete the Manager Competency
Assessment (ideally with each manager). Assessment (ideally with each manager).
• Provide training and individual coaching • Provide training and individual coaching
appropriate for each individual based on appropriate for each individual based on
strengths and weaknesses. strengths and weaknesses.
• Recommend focusing on CLARC roles aligned • Face-to-face workshop with managers is
with change management maturity within the recommended. Remind managers of key
organization. Virtual training can be an additive messages as implementation approaches.
resource if budget allows. • Include an ongoing support structure with
coaching partners and access to CM support.

Individual • Focus on understanding the CLARC roles • Focus on resistance management, application of
Coaching (Communicator, Liaison, Advocate, Resistance ADKAR and CLARC roles (Communicator, Liaison,
Manager and Coach) and competency in these Advocate, Resistance Manager and Coach).
five roles. • Individual coaching ideally takes place with a
• Individual coaching ideally takes place with a CM team member in-person. If face-to-face is
CM team member in-person. If face-to-face is not an option, consider video conferencing.
not an option, consider video conferencing.

Group • Recommended for managers focusing on the • Recommend face-to-face coaching workshop
Coaching CLARC roles (Communicator, Liaison, Advocate, (virtual workshop at a minimum) for all managers
Resistance Manager and Coach) and competency (people who lead people). The workshop should
in these five roles. Group coaching ideally takes focus on two main elements:
place face-to-face. If face-to-face is not an option, 1 – How to lead themselves as managers through
consider eLearning or virtual delivery. the change.
2 – How to lead their employees through
the change.
• The outcomes of this workshop would include:
a foundational understanding of change
management and the critical role managers play,
how to apply the Prosci ADKAR Model, and action
plans to move employees through individual change.
• Also include a system of ongoing touchpoints
with the CM team as part of this plan.

Compliance • Active follow-up by direct manager and support • Monitored with active follow-up supported by
by Coaches from CM team. and primary sponsor, manager and CM team.

Feedback • Regular cadence of informal feedback. • Strict cadence of reactive feedback as necessary.
with Coaches


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Coaching Plan

Design One Element of Your Coaching Plan

A one-day program for managers to be delivered by you as a change
management practitioner

Objective of Program
Help managers process change and lead their employees through change

Present Your Complete Program to the Class Including:


Pre-work activities Program design Follow-up activities to manage

before the program and objectives the change after the program

In your designated group, complete the assignment listed above to design a coaching
program for a selected change. Ensure you fully apply the elements necessary to:

1 – Help prepare managers to lead themselves through the selected change

2 – Provide managers with skills that will enable them to lead their employees
through change

Note key learnings from this activity and debrief that you will need to incorporate into
your own change management plan when you return to work.

Reference Slide: 240 111

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Resistance Management Plan

A comprehensive approach to managing resistance

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Resistance Management Learning

• Understand the reasons for resistance

• Understand how to identify resistance
• Understand avenues for managing resistance
• Understand how to scale a resistance plan according to the risk analysis
of a given project

What could resistance look like for impacted groups for your project?


What change concepts apply to resistance management?


Resistance is a natural human reaction to change. You should expect
resistance and not be surprised by it. It is important not to underestimate
the power of “comfort” with how things are done today.

Reference Slides: 242–244 113

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Impact of Planning to Address Resistance
on Meeting Objectives
Yes No

Greatly exceeded objectives

Exceeded objectives

Met objectives

Partially met objectives

Failed to meet objectives

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Percent of Respondents


114 Reference Slide: 245

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Three Avenues for Resistance Management

1 – Resistance Prevention
Remember: Apply change
The application of a structured process management at the onset of
and set of tools for leading the people side every project or change,
of change to achieve a desired outcome. and do it effectively!

What do we call this?

2 – Proactive Resistance Management

Remember: There is no
The anticipation and early identification of reason to wait for resistance.
likely resistance so that it can be planned Anticipate and plan
for, addressed or eliminated upfront.

What are your areas of anticipated resistance?

3 – Reactive Resistance Management

Remember: Resistance is a
A set of tactics that can be used when natural reaction to change!
resistance becomes enduring or persistent.

How do we react when resistance does begin

to occur?

Reference Slides: 246–249 115

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
What Causes Resistance?
Top Reasons for Employee Resistance Top Reasons for Manager Resistance
1 – Lack of awareness of why a change 1 – Organizational culture
is needed
2 – Lack of awareness and knowledge
2 – Change-specific resistance about the change

3 – Change saturation 3 – Lack of buy-in

4 – Fear 4 – Misalignment of project goals and

personal incentives
5 – Lack of support from management
or leadership 5 – Lack of confidence in their own ability
to manage the people side of change

Hope-to-fear Spectrum
The enablers or elements that may create a desire to change include:
Discontent with Enhanced Career Ownership for Trust and respect
current state job security advancement the future state for leadership

Fear of Imminent negative Affiliation and a Acquisition of Incentive or Hope in

job loss consequences sense of belonging power or position compensation future state

Resistance Does Not Occur In a Vacuum

Personal context Organizational context
• An employee’s personal and • History with change
family situation • Successes, failures
• An employee’s professional career history • Flavor of the month
and plans • An organization’s values and culture
• The degree that this change will affect • Change saturation and change capacity
them personally

Managers cannot dictate or control an employee’s desire to change. Employees choose.
However, that does not mean that managers are powerless to manage change.

116 Reference Slides: 250–253

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Targets for Managing Resistance



How Much Time Should We Spend on Each Group?

Early Adopters The Majority Anchors and Sails

0% – 25% 0% – 25% 0% – 25%

26% – 50% 26% – 50% 26% – 50%

51% – 75% 51% – 75% 51% – 75%

76% – 100% 76% – 100% 76% – 100%


Reference Slide: 254 117

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Top 10 Tactics for Managing Resistance

1 Listen and understand objections

• A critical step any manager should take when creating desire to change is to listen.
• In many cases, employees simply want to be heard and to voice their objections.
• Understanding these objections can often provide a clear path toward resolution.
• Listening can also help managers identify misunderstandings about the change.

