Seminar Paper On Contribution of The Shrines in Tourism Development: The Case of Sylhet

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Seminar paper

Contribution of the Shrines in Tourism Development: The
Case of Sylhet

Department of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Sylhet – 3114.

Seminar paper
Contribution of the Shrines in Tourism Development: The
Case of Sylhet

Course title: Seminar and viva

Course code: BAN 200

Submitted to:
2nd year 2nd semester examination committee
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh

Supervised by:
Md. Abdul Hamid
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.

Submitted By:
Registration No. Name
2010731009 Syed Ali Ashraf
2010731031 A.S.M Abdur Raqib
2010731052 Sabbir Ahammod Shah
2010731068 Md. Razowanul Karim Shamim
2010731069 Rubel Ahmed
2009731029 Md. Estehad Chowdhury

Department of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh

Letter of Submission
10th July, 2013

Md. Abdul Hamid
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh

Subject: Submission of the Seminar paper.

Dear Sir,

We have been assigned to prepare a seminar paper on the topic entitled “Contribution of
the shrines in tourism development: The case of Sylhet”. It is a great honor to work and
submit the paper with the prudential and promising direction.

For collection of data, we have reviewed literature, visited in two shrine areas 18 local
businessmen and 26 tourists in Sylhet. May we note here that there has been no dearth of
sincerity on our part to study. However, we would like to request you to consider if any
unexpected mistake is found. Surely this study will enhance our practical knowledge to a
great extent and work as an effective source for the future study.

Finally, we will be grateful if you kindly accept our paper and thereby permit us to
present it before the panel of experts.

Syed Ali Ashraf 2010731009 ____________________

A.S.M Abdur Raqib 2010731031 ____________________
Sabbir Ahammod Shah 2010731052 ___________________
Md. Rezowanul Karim 2010731068 ____________________
Rubel Ahmed 2010731069 ____________________
Md. Estehad Chowdhury 2009731029 ___________________

2ndyear 2ndsemester

Session: 2010-11

Department of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet – 3114.

Executive Summary
For the requirement of our B.B.A. program at Shahjalal University of Science and
Technology, Sylhet, we had been forwarded to tourism business in Sylhet city, examines
“Contribution of the shrines in tourism development: The case of Sylhet”. The report
contains various aspects of tourism business regarding the shrines of Hazrat Shahjalal and
Shahporan (R.) in Sylhet.

The shrine area of both Shahjalal and Shahporan (R.) are the most popular place of
business at present time, between these two popular business places, some people choose
Shahjalal (R.) shrine area and some choose Shahporan (R.) shrine area to run their
business. But the new comers mainly prefer both shrine areas because operating business
in both areas are profitable.

As Sylhet is place of both natural beauty and religious importance so tourists in Sylhet
not only come Sylhet for visiting those natural beauties but also for visiting the shrines of
Shahjalal and Shahporan (Rm). From this view these two shrines have added new
dimension in this region. But tourists visiting here face tansport, accomodation, guide,
security etc. problems that cause sufferings in the whole tenure of visit. Businessmen
who are operating business in shrine areas face some major problems, for example high
tax and electricity charge, security problem, lack of necessary business knowledge etc.
Here we have tried to find out the way to solve the problems that tourists and
businessmen face most and the overall contribution of these two shrines in the tourism
sector and local business in Sylhet.

This seminar paper is both descriptive and quantitative where we’ve collected our
primary data from tourists, local businessmen and experts. For secondary data we’ve
taken help from research articles, seminar papers and books related with the history of

Finally in this seminar paper we have added some recommendations (i.e. inceease
investment, improving management, infrastructure development etc. around shrine area
and to take proper planning by authority that are friendly for both tourists and
businessmen) so that the problems faced by tourists and businessmen around the shrine
area can be solved.


Chapter No. Description Page No.

