Gautamiya Tantra On The Glory of Govardhana Hill

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In the Gautamīya Tantra, ®r… N€rada asks:

"What are the 32 forest of Vṛnd€vana? I wish to hear of them. O Lord, if you think I am
worthy to hear, please tell me of them."
To this question Lord KṛṣŠa gave the following reply:
"This place named Vṛnd€vana is My transcendental abode. When they die, the humans,
cows, animals, birds, insects, and worms who live here will go to My eternal abode. The
gopīs who live here are eternally devoted to My service. The forty miles of Vṛnd€vana
forest is My own transcendental form. The Yamun€ river there flows with nectar. It is the
same as the river named Suṣumn€. Here the saints and demigods reside in subtle forms. I,
who am the personification of all the demigods, never leave this forest. Millennium after
millennium, I appear and disappear. This beautiful and splendid abode cannot be seen with
material eyes."
®r… N€rada said: When he heard the liberated soul's words, the br€hmaŠa became struck
with wonder. Then he asked another question of the liberated soul, who knew the power
and glory of Govardhana Hill.
The br€hmaŠa said: "Who were you in your previous birth? What sin did you commit. O
fortunate one, you have spiritual eyes to see all this directly."
The liberated soul said: "In my previous birth I was a wealthy vaiśya's son. From
childhood I was a compulsive gambler. I became a great rake. I became a drunkard
addicted to chasing prostitutes. O br€hmaŠa, my father, mother and wife rebuked me again
and again. Then one day with poison I killed my parents and with a sword I killed my wife
on a pathway. Then I took all their money and went with my prostitute beloved to the
south, where I became a merciless thief.
One day I threw the prostitute into a blind well and left her there to die. Indeed, with ropes
I killed many hundreds of people as I robbed them. O br€hmaŠa, I was so greedy after
money that as a highwayman I murdered many hundreds of br€hmaŠas and many
thousands of kṣatriyas, vaiśyas and śūdras.
One day, as I was hunting deer in the forest, I stepped on a snake. The snake bit me and I
died. Fearsome Yamadūtas beat me with terrible clubs, tied me up and dragged me, a great
sinner, to hell. I fell into the terrible hell named Kumbhīp€ka and I stayed there for a
manvantara. For a kalpa I was forced to embrace the red-hot iron statue of a woman. I, a
great sinner, suffered greatly. By the desire of Yamar€ja I was thrown into eight million
four-hundred thousand different hells.
Then my karma took me to Bh€rata-varṣa. For ten births I was a pig and for a hundred
births I was a tiger. For a hundred births I was a camel. For another hundred births I was a
buffalo. For a thousand births I was a snake. Wicked men killed me again and again. O
br€hmaŠa, after ten thousand years of these births I was born in a desert as a grotesque and
wicked monster.
One day I assumed the form of a śūdra and I went to Vraja. I came near to Vṛnd€vana and
the sacred Yamuna. With sticks in their hands, some of Lord KṛṣŠa's handsome friends beat
me severely and I fled from the land of Vraja. Hungry for many days, I came here to eat
you. Then you hit me with a stone from Govardhana Hill. Then, by Lord KṛṣŠa's kindness,
I became very fortunate."
®r… N€rada said: "As the liberated soul was speaking these words, a chariot, splendid as a
thousand suns and drawn by ten thousand horses, came from Goloka. The chariot rumbled
with a thousand wheels. It was decorated with a hundred thousand associates of the Lord.
It had a great network of bells and tinkling ornaments. It was extremely beautiful. As the
br€hmaŠa looked on, the chariot approached. The br€hmaŠa and the liberated soul bowed
down before the chariot. Climbing the chariot and at that moment losing all interest in his
heart to stay in the material world, the liberated soul went to ®r… KṛṣŠa's beautiful abode,
graceful with many pastime gardens, the highest of all spiritual realms."

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