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Design of Isolated Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE F1

fcu (footing)= 250.00 kg/cm²
fcu (column)= 300.00 kg/cm²
fy = 3600.00 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1.00 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 5.00 cm
c1 (column
30 cm
c2 (column
30 cm
40 tons
Working load
60 tons
Ultimate load

1-Detemination of base area

Af=1.08*Pw/Net permissible soil presure
Af = 4.32 m²

PC AxBxT= 2.10 2.10 0.35 m

RC axbxH= 1.40 1.40 0.55 m

2- Factored load and soil reaction

qs=Pu/(axb) = 30.61 t/m²

a-Check of Shear

qu = qs x tributary area / (b*d) 1.84 t/m²

w= 0.30 m

Tributary area = 0.42 m²

qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² > qu OK

b-Check of Punching

Qup = Pu - qs x tributary area 40.408 ton

qup = Qup / bod = 2.53 kg/cm²
Tributary area =( c1 + d ) x ( c2 + d ) 0.640 m²

Qcup1 12.90 kg/cm²

Qcup2 26.94 kg/cm²

16 kg/m²
Qcup3 19.35 kg/cm²
Qcup 12.90 kg/cm² ok
a 4.00
bo 3.20 m


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

3- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to long direction

Mu = qs x ( a / 2 - c1 / 2 )² / 2 4.63 m.t /m'

As 8.33 cm²

As_ total = 11.67 cm²

Area steel due to short direction

As _total = 11.67 cm²

Use As (short direction) 11 F 12 14 cm
Use As (long direction) 11 F 12 14 cm

4- bearing Strength of column

0.67A1fcu/c 120.600 ton > Pu ok

5- bearing Strength of footing

The bearing strength of the footing is increased by a factor

due to the

0.67A1fcu/c 201.000 ton > Pu ok


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Design of Isolated Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE F2

fcu (footing)= 250.00 kg/cm²
fcu (column)= 300.00 kg/cm²
fy = 3600.00 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1.00 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 5.00 cm
c1 (column
30 cm
c2 (column
40 cm
50 tons
Working load
75 tons
Ultimate load

1-Detemination of base area

Af=1.08*Pw/Net permissible soil presure
Af = 5.40 m²

PC AxBxT= 2.40 2.30 0.35 m

RC axbxH= 1.70 1.60 0.55 m

2- Factored load and soil reaction

qs=Pu/(axb) = 27.57 t/m²

a-Check of Shear

qu = qs x tributary area / (b*d) 2.21 t/m²

w= 0.40 m

Tributary area = 0.68 m²

qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² > qu OK

b-Check of Punching

Qup = Pu - qs x tributary area 55.147 ton

qup = Qup / bod = 3.24 kg/cm²
Tributary area =( c1 + d ) x ( c2 + d ) 0.720 m²

Qcup1 12.90 kg/cm²

Qcup2 25.74 kg/cm²

16 kg/m²
Qcup3 16.13 kg/cm²
Qcup 12.90 kg/cm² ok
a 4.00
bo 3.40 m


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

3- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to long direction

Mu = qs x ( a / 2 - c1 / 2 )² / 2 5.82 m.t /m'

As 8.33 cm²

As_ total = 14.17 cm²

Area steel due to short direction

As _total = 13.33 cm²

Use As (short direction) 13 F 12 14 cm
Use As (long direction) 12 F 12 14 cm

4- bearing Strength of column

0.67A1fcu/c 160.800 ton > Pu ok

5- bearing Strength of footing

The bearing strength of the footing is increased by a factor

due to the

0.67A1fcu/c 268.000 ton > Pu ok


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Design of Isolated Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE F3

fcu (footing)= 250.00 kg/cm²
fcu (column)= 300.00 kg/cm²
fy = 3600.00 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1.00 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 5.00 cm
c1 (column
40 cm
c2 (column
40 cm
80 tons
Working load
120 tons
Ultimate load