1.1 Introduction 07
Chapter 01
1.2 Importance of the study 09
1.3 Objective of the study 09
1.4 Methodology 10
1.5 Literature review 11
1.6 SWOT analysis 12
1.7 Limitations of study 13

2.1 Understanding tourism 15

Chapter 02
2.2 Elements of tourism 15
2.3 Forms of tourism 16
2.4 Types of tourism 17

3.1 Data analysis regarding tourists 20

Chapter 03
3.2 Data analysis regarding businessmen 28
Data analysis and
findings 3.3 Findings and recommendations 34

References 37
Questionnaire for tourists 38

Questionnaire for businessmen/ local people 42


1.1 Introduction
1.2 Importance of the study
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Methodology
1.5 Literature review
1.6 SWOT analysis
1.7 Limitations of study


Tourism is an activity done by an individual or a group of individuals, which leads to a

motion from a place to another. From a country to another for performing a specific task
or it is a visit to a place or several places in the purpose of entertaining which leads to an
awareness of other civilizations and cultures, also increasing the knowledge of countries,
cultures, and history. (

Differently we can say that tourism comprises the activities of persons traveling to and
staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year
for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity
remunerated from within the place visited.

A person who is supposed to leave his/her hometown (permanent place) on temporary,

basis for the purpose of seeking new experiences, having fun & entertaining, doing
sports, seeing cultural & historical places (attractive) etc. On the condition that she/he
should stay no less than 1 day and no longer than 12 months, make use of a tourist
facility for accommodation and spend her/his own Money through their

Tourism can be recognized as long as people have travelled; the narrative of Marco Polo
in the 13th century; the "grand tour" of the British aristocracy to Europe in the 18th
century; and the journeys of David Livingstone through Africa in the 19th century are all
examples of early tourism. Thomas Cook is popularly regarded as the founder of
inclusive tours with his use of a chartered train in 1841 to transport tourists from
Loughborough to Leicester. Before the 1950s, tourism in Europe was mainly
a domestic activity with some international travel between countries, mainly within
continental Europe. In the period of recovery following World War II, a combination
of circumstances provided an impetus to international travel. Among the

important contributing factors were the growing number of people in employment, the
increase in real disposable incomes and available leisure time, and changing
social attitudes towards leisure and work. These factors combined to stimulate the latent
demand for foreign travel and holidays. The emergence of specialist tour operators, who
organized inclusive holidays by purchasing transport, accommodation, and related
services and selling these at a single price, brought foreign holidays within the price-
range of a new and growing group of consumers.

  Tourist attractions of Bangladesh are many sites which include archaeological sites,

historical mosque, monuments, resort, beaches, forests, picnic spots, tribal peoples and
wildlife’s of various species. Bangladesh offers many opportunities to tourists for
angling, river cruising, hiking, rowing, water sking, sea bathing as well as bringing one in
close touch with pristine nature.

The total area of Bangladesh is divided into six divisions (Dhaka, Chittagong, Sylhet,
Rajshahi, Khulna and Barishal) among them Sylhet division is famous for green tea
plantations and one of the more attractive parts of the country. Aside from the regional
capital Sylhet which is a town of worldly ambition and religious contentment.

Annually Sylhet division produces about 58 million kg tea, more than 150 tea estates
over 40,000 hectares. If you visit a tea estate, you will learn about the processes that
culminate in your morning tea cup that has the friendly town of Srimangal, in the south
part of this division. The area of the northern border of this division, at the foot of the
Khasia-Jaintia hills, is the tribal land. The major tribal groups of the area are the
Monipuri another tribal people live in Sylhet named Khasia, Pangou and Tripuria.
Monipuri dance is very famous in Bangladesh. Their classical dance is very famous.

The main tourist spots are srimangal tea garden, Lowacherra National Park, Sunamganj,
Madhabkundu waterfall and Jaflong but the shrines of Hazrat Shahjal and Shahporan (R.)
are very famous.


Tourism is one of the most important aspects for developing countries. Both
domestic and international tourism must be considered to evaluate the impact of tourism
on the economy. To the host region/area travel provides a basis for developing tourism as
an export industry, which means that the level of economic activities of the area shall
increase through the sale of products and services to the tourists.

Tourism provides foreign exchange without exporting anything out of the country
and it provides more stable earnings for the country than any other industry. It increases
export earnings and a rate of growth of the economy. The income in the form of foreign
exchange earnings from an invisible exports helps in offsetting the loss if any, which the
country may have from a visible export.

