Sell Like Crazy On Whatsapp

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1. Why WhatsApp?

2. Branding your whatsApp business; Building perception

3. Growing your whatsApp contact base

4. Alpha strategies for an effective whatsApp business

5. Closing sales on whatsApp


Every social media platform has its own unique features that give it an edge over

others. However, when it turns to popularity based on messaging application,

WhatsApp has been the most popular application with more than 1.5 billion users

across the globe, It has also become the primary means of electronic

communication with media features in multiple countries and locations, including

Europe, India, Africa among others.

WhatsApp is one of the most used applications in the world with over one billion

users. WhatsApp’s client application runs on mobile devices but is also accessible

from desktop computers, as long as the user’s mobile devices remains connected

to the internet while they use the desktop app. In 2018, WhatsApp released a

standalone business app targeted at small business owners, called WhatsApp

Business, to allow companies to communicate with customers who use the

standalone WhatsApp client.

In Nigeria, whatsApp users has a whooping figure of 90%. This means almost all

Nigerians are on whatsApp. This is good news, because wherever people are

gathered, money is always there and also because your target audience are

already on whatsapp, all you need to do is to connect with them and make sales.

That’s what this book is about, giving you crazy strategies on whatsapp marketing

and how to sell like crazy on whatsapp.


WhatsApp marketing is a messenger marketing that allows you to promote your

brand, reach enormous audience, build strong relationship with customers and

make massive sales.

WhatsApp marketing is beyond just getting products and start selling via

whatsApp status. I’ve seen many whatsApp vendors makes this mistake, they just

wake up one morning and decide to start selling clothes, bags or shoes e.t.c.

If you started your whatsApp business that way, you won’t make much sales or

make sales at all. The first thing you need to put in place to make crazy sales on

whatsApp is Branding Your Whatsapp Business. This takes us to the next



I’m going to simplify what Brand, Brand identity, Brand strategy and Branding is,

I’m also going to show you how to build your brand effectively on whatsApp by

shaping your audience perceptions about you and your business.


A brand is not your logo, flyer or any visual identity. A brand first exists in the mind

of your audience as a perception.

A Brand is people’s perception and feelings about you and your business. Your

brand is not what you say it is, it is what people say it is. Your brand is the thoughts

and feelings that comes to people when they hear your name/business name. For

instance, What comes to your mind when you hear the following names “ Funke

Akindele, Genevieve Nnaji? Your thought about them is the brand they have built

over the time. Let me also ask what comes to your mind when you hear “ Gucci,

Versace, Balenciaga” ? Of course, It’s clothings, but a kind of clothing; top notch.

Those names cannot be given to cars. I mean when people ask you what Gucci is,

you can’t say it’s a sport car because, over the time, you have seen and totally

convinced about what they do. So, knowing that people’s perception about your
business is important, you must be deliberate about shaping people’s perception

about your business. You must be intentional about what you want people to know

you for. People must know you majorly for something and once that is achieved,

your brand is registered.

To build your brand, you must determine what you stand for, your business core

values and the kind of feedbacks you want to get from clients/customers. To do

this, you’ll need to write out what your brand stands for and create values around

your brand. For example, I recently built a brand for a client called ‘ROYALTY

HAIRS’, while building the brand, the client discussed what the business meant to

her, the values she wants to create around the brand and we came up with this;

“Royalty hairs seeks to influence beauty decisions, give royal and classy looks to

ladies with high budget wigs on a low budget. Royalty hairs affords ladies to slay

on a budget, look beautiful and classy. Royalty hairs in one word is quality, class

and affordable.”

After you’ve determined what the brand stands for, then you move on to brand


This simply means a strategy to achieve the brand you created. How to shape

people’s perception exactly the way you want it.

There are several ways to execute brand strategy on whatsApp. Once you’ve

determined what your brand stands for, you then do things that will make people

see your brand for what it exactly stands for.

Let’s say the core value for your brand is ‘classy’, you’ll need to position your

products as classy. Let me take a detour to what brand identity is.


Brand identity is the visible elements of a brand. It includes color, logo, fonts and

design that differentiates your brand in the consumer’s mind. Many WhatsApp

vendors fail to understand that there are millions of other vendors who sell what

they sell. To have an effective WhatsApp business, you’ll need a brand identity

that differentiates you from your competitors and position you for more sales.

If you started your WhatsApp business without an outstanding identity, pause and

create one.
Here are some hacks for brand strategy on whatsapp;

1. Position your brand and products as top notch using brand

identity; You’ll need to get a brand logo that speaks about your brand, let

your logo be in the face of your contact lists always.

I design top notch brand logo, click the link to get yours

Note - you can copy that and paste it to your browser and you’ll be redirect where to get

your logo.

