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Python Scripting access Tips:

Wednesday, April 12, 2017 4:05 PM

• Client Scripting via General Scripting Virtual Machine (VM):

• The Python scripts are stored on and executed from the General Scripting VM on the
ENM system

• Any ENM user who has the 'Scripting_Operator' role can logon to the General Scripting
VM and run Python scripts to execute CLI commands

• How to logon to the General Scripting VM ?

You can use any tool like secureCRT or cygwin ..

ssh –p port username@ENM_IP

Ssh -p 5023 user@

Note: Replace 'user' with your OWN ENM login

Or we can use Putty

• Users need only logon to the General Scripting VM, no further authentication is required to
run their Python scripts.

python Page 1
This can be accomplished by calling the open() function. No Parameters are required when
starting a session on the ENM System via the General Scripting VM.

import enmscripting

session =

• Users have access to their own home area and a common shared storage area on the
General Scripting VM.

[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) ~]$ls
0404 Ericsson
[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) ~]$
[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) ~]$pwd

• Users scripts can be uploaded to these storage areas( we can upload script to our home
directory or create using Cat >

[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) 0404]$ls
log sites

• Scripts in the common area can be run by any scripting user

Once we are here we can type to python and will go directly to com mode to run python scripts.

[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) 0404]$python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Nov 21 2013, 10:50:32)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

Example script :

>>> import enmscripting

>>> session =
>>> command = 'cmedit get LNJ05017A MeContext.*;NetworkElement.*'
>>> cmd = session.command()
>>> response = cmd.execute(command)
>>> for line in response.get_output():
... print(line)
FDN : SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO,SubNetwork=Wayne,MeContext=LNJ05017A
MeContextId : LNJ05017A
neType : ERBS
platformType : CPP
FDN : NetworkElement=LNJ05017A

python Page 2
FDN : NetworkElement=LNJ05017A
neProductVersion : [{revision=R24HA, identity=CXP102051/26}]
networkElementId : LNJ05017A
neType : ERBS
nodeModelIdentity : 1659-743-117
ossModelIdentity : 17A-H.1.160
ossPrefix : SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO,SubNetwork=Wayne,MeContext=LNJ05017A
platformType : CPP
release : H.1.167
technologyDomain : [EPS]
utcOffset : -04:00
2 instance(s)

One more if we want to run script uploaded on our drive.( health check command)

[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) 0404]$cat >

import enmscripting
session =
command = 'cmedit get LNJ05017A MeContext.*;NetworkElement.*'
cmd = session.command()
response = cmd.execute(command)
for line in response.get_output():
[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) 0404]$python
FDN : SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO,SubNetwork=Wayne,MeContext=LNJ05017A
MeContextId : LNJ05017A
neType : ERBS
platformType : CPP
FDN : NetworkElement=LNJ05017A
neProductVersion : [{revision=R24HA, identity=CXP102051/26}]
networkElementId : LNJ05017A
neType : ERBS
nodeModelIdentity : 1659-743-117
ossModelIdentity : 17A-H.1.160
ossPrefix : SubNetwork=ONRM_ROOT_MO,SubNetwork=Wayne,MeContext=LNJ05017A
platformType : CPP
release : H.1.167
technologyDomain : [EPS]
utcOffset : -04:00
2 instance(s)

Note: if you run python in COM mode '>>>' to get out we can type 'exit()'

[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) ~]$python
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84292, Nov 21 2013, 10:50:32)
[GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> exit()
[bfisha@scp-2-scripting(syl1launcher) ~]$

python Page 3
• Client Scripting via Client workstation:

• Prerequisites

○ The user is familiar with Python and ENM CLI commands

○ Python 2.6.6 is installed on the client workstation.

Down load Python for window:

Ericsson recommend 2.6.6 but I down load latest 3.6 and works so far but we can find version
2.6.6. down load exe file and installed.

When we install we can use C:\Pythonxx (xx is version we used) to get access folder easy

○ A Python module installation tool that can install modules from Python wheel archives
must be installed on the client workstation. Some Python versions has already included
Python installation package so first check on Script directory under C: \PythonXX if file
PIP.exe is existing if not

Down load script from https address below( which helps to down load PIP and load it
on C:\Pythonxx\Scripts folder

Note: Internet access is required to download the requests module and to run get

How we can install PIP using script ?