Apart from revenue increase the tourism also has impact on employment generation.
Accelerate the development of an area. The amount of visitor’s expenditure that remains
in an area and provides a source of income to residents and businesses is called direct
effect and this money is further paid to suppliers, wages of workers and other items used
in producing the products or services purchased by the visitors is secondary effect.

 The government of almost all countries have always vested interest in the financial
gains through tourism industry. Depending upon the tax and fiscal policies government
derives substantial income from tourism industries and direct and indirect taxes are levied
on different forms of income and economic activities.


I. To find out the contribution of shrines in the tourism sector of sylhet.

II. To find out the scope of development of these shrine areas regarding tourism.
III. To identify the constraints that hindering the tourism development in these area.
IV. Finally, to formulate a set of guidelines for further development.


Research design:

The research paper is quantitative and descriptive. It is descriptive because data collected
from both primary sources (i.e. tourists, local people and local businessman) and
secondary sources (web links, journals, books related to history of Sylhet). It is
quantitative because opinions of people are measured in quantitative scale.

Sources of data:

This study is mainly based on primary data that are collected from tourists, local
businessmen and some experts of this field. To collect opinion we took interview of 44
respondents (among them 18 respondents are tourists and 26 respondents are local
business men and local people) with a set of semi-structured questionnaire and depth
interview with some experts. Secondary data have been collected from research articles,
seminar reports prepared by the students of business studies and related websites
mentioned of the end of the seminar paper


The sources of the collected data are represented by the chart given below.





FIG: Data Collection Procedure

We have analyzed the collected data through statistical table, diagram and annexed so
that it can be easily understood.

1.5 Literature Review

Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes. Tourism is the travel for
recreation, leisure or business purpose or tourism is the activity of a person or persons
traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for more than a day or
not more than one conductive year.( Tourism has become a popular
global leisure activity. In 2008, there were over 922 million international tourist arrivals,
with a growth of 1.9% as compared to 2007. International tourism receipts grew to
US$944 billion (euro 642 billion) in 2008, corresponding to an increase in real terms of

World has various famous tourism regions. Basically it depends on historical or current
administrative and geographical regions. Some of the more famous tourism regions based
on historical or current administrative regions include Tuscany in Italy and Yucatánin
Mexico. Famous examples of regions created by a government or tourism bureau include
the United Kingdom's Lake District and California's Wine Country.

Indian subcontinent has many tourist regions that are famous all over the world. And as a
part of this subcontinent Bangladesh has some beautiful tourist spots. But tourist spots in
Bangladesh can be classified according to different sectors. For example historical
(Mohasthangor, Ahsanmonjil etc.), religious (Shatgombuj mosque, Shrines around
countries.) or natural sector (Sundarban, Cox’s bazaar.)

Sylhet is one of the most natural beauties of Bangladesh, which has a delicate distinctive
tourist attraction of its own to offer. Nestled in the scenic Surma Valley, amidst plush tea
plantations and lush green tropical forests, Sylhet is the most affluent region in
Bangladesh today.Sylhet has some beautiful tourist spots including both natural and
religious sector like as Jaflong, Lalakhal, Madhabkundo falls, Jaintapur, shrine of
Shahjalal and Shahporan etc. But if we see the overall tourism sector in Sylhet then we
can see maximum tourist spots are seasonal. But if we see into the religious sectors, the
most popular places are the shrine of Shahjalal and Shahporan (Rm.). Both these spots

remain crowded all the year round. And around these shrines a large sector of business is
established and its range is ever spreading. These two shrines have a good contribution in
the tourism sector in Sylhet.

As the most popular tourist spot in Sylhet, shrines of Shahjalal and Shahporan (Rm.) are
dominating name to the tourists of Bangladesh. The topic – “Contribution of the shrines
in tourism development: The case of Sylhet”. – A very few specific studies have done
relating tourism sector and shrines in Sylhet

So, the focus of this research is on the contribution of these two shrines at tourism sector
in Sylhet as tourist zone.



 Both the shrines are in the most prestigious location of Sylhet and surrounded by
innocuous environment and notable attractions of that city.
 Accommodation facilities are standard in Sylhet. There are many hotels and
cottages there and cost is reasonable which make people zealous to come to those
two shrines.
 According to authority, thousands of people come here from every part of the
country and therefore, no need to advertise which make huge potentiality of


 Poor investment from private sector.

