TUT Arch Mini Dissertations 2020

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M I N I - D I S S E R TAT I O N S 2 0 2 0


06. A W O R D F R O M T H E P R O G R A M M E C O O R D I N AT O R


12. L O C AT I O N O F S T U D E N T P R O J E C T S

Relevance is the route STUDENT WORK - By Surname

to excellence 26. ALBASINI, Juan Pierre 50. SAM, Ryan

28. BESTER, Gail 52. SESANA, Tlhologello

30. FA R E L O , D o m i n i c 54. VA N J A A R S V E L D , J a n - H e n d r i k
32. FA U R I E , S h a w n 56. VA N T O N D E R , J o h a n n e s H e n d r i k u s

(Founding President of the Sudanese Knowledge Society) 34. F R O S T, C e c i l J a m e s 58. VA N Z Y L , A r m a n d t

36. GROBLER, Lourina

38. HILL, Siobhon

40. LEBETHE, Katlego

42. MUFUKA, Godmire

44. NEL, Gericke

46. N K WA D I , L e t l o t l o

48. ROUX, Nicoline

Archit ecture is the
In the 1940’s Joseph Hudnut, the Dean of Harvard’s School
of Architecture, listed all the subjects he deemed essential to
I would like to commend you, the staff and everyone supporting
you in persevering in extraordinary challenging circumstances,
learned game, correct
a sound, complete architectural education. When the list was
complete he calculated the time it would take to learn everything
and on the creativity exhibited in finding ways to explore
alternative avenues of pedagogical intervention that can only
and magnificent, of
forms assembled in
on it. It came to twenty two years. benefit the learning and development of those following you in
All before the advent of architectural computing tools and the
intricacies of sustainability and green architecture and theories
which on their own commands a serious investment in learning
and honing of skills.
Within the ever-changing context of socio-economic and political
zeitgeist, strive to be sensitive to the needs of the time, place and
people your work will serve towards the making of appropriate,
the light
responsible, sustainable architecture.
Developing the competencies of an architect is a long and
arduous journey of a minimum of six years (and many nights) Congratulations on reaching the end of the first part of your
spent with lecturers, mentors and peers to acquire and develop journey into the realm of architecture, and the start of the next
focused skills, knowledge, approach and understanding. adventure in learning that will continue for as long as you are
Doing a final year Architectural Design Dissertation in the best immersed in the profession.
of times commands an extraordinary investment in time, energy,
commitment and perseverance from candidates, staff, family, and Make a positive difference to the world and lives of those who
friends that few that have not been through it can comprehend. will be affected by your endeavours.
Doing it without continuous access to studio mentorship and
companionship, as experienced this year, makes it challenging All the best
in the extreme. MOSTERT VAN SCHOOR

4 5
towards supporting the resilience strategies of communities. The As we try to make sense of this, I have moved from thinking about
solutions for these communities, I have argued, should be able to resilience – the conditions for resilience are just not there – to
accommodate stability and change, the formal and the informal, thinking about anti-fragility and how communities might, not just

the unexpected and the unknown in the built environment. recover or return to what was, but rather to emerge stronger from
the crisis.
Resilience, I have declared, is the availability of infrastructure and
the ability to support a diverse economy – accommodating the And we can think about resilience and anti-fragility at a global,

informal pavement and street trader as well as the formal shop national, local and personal level. Our various communities,
or mall. Resilience can be achieved in integrated, beautiful and including our professional community, are also being re-structured
dignified environments, through good governance and cohesive and re-configured. Despite the difficulties, this crisis has been an

communities that support each other. incredible opportunity to innovate. We have also created new
online platforms and our conversations have evolved.
I have often often written and spoken about the ability to increase
a community’s resilience capacity, and reducing its vulnerability, Have we been able to make sense of all of this, this year?
by involving everyone in decision-making and I have also argued
that equal access to opportunity and spatial justice are conditions Probably not! By the time we had absorbed what was happening
PROF AMIRA OSMAN We are a school of architecture located at a university of for increasing resilience. Our inherited city structures meant that to the world around us, and started to make sense of our
technology, on the periphery of the Pretoria CBD, in an industrial people have remained disadvantaged and excluded 25 years reflections, the year abruptly came to an end. These are issues
From the end of 2019, we started planning for 2020. We had area of the city. It is a department that is proud of it’s tradition into democracy as the Apartheid city perpetuates. that we will carry with us into the future and they will no doubt
plans! We met and strategised and decided to better integrate of making and practice. We are also a school that has recently influence everything that we do going forward.
the different components of the TUT Architecture final year expanded to include the Industrial Design discipline. We Increased resilience means that cities need to be considered as
programme. 2020 was meant to be the year where we would debated some of these themes at our yearly mini-conference whole eco-systems and not as fragmented pockets of wealth and Our 17 students have been subjected to great pressure in trying
combine concepts and practice around design and making, (tutarchitecture.co.za/2020/05/2nd_a_dric-mini-conference/ poverty. to navigate the complexities of 2020. I commend them.
materials and space, studio and site, professionals and tutarchitecture.co.za/2019/05/1866/) .
and communities. However, this crisis hit us hard at a time when none of these Supporting us in these times of uncertainty are the following
We started the year with confidence and with plans. conditions for resilience had been achieved. people:
The theme for 2020 was declared CITY [MAKING] AND
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. Our intention was to work with Then COVID-19 came and the shut down started. And for a few How do we address this under the circumstances and how do Dr. Derick de Bruyn, Dr. Calayde Davey, Ms. Marinda Bolt, Ms.
our new MAKER SPACE and to encourage the students to develop weeks, we were forced to be still and reflect. It was scary. And we map a way forward for our cities that takes this experience Francine van Tonder, Mr. Philip Lourens, Mr. Denver Smith, Mr.
approaches to building materials, construction and detailing that it made us re-think many things. Thoughts and values we held into account? How can we imagine solutions that we have not Andre Eksteen, Mr. Tebogo Ramatlo.
relate to our context and socioeconomic conditions. We planned about everything in general, and teaching specifically, had to be considered before, as we now realise that old and existing
to focus on “making” with a view to ease of implementation, unpacked and reassessed. solutions will fall short? As well as the supervisors:
installation, assembly and disassembly. I encouraged the
creation of structures with high “capacity” and a consideration of COVID-19 changed everything. We are confronted with a situation where our destinies are even Prof. Jacques Laubscher, Dr. Emmanuel Nkambule, Dr. Mel
programme-less buildings (alternatively, buildings that have the more intertwined – a collapse in health or economic systems will Stander, Dr. Jako Nice, Mr. Kyle Brand, Mr. Leon Pienaar, Mr.
“capacity” to accommodate any function) and that this approach At a professional level, there has been a lack of foresight on our affect everyone, irrespective of class. Urban environments that Victor Mokaba, Mr. Stephen Steyn, Mr. Pieter Greyvensteyn.
will then be adapted to specific sites and functions as the year part as built environment professionals! As designers, architects, are successful work for everyone, irrespective of income; we
progresses. We wanted to experiment! planners, engineers: how did the majority of us miss the warnings now know how true this is. A solution to the crisis means that our I thank everyone of them!
that this pandemic was coming? first line of defence is in those areas of extreme poverty. Perhaps
THE PURPOSE OF THIS APPROACH WAS TO ACHIEVE GREATER this is an opportunity for us to correct the imbalances and finally Special thanks to our HOD, Prof Jacques Laubscher and our
INTEGRATION, COLLABORATION AND TO SUPPORT THE As a researcher, in my work and writing, and in designing achieve equity and integration? acting HOD, Mr Mostert van Schoor.
EMERGING IDENTITY OF THE SCHOOL. for unknown futures, I have emphasised that our buildings,
neighbourhoods and cities need to be developed with a view

