Unit 6: Financial Accounting M3: Conclusion

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Increase of Debtors

Accounts payable is a financial accounting

term that refers to the current liabilities of a
company for any outstanding obligations
they have to another supplier in relation to
colonels business which shows a value ASSIGNMENT Q
increase of 5000.
Prepare a leaflet that
highlights the importance
& Contents of the cash
Flow statement.

Throughout this brochure, I have described Unit 6: Financial
the relevance relation cash flow statement as
well as interpreting current aspects relation to APPLICATION OF FUNDS
colonel’s business. Moreover, the
consequences and strategies involves within

the aspects.

Decrease of Creditor
Knowing how much a business owes as well as
how much they are owed and when payments
must be made or received lets businesses have
By: Tarandeep Singh,
an idea of their cash flow over the next several
months for example: colonel’s business also 40095900
makes sure that businesses have enough money
in the bank for business payments which shows
a decrease of 19,000.
What is Cash flow statement?
The Cash flow statement (CFS) reports and represents
operating cash flow as well as other cash flow
information. It provides important info to investors Importance of cash, liquidity SOURCES OF FUNDS
and creditors.
Cash flow statement for Colonel’s Net profit before tax
Cars. This involves measuring the company’s profitability
through looking at their profits made before any tax is
. Cash paid for example: colonel’s net profit before tax is
Cash prioritizes business decisions in relation
to Colonel’s car business as it will allow him to
reduce his expenses and enhance his Add Depreciation
business accessibility as well as to increase
This accumulates and allocates the cost of Colonel’s
their Revenue for example: Colonel’s business
business asset to expense over the useful life of the
made a £20,000 profit. asset for example: its depreciation is a debit to
depreciation Expense and a credit to accumulation
Depreciation, as the current stats shows colonel’s
business deprecated value is 9000.


It is a type of financial issue that shows or
A cash flow statement shows the determines the financial statement of the
actual cash flows of the business in the business of it is going into a loss or a profit.
recent past (like a bank statement).
It shows how the business is repaying the
debate in the business by short terms.

It shows the business is going into current or

fluid. It shows how the business makes
enough money so that the cost goes well like
the gross profit and expenditure. Decrease in stock
A stock moves up or down in price because of
investor sentiment. If investors believe a stock is
worth more than its current price, it moves up. If they
believe it’s worth less, it moves down. This is not the
same thing as saying a stock moves up or down
A cash flow forecast is a prediction of because it's intrinsically worth more or less than the
future cash flows into and out of a current price.

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