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BAV: Be A Volunteer!

By: Alexander A. Mendoza


To the teachers, parents, guardians, and my fellow students, Good Day! I am here today
to deliver my speech that concerns volunteerism. I am here to convey my knowledge and ideas
about the importance and how can an individual may change the life of every citizens with this

As I read this quotation, “Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in
elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community
you want to live in,” in Mr. Google, with an anonymous author. I’ve noticed that volunteerism is
totally an act of kindness, not only in your fellow Filipinos but also towards our mother country.
For the reason that helping other citizens with your full heart is one act of care to your fellow
man, and of course woman. It is an act that can help not only individuals but it can positively
affect the whole Philippines since the success of a specific person is also the success of the
country, the rise of a Filipino is also the rise of the Philippines.

Furthermore, I call volunteerism as a “golden action”. Golden action, since this is an act
that is priceless like golds. This action is composed of different works, that supports the entire
citizen in a community. With this action it can benefit all the affected individual and can aid their
progress and lives after any devastating events. Also, it is a golden action for me because this
action should be 100% pure from the heart of a volunteer.

Moreover, I want you all to understand who can be a volunteer. To relate it on what are
happening today, during this pandemic, disaster like volcanic activity or eruption, typhoons, and
earthquake. We can see and we can open our eyes how these events destroyed our daily lives. As
a simple citizen and you want to help other people, you have nothing else to do in this time of
crisis except by volunteering. Even you have no money, girl or boy, adult or young, there is no
boundaries in volunteerism. In short all of us can be a volunteer, as long as we are willing and
prepared to serve our community.

In line with this, I can say that with the hands of every single individual, the devastation,
the sadness, and the darkness can turn into development, happiness and colorful place. This
action of volunteerism is what we need for the rise of every Filipino amidst every disaster. What
we need for developing the unity and camaraderie of every individual to show they love and care
towards each other. What we need for success and growth of our country. And the most
importantly, what we need to change the face of all Filipinos from sad to be happy.

Before this speech ends, let me encourage you. If you want to be part of the help system,
want to be one oxygen to other citizen, dream of becoming the roots of change. Be a volunteer!
And together I, you, she, he, we; with our unity, bravery, and compassion we can change and
help our country, no matter who we are.

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