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Department of Business Administration

Assignment of Industrial and Financial Law

Reg. no. Assigned Questions

01, 29, “No bank company shall appoint a Managing Agent for itself or conduct its management by a
48, 73, Managing Agent” – What reasons might have behind this instruction of the Banking
61* Companies Act? Under what grounds Bangladesh Bank can cancel the license of a bank

03, 30, Section l4(l) of the Bank Companies Act states that no bank company other than a new
49, 74, bank or specialized 'Bank incorporated in Bangladesh shall commence business in
08* Bangladesh unless it satisfies some basic conditions. – What are the conditions? Justify its
necessity in brief. What restrictions are there about the purchase of shares of a bank?

04, 31, Explain the rules regarding the election of new directors according to the Section l5 of the
50, 75 Bank Companies Act, 1991. Explain the power of Bangladesh Bank to dissolve Board of
directors of a bank.

08, 32, Sub-section (3) of section 39 of Bank Companies Act states that in addition to the affairs
52, 76 which are under the Companies Act, the auditor of a Bank Company is required to state
some essential issues in his report. – Can you describe those in brief?

10, 33, A country becomes ready to adopt e-government when there is an ‘existence of an enabling
54, 77 legal framework encompassing privacy and security of data, legal sanction of new forms of
storage and archiving, and laws that accept paperless transactions’. – How will you evaluate
the status of Bangladesh from this point of view? Give supporting information to explain
your opinion.

12, 34, Bangladesh has a poor record with respect to complying with intellectual property and
56, 78 copyright laws – How the situation can be improved? Draft a set of guidelines for the ICT

14, 35, E-crime (often known as cyber crime) is a global phenomenon and is engulfing the world at
57, 79 an alarming rate; Bangladesh is not immune from it – Do you think that the ICT Act of our
country is strong enough to save the interest of the general citizens? Show arguments in favor
of your answer.

15, 36, Sometimes it is claimed that The Bangladesh Labor Law is fairly comprehensive and
58, 81, progressive. – Do you support this statement? Which characteristics/provisions of the given
Law have influenced you to take this position? Explain in brief.

16, 39, Child labor in Bangladesh is not a new issue as children remain here as one of the most
62, 01* vulnerable, exploited, underprivileged, dominated and subservient groups – How the
existing laws can protect the victim child labors of Bangladesh? What can be done to
minimize those in near future?

18,41, Causes of child labor can be discussed from different aspects and it is agreed and seen that
66, 35* the problem of child labor is substantially located in the developing countries – What are the
main causes of such practices in the countries like Bangladesh?

21, 42, “Bangladesh will have, by 2021, a dominant industrial sector where manufacturing will
67, 63* account for at least 30 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) and 20 per cent of the
employed population.”- This is the vision of our current industrial policy - Do you consider it
as realistic? Explain your position with supporting information.

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23, 43, How the industries have been defined in our Industrial Policy, 2010? Which industries are
68, 74* considered as ‘thrust sector’ in that policy? Do you support emphasizing the privatization
strategy under this policy? Show arguments.

24, 44, The Government has declared to provide a good number of incentives and facilities in
69, 77* order to promote and attract investment in industries – Critically evaluate those and give
your additional recommendations (if there is any).

26, 45, “Value of the firm is influenced by the dividend policy, because of the current
70, 32* dividend decreases the shareholders uncertainty, causing the shareholders to discount the
company’s earnings at a lower rate which increases the company’s stock value and
value of the firm as well.” – Based on this theory can you determine some characteristics of
an ideal dividend policy for a Bangladeshi firm?

27, 46, The end goal for any consumer law is to ensure a dynamic marketplace for business and
72, 65* provide the framework for the economic advancement of consumers by increasing fairness
and equality and give consumers the information they need to make good choices – Critically
evaluate the Consumer Rights Protection Act, 2009 and comment how much the above
mentioned goal has been achieved in Bangladesh?
* These students bear the registration number of 2010 and 2009.

 Submit own hand written assignment by November 30, 2014 (class hour).
 It is an individual task (NOT a group assignment). Assigned students have to write the answer
separately. Differentiation in the presentation will add value to your answer.
 Be practical in thinking, use examples as much as possible to support your opinion.
 Try to answer all parts of the given questions; otherwise it will impact negatively on your marks.
 Please do NOT miss the deadline. For delayed submission you will be penalized.
 Use the recommended study materials, class notes, and online resources to equip your
assignment. But do not copy exactly from any source. If done so, mention the source properly.
 In case of any query, talk to me at the end of each class or send me an e-mail.

Md. Abdul Hamid
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet – 3114, Bangladesh
November 20, 2014

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