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Mass balance

M1, M2 - Molecule weights of the pure compounds

M1 = Mmorevolatile
M2 = Mlessvolatile
Mf = Xf*M1 + (1-Xf)*M2
Md = Xd*M1+(1-Xd)*M2
Mw =Xw*M1+(1-Xw)*M2
Mass concentration Xf(-)=(M1 /Mf)*Xf
Mass concentration Xd(-)=(M1 /Md)*Xd
Mass concentration Xw(-)=(M1 /Mw)*Xw
[G(-)] = kg/s
Overall mass balance:
Gf(-) = Gd(-) + Gw(-)
Gf(-)*Xf(-) = Gd(-)*Xd(-) + Gw(-)*Xw(-) - in relation to more volatile substance
Mole fluxes:
Gf = Gf(-) / Mf
Gd= Gd(-) / Md
Gw = Gw(-) / Mw

Liquid-vapor equilibrium

Data can be obtained from different chemical engineers handbooks

but the table of type Kogan, Friedman, Kafarov are pretty handy
X Y* t, oC P mmHg

Density and volume expenses of main fluxes

1/r(f,d,w) = [X(-)(f,d,w)/r1] + [1-X(-)(f,d,w)]/r2]

Vf = Gf(-)/rf
Vd = Gd(-)/rd
Vw = Gw(-)/rw

Parameters of liquid and steam fluxes

Reflux parameters

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GR = R * Gd
GR(-) = GR * Md
VR = GR(-) / rd

Steam leaving the column

Gv = Gd *(R+1)
Gv(-) = Gv * Md
Vv = Vo * Gv * (To +tvd) / To
Vo = 22.4 m /kmol ideal gas molar volume
To = 273 K

Liquid flux before reboiler

Gx = Gv
Gx(-) = Gx * Mw
Vx = Gx(-) / rw
Liquid flux after reboiler
Gvu = Gx = Gv
Vvu = Vo * Gvu * (To + tvu) / To

Parameters for rectification and striping part of the column

Average concentration of liquid phase for rectification part

Xh = (Xd + Xf) / 2
Average concentration of liquid phase for striping part
Xl = (Xf + Xw) / 2

Average temperature of liquid phase for rectification part tll

Average temperature of liquid phase for for striping part tlh

Average concentration of steam phase for for rectification part

Yh = (R / (R + 1)) * Xh + Xd / (R + 1) mol parts
Average concentration of steam phase for for striping part
Yl = ((R + F)/(R +1)) * Xl - ((F - 1)/(R +1)) * Xw mol parts
F =( Xd - Xw)/(Xf - Xw)
Mol weight of liquid fluxes
Mlh = Xh*M1 + (1-Xh)*M2 (for rectification part)
Mll = Xl*M1 + (1-Xl)*M2 (for striping part)

Mass concentration in liquid fluxes

Xh(-) = (M1/Mlh) * Xh (for rectification part)
Xl(-) = (M1/Mll) * Xl (for striping part)

Liquid phase densities

1 / rlh =( Xh(-) / r1) + (1 - Xh(-)) / r2
2 / rll =( Xl(-) / r1) + (1 - Xl(-)) / r2
Mol weight of steam fluxes

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Mvh = Yh * M1 + (1 - Yh) * M2 (for rectification part)

Mvl l l
= Y * M1 + (1 - Y ) * M2 (for striping part)

Steam phase densities

rvh = (Mvh/Vo) * To / (To + tvh) (for rectification part)
rvl = (Mvl/Vo) * To / (To + tvl) (for striping part)

Dynamic viscosity of liquid fluxes

lg mlh = Xh * lg m1 + (1 + Xh) * lg m2 (for rectification part)
lg mll = Xl * lg m1 + (1 + Xl) * lg m2 (for striping part)

Steam velocity
Wvh = C * SQRT(rlh / rvh)
Wvl = C * SQRT(rll / rvl)