1-Detemination of base area

Af=1.08*Pw/Net permissible soil presure
Af = 8.64 m²

PC AxBxT= 2.95 2.95 0.35 m

RC axbxH= 2.25 2.25 0.55 m

2- Factored load and soil reaction

qs=Pu/(axb) = 23.70 t/m²

a-Check of Shear

qu = qs x tributary area / (b*d) 3.20 t/m²

w= 0.68 m

Tributary area = 1.52 m²

qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² > qu OK

b-Check of Punching

Qup = Pu - qs x tributary area 100.800 ton

qup = Qup / bod = 5.60 kg/cm²
Tributary area =( c1 + d ) x ( c2 + d ) 0.810 m²

Qcup1 12.90 kg/cm²

Qcup2 24.68 kg/cm²

16 kg/m²
Qcup3 19.35 kg/cm²
Qcup 12.90 kg/cm² ok
a 4.00
bo 3.60 m


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

3- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to long direction

Mu = qs x ( a / 2 - c1 / 2 )² / 2 10.14 m.t /m'

As 8.33 cm²

As_ total = 18.75 cm²

Area steel due to short direction

As _total = 18.75 cm²

Use As (short direction) 17 F 12 14 cm
Use As (long direction) 17 F 12 14 cm

4- bearing Strength of column

0.67A1fcu/c 214.400 ton > Pu ok

5- bearing Strength of footing

The bearing strength of the footing is increased by a factor

due to the

0.67A1fcu/c 357.333 ton > Pu ok


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Design of Isolated Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE F4

fcu (footing)= 250.00 kg/cm²
fcu (column)= 300.00 kg/cm²
fy = 3600.00 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1.00 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 5.00 cm
c1 (column
30 cm
c2 (column
50 cm
80 tons
Working load
120 tons
Ultimate load

1-Detemination of base area

Af=1.08*Pw/Net permissible soil presure
Af = 8.64 m²

PC AxBxT= 3.05 2.85 0.35 m

RC axbxH= 2.35 2.15 0.55 m

2- Factored load and soil reaction

qs=Pu/(axb) = 23.75 t/m²

a-Check of Shear

qu = qs x tributary area / (b*d) 3.21 t/m²

w= 0.68 m

Tributary area = 1.59 m²

qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² > qu OK

b-Check of Punching

Qup = Pu - qs x tributary area 101.000 ton

qup = Qup / bod = 5.61 kg/cm²
Tributary area =( c1 + d ) x ( c2 + d ) 0.800 m²

Qcup1 12.90 kg/cm²

Qcup2 24.68 kg/cm²

16 kg/m²
Qcup3 14.19 kg/cm²
Qcup 12.90 kg/cm² ok
a 4.00
bo 3.60 m


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

3- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to long direction

Mu = qs x ( a / 2 - c1 / 2 )² / 2 10.16 m.t /m'

As 8.33 cm²

As_ total = 19.58 cm²

Area steel due to short direction

As _total = 17.92 cm²

Use As (short direction) 18 F 12 13 cm
Use As (long direction) 16 F 12 14 cm

4- bearing Strength of column

0.67A1fcu/c 201.000 ton > Pu ok

5- bearing Strength of footing

The bearing strength of the footing is increased by a factor

due to the

0.67A1fcu/c 335.000 ton > Pu ok


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Design of Isolated Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE F5

fcu (footing)= 250.00 kg/cm²
fcu (column)= 300.00 kg/cm²
fy = 3600.00 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1.00 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 5.00 cm
c1 (column
30 cm
c2 (column
40 cm
80 tons
Working load
120 tons
Ultimate load

1-Detemination of base area

Af=1.08*Pw/Net permissible soil presure
Af = 8.64 m²

PC AxBxT= 3.00 2.90 0.35 m

RC axbxH= 2.30 2.20 0.55 m

2- Factored load and soil reaction

qs=Pu/(axb) = 23.72 t/m²

a-Check of Shear

qu = qs x tributary area / (b*d) 3.32 t/m²

w= 0.70 m

Tributary area = 1.61 m²

qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² > qu OK

b-Check of Punching

Qup = Pu - qs x tributary area 102.925 ton

qup = Qup / bod = 6.05 kg/cm²
Tributary area =( c1 + d ) x ( c2 + d ) 0.720 m²

Qcup1 12.90 kg/cm²

Qcup2 25.74 kg/cm²

16 kg/m²
Qcup3 16.13 kg/cm²
Qcup 12.90 kg/cm² ok
a 4.00
bo 3.40 m


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

3- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to long direction

Mu = qs x ( a / 2 - c1 / 2 )² / 2 10.70 m.t /m'