6 7
This booklet summarises the themes, conceptual drivers and
designs of the post-graduate Class of 2020. It unpacks a set
With determinism, personal motivation and companionship,
together the Class of 2020, have overcome these difficulties. ENGAGEMENT
of works focused on new visions and alternative futures. Many We applaud their commitment to each other, and admire the
projects have cross-pollinating themes that are highly relevant leadership they have in themselves and to their community.
We are living in a period of dramatic and unsettling change in today’s context. These range from supporting societal mental They are simultaneously holding up our rich architectural
where traditions and practices are constantly challenged, wellbeing, pressing issues of spatial decolonization or gender traditions, while showing us a new way forward.
questioned, and re-evaluated. For most people, this period is equalities, closing environmental or resource loops, or providing
distressing. However, for the critically creative among us, this a new interpretation of an architectural process. Regardless, the cohort’s bravery, flexibility, openness and
time is exciting. Change and volatility represents opportunity. resilience, is evident in the mature growth and dedicated
Now, we could get rid of long-held assumptions, preconceived The themes speak of awakening, finding new expression, work presented in this booklet and exhibition. Moreover, the
constraints, and self-imposed limitations. Today, this requires us ‘queerying’ the world around us, forging and fantasizing new camaraderie and support shown for each other could serve
to re-establish a new truth for a future that carries meaning and possibilities. While some projects focus on the intersection as a needed lesson for the, somewhat divided, isolationist
weight for our larger community. of health, technology and space as healing, transforming, tendencies in our professional community.
rehabilitating expressions or enabling innovation, others explore
Both on a professional and societal level, we have to ask new meanings in education, recreation, urban transformation As representatives of the broader profession we invite our
ourselves: how could we re-imagine our future? What really and mobility. Every candidate is actively asking: how could our examiners, in concluding the academic year, to take to heart the
matters? What is important and what is in the way? What do profession support the pattern changes our cities and societies candidates’ sincerity, authenticity, imagination, and exploration
we need to learn and what do we need to change? desperately want and need? of the themes. We invite you to support this new generation in
continuing their journey and passions for our collective discourse.
Despite the uncertain circumstances of this year, a brave The year was by no means conventional, especially with regards As we re-evaluate our roles and contributions to society, and
group of seventeen design candidates journeyed, probed and challenging the traditional architectural educational process articulate a new future of architectural possibility, we invite you
engaged with real-life societal issues and explored architectural through new blended methods of online platforms, the sudden to join us in a conversation of reimagination.
responses to these concerns. Their relevant and imaginative topics loss of studio’s and creative spaces, access to peers and mentors,
demonstrate a rich diversity in context, personal experiences and and the overwhelming stress of holding onto the highly uncertain
backgrounds. With the exception of a few projects, the class academic year. Demonstrated by our student’s strength of
share a common ground: the dynamic socio-cultural geography transformation, all these difficult personal obstacles cannot
and associated contexts of Tshwane Metropolis. go unnoticed.

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S T U D E N T W O R K 2 0 2 0
Transformative innovation in a peri-urban society:
The re-design of Mabopane Station , Pretoria


The design of an Agri-tecture Pre-School in Kgabalatsane View,
North West Province, South Africa


14 15
School of the Blind: The design of a multi-sensory creative hub for
the visually impaired in Ga-Rankuwa, Tshwane

Afro-Exfoliation: An Exploration of Space-Time as a Gateway for
African Awakening with the Design of an African Dance Theatre
in Tshwane

G A - R A N K U WA , T S H WA N E W O N D E R B O O M , T S H WA N E

16 17
Symbiosis: The design of an integrated therapeutic facility for
animals and differently-abled children in Pretoria

Forging new gender archetypes: A study of gendered and gendering
practices through the design of a male orphanage in Marabastad

