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Maki Lesson Plan FOTIP FALL 2021

Day One

Learning Objective: The students will compose four short melodic phrases using standard

notation with the use of manuscript paper and an iPad piano application.

Content Standard:


Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose

and context (such as social and cultural ).

(MU:Cr2.1.4b) Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document

personal rhythmic, melodic, and simple harmonic musical ideas.

Materials: Piano, staff-lined white board, blank manuscript paper, pencil, iPad with “Real Piano

Keyboard” application.

Classroom: Fourth grade (forty minutes)


During the introductory lesson, the students will be given an overall timeline and

introduction to the unit. They will be told that they will become composers themselves, and

comprehend the steps involved in creating compositions using technology. This explanation will

be started by randomly playing a four-measure melody on the piano and asking the students their

opinions of the composition. The discussion may vary from praise to dislike, and as a class, we

will make improvements collaboratively. To demonstrate the importance of notation, I will tell

the students I cannot entirely remember what I had played, and that I wish I had written it down.

I will move from the piano to the staff lines on the white board to notate a new melody. This will

also review concepts of appropriate notation (stem direction/length, spacing, note value, etc.)
Maki Lesson Plan FOTIP FALL 2021

Using pre-determined guidelines, I will create a four-measure melody. These guidelines are as


 C major

 4/4 time signature / 120 BPM tempo

 Range of C4-A5

 Eighth, Quarter notes/rests only (half notes acceptable if used very sparingly)

 Antecedent/Consequent (as much as possibl

 Appropriate (and neat) written notation

The students will be given blank manuscript paper and the remainder of the class time to create

four separated melodic compositions. Once finished, the students will be divided into small

group to share their compositions for peer feedback. Following this, the melodies will be

collected at the end of the class for teacher assessment.

Figure 1- Demonstrational Melody

Figures 2 & 3- Examples of Students’ Standard Notation.

Maki Lesson Plan FOTIP FALL 2021

Day Two

Learning Objective: The students will transfer their composition into the web-based software

Noteflight. The students will export the melodies as both .pdf and .mp3 files and upload to their

school-issued Google drive accounts.

Content Standard:


Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose

and context (such as social and cultural ).

(MU:Cr2.1.4b) Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document

personal rhythmic, melodic, and simple harmonic musical ideas.

Materials: Laptops, headphones, written melodies from the last class.

Classroom: Fourth grade (forty minutes)


Maki Lesson Plan FOTIP FALL 2021

15 minutes - Using a smartboard, project the main Noteflight Learn site on for the class.

Demonstrate how to open the score titled “My First Composition Exercise,” and explore how to

click on a note, then use the arrow keys to raise and lower pitch. Toggle between playback and

edit mode to show the students how to listen to their melody while creating it. Remind them to

save their progress as they go.

3 minutes - Instruct students to log in to Noteflight Learn on their Macs. Ensure that all have

logged on successfully. Instruct them to open the score exactly as when the computer was

projecting on the smartboard. Before jumping into the assignment, have them replace “Student

Name” with their own at the top of the page, and click SAVE.

12-15 minutes - The students will be given their compositions from the previous class, and told

they will be entering these into the software program Noteflight. The students will be given time

to input their own melody. They will be encouraged to listen to their work, ask for their feedback

on how they like the sounds and to experiment with different sounds. This includes choosing the

treble clef option, selecting note value before inputting notes on staff, and shortcuts using the

keyboard. Students are encouraged to work together to troubleshoot any issues they may have

during this process. I will advise the students to work themselves through the software, providing

limited scaffolding, but necessary technical support when needed remind them to SAVE once

they’ve completed the assignment.

5 minutes - Instruct students to assess their work on the back of their compositions by answering

the following 1) Name one thing you liked, 2) Name one thing that surprised you, 3) Name one
Maki Lesson Plan FOTIP FALL 2021

thing that you did differently when you completed the same assignment. When the students are

finished entering one of their four compositions, they will be checked for accuracy and instructed

to export their melodies as both .mp3 and .pdf files, which will be as audio examples of their

compositions and notation guides during the next class, respectively.

Once the students have exported their compositions into .pdf files, they will be asked to print the

.pdf and save file to their Google drive accounts. This will allow the students to access their

compositions using any computer, which will keep this process entirely web-based.

Day Three

Learning Objective: The students will adjust their written composition from the .pdf file created

in Noteflight. The students will re-write compositions using the .pdf as a file for correct notation

practices. The students will self/peer-assess their work, as well as engage in discussions on the

creative process.

Content Standard:


Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose

and context (such as social and cultural ).

(MU:Cr2.1.4b) Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording technology to document

personal rhythmic, melodic, and simple harmonic musical ideas.

Materials: Laptops, headphones, written melodies from the last class, .pdf melodies, manuscript


Classroom: Fourth grade (forty minutes)

Maki Lesson Plan FOTIP FALL 2021


The students will be given their original written notation to compare to the digitally

assisted .pdf file. The students will then re-write their original composition using the .pdf file as

a reference to check for accurate use of notation guidelines. The students will then meet in small

groups to share their composition and both self and peer-assess each others work using the

assessment rubric. The class will have a ending discussion on the creative process and the use of

technology in music composition.


EL Student: Preferential seating, visual instructions, partner work.

Student with ILP: Preferential seating, visual instructions, partner work.

Focus Student: Preferential seating, visual instructions, partner work.

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