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Internet and online resources

Course title : Computer in business

Course code : BAN-280

Submission date : 22-08-13

Submitted To,
Md. Zillur Rahman
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet

Submitted By,
1035and 2010731074
2ndYear / 1st Semester
Department of Business Administration
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,Sylhet
Chapter VI



Topic List

6.1 History of Internet

6.2 How Internet works

6.3 Features of Internet

6.4 Accessing Internet


Computer network is a group of computers linked together, so that they can share information
and resources. Internet is "network of networks". It can also be described as information
highway. It is the world's largest network of computers. The vast collection of interconnected
networks that all use the TCP/IP protocols and that evolved from the ARPANET of the late 60s
and early 70s.A worldwide network of computer networks. It is an interconnection of large and
small networks around computer networks. You can say the network of many computers
connected via telecommunication networks. Connecting to the Internet by using a network
connection or an Internet Service Provider (ISP). An ISP supplies a service number that you can
dial from your computer to log on to the Internet server. Once you connect to the system, you
have access to the internet, e-mail and any other services supplied by your ISP.It is used for
information sharing, information retrieving, send and receiving data/text via e-mail.

6.1 History of Internet

Although the history of the Internet arguably begins in the 19th century with the invention of the
telegraph system,the modern history of the Internet starts in the 1950s and 1960s with the
development of computers. This began with point-to-point connections between mainframe
computers and terminals, expanded to point-to-point connections between computers and then
early research into packet switching. Packet switched networks such as ARPANET, Mark I at
NPL in the UK, CYCLADES, Merit Networks, Tymnet, and Telenet, were developed in the late
1960s and early 1970s using a variety of protocols. The ARPANET in particular lead to the
development of protocols for internetworking, where multiple separate networks could be joined
together into a network of networks.

In 1982 the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) was standardized and the concept of a world-wide
network of fully interconnected TCP/IP networks called the Internet was introduced. Accessto
the ARPANET was expanded in 1981 when the National Science Foundation (NSF) developed
the Computer Science Network (CSNET) and again in 1986 when NSFNET provided access to
supercomputer sites in the United States from research and education organizations. The
ARPANET was decommissioned in 1990. Commercial internet service providers (ISPs) began to
emerge in the late 1980s and 1990s and the Internet was commercialized in 1995 when NSFNET
was decommissioned, removing the last restrictions on the use of the Internet to carry
commercial traffic.

Since the mid-1990s the Internet has had a drastic impact on culture and commerce, including
the rise of near instant communication by electronic mail, text based discussions forums, and the
World Wide Web. The research and education community continue to use advanced networks
such as NSFs very high speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS) Internet2.Incresing amounts
of data are transmitted at higher and higher speeds over fiber optic network operating at 1-
Gbps,10-Gbps, or more. The Internet continue to grow, driven by greater amounts of online
information and knowledge, by commerce and entertainment, and by social networking.
6.2 How Internet works

The internet is a world-wide network of computers linked together by telephone wires, satellite
and other means. For simplicities sake we will say that all computers on the internet can be
divided into to categories: servers and browsers.

Servers are where most of the information of the internet “lives”. There are specialized
computers which store information, share information with other servers, and make this
information available to the general public.

Browsers are what people use to access the World Wide Web from any standard computer.
Changes are, the browser you’re are using to view this page either Netscape Navigator
/Communicator or Microsoft Internet Explorer. These are by far the most popular browsers, but
there are also a number of others in common use.

When you connect your computer to the internet, you are connecting to a special type of server
which is provided and operated by your Internet Service Provider(ISP). The job of this “ISP
Server” is to provide the link between your browser and the rest of the internet. A single ISP
server handles the internet connections of many individual browsers – there may be thousands of
other people connected to the same server that you are connected to right now.

The following picture shows a small “slice” of the internet with server home computers
connected to the server:

Fig: Small “slice” of the internet

ISP servers receive request from browsers to view webpages, check email, etc. Of course each
server can not hold all the information from the entire internet, so in order to provide browsers
with the pages and files they ask for, ISP server must connect to each other internet servers. This
brings us to the next common type of server: the “Host Server”.

