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Without Prejudice

Personal and Confidential


{Located address: Analaithevu-North, 3rd District, Analaithevu, Jaffna, SriLanka
Mrs. Pushpamani KANAGARATNAM (Mani) is the Temple & land owner and the invoker of Veerapathirar}.


and Mrs. PARAMESWARI Paramalingam (PARAMESWARI) Family and Any Parties to this Subject Matter.

I am SATHANANTHASIVAM (Satha) Sivanadian, in the verge of retaining Law Chambers as my Law Firm to
represent me in the above said matter. As such, I say the followings without prejudice before I retain the
service, so that we all can jointly mitigate this matter without unwanted grievance and expenses.

This letter is to notify you that you all must cease and desist operating your unauthorized, unfair and illegal
practices, if any, in regards to the subject matter. The following evidence and statements are in support of this
letter and are not limited to. These evidences are true to the best of my knowledge and understanding.
1) In the above said matter, I expect you all to not interfere or being inconvenient in my execution and
undertaking of the Temple and its administrative work. As the building of the Temple work near to the end and I
soon expect the closing ceremonial to start and the inaugural date for Kumbhabhishekham be set and announced.
2) The Kumbhabhishekham will be jointly conducted by all interested parties for the betterment of the Temple
and its administration. The following people may be included and are not limited to, Mrs. Mani, Mrs. Parameswari,
Mr. Umapathi, Mr. Nathan, Mr. Siva, Mr. Gunalan, Mr. Johan and myself and all of their children and relatives.
3) I have been informed by reliable sources that Mr. Senthil insisted in destroying the new Temple that I built so
far. I have a clear message for anyone in this matter. Anyone can destroy anything with or without permission,
legally or illegally but before they undertake any such evil act or practice they must get a legal advice so that they
can expect the foreseeable consequences they will face by legal system, other than punishment by God
Veerapathirar. Therefore, I urge Mr. Senthil and Mr. Kumaran to come clean and come for dialog & mitigation,
rather than illegal and willful destruction of Temple.
4) In May 2020, Mr. Kumaran confirmed over the phone with two of my siblings that he, his brother Mr. Senthil,
their mother Mrs. Parameswari and the remaining siblings retained a Lawyer and filed charges and claim against
myself for my direct involvement and execution of the Temple and its administration. If your legal proceedings and
actions are legitimate then you must rethink your actions, as it is they may not be accordance with the law.
5) In May 2020, Mr. Kumaran and Mr. Senthil demanded, through my siblings, that I should stop all Temple
related work immediately and abandon all project once and for all, even though Mrs. Parameswari and children
knew that I had the permission to build the Temple in Mrs. Mani’s own land. As of today, there are no reason given
by you all why I must stop any or all Temple related building work.
6) Mrs. Parameswari and children, knew that only with Mrs. Mani’s consent and permission I started to build the
Temple. Mrs. Mani and I, informed Mrs. Parameswari and children on or before 2015 and in 2016 and again in
2019 about the Temple work, and around March 03, 2020 asked them to inform others also for the forthcoming
7) In addition, Mrs. Parameswari and children knew I had the written permission to build the Temple, as I
forwarded them the written authorization which I received from Mrs. Mani’s lawyer. This letter was executed by Mrs.
Mani through the Honourable Justice of the Peace J.A.M.E. Fernando in Negombo, Sri Lanka and a copy was sent to
Mrs. Parameswari and children. As such, I should be left free to do my Temple work as I spent lots of my money in
building this Temple and now I left with some finalizing work and administration.
8) Therefore, demanding me to stop all Temple work is unfair and illegal.
9) Mrs. Mani, Mrs. Parameswari and many others knows that I have and will have no interest in adverse
possession or squatter or trespass the Mrs. Mani’s land and the Temple as I was considered as their younger
brother and I grew up in their custody. Therefore, Mrs. Parameswari or children must not stop me from building
the Temple for Mrs. Mani. Especially, when I have permission to build the Temple and after many years of
Temple work and investing over $25 000.00, it is not simply possible to stop all work just like that.

