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BY B E N S O N P. S H A P I R O A N D R O N A L D S . P O S N E R

Making the
Major Sale
An eight-step process T HAS BECOME increasingly clear over transactions have always existed, but
the past 15 years that salesmanship they are more numerous and significant
to help companies
has been changing, especially when now and are beginning to attract the at-
learn to cope creatively one business sells industrial or con- tention of sales management.
with large and complex sumer goods and services to another.1 Second, businesses have become
As a result, the salesperson is being larger (and at the same time more com-
selling tasks – and have
called on to perform in a different way. plex), and the average size of the sale has
lasting results. One major change is that as mergers grown. In certain industries, this change
and acquisitions, sales of parts of com- has been dramatic, especially with the
panies, and different kinds of corpo- development of system selling and large
rate financing have become more preva- private-label contracts in consumer
lent, the one-of-a-kind, nonrepetitive goods. Consider these examples:

sale – such as the sale of a subsidiary or • The Industrial Chemical division at

company, or a licensing arrangement – Allied Chemical has sold sulfuric acid for
has become more important. These many years. Its larger annual contract

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sales have been in the $1 million to Because the major sale affects many planning and large amounts of resources
$2 million range and have lasted for functional departments of the buyer, that are required. Although it is not a
several years. Recently, the division de- decision making is becoming more in- new technique, it is attracting attention
veloped a process for air pollution con- volved and the buying criteria more so- because it brings to bear more people,
trol whose sales involve a total capital phisticated. Naturally, the buyer’s per- greater resources, and more information
commitment for a utility of more than sonnel are concerned over such a large about the customer’s needs; these char-
$20 million and cover many years. purchase and must carefully evaluate its acteristics uniquely suit the changes that
• Private-label contracts for consumer impact on their operations. Thus they have taken place in salesmanship.
goods have not only grown in size but need continuing reassurance and, in The process is particularly effective
have also gone beyond the traditional particular, more financial data – data because it emphasizes the dual goals of
general merchandise chains (Sears, Roe- such as return on investment and cost/ making the sale and developing account
buck; J.C. Penney; and Montgomery performance measurements. relationships. With escalating profits
Ward) to cover supermarkets, discount In this article, we will try to develop and longevity of sales, this latter goal
department stores, and regular depart- a program of responses that marketers is increasingly important. In fact, for
ment stores. Arrangements involving
more than $10 million are not uncom-
mon with such contracts.
• Even comparatively small companies
Because the major sale affects many functional
are making large sales. In the field of departments of the buyer, decision making is
building cleaning and maintenance,
companies with $10 million in sales often
becoming more involved and the buying criteria
compete for million-dollar contracts. more sophisticated.
• The outcome of a few large sales can
sometimes determine a company’s well-
being. For example, one of Lockheed’s can use in confronting these two new repetitive major sales the objective
major continuing problems has been situations. After explaining the basic ap- should be to develop long-term account
low sales of the L1011 aircraft. proach, we unfold eight steps manage- relationships, not just sales. The supplier
In industry, the consequences of the ment should take to ensure a more suc- with an established account relationship
repetitive sale are often even more pro- cessful and long-lasting sale. Finally, has a significant competitive advantage.
found than the initial commitment it- we provide some organizational guide- Because risks are high and an intimate
self; for system selling, one purchase lines to help companies incorporate this buyer/seller relationship builds up over
decision can involve capital, supplies, approach into their overall activities. time, buyers are hesitant to try new sup-
raw material, and processes. The sale of pliers and tend to remain with estab-
a computer system can seriously affect The Basic Approach lished ones (unless the relationship be-
a corporation’s procedures and policies Major sales, including both onetime comes unbearable or costs increase
for many years. Methods of financial sales and continuing relationships, need significantly).
reporting, inventory control, production special handling: They are more com- In fact, several corporations believe
control, marketing, and administration plex, their potential profit is larger, and that their best prospects are current cus-
can all be affected. they have a more lasting effect on both tomers. For example, experts in the com-
As the complexity of the purchase buyer and seller. A systematic approach puter industry claim IBM statistics show
and the risk involved have increased, that works for both types of selling sit- that each new account’s purchases grow
so have the cost and intricacy of selling uations is strategic selling. This is a eight times in every six years – this
and servicing the account. The average meticulously planned, total process, re- means that the new $5,000-per-month
industrial sales call costs more than $70, quiring coordination of the buyer and account will be producing $40,000 per
with some sales requiring years to con- seller, that identifies the customer’s month in six years.
summate. Larger sales often require spe- needs and relates the company’s prod- Since satisfactory account relation-
cial products and services and even cus- ucts to those needs. ships are an advantage to a marketer,
tom manufacture. For example, most Strategic selling is especially relevant the salesperson has two responsibilities:
private-label lines are designed ex- for “big-ticket” sales because only large (1) to stress the long-term benefits of the
pressly for one customer. potential profit can justify the careful account relationship to the customer
and (2) to help develop trust and credi-
Benson P. Shapiro is the Malcolm P. McNair Professor of Marketing, Emeritus, at Har- bility in himself and his company.
vard Business School in Boston. He is the author of numerous books and HBR articles. There is a definite trade-off between
Ronald S. Posner is the chairman of PS Capital, a firm that offers strategic and finan- “forcing” a customer to buy something
cial advice to companies. He is located in Tiburon, California. and developing a long-term relation-