One other way to position your brand and products as top notch is to use

quality images when posting your images. Don’t just post pictures of your

products, make sure the picture are quality pictures. I also recommend to

my clients to have an editable template so they can always use it to post

their products. This templates always carries the brand logo and give the

brand a top notch feel. I create these templates for my clients and teach
them how to edit it easily using their smartphone. Check the example below;

The above template was designed by Royalty Hairs. You can get editable templates

like this and also learn to edit it using your smartphone. Click the link to design

your editable template ( Note - you can copy that and paste it to your

browser and you’ll be redirect where to get your template)

One more way to position your brand and product as top notch is to give your

products quality names. For example, let say you sew clothes, give every of your

designs quality names like ‘The simisola dress”.

2. Position yourself as an expert; How can you sell clothes on whatsApp

and you’ve never shared tips on how to slay or dress properly, honestly

that’s bad. To position yourself as an expert, you need to share value around

what you sell, share tips and similar values around your business.

Now that you’ve known what your brand stands for and crafted out a strategy to

shape people’s perception about your brand, the next step is Branding.

Branding is influencing and controlling the perception and feelings people have

about your brand continuously. Branding is a continuous process where you keep

executing the strategies that makes people know what you stand. Let me give you

a practical example. Coca-Cola is a company that produces carbonated soft drinks.

Their products are distributed across the nations to the least village of the world.

The reason why they keep up with their relevancy is because they don’t stop

executing strategies that promote their brand. Everybody today know coca-cola

because everybody are seeing it. If they stop putting their products on people’s

face, with time, people will forget about them. Because they don’t want people to

forget their products, they keep up with plans and strategies that help their


Branding is putting to work your brand strategy continuously. This is where you

schedule your daily and weekly post using the strategies you come up with.
I work with my clients intensively for two weeks to help them build a good brand,

create brand strategies and branding schedules that shapes the perception of your

customers about your business/products.

You can access my two weeks full branding package here ( Note -

you can copy that and paste it to your browser and you’ll be redirect where to access two weeks

full branding package)


A brand association is the neuro connection a customer has with your brand which

can be association with a location, an idea or an emotion. Your brand association

is what you deliberately create to make your customer have a connection with

you. When this connection is there, they become your lifelong customers. Its

important as a WhatsApp brand that you have one or more brand association that

your prospects/customers can associate with.

Brand association are formed through experience. Thus, customer experience

becomes one of the most important things to pay attention to as a WhatsApp


Customer experience starts from the first contact prospect have with your brand.

Its important that you craft out an experience you want all your customers to have.
Your brand association, the connection your prospects/customers has with your

brand can be location, attributes(behavior and characteristics), benefits and


As a WhatsApp brand your customer experience should be based on Attributes

and emotions.

Wherever there are lots of people, there is always money. To make crazy sales on

WhatsApp, you need a large contact list, the more people you have viewing your

status, the more sales you can make.

Growing your contact base isn’t about getting numbers but getting people that are

likely to be interested in your products.

ONE way to grow your contact base is through facebook

1. Give high value contents around the products/servcies you sell;

Whatever you’re selling has a training/knowledge you can attach to it. You can

do a free training related to the products you sell. All you need to do is create

a good copy and attach a direct link to it that will redirect anyone who clicks it

to your DM. When they’re in your DM, tell them to save your number before

you give them the link to the free training WhatsApp group.

Post the copy that has your direct link to Facebook groups that are in the same

niche with your business/products. For example, if you sell health products,

make sure the groups you post your copy to health related groups.
If you can’t organize a whatsapp training, you can create educative contents

that has your direct link and post them to facebook groups related to your


The most important thing is to attach your direct whatsapp link to every copy

you post on facebook.

You can create a direct whatsapp link on ,postcron functions as

a whatsapp link generator that only needs your mobile number and message

you want those who click it to see.

When you create a link on postcron, you’ll get something like this


The link is usually long, so you’ll need to shorten the link on

Copy the link you created on and go to, paste the long link

in and click shorten. You’ll get something like this

Now you can add this shortened link on your copy and post it on facebook

groups related to your business/products.


When it comes to running an effective whatsapp business, you must know the

strategies that ensures effective whatsapp marketing. Whatsapp marketing is quite

different from marketing on other social media platforms.

If you follow the strategy on how to increase your contact base I mentioned earlier,

you’ll realize that your contact list will consist of high percentage of prospects who

don’t know you and you don’t know. So just posting your products on your status

will not be effective.

Let’s look at a few strategies you should use to have an effective whatsapp


1. Create awareness:

One of the first thing you should do is to create awareness of your brand, what

you sell and what you do. Posting all your products is a very bad way to create

awareness on whatsapp.

Whatsapp brings a kind of closure, so your contact list must be aware of you,

your brand and what you sell. One way to achieve this is to do “bait post”.

