Coursework: Junction Design 课程:连接设计: ENG4183: Transport Engineering 4 运输工程 4 1. Key Information: 2. 关键信息

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Coursework: Junction Design

ENG4183: Transport Engineering 4
运输工程 4
1. Key Information:
2. 关键信息:
 Worth 40% of overall grade
 占总成绩的 40%
 Optional peer review deadline Friday 19th November (12:00).
 可选同行评审截止日期 11 月 19 日星期五(12:00)。
 Deadline: Friday 26 November (18:00).
 截止时间:11 月 26 日星期五(18:00)。

If you have any questions on this coursework let me know.


3. Introduction
4. 介绍
This coursework will help you learn and demonstrate your understanding of Topic 3 of Transport
Engineering 4. Although it might seem simple enough at first to redesign a junction, there are lots of
small details that you will need to fit together.
本课程将帮助您学习和展示您对运输工程 4 主题 3 的理解。虽然一开始重新设计一个连接看

5. What you will do

6. 你会怎么做
3.1 Choose a junction
3.2 选择一个交叉点
There are many possible junctions to choose from, if you live near a junction that you would like to
redesign then please check with me that it is suitable for this coursework. Otherwise here are
suitable junctions to choose from in Glasgow.
Junction 1, junction 2, junction 3, junction 4, junction 5, junction 6 (must be CYCLOPS), junction 7,
junction 8, junction 9, junction 10.

Junction 1, junction 2,junction 3, junction 4, junction 5, junction 6 junction

7junction 8, junction 9, junction 10

3.3 Learn about that junction

3.4 了解那个交叉点
Use Streetview, maps etc to do a “desk visit” of the junction. If you can then do the colour code
analysis like in week 5 workshop. You can use Google Earth Tools to measure the dimensions of the
junction and the various components within it (footway width, carriageway width).
Visit the junction (if possible), see if your colour codes are correct from your observations. Make
observations about behaviour of those walking, wheeling, and cycling in the junction. Is there any
interesting driving behaviour to note down?

What movements are currently allowed or not allowed for which modes?
What is the signal sequence (you learn about this in week 6)? If you can’t visit the junction then work

out possible junction sequences.
Do a Critical Movement Analysis for the Junction1.

对连接处进行关键运动分析 1。

3.5 Decide on Dutch or CYCLOPS layout.

3.6 决定荷兰语或 CYCLOPS 布局。
Decide which layout you want to focus on for this project. There is no requirement to go for one or
the other except from junction 6 where you must do a CYCLOPS. Currently, we don’t know whether
CYCLOPS or Dutch junction suit different junctions better, so just go with your gut feeling over which
option you want to focus on.
决定您要为此项目关注的布局。除了在 6 号路口必须做独眼巨人之外,不需要走任何一条

If you are not able to do a movement count at your junction, then let me know and I will provide some
synthetic data for you.
1 如果你不能在你的交叉点进行移动计数,那么让我知道,我将为你提供一些合成数据。
3.7 Design a layout for the junction
3.8 为交叉点设计布局
You will use your learning from week 5 to create a new layout design. You will make sure that you
still adhere to general guidance.
 Footways and cycleways should be 2.0m minimum (but it is possible to go down to 1.5m for
a short stretch).

 人行道和自行车道最小应为 2.0 米(但短时间内可降至 1.5 米)。

 A driving lane with a bus route should be no less than 3.2m wide.
 有公交线路的行车道宽度不小于 3.2m。
 A driving lane on a distributer road without a bus route should be no less than 3.0m wide.
 在没有公共汽车路线的分配道路上行驶的车道应不少于 3.0m 宽。
 Ensure reasonable curvature so cycles and motor vehicles can turn effectively (use the
 确保合理的曲率,以便自行车和机动车可以有效地转向(使用
examples as guidance we don’t go into specific junction curvature in this course but stick to
the principles of “does it look right?”).

3.9 Design the method of control for the junction

3.10 设计交叉点的控制方法
Work out the light sequences and the timing of those lights.
 Pedestrian light sequence is controlled by how far the longest pedestrian crossing is.

 行人灯顺序由最长的人行横道有多远来控制。
 Consider methods of control options which truly prioritise active travel
 考虑真正优先考虑主动出行的控制方法
 Calculate any “lost time” for your control options
 计算您的控制选项的任何“损失时间”
 Use critical movement analysis to estimate vehicle capacity of your different control options
 使用关键运动分析来估计不同控制选项的车辆容量
 State advantages and disadvantages of options
 陈述选项的优点和缺点

