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Consumer behavior in terms of online

buying and selling

Course Title: Seminar and Viva Voce
Course Code: BAN-200

Submitted To:

2nd year 2nd Semester examination committee
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology.

Supervised By:
Nayeema ahmed
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.

Submitted By:

Names of the Students Registration No: Signature

Sajon dhar 2011731008
sajeda 2011731031
Arif Mahmud shaon 2011731048
mrinmoy 2011731070

Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, sylhet.

June 30, 2013

Nayeema ahmed
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology

Subject: Letter of Submittal

Dear Sir,

We were assigned to prepare a seminar paper on the topic entitled to “consumer behavior in

terms of buying and selling in online as the study part of the 2-credit course BAN-200.
Accordingly for collection of data we have investigated into the relevant literature, journals and
have conducted a survey on some buying and selling enterprise in online. We have collected
data, analyzed them and given some recommendations.

May we note here that, there has been no dearth of sincerity on our part to bring the issue under
study into proper focus? However, we would like to request you to consider if any error is found
in the report.
Finally, we would like to request you to accept our report and oblige thereby.
Thank you in advance for your kind assistance and advice in this connection.

Sincerely Yours,
Names of the Students Registration No: Signature
Sajon dhar 2011731008
sajeda 2011731031
arif mahmud shaon 2011731048
mrinmoy 2011731070

June 30, 2013

Letter of Certificate

I am extremely pleased to declare that the following students have been given with the topic for
"Consumer behavior in terms of buying and selling in online" preparing their seminar paper.
They have reviewed all the literature and sources for collection and have done their assigned
task. I have supervised them throughout the preparation of the paper.

Names of the Students Registration No: Signature

Sajon dhar 2011731008
sajeda 2011731031
Arif Mahmud shaon 2011731048
mrinmoy 2011731070

It’s also certify that the paper is an original one and has not been submitted elsewhere previously
for publication in any form.

I wish them all the best in their effort.


Nayeema ahmed
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, sylhet.


The study entitled to “Consumer behavior in terms of buying and selling in online” has been
undertaken by the students of the Department of Business Administration of 14th batch. This is an
attempt to assess the present situation of consumer satisfaction and potential aspects at which
online buying and selling business can prosper.

As a field worker we are not experienced. But we got spontaneous help which encouraged us to
carry out our task effectively. Really we have no words to convey our gratitude to our to our
honorable teacher and seminar supervisor, Ms. Nayeema Ahmed(Assistant Professor of Business
Administration Department, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology) who has
influenced, motivated, directed and advised us enthusiastically. We are also grateful to those
people who participated in the survey to make this report.

Above all we also want to thank to everybody who helped us to make this report directly or

Executive summary
There has been a steady growth in the variety and volume of goods and services which are
available on-line to both businesses and consumers, and on-line buying and selling is
increasingly seen as a major way for all businesses to save costs. Almost inevitably, as the
practice of on-line selling proliferates so does the amount of legislation governing it. This article
provides an overview of the law governing on-line sales in the Bangladesh and an analysis of the
issues that a business should consider before setting up an on-line sales process.

There are two distinct types of legislation that affect on-line retailers. Firstly, traditional
consumer protection regulations apply to all consumer sales made on-line. These regulations are
well established, but it is important to remember that they apply to on-line retailers as much as
they do to traditional ones. Secondly, there are regulations designed specifically to deal with
problems and issues facing retailers on-line.

The basic theory is this: buy a product at a lower price and resell it at a higher price. The higher
price may in fact be the regular price, but since you paid a lower price you can make a profit.

How much profit you make depends on a number of parameters, including how low of a price
you pay, how popular the product is, and how much supply there is.

As diverse as the Internet is, there are indeed a number of ways to buy and resell products online.
Some people start offline and buy products at garage sales, thrift stores, antique stores, estate
sales, or flea markets. They then resell these products online for a profit. Other people start
online, buying products directly from the source they intend to use to resell those very products.
A great example of this is people who participate in eBay reselling, buying products on eBay that
are priced lower than they’re worth and then posting them right back on eBay for a higher price.
This practice is not all that dissimilar from the main focus of this guide.


Chapter Topics Page No.

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Literature review
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Methodology
1.5 Structure of the Seminar Paper
1.6 Selection of Appropriate Method for Data Collection
1.7 Limitation Of the study
1.8 Scope of the Study

CHAPTER 2: buying and selling in online

Chapter Topics Page No.

2.1 Buy and sell business in online
2.2 Customer & Product
2.3 Operation system
2.4 Why it is getting popularity

2.5 Consumer shopping behavior
2.6 Online selling opportunity
2.7 Marketing policy
2.8 Traditional vs. online business
2.9 Basic determinants towards online buying and selling

CHAPTER 3: buying and selling enterprise in online

Chapter Topics Page No.


CHAPTER 4: data analysis

Chapter Topics Page No.

4.1 Internet access or not
4.2 Reasons for no transaction in online
4.3 Acquainted with online system
4.4 Number of people doing transaction
4.5 Website for transaction
4.6 Reasons for purchasing through online
4.7 Distance is considered as handicap
4.8 Products not according to commitment
4.9 Fraud faced by customer

Chapter Topics Page No.

5.1 Findings
5.2 Problems
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Conclusion

Chapter 6:

Chapter Topics Page No.