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Making the Major Sale >> B E S T OF HBR

ship with that customer. This trade-off The onetime sale is a somewhat dif- ers. Thus strategic selling can be ap-
can lead to a phenomenon called the ferent situation, in that the buying plied not only to both types of major
“Pyrrhic sale,” in which the sale is made company is even more careful in pro- sale but also to both sides of the one-
at the expense of the account. In long- tecting its interest. But the seller should time sale.
term relationships the customer is re- still want to “leave a good taste in the
peatedly in the position of being able to buyer’s mouth” because the sale is visi- Step by Step
purchase the product. This circum- ble in the business community, espe- Strategic selling is an eight-part process
stance requires the salesperson to man- cially within the particular industry, that develops the sale from the initial
age the account carefully: If he (or she) and because the buyer and seller will decision to pursue a prospect, through
forces a marginal sale, this often de- often be involved with each other after the appropriate strategy for courting an


stroys credibility and the opportunity the sale. For example, the managers of account, to the eventual close of the
for future sales. But if the salesperson is a company being acquired often be- sale. Because strategic selling is also con-
willing to forgo a sale that is not in the come employees of the buying com- cerned with developing account rela-
long-term interest of the account, he can pany. Thus they want to structure a sale tionships, the process is not complete
build his relationship with that account. that will leave all parties satisfied. This without a discussion of how to sustain
For example, the seller of apparel is also true of licensing arrangements those relationships. Let us take a look
who is willing to tell a customer that and other onetime sales that create last- at each of these steps in turn.
some items in his line do not sell well ing relationships. 1. Opening the selling process. In
at retail, in spite of their apparent ap- One of the intriguing aspects of the preparing for a sale, the salesperson
peal, helps his customer and himself onetime sale is that both sides are usu- should do enough homework so that
over the long run. Or picture the re- ally selling to each other. For example, he has an idea of the likelihood of a
sponse a buyer would give to the pump the acquiring company often spends sale and the appropriate person to con-
salesperson who says,“Yes, we offer the a great deal of effort selling the man- tact initially. Assuming he feels he has
best pumps for your needs a, b, and c, agers of the potential acquisition on a chance to make the sale, his next step
but unfortunately, our pumps are not as the benefits of the merger. This leads to is to make the “opening,” which is often
good for application d as those offered a two-sided romance negotiation in done over the telephone. His object is
by competitors x and y.” which both parties are sellers and buy- to gain enough information from the

