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Republic of the Philippines

Pangasinan State University

Early Childhood Education Department
Bayambang, Campus
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Minutes of the Meeting

Name of Organization Organization of Pred-Majors

Date September 25,2020
Venue Through MS Teams
Members Present OPM Officers
Members Absent
Agenda Testimonial Party, Welcome Party, and
National Children’s Month

The meeting was presented by the OPM Adviser Mrs. Jessa T. Eugenio with the Chairman of the
Dept. Dr. Rudjane C. Tunac together with the OPM Pres. Francie Mae B. Bustoba and OPM officers.

The following discussed the meeting:

1. The said meeting started with a prayer led by the OPM Vice President Carissa Navarro,
followed by the presentation of the previous accomplishment reports presented by the OPM
Secretary Kian Camille Vinluan and the presentation of the Financial Reports by the OPM
Treasurer Mae Anne Arenas these reports are from previous school year 2019-2020.

2. Agenda:
- The following agenda was presented by OPM President Bustoba together with OPM
Adviser Mrs. Jessa Eugenio.

The following are the said agenda:

 Testimonial Party for the graduating students and Welcome Party for the 1 st year students.
- The body agreed that these 2 events will happen in one day to take on some
considerations regarding on the situation. This will be on the 22 nd of October 2020
(Tuesday) through zoom (live recorded).
- The body also agreed that there will be different committees in each part of the
program. In charge with the distribution of task is the OPM President.
- Also included here the flow of the program, emcee, activities/online games.
- The body also agreed that the token that will be given to the 4 th year and 1st year would
be a badge for the 1st year and a caricature for the 4th year.

 Membership fee
- The body talked about on what will be the mode of payment of the students regarding
with the membership fee of (100.00) since it is included in the CBL of the Department
(Constitutions and By Laws)
- The body is still undecided whether it is through GCASH.

 Children’s Month Celebration

- The body agreed that this will happen on 24 th of November 2020 (Tuesday)
- The body also agreed to have a different meeting regarding with this event.
3. To end the meeting, a prayer was led again by the OPM Vice President.

Approved by: Noted by:

Prepared by: Rudjane C. Tunac, MA
Ma. Kian Camille O. Vinluan Jessa T. Eugenio, MAEd
(OPM Adviser) (Chair, ECEd Dept.)
(OPM Secretary)

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