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Urdu and Hindi: Translation and sharing of linguistic resources

Karthik Visweswariah, Vijil Chenthamarakshan, Nandakishore Kambhatla

IBM Research India

Abstract and Urdu is the script: Hindi is written in a left-

to-right Devanagari script while Urdu is written
Hindi and Urdu share a common phonol- in Nastaliq calligraphy style of the right-to-left
ogy, morphology and grammar but are Perso-Arabic script. Hence, despite the similari-
written in different scripts. In addition, ties, it is impossible for an Urdu speaker to read
the vocabularies have also diverged signif- Hindi text and vice versa. The first problem we
icantly especially in the written form. In address is the translation between Hindi and Urdu
this paper we show that we can get rea- in the absence of a Hindi-Urdu parallel corpus.
sonable quality translations (we estimated Though these languages together are spoken by
the Translation Error rate at 18%) between around a billion people they are not very rich in
the two languages even in absence of a linguistic resources. A treebank for Hindi is still
parallel corpus. Linguistic resources such under development1 and part of speech taggers for
as treebanks, part of speech tagged data Hindi and Urdu are trained on very small amounts
and parallel corpora with English are lim- of data. For translation between Hindi/Urdu and
ited for both these languages. We use the English there are no large corpora, the available
translation system to share linguistic re- corpora are an order of magnitude smaller than
sources between the two languages. We those available for European languages or Arabic-
demonstrate improvements on three tasks English. Given the lack of linguistic resources
and show: statistical machine translation in each of the languages and the similarities be-
from Urdu to English is improved (0.8 tween these languages, we explore whether each
in BLEU score) by using a Hindi-English language can benefit from resources available in
parallel corpus, Hindi part of speech tag- the other language.
ging is improved (upto 6% absolute) by
using an Urdu part of speech corpus and 1.1 Urdu-Hindi script conversion/translation
a Hindi-English word aligner is improved Sharing resources between Hindi and Urdu re-
by using a manually word aligned Urdu- quires us to be able to convert from one written
English corpus (upto 9% absolute in F- form to the other. Given that the languages share a
Measure). good fraction of their spoken vocabularies, the ob-
vious approach to convert between the two scripts
1 Introduction would be to transliterate between them. While this
Hindi and Urdu are official languages of India approach has recently been attempted (Malik et
and Urdu is also the national language of Pak- al., 2009), (Malik et al., 2008) there are two main
istan. Hindi is spoken by around 853 million peo- problems with this approach.
ple and Urdu by around 164 million people (Malik Challenges in Hindi-Urdu transliteration:
et al., 2008). Although native speakers of Hindi Urdu uses diacritical marks that were taken from
can comprehend most of spoken Urdu and vice the Arabic script which serve various purposes.
versa, these languages have diverged a bit since Urdu has short and long vowels. Short vowels
independence of India and Pakistan – with Hindi are indicated by placing a diacritic with the con-
deriving a lot of words from Sanskrit and Urdu 1
from Persian. One clear difference between Hindi wiki/index.php/Hindi Treebank Data