Bait posting is used to always get your contact list to view your status. Let’s

say you always post lots of product daily repeatedly, there are chances that

some will get tired of viewing your status, and this is bad for your market.
To use bait post, whenever you post your products, let the last picture be an

attractive picture of yourself or a video of yourself or your brand. On whatsapp,

viewers get to see your last post before clicking on your status. What will attract

them is the beautiful picture of yourself, but as they click, they’ll first view all

the products you posted before see the last image.

One thing you shouldn’t do when creating awareness is don’t be too pushy.

Customers won’t buy from you when they perceive you’re desperate or needy.

So keep it cool.

2. Interact with your contact list; Whatsapp is a closed platform, so it

affords you to interact and get to know your clients personally’.

When your clients are comfortable around, you’ll always make sales. Interacting

with your contact list builds trust.

One way to interact with your contact list is to engage their whatsapp status.

As a whatsapp vendor, being a ghost viewer is bad for your business. Always

try to compliment or drop a remark on your contact list status.

When you interact with their status, it creates a platform of conversation with

your client. I must inform you that you should always interact with your contact

list using their names. Using their names makes them feel known and valued.
Spend quality time complimenting and dropping remarks on your contact list


3. Build trust and likability

You have products to sell to a large list of people who don’t know or your brand,

so you’ll need to build trust and likability.

To build trust and likability, you need to do two things;

a. Listen to your prospects/customers; Listening to your audience makes

your relation real. Customers always have one complain or the other, as a

good listener you don’t argue.

The goal is to build trust and likability, so arguing or getting angry when

they bring their complains will not make you achieve that goal.

For example, lets say they bring a complain about your price. First

compliment them for taking the time to research on what they want to buy,

then go on to explain why your price is higher than what they saw


b. Give a unique promise; make a genuine and unique promise that makes

your brand stand out. You can do this by giving a strong guarantee of your

products/service. Pick a guarantee that doesn’t bring loss to you, it can be

a time based warranty or a cash back guarantee, as long as it is genuine

and doesn’t bring loss to the your business.

c. Give overwhelming proof; Giving proof of your product/service always

make new prospect trust your ability to deliver what you promised.

One way to give overwhelming proof is to share previous testimonies you’ve

received from those who bought your products/service.

If you don’t have testimonials, message 10 people who have previously

patronized you to send you an honest remark of your products/service.

4. Organize your contact list; To effectively make use of your contact list,

you must organize them into broadcast groups. Opening a whatsApp group

is not as effective as using a broadcast message to reach out to your contact


Organizing your contact list into broadcast groups will help you channel what

you offer to the right people.

A broadcast message brings closure, its close to direct messaging except

from the fact that it adds the broadcast icon.

You can organize your contact list into broadcast groups this way; Family,

friends, business owners, salary earners e.t.c. This will allow you to know

when to send a sales broadcast message. For example if you have a

broadcast list of salary earners, the best time to send sales offers is when

they receive their salaries.


Closing sales on whatsApp is very important, this determines whether your

products will be bought or not.

If you’re among those whatsApp vendors that posts like this “we’re opened, please

patronize us, we are still taking orders” or you post without adding price, you’ll

make little or no sales. So stop posting like that!!

Closing sales on WhatsApp requires skill, let’s check how to effectively close a

WhatsApp sale.

1. Attract your customers by value; Ensure you speak about your product

in such a way that it increases the value in the mind of your contact list.

Instead of posting “please patronize us” use “super flash sales”. The goal is

to give an heightened value of your products and also make your contact

list have the feel that what they want to purchase is valuable and worth

their money.

2. Identify a pain point; When you’re able to identify a pain point you can

help your audience solve, you connect with them on an emotional level

instantly. Truth be told, people buy things more based on emotions rather
than logic. So when you’re able to connect with you contact list emotionally,

you’ll make more sales.

3. Give an irresistible offer; Everybody wants to make profits even when

they buy. So giving irresistible offers makes your audience want to buy.

Irresistible offers like, bonus overload, guarantees and warrantees e.t.c.

Always attach your irresistible offer when trying to sell.

4. Give them a reason to act now; Let them know what they’ll lose if they

don’t act now. This is a call to action. Always use the action word ‘Now’. Pay

now, click the link now e.t.c

When online stores like hosts black Friday sales, there’s always

a time limit attached to it to make buyers act now. Adding a reason to act

now will always make your contact list consider paying on time so as not to

lose the offer given.

I organize a two weeks one on one session with my clients to guide them

through making crazy sales on whatsapp. In the two weeks, I take them in

depth everything shared in this book and more practical ways to make

massive sales on whatsapp.

You too can also subscribe for my two week one on one sales hack for

whatsapp. Click the link to begin

(Note - you can copy that and paste it to your browser and you’ll be redirect where to

get access to that)

Copyright © 2021 Mofe Richard

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or

used in any manner whatsoever without the permission of the author except for

the use of brief quotation in a book review.

First published 2021

Mofe Richard


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