Instructions For Creating Zoom Classes

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Instructions for Creating Zoom Classes:

Email address:
Password: 3148Approach@

Click “Schedule a Meeting”

When creating meetings, the “Topic” should be in the following format:

● “Teacher Name, Level, Class, Day/s of the Week”
● For example, Aicha 2A Integrated Skills FRI, or Brian 4B Speaking & Pronunciation
TUE/THU, or Natalia 3A Vocabulary & Fluency MON/WED

It’s important that the “When” and “Duration” of meetings are at specific times to give some
extra time before and after class and make sure that class times don’t overlap. Here are the
● Start date for Mon/Wed Classes: October 4 / Start date for Tue/Thu classes: October 5
● VFAMMW - 8:40 AM - 10:40 AM (duration 2 hrs)
● ISAMMW - 10:40 AM - 2:40 PM (duration 4 hrs)
● SPAMMW - 2:40 PM - 4:40 PM (duration 2 hrs)
● GWPMMW - 4:40 PM - 8:10 PM (duration 3.5 hrs)
● VFEVMW - 8:10 PM - 10:10 PM (duration 2 hrs)
*Same Timing for TUE/THU classes*
*There are some exceptions for RCL classes that mean one time per week or meet for a shorter
time. Feel free to reach out to us (the Academic team) with any questions.

Other reminders:
● Check “Recurring Meeting”
○ “Recurrence” - Weekly
○ “Repeat every” - 1 week
○ “Occurs on” - Check off correct days of the week
○ “End date”: I usually put the same end date for all classes, the last Sunday of the
quarter: December 18.
● “Passcode”: Yes - Create a random 6-digit passcode with numbers only. **Important
note: make sure that the Passcode does NOT begin or end with a “0” because when you
Copy and Paste into Zoom links Spreadsheet, it pastes incorrectly.
● “Waiting Room” - Yes
● “Video” - Host & Participant - On
● “Meeting Options” - Allow participants to join anytime
● “Alternative Hosts” - Begin to type teacher’s name and then select; if no teacher has
been assigned to the class yet, leave it blank and click “Save”
Creating Conversation Classes:

All of the above instructions apply, except we do not require Passcodes for conversation

“Registration” - Yes

NOTE: Check with the Activities team about:

● which registration option to select
● Once you click save, scroll down to the “Registration Tab,” click “Edit” on the right side
of the screen, and you can add specific registration fields, i.e. What kind of information
do we want to collect from students who attend Conversation Classes!?

Adding Zoom Link information to Spreadsheet

Please let someone on the Academic team know if you need access to ^^ this spreadsheet

● Please create a new tab and follow the format/layout of the other tabs
● I find it easiest to add links, Meeting IDs, and Passcodes to the spreadsheet as I create

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