Plasticity: The Design of a Plastic Innovation Laboratory in Central

A Revolution: Decolonizing architecture with a hybrid theory of image, culture
and space through the design of a land redistribution hub in Tshwane


Queerying architecture: The exploration of Queer space through
the design of a precinct in Pretoria


Reclaiming Priorities: The design of a transportation facility for
electric and autonomous vehicles in Pretoria


Healing Connection: The Design of a Holistic Mental Health and
Well-Being Facility in Pretoria Central


Staged Architecture: A platform for the freedom of expression through the
design of a media and communication centre in Tshwane, South Africa

A Level Playing Field: The design of an Urban Gymnasium on
Berea Sports Park, Pretoria, South Africa.
Prosthetic Architecture: Adaptive rehabilitation in the design of
an enhancement centre for the disabled in Pretoria West, South


Architectural fantasy: Reinterpreting Price’s Fun Palace through
the design of an immersive experimental studio in Pretoria


The Design of a Community-based School Facility in Pretoria


Transforming a contaminated ecosystem through economic
regeneration: the design of an aquaponic facility in Soweto,
South Africa



WORK 2020
ABSTRACT The 1962 Fun Palace was intended to be built in an industrial context
at Stratford East, London. This proposed pop-up intervention will be
conceptualised inside a vacant warehouse an adaptive re-use approach.
JUAN PIERRE ALBASINI This dissertation will be conducted as an in-depth case study of As a metaphorical gesture to link the proposed intervention with
Cedric Price’s philosophy of architecture. Price was an anticipatory the Fun Palace, the selected site is located at ArcelorMittal on the
Supervisor: Dr M. Nkambule architect who questioned the future of architectural approaches and perimeter of Pretoria Industrial.
questioned the limits of impermanence, flexibility and social constructs
Design Supervisor: Mr P. Greyvensteyn of time. Price’s Fun Palace was an unparalleled success, striking a This intervention as an event intends to facilitate mobility and
chord with the mood of the 1960s, and his principles resonated with flexibility of spaces in which tangible and intangible experimental
utopian visions of post-war futurism. Post-war futurism perceived activities exist. Structural elements will be intended as a ‘kit of parts’
that technology could be the catalyst to engage with issues of spatial whereby the organisation of spaces can be interchangeable through
programme subsequently creating a new architecture of performance ‘plug and play’ therefore to accommodate numerous activities.
and temporality.
ARCHITECTURAL FANTASY: REINTERPRETING Keywords: Fun Palace, flexibility, impermanence, pop-up, virtual
This dissertation intends to be the manifestation of a fantasy world technologies
which is envisioned through a reinterpretation of Cedric Price’s Fun
OF AN IMMERSIVE EXPERIMENTAL STUDIO IN Palace of 1962. The author will explore how a building typology as
adaptive reuse approach can enable a social interactive space as an
event to facilitate multiple functions whereby fun and educational
activities are presented through the use of virtual technologies.

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ABSTRACT It will serve as a pilot project for a hybrid architecture that incorporates International and national precedents regarding integrated educational
educational facilities for children besides rehabilitation and medical facilities inform the architectural intervention. The researcher uses
facilities for animals. models, drawings, and illustrations to investigate and explore the form
GAIL BESTER The world is not purely anthropocentric; humans have created a and functions of architectural spaces and infrastructure in a mutually
sustainability gap by neglecting animal habitation and including The aim is to facilitate the symbiotic relationship between humans healing environment.
Supervisor: Prof. J. Laubscher animals in society. This dissertation explores placemaking for children and domesticated animals in proximity to the Pretoria Zoo, which
who are differently abled through the use of animal-assisted therapy accommodates wild enclosed animals. The idea of caging and Keywords: healing, animal-assisted therapy, differently abled children,
Co-Supervisor: Dr J. Nice (AAT), which uses animals to stimulate human development and enclosing is explored on a theoretical level. symbiotic healing
support diverse aspects of growth in differently abled individuals.
The proposed investigation is based on the benefits of animal-assisted
therapy for children as well as the simultaneous healing and therapeutic
benefits for the ill/harmed/broken animals.

SYMBIOSIS This dissertation explores how architectural interventions can foster the
healing of differently abled children as well as animals through their
mutual interaction when a union is created between the abandoned
FACILITY FOR ANIMALS AND DIFFERENTLY ABLED animal, the differently abled child and the environment. Focused
research was conducted on topics that include human engagement
with animals and animal-assisted therapy. The proposed project site is
located adjacent to the Pretoria Zoo in the Pretoria inner city.

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ABSTRACT Ideally, the architecture should facilitate mental health treatment
functions while becoming an integral part of the treatment. It aims to
challenge the prevailing mental health stigma by providing spaces for
DOMINIC FARELO Mental illness poses a threat to societal health and welfare in South mental health learning experiences and democratic spaces where the
Africa and it is a neglected facet of life in the South African context. ‘healthy’ and the ‘unhealthy’ can interact.
Supervisor: Prof. J. Laubscher Similarly, the built environment does not promote mental health and
well-being. The dissertation is completed through historic, theoretic and technical
Co-Supervisor: Mr P. Greyvensteyn research, contextual studies, conceptualisation, evaluation and
The main objective of this research is to develop a new holistic mental development.
health and well-being facility model by responding to the current
unhealthy state of social disconnect and the disconnect between Keywords: architecture, connect, disconnect, journey, mental health,
people and their physical environments. This will be achieved by nature, spaces, stigma, stimulating, well-being.
using theories from Neuro-architecture, Biophilia, Queer theory and
HEALING CONNECTION: THE DESIGN OF A principles derived from spatial conditions of mental health and well-

FACILITY IN PRETORIA CENTRAL The dissertation aims to produce an architectural intervention that
through its forms and spaces creates a narrative journey, immersed in
a natural landscape, hereby producing a stimulating environment that
could benefit the mental health and well-being of its users.

