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CHEM 0120 2021 - 2022

Data Sheets
Experiment #10: Electrochemistry
Name_____________________________ Peoplesoft Number_________________

Lab Instructor______________________ Date_____________________________

Part I

***Note: You will only need to do a second run if something goes signi cantly
wrong with the rst run. ***

Run #1 Run #2

1. Initial mass of Cu anode _________________ _________________

2. Initial mass of Cu cathode _________________ _________________

3. a. Initial voltage reading _________________ _________________

b. Initial current reading _________________ _________________

4. a Final voltage reading _________________ _________________

b. Final current reading _________________ _________________

5. Average current reading _________________ _________________

6. Time for run in sec. _________________ _________________

7. Final mass of Cu anode _________________ _________________

8. Final mass of Cu cathode _________________ _________________

9. Change in mass of anode (include sign) _________________ _________________

10. Change in mass of cathode (include sign) _________________ _________________

Instructor’s Signature_______________________________ 1

Part II

The aim of this part of the experiment is to identify the half-reactions occurring,
based on the observed color changes and appearance of gases or solid
deposits. Remember that phenolphthalein is pink in strongly basic solution and
colorless in neutral and acidic solution.

Part II-1

Step Observations





Part II-2

Step Observations




Part II-3

Step Observations





Part III

III-1: Zn | ZnSO4(aq) || CuSO4(aq) | Cu

Measured voltage of Cu/Zn cell __________________

Measured polarity of Zn electrode (+/–) __________________

III-2: Zn | 1.0 M ZnSO4(aq) || 0.10 MFe3+(aq), 0.10 M Fe2+(aq) | graphite

Measured voltage of Zn/Fe cell __________________

Measured polarity of Zn electrode (+/–) __________________

Part IV
Measured voltage of your zinc cell __________________
Measured voltage of commercial dry cell __________________
Record a list of all of the metal electrodes you used in your attempt to maximize the
voltage of your cell and the corresponding cell voltages you obtain. Also, record any
other observations or ndings.


Part I Calculations
**Note that you will need to input these calculations in Top Hat***

1. Using items 5 and 6 in your data table for Part I, calculate the charge passed
through the cell (in Coulombs)

2. Using item 1 (above), calculate the moles of electrons used in electrolysis.

3. Using item 2 (above) and the half reaction for the anode to calculate the predicted
moles of Cu oxidized at the anode.

4. Calculate the predicted mass change (in g) at each electrode.

5. Calculate the % error in the measured mass change at the anode

6. Calculate the % error in the measured mass change at the cathode.


Part II Sca olding

Complete the following table to help you complete your lab assignment in Top
Hat. You should refer to the table of Standard reduction potentials in the
Experimental to choose your half reactions

Conclude which half reaction Observation used to support

occurs the electrode. your conclusion

II-1: Anode

II-1: Cathode

II-1: Anode

II-1: Cathode

II-1: Anode

II-1: Cathode



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