Host servers are where websites “live”. Every website in the world located on a host server
somewhere(for example, MediaCollege.Com is hosted in a server in Parsippany, New jersy
USA). This host server’s job is to store information and make it available for other servers.

The picture below show a slightly larger slice of the internet:

Fig: Slightly larger slice of the internet.

Name and locations

The first thing your browser has to do is to establish a network connection to the machine where
the document lives. To do that, it first has to find the network location of the host
(‘host’ is short for ‘host machine’ or ‘network host’; is a typical hostname). The
corresponding location is actually a number called an IP address (we’ll explain the IP part of this
term later).
To do this, your browsers queries a program called a name server. The name server may live on
your machine, but its more likely to run on a service machine that yours talks to. When you sign
up with an ISP, part of your setup procedure will almost certainly involve telling your internet
software the IP address of a name server on the ISP’s network.

The name servers on different machines talk to each other, Exchanging and keeping up to date
all the information needed to reforms hostnames (map them to IP addresses). Your name server
may query three or four different sites across the networks in the process of resolving, but this usually happens very quickly (as in less than a second). We’ll look at how
name servers detail in the next section.

The name server will tell your browser that’s IP address is;
knowing this, your machine will be able to exchange bits with directly.

The Domain Name System

The whole network of programs and databases that cooperate to translate hostnames to IP
addresses is called “DNS” (Domain Name System). When you see references to a ‘DNS server’,
that means what we just called a name server. Now I’ll explain how the overall system works.

Internet hostnames are composed of parts separated by dots. A domain is a collections of

machines that share a common name suffix. Domains can live inside other domains. For
example, the machine lives in the subdomain of .org domain.

Each domain is defined by an authoritative name server that knows the IP addresses of other
machines in the domain. The authoritative (or ‘primary’) name server may have backups in case
it goes down; if you see references to a secondary name server (or ‘secondary DNS’) its talking
about one of those. These secondaries typically refresh their information from their primaries
every few hours, so a change made to the hostname-to-IP mapping on the primary will
automatically are propagated.

Now here’s the important part. The name servers for a domain don’t have to know the locations
of all the machines in other domains (including their own sub domains); they only have to know
the location of the name servers. In our example, the authoritative name server for the .org
domain knows the IP address of the name server for but not the address of all the other
machines in

The domains in the DNS system are arranged like a big inverted tree. At the top are the root
servers. Everybody knows the IP addresses of the name servers for the top-level domains like
.com and .org, but not the addresses of machines inside those domains. Each top-level domain
server knows where the name servers for the domains directly beneath it are, and so forth.

DNS is carefully designed so that each machine can get away with the minimum amount of
knowledge it needs to have about the shape of the tree and local changes to sun trees can be
made simply by changing one authoritative server’s database of name-to-IP address mappings.

When you query for the IP address of what actually happens is this: first, your
name server asks a root server to tell it where it can find a name server for .org. Once it knows
that, it then asks the name server to tell it the address of the host .

Most of the time, your name server doesn’t actually have to work that hard. Name servers do a
lot of caching; when your resolves a hostname. It keeps the association with the resulting IP
address around in memory for a while. This is why, when you surf to a new website, you’ll
usually only see a message from your browser about “looking up” the host for the first page you
fetch. Eventually the name-to-address mapping expires and your DNS has to re-query this is
important so you don’t have invalid information hanging around forever when a hostname
changes addresses. Your cached IP address for a sit is also thrown out if the host is unreachable.

Packets and routers:

What the browser wants to do is send a command to the web server on that looks
like this:
Here’s how that t happens. The command is made into a packet, a block of bits like a telegram
that is wrapped with three important things; the source address (the IP address of your machine),
the destination address ( , and a service number or port number (80, in this case)
that indicates that it’s a world wide web request.

Your machine then ships the packet down the wire (your ISP, or local network), until it gets to a
specialized machine called a router. The router has a map of the internet in its memory- not
always a complete one, but one that completely describes your network neighborhood and knows
how to get to the routers for other neighborhoods on the internet.

Your packet may pass through several routers on the way to its destination. Routers are smart.
They watch how long it takes for other routers to acknowledge having received a packet. They
also use that information to direct traffic over fast links. They use it to notice when another
router (or a cable) have dropped off the network, and compensate if possible by finding route.