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ABSTRACT of autonomous vehicles offers opportunities that were previously Recent technology in transportation may be used to redevelop cities
not available. Unused land area, such as parking spaces situated at to benefit pedestrians rather than vehicles. This allows for more space
nearly every public or private building, may be reimagined through to be devoted to city dwellers through extra infrastructure projects,
SHAWN FAURIE When the automobile was introduced in the late 1800s during a period architecture. development and pedestrian streetscape interventions. By maximising
when horses were the primary mode of transport, people took time to the potential opportunities that electric autonomous vehicles offer, this
Supervisor: Dr M. Nkambule adapt, with the new benefits of using an automobile, people eventually Envisioning the future city as an environment where children and study will drive mobility solutions that are pedestrian-centred.
accepted automobiles as a common mode of transport. Automobiles their parents would walk to school, the grocery store and work. Based
Design Supervisor: Mr L. Pienaar proved to be a faster and safer mode of transportation than horses. on necessity, they would use an integrated system of public transport Urban transportation networks should integrate the newest
Nowadays automobiles are the primary mode of transportation. With to move conveniently throughout the city. This dissertation aims to advancements in electric autonomous vehicular technologies and
advancements in technology, people are advised to adapt, to accept and achieve a similar outcome that is allowed through the benefits and implement architectural design processes and urban design principles
to enjoy the benefits of the latest technological products. opportunities electric autonomous vehicles offer. focused on pedestrian movement.

The benefits of a changing transportation environment, because of City street networks in modern cities prioritise vehicular circulation The proposal will pioneer a system that introduces electric autonomous
RECLAIMING PRIORITIES: THE DESIGN OF A innovation in emerging technologies and developing mobility trends, over pedestrian circulation. The vehicular industry is continually vehicles on the existing A Re Yeng infrastructure and will propose a
may be harnessed through architectural intervention. Mobility options progressing and developing, revolutionising the shape of cities that design for a transportation support facility to accommodate the needs
are fundamental to providing infrastructure and human interaction will adapt to accommodate recent concepts in mobility. With the of electric autonomous vehicles such as the standard day-to-day
AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES IN PRETORIA within the urban environment. introduction of electric autonomous vehicles, cities will not only servicing and charging of autonomous fleets. The building will also
change the shape of urban design but will also benefit from the new accommodate a research facility where real-time data can be received,
In many cities, over 40 per cent of all land is occupied by roads or opportunities that electric autonomous vehicles offer. processed and analysed in Tshwane, South Africa.
parking. Mobility will become increasingly diverse. In the middle of
this decade, most cars will drive entirely autonomously. The utilisation

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ABSTRACT Through detailed site analysis, the project identifies broken links Through using architectural conventions such as drawings, model
(within the contexts and at different scales) for the programme to building, and construction detailing, an enabling typology is developed
attach to. Through employing phenomenology and autoethnography – one that creates an enabling setting for the differently-abled to
CECIL JAMES FROST The National prevalence rate for disabilities in South Africa is 7,5% research methodologies, the project gains a deeper understanding flourish in.
(South Africa, Department of Statistics, 2014). Individuals affected of the underlying personal perspectives and experiences of what the
Supervisor: Dr M. Nkambule by disabilities acquired through injury or illness require rehabilitation differently-abled face. Through evaluating appropriate literature, Keywords: Prosthetic Architecture, Enabling Evironments,
to regain strength and physical movement and, in due course, documenting findings of the proposed site, and studying the connection Integration, Empowerment, Healing
Design Supervisor: Mr M. Mokaba return to a ‘normal’ lifestyle. The phenomena of human interaction between the differently-abled and the Pretoria West Power Station,
towards healing and acceptance are pivotal factors in the process of an appropriate design resolution is developed. The proposed design
rehabilitation, and psychological healing proves to be as important as integrates the public with a once-inaccessible space and promotes
physical healing. healthier inclusion of the differently-abled into society.
The differently-abled adapt to their conditions, and so should the
PROSTHETIC ARCHITECTURE: ADAPTIVE built environment. Through integrating principles of community-
based rehabilitation and healing environments, the rehabilitation and
enhancement centre becomes an enabling environment where holistic
ENHANCEMENT CENTRE FOR THE DISABLED healing occurs. The Pretoria West Power Station and the intended users
come together to form a metaphorical comparison of healing –
the healing of scars caused by circumstances of abandonment through
the evolution of the power station, and impairment caused by injury
and illness. The stitching together of two separate entities forms an
efficient hybrid where the one is influenced by the other.