6.1 Reference
6.2 Appendix

Chapter 1 : Introductory Part

1.1 Introduction
Since the dawn of the Internet, there has been an ever-increasing desire for entrepreneurs to
make money online. Sometimes it seems like the money-making options are limitless as the
Internet continues to grow and bright minds come up with new ideas every day. One option in
particular, buying and reselling online, continues to show promising results for those people who
have a good business sense and the right tools.

Online shopping or e-shopping is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to

directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Alternative
names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online
storefront and virtual store. Mobile commerce (or m-commerce) describes purchasing from an
online retailer's mobile optimized online site or app.

An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-

mortar retailer or shopping center. This is evident because of the increase in retailers now
offering online store interfaces for consumers. With the growth of online shopping, comes a
wealth of new market footprint coverage opportunities for stores that can appropriately cater to
offshore market demands and service requirements.

Buying and reselling online has its roots offline, because in all reality the retail business as a
whole is made up of people who buy and resell products. The concept is not so dissimilar on the
Internet, and now people with little or no background in retail can buy and resell products online
from the comfort of their own homes.

The basic theory is this: buy a product at a lower price and resell it at a higher price. The higher
price may in fact be the regular price, but since you paid a lower price you can make a profit.
How much profit you make depends on a number of parameters, including how low of a price
you pay, how popular the product is, and how much supply there is.

1.2 literature review

Identifying pre-purchase intentions of consumers is the key to understand why they ultimately do
or do not shop from the Web market. One stream of research under online consumer behavior
consists of studies that handle the variables influencing these intentions. A compilation of some
of the determinants researchers have examined are: transaction security, vendor quality, price
Considerations, information and service quality, system quality, privacy and security risks, trust,
shopping enjoyment, valence of online shopping experience, and perceived product quality.
(Liao and Cheung, 2001; Saeed et al., 2003; Miyazaki and Fernandez, 2001; Chen and Dubinsky,

The lists of factors having a positive or negative impact on consumers’ propensity to shop do not
seem to be very different from the considerations encountered in offline environments. However,
the sensitivities individuals display for each variable might be very different in online
marketplaces. Factors like price sensitivity, importance attributed to brands or the choice sets
considered in online and offline environments can be significantly different from each other
(Andrews and Currim, 2004). Uncertainties about products and shopping processes,
trustworthiness of the online seller, or the convenience and economic utility they wish to derive
from electronic shopping determine the costs versus the benefits of this environment for
consumers (Teo et al., 2004). Further studies aiming to complete the full set of factors
influencing consumers’ repurchase intentions are still much awaited.

Online enables consumers to save money and to choose among an increased range of products,
especially when products are not available locally or nationally. However, while the use of
online shopping is developing at national level, this is less so for cross-border sales. Because of
the fragmented online internal market, consumers may fail to take advantage of the increased

choice and cheaper prices that online can deliver. These circumstances require a better
understanding of consumer experience with online shopping and related internet marketing and
selling techniques in the retail sector. The Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, acting
on behalf of the Directorate General for Health and Consumers of the European Commission,
therefore commissioned a consumer market study on the functioning of e-commerce and Internet
marketing and selling techniques in the retail of goods. The study was conducted by Civic
Consulting with support of TNS Opinion (consumer survey) and Euro monitor International
(price collection).

1.3 Objective of the study

To find out the reason behind the driving of traditional trading system into online buying and
To know the behavior pattern of individual customer.
To compare between traditional and online trading system.
To know the business policy of modern era.
To verify why this kind of online business is becoming popular more and more.
To understand the marketing policy of online business.
To know the level of satisfaction of the online user.
To find out the handicap of this system.
To get some recommendation on the basis of findings.

1.4 Methodology
1.4.1 Data collection method:
The data collection method of this study is consisted of both primary and secondary sources.
Majority of the information was collected from secondary sources.

1.4.2 Data sources: There are two kinds of sources of data to consider. They are given below- Primary sources:

The primary sources include interviews that are selected on the basis of our convenience
considering 100 people as our sample for this research. Secondary sources

The secondary sources of data are the annual reports of various online organization, general
reports and official documents.

The seminar paper is both qualitative and quantitative. It is qualitative because there is
theoretical analysis. It is quantitative because various quantitative data are presented through
table, graph etc.

1.4.3 ‘Population’ of the Seminar Paper:

The populations of this seminar paper are selected up to 100 people according to our
convenience to collect data from them.

1.4.4 Selection of Sampling Design:

The area of seminar is the different occupational and aged people to get the actual information
from them about the online business. This area is selected as it will be helpful for us to
understand the present condition of the consumer behavior in terms of online buying and selling
rather than preferring traditional business. This will help to find out the exact position of online
business at present and its satisfaction level among the people.

1.4.5 Collection of Information:

The information was collected through questionnaire. Some of the data used in this research are
primary data collected from the respective sources i.e. from the students of different departments
of the Shahjalal University Science & technology, businessman, employee and some other
professional person. There are also some data that are collected from different secondary sources
i.e. journals, books, publications, and websites. Secondary data means data that are already

available i.e. they refer to the data, which have already been collected analyzed by someone else.
Secondary data may either be published data and unpublished data.