As 8.33 cm²

As_ total = 19.17 cm²

Area steel due to short direction

As _total = 18.33 cm²

Use As (short direction) 17 F 12 14 cm
Use As (long direction) 17 F 12 13 cm

4- bearing Strength of column

0.67A1fcu/c 160.800 ton > Pu ok

5- bearing Strength of footing

The bearing strength of the footing is increased by a factor

due to the

0.67A1fcu/c 268.000 ton > Pu ok


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Design of Combiend Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE

fcu (footing)= 250 kg/cm²
fy = 3600 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 0.05 m.
Columns spaced 4.5 m.
Pu_1 90 tons
Pw_1 60 tons
Mux_1 = 0 m.t
Mwx_1= 0 m.t
Muy_1 = 0 m.t
Mwy_1 = 0 m.t
Pu_2 75 tons
Pw_2 50 tons
Mux_2 = 0 m.t
Mwx_2= 0 m.t
Muy_2 = 0 m.t
Mwy_2 = 0 m.t
a1 .4 m.
b1 .3 m.
a2 .3 m.
b2 .3 m.

1-Detemination of footing area

RC A x B x T = 5.25 2.50 0.60 m

PC a x b x H = 5.65 3.30 0.35 m
ow ( footing RC ) 19.69 ton
Pw1=Pw+Pw_2+ ow 129.69 ton Total Moment on columns c1 and c2
Pu=Pu_1+Pu_2 165.00 ton
Mwx = Mwx_1+Mwx_2 0.00 m.t
Mwy = Mwy_1+Mwy_2 0.00 m.t
Mux = Mux_1+Mux_2 0.00 m.t
Muy = Muy_1+Muy_2 0.00 m.t

2- Check of stresse on soil

f(w) = ( Rw / Af )+ ( Mwx * y / Ixx )+ ( Mwy * x / Iyy )

X= 2.050 m
Ixx = 6.840 m⁴
Iyy = 30.150 m⁴
x= 2.620 m.
y= 1.250 m.
f (1) = 9.880 t/m²
f (2) = 9.880 t/m²
f (3) = 9.880 t/m²
f (4) = 9.880 t/m²


Concrete Design Program(C.D.P)

3- Check of overturning

Fs (Factor of safty with-X) No Need Ok > 2.00

Fs (Factor of safty with-y) No Need Ok > 2.00

4- Check of Shear

f(u) = ( Ru / Af )+ ( Mux * y / Ixx )+ ( Muy * x / Iyy )

qu = Muximum stress (1,2,3,4) 12.570 t/m²
qu= qumax*b = 31.430 t/m
Q1 = 3.930 ton
Q2 = 56.960 ton
Q3 = 56.180 ton
Q4 = 0.000 ton
qu =Qumax /b*d 4.140 kg/cm²

6.530 kg/cm²

5- Check of punching

for column1
Reaction at column 1 = 90.750 ton
bo1 = 3.600 m.
qup1 4.580 kg/cm²
s1 = 4.000
qcup1 = 12.900 kg/cm²
for column2 16 kg/m²
Reaction at column 2 = 74.250 ton
bo2 = 2.000 m.
qup2 6.750 kg/cm²
s2 = 4.000
qcup2 = 12.900 kg/cm²

6- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to x - direction

Mux1 = 5.66 m.t
Mux2 = -76.57 m.t
Mux3 = 0.35 m.t

As_x1 = 22.920 cm²

As_x2 = 46.700 cm²
As_x3 = 22.920 cm²

Area steel due to y - direction

q1=pu1/b = 36.300 t/m
Muy4 = 21.960 m.t
q2=pu2/b = 29.700 t/m
Muy5 = 17.970 m.t

w1 0.950 m.
w2 0.570 m.
As_y4 (w1) = 13.220 cm²
As_y5 (w2) = 10.970 cm²


Concrete Design Program(C.D.P)

7- Reinforcement summary
Use As1 ( x- direction ) 21 F 12 12 cm
Use As2 (x- direction) 24 F 16 10 cm
Use As3 ( x- direction ) 21 F 12 12 cm

Use As4 (y- direction) 7 F 16 15 cm 0.950
Use As5 ( y- direction ) 6 F 16 11 cm 0.570

8-Footing Dimension

PC A x B x T = 5.25 2.50 0.40 m.

RC a x b x H = 5.65 3.30 0.60 m.


( X ) Destance from center of big column load to center of footing =

(X)= 2.050 m.