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ABSTRACT empower South African communities that are regularly crippled by The focus on masculinity is deeply rooted in feminism and a widely
Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and criminality. GBV concerns women, assumed basis of equality, which is not the case in the current
girls, gender, and gender-specific design. environment. Equality is central to the gender-specific spatial design,
LOURINA GROBLER This thesis argues that rammed earth can be used to establish beautiful with an added programme focused on boys. The writer assumes the
environments in Marabastad, where boys aged twelve to eighteen will The author considers how females would experience a space designed inclusion of women while not stating it explicitly.
Supervisor: Prof. A. Osman be socially accepted. Preliminary site investigations revealed that such specifically for boys and men − now and in future − if the next set of
spaces are largely absent within the current fabric. A low-tech building users is not specifically male, since the use of public buildings is fluid. The project aims to critically understand the role that appropriate
Design Supervisor: Mr S. Steyn prototype can provide a sense of permanence and stability for nomadic architectural technology can play in the provision of gender-shaping
The writer addresses the stated issues by means of two observations; platforms and the unearthing of a new archetypal design process that
homeless boys within a community. This dissertation explores the
colour psychology and stereotypes, and that the focus on masculinity contributes to better-acclimated societies.
increased social acceptance, and environmental appropriateness of the
is deeply rooted in feminism and a widely assumed basis of equality −
grounded approach rammed earth offers.
which is not the case in the current environment. The writer is in pursuit of a provocative conversation that promotes
Architects manufacture buildings that convey an intended emotion new versions of envisioned reality. The integrated use of pink with
Colour psychology and stereotypes. Pink is mainly associated with rammed earth walls strengthens this archetype and is an appropriate
FORGING NEW GENDER ARCHETYPES: and architectural language to the users, the surrounding community
girls and women and is linked to unconditional love, empathy and application concerning gender shaping platforms. We can contribute to
and stakeholders. Every building project communicates a narrative
ADAPTING SPACES IN MARABASTAD THROUGH understanding. Its effects range from calming emotions to warmth the challenging conversations regarding stereotypes, and new versions
and sentiment via its craft, materials and construction. This case study
and tenderness. Different shades of pink suggest different sentiments; of envisioned reality, by establishing spaces where equality can exist.
REPRESENTATIONS OF GENDERED AND advocates for the intense layers and folds of masculinity through the
orchid relates to non-conformist views, while fuchsia inspires Rammed earth likewise suggests a forgiving, handcrafted presence and
levels of rammed earth construction.
GENDERING PRACTICES confidence, and blush is seen as non-threatening. (Empowered by serves as a metaphor for space itself being a gracious place for children
The thesis aspires to make a positive contribution to the ‘broken man’ Colour, n.d.). Girls and women may be comforted by the use of pink seeking redemption and betterment.
conversation − through an appropriate technology example − to re- for both males and females, while they address general stereotypical
adjust the focus on and education of homeless boys in Marabastad and notions of and behaviour towards masculinity at the same time.

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ABSTRACT It is common for children living in impoverished areas to attend This mini-dissertation presents an intervention supported by the
overcrowded poor-performing schools with ill-equipped and necessary research for a
inexperienced staff, resulting in the likelihood of learners leaving
SIOBHON-MARIE HILL This mini-dissertation acknowledges the potential of quality formal school without the skills that are needed to contribute to a fluctuating community-based school facility in Mamelodi, Pretoria. The South
educational facilities and the profound impact this can have on economic society (Murnane, 2007:161). Therefore, children in African School Act (No.84 of 1996) sets a precedent to provide a
Supervisor: Prof. J. Laubscher individuals, families and communities. This project recognises and townships require a considerable amount of resources, protection uniform education system for all races and genders. It aims to redress
critically analyses the traditional school building design in South and strength to overcome obstacles and adversities they face in their past injustices and provide a high-quality system of education.
Co-Supervisor: Dr J. Nice Africa, which is based on the premise of the 19th century Industrial developmental environment. Learners’ success stories in township Furthermore, the Act states the need to develop all people’s talents
School Model (ISM). The ISM spread through South Africa from communities usually acknowledge the involvement of at least one and capabilities as well as to combat unfair discrimination, eradicate
1823 and is said to be highly discriminatory, as it reproduces social other significant person and/or asset from the immediate environment poverty, and contribute to the economic well-being of society
stratification based on race and class (Sleeter, 2015:112). The proposed (Mampane & Bower, 2011:115). Hence, in the absence of a (Republic of South Africa, 1996:5).
design aims to reconfigure this model appropriately for the South constructive and supportive environment in the home resulting from However, the current physical, educational environment has failed to
African socio context, informed through the educational needs of the adverse community context, the school is logically the next reliable
THE DESIGN OF A COMMUNITY-BASED SCHOOL reflect this vision. South Africa is still known today to have one of the
learners in Mamelodi. Furthermore, this mini-dissertation will examine resource in line to provide a safe and supportive environment to most unequal education systems in the world (The Economist, 2017).
FACILITY IN PRETORIA various developmental environments in the township of Mamelodi and mitigate the risk factors experienced by learners (Mampane & Bower, This is primarily due to the marginalisation of townships.
their incurring learning barriers. The study informs the architectural 2011:115).
response redressing public primary school design by accommodating
universally known education models and theories providing quality
education to all learners.

The design proposal provides a remodelled design for South African

public primary school buildings suited to the socio-economic context
of Mamelodi. The alternative design seeks to remodel the existing
traditional school building for the practice of multiple learning
models to create an effective learning environment integrated into the
community to aid in the mitigation of learning barriers. A township
in the South African context refers to a residential area usually
underdeveloped with low-cost housing and shacks. Townships
were used as a method of segregation during apartheid (1948-1994)
through the policy of the Group Areas Act No. 41 of 1950. Today
township communities face several social problems due to the lack of
infrastructural planning from the government, leading to several issues,
including the lack of access to essential services and infrastructure,
which is adversely affecting residents’ quality of life.

In South Africa, some schools thrive and others merely survive,

remaining in a constant crisis due to risk factors which include poverty,
unemployment, political violence, faction fighting, gang warfare
and social problems. These factors result in traumatised learners and
learners with learning difficulties (Mouton et al., 2013:32).

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ABSTRACT The separation of agriculture and architecture partly caused by rapid As part of the cycle of life, children need to be included in the process
KATLEGO TSHIMOLOGO LEBETHE urbanisation, land reform and land restitution; has caused a significant of human development and according to UNICEF, incorporating
decline in the farming population. them in the process of education through responsive early learning
Supervisor: Prof. A. Osman This dissertation presents the amalgamation of architecture and environments can improve their sustainable living prospects
agriculture in a contemporary architectural typology which draws Integrating agriculture into the built environment could improve significantly.
Co-Supervisor: Mr K. Brand inspiration from vernacular architecture. With vernacular architecture sustainability and resilient living systems, as an alternative to the
and construction being techniques based on indigenous knowledge, current untenable situation. Progress in the building and construction Keywords: Agriculture, architecture, agri-tecture, early
Co-Supervisor: Mr M. Stander materials and needs. The design facilitates intergenerational self- industries’ sustainability has not changed the fact that both still childhood development, wisdom transference, education, cultural
care and wisdom transference from the elderly and/or unemployed contribute toward climate change and unsustainable developments. history,sustainability.
caregivers to pre-school children in Kgabalatsane View, North West
Province, South Africa. It incorporates the visual and architectural
history of the Tswana: Bakwena-Ba-Mogopa people, who are the
custodian residents of the area. This is to increase the farming
population, to improve rural livelihoods through agri-tecture education,
IN KGABALATSANE VIEW, NORTH WEST while increasing child and adult life productivity.

PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA Research has shown the importance of developing the knowledge of
food producers along with their capacities for agricultural production.
This is due to the agricultural sector’s important ability to increase
income in comparison to other industries.

Figure 1: Aerial Perspective Figure 2: Perspective from the gate

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ABSTRACT In traditions of African spiritual dance, complex conceptions of
time form an essential context of ritual practice and ‘research’. This
dissertation will explore and describe numerous such traditions, and
GODMIRE MUFUKA The study of time is related to history through the science of outline some of the applications of the conceptions of time that they
chronology. As with much of the history of scientific inquiry, enable or demonstrate.
Supervisor: Prof. A. Osman chronology involves the extensive use of conventions known as the
‘scientific method’. These procedures and ways of thinking, though In order to link this research and historical ritual practice to the
Design Supervisor: Mr S. Steyn useful and often beautiful, present only a fraction of what we might conventions and traditions of architectural practice, the study takes
call ‘reality’ to the discerning viewer. the form of the simulated design of an African Dance Theatre. Cross
programming is used to explore the spatiotemporal conditions of
This dissertation will attempt to arrive at new suggestions for separation and connection between the everyday and the sacred
understandings of time and space (through event and place) by (or, to link it to the opening argument, the chronological and the
augmenting the study of time through chronology with “kairology”. ‘kairological’). The selected site is one of historical, symbolic and
AFRO-EXFOLIATION: AN EXPLORATION OF Chronos and kairos are two conceptions of time with ancient spiritual significance. The hill adjoining the ‘Wonderboom’ an
origins. The conception of time personified by Chronos involves the enormous ficus tree in the north west of Pretoria has substantial
understanding of time as a more or less linear phenomenon whereas cultural, symbolic, historical and religious significance for the Ndebele
AWAKENING WITH THE DESIGN OF AN AFRICAN kairos would entail the study of an alignment of events or ‘opportune people, who occupied the site before the establishment of the city.

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ABSTRACT Plastic forms the basis of the term plasticity, and the various forms of
GERICKE NEL the product stands central to this dissertation. 99% of products will be
trashed within six months of being purchased, and 10-12% of disposed
Supervisor: Prof. J. Laubscher “The problem is not plastic. It is what we do with it, and that means the waste consists of plastic product. This waste equates to 300 million
onus is on us to be far smarter in how we use this miracle material.” – tons of plastic waste generated annually worldwide. A problem of this
Design Supervisor: Mr L. Pienaar Inger Anderson, executive director of the United Nations Environment magnitude requires both a paradigm shift and an innovative approach.
Programme. Although plastic could be described as a failure by design, it remains
Co-Supervisor: Mr K. Brand
a miraculous and essential material. However, the potential of using
post-consumer plastic as an abundant “resource” remains largely
This dissertation investigates the multifaceted term “plasticity” within unexplored.
an architectural context. Theory, materiality and process form the
basis of the exploration. The theoretical exploration will focus on
PLASTICITY: THE DESIGN OF A PLASTIC how the concept of plasticity can guide architectural morphology, The design of a multifaceted Plastics Innovation Laboratory in Central
influencing space. Investigations into materiality draw comparisons Pretoria would be the outcome of the exploration mentioned above.
INNOVATION LABORATORY IN CENTRAL between creation (reusing) and utilisation (repurposing) and how it can Central Pretoria’s urban context and its existing rhizome of networks,
PRETORIA inform the design process. The study aims to extrapolate the processes including the informal recycling network, would inform the urban and
of plasticity into various phases of architecture, from programme to contextual response of the Plastic Innovation Laboratory. This study
construction. investigates how plastic and plasticity could inform

44 45
ABSTRACT These are vital determinants of how the blind interact with and
navigate architecture. The investigation therefore contains an
investigation of the use of the senses in architecture, and how designers
LETLOTLO NKWADI The aim of this architectural thesis is to present the design of a can understand, interpret, and contribute to a visually impaired
multisensory creative hub in Ga-Rankuwa, Tshwane. person’s interaction with and experience of architecture.
Supervisor: Dr M. Nkambule
This dissertation explores architecture as a pleasant multi-sensory The research is based on a mixed-method approach in order to
Co-Supervisor: Mr M. Mokaba experience for the visually impaired in an urban-rural setting. The determine an appropriate architecture that is multi-sensory, well suited
study is grounded on the interests of empowerment, independence, to provide tools for empowerment and independence, with the aim
social integration in this context, as well as the high unemployment of giving the visually impaired upward mobility in a world mainly
issue of the blind and visually impaired in South Africa. designed for those with sight.
Vision impairment is the highest of all disabilities in South Africa The research concludes with an appropriate response to designing for
THE DESIGN OF A MULTISENSORY CREATIVE HUB (32%). Furthermore, it was estimated in 2018, by the World Health visually impaired people. Conclusions are drawn and a design brief for
Organization, that 97% of all visually impaired people in the country a multi-sensory creative hub for the visually impaired is derived.

ECONOMIC EMPOWERMEN AND REINTEGRATION Sight is considered the most important sense in the human body,
especially in this world where architecture has mainly been a visual
medium and art. The moment sight is lost, tactility, taste, smell, and the
auditory perception become currency for the visually impaired.