There’s an urban legend that the internet was designed to survive nuclear war. This is not true,
but the internet’s design is extremely good at getting reliable performance out of flaky hardware
in an uncertain world. This is directly due to the fact that its intelligence is distributed through
thousands of routers rather than concentrated in a few massive and vulnerable switches (like the
phone network). This means that failures tend to be well localized and the network can route
around them.

Once your packet gets to its destination machine, that machine uses the service number to feed
the packet to the web server. The web server can tell where returns this document, it will be
broken up into number packets. The size of the packets will vary according to the transmission
media in the network and the type of service.
TCP and IP:

To understand how multiple-packet transmissions are handled, you need to know that the internet
actually uses two protocols, stacked one on top of the other.

The lower level, IP (internet protocol), is responsible for labeling individual packets with the
source address and destination address o two computers exchanging information over a network.
For example, when you access the packets you send will have your
computer’s IP address, such as These address work in much the same way that
your home address works when someone sends you a letter. The post office can read the address
and determine where you are and how best to route the letter to you, much like a router does for
internet traffic.

The upper level, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), gives you reliability. When two
machines negotiate a TCP connection (which they do using IP), the receiver knows to send
acknowledgements of the packets it sees back to the sender. If the sender doesn’t see an
acknowledgment for a packet within some timeout period, it resends that packet. Furthermore,
the sender gibes each TCP packer a sequence number, which the receiver can use to reassemble
packets in case they show put out of order. (This can happen if network lings go up or down
during a connection).

TCP/IP packets also contain a checksum to enable detection of data corrupted by bad links. (The
checksum is computed from the rest of the packet in such a way that if either the rest of the
packet or the checksum is corrupted, redoing the computation and comparing is very likely to
indicate an error.) So, from the point of view of anyone using TCP/IP and name servers, it looks
like a reliable way to pass streams of bytes between hostname/service number pairs. People who
write network protocols almost never have to think about all the packet zing, packet reassembly,
error checking, checksum, and retransmission that go on below that level.

HTTP, an application protocol

Now let’s get back to our example. Web browsers and servers speak an application protocol that
runs on top of TCP/IP,using it simply as a way to pass strings of bytes back and forth.This
protocol is called HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) and we’ve already seen one command in
it- the GET shown above.

When the GET command goes to’s webserver with service number 80,it will be
dispatched to a server daemons that do nothing but wait on ports, for and executing incoming

If the design of the Internet has one overall rule, it’s that all the parts should be as simple and
human accessible as possible.HTTP, and its relatives (like the simple mail transfer protocol,
SMTP, that is used to move electronic mail between hosts) tend to use simple printable-text
commands that end with a carriage-return/line feed.

This is marginally inefficient; in some circumstances you could get more speed by using a
tightly-coded binary protocol.But experience has shown that the benefits of having commands be
easy for human beings to describe and understand outweigh any marginal gain in efficiency that
you might get at the cost of making things tricky and opaque.

6.3 Features of internet

The key features of internet are:

1. E-mail
2. Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
3. Virtual Reality
4. E-commerce:
1 . E-mail

E-mail is the method through which you can send messages to other Net users.Your online
service should provide you with E-mail capabilities,if you have questions concerning the
operation of your E-mail system,contact your service’s customer support,or consult your user’s
guide or other documentation.

How to Address Other Internet Users: If you use an online service such as America Online,you
may be accustomed to addressing E-mail to fellow member John Doe simply by using his AOL
user name, “JDoe.” But if you were on another service provider and wanted to send E-mail to
John Doe, you would have to address the message properly in order for it to transverse the

Internet address always follow this format:

“Username” is,of course,the user name of the person holding the account. “Domain” refers to
the name of the computer that holds the user’s account(usually a close match to the service

“Top-domain” refers to the top level domain name,indicating the nature of the computer system
containing the account. The following are the common top-level domain names in the United

 Com- Business and commercial interests

 Edu- Universities and other educational institutions
 gov- State and federal government
 mil-Military systems
 net-Special Internet systems
 org- Nonprofit and other organizations

Following this protocol, John Doe’s Internet address on America Online would be
where “jdoe” is the user name, “aol” is the domain name, and “com” is the top-domain name.
2. Internet Relay Chat (IRC)

Internet relay Chat was developed in Finland in 1998 , and allows multiple Internet users (or

To enter a “channel” or a virtual meeting place on an IRC server computer and type
instantaneous messages to one another. Unlike UNSENT news groups or E-mail, IRC chatting
allows users to carry on real time , two way or group “conversation” .