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initial contact to determine the most •Can I identify influential buyers and make a decision unless one of their as-
appropriate person or people to meet. others who may affect the decision sociates confirms it).
The best opening, particularly for one- to buy? If he completes the profile carefully,
time sales, is sometimes made through All of these questions boil down to updates it regularly, and pursues each
a third party; this enables the seller to two equally important issues: (1) Can selling activity to its conclusion, he will
gain recognition and credibility, avoid my company be of service to their com- be more likely to close the order. In ad-
making a cold call that puts him at a pany? and (2) Can I bring the two com- dition, if he loses a sale, he will be able
disadvantage, and obtain information panies together? It’s almost impossible, to make a better postmortem diagnosis.
without announcing his intentions. for example, for a salesperson to com- The profile can also provide valuable
Some companies have developed proven pete with another eager seller who has information to product and market
third parties into a “second sales force.” a close relationship, such as a family tie, planning personnel at headquarters. By
Consider these examples: with the prospective buyer. accumulating the data from the profiles
• A young Los Angeles–based com- Psychologically, the qualification pro- nationally, planners can see trends, such
pany that sells television production ser- cess is difficult for a salesperson to ac- as new applications for their current
vices always finds it easier and more cept because he has historically been products, and the need for new prod-
effective for its duplication and distribu- taught that the “lead” is his most valu- ucts or services.
tion supplier to make the introduction. able possession. What he must learn The salesperson’s strategy should be
The latter company has been in busi- now is that if the lead is not likely to be- based on the detailed information he
ness 30 years and has established an ex- come a sale, he should not pursue it, and has gathered during and after his analy-
cellent reputation and a large, satisfied that he is going to have to make the de- sis of the buyer. If he has grasped the
customer base. cision about its potential for himself. idea of strategic selling, he will have
• Bank of America is training its corpo- Not only does he have to ask penetrat- asked the right questions: Will the person
rate loan officers to approach CPAs for ing questions like those mentioned pre- I’m going to call on make the actual de-
an introduction to the latter’s clients. viously, but he might also have to break cision? What kind of person is he? How
For these third-party openings and off a friendly relationship if it doesn’t does he fit into the organization? What is
references to work over a period of time, promise any business. his background? Is it technical? Manage-
both parties have to get something from 3. Developing the sales strategy. In rial? Where did he work before?
the arrangement. Frequently, such in- strategic selling, so many activities are re- His strategy should also ensure that
formal relationships work out so well quired, so much information has to be all of the influential buyers receive at-
for each party that a more formal sales obtained, and so many influential people tention and the appropriate kind of
agreement results in a commission or have to be attended to that it is easy to attention (for example the traditional
royalty to the third party for introduc- overlook important considerations. lunch or dinner, or financial data for
tions that lead to firm orders. Once he thinks the sale is possible, the treasurer, or technical information
2. Qualifying the prospect. The next the salesperson needs a plan to enable for the engineering manager).
step is to determine whether a sale can him to direct his own efforts and to de- The key to strategic selling is calling
eventually be made, or as someone has ploy his company’s resources to make “high and broad,” something most sales-
described it, to “separate the suspects the sale and develop the account rela- people fear or don’t understand. They
from the prospects.” Unfortunately, tionship. What we call the “Strategic can talk to a purchasing agent or plant su-
many companies appear to spend more Sales Opportunity Profile” is a simple pervisor with relative impunity, but the
time selling to prospects who have no technique to help him map out his en- prospect of calling on a president or an
intention of buying than to those who tire strategy and organize his sales effort executive vice president frightens them.
do. The old criterion of numbers–which so that all the bases have been covered. Although they know that high-priced
measured selling effectiveness by the On one form, the salesperson can list sales decisions are made at very high lev-
number of sales calls–is no longer valid; people contacted, information obtained, els, they often sell only at the lower levels,
what matters is the quality of the call. his own activities, follow-up action, and where they feel more comfortable, and
The salesperson should ask himself results of the contact. The information let the middle-management contacts
questions like these: he obtains will vary widely, from the they have made there carry the story to
• Does this prospective buyer really practical (certain individuals need de- top management.
have a need for my product? tailed cost estimates, or specific product This decision has two detrimental ef-
• Do the top managers recognize that and application data) and organiza- fects: (1) Some of the strength of their
need? tional (they will only negotiate with the sales presentation is lost in the transmit-
• If they don’t, is it likely that I can seller’s organizational counterpart or tal, and (2) what is even more damaging,
educate them? need reassurance about their role vis-à- the salesperson often loses a chance to
• Can I justify my product as a response vis the purchase), to the personal (they develop a relationship with top manag-
to that need? prefer concepts to details or cannot ers and to directly gather data on the