Use Command prompt(CMD):

python Page 4
Requirement already up-to-date: pip in c:\python36\lib\site-packages
Collecting wheel
Downloading wheel-0.29.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (66kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 71kB 227kB/s
Installing collected packages: wheel
Successfully installed wheel-0.29.0

Verify it is on right directory

○ The user downloads the library to their local machine and imports the modules into their
local Python scripts

1. Download (from ENM) and save the wheel archive to the client workstation. The file name
will be of the form enm_client_scripting-x.x.x-py2-none-any.whl where enm-client-scripting
is the name of the package and x.x.x is the version

2. Install the required modules from the wheel archive. This and subsequent examples, use
the Python Package management tool (PIP) for installation and upgrade of the client
scripting module .

To install enm Scripting library we use same Command Prompt(COM):

First go to directory:C:\Python36\Scripts

Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is C057-8912

Directory of C:\Python36\Scripts

04/12/2017 04:03 PM <DIR> .

04/12/2017 04:03 PM <DIR> ..
03/10/2017 12:09 PM 98,153 easy_install-3.6.exe
03/10/2017 12:09 PM 98,153 easy_install.exe
03/10/2017 05:42 PM 59
03/10/2017 12:09 PM 98,125 pip.exe
03/10/2017 12:09 PM 98,125 pip3.6.exe
03/10/2017 12:09 PM 98,125 pip3.exe
04/12/2017 04:03 PM 98,132 wheel.exe

python Page 5
04/12/2017 04:03 PM 98,132 wheel.exe
7 File(s) 588,872 bytes
2 Dir(s) 232,440,737,792 bytes free

C:\Python36\Scripts>pip.exe install C:\Python36\enm_client_scripting-1.13.1-py2.py3-none-

"pip install </path/to/enm_client_scripting-x.x.x-py2-none-any.whl> "

• Note: I will upload wheel file on Team Microssoft with procedure so we can access there too

3. Verify enm-client-scripting module and requests module are installed from the wheel
archive using the available Python Package management tool on the client workstation
pip list
enm-client-scripting (x.x.x)
requests (2.6.0)

C:\Python36\Scripts>pip list
enm-client-scripting (1.13.1)
pip (9.0.1)
requests (2.6.0)
setuptools (28.8.0)
wheel (0.29.0)

4. The Client Scripting Library is ready to be used. But when we import ' enmscripting' we will
see error
>>> import enmscripting
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\enmscripting\", line 1, in <module>
from .enmscripting import (open, close)
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\enmscripting\", line 4, in <module>
from .private import session
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\enmscripting\private\", line 15, in <module>
from .retry import (retry, on_fail_sleep)
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\enmscripting\private\", line 120
raise self._result[0], self._result[1], self._result[2]

Open file : C:\Pythonxx\Scripts\

On last page Line 120: Red highlight is the one complain so we have to replace based on note " # The
above is incompatible with Python 3, install six and replace raise with this:)

def return_raise_result(self):
if self._is_exception:
# raise like this is required to keep the original call's stack trace
raise self._result[0], self._result[1], self._result[2]

python Page 6
raise self._result[0], self._result[1], self._result[2]
# The above is incompatible with Python 3, install six and replace raise with this:
# six.reraise(self._result[0], self._result[1], self._result[2])
return self._result

Corrected File will be: after change same it and try import
def return_raise_result(self):
if self._is_exception:
# raise like this is required to keep the original call's stack trace
raise six.reraise(self._result[0], self._result[1], self._result[2])
# The above is incompatible with Python 3, install six and replace raise with this:
# six.reraise(self._result[0], self._result[1], self._result[2]) else:
return self._result

Import is not looks successful on this stage:

>>> import enmscripting


○ Valid credentials must be available to allow logon to ENM from within the scripts

○ Any ENM user specified within the scripts must have correct authorization to execute ENM
CLI commands used in a script

○ The Python scripts are executed on the client's workstation

How we can run script is we can use file or we can run command same as using
Client VM.

NOTE: To Starting session on ENM via Client workstation

Start calling the open() function providing the following parameters :

1. url - the launcher url of the ENM deployment

2. username - the username of the user to access ENM

3. password - the password for the user

import enmscripting

session =<ENM Launcher URL>,<user name>,<password>)


>>> import enmscripting

>>> session ='https://syl1launcher.syl1enm1.mgmt' , 'Username' , 'password')

python Page 7
>>> session ='https://syl1launcher.syl1enm1.mgmt' , 'Username' , 'password')
>>> command = 'config list'
>>> cmd = session.command()
>>> response = cmd.execute(command)
>>> print('The command was successfully sent and a response received: ' +
The command was successfully sent and a response received: True
>>> enmscripting.close(session)
>>> for line in response.get_output():
... print(line)

• The user writes the scripts, using the API to execute whatever CLI commands are required

• The user executes the scripts locally, and the responses are received from the ENM
system to the clients workstation for review/further processing

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