2 Focus on the 'what' and let go of the 'how'

• For some types of changes, it is effective for managers to let go of the ‘how’ and
simply communicate ‘what’ needs to change (focus on outcomes).
• This process transfers ownership of the solution to employees.
• Employee involvement and ownership naturally builds desire to support the change.

3 Remove barriers
• Barriers may relate to family, personal issues, physical limitations or money.
• Fully understand the individual situation with this employee. What may appear
to be resistance or objections to the change may be disguised barriers that the
employee cannot see past.
• Clearly identify the barriers.
• Determine ways that the business may be able to address these barriers.

4 Provide simple, clear choices and consequences

• Building desire is ultimately about choice.
• Managers can facilitate this process by being clear about the choices employees
have during change.
• Communicate in simple and clear terms what the choices and consequences are
for each employee.
• By providing simple and clear choices along with the consequences of those
choices, you can put the ownership and control back into the hands of employees.

5 Create hope
• Many people will respond to the opportunity for a better future.
• Managers can create desire to change by sharing their passion for change and
by creating excitement and enthusiasm.
• People will follow a leader who can create hope and whom they respect and trust.
118 Reference Slides: 257–261

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Top 10 Tactics for Managing Resistance (continued)

6 Show the benefits in a real and tangible way

For some employees seeing is believing. Demonstrate the benefits of change in
a real and tangible way:
• Share case studies.
• Invite guests to provide personal testimonials.
• Visibly demonstrate the success of pilot programs or trials.

7 Make a personal appeal

A personal appeal works best with honest, open relationships where there is a
high degree of trust and respect. A personal appeal may sound like:
“I believe in this change.” “It is important to me.”
“I would like your support.” “You would be helping me by making this
change work.”

8 Convert the strongest dissenters

• Managers can use special interventions to convert strong and vocal dissenters.
• The strongest dissenters can become your strongest advocates.
• Dissenters are often equally vocal in their support as they are in their resistance.

9 Demonstrate consequences
• Often removing a key individual who is demonstrating resistance to change sends
a powerful signal to the organization as a whole.
• This message is:
– The organization is serious about this change.
– Resistance will not be tolerated.
– The consequences for not moving ahead with the organization are
real and severe.
• Use with caution and with the involvement of HR and legal.

10 Provide incentives
• Use with mid-level or senior managers who are critical to the success of the change:
– Increase their compensation or create a bonus program so they
are directly rewarded for the successful completion of the change.
• Offer a promotion to a position they desire.

Reference Slides: 262–266 119

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Resistance Scenarios
When Change Management Has Been Effectively Implemented, but There
Is Still a Barrier Point at Desire…what Then?
Complete the following activity to learn about the 10 tactics for managing resistance.

Working with your partner, review the situations provided below. Discuss the situation,
highlight key information provided, and select and then sequence the tactics you would
recommend to break down the resistance in each scenario. Be prepared to share your
plan with the class.

Scenario 1: Salesforce Implementation Across Global Organization

Price Chenault, Vice President Sales EMEA, has worked in the division for over 20 years.
Initially as an accountant, he asked the company to give him a chance as a district sales
manager. Price combines the structure one would expect from a “numbers man” with a
very outgoing personality and infectious enthusiasm; as a result, his voice carries
a lot of weight within the division as one of the top performers.

Price doesn’t know much about Salesforce, but in the past has been reluctant to embrace
new technology, systems and approaches in his region. He likes to say that “salespeople
should have as much freedom and as few constraints as possible.” When approached about
the Salesforce implementation, Price openly expresses his negative attitude, refusing to
provide resources from his area for the initial pilot of the system. Price also encourages
his counterparts in other divisions to do the same.

Which tactics would you recommend for this scenario?

Scenario 2: Move from Individual Offices to a More Collaborative

and Innovative Workplace (Major Changes — Workplace Location,
Work Patterns, Workplace Choices)
The five general managers at Zen Media are very unhappy about the idea of giving up
their corner offices and moving to an open space, multi-purpose work environment.
They perceive this change as a step backward in terms of their individual status and are

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Resistance Scenarios (continued)
extremely uncomfortable in regards to loss of privacy. The reality of moving from assigned
to unassigned seating has led to flat out refusals to engage, unwillingness to participate
in planning and design forums, and strong evidence of negative communication to their
key employees promoting collective resistance.

Which tactics would you recommend for this scenario?

Scenario 3: Student Ambassador Program at Community College

Karen Berger took over the Central Montana Community College Student Ambassador
Program two months ago. The overall purpose of the program is to provide scholarships to
students who in return would engage in community service representing the college as
ambassadors within the local community. Prior to Karen’s involvement, the program had
deteriorated under ineffective leadership to the point that scholarships were provided
with little or no accountability that those receiving the scholarships and the title of Student
Ambassador would fulfill their role and the required hours of community engagement.

Karen has a new vision for the program. With support from the Board of Trustees, Karen
is intent on revitalizing the program, creating a successful bridge to the local community
focusing on helping parents with cancer. Karen’s success with a similar program at
another college created a strong bond with families in the community, garnered heavy
attention from the press, and contributed to a renewed respect for the college.

Unfortunately, Karen is facing resistance from Matt Judge, VP of Community Relations,

who managed the program in the past. Matt seems to listen with interest as Karen explains
the new vision for the program. However, when Karen asks Matt to take specific actions
to support the new program, Matt seems too busy to engage, becomes very hard to get
in touch with, and drags his feet when asked to publicly announce his support for the new
program vision.

Which tactics would you recommend for this scenario?

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What Are the Desired Outcomes
of Effective Resistance Management?
• Provides the project team, sponsors and coaches with a proactive plan and a set of
tools for managing resistance
• Uses all three avenues for resistance management:
• Resistance prevention (effective application of change management)
• Proactive resistance management (planning for anticipated resistance)
• Reactive resistance management (using the 10 tactics)

The Prosci ADKAR Model

Communications Plan Awareness

Sponsor Roadmap Desire

Coaching Plan Knowledge

Resistance Management Plan Ability


Prosci Practitioner
eToolkit Resources
Organizational Attributes

• Resistance management Risk Grid
Your Risk Grid
Customization Guidelines
Customization Guidelines
are available for • Resistance management process
download from your
Practitioner eToolkit • Resistance Assessment Worksheet

• Ten tactics for managing resistance

• Resistance Management Plan Template
• Finesta sample Resistance
Small Large
Management Plan
Change Characteristics

122 Reference Slides: 267–268

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Customization Guidelines: Resistance Management
The location in the Risk Grid impacts how to customize your plans.