 Lack of funding from government
 Lack of tourist guides

 Lack of security
 Housing/accommodation facilities are not well enough, low quality of hotels &
guest houses discourage tourists. E.g. around the Shahjalal mazar the quality of
hotels is very low.
 Authority of those two shrines are corrupted which impedes the further
improvements of the shrines.
 Rules and regulations are not so strict in both shrines.

 This can be a reliable sector to invest the money.
 Infrastructural as well as socio-economic condition can be developed with the
development of both the two shrine as tourism sector of Sylhet.
 Great opportunity of business can reduce unemployment rate of Sylhet.
 GDP of economy will be increased if both shrines have development.

 Political and other demonstration can quickly turn into violence in Sylhet. For
political disorder people may not interested to come in Sylhet.
 Natural disaster can be obstacle for tourists.


There are some limitations while we conduct this work, these are:
a. Inadequate and insufficient information
b. People’s unwillingness to be interviewed
c. Lack of experience.
d. Difficult to talk with respondent due to time limitation of the respondents.
Although we have faced above limitations we have invested our full aptitude as well as
innovation for doing this task.


2.1Understanding of Tourism
2.2 Elements of Tourism
2.3 Forms of Tourism
2.4 Types of Tourism


Tourism is travel for recreational, leisure or business purposes “Tourism” comes from
the Latin word “tournus” which means journey, acting of going from one place to
another place The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel
to and stay in places outside their usual environment for more than twenty-four (24)
hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes
not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place

According to hornby, “Tourism is a journey in which a short stays are made at number
of place, the activities undertaken during the stay facilities created to cater for the needs
of tourists.”

According to Yoety, “Tourism is a journey in a temporary time from a place to another

place, which is not purpose for business oriented.”

From the analysis of aforementioned definitions, it is lucid that tourism describes the
movement of people to countries or places outside their so-called environment, in which
they live in, for personal or business purposes. It is hospitality industry catering to
tourists as well as other on tour as business-seekers, various policy-advisers, participants
in meeting and functions.


Accessibility is an important factor of tourism .There should be accessibility for each
and every location of tourists attractions. If their locations are inaccessible by the normal
means of transport, it would be of little importance .The distance factor plays an
important role in determining a tourist’s choice.

It is place a where tourists can find food and shelter provided he/she is in a fit position to
play for it.

Pleasing weather
Fine weather with warm sun shine is one of the most important attractions of tourist
place. Particularly good weather plays an important role in making a holiday pleasant or
unpleasant experience.

Historical and cultural factor

Historical and cultural interest exercised tremendous influence over travelers. Large
number of people visit Sylhet because of its historical and cultural attractions.

Safety and security

Safety and security are vital to providing quality in tourism. More than economic or any
other activity .the success or failure of a tourism destination depends on being able to
provide a safe and secure environment for visitors.

Guide is an another important ingredient of tourism. Adroit guide in a particular place,
however, attract tourists.


Tourism can be classified into the following forms:

 Inbound international tourism—Non-residents traveling in the given country.

 Outbound international tourism -- Residents traveling in another country.

 Domestic tourism—Residents of the given country traveling only within this



Incentive tourism

Incentive tourists are those few luckily individuals, who get a holiday package as a
reward from his company for good work for achieving targets, set by the company.
Incentives tourists draw attention from such tours to work harder, improve work relations
and focus on team building .A salesman with a nice holiday package for accomplishing
the target sales is a perfect example of incentive tourist.

Adventure tourism

Adventure tourism is an outdoor activity that generally takes place in an unusual, remote
or wildness area. Tourists look for some unusual or bizarre experience .They seek
adventurous activities that may be dangerous, such as rock climbing river rafting, shark
cave diving and bungee jumping.

Cultural tourism

Cultural tourism or sometimes referred to as heritage tourism is the division of tourism

concerned with the region’s culture, especially the life style and history of the people,
their art, architecture, religion and other elements. Cultural tourism includes cultural
facilities such as museums, theatres and festivals. This is one of the popular types of

Business tourism

If tourism has relation to business ,it is called business tourism. Business tourism is part
of the business world. Most of the sites features conference centre that cater to the needs
of business tourists. A pertinent example of business tourist is a salesman, who makes
trips to places to attend trade shows, to display and promote his own products also.