By way of caution, the researcher, before using secondary data, must see that they posses
following characters. Reliability of data: The reliability our data tested by finding out such things about the
said data: (a) who collected the data? (b) What are the sources of data? Suitability of data: The data that are suitable for one enquiry not necessary be found
suitable in another enquiry. Hence, if the available data are found to be unsuitable, we
should not use them. In the context, we must very careful scrutinize the definition of
various terms and units of collection used at that time of collecting data from the primary
source originally. Adequacy of data: If the level of accuracy achieved in data is found inadequate for the
purpose of the second enquiry, they will be considered inadequate and should not be used
by us. The data will also be considered inadequate, if they are related to one area, which
may be either narrow or wider than the area of the present enquiry


Thus there are methods of data collection. As such the researcher must judiciously select the
method/ methods for his own study, keeping in view the following factors:

1. Nature, scope and object of the enquiry : The method selected should be such that suits the
type of enquiry that is to be conducted. The factor is also important in deciding whether
secondary data are to be used or primary data are to be collected.

2. Availability of funds: When funds at the disposal of the researcher are very limited, he will
have to select a comparatively cheaper method, which may not be efficient and effective as
some other costly method. Finance, intact is a big constraint in practice and the researcher
has to act within his limitation.
3. Time factor: The time at the disposal of the researcher affects the selection of the method by
which the data are to be collected. Some methods take relatively more time, whereas with
others the data can be collected in a comparatively shorter duration.
4. Precision required: Precision required is yet another important factor to be considered at the
time of collection of data.

1.7 Limitation of the study

There is no lack of sincerity on our part to bring the issue under study into proper focus, but
we have some limitations also. These limitations are –

 Lack of experience: we have little experience and idea about how to make a report. As a
result, lack of experiences created some troubles while preparing the report.
 Lack of adequate information: Absence of adequate information from concerned people
created problem while preparing the report.
 Lack of practical experience: We have little practical experience about the field work. If we
had a great deal of practical experience then we would have been able to do a better field
 Time and budget constrains: We had not enough time and budget to prepare the report. But
time and budget is necessary to collect all relevant information in order to prepare a report.

1.8 Scope of the study

We have prepared this report to explore what is the reason behind the overwhelming popularity
of online business in this modern sector. It will provide us valuable information about customer’s
perception about different aspect of online shopping, customer’s satisfaction level, its present
condition, problems and development initiatives. The scope of the study is limited to the certain

online buying and selling as we are keeping our attention focused on 100 people as sample where
the populations are the whole user.

Chapter 2: buying and selling in online

2.1 buy and sell business:
The proliferation of the internet gives entrepreneurs from every walk of life and from every
geographic location access to a global audience of buying consumers, eager sellers, information,
and resources as in no other time in history. The internet has not only made it easier to sell
products into the global marketplace utilizing online sales venues such as eBay, e-commerce
websites, e-classifieds, and e-storefronts, but to also source a nearly limitless number of in-
demand products, which can be bought cheaply from domestic and overseas suppliers and resold
for a handsome profit. Once this task was out of the reach of most small business people because
of the amount of time and money required to research and often travel to foreign and domestic
product suppliers to inspect, negotiate, and link an agreement. Much of that has changed. Now
with the simple click of a mouse you can buy products cheaply from thousands of suppliers
spanning the globe, and resell these same products worldwide through numerous online
marketplaces, or locally through community retailing opportunities like your weekend flea
market-all for incredible profits.

2.2 customer & product:

Product: various kinds of product are selling and buy through online. Mainly electronics
products are selling and buy in online. Daily uses goods are also found.

Electronics product:

Mobile phone, computer, laptop, TVs, home theater are much more. One can buy and sell new
product as well as old one.

Personal Items:

Buy and sell clothing, garments, shoes, and other personal items include handbags, perfume,
children toys and handmade item.

New and uses car and vehicles:

Buy and sell use car, motorbikes and other vehicles in Bangladesh. Choose from top brands
including Toyota, Nissan, Honda, and Suzuki.


The entire person who uses internet is mainly the customer of online business.

2.3 operation system:

A buy-and-sell enterprise is nothing more than purchasing cheaply new or previously owned products that
we all need, use or want, and reselling these same items for more than cost. The difference between what
you paid and what you sold it for, of course, is your profit. The mantra of every buy-and-sell enterprise is
simple, and easily memorized: Buy low, sell high. That is precisely the purpose of this book-to show you
how you can start and operate your own independent buy-and-sell enterprise so you can buy low and sell
high, and make a bundle of profit in the process.

Buying and selling for profit is nothing new. It has been around for thousands of years; the only
difference is that the currency has switched from goats and bread to paper and plastic. With that said,
however, there are two primary reasons why buying and selling has recently exploded from being the
closely guarded secret of a few, to the popular occupation of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide,
who are now buying and selling as their sole source of income. The first reason is the advent, wide
acceptance and use of the internet and the second reason is what I refer to as the new economy.

The New Economy Is Buying and Selling

The new global marketplace has also created a second reason why buying and selling is not only the wave
of the future, but also likely to become a large part of what makes up the new economy in industrialized
nations such as the United States and Canada. In fact, some studies suggest the job drain in these areas is
occurring at an alarming rate, faster than most people, including politicians and policy makers, are aware
of or care to admit. Call centers in India, furniture manufacturing in Indonesia and chemical processing in
China. The resulting fallout in North America is a dramatic increase in the numbers of new small-
business start-ups. Many people who have been or who will soon be affected by the new global economy

have chosen self-employment as a way to keep in tune with changing times, make money, and secure
their long-term future.