Concrete Design Program(C.D.P)

Design of Combiend Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE

fcu (footing)= 250 kg/cm²
fy = 3600 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1 kg/cm²
soil presure
Footing cover 0.05 m.
Columns spaced 4.5 m.
Pu_1 150 tons
Pw_1 100 tons
Mux_1 = 0 m.t
Mwx_1= 0 m.t
Muy_1 = 0 m.t
Mwy_1 = 0 m.t
Pu_2 97.5 tons
Pw_2 65 tons
Mux_2 = 0 m.t
Mwx_2= 0 m.t
Muy_2 = 0 m.t
Mwy_2 = 0 m.t
a1 .4 m.
b1 .6 m.
a2 .4 m.
b2 .4 m.

1-Detemination of footing area

RC A x B x T = 5.90 3.30 0.60 m

PC a x b x H = 6.30 4.10 0.35 m
ow ( footing RC ) 29.20 ton
Pw1=Pw+Pw_2+ ow 194.20 ton Total Moment on columns c1 and c2
Pu=Pu_1+Pu_2 247.50 ton
Mwx = Mwx_1+Mwx_2 0.00 m.t
Mwy = Mwy_1+Mwy_2 0.00 m.t
Mux = Mux_1+Mux_2 0.00 m.t
Muy = Muy_1+Muy_2 0.00 m.t

2- Check of stresse on soil

f(w) = ( Rw / Af )+ ( Mwx * y / Ixx )+ ( Mwy * x / Iyy )

X= 1.770 m
Ixx = 17.670 m⁴
Iyy = 56.480 m⁴
x= 2.950 m.
y= 1.650 m.
f (1) = 9.970 t/m²
f (2) = 9.970 t/m²
f (3) = 9.970 t/m²
f (4) = 9.970 t/m²


Concrete Design Program(C.D.P)

3- Check of overturning

Fs (Factor of safty with-X) No Need Ok > 2.00

Fs (Factor of safty with-y) No Need Ok > 2.00

4- Check of Shear

f(u) = ( Ru / Af )+ ( Mux * y / Ixx )+ ( Muy * x / Iyy )

qu = Muximum stress (1,2,3,4) 12.710 t/m²
qu= qumax*b = 41.950 t/m
Q1 = 30.410 ton
Q2 = 80.990 ton
Q3 = 67.930 ton
Q4 = 0.000 ton
qu =Qumax /b*d 4.460 kg/cm²

6.530 kg/cm²

5- Check of punching

for column1
Reaction at column 1 = 151.250 ton
bo1 = 4.200 m.
qup1 6.550 kg/cm²
s1 = 4.000
qcup1 = 12.900 kg/cm²
for column2 16 kg/m²
Reaction at column 2 = 96.250 ton
bo2 = 2.300 m.
qup2 7.610 kg/cm²
s2 = 4.000
qcup2 = 12.900 kg/cm²

6- Design of section due to moment

Moment due to x - direction

Mux1 = 30.20 m.t
Mux2 = -91.17 m.t
Mux3 = 0.84 m.t

As_x1 = 30.250 cm²

As_x2 = 55.320 cm²
As_x3 = 30.250 cm²

Area steel due to y - direction

q1=pu1/b = 45.830 t/m
Muy4 = 41.770 m.t
q2=pu2/b = 29.170 t/m
Muy5 = 30.660 m.t

w1 0.950 m.
w2 0.680 m.
As_y4 (w1) = 26.080 cm²
As_y5 (w2) = 19.200 cm²


Concrete Design Program(C.D.P)

7- Reinforcement summary
Use As1 ( x- direction ) 27 F 12 12 cm
Use As2 (x- direction) 28 F 16 12 cm
Use As3 ( x- direction ) 27 F 12 12 cm

Use As4 (y- direction) 13 F 16 7 cm 0.950
Use As5 ( y- direction ) 10 F 16 7 cm 0.680

8-Footing Dimension

PC A x B x T = 5.90 3.30 0.40 m.

RC a x b x H = 6.30 4.10 0.60 m.


( X ) Destance from center of big column load to center of footing =

(X)= 1.770 m.