Flow rates of steams

Vvh = Vo * Gv * (To + tvh) / To
Vvl = Vo * Gv * (To + tvl) / To

Column diameters
Dch = (Vvh / (0.785 * Wvh))^0.5 (rectification part)
Dc = (Vvl
/ (0.785 * Wvl))^0.5 (striping part)
Column height
H= (n - 1) * h + h1 + h2 + h3
h - plate spacing (distance between two plates); h1 - distance between column bottom and bottom plate;
h2 - distance between the striping and rectification parts; h 3 - distance between the top of the column and the top plate

Heat Balance

Condenser - heat balance

rd = Xd(-) * r1 + (1 - Xd(-)) * r2 distillate specific enthalpy of vaporisation, kJ/kmol
Qd = Gd(-) * ( R + 1) * rd necessary heat quantity, kW or W

Reboiler - heat balance

cd = Xd(-) * c1 + (1 - Xd(-)) * c2 specific heat capacity
cw = Xw(-) * c1 + (1 - Xw(-)) * c2 specific heat capacity

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cf = Xf(-) * c1 + (1 - Xf(-)) * c2 specific heat capacity

Qk = 1.03 * (Qd + Gd(-) * cd * td + Gw(-) * cw * tw - Gf(-) * cf * tf)
Gstk.(-) = Qk / (rst * (1 -j)) heating steam expanse for reboiler
j = 5 % or 0,05

Bottom product cooler

Dtbig = tw - tfinalH2O
Dtsmall = tw' - t0H2O
Dtav = (Dtbig-Dtsmall)/2,3.lg(Dtbig/Dtsmall) if (Dtbig/Dtsmall) > 2
Dtav = (Dtbig+Dtsmall)/2 if (Dtbig/Dtsmall) <= 2
DtavH20 = (tfinalH2O + t0H2O)/2
tavw = Dtav + DtavH20

cw = c1 * Xw(-) + (1 - Xw(-)) * c2 at temperature

Qw = Gw(-) * cw * (tw - tw')

Top product cooler

QD = Gd(-) * cD * (td - tw')
cD = c1 * Xd(-) + (1 - Xd(-)) * c2 at temperature

Feed heater
Gstf(-) = Gf(-) * cf * (tf - tf') / (rst * (1 - j))
cf = c1 * Xf(-) + (1 - Xf(-)) * c2
Qf = Gf(-) * cf * (tf - tf')

Overall steam expense

Gst(-) = Gstk(-) + Gstf(-) st - index for saturated water steam

Cooling water expense for condensate

VH2OD = Qd / (cH2O * (tfinalH2O - t0H2O) * rH2O)
Cooling water expense for distillate
VH2OOD = QD / (cH2O * (tfinalH2O - t0H2O) * rH2O)
Cooling water expense for bottom product
VH2OOK = QW / (cH2O * (tfinalH2O - t0H2O) * rH2O)

Outlet/Inlet diameters
d= ((V / (0.785 * W))0,5

V - volume expense m3/s

W - flow speed m/s

Reboiler calculation

Ftowards = Qk / (Dtav * Ktowards) Both fluids change their agregate states. The
heating vapor gives rise to boiling of the liquid into

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Both fluids change their agregate states. The

Dtav = tst - tw heating vapor gives rise to boiling of the liquid into
the pipes and continuously condenses on the
Ktowards approximately expected value external pipe surface. The second fluid (boiling
bottom product) rises along the height of the
Heat flux from heating steam to wall (pipe) pipes as a vapor mixture, leaves the reboiler and
Qcond = acond * (tst - twall1) * F enters the column beneаth the bottom plate of the
Qcond/F = qcond = acond * (tst - twall1) striping part of the column. This vapor is formed in
the internal pipe space.
(tst - twall1) = Dtcond

acond = 2.04 * (At / ((H * Dtcond)1/4)

At = ((l3 *r2 * r) / m)1/4

Heat flux through wall

Qwall = ((twall1 - twall2) * F) / S rwall
Qwall / F = ((((twall1 - twall2) * F) / S rwall) / F) = qwall
Dtwall = twall1 - twall2
S rwall = (d / lwall) + rdeposit1 + rdeposit2
rdep1 = rdep2 = 1/5800 m K/W
d= 2x10-3 m (wall thickness)