Coling 2010: Poster Volume, pages 1283–1291,
Beijing, August 2010
do so from the point of view of human understand-
ing or for machine consumption. This is because
word frequencies of shared words would be dif-
ferent in Hindi and Urdu. At the extreme, there
are several Urdu words that a fluent Hindi speaker
Figure 1: An Urdu sentence transliterated and would not understand and vice versa. More com-
translated to Hindi monly, native speakers of Hindi and Urdu would
use different words to refer to the same concept,
even though both these words are technically cor-
sonant that precedes it in the syllable. The diacrit- rect in either of these languages. In initial experi-
ical marks are also used for gemination (doubling ments to quantify this issue on our corpus, which
of a consonant), which in Hindi is handled using a is mainly from the news domain, we estimated
conjunct form where the consonant is essentially that around 28% of the word tokens in Urdu would
repeated twice. Yet another function of diacritical not be natural in Hindi. This estimate assumes
marks is to mark the absence of a vowel follow- perfect transliteration, and we estimated the total
ing a base consonant. Though diacritical marks error rate including transliteration at around 55%
are critical for correct pronunciation and some- for the publicly available HUMT system. In Fig-
times even for disambiguation of certain words, ure 1, the words that have been underlined have
they are sparingly used in written material in- been replaced using a different word by our SMT
tended for native speakers of the language. Miss- system, even though the original word might be
ing diacritical marks create substantial difficulties technically correct. Our preliminary experiments
for transliteration systems. Another difficulty is exploring this issue convinced us that to be able
created by the fact that Urdu words cannot have to convert from Urdu into natural Hindi (and vice
a short vowel at the end of a word, whereas the versa) we would need to go beyond transliteration
corresponding Hindi word can sometimes have a to translation to deal with the divergence of the
short vowel. This cannot be resolved deterministi- vocabularies in the written forms of the two lan-
cally and results ambiguity in transliteration from guages.
Urdu to Hindi. A third issue is the presence of
Importance of Context We would like to point
certain sounds (and their corresponding letters)
out that in addition to word for word fidelity,
that have no equivalent in Urdu. These letters
there are more subtle issues in translating from
are approximated in Urdu with phonetic equiva-
Urdu-Hindi. One issue is that words in Hindi are
lents. Transliteration from Urdu to Hindi suffers
drawn from different source languages, and with
in the presence of words with these letters. Re-
word to word translations, we might end up with
cent work on Urdu-Hindi transliteration (Malik et
phrases that are unnatural. For example, consider
al., 2009) report transliteration word error rates
different ways of writing the English phrase Na-
of 16.4% and 23.1% for Urdu sentences with and
tional and News in Hindi. The word National
without diacritical marks respectively. This prob-
in Hindi could possibly be written as rashtriya,
lem is illustrated in Figure 1. The figure shows an
kaumi or national which have origins in Sanskrit,
Urdu sentence that is transliterated to Hindi using
Persian/Arabic and English respectively. Simi-
the Hindi Urdu Machine Transliteration (HUMT)
larly the word News could be written as samachar,
system 2 and translated using our Statistical Ma-
khabaren or news (once again with origins in San-
chine Translation System. The words which are
skrit, Persian/Arabic and English). The natural
in red are transliteration errors (mainly because of
ways for writing the phrase national news are:
missing diacritical marks).
rashtriya samachar, kaumi khabaren or national
Difference in Word Frequency Distribu- news, any of the other six combinations would be
tions: Even if we could transliterate perfectly be- quite rare.
tween Urdu and Hindi it might not be desirable to
Another issue is that corresponding words in
2 Hindi and Urdu might have different genders. An