Religious tourism

Religious tourism or faith tourism are people of faith who travel on their own or in
groups to holy sites. World is dotted with number of religious locations like Hajj in
Mecca .Religious tourism is divided into two main types:

-Pilgrimage tourism, which means a journey to a shrine or other holy places and desire of
believers to worship the holy places. Tour to the shrine of Hazrat Shahjalal (R) and
Hazrat Shahparan (R) are the example of pilgrimage tourism.

-Religious tourism excursion-cognitive orientation, which involves visiting religious


Eco-tourism is responsible travel to natural areas that converse the environment improves
the well-being of local people. The purpose of ecotourism is to educate the traveler about
natural destinations,to provide ecological conversation and awareness etc.

International Tourism

The tourism is an internationally recognized industry. Plenty of developed, developing

even some under developing countries also earns sound remittance via their tourism
sector. According to WTTC report the following countries occupies the top positions of

1 .Switzerland

2. Germany

3. Austria

4. Spain

5. United Kingdom

6 .United States

7. France

8 Canada

9. Sweden

10. Singapore

Bangladesh occupies 123rd position out of 140 countries.


3.1 Data analysis regarding tourists

3.2 Data analysis regarding businessmen

3.3 Findings and recommendations

3.1 Data analysis regarding tourists

3.1.1) Purpose of visit:

As a holy place of 360 saints Sylhet has a religious importance to all

( ). As the most ancient shrines
are the shrines of Hazrat Shahjalal and Shahporan (R.), so they have importance not only
from religious view but also as a tourist attraction. People of both local and abroad come
here for religious purpose and visit.

Purpose of visit Religious purpose Only visit Both religious and


Respondent No. 9 (36%) 4 (14%) 13 (50%)


religious purpose
only visit
Both visit and religious

Figure3.1: Purpose of visit

3.1.2) Place where staying:

Mainly tourists in Sylhet stay in residential hotels, relative’s house or guest house. There
are numerous residential hotels located around the shrines to give temporary
accommodation facility to tourists. Normally tourists choose the hotel according to their
ability. Sometimes they also choose guest house for accommodation.

Place where stay Residential hotel Relative’s house Guest house

Respondents No. 20 (77%) 4 (13%) 2 (10%)


Residential hotel
Relative's house
Guest house

Figure 3.2: Place where staying

3.1.3) Transportation cost:

Tourists have mixed comments about the transportation cost. But majority of our
respondents comment that the transportation cost is relatively high in comparison to their
local area. And another portion says that it’s normal and affordable. But a fewer state that
the cost is cheap than other tourist spots.

Comment about Costly Affordable Cheap

transportation cost

Respondent no. 13 (50%) 11 (42%) 2 (8%)


Here it is to be noted that we have taken transportation cost as standard. So we used the
term affordable to mean that the transportation cost is almost similar to the transportation
cost of capital city


50% Normal
42% Cheap

3.1.4) Transportation quality:

Figure 3.3: Transportation cost

Here tourists have also mixed feelings regarding the transportation quality. We
categorized this portion as bad, normal, good, very bad. Majority said transportation
quality is bad in comparison with the cost. But some said the quality is good or normal.

Mode of answer Bad Normal Good Very bad

Respondents No. 11 (42%) 9 (33%) 4 (17%) 2 (8%)











Bad Normal Good Very bad

Figure 3.4: Transportation quality

3.1.5) Intention to come Sylhet if there were no shrine:

There are many follower of saint Shahjalal and Shahporan (R.) across the country that
come Sylhet only for these two shrines. Not only the followers but also many tourists
comes Sylhet mainly for the purpose of visiting these two shrines. And there are also
some person who come Sylhet for enjoying its natural beauty and calm environment.

Mode of answer Tourists that come Sylhet only Tourists that comes Sylhet if
for the shrines there were no shrines.