46 47
ABSTRACT formed a precedent which recognised that urban growth tends to communities are to benefit socially and economically from this
extend outward from the city centre , primarily along transportation infrastructure.
lines (Goodwin, 2018).
NICOLINE ROUX The proposed research dissertation aims to explore the topic of It has been argued that peri-urban environments are a critical frontier
how the infrastructure of the rail network has become outdated and This dissertation entails the re-design of Mabopane Station, which is of sustainability (Marshall, 2016) and that peri-urban processes, if
Supervisor: Dr M. Nkambule underdeveloped due to urban sprawl. This project attempts to design located between Mabopane and Soshanguve in Pretoria. The envisaged appropriately recognised and nurtured, may hold the potential to be
a transformative innovation with the rail- network infrastructure in facility addresses the current need for appropriate infrastructure for the transformative and challenge the dominant urban course (Marshall and
Design Supervisor: Mr M. Stander a peri-urban society. Focusing on the largest peri-urban settlement number of people using the rail network as a transportation mode in Dolley, 2016).
in Pretoria, Mabopane, and Soshanguve, this dissertation will be Tshwane.
exploring the re-design of the Mabopane Station.
The design could be described as a transformative design innovation.
The proposed design resolution is a result of a qualitative research It is therefore based on the upgrading and integration of the existing
approach. A new urban strategy will be investigated with a social Metrorail Station and the design of a mixed-use commercial facility
TRANSFORMATIVE INNOVATION IN A constructivist worldview, wherein public transport will be used to drive to serve the commuters with their daily needs. The surrounding
innovation in urban development, thereby providing an opportunity for
Mabopane Station to grow into a precinct.
Using a sector growth model that was published in the 1930s by
Homer Hoyt, the aim is to improve on the urban framework and
create opportunities for socio- and economic-growth for the commuter
villages around Mabopane and Soshanguve. The sector growth model

48 49
ABSTRACT useful, and fostering ownership and beginning to provide functions
neglected by local government. The very same factors present
opportunities for agency to be promoted.
RYAN SAM This thesis is an investigation of ‘the promotion of agency’, as
described by Professor Jonathan Hill in the book, Actions of A Constructivist approach was taken in this study. This approach
Supervisor: Prof. J. Laubscher Architecture. The study explores architecture that addresses the legacy acknowledges that there is one reality that is interpreted and
of exclusionary building principles. constructed differently, depending on who the user is. This approach
Design Supervisor: Dr J. Nice promotes the design concept of agency, as each person has a
Derived insight into how users re-establish control of their immediate unique interpretation that is influenced by matters such as personal
environment through appropriation and deformalisation was helpful in circumstance and subject knowledge. This way of thinking means that
the development of this project. An understanding of how the policies subjectivity yields a unique yet specific outcome in each user.
of the past have restricted agency, and the role that architects and
architecture play in obstructing this agency, led to further investigation This project proposes the design of an Urban Gymnasium at the
A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD: THE DESIGN OF AN into the role that appropriate technology and inclusive design could abandoned site of Berea Sports Park in Pretoria Central. The
play in shifting a user’s understanding and, more importantly, use of intervention aims to provide a platform that promotes agency through
space. sports architecture, progressing towards inclusive design as an
PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA archetype which is accessible both mentally and physically to all socio-
Factors such as inaccessibility, social incoherence, and a lack of economic classes.
infrastructure lead to groups of people becoming marginalised within
South Africa (SA). Marginalised users appropriate formal and residual Keywords: agency, appropriation, inclusive architecture, accessibility,
space to serve their situation better; making less functional space more sports architecture.

50 51
ABSTRACT and promotes a spatial ideology informed by the experience of the
uprooted (the black people of Sub-Saharan Africa) to introduce a land
redistribution hub in Tshwane.
TLHOLOGELLO SESANA It looks at the paradigms of prescribed “ideal” architecture as imposed
by the colonial system and the overall effects of this system in shaping The project undertakes an analysis of personal mobility and explores
Supervisor: Prof. A. Osman the city’s current identity in society. Furthermore, it investigates the the notion of “nomadicy” as an alternative to permanency and its
system of Apartheid (Afrikaans for apart-ness) as a logical continuation effect on the fabric of Tshwane. The study uses a series of historical
Design Supervisor: Mr S. Steyn of the colonialist project, which had been instrumental in ordering references to mobilise the argument, shedding light on expressions
“placement”, thereby enabling continued displacement of those who of complex interactions that are deeply rooted in social concerns,
were dispossessed through inter alia the Occupation Act (1886), the traditional values and practices: a symbol of reclaiming place, heritage,
Land Settlement Act (1912), the Natives Land Act (1913), the Natives and identity. This will take the conventional academic form of a
(Urban Areas) Act (1923), the Native Trust and Land Act (1936), the literature review accompanied by diagrammatic and textual unpacking
Trading and Occupation of Land Restriction Act (1943), the Group of the gathered content.
A REVOLUTION: DECOLONIZING ARCHITECTURE Areas Act (1950), the Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act (1951) and
the Native Resettlement Act (1954) (SAHO, 2020). This dissertation introduces a typology that reaches into the deep
cultural beliefs, needs and history of the uprooted, and produces an
AND SPACE THROUGH THE DESIGN OF A LAND This research considers the city’s identity not only from the historical architectural narrative representative of an uncolonised state of thought
perspective of colonisation but also from that of a continued struggle and being.
for decolonisation. This allows for a reconsideration of imposing
political spaces beyond a Western concept of “ideal space making” Keywords: alternative architecture, culture, space, nomadic,
colonisation, decolonisation

Colonisation is, at its core, an imposition. It manifests itself on both

the formal and informal settings of a city – adopting different forms in
our streets and our building structures. The city of Tshwane, which is
the focus of this research, has a profound colonial history. The ideas of
finding and founding of the city provide insight into its historical roots
of division and imposition.