example from (Sinha, 2009) are the words vajah to build Part of Speech taggers. These models are
(Urdu, feminine) and karan (Hindi, masculine), typically trained using a manually tagged part of
which would mean that the phrase because of him speech corpus. Manual tagging of data requires
would be written as us ke karan in Hindi and as us lot of human effort and hence large corpora are not
ki vajah se in Urdu. We note that the ke in Hindi readily available for many languages. We improve
and ki in Urdu are different because of the differ- a Hindi POS tagger by using a manually tagged
ence in genders of the word following them. This Urdu POS corpus.
suggests we would need to go beyond word for
word translation and would need to use a higher Supervised bitext alignment
order n-gram language model to translate with fi- Machine generated word alignments between
delity between Hindi and English. pairs of languages have many applications: build-
We have established the need for going beyond ing statistical machine translation systems, build-
transliteration, but a key challenge is to achieve ing dictionaries, projection of syntactic informa-
good translation accuracy in the absence of a tion to resource poor languages (Yarowsky and
Hindi-Urdu parallel corpus. In Section 3 we de- Ngai, 2001). Most of the early work on generat-
scribe a multi-pronged approach to translate be- ing word alignments has been unsupervised, e.g.
tween Hindi and Urdu in the absence of a parallel IBM Models 1-5 (Brown et al., 1993), recent im-
corpus that exploits the similarities between the provements on the IBM Models (Moore, 2004),
languages. and the HMM algorithm described in (Vogel et al.,
1996). Recently, significant improvements in per-
1.2 Applications: sharing linguistic resources
formance of aligners have been achieved by the
We next outline the three tasks for which we con- use of human annotated word alignments (Itty-
sider sharing resources between Hindi and Urdu cheriah and Roukos, 2007; Lacoste-Julien et al.,
which serve as a test of the efficacy of our sys- 2006). We describe a method to transfer man-
tems. ual word alignments from Urdu-English to Hindi-
Statistical machine translation English to improve Hindi-English word align-
In recent years, there is a lot of interest in Statis-
tical Machine Translation (SMT) Systems (Brown 1.3 Contributions
et al., 1993). Modern SMT systems (Koehn et al.,
2003; Ittycheriah and Roukos, 2007) learn trans- Our main contributions are summarized below:
lation models based on large amounts of paral- We present a hybrid technique to translate be-
lel data. The quality of an SMT system is de- tween Hindi and Urdu in the absence of a Hindi-
pendent on the amount of parallel data on which Urdu parallel corpus that significantly improves
the system is trained. Unfortunately, for the pairs upon past efforts to convert between Hindi and
Urdu-English and Hindi-English, parallel data are Urdu via transliteration. We validate the efficacy
not available in large quantities, thereby limiting of the translation systems we present, by using it
the quality of these SMT systems. In this pa- to share linguistic resources between Hindi and
per we show that we can improve the accuracy of Urdu for three important tasks:
an Urdu→English SMT system by using a Hindi-
English parallel corpus. 1. We improve a part of speech tagger for Hindi
using an Urdu part of speech corpus.
Part of Speech tagging
Part of Speech (POS) tagging involves marking 2. We use manual Urdu-English word align-
the part of speech of a word based on its defini- ments to improve the task of Hindi-English
tion and surrounding context in a sentence. Se- bitext alignments.
quential modeling techniques like Hidden Markov
Models (Rabiner, 1990) and Conditional Random 3. We use a Hindi-English parallel corpus to
Fields (Lafferty et al., 2001) are commonly used improve translation from Urdu to English.

2 Related work than for direct consumption.
We use a fairly standard phrase based transla-
Converting between the scripts of Hindi and Urdu tion system to translate between Hindi and Urdu.
is non-trivial and has been a recent focus (Ma- The key challenge that we overcome is being able
lik et al., 2008; Malik et al., 2009). (Malik et to develop such a system with acceptable accu-
al., 2008) uses hand designed rules encoded us- racy in the absence of Hindi-Urdu resources (we
ing finite state transducers to transliterate between have neither a parallel corpus nor a dictionary with
Hindi and Urdu. As reported in (Malik et al., sufficient coverage). In spite of the absence of re-
2009) these hand designed rules achieve accu- sources, translation between this language pair is
racies of only about 50% in the absence of di- made feasible by the fact that word order is largely
acritical marks. (Malik et al., 2009) improves maintained and translation can be done maintain-
Urdu→Urdu transliteration performance to 79% ing a word to word correspondence. There are
by post processing the output of the transducer some exceptions to the monotonicity in the two
with a statistical language model. In contrast to languages. Consider the English phrase Govern-
(Malik et al., 2009) we use a statistical model ment of Sindh which in Urdu would be hukumat
for character transliteration. As discussed in Sec- e sindh in the same word order as in English,
tion 1.1, due to the divergence of vocabularies while in Hindi it would be sindhi sarkar with the
in written Hindi and Urdu, transliteration is not word order flipped (with respect to English and
sufficient to convert from written Urdu to written Urdu). This example also shows that sometimes
Hindi. We also use a more flexible model that we do not have a word for word translation be-
allows for more natural translations by allowing tween Hindi and Urdu, the word sindhi in Hindi
Urdu words to translate into Hindi words that do corresponding to the Urdu words e sindh. In spite
not sound the same. of these exceptions, Hindi-Urdu translation can
(Sinha, 2009) builds an English-Urdu machine largely be done with the monotonicity assumption
translation system using an English-Hindi ma- and with the assumption of word to word corre-
chine translation system and a Hindi-Urdu word spondences. Thus the central issue in translating
mapping table, suitably adjusted for part of speech between Hindi and Urdu is the creation of a word
and gender. Their system is not statistical, and to word conditional probability table. We explain
is largely based on manual creation of a large our technique assuming we are translating from
database of Hindi-Urdu correspondences. Addi- Urdu to Hindi. We take a hybrid approach to cre-
tionally, as mentioned in the conclusion, their sys- ating this table, using three different approaches.
tem cannot be used for direct translation from The first approach is the pivot language ap-
Hindi to Urdu, since a grammatical analysis of proach (Wu and Wang, 2007), with English as a
the English provides information necessary for the pivot language. We get probabilities of a Urdu
Hindi to Urdu mapping. In contrast to this work, word u being generated by a Hindi word h, con-
our techniques are largely statistical, require min- sidering intermediate English phrases e as:
imal manual effort and can directly translate be- X
tween Hindi and Urdu without the associated En- Pp (u|h) = P (u|e)P (e|h)
glish. e

