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Object Pronouns Exercises

A) Complete:

1. The teacher wants to talk to about your

1. Him
2. Her
3. You
4. Them
2. The plate shattered when John dropped _ on the
1. Him
2. Her
3. Them
4. It

Dr. Edwin Vargas Chichipe.

3. Be careful; he lied to US before and he may do it again.
1. Us
2. It
3. We
4. They
4. Where are Jill and Cherie? Didn’t you invite THEM ?
1. Us
2. Them
3. They
4. Her
5. The spider bit ME on my ankle.
1. You
2. Me
3. Her
4. It
6. I heard that Jeremy was cut from the team just because
Tyler doesn’t like him.
1. Him
2. Her
3. It
4. Them
7. The bread is stale. You can feed it to the birds.
1. Them
2. It
3. Him
4. Her
8. The movie was hilarious! We really like it.
1. Him
2. Them
3. Her
4. It
B) Write: me, you, him, her, i t , us, them.

You are very kind.

I love YOU very much.

The children will come soon.

Could you wait for ME ?

This is James.

Do you know HIM ?

You and Theo are very tall,

but Leo is taller than .

This is my house.

Do you like IT ?

Where is your mum?

I want to talk to HER .

We will go to the beach.

Will you come with US ?

I can't do that.

Could you help ME ?

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