Category Medium Risk: Change Resistance High Risk

Speed in • Requires investigation and swift action to prevent • Requires investigation and swift action to prevent
Dealing with potential development of collective resistance. potential development of collective resistance.

Planning • Proactive and anticipated resistance management • Proactive and anticipated resistance management
tactics will be key elements to include in your plan. tactics will be key elements to include in your plan.
• Apply ADKAR to identify barrier point, identify root • Apply ADKAR to identify barrier point, identify root
cause, implement proactive and reactive cause, implement proactive and reactive
resistance management, engage primary sponsor resistance management, engage primary sponsor
and/or sponsor coalition members as needed. and/or sponsor coalition members as needed.
• Offer opportunities for employee engagement • Offer opportunities for employee engagement
early in the project and throughout. Early focus on early in the project and throughout. Early focus on
reinforcement to increase likelihood of sustaining Reinforcement to increase likelihood of sustaining
the change. the change.

Primary • Primary sponsor, sponsor coalition members, • Primary sponsor, sponsor coalition members,
Roles direct manager with coaching from change direct manager with readily available coaching
management practitioner. from change management practitioner.

Severity of • Simple and clear consequences communicated • Carefully considered involving primary sponsor,
Consequences early and demonstrated as appropriate with direct manager and HR as appropriate.
involvement of direct manager and HR. Implemented decisively.

Category Low Risk Medium Risk: Change Resistance

Speed in • Requires investigation and timely action. • Requires investigation and timely action.
Dealing with

Planning • Apply ADKAR to identify barrier point, identify root • Apply ADKAR to identify barrier point, identify root
cause, implement resistance management tactics cause, implement resistance management tactics
as appropriate. as appropriate.
• Offer employee engagement opportunities • Offer employee engagement opportunities
throughout the project. throughout the project. Early focus on
reinforcement to increase likelihood of sustaining
the change.

Primary • Direct manager, coaching available from change • Direct manager or supervisor with coaching from
Roles management practitioner as needed. change management practitioner. Engage
primary sponsor and/or sponsor coalition
members as needed.

Severity of • Simple and clear consequences • Simple and clear consequences communicated
Consequences communicated early. early and demonstrated as appropriate with
involvement of direct manager and HR.

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Training Plan
Critical for building knowledge and ability during change

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Training Plan Learning

• Understand how to create a training plan that addresses change

management outcomes
• Understand how to scale a training plan according to the risk summary
of a given project

1 Identify the Different Audiences That Require Training

• Impacted Employees • Other Stakeholders

• Managers and Supervisors • Customers
• Executives • Suppliers

2 Conduct a Needs Assessment and Gap Analysis

• Skills needed during the change • Select method for gathering data
• Skills needed after the change • Use training needs assessment

3 Document Requirements for the Training Organization

• Involve the training organization or • The change management team

your contractor in the process should be involved in the
requirements definition

Think back on your change concepts, how can you see them resurfacing here?

Reference Slides: 270–274 125

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What Are the Desired Outcomes
of Effective Training?
• Develops knowledge by providing employees with education and training opportunities
• Fosters ability by creating useful ways to practice new skills and behaviors

The Prosci ADKAR Model

Communications Plan Awareness

Sponsor Roadmap Desire

Coaching Plan Knowledge

Resistance Management Plan Ability

Training Plan Reinforcement

Organizational Attributes

Prosci Practitioner
Your Risk Grid
eToolkit Resources
Customization Guidelines
are available for • Training Risk Grid Customization Guidelines
download from your
Practitioner eToolkit • Training Requirements Template

• Training Plan Template

• Finesta sample Training Plan

Small Large

Change Characteristics

126 Reference Slides: 275–276

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Customization Guidelines: Training Plan
The location in the Risk Grid impacts how to customize your plans.

Category Medium Risk: Change Resistance High Risk

Focus and Depth

Sponsor/ • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability. • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability.
Sponsor Coalition • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire. • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire.

Managers and • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability. • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability.
Supervisors • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire. • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire.

Project Team • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability. • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability.
• Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire. • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire.

CM Team • Application level. • Application level.



Sponsor/ • Value of change management, effective sponsorship • Value of change management, effective sponsorship
Sponsor Coalition (roles and responsibilities), applying ADKAR, (roles and responsibilities), applying ADKAR,
managing resistance. managing resistance, effective coaching.

Managers and • Value of change management, applying ADKAR, • Value of change management, applying ADKAR,
Supervisors managing resistance, effective coaching, managing resistance, effective coaching,
roles and responsibilities. roles and responsibilities.

Project Team • Value of change management, applying ADKAR, • Value of change management, applying ADKAR,
integrating project management and integrating project management and
change management. change management.

CM Team • Prosci methodology: Driving change at both the • Prosci methodology: Driving change at both the
Member organizational and individual levels and tools that organizational and individual levels and tools that
support success. support success.


Sponsor/ • 1-day Sponsor Briefing: Face-to-face is highly • Sponsor Briefing: Face-to-face is highly
Sponsor Coalition recommended. Virtual/eLearning modules can be recommended. Also, highly recommend an
used as a backup option. enterprise change management and/or
change portfolio awareness training.

Managers and • 1/2-day to full-day training session (face-to-face). • Series of 1/2-day to full-day training sessions
Supervisors If face-to-face is not an option, consider eLearning. throughout the project. Face-to-face for the initial
Recommend continued touchpoints throughout training is highly recommended. If face-to-face is
the life of the change. not an option for subsequent training, consider
eLearning. Recommend continued touchpoints
throughout the life of the change.