3 Approach to translating between Hindi The translation probabilities P (u|e) and P (e|h)
and Urdu are obtained using an Urdu-English and an
English-Hindi parallel corpus respectively.
As discussed in Section 1, transliteration between This approach works reasonably well, but suf-
Hindi and Urdu is not a straightforward task and fers from a couple of drawbacks. There are sev-
current efforts result in fairly high error rates. We eral common Hindi and Urdu words for which the
would like to combine the approaches of translit- translation is unsatisfactory. This is because the
eration and translation since our goal is to use the alignments for these words are not precise, they
translation for sharing linguistic resources rather often do not align to any English word, or align to

an English words in combination with other Hindi character hc and P (ai |ai−1 ) represents a distor-
words. A common example of this is with verbs, tion probability. Since transliteration is mono-
consider for example the English sentence tonic and we want to encourage small jumps we
He works set: P (ai |ai−1 ) = cη (ai −ai−1 ) for ai > ai−1 and
which would translate into Hindi/Urdu as: 0 otherwise. To obtain Pc we use the EM algo-
vah kaam karta hai rithm and we can reuse standard machinery that
with word alignments He ↔ vah, works ↔ kaam is used to obtain HMM word alignments in Statis-
karta hai . Automatic aligners often make mis- tical Machine Translation (with the constraint of
takes on these multi-word alignments, and this Monotone alignments). To calculate a translitera-
create problems for words like karta and hai tion based phrase table, for each Hindi word h we
which often do not have direct equivalents in En- search over a large vocabulary of Urdu words and
glish. To deal with this issue we manually build a retain words u for which Pt (u|h) is sufficiently
small phrase table for the most frequent Hindi and high as possible transliterations of h. We set the
Urdu words by a consulting an online Hindi-Urdu- probabilities in the transliteration based phrase ta-
English dictionary (Platts, 1884). We also man- ble to be proportional to Pt (u|h). Finding this ta-
ually handle the frequent examples we observed ble requires calculating Pt (u|h) for every pair of
of cases where we need to handle differences in words in the Urdu and Hindi vocabulary, we use
tokenization between Hindi and Urdu (e.g keliye the Forward-Backward algorithm for efficiency
written as one word in Urdu and as ke liye in and parallelize the calculations over several ma-
Hindi). chines.
The other issue with the pivot language ap- The only remaining issue is how we get train-
proach is that for word P pairs which are rare in ing data to train our transliteration model. To ob-
one of the languages, e P (u|e)P (e|h) can eas- tain such training data we use a table of consonant
ily work out to zero. This is exacerbated by align- character conversions between Hindi and Urdu as
ment errors for rarer words. Thus, to strengthen given in (Malik et al., 2008). We look for words in
our phrase table especially for infrequent words, our pivot language based translation table, where
we use a transliteration approach to build a phrase there are at least three consonants and at least 50%
table. Note that for rare words like names of peo- of the consonants are shared. We observed that
ple and places, the words in Hindi and Urdu are this yields pairs of words that are transliterations
transliterations of each other. of one another with high precision. These word
In light of the issues in transliterating between pairs are used as training data to build our charac-
Hindi and Urdu (Malik et al., 2008; Malik et ter transliteration model Pc .
al., 2009) we take a statistical approach (Abdul- Final word translation table is obtained by com-
Jaleel and Larkey, 2003) to building a translitera- bining our three approaches as follows: If the
tion based phrase table. word is present in our dictionary, we use the trans-
We assume a generative model for producing lation given in the dictionary and exclude all oth-
Urdu words from Hindi words based on a charac- ers, if not we linearly interpolate between the
ter transliteration probability table Pc . The prob- probability table we get based on using English
ability Pt (u|h) of generating a Urdu word u from as a pivot language and probability table we get
a Hindi word h is given by: based on transliteration.
Pt (u|h) = Pc (ui |ha(i) )P (ai |ai−1 ),
a i
4 Experimental results