Concrete Design Program(C.D.P)

Design of Strap Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE

fcu = 250 kg/cm²
fy = 3600 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1 kg/cm²
soil presure
Pw1 50 tons
Pu1 75 tons
Pw2 80 tons
Pu2 120 tons
ac1 .3 cm
bc1 .4 cm
ac2 .4 cm
bc2 .4 cm
S 5 m.
Cover 0.05 cm
Strap width 0.40 cm
hf (Footing) 0.55 cm
hs (Strap) 1 cm

1-Determine footing dimensions

Assume e = 1.23 m.
S1 = 3.77 s1
Rw1 = 1.1*(Pw1)*S / S1 72.94 ton
Rw2 = 1.1*(Pw1 + Pw2) - R1 70.06 ton
Footing (1) Dimensions
A1 =2 * ( a1/2 + e ) 2.80 m.
B1 = R1 / ( qsoil * A1 ) 2.65 m.
a1 = 2.45 m.
b1 = 1.95 m.
Footing (2) Dimensions
A2 = 2.65 m.
B2 = R2 / qsoil * A2 2.65 m.
a2 = 1.95 m.
b2 = 1.95 m.

2- Flexure Design for Footings

S 1 = S + aco1 / 2 - a1 = 3.93 m.
Ru1 = Pu1*S / (S1) = 95.06 ton
Ru2 = Pu1+ Pu2 - Ru1 = 99.94 ton

Footings Design
Footing (1)
qu1 = Ru1 / (a1*b1) 20.30 t/m²
Mf1 = qs*( b1/2 - bco1/2 )² /2 6.04 m.t
df 1 = 0.50 cm²
As 1 = 8.33 cm² / m'


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Footing (2)

qu2 = Ru2 / (a2*b2) 26.37 t/m²

Mf2 = qs*( b2/2 - bco2/2 )² /2 7.89 m.t
df 2 = 0.50 cm²
Asf 2 = 8.33 cm² / m'

3 -Wide beam action (Shear)

Footing (1)

tributary area = w x A1 1.28 m²

qu1 = qs1 x tributary area /A1*df1 2.12 kg/cm²
qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² Ok

Footing (2)

tributary area = w x A2 1.02 m²

qu2 = qs2 x tributary area /A2*df2 2.76 kg/cm²
qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² Ok

5 - Strap beam straining action

qu1 = Ru1 / ( A1 ) 39.44 t/m
qu2 = Ru2 / ( A2 ) 51.34 t/m

Shear forces
Q1 5.92 ton
Q2 -69.08 ton
Q3 20.06 ton
Q4 70.03 ton
Q5 -49.97 ton
Q22 -63.17 ton
Q44 59.76 ton
Q55 -39.70 ton

Moment values

M1 0.44 m.t
M2 -19.27 m.t
M3 24.32 m.t
Mmax -60.06 m.t
M3L 11.34 m.t
M3R 15.35 m.t

6 - Flexure Deaign of Strap beam.

For Mmax
ds = 0.95 m.
bs = 0.40 m.
As 1 = 21.98 cm²
For M3L or M3R

As 1 = 11.88 cm²

Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

7 - Shear Deaign of Strap beam.

Design for Q3 Critial section at free span of strap beam

qu =Qu / b.d 5.28 kg/cm²

qcu = 9.80 kg/cm²

qumax = 28.58 kg/cm² And less than 40 kg/cm²

qsu = qu - 1/2 qcu 0.38 kg/cm²

Ast / b.s = qsu /(fy /γs)

Ast = 1.57 cm²

S= 129.68 cm
µmin1 = 0.40/fy = Ast/(b.S)
Smax1 = 35.34 cm
Smax2 =0.15 or 0.1 % * µ 39.27 cm
Smax3 = 20 cm 20.00 cm

Smax= 20.00 cm

8 - Details

Footing (1)

Dimensions A1 (m.) B1(m.) hf1 (m.)

PC 2.80 2.65 0.35
RC 2.45 1.95 0.55

As1 8 F 12

Footing (2)

Dimensions A2 (m.) B2 (m.) hf2 (m.)

2.65 2.65 0.35
RC 1.95 1.95 0.55

As2 8 F 12

Strap Beam

Dimensions bs (m.) hs (m.)