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Making the Major Sale >> B E S T OF HBR

situation as these managers perceive it. assumption from the decision makers. justification, and the implementation
After all, top managers are the people Even when the salesperson isn’t sure commitments. People used to working
most affected by major purchases, since how the purchase will affect the organi- with committees will be familiar with
they will probably have to alter corpo- zation, he can solicit opinions on poten- this approach: A typical way to handle
rate policies and procedures to accom- tial cost benefits. Answers to such ques- a committee is to personally sell each
modate the new product or service. tions as, “Do you feel our service can committee member on a proposal be-
For example, the salesman for a ma- increase sales by 10% over a two-year fore the meeting and then to gather
terials handling system spent three period?” or “Have you achieved a 5% de- general agreement at the meeting.
months with the director of western crease in labor costs with similar ma- The sidebar “Elements of a Formal
warehouse operations of a large New chinery in the past?” from several top Presentation,” shows the elements that a
York–based manufacturing company. executives can give the salesperson a selling company should consider for
All along, this contact assured the sales- way to justify the purchase, or at least to a formal presentation. Note that the
man that he made all the decisions for
his area. Unfortunately, competition
got the business for the four regional
warehouses because it won over the Many companies appear to spend more time
VP of operations in New York, who had selling to prospects who have no intention of
the budget approval for all new ware-
house systems. buying than to those who do.
4. Organizing the justification.
Once the salesperson has determined
whom to contact (and at a high enough test alternative solutions to the pros- presentation basically flows from action
level), it is time to assist the company pect’s problems. The object is to focus to analysis to implementation. The sum-
in cost-justifying the purchase. For the on what the prospect thinks is feasible mary is listed first because it outlines
company to make a decision on a multi- and to use his numbers, not those the the conclusions and recommendations
million dollar product or service, each selling company believes are possible. of the study, and because it provides
top executive will have to understand By combining the best points made by the audience with a general understand-
exactly how the purchase will affect his each manager, the salesperson stands ing of the direction of the proposal.
operation, budget, cash flow, and per- a better chance of having his reasoning Location. Marketing and sales manag-
sonal concerns. accepted by the purchaser. ers often neglect the many possibili-
So, at this stage of the strategic sales If he gathers data correctly, the sales- ties open to them for a location–such as
process, the salesperson must meet with person will discover that this is his best the prospect’s facilities, a rented hotel
each top executive affected by the pur- time to sell; the decision makers are or conference center space, the selling
chase to determine his position, unique most free during this phase to say, company’s own seminar or presenta-
needs, and the qualitative and finan- “Here’s what I want” and “Here’s how tion facility, an installation done for
cial criteria he uses to justify large pur- I want to be sold.” another customer, or a mobile display
chases. This entails becoming com- 5. Making the presentation. The unit mounted in a trailer or bus.
pletely conversant with the prospect’s presentation summarizes all of the rel- Timing. This is another element that


operations, gaining a detailed grasp of evant information in the form of a pro- will be critical to the effectiveness of a
its finances, and understanding the ef- posal. If the right people are in atten- presentation. If a salesperson and the
fect the seller’s products and services dance, the salesperson should usually prospect haven’t reached mutual agree-
will have on those operations. In effect, use the presentation as an opportunity ment on major points, such as the
the salesperson should know as much as to ask for the order. While there is no es- seller’s analysis, then the presentation
or even more about such matters than tablished pattern for the most effective may be premature.
do some of the prospect’s top people. sales presentation, the selling company Attendees. The selling company should
The salesperson is more likely to suc- should carefully consider these factors: make sure that all decision makers are
ceed if he understands the few really elements and order of presentation, lo- at the meeting, and invite those people
important variables that will eventu- cation, timing, and who will be listening. within its organization who can best
ally affect the final sale. Then he can Elements and order of presentation. The represent it from a social as well as busi-
limit the data he needs to those pieces best selling presentations deliver no ness point of view – in other words, the
of information and the sources for that new information to the audience. The counterparts of the prospect’s person-
information. presentation should only summarize nel. The total group should be small
Since most cost justifications will be the agreements previously reached with enough to remain intimate and work-
based on certain key assumptions, it is each of the decision makers, thus rein- able. The seller should also ensure that
important to get a consensus on each forcing the agreed-on solutions, cost the presentation has enough variety