2.4 Why getting popularity

Marketing and Advertising
 The Internet has become an essential marketing and advertising tool for businesses. Some
businesses do not exist in bricks-and-mortar form, and therefore the Internet, in the form of a
website and online advertising, represents the entire storefront they present to the buying public.
Other businesses use Internet advertising to supplement newspaper and radio advertising or in
store promotions, especially when targeting younger potential customers.
Communication and Interaction
 Although telephone communication is far from dead, much business communication
takes place through email. Companies use email to communicate with the public and to transmit
messages within the company. Additionally, real-time communication such as instant messaging
(IM), Internet telephony (through services such as Skype) and even virtual meetings and
conferences have become increasingly important in the day-to-day workings of business in the
21st century.

Information Gathering
 Whether the searches take place on the Web or through specialized databases such as
LexisNexis or Hoovers, Internet searching has become an absolutely essential research tool for
businesses in nearly every industry. Libraries have been transformed by the Internet explosion,
with much of their collections being converted to electronic records, which are made available to
patrons through the Internet. In addition to accessing library records online, businesses access
breaking news and stock exchange information in real time via the Internet. Businesses also
conduct research in online.

Remote Services
 Many companies employ workers, contractors and consultants as telecommuters.
Telecommuters can be located locally or very far away from a company's base of operations.

Companies with an international presence use the Internet to facilitate communications between
their offices in varied locations.

 Additionally, the Internet has made it easier, faster and less expensive to process
payments and other transactions essential to businesses.

2.5 consumer shopping behavior

The key findings are that:
(1)The percentages of frequent online shoppers (those who shop online at least once a month)
tend to be highest in countries which have large markets and high levels of Internet penetration
such as the UK, Germany, and France. Also in Austria and Poland the share of respondents that
frequently shops online exceeds the EU average.
(2) On average frequent online shoppers spent significantly more than occasional online
Shoppers (those who shop online less than once per month). Taking purchases made over the last
year, frequent online shoppers in our sample spent 1,615 Euro and Occasional online shoppers
643 Euro. Average spending online across all online Shoppers was 1,163 Euro (including
domestic and cross-border spending).
(3) While frequent online shoppers are particularly likely to shop across countries, occasional
online shoppers are more likely to avoid cross-border online shopping. There is a clear tendency
for cross-border shoppers to spend more money than respondents who only shop within their
own country: Those online shoppers who also shop cross-border tended to spend the most,
spending on average 1,667 Euro altogether on their domestic and cross-border online purchases,
compared to 778 Euro for those respondents that only shopped online domestically.
(4) The results for cross-border shopping to some extent reflect language skills and ties with
other countries. Most cross-border online shoppers in Belgium and Luxembourg do their online
shopping in France or Germany, while cross-border online shoppers in Ireland and Malta tend to

shop in the UK. Portuguese cross-border shoppers shop in Spain, while Danish cross-border
shoppers shop in Sweden.
(5) Many consumers research information on products and prices offline and then buy them
online: Nearly one in five online shoppers (18%) reported visiting a shop in person when
researching the most recent online purchase of 30 Euro or more. The reverse – i.e. Researching
online but then buying in brick-and-mortar stores – is also common. For example, 15% of all
respondents visited seller websites to research their most recent purchase of 30 Euro or more in a
(6) Use of mobile phones for online shopping is currently rather uncommon. Occasional online
shoppers are less likely than frequent online shoppers to use their mobile phone to purchase a
product online, or to say that they will use it to purchase products in the Future.

2.6 marketing policy

Using the Internet is simply the best and most effective marketing tool available to any size
company. Small niche businesses can really benefit the most. After all, if you are in a niche, then
getting in front of your target customer is one of the hardest marketing tasks. The Internet
literally opens up a whole new world of possibilities. The Internet is a relatively new marketing
channel that allows any company to market their products globally and cost effectively, which is
both good and bad. Anyone can put up a website inexpensively and they do, by the millions. So
it is imperative for companies to spend enough money on their Internet marketing to be noticed
by their target audience and to project the right image to them.
The Internet Marketing Guide is based on real world examples accumulated over the last 12
years through the experiences of our Internet marketing staff in developing websites, primarily
for ourselves, but also through consulting work helping clients start or improve their Internet
marketing efforts.
This Internet Marketing Guide covers the basics. It is about the most common, fundamental
techniques that companies can use to create an Internet marketing program. If you are planning
to be successful in business, then adding Internet marketing to your mix is essential. Expect to
invest some time and money to acquire the knowledge and skills explained in this guide. The

results will more than pay for your efforts as you build a stronger business model armed with
competitive advantages that your competition will find difficult to copy.
Three steps of online marketing plan are given below:-
Step 1: Internet Marketing Strategy Development
this is the first and the most critical phase for a successful online marketing campaign. This
process typically spans 4-6 weeks. We research and present you with an Internet Marketing
Plan that is best suited for your business. This phase will also help identify initiatives, which will
produce transformational business results.