Respondent No. 18 (67%) 8 (33%)


es es
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shr sh
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fo wer
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Sylh et
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Figure 3.5: Intention to come Sylhet if there were no shrine

3.1.6) Charge of residential hotel:

Majority of the tourists said that the residential hotel charge is fair. Some said that rent is
very high. Actually it depends maximum times on tourists financial condition and
capability. And there are various hotels of various classes from where tourists can choose
according to their match.

Mode of answer Fair High Very high

Respondents No. 16 (62%) 4 (15%) 6 (23%)



Very high


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Figure 3.6: Charge of residential hotel

3.1.7) Problems those tourists face in Sylhet:

Tourists in Sylhet face multidimensional problems while they visit. According to tourists
there exists a haphazard situation in all tourist spots. But major problems are
transportation, guide, accommodation and some additional problems.

Problem type Transport Guide Accommodation others

Respondents No. 11 (42%) 7 (25%) 2 (8%) 6 (25%)


In this case beyond the major problems, the term ‘others’ include some additional
problems including security problem, communication problem as Sylhet’s local language
is different from standard Bangla language and tourists receiving low quality service in
tourist area in comparison to their cost.


Figure 3.7: Problems that tourists face in Sylhet

3.1.8) Comments of tourists about shrines:

Basically almost all tourists come Sylhet with a view to visit the shrines of these two
ancient saints Hazrat Shahjalal and Shahporan (R.). So in this case we can say that these
shrines are more popular than other tourist attractions in Sylhet. And the reality is the
person visiting Sylhet must visit these two shrines.

Comment about shrines More popular than other Less popular than other
spots spots

Respondent No. (Percent) 20 (77%) 6 (23%)

According to the response of the tourists’ shrines of Hazrat Shahjalal and Shahporan (R.)
are more popular than other attractive tourist spots like as Lalakhal, Jaflong,
Madhabkunda falls, Tea garden etc.









More popular than other spots Less popular than other spots

Figure 3.8: Comments of tourists about shrines

3.2 Data analysis regarding local people/businessmen

3.2.1) Reasons behind choosing this business area.

Basically shrine area is a compact package of all business stimuli that always attract
business persons most. There are several reasons behind choosing this business area. But
it depends what type of business it is. For example restaurant, residential hotels or shops
of local products have a huge customer demand in the shrine area.

Reasons profitability Exclusive business


Respondents No. 13 (72%) 5 (28%)



exclusive business place

Figure 3.9: reason behind choosing this business area

3.2.2) Peak season for business:

The peak season for business is also depending on the business type. Because the
business pattern of the one business is different from another. So some businessmen do
business for the year round (i.e. restaurant, local handicrafts) and winter (December,
January and February) is peak season for some businessmen to run their business (i.e.
residential hotels).

Seasons in consideration Winter Round the year

(December, January and

Respondents No. (Percent) 8 (42%) 10 (58%)








winter round the year

Figure 3.10: Peak season for business

3.2.3) Most demandable product to tourists:

During survey we noticed that all tourists are interested to purchase local products as
souvenir of this visit. And mainly they purchase local handicrafts, Monipuri cloths or
famous tea of Sylhet. This intention of tourists has added a special feature in tourism

Product type Products that are produced Products that are produced
in Sylhet region outside of Sylhet region

Respondent No. (Percent) 18 (100%) 0 (0%)

n n
io io
r eg r eg
et et
ylh ylh
in of
ed de
duc tsi
ro ou
ep ed
r uc
ta ro
r ep
du ata
o th

Figure-3.11: Most demandable product to tourists

3.2.4) Days of the week tourists come most:

Basically tourists come most in the Friday and Saturday of a week, specially the service
holders and businessmen. But in other days in week tourists also come but that rate is
relatively low.

Days in the week All days in the week Friday and Saturday in a

Respondents No. (Percent) 3 (17%) 15 (83%)

All days in the week

Friday and Saturday in a week


Figure-3.12: days of the week tourists come most

3.2.5) Comment about contribution of shrine in this region:

Both local people of Sylhet and tourists say that these two shrines have a great
contribution in Sylhet region. These two shrines have created many entrepreneurs and
employment opportunity, florishing local cottage industries, added many new business
dimensions and changed the overall standard of living of this region.