where a represents the alignment between the In this section we report on experiments to eval-
Hindi and Urdu characters, a(i) is the the index uate the quality of our translation method de-
of the Hindi character that the ith Urdu charac- scribed in Section 3 and report on the application
ter is aligned to, Pc (uc |hc ) is the probability of of Hindi↔Urdu translation to the sharing of lin-
an Urdu character uc being generated by a Hindi guistic resources between the two languages.

Algorithm 1 Create Urdu-Hindi Phrase Table Hindi→Urdu translation we use the MT-08 Urdu
for all u such that u is very frequent Urdu word corpus (about 1.5 million words) to build a trigram
do LM.
h ← Hindi word for u from dictionary We evaluated the translation system in translat-
Pd (u|h) ← 1 ing from Urdu to Hindi. We asked an annotator to
end for evaluate 100 sentences ( 2700 words), by marking
U ← Urdu vocabulary an error on a word if it was a wrong translation or
H ← Hindi vocabulary vocabulary unnatural in Hindi. We compared our translation
for all u ∈ U , h P
∈ H do system against the Hindi Urdu Machine Translit-
Pp (u|h) ← e P (u|e)P (e|h) {Create an eration (HUMT) system3 . We found an error rate
Urdu-Hindi translation table using English as of 18% for our system as against 46% for the
the pivot} HUMT system.
end for
for all u ∈ U , h ∈ H such that Pp (u|h) > δ 4.2 Word alignments
and ConsonantOverlap(u, h) > ∆ do In this section we describe experiments at im-
Add (u, h) to training set T proving a Hindi-English word aligner using hand
end for alignments for an Urdu-English corpus. For the
Pc ← Y XY Urdu-English corpus we use a manually word
arg max Q(ui |hai ) )P (ai |ai−1 ) aligned corpus of roughly 10k sentences, while
(u,h)∈T a i for the Hindi-English corpus we had roughly 3k
{Maximize using EM} sentences out of which we set aside 300 sentences
for all u ∈ U , hX
∈ HYdo ( 5300 words) for a test set. In addition to these
Pt (u|h) ← c Pc (ui |ha(i) )P (ai |ai−1 ) (relatively) small supervised corpora we also use
a i a sentence parallel Hindi-English corpus (without
{Use Forward-Backward Algorithm} manual word alignments) of roughly 250k sen-
end for tences.
for all u ∈ U , h ∈ H do For word alignments we use the Maximum
if Pd (u|h) ← 1 then Entropy aligner described in (Ittycheriah and
Pf inal (u|h) ← 1 Roukos, 2005) that is trained using hand aligned
else training data. We first translate the Urdu sentences
Pf inal (u|h) ← λp Pp (u|h) + λt Pt (u|h) in the Urdu-English word aligned corpus to Hindi,
end if and then transfer the alignments by simply replac-
end for ing the alignment links to a Urdu word by links
to the corresponding decoded Hindi word. The
above procedure covers bulk of the cases since
4.1 Evaluation of Hindi-Urdu translation Urdu-Hindi translation is largely a word to word
We built a Hindi-Urdu transliteration system as translation. The special case of a phrase of multi-
explained in Section 3. For building a pivot ple Urdu words decoded to multiple Hindi words
language based translation table we used 70k is handled as follows: we align each of the words
sentences from the NIST MT-08 corpus train- in the Hindi phrase to the union of the sets of
ing corpus for Urdu-English. For Hindi-English English words that each word in the Urdu phrase
we used an internal corpus of 230k sentences. aligns to. Once we convert the Urdu-English man-
We built our statistical transliteration model on ual alignments to an additional corpus we build
roughly 3k word pairs that we obtained as de- two Hindi-English alignment models, one on the
scribed in Section 3. For Urdu→Hindi translation, original corpus, the other on the (Urdu→Hindi)-
we used a five gram language model built from English corpus. The MaxEnt aligner (Ittycheriah
a crawl of archives from Hindi news web sites and Roukos, 2005) models the probability of a
(the corpus size was about 60 million words). For 3