Project Team • Face-to-face workshop (1/2-day to full-day). • Workshop focused on what CM is and how they
Face-to-face is recommended, but if not possible integrate with CM team and sponsors. Ideally
consider eLearning or webinar. face-to-face delivery.

CM Team • Prosci 3-day Change Management • Prosci 3-day Change Management

Member Certification Program. Certification Program.

© Prosci Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Customization Guidelines: Training Plan (continued)
Category Low Risk Medium Risk: Change Resistance

Focus and Depth

Sponsor/ • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability. • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability.
Sponsor Coalition • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire. • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire.

Managers and • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability. • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability.
Supervisors • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire. • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire.

Project Team • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability. • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability.
• Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire. • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire.

CM Team • Primary focus: Knowledge and Ability. • Application level.

Member • Secondary focus: Awareness and Desire.


Sponsor/ • Value of change management, effective sponsorship • Value of change management, effective sponsorship
Sponsor Coalition (roles and responsibilities), applying ADKAR. (roles and responsibilities), applying ADKAR,
managing resistance.

Managers and • Applying ADKAR, managing resistance, • Value of change management, applying ADKAR,
Supervisors effective coaching. managing resistance, effective coaching.

Project Team • Value of change management, applying ADKAR, • Value of change management, applying ADKAR,
integrating project management and integrating project management and
change management. change management.

CM Team • Prosci methodology: Driving change at both the • Prosci methodology: Driving change at both the
Member organizational and individual levels and tools that organizational and individual levels and tools that
support success. support success.


Sponsor/ • Group or individual sponsor awareness training • Sponsor Briefing: Face-to-face is highly recommended.
Sponsor Coalition discussions. If face-to-face (recommended) is not Touchpoints throughout the project to ensure they
possible, consider eLearning or webinar. remain active and visible and have the education
and tools to do that effectively.

Managers and • Role-based training with continued touchpoints • Role-based training recommended. If face-to-face
Supervisors throughout the life of the change. If face-to-face (recommended) is not possible, consider eLearning
(recommended) is not possible, consider eLearning or webinar. Recommend continued touchpoints
or webinar. throughout the life of the change.

Project Team • Awareness briefing on change management. • Face-to-face workshop (1/2-day to full-day).
If face-to-face (recommended) is not possible, If face-to-face (recommended) is not possible,
consider eLearning or webinar. consider eLearning or webinar.

CM Team • Basic/fundamental training on change management. • Prosci 3-day Change Management

Member If face-to-face (recommended) is not possible, Certification Program.
consider eLearning or webinar.

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Master Change Management Plan
• Serves as the guiding document for the change management team
• Presents an integrated strategy and plan for managing the change

Step 1: Integrate Your Change Management Activities and Schedule

Assess current environment Adjust change Integrate change

in organization management plans to management plans with
include “damage control” remaining activities of
the project team
Step 2: Implement the Plans

Be flexible, adapt as necessary

When implementing your change management plans, it is important to be flexible and
adapt as necessary. What flexibility will you need to have when implementing your plans?

Involve the employees

It is critical to involve the employees in your plans. How can you engage employees?

Step 3: Track the Progress and Follow Up

Conduct frequent Continue to develop Use project

and regular meetings sponsor capabilities of all management tools
with sponsors critical sponsors for complex projects

130 Reference Slides: 277–283

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The Big Picture
Change Management
Plans and Deliverables Individual Outcomes

Communications Plan Awareness

Sponsor Roadmap Desire

Coaching Plan Knowledge

Resistance Management Plan Ability

Training Plan Reinforcement


Reference Slides: 284 & 288 131

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Integration of Project and Change Management
Activities – Level 1 and Level 2 Project Activities
Example Only This is a change management activity within the project management plan

Startup phase

1.1 Define project objectives and scope with project sponsor

1.2 Determine high-level timeline and key milestones

1.3 Assess the size and nature of the change – CM

1.4 Assess the organization affected by the change and conduct employee readiness
assessments – CM

1.5 Develop a change management strategy – CM

1.6 Prepare initial project budget

1.7 Select project team

1.8 Acquire change management resources – CM

1.9 Assess team competencies in change management – CM

1.10 Select outside consultants if required

1.11 Conduct team building and train project team

1.12 Train the change management team – CM

1.13 Identify senior stakeholders and members of project steering committee

1.14 Identify necessary project sponsors – CM

1.15 Assess sponsor positions and competencies – CM

1.16 Develop the sponsor model and prepare sponsors to manage the change – CM

1.17 Define communication protocols within project team

Planning phase

1.18 Prepare draft of project plan

1.19 Develop Communications Plan – CM

1.20 Develop Sponsor Roadmap – CM

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Integration of Project and Change Management
Activities – Level 1 and Level 2 Project Activities (continued)
1.21 Develop Coaching Plan – CM

1.22 Develop Resistance Management Plan – CM

1.23 Review project plan and change management plans with primary sponsor

1.24 Finalize project plan

1.25 Implement Communications Plan – CM

1.26 Implement Sponsor Roadmap – CM

1.27 Schedule first steering committee meeting

1.28 Prepare executive-level presentation of project plan to steering committee

1.29 Review presentation with primary project sponsor

1.30 Present project plan to steering committee for approval

Research and data-gathering phase

1.31 Implement Communications Plan for this phase – CM

1.32 Implement Sponsor Roadmap for this phase – CM

1.33 Define research and data-gathering requirements

1.34 Assign research responsibilities to project team

1.35 Conduct current state “AS-IS” process analysis (high level only)

1.36 Conduct employee focus groups and manager interviews

1.37 Conduct customer focus groups and surveys

1.38 Benchmark competitors and similar non-competitors

1.39 Prepare research and data-gathering reports

1.40 Prepare executive-level presentation for steering committee

1.41 Review presentation with primary project sponsor

1.42 Present research and data-gathering reports to steering committee

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Integration of Project and Change Management
Activities – Level 1 and Level 2 Project Activities (continued)
Solution design phase