3.11 Critical Movement Analysis

3.12 临界运动分析
Perform a critical movement analysis of your junction. Discuss if the v/c ratio has changed, is it still
acceptable in your new junction design?
对你的交叉点进行一个关键的运动分析。讨论 v/c 比是否发生了变化,在新的结设计中是否
7. Report
8. 报告
For this submission you will produce a report made up of a written section and a figures section.
Your written section will be no more than 3 A4 pages, you are allowed up to 20 pages of subsequent
figures, these figures can have explanatory text annotation.
对于这次提交,你将产生一份由书面部分和数字部分组成的报告。你写的部分将不超过 3 张
A4 纸,你最多可以有 20 页的后续数字,这些数字可以有解释性的文字注释。

4.3 Grading
4.3 分级
Your work will be graded along the following lines

Descriptor Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Weak Poor

Grade A1-A5 B1-B3 C1-C3 D1-D3 E1-E3 F and Lower

Presentation Very well Text with clear Clear layout and Clear layout but Not much Lack of structure
structured text. structure and text with figures links between text structure to in text and
(weight 2) Text and figures clear writing. Text referenced and figures is not the text, so figures. Figures do
are well aligned, references figures correctly. Figures obvious. That is, reader can not convey any
so text references correctly and in on their own give missing figure not find sense of project
figures clearly and order. Figures on a good overview references from sections of design or
in turn. Just by their own of the process but text, text and interest judgement.
flicking through describe most of reading the text is figures do not easily. Figures
the figures it is of the process and necessary for a appear to follow are not often
possible to get a judgements fuller the same order. properly
solid without need of understanding of Text essential for reference and
understanding reading the text. the process. understanding the order is not
design and work alongside clear.
process including figures.
key judgements.
Writing (1) Text is clear and Text is clear and Text is mostly Text is unclear in Text is Text requires
professional. professional Most clear and places but is challenging to several read
Almost all of text of text has a professional but understandable. understand throughs to
has a reading age reading age of gets a reading age Most of text has a and/or has a understand
of 16 or less2 on. around 16 on score of 18+ on reading age score higher and/or has a
https://www.tom https://www.tom https://www.tom of 18+. reading age higher reading score. age score.
ewords/ ewords/ ewords/
描述符 优秀的 很好 好的 令人满意的 无力的 穷人
级别 A1-A5 B1-B3 C1-C3 D1-D3 E1-E3 f 及以下

演示文稿 结构非常好的文 结构清晰,文字 清晰的布局和文 布局清晰,但文 文本没有太 文字和图形缺乏

本。文字和图形 清晰的文字。文 字,数字参考正 字和图形之间的 多的结构, 结构。数字没有
(权重 2) 对齐良好,因此 本正确有序地引 确。数字本身给 联系不明显。也 所以读者不 传达任何项目设
文字清楚地依次 用数字。数字本 出了一个很好的 就是说,文本中 容易找到感 计或判断的意
引用图形。只要 身描述了大部分 过程概述,但是 缺少的图形引 兴趣的部 义。
浏览一下这些 的过程和判断, 阅读文本对于更 用,文本和图形 分。数字往
图,就有可能对 不需要阅读文 全面地理解这个 看起来不遵循相 往参考不
设计和流程有一 本。 过程是必要的。 同的顺序。文本 当,顺序不
个坚实的了解, 对于理解作品和 明确。
包括 数字是必不可少
关键判断。 的。