Step 2: Internet Marketing Plan Setup

At the Internet Marketing setup stage we take the strategies from Step 1 and implement it on
your website. We split the Integrated Strategies into SEO, PPC, Link Popularity, Social Media
and other activities and assign specialists for each. We also develop some quick wins for you.
Clients with their first foray into online marketing will get to experience the potential returns at
this stage. Other businesses will

Step 3: Internet Marketing Tactics Maintenance

this is the ongoing activity where we measure the results against the benchmarks and tweak the
program. We also closely monitor the competition and implement proactive and reactive changes
to the program. Start experiencing a shift in the results they are generating out of their current

2.7 Traditional vs. online business

What are traditional business and online business
A traditional business is the one that we see around us in the streets, inside the malls and mostly
everywhere in big cities. Cafes, restaurants, offices, factories, Bookshops, etc all come under
traditional business. These businesses require a lot of manpower, at least more than two. They
need to have an office, a warehouse if it is a selling and buying type of business, a store place to
store raw or finished products, etc. They also need a lot of qualified people to operate computers,
machineries and other hardware’s. You always have a risk of your investment because these
types of businesses require a huge amount to start.
In contrary, an online business doesn’t require most of the elements required by a traditional
business. An online business is done over the internet. It does not require lot of manpower. As
long as you know what you are doing you can do it by yourself. It does not need an office. Your
computer can be your office. You can communicate with people far and near and sell your goods
to people even if you don’t know them. You do not need a store for an online business as long as

you are selling a digital product. I don’t say that there is no risk but the investment is so minimal
and the profit level so high, risks are not counted in online businesses.
2.5.1 Needs Assessment
The nature of your small business and the type and amount of customer interaction it requires to
be successful dictate whether you need a physical address or a virtual one. If, for example, you're
providing writing, copy-editing, consulting, accounting or billing services, the primary interface
with your clients is by phone, email and fax, negating the need for work space beyond a home
office. Conversely, a small business in which you sell apparel, cosmetics, jewelry, art, furniture
or home accessories will likely require display space, dressing rooms and appropriate storage.
2.5.2 Legalities and Expenses
Traditional businesses and e-businesses both require you to have a business license. Registering
your business name with the state registrar, acquiring a federal tax ID number, researching local
zoning and licensing regulations, purchasing insurance pertinent to your needs and establishing
banking relationships are critical steps in setting up shop in either venue. While
telecommunications equipment, office supplies and a marketing/advertising budget are necessary
expenses in both traditional and electronic commerce, a traditional business model has the added
overhead of a monthly lease, utilities, staff salaries and benefits, exterior/interior maintenance
costs and security systems. An e-business run from a home office utilizes resources that already
exist and which are then prorated as deductions for tax purposes.
2.5.3 Customer Convenience
If the weather is bad, the parking is a challenge or the hour is late when inspiration strikes to buy
something, an e-business that is open 24/7 often has more appeal to customers than a brick-and-
mortar shop located across town and only open five days a week from 10 to 4. Shopping for
goods electronically doesn't just save customers time and energy; it can also save them from
paying sales taxes, provide them with more outlets to comparison-shop and eliminate the feeling
of being pressured or followed around by a salesperson. Many customers, however, prefer the
ability to personally inspect the merchandise, ask for advice and assistance and be able to take
their purchases home immediately rather than having to pay shipping costs and wait for delivery.
A traditional business satisfies those needs in addition to fostering an environment of trust
through personal conversation and face-time.
2.5.4 Home vs. Work
As a small business owner, you are just as likely to obsess about its well-being whether its 10
miles away or just down a hallway. Being able to separate your work life from your personal life
is often a greater challenge when you and your job live under the same roof. The 24/7 nature of
e-business makes it all too tempting to start perceiving yourself as accessible to your customers
round-the-clock, something that would not occur if you kept traditional hours at a store. Instead
of the expected freedom to manage time on your own terms as an e-entrepreneur, you could
actually find yourself a slave to your own computer. `

2.7 basic determinants towards online buying and
Motivations of consumers to engage in online shopping include both utilitarian and hedonic
dimensions. Whereas some Internet shoppers can be described as “problem solvers”, others can
be termed seeking for “fun, fantasy, arousal, sensory stimulation, and enjoyment” (Hirschman
and Holbrook, 1982).
2.7.1 Usefulness
“Usefulness” is defined as the individual’s perception that using the new technology will
enhance or improve her/his performance (Davis, 1989, 1993). Applying this definition to our
research context, as the new technology we classify shopping on the Internet, and as the
individual’s performance the outcome of the online shopping experience. Then, “usefulness”
refers to consumers’ perceptions that using the Internet as a shopping medium enhance the
outcome of their shopping experience.
2.7.2 Ease of use
“Ease of use” is defined as the individual’s perception that using the new technology will be free
of effort. Applying this to our research context, “ease of use” is the consumer’s perception that
shopping on the Internet will involve a minimum of effort.
2.7.3 Enjoyment
Applying this to our research context, “enjoyment” results from the fun and playfulness of the
online shopping experience, rather than from shopping task completion. The purchase of goods
may be incidental to the experience of online shopping. Thus, “enjoyment” reflects consumers’
perceptions regarding the potential entertainment of Internet shopping.
2.7.4 Situational factors
In order to fully understand consumers’ motivations to engage in online shopping, situational
factors have to be taken into account as well. A wide variety of situational aspects can moderate
the relationship between attitude and consumers’ intention to shop on the Internet, but for the
purpose of this paper only the most relevant are discussed: “time pressure”, “lack of mobility”,
“geographical distance”, “need for special items” and attractiveness of alternatives”. To most
consumers important attributes of online shopping are convenience and accessibility
2.7.5 Product characteristics
Consumers’ decisions whether or not to shop online are also influenced by the type of product or
service under consideration. Some product categories are more suitable for online shopping than
other categories. The lack of physical contact and assistance in shopping on the Internet is one
factor that influences this suitability. Another factor is the need to feel, touch, smell, or tries the
product, which is not possible when shopping online.
2.7.6 Previous online shopping experiences
Intention to shop online is also influenced by consumers’ Internet shopping history (Shim et al.,
2001). It is demonstrated by past research findings that prior online shopping experiences have a
direct impact on Internet shopping intentions.