1.43 Implement Communications Plan for this phase – CM

1.44 Implement Sponsor Roadmap for this phase – CM

1.45 Conduct a detailed review of all research findings with project team

1.46 Define the guiding principles and concepts for the future state

1.47 Develop the future state “TO-BE” business processes and workflows
(Level 1 and Level 2)

1.48 Create a functional needs document for systems and technology

1.49 Create technology requirements document for IT or for use in RFPs

(request for proposals)

1.50 Define required organization changes

1.51 Define new job roles and responsibilities

1.52 Prepare a draft of the solution design document

1.53 Review the solution design with the primary project sponsor

1.54 Finalize solution design document

1.55 Prepare an executive-level presentation for the steering committee

1.56 Present the solution to the steering committee

Business case and gap analysis phase

1.57 Implement Communications Plan for this phase – CM

1.58 Implement Sponsor Roadmap for this phase – CM

1.59 Conduct a gap analysis between the “as-is” processes and “to-be” processes

1.60 Determine estimated cost savings and revenue growth from new solution

1.61 Acquire bids and develop estimates for systems and technology

1.62 Estimate all implementation costs for project deployment

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Integration of Project and Change Management
Activities – Level 1 and Level 2 Project Activities (continued)
1.63 Prepare a business case for the new design

1.64 Compare business case results with initial project objectives to ensure alignment

1.65 Review the financial calculations with accounting or finance group

1.66 Review the business case results and financial assumptions with the primary
project sponsor

1.67 Send the business case document to all steering committee members for review

1.68 Prepare an executive-level presentation of the business case

1.69 Present the final business case to the steering committee for funding approval

Solution development phase

1.70 Complete all process designs and workflows (Level 1 – Level 3)

1.71 Implement Coaching Plans – CM

1.72 Develop or purchase required systems and technology

1.73 Conduct trials of each solution component

1.74 Collect feedback from trial users and integrate into the design

1.75 Create detailed job descriptions

1.76 Review job descriptions with HR and legal departments

1.77 Develop a transition plan for the new solution

1.78 Define training requirements including change management – CM

1.79 Develop training curriculum and courseware

1.80 Develop job aids for employees

1.81 Define facility requirements and changes

1.82 Develop facilities transition plan

1.83 Prepare executive-level presentation of transition plan

1.84 Present transition plan to steering committee for approval

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Integration of Project and Change Management
Activities – Level 1 and Level 2 Project Activities (continued)
Solution implementation phase

1.85 Develop an issue-tracking and control process

1.86 Train employees on new processes, systems and tools

1.87 Begin phased implementation of solution

1.88 Collect employee and manager feedback on the solution

1.89 Gather employee feedback on the change process – CM

1.90 Audit compliance with new processes, systems and roles – CM

1.91 Analyze change management effectiveness – CM

1.92 Identify root causes and pockets of resistance – CM

1.93 Develop corrective action plans – CM

1.94 Enable sponsors and coaches to manage resistance – CM

1.95 Implement corrective action – CM

1.96 Modify the solution design and transition plans based on feedback

1.97 Track and resolve issues during implementation

1.98 Prepare implementation progress report for steering committee

1.99 Measure process and system performance

1.100 Celebrate early successes – CM

1.101 Measure business outcomes and compare with project objectives

1.102 Make adjustments to the implementation to achieve desired business results

1.103 Prepare executive-level presentation of process, system and business results

1.104 Present final business results to steering committee

1.105 Conduct after-action reviews – CM

1.106 Begin phased process of dissolving the project team

1.107 Turn over control of new process and systems to line managers

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The Big Picture
How Do the Pieces Fit Together?
Change Management
Analysis and Preparation Plans and Deliverables

Communications Plan
Define Your CM Strategy

Sponsor Roadmap

Prepare Your CM Team

Coaching Plan

Develop Your Sponsorship Model Resistance Management Plan

Training Plan

Why do we do this? Why do we do this?

Customize and scale: Be sure to use what you learned in analysis and
preparation to customize your tactical plans. 

138 Reference Slides: 285–291

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The Big Picture (continued)
Individual Outcomes
Refer to “Resources” to complete
this section of your big picture.

Individual Outcomes Business Results/Desired Outcomes



meet objectives
Projects finish on time
and on budget

Return on investment
Ability (ROI) realized

Project Change
Management Management


Why do we do this? When the large amount of your employees

achieve , that
is when you will begin to accrue results on
your project. 

Reference Slides: 285–291 139

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Reinforcing Change Learning

• Understand the three components of


Phase 3: Reinforcing Change
• Understand research that supports the need
to reinforce change

Why? To Ensure That the Change Is Fully

Adopted and Sustained

Phase 3 — Reinforcing Change

Collect and Analyze Feedback

Diagnose Gaps and Manage Resistance

Implement Corrective Actions and Celebrate Successes

Main Activities
• Proactively collect feedback and listen to employees
• Audit compliance with the “new way of doing things”
• Identify gaps and areas of resistance
• Implement corrective action
• Celebrate successes
• Move to “new” business as usual

Collect and Analyze Feedback

Listening to
Auditing change
employees and
compliance management
gathering feedback

140 Reference Slides: 292–295, 297

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Reinforcing Change Activity

First, Review the Content in This Section Associated with Your Group.
Then, as a group decide how to present the steps and activities of the following sections:


Collect and Diagnose gaps and Implement corrective action

analyze feedback manage resistance and celebrate successes


Reference Slide: 296 141

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Collect and Analyze Feedback
Listening to Employees and Gathering Feedback
1 • Using surveys, assessments and
feedback systems
• Monitoring engagement through
feedback channels and networks
• Observing and interacting informally • Soliciting feedback by creating
with change recipients deliberate opportunities

Auditing Compliance with New Processes, Systems and Roles

2 • Observation • System usage
• Performance reports • Measurement of adoption and usage

Think about your project — brainstorm two or three metrics for each of the five criteria.