july–august 2006 145


reviews with the sales representative

and direct sales calls on the prospec-
Elements of a Formal Presentation tive buyer. (For the nonrepetitive sale,
their involvement is perhaps more cru-
cial – only they can abrogate standard
Ties the presentation to the individuals involved in the sale, reflects
policies and procedures to provide the
mutual agreement already reached with the top decision makers, and
attention and resources needed on a
makes note of the customer’s criteria for selection.
onetime basis.)
6. Coordinating resources and per-
sonnel. During the selling process, the
States the objectives and nature of the problems being solved or
salesperson is responsible for managing
challenges being addressed.
the resources of his company, which
may include financial, operations, non-
sales marketing, and general manage-
Spells out the advantages in such a way that the presenting company’s
ment personnel and resources. For ex-
products or services are made exclusive (so that they cannot be duplicated
ample, a private-label sale might involve
by competition).
a special product configuration (prod-
uct development and design personnel),
production capacity (manufacturing),
Tailors the specific products, services, programs, or all three to the
warehousing and delivery requirements
prospect’s requirements, environment, and management objectives.
(distribution), and special costs, pricing,
and payment schedules (finance and
control). In addition, because the sales-
(reached through mutual agreement)
person makes the major decisions and
Shows the economic justification to favor the seller company’s method
commitments, he should thoroughly un-
over the prospect’s current means of performing the function and over
derstand his company’s organizational,
possible proposals from competition.
operational, and cost structure. For ex-
ample, he must know what effect the
commitment to deliver a large amount
Describes the seller’s and the prospect’s responsibilities, the people
of a particular product will have on the
to be involved, and dates of completion for the main tasks.
company’s ability to operate profitably.
He should also understand the other
functional areas of his company and be
Spells out the terms and conditions of the sale, which have already been
able to work with the personnel.
discussed with the prospect.
An interesting by-product of the sales-
person’s introduction of other resources
into the prospect company is the new
of speakers to be interesting but not buying organization, who feel more lines of communication that are devel-
confusing. Some team members may comfortable dealing with their organi- oped between the seller and the buyer.
take active roles, some may provide sup- zational counterparts. If they are introduced and coordinated
portive information, and others may be Third, strategic selling involves more effectively, these new resources can as-
there primarily as a formality. risk and requires greater resources – sist the salesperson in building the ac-
For several reasons, the personal in- including higher-powered salespeople count relationship after the order is
volvement of top managers is justified, and better developed programs and signed.
and frequently required, by the buying sales aids – than the more typical ap- The salesperson must be given a good
company. First, they are the only people proach. Only top managers can provide deal of freedom to make decisions
who can make the commitments the the discipline, allocate the resources, about the sale. If a large prospective cus-
buyer requires – that is, adjust the sell- and establish the high standards such tomer is interested in a minor product
ing conditions (including price, deliv- a program needs. Moreover, they have modification, he must be able to re-
ery, product features, and quality) and to provide continual motivation to a spond quickly to that need – either pos-
make and guarantee commitments that sales force that can easily become dis- itively or negatively. If the buyer gets a
would sound hollow coming from lower couraged by a long lead time for sales. runaround such as, “Let me check with
management. Their interest and involvement can be my boss so that he can check with engi-
Second, they have the appropriate sta- demonstrated not only by attendance neering and manufacturing,” the sale
tus to deal with top executives in the at the presentation but also by account will be lost.

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Making the Major Sale >> B E S T OF HBR