CHAPTER 3: buying and selling enterprise in online
What is is a website where you can buy and sell almost everything. The best deals are often
done with people who live in your own city or on your own street. So on it's easy to
buy and sell locally. All you have to do is select your region.
It's completely free to publish a classified ad on, and it takes you less than 2
minutes. You can sign up for a free account and post ads easily every time. Or, if you don't want
to register, just go to Post Your Ad, fill in the form, and you're done. has the widest selection of popular second hand items all over Bangladesh, which
makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for. So if you're looking for a car, mobile
phone house, computer or maybe a pet, you will find the best deal on

Terms & Conditions is a service provided by Salt side Technologies AB (subject to your compliance with
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3.1.1 Advertising: Content, text, images, graphics, video ("Content") uploaded for inclusion on complies with all applicable laws. &Salt side Technologies AB assumes
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3.1.7 Site availability: and Salt side Technologies AB does not guarantee
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OLX is the next generation of free online classifieds. OLX provides a simple solution to the
complications involved in selling, buying, trading, discussing, organizing, and meeting
people near you, wherever you may reside.

Please carefully read these terms of use. By using this website you indicate your understanding
and acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree to these terms you may not use this website.

Terms & Conditions:

3.2.1 Acceptance: OLX, Inc. and its affiliates (OLX) provide a collection of online
resources which include classified advertisements, forums, and certain e-mail
services (collectively, the "Service") on the website and its affiliated sites

(including without limitation and (collectively, the
"Website") subject to these Terms of Use (these "Terms").

3.2.2 Description of service and content policy: A. OLX is the next generation of free online
classifieds. We act as a venue to allow our users who comply with these Terms to offer, sell, and
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3.3.3 Feature ads: OLX offers a service known as "Featured Ads" where users may pay a non-
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3.3 cell

Cell bazaar is probably the safest and most convenient choice for selling and buying across
Bangladesh. Cell bazaar launched in 2006 as an innovative SMS service and its ecommerce
website has been in operation since 2007. The service allows anyone in Bangladesh to buy and

sell in his or her region conveniently in a very simple manner without Registration and
complicated procedures. It is completely free to post an ad on Cell bazaar.
3.3.1 Duplicates: You can only have one ad for each item, service or job at the same time. If you
want to post an updated ad, you need to delete the old ad before you post the new ad It is also not
allowed to place ads with the same items, services or jobs in different categories or regions.
3.3.2 Marketing: It is only allowed to advertise items for sale, rentals, jobs and services. We
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3.3.3 Ad text: The ads heading should describe the item or the service advertised. It is not
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another page. Ad texts may not be copied from other ads, as these are protected under copyright
3.3.4 Categories: The ad should be placed in the category that describes the item or service the
best. may move it to the right category if necessary. Goods and services that do
not fit in the same category must be placed in separate ads. Sale-ads should be placed under "For
sale" and wanted-ads under "Wanted to buy". "To let" and "Wanted to rent" are available under
certain categories. In other categories, to let-ads should be placed under "For Sale" and wanted to
rent-ads under "Wanted".
3.3.5 Links: Links in the ad have to be relevant to the item or service advertised. The general
rules for the ad also apply for the link. It is not allowed to link to another classified or auction
3.3.6 Images: Images in the ad should be relevant to the item or service advertised. Company
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Images showing models displaying underwear or swimming wear are not allowed.
3.3.7 Pirated goods and forgeries: It is not allowed to advertise pirated goods and forgeries of
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3.3.8 Rules for pets and animals: Animals traded on must comply with
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3.3.10 Offensive content: Ads or images that can be perceived as offensive to individuals,
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3.3.11 Prohibited goods and services: has restrictions against certain goods and
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3.3.12 Ad posting" jobs: "Ad Posting" jobs where private persons are paid for posting large
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and make it hard for users to find other content.

3.4 is a classified site where you can buy and sell almost everything. We started our
journey in January 1, 2011. offers a convenient and easy way for people to buy,
sell, trade and help each other out in areas such as goods, cars, services, housing and jobs. It’s
completely free to publish a classified ad on, and it takes you less than 2 minutes. has more than 200 different categories. We also carefully review all ads that are
being published, to make sure the quality is up to our standards.

Terms & Conditions is a service provided by . Please read these Terms and

Conditions before using

3.4.1 Confidentiality:

User’s records are regarded as confidential and therefore will not be divulged to any third party.
Users have the right to request sight of, and copies of any and all Users Records we keep, on the
proviso that we are given reasonable notice of such a request. Users are requested to retain
copies of any literature issued in relation to the provision of our services.