Adoption Metrics

Qualitative/Feedback Metrics

Employee Performance

Overall Project Performance

Readiness Assessments

Analyzing Change Management Effectiveness

3 • Collect the employee feedback
and compliance information
• Organize findings so they can be
quickly and easily understood
• Analyze the data; look for patterns • Evaluate the overall effectiveness
and themes of the change management program
and identify any weaknesses
• Prepare summaries of key findings

Prosci Practitioner eToolkit References

• Employee Feedback Workbook • Feedback and Compliance
Presentation Template

142 Reference Slides: 298–302, 306 & 308

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Prosci Change Scorecard
Organizational Performance
• Define Success • Progress to Plan • Value Realization

(Tech Side)
• PCT (Over time)

Individual Performance
• Define Impact • ADKAR Progress • Adoption Utilization

(ADKAR Dashboard) Proficiency

Change Management Performance

• Define CM Approach • Progress to Plan • CM Application

(People Side) Effectiveness

• Best Practice Audit

The scorecard helps you answer these questions:

Organizational Performance: Did the initiative deliver what was expected?

Individual Performance: How effectively did impacted individuals adopt and use
the change?

Change Management Performance: How well did we “do” change management?

Reference Slides: 303–305 143

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Diagnose Gaps and Manage Resistance
Identifying Root Causes and Pockets of Resistance
• Avoid addressing the symptoms. • Continue asking “Why is this
happening?” until you have found
the root cause of the problem.

Developing Corrective Action Plans

2 (Based on the Prosci ADKAR Model)

Awareness Desire Knowledge Ability Reinforcement

Enabling Sponsors and Coaches to Manage Resistance


• Provide sponsors, managers • Managers and supervisors are

and supervisors with the usually in the best position to
information and tools to resolve a point of resistance.
implement corrective action.

Prosci Practitioner eToolkit References

• Corrective Action Plan Template


144 Reference Slides: 308–312

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Implement Corrective Actions and
Celebrate Successes
Implementing Corrective Action
1 • Performed by managers
or supervisors
• Documentation is essential
• Involve HR in serious cases

Celebrating Early Successes and Reinforcing the Change

2 • Identify early successes
even if small
• Involve managers and supervisors
in chain of command
• Make it public

Most Effective Ways to Reinforce Change

At the Group Level At the Individual Level

• Communicate status updates and • Communicate success
success stories • Telling someone enthusiastically
• Publicly recognize wins at the that they did a good job goes
group level a long way
• Provide workshops, training and • Provide and collect feedback
group activities • Recognize and reward adoption
• Use key performance indicators to • Provide on-the-job
track progress support mechanisms
• Have the sponsor share the big
picture vision and strategy

146 Reference Slides: 313–316

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Implement Corrective Actions and
Celebrate Successes
Best Provider of Reinforcement and Recognition
Individual Group

Direct Supervisor 74%

Mid-Level Manager 30%

Primary Sponsor

Project Team

Change Management
Human Resources


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Conducting “After-Action Reviews” and Transferring Ownership

3 Include sponsors, managers and Discussions with the primary sponsor
supervisors, employees, customers and the steering committee should
and other stakeholders: be held to:

• What worked? • Inform them of plans to

• What did not? transfer ownership

• Lessons learned? • Determine what outstanding

issues or needs must be addressed
prior to dissolving the team
• Work out an acceptable timetable
for the transition to occur


Reference Slides: 317–319 147

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Identifying When Sustainment Activities
Were No Longer Needed











148 Reference Slide: 320

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Prosci Change Management Maturity Model™

Change management competency


Continuous Highest profitability,

is evident at all levels of the
Organizational process responsiveness
organization and is part of the
Competency improvement and project
organization’s intellectual
in place success rates
property and competitive edge

Organization-wide standards and Selection

methods are broadly deployed of common
for managing and leading change approach

Comprehensive approach for Examples of

Multiple managing change is being best practices
Projects applied on multiple projects evident
within organizations

Some elements of change Many different

management are being tactics used
applied in isolated projects inconsistently

Highest rate of
Ad Hoc Little or no change management project failure,
without any formal
or Absent applied turnover and
practices or plans
productivity loss

What level of maturity would you place your organization?

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Reference Slide: 322 149

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Next Steps

1 Register for the next webinar and invite others

in your organization to attend Date completed

2 Sign in to the Prosci Portal

Date completed

3 Review and refine the change management plans

you created in the program; add coaching, training Date completed

and resistance management sections

4 Consider change management team readiness

and Virtual Coaching for Change Practitioners Date completed

5 Schedule time with your sponsor to discuss

your change management strategy and request Date completed

needed resources

6 Present your change management plan to the

project team; implement your plans Date completed

7 Identify the key players (sponsors, managers

and project team members) who need training Date completed

in change management

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Review: Day 3 — Key Takeaway
Coaching Plan:
Document below five ideas discussed during the Coaching Plan Activity facilitated during
class that you may use as part of your Coaching Plan to connect with managers and
supervisors of our impacted groups before, during and after a coaching workshop.

Before the Session During the Session After the Session

1. 1. 1.

2. 2. 2.

3. 3. 3.

4. 4. 4.

5. 5. 5.

Resistance Management Plan:

Three avenues for resistance management:

Document 4 of the 10 Tactics for Managing Resistance:

1. 3.

2. 4.

Notes on when and how you might utilize these tactics:

Training Plan:
The 3-step process recommended when building a change management Training Plan:

Step 1: Identify

Step 2: Conduct

Step 3: Document

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Review: Day 3 — Key Takeaway (continued)
Integrating Five Change Management Plans with Project Plan:
Take Action and Implement Plans: Document the three recommended steps when
integrating the five change management plans with the project plan.


Step 1: Implement



Step 2: Remember



Step 3: Develop


Reinforcing Change
Document three formal and informal ways to collect feedback as you work
to reinforce change:
Formal Informal
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

List three of the most effective ways to reinforce change at the group Day 3 done,
level and the individual level. Nice work!

Group Individual
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

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You Are Now a

Change Practitioner

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'Prosci Quick Clips' are microlearning videos available in the
Prosci Practitioner eToolkit. They are available in context
as you explore and apply the Prosci 3-Phase Process. 

Each quick clip provides a single topic learning opportunity

and reflection in two minutes or less and is designed
to reinforce your classroom training.

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The Big Picture
How Do the Pieces Fit Together?