nTrain Hindi data + Urdu num. words f (wi , ti ), g(ti−1 , ti ) + h(tui , ti )
5 60.8 69.8 5k 76.5 82.5
50 64.1 70.5 10k 81.7 84.7
800 71.4 73.0 20k 84.5 86.7
2800 75.1 75.7 47k 90.6 91.0

Table 1: Word alignment F-Measure as a func- Table 2: POS tagging accuracy as a function of
tion of the number of manually aligned Hindi- the amount of Hindi POS tagged data used to
English sentences used for training. The third col- build the model. The third column indicates the
umn shows improvements obtained by adding 10k use of the Urdu data via a feature type.
Urdu-English word alignments sentences.
CRULP corpus (Hussain, 2008) for Urdu and a
particular set of links in the alignment L given the corpus from IITB (Dalal et al., 2007) for Hindi.
source sentence QM S and the target sentence T as: The CRULP POS corpus has 150k words and
K i−1
P (L|S, T ) = i=1 p(li |tM 1 , s1 , l1 ). Let us de- uses a tagset of size 46 to tag the corpus. The
note by Ph and Pu the alignment models trained IITB corpus has 50k words and uses a tagset of
on the Hindi-English and the (Urdu→Hindi)- size 26. We set a side a test set of size 5k words
English corpora respectively. We combine these from the IITB corpus. For part of speech tagging
models log-linearly to obtain our final model for we use CRFs (Lafferty et al., 2001) with two types
alignment: of features, f (ti , wi ) and g(ti , ti−1 ). With the
small amounts of training data we have, adding
P (L|S, T ) = Phα (L|S, T )Pu1−α (L|S, T ).
additional feature templates degraded the perfor-
To find the most likely alignment we use the same
algorithm as in (Ittycheriah and Roukos, 2005) In our POS tagging experiments we consider
since the structure of the model is unchanged. using the Urdu corpus to help POS tagging in
We report on the performance (Table 1) of a Hindi. We first translate all of the CRULP Urdu
baseline Hindi-English word aligner built with data to Hindi. We cannot simply add in this data
varying amounts of Hindi-English manually word to the training data because of differences in the
aligned training data compared against an aligner tagsets used in the data sets for the two languages.
that combines in a model trained on the 10k In order to make use of the additional Urdu POS
(Urdu→Hindi)-English sentences. We observe tagged data (translated to Hindi), we build a sep-
large gains with small amounts of labelled Hindi- arate POS tagger on this data, and use predictions
English alignment data, and even when we have from this model as a feature in training the Hindi
2800 sentences of Hindi-English data we see a POS tagger. We use these predictions via a fea-
gain in performance adding in the Urdu data. ture template h(ti , tui ) where tui denotes the tag
We note that the MaxEnt aligner we use (Itty- assigned to the ith word by the POS tagger built
cheriah and Roukos, 2005) defaults to (roughly) from the CRULP Urdu data set translated into
doing an HMM alignment using a word trans- Hindi.
lation matrix obtained via unsupervised training. We present results in Table 2 with varying
Thus the aligners reported on in Table 1 use a amounts of Hindi data used for training, in each
large amount of unsupervised data in addition to case we present results with and without use of
the small amounts of labelled data mentioned in the Urdu resources. We see a small gain even
the Table. when we use all of the available Hindi training
data and as expected we see larger gains when
4.3 POS tagging smaller amounts of Hindi data are used.
Unlike English for which there is an abundance We analyzed the type of errors and the er-
of POS training data for Hindi and Urdu data is ror reduction when using the Urdu data for the
quite limited. For our experiments, we use the case where we used only 5k words of Hindi data.