3.4.2 Site availability: does not guarantee continuous or secure access to the Web Site. The Web Site is
provided “as is” and as and when available.
3.4.3 Security: uses lots of tools (encryption, passwords, physical security) to protect your
personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure, but as you probably know,
nothing’s perfect, so makes no guarantees

Chapter 3: Data Analysis

We have conducted a survey on 100 customers to find out what they think about different aspects
of online buying and selling and why they are using this online system for transaction.

What we have found in that survey are presented below graphically one by one.

3.1 Internet access or not:

Category Frequency Percentage

Yes 95 95%
No 5 5%

yes no

3.2 Reasons for no transaction in online:

Category Frequency Percentage

Not acquainted with this feature 4 4%

Feel insecure 7 7%

Product quality is not ensured 4 4%

Not interested 7 7%

Others 3 3%

re ur
e d d rs
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fe s ns te
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in ti n
th e sn
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3.3 Acquainted with online system:

Category Frequency Percentage

From online ads 28 28%
From friends and some other 22 22%
From any social network 10 10%
From newspaper, telephone or 7 7%
other media
Other sources 3 3%








3.4 Number of people doing transaction:

Category Frequency Percentage

Only buy 16 16%
Only sell 14 14%
Buy and sell 40 40%
No transaction 30 30%

Only Buy
Only Sale
Buy and Sale
No Transaction

3.5 Website for transaction in online:

Category Frequency Percentage 28 28% 20 20% 15 15% 5 5%
Some others 2 2%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

3.6 Reasons for purchasing through online:

Category Frequency Percentage

Low price 25 25%
Product quality 10 10%
Easy to purchase 12 12%
Bargaining facility 20 20%
Some other 13 13%


























3.7 Distance is considered as handicap:

Category Frequency Percentage

Agree 34 34%
Disagree 10 10%
Strongly disagree 4 4%
Somehow agree 20 20%
Neutral 2 2%

Strongly disagree
More or less agree

3.8 “Products not according to commitment”-

Category Frequency Percentage

Agree 3 3%
Disagree 57 57%
Strongly agree 1 1%
More or less agree 1 1%
neutral 5 5%







0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

3.9 Fraud faced by customer

Category Frequency Percentage

Blackmail/hijacking 32 32%
Less product quality 18 18%
Some other model or device 7 7%
harassment 11 11%
other 2 2%







1 2 3 4 5

3.10 Types of product purchased from online

Category Frequency Percentage

Electronics 43 43%
Vehicles or other transport 6 6%
Household products 16 16%
Domestic animal or other 5 5%
Other things 3 3%

160 70

140 60

80 Volume
30 Close

20 10

0 0
1/5/2002 1/6/2002 1/7/2002 1/8/2002 1/9/2002

Chapter 4:
1. It is found from this research application that about 95% people have internet access
where only 5% people are not using this opportunity which is very low according to the
total population of our experiment.
2. Among the total sample, about 30% people do not use this online system as still depends
on traditional system.
3. In case of pricing, negotiable price (52%) is more preferable to them rather than
4. According to the data, it is found that about 40% people has done buy and sell in the
online. Among total sample size 30% people are not using this because of some other
reason where 16% and 14% have done buy and sell respectively.

5. It’s the fact that maximum (7%) people are not running after this system of transaction as
they do not feel secure to buy and sell from online and also for lack of interest (7%).
Some other is not ensured by the product quality (4%).
6. 28% consumer has become acquainted with this feature by online ads and their friends or
relatives. Newspaper, telephone or other media (7%), social network (10%) and some
other sources (3%) are also the medium of getting known about this.
7. Most of them does buy and sell in (28%) and (20%). and are also the major source of their transaction in online.
8. 25% consumer has said that low price and bargaining facility (20%) are the main reason
that why depend on this online system without traditional system. Easy to purchase
(12%), product quality (10%) and some other (13%) are the other reason of purchasing
through online.
9. About 34% people agree to the statement that distance is considered as handicap. 10%
people are disagreeing and 4% people are strongly agreed.
10. 57% people agree that they always find the exact product from the seller. Where only 3%
people says that they find some problem in the contract.
11. Most people purchased electronics product(43%) from online which is increasing day by
day. Some other like house hold (16%), vehicles (6%) and domestic animal (5%) are
other purchased goods from online.
12. Customer satisfaction is increasing as they find it more easy to buy and sell here which
will make it more successful than other bushiness.

4.2 PROBLEMS OF online buying and selling

1. As there is no scope of accountability, people feel scared to buy or sell in online. It’s
something without any legal restriction.
2. They do not have any permanent office where the consumer or victim of any unexpected
incident, can check for any solution or impose a complain.

3. Here, the product which is posted for buy or sell is second hand. So, sometimes people
feel insecure to purchase from here.
4. They have to depend on the trustworthy of the other party that they will supply product
according to the commitment. It is an unexpected handicap.
5. Sometimes people are harassed in the name of buying or selling product in online. It will
create a bad impression in the consumers mind.
6. Although it is a very good way for transaction but it is not available everywhere in our
country. As more people are not in list of internet user.

1. Although they don’t have any permanent office but they can set up customer oriented office
room which will provide information and give some support for transaction.

2. This system should be more standardized to make it more secure to use so that everyone feel
safe to make buy and sell.

3. Information system should be improved to make it stronger to use this facility by anyone.

4. Public awareness should be increased to keep people safe from any unwanted situation which
will cause any harm to them.