The major IRC servers carry chat channels (the names of which are prefaced by a “#” symbol)
on a wide variety of topics,but you can often create your own channels if the current selections
don’t please you,or if you want to hold a limited chat with invited guests.On an IRC channel
,users can post messages that everyone connected to the channel can read,or they can send
private messages to specific individuals.

To protect their privacy (as well as to add an element of fun to the chat), users can create and
change nicknames for themselves. Nicknames should be unique to prevent confusion among
participants in a chat. Some chat channels and servers require users to register their nicknames in
a nick serve, or a standing list of nicknames; systems that require this will have information on
how to register nicknames.

If you have used the chat on America Online or another online service, you will see the
similarities between those systems and IRC immediately. IRC, however , uses arcane commands
that can be daunting even for experienced users;therefore a sophisticated IRC client program
with a user-friendly interface takes the difficulty out of IRC and less you concentrate on your
chats instead of commands.See the “Links” section for web addresses for downloading IRC
software. Be aware that the proprietary chat systems of most online services were developed
independently of IRC and are not part of IRC network. i If you are a member of one of these
services and are not sure if or how you can participate in IRC though your service , contact the
services customer support.
To learn more about IRC ,and get lists of IRS servers and downloadable IRC clients , go to Many regular IRC channels have their own web pages ,so you can
search the web for chat topics that might interest you .

3. Virtual Reality
When the world wide web made possible the convergence of text and graphics online, the effect
was revolutionary . Now , many programmers and developers are working to take the web one
step further with technologies that allow users to navigate three dimensional environments . an
environment that so immerses a user in cyberspace is called virtual reality, or a virtual world .

A number of languages and protocols are being used to create virtual worlds ,but the most
popular is Virtual Reality Modeling Language(VRML), which allows a virtual environment to be
accessed through a properly configured web browser VRML plug-ins are available for Netscape
navigator and Microsoft internet explorer ; other browsers designed especially for VRML are
also available .

Virtual reality can be used to help users navigate a complex web site , or to interact with other
users using avatars or 3D character that the users can define and manipulate . so far most virtual
worlds have been limited to games ,navigation maps and 3D chat rooms , though the possibilities
for virtual worlds continue to expands with better browsers and virtual reality development
tools .

4. E-commerce:

E –commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services on the internet , especially the
World Wide Web . In practice , this term and newer term ,e-business ,are often used
interchangeably . for online retail selling ,the term e-tailing is sometimes used .

E-commerce can be divided into:

 E – tailing or virtual storefronts on web sites with online catalogs , sometimes gathered
into a virtual mall.
 The gatherings and use demographics data through web contacts.
 Electronic data interchange , the business to business exchange data
 E-mail and fax and their use as media for reaching prospects and established
customers(for example, with newsletters)
 Business to business buying and selling .
 The security of business transactions.

E-tailing or The Virtual Storefront and the Virtual Mall

As a place for direct retail shopping, with its 24-hour availability, a global reach, the ability to
interact and provide custom information and ordering, and multimedia prospects, the Web is
rapidly becoming a multibillion dollar source of revenue for the world’s businesses. A number of
businesses already report considerable success. As early as the

Market research
In early 1999, it was widely recognized that because of the interactive nature of the internet,
companies could gather data about prospects and customers in unprecedented amounts through
site registration, questionnaires, and as part of taking orders; the issue of whether was being
collected with the knowledge of permission of market subject had been raised.(Microsoft
referred to its policy of data collection as “profiling” and a proposed standard has been
developed that always internet users to decide who can have what personal information)

Electric Data Interchange (EDI)

EDI is the exchange of business data using an understood data format. It predates today’s
Internet. EDI involves data exchange among parties that know each other well and make
arrangements for one-to-one (or point-to-point) connections, usually dial-up. EDI is expected to
be replaced by one or more standard XML formats, such as ebXML.