We find that the two frequent error types that Corpus MT08 Eval
were greatly reduced were noun being tagged Urdu 23.1
as main verb (reduction of 65% relative) and +Hindi 23.9
main verb tagged as auxiliary verb (reduction of
71%). Reduction in confusion between nouns and Table 3: Improvement in Urdu-English machine
main verbs is expected since these are open word translation using Hindi-English data .
classes that can most benefit from additional data. for single words that were not already present in
This also causes the reduction in errors of tag- the Urdu-English phrase table. Thus, we believe
ging main verbs as auxiliary verbs, since in Hindi, that the improvement is due to longer phrases
verbs are multi word groups with a main verb fol- being seen more often in training. An example
lowed by one or more auxiliary verbs. Reduction improved translation is shown below:
of error rate in most of the other error types were Ref: just as long as its there they feel safe
close to the overall error rate reduction. Baseline: as long as this they just think there are safe
Improved: just as long as they are there they feel safe
4.4 Sharing parallel corpora for machine
translation 5 Conclusions
We experimented with using our internal Hindi-
In this paper, we showed that we can translate be-
English parallel corpus ( 230k) sentences to obtain
tween Hindi and English without a parallel corpus
better translation for Urdu-English. The Urdu-
and improve upon previous efforts at transliterat-
English corpus we use is the NIST MT-08 training
ing between the two languages. We also showed
data set ( 70k sentences). We use the Direct Trans-
that Hindi-Urdu translation can be useful to the
lation Model 2 (DTM) described in (Ittycheriah
sharing of linguistic resources between the two
and Roukos, 2007) for all our translation experi-
languages. We believe this approach to sharing
linguistic resources will be of immense value es-
We build our baseline Urdu→English system pecially with resources like treebanks which re-
using the NIST MT-08 training data. In training quire a large effort to develop.
our DTM model we use HMM alignments, align-
ments with the MaxEnt aligner, and hand align- Acknowledgments
ments for 10k sentences (the hand alignments
were used to train the MaxEnt aligner). We thank Salim Roukos and Abe Ittycheriah for
We translated the Hindi in our Hindi-English discussions that helped guide our efforts.
corpus to Urdu, creating an additional Urdu-
English corpus. We then use a MaxEnt aligner References
to align the Urdu-English words in this corpus.
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and Leah S. Larkey. 2003. Statistical transliteration
due to incorrect translation from Urdu to Hindi we for english-arabic cross language information
do not include this corpus while generating HMM retrieval. In CIKM.
alignments. We add the synthetic Urdu-English
[Brown et al.1993] Brown, Peter F., Vincent J.Della
data with MaxEnt alignments to our baseline data Pietra, Stephen A. Della Pietra, and Robert. L. Mer-
and train a DTM model. Results comparing to the cer. 1993. The mathematics of statistical machine
baseline are given Table 3, which shows an im- translation: Parameter estimation. Computational
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