写作(1) 文字清晰专 文字清晰专业大 文字大多清晰专 文字有些地方不 文本很难理 文本需要多次

业。 多数文字的阅读 业,但在 清楚,但可以理 解和/或阅读 通读才能理解
几乎所有的课文 年龄在 16 岁左 https://www . 解。大多数文本 年龄分数较 和/或具有较
都有 16 岁或 16 右 Tom 的阅读年龄分数 高。 高的阅读年龄
岁以下的阅读年 ewords/ 为 18+。 分数。
龄。汤姆 pl 上的阅读年龄
· 得分为 18 分以上
simpl ewords/
It might seem strange at first to want a low reading age score like 16. A lot of engineering texts are
impenetrable to anyone outside the discipline. That is why it is better to write simpler clearer sentences. You
should always try and avoid technical jargon in reports even if it sounds clever.
2 想要 16 岁这样的低阅读年龄分数,刚开始可能看起来很奇怪。许多工程文本对学科以外的任何人来说都是不可理解的。这就是为什么写简单明了的句子更好。即使技术术语听
Figures Figures are clear Figures are clear Figures are clear Good quality Figures are Figures are very
and professionally and it is easy to but some effort is figures, but scrappy rough with little
(weight 3) produced to an extract need to read the lacking in clarity in although the effort to polish
excellent information from annotations to some places. information them to report
standard. They them. Key figures understand what Figures can be they convey standard.
explain the key are produced to a the figure is trying understood with can be
design details and high standard. to explain Key effort and with understood
judgements Key design details design details are reading with
visually with only are visually shown in the accompanying significant
supported explained with figures but the annotation. reading of
annotations support text is necessary Rougher Sketches text. .
needed. annotations to understand the etc can be used to
Rougher sketches Rougher sketches details fully. . demonstrate
etc can be used to etc can be used to Rougher Sketches project
demonstrate demonstrate etc can be used to development
project project demonstrate where
development development project appropriate.
where where development
appropriate. appropriate. where
Technical Report and Report and Report and Report and Report and Report and
figures display a figures display a figures display a figures display a figures figures contain a
content (4) workable junction workable junction workable junction workable junction display a junction design
layout and layout and layout and layout and junction that and method of
method of control method of control method of control method of might be control which are
which clearly which clearly which significantly control, but with workable but not realistically
balances the balances the improves the some subtle flaw has some workable due to
needs of active needs of active junction for active for active travel. clear flaw for an number of
travel with travel with travel. Presentation active travel flaws. Junction
vehicular vehicular Presentation shows that the which the does not clearly
movements. movements. shows an student student has improve comfort
Presentation Presentation awareness of understands the not identified for active travel
shows significant shows an detail but does theory of the in the report users.
attention to a appreciation of not demonstrate topic but not able as an area of
wide range of important details a holistic view of to demonstrate concern and
detail. Judgement of the junction the design. any deeper future work.
and options and a good understanding Student does
presented show a understanding of than the basic not
deep the topic. class material. demonstrate
understanding of an
the topic. understandin
g of the
数字(重 数字清晰明了, 数字很清楚,从 图是清晰的,但 质量好的数字, 尽管数字传 这些数字非常
专业水准极高。 中提取信息很容 是需要一些努力 但有些地方不够 达的信息可 粗略,几乎没
量 3) 他们用视觉解释 易。关键人物都 来阅读注释,以 清晰。 以通过大量 有努力使它们
关键的设计细节 是按照高标准制 理解图试图解释 通过努力和阅 阅读文本来 达到报告标
和判断,只需要 作的。 什么。关键的设 读附带的注 理解,但它 准。
支持的注释。 关键设计细节通 计细节显示在图 释,可以理解 们还是杂乱
在适当的情况 过支持注释进行 中,但是文本对 图形。 无章的。。
下,粗糙的草图 直观解释。草图 于完全理解细节 在适当的情况
等可以用来演示 等可用于演示项 是必要的。。 下,草图等可以
项目开发。 目开发。 草图等可用于展 用来演示项目开
示项目开发,其 发。

技术含量 报告和图表显示 报告和图表显示 报告和图表显示 报告和数字显示 报告和数字 报告和数字包含
了可行的交叉路 了可行的交叉路 了可行的交叉口 了一个可行的枢 显示了一个 一个连接设计和
(4) 口布局和控制方 口布局和控制方 布局和控制方 纽布局和控制方 结合点,这 控制方法,由于
法,清楚地平衡 法,清楚地平衡 法,显著改善了 法,但对于主动 个结合点可 许多缺陷,实际
了主动出行和车 了主动出行和车 交叉口的有效通 旅行有一些微妙 能是可行 上是不可行的。
辆移动的需求。 辆移动的需求。 行。 的缺陷。演示表 的,但是对 对于主动出行的
演示显示了对大 演示展示了对连 展示展示了对 明,学生理解该 于主动旅行 用户来
量细节的极大关 接处重要细节的 细节的意识, 主题的理论,但 有一些明显 说,Junction
注。提出的判断 欣赏和对主题的 但没有展示设 不能证明比基本 的缺陷,学 并没有明显提高
和选择显示了对 良好理解。 计的整体观 课堂材料更深刻 生在报告中 舒适度。
该主题的深刻理 点。 的理解。 没有将其确
解。 定为关注的

9. Tips
10. 技巧
 I’ve given lots of scope for figures (20 pages worth). I would only expect some of these to be
“professional standard” for a high mark. Other figures can be lower quality if they
demonstrate your thought and design process to reach the final professional design.
 我给了很多数字空间(20 页)。我只希望其中一些是高分的“专业标准”。如果其他数
 This is a principles rather than rules based class. Therefore you could annotate your junction
to say “stop line moved back to create space for large vehicle turning” without
demonstrating a swept path analysis (beyond the scope of this class). As long as the stop
long was clearly moved back to such a degree that it could allow large vehicle movement.
 这是一个基于原则而不是规则的类。因此,您可以注释您的交叉点,说“停车线向后
 You can use images of equivalent junctions to help explain concepts, such as the stop line
being moved back above.
 您可以使用等效交叉点的图像来帮助解释概念,例如停止线被移回上方。
 It would be great if you can visit the junction in person for traffic counting, and make sure
you understand which movements are currently allowed/not allowed at the junction. Then
you can decide if you want to allow any more movements or ban certain movements.
Banning right turn vehicles is quite normal at junctions when you want a high straight-on
 如果你能亲自去路口进行交通统计,并确保你了解路口目前允许/不允许哪些活动,

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