Analysis and Change Management Individual Business Results/

Preparation Plans and Deliverables Outcomes Desired Outcomes


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Prosci Change Management Content
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Prosci Change Management Content Certificate
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Prosci ADKAR Roadmap
Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, Reinforcement
ADKAR Who — the most How — the most Factors influencing success
Elements influential players influential channels

Awareness The primary sponsor, • Communications The employee’s perception

of why the sponsor coalition, • Sponsorship of the current state, how each
change is and employee’s • Coaching employee perceives problems,
needed immediate supervisor the credibility of the sender,
rumors and misinformation
present in the background
conversation, and the
contestability of the reasons
for change

Desire The primary sponsor, • Communications The nature of the change and
to support and sponsor coalition, • Coaching WIIFM (from the perspective of
participate in and employee’s • Resistance an employee), the organization
the change immediate supervisor Management context and history, an
individual’s personal situation,
and the intrinsic motivators
unique to each person

Knowledge The project team, • Training An employee’s current

on how training team, and HR • Coaching knowledge level, the capability
to change of the employee to learn, and
the resources available to
deliver training and education

Ability The employee’s • Training Mental and psychological

to implement immediate supervisor, • Coaching blocks, physical limitations,
the change project team, HR, intellectual capability, and the
and training team total time available to develop
new abilities

Reinforcement The primary sponsor • Sponsorship How relevant and meaningful

to sustain and employee’s im- • Coaching the recognition or reward is
the change mediate supervisor • Communications to the employee, the connection
of the reward or recognition to
a demonstrated achievement,
presence of a performance
measurement and accountability
system, and the absence of
negative reinforcements

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Prosci Business Change Assessment
ADKAR® Worksheet

Using the Prosci® ADKAR® Model to analyze a change at your workplace will give
you insight as to where you are in the change process and what steps you can take
to survive change and advance professionally in a changing business environment.
Complete the worksheet to the best of your ability, rating each element on a scale
of 1 (i.e., no awareness) to 5 (i.e., complete awareness).

Briefly describe the change that is being implemented at your workplace. Summarize the key
elements of the change:

Describe your awareness of the need to change. What are the business,

customer or competitor issues that have created a need to change?

Review these reasons

and ask yourself the
degree to which you are
aware of and understand
all the business reasons
for this change. Rank
on a 1-to-5 scale.

List the motivating factors or consequences (good and bad) related to

this change that impact your desire to change, including compelling DESIRE RANK

reasons to support the change and specific objections to the change.

Consider these motivating

factors and potential
objections. Assess your
desire to change. Rank
on a 1-to-5 scale.

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Prosci Business Change Assessment (continued)
List the skills and knowledge you need to support this change, both

during and after the transition:

Do you have a clear

understanding of the
required skills and
knowledge? Have you
received training or
education in these areas?
Rank on a 1-to-5 scale.

Considering the skills and knowledge from above, assess your overall

ability to implement this change. What challenges do you foresee?

To what extent do you have

the ability to implement the
new skills, knowledge and
What are the barriers inhibiting the organization’s ability to realize behaviors associated with
this change? this change? Rank on
a 1-to-5 scale.

List the reinforcements in your organization that will help to retain the

change. Are incentives in place to help make the change stick? Are there
incentives not to change?

To what degree are you

receiving reinforcement
for demonstrating
the change? Rank on
a 1-to-5 scale.


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ADKAR Assessment
Transfer your scores from each ADKAR stage to the table below. Take a moment to review
your scores. Highlight those areas that scored three or less and identify which is the first
area with a score of 3 or less. This first area will be your primary focus. Create a bar graph
below showing your ADKAR change profile.

Brief description of the change:

Score from

1. AWARENESS of the need to change:

Notes 0
2. DESIRE to make the change happen:

Notes 0
3. KNOWLEDGE about how to change:

Notes 0
4. ABILITY to change:

Notes 0
5. REINFORCEMENT to maintain change:

Notes 0

To create an ADKAR profile bar graph,

mark your score for each element
and shade the area below the mark
to create each “bar.”

The example on the left is of a 4

profile with A=4, D=5, K=2, A=2, R=1.





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Glossary of Terms
Describes the five goals or ‘building blocks’ an individual needs to achieve for a change
to be successful. 

The building blocks include:

• Awareness of the need for change
• Desire to support and participate in the change
• Knowledge on how to change
• Ability to implement required skills and behaviors
• Reinforcement to sustain the change

ADKAR Barrier Point

The first ADKAR element that scores a '3' or below in an ADKAR assessment.
The barrier point must be addressed before an individual can proceed through
to the next ADKAR element.

Best Practices in Change Management (2018 Edition)

A study that compiles 20 years of industry-leading research from change managers,
project leaders and executives from across the world into the largest body of change
management research to date.

Change Characteristics Assessment

An assessment of the nature, scope, amount and impact of a change to determine
how small or large the change is.

Change Concepts
Seven concepts that change managers must understand, appreciate and take into
consideration in the design of change management plans.

Change Management Team

The change management team is the group that develops and implements the change
management plan. The change management team is often made up of members of the
project team (or the entire team itself). Best practices research indicates that teams with
dedicated change management resources are more likely to deliver good or excellent
change management.

An acronym to remember the roles that managers and supervisors must play to be
effective leaders of change for their employees: Communicator, Liaison, Advocate,
Resistance Manager and Coach.

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Glossary of Terms (continued)
Coaching Plan
One of the five plans created during Phase 2: Managing Change. The Coaching Plan
for managers and supervisors targets all elements of ADKAR by enabling managers
to understand and engage in the changes underway in the organization and develop
competencies to become effective change coaches for their employees.

Communications Plan
One of the five plans created during Phase 2: Managing Change to target the Awareness
and Reinforcement elements of ADKAR. The Communications Plan identifies audiences,
develops key messages, and determines the frequency of communications, the delivery
mechanisms and the senders.

Critical Behaviors
One of the 10 aspects of a person’s job that can be impacted by change. A critical
behavior is a vital or essential response of an individual or group to an action,
environment, person or stimulus.