Shrines have positive Shrines have no

Answer mode contribution in Sylhet contribution in Sylhet
region region

Respondents No. (Percent) 18 (100%) 0 (0%)

n n
egio egio
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et et
lh lh
Sy Sy
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on tio
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ntri n tri
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siti en
po av
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hav rin
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Figure-3.13: comment about contribution of shrine in this region

3.2.6) More profitable business in shrine area:

We have got different types of information about profitable business around shrine. At
the area of shrine of Shahjalal (R.) more profitable business is hotel and restaurant
business. Again at the area of shrine of Shahporan (R.) more profitable business is small
souvenir stores. But if we merge the overall scenario small souvenir shops or both hotel
and restaurant business are profitable business at shrine area.

Business type Hotel and restaurant Souvenir shop

Respondents No. (Percent) 8 (44%) 10 (56%)







Hotel and restaurant Souvenir shop

Figure-3.14: More profitable business in shrine area


Problems faced by tourists:

i. Low quality and costly transport facilities. Infrastructure like roads are very
risky, accidents occur most of the time.
ii. Housing/accommodation facilities are not well enough, low quality of hotels &
guest houses discourage tourists. (e.g. around the Shahjalal shrine the quality of
hotels is very low.)
iii. Mismanagement among security guards. Snatching, hijacking, robbery, unwanted
people & eve teasing creating problems for the tourists.
iv. Traditional cultures are deprived. Tourists are deprived from local culture.
v. Violence (hartal, strike) creating negative image of Sylhet to tourists.


i. Infrastructure development is needed.

Three selected infrastructure facilities are:
a) Electricity facilities: It is necessary to ensure the continuous electricity
supply in shrine area because it is not only helpful for businessmen but also
important for the security of shrine areas.
b) Safe drinking water: Authority has to take necessary steps to supply
adequate safe drinking water for tourists in shrine areas.
c) Sanitation facilities: Sanitation problem is a common problem in shrine areas.
Tourists especially women face this problem most. So authority should take steps
to improve sanitation facilities for tourists.

ii. Increase investment: It is important to increase investment in service oriented

business. For example guide service, investment for affordable transportation
service etc.
iii. Improving management: Authority should improve overall management system
in shrine areas, because for mismanagement tourists often compel in haphazard

iv. Improving accommodation facilities: To improve the quality and facilities of
residential hotels, guest house etc. in shrine areas is important. Because the
service that they providing is not enough to tourist friendly.
v. Develop an alternative to demonstrate the violence (hartal, strike).
vi. Tourism organizations can provide package programs for tourists. It may be a
good business and can also reduce the sufferings of tourists.

vii. To deliver information to the foreign tourist through online or website and
Information Technology is necessary.

Problems faced by business person:

i. Lack of necessary business knowledge of businessmen around the shrine they

cannot draw much attention of the tourists to their products. Because they
have problem in planning regarding the overall business policy.
ii. Authority is not friendly to the businessmen and their operation. For example
the authority does not take steps about hawkers in road, most often time
business men feel insecure in shrine area especially at night, high electricity
charge and tax etc.
iii. Political unrest and unexpected situations.
iv. Problem in supply chain management.


i. Authority should take proper planning to improve overall business

environment around the shrine areas.
ii. Minimization of restrictions (i.e. tax, excess electricity bill) from government
in shrine area.
iii. Government should be co operative to private investors by providing them
special facilities (i.e. concessional loan, continues electricity supply, proper
training to businessmen etc.).

iv. Private investors may introduce new projects especially service oriented
business. This type of business is both tourist friendly and can make a new
dimension in tourism business. These projects may introduce by targeting
different classes of tourists.
v. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation should create pressure on Govt. to implement
her policy more strictly regarding the quality of service. As a result private
service provider will be able to face competition on an even ground.