0.40 1.00

As3 11 F 16
As4 6 F 16
Stirrup reinforcement

Rinforcement /m' Branch number

As5 5 10 \m. 2


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Design of Strap Footing (Calculation Sheet) EGYPTION CODE

fcu = 250 kg/cm²
fy = 3600 kg/cm²
Net permissible
1 kg/cm²
soil presure
Pw1 80 tons
Pu1 120 tons
Pw2 145 tons
Pu2 217.5 tons
ac1 .4 cm
bc1 .4 cm
ac2 .6 cm
bc2 .4 cm
S 5 m.
Cover 0.05 cm
Strap width 0.40 cm
hf (Footing) 0.55 cm
hs (Strap) 1 cm

1-Determine footing dimensions

Assume e = 1.22 m.
S1 = 3.78 s1
Rw1 = 1.1*(Pw1)*S / S1 116.40 ton
Rw2 = 1.1*(Pw1 + Pw2) - R1 131.10 ton
Footing (1) Dimensions
A1 =2 * ( a1/2 + e ) 2.85 m.
B1 = R1 / ( qsoil * A1 ) 4.10 m.
a1 = 2.50 m.
b1 = 3.40 m.
Footing (2) Dimensions
A2 = 3.20 m.
B2 = R2 / qsoil * A2 4.10 m.
a2 = 2.50 m.
b2 = 3.40 m.

2- Flexure Design for Footings

S 1 = S + aco1 / 2 - a1 = 3.95 m.
Ru1 = Pu1*S / (S1) = 151.71 ton
Ru2 = Pu1+ Pu2 - Ru1 = 185.79 ton

Footings Design
Footing (1)
qu1 = Ru1 / (a1*b1) 17.93 t/m²
Mf1 = qs*( b1/2 - bco1/2 )² /2 20.15 m.t
df 1 = 0.50 cm²
As 1 = 13.37 cm² / m'


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

Footing (2)

qu2 = Ru2 / (a2*b2) 21.88 t/m²

Mf2 = qs*( b2/2 - bco2/2 )² /2 24.59 m.t
df 2 = 0.50 cm²
Asf 2 = 16.47 cm² / m'

3 -Wide beam action (Shear)

Footing (1)

tributary area = w x A1 3.12 m²

qu1 = qs1 x tributary area /A1*df1 4.48 kg/cm²
qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² Ok

Footing (2)

tributary area = w x A2 3.12 m²

qu2 = qs2 x tributary area /A2*df2 5.47 kg/cm²
qcu = 6.53 kg/cm² Ok

5 - Strap beam straining action

qu1 = Ru1 / ( A1 ) 60.93 t/m
qu2 = Ru2 / ( A2 ) 74.36 t/m

Shear forces
Q1 12.19 ton
Q2 -107.81 ton
Q3 31.71 ton
Q4 124.60 ton
Q5 -92.90 ton
Q22 -95.63 ton
Q44 102.30 ton
Q55 -70.59 ton

Moment values

M1 1.22 m.t
M2 -29.10 m.t
M3 58.03 m.t
Mmax -94.18 m.t
M3L 23.99 m.t
M3R 33.50 m.t

6 - Flexure Deaign of Strap beam.

For Mmax
ds = 0.95 m.
bs = 0.40 m.
As 1 = 36.61 cm²
For M3L or M3R

As 1 = 11.88 cm²

Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

7 - Shear Deaign of Strap beam.

Design for Q3 Critial section at free span of strap beam

qu =Qu / b.d 8.34 kg/cm²

qcu = 9.80 kg/cm²

qumax = 28.58 kg/cm² And less than 40 kg/cm²

qsu = qu - 1/2 qcu 3.44 kg/cm²

Ast / b.s = qsu /(fy /γs)

Ast = 1.57 cm²

S= 14.27 cm
µmin1 = 0.40/fy = Ast/(b.S)
Smax1 = 35.34 cm
Smax2 =0.15 or 0.1 % * µ 39.27 cm
Smax3 = 20 cm 20.00 cm

Smax= 20.00 cm

8 - Details

Footing (1)

Dimensions A1 (m.) B1(m.) hf1 (m.)

PC 2.85 4.10 0.35
RC 2.50 3.40 0.55

As1 12 F 12

Footing (2)

Dimensions A2 (m.) B2 (m.) hf2 (m.)

3.20 4.10 0.35
RC 2.50 3.40 0.55

As2 15 F 12

Strap Beam

Dimensions bs (m.) hs (m.)

0.40 1.00

As3 19 F 16
As4 6 F 16
Stirrup reinforcement

Rinforcement /m' Branch number

As5 5 10 \m. 2


Concrete Design Program (C.D.P)

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