10) I kindly plead with Mrs. Parameswari, her children and any others to not to interfere and obstruct my Temple
work at this time, as the Temple work is near ending and the Kumbhabhishekham set to take place any time after
Covid-19 restriction is fully lifted.
11) Mr. Kumaran and Mr. Senthil and their mother are in receipt of Mrs. Mani’s letter which gives me the
permission and authorization to build the Temple and to do any necessary work for the Temple.
12) I have a strong message for Mrs. Parameswari, Mr. Kumaran and Mr. Senthil, as you have retained your legal
counsel to act against me and my interest towards the Temple, then you should not directly demand or threaten
me to stop all my Temple work. As Mr. Kumaran confirmed that all legal matters against myself has commenced
through their family lawyer and they did filed Notice of Service and Claim on me, but as of today, I have not receive
any Notice of Service/Claim or even a letter from your lawyer. Therefore, please contact your legal professionals to
drop all possible legal challenges and come clean for constructive and collaborative discussion. You can arrange
this meeting through two of my youngest siblings.
13) According to the reliable sources from Sri Lanka and overseas, it is perceived and likely to be true that Mr.
Senthil and Mr. Kumaran illegally transferred Mrs. Mani’s land and or the Temple onto their mother Mrs.
Parameswari’s name without Mrs. Mani and Mrs. Parameswari’s signature, permission and knowledge.
14) Even if the illegal deed is in their mother’s name I am not at all concern because I have the permission from
land owner, Mrs. Mani to build the Temple on her land.
15) My siblings clearly told Mr. Kumaran and Mr. Senthil and to inform the same to their mother to obtain and
compare all the copies of the land and Temple deeds from all the possible owners against the Master and Original
deed then only one can say whose deed is original and legal and whose is not. As of today, Mr. Senthil and Mr.
Kumaran have not done that, I wonder why?
16) It is appeared to be true that Mr. Senthil’s and Mr. Kumaran’s land transfer activities are violation of Sri Lankan
Land Act. Therefore, Mr. Senthil, Mr. Kumaran and their counterparts are likely to be charged by Sri Lankan
Government for fraudulent activities and breach of Sri Lankan Land Act. The French government also have
potential charges against Mr. Senthil and or Mr. Kumaran for fraudulent activities, if any, by its citizen on foreign-
17) On May 2020, Mr. Senthil and Mr. Kumaran conformed and claimed that the Temple and land belongs to their
mother Mrs. Parameswari, when my siblings asked them to provide the deed for the prove of the ownership they
were unable to but agrees that prior to May 2019 Mrs. Mani had the ownership for nearly over 40 years.
18) Having said that, I request both of you to stop all unfair and illegal action and come for direct & constructive
dialog through two of my youngest siblings to sort out and mitigate all undue hardship, as my interest is only to
build the Temple and conduct the Kumbhabhishekham with all of you.

Upon receiving this letter, Mr. Senthil, Mr. Kumaran and anyone associated with Mrs. Parameswari & family must

Once you all are in receipt of this letter I expect all of you to confirm that, also allow me to complete the Temple
work and conduct the Kumbhabhishekham as soon as possible with all of you, as it is that is my only interest.

Within 10 days from this letter, I must receive a written reply from Mrs. Parameswari as a whole family or from Mr.
Senthil and Mr. Kumaran as one but sign by both stating their position whether you both will accept this letter and
allow me to work freely towards the Temple and Kumbhabhishekham or come for dialog for smooth operation of
this Temple and it administration.

If I failed to receive signed reply letter, actions may be taken through relevant authorities and a Notice of Claim and
Charges maybe field through my lawyer. The charges including obstruction, interference and obstruction to justice,
and illegal land/property transfer, also insulting, defaming, threating and verbal abuse, and Temple destruction
and possibly probable injunction in this matter. Govern yourself accordingly.

Thank you,

Sathananthasivam Sivanadian
Signed electronically, dated as June 10, 2020
Contact via Email:
WhatsApp/Viber: 416 200 2330.
Copy delivered to: CC: Satha’s Siblings/ Law Chambers via Satha
CC: Senthil/Kumaran/Parameswari & Family

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