Heat flux from wall to boiling liquid

Qboil = aboil * (twall2 - tw) * F
Qboil / F = qboil = aboil * Dtboil
Dtboil = twall2 - tw
aboil = (b3 * l2 * r * Dtboil2) / (m * s * Tw)
l = l1 * Xw(-) + (1 - Xw(-)) *l2
lgm = Xw(-) * lgm1 + (1 - Xw(-)) * lgm2
s = s1 * Xw(-) + (1 - Xw(-)) *s2
b= 0.075 * (1 + 10 *((rw / rvw) - 1)-0.6667)

Kcalc = 1 / ((1/acond(last iteration)) + Srwall + (1/aboil(last iteration)))

Fcalc = Qk / (Dtav * Kcalc)

Condenser calculation

tav2 - average temperature of the heated fluid - water

For other temperature calculation see Bottom product cooler section The saturated organic vapor
changes its agregate state. This
fluid which leaves the top of the
Ftowards = Qd / (Ktowards * Dtav) column and completely condenses
n / z(calc) = (4 * VH2OD * rH2O) / (p * d * Re * mH2O) (calculated) in the external pipe space gives its
heat to the cooling water. The
Re = (4 * VH2OD * rH2O) / (p * d * (n/z) * mH2O) = second fluid (cooling water) flows in
the internal pipe space.
Heat flux from saturated organic steam to wall (pipe)

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Qcond = acond * (td - twall1) * F

td - twall1 = Dtcond
qcond = Qcond / F = acond * (td - twall1)
acond = (2.04 * At) / (h * Dtcond)1/4 (h = tube length,
At = ((l3 *r2 * r) / m)1/4
lgmD = lgm1*Xd + lgm2 * (1-Xd)
lD = l1*Xd(-) + l2 * (1-Xd(-))
Heat flux through wall
Qwall = (twall1 - twall2) * F * (1 / Srwall)
Qwall / F = qwall = (twall1 - twall2) * (1 / Srwall)
twall1 - twall2 = Dtwall
S rwall = (d / lwall) + rdeposition1 + rdeposition2
Heat flux from wall to cooling liquid (water)
Q2 = a2 * (twall2 - twall2) * F
Q2 / F = a2 * (twall2 - twall2) = a2 * Dt2
Dt2 = (twall2 - twall2)
Nu2 = 0.021 * eL * (Re0.8) * (Pr20.43) * (Pr2/Pwall2)0.25 if Re > 10000
Pr2 = (c2 * m2) /l2
twall1 = tD - Dtcond
Kcalc = 1 / ((1/acond(last iteration)) + Srwall + (1/a2(last iteration)))
Fcalc = Qd / (Dtav * Kcalc)

Bottom product cooler calculation

Dtbig = tw - tfinalH2O
No changes of the
Dtsmall = tw' - t0H2O
agregate states for both
tav1 = tav2 + Dtav fluids are made. The
Ftowards = Qw / (Ktowards * Dtav) bottom product flows in
the external pipe space.
n/z= (4 * VH2Oow * rH2O) / (p * d * Re * mH2O)
For tubular heat exchanger
d= 48x4 mm (recommendable value for standard internal diameter)
D= 80x4 mm (recommendable value for standard external diameter)
Small slice
w= VH2Oow / 0.785 * d2
Re(small) = (w * de * rH2O) / mH2O
de = d
Large slice
de = D - d
w= Vw / (0.785 * (D2 - d2))
Re(large) = (w * de * row) / mow

1/rOW = [X(-)W/r1] + [1-X(-)W]/r2]

lg mOW = Xw * lg m1 + (1 + XW) * lg m2

Nu1 = 0.021 * eL * (Re0.8) * (Pr10.43) * (Pr1/Pwall1)0.25

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Pr1 = (c1 * m1) /l1 at temperature twall1