Decolonisation here is, at its core, about ownership of land in the

current economic structure of our society, and the distribution of
that ownership. The complex history of how land can be said to be
“owned” by one person or another, or one group or another, forms
the background of this study. The foreground is an architectural
intervention on one of Tshwane’s most contentious sites (contentious
specifically in terms of cultural and political forms of ownership as
expressed through heritage and symbolism), namely Church Square.

This study investigates the impact of the colonial system as it has

developed in the city of Tshwane since prior to the establishment of
the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek to date.

52 53
ABSTRACT Furthermore, this dissertation aims to explore what Queer space is,
and what it can look like, its function, and the impact it can have on the
surrounding context. The intervention will focus on the needs of the
JAN-HENDRIK VAN JAARSVELD For this dissertation, the acronym LGBTQI+ will be used as an underprivileged LGBTQI+ community and acts as a mediator between
umbrella term for gender and sexual minorities. The word Queer will it and the heteronormative world.
Supervisor: Prof. A. Osman refer to a process of Queering, a verb of Queering, instead of a state of
being Queer. The opportunity to explore new spatial hierarchies in buildings
Co-Supervisor: Mr P. Greyvensteyn presents itself through the manifestation of Queer theory. Queer
LGBTQI+ people do not have a central space of escape in urban South theory furthermore introduces alternative considerations towards
Africa, where they can seek refuge, support or elation. The lack of spatial design.
LGBTQI+ space leads to homelessness, sexual abuse, drug abuse and
even worse, death.

This dissertation aims to design an LGBTQI+ precinct located in Key words: Queer space, Queer theory, precinct, LGBTQI+
the Pretoria CBD using Queer design theory. This architectural
OF QUEER SPACE THROUGH THE DESIGN OF A intervention will facilitate LGBTQI+ life and consist of multiple
elements such as housing, commercial, retail, educational and various
PRECINCT IN PRETORIA other public spaces.

54 55
ABSTRACT This dissertation investigates how an architectural intervention could The facility aims to create awareness in the local community on how
contribute to and support the rehabilitation of an aquatic ecosystem. productive a healthy ecosystem can be for them and the economy,
JOHANNES HENDRIKUS Aquaponic farming, which is a combination of aquaculture and where users can farm and sell their own crops through aquaponic
VAN TONDER More than 50% of South Africa’s river aquatic species are critically hydroponics, can firstly, support permaculture design principles and farming. The designed facility aims to be a didactic building where
endangered. South African water sources face high-levels of pollution thereby rehabilitate the polluted environment, and secondly, address users can be self-taught through observation. The facility aims to
Supervisor: Prof. J. Laubscher daily from industries, agricultural pesticides, and fertilisers, which South Africa’s food security problem through a sustainable localised become a prototype in the area where it can expand sustainable
collectively destroy aquatic ecosystems. Nature is resilient to self- intervention. aquaponic farming throughout the area and South Africa.
Design Supervisor: Dr J. Nice rehabilitate, as is evident from the abandoned Orlando power station
dam where nature has started to take back what was once theirs. This dissertation explores the role of architecture in ecosystem
conservation and awareness through environmental rehabilitation of
a polluted aquatic ecosystem. This dissertation further investigates The design responds by manipulating the natural ground plane to blend
the opportunities architectural interventions can provide through into its contexts and become a landform building. The design includes
The Orlando Dam in Soweto was developed to support the Orlando farming areas, a research centre, a market space and a food court.
community engagement in permaculture and aquaponic farming. The
TRANSFORMING A CONTAMINATED ECOSYSTEM power station. The power station has been decommissioned, and the
outcomes include creating a new identity for decommissioned peri-
dam and tributary river have fallen into neglect and become a polluted
THROUGH ECONOMIC REGENERATION: THE urban spaces and regenerating the local economy through job creation
ecosystem. The increase in the population resulting in an ever-
by breeding fish and growing crops through aquaponic farming.
DESIGN OF AN AQUAPONIC FACILITY IN expanding urban fabric has had a detrimental impact on the Baileys
Spruit and Klipspruit. The current state of pollution has become a
SOWETO, SOUTH AFRICA public health concern for both the local community and Soweto at

56 57
ABSTRACT The study of precedents informed this research and the architectural
outcome thereof. The investigation includes, among other things,
hand-built models and drawings to experiment and explore the
ARMANDT VAN ZYL ‘Freedom of expression is the foundation of human rights, the source form and functions of architectural spaces and infrastructure. The
of humanity, and the mother of truth.’ - Liu Xiaobo (Xiaobo, 2019) project fosters social cohesion through the design of a media and
Supervisor: Dr E. Nkambule communication centre.

Design Supervisor: Dr C. Davey The proposed project, situated in Tshwane inner city, proposes,
Freedom of expression is of such importance in democracy that it is
amongst others a platform for freedom of expression, a media, and
protected under Section 16 of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of
communication centre and various possibilities for the multi-layered
South Africa. Unlike the first amendment of the Constitution of the
expression and display of media. The project intends to act as a catalyst
United States of America, Section 16 protects not only the freedom of
for the creation of satellite facilities across South Africa by way of
speech but also the freedom of expression. Freedom of expression in
architectural interventions in the fabric of existing settlements.
STAGED ARCHITECTURE: A PLATFORM FOR South Africa encompasses an extended range of activities, including
actions that have expressive content. The main intention of the dissertation was to identify and challenge
a modern non-architectural concept such as freedom of expression
It is important to note that freedom of expression has a strong
DESIGN OF A MEDIA AND COMMUNICATION through a hybrid architectural resolution that is appropriate to the
connotation with the political environment. This proposed project
context of the inner-city of Tshwane, South Africa.
CENTRE IN TSHWANE, SOUTH AFRICA will not only explore political expression but rather the full definition
of freedom of expression (including artistic, personal, and religious

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