Marketing as a primary resource. In the should get an agreement from the pros- tween his company and his customer
marketing department alone, the sales- pect up to that point in the sales cycle. throughout delivery, installation, and
person may need to call on product, Since changes in the sales situation – usage. By dovetailing his product or ser-
pricing, and advertising support, as well such as a change in decision makers, or vice with his customer’s operations and
as sales promotion and sales aids. Many a shift in competitive strategy–can take by making sure the product is produc-
major accounts need special products place between calls, it is also a good idea ing the promised returns with the best
or modification of existing products to reaffirm or close again on previous utilization, the salesperson provides the
(such as private labels, packaging, and agreements reached on each call. extra assurance of add-on orders for his
product-related servicing), and their vol- By continually asking and getting an- company and profitability for the cus-
ume often makes such customization swers to such questions as, “If we could tomer. Postsales service not only rein-
justifiable. For example, a large fastener deliver that system with an average ROI forces the customer’s confidence in the
company packages its general-line fas- of 15% per annum, would you buy?” the seller but also tends to keep competition
teners in special containers for large users. salesperson knows well before the pro- out, since the customer’s people are too
The customer can feed highly mecha- cess is completed whether he has won busy working with the seller.
nized equipment automatically by using the sale. If many decision makers give
the packing container as a feed bin. him negative responses, he can get out Organizational Guidelines
Because of their volume, major ac- before too much time and money have Because the strategic selling process is
counts often desire substantial price been invested. considerably more complex than the
concessions. Although the Robinson- 8. Nurturing the account relation- typical sales process, it requires new or-
Patman Act puts limits on both requests ship. Some top marketers feel that the ganizational techniques. For a company
and grants for special concessions, some real selling starts after the order is to solve more involved selling problems,
can be cost justified. In many situations, signed for a major sale. For instance, a it will have to revise the makeup of its
a buyer does not contest the price itself manufacturer of complex process con- sales force, depending on the kind of
so much as the net cost of the acquired trol systems who performed a profitabil- sale it wants to make; it must find solu-
goods and services. To the buyer, spe- ity analysis of each account discovered tions not only for recurring and non-
cial delivery patterns, payment patterns, that 25% were unprofitable because of recurring sales but also for different
and other concessions are sometimes poor account management and sales- kinds of recurring sales.
more important than the price per se. manship after the order had been Variations on a theme. A company
Occasionally, major accounts are es- signed. can handle the repetitive major sale in
pecially interested in customer-designed If the product requires installation, several ways. Where strategic selling is
advertising or sales promotion pro- training of personnel, or extended deliv- necessary throughout the sales organi-
grams. For example, large retailers with ery schedules, the chances of the sale zation (for example, when selling com-
many stores sometimes find manufac- going sour increase unless the sales- puters, heavy equipment, or private-
turers who provide heavy in-store sup- person effectively controls the account. label food packers) management can
port particularly attractive. Such suppli- One way for him to do this is to develop concentrate on developing that strategy
ers are often more responsive to the a long-term plan for his products, ser- alone. However, many companies do
desires of the retailer’s merchandising vices, and resources with the customer. not use strategic selling alone. In that sit-
manager than are his own store manag- He should also have his own account uation, management may find it useful


ers. Thus the in-store support is worth plan (like the Strategic Sales Opportu- to separate strategic selling from other
more to the retailer than it costs the nity Profile), which repeats most of the types of selling and use one of the ap-
supplier. previous eight steps in qualifying, jus- proaches that follow.
However, all extra services cost money. tifying, and developing strategies to ex- Special sales force. When a company
Because they are more expensive and pand the account. (His plan would be a has many major accounts and prospects,
more unusual than in ordinary sales, the more complete version of the plan he typical in the food and packaged-goods
selling company must carefully analyze develops with his client.) For this plan- industries, it can use a special sales force
their cost and sales impact. ning process to work, he must involve of senior sales representatives to service
7. Closing the sale. Because of the the customer with the plan. In addition, them. Most food manufacturers and the
complexity of the selling process and the salesperson must locate inside ad- larger food brokers assign their major
the length of the selling cycle, the close vocates early to multiply his efforts in salespeople to cover the buying offices
is the first concrete evidence that the the account when he is not there. of the large food chains and whole-
salesperson is successful. Since the sig- The most important thing the sales- salers, while assigning junior salespeo-
nature may occur anywhere from six person can do is to keep selling contacts ple to the individual retail stores and in-
months to three years after the start on the correctness of their buying de- dependent accounts.
of the sales process, the salesperson cision, so that “buyers’ blues” don’t set Regional sales management. Where
should close on each “call”– that is, he in. He should continue as liaison be- the seller has fewer, but scattered, major