E-Mail, Fax, and Internet Telephony

E-commerce is also conducted through the more limited electronic forms of communication
called e-mail, facsimile or fax, and the emerging use of telephone calls over the internet. Most of
this is business-to-business, with some companies attempting to use e-mail and fax for
unsolicited ads (usually viewed as online junk mail or spam) to consumers and other business
prospects. An increasing number of business Web sites offer e-mail newsletters for subscribers.
A new trend is opt-in e-mail in which Web users voluntarily sign up to receive e-mail, usually
sponsored or containing ads, about product categories or other subjects they are interested in.
Business-to-Business Buying and Selling
Thousands of companies that sell products to other companies have discovered that the Web
provides not only a 24-hour-a-day showcase for their products but a quick way to reach the right
people in a company for more information.

The security of Business Transactions

Security includes authenticating business transactions, controlling access of resources such as
Web pages for registered or selected users, encrypting communications, and, in general, ensuring
the privacy and effectiveness of transactions. Among the most widely-used security technologies
is the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which is built into both of the leading Web browsers.

6.4 Accessing Internet

To view/accessing a web page from your browser, the following sequence happen:

1. You either type an address (URL) into your “Address Bar” or click on hyperlink.
2. Your browser sends a request to your ISP server asking for the page.
3. Your ISP server looks in a huge database of internet addresses and finds the exact host
server which houses the website in question, then sends that host server a request for the
4. The host server sends the requested page to your ISP server.
5. Your ISP sends the page to your browser and see it displayed on your screen.

Web pages

Everything on the World Wide Web is based around web pages. A web page is a single
document, similar to a word-processor document, which displays text, graphics and other active
elements. You are viewing a web page at the moment called “thewww3.html”-if you look in the
address bar of your browser, you will see the name of this page and it’s location on the internet. /internet/intro/thewww3.html

Web pages are formatted in a computer language called HTML (Hypertext Mark Up Language).
In order to view a web page, you must use a software application which is able to “decode”
HTML, and display the page properly. The most common application for this purpose is a web
browser (such as Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator), although you could also use any text
editing application which supports HTML (such as Microsoft Word 6+).

To make a web page, you must format it according to the HTML standard (actually there are
other formats which you can use, but we’ll stick to HTML for now)

Web sites

A website is typically a collection of web pages, graphics, and other elements which are linked
together to form a larger, structured document (like an interactive book). A website could be a
single page or it could be made from thousands of pages. All pages and other elements are placed
in a folder on a host server. An internet address (known as a Uniform Resource Location, or
URL) is assigned to this folder, so that when a browser asks for your site it will know where to

When you visit a website, you usually start at the site’s home page, from where you can navigate
the rest of the site. Hyperlinks allow you to move between pages – a hyperlink is simply an
instruction to open a new web page.

The window below shows the basic structure of a medium-sized personal web site. The main
folder “dave” houses the entire site and has been assigned the URL If you type
this URL into your browser’s address bar, your dial-up server will send a request to the server
which hosts this site (in this case it’s a server in Auckland, New Zealand). On receiving your
request, the host server will open this folder and look for a default home page. It will find one
called “index.html”, so it sends this page to your dial-up server which forwards it to you. The
next thing you know, you’re looking at the homepage of

There are about 100 pages in site, arranged in a directory structure for easy management. As
mentioned, the “index.htm” page is designed as the home page – it contains hyperlinks to pages
in each of the folders so you can move around site.

When you’re starting out (especially if you have a small site) it may be easier to keep all your
files in the same folder. This is because hyperlinks become more complicated when you use
multiple folders.
Creating and Publishing a Web Site

Assuming that you already have a computer and a modem, there are three more things which you
will need. The rest of this tutorial will cover each of these topics in more detail:

(1) Authoring Software. You need software to create the site. This can be anything from a
simple text editor to a professional web site design package.
(2) A Host Server You need a place on the internet to store your site.
(3) File Transfer Software You need software to “upload” the site. This means transferring
the site from your computer to the host server.

Example of website:

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