4.4 Conclusion
Even though the internet is often referred to as a borderless market, there are still some barriers
to overcome in order to reach the goal of the European Commission in 2015 [93]. The general
picture shows improvement when it comes to the delivery of the product. But if consumers
decide to withdraw, they can still expect to run into some problems.

 It was surprisingly difficult to find enough web traders who were willing to sell cross-border.
The data show that almost 60% of the websites initially submitted for the project were not
usable. Some websites did not meet the criteria established by the working group for the
purposes of this project from the beginning, while others had changed conditions in the period
between the time of selecting the websites and the time of distribution hereof.

It is very important, and a legal requirement, that the consumer receives information about the
trader the consumer is considering buying from. Without knowing where the trader is based it
can be difficult to know which level of protection applies to the purchase. In 3% of the cases,
information about the trader could not be found. Even if this figure seems relatively low, it is still
one of the most essential pieces of information the consumer needs about the trader. One perfect
example of this is a purchase made by a Mystery Shopper on what turned out to be an American

Consumers should also know whether or not they are buying from a secure website and to what
extent their personal data is protected. In 16% of the purchases, the Mystery Shopper reported
that it was not clear whether or not the site was secure and in 20% the Mystery Shopper reported
that there was no privacy policy available on the website.

In 95% of the purchases, the terms and conditions were available before entering into a purchase
process, but the legal requirement to inform about the cooling-off period was only met in 82% of
the purchases. This means that in 18% of the purchases, the Mystery Shopper was not informed
about the legal right to withdraw from the contract. This is a rather disturbing result. However, it
was worse to discover that the websites contained information about the legal warranty and the
rights connected to it in only 37% of the purchases. Furthermore the information given about
these rights was only correct in 80% of the cases.

Chapter 5:
5.1 Reference
4. Various journal and article on Chinese restaurant Business

Questionnaires for consumer behavior in terms of
online buying and selling

Questionnaire for Customers

A report on

Customer behavior in terms of online buying and selling

Department of business Administration

Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet.

(Information will be used only to prepare a report and must be confidential)

Individual Information

Name of the interviewee:



Mobile no:

1. Do you have any internet access or not?

Yes. No.
2. Do you have ever done any buy in online?
Yes. No.
3. Do you have ever done any sell in online?
Yes. No.
4. If no, why you don’t do any transaction in online?
Not acquainted with this feature. Feel insecure.
Product quality is not ensured. Not interested.

5. How have you acquainted with this online buying or selling system?
From online ads from friends or other relatives
From any social network from newspaper, telephone or other media
Other sources
6. How many website have you visited or known in number?
1-3 3-5 5-7 More than 7
7. In case of buying, which website have you used for transaction in online?
 
 
Some others
8. Why have you chosen this website for buying?
Have some extra facility more reliable than other
More ads are posted here Feel secure to purchase here.
9. Why are you purchasing from online?
Low price Product quality
Easy to purchase Bargaining facility
Some other reason
10. Which types of product have you purchased form online?
Electronics Vehicles or other transport
Household products Domestic animal or other animal
Other things
11. Which kinds of product are you more interested to purchase?
Old New
12. Which ways of pricing is more preferred by you?
Fixed Negotiable
13. How many times have you purchased goods from online?
Only once 2-5
6-10 10-15

14. “The quality of product that is posted for sale or purchase is according to the commitment”-
Agree Disagree
Strongly disagree Somehow agree
15. “As the ads are posted from many areas, it is a handicap for you to use this online buying and
Agree Disagree
Strongly disagree more or less agree
16. Whom you purchase goods, do you feel secure to purchase high priced product?
Yes No
17. “I don’t have the thing that I have intended to get from this online system”
Agree Disagree
Strongly disagree more or less agree
18. If you agree, then why and if you disagree then why not?


19. Do you have faced any fraud in terms of buy from online?
Yes No
20. If yes, which kinds of fraud have you faced?
Blackmail/ hijacking less product quality
Some other model or device Harassment
21. Do you have any suggestion for this online buying and selling system?


1. How many website have you visited or known in number?
1-3 3-5 5-7 More than 7
1. In case of selling, which website have you used for transaction in online?
 
 
Some others
2. Why have you chosen this website for selling?
Have some extra facility more reliable than other
More ads are posted here Feel secure to sell here.
3. Which types of product have you sell form online?
Electronics Vehicles or other transport
Household products Domestic animal or other animal

Other things
4. Which types of price is more preferred by you?
Fixed Negotiable
5. How many times have you sold goods through online?
2-5 6-10 10-15 15-20 More than 20
6. Do you have faced any fraud in terms of selling through online?
Yes No
7. If yes, which kinds of fraud have you faced?
Blackmail/ hijacking less product quality
Some other model or device Harassment
8. Why are you selling through online?
High price direct communication
Easy to sell Bargaining facility

Some other

1. as there is no enough access so it should be improved

2. To load any web page, speed should be raised.
3. As there is no enough security for wifi so it can be slow down with undesired interruption and
many others threats. So it should be aware about the security of wifi and undesired interruption.
4. although there are routers in specific sectors in sust campus but it is insufficient for all students
because this routers have no well capacity to connect automatically with wifi. So it should be
increased well capacity routers in every sectors of campus.
4. to improve wifi connection, authority should be more careful about this and Heqep should give
more funds for it.


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