 Nanda, Elizabeth, Lisa, Choegyal. (2006, June 30). South Asia Subregional
Economic cooperation Human resource development and capacity building in the
tourism sector. 11, 28-30.
 Samsuddoha, Mohammod. Opportunities of developing tourism industries in
 Middelton, Victor. Part one – introducing travel and tourism. Marketing in travel
and tourism (3rd edition).(pp.1-11)
 Travel Bangladesh: Sylhet division. Retrieved from
 Definition of tourism. Retrieved from
 Meaning of tourism. Retrieved from
 Definition of tourists. Retrieved from
 Sylhet as a tourist attraction. Retrieved from
 About tourism. Retrieved from
 Elements of tourism. Retrieved from
 Types of tourism. Retrieved from
 Top tourists spots according to WTTC. Retrieved from
 Forms of tourism. Retrieved from

Department of Business Administrati on

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology

Sample No. : ______

N.B.:- The collected data will be used only for preparing report and will be kept

Questionnair for tourists

Respondent Name:_________________________________________________________

Profession: _______________________________________________________________

Location: _________________________________________________________________


__ __ ___ GENERAL QUESTION _____________________

01. How did you know about shrine in Sylhet? Notes

□From advertising □From visitor □Others _____________________

□Family and friends _____________________

02. How long will you stay here? _____________________

□a day □Two day □More _____________________

03. For which purpose you have come here?

□religious purpose□visit

03. Where will stay here?

□Hotel □Guest house □Relative house

04. Do you come here regularly?

□Yes □No

05. Would you come to Sylhet if there were

no shrine?

□Yes □ No


06. On behalf of you, your opinion about transportation cost?

□ Very cheap
□ Cheap
□ Normal
□ Costly □ Very Costly
07. Do you feel that the transportation quality is acceptable?
If yes/no, please clarify.
□ Very good
□ Good
□ Normal
□ Bad
□ Very Bad
08. Do you think transportation is tourist friendly ?

□Yes □No


09. Did you have proper shelter facilities here?

□Yes □No

10. What do you think about the charge of the residential hotels?

□Fair □High □Very high

11. Are you satisfied with the facilities/services provided by the authority of hotel/guest

□Yes □No

12. Is authority able to give you proper security?

□Yes □No

OTHERS ____________

13. What types of problem have you faced here?

□.transportation □Accommodation □ Guide service □Others

14. Do you think that tourism of shrine has develop local skill Notes

through creative and innovative work? _______________________

□Yes □No _______________________

15. Do you think that these two shrines are more popular spot _______________________

than other spots? _______________________

□Yes □ No _______________________

16. If yes, why do you think that these two shrines are _______________________

best spot than others? _______________________

17. Did you hire a guide? □yes □no
18. Is the guide able to give you proper information?

□Yes □No

19. What problems are you facing during this travel?


20. Which more options can be added for your better travel?


Department of Business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology

Sample No. : ______

N.B.:- The collected data will be used only for preparing report and will be
kept confidential

Questionnaire for businessmen/local people



Location: ____________________________________________________________

_ BACKGROUND OF BUSINESS_____________________

1. Where are you from?


2. How long have you been involved with this business?

o Less than 2 yrs

o 2 – 4 yrs
o More than 4 yrs


3. Why you have involved this business?
4. Why did you choose this business area?
o Profitability
o Availability of Resources ______________________
o Exclusive Business
o Huge Customer Demand
5. What is the type of your business?

o Sole
o Partnership

6. Do you think that it may be good if you operate business in Dhaka or Ctg.?

o Yes
o No


7. Which is the peak season for your business?

□Summer □Winter □Spring □round the year.

8. Who is your target customer?

□Local □students □tourist

9. If answer is a, what are the most demandable product to tourist?

□Local □Foreign

10. Do you think these shrines are positive to produce more

local entrepreneurs?

□Yes □No
11. In which day of the week customer come most?
□Weekend □All day in week
12. What is comment about the attitude of the customers?

13. Are new investor intended to invest the tourism?
14. As a business man which class of tourist do you deal most?
□Higher class □Middle class □Lower -Middle class

_____ OTHER RELATED QUESTIONS ___________________

15. Do you think this shrine has the greatest contribution business in the region?

□Yes □No
16. If yes, How?
17. People says that these shrine have spiritual power that
added a positive aspect in all business sector in Sylhet.
Do you agree?
□Yes □No
18. What is comment about the attitude of the customers?

□good □very good □average □bad □very bad

19. Are new investor intended to invest the tourism?

□yes □no

20. Through tourism many new business areas have buildup.

Do you agree?

□Yes □No

21. Which Business is more profitable in place of shrine?


22. How much hotel and cafeteria near the Shrine?



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