july–august 2006 147


accounts, the best approach is often to maintenance contractor, for example,

assign each field sales manager to one or has no real field sales force. Instead, cus- Customer Relations
two accounts – an approach furniture tomer liaison people work with existing
and apparel businesses sometimes use. customers. However, the real sales work In industrial marketing, buyer/
(However, this approach runs the risk is done by top headquarters executives seller relationships tend to be both
that the sales manager will neglect man- who deal with owners and managers of continuing in nature and complex.
aging in favor of selling.) large buildings. They go well beyond sales transac-
Small national account group. Even While this arrangement provides tions and very often involve technical
fewer major accounts can usually be commitment and organizational atten- assistance to customers, joint product-
handled by a small national structure tion for the large accounts, it sometimes development efforts, and product
of headquarters specialists. A large ink leads to neglect in the management of service. Advertising on behalf of cus-
company, for example, uses several ex- the business. The large accounts begin tomers, financing their purchases,
perienced, capable salespeople to call to demand more attention than the ex- and entertaining key managers in
on the national publishers and printers ecutives can spare. customer companies are all tactics
that have many plants, while field sales- Complete involvement. On the intended to put sellers in a favorable
people call on individual plants. other hand, nonrepetitive major sales competitive position….
There are many variations on this are not handled by any established Clearly, industrial buyer/seller
general approach. In some companies, sales organization; a special sales force relationships involve many people
especially industrial products manufac- must be developed to handle them. The on both sides – procurement manag-
turers, market or product specialists or selling company has two options: It can ers, field salesmen, technical service
both fill the major account sales role. develop a task force to handle the pro- representatives, engineers, financial
For instance, one manufacturer of com- cess internally, or it can contract with managers, R&D technicians, and top
plex specialized industrial materials has some form of sales agency, such as an in- corporate officers. The relationships
three selling organizations. These are (1) vestment banker, real estate or business are difficult to control and even more
the regular field sales force, which is or- broker, or private placement specialist. difficult to appraise in terms of stra-
ganized geographically; (2) product If the sale is monumental (like the tegic effectiveness. But they are criti-
managers who are responsible for each sale of the company), the task force cally important. The development
general product category, technically must consist of people who have been of strong, multidimensional, and
trained, and available to help the field removed from their other company re- constructive working relationships
sales force with technical and applica- sponsibilities to as large an extent as with one’s customers is the key to
tions problems for major sales; and (3) possible. It should be put together care- industrial-marketing success.
marketing managers who are responsi- fully and include sales talent experi- From E. Raymond Corey, Industrial Marketing:
ble for developing marketing programs enced in strategic selling and expert in Cases & Concepts (Prentice-Hall, 1976); reprinted
with the permission of Prentice-Hall.
for major industry categories (like elec- finance (because of the complex nature
tronics and capital equipment), who and financial impact of such sales). In
help handle major sales, and who partic- addition, people familiar with the
ipate in industry-oriented trade shows. prospective customers will be valuable of sale with the same expenditure of
Separate division. Still others establish to the team for their knowledge and effort and resources as they treat other
a separate integrated division for the possible personal contacts. sales. They must choose the right
large accounts so that these accounts can The nonrepetitive sales situation agent – a difficult process that, to be
receive special attention from an inte- raises a unique training problem. Most done correctly, takes time. They must
grated operation (such as manufactur- of the learning must come through care- also supervise the selling process and
ing and marketing). While this is expen- ful planning and review as the selling ensure that the company’s objectives
sive and not easy to do, it ensures that process is going on. However, salespeo- are met with minimum expense. And
large sales will not disrupt normal plant ple can gain some training by working finally, they are responsible for assisting
activities. This is a typical approach for with people skilled in such sales situa- in the actual sale, since their power and
companies that manufacture private- tions (like investment bankers). knowledge are often invaluable.
label products for large retail chains. Nonrepetitive sales made by some
1. For articles documenting this change, see “The
Often these companies can reap special form of facilitating sales organization, New Supersalesman,” Business Week, January 6,
manufacturing savings by producing while expensive, decrease the drain on 1973; Alton F. Doody and William G. Nickels,“Struc-
turing Organizations for Strategic Selling,” MSU
long runs and limited product lines in a internal company resources. But even Business Topics, Autumn 1972; and Carl Rieser,“The
separate, specially designed facility. when outsiders take over much of the Salesman Isn’t Dead – He’s Different,” Fortune, No-
vember 1966.
Top management. Finally, top execu- responsibility for the actual selling, com-
tives make the large sales in some com- pany personnel need to be involved. Top Reprint R0607L
panies. One large building cleaning and managers don’t always treat this kind To order, see page 191.

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