Executive Actions: Sponsor ABCs

The three critical roles for primary sponsors that are required for project success, also
referred to as the ABCs: Actively and visibly participating throughout the project, building
a coalition of support, and communicating directly with employees.

Executive Decisions
Referencing the decisions executives are used to making in relation to projects,
especially scope, schedule and resources.

Finesta Financial
A fictional company created by Prosci to use for illustrative purposes.

Impact Index
A tool that supports Phase 1: Preparing for Change. This Excel tool includes the
PCT Assessment, Risk Assessment, Group Analysis, Sponsor analysis and ADKAR analysis
in one dashboard. The Impact Index can be found in the Practitioner eToolkit.

Managers and Supervisors

Managers and supervisors are the preferred senders of change messages related
to how a change impacts employees personally. They are essential to convey the
'what’s in it for me', or WIIFM, message to employees. When they successfully fulfill their
change roles, the change is more likely to succeed.

One of the 10 aspects of a person’s job that can be impacted by change. A mental
inclination, disposition, or frame of mind reflected in behaviors.

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Glossary of Terms (continued)
Organizational Attributes Assessment
An assessment of the organization’s values, culture, capacity for change, leadership
style, and history of past changes to determine how change ready or change resistant
an organization is.

Practitioner eToolkit
A toolkit hosted in the Prosci Portal that contains detailed step-by-step guidance through
the Prosci 3-Phase Process, including assessments, templates and resources. A one-year
subscription to the Practitioner eToolkit is included when attending Prosci Certification
or Practitioner Program.

Primary Sponsor
The primary sponsor is the person who charters and authorizes the change. The primary
sponsor is also principally responsible for being active and visible throughout the life
of the project, building a coalition of support among peers and other managers, and
communicating directly with stakeholders. The primary sponsor is the preferred sender
of messages about why the change is taking place and the risk of not changing. For
large changes, this person is typically a senior executive or officer of the corporation.
For smaller changes, this person could be a manager or supervisor.

Proactive Resistance Management

One of the three avenues of resistance management. The anticipation and early
identification of likely resistance so that it can be planned for, addressed or
eliminated upfront.

A human factor of ROI that impacts return on investment. Proficiency addresses the
question of how well individuals are performing compared to the level expected in the
design of the change.

Project Team
The project team is the group that is designing and implementing the change — whether
it is process, technology, organizational, strategy, etc. Many times, the members of
the change management team will be part of the project team. The project team is
responsible for designing, developing and delivering the solution for the change.

Prosci Project Change Triangle™ (PCT)

The PCT Model is a dynamic assessment that provides an overall health diagnostic
of a project by evaluating leadership, project management and change management.

Prosci Portal (

A free online Prosci Portal that hosts all purchased tools, items available for purchase, and
free webinars.

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Glossary of Terms (continued)
Reactive Resistance Management
One of the three avenues of resistance management. A set of 10 tactics that can
be used when resistance becomes enduring or persistent.

Resistance Management Plan

One of the five plans created during Phase 2: Managing Change. The Resistance
Management Plan targets the Desire element of ADKAR by preventing, proactively
addressing, or reactively responding to resistance at all stages of a project.

Resistance Prevention
One of the three avenues of resistance management. Applying effective change
management throughout the life of a project can prevent a large portion of resistance.

Risk Grid
A combination of the Organizational Attributes and Change Characteristics Assessments
to determine the level of risk of a change.

Risk Grid Customization Guidelines

A supporting resource to help build each of the five plans. The Customization Guidelines
provide important factors for customizing a plan based on a project’s location on the
Risk Grid. Customization Guidelines can be found in the Practitioner eToolkit.

Speed of Adoption
A human factor of ROI that impacts return on investment. Speed of adoption asks how
quickly employees are up and running on the new systems.

Sponsor Assessment Diagram

The change manager creates the Sponsor Assessment Diagram to identify the sponsors
whose sponsorship is needed to drive Awareness and Desire. They also use it to analyze
the overall health of the sponsor coalition by evaluating the level of support and change
competency of each sponsor on a project.

Sponsors (General)
Sponsor refers to executives or senior managers with responsibility for employees
impacted by the change. In this context, a sponsor is defined as any business leader
whose sponsorship is necessary for the change to be successful.

Sponsor Roadmap
One of the five plans created during Phase 2: Managing Change to target the Awareness,
Desire and Reinforcement elements of ADKAR. This action plan for your primary sponsor
and other members of the sponsor coalition ensures that they are playing the role of
an effective sponsor by being active and visible, building a coalition of support, and
communicating directly with employees.

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Glossary of Terms (continued)
All executives, managers, supervisors and employees affected by the change are
stakeholders. In many changes, external partners, vendors and even customers may
be considered stakeholders. They all have a stake in the outcome of the change.

The Five Tactical Plans

The Communications Plan, Sponsor Roadmap, Coaching Plan, Resistance Management
Plan and Training Plan that a practitioner creates in Phase 2: Managing Change
to help move individuals through ADKAR to achieve organizational change success.

Team Structure and Sponsor Model

A model that displays the relationship between the project team and the change
management team, and their connection with the sponsor. This will determine the
governance model for the change. Integrating change management and project
management is a key success factor.

The 4 P’s Exercise: Connecting Change Management to Business Results

A model of four columns listing the Project Name, Purpose (why we are changing),
Particulars (what we are changing) and People (who will be changing) of a project
to make the connection between what percentage of project outcomes in the Purpose
column is tied to the groups in the People column changing how they do their work.

One of the 10 aspects of a person’s job that can be impacted by change. A tool is an
item or implement used for a specific purpose; can be a physical object such as
mechanical tools or a technical object such as a web authoring tool or software program.

Training Plan
One of the five plans created during Phase 2: Managing Change that targets the
Knowledge and Ability elements of ADKAR. A Training Plan is created by identifying
the different audiences that need training, conducting a needs assessment and
gap analysis, and documenting requirements for the training organization.

Ultimate Utilization
A human factor of ROI that impacts return on investment. Ultimately, how many
employees (of the total population) are adopting and using the new solution.

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