Q1 = a1 * (tav1 - twall1) * F
Q1 / F = a1 * (tav1 - twall1)
Dt1 = (tav1 - twall1)

c1 = c' * Xw(-) + (1 - Xw(-)) * c''

lg m1 = Xw * lg m'+ (1 + XW) * lg m''
l1 = l' * Xw(-) + l'' * (1 - Xw(-))
Prwall1 = (cwall1 * mwall1) /lwall1 ; at temperature twall1
a1 = (Nu1 * l1) / d
Heat flux through wall
Qwall = (twall1 - twall2) * F * (1 / Srwall)
Qwall / F = qwall = (twall1 - twall2) * (1 / Srwall)
twall1 - twall2 = Dtwall
S rwall = (d / lwall) + rdeposition1 + rdeposition2

Re(small) = (VH2Oow.rH2O)/(
de =(D2 - (n/z)standard.d2) / (D + (n/z)standard.d
w= Vw / (0.785.(D2 - (n/z)standard.d2))
Re(large) = (w * de * row) / mow
1 / row = Xw(-) / r1 + (1 - Xw(-)) / r2
lg mow = Xw * lg m1 + (1 + Xw) * lg m2

Heat flux from wall to cooling fluid

Q2 = a2 * (twall2 - tav2) * F
Q2 / F = a2 * (twall2 - tav2) = q2
Dt2 = (twall2 - tav2)
q2 =a2 * Dt2
Nu2 = 0.021 * eL * (Re0.8) * (Pr20.43) * (Pr2/Pwall2)0.25
Pr2 = (c2 * m2) /l2 at temperature tav2

Prwall2 = (cwall2 * mwall2) /lwall2 ; at temperature twall2

a2 = (Nu2 * l2) / d
c1wall = c' * Xw(-) + c'' * (1 - Xw(-))
lg m1wall= lgm'*Xw + lgm'' * (1-Xw)
l1wall = l'*Xw(-) + l'' * (1-Xw(-))
Kcalc = 1 / ((1 / a1) + Srwall + (1 / a2)
Fow = Qw / (Kcalc * Dtav)
n= Fow /( p * d * L) number of elements

Feed heater calculation

The feed mixture does not change
its agregate state. Conversly, the
Ftowards = Qf(-) / (Ktowards * Dtav) heating saturated water vapor
condenses and gives its heat to the

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heating saturated water vapor

lg mf = lgm1*Xf(-) + lgm2 * (1-Xf(-)) condenses and gives its heat to the
n/z= (4 * Gf(-)) / (p * d * Re * mf) number of pipes per pass feed.

Tanks for initial and final products

Vf = (Gf(-) *24 * 3600) / (rf * 0.8) m3.24 h

VD = (GD(-) *24 * 3600) / (rD * 0.8) m3.24 h
Vw = (Gw(-) *24 * 3600) / (rw * 0.8) m3.24 h

Number of plates in rectification column

R min = (Xd -B max)/B max

R = GR / Gd = 1.3 * R min + 0.3
B = Xd / (R+1)

Relative volatility
ah = (Y*h * (1 - Xh)) / (Xh * (1 - Y*h)) (for rectification part)
al = (Y*l * (1 - Xl)) / (Xl * (1 - Y*l)) (for striping part)

Capacity coefficient of plate (corrected)

hh(corrected) = hh(1+D)
hl(corrected) = hl(1+D)

Real number of plates n h = n th / h h n l = n tl / h l

h l
All plates n = n + n

Plate by plate method

Y* - equilibrium concentration
Y - concentration of more volatile component in vapor phase on i plate
X - concentration of more volatile component in liquid phase on i plate

F =( Xd - Xw)/(Xf - Xw)
YF = (R / (R + 1)) * Xf + Xd / (R + 1) mol parts
Y* = a.Xi / (Xi.(a-1)+1) mol parts
Yi+1= Yi + h.(Y* - Yi) mol parts

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Xi+1 = Yi+1.(R + 1) + (F - 1).Xw / (R + F) mol parts (for striping part)

Xi+1 = Yi+1.(R + 1) - Xd / R mol parts (for rectification part)

Possibility for calculation up to 150 plates

Plate 1 - bottom plate (always)

Plate with a notification "feeding" is the feeding plate (at first apperiance in the table only).
Plate with a notification "top" is the top plate (at first apperiance in the table only).
Total number of plates - corresponding to the top plate number.

Warning - all table data after